What is the animal world in Antarctica. Antarctica: nature

On July 4, 1819, the sloops Mirny and Vostok set off from Kronstadt to circumnavigate the world. The expedition resulted in the discovery of Antarctica. We decided to compile a list of the most interesting animals inhabiting this continent.

Not only the southernmost animal, but also one of the cutest animals. You can admire the pretty faces of these big-eyed mammals for hours. The seal inhabits the entire coast of Antarctica, its number is estimated at about a million individuals. This animal is an excellent diver. An adult seal is able to hold its breath for an hour and is able to get its own food at a depth of 800 meters.

Blue, or Blue, whale , living in the waters of the Southern Ocean, is not just one of the animals that has managed to adapt to life in harsh conditions. This is, first of all, the most gigantic of the animals that inhabit our planet now and have ever inhabited. Its length can reach four tens of meters, and its weight often exceeds 150 tons. Compared to humans, this animal looks like a giant floating mountain. A whale's heart alone can weigh over a ton. Unfortunately, as a result of uncontrolled whaling, a huge number of blue whales were destroyed, but now their numbers are slowly recovering.

This is one of the largest birds on planet Earth. These animals settle behind cliffs and rocks, live in huge colonies, which often number up to ten thousand individuals. The habits of penguins, their way of getting food and how they raise their offspring are also interesting. These are also one of the most frost-resistant animals on planet earth - in their breeding places, the temperature most often does not rise above minus fifty degrees.

A bird of prey that can feed on fish, it sometimes preys on penguins and storm petrels. This bird is an excellent traveler. During the migration season, she is able, using the power of the wind, to fly around the globe.

This is an Antarctic gull, it flies just as well, it is just as tenacious and even more hardy. The bird is able to live and reproduce at low temperatures. It mainly feeds on fish, but usually takes fish from less agile birds.

This is one of the largest subspecies of the seal. Adult individuals reach a size of three meters and weigh up to two and a half tons. An interesting fact is that there is much more fat in this animal than meat, which is not surprising, given the temperatures at which it needs to exist. Elephant seals are known for their mating games and fights, during which they can seriously injure each other.

- a dangerous predator that lives in the waters of the Southern Ocean, swims to the coast of Australia during the winter. Being a predator of this animal allows its thin layer of fat and developed muscles. Due to this, it is quite mobile and can kill seals, large fish, penguins. The sea leopard does not disdain the meat of dead whales. But for thin subcutaneous fat, you have to pay less resistance to cold.

What animals live in Antarctica?

  1. walruses penguins polar bears and Chukchi
  2. penguins. bears and polar explorers
  3. Look for the answer here http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctica
  4. Look here: the link is blocked by the decision of the project administration
    Oh-hey.. .Moderators.. .
    Well then type in Google "animals of Antarctica". There's a lot there.
  5. Wedmedy and penguins!!!
  6. go to dota
  7. Seals. blue whale, albatross, well, of course, penguins, and a sea leopard, and many more of them ...
  8. penguins, bears, whales, leopard seals, elephant seals.
  10. Blue whale
    Sperm whale
    northern storm petrel
    great skua
    giant petrel
    Ross seal
    crabeater seal
    Weddell seal
    Sea leopard
    southern elephant seal
    king penguin
    Adélie penguins
    Golden-haired penguin
    Galapagos penguin
    emperor penguin
  11. penguins
  12. List of animals of Antarctica:

    Blue whale
    Sperm whale
    northern storm petrel
    great skua
    giant petrel
    Ross seal
    crabeater seal
    Weddell seal
    Sea leopard
    southern elephant seal
    king penguin
    Adélie penguins
    Golden-haired penguin
    Galapagos penguin
    emperor penguin

  13. Penguins and Antarctic explorers (on long business trips)
  14. Antarctic animals are completely dependent on the coastal ecosystem of the Southern Ocean: due to the scarcity of vegetation, all food chains coastal ecosystems begin in the waters surrounding Antarctica. Antarctic waters are particularly rich in zooplankton, primarily krill. Krill directly or indirectly form the basis of the food chain for many species of fish, cetaceans, squid, seals, penguins and other animals; There are no completely land mammals in Antarctica, invertebrates are represented by about 70 species of arthropods (insects and arachnids) and nematodes living in soils.

