Tales about animals, plants and folk legends about the origin of the name of a natural object. Blank sheet

A tale about a plant from your region: plantain

Once upon a time there lived a forester with a little daughter. They lived together and were never bored. But one spring, trouble came to their house. At that time the forester had a lot of work. From morning until late evening he disappeared in the forest. Spring warmth is deceptive. When the sun warms you up, it’s hot, but if you take off your clothes, you’ll feel cold.
The forester caught a cold and became seriously ill. In the heat he rushes about and coughs. The little daughter is knocked off her feet, caring for her father, but the illness does not go away, and there is no one to ask for advice. It takes three days to walk to the nearest village, but you won’t get there in a week through the spring abyss. The girl sat down on the porch and became sad. And a raven sat on the fence. He looked at her and asked:
- Why are you crying?

The girl told him about her grief, the raven thought and said:
- To a good person we need help. There is a cure for your father. In the thickest part of the dense forest lives an old woman of centuries. She has a well with water - not simple, healing water. It's just not easy to get to. A cunning old woman, she skillfully confuses the paths.

It’s scary to go into the thicket, but there’s nothing to do. The forester's daughter went to get some healing water. I came to a fork: one path was straight and clean, and the other was overgrown with weeds and thorns. She thought, the girl thought, and chose the worse path. If the age-old woman hides her house, then it is unlikely that a direct path will lead to it. How long or short did the little traveler walk, her hands were torn by thorns, her legs were knocked off by snags, but she still made it to the hut. She knocked on the door and a witch looked out: her face was like a morel, her nose was hooked. The girl bowed to her.

Hello, grandma. I came to you with a request. They say you have a well with healing water. Would you give me some for my father?

“What a nimble girl, she found a hut, didn’t get lost in the forest, injured her arms and legs, and doesn’t complain,” the witch was surprised and said:
- You can give me some water, just do the service first. Clean up the hut, spin the wool and prepare dinner.
The girl is small in stature, but accustomed to work. Everything is going wrong in her hands. In an instant I cleaned the house, set out the dough, and while the dough was rising, I spun the wool. The old woman saw how deftly the guest managed the housework, and decided to keep her with her. Meanwhile, the girl finished her work and asked:
- Will you give me some healing water now?

The witch would be happy to refuse, but she cannot: if a person has completed three tasks, his request must be fulfilled, otherwise the witchcraft will go away and the water will turn from magical to simple.
“So be it, take it,” answers the ancient woman. - Only, mind you, an agreement. If you come to me for some water next time, then, don’t blame me, you will stay with me.
And she hands the jug to the girl. It looks good and strong, but it has an inconspicuous crack at the bottom.
The girl was delighted, thanked the old woman, filled the jug and ran home. He runs as fast as he can and doesn’t see that the water is flowing out of the jug drop by drop. I caught myself when the jug was half empty.

“Apparently, it spilled on the road,” the girl was upset. She slowed down. I carry the load carefully, but the water keeps receding. Until I got to the edge of the forest where their hut is located, the bottom became visible. Only then did the girl notice that the jug was thin. The poor thing cried with burning tears, sank to the ground exhausted and saw: where the last drop fell, grass grew with round, shiny, dark green leaves. I looked around, and the grass had risen all along the path.

“Maybe the power of living water passed to them?” - the girl thought. She tore off a piece of paper, applied it to her wounded hand, and the pain went away.
The girl was glad that she did not need to return to the witch. She began to give her father a decoction of medicinal leaves. The forester recovered. They lived as before. And since then, this herb has been used to treat coughs and heal wounds. It always grows along paths and paths. That's what her name is - plantain.

Write down on a separate sheet of paper a fairy tale about animals, plants or a folk legend about the origin of the name of a natural object - this is one of the creative tasks on the subject " The world"4th grade according to Pleshakov's textbook. And if everything is clear with the first part of the task, namely, you can write any fairy tale with the participation of plants and animals, then problems may arise with the second. Namely folk legends the teacher will value the origin of the name of a natural object higher than a fairy tale about a turnip or tops and roots copied from a book. Any region is rich in legends, let's get acquainted with some of them.

Additions about the origin of the name of a natural object


This is a peninsula in the northeast of the Asian part of the Russian Federation. Kamchatka is washed Pacific Ocean, Okhotsk and Bering Seas. One of the legends about the origin of the name of the peninsula is the tale of the Koryak hero or cunning Khonchat, who defeated or deceived his enemies. There is also a toponymic myth that personifies the names: the legend about lovers who threw themselves from a steep hill - their son mountain range(Kam stream) and the daughters of the volcano (Chatka river).


Olkhon is a large island on Lake Baikal, covered with taiga forests and steppes. There is a version that its name has Buryat roots, since in Buryat “olkhon” means “dry”. If this is so, the name is given quite rightly - after all, the island receives little rainfall and drying winds constantly blow.
There is also a Buryat legend, from which it follows that a young guy nicknamed Olkhon once lived there; he was a shepherd. When Genghis Khan prepared to go on a campaign against China, Olkhon decided to try his luck as a nuker in his army. And so, when the Mongols fought in China, he took a lot of “yasir” and decided to return to his homeland and marry a good girl - now he has money for a bride price. Olkhon returned to his ulus, chose a girl - and everything seemed to be fine, but there was a catch: the girl’s parents were against it. And Olkhon fell deeply in love with her and, for her part, reciprocated his feelings. What should lovers do? And they decided to escape together at dawn - to the island where Olkhon lived since childhood.
Olkhon arrived at the appointed time to the girl’s yurt, she left unnoticed, and they ran to the shore - there a boat was waiting for them. They got into it and swam away, but then the girl’s father and her brothers woke up and rushed after her. The lovers had not yet managed to swim far, but the girl’s relatives had already reached the shore. The father saw that he could not catch up with his daughter, and in a rage he shot after them from a tight Mongolian bow. The arrow pierced the young man's heart and he died. And the girl (by that time she had already suffered from Olkhon) reached the island and there, after some time, she gave birth to a heroic boy, who grew up and became a hero of the Buryat people. And the island has since been called Olkhon, after his father’s name.


On the territory of Russia, namely in the Sakhalin region, there is one of the largest islands - Shikotan.
There are many beautiful legends and tales about this unusual name of this island. Here is one of the legends that has survived to this day. When the first people settled the island and just started living, there was a lot of controversy about what to call it. There was one young woman among them who was about to give birth. And then the elders decided: “Let’s name this island after the first child born on it.” The woman gave birth to a girl and named her Shikotan. On the same day, the island received the same name. Since then it has been called Shikotan.

Mount Beshtau

Beshtau is one of the mountains of the Caucasus range. It is not one of the highest mountains and even in the Caucasus there are many much higher peaks. However, despite her “short stature”, Beshtau is quite famous in the Caucasus. Its popularity is connected with the legend about the origin of this mountain. Caucasians believe that Beshtau is a petrified girl, the daughter of Elbrus, standing next to her. Even the name “Beshtau” translated from Turkic means “younger”.
An old legend says that many years ago Beshtau was the youngest daughter of the formidable and powerful king Elbrus. One day, when Beshtau was still little, she, walking through the forest, met an old woman carrying a huge bundle of brushwood. Beshtau helped the old woman carry the brushwood home - and she gave her a small bag filled with salt, instructing her to take care of it like the apple of her eye.
Many years have passed since then. And then one day the king called his daughters to him and asked them how much they loved him. “I love you like gold!” she said eldest daughter, and the king nodded his head with approval. “I love you like jewels,” said the middle one, and the king was again pleased. “And I love you like salt, father,” said Beshtau, and the angry king kicked his daughter out of the house, who valued him so little.
Beshtau wandered around the world for a long time until she learned that a terrible disease was raging in her homeland, from which only magic salt could save her. Then Beshtau remembered about the bag and returned to her country. She cured many people without discriminating between the poor and the rich. A few days later she learned that her father was ill, and her sisters did not care for him and left. The last pinch of salt remained in Beshtau’s bag and, although she herself became infected with this disease, she gave this salt to her father. Soon Beshtau died - and immediately after her death she turned into a huge mountain. And when King Elbrus came to his senses and learned about what had happened, he literally petrified next to his daughter from grief.

Bald Mountain

In Russia, the name “Lysaya” is given to several mountains in different regions of the country and in different mountain ranges. The Bald Mountain we are talking about is located in the Zhiguli mountain range and is not very tall or famous. However, despite the fact that it is not mentioned in any geographical encyclopedia and almost impossible to find on a map, Bald Mountain has earned the right to be mentioned. The thing is that, according to legend, it was here that the legendary Cossack ataman, or robber, as you prefer, Stenka Razin hid his treasures.
He personally hid gold, jewelry, money, everything that Stenka managed to loot during his life in one of the caves on Bald Mountain. And now, for several centuries now, a huge treasure has been lying there somewhere. Many tried to find him, but no one succeeded. Old-timers explain this by saying that during his lifetime Stenka was a sorcerer - and he bewitched the entrance to the cave, making it invisible. No one knows whether this legend is true or not, but gold and gold are sometimes found on the mountain. silver coins, which, as the legend says, Stenka scattered there everywhere to throw future treasure hunters off the trail.
As for the name, just by looking at the mountain you can immediately understand where it came from. Neither on the mountain itself nor at its foot there is practically no vegetation that would be taller than low-growing grass. Scientists believe that the reason for this should be sought in groundwater, flowing next to the mountain. As often happens, they contain too much heavy metals, such as lead, which destroy any vegetation.
However, people whose ancestors have always lived in these parts are sure that nothing grows on the mountain due to the spells cast by Stenka Razin on the treasures. Everyone decides for themselves who to believe, scientists or old-timers, but one should always remember that in any legend, even the most unusual, there is some truth. And perhaps it is not the spell that is the reason that there is no vegetation on the mountain, but something else, but still in the popular rumor there is a grain of truth, perhaps distorted over many centuries, but still the truth.


