Guinea pig disease and how to treat them. What are the diseases of guinea pigs? Avitaminosis and rickets

Guinea pigs have long won the hearts of many. It is extremely difficult not to fall in love with these beauties, especially since there are a large number of their breeds. You can pick up a pet even the most capricious lover of rodents.

Pigs live on average 8-10 years old. But how long the animal will live in your home, in almost all cases, depends on the conditions of detention, the correct care. If you feed and care for the rodent incorrectly, then he will definitely get sick. How do you know if a guinea pig is sick and needs veterinary help?

What diseases of guinea pigs exist

Pig diseases can be divided into 5 groups:

If you have a toothy pet at home, then the first thing you need to do is provide him with the right content, as well as find a doctor. You may not need a veterinarian, but if suddenly something happens to your whistling animal, then you will already be ready and will know what to do, where to call if the pig does not eat anything. So who do you contact and when?

Not every vet will treat a guinea pig. It's a very difficult specialization. Therefore, look for a clinic with a ratologist (the so-called rodent veterinarian).

But you should contact him, and when you notice signs of illness in the animal, and when you want to make sure that everything is in order with the overseas pet. What symptoms should alert the owner of a rodent

Some symptoms should immediately alert the owner of the rodent. If you spot them, you should immediately contact veterinary clinic to a ratologist, who, based on clinical signs, will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Do not let the situation take its course, hope that the pet will recover on its own. The same applies to therapy: do not give any medication yourself. With such a small animal, there is a high risk of exceeding the dosage by dozens of times, or even giving something that will kill the rodent.

If you notice at least one of the above, immediately seek help! There is no need to wait until all the signs “gather” at once or the animal gets completely sick. Many drugs are lethal to guinea pigs, so only a veterinarian can treat.

The most common diseases of guinea pigs

  1. Most often, eye diseases are recorded in a rodent. This is conjunctivitis, and cataracts (often diabetic). In pigs, a bone formation often appears on the outer surface of the eye, which is called the limbus.
  2. Another disease that is recorded in overseas rodents is pseudotuberculosis (a sore of bacterial etiology). With it, nodules form on the affected organs / tissues. With pseudotuberculosis in an animal, loss of appetite (with subsequent exhaustion), diarrhea, even paralysis. Treatment of the animal should take place exclusively in the hospital, but not at home!
  3. Sometimes paratyphoid is registered in pigs, in which the pet's appetite disappears (the animal does not eat anything), the coat is ruffled, the eyes grow dim, diarrhea and lethargy appear. As soon as the owner notices such symptoms, he should immediately make sure that the animal is examined by a veterinarian. The doctor will select the treatment, prescribe antibiotics, as well as a drug that will destroy the causative agent of the disease (the so-called bacteriophages).
  4. If the animal gets wet near the nostrils, coughs and sneezes appear, the baby rubs its nose with its paws, breathes with wheezing and is difficult, then this may be pasteurellosis (a person can also have this disease). What to do in this case? Immediately contact a veterinarian (alas, the animal will have to be euthanized, because the treatment almost always does not work)!
  5. Not only the respiratory organs suffer in a guinea pig, often digestive system"fails". It's one thing if the problem is in improper feeding, in this case it will be enough to change the diet. But after all, diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite (the pig does not eat anything, even the most favorite sweets) are associated with much more serious ailments (for example, with infectious diseases).
  6. Rickets is recorded in dogs, guinea pigs, and humans. With a lack of calcium and vitamin D in the diet, the bones become soft, brittle, easily bent and broken. And if the rodent is fed incorrectly, not given vitamin supplements, kept in a dark corner, then the critter will get sick very quickly.

Feed deficiencies

Although commercially available ready-to-eat formulas are usually sufficient for most animals, it unfortunately happens that many guinea pigs show symptoms of certain nutrient deficiencies. Vitamin C deficiency is probably the most common, although it is rarely acute enough to cause overt symptoms. Therefore, one must constantly be aware of this threat, realizing that a lack of vitamin C weakens the body's natural immune system and increases the likelihood of disease.

If the pig gets vegetables and fruits, you can be sure that she is not in danger of vitamin C deficiency. In addition to the greens that are usually given, you can slip a bunch of parsley leaves on her from time to time - it contains a lot of vitamin C, and most guinea pigs eat her very willingly.

Progressive vitamin C deficiency leads, as in humans, to scurvy. Here is what the famous German writer and journalist Bernhard Grzimek writes about this in his book “Our Little Brothers”: “... these funny fat little animals have one thing in common with us, people: they can, like us, get scurvy. True, in their homeland, in Peru, where a lot of both wild and domestic guinea pigs roam, they have never suffered from such a disease. It is we humans who have given unfortunate experimental animals such a disease.” In the process of evolution, they have lost the ability to synthesize vitamin C. The symptoms of scurvy are loose teeth, and in an extremely acute form, attacks during which the animal usually lies on its side with outstretched paws and an expression of pain on the muzzle. Salvation in this case can only be a strong dose of vitamin C, best of all in the form of a solution, which is given according to the instructions of the veterinarian.

Guinea pigs can be given at least 5 mg of vitamin C daily in their drinking water. As an approximate dose, 1 mg of ascorbic acid per 1 ml of water can be recommended. Because vitamin C easily enters into chemical reactions the solution must be changed daily. When keeping a guinea pig at home, she needs an average of 20 mg of vitamin C per day.

In cases of other beriberi, such as hair loss or skin allergies, it is recommended to give a daily multivitamin preparation. In addition, of course, one should strive to exclude the cause of the disease, because with proper nutrition, such a problem should not arise in principle.

Already weakened animals catch cold easily. This occurs mainly when nutritional deficiencies are accompanied by incorrect placement of the cage. When the mumps catches a cold, it is necessary: ​​to eliminate the root cause of the disease; keep the animal warm; try to strengthen his immune system by increasing the dose of vitamins.