    Terrestrial animals include seals (Weddell, crabeater seals, leopard seals, Ross, elephant seals) and birds (several species of petrels (antarctic, snow), two species of skuas, arctic tern, Adélie penguins and emperor penguins).
    Catalunya Saddle and Bransfield Strait

    In the freshwater lakes of the continental coastal oases of dry valleys, there are oligotrophic ecosystems inhabited by blue-green algae, roundworms, copepods (cyclops) and daphnia, while birds (petrels and skuas) fly here occasionally.

    Nunataks are characterized only by bacteria, algae, lichens and strongly oppressed mosses; only skuas following people occasionally fly onto the ice sheet.

    There is an assumption about the presence in the subglacial lakes of Antarctica, such as Lake Vostok, of extremely oligotrophic ecosystems, practically isolated from the outside world.

  15. seals, penguins of various kinds.
  16. Adélie penguin

    gentoo penguin
    gentoo penguin
    or subantarctic penguin
    (continental coast of Antarctica)
    chinstrap penguin
    chinstrap penguin

    crested penguin
    crested penguin
    or stone penguin
    (antarctic and subantarctic islands)
    golden-haired penguin
    golden-haired penguin
    (Subantarctic islands in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans)
    penguin schlegel
    penguin schlegel
    (Macquarie Island and Campbell Island (south of New Zealand))
    Victoria penguin
    Victoria penguin
    or thick-billed penguin
    (New Zealand)
    big crested penguin
    big crested penguin
    or Sclater's Penguin
    (Australia, New Zealand and nearby islands)
    Snare crested penguin
    Snare crested penguin
    (Snares Islands, south of New Zealand)
    yellow-eyed penguin
    yellow-eyed penguin
    or Magnificent Penguin
    (southeast of New Zealand)
    little penguin
    little penguin
    or Little Blue Penguin
    (South Australia and New Zealand)
    white-winged penguin
    white-winged penguin
    or northern little penguin
    (east coast of New Zealand)
    Galapagos penguin
    Galapagos penguin
    (Galapagos Islands)
    humboldt penguin
    humboldt penguin
    or Peruvian penguin

    magellanic penguin
    magellanic penguin
    (islands off the west coast of South America, the coast of Peru and Chile)
    African penguin
    African penguin
    or Donkey Penguin or Spectacled
    (South African coast)

    Seals in Antarctica:

    Weddell seal
    Weddell seal
    (all along the Antarctic coastline)
    crabeater seal
    crabeater seal
    (Antarctic seas, south of the 65th parallel)
    sea ​​leopard
    sea ​​leopard
    Hydrurga leptonyx
    Ross seal
    Ross seal
    Ommatophoca rossii
    southern elephant seal
    southern elephant seal
    mirounga leonina
    Kerguelen fur seal
    Kerguelen fur seal
    Arctocephalus gazella

    Whales in Antarctica:

    blue whale
    blue whale
    or blue whale or vomit
    sperm whale
    sperm whale
    Physeter macrocephalus
    Balaenoptera borealis
    flat-browed bottlenose
    flat-browed bottlenose
    See also Highbrow bottlenose
    killer whales
    killer whales
    Orcinus orca
    southern minke
    southern minke
    Balaenoptera bonaerensis

    Fish in Antarctica:

    marble notothenia
    marble notothenia
    Antarctic toothfish
    Antarctic toothfish
    considered also
    Patagonian toothfish
    white-blooded pike
    white-blooded pike
    or Icefish
    other Antarctic fish
    other Antarctic fish
    more than 20 types

    Birds in Antarctica:

    cape pigeon
    cape pigeon
    Daption capensis
    Antarctic petrel
    Antarctic petrel
    Thalassoica antarctica
    snow petrel
    snow petrel
    pagodroma nivea
    white plover
    white plover
    Chionis alba
    great skua
    silver gray petrel
    arctic tern
    Wilson's storm-petrel
    south polar skua

    Characteristic representatives of the fauna of Antarctica:

    Antarctic krill
    Antarctic krill
    Euphausia superba
    scolimaster sponge
    scolimaster sponge
    Scolimastra jubini
    Ross sponge
    Ross sponge
    single stony coral
    single stony coral
    Flabellum Antarcticum
    gorgonian tuarella
    gorgonian tuarella

    giant polychaete worm
    Eulagisca gigantea
    Antarctic starfish
    Antarctic starfish
    Odontaster validus
    colonial wingbranch
    colonial wingbranch
    Cephalodiscus MINtosh