The Ural is a mountain system on the border between Europe and Asia, stretching over a distance of more than 2,000 km, with a width of 40-150 km. An ancient folk legend tells that the Ural Mountains emerged from the bottom of the Aral Sea; Aral is consonant with the word Ural.
In ancient times, the legend says, when people had just stopped living like animals and learned to communicate with each other, something incomprehensible and at the same time majestic happened. For several days the sun hid behind the clouds, it became so quiet around that you could hear animals drinking from the stream and birds flapping their wings in flight. People, frightened and perplexed, gathered on the seashore, behind which the sun was hidden in red clouds. Suddenly the clouds cleared, the huge waves subsided, and in the rays of the rising sun a stone mass emerged from the depths of the sea. It grew until it became a wall of several mountains. This “wall” protected the tribes from the cold northern winds and from foreign enemies.

Amu Darya

The Amu Darya flows into Central Asia, is formed by the confluence of two rivers - Panja and Vakhma. Previously, it flowed into the Aral Sea.
There is an ancient beautiful legend about the origin of the name. In the same village, two sisters lived with their parents; they were twins, similar as two peas in a pod. The one that was a little older was called Amuda, and the younger one was Daria. Since childhood, the sisters loved each other very much. And so, when the girls grew up, an unpleasant thing happened to them. There lived a guy in their village, handsome, prominent, both sisters loved him with all their souls and began to compete with each other. He, in turn, did not feel anything serious towards them, but played with both of them, because in addition to being very handsome, the young man was also very arrogant, angry and insincere.
And both sisters were so caught up in their feelings that they did not notice it, and every day they became more and more embittered at each other, no longer hiding their enmity, they spoke evil, cruel words to each other.
And then one day, when the sisters almost hated each other, they learned that their lover was marrying a girl from a rich, noble family. Then they realized what an unworthy person they had fallen in love with, they also realized that they were each other’s only support, and they made peace and cried together. Amuda and Daria went out into the open field, asked each other for forgiveness, turned into two rivers, merged together and flowed across the fields and plains, never being separated again, and people gave the river Amudarya the name for this. Most likely, the origin of the legend is due to the fact that the Amu Darya was formed by the confluence of two similar rivers.


Refers to large rivers Russian Federation and flows through the northeastern part of the country.
Some peoples associate the name of the river with an event that once happened on its banks. Many years ago, a ship sailed along the river to this region remote from the center of Rus'. All the residents gathered to meet him. The residents did not know whether this ship was bringing them happiness or sorrow, and they watched expectantly as it sailed towards them. There was anxiety in their hearts, and the ship was unusual.
Suddenly one of those waiting realized that foreign merchants had arrived and brought them goods, and joyfully shouted: “Gifts for us!” (which in Chukchi sounds like Anadyr). He was right, it was the merchants who arrived in this region, and the residents who inhabited the banks of this river were completely in vain to worry, since those who arrived actually presented them with gifts. In honor of their arrival, the Anadyr River was named - from words that reassured all the inhabitants of this region at that moment.
Subsequently, the river gave this name to the bay, the peninsula, and even the lowland through which it flows. In turn, the city of Anadyr was named after the name of the bay.
In the lower part of the river, fishing is developed, which is important for the whole country. Anadyr is inhabited by Chukchi tribes, for them this river is a real nurse.


Angara is located in the southeast Eastern Siberia. This is the most abundant tributary of the Yenisei.
An old Buryat legend tells that the old man of Baikal had a beautiful daughter, Angara. One day she fell in love with a young man, Yenisei, and ran away from home, as her formidable father opposed this love. This legend arose due to the unusual location of the river.
The name of the river is due to the fact that its waters are greenish and transparent as glass. In ancient times, local peoples compared it to the sky and in the local dialect “angara” means “transparent like the sky.”


Translated from Old Russian - “bush”. The river flows through the territory of the Kaduysky district. In the past, it was a very turbulent river with many rapids, which spilled over a huge area during high water.
Among the people living along the banks of the river, there are legends about where its name came from. One of them is about a monk who secluded himself in the forests along the banks of a rapids river. The Andozh forests in those days belonged to Prince Shelepansky. The owner of the land did not like the presence of the hermit and decided to expel the rebellious one. Somehow he went dark night(when not a single star was visible in the sky) to the monk’s dugout. Since then, no one has seen Shelepansky. They say that when a strong wind rises on the river, the cry of the prince can be heard. They make sounds like this (when strong wind) young willow trees. It is believed that the prince turned into a small willow bush and now groans in pain with every strong gust of wind.
There is another equally famous legend about a peasant woman whose child drowned in the stormy streams of Andoga. From then on, the mother came to the shore every day and dropped her tears into the streams of the river. Then she stopped appearing in the village and disappeared forever. People say that the peasant woman turned into a willow bush. To this day, on the bank of Andoga you can see the willow crying, like an unhappy mother grieving for her drowned child.


Baydarata is one of the coldest rivers in Russia. For most of the year its waters are frozen. It flows across the mainland and flows into Baydaratskaya Bay, a bay of the Kara Sea between the shore of the mainland and the Yamal Peninsula.
According to legend, the spirit of the Ba River once became angry with a man named Rat because he treated him disrespectfully, did not give him gifts, but on the contrary, only took the river’s valuables and always scolded it. And he called her cold, and unfriendly, and angry, and ugly. And no matter how much his neighbors tried to persuade him, he stood his ground: their river is bad, and that’s all.
At first, the spirit of the river tried to appease Rath and gave him the most better weather for fishing, the largest fish, took him to the most beautiful places. Rat was always dissatisfied with everything. Then Ba was indignant and decided to take revenge on Rat for his ingratitude. One night Ba hid the river from people. There was nowhere to fish, nowhere to get water to drink. People realized that Rat was to blame for everything and kicked him out of the village.
Rat walked for a long time on the uncomfortable earth and became wild. One day he wandered into some cave, sat down on a stone and fell asleep. And he had a wonderful dream. It was as if the spirit of Ba himself came to him and said that he could forgive him everything if his friends and acquaintances forgive him. Rat woke up and quickly went to the village to talk about his unusual dream. At first people did not believe him and wanted to drive him away again, but the most an old man The village said that if they do not forgive him, then probably nothing will change. And if they forgive, but the river still does not appear, then they will always have time to drive him away.
All the people went to the bed of the disappeared river. Rat loudly asked everyone for forgiveness - and they forgave him. As soon as the youngest resident of the village said words of forgiveness, the sound of water was heard in the distance. The people turned and saw water rushing straight towards them, and above it - the spirit of the Ba River. And so that no one forgets this story, all the names were included in the name of the river: the spirit of the river Ba, the place where he hid the river - the Dere gorge, the daring offender Rat. This is how they got the beautiful name Baidarata.


The Barguzin River flows through the territory of Eastern Siberia (Buryatia), along the Barguzin Valley. It originates in the high spurs of the Ikat ridge and flows into Lake Baikal.
In Buryatia there is a sad legend about the river. In a mountain village, which was located not far from the place where the river originates, lived a brave young man and a beautiful girl. They fell in love with each other passionately, but were very young, and their parents opposed their desire to be together. And so the lovers decided to run away from home in order to be always together. But they did not know the road, and therefore decided to go down along the river. They left their houses unnoticed at night and ran along the river, which at its source was a narrow stream. They had already reached the place where the quiet stream turned into a seething, rapids mountain river, and suddenly they saw that their parents were catching up.
The brave young man said that they only needed to swim across the river and they would be saved. He jumped into the water, thinking that the girl would follow him, but she got scared and stayed on the shore. He called her, persuaded her, and the powerful current carried him along. The parents approached the shore and saw that the young man was in trouble and was about to drown, but they could not help. The young man drowned, and the river was given the name Barguzin by his grieving parents.


One of the rivers with this name flows through the territory of Buryatia of the Russian Federation. Left tributary of the Angara.
The peoples inhabiting it told a number of legends and traditions that to some extent explain the origin of the name. One of the legends says that once on the banks of this river there lived a tribe that was distinguished from other tribes by its unusual light brown hair color. Many people from other tribes believed that the river was named White in connection with the custom of washing the heads of all the boys of the tribe with the waters of the river on their seventeenth birthday. The children of this tribe grew up healthy and happy. This is how the Belaya River appeared in Buryatia.
Another legend that has survived to this day is related to the fact that good spirits lived in this river, who brought happiness to all the people inhabiting the banks of this river since ancient times. By analogy, in those distant times, when people believed in otherworldly forces, the Black River flowed in the same area, the waters of which were feared. Whether it really existed or is now known under a different name, legends are silent. Only the name “White” has survived to this day.


Biryusa is a river in the southwest of Eastern Siberia, the left component of the Taseyev River.
There is a legend that once upon a time, in the place where the river flows, they mined gem turquoise, from which the name comes modern name rivers.


The Bityug is a little-known left tributary of the Don and carries its waters for 379 km through the Tambov and Voronezh regions.
The name is associated with the legendary journey of an ancient Turkic tribe along the river. Expelled from their homes, people walked across the plain towards the unknown. The horses, with their last strength, dragged the harnesses with their property. The children turned black from hunger, thirst and the difficult journey and looked like little old men. People could only eat grass and some small animals if they managed to catch them. Finding water in an unfamiliar area was almost impossible.
Suddenly, one day, in the distance, in the rays of the morning sun, a mirror strip appeared silver. People realized that it was water, a long strip of water. Joy and hope gave them strength, they stood up, collected everything they had left, and, as quickly as they could, went to meet the unfamiliar river. The river accepted them and gave them food, water, and protection. People compared her to a camel that can for a long time to walk through the desert, requiring neither water nor food, but giving them protection and hope to survive and reach their destination.