Less dangerous, but also unpleasant, are inflammation of the eyes caused by drafts. In this case, the first step should also be the transfer of the animal from an unsuitable place for him. In addition, eye drops prescribed by a veterinarian are used.

In order not to expose the guinea pig to the danger associated with drastic changes temperature, you can take it out to the balcony only when the weather is really warm. This South American rodent thrives best around 20°C. Animals kept outside the home should regularly receive vitamin C in prophylactic doses.


Viruses and bacteria

Diseases caused by bacteria and viruses are very difficult to recognize by an inexperienced person, and in most cases the intervention of a veterinarian is necessary to save the animal.

The most formidable viral diseases, without a doubt, are the "guinea pig pest" and "guinea pig paralysis." Both have almost identical symptoms - convulsions and paralysis, in particular, of the hind limbs. There are also many other viral diseases that are not so common, but just as dangerous. Symptoms such as frizzy, matted fur, nasal discharge, coughing, diarrhea, and noticeable changes in behavior can be signs of a viral illness.

The fundamental principle of action in the presence of any viral disease is the immediate isolation of the infected animal from the rest. For there is a great danger of the spread of pestilence.

The most common disease of guinea pigs caused by bacteria is the so-called pseudotuberculosis. Its outward symptom is diarrhoea, leading to emaciation and eventually to paralysis. This disease is also highly contagious and can kill an entire brood within days or weeks.

A runny nose is also dangerous, which can quickly turn into pneumonia. Mortality among sick guinea pigs in this case reaches 50%.

So, as you can see, the variety of external (clinical) symptoms of infectious diseases is quite large. In addition, the same symptoms can accompany different diseases. Actions in each individual case should be determined by a veterinarian. Suspicion of the disease should immediately cause the following symptoms: exudate (effusion) from the nose, festering eyes and eyelids, disheveled hair, diarrhea, weight loss, paralysis, vomiting, heavy breathing, convulsions, obvious changes in behavior.


The purpose of this chapter is not to discourage anyone from keeping guinea pigs. With properly organized care and care, the likelihood of an animal getting sick is minimal. However, if you notice any alarming symptom, do not hesitate to seek the expert advice of a small animal veterinarian.


Around the wound, it is necessary to cut the hair, clean the wound of dirt and wool and rinse with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate 1: 1000; then lubricate with Vishnevsky's ointment or any other disinfectant ointment (streptocidal, synthomycin, prednisolone). The wound is treated daily. On the 3rd-4th day, the wound can be sprinkled with streptocide or a complex powder (xeroform, streptocide and boric acid in equal proportions). After treatment, it is recommended to apply a light bandage.


Fractures and fractures of bones

In case of bone fractures, obligatory signs are swelling, severe pain, an increase in local temperature, and lameness. In an open fracture, soft tissue is damaged.

Contact a veterinarian.



Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye). The causes of this disease are mechanical damage. Unilateral conjunctivitis - damage to one eye, bilateral - both eyes.

Signs of the disease: redness and swelling of the eyes, squinting and gluing of the eyelids, photophobia, tearing. This initial catarrhal form of conjunctivitis may become purulent, in which purulent discharges from the eyes are observed, the eyelids stick together, the skin around the eyes becomes inflamed. In advanced cases, clouding of the cornea begins, loss of vision occurs.

Treatment: dry purulent crusts are soaked with a 3% solution of albucid and then carefully removed with tweezers and a cotton swab. Then, eye ointment - hydrocortisone or tetracycline - is laid under the eyelids. Around the eyes are also smeared with the same ointment. When clouding the cornea, good results are obtained by blowing into the eyes of calomel with powdered sugar, mixed in equal parts; injection is performed daily 2 times a day until the cure. In the initial stage of the disease, 4-6 injections are usually sufficient.

It is best, of course, to contact a veterinarian, but it is still unknown which doctor you will get =(


This is a disease of the body that occurs as a result of a lack or absence of mineral salts and vitamin D in the feed, as well as from a violation of the activity of the endocrine glands. As a rule, rickets most often occurs in young animals, especially in winter with a lack of sunlight.

Signs of rickets: thickening of the joints, curvature of the limbs, sagging back, stunting.

Treatment: a sick animal is placed in a clean, bright room; inside give 1-2 drops of trivitamin or tri-vita per day. Irradiation with a quartz lamp for 10-15 minutes for 10-15 days is very useful.


Diseases of the digestive system

Diseases of the digestive system occur as a result of improper feeding or prolonged hypothermia, as well as on the basis of infection.

Signs of the disease: loss of appetite, diarrhea, general depression, limited movements.

Treatment: first of all, it is necessary to clean the gastrointestinal tract of the animal. For this purpose, a tablespoon of vaseline or castor oil is given inside, and then biomycin, synthomycin, chloramphenicol, ftalazol or enterosep-tol 1/3 tablet 2 times a day; as a drink - a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate or strong tea; with constipation - vaseline or castor oil.


The causative agent of the disease is a microbe. Infection occurs through food and water. In an acute, rapidly flowing form of the disease, the animal is inactive, refuses to feed, diarrhea appears; at chronic form the appetite decreases, the coat becomes ruffled, the animal becomes lethargic, diarrhea appears on the 4-6th day. FROM therapeutic purpose bacteriophage antityphoid and antibiotics are given as prescribed by a veterinarian.



This disease is most common among guinea pigs. Its causative agent is bacteria. Infection occurs through food.

Signs of the disease: diarrhea, poor appetite and progressive emaciation leading to paralysis. A sick animal must be isolated and contacted by a veterinarian.


Please indicate the source of information.

Levasya Yevaina

Let plagiarism, but useful.


This is how you do good to people! Then they will also be accused of plagiarism!