    Continental plants of Antarctica:

    lichen (300 species)
    moss (80 species)
    lower algae

    Low-growing plants of Antarctica above 64 s. w:

    cereal pike
    Deschampsia flexuosa
    clove colobanthus
    Colobanthus quitensis
    kerguelen cabbage
    flowering plants (20 species)
    Tuesoc grass (Roa flabellata)
    clove herb
    cereal grass

    Semi-terrestrial animals of Antarctica:


  17. List of animals of Antarctica:

    Blue whale
    Sperm whale
    northern storm petrel
    great skua
    giant petrel
    Ross seal
    crabeater seal
    Weddell seal
    Sea leopard
    southern elephant seal
    king penguin
    Adélie penguins
    Golden-haired penguin
    Galapagos penguin
    emperor penguin

  18. White bears, Penguins ....

Severe and regal, mysterious and alluring, Antarctica has a very limited species diversity. animal world. However, even under extreme climatic conditions Antarctica, some animals feel great.

Representatives of the local fauna inhabit the coastal strip of the mainland and live in coastal waters.

The land animals of Antarctica are leopard seals, crabeater seals, elephant seals, 17 species of penguins (Adelie penguins, emperor penguins and others), two species of skuas and several species of petrels. Nematodes live in soils, and up to 70 species of arthropods, represented by arachnids and insects, can be found on the surface.

Sea leopards (Eng. Leopard seal)- a species of seals, whose habitat is the subantarctic regions of the Southern Ocean. Male sea leopards reach a length of 3 meters and weigh approximately 270 kg, while females grow up to 4 meters and have a body weight of up to 0.4 tons. The body of animals has a smooth, streamlined shape, which makes it possible to slide freely in the thickness of oceanic waters at speeds up to 40 km / h. The diet of these animals includes warm-blooded vertebrates, including young seals and penguins.

Crabeater seal- a species characteristic of Antarctica, differing large numbers. The body length of an adult seal is on average 2-2.5 m, females and males appearance almost identical to each other, both of which go through a process of molting every year at the beginning of spring, changing the color of the fur from silver gray to grayish brown with a few light spots. The food for these seals are small crustaceans.

Adélie penguins- typically Antarctic birds, in the nests of which there are up to 700 thousand individuals. These penguins make up 2/3 of all birds in Antarctica. They spend most of their lives in the ocean, and come ashore only during the nesting season. Penguins are called birds only conditionally - they do not know how to fly, but they can swim very well at speeds up to 20 km / h. Almost the entire body of Adele is covered with waterproof feathers, and under the skin there is a thick fatty layer that protects from severe frosts. Adélie penguins feed exclusively on krill, cephalopods, mollusks and small fish. The daily amount of food eaten for an adult reaches 2 kg.

Emperor Penguins- the largest penguins living on Earth, reaching 1.3 m in length and weighing up to 45 kg. These birds have rounded shapes, disproportionately small head and legs. The body color is black and white: black plumage on the back and white on the chest is a natural protection of birds from enemies. On the cheeks and below the neck, emperor penguins have yellow-orange patches of plumage. Penguins spend most of the year on drifting ice floes and at sea, but during mating they return to the mainland. The main food of emperor penguins is krill, shellfish and fish, which they hunt in groups.

King penguin (Aptenodytes patagonica)

Lives to the north, in warmer places. Breeding colonies are located on the islands of South Georgia, Kerguelen, Marion, Crozet and Macquarie.
The length of the body is 91-96 cm. The colonies are located on solid rocky ground. Reproduction occurs in summer: eggs are laid mainly in December - January. Each female puts only 1 big egg. Both parents incubate alternately. Incubation duration 54 days

Rockhopper penguin or climbing penguin, rocky penguin(Eudyptes chrysocome)

It lives on the rocky islands of the subantarctic region, but sometimes they are also found to the north, at the southern tip of Africa and South America and also on the south coast of New Zealand.
Reaches 45-58 cm in height, weight 2-3 kg.

Breeds in large colonies on the barren and very harsh islands of Tristanda Cunha and Heard Island. In a noisy and crowded colony, the small first egg is usually lost in quarrels with neighbors. The chicks gather in the nursery, but return to the nest when the parents call them to feed them. Chicks grow up quickly and at the age of 10 weeks are ready to go to sea.

Victoria Penguin or Crested Thick-billed Penguin (Eudyptes pachyrhynchus)

It breeds only on the rocky, creviced coast of New Zealand's South Island, as well as on two small offshore islands, Stewart and Solander.
Reaches 60 cm in length, with a weight of about 3 kg.