Big Heta

There is a legend that the Het people lived on the banks of this river quite separately from the rest of the world. And for a very long time no one knew about their existence.
But one day the nomadic tribes went down the river and saw the dwellings of the Kets. The nomads were distinguished by their belligerence and cruelty. They attacked all the villages that came their way, plundered them and killed the inhabitants. The village they encountered seemed small and miserable. They decided that they could conquer it without much difficulty.
However, the Kets very quickly gathered, armed themselves with axes and stakes and drove the uninvited guests from their homes. The frightened nomads dubbed the people great, and their river began to be called “the river big people”, and it became shorter and more convenient to pronounce - “Big Heta”.

Big Yugan

This river takes its source in the south of the Tyumen region. Her pool is almost entirely on her property. The Big Yugan flows into one of the great Siberian rivers - the Yenisei.
The name of the river consists of two words. Well, the fact that he is big is clear to any reader. Many rivers become large, even if they are not actually large, simply because there are small rivers flowing into them or carrying their waters almost parallel. They are called small or simply have the same name. So in this case, there is simply Yugan and there is Big Yugan. But as for the name of the river itself, there is a legend that claims that it came from the location of the river itself.
The south of the Tyumen region became the river basin and gave it its main name. Almost the entire Yugan flows through the south of the region. It carries its waters along with other numerous small and large rivers, merges with them and flows into the Yenisei, creating a delta web.
According to the second legend, the river got its name because, like many northern rivers, it begins in the south and carries its waters to the north. Due to the location of the source in relation to the mouth, the river received its name. And why not “south”, but “yugan”, this is the “fault” of the local dialect, which changes the words. Northerners are distinguished by their unusual dialect, and in ancient times this difference was more noticeable. The northern regions were inhabited mainly by small ethnic groups of nomads who had their own language, only slightly similar to the modern one.
The scientific version of the formation of the name of this river is the Khanty-Mansi word “egan”, meaning “river” in translation. The term "egan" is part of many hydronyms Western Siberia(Vasyugan, Nefteyugansk, etc.).


The Vagay River flows in Western Siberia and is one of the many tributaries of the well-known Irtysh. There is one beautiful legend that is simply impossible to keep silent about.
Many years and winters ago, one young guy named Vagai had loving feelings for a girl. And as proof, he decided to swim across the river along the banks of which they were walking together. Unable to cross the river, Vagai drowned. And the girl cried for a long time, sitting on the shore and replenishing the water with her tears. And not only the guy drowned in this river, her pride also drowned here.
Since then, the river has been called by the name of the lover.


The Vasyugan River is located on West Siberian Plain and is a left tributary of the Ob River. On the river there is a small village called New Vasyugan, named after the river.
There was such a legend. Once upon a time, in time immemorial, one guy fell in love with a girl who lived in a village located higher up the river. The girl's parents were against marriage, since the guy was poor and could not provide a good future for his young wife. And they came up with a task for the guy that he had to complete. And only after fulfilling this order did they agree to give him their daughter as his wife. The parents pinned all their hopes on the fact that the guy might drown as a result of such a risky journey, and then their beloved daughter would be saved from an unenviable fate.
The task was that the poor guy had to swim up the river to the village of his beloved. This was a risky business, since the river current was strong and the water in it was icy. But for the sake of his beloved girl, the guy was ready to do anything. He agreed to complete this task, but asked the girl’s cruel parents not to tell anyone about it, so as not to bother the relatives.
On the appointed day, the guy went down to the river bank, plunged into the water and swam against the current to his beloved. Cold water cramped his legs; the young man rowed with all his might with his arms, trying to overcome the obstacle as quickly as possible. His path was difficult, he swam for a very long time, only his love helped him achieve his goal. Finally, he reached his beloved village and barely emerged from the water, to the surprise of the girl’s relatives. The parents had to marry off their daughter. The guy took her to his village - and they lived happily ever after. People found out about such an unprecedented and courageous act of the young man and named the river in his honor, as his name was beautiful name Basil.


This river is quite large, it has its source in the Kirov region, then carries its waters through the Kostroma region and ends in the Nizhny Novgorod region, gradually overflowing and flowing into the Cheboksary reservoir.
There is a legend that the river got its name thanks to a beautiful, modest and delicate tree - willow. These trees grew almost along the entire coast, freely hanging their branches right down to the water. Some trees were so old that they simply forked, split in half. People called them not vetla, but vetluga. The river got its name from these split trees.
According to another legend, the name is formed from two words: “to branch” and “meadows”. The river carries its waters through the northern regions of the country, and in them there is often a so-called local dialect, which changes the words a little, and instead of “wags,” many said “branches.” So the river branched, carrying its waters to the south. And the meadows through which it flows gave it the second half of its name. And it turned out to be a river that branches among the meadows - Vetluga.
But these are not all legends; another one claims that the river began to be called Vetluga due to the fact that, when it overflowed, it flooded the meadows, which did not dry out for a long time and nothing could be sown on them. Vetluga comes from the Mari “vietno”, “vutla”, which means “full water”. Subsequently, for this unceremonious treatment of the land in the spring, the river received its name.


The Vishera is a left tributary of the Kama in the Perm region of the Russian Federation. According to one of the scientists involved in the study of the etymology of geographical names, M. Vasmer, the interesting name of this river was probably formed by softening it from the Old Russian “Vehra”. However, this fact has as many reasons as the others, so we cannot claim it as the only true one.
For example, the Old Russian word “vit” means “swamp grass”, and “shora” means a stream. It is assumed that Vishera originally formed as a small stream. Overflowing every spring, it flooded the surrounding area. The water stood for a long time, some years until mid-summer, and created swampy formations.
No real swamps formed along the banks of the river, but long-lasting moisture contributed to the spread of rare plants, for whom such conditions were suitable for growth and full development. Hermit grandmothers, popularly called witches, knew how to find these herbs and use them to cure many ailments.
People were afraid of witches and preferred not to communicate with them unless absolutely necessary, so they did not go to witchcraft places. Medicinal herb, which was collected by old women, grew along the banks of the river, and these places were called “a stream where swamp grass grows,” or, in Old Russian, “vitishora.” With frequent repetition, the word became more euphonious - “vishera”.
Over time, the small stream turned into a fairly full-flowing river, the fear of sorcerers and witches is a thing of the past, but even now grandmothers live on the river who know the secret power of marsh herbs, know how to find the right blade of grass and get it at its full strength.


The Vym River flows in the north of the European part of Russia (Komi Republic) and is a right tributary of the Vychegda.
The legend tells about a girl who grew up in a good family, but was unhappy because her heart could not fall in love with any guy living in the village. She was not insensitive or evil, it was just that for the sins of her ancestors, evil forces punished her with the inability to love. She had no heart for any of the guys, and the years kept passing, and now her friends were all married, and matchmakers were constantly coming.
In desperation, the girl came to the river to drown herself, as life was not pleasant to her. As soon as she lowered her feet into the water, she raised her eyes full of tears to the sky, when suddenly she saw an old grandmother in front of her. She tells her: “I know your sadness, but I can help you, advise you. There is an old cow in your house, tie a blue scarf around its tail and lead it to the river. Then introduce it into the water so that the cow's udder touches the water. Bring the cow into the house, put her in the barn, feed and water her. The guy who comes first to woo you will be dear to your heart.”
The girl did everything as she told her old woman, and in the evening a handsome, slender, kind guy came to her house, whom she immediately fell in love with. She married a guy and they lived happily for many years, and the Vym River was named after the cow.


The river is located in the northern regions of the European part of Russia. The Vychegda is a right tributary of the Northern Dvina.
As one of the legends tells, a long time ago in one village there lived an old man who had been blind since birth. No matter how much he tried to cure this disease, nothing helped him. One day he approached the river bank and began to cry, grieving over his illness. The river waves touched his feet, and the old man decided to drown himself. As soon as he entered completely into the water, the river captured him and carried him downstream. The old man got scared and stopped resisting the flow.
The waves carried him completely unconscious to the opposite shore, and when the old man woke up and opened his eyes, he saw a blue sky and green grass in front of him. For the first time the old man saw the white light, he was delighted, thanked the river for helping him recover, and returned to his village. By unusual name It was from the family of this old man that the Vychegda River was named.


The Vyazma River flows in the Smolensk region and is a left tributary of the Dnieper.
According to legend, all this happened in those days when Vyazma was still a very small stream, and it never occurred to anyone that it needed a name. In a village near a stream there lived a proud and beautiful girl.
When the time came, she fell in love with a young man to match her. But the girl’s father didn’t like him: he was too proud. His father invented a test for him and sent him to distant lands. The good guy left and disappeared, and the girl became sad. Every morning she began to go out to the stream early and talk to him. She believed that the stream would hear her, understand and run to her sweetheart to see where he was, and tell her everything.
So she came out one morning, and from the stream a new stream ran to the side. The girl realized that the stream had heard her and was telling her something. Every morning she began to notice more and more new branches and one day she realized that the stream was telling her. This dear guy gave her this letter in watercolor. Only the one who loves can understand her. For others it will be just a swamp and mud.
The girl understood the message, was delighted and told her father to prepare for the imminent wedding. And over time the stream turned into a river and in memory of the letter they called it Vyazma.


It flows along the Central Siberian Plateau and is a right tributary of the Angara River. The people inhabiting it explain the name of the river in their own way, as can be seen from the legends.
One of the legends connects the name of the river with the name beautiful girl who lived in one of the villages. All the guys were captivated by her, offered her their hand and heart, but she did not perceive any of them as her future husband. Ilim loved only one guy, who, unfortunately, belonged to another girl, loved another. Ilim could no longer suffer and suffer from her love - and decided to drown herself in the river. Late in the evening, when everyone in the house had fallen asleep, she came to the shore and entered the water. The river gladly accepted her, since Ilim was very beautiful, and kept her with her forever, without even returning her body to her relatives. The villagers named this river after the drowned woman, and it has survived with this name to this day.


