Your psychological karma by zodiac sign. Astrological psychology: how to keep men of different zodiac signs? Human psychology according to horoscope

Aries have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. And Libra can easily understand another person, despite the fact that they themselves do not fully understand themselves. Sounds weird? Maybe! But don't underestimate the abilities the universe gives us.

All people have some innate mental abilities and everyone wants to understand which ones. Based on your zodiac sign, you can determine what nature has blessed you with. For example, Aries tend to be in the right place at the right time. And Libra can easily understand another person, despite the fact that they themselves do not fully understand themselves. Sounds weird? Maybe! But don't underestimate the abilities the universe gives us.

Aries: in the right place at the right time

Your specialty is to anticipate something truly important. You might accidentally walk into a bar where your favorite band is playing. And if you ever had to book a ticket to their concert, it could cost a pretty penny! This is a very rewarding gift that can reward you with amazing things throughout your life. The main thing is to listen to your inner magnet.

Taurus: feeling the invisible edge

Taurus people tend to feel that invisible line that separates them from trouble. For example, during a conversation, you can stop in time so as not to create a feeling of tension between yourself and the interlocutor. Or, on the contrary, you easily manage to get away from people who begin to show an unhealthy interest in your personality.

Gemini Word Search

Gemini is a special zodiac sign that practically does not need its sixth sense, because the main five are very developed. Such people do not need to choose the right words. They already know what needs to be said, causing some bewilderment among others. And the fact is that you yourself may not understand where you got such a gift from. This is a psychic ability that originates from the airy nature inherent in Gemini.

Cancer: test of strength

Cancers can feel the people around them during times of emotional tension between them. They can accurately copy the behavior of their interlocutor, thereby disarming him. As in the case of a bully who is only trying to be aggressive and strong. You will easily understand that this is just a mask and will be able to discourage him with retaliatory aggression, which, unlike his, will not be artificial.

Leo: clear planning

Leos perceive the flow of life very clearly. They clearly adapt to the rhythm around them. You can easily plan your day minute by minute, managing absolutely everything. Moreover, it will not be difficult for you to ignore what is not of interest. Later it will turn out that you were right, and those things that you spent time on instead are much more important. Don't be afraid to take action, it's in your blood.

Virgo: sense of prospects and dangers

Your ability is to predict certain events and know where they can lead. This mental gift allows you not only to successfully do business, but also to clearly plan your personal life. You will be able to understand for yourself what time is best to choose to move or create a full-fledged family.

Libra: Understanding others better than yourself

Your psychic ability is to read other people, sense their moods, understand their motives and next steps. They themselves may not know this, but you already see right through everything. But, as everywhere else, there is a flip side to the coin. You don't understand yourself very well. Because of this, excessive self-criticism and so on may appear. In addition, you often do not listen to your sixth sense when necessary.

Scorpio: Sense of True Intentions

For Scorpio, there is nothing worse than empty talk, behind which completely different intentions are hidden. They are more interested in reading the true intentions of their interlocutor. For example, they can easily understand when a person wants something more than normal conversation and flirting. Scorpio sees all the lust and passion around everyone, not just around themselves. And this is their most powerful psychic ability.

Sagittarius: vision of success

This zodiac sign is incredibly optimistic because it catches opportunities for success on the fly. While someone sits and pores over complex charts, analysis and other details that are important for understanding the future, Sagittarius calmly lives his life and knows in advance what needs to be done to be successful. This applies not only to business, but also to love!

Capricorn: everything has its time

Have you ever noticed how people suddenly stop doing what they love or suddenly take off and move somewhere else? They are constantly on the move in search of something special. This is the type of Capricorns. They feel the rhythm of life and understand perfectly when to leave the old and move on to the new. This allows them not only to achieve success, but also to enjoy life to the fullest.

Aquarius: Mind Reading

Aquarians boast an innate gift of reading other people's thoughts. Moreover, they use this ability with pleasure, turning it into an entire art. They can play with people, asking about their desires, although they themselves have long known the answer to this question.

Pisces: seeing the whole situation

Pisces are undoubtedly the most gifted of all the zodiac signs. Their psychic abilities allow them to look at this world differently, thanks to which they see what others do not notice. Pisces put every situation into a single picture, thanks to which they can see it with all its pitfalls. Who knows, maybe you have hidden even stronger abilities that you are not aware of?
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Portrait of Aries

The credo of a person born under this sign is self-affirmation: “I am.” This is a great initiator and unconditional leader. To go forward without worrying about the consequences (those who follow will worry about them), guided by an idea that would inspire, encourage - this is the highest cosmic task of Aries.

The symbol of Aries is the ram, an animal that faces the challenges of fate directly and courageously. Aries behave exactly the same way. These people conquer the world with strength, assertiveness and aggression. They are courageous and fearless. They follow a direct path to the goal, sweeping away all obstacles. Aries never loses heart, he is always on the rise, passionately devotes himself to the task, makes mistakes, “steps on a rake” and in the end wins. Life for Aries is a battlefield. He is ready for anything, he is not afraid of insults, humiliation, difficulties, failures do not stop him. Fearlessness often pushes these people to take risks. If the matter is worth it, Aries can even risk his own life. But when he finds himself in a crisis situation, he relies on intuition and, as a rule, copes without outside help.

An excess of Fire gives Aries activity, the desire to always and in everything be the first, the best, a thirst for fame and recognition. Aries literally ignites at the sight of a new business, begins to radiate joy and charge those around him with it. He is able to lead huge crowds, exerting a magical influence on people; Moreover, the emphasis is always on strength - either physical or mental.
Aries is completely absorbed in himself, the world he considers it as an application to himself. The feelings and interests of others interest him little, he does not know how to penetrate the secret places human soul. You shouldn't blame him for this. Being an individualist is the purpose of Aries. It is thanks to this type of character that he manages to succeed in life. But Aries has something that representatives of other signs do not have: he is honest, noble and absolutely sincere in all his manifestations, lies and cunning are alien to him, and this brightens up his selfishness. Another valuable quality: Aries always comes to the rescue in moments of grief and need. This is a strong shoulder to lean on in misfortune. Moreover, having provided help in a difficult situation, Aries, without hesitation, will do it again and again, although he will be hurt if his troubles and worries go unattended.

For all his courage, assertiveness and aggressiveness, Aries is very sensitive and childishly defenseless: he is easily offended and enraged. However, grievances are immediately forgotten, you just need to praise, caress and warm him up. Despite his temper (Aries can descend to rudeness, scandal and even fights), Aries quickly moves away and is not vindictive; he will not sulk for long and will soon forgive the offender, especially if he hears words of praise addressed to him from the latter.