That's right, do good to people, and then they will steal it, and they will also ask for praise. Well done! If someone will use your works, will you like it? This text has nothing to do with me, but I myself was in a similar situation. It's not nice when others get praise for what you did.


so I think Anna Bachurina should not be accused of plagiarism

Thank you very much, Anna


Whoever compiled this text, but THANK YOU SO MUCH to Anna Bachurina for posting it in this group! And who cares who will not be pleased there!


Girls, thanks for your support. I really don't like arguing with anyone. Health to your pigs =)

Binarya Novargarita

I have a question. I'm sick now. I caught a cold. Can pigs get infected from me?


I think that maybe if you sneeze or cough on it. They are very susceptible to infections. Better to play it safe, buy a face mask (so that germs don't fly far =)), don't kiss your pet. Well, perhaps everything is like with children =)


Has anyone experienced or knows what it is?

The pig's eyes ooze just milky tears. Moreover, the eyelids are not swollen, there is no redness. If you gently pull the eyelid, then it is slightly pinkish inside, and the white of the eye is completely white. When the mumps breathes (if you put your ear on), you can hear either a sob or a cotton, as from plastic bottle, only subdued very much. the pig drinks a lot, moves a little. but she eats well and reacts to the rustle of bags and other items that she associates with food. Occasionally trembles, for two seconds.

If you decide to acquire such an animal as a guinea pig at home, you should be prepared for various surprises. Like other pets, these furries can get sick. Moreover, the list of diseases characteristic of these animals is quite extensive. What diseases of guinea pigs are, their signs and methods of treatment - read about all this in our article.


We bring to your attention a description of the most common disease in these domestic rodents. The causative agent of such a sore is a pathogenic microflora that enters the body through spoiled or poor-quality food.

Main symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • the animal does not eat anything;
  • after a while, the rodent becomes lean, leading to paralysis.

Such a rodent should be immediately isolated and taken to the veterinarian.

Treatment of the disease is carried out in stationary conditions.


This disease is transmitted through food and drink. At the stage of exacerbation, the mumps becomes lethargic, inactive, stops eating, vilifies. You can find out that a guinea pig is ill with paratyphoid by the condition of the coat. The coat of the animal becomes disheveled, loses its natural luster and falls out after a while. In a sick animal, the eyes grow dim.

Treatment of the disease is prescribed by a veterinarian. The rodent is treated with antibiotics and additionally given anti-typhoid bacteriophage.


You can understand that a guinea pig has become ill with pasteurellosis by several signs:

  • expectoration around nostrils;
  • runny nose;
  • the animal often sneezes.

As a result of such sensations, the pig has a strong irritation in the affected area. The rodent constantly scratches its nose with its paws, and thus aggravates the course of the disease. First mucous flows out of the nose, then purulent discharge of white or grayish color. Breathing becomes difficult. You can hear the animal snoring or snoring. At an advanced stage, purulent wounds appear on the skin.

The causative agent of this disease are pathogenic microbes. At the initial stage, it is quite easy to destroy the pathogen. For these purposes, the animal is given disinfectants.

If the causative agent of pasteurellosis enters the bloodstream through wounds, the blood system becomes infected. Infection is accompanied by fever, weakness, diarrhea, and in rare cases, convulsions. It is almost impossible to cure an animal whose blood is infected with the causative agent of pasteurellosis. Therefore, it is simply destroyed.

For animals that are suspected of being infected with this infection, the veterinarian prescribes sulfa drugs and antibiotics.

Viruses and bacteria

With the defeat of viral and bacterial infections, the guinea pig requires emergency veterinary care. Since such diseases are dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of a pet.

The most dangerous viral sores include pestilence and paralysis of guinea pigs. Both diseases are accompanied by paralysis and convulsions of the hind legs. If you don't want your guinea pig to die, you need to take immediate action and take it to the vet.

Other diseases caused by viruses are less common. They can manifest through diarrhea, baldness, cough, runny nose and purulent discharge from the nose.

First of all, the infected pig must be moved to a separate cage, otherwise infection of other animals is inevitable. Viral and bacterial infections should be treated with antibiotics. Which is better, the veterinarian will tell you.

Respiratory system

The main reason for the development of respiratory diseases is hypothermia. The symptoms of manifestation are as follows:

  • lethargy and constant fatigue;
  • increased need to drink;
  • respiratory disorders (snoring, sniffling, coughing);
  • the animal eats practically nothing;
  • reaction to various stimuli is inhibited.

In this state, the animal becomes almost motionless and lies all the time.

If you are faced with a respiratory disease in your pet, first of all you need to reconsider the conditions for keeping it at home. Exclude the stay of the guinea pig in a draft and ensure proper temperature conditions - within 21-25 degrees.

During a cold, acute respiratory infections or other diseases caused by hypothermia, the animal is given sulfa drugs.

Digestive system

Such diseases of guinea pigs at home are caused by several factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • infection;
  • unbalanced diet.

It is possible to determine that the animal has problems with the gastrointestinal tract by worsening the general condition. The guinea pig becomes inactive, does not eat anything, she begins to have diarrhea.

Treatment is carried out in several stages. First, the stomach is cleansed of toxins. After that, the animal is given inside castor or vaseline oil. Then the drug is prescribed - Ftalazol, Levomycetin, Synthomycin, Vetom or Biomycin.

Instead of water, the animal is offered a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can also give strong black tea. If the animal is constipated, it is recommended to give castor oil.

If the guinea pig has a minor disorder, medical treatment may be omitted. Instead, invite the animal to gnaw on a pomegranate peel or galangal root. But before that, you should consult with your veterinarian.


There are cases when diarrhea in a guinea pig is not the result of any infection or disorder in the gastrointestinal tract. The reason may be dysbacteriosis. In this case, you need to treat the animal with special drugs - Bifitrilak, Smecta or Laktobifadol.

