10 rules for congratulating your boss

Congratulating the boss on his birthday or any national holiday is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance.

It is necessary to make sure that the boss is satisfied not only with the gift, but also with the congratulation, and does not see any ambiguity in it.

1. Style congratulations.

Much depends on your boss's leadership style. If the boss is a dry and authoritarian person (perhaps this is just a working mask, but at home he is a completely different person, but, nevertheless), then the style of congratulations should be chosen more restrained and official, but, of course, not devoid of warm, sincere notes (joking tone in this case is best avoided).

If the leader prefers a democratic style of communication with subordinates and does not insist too much on the distance, then you can congratulate the boss in a more sincere form. So, if in the first case the congratulatory speech will begin with the words: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”, Then in the second case you can say “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!” etc.

2. Collective creativity.

As a rule, congratulations and a gift are placed on the shoulders of one of the employees of a company or institution, but you can prepare a small scene in which each employee will get a line of poetic congratulations. Thus, the whole team will really congratulate the boss.

3. Solemn moment.

To congratulate the boss on behalf of the entire team (or a single employee), you must choose the right time and place. Of course, if the boss is not in a good mood, or is in a hurry on business, then the solemn moment must be postponed until the next time.

It makes sense to congratulate the boss on his birthday or anniversary before or immediately after any production meeting, so that all employees of the company are assembled. It would also be appropriate to congratulate the boss before the start of the corporate banquet.

4. Positive mood.

It is desirable that a person who is in good standing with him congratulates the boss, so that the boss does not experience internal annoyance from the fact that he has to smile in response to congratulations not to his favorite employee.

5. Duration of speech.

The congratulatory speech should not be too long, two to five minutes is enough, because, especially if your boss likes to talk more than listen to others. By the way, a festive speech should be not only expressive, but also unhurried, so that the boss, if desired, could insert his own weighty word into it.

6. Poems.

If in your team there is a person who composes poetry, then it will be good if he can come up with a non-trivial rhymed congratulation to the authorities. In extreme cases, you can find a suitable poem on the Internet, or read what is written on a greeting card, although this will turn out to be quite banal and even formal.

7. Wishes.

What else can you wish the boss, in addition to the duty of "happiness, health and all the best"? Here is a short list of wishes to the boss - prosperity, inspiration, inexhaustible energy, new achievements, inspiration, good changes, and so on. The main thing is that these wishes sound from the heart.

Another wording of congratulations can be a wish to remain the same ... wise, patient, energetic, decisive, attentive to your subordinates, and the like. Pay attention to the fact that the epithets you have chosen really relate to your boss!

8. If the boss is a woman.

In no case should hints of her age be included in the words of congratulations. The author of the article was present at the anniversary of the school principal, whom the director (!) began to congratulate with the following words: “So, you are 50 years old!”. Why not say, for example: “So, today is your anniversary!”? So a generally good congratulation was overshadowed by such an unethical, rude start.

9. Flowers.

For a holiday, a leader, especially a woman, is sure to, and a congratulations card must be put in a beautiful thick envelope and not sealed. It is desirable that on such a postcard attached to, if it is on behalf of the entire team, each employee of the company should sign.

10. Gift.

- the topic of a separate article. Here we will advise only when choosing a gift to pay attention to the hobbies of your leader. Thus, you will show attention to him not only as a chef, but also as a person, and you can also make an original and useful gift for him.

And one more piece of advice - no matter what gift you choose, you need to pay attention to every little thing so that the present looks solid and thoughtful, and is beautifully packaged.

We hope that our recommendations will help you in compiling your own script "how to congratulate the boss on his anniversary or birthday" so that he would be really pleased to hear it. Congratulating the boss, you should not count on any privileges for you from his side in the future, because you can’t hide an insincere tone even behind the most unctuous praises - let the desire to cheer up your boss, make the holiday more sincere guide you better.