What to do after casual sex. How long before you can get tested for STDs?

Prevention of STDs after casual relationships- a set of therapeutic medical procedures carried out if there is concern or risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases after sexual intercourse.

The venereologists of the “Honest Clinic” have extensive experience in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections; they will professionally, and if you wish, absolutely anonymously help you in solving “delicate” problems.

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The essence of the method

In venereology there is the concept of drug prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. For example, a person who has been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease consults a doctor. The doctor treats him and, at the same time, finds out with whom the patient has had sexual intercourse recently. The patient has a sexual partner, the partner is examined, and there are situations (for example, the infection is in the incubation period), the infection is not detected in the partner. In this case, according to all medical canons, this person is also treated, but using a “lighter” method, i.e. prevent sexually transmitted diseases. As a result, the infection does not develop in this person. Long-term treatment is not necessary.

Timing of drug prophylaxis

Drug prophylaxis can be carried out when no more than 7 days have passed since casual sexual contact.

The timing is related to the incubation period of sexually transmitted diseases. On average, the incubation period of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is two weeks. There are exceptions, for example, the incubation period of gonorrhea (gonorrhoea) is 3-5 days, and the incubation period of such a terrible disease as syphilis is 1.5 months. Therefore, the sooner after accidental contact carry out drug prophylaxis, the more effective the results will be.

The development of which sexually transmitted diseases will be prevented by drug prophylaxis?

Prevention is effective against all sexually transmitted bacterial infections. That is, against gonorrhea (grip), syphilis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, candidiasis (thrush). Prevention is not effective against viral diseases - HIV, hepatitis B, C, herpes viruses, papilloma.

How is drug prevention of casual relationships carried out, what negative consequences this procedure can have on the human body.

Drug prophylaxis is a mini course of treatment, designed in most cases for 1-2 days. The patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs (in the form of an injection and/or tablets) and local antiseptic procedures. The point of these manipulations is to exclude the development of an infection that may have entered the body through accidental sexual contact. Antibacterial drugs are most often taken ONCE, therefore negative consequences As a rule, it does not affect the human body.

Prevention of STDs after casual sex for men

This is done according to the method described above. Time of receipt medicines when carrying out prevention after casual relationships for men and women, it depends on how much time has passed since the casual relationship. The sooner the patient consults a doctor, the more effective the prevention of STDs after casual sex in men will be.

Prevention of STDs after casual sex in women

Has some features. Due to physiological characteristics female body, the dose of medications for the prevention of STDs after a casual relationship in women differs to a large extent from that for men.

Prevention of STIs after unprotected intercourse for both men and women will be most effective if this procedure is carried out within 3 days after casual sexual contact. Prevention after an unprotected act, done according to all the rules in medical institution, guarantees you that you will not get a sexually transmitted disease.

Important! When using medications, drug allergies may develop. Therefore, this procedure is carried out in a medical facility under the supervision of a doctor.

What restrictions in everyday life will you have to adhere to when carrying out drug prevention?

The main limitation is not to have sex without a condom for 5 days after prophylaxis.

Prevention after casual relationships - how often can this procedure be carried out? What is its effectiveness?

Venereologists recommend preventing STDs after casual sex no more than once a month. The use of antibacterial drugs more often, over time, can lead to resistance of the infectious pathogen to the treatment. As for the effectiveness of preventing STDs after a casual relationship, the procedure for bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STDs) is effective in 100% of cases, provided that all medical recommendations are followed and timely consultation with a doctor. Thus, we note that prevention after casual relationships is an effective way to prevent the development of sexually transmitted diseases.

Is it possible to do drug prophylaxis often, what is the effectiveness of the procedure.

Venereologists recommend performing this procedure no more than once a month. The use of antibacterial drugs more often, over time, can lead to resistance of the infectious pathogen to the treatment. As for the effectiveness of prevention, the procedure against sexually transmitted bacterial infections (STDs) is effective in 100% of cases, provided that all medical recommendations are followed and timely consultation with a doctor.

Sexual freedom enjoyed modern man, has its drawbacks: according to statistics, every tenth person is infected with one or another. To protect yourself and not endanger others, you must follow preventive measures. This is especially important after casual relationships.

Important!Measures will be effective if taken no later than 24 hours after the accidental connection.

Most people, when the first symptoms appear, do not consult a doctor, but try to solve the problem on their own. Unfortunately, this can lead to serious consequences.

Measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases

Diseases include infectious diseases with different clinical picture. All of them are transmitted sexually.

Often such diseases occur without symptoms and appear when complications begin to develop. Therefore, preventive measures are an extremely important measure. It is imperative to use contraception, especially in casual relationships, and to be tested for infection twice a year.

Important!With the appearance of itching in the genital area, rashes and ulcers, discharge with unpleasant smell, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Individual preventive measures

Preventive measures for sexually transmitted diseases include taking care of your health and the health of your partner.

Prevention measures include:

There are medicinal and mechanical means prevention of STDs.