Also, it will not be superfluous to offer the animal the litter of healthy animals, diluted with water. It normalizes the intestinal microflora. Litter (2 pcs.) Dilute with water (5 ml). The animal is soldered with the prepared solution through a syringe without a needle.


The development of this disease is caused by a lack of vitamins or minerals in the body of a rodent. At each stage of this disease, different symptoms appear. First, the animal has an upset gastrointestinal tract, then a desire is manifested to eat inedible products and objects - bedding, calla, earth, lime.

Outwardly, this disease can manifest itself as follows:

  • hunchback;
  • paws are bent;
  • joints thicken;

Guinea pigs suffering from rickets noticeably lag behind in growth and development.

The greatest likelihood of developing rickets is observed at a young age, with a monotonous diet. The most favorable season is winter. Since it is during this period that the necessary amount of fruits and vegetables required by the young body is missing.

Animals suffering from rickets are placed separately from healthy individuals. During the treatment period, they are given trivitamin or trivit. Irradiation procedures with a quartz lamp are carried out (10 sessions of 10 minutes each). Fish oil (vitamin D and A concentrate) is added to dry food.

Eye diseases

Guinea pigs have various eye diseases. Some of them are very dangerous and can lead to complete loss of vision. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Tearing eyes

Such a reaction of the body in guinea pigs is not uncommon. Because it can be caused by an allergic reaction to a new food product, bedding. The eyes are also watery due to illiterate care, when the animal's housing is not cleaned in a timely manner. Therefore, in order to prevent such manifestations, it is necessary to review the product menu and the conditions for keeping the animal.

To alleviate the condition of the animal, the eyes are washed with chamomile decoction, eye drops are instilled - Iris and Levomycetin.


This disease is caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. The main reason is eye injury. With unilateral conjunctivitis, one eye becomes inflamed, with bilateral conjunctivitis, both eyes become inflamed. With such diseases of guinea pigs, the following symptoms appear:

  • tearing, swelling of the eyes;
  • sticking and redness of the eyelids;
  • at an advanced stage, there may be purulent discharge from the eyes.

If timely measures are not taken, the cornea of ​​​​the animal is affected and becomes cloudy, and over time, vision completely disappears.

Treatment takes place in several stages. First, the dried pus around the eyes is removed by soaking it with albucid (3% solution). After the eye opens slightly, the affected area is lubricated with tetracycline or hydrocartisone ointment using a cotton swab. The area around the eyes is also treated with one of these drugs.

At an advanced stage, when the cornea has become cloudy, a mixture of powdered sugar and calomel is blown into the eyes.

Secretions of the garder glands

Your guinea pig constantly has white discharge from the eyes - it is possible that there is some kind of infection. Milk leucorrhea of ​​the garder glands can be provoked by pathogenic microflora - bacteria, fungus. Only a veterinarian can determine the pathogen.

A bakposev is carried out for their presence. Treatment is determined according to the cause of the disease.


Cataracts are common in guinea pigs. At first, the crystal becomes cloudy, then vision is disturbed up to its complete loss. It can be either congenital or acquired disease. In older animals, the thorn is considered a senile pathology. You can see how the affected eye is enlarged compared to the healthy eye. Cataracts develop for several reasons;

  • trauma to the eyeball;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic inflammatory processes.

The affected areas are instilled with eye drops - Tobrex, Tsiprovet, Balarpan. After drops in the eyes, a regenerating ointment Solcoseryl is applied.

Hair loss

There are several reasons why a guinea pig begins to shed its hair. It can be a fungus, an allergy, or a physiological predisposition.


Sheds a domestic animal at a young age. So it was created by mother nature, when the children's woolen cover is replaced by an adult. The second reason for molting is caused by the change of season. Compensatory wool replacement occurs due to physical impact - trauma, burns, etc. In fact, in all cases, a natural process of wool replacement occurs. During this period of life, animals need to be supported so that it can more easily endure this process. Guinea pigs are given vitamins, and also make the diet more varied and balanced.

And now, let's look at each case of pet molting in detail.


Sarcoptic mange


This disease is caused by microscopic mites that live under the skin. Manifested through severe itching. In places of scratching, the skin becomes rough, flaky and bald. At the advanced stage, abscesses, papules with grayish pus appear in the places of localization of the focus. In most cases, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe paws and head is affected. Healthy individuals become infected through contact with sick pigs. For humans, this is a dangerous sore, since mites transmitted through contact begin to infect human skin.


For prevention, guinea pigs are given a special drug - Prazitsid. If worms are found, the pet should be shown to the veterinarian. He prescribes special antihelminthic drugs.


Another very unpleasant and dangerous disease, the causative agent of which is a fungus. Lichen affects the hair follicle and skin.


You can determine the presence of lichen by several signs:

  • in places of defeat, the hair crumbles and red encircling spots appear;
  • the skin is flaky and constantly itches, hurts;
  • the appearance of rough, sometimes convex spots on the skin;
  • the skin may be covered with scabs;
  • the animal is constantly itching.


If lichen is not treated, the chance of infection in healthy gilts is almost 100%. There are two types of lichen that most often affect these pets:

  • microsporia;
  • trichophytosis.

Spores of these fungi can be active for 2-3 years. They are stored in soil, wool and safely distributed in environment. Most often, animals with weak immunity and living in unsanitary conditions are susceptible to infection.

To detect the fungus, a thorough examination is carried out - the glow of the lesion under the UV lamp and the taking of skin scrapings in places of peeling.


Sick animals are moved to a separate cage. Making a complete sterilization of the home and all its accessories. In places of defeat, the hair is completely cut off.

For the treatment of lichen, antifungal drugs for guinea pigs are used - Chlorhexidine, Clotrimazole, Miconazole. As veterinary practice shows, there are no better drugs today, because positive effect treatment is achieved fairly quickly.

Other diseases

In addition to the above diseases, guinea pigs can be affected by other diseases.