Portrait of Taurus

Taurus motto: “Acquire, accumulate, own.” These are extremely practical people, their task is to translate ideas from the spiritual sphere into the material, to create, build, strengthen. In all their actions they are guided by common sense. They are materialists and pragmatists who prioritize comfort, pleasure and prosperity. On the way to financial well-being Taurus is ready to overcome any obstacles. But the reason for this is not greed or a passion for hoarding, but the need to feel comfortable in this world. Taurus only act effectively in life when they feel solid ground under their feet. The best support for them is material wealth and monetary savings. Distinctive feature Taurus is about balance and emotional stability. Taurus is difficult to get angry. It’s even more difficult to prove something to them.

Taurus adhere to certain beliefs and misconceptions until they themselves are disappointed in them. They are stubborn, although they do not consider themselves as such. For the sake of their goal, Taurus can accumulate strength, knowledge and experience for a long time, and then overnight they make a breakthrough and achieve unprecedented results.

Taurus is patient, reliable, responsible and constant in everything. As long as his determination is not exhausted, he is able to withstand any load. Loyal to friends, business and loved ones as long as they are honest with him.

If we talk about the shortcomings of Taurus, then this is, first of all, conservatism. But, on the other hand, conservatism is necessary and even useful in any serious matter. Therefore, if Taurus shows healthy conservatism, things will only benefit from this. Taurus's desire to stick established order allows him to achieve significant success.

The unusual qualities of Taurus include its increased sensitivity. In its highest manifestations, it literally reaches the state of a medium, perceiving objects of the surrounding world on a more subtle energy level. Among Taurus there are often predictors, psychics, and healers who know how to accumulate natural energy.

Gemini Portrait

Representatives of this sign are sweet and attractive, spending time with them is a pleasure. Their best qualities- energy, mental activity, intuition and insight. They are observant, easily and quickly grasp information and process it just as quickly. Mercury also controls mental processes, which is why Gemini is the sign of intellectuals. People born under this sign achieve great success. They have extraordinary oratory skills, they can convince anyone of anything, and in their mouths any information seems true.

Gemini's duty to themselves is not to waste these qualities, but to direct them in the right direction. Geminis are restless, temperamental and inconsistent. They rush from one extreme to another, are constantly on the move and looking for new acquaintances and connections at all levels. They have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time, have affairs at work, and at home sort out business relations with their other half, and, as a rule, at night, when it is already time to go to bed. Gemini's mood changes every second. In a bad mood, they can commit unreasonable actions, which they later greatly regret.

Geminis have a dual nature. They can be happy and unhappy at the same time. In their life, everything is present in duplicate - apartments, families, friends, girlfriends, lovers, work. And all this is changing with amazing speed. We can say that the goal of Gemini's life is variety. The difficult qualities of Gemini include inconstancy. If astrologers were allowed to rename Gemini, they would call this sign a chameleon, which changes color for the purpose of camouflage and protection. To inconstancy should be added sensitivity, a tendency to exaggerate little things and emotional restraint. But you shouldn’t consider Geminis too callous. All these qualities develop in them as a defense mechanism against other people's criticism or irony.

All Geminis tend to hide their true intentions. You will never know what is in a Gemini’s soul, even after living with him for several decades. These people constantly fantasize, they have a rich imagination and a tendency to embellish everything. Even Gemini's lies are harmless. He is good-natured and does not seek to humiliate or trample anyone into the dirt in order to rise in his own eyes. It’s just that Gemini always guards his personal space and his secrets. He is always interested in communicating with people, reaches out to them and easily establishes connections. You can always agree on anything with him.

Portrait of Cancer

People born under the sign of Cancer are the most sensitive and emotional of the entire zodiac. They have a rich spiritual life that is constantly changing, just like the Moon, which is born, grows, reaches its apogee, decreases and dies, only to be reborn. Frequent mood changes - characteristic all Cancers. IN good mood They are sweet, charming and friendly, but in bad situations they can fall into a prolonged depression.

Cancer's motto: “I feel, therefore I exist.” However, you should not assume that Cancers are characterized by warmth and a tendency to sympathy. They take much more than they give, they sympathize mainly with themselves, and they come to help only when they are sure that there is nowhere else to wait for it. Cancer strives to be loved and cared for. However, he himself remains a “thing in itself”, never fully revealed.

These people are vulnerable and sensitive to criticism, react sharply to ridicule and irony. Cancer is easy to offend with a careless word, the “wrong” tone or look. Cancer knows how to defend itself. His self-defense system is very developed. A typical defensive reaction of Cancer is to hide and remain silent. But you shouldn’t think that he will forget or not attach importance to what happened. Cancer very rarely forgives insults, but believes that revenge is a dish that is served cold. He can think about a response plan for a long time, and then he will find a convenient situation and remember to take advantage of it. With such a person it is best to remain neutral.

Cancers are usually successful people. They are not characterized by impulsiveness and haste; they are careful, never unjustified risk. Before doing anything, Cancer will weigh the pros and cons. He very rarely listens to the advice of other people. He prefers to decide everything on his own and is not afraid of responsibility. The plans of these people are implemented in practice, any undertakings come to a successful conclusion. Cancers rarely make mistakes. Their extraordinary intellectual abilities help them in this. Cancers feel all the nuances of what is happening. All this is the influence of the Moon, which perceives and reflects the light of the Sun. Like the Moon, Cancer perceives any situation from the outside world and immediately reflects it.

Cancer's intuition is better developed than many other signs, so he understands the state of other people very well and predicts the development of the situation. Cancer is able to build cause-and-effect relationships well, to find the origins of certain problems, facts and phenomena.

It is almost impossible to deceive Cancer. It is best to treat representatives of this sign only kindly and kindly. It is useless to put pressure on these people: Cancer has a developed multi-stage defense system. The only way to influence a Cancer is to interest him. Cancers are persistent and assertive: if they decide to do something, nothing and no one will stop them. But, having set a goal for himself, Cancer will never go ahead towards it, he will achieve it, wait in the wings, make roundabout maneuvers around the desired object, and will constantly keep it under control. Despite their love for novelty, change, and travel, Cancers are strongly attached to home and their loved ones, especially their mother and children. Children are the most important thing for them great value. We can say that Cancer is a home family sign, the keeper of family traditions. He loves his home and nowhere feels calmer and more comfortable than in his native nest.

If a person of this sign does not receive normal intellectual development, he may develop such negative qualities as stinginess, immaturity, and deceit. Cancers' emotions often spill out: talking in a raised voice, quarrels, attacks of melancholy and even depression are commonplace. Increased sensitivity and vulnerability can over time develop into complexes or neuroses. Cancer tries his best to live up to the ideal, to be a strong personality, but at the same time he feels his vulnerability.