Golden-haired penguins (Eng. Macaroni Penguin) - low (up to 76 cm) penguins colonially nesting near Antarctica, having a bunch of golden yellow feathers above their eyes.

Little penguin, elf penguin, little blue penguin, little blue penguin (Eudyptula minor)

It lives off the southern coast of Australia, along the coasts of Tasmania, New Zealand and Chatham Island.
It has a body length of only 40 cm. Usually lays 1-2, sometimes 3 eggs.

Antarctic penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica)

It lives mainly on the barren islands of the subantarctic region.
It reaches a height of 71-76 cm with a weight of 4 kg.
These penguins are quite aggressive. There are known cases of these birds attacking people approaching the colony. Unlike other species, they feed their both chicks.

giant petrels

nesting birds on the Antarctic islands, feeding on marine animals, and sometimes young penguins. The size of the wings of these birds reaches half a meter. Scientists find out that petrels, using the power of a tailwind, are able to fly around the entire planet and return to their nesting place.

great skuas

The closest relatives of seagulls. Their wings length reaches 40 cm, but they walk on the ground as well as they fly. Skuas feed on fish, small animals and birds, and can be content with carrion.

Skuas are bandits, and nothing more. There are four types of them, and all - some more, some less - rob. Eggs and chicks are stolen from neighbors. Penguins are especially affected by great skuas. Large skuas, they are as tall as a large herring gull, kill with strong beaks even adult birds that they can overcome

New Year's greetings from penguins

The amazing ecosystem of the continent, which is almost entirely covered with ice, is fraught with many mysteries. The climate of Antarctica is very harsh, even at the North Pole it is much milder. The summer temperature here is minus 50-55°С, in winter months– 60-80°С.

Only the ocean coast is warmer - minus 20-30°С. Severe cold, very dry air of the mainland, many months of darkness - these are the conditions where living organisms also live.

fauna features

Animal world of Antarctica has its ancient history. In the distant past, even dinosaurs lived on the mainland. But today there are not even insects due to strong cold winds.

Today Antarctica does not belong to any country in the world. The world of nature is inviolable here! Animals here are not afraid of people, they are interested in them, because they did not know the danger from a person who only a couple of centuries ago discovered this wonderful world.

Many animals of Antarctica migratory - not everyone is able to stay in such a harsh environment. There are no terrestrial four-legged predators on the continent. Marine mammals, pinnipeds, huge birds - here animals of Antarctica. Video reflects how the life of all inhabitants is connected with the coast of the ocean and the water basins of the mainland.

Zooplankton, which is abundant in the waters around the mainland, is the main food for many inhabitants from penguins, the indigenous inhabitants of Antarctica to whales and seals.

Mammals of Antarctica


Representatives of the largest and most mysterious animals on the planet. Despite their huge size, they are elusive to study. Complex social life, freedom of movement, living in harsh conditions reflect their powerful natural intelligence and capabilities.

Whales of Antarctica are represented by two species: baleen and toothed. The former are better studied, since they were commercial objects. These include humpback whales, fin whales, real whales. They all breathe air, so they periodically rise to the surface to replenish their air reserves.

Whales give birth to young, feed them with milk for up to a year. The female feeds the cubs in such a way that only in a day they increase 100 kg of live weight.

Blue, or blue, whale (vomited)

The largest animal weighing an average of 100-150 tons, body length up to 35 meters. The total weight is approximately 16 tons. Giants feed on small crustaceans, which in the ocean ice water lots of. A whale eats up to 4 million shrimp per day alone.

The basis of the diet is most often plankton. The filtering apparatus formed by the whalebone plates helps to sift food. feed blue whale are also cephalopods and small fish, krill, large crustaceans. The stomach of a whale takes food up to 2 tons.

The lower part of the head, throat and belly in the folds of the skin, which stretches when swallowing food with water, enhances the hydrodynamic properties of the whale.

Vision, smell, taste buds are weak. But hearing and touch are especially developed. Whales keep alone. Sometimes in places rich in food, groups of 3-4 giants appear, but the animals behave separately.