Urolithiasis disease

Improper nutrition and poor living conditions can cause the formation of stones and sand in the organs of the urinary system in domestic animals. Stones can form in the urethra, kidneys, bladder, and ureters.

With the formation of fine sand, the disease does not manifest itself clinically. Symptoms of the appearance of stones are as follows:

  • frequent urination or vice versa - its complete absence;
  • bleeding from the anus;
  • hunchback when urinating.

Urolithiasis is diagnosed using ultrasound, blood and urine tests. Treatment involves taking anti-inflammatory and pain medications. When the urinary tract is blocked, surgery is required.


The defeat of the mucous lips and gums is called cheilitis. First, a darkish coating appears on the teeth and the inside of the lips, which corrodes the mucous membranes. At an advanced stage, the sore affects the entire muzzle of the pig. In these places, a crust, cracks appear. Animal cheilitis is dangerous to humans.

Most often it develops with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Often the cause of this sore is a fungus, a herpes virus.

To determine the disease in an animal, scrapings are taken from the skin. If the diagnosis is confirmed, do the following:

  1. Review the entire diet of the animal. Everything sour is excluded from the menu - fruits, berries. To compensate for the lack of vitamins, minerals and fats, small amounts of flax and sunflower seeds are offered to the animal daily.
  2. The basis of the diet is hay, twigs, various herbs. Feed can be moistened with sesame or flax oil.
  3. The affected areas are first treated with any antiseptic, then lubricated with Surolan, Imaverol or Panolog.

If ticks are the cause of this sore, Ivomek cream should be used. With a fungal infection, the veterinarian prescribes drugs - Clotrimazole, or Nystatin.


Can a guinea pig get rabies, this question is of interest to many livestock breeders.

According to experts, such a disease is a rarity among such animals. An animal can get it through infection from already sick pets, and then only after a bite. Which is basically out of the question.

A sick guinea pig is a real grief for the owner. The issue is that diagnosing and treating rodents is always more difficult. And not everyone knows what diseases of guinea pigs are most common. We propose to talk about them, as well as their symptoms, treatment and what a caring owner needs to do.

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Is a sick mumps dangerous to people?

In principle, cases of human infection from - a rarity. These funny animals generally have enough good health and rarely get sick. In addition, if your rodent spends all the time in his cage, it is quite difficult for him to catch some kind of dangerous disease. However, if you have acquired an already sick animal, then, of course, there is a risk. Diseases that are common to us and our pets are called zooanthroponoses.

There is also an opinion that it is possible to catch tuberculosis or vector-borne diseases from a guinea pig, that is, those that are caused by the activity of fleas and ticks. However, the transmission mechanism has not been studied, which is why such a statement is highly controversial.

It is believed that a person with strong immunity is quite capable of withstanding contact with a sick guinea pig without consequences for himself.

What can make a pet sick?


Most often, diarrhea in a guinea pig is observed due to malnutrition or feeding spoiled food. Dirty and rotten water in the drinker can also cause diarrhea.

The first treatment for diarrhea is to adjust your pet's menu. It is necessary to exclude succulent feed, because they are known to have a laxative effect. Raw potatoes also have a positive effect on diarrhea, the starch of which can affect the consistency of the animal's stool. If the diarrhea is severe and persistent, you should contact your veterinarian, you may need more serious treatment.

Most often, with diarrhea, guinea pigs are prescribed Bifitrilak, Smecta, Activated carbon. Prolonged diarrhea is dangerous due to dehydration, and therefore make sure that the animal drinks enough. If necessary, give your pet with diarrhea injections of saline and glucose, at doses recommended by the veterinarian. This will restore the water balance disturbed by diarrhea.


If, on the other hand, you notice that your guinea pig's stools are too tight, it may be constipation. With constipation, feces are small, hard, and may be completely absent for some time. In this case, the animal will refuse food, become lethargic and hunched over. Causes constipation in most cases malnutrition. For a normal stool, a guinea pig needs a sufficient amount of fiber, and therefore it must always have dried hay.

Also, constipation can be caused by insufficient water intake and low physical activity. constipation enough dangerous phenomenon and in advanced cases, it can cause the death of a pet, and therefore you should not neglect it. The fact is that prolonged constipation leads to intoxication of the body and puts an unnecessary burden on the liver. Vaseline or castor oil is traditionally used to treat constipation.

However, experienced pig breeders advise against castor oil. And give pigs olive, linseed, sesame or sunflower oil 2-4 ml every 3-4 hours until the anxiety symptoms stop. You may also need an analgesic if constipation has already become quite painful, and a probiotic to restore normal microflora. Of course, it is desirable that the treatment was followed by a veterinarian.


If you notice strange sneezes in your guinea pig, the first thing to do is to analyze the conditions of its detention. One of the reasons may be a draft, which in some cases causes colds. Also make sure that your pig does not walk on a cold floor, which can also show signs of a cold.

A cold, in addition to sneezing, is accompanied by rhinitis, wheezing, and general weakness. If all of these symptoms are present, it is best to take the mumps to the veterinarian. After all, a cold without treatment can turn into a more serious illness - bronchitis or pneumonia.

In addition, sometimes a guinea pig sneezes due to an individual allergy to bedding ingredients. Therefore, use anti-allergenic and natural fillers for bedding, which are changed as they get dirty.

Also make sure that the filler fractions are not too small. In rare cases, they can enter the respiratory system, irritate them and cause sneezing.

festering eyes

Suppuration in the eye area in guinea pigs most often indicates conjunctivitis or mechanical injuries of the eye. If you notice that only one eye is festering, there may have been an injury. If both eyes are affected, then most likely we are talking about bilateral conjunctivitis of an infectious nature. Conjunctivitis, which is an inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye, and is the result of injury or bacterial infection.

