Caesarean section how long after you can get up. Recovery after caesarean section

” №12/2014 22.07.16

Talk about what natural childbirth better in all respects, become meaningless in a situation where a woman objectively cannot give birth herself. In this case, the only option is a caesarean section.

There are, of course, clinics in which anyone who wants to be treated will be given a “caesarean” only because she wants it - she is afraid to give birth, for example. However, any self-respecting doctor will try to dissuade the expectant mother from having a caesarean section without medical indications.

Who needs a caesarean section?

Caesarean section – abdominal surgery; serious reasons are needed to carry it out:

1. Unsuccessful presentation

The fetus is located in the uterus in such a way that it either will not pass through the birth canal at all, or both mother and child will receive serious injury during natural childbirth. For example - transverse or oblique position, some types (full or foot), frontal or facial presentation, stable posterior occipital presentation.

2. Craniopelvic disproportion

Either the fetus has a large head, or the mother has a narrow pelvis, or both. Disproportion is rarely detected before labor begins. Usually the diagnosis is made if a lot of time has passed after the 1st contraction, the contractions themselves are quite strong, and the transition to the 2nd stage of labor does not occur.

3. Prolonged labor

For example, a woman began giving birth a long time ago, it’s time for the baby to be born, but the contractions are weak, stimulation does not help. Or the cervix does not want to open, and the fetus does not descend, despite all the efforts of doctors.

4. Cord prolapse

Normally, the head descends into the cervix first; if the umbilical cord is ahead of it, there is a serious risk that during childbirth the baby’s body will squeeze it, the supply of oxygen will decrease significantly, and the baby’s brain will suffer from hypoxia.

5. Placenta previa: the baby's place completely or partially covers the cervix

A pregnant woman needs bed rest and medical supervision. If the situation cannot be corrected by the time of birth, the pregnancy will end with a cesarean section.

6. Placental abruption – its premature separation from the wall of the uterus

If the bleeding during detachment is slight, contractions are going as expected, and the fetal heartbeat is normal, you can give birth yourself; if not, surgery is needed.

7. Mom has kidney problems, diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, myopia of more than five diopters

The doctor weighs the pros and cons and makes the right decision.

8. Multiple pregnancy

With it, there are more often complications such as umbilical cord prolapse and.

Preparing for a caesarean section

You sign the agreement - “I understand possible risks and I agree to the operation.” Then – shaving of pubic hair, enema; They will put in an IV and insert a catheter into the ureter (it makes sense to ask that the latter be done after pain relief).

Anesthesia is more often used (also known as spinal or spinal): the patient is conscious, but does not feel anything below the chest. However, if there is a threat to the life of the child or mother and a caesarean section needs to be performed urgently, anesthesia is used - it acts faster.

You will be placed on your back (there is a pillow under your hips to move the uterus away from large vessels), your abdomen will be washed with an antiseptic, covered with a sterile sheet and a screen will be placed between your head and abdomen. If you are conscious, the screen can be raised so that you can see the baby.

How to do a caesarean section

The cesarean section operation itself is simple and takes about an hour; The baby will be born in the first 10–15 minutes. The rest of the time is stitching.

The doctor makes 2 incisions - the abdominal wall and the uterus; the muscles are not cut, but moved apart - this facilitates healing. The doctor then ties or cauterizes the vessels, sucks out the amniotic fluid from the uterus, removes the baby, hands it to the nurse, and manually separates the placenta.

The sister cleans mucus from the newborn's mouth and nose. The baby is examined and assessed using the Apgar score.

The uterus and abdominal wall are sutured with a special surgical thread, which will then dissolve on its own. And the incision on the skin can be connected either with a soluble thread, or with an insoluble thread, or with staples, which will be removed before discharge. A bandage will be placed over the suture and a drug will be injected to contract the uterus. Nausea and trembling may occur as a side effect; but they will pass in an hour.

Suture after caesarean section

Stitches after cesarean section heal quickly. They leave scars, but if the cut was transverse, the marks will be hidden under the panties. The abdomen will shrink, the scar will fade and become less noticeable. In rare cases, an overhang occurs - the skin above the scar protrudes slightly. Walking and swimming will help here - they perfectly strengthen the abdominal muscles.

When can you get up after a caesarean section?