The Irtysh flows through the territory of Kazakhstan, the left tributary of the Ob. .
An ancient legend says that it became difficult for a once nomadic Kazakh with his large family to travel around the world, and he decided to find a place for a quiet old age. His health no longer allowed him to travel long distances. One day he came across a very beautiful river, which he immediately liked. “We will dig the ground here and build houses!” - he exclaimed. “Ir” in Kazakh means “dig”, and “tysh” means “earth”. Since then, the river began to be called Irtysh. Soon the family of the old Kazakh began to grow, and large settlements appeared. Now Kazakhs live in these places and glorify their river in every possible way.


Katie – enough big river, flowing in Western Siberia, the right tributary of the Ob. It is quite possible that Ket began to be called that because of the Kets, a people who lived nearby.
There is such a legend among the Kets. A long time ago, in those old ancient times that no one remembers, the Kets fought for their territory with a certain wild and unrestrained tribe that didn’t even have a name. The savages annoyed with their attacks not only the Kets, but also many other tribes that lived in the neighborhood at that time. However, only the Kets fought tooth and nail with the wild people, while the rest retreated and went further and further from these places. And the tribe of savages was gloomy and cruel, it did not spare anything or anyone.
The fight was unusually brutal. Fewer and fewer Kets returned from the battles. But then one, perhaps not very beautiful autumn day, a new battle took place, even bloodier than any previous one. People fought until late in the evening.
When it got dark, one young leader of a small detachment named Ketil made his way with his detachment to the rear of the enemies and beckoned them to follow him. They could not tolerate such impudence, and most of the savages succumbed to this trick and followed him.
By thin ice Ketil and his detachment led the enemies to the middle of the river. When they came to their senses, it was already too late: young, thin ice was cracking all around... The brave Ketil also died with his squad, but his memory is still preserved in the legend and in the name of the river.
Currently, the Ket River is famous for the abundance of a wide variety of fish species, so fishing is widely developed there, which is of national importance. In addition, the nature of the Ket River is very beautiful, although the climate of this region is harsh and unpredictable.


Many people must be aware of the fact that the Kuban River flows into the Sea of ​​Azov and flows through the Krasnodar Territory. On the banks of this river stands the city of Krasnodar.
According to legend, the people who came to this territory suffered many hardships due to the difficult transition through a large space. He left the settlement destroyed by enemies and left in the hope of finding the best place. During the transition, people encountered only small streams, so many died of thirst. When the refugees saw the river, which seemed simply huge to them, it was decided to stay and build housing on its banks. And since there were a lot of fish in the waters of this river, they were also not threatened with starvation.
The elders of the tribe who had gathered one day began to discuss what name to give to this river, which had become their salvation, a symbol of life. After much discussion, they named it Kuban, which means “big river” in Old Russian.


A river flows through the area North Caucasus.
The legend tells about the ruler of the Caucasian principality Abdul-Amar al Sahid. One day, he, accompanied by his retinue, went to visit a neighboring principality for his brother’s wedding. The prince's subjects loaded several oxen with gifts for the newlyweds - and the caravan set off on the road. The path was not short, it lay through high mountain passes covered with snow, along narrow mountain paths, through crevices in the rocks.
After several days of travel, people and animals were tired of the sizzling heat and mercilessly scorching sun. The road seemed endlessly long. Everyone only dreamed of a halt near at least a small source of water. And when water finally flashed in the distance, the prince could not contain his delight and shouted: “Kum, Kum!”, which meant: “Water, water!” or “River, river!”, because “kur” or “kum” is translated into Russian as “water”, “river”. The travelers quenched their thirst with cool, life-giving moisture and continued on their way with new strength.
The prince ordered the river to be called that. Since then, this simple but accurate name has been assigned to it - Kuma.


The Laba River flows in the North Caucasus and is a left tributary of the Kuban. The exact origin of this name is unknown.
There is a popular legend that the name of the Laba River comes from female name Lyuba or Lyubava. There are legends that a girl with this name drowned herself in this river due to the betrayal of her lover.


This river with interesting name is one of the three most famous rivers of the Trans-Urals: Sosva, Lozva and Lobva. These rivers, like many others, have an ending - va, which means “river” in the Komi language. Rivers with names in Va form an area that is quite large in area, but has clear boundaries determined by the current or former residence of the Komi people.
A folk legend is associated with the first part of the name – “lob”, which means “fishy”.
In ancient times, when the river did not yet have a name, a rich merchant with his large retinue sailed along it. stood good weather, the bright sun was shining, the water was so clear that in some places the bottom was visible. The merchant stood and looked at the surface of the water as if enchanted.
It's time for lunch. A lot of delicious dishes The cook prepared it for him, but the merchant wanted fresh fish. And although they transported a lot of fish on the boat, the capricious and wayward merchant wanted fish from this river. And he ordered it to be caught for him by lunchtime. But no matter how hard the servants tried, no matter how many times they cast the net, nothing came of it. The merchant got angry, stamped his feet, waved his arms and ordered his servants to catch fish at all costs.
There was nothing to do, the men began to think about how they could catch at least a little fish in this river. And finally, they decided to use a trick. The bravest and most dexterous man made his way to the fish stocks and began to throw fish overboard. Since she was transported in barrels of water, she was alive. And as soon as the fish got into the river water, they immediately tried to swim away, but the nimble men did not sleep and began to catch it with a seine. They called the merchant so that he could observe the fishing with his own eyes.
The merchant was pleased and generously rewarded the savvy fishermen. Since then, there have been a lot of fish in this river, because some agile fish nevertheless swam away and, after some time, multiplied. And now the people of the Urals remember with kind words the tyrant merchant, who, without knowing it, bred fish in the river.


This is a very small river. There are many legends associated with this river, which are sometimes mystical in nature.
Since ancient times, in all the villages located on this river, there were no good spinners, so the inhabitants inhabiting the areas adjacent to this river never had good products for sale. They associated this with the fact that at night the devil comes out of the river and launches half-finished products or bewitches them. Since ancient times, the indigenous people living along the entire length of this river have adapted to spin all their products in one day and immediately take them away from the village so that the devil does not prevent them from finishing the work.
There are many more mysterious legends associated with the Nepryadva River, which explain the reluctance of local craftsmen to spin yarn. They say that a long time ago a young girl who fell in love with a guy who married another wanted to drown herself in this river. The girl could not endure such grief and came to the shore, threw herself into the abyss of water, but the river did not take her and threw her ashore along with the waves. When the girl woke up, she saw a tangled ball of yarn before her eyes, brought it home, began to unravel it, and fell asleep. And in a dream she saw a vision, as if they were cursing her for such a thoughtless act and punishing her with the fact that neither her children, nor her grandchildren, nor her great-grandchildren would ever be able to spin anything, all their yarn would turn into such a lump as the girl found . In general, in the villages on this river, people lived from ancient times who were capable of fooling any traveler who came to these places. In their stories it is impossible to separate truth from lies, and therefore in these places travelers often got lost for a long time in search of the right path.

The Ob is a huge river, one of the greatest in the world. It flows through Siberia.
There is a legend. Once upon a time there lived on earth a girl of indescribable beauty and her name was Ob. She was so beautiful that anyone who ever saw her was blinded by her beauty. And the Ob fell in love with the giant Tolka. But the gods were angry with her and turned Tolka into rocks for this. Then the Ob began to burn and threw herself to the ground in grief, from which she turned into a great river, whose water is the tears of the Ob, and it flows between the rocks, which are Tolka, to gently wash him and be always near him.
To this day, the Ob is majestic and beautiful and so powerful that it still generously distributes its gifts to people.


Pechora is a river in the northeast of the European part of the Russian Federation. The river is large, begins in the Northern Urals, and flows into Pechora Bay Barents Sea.
There is also a legend regarding the origin of the name of the river. Once the Novgorod ushkuyniks were sailing on their ushkuykhs along this river and saw a village of some tribe on the shore. They landed on the shore and asked the locals: “What is this river called?” The local residents did not know the Russian language and therefore thought that they were asking them which tribe they belonged to. So they said: “Pechora.” Since then, the Novgorodians have marked a river called Pechora on their maps.
There is also this opinion: supposedly “Pechora” in ancient times was the name for whirlpools on rivers, and in some places on Pechora whirlpools are still quite common today. And because of them, the river was called Pechora, since these whirlpools present some difficulties for navigation. For this purpose, the Novgorodians had special helmsmen (helmsmen), who learned to overcome pechora from childhood. After all, if you don’t control the current, the plow will be thrown onto the rocks or smashed on the rocky shores.
Pechora is a wonderful river, it is transparent and clean, like all northern rivers, and fills everything around with life with its waters. The water in Pechora even at its strongest summer heat remains piping cold.


Sviyaga is a river in the European part of the Russian Federation, and is a right tributary of the Volga. It originates on the Volga Upland and flows almost parallel to the Volga, but in the opposite direction. It flows into the Sviyazhsky Bay of the Kuibyshev Reservoir.
There are several legends about the origin of the name Sviyaga. One of them says that there once lived along its shores a tribe called “Swiat”. During the existence of Volga Bulgaria, this tribe was annexed to it, but refused to accept the Bulgar faith, for which its leader, Voinme, was taken to the Supreme Khan and he tried to convince Voinme to do this. But the threats had no effect. Then the khan, marveling at the leader’s courage, released him alive as a reward for his courage. And he ordered the river to be called “Sviyazhskaya” and ordered the tribe not to be touched.
Another legend tells that when Ivan the Terrible was sailing with his army along the river, he suddenly saw people running along its banks and shouting in their own language that they were accepting citizenship of the white king. The Russian Tsar only made out some word, like: “wilding spirit.” “What a wigeon,” he said. Since then they began to call this river Sviyaga.