It is Cancer who can see the true nature of the world around him, its entire essence, and is the bearer of higher ideas, a great ascetic and creator. He lets all the dirt of the world pass through his soul, but at the same time maintains the purity of his soul. Therefore, when communicating with this person, you should pay attention not to the external manifestations of Cancer, but to his essence. If you manage to lure Cancer out of his shell, he will repay you with gold of the highest standard. After all, Cancer sometimes does not behave in the best way, not because he wishes harm to someone. At heart he is a kind, selfless person. The culprit is increased sensitivity. His receptive soul cannot withstand the cruelty of the world around him. Cancer can “break”, so he is forced to defend himself. If you can’t get Cancer to open up, you should treat him like a child.

Lion Portrait

Leos are born leaders and leaders. Control over everything and everyone is what most Leos strive for. Leos like to wear the purple robe and laurel wreath of a winner, a person of high position in society, and to share generously with others. There are Leos who do not want to rule over anyone. These are individualists who rule over themselves and their destiny; They do not impose their will on anyone, but they also do not allow themselves to be commanded. Any Leo will not tolerate dictatorship over himself. Even if he makes temporary concessions, he will gradually take a dominant position by any means.

Typically, Leos do not take active steps to achieve power; these functions were given to them initially. They are never upstarts and do not push others aside with their elbows. They are absolutely confident in their uniqueness, subconsciously strive to stand out, to show their “I”. They spread the sun's radiance around them and usually act through intermediaries, assistants. People themselves are drawn to Leo, as to the Sun and light.

Leos are distinguished by great physical and spiritual strength. They are capable of great deeds, even feats, they strive for great achievements, but they do not openly demonstrate their desire, as if they are embarrassed by it. According to Leo, if we are talking about a worthy cause, he can put everything on the line and go for broke. And fortune always smiles on him. When it seems that there is no way out, new horizons suddenly open up before him, helpers and allies appear “out of nowhere.” The most important thing in their life is their career; For the sake of their goal, they are ready to work to the limit of their strength. Family is also very important to them. Leo often perceives his home as another office. Most Leos are unusually talented, their creative potential is very great. It is also a sign of generosity, kindness and warmth. These qualities are fully manifested when Leo has managed to fully realize himself. Leos are sincere, trusting and honest, but at the same time they are subject to the influence of others and often find themselves in difficult situations. What strikes them most about people is betrayal. Leos themselves will never agree to betrayal.

In life, these people rely only on themselves, never ask for help from others (although they willingly provide it themselves), reject other people's advice, can make mistakes, but never regret the experience gained, but continue to stubbornly climb to the top and sooner or later conquer her. They love a good life, expensive high-quality things, pleasures and sports - physical activity helps them get rid of negative emotions and tension, recharge your batteries.

For the most part, people of this sign are friendly and cordial, their feelings are always deep and sincere, and can be chivalrously noble. A lion will never finish off a defeated enemy. Perhaps Leo's biggest flaw, which makes it difficult to benefit from all the advantages bestowed upon him, is vanity and pride. Leo is constant in everything, even in his delusions; he is stubborn, especially when pressured, he has zero percent humility. Leo's position is this: there are only two opinions - mine and the wrong one. By the way, if Leo begins to behave more democratically with people, treats them a little more tolerantly, they will automatically put him in first place. Developing humility is the most difficult test for Leo. However, he is “equipped” with enough intelligence and stubbornness to win this battle with himself.

Leo's food is the attention of others. He suffers greatly when he is not noticed. They are very susceptible to flattery, so they can be easily deceived. If Leo for some reason fails to realize his rich potential, he can fall into real depression and take a vicious path. Therefore, from the very early childhood The Leo child needs to be taught to manage his emotions and accustomed to work. Do not encourage him if he tries to humiliate his peers or is eager to prove that he is right solely with his fists.

Portrait of the Virgin

Virgo is a sign associated with work, service, duty; a sign of overcoming difficulties. That is why Virgos are always concerned about their health and do not forget to seek help from medicine. Representatives of this sign are ready to work tirelessly for a great goal. They always have this goal, and not a virtual, idealistic one, but a clear, real one. These people never build castles in the air; work is the meaning of their lives. Virgos hate idleness and never help those who do not want to work.

Virgo's motto: "I analyze." These are rationalists with well-developed logic. Their minds are sober, and they have few illusions both about life and about other people. Even when they are in love, they clearly see the shortcomings of their lovers and try to correct them with their best efforts. different ways. However, one should not think that these people are devoid of feelings and emotions and are guided only by logic. Virgos have feelings, but they rarely spill out. Even love for Virgos is first and foremost a duty. If someone really needs help, Virgo will readily meet them halfway and do everything in her power.

Virgo is considered an intellectual sign. These people strive for new knowledge. They perceive information perfectly and have an unsurpassed ability to remember factual material and organize it. This is why many Virgos receive the nickname “walking encyclopedia” from their friends and acquaintances. They always know everything and will give advice on any issue, and not randomly, but extremely reasonable and practical. When they are asked about something, it is as if a file is opening in their head, storing comprehensive information on a topic of interest to the interlocutor, and they do not calm down until they give out all the information in its entirety. Virgos seek knowledge in order to subjugate matter through the mind, this is their cosmic task.

People of this sign are the most thorough critics. But at the same time, they themselves are extremely proud and react painfully to any comments addressed to them. If you start criticizing Virgo, all your arguments will be harshly refuted, and you yourself will regret getting involved in the discussion. Pedantry, prudence, prudence and the ability to impose their opinions make people of this sign invulnerable to criticism. Virgos may lack intuition and creativity. They definitely need to touch everything, see it with their own eyes, and find it difficult to perceive abstract information. They subject the whole world to detailed analysis, however, being excellent analysts, they are not strong in synthesis. As a result, Virgo can get bogged down in trifles and “can’t see the forest for the trees.” Her everyday life is usually dominated by full order. Not the most pleasant traits of Virgos are coldness and emotional constraint. The highest level of Virgo is a person full of information, an erudite. But pedantry is characteristic of absolutely all representatives of this sign.

Portrait of Libra

Libra is a sign of connoisseurs of beauty, aesthetes who strive for the golden mean in everything. These are contradictory natures, and it is difficult for them to achieve complete harmony. Libras love people and hate crowds. They are kind and sociable, but at the same time they can remain depressed for a long time. Smart and naive at the same time. They are restless, active, but rarely in a hurry to get anywhere. They cannot stand rudeness, but they themselves can drop a harsh word in their hearts. It is worth noting that this behavior is only a mask hiding self-doubt. In reality, these people are good-natured, their rudeness is feigned and unreal.

The character of these people is woven from contradictions. Typical Libras are always fluctuating, balancing, rushing from one extreme to another. From the outside it seems that they are two completely different people. Sometimes Libras themselves become confused in their beliefs.