Deep dives at 200-500 m alternate with short dives. The speed of movement is approximately 35-45 km / h. It would seem that a giant cannot have enemies. But the attacks of a flock of killer whales are detrimental to individual individuals.

humpback whale (humpback whale)

The size is two times smaller than the blue whale, but an active disposition poses a great threat to those who are close to a dangerous animal. Gorbach attacks even small ships. The weight of one individual is approximately 35-45 tons.

The name was given for a strongly arched back in swimming. Humpbacks live in packs, within which groups of 4-5 individuals are formed. The color of animals from black and white tones. The back is dark, the belly with white spots. Each individual has a unique pattern.

The whale stays mainly in coastal waters, leaving for the ocean only during migrations. The speed of the swimmer is up to about 30 km/h. Diving to a depth of up to 300 m alternates with the appearance on the surface, where the animal releases water when breathing in a fountain up to 3 m. Jumping over water, flips, sudden movements are often aimed at getting rid of pests that are located on its skin.

A humpback whale can eat more than a ton of krill in a day

Seiwal (Ivas whale)

A large minke whale from baleen whales up to 17-20 m long, weighing up to 30 tons. The back is dark, the sides are in small spots of light color, a whitish belly. A quarter of the length of the animal is the head. The diet is mainly pollock, cephalopods, black-eyed crustaceans.

After the decline in the production of the blue whale, the sei whale became for some time the leading commercial species. Now hunting for sei whales is prohibited. Animals live alone, sometimes in pairs. Among the whales, they develop the highest speed up to 55 km / h, which allows them to avoid the attacks of killer whales.

fin whale

The second largest whale, which is called the centenarian. Mammals live up to 90-95 years. The whale is about 25 m long and weighs up to 70 tons. The skin is dark gray, but the belly is light. On the body, like other whales, there are many furrows, which make it possible to open the throat strongly when capturing prey.

Fin whales reach speeds of up to 45 km/h, dive up to 250 m, but stay at a depth of no more than 15 minutes. Their fountains rise up to 6 m when the giants emerge.

Whales live in groups of 6-10 individuals. The abundance of food increases the number of animals in the herd. In the diet of herring, sardines, capelin, pollock. Small fish they round up and swallow with water. Up to 2 tons of living creatures are absorbed per day. Communication between whales occurs with the help of low-frequency sounds. They can hear each other hundreds of kilometers away.

Toothed whales of the ice kingdom of Antarctica are the most dangerous predators with sharp fins.

killer whales

Large mammals suffer from irrepressible inhabitants with powerful cutting scythes: whales, seals, fur seals, even sperm whales. The name arose on the basis of a comparison of a high fin with a sharp edge and a cutting tool.

Carnivorous dolphins differ from relatives in black and white color. The back and sides are dark, and the throat is white, there is a stripe on the belly, a white spot above the eyes. The head is flattened from above, the teeth are adapted for tearing prey. In length, individuals reach 9-10 m.

The food spectrum of killer whales is wide. Often they can be observed near the rookeries of seals and fur seals. Killer whales are very voracious. The daily need for food is up to 150 kg. They are very inventive in hunting: they hide behind ledges, turn over ice floes with penguins to throw them into the water.

Large animals are attacked by the whole flock. Whales are not allowed to rise to the surface, and sperm whales are not allowed to dive to the depths. In their flock, killer whales are surprisingly friendly and caring towards sick or old relatives.

Killer whales use their tail to stun fish when hunting.

sperm whales

Huge animals up to 20 m, in which the head is a third of the body. The unique appearance will not allow you to confuse the sperm whale with anyone else. The weight is approximately 50 tons. Among the toothed whales, the sperm whale is the largest in size.

For prey, which it searches for with the help of echolocation, it dives up to 2 km. It feeds on octopuses, fish, squid. Stays underwater for up to an hour and a half. Has excellent hearing.

Sperm whales live in large herds of hundreds of heads. They have practically no enemies, only killer whales attack young or females. The sperm whale is very dangerous in an aggressive state. There were examples when ferocious animals sank whaling ships and killed sailors.

flat-nosed bottlenose

Massive whales with a large forehead and a conical beak. They dive deep into the water and can stay up to 1 hour. They make sounds characteristic of whales: whistling, grunting. Tail slapping on the water transmits signals to relatives.

They live in packs of 5-6 individuals, among which males dominate. The length of individuals reaches 9 m, average weight 7-8 tons. The main food of bottlenose is cephalopods, squids, fish.


The indigenous inhabitants of Antarctica are perfectly adapted to the cold seas. A layer of fat, coarse hair on the body, like a shell, protects animals. There are no auricles at all, but seals are not deaf, they hear well in the water.