This river is quite large; it has its source in the north of the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. It carries its waters, constantly changing direction. The lower reaches are in Slovakia. A tributary of the Bodrog River (Tissa basin).
According to one legend, it got its name precisely because of the terrain, or more precisely, the tortuosity of the banks. The river basin is located in the Carpathian region. The river made its way among the foothills of the Carpathians, so its channel is quite winding, like a snake. Why wasn't it named after one of the other snakes? Yes, probably because it is one of the most harmless and beautiful snakes, it has always attracted attention with its interesting coloring.
The second legend says that it has already become the prototype for the name of the river. On the banks of the river there were sometimes quite a lot of snakes; they filled almost the entire area. In the summer they crawled out onto the hills near the banks and basked in the sun. People not only respected these small snakes, but sometimes even bred them themselves. Because of their large number, for their beauty and harmlessness, people named this river in honor of the snakes.
At first it was a supper river, then it began to be called simply Uzh. As time passed, people became less tolerant of these reptiles, and they began to be destroyed. And nature itself did not treat them very kindly. There were fewer and fewer snakes - and eventually they practically disappeared from the river basin. Nowadays you will no longer see flocks of young snakes basking in the sun on warm days. summer time: one or two snakes - and as soon as they see a person, they immediately crawl into the cracks.


The Ural River, which flows into the Caspian Sea, flows through almost the entire territory of Kazakhstan, in particular through the Caspian lowland.
The Ural has its own folk legend, according to which the river acquired its name thanks to its rocky banks. In the legends of the Bashkir people, there are many stories about the legendary hero Ural Batyr, who bravely defended his people from enemy raids and thereby earned great respect and various honors. Several stories have been written about his exploits, one of which tells of his death.
Once there was a rumor that enemy troops were coming to the Bashkir land, and the Khan of Ural Batyr sent him on reconnaissance. Ural Batyr rode for a long time and one night he saw in the distance the light of a fire burning on the river bank. Getting closer, he heard about the insidious plans of his enemies. But when the hero began to retreat, he accidentally stepped on a tree branch, which gave him away with its crunch. The enemy warriors, recognizing the Urals, pounced on him, and no matter how he fought, their numerical superiority was obvious. And so the enemy’s sword pierced the batyr’s heart, and as soon as he breathed his last, his body turned into stone. This stone was named after the batyr, and since the stone was located on the bank of the river, people called the river the Ural.

The Us River flows in the south of Central Siberia, in the mountains, and is one of the largest right tributaries of the Yenisei.
Among the small population of the Us River coast, there is a story that the river got its name thanks to one interesting incident. A group of researchers traveled along the Siberian rivers, they observed nature, gave names to those concepts that had previously been nameless.
And so, having reached this river, they decided to go fishing in one quiet creek. The catch was excellent, the catfish were of such a large size that they amazed even avid fishermen who had seen a lot. And right while fishing, the researchers began to discuss what name could be given to this river. At first they wanted to call it Somovka, but then they decided that for such beautiful river it's too simple and banal. And suddenly one of the fishermen pulled out a catfish, which delighted everyone. The remarkable thing about it was that, firstly, it was huge, and secondly, this fish had one mustache that was very short and the other very, very long. Everyone looked at this miracle and unanimously decided that the name Us would be the most suitable for this river and very original.
The Us River is interesting and attractive for its picturesqueness - numerous rapids, steep right bank, rocky slopes. Along the coast there are mountains covered with taiga; and here there are mountain lakes with clear blue water. The water in the Us River is very clean and cold, and is home to numerous species of fish.


The river flows in Eastern Siberia and is a left tributary of the Khatanga River.
One of these ancient legends says that there was once a small village on the banks of this river. In one of the families, a girl was born, smart and hardworking, and her name was Heta. Soon she grew up and became a real beauty: stately, slender, her braid reached to her waist, her eyes were clear and bottomless like lakes, it was a pleasure to admire her. Many young men courted the beautiful Heta; She fell in love with one, the bravest and kindest - Samur.
But the lovers were not destined to be together; immediately after the wedding, Samur went to war, where, according to rumors, he soon laid down his head. Having learned that her faithful husband was killed, Kheta could not bear the grief. She wanted to be next to him in another world, ran to the steep bank of the river and rushed down. But after some time Samur returned to the village from the war; as it turned out, he did not die. Having learned about the death of his Heta, he came to the river bank every day and talked with his beloved. People, seeing Samur's suffering, decided to name the river after his wife.


This river flows in Eastern Siberia and is a left tributary of the Olekma River.
According to one legend, this river owes its name to the marvelous nature that surrounds it. It is especially beautiful here at the end of summer. The splash of water, the sound of reeds, the singing of birds create the feeling that you are in a fairy tale; nature simply enchants. This is how the legend tells it. When one of the northern princes, whose name, unfortunately, is not known, once passed by this place one day, he could not contain his admiration, saying: “Charming! How charming it is here!”
The indigenous people who accompanied the prince on this trip remembered the beginning of an unknown but beautiful word “charming”, namely “charming”. This is how they later began to call the river itself. Over time, the name Ochara was simplified to Chara.
Another legend about the origin of the name of this river says: The river was named Chara because the place where it originates (source) was shaped like a glass - a small vessel intended for drinking. However, now the river is not called Charka, but simply Chara; Most likely, this is due to the fact that over time the need for the suffix - k- disappeared, it simply lost its meaning - and the name Charka was transformed into Chara.
According to another legend, in ancient times the Chara River was distinguished by its lack of fish and the absence of any vegetation (both at the bottom of the river and on its banks). The appearance of the river made an extremely depressing impression, and therefore the locals considered it enchanted, that is, a spell had been cast on it. They said that once upon a time an old sorcerer was drowned here, through whose fault many people died an incomprehensible and terrible death. But the magical forces, leaving the body of the drowned man, “dissolved” in the waters of the river and “poisoned” it. Only time saved Chara from the curse and cleared its waters, and man lined the banks with gardens and groves.
Chara is rich in fish. Silver perch, bream, and carp are found here.


The river flows through the territory of the Russian Federation, its length is 435 km. The sources are located in the Klyavlinsky district near the village of Stary Maklaush.
Reliable information about the origin of the name of the river has not been preserved; only a few legends telling about this fact have survived to this day.
According to one legend, the history of the name of this river goes back to ancient times. And it is quite remarkable and interesting. IN ancient legend It is told that once upon a time, back in the 10th–11th centuries, the Tatar Khan Tunguss lived in the lands of the Trans-Volga region. And then one day this khan decided to expand his possessions, capturing the lands neighboring him. He began to prepare for a military campaign, convened a large army, selected brave and hardy warriors and equipped the best horses. The army set out on a campaign.
And after several days of hard travel, when the warriors were already tired and exhausted, suddenly a surface of water flashed in the distance. They drove closer, and a small shallow river, overgrown with reeds, opened up to their eyes, but the water in it was so clear that one could watch the young fish darting back and forth and see the pebbles covering the bottom.
The legend describes that the water in this river could be compared in purity, as well as in its healing properties with spring water. Khan Tunguss, as soon as he drank this water, immediately exclaimed “Sheshma, sheshma!” This is how the river Sheshma was named, which means “spring” in Turkic.
According to another legend, the river was called Sheshma, that is, “key”, “spring”, because its size was so small that it looked more like a spring than a deep river.
Currently, the Sheshma is a fairly full-flowing and deep river, in some places its depth reaches 4–6 m. The Sheshma River has several dozen species of inhabitants, including crayfish, bream, silver perch, and carp.

Yula is a small river flowing in the Moscow region. Residents of small ancient villages located on the banks of the river keep and pass on to their descendants the legend of the origin of such a beautiful name.
In ancient times, when Rus' was plagued by internecine wars, in one village almost the entire male population was killed and all the livestock was destroyed. Miraculously, the surviving men gathered the children and women, took some provisions so as not to die of hunger along the way, and set off in search of a calm and well-fed life. They walked long and hard. The bare earth served them as both a table and a bed. Soon they saw huge endless forests, stretching for many, many kilometers.
They decided to go into the forest and pick mushrooms and berries. While collecting provisions, they accidentally discovered that a river was flowing among the trees. The people were very happy and decided to build a village on this shore. Men cut down forests and built good-quality wooden huts, women picked mushrooms, berries and medicinal herbs and prepared food, and the children played and frolicked - fortunately, there were many birds, squirrels and other living creatures in the forest.
They lived like this for many years and everyone argued about what they should call the river that had become so dear to them. One day the children picked up a bird that had been wounded by some predator and brought it to the village. She was extraordinarily beautiful, with a small tuft on her head. One woman said it was a spinning tree lark. The children began to look after the bird, and soon she was already singing her sonorous song: “Yuli-yuli-yuli.”
The bird became everyone's favorite, she was cared for and cherished. And then somehow the children decided to let her fly. Yula flew for a long time, chirping her song, until she finally got tired and landed on the river bank to drink cold water. But the bird was still weak, and, unable to stay on the branch, fell into the water and drowned. The residents of the village were very sad for the bird and therefore decided to name the river after it, which forever swallowed up the lark.
Forests grow on both banks of the Yula, and the most diverse. You can equally well find coniferous forests, pine forests, and birch groves.

