The meaning of the name Capitolina: fate and character. Meaning of the name capitolina capa full name

The female name Capitolina comes from the name of one of the seven hills on which Rome is located - Capitol. The Capitol has long been considered the most famous and honorable of the districts of Rome, therefore the importance female name Capitolina was deciphered as “sublime”, “royal”. In Russia it is not widespread, however, it can occur among the older generation of residents of our country.

Characteristics of the name Capitolina

By character, Capitolina is a balanced, thorough and purposeful woman. As a rule, she does not know how to enjoy life, takes everything that happens to her too seriously and darkens her own existence. This approach to life is observed in her even in childhood, when this restrained girl, instead of cooing with her mother and braiding her friends’ hair, shows unprecedented seriousness, sits over books, and if she plays with children, she sets them up for such strict rules and is so zealous she defends them that her peers begin to shun her. In her character, the adult Capitolina is more like a strong-willed, proud and determined man, but she also has some feminine traits, such as caution, intuition, and the desire to appear better than others. In general, the desire to be in the spotlight haunts many Capitolina, so they do not stop in the face of difficulties, set high goals for themselves and revel in the glory when they achieve them. When communicating with people, the owner of this name is quite tolerant and sincere, which makes her a good friend.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Capitolina is most suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Capricorn, that is, from December 22 to January 20. Capricorn, who is very hardworking and strives for success, is in many ways similar to Capitolina, who will be endowed with perseverance, modesty, sobriety of thought, prudence, frugality and a great desire to achieve the recognition and respect of people.

Pros and cons of the name Capitolina

What pros and cons can be noted in the decision to name the child Capitolina? It’s worth noting right away that this name is quite ambiguous, because its sound, although interesting from the point of view of rarity, has some kind of Soviet touch that makes it not very attractive. In principle, it goes quite well with Russian surnames and patronymics and even has several good abbreviations and diminutive variants (for example, Kapa, ​​Kapochka, Lina), but the character of Capitolina greatly complicates the overall impression of this name.


Capitolina’s health cannot be called the strongest, since she is susceptible to colds and does not protect her nerves.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships the owner of this name happens several times, but always out of great love. She is a pretty good housewife, an excellent cook, takes a responsible approach to raising children, but often treats her family responsibilities too serious.

Professional area

In professional relationships, Capitolina demonstrates a logical mind and other qualities that make her a good leader. She can become the owner of a store, cafe, restaurant, beauty salon, and even the head of a large enterprise.

Name day


Meaning: The name Capitolina is of Latin/Ancient Roman origin. It is believed that it came from the name of the famous Roman hill, one of the seven existing. Capitol - the first girl named in this way was named in his honor. Translated from the language Ancient Rome means "exalted" and "royal".

The female name Capitolina is rarely found in modern world, but is still listed among the most beautiful and rare names. It promises a newborn a lot good qualities, an interesting future, and excellent symbolism, compatible with all horoscopes...

Popularity: The name Capitolina is considered rare and occurs only in 2-3 girls out of 5-6 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Capa, Kapochka

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Capitolina, or rather its energy, can endow the bearer with a very difficult character, which in the future may change beyond recognition. This can be a very talented, cheerful and optimistic girl in childhood, and a very gloomy and serious lady in adulthood, or maybe vice versa. Although in most cases everything happens as described below...

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of all women bearing the name Capitolina is their ability to keep up the pace in life and manage to do everything, everywhere, despite any obstacles.

Capitolina has a bad attitude towards people who are inactive, too calm, lazy and have no specific goals.

Interesting thing about the name Capitolina: In Ancient Rome this name was very popular, but initially it sounded a little different.

Character of the name Capitolina

The character of the name Capitolina gives its owner a terribly interesting, strong, but somewhat reserved character. Over the course of his life, such characteristics as thoroughness, balance and purposefulness, secrecy, patience, rigor, and a good sense of humor gradually appear in him.

When communicating with her peers, Capitolina feels confident; she likes to independently define the rules of a particular game. She behaves quite gently and patiently towards her friends. Capitolina is friends with many childhood friends and adult life. The adult Capa still remains a leader in the company of comrades and friends, but her certain detachment and restraint do not allow her to become the real soul of the team. But she is truly a very devoted, reliable and selfless friend.