In this case, the first symptoms of conjunctivitis are lacrimation, swelling and redness of the eyes. Purulent discharge is observed already in the later stages of the disease, when there was no initial treatment. Purulent outflows glue the eyelids, cause irritation of the skin around the eyes. A very serious disorder is considered clouding of the cornea, which is fraught with complete or partial loss of vision.

To treat purulent discharge from the eyes, antibiotic ointments are used, for example, tetracycline or hydrocortisone. But before that, you need to soak the purulent crusts, for which the eyes are rubbed with Chlorhexidine, saline or Albucid. Then, gently clean the eye from suppuration with a cotton swab and tweezers. For effective treatment, the ointment should be tried to be laid under the eyelid.


Cheilitis is a specific disease of guinea pigs.

Its main symptoms are:

  1. Crusts and cracks on the lips of a rodent. They can be brown to blood red.
  2. Unnatural yellowish or greenish plaque on the teeth.

Cheilitis is characteristic of animals with a weakened immune system, which are kept in inappropriate conditions on low-quality diets.

The following factors will also contribute to the development of cheilitis:

  1. Lack or deficiency of vitamins A, C, vitamins of group B.
  2. Deficiency of fatty acids in the diet.
  3. The abundance of sour foods, excessive passion for sour fruits, apples, citrus fruits can provoke cheilitis. By the way, both deficiency and excess of vitamin C can act as a provoking factor.
  4. Infection with specific types of ticks that live on the palate of a guinea pig.

In addition, cheilitis can develop if your guinea pig gets lip injuries in a fight or if she likes to chew on a cage or other objects. Non-healing wounds on the lips can become symptoms of incipient cheilitis. To treat the disease, the drugs Clotrimazole, Lorinden C, Candide cream or Terbinafine are used. Remember that in no case should you tear off the crusts and growths on the lips of the pig!

To avoid such an unpleasant disease as cheilitis, it is important to give the animal enough juicy food with vitamins. And then for your attention video with detailed description maintenance and nutrition of guinea pigs.


Cancer in guinea pigs is not a typical situation. Fortunately, these animals are not susceptible to cancer. Therefore, a cancerous guinea pig is rather an exception to the rule.

Possible tumors in a domestic rodent may include:

  1. Lymphosarcoma. This type of tumor is not cancer and is characterized by damage to the pet's lymph nodes. Lymphosarcoma can lead to leukemia, and it also affects the liver and spleen. Alas, it is fleeting, and its treatment is not always effective. Therefore, within 2-5 weeks, you can have a sad outcome when a guinea pig suddenly died.
  2. Breast cancer. It is rare, and both female and male individuals are not immune from it. Breast cancer is an age-related disease, from which older pets sometimes die, and is not observed in young animals.
  3. Skin cancer. In rare cases, tumor processes can be observed on the skin of domestic rodents. Most often, cancer affects the skin of the hind legs. As the tumor grows, it takes on the appearance of an open purulent wound. Treatment consists in the surgical removal of the cancer, and the sooner this is done, the greater the chance of a full recovery.

Theoretically, a cancerous tumor in a guinea pig can grow on any organ, especially if your rodent is elderly. Alas, the mechanism of cancer formation in guinea pigs is not fully understood, as well as the treatment of this terrible disease. And therefore, alas, guinea pigs with cancer often die.

Why is it chewing on the cage?

If you observe such strange behavior in your pet, then we hasten to reassure you, most likely this is not related to health problems. The most common answer to the question: why does a guinea pig gnaw on a cage is stress. Yes, guinea pigs are much more social than it might seem at first glance. They experience real mental anguish, being alone for a long time, and even in a small cage.

Therefore, if your pig is seen doing an atypical activity, the reasons for it are as follows:

  • the pet is bored and this affects her behavior, perhaps she does not have enough toys;
  • the guinea pig's cage is too tight;
  • lack of certain vitamins in her diet.

In order for the strange behavior of the guinea pig to stop, do the following:

  • improve her living conditions;
  • if possible, buy a pet of a same-sex friend;
  • give him enough juicy food with vitamins, it is also necessary to give twigs to gnaw.

Disease prevention

As we have already said, guinea pigs are generally healthy animals with strong immunity.

And so that the pig definitely does not have health problems, you need to:

  1. Feed her with specialized food, supplementing the menu with vitamin complexes and treats if necessary.
  2. Monitor hygiene in her cage, use natural materials for bedding.
  3. Choose a comfortable, spacious and functional cage for a guinea pig, communicate with the animal, often call him by name.
  4. In the warm season, be sure to give the rodent twigs and fresh grass - an additional source of vitamins.
  5. If possible, conduct preventive examinations at the veterinarian and pay attention to possible symptoms in time.

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Video "So that guinea pigs do not get sick"

The main cause of health problems in domestic rodents is malnutrition, the video below will talk about proper diet adorable pigs!

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Diseases of guinea pigs can have a very different etiology and genesis. Pets suffer from viral, bacterial infections, endocrine, cardiovascular pathologies, parasitic diseases. Pathologies can be congenital or acquired. At the same time, most ailments in guinea pigs occur through the fault of the owners themselves. unbalanced diet, unfavourable conditions maintenance, improper care, frequent stress often provoke systemic and functional failures in the body of animals. Taking responsibility for the life and health of the animal, the owners must not only know what guinea pigs are sick with and how to understand that the pet is sick, but also the main manifestations of the disease. What to do if a guinea pig gets sick? How to treat a sick animal at home?

How do you know if a guinea pig is sick?

Guinea pigs, which many have as pets, naturally have strong immunity, resistance and almost complete immunity to viral and bacterial diseases. At proper care, favorable conditions for keeping cute, funny animals can live from 8 to 12 years. But still, do not forget that, like any other living creatures, guinea pigs can become infected with any infection or disease. How to understand that the animal is sick?