Chum salmon

This is a rather large and elongated lake, its length is 96 km, located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory between two other lakes, which are called Lama and Khantayskoe, not far from the Yenisei River.
Among the inhabitants of this region there is a legend about an old man who lived on this lake. The old man lived a very long time; at the end of his life he was seized by an unknown illness. Every day the old man lost more and more strength, he weakened in front of the compassionate old woman with whom he lived his whole life.
Out of grief, the old woman went to the lake and wanted to drown herself so as not to see the torment of her beloved husband. But suddenly she saw a fish jumping ashore, which said to her in a human voice: “I give my life for your happiness!” The old woman picked up the fish and took it to her house. She cooked it and served it to the old grandfather so that he could try it. The old man ate all the fish and liked it to his taste. And the next morning the old man got out of bed, cheerful and healthy. A mysterious fish saved his life.
Now this fish no longer lives in Lake Keta, but it is abundant during spawning in the Rybnaya River, which flows from this lake.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk

The Amur River flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. For nine months the sea surface is hidden under ice. But despite this, the sea remains the breadwinner of many villages located on its shores.
The sea received its name thanks to the people living on its shores - the Lamuts, who currently have a different name - the Evens. According to historical legend, it happened as follows.
Once upon a time, people who were engaged in catching birds and hunting fur-bearing animals came from a distant country to the banks of a river flowing into the sea. There was so much game on the river banks that the aliens considered this place to be heaven on earth and decided to settle here. It took a long time to build, but when the construction was completed and the time came to give the settlement a name, everyone realized that there were some difficulties with this.
Once, while hunting, the newcomers came to the village of Lamuts, who lived on the banks of a small river, and asked what the name of the river flowing near their houses was. And they heard in response: “Okat,” only for some reason it seemed to them that Lamut said the word “Okhat.”
Returning to their place, they talked about that river - and it was unanimously decided to name the settlement “Okhota”, and since there was a sea nearby, the name of which was unknown to them, they began to call it the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.
But there is also such a story among the people, a little similar to the historical one. A group of hunters appeared on the game-rich banks of the river, who in a short time were able to catch a sufficient number of animals and birds. And not a day passed without the hunters admiring this ideal place where everyone could feed themselves.
Returning to their village, they talked about the place they found on the seashore. After several months, a group of bandits raided this village and took away everything edible. And in order not to die of hunger, everyone decided to go to the seashore. Arriving at the place, the men went hunting and returned with game. And the sea, on the shores of which they settled, was called Okhotsk, implying the wealth and generosity of nature.
Currently, on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk there are several large ports that supply seafood and other various goods to many cities in Russia, to points near and far abroad.

Lake Pleshcheyevo

Lake Pleshcheyevo, also called Pereslavl Lake, is located in the Yaroslavl region. The lake is quite large and deep; the ancient Russian city of Pereslavl-Zalessky (until the 15th century Pereyaslavl-Zalessky) stands on it; the Trubezh River flows into the lake.
There is a legend, it is akin to the legend of the monster from the Scottish lake Loch Ness, the famous Nessie. It’s as if they notice from time to time how a mysterious giant appears on its surface, like a mythical sea serpent; people call it Splash. So the lake in which the monster lives was named Pleshcheyevo, that is, Lake Pleshcheya.
Another version of the origin of the name is that a gang of robbers once hunted in the vicinity of the lake, which was wooded at that time, and their chieftain was called Pleshchey. He brought such fear to the local residents that they were afraid to go to the lake. And the lake itself began to be called Pleshcheev.


Topozero is a lake in the north of Karelia, it is located in the Kovda River basin. The lake is quite large and deep, its depth reaches 56 m. With the creation of the Kumskaya hydroelectric station, it became part of the Kumsk reservoir.
Legend says that Topozero arose because Svarog stamped his foot in this place. And when the place where his footprint was filled with water, a huge lake was formed. And this was at the time when Svarog created the world. As you know, Svarog is one of the supreme deities of the Slavic pantheon and, probably, this legend is of Slavic origin - various Slavic tribes have lived in these places since ancient times.
Topozero is full of charm, like all our northern Russian lakes and rivers - it is majestic, severe and calm.


Lake Khasan is located in the south of Primorsky Krai near Posyet Bay, connected to the Sea of ​​Japan.
The legend of the origin of the name of the lake says that after the defeat during the battle on Far East The army of Khan Hassan Nurul was returning home. And in order not to become prey to free marauders, wounded warriors made their way through deserted places. Despite the wound, Hassan Nurul led his people to the saving goal. Tired and hungry, they moved slowly. One night the army came to a lake, the existence of which they did not even suspect, and made a halt. The night was cold, and Hassan’s wounds became inflamed, and since there was no doctor among the soldiers, after much suffering, Khan Hasan Nurul died. The next morning, the warriors dug a grave and buried their leader on the shore of the lake. And in honor of the deceased, they named this lake - Khasan. So this legend was passed down from generation to generation until it reached our times.
Now this lake is not only historical monument, but also a place of recreation and tourism.

Legends about the origin of plant names

There lived a girl in the world and she had a loved one - Roman, who made gifts for her with his own hands, turning every day of the girl’s life into a holiday! One day Roman went to bed - and he dreamed of a simple flower - a yellow core and white rays spreading out to the sides from the core. When he woke up, he saw a flower next to him and gave it to his girlfriend. And the girl wanted all people to have such a flower. Then Roman went in search of this flower and found it in the land of Eternal Dreams, but the king of this country did not give the flower away just like that. The ruler told Roman that people would receive a whole field of chamomile if the young man remained in his country. The girl waited for her beloved for a very long time, but one morning she woke up and saw a huge white and yellow field outside the window. Then the girl realized that her Roman would not return and named the flower in honor of her beloved - Chamomile! Now girls tell fortunes using a daisy - “Loves - doesn’t love!”

In my distant childhood, I read Boris Zhitkov’s story “On an Ice Floe” and remembered it for a long time. Few people pay attention to the author in childhood. I didn’t know for a long time either.

Creativity B.S. Zhitkova

Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov occupies a special place among children's writers. His stories are taken from life. Therefore, they are easy to read and remembered for a long time. The most popular among young (and adult) readers are: “Stories about animals”, “What I saw” and “What happened”

We have selected short stories from the Animal Stories series. They are ideal for preschoolers. Zhitkov’s stories are interesting to listen to and easy to retell. Preschoolers and students who can read primary classes read it for themselves.

Stories about animals Zhitkova

Brave duckling

Every morning the housewife brought out a full plate of chopped eggs for the ducklings. She put the plate near the bush and left.

As soon as the ducklings ran up to the plate, suddenly a large dragonfly flew out of the garden and began to circle above them.

She chirped so terribly that the frightened ducklings ran away and hid in the grass. They were afraid that the dragonfly would bite them all.

And the evil dragonfly sat on the plate, tasted the food and then flew away. After this, the ducklings did not come to the plate for the whole day. They were afraid that the dragonfly would fly again. In the evening, the hostess removed the plate and said: “Our ducklings must be sick, for some reason they are not eating anything.” Little did she know that the ducklings went to bed hungry every night.

One day, their neighbor, the little duckling Alyosha, came to visit the ducklings. When the ducklings told him about the dragonfly, he began to laugh.

What brave men! - he said. - I alone will drive away this dragonfly. You'll see tomorrow.

“You are bragging,” said the ducklings, “tomorrow you will be the first to get scared and run.”

The next morning, the hostess, as always, put a plate of chopped eggs on the ground and left.

Well, look, - said the brave Alyosha, - now I will fight with your dragonfly.

As soon as he said this, a dragonfly began to buzz. It flew straight from above onto the plate.

The ducklings wanted to run away, but Alyosha was not afraid. Before the dragonfly had time to sit on the plate, Alyosha grabbed its wing with his beak. She forcibly escaped and flew away with a broken wing.

Since then, she never flew into the garden, and the ducklings ate their fill every day. They not only ate themselves, but also treated the brave Alyosha for saving them from the dragonfly.

Hunter and dogs

Early in the morning the hunter got up, took a gun, cartridges, a bag, called his two dogs and went to shoot hares.

It was bitterly cold, but there was no wind at all. The hunter was skiing and warmed up from walking. He felt warm.

The dogs ran ahead and chased the hares at the hunter. The hunter shot deftly and scored five pieces. Then he noticed that he had gone far.

“It’s time to go home,” the hunter thought. “The tracks of my skis are visible, and before it gets dark, I’ll follow the tracks home. I’ll cross the ravine, and it’s not far there.”

He went down and saw that the ravine was black and black with jackdaws. They were sitting right in the snow. The hunter realized that something was wrong.

And it’s true: he had just left the ravine when the wind blew, snow began to fall, and a blizzard began. Nothing was visible ahead; the tracks were covered with snow. The hunter whistled for the dogs.

“If the dogs don’t lead me onto the road,” he thought, “I’m lost. I don’t know where to go, I’ll get lost, I’ll be covered in snow, and I’ll freeze.”

He let the dogs go ahead, but the dogs ran away five steps - and the hunter could not see where to follow them. Then he took off his belt, untied all the straps and ropes that were on it, tied the dogs by the collar and let them go forward. The dogs dragged him, and he came to his village on skis, like on a sleigh.

He gave each dog a whole hare, then took off his shoes and lay down on the stove. And I kept thinking:

“If it weren’t for the dogs, I would be lost today.”


In Siberia, in a dense forest, in the taiga, a Tungus hunter lived with his whole family in a leather tent. One day he went out of the house to break some wood and saw the tracks of a moose on the ground. The hunter was delighted, ran home, took his gun and knife and said to his wife:

Don't expect to come back soon - I'll go get the elk.

So he followed the tracks, and suddenly he saw more tracks - bear ones. And where the elk’s tracks lead, the bear’s tracks also lead.

“Hey,” the hunter thought, “I’m not the only one following the elk, a bear is chasing the elk ahead of me. I can’t catch up with them. The bear will catch the elk before me.”

Still, the hunter followed the tracks. He walked for a long time, he already ate all the stock that he took with him from home, but everything goes on and on. The tracks began to climb up the mountain, but the forest did not thin out, it was still just as dense.