For the first 2 hours you will lie with an ice pack on your stomach - so that the uterus contracts faster and less blood is lost. You will spend a day in the postoperative department. Specialists are monitoring you - what is your blood pressure, is your bladder working well... They will prescribe pain medication for 2-3 days. They will give you medications to contract the uterus and normalize the gastrointestinal tract; saline will be administered intravenously to replenish fluid loss. Antibiotics - only for infection.

6 hours after the caesarean section, they will help you sit up, and after that you will be allowed to stand for a while. Enough for the first time, you can go back to bed. More intense physical activity is possible when you are transferred to a general ward. If you have a post-operative bandage in advance, it will make life easier - it will be easier to move around.

On the 1st day you can only drink mineral water without gas. Then the menu will include lean boiled meat and broth, porridge, and tea. Starting from the 3rd day, your diet is normal for a nursing mother.

On the 5th day they will do an ultrasound of the uterus, and on the 6th day the sutures (or staples) will be removed. As a rule, on the 6th–7th day - discharge home with the baby.

Types of incisions and subsequent births

It is very important to know which uterine incision the doctor used; this determines whether you will be able to give birth in the future naturally.

  • IN last years Most often, a transverse skin incision is used; it is performed horizontally, just above the pubis. It is also called a bikini cut. After this, a lower transverse incision of the uterus is usually made - it heals well and minimizes the risk of bleeding. This is the case when repeated pregnancies may well end in natural birth.
  • However, if the baby needs to be removed from the uterus as quickly as possible, the incision is made vertically - simply because it takes less time. The skin of the abdomen is cut between the navel and the pubic bone, the uterus is cut in its upper part. After such an incision, subsequent pregnancies end with a repeat cesarean section.

At home after caesarean section

  • Take care of yourself - get as much rest as possible. Don't take on all the homework at once.
  • For now, it is better to limit water procedures to a shower; You will be able to immerse yourself in a bathtub, just like in a swimming pool, one and a half months after the operation.
  • Around the same time, you can slowly resume. Just don’t forget to take care of contraception - doctors recommend getting pregnant again no earlier than after two years.

Lyudmila Potapchuk


Statistics show that more than 30% of newborns are born with the help of this type of surgical intervention. Due to special contraindications or health reasons, the mother cannot give birth to a child naturally. Sometimes a caesarean section is performed as early as the eighth month of pregnancy in order to protect the child and mother from any complications.

Indications for caesarean section may be:

  1. Narrow pelvic bones.
  2. Tumors and pathologies of the genital organs.
  3. Early placental abruption.
  4. Hypoxia or fetal suffocation.
  5. Incorrect placement of the fetus.
  6. The size of the fetus is not suitable for the uterus.
  7. Maternal infections (HIV).
  8. Age category over 38 years.

There are a lot of indications for a cesarean section, some of them are considered absolute, others relative. For an obstetrician, the first priority is always to save the life of the mother and child. If this operation is indicated for a pregnant woman, then you should check with the doctor in advance how it goes and how to quickly recover after a cesarean section. Usually a planned caesarean section is prescribed, when the woman is hospitalized and observed for several days before the operation itself, undergoing the necessary procedures. In the case of emergency hospitalization, every fraction of a second can count, so general anesthesia is given and the operation begins. This operation lasts about an hour, followed by transfer of the woman in labor to the intensive care unit. There she spends the first 24 hours, when the baby is cared for by the medical staff of the maternity hospital. Discharge takes place 5–7 days after birth. And then it starts new life and maternal worries. In parallel with caring for the baby, the woman begins the process of restoring her body after a cesarean section. This process is very labor-intensive and requires quite a lot of time, effort and energy. Life after surgery has its limitations. The doctor must tell you about these restrictions and write out recommendations that must be followed.

The new mother spends the day after the operation in the intensive care unit, while the child, if he was born without pathologies, is in the children's department, where he is closely monitored and all the necessary postpartum procedures are performed. Getting out of bed and making sudden movements is prohibited for another day. There are also restrictions on lifting heavy objects. Most often, the load is placed on the intestines; in the first days, nausea and headaches may occur. The mother does not bring a newborn during this period. In total, the child and mother spend about a week in the maternity hospital. Before discharge, the doctor will definitely advise you on how to recover after a cesarean section and establish a new rhythm in the body. After a caesarean section, rehabilitation of the body takes almost 6 months. Not only the girl’s internal organs are rebuilt, but also her hormonal levels. A rather long period is accompanied proper nutrition and limited physical activity.