These people strive for stability, comfort, camaraderie, and partnership. However, they are selective in contacts, but always maintain relations with strongmen of the world this. Libras are not attracted to people with insufficient intelligence.

Libras thrive only in an environment of goodwill and approval. Disharmonious, stressful situations depress them and lead to illness. These people avoid conflicts, try to eliminate and divert negative energy from themselves. During heated discussions, in most cases they take the side of the winner. The highest level of Libra are talented diplomats. Among them there are also many politicians who know how to sit on two chairs at the same time or provoke two sides in order to benefit from this enmity. Despite their dislike of conflicts, Libra loves to argue, and about any reason. In disputes, they feel like fish in water, and the last word always remains with them.

Libras often face conflicting situations. Life confronts them with a choice that is very difficult for them to make. Libra's indecisiveness sometimes goes beyond all limits. In choise the right decision they hesitate for a very long time. They prefer to wait until the situation resolves itself. Libras can be greatly harmed by their coldness and aloofness. A lack of positive emotions and stiffness can have a very negative impact on their fate. The cosmic task of these people is to be sensitive and maintain balance. Disharmony and imbalance have the most negative effect on Libra. They simply need to understand the essence of phenomena and understand cause-and-effect relationships. Chaos deprives Libra of this ability, and they cannot find harmony.

Most Libras have a well-developed ability to concentrate to make the right decision. Usually these are very wise people, especially in everyday life. Their most serious drawback is their tendency to stereotypical thinking and adherence to principles from which they cannot deviate a single step.

Scorpio Portrait

Scorpio is the most complex, the most mysterious and the sexiest of all the signs. Psychologically, this is the most powerful sign: Scorpios are considered innate magicians. They have incredible intuition. They are truly capable of guessing the thoughts of others and can provoke their interlocutor to make frank statements. This is a sign of transformation, improvement, rebirth. Scorpio's whole life consists of ups and downs, and the lower he falls, the higher he rises.

This is a mocking and malicious person for whom there are no secrets in human nature. For him close person is an open book that Scorpio can read without much difficulty. Scorpios tend to strive for self-improvement, while showing strong will and emotions. But no one notices these emotions and experiences, all passions boil inside, these are secretive, withdrawn people.

These are people who are not afraid of anything, can endure the most difficult conditions and recover very quickly from any crisis. They despise weakness in themselves and in others and constantly fight against it. By nature, Scorpios are loners and cannot always find contact with others. These are very attractive, charismatic personalities - sociable, active, subtle diplomats who know how to manage the powerful energy that nature has endowed them with from birth, and to promote collective energy, to subordinate other people to their influence. Scorpios reach great heights in life.

Scorpios are constant in everything - in their views, in love, affections and dislikes. They can be powerful and even authoritarian, but sometimes they allow themselves to be manipulated. The hardest thing for Scorpio is to cope with their passions and internal contradictions. On the one hand, these people are strict (to themselves and others), suspicious, secretive, on the other hand, they strive for spiritual transformation and knowledge, they are persistent, decisive, fearless, and kind-hearted. This is probably why Scorpios are so attractive. They know how to make an impression and attract attention. Scorpios are witty, but their humor and irony can hurt and even hurt. This must be taken into account when communicating with people of this sign.

Despite his secrecy and distrust, sometimes Scorpio can be sincere and frank with those with whom he sympathizes. But his trust is very difficult to earn. That is why Scorpio's circle of friends is very limited and, as a rule, is formed in childhood.

It is important for representatives of this sign to learn to restrain their passionate impulses and outbursts of anger. It is very difficult for him to cope with himself and his temperament. He should organize and direct energy in a constructive direction and use it for creative purposes.

Portrait of Sagittarius

Sagittarians are passionate, cheerful and open people. They think positively and manage to remain optimistic in any circumstances, so fate is favorable to them. Many envy the successes of Sagittarius - from the outside it is not clear for what merits life rewards them so generously. The secret is that these people carefully plan their future successes. Sagittarius knows in advance where he will go and what he will do. He may give the impression of a disorganized person, but in fact he has a rigid structure and a clear life position. In addition, Sagittarius is quite principled and moderately conservative. He is used to acting wisely. And at the same time, his actions are often impulsive and thoughtless. Sagittarius can be advised to learn to wait and analyze their behavior.

Most representatives of this sign are sociable and frank. They are independent and strive to throw off any shackles - both external and internal. Sagittarius is not capable of deception. Intrigues and tricks are not for him, he is straightforward and open, so people who constantly deal with him should know this. Sagittarius is not characterized by tact and delicacy, although he considers himself a model of politeness and diplomacy. They are generous and generous, but they know how to stand up for themselves. They will not allow anyone to infringe on their rights or encroach on their property.

Sagittarians are always charming, and this most often has nothing to do with their appearance. The smile that flashes on the face of a Sagittarius lights up those around him. Natural charm helps him gain authority and occupy high positions, which are his main aspirations. Sagittarius really needs recognition; it is important for him that those around him admire him and listen to his opinion. And I must say, Sagittarians make excellent bosses. Leading and organizing is their calling.

People of this sign travel a lot. They need new experiences, they want to know everything, have time and try everything before their earthly journey ends. It is difficult for them to sit in one place. They love to collect libraries, engage in self-education, they are excellent teachers, lecturers, and religious figures. They are spiritually open, strive to spread their ideas to everyone, to teach people something. Showing their best qualities, these people become highly spiritual, they can devote themselves to religious activities, missionary work, and unselfishly preach spiritual knowledge.

If Sagittarius does not receive normal spiritual and intellectual development, he can turn into an authoritarian, arrogant person with a weakness for awards and honors. Such a person does not tolerate defeat or criticism.

The most difficult task for Sagittarius is the fight against their weaknesses and negative qualities. The main thing is that as a result of this struggle, it is not the animal, but the human principle that wins. After all, Sagittarius is a centaur: half animal (horse), half human.

Portrait of Capricorn

Capricorn is self-sufficient and independent. This is a contemplator who passes all events and phenomena through himself, evaluating and analyzing them. Until he feels them fully, carries them through his life experience, he will not accept them. He relies only on his own strength and does not tolerate interference in his life. Purposefulness is perhaps the deepest, most essential quality of Capricorn. He always sets a goal for himself, towards which he slowly moves, using his excellent tactical abilities and dexterity.

This person is never satisfied with the current state of things, he always strives for the heights. He has no shortage of ambition. He lives with a sense of high purpose and strives to convey it to people, to accomplish something special, to change the world. Capricorn moves steadily upward, no matter what, knows how to wait, endure, work hard and hard. Almost all Capricorns sooner or later find themselves in leadership positions. They respect reliability most of all, the equivalent of which for them is money. They treat money extremely carefully, never throw it away, and always have savings. Material security is one of the main goals of their life, and in most cases it is realized.