The hunter is hungry, exhausted, but he keeps walking and looking at his feet so as not to lose his tracks. And along the way there are pine trees, piled up by a storm, stones overgrown with grass. The hunter is tired, stumbles, can barely drag his feet. And he keeps looking: where is the grass crushed, where is the ground crushed by a deer’s hoof?

“I’ve already climbed high,” the hunter thinks, “where is the end of this mountain.”

Suddenly he hears someone chomping. The hunter hid and crawled quietly. And I forgot that I was tired, where the strength came from. The hunter crawled and crawled and then he saw: there were very few trees, and here was the end of the mountain - it meets at an angle - there was a cliff on the right, and a cliff on the left. And in the very corner lies a huge bear, gnawing the elk, grumbling, slurping and not smelling the hunter.

“Aha,” thought the hunter, “you drove the elk here, into the very corner, and then you got him. Stop!”

The hunter stood up, sat down on his knee and began aiming at the bear.

Then the bear saw him, got scared, wanted to run, ran to the edge, and there was a cliff. The bear roared. Then the hunter fired a gun at him and killed him.

The hunter skinned the bear, cut the meat and hung it on a tree so that the wolves wouldn’t get it. The hunter ate bear meat and quickly went home.

I folded the tent and went with the whole family to where I left the bear meat.

“Here,” the hunter said to his wife, “eat, and I’ll rest.”

How an elephant saved its owner from a tiger

The Hindus have tame elephants. One Hindu went with an elephant into the forest to collect firewood.

The forest was deaf and wild. The elephant trampled the owner's path and helped to cut down trees, and the owner loaded them onto the elephant.

Suddenly the elephant stopped obeying its owner, began to look around, shake its ears, and then raised its trunk and roared.

The owner also looked around, but did not notice anything.

He became angry with the elephant and hit its ears with a branch.

And the elephant bent its trunk with a hook to lift its owner onto its back. The owner thought: “I’ll sit on his neck - this way it will be even more convenient for me to rule over him.”

He sat on the elephant and began to whip the elephant on the ears with a branch. And the elephant backed away, trampled and twirled its trunk. Then he froze and became wary.

The owner raised a branch to hit the elephant with all his might, but suddenly a huge tiger jumped out of the bushes. He wanted to attack the elephant from behind and jump on its back.

But he got his paws on the firewood, and the firewood fell down. The tiger wanted to jump another time, but the elephant had already turned, grabbed the tiger across the stomach with its trunk, and squeezed it like a thick rope. The tiger opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue and shook his paws.

And the elephant had already lifted him up, then slammed him to the ground and began to trample him with his feet.

And the elephant's legs are like pillars. And the elephant trampled the tiger into a cake. When the owner recovered from his fear, he said:

What a fool I was for beating an elephant! And he saved my life.

The owner took the bread he had prepared for himself from his bag and gave it all to the elephant.


The brother and sister had a pet jackdaw. She ate from her hands, let herself be petted, flew out into the wild and flew back.

Once my sister began to wash herself. She took the ring off her hand, put it on the sink and lathered her face with soap. And when she rinsed the soap, she looked: where is the ring? But there is no ring.

She shouted to her brother:

Give me the ring, don't tease me! Why did you take it?

“I didn’t take anything,” the brother answered.

His sister quarreled with him and cried.

Grandma heard.

What do you have here? - speaks. - Give me glasses, now I’ll find this ring.

We rushed to look for glasses - no glasses.

“I just put them on the table,” the grandmother cries. -Where should they go? How can I thread the needle now?

And she screamed at the boy.

It's your business! Why are you teasing grandma?

The boy got offended and ran out of the house. He looks, and a jackdaw is flying above the roof, and something glitters under her beak. I took a closer look - yes, these are glasses! The boy hid behind a tree and began to watch. And the jackdaw sat on the roof, looked around to see if anyone was watching, and began pushing the glasses on the roof into the crack with her beak.

The grandmother came out onto the porch and said to the boy:

Tell me, where are my glasses?

On the roof! - said the boy.

Grandma was surprised. And the boy climbed onto the roof and pulled out his grandmother’s glasses from the crack. Then he pulled out the ring from there. And then he took out pieces of glass, and then a lot of different pieces of money.

The grandmother was delighted with the glasses, and the sister was delighted with the ring and said to her brother:

Forgive me, I was thinking about you, but this is a thief jackdaw.

And they made peace with their brother.

Grandma said:

That's all them, jackdaws and magpies. Whatever glitters, they drag everything away.


One collective farmer woke up early in the morning, looked out the window at the yard, and there was a wolf in his yard. The wolf stood near the stable and scratched the door with its paw. And there were sheep in the stable.

The collective farmer grabbed a shovel and headed into the yard. He wanted to hit the wolf on the head from behind. But the wolf instantly turned and caught the handle of the shovel with his teeth.

The collective farmer began to snatch the shovel from the wolf. Not so! The wolf grabbed it with his teeth so tightly that he couldn’t pull it out.

The collective farmer began to call for help, but at home they were sleeping and did not hear.

“Well,” the collective farmer thinks, “the wolf won’t hold the shovel forever; but when he lets go, I’ll break his head with the shovel.”

And the wolf began to finger the handle with his teeth and got closer and closer to the collective farmer...

“Should I throw a shovel?” the collective farmer thinks. “The wolf will also throw a shovel at me. I won’t even have time to escape.”

And the wolf is getting closer and closer. The collective farmer sees: things are bad - the wolf will soon grab you by the hand.

The collective farmer gathered himself with all his strength and threw the wolf along with the shovel over the fence, and quickly into the hut.

The wolf ran away. And the collective farmer woke everyone up at home.

After all,” he says, “I was almost eaten by a wolf under your window.” Eco sleep!

How, - asks the wife, - did you manage?

“And I,” says the collective farmer, “threw him over the fence.”

The wife looked, and there was a shovel behind the fence; all chewed up by wolf teeth


The cow Masha goes to look for her son, the calf Alyosha. Can't see him anywhere. Where did he go? It's time to go home.

And the calf Alyoshka ran around, got tired, and lay down in the grass. The grass is tall - Alyosha is nowhere to be seen.

The cow Masha was afraid that her son Alyoshka had disappeared, and she started mooing with all her strength:

At home, Masha was milked and a whole bucket of fresh milk was milked. They poured it into Alyosha’s bowl:

Here, drink, Alyoshka.

Alyoshka was delighted - he had been wanting milk for a long time - he drank it all to the bottom and licked the bowl with his tongue.

Alyoshka got drunk and wanted to run around the yard. As soon as he started running, suddenly a puppy jumped out of the booth and started barking at Alyoshka. Alyoshka was frightened: it must be a terrible beast if it barks so loudly. And he started to run.

Alyoshka ran away, and the puppy did not bark anymore. It became quiet all around. Alyoshka looked - no one was there, everyone had gone to bed. And I wanted to sleep myself. He lay down and fell asleep in the yard.

The cow Masha also fell asleep on the soft grass.

The puppy also fell asleep at his kennel - he was tired, he barked all day.

The boy Petya also fell asleep in his crib - he was tired, he had been running around all day.

And the bird has long since fallen asleep.

She fell asleep on a branch and hid her head under her wing to make it warmer to sleep. I'm tired too. I flew all day, catching midges.

Everyone has fallen asleep, everyone is sleeping.

Only the night wind does not sleep.

It rustles in the grass and rustles in the bushes.

Stray cat

I lived on the seashore and fished. I had a boat, nets and various fishing rods. There was a booth in front of the house, and a huge dog on a chain. Shaggy, covered in black spots, Ryabka. He guarded the house. I fed him fish. I was working with a boy, and there was no one around for three miles. Ryabka was so used to talking to him, and he understood very simple things. You ask him: “Ryabka, where is Volodya?” The hazel grouse wags its tail and turns its face where Volodka went. The air is drawn through the nose, and it’s always true. It used to be that you would come from the sea with nothing, and Ryabka was waiting for fish. He stretches out on a chain and squeals.

You turn to him and say angrily:

Our affairs are bad, Ryabka! Here's how...

He will sigh, lie down and put his head on his paws. He doesn’t even ask, he understands.

When I went to sea for a long time, I always patted Ryabka on the back and persuaded him to guard him well. And now I want to move away from him, but he stands on his hind legs, pulls the chain and wraps his paws around me. Yes, it’s so tight - it won’t let me in. He doesn’t want to stay alone for a long time: he’s both bored and hungry.

It was a good dog!

But I didn’t have a cat, and the mice prevailed. If you hang up the nets, they will get into the nets, get tangled up and chew the threads, causing damage. I found them in nets - another one gets tangled and gets caught. And they steal everything from home, no matter what you put in it.

So I went to the city. I think I’ll get myself a funny cat, she’ll catch all the mice for me, and in the evening she’ll sit on her lap and purr. Came to the city. I walked around all the yards - not a single cat. Well, nowhere!

I started asking people:

Does anyone have a cat? I'll even pay the money, just give it.

And they began to get angry with me:

Is it time for cats now? There is hunger everywhere, there is nothing to eat, but here you feed the cats.

And one said:

I would have eaten the cat myself, rather than having to feed him, the parasite!

Here you go! Where have all the cats gone? The cat is used to living on ready-made food: he gets drunk, steals, and stretches out on a warm stove in the evening. And suddenly such a disaster! The stoves are not heated, the owners themselves suck the stale crust. And there is nothing to steal. And you won’t find mice in a hungry house either.

There are no more cats in the city... And perhaps hungry people have eaten too many. So I didn’t get a single cat.

Winter has come and the sea is frozen. It became impossible to fish. And I had a gun. So I loaded the gun and walked along the shore. I’ll shoot someone: there were wild rabbits living in holes on the shore.