Logical thinking, determination, building a clear sequence of actions can help Kapa achieve heights in labor activity. If she wants, she will become an excellent leader, but her excessive straightforwardness and seriousness hinder her a little in this. Also, professions related to society and direct interaction with people are ideal for her, for example, a teacher, doctor or social worker. Capitolina also has good chances for self-realization in creative professions.

Early childhood

Astrologers agree that together, the origin and meaning of the female name Capitolina promise the named girl a difficult character. Since childhood, she has been a true fidget, constantly running and jumping, cannot sit still and tries to be on the move.

At the same time, she does not need communication - she easily copes with loneliness and does not get bored. Naughty and spoiled, she causes a lot of trouble for her parents, but she is kind by nature and dependent on parental love - a loving and caring daughter, attached to all relatives without exception.

And the most important thing is that Capa will try to be the most effective girl throughout her childhood. She will not have a minute of free time, he will always be busy with something, passionate about something.


IN adolescence the very essence of Capitolina can change, as well as her character, because not only the energy of the name, but also her upbringing can have an impact here.

As a teenager, this girl becomes less spoiled, but she still lacks discipline and concentration. She studies well, copes well with the humanities and exact sciences, and is a capable student. There is every chance of achieving success in any chosen craft, but preference will be given to sports and anything that involves fun, movement, and communication. Concentrates only on what helps release more energy.

The teenager Capitolina is also very sociable and sociable, and tries to rally everyone around her. She will not tolerate anyone being rejected in society; she will try to get even the most withdrawn and secretive person to talk.

Adult woman

As she grows up, she will begin to acquire the ability to focus attention on what is important and behave calmly. He has a good sense of humor and a gift for diplomacy, easily adapts to any society and does not suffer from a lack of attention. Her disadvantage is that she does not understand people and often judges them superficially, idealizing them. But he forgives any misdeeds and mistakes; he cannot forgive only betrayal and deception.

Of course, it is difficult to say for sure whether Capa will become a leader, manager, or simply a successful specialist in any field, but we can definitely say that she will strive for self-improvement.

As an adult woman, she will become a clear leader, will be able to master leadership qualities and learn to manipulate everyone around her. She is active, creatively developed and has many hobbies, does not depend on material “joys”, but strives for stability in the financial sense.

The interaction of the character of Capitolina with the seasons

Spring - a girl named Capitolina, born under the auspices of the spring months, is emotional and hot-tempered, never gives in to difficulties and always achieves her goals. She is stubborn and assertive, hardworking, but does not like to be criticized and taught - all this promises meaning. She is overly proud, even selfish, but she has the gift of attraction - people love and respect her.

Leto is a lady of summer origin, she is an egoist like no other, she thinks only about herself, loves herself and no one else, and needs a strong partner, one who can control her. Infantile, reckless, undisciplined, frivolous and unnecessary. It is unlikely that he will achieve success in his career. But she is charming - she easily manipulates those around her with the help of charm, she is self-interested and is always looking for benefits.

Autumn – patronizing autumn months a girl usually grows up to be a dreamy and weak-willed person, distrustful and romantic. She is looking for great true love, trust, care and attention, she is still too sentimental. He doesn’t understand people, but he tries to surround himself with a lot of friends. Stubborn and principled, uncompromising.

Winter - this lady will become honest, open, sincere, decent, but also demanding. She demands a lot from her environment and herself, she is an idealist by nature. Ready to communicate ad infinitum, looking for more friends, finding them easily mutual language and does not resist unbridled and unpredictable fun. Her everyday goal is to find a devoted, strong and persistent gentleman with whom she can create a strong family.

The fate of the name Capitolina

The fate of the name Capitolina in family and love relationships With the male half of humanity, things are downright ambiguous. Most Capitolins have a rather strong and firm character, similar to a man’s. Unfortunately, not every mouthguard will be able to acquire happy family, since it is very difficult for each of them to reveal their truly tender and fragile soul. It is interesting that, having a somewhat rude character, Capa is so uptight and shy with men, and besides, she prefers to be a follower rather than a leader in her relationship with her husband.

Next to a weak-willed and too soft man, Capitolina will quickly get bored and tired of carrying the whole family on herself, so her husband is not like that. Capa's husband is a brave, strong and powerful man who knows how to deal with such characteristic and somewhat secretive ladies. He should behave quite restrained, but not rudely. Surrounding Capa with the maximum amount of love, he helps her show her subtle and passionate nature.