Among Capricorns there are many pessimists, secretive people who do not let anyone get close to them, as well as ascetics who know how to limit themselves in everything. But Capricorn's isolation is mainly due to extreme vulnerability. Despite their restraint in expressing emotions and their desire for loneliness, Capricorns need affection. Deep down, they suffer from forced isolation. The most terrible enemies of Capricorns are constant fears and pessimism. Perhaps without them, these people would achieve their desired goals twice as quickly.

Capricorn is the bearer of a high idea who knows how to bring it to life. For this he will sacrifice everything, limit himself, and carefully plan his actions. Finds a way out of any situation, is very calm, never loses his head, even if things are very bad. Many preachers, shepherds, prophets, and missionaries are born under this sign.

The worst qualities that can manifest themselves in Capricorns are irritability and even embitterment, constant painful doubts and indecision, and distrust of others. From early childhood, Capricorn should receive decent intellectual and spiritual development. He's going to have a hard time life path, and this requires not only knowledge and monetary savings, but also valuable personal qualities.

Portrait of Aquarius

Uranus was revered by the ancients as the god of Sky, Thunder and Lightning. Aquarius changes freely in life, makes decisions freely and acts without much hesitation. Uranus is the planet of freedom, spontaneity, providence. Independence and originality, friendship and camaraderie with everyone, eccentricity and stubbornness - these are the main traits of Aquarius. He believes that those around him do not understand him, is often offended, and can behave defiantly. To some extent he is right. Aquarius is the most incomprehensible sign of the entire zodiac, and the behavior of its representatives often alarms others. It is always unpredictable: these people act in their own way, based on their own experience. At the same time, they do not consider it necessary to share their conclusions and motives for their actions with others.

The life principle of Aquarius is absolute justice. He will defend it regardless of whose interests are infringed - his own or others'. These people like to express their opinion directly, but never impose it on others - they respect the individual. They cannot tolerate flattery, hypocrisy and lies, although they themselves are guilty of all this. They behave the same in any society and do not adapt to anyone.

Despite his extravagance, Aquarius is not a loner or a hermit. He loves his circle of acquaintances and friends, cannot live without communication and easily establishes contacts. But his affections are shallow, and Aquarius does not allow even the closest people into his soul; he is always somewhat aloof, his mind is cold and practical. Despite their external activity, Aquarians are internally isolated; they prefer the position of an observer and never get into the thick of things. Fighting is not part of the philosophy of Aquarius; it is not an aggressive sign. True, he will not give up his position, no matter what external pressure he experiences.

Aquarians have spontaneous outbursts of revelation, sometimes reaching the point of prophecy. These people can guess the thoughts of others and come up with ideas that are ahead of their time. This sign gives birth to the most geniuses. But the judgments of Aquarius change every now and then. Aquarius can easily throw away what he worshiped yesterday and express opposing points of view on the same issue. Aquarius may be hampered by the lack of clear principles, a free attitude towards morality and public opinion. However, much is forgiven for his charm.

Pisces Portrait

Pisces completes the zodiac circle. This is the mirror of all signs, the focus of their advantages and disadvantages. This is a redeeming sign; it is capable of taking on all the negativity, thereby purifying other people. This is the highest mission of Pisces. Sympathy, compassion and the ability to demonstrate the qualities of any sign, while some detachment from the world - these are the main qualities of Pisces. Pisces motto: “I feel, therefore I exist.” But there are others, the so-called lower Pisces. They are ambivalent, unreliable and can betray at any time. They promise a lot, but practically do nothing of what they promise. Everywhere and in everything they look for their own benefit and are extremely dishonest.

Fish always identify themselves with their surroundings; their behavior is determined by their habitat. They are highly susceptible to other people's influence. But for most Pisces this happens unconsciously. They think and feel like those with whom they communicate, without realizing it. They are easily carried away, they humbly accept all the blows of fate and do not try to resist it, they float with the flow, transforming along with the flow of water. Pisces are not known for their willpower; they need to learn to stand on their own two feet, to form an inner core in order to withstand the influence of others. A symbolic representation of this zodiac sign are two fish swimming in different directions. One fish is presented as alive, the other as dead. Such are the people of this sign. Live fish- this is harmony with God, sounding in unison with the Cosmos. Dead Fish is illusion, speculation on one's own weakness, opportunism and chaos. At their worst, Pisces are capable of demonstrating the most unpleasant human traits, but at the same time they are always tormented by remorse.

Pisces are wise, understand the suffering of others and are capable of self-sacrifice to help people. They are humane, compassionate and optimistic. But at the same time they are very vulnerable, experiencing other people’s pain as their own.

People of this sign are quite good psychologists, they are drawn to everything hidden, secret, they like to shroud their lives in a veil of riddles, they express themselves symbolically, they don’t say anything, and they fantasize a lot. Those around them cannot always understand them, so Pisces suffer a lot. They hate arguments, quarrels and scandals, but would rather tolerate evil and injustice than fight them. They love humor, are friendly, modest and calm - this attracts people to them and opens all doors for them. They strive for material well-being, but they rarely manage to get rich on their own; Pisces usually look for a quiet haven, where they remain in peace and prosperity for the rest of their lives.

They perceive the world intuitively, they know how to see beauty and harmony, but this trait of theirs often makes them vulnerable. No matter how cruelly life teaches them, they rarely draw conclusions, preferring to lie at the bottom and admire the beauties of the underwater kingdom.

The task of Pisces is to bring Divine Love into the world through itself, to have compassion for others and to help them develop spiritually. Almost all Pisces are creative people. Among them there are many musicians, artists, writers, performers, psychologists, and mystics.

Medical Astrology has its own approach to the nature of various mental illnesses. Initially, Astrologers drew attention to this problem by studying the natal charts of patients who committed suicide. Subsequently, the birth horoscope began to be used to identify the causes of anomalies in behavior and thinking, taking into account, of course, social criteria.

In connection with the prevailing planetary pattern for the 12 Zodiac Signs, you can illustrate the following types of mental disorders noted by Astro-Psychologists, and for one thing, you can become the best psychotherapist for yourself, having timely analyzed the reasons for the possible development of pathologies touched upon in this astrological material.

Astro psychology: horoscope Aries

The influence of Mars, as the main planet in the Aries horoscope, more often provokes thoughts of struggle and a high level of conflict. If Mars in the horoscope of Aries is very pronounced, then the person is susceptible to neuroses, hysterical states and fever. Neurasthenic tendencies cause headaches and persistent sleep disturbances.

As for depressive conditions, Aries is one of the few Signs that is able to avoid the development of depression on their own; to do this, it is enough to properly organize the daily routine, sleep and rest.