Mechanical means of prevention

This type of protective equipment cannot guarantee 100% safety. Basically, they are used as protection against unplanned pregnancy. The risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases is reduced by only 85%.

This is due to several reasons:

  • the source of infection may be on parts of the body not covered by a condom;
  • spermicidal lubricant used to treat condoms does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • infections can be transmitted through hygiene products and sexual toys;
  • latex has a porous structure, and the pore size is several times larger than the size of viruses.

The condom is considered the most effective means protection against sexually transmitted diseases. It is used for oral, anal and vaginal sex.

Important!To reduce risks, purchase condoms only from pharmacies. Observe storage conditions and periods. Use the product correctly.

The use of condoms with spermicidal creams, vaginal pills and contraceptive suppositories is not recommended. These drugs can disrupt the vaginal microflora and provoke the development of candidiasis. To protect yourself, it is enough to observe the rules of personal hygiene and use a condom correctly.

Tablets for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

The use of medications prevents infection by approximately 70%.

Medications to prevent STDs:

Emergency preventive measures after an accidental relationship

If you doubt your partner, immediately after sexual intercourse you need to take preventive measures:

  • urinate copiously;
  • Wash the external genitalia and hands with soap;
  • See your doctor as soon as possible.

Important!Remember, diseases that are sexually transmitted can lead to serious complications:, damage internal organs And nervous system, chronic inflammatory processes, .

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases includes several main types of studies. After an examination, the doctor should determine after what time to take tests for STDs. Most sexually transmitted infections begin to manifest themselves clearly only after an incubation period, during which microorganisms actively develop in genitourinary system. Wherein external signs there is no disease, but upon examination a specialist may notice changes in the mucous membranes and discharge from the urethra and genitals, which the patient himself does not yet feel.

No need to wait to appear characteristic symptoms before contacting a venereologist for examination. Immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse, you need to get tested for STDs.

Modern types of research make it possible to detect infection at an early stage, so you should not delay a visit to a venereologist. If you have contact with a little-known or unreliable partner, it is important to consult a doctor promptly and undergo a specialized examination.

However, doing this right away may be impractical and not very informative. After how many days to do an STD test depends on the type of possible disease and the selected/proposed study. Each type of infection has its own incubation period. It is very difficult to detect the presence of a pathogen before it develops and multiplies in the body. Many types of research used in this situation are simply not effective.

To understand the question of how long it takes to get tested for STDs after exposure, you should pay attention to the incubation period of the most common sexually transmitted diseases:

  • for gonorrhea, the development period ranges from 2 to 5 days;
  • for gonorrhea in association with trichomoniasis from 7 to 10 days;
  • for syphilis - from 2 weeks to 6 months;
  • for chlamydia - from 2 weeks to 2 months;
  • for HIV infection - from 2 weeks to 6 months.

The speed of the incubation period depends on the state of health of the person and the activity of his immune system. The more the body resists, the slower pathogens develop. How long after infection the STD test will show is determined by the type of test. The most common and informative types of tests to detect sexually transmitted infections include:

  • Bacterioscopy is the study of a stained or unstained smear under a microscope. This method can detect genital herpes, bacterial and fungal infections. The duration of the study itself depends on the technique used; an express analysis is possible, in which the result will be ready in 15-20 minutes.
  • Culture culture is a more complex and lengthy study in which biomaterial (blood, urine, smear of the urethra or vagina) is placed in a special nutrient medium. If pathogens are present in the material, they begin to actively multiply, which becomes obvious upon further study. The duration of the study depends on the type of pathogen and can last from 2 days to 2 weeks. Thanks to this analysis, specialists can accurately determine the type and combination of pathogens and select drugs active against them.
  • PCR diagnostics is the most accurate and informative type of research that allows you to identify any types of infectious pathogens (including HIV and hepatitis). During the study, the DNA of the pathogen is determined, and it does not matter how actively the pathogens have managed to reproduce. The high accuracy and sensitivity of this analysis makes it possible to diagnose an infection even with an extremely small number of pathogens. Various body fluids (urine, blood, semen) can be used as a biomaterial for research; a blood test is most often performed. The duration of the study is 4–5 hours.
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a blood test aimed at identifying antibodies to infectious pathogens. An immunological study of blood reveals antibodies to pathogens, the presence of which indicates the fact of infection. This analysis will take no more than a day.

Of all types of research, PCR diagnostics have the greatest accuracy. A specialist must decide how long after exposure to get tested for STDs. In such a situation, you should contact a venereologist immediately. If, a few days after casual sex, signs of illness, atypical sensations or suspicious symptoms appear, then you must make an appointment with a doctor.

Signs of sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted infections can manifest themselves in different ways, but there are a number of symptoms that may indicate the presence of the disease. These include:

  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and urethra;
  • copious or unusual discharge from the genitals and urethra;
  • pain in the groin area;
  • burning and discomfort when urinating;
  • pain during intimacy or after sexual intercourse.

If such symptoms are accompanied by general weakness, fever and aching joints, then the answer to the question how many days later is an STD test needed becomes obvious - immediately!