But the owners of the name Capitolina, who managed to become happy wives, will be devoted, caring, and very patient life partners. They will be able to surround their loved ones with comfort, a pleasant atmosphere and a not boring life. They are skillful and careful housewives who also cook incredibly delicious food.

Love and marriage

By nature, Capitolina has simply wonderful external characteristics; she creates the impression of not only a beautiful, but also a successful, wealthy and self-confident lady. It goes without saying that she has a huge fan following. However, Capa slowly, very carefully, demandingly and diligently chooses the best and most suitable candidate for his hand and heart. Such prudence does not prevent her from being a very amorous and jealous girl, so it is important for her chosen one to be a model of impeccable devotion.

Despite his a strong character Capitolina is a very shy and reserved lady, but she has a subtle feminine intuition that helps her skillfully build relationships with the opposite sex. She will agree to become the wife of only a very worthy and loving man. In addition, she herself must love him with all her heart. Only under the condition of strong and mutual feelings will Capitolina be able to become a loving and very caring wife. True, sometimes Capa will still give vent to emotions, but very quickly he will be able to restore harmony and peace in his relationship with his beloved spouse.

Capitolina is simply an excellent hostess and simply a wonderful cook; she loves to receive guests, showing everyone her cordiality and hospitality.

Capitolina as Mother

Capitolina plans her motherhood well in advance so that she can confidently call her children long-awaited. As a rule, those named Capitolina perform very well as mothers. For some of them, motherhood generally becomes the only meaning of life if their family happiness has not worked out.

Kapotolina is a strong-willed person, her shyness and isolation do not carry over into her relationships with children. She loves her kids very much and demonstrates this in every possible way. They never lack attention from their mother, despite the fact that she devotes quite a lot of time to work. She carefully monitors the development of her children and attaches special importance to organizing their rest. Capa instills in them the desire to lead, like her, an active lifestyle and pay attention to sports.

She is strict in the educational process, but will never make an inappropriate remark. Capitolina carefully monitors their academic achievements. It is very important for her to instill hard work and a sense of responsibility in children. It allows children to choose their own professional path based on their talents and capabilities.

Horoscope named after Capitolinus


Aries - born under the auspices of Aries with the name Capitolina, she is emotional and hot-tempered, selfish and restless, hardworking and efficient, always moving forward and not giving up in the face of difficulties. It’s never boring with someone like that, but it’s also not easy to communicate with her, she’s too intrusive.


Taurus - this zodiac sign promises a girl named Capitolina an optimistic attitude, a love of fun and entertainment, perseverance and perseverance. She does not accept criticism and is ready to enter into conflict with a person who proves to her that she is right. She has inflated self-esteem and is overly self-confident.


Gemini - the bearer of the name Capitolina is charming, cheerful, active, freedom-loving in character, and loves adventure. She adapts easily to any environment, but is too intrusive and wants to please everyone, which leads to falsehood, deception, and irritation on the part of the people around her, who gradually become disillusioned with her.


Cancer - this zodiac endows those born under it with immaturity, laziness, anxiety and imbalance. She is timid and does not take responsibility for anything, prefers to remain in the shadows and follow someone else's instructions, not serious and not independent. Needs a strong partner.

a lion

Leo - and here the origin of the sign and the name itself bestows such traits as selfishness, pride, self-confidence, self-interest and prudence. She often becomes aggressive and cruel, and will easily go over her head in order to achieve her own goal. You can’t share your problems with someone like that; she can use them for her own good.


Virgo is planned, calculating, smart and thoughtful. He does not commit rash acts and goes to the end in any matter. She is compatible with all signs and men, but she is not easy to endure - she is boring and boring, does not know how to have fun, always follows a plan and hates unpredictability.


Libra - born under this sign and with the name Capitolina, is romantic and dreamy, has her head in the clouds and rejoices at any minor event in life. An idealist and looking for the perfect soul mate. She will become a responsible and caring wife, an attentive mother.


Scorpio - here the meaning bestows impulsiveness and stubbornness, perseverance and self-confidence, self-sufficiency and rudeness. It’s not easy to get along with her - she always imposes her opinion, doesn’t like being reproached for something, can’t stand criticism and loves power. Only a weak-willed man can stand it.