A healthy pet has a beautiful shiny coat, a good appetite, clean clear eyes, an expressive look. The animal is active, shows interest in the surrounding world, adequately responds to external stimuli.

  • decreased activity, drowsiness, lethargy, depression;
  • discharge from the nose, eyes;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • poor appetite, refusal of favorite treats;
  • deterioration of the coat;
  • the presence of wounds, ulcers, abrasions, scratches, abscesses on the body;
  • shortness of breath, cough, sneezing, shortness of breath;
  • change in heart rate;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • frequent urination;
  • trembling, convulsions, muscle spasms;
  • increased thirst;
  • change in consistency, color, nature of feces;
  • change in behavior (lethargy, anxiety, aggression).

A sick pet becomes inactive, depressed, tries to hide in secluded places in the cage or constantly sits in his house. The pig refuses food, does not take care of its hygiene, does not respond to external stimuli.

Any of the above signs, or a combination of them, should alert owners. If the guinea pig is sick, the pet's condition worsens, you should not self-medicate. Some infections have an aggressive course and can cause the death of a beloved pet. In addition, some animal diseases are transmitted to humans (rabies, tuberculosis, pasteurellosis), so if the animal is sick, consult a veterinarian. The specialist will diagnose and select effective treatment.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases provoke viruses, bacteria, the simplest pathogenic microorganisms. A guinea pig can become infected from other pets, its relatives, latent virus carriers. Infection occurs mainly by contact, airborne, alimentary route. Perhaps intrauterine infection, in which the fetus becomes infected in the womb.

Viral and bacterial infections diagnosed in guinea pigs can develop against the background of hypo-, beriberi, stress, unbalanced feeding, due to a decrease in immune potential, resistance.


Plague is a deadly infection for guinea pigs. It is characterized by lightning-fast development, high mortality. The incubation period lasts from several days to 3 weeks.


  • indigestion;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • mucous, purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • lack of coordination;
  • small trembling;
  • convulsions, convulsions;
  • pallor of mucous membranes.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for this infection, and the guinea pig is euthanized.


The disease is characterized by high mortality, aggressive course, indigestion, shortness of breath, shortness of breath. At autopsy, small dense nodules are found in the internal organs, which resemble tubercles. Infection occurs in an alimentary way.

Main symptoms:

  • profuse diarrhea;
  • weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, depression;
  • deterioration of the coat;
  • copious discharge from the eyes, nose;
  • dirty, wet fur near the anus;
  • convulsions.

Fecal masses have a watery consistency, contain mucus, foam, bloody substances, exude a sharp specific odor. In the early stages, if you start treatment, you can save and cure the pet. Treatment with antibiotics a wide range action, sulfonamides.


Infection is possible through food contaminated with bacteria, water. The disease occurs in acute, subacute, less often - chronic form. The main symptoms: disheveled fur, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss, green diarrhea, drowsiness, depression, inactivity.

Treatment of a guinea pig when diagnosing paratyphoid will be selected by a veterinarian. The animal is prescribed complex antibacterial drugs, tetracycline antibiotics, homeopathic remedies, anti-typhoid serum, sulfadimezin. Medicines are given with food or dissolved in water.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

A fairly common disease of guinea pigs, which often causes the death of pets. The disease proceeds at lightning speed. The duration of the incubation period ranges from 35–42 hours to 5–6 days. In rare cases, the infection is latent.

In sick animals, the temperature rises, regional lymph nodes increase, and coordination of movements is disturbed. The pet becomes inactive, refuses to eat. With laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis, the guinea pig is euthanized.


As a rule, infection of guinea pigs occurs through direct contact with other pets. Dogs, cats, rodents can be carriers of a dangerous virus. The disease is manifested by changes and disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the respiratory tract and is characterized by shortness of breath, frequent shallow breathing, cough, profuse catarrhal-serous discharge from the nose, eyes, conjunctivitis, lethargy. A sick pig throws its head to one side, rubs its muzzle with its paws, shows anxiety and can become aggressive. Appetite is reduced or completely absent.

Guinea pig treatment should be comprehensive. In therapy, antibacterial agents, sulfonamides, complex symptomatic, tonic drugs are used. Good results are noted after the / m administration of Baytril, Gentamicin (4-5 mg / kg). The dosage, duration of the course will be prescribed by the veterinarian.


The infection is manifested by general depression, weakness, lack of appetite, increased thirst, tearing, sneezing. Near the nose, the fur is moistened due to abundant mucous or purulent outflows. The guinea pig is rapidly losing weight, breathing heavily. Auscultation of the sternum clearly audible noise. The coat becomes brittle, matte. Ulcers appear on the body in various places. If a inflammatory process passes into the deep layers of the dermis, blood poisoning is possible.


Unfortunately, this pathology manifests itself in the later stages of the development of the disease, after autopsy, so fascioliasis is detected posthumously in most cases. In order to prevent the development of the disease, several times a year, for preventive purposes, pets should be given anthelmintic drugs (Praziquantel), strictly adhering to the dosage indicated in the instructions.


characteristic symptom- indigestion (diarrhea, followed by constipation, vomiting, lack of appetite). In the feces there is mucus, foam, particles of undigested food. In advanced cases, bloody inclusions can be seen in the stools.

In sick pets, diuresis increases, which can be understood by the litter that is quickly contaminated with feces. Animals lose weight, are strongly oppressed. Mucous membranes are pale, cyanotic. The abdomen is enlarged. The fur near the anus is wet, dirty, stuck together. On palpation of the peritoneum, the animals experience severe discomfort and pain.

Skin diseases in guinea pigs require an integrated approach. The choice of drugs depends on the form, stage, cause of dermatological pathologies.

No less dangerous to the health and life of guinea pigs are diseases of non-infectious etiopathogenesis. deficit useful substances leads to metabolic disorders, rickets, hypo-, beriberi, provokes digestive problems, hormonal disruptions.