Mammals in their structure and habits are like an intermediate link between land and sea animals. Fingers are visible on the fins, which have membranes. And they give birth to their babies on land and learn to swim!

Animals of Antarctica on the a photo often captured in moments when they bask in the sun, lie on the shore or drift on an ice floe. On the ground, seals move by crawling, pulling their bodies up with their fins. They eat fish and octopuses. Seals include a number of marine mammals.

Sea Elephant

A very large animal, up to 5 m long, weighing 2.5 tons. There is a remarkable fold on the muzzle, similar to an elephant's trunk, which determined the name of the mammal. He has more fat under his skin than meat. During movement, the body shakes like a jelly.

Good divers - dive up to 500 m for 20-30 minutes. sea ​​elephants known for tough mating games in which they hurt each other. They eat squid, shrimps, fish.

Sea leopard

Among the good-natured seals, this is a special species. The name is associated with the spotted color of the body and the nature of a large predator. The head is like a snake. Weight 300-400 kg, body length about 3-4 m. Animals dive for about 15 minutes, so they do not go under the ice for a long time.

They swim at a speed of 40 km / h, like a fast killer whale. Developed muscles and a thin layer of fat make the sea leopard mobile, so as not to freeze in harsh conditions. It has great strength and agility.

It hunts seals, penguins, large fish, squids. Sharp fangs tear the skins of victims, and powerful jaws grind bones like millstones.

Weddell seal

A calm animal with surprisingly kind eyes. It lives on the coast of Antarctica. Represents one of the most numerous species of seals. He spends a lot of time in the water, and breathes through air holes - holes in the ice.

A good diver who dives to 800 m and stays there for more than an hour. A thick layer of fat up to 7 cm warms the animal, accounting for almost a third of the total weight. The total weight of an individual is on average 400 kg, and the length is approximately 3 m. The hard coat is gray-brown in color with silvery oval spots.

Weddell seals are not at all afraid of humans, they let them very close. When approached, they raise their heads and whistle.

Weddell can stay underwater for a long time, for example, waiting out a strong storm

crabeater seal

Among the seals, this species is the most numerous. Big travelers. In winter, they swim on ice floes towards the north, in summer they return to the shores of Antarctica. The large body up to 4 m in length seems to be elongated, the muzzle has an elongated shape.

They live alone, only on a drifting ice floe they can be seen in groups. Contrary to the name, it feeds on krill, not crabs. Teeth form like a mesh through which water is filtered, prey is delayed. The natural enemies of crabeaters are killer whales, from which they deftly jump onto high ice floes.

Ross seal

Finding an animal is not easy. He retires to hard-to-reach places and keeps alone, although he is not afraid of people, he lets a person close to him. The sizes among relatives are the most modest: weight up to 200 kg, body length is about 2 m.

There are many folds on the neck, into which the seal draws its head and becomes like a round barrel. The color of the coat is dark brown with a leaden sheen. The belly is light. The fat and clumsy beast sings loudly. Makes melodic sounds. The diet includes octopuses, squids, and other cephalopods.

Kerguelen fur seal

It lives along the perimeter of Antarctica, on the nearest islands. AT summer months arranges rookeries on them, in winter they move to warm northern lands. The animals are called eared seals.

They are a bit like big dogs. They are able to rise on their front flippers, show greater flexibility than other seals. The mass of an individual is about 150 kg, body length is up to 190 cm. Males are decorated with a black mane with gray hair.

Industrial capture almost led to the loss of the species, but thanks to conservation laws, the number of fur seals has increased, the threat of extinction has receded.


The bird world of Antarctica is exceptionally peculiar. Most notable are penguins, flightless birds with flipper-like wings. Animals walk vertically on short legs, clumsily moving through the snow, or ride on their belly, pushing off with their limbs. From a distance, they resemble little men in black tailcoats. In the water, they feel more confident, spend 2/3 of their lives there. Adults only eat there.

Dominant animals of north antarctica- penguins. It is they who are able to endure the harsh conditions of polar nights with frosts of minus 60-70 ° C, breed chicks and take care of relatives.

emperor penguin

The most respectable representative in the penguin family. The height of the bird is approximately 120 cm, weight 40-45 kg. The plumage of the back is always black, and the chest is white, this color in the water helps to mask. On the neck and cheeks of the emperor penguin are yellow-orange feathers. Such elegant penguins do not immediately become. The chicks are first covered with gray or whitish down.