Astro psychology: horoscope Taurus

Venus, related to Taurus, can make a person indifferent, uninterested, he seems to be in blissful inaction. As a result of stress and any other traumatic situation, Taurus does not try to resist, he “drives” them inside himself, he is not one of those who stomp his feet and “tear out his hair”...

Not having much faith in themselves, Taurus needs constant encouragement. If this does not happen, then he becomes passive, indifferent, callous and even cynical, but if he receives support, he feels great, and reliable partners, spouses and friends can receive his impeccable devotion in return.

Astro psychology: horoscope Gemini

Mercury in Gemini often causes nervous exhaustion, sudden mood swings, from activity to extreme depression, and a tendency to unexpectedly change decisions. If in the life of a Gemini too much time and energy is devoted to work, an interesting hobby or interest, then this negatively affects overall well-being; the person seems to “burn out”, not being able to properly distribute and replenish his energy.

For a pronounced “Mercurian”, a schizoid personality type is more typical, and the main reason for fear is the threat of violation of one’s own personal space. For example, fear of intimacy and trust in relationships, of openness of feelings. Periodically, an unbridled desire for change and freedom sets in, a thirst for something new, original and even risky. Such people are afraid of boredom, all sorts of restrictions, traditions and order.

Astro psychology: horoscope Cancer

The Moon, which has the greatest influence on Cancers, can cause bitter experiences, fears, anxieties, feelings of loneliness, abandonment or loss. But the unrest and torment caused by unsuccessful interpersonal relationships are especially painful. Cancer should take a more careful approach to establishing contacts with the opposite sex, building a family and career guidance.

Neurotic disorders of Cancer include depression, the main symptoms of which are a pessimistic perception of life, sadness and reluctance to change anything.

Astro psychology: horoscope Leo

The Sun gives Leo a great sense of individuality, causing a tendency to command and dictatorial tendencies. However, among other representatives of the Zodiac Signs, suicidal Leos are more common, apparently due to the fact that they are much more worried about the fact that not all life ambitions can be satisfied.

Among those born during the Leo period, there are such mercantile people, the acquisition of material wealth is the main goal of their life. Because of the love of money and power, they can go over their heads. The fact is that Leos, by their nature, are not able to lead a miserable life, and therefore sometimes go to any extremes in order to acquire wealth. However, the loss of a sense of proportion and conscience makes one lose friends, lovers, profitable partners, suffer the collapse of an enterprise, etc. All this can serve as an additional incentive for the development of severe depression and leads to a psychological dead end.

Astro psychology: horoscope Virgo

The Virgo mind is more in need of order and discipline, but forms mental isolation from the world. They want everything to be according to their taste and desire, but they do not know how to insist on this, they do not act with brute force, but prefer to deal only with the weaker. If their environment consists of more strong people, then Virgos experience depression and complexes.

Among Virgos there is the largest number of unmarried ladies who find it difficult to find a partner who meets their standards. For example, a manic desire for cleanliness, pickiness, and a desire to constantly criticize can alienate a potential life partner.
Well, fear of diseases is quite common, especially among neurasthenic Virgos. Hence exotic diets, uncontrolled intake medicines, running around to doctors in the absence of any signs of illness.

Astro psychology: horoscope Libra

Libra has a rather fragile psyche. Neurosis obsessive states- Libras, who are unsteady in their intentions and actions, are susceptible to such a mental disorder. They constantly hesitate in making decisions and are very dependent on the opinions of outsiders.

Libra’s desire for beauty and comfort can also serve as a “bad service”, for example, aversion to everything ugly, disharmonious, as well as a separate group of obsessive fears: fear of seeing insects, spiders, rodents, fear of dirt, infection, etc.

Astro psychology: horoscope Scorpio

Pluto is the planet of Scorpio, and its energy is reflected mainly in sexual behavior. We are talking about sexual disorders - sexual mania, nymphomania, promiscuity.
According to astro-psychologists, Pluto in conjunction with Uranus gives fetishization of sexual objects, and Pluto in conjunction with Neptune provokes sexual perversions.

There are also types of phobias in which Scorpio becomes more fussy, active, and sociable, but at the same time is driven by some kind of subconscious fear of a threat that cannot actually happen. Thus, he perceives any careless word addressed to himself or criticism as a serious insult and attack. This type of phobia leads to instant aggressive actions by Scorpio, which is a form of defense.

Astro psychology: horoscope Sagittarius

Jupiter, having a direct influence on Sagittarius, causes various manias: for example, delusions of grandeur or persecution. At the same time, a person periodically experiences a state of enlightenment, as if he realizes something very important.

Since Jupiter is a social planet, such mental disorders manifest themselves - in a team, when Sagittarius is not able to listen and understand the aspirations of friends, colleagues and partners, as if he was single-handedly chosen by fate for certain matters, is intolerant of other people’s opinions, enemies seem to him everywhere, plotting their evil plans.

Astro psychology: horoscope Capricorn

Saturn, predominant in Capricorn, often plunges into depression, causing gloomy thoughts about illness and death. In general, the astrological characteristic of Capricorn gave rise to a new adjective “Saturn”, that is, “gloomy, gloomy, leaden”. In fact, such a person is constantly moping, falling into melancholy.

Especially in childhood and adolescence Many Capricorns experience periods of deep depression, feeling useless, inferior, and isolated.
In adulthood, a predisposition to pathological conditions persists, especially if a person exhausts himself with many years of work, self-discipline, does not know how to relax and rarely allows himself to enjoy earthly joys.

Astro psychology: horoscope Aquarius

Strong Uranus in natal horoscopes any representatives (and not just Aquarius), is a factor in behavioral disorders, changeability, hysteria and inappropriate eccentric behavior. In conjunction with the Moon it gives extreme instability of the nervous system (epileptics usually have a conjunction of the Moon and Uranus).

Increased activity, lack of sleep and prolonged stress in Aquarius can lead to unexpected disorders, mostly related to physical health: neuralgic pain throughout the body, restless dreams (nightmares), cramps, especially in the calf area.

Astro psychology: horoscope Pisces

Psychological characteristics of Pisces include everyday excessive excitement and anxiety, vulnerability, psychological vulnerability, etc. Neptune, as the main planet of Pisces, provokes the widest range of nervous and mental disorders: neurasthenia, neurosis, psychopathy, dramatization of events, hysteria.

Neptune can also push one to commit a base and cruel act, but in this case the evil turns against oneself. In particular, Pisces, having experienced the bitterness of deception and disappointment as a result of relationships with others, become irritable, sarcastic, bilious and caustic, and are more often at risk of falling into alcoholic or drug addiction.

© Astro-psychology: horoscope of fears and mental disorders belongs . Copying prohibited

Why, contrary to common sense, do millions of people around the world continue to place their hopes in astrology, as their illiterate, semi-wild ancestors did thousands of years ago? Probably not because horoscopes are capable of fully and exhaustively predicting future events. But what they predict actually comes true in some inexplicable way. However, if you look at it, it’s quite understandable.