Seam care

In the postoperative period after a caesarean section, a suture remains on the girl’s body, in the abdominal area, and a bandage must be applied over the suture. While the patient is in the maternity hospital, all necessary manipulations with the wound are performed by a nurse. The seam is treated using antiseptics and changing the bandage. The sutures are removed on the 7th day, after which it is allowed to wet the wound. In the period after a cesarean section, suppuration may occur on the scar. For quick healing, special fast-healing creams should be applied to the wound. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Using a bandage

To maintain the tone of the abdominal and abdominal muscles, it is recommended to wear a bandage. The postoperative period after a cesarean section is reduced by almost half with the help of bandages. The period of wearing it is at least one month; in extreme cases, the longer, the faster the rehabilitation after a caesarean section. The bandage not only protects the seam, but also facilitates the process of caring for the child. Many doctors advise starting to use a bandage after the sixth month of pregnancy. But this item also has a number of contraindications:

  1. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Supuration of the suture after cesarean section.
  3. Possible swelling of the kidneys.

Discomfort in the first case is based on the fact that the bandage compresses the organs digestive system, because of this there may be serious problems. Suppuration of the suture brings painful sensations.

You should take breaks while wearing the bandage; you cannot wear it 24/7. The abdominal muscles relax over time, so breaks should be taken every 3-4 hours. Your doctor will help you choose a bandage individually.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

In this case, there are no special differences after childbirth naturally and after caesarean section - the menstrual cycle is restored in the same way. Lochia is a postpartum red discharge, similar to menstruation, with its own specific odor. They appear around 2-3 months, especially abundant in the first few days after birth. Gradually they lose color and disappear completely. How long the body recovers after a cesarean section and the menstrual cycle is a purely individual process. After childbirth, the uterus returns to the desired tone and creates a new mucous membrane. Recovery lasts about 3 months. When your period arrives, the first few cycles are very heavy. With each cycle, the amount of discharge normalizes and ends completely after 5 months. It is from this time that menstruation, as before, comes at the right time and once a month.

Diet and proper nutrition

Rehabilitation after a cesarean section largely depends on what the new mother eats. In the first days of rehabilitation after a cesarean section, a woman is prescribed a cleansing enema to restore the intestines. Doctors recommend not to overload the gastrointestinal tract and limit food intake, which is why appropriate drips with the necessary substances are prescribed (usually glucose is administered). You can enter the diet on the second or third day. The maternity hospital has everything to restore the body of women in labor. After three days, many foods are allowed into the diet, preferably steamed and cooked in vegetable oil. Fried and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet, especially when breastfeeding.

Features of nutrition after discharge:

  1. Dairy and dairy products(milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, natural yoghurts).
  2. Vegetables, raw and cooked. It is recommended to steam vegetables, this way they retain more beneficial vitamins.
  3. Meat. It should also be steamed or consumed boiled. Meat contains protein in large quantities; the body requires it for building material.
  4. Fruits. Raw apples, pears, bananas, grapes and oranges. Especially citrus fruits, with a high saturation of vitamin C.
  5. Butter and vegetable oil. Contains a large amount of fat-soluble vitamins.
  6. Water. The more water, the better, to tone your skin and keep it looking healthy.

Limit consumption:

  1. Meat products (sausages, frankfurters).
  2. Smoked products (fish, meat).
  3. Tomato sauce, ketchup.
  4. Sweets.
  5. Garlic and onion.
  6. Pickled products.
  7. Fast food.
  8. Carbonated drinks and alcohol.

If a girl decides to go on a diet, she must discuss this with her doctor. It is possible to adhere to a certain diet if there are no complications after surgery. And you should first of all remember about the baby, because when breastfeeding, everything that the mother eats is reflected on him. The diet should be followed for a long time, approximately 2 months.