Sagittarius - and here, who received the name Capitolina, is vulnerable, sentimental, weak, sociable, trusting and open, but often turns out to be deceived due to the inability to distinguish between good and evil. But in relationships she is ideal - she will never betray or deceive, she will always support, listen, and help. I am ready to change for the sake of my loved one.


Capricorn is open and honest, decent and attentive, respects the strong and honest, purposeful and persistent. She is looking for a worthy husband, one who respects her opinion and always gets his way. Needs understanding and respect, wants to feel needed.


Aquarius is affable, friendly, good-natured and benevolent, values ​​​​all her surroundings and is not capable of betrayal. It will not be difficult for her to adapt to any situation and find a common language with even the most uncommunicative person. He knows how to listen, empathize, and understand.


Pisces - this person has good compatibility with all signs without exception, but a cheerful person and an adrenaline lover will not stand her for long, because she is too predictable and boring in character. Loves solitude and quiet time. She will become an excellent wife and housewife, compliant and flexible.

Compatibility with male names

The greatest chances for sincere love and real feelings in case of reunion with guys with names such as Alfred, Gordey, Dmitry, Makar, Egor, Boris and Trofim.

In terms of reliability and seriousness, as well as the duration of marriage, ideal compatibility with such as Adrian, Vyacheslav, Modest, Khariton, Eduard, Azary, Arkhip, Grigory, Mark, Eugene, Osip, Svyatoslav and Peter.

You should not count on strength and durability with such gentlemen as Savely, Vladislav, Yaroslav, Platon, Demyan, Anton, Luka, Oleg and Naum.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Capitolina, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac Capitolina – Scorpio
  • Planet – Pluto
  • Capitolina Capitolina color - orange
  • Auspicious tree – jasmine
  • The treasured plant of Capitolina - chrysanthemum
  • The patron saint of the name Capitolina is the wasp
  • Talisman stone of Capitolina Capitolina - jasper

What does the name Capitolina mean?: born on Capitolia (the name Capitolina is of Latin origin).

Short meaning of the name Capitolina: Kapa, ​​Kapusha, Tolya, Tonya, Lina.

Capitol Angel Day: The name of Capitolina celebrates name day once a year: November 9 (October 27) - The Holy Martyr Capitolina, after suffering for Christ, was beheaded in 304.

Signs of the name Capitolina: If by Capitolina Day the snow falls on the damp ground and does not melt, then in the spring the snowdrops will bloom early and amicably.

Characteristics of the name Capitolina

Positive features: Capitolina is distinguished by balance, thoroughness, a desire for consistency, a logical mindset and determination. She is very patient and has “iron” willpower. At the same time, the name Capitolina is very sensual, although she tries to hide her emotions behind restraint. The feelings only become deeper from this. This will perfectly help her soften her straightforwardness in communication and maintain the warmth of family relationships.

Negative features: Sometimes Capitolina is hampered by a certain seriousness and excessive straightforwardness, making her stricter than necessary. In general, an overly serious attitude to life, and even coupled with depth of feelings, often clouds Capitolina’s perception of the world around her and creates a feeling of hopelessness.

Character of the name Capitolina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Capitolina? Little Capitolina can be charming and obedient, playing for hours with pets, dreaming of becoming a veterinarian, a zookeeper, or even an animal tamer. The name of Capitolina can be negotiated on a fair basis. When communicating with her, try to allow as little emotion as possible and do not try to put pressure on her. Nothing good will come of this, it will only ruin your relationship with Captolina. But, having a heart-to-heart talk with her, you can find gentleness and responsiveness in her kind heart.

Capitolina and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The alliance of the name with Innocent, Heraclius, Capiton, Leonid, Nikon, Polycarp, Sebastian, Sylvester, Trofim, Khariton is favorable. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Anufriy, Victor, Vilen, Gennady, Evdokim, Ermil, Merkul, Mitrofan, Peacock, Sazon, Terenty.

Love and marriage: a girl named Capitolina is a wonderful housewife, devoted wife and loving mother. Any family storms will break about her poise and patience. First of all, Capitolina will have to tame her own passions: she is amorous, capricious, commands several admirers at once, and it is possible that she will reject her - also right away! - everyone. When a husband appears, strong and brave, like a tiger, she will love him passionately, occasionally staging scenes of jealousy with noisy reconciliation.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Capitolina is a sincere, strong and patient person. She can undoubtedly achieve success in life, make a good career and even become a good leader. The name Capitolina can most fully demonstrate its qualities in the field of pedagogy or teaching, accounting, as a nurse or social worker.