The main symptoms of rickets, beriberi:

  • violations in growth, development;
  • poor condition of the coat;
  • thickening of the joints;
  • sagging back;
  • curvature of the limbs;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • convulsions, muscle spasms, paralysis;
  • nervous disorders, increased excitability.

If the pig suffers from rickets, hypo-, beriberi, animals are prescribed multivitamin complexes, mineral-vitamin mixtures. 2-3 drops of Tetravit, Trivitamin are added daily to drinking water. Make dietary adjustments.

Hypothermia, stress weaken the body, can cause not only respiratory ailments, but also cystitis, stone disease, and other pathologies of the excretory system.

With cystitis, inflammation Bladder urination becomes more frequent, pets become inactive, clogged in secluded places in the cage. Mucous anemic, pale. Urine acquires a brown, reddish-brown hue. With a detailed examination, you can see bloody threads, clots, fibrin flakes in the urine. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, antispasmodics, sulfonamides, homeopathic remedies. Therapeutic therapy, depending on the root cause, will be selected by the doctor.

In older animals, benign, malignant neoplasms are detected. If the cancer has not metastasized, is characterized by a benign course, prescribe surgical treatment in which the tumor is removed.

Due to injury, in fights with relatives, animals receive various injuries. A fall from a height can cause deep wounds, fractures, tears, sprains and tendons.

For wounds, ulcers, drugs for local treatment (ointments, gels, liniments, pharmacy talkers), antiseptic solutions, suspensions, as well as symptomatic drugs to normalize the general condition are prescribed.

With purulent abscesses, ulcers, wounds, Vishnevsky liniment, streptomycin ointment are applied to the lesions. Before applying the drug, cut the hair near the lesion. The damaged surface is treated with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide), foreign objects are removed, crusts and scabs are removed. After applying the ointment, a fixing bandage is applied.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

An unbalanced diet, exposure to toxins provoke food allergies, severe poisoning. Gastrointestinal diseases in guinea pigs are manifested by unstable stools (diarrhea, constipation), weakness, lethargy, decreased appetite, refusal of favorite treats, vomiting, weight loss, decreased activity.

Helminths that can live in the intestines, liver, lungs, heart, liver, pancreas disrupt metabolic processes, prevent the absorption of nutrients, poison the body with toxins, and provoke disturbances in work internal organs and systems, can cause convulsions, convulsions. A piglet infested with worms can die from a nervous attack, severe exhaustion, severe intoxication, and blockage of the intestines.

Treatment, the choice of methods depends on the form, stage of the disease, the root cause. Animals are prescribed absorbents, tonic, symptomatic drugs, antibiotics, enzymes, probiotics, homeopathic remedies, decoctions of medicinal plants. When diarrhea pee Ftalazol, Enterosgel, Enterosperol. You can give your pet rice water, strong tea. Flax seed will help normalize digestion, chamomile tea, herbal infusions.

eye disease in guinea pigs

Keratitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis, corneal ulcers, volvulus, inflammation of the eyelids are often diagnosed ophthalmic diseases in guinea pigs. They can be congenital or occur due to mechanical damage, trauma, as well as secondary infections and diseases.

With inflammation of the mucous membranes in pigs, the eyes fester, the eyelids swell. Animals are afraid of bright light, become restless or, on the contrary, strongly depressed, inactive. Due to abundant mucous, catarrhal, purulent discharge, the hair on the muzzle is constantly wet. Dry crusts appear near the eyes or in the corners. In severe cases, clouding of the cornea, decreased visual function, complete, partial blindness are noted.

Symptoms depend on the cause, form, localization of the pathological process or inflammation. Treatment is carried out in a complex manner. Apply funds for general and local treatment. The conjunctiva is washed with disinfectant solutions. Medical anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drops are instilled into the eyes, therapeutic ointments (tetracycline, chloramphenicol) are laid.

If the eye disease is caused by an infection, antibiotic therapy is prescribed for the sick pet. Apply systemic antibiotics of complex action. Treatment of guinea pigs is carried out until complete recovery, normalization of the general condition.

Ear diseases

If the guinea pig shakes its head, constantly rubs its muzzle with its paw, becomes inactive, there is a noticeable large amount of sulfur inside the auricle, dark crusts, it can be suspected that the pet has otitis media. The disease can be caused by ticks, viruses, bacteria, fungi, foreign objects entering the ear canal that provoked inflammation.

With otitis, the temperature rises. The inner surface of the auricle is hyperemic, inflamed. A sharp specific smell comes from the ears. On the outer surface, you can see wounds, scratches, scratches. With bilateral otitis, the guinea pig becomes lethargic, stretches its neck forward, or tilts its head to one side. When examining the ear, redness, severe pain are noted. Dry dark crusts, scabs, sores are visible inside the ear.

Otitis is very often complicated by pathogenic flora and can cause deterioration, partial or complete loss of hearing function, so treatment should be started immediately.

Animals are prescribed antibacterial medicinal drops, solutions, lotions, symptomatic drugs for general treatment. Before dropping the ear, the ear canal, using antiseptics, is cleaned of contamination, the crusts and sulfur are carefully removed with a sterile cotton-gauze disk. All manipulations are carried out very carefully to avoid damage to the eardrum. Preparations for local treatment are instilled into each ear of the pet.

Diseases of the respiratory system

Respiratory diseases in guinea pigs develop due to a decrease in immunity, due to severe hypothermia, exposure to drafts. Manifested by general weakness, lethargy, disturbance, respiratory depression, coughing, sneezing, fever, chills, fever, purulent, mucous, catarrhal discharge from the eyes. Animals are inactive, sluggishly react to external stimuli.

During treatment, owners must strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending veterinarian. Before you give your pet medicine, carefully read the instructions for the medication. Stick to the indicated dosage. During treatment, as well as after treatment, carefully monitor the behavior and health of your pet.