Tests for STDs - after how many days to take them

Based on all the above factors and clinical practice, experts advise:

  • Contact a venereologist in the coming days after unprotected sexual contact with a little-known partner.
  • Perform regular examinations if you have several sexual partners at the same time.
  • Get tested for STDs when you have a new partner.
  • See a doctor immediately at the first signs of a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Regardless of the statute of limitations, after accidental contact, it is necessary to diagnose for STDs when planning a pregnancy.
  • The most informative and accurate test for sexually transmitted infections is PCR diagnostics. If possible, it makes sense to conduct this particular analysis.

When asked how long it takes to get tested for STDs, venereology defines a period of two weeks. That is, 14 days after contact, most sexually transmitted infections can already be detected and identified.

If a person has had unprotected sexual contact with an unfamiliar or casual partner, you need to consult a dermatologist-venereologist. Even if there are no changes in well-being immediately after intimacy, the infection can develop latently in the body. Get tested for STDs after unprotected sex to protect yourself from developing a dangerous pathology with possible complications, a completely logical and correct decision.

Attention! This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes scientific material or medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a professional physician. For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment, contact qualified doctors!

Number of reads: 112096 Date of publication: 10/23/2017

In this case, three options are possible:

  • First: within a few days after such sexual contact, carry out the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (preventive treatment). It will prevent the development of bacterial sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, trichomoniasis). Prevention is carried out within several days after sexual intercourse. After 3-4 weeks you need to undergo examination by a venereologist. Preventive treatment regimens correspond to treatment regimens for a fresh, uncomplicated infection.
  • Second: you don’t have to carry out prophylaxis, wait 3-4 weeks, and then get examined by a venereologist. There is no point in being examined before 3-4 weeks, since during the incubation period there are no symptoms of the disease, and laboratory tests during this period are uninformative.
  • The third, in most cases difficult to implement: you can convince your casual sexual partner to come to an appointment with a venereologist and be examined for sexually transmitted infections. If nothing is found on him, then you have not become infected with anything.

Which of the mentioned options is preferable? It depends on the specific situation. It is best to resolve this issue not independently, but together with a venereologist who will help assess the risk of infection.

How is the prevention of casual sex tolerated? Isn't it dangerous to health?

Most drugs prescribed for the prevention of casual relationships are prescribed once, that is, they are taken orally or administered intramuscularly only once. Therefore, in most cases, the side effects of antibiotic therapy (intestinal dysbiosis, candidiasis/thrush) do not have time to manifest themselves. Side effects antibiotics usually appear with longer use.

The only thing you should be wary of when preventing casual relationships is drug allergies. Therefore, if you are allergic to medicines, be sure to tell your doctor about this.

How often can casual sex be prevented?

Prevention after casual sexual intercourse is a last resort (backup) method of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. It cannot be done frequently and therefore cannot be considered as an alternative to a condom (as many would like).

In addition, prophylaxis after casual sexual intercourse does not prevent the development of viral diseases (genital herpes, human papillomavirus infection/genital warts, HIV infection).

How effective is the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases with chlorhexidine (Gibitan, Miramistin, etc.)?

Prevention with chlorhexidine is not a very reliable method. She makes no guarantees. Moreover, in some cases, prophylaxis with chlorhexidine can do more harm than good. For example, a person, completely relying on this method, lives a promiscuous sex life, without a condom. However, he does not consider it necessary to be checked by a venereologist. As a result, he risks acquiring a whole “bouquet” of sexually transmitted diseases.

In women, douching with chlorhexidine can create favorable conditions for the development of bacterial vaginosis.

The preventative measures you take at home will not protect you from possible infections, but they will reduce the risk of them occurring. After casual sexual intercourse, wash the external genitalia with soap. Empty bladder– this will reduce the risk of developing urinary tract diseases. If you have chlorine-containing antiseptics at home, such as Chlorhexidine or Miramistin, use a syringe to rinse your vagina or rectum with them, and if your relationship included oral sex, rinse your mouth. In the absence of antiseptics, a weak solution of potassium permanganate will do.

Those who have a regular partner should refrain from unprotected sex for a week after undergoing prophylaxis, otherwise you may infect him too.

Prevention by a doctor

Immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse there is no point in getting an infection - they will not give reliable results. If you cannot wait and prefer to prevent problems rather than solve them, you can visit a venereologist within three to four days and ask him to prescribe you medication prophylaxis. It is effective against sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis. It is easier and faster to take prophylaxis against a developed infection. You should not run to the pharmacy and buy all the medications available there - a treatment regimen should be prescribed by a doctor after an examination.

If your casual partner gets tested or provides a certificate from a venereologist, you won’t have to wait a month or treat all infections in a row.

Sexual infections and unwanted pregnancy

You can also wait three to four weeks after your incident and then come and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. Once your doctor receives the results, he will give you treatment for any infections you have.

In girls, unprotected sexual intercourse can also lead to unwanted pregnancy. The most effective way to prevent it would be to resort to emergency contraception within 72 hours after sexual intercourse and take Postinor, Agest, Gynepriston or their analogues. The hormones contained in the medicine will prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.