  • First day. Breakfast - oatmeal, tea and a sandwich with butter. Lunch - Vegetable stew, chicken bouillon, boiled breast, tea. Dinner: juice with muesli. In between meals, you can eat fruit and nuts.
  • Second day. Breakfast - boiled egg, cereal with milk, tea. Lunch - boiled pasta, without oil, steamed fish, vegetable salad dressed with olive oil. Dinner - braised cabbage, steamed cutlet, tea.
  • The third day. Breakfast - buckwheat, tea, natural yogurt. Lunch – noodle soup, a piece of steamed meat, compote without sugar. Dinner – cottage cheese with fruit and yogurt, tea, crackers with butter.
  • Fourth day. Breakfast – oatmeal with butter, tea, apple. Dinner – vegetable salad, chicken breast with buckwheat, light soup, tea. Dinner – vegetable side dish with boiled fish, drink without sugar.
  • Fifth day. Breakfast - kefir and cereal, egg. Lunch – fish soup, boiled potatoes without oil and a piece of steamed meat. Dinner – boiled vegetables with chicken cutlet.
  • Weekends - drinking regime, more than 2 liters of water, raw vegetables and fruits.

This food can be combined every week and something new and healthy can be added.

Having sex and sex life

How long does it take for the body to recover after a cesarean section and when can you start having sex? These processes are individual. The gynecologist must prescribe contraception to the girl, even if her period has not yet begun. Permission to be sexually active is possible after consultation with a doctor, only after examination and conclusion that the uterus has reached the desired shape. This usually happens after two months. Why is contraception needed? The process of caesarean section harms the body's life, the genitals and hormonal levels are restored again. After a cesarean section, the next pregnancy is possible only after two to three years, when the body has completely returned to normal.

Repeated births

The second and subsequent births after a cesarean section are possible after two to three years. Until this time, the process of sexual life should be accompanied by the use of contraceptives. If the couple decides to have another child, they should consult a doctor. There are cases when pregnancy after cesarean is impossible. For many girls, doctors give a favorable prognosis for the next pregnancy - they can give birth naturally and there are no barriers to this.

Sports and figure restoration

How long it takes for the body to recover after a cesarean section and when you can start playing sports depends on the general condition of the woman. As soon as the mother decides to start playing sports, a consultation with a gynecologist is required. He evaluates the condition of the genital organs and the healing process of the suture. If everything is in good shape, he gives approval for physical activity. It is very common that after a girl starts playing sports, her milk disappears. Is this possible? Yes, it's possible. In the sports process, you must know when to stop and not overload an unprepared body. It is necessary to increase approaches and the number of exercises gradually. For example, Kegel exercises will help restore the tone of the uterus.

If there are no contraindications from a doctor, then you can start doing gymnastics in the ward, using breathing.


  1. Take a deep breath, quickly exhale. 2 sets of 10 times.
  2. Stroking the abdomen clockwise with a deep inhalation and a deep exhalation.
  3. Massaging the abdomen from top to bottom.

Doctors advise doing yoga after cesarean section. You can sign up for individual classes or find an exercise course for home workouts.

After 2 months, you can engage in sports more actively. The emphasis should be on the abdominal and buttock muscles.

Exercises for the abs:

  1. Alternately raise your legs. 3 sets of 20 times.
  2. Raising the body. 5 sets of 15 times.
  3. Raising your head while lying down. At the same time, tensing the abdominal muscles. 3 sets of 15 times.

Exercises for the buttocks:

  1. Squats. 3 sets of 30 reps.
  2. Squats with loads (2-3 kg). 3 sets of 20 times.
  3. I.p - lying on your side. Raising the legs along the body. 3 sets of 20 times. Same with the other leg.

Sleep and rest

After surgery, you should definitely rest well and establish a sleep and rest routine. During sleep, the body recovers and gets into shape. With a small child this is of course problematic, but a way out can always be found.


With the arrival of the baby, walks should become part of the daily routine. Fresh air and oxygen will help the baby get used to the lifestyle outside the womb, and the mother will help saturate the body with oxygen. Without oxygen, restoration of the body is impossible. It nourishes tissues and organs and helps heal cuts and scars.


Taking a shower or hot bath is allowed only after the stitches have been removed. Until this moment you should wash yourself warm water with soap and wipe the body with napkins to avoid infections.

Abdominal skin tone

Armed with oils, you can begin the fight against stretch marks, if they exist, of course. Oils actively smooth the skin and nourish it. The main thing in this matter is regularity. Apply oil to the stomach and buttocks every day, morning and evening. For a better effect, a massage will not hurt.

How to quickly recover after a caesarean section - video

Caesarean section is classified as a surgical operation. Consists of dissecting the abdominal cavity and uterus. The child is removed through the resulting incision. IN modern world About 30% of pregnancies end in babies being delivered by caesarean section. Most of these births are prescribed by a doctor due to various complications