Business and career: Capitolina usually does not experience financial difficulties, but rarely reaches the heights of prosperity. Her style is a slow progressive movement, not a jerk.

Health and energy

Health and talents: By nature at Capitolina good health, but in adulthood, attacks of indigestion or heart problems are likely.

The fate of Capitolina in history

What does the name Capitolina mean for women's destiny?

  1. Kapitolina Lazarenko is a famous Soviet pop singer in the 50s.
  2. Capitolina Cerelia, an educated Roman woman who had a thorough knowledge of philosophy and other sciences, was friendly with Cicero and had some influence on him.
  3. St. Capitolina Martyr - after terrible torture for her devotion to the faith of Christ, she was beheaded in 304.

The meaning of some names is difficult to understand without knowledge of history, not only our own, but also the world’s. This is, for example, the meaning of the name Capitolina.

Literally translated, it means “born on Capitol Hill.” But what does such a translation mean? To understand this, you need to look into the history of Ancient Rome. Capitoline Hill is one of the seven hills on which this ancient city is located.

And this is not just one of the seven hills - this area in Rome was considered the most “prestigious”, it was the place where noble people lived. This means that Capitolina, first of all, is a girl from a noble family, which is why sometimes the name is translated as “royal.” And, of course, it becomes clear that Capitolina is of Latin origin.

Little Capitolina is often called Kapa or Lina and even Kapitosha or Tolya. What else could this name be interesting about?

  • How will its bearer manifest herself in childhood?
  • How much will it change as he gets older?
  • What talents will surprise others?
  • How happy will you be in your family life?

To show the character of Capitolina in its entirety, we will try to answer these questions in order.

Gift of Persuasion

Since childhood, little Capitolina has lived up to her “royal” name, showing an enviable desire for leadership in the children’s company. Moreover, Capitolina fits organically into the role of leader of the children's group, so no one challenges her leadership.

Particularly respected by both peers and elders is the fact that Capa tries to complete any work he begins - any goal set must be achieved, even if no one knows about it except the girl herself.

This same quality allows Capitolina to do very well at school; often such girls become excellent students and medalists. However, Kapitosh cannot be called a “nerd” who knows nothing but books: she gladly takes part in extracurricular activities, for example in amateur performances. Moreover, a girl may have very good abilities for music, especially for playing the piano and singing.

She often acts as the ringleader in children's games - however, not all her peers are satisfied with her manner of denoting the rules of the game. Sometimes they are too strict. At the same time, Capitolina treats people with great patience and gentleness - it is this quality that allows her to maintain relationships with her childhood friends for many years.

But at home she likes to spend time reading books. She often helps her mother with housework, but does not like to show tender affection to her family - outwardly, Capitolina can be quite restrained in expressing her feelings.

The name Capitolina also suggests that its bearer has both iron logic and good intuition. It is these properties that allow her to understand people well, to see and at the same time forgive their weaknesses. A good understanding of human nature also leads to the fact that Capitolina grows up to be an unsurpassed master of persuasion, despite the fact that it is extremely difficult to convince her of anything - for this you need to have no less abilities than your opponent.

Along with balance and patience, the adult Capitolina has a will of steel and, just like in childhood, brings any business she begins to its logical conclusion. Therefore, she often takes leading positions in adult teams. But at the same time, she can hardly be called the “life of the party” - this is hampered by restraint and even some detachment, behind which the woman hides her deep emotional experiences.

Emotions and calculation

Leadership inclinations, strong-willed character and other qualities of Capitolina, which have already been mentioned above, often lead to the fact that such a woman becomes an excellent leader. She can establish fairly strict rules in the team that will work for labor efficiency, but in extraordinary cases she can treat with understanding life situations employees.

This is partly because sometimes Capitolina, without meaning to, finds herself in strange situations for which she is not the culprit. She may lose the things she needs most. this moment things, she may be confused with someone, some other incident may happen to her. However, fate usually favors Capitolina, and she still comes out of such adventures without losses.

Often a woman finds her calling in those professions that involve constant communication with people: teacher, doctor, social worker, head of client service in large company and so on. In addition, if Capitolina’s musical or artistic abilities were noticed in time in childhood, she can become both a musician and an actress.