Penguins hunt in groups, attacking a school of fish and grabbing everything that comes in front. big booty butchered on the shore, small ones are eaten in the water. Overcome in search of food considerable distances dive up to 500 m.

The dive site should be lit, as it is more important for birds to see than to hear. The speed of movement is approximately 3-6 km / h. They can stay under water without air for up to 15 minutes.

Penguins live in colonies of up to 10,000 individuals. They keep warm in dense groups, inside which the temperature rises to plus 35°C, while the outside temperature rises to minus 20°C.

They monitor the constant movements of relatives from the edge of the group to the middle so that no one freezes. natural enemies penguins are killer whales, sea leopards. Bird eggs are often stolen by giant petrels or skuas.

Emperor penguins surround chicks to survive the cold and wind

king penguin

The appearance is similar to the imperial relative, but the size is smaller, the color is brighter. On the head on the sides, on the chest there are orange spots of a saturated color. The belly is white. The back and wings are black. The chicks are brown. They nest on hard ground, often among windswept rocks.

Adélie penguins

The average size of birds is 60-80 cm, weight is about 6 kg. Black upper back, white belly. There is a white rim around the eyes. Numerous colonies unite up to half a million birds.

The nature of penguins is distinguished by curiosity, mobility, fussiness. This is especially evident in the construction of nests, when neighbors constantly steal valuable stones. Bird fights are full of noise. Unlike shy relatives of other species, Adele is a trusting bird. Krill is the basis of nutrition. Up to 2 kg of food is required per day.

Adélie penguins return every year to the same nesting site and to the same partner

Golden-haired penguin (penguin-dandy)

The name is based on a conspicuous bunch of bright yellow feathers on the head above the eyes. The crest makes it easy to identify the dandy. Growth is approximately 70-80 cm. Colonies collect up to 60,000 individuals.

Shouting and sign language helps to communicate. The dandy penguin lives throughout Antarctica, where there is access to water.

giant petrel

A flying predator that feeds not only on fish, but also on penguins. Does not refuse carrion if it finds carcasses of seals or other mammals. Breeds on islands near Antarctica.

The large wingspan of slate-gray birds, almost 3 m, gives out strong travelers. They unmistakably find their native nesting place thousands of kilometers away! They know how to use wind energy and are able to fly around the globe.

Sailors nicknamed the birds "stinkers" for an unpleasant smell, a kind of protection from the enemy. Even a chick in the nest can release a stream of liquid with a pungent odor if it senses danger. Strength, aggression, mobility are bestowed upon them from birth.


Giant birds with a wingspan of 4 m, a body length of about 130 cm. In flight, they resemble white swans. They feel great in different elements: air and water. They move uncertainly on the ground, and take off from the slopes or the crest of the wave. Known to sailors as escorts of ships - there is something to feed on from the garbage.

Albatrosses are called eternal wanderers because they constantly surf the ocean, looking for prey. For fish they can dive to a depth of 5 m. They nest on rocky islands. They create couples for life, and they have a long life, up to 50 years.

great skua

An Antarctic bird related to the seagull. The wing is up to 40 cm long. It flies beautifully, technically speeding up or slowing down the flight. It can linger in place, fluttering its wings, quickly turn around, quickly attack prey.

Moves well on the ground. It feeds on small birds, alien chicks, animals, does not disdain garbage. Robbery, taking fish from other birds, not too quick. Hardy and hardy in low temperatures.

Skua wingspan reaches 140 cm

white plover

A small bird with white plumage. Small wings, short legs. When moving quickly on land, like doves, they shake their heads. Plover nests on rocky shores, among penguin colonies.

Omnivorous. They trade by stealing fish from large birds, stealing eggs and chicks. Do not disdain waste and waste. Even from their own chicks they leave one, they eat the others.

Wilson's storm-petrel

A small gray-black bird, which is called the sea swallow for its similar size and flight characteristics. The body length is about 15-19 cm, the wingspan is up to 40 cm. Their turns, maneuvers in the air are fast, sharp, and light.

Sometimes they seem to sit down on the water, dancing with their long legs on the surface. The fingers seem to be bound by a yellow membrane. So they collect small prey, diving shallowly, by 15-20 cm. They gather in colonies on the rocks, and nest there.