Each of us knows what popular astrological interpretations and schemes exist. Today, almost every newspaper contains an astrological section. We open one of the latest newspapers at random and read, for example, the advice given to those born under the constellation Cancer: “Avoid controversial topics. An older, more experienced person will give you helpful advice" For those born under the constellation Capricorn, it is predicted: “Avoid unrestrained and irritable people, as communicating with them can bring great grief. A phone call will bring unexpected news from an old acquaintance.” Magically, both predictions tell the truth, but at the same time each, to a greater or lesser extent, applies to the other person! Cancer may receive a phone call from former classmate or a former colleague, and Capricorn - to receive practical advice from an elderly friend or relative (it is no secret that advice is the favorite hobby of old people; probably, they love to give good advice so much because they can no longer serve as a bad example). Other recommendations (avoid controversial topics and contentious people) are so general and contain so much simple common sense that their value is very small.

American psychologists R. Solso, H. Johnson and K. Beal conducted a small experiment with their students studying experimental psychology. Students were given “their” horoscopes three times a week, and after two weeks they were asked to evaluate the reliability of the predictions received. Most students rated the predictions as more accurate than inaccurate. The peculiarity of the experiment was that only half of the group received the “correct” horoscopes, and half received horoscopes that did not correspond to their date of birth, that is, they received horoscopes compiled for other people. However, no differences were found in the determination of predictive value by both groups. People willingly accepted any version of the forecast on faith.

As time goes on, the predictions seem to come true more and more. Freud drew attention to this feature of memory: it is human nature to remember positive statements about oneself and one’s future and forget negative ones. It is also important that the services of an astrologer are usually quite expensive. Having paid for a personal consultation or for a magazine dedicated to horoscopes, you subconsciously do not want to admit that you wasted your money.

And there is another effect known to psychologists as “self-confirming prophecy.” Horoscopes have a certain influence on the people for whom they are compiled. So, having read that your zodiac sign is characterized by special honesty, you will try not to lose face and maintain the reputation of your constellation.

One way or another, any attempt to create a psychological portrait of a person based on zodiac affiliation risks being far from the truth. Even in ancient times, the famous orator Cicero, in a polemic with astrologers, pointed out an obvious fact: people born at the same moment have very different characters, not to mention their destinies.

Only one thing can be judged with certainty. If someone is indifferent or ironic about astrology, then we are probably looking at a sober, sensible person, not subject to illusions, not inclined to give in to suggestion, quite strong and self-confident.

Does all of the above mean that astrological interpretations and forecasts are completely devoid of any meaning and are in no way connected with a person’s worldview and his destiny? Let's not rush to give a categorical answer. For some dependence has nevertheless been established, although it, too, is rather in the nature of prejudice. As stated by the French magazine Science E Vi, which published a study by scientists from the University of California, superstitious people's knowledge of their horoscope can significantly affect their health and even shorten their life. Californian psychologists studied a large sample of Chinese Americans. Many of them completely assimilated in their new homeland and moved away from Eastern traditions. Others, on the contrary, retained adherence to many of the beliefs of their ancestors, in particular, faith in eastern astrology. In Chinese astrology, a series of years is divided into cycles, in each cycle each year passes under the sign of one of the natural elements - fire, water, earth, metal and wood. The same elements are “responsible” for the functioning of certain organs of the human body and determine the diseases of these organs. Thus, fire in Chinese astrology is associated with the heart. Therefore, it is believed that a person born in the year of fire will be susceptible to cardiovascular diseases and, most likely, will die from them, and precisely in the year of fire. If a person sincerely believes such a forecast, then it can also turn into a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” After all, the path from self-hypnosis to illness is short. The scientists' analysis showed that people who firmly believe in horoscopes in the sample they surveyed live on average five years less than those who are skeptical about astrology.

However, one cannot deny the fact that certain differences due to the date of birth (whether or not to link it with the zodiac sign is a matter of taste) still exist. Psychologists largely accept that factors such as the influence solar activity on the embryo, as well as the time of conception (winter, spring, summer, autumn - which is associated with the nutrition of the mother and her unborn child) can determine some psychological characteristics of a person. For example, the following hypothesis is put forward. After the modern climate was established on Earth, all animal world planet from generation to generation has adapted to a stable “love schedule”. Of the offspring born at different times of the year, only those cubs that were born at the end of one winter and managed to get stronger before the onset of the next survived in the middle latitudes. Accordingly, animals are “accustomed” to feeling the surge of love energy precisely when conception guarantees spring childbearing.

There is a scientific theory that people in those days fell in love only in May, in order to give birth to children nine months later, at the end of winter - in February. Indirect confirmation of this theory can be recognized by the obvious love activity of humanity in the spring and the sharp rise in rape statistics during this period. Over time, man created an artificial environment- houses, clothes, - and more and more children, conceived not in May, survived safely. So gradually, in the comfort of their homes, the honeymoon in May stretched into a honey year. And children began to appear not only in February, but also at any other time of the year. Along with humans, some domestic animals, such as cats and dogs, also began to “make love at all times.”

According to the same theory, February babies should outperform everyone else in all biological indicators - their genetic well-being was “paid for” by thousands of generations of ancestors. This was confirmed by the research of Russian scientist Evgeny Vinogradov. He processed the demographic statistics of ten European countries and brought out a graph of the birth rate of talents. The result is unambiguous - in terms of the number of geniuses of all times and peoples, February is the undisputed leader. Doubters can carry out a simple, albeit tedious experiment: study the “Big Soviet Encyclopedia" Most of the outstanding personalities mentioned in the TSB were born in February.

And the American professor D. Fickling was not too lazy to analyze the biographical data of tens of thousands of people mentioned in modern encyclopedias. He set the task to establish average duration life depending on the date of birth, that is, on belonging to a certain zodiac sign. It is clear that the calculations used only data from those who died of natural causes. Based on meticulous calculations, Fickling compiled the following table of life expectancy for men and women depending on their zodiac affiliation.

  • Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) - men - 77.5, women - 80 years.
  • Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) - 71.5 and 71.5, respectively.
  • Pisces (February 20 - March 20) - 71 and 75.
  • Aries (March 21 - April 20) - 79 and 78.
  • Taurus (April 21 - May 21) - 81.5 and 79.5.
  • Gemini (May 22 - June 21) - 78 and 81.5.
  • Cancer (June 22 - July 23) - 68 and 73.
  • Leo (July 24 - August 23) - 74 and 74.5.
  • Virgo (August 24 - September 23) - 76.5 and 80.5.
  • Libra (September 24 - October 23) - 73 and 77.
  • Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) - 68.5 and 72.5.
  • Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) - 62 and 63.5.

