The highest body temperature in animals. Asian elephants

What climate conditions are suitable for elephants?

  • This is how a belt with a damp, warm climate is formed along the equator. It is under these conditions that a tropical rain forest can exist. It grows wherever the temperature ranges from 20 to 28º C and there is a lot of precipitation per year - 2000 - 4000 mm, and in some places 10,000 mm per year per 1 sq.m (for comparison: in the Moscow region - 700 mm). It is also important when these showers occur: precipitation should be distributed evenly throughout the year. So, where they grow rainforests, there are no sudden warmings or cold snaps, so the seasons do not change here.
  • The subtropical climate of the Mediterranean is dry, precipitation in the form of rain falls in winter, even mild frosts are extremely rare, summers are dry and hot. The subtropical forests of the Mediterranean are dominated by thickets of evergreen shrubs and low trees. Trees stand sparsely, and various herbs and shrubs grow wildly between them. Junipers, noble laurel, strawberry trees that shed their bark annually, wild olives, delicate myrtle, and roses grow here. These types of forests are characteristic mainly in the Mediterranean, and in the mountains of the tropics and subtropics.
  • The subtropics on the eastern edges of the continents are characterized by a more humid climate. Precipitation They fall unevenly, but there is more rain in the summer, that is, at a time when vegetation especially needs moisture. Dense trees predominate here rain forests from evergreen oaks, magnolias, camphor laurel. Numerous lianas, thickets of tall bamboos and various shrubs enhance the uniqueness of the humid subtropical forest.
  • Subtropical forest differs from humid tropical forests in lower species diversity, a decrease in the number of epiphytes and lianas, as well as the appearance of coniferous and tree ferns in the forest stand.
  • Previously, in the cool season, elephants went out into the steppes, but now this has become possible only in nature reserves, since outside them the steppe has almost everywhere been turned into agricultural land. In summer, along wooded slopes, elephants climb quite high into the mountains, meeting in the Himalayas at the border of eternal snow, at an altitude of up to 3600 m. Elephants move quite easily through swampy terrain and climb into the mountains. Like other large mammals, elephants tolerate cold better than heat. They spend the hottest part of the day in the shade. Most populations today are isolated from each other. Typical habitats are tropical rainforests, semi-evergreen and semi-deciduous forests and swamps. Habitats change seasonally - during the dry season, elephants move to swampy areas, during the rainy season they return to low-lying tropical forest.

Video: How to measure an animal's body temperature. Normal animal body temperature

Moving from place to place, we can feel how the temperature around us changes, but we do not think that the temperature of our body can change. She doesn't change. We are classified as “homeothermic,” and our species includes all warm-blooded animals, all mammals, domestic animals and birds.

But there are also animals whose body temperature changes along with the temperature environment. They are called "poikilothermic" and include insects, snakes, reptiles, turtles, frogs and fish. Their temperature is usually slightly lower than the ambient temperature. These are cold-blooded animals.

We know that normal temperature a person is considered to be 36.6°, i.e. almost 37° C. But the temperature can vary within normal limits. For example, a person's body temperature is at its lowest level around 4 a.m.; skin temperature is lower than core body temperature; eating food raises temperature by an hour or two; muscle activity can raise temperature; alcohol lowers it. internal temperature.

The body temperature of animals can vary greatly: from 35 ° C in an elephant to 43 ° C in small birds. In accordance with body temperature, animals can be divided as follows:

Video: Effective raw food diet

  • From 35 to 38° C - man, monkey, mule, donkey, horse, rat, mouse and elephant.
  • From 37 to 39° C - large cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits and pigs.
  • From 40 to 41° C - Indian-duke, goose, duck, owl, pelican and hawk.
  • From 42 to 43° C - chickens, pigeons and some common small birds.

  • Animals, like humans, must get rid of excess heat in order to restore a constant body temperature. Animals that don't sweat do so by breathing - which is why your dog breathes with his tongue out on a hot day.

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    1. How many elephants are left on earth? Are elephants an endangered species?

    On this moment There are about 600,000 African and 30,000 to 50,000 Indian elephants living on Earth. Approximately 20% are kept in captivity - the exact number is difficult to determine. Due to poaching, the number of African elephants decreased by 50%, from 1.3 million to 600,000, from 1979 to 1989. During this period, 8 elephants were poached every hour (70,000 per year), until the ivory ban was implemented in 1989. CITES, the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, has considered both species so endangered that they are listed high on the Red List (Appendix 1). At the 1997 CITES conference, elephant populations in Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia were listed as Appendix 2. Without any intervention, elephant populations are increasing at only 6% per year, according to research by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) group that studies elephants. Elephants need support and will need it even more in the future.