Everyone understands what animals live in Antarctica,- Only the strongest can live on a continent with permafrost and bask in the Arctic Ocean. The natural world here eliminates the weak.

But amazing facts testify that many animals within their species are friendly and caring towards relatives. External environment pays them off. Only with their warmth and numerous flocks do they save life in the harsh and mysterious Antarctica.

This is one of the most mysterious and little-studied continents on our planet. Antarctica was discovered by two brave explorers - M. Lazarev and F. Bellingshausen. Their expedition confirmed the presence of Antarctica in the south of the globe. It happened in 1820.

Climatic conditions

The nature of Antarctica has the coldest climate on earth. In 1983, the absolute minimum was officially registered - minus 89.2 degrees. In winter, the temperature is kept at around -60 to -75 degrees. In summer it rises to -50. And only on the coast the climate is milder: average temperature fluctuates from 0 to -20 degrees.

Precipitation is possible only in the form of snow, which is compressed under its own weight, forming new layers of ice.

However, there are rivers and lakes in Antarctica. They appear in the summer, and in the winter they are again covered with an ice crust. Today, scientists have discovered 140 subglacial lakes. Of these, only one does not freeze - the East.

Flora of Antarctica

The flora of the continent is extremely poor. The natural features of Antarctica are explained by its harsh climate. Most of all, algae grow here - about 700 species. The ice-free plains and the coast of the mainland are covered with lichens and mosses. There are only two flowering plants on this harsh land - colobantus kito and antarctic meadow grass.

Colobanthus kito is a short, cushion-shaped herbaceous plant with small, pale yellow and white flowers. The height of an adult plant does not exceed five to five centimeters.

Antarctic meadow grass belongs to cereals. Grows only in areas of land illuminated by the sun. These inconspicuous bushes grow up to 20 centimeters. The plant tolerates frost well. Even during flowering, frost does not harm him.

The flora of Antarctica, represented by a few plants, has adapted to the eternal cold. Their cells contain little water, all processes are slow.


Features of the nature of Antarctica left their mark on the fauna of the continent. The animals of this icy country live only where there is vegetation. Despite the harsh climate, dinosaurs lived in Antarctica in ancient times.

Antarctic animals can be conditionally divided into two independent groups - aquatic and terrestrial. It should be noted that there are no animals permanently living on land in Antarctica.

The waters surrounding the mainland are rich in zooplankton, which is the main food for seals, whales, penguins and fur seals. Ice fish live here - amazing creatures that have adapted to existence in icy water.

The large animals of Antarctica include which are attracted here by a large number of shrimp.

Blue-green algae and roundworms settle in fresh lakes, crustaceans and daphnia are found.


For penguins, arctic terns and skuas, Antarctica is their home. The nature of the mainland does not allow more birds to live here. Four species of penguins live in Antarctica. The largest population is imperial. Occasionally petrels fly to the southern mainland.


Antarctica, whose nature is too harsh for animals to live, can only boast of those species that can live both on land and in water. First of all, these are seals. In addition, sea leopards live on the coast and there are small sand or black-and-white dolphins, which whalers call

Predators of Antarctica

A wide variety of predators live on this continent. Their diet mainly consists of planktonic crustaceans. Of these, it is necessary to highlight the sea leopard - the largest seal that feeds on krill. It lives at shallow depths. At the same time, he also has the glory of a predator, which is able to hunt large animals. Such hunting, however, is only seasonal and is designed to diversify the diet, consisting of squid and fish, but it is based on krill. A small number of these marine predators stay close to rookeries and penguin colonies. In most cases, these giants drift on ice floes along the peninsula and, by the beginning of winter, gather in large numbers at South Georgia.

Sea leopards are real giants. The officially registered length is 3.8 meters, but larger animals have been encountered.

By autumn, the leopards change their way of life and come close to the shore, along which inexperienced young fur seals and penguins descend.


To whom the nature of Antarctica is completely suitable, it is invertebrate arthropods. Antarctica is home to 67 species of ticks and four species of lice. There are lice, fleas and, of course, mosquitoes. It should be noted that wingless ringing mosquitoes, which have a jet black color, live only on the icy continent. These insects are endemic, belonging to completely land animals.

The bulk of invertebrates and insects are brought to the southern continent by birds.


Despite the harsh climate, about six thousand tourists come to Antarctica every year. Most of them go to the Antarctic Peninsula, where there is an airfield and a tourist base. In the 1990s, tourists began to visit the Ross Sea.