The revealed dependence is difficult to impartially assess, but statistical facts are stubborn things. However, Professor Fickling’s research is indirectly related to psychology. Purely psychological parallels, which, it turns out, have also been identified are a different matter.

In 1978 in the Journal social psychology"an article was published by D. Mayo, O. White and G. Eysenck, in which the authors suggested that there is a connection between two main personality characteristics measured using a test by the English psychologist G. Eysenck: extraversion-introversion, instability-stability - and zodiac the month in which the person was born.

The first characteristic divides people into extroverts (“outward facing”) and introverts (“inward facing”). Extroverts require constant stimulation from external environment, they are sociable, strive for new experiences, are prone to risk, love change, and are ready for quick reactions. They are characterized by relaxed behavior, optimism, cheerfulness, as well as short temper, some aggressiveness, and superficiality in their perception of people and phenomena.

Introverts, on the contrary, draw stimuli for vital activity from within and live in their rich inner world. They are withdrawn, uncommunicative, slow, serious, reserved, love order, prone to introspection, have devoted friendships, but with few, and avoid noisy companies.

The second characteristic divides people into anxious (unstable), that is, hypersensitive to failures and mistakes, prone to self-blame, constantly striving for improvement, and emotionally stable, that is, balanced, stress-resistant.

English psychologists have discovered the following dependencies: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are predominantly extroverts, and Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are introverts. At the same time, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are more emotional than other zodiac signs.

Domestic psychologists also tried to identify the dependence of the severity of personality traits on the zodiac month of birth. According to psychologist V.N. Druzhinin, women born under the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius are more extroverts than those born in other months, and Leo and Capricorn are more introverts. Aquarius men, unlike women of this sign, are introverts. As for the second personal characteristic, women born in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio are more likely to be characterized by emotional stability, while Aries, Cancer, Libra are characterized by anxiety. Men Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus are distinguished by their balance and resistance to stress. In addition, both men and women - Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, as a rule, have high intelligence and self-control; they rarely give up in difficult situations.

Perhaps new research will reveal to us other, no less interesting points of contact between psychological and astrological knowledge about a person. In the meantime, let's be careful in our judgments on this matter.

Psychology has the smallest share in creating a complete portrait of a person. A fairly large number of people do not activate their psychology at all, preferring to highlight and develop completely different qualities in themselves. Sometimes a person’s psychological qualities go to the level of pure physiology, without affecting his mental activity. But even if psychology manifests itself quite strongly, it is, as a rule, masked, and it is masked according to the principle of complementarity. That is, masculine signs try to look gentle and demonstratively show sentimentality. Gentle signs tend to look quite stern and courageous. Dreamers want to appear active and skilled, while an active person wants to appear to those around him as abstract and not of this world. So, even having unraveled human psychology, it should be considered an intimate and carefully hidden matter. Perhaps it is precisely because of the intimacy of psychological qualities that the so-called classical science has not discovered analogues of these qualities.

Human psychology provides answers to two main questions. The first question: how to behave at the everyday level, that is, to express yourself in the simplest and most natural conditions for a person? Thus, in terms of psychology, a person is not so far removed from the status of an animal. Second question and second answer: what are the physiological characteristics of a person?

Earth signs(Monkey, Rooster, Dog). They need to discover in themselves a craving for action and a love for the objective world, for the purpose of earthly signs is to breathe soul into dead matter. How to do this for those who have everything falling out of their hands or have no desire to work? It’s worth mastering some craft, thank God, the range is huge - from carpentry or painting to jewelry, watchmaking or film making.

Down-to-earth signs do not always look businesslike and collected; sometimes they even want to portray laziness and daydreaming. This, as they say, is the other side of the coin.

Rough marks(Boar, Rat, Ox). You must be hardened, persistent, thick-skinned and have a strong immune system. You shouldn’t feel too sorry for others, and you certainly shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself. This version of psychology seems to have been created in advance for difficult situations, for all types of discomfort, be it camp life, a communal apartment or a barracks.

The main program of the signs is easy to read - to excite people, wake them up from mental sleep, tear them away from excessive effeminacy, restore their tone. For a person, from a too comfortable life and too tender food, becomes weak and loses vitality.

Internal rigidity is masked by manifestations of ostentatious sentimentality, the desire and ability to cry intensely, to feel sorry for some cat or bird. For a rough soul such gestures are always comforting.

Takeoff signs(Tiger, Cat, Dragon). Dreaminess, thoughtfulness, an inaudible, soft gait, a kind of weightlessness, plus a certain disgust and cleanliness, in a word, all in contrast to earthly signs.

The super task is the materialization of sensory ideas. Something like lying on the sofa and controlling the movement of matter. At a primitive level, this could be a begged cup of coffee in bed; at the level of real magic, it could be hypnotic orders or controlling the public mood. But the main thing is that, ultimately, matter fulfills what the spirit desires.

The ballet phenomenon of take-off signs requires careful and detailed consideration. Rudolf Nureyev, Vaslav Nijinsky (Tigers), Ekaterina Maksimova (Cat) and Vladimir Vasiliev (Dragon), Anastasia Volochkova (Dragon) and Nikolai Tsiskaridze (Tiger). The list could go on for a very long time. The take-off signs in poetry have had phenomenal success. We have Alexander Blok, Afanasy Fet, Marina Tsvetaeva, Joseph Brodsky (all Dragons), Vasily Zhukovsky, Osip Mandelstam (both Cats), Boris Pasternak (Tiger).

Tender signs(Snake, Horse, Goat). This requires developing sensitivity in yourself in every sense. Distinguish the subtlest shades of taste, smell, color. In the same way, you need to feel the subtlest emotions, your own and others. You must always sympathize with yourself, but also be able to empathize with everyone else, trying in any situation to feel someone else’s pain as your own.

Of course, with such a psychology, the highest demands are placed on comfort, and the food must be especially delicate. It is very important to live in an environment of general goodwill. Hence the minimum contacts with callous people.

The subtlety of nature can be useful in many areas, but there is one where sensitivity is almost irreplaceable - this is humanistic literature. Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Gustave Flaubert (all - Snakes), Miguel Cervantes, Alexander Pushkin, Honoré de Balzac, Jonathan Swift, Franz Kafka, Marcel Proust (all - Goats), Ivan Bunin, Isaac Babel, Jerome Sellenger , Alexander Kuprin, James Joyce (all - Horses). This list can go on and on. In fact, the other nine signs do not have a chance to understand a person’s soul, they cannot regret as much as gentle signs do.

For camouflage - the desire to look cool, speak in a rough, harsh voice, and, of course, be embarrassed about your tears, which are always very close to your eyes. I really want to hide my defenselessness, not to give way to a kind and gentle heart.