Suddenly, I see, in place of the rabbit hole, a large hole has been dug up, as if it were a passage for a large animal. I'd rather go there.

I crouched down and looked into the hole. Dark. And when I looked closer, I saw: there were two eyes glowing in the depths.

What kind of animal do you think this is?

I picked a twig and went into the hole. And from there it will hiss!

I backed away. Wow! Yes, it's a cat!

So this is where the cats moved from the city!

I started calling:

Kitty Kitty! Kisanka! - and stuck his hand into the hole.

And the kitty began to purr, and like such a beast that I pulled my hand away.

I began to think about how to lure the cat into my house.

Once I met a cat on the shore. Big, gray, big-faced. When she saw me, she jumped to the side and sat down. He looks at me with evil eyes. She tensed up all over, froze, only her tail trembled. Waiting to see what I will do.

And I took a crust of bread out of my pocket and threw it to her. The cat looked where the crust fell, but she didn’t move. She stared at me again. I walked around and looked back: the cat jumped, grabbed the crust and ran to her home, into her hole.

So we often met with her, but the cat never let me near her. Once at dusk I mistook her for a rabbit and was about to shoot.

In the spring I started fishing, and there was a smell of fish near my house. Suddenly I hear my Ryabchik barking. And he barks funny somehow: stupidly, in different voices, and yelps. I went out and saw: a large gray cat was slowly walking along the spring grass towards my house. I recognized her immediately. She was not at all afraid of Ryabchik, she did not even look at him, but only chose where she could walk dryly. The cat saw me, sat down and began to look and lick its lips. I quickly ran into the house, took out the fish and threw it.

She grabbed the fish and jumped into the grass. From the porch I could see how she began to greedily eat. Yeah, I think I haven’t eaten fish for a long time.

And from then on the cat began to visit me.

I kept cajoling her and persuading her to come live with me. But the cat was still shy and wouldn’t let him get close to her. He will eat the fish and run away. Like a beast.

Finally I managed to pet it, and the animal began to purr. The hazel grouse did not bark at her, but only stretched on the chain and whined: he really wanted to meet the cat.

Now the cat hovered around the house all day long, but did not want to go into the house.

Once she did not go to spend the night in her hole, but stayed the night in Ryabchik’s booth. The hazel grouse completely shrank into a ball to make room.

The hazel grouse was so bored that he was glad to see the cat.

Once it rained. I look out the window - Ryabka is lying in a puddle near the booth, all wet, but he won’t climb into the booth.

I went out and shouted:

Ryabka! To the booth!

He stood up and shook his tail in embarrassment. He turns his muzzle, stomps around, but doesn’t get into the booth.

I walked up and looked into the booth. A cat stretched out importantly across the floor. The hazel grouse did not want to climb, so as not to wake the cat, and got wet in the rain.

He loved it so much when the cat came to visit him that he tried to lick it like a puppy. The cat puffed up and shook itself.

I saw how Ryabchik held the cat with his paws when she, having slept, went about her business.

And this is what she had to do.

Once I hear it, it’s like a child crying. I jumped out and looked: Murka was rolling off the cliff. There's something dangling in her teeth. I ran up and looked - there was a little rabbit in Murka’s teeth. The little rabbit kicked his paws and screamed, just like Small child. I took it from the cat. Exchanged it with her for fish. The rabbit came out and then lived in my house. Another time I caught Murka when she had already finished eating a large rabbit. The hazel grouse on the chain licked its lips from a distance.

Opposite the house there was a hole half an arshin deep. I see from the window: Murka is sitting in a hole, all curled up in a ball, her eyes are wild, and there is no one around. I started watching.

Suddenly Murka jumped up - I didn’t have time to blink, and she was already tearing the swallow. It was about to rain, and swallows were flying close to the ground. And in the pit a cat was waiting in ambush. For hours she sat all on edge, like a trigger: waiting for a swallow to strike just above the pit. Hap! - and paws on the fly.

Another time I found her at sea. The storm washed ashore shells. Murka carefully walked on the wet stones and scooped out shells with her paw into a dry place. She crunched them like nuts, winced and ate the slug.

But then trouble came. Stray dogs appeared on the shore. A whole flock of them rushed along the shore, hungry, brutal. Barking and squealing, they rushed past our house. The hazel grouse bristled and tensed. He muttered muffledly and looked angrily. Volodka grabbed a stick, and I rushed into the house for a gun. But the dogs rushed past, and soon they were no longer heard.

The hazel grouse could not calm down for a long time: he kept grumbling and looking where the dogs had run away. But at least Murka was sitting in the sun and gravely washing her face.

I told Volodya:

Look, Murka is not afraid of anything. The dogs come running - she jumps onto the pole and along the pole to the roof.

Volodya says:

And Ryabchik will climb into the booth and bite off every dog ​​through the hole. And I'll lock myself in the house.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

I went to the city.

And when he returned, Volodka told me:

Less than an hour after you left, the wild dogs returned. Eight pieces. They rushed towards Murka. But Murka did not run away. Under the wall, in the corner, you know, there’s a storage room. She buries scraps there. She has already accumulated a lot there. Murka rushed to the corner, hissed, stood up on her hind legs and prepared her claws. The dogs rushed in, three of them at once. Murka started working with her paws so much that the fur just flew off from the dogs. And they squeal, howl and climb one over the other, all climbing from above to Murka, to Murka!

What were you watching?

Yes, I didn't look. I quickly went into the house, grabbed the gun and began hammering as hard as I could at the dogs with the butt and butt. Everything got mixed up. I thought that only shreds of Murka would remain. I was already hitting just about anything. Look, the whole butt has been beaten. Aren't you going to scold?

Well, what about Murka, Murka?

And she is now with Ryabka. Ryabka licks it. They're in the booth.

And so it turned out. Ryabka curled up in a ring, and Murka lay in the middle. Ryabka licked it and looked at me angrily. Apparently, he was afraid that I would interfere and take Murka away.

A week later, Murka completely recovered and began hunting.

Suddenly at night we woke up from terrible barking and squealing.

Volodka jumped out and shouted:

Dogs, dogs!

I grabbed the gun and, as I was, jumped out onto the porch.

A whole bunch of dogs were busy in the corner. They roared so much that they didn’t hear me leave.

I shot into the air. The whole flock rushed and ran away without memory. I shot again in pursuit. Ryabka strained at the chains, jerked as he ran, became enraged, but could not break the chains: he wanted to rush after the dogs.

I started calling Murka. She purred and put the pantry in order: she buried the dug hole with her paw.

In the room, in the light, I examined the cat. She was severely bitten by dogs, but the wounds were not dangerous.

I noticed that Murka had gained weight; she was about to give birth to kittens.

I tried to leave her in the house overnight, but she meowed and scratched, so I had to let her out.

The stray cat was used to living in the wild and never wanted to go into the house.

It was impossible to leave the cat like that. Apparently, wild dogs got into the habit of running towards us. They will come running when Volodya and I are at sea, and will completely devour Murka. And so we decided to take Murka away and let him live with some fishermen we knew. We put the cat in the boat with us and went by sea.

We took Murka far away, fifty miles from us. Dogs won't run in there. Many fishermen lived there. They had a net. Every morning and every evening they brought the seine into the sea and pulled it ashore. They always had a lot of fish. They were very happy when we brought Murka to them. Now they fed her a lot of fish. I said that the cat would not live in the house and that we needed to make a hole for it - this is not an ordinary cat, she is one of the strays and loves freedom. They made her a house out of reeds, and Murka remained to guard the net from mice.

And we returned home. Ryabka howled and barked tearfully for a long time; barked at us too: where did we put the cat?

We weren’t on the seine for a long time and only got ready to go to Murka in the fall.

We arrived in the morning when the seine was being pulled out. The sea was completely calm, like water in a saucer. The seine was already coming to an end, and a whole bunch of sea crayfish - crabs - were pulled ashore along with the fish. They are like large spiders, agile, fast and angry. They rear up and click their claws over their heads: they scare you. And if they grab your finger, hold on until you bleed. Suddenly I look: our Murka is walking calmly among all this chaos. She deftly pushed the crabs out of the way. She will pick him up with her paw from behind, where he cannot reach it, and throw him away. The crab rears up, puffs up, clangs its claws like a dog’s teeth, but Murka doesn’t pay any attention, throwing it away like a pebble.

Four adult kittens watched her from afar, but they themselves were afraid to come close to the net. And Murka climbed into the water, went up to her neck, only her head stuck out of the water. It goes along the bottom, and the water parts from the head.

The cat felt with its paws at the bottom a small fish that was leaving the net. These fish hide at the bottom, bury themselves in the sand - this is where Murka caught them. He gropes with his paw, picks it up with his claws and throws it ashore to his children. And they were really big cats, and they were afraid to step on wet things. Murka brought them to the dry sand live fish, and then they ate and rumbled angrily. Just think, what hunters!

The fishermen could not praise Murka enough:

Oh yes cat! Fighting cat! Well, the children didn’t take after their mother. Goonies and quitters. They will sit down like gentlemen, and give them everything in their mouths. Look, look how they are seated! Purely pigs. Look, they fell apart. Fuck you, you bastards!

The fisherman swung, but the cats didn’t move.

It's only because of my mother that we endure. They should be kicked out.

The cats got so lazy that they were too lazy to play with the mouse.

I once saw Murka drag a mouse in her teeth. She wanted to teach them how to catch mice. But the cats lazily moved their paws and missed the mouse. Murka rushed after him and brought it to them again. But they didn’t even want to look: they lay in the sun on the soft sand and waited for lunch, so they could eat fish heads without hassle.

Look, mother's boys! - Volodka said and threw sand at them. - It's disgusting to watch. There you are!

The cats shook their ears and rolled over to the other side.