However, even if a woman does not choose a creative profession, literature or music can become her hobby. She may not write or play music herself, but she will still read and listen a lot good music. Capitolina also loves active recreation: on weekends she would rather go out of town than stay at home in front of the TV.

As a rule, nature rewards Capitolina with excellent external characteristics, and therefore it is not at all surprising that a woman has many admirers. But she is in no hurry to tie herself to family ties, because she is trying to choose the best option from among the candidates for her hand and heart. Along with such prudence, Capitolina can be very amorous, which means that her gentleman needs to be a model of impeccability so as not to arouse the violent jealousy of his partner.

Capitolina will only marry a man whom, on the one hand, she considers a worthy candidate, and on the other, will have strong feelings for him. In this case, she is able to become a caring wife, which, however, does not exclude emotional outbursts under the family roof from time to time. However, her ability to reconcile with loved ones helps restore peace and tranquility to the family hearth. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

In the modern world, girls called Capitolinas are rare. To a greater extent, the name sounds from representatives of the older generation. Nevertheless, the fashion of calling your daughters Capitolina is being revived, the name is spreading and its second wind is opening. The factor in the return of the name into use is due to the unusual fate bestowed on the girl. The meaning of the name Capitolina will no longer be a mystery shrouded in thick fog for you after reading the article.

Name Capitolina: origin and meaning

In ancient times, the Capitol was the name of one of the seven hills that formed eternal Rome. The area adjacent to it had the reputation of a famous and honorable place for the Romans to live.

According to the legend of origin, the decoding of the name seems logical: “royal” and “sublime.”

Capitolina: the meaning of the name, character and fate

The connection between the character of “born on the Capitol” and origin is felt in direct interaction with people: poise, purposefulness, thoroughness - these are the traits that the girls accurately describe.

In communication, Capa shows insight: easily identifying other people's shortcomings and merits, she will never criticize another. Tolerance for other people's opinions and worldview allows her, like a hill, to withstand the onslaught of society, to “stand up like a mountain” for herself. She, despite her inner calm regarding other people's opinions, is distinguished by self-criticism. People are attracted to Capitolina broad soul: Kapochka will always support the conversation, listen and encourage.

Personality in childhood

From the first conscious years of its existence, Capitolina has shown uniqueness. Already in childhood, parents will observe in their child uncharacteristic seriousness and responsibility towards the world.

Capitolina's peers would prefer playing dolls or hide and seek, while she would prefer reading books. An ordinary children's game turns into an opportunity for a girl to take the place of a “director”: she will insist on strict rules and their unconditional compliance.

In the future, Capa quickly uses the knowledge and skills acquired from childhood. The characteristic severity of morals will affect not only the future, but also real life: in relationships with peers the child shows coldness, and the guys themselves avoid their rebellious girlfriend. The few people who remain nearby go hand in hand with her throughout her life.

It is worth noting that the quality of Capitolina as a manager is not universal: often the calmness and complaisance of a child in at a young age disappear only upon reaching adulthood, it is at this moment that the girl’s leadership abilities manifest themselves.

Career and personal life

The meaning of the name Capitolina is read in the adjective “capital” derived from it. She will never go against her own fundamental principles and will take her point of view to the last.

A logical mindset, wisdom and reflexive education allow Capitolina to take a high place in society. However, it is worth taking into account that often the intellect plays against the personality, burdening and darkening its existence.

Activity, athleticism, musicality - these are the other ways the meaning of the name Capitolina differs. For a girl, the above qualities are certainly an advantage: a slim body and grace, natural extroversion and talent allow Capitolina to achieve considerable heights not only in her career, but also personal life. To achieve her goals, the girl lacks a little self-confidence.

Against all odds serious relationship with Capitolina is a battlefield that is extremely difficult to cross. The point is the characteristic excessive pickiness and inconstancy. The meaning of the name Capitolina, as mentioned earlier, has the definition of “royal”, “exalted”. Perhaps for this reason, Capa resembles an inaccessible mountain, the conquest of which requires considerable strength. Her admirers can be sure: it's worth it. In family life, “those born on the Capitol” display the traits of a hearth-keeper. She is a great housewife, loving wife and sensitive mother.

The meaning of the name Capitolina prophesies a bright fate for the girl with a dizzying career, happy family life and excellent relations with the world, but with one condition... if only she herself begins to strive for something. Any desire is subject to the personality that calls itself Capitolina!