    2. Since elephants have opposable thumbs, why are they not considered primates?

    When Carl Linnaeus published his classification of nature, it was based on the anatomical differences between what he defined as species. He was a Christian and believed that all living things were created by God. Later, when his classification system came to be used by evolutionists, the system was also used to try to figure out how species are grouped together from an evolutionary perspective. Elephants are considered "primitive ungulates" belonging to the group Subugulata and forming the order Probosciodea (proboscis). The two relatively recent species are divided into two groups (Loxodonta and Elephas) ​​belonging to the family Elephantidae. Primates are descended from small animals, tree shrews (Scandentia), which looked like squirrels. The character of the thumb is similar to bats and birds that are not related but have wings. When two species are unrelated but have anatomical similarities, the similarity is because the animals may have simply evolved similar traits, but this does not imply a connection between the species.

    3. What is the average length of an elephant's trunk and tusks?

    The tusks of African elephants are much longer and heavier than those of Indian elephants. The longest known African elephant tusk measures 349.2 cm in length.

    An elephant's trunk has more than 4,000 muscles and is more than 320 cm long.

    4. What is the difference between Asian and Indian elephants? Are they actually the same thing and which term is considered correct?

    There are no differences - it's the same thing. The common term nowadays is Asian elephant, but in the past they were called Indian elephant. Since they live in western India, northern China, and Sumatra and Borneo in the east, the Asian elephant is best name, than Indian.

    5. What is the volume of blood in an elephant?

    An elephant's blood volume is approximately 9.5% - 10% of its body weight.

    6. What is the difference between the ears of an African and Asian elephant?

    The ears of African elephants are larger than the ears of Asian ones. One ear of an adult African elephant weighs 85 kg. If African elephant straightens his ears, the distance between them will be equal to his height.

    7. What is the maximum speed that a running elephant can reach?

    Frightened elephants run at a speed of 16 km/hour. For a short distance they are able to reach speeds of up to 32-40 km/h.

    8. Do elephants eat and drink a lot?

    In nature, elephants consume up to 300 kg of grass and leaves per day, containing a large percentage of water. In captivity, per day they eat approximately: 30 kg of hay, 10 kg of carrots or similar vegetables, and 5-10 kg of bread. Some zoos produce a variety of grains, approximately 3-10 kg. The diet also includes vitamins (especially D) and minerals (salt, calcium). Depending on the temperature, elephants drink from 100 to 300 liters per day.

    9. Why do elephants have no fur?

    Evolutionists believe that elephants' ancestors were semi-amphibious, or spent a lot of time in the water. Like most waterfowl they lost their fur during this period, while a thick layer of fat developed under their skin as insulation. Some scientists also apply this theory to us - Homo sapiens. Elephants, especially Asian elephants, still tend to spend a lot of time in the water if possible.

    10. What is the normal heart rate and breathing of an elephant?

    Heart rate while standing is 25 - 30 beats per minute.

    Heart rate is lateral 72 - 98 beats per minute.

    Breathing - 4 - 6 breaths per minute.

    Body temperature - 36 - 37 C.

    11. How long does pregnancy last for elephants?

    12. How long does the birth process take?

    Elephants carry their young for approximately 21 months. In the past, people believed that there was a difference in the length of pregnancy depending on the sex of the baby, but this has not yet been proven. Labor lasts two hours or more.

    13. At what time of year do elephants reproduce?

    There are no obvious signs that elephants breed in a particular season. Typically, they give birth every fourth or fifth year.

    14. How much does a baby elephant weigh at birth?

    Newborn elephant calves weigh between 75 and 150 kg.

    15. Does it happen that more than one baby elephant is born?

    Very rarely, but it happens. At least two cases of twin births have been reported in India in the last 20 years, both in Tamil-Nadu. In America, the birth of twins was recently recorded at the Portland Zoo.

    16. Why do elephants sway?

    Mainly because they are bored. When they remain chained frequently, wiggling develops into a bad habit. They fall into a doze and are often half asleep during this movement. There is a possibility that elephants sway because stimulating the soles of their feet causes blood in the legs to flow through the veins back to the heart. People may assume that elephants are “crazy,” but this behavior is as common for them as it is for us to pace back and forth while waiting for a bus in cold weather.

    17. What is the maximum age that an elephant can live to?

    Elephants live about as long as humans. In the wild, they usually die around the age of sixty, and like many ruminants, from starvation. When the last pair of teeth wears down, they simply cannot chew. In captivity they live a little longer due to softer food. Unfortunately, only a few (20-30%) captive elephants reach this age; many die quite young (25 years old) due to general problems adapting to new conditions, or for physical reasons, such as problems with the hooves and stomach . The oldest known elephant born in captivity, Minyak, was born in 1932 at the Hagenbeck Circus, and died 1986 at the Barnum and Bailey Circus, USA, at age 54.

    18. What is the favorite food of elephants?

    Elephants love candy of various types, just like humans. However, they cannot survive on sweets alone. The main food of elephants in captivity is hay or grass. If this diet is satisfactory, they can eat various sweets. Elephants' favorite treats are sweet fruits such as bananas and apples, or vegetables like carrots. Various breads and cookies are also very popular. Strange tastes can develop in captivity - for example, one elephant might work hard to obtain some materials, including resin. As with humans, there is a risk of overeating sweets (usually as a result of elephants being fed by zoo visitors), and as a result various health problems, such as being overweight or unnatural behavior such as hanging along the fence for days on end waiting for visitors to arrive with candy. .

    19. What food do elephants consume in natural conditions?

    The diet of wild elephants is directly related to the region where they live. In southern India, for example, elephants prefer ficus foliage, but elephants living in Zimbabwe can consume other plants. The source of food also depends on the rainy season or drought. In general, elephants eat various herbs, leaves, fruits and tree bark, which satisfy their need for minerals.

    20. What predators do elephants encounter in the wild? What animals do elephants get along with or are they just found in the wild?

    Elephants share habitat with lions, tigers, leopards, wild dogs and other predators, depending on their habitat. In general, elephants are not afraid of these predators, although lions or wild dogs can drag away a newborn elephant calf. Therefore, elephants try not to let predators get close.

    Which warm-blooded animal has the highest body temperature? and got the best answer

    Answer from Vjacheslav Goryainov[guru]
    I don’t know why everyone considers the “dog of Quetzalcoatl” to be the most “temperature” animal... However, this is not at all true... The common pigeon has a significantly higher body temperature of +43.5 C.

    As we move from place to place, we can feel the temperature around us changing, but we do not think that our body temperature can change. She doesn't change. We are classified as "homeothermic" and our species includes all warm-blooded animals, all mammals, domestic animals and birds.
    But there are also animals whose body temperature changes along with the ambient temperature. They are called "poikilothermic" and include insects, snakes, reptiles, turtles, frogs and fish. Their temperature is usually slightly lower than the ambient temperature. These are cold-blooded animals.
    We know that the normal temperature of a person is considered to be 36.6°, i.e. almost 37° C. But the temperature can vary within normal limits. For example, a person's body temperature is at its lowest around 4 a.m.; skin temperature is lower than core body temperature; eating food raises the temperature for an hour or two; muscle work can increase the temperature; alcohol lowers core temperature.
    The body temperature of animals can vary greatly: from 35 ° C in an elephant to 43 °.5 C in small birds.

    Animals can be classified according to body temperature as follows:
    From 35 to 38° C - man, monkey, mule, donkey, horse, rat, mouse and elephant. From 37 to 39° C - cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits and pigs. From 40 to 41° C - turkey, goose, duck, owl, pelican and hawk. From 42 to 43°.5 C - chickens, pigeons and some common small birds.

    The normal body temperature of a pigeon is +43.5 °C. Maintaining a constant temperature promotes rapid digestion, which allows the bird to receive a lot of nutrients. The dense and warm feather cover protects the body from cooling by the colder outside air.

    Animals, like humans, must get rid of excess heat in order to restore a constant body temperature. Animals that don't sweat do so by breathing - which is why your dog breathes with his tongue out on a hot day.

    Answer from Alexander[guru]
    The woman I love during orgasm...

    Answer from Valera peace yao[guru]
    In the smallest mammals up to 40.7 degrees Celsius
    Small shrew - Crocidura suaveolens.
    They have a very high metabolic rate and the highest body temperature over 40°C
    The genus Shrew - Sorex among mammals they have the greatest need for oxygen and the highest body temperature over 40°C
    Mexican Hairless Dog - a gift from the god Quetzalcoatl

    The Aztec Indians, who called her a gift from the god Quetzalcoatl, kept her in temples, surrounded her with worship, and used the high temperature of her body (40-40.5 "C) in medicinal purposes. Possessing such a high temperature, these dogs served as a kind of living heating pads, which were placed in the bed of a sick person for colds and rheumatism. But it seems that he treated people with more than just warmth. Some psychics claim that the Mexican dog has a strong biofield that has a beneficial effect on humans. It is also known that her blood is close in composition to human blood. And recently a version has emerged that it is not of earthly origin at all, but a gift from extraterrestrial civilizations to earthlings.
    The Chinese Crested Dog also has a higher temperature than its relatives.
    From 37 to 39° C - cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits and pigs.
    The body temperature of an active sloth is 30-34 °C, and at rest it is even lower. Sloths really don’t like to get out of trees, because on the ground they are completely helpless. In addition, it requires energy. They climb down to perform natural
    needs, which is done only once a week (therefore bladder they have a huge one) and sometimes to move to another tree. Births often take place in a tree.

    Answer from PTITSA PHENIX[guru]
    I don’t know, what answer do you want? Correct or beautiful? I only know how to give the RIGHT ones. They have already given you beautiful ones.
    The addax antelope from the Sahara can withstand blood and body temperatures up to +46 degrees. At the same time, her brain is 3 degrees colder...
    Addax (lat. Addax nasomaculatus) or mendes is an African antelope of the bovid family, part of the subfamily of saber-horned antelopes, the only species of the addax genus.
    The most adapted large mammal for life in the hot desert. A camel can only withstand a temperature of +40 in its blood, and then it starts to sweat.
    If you need details of physiology, I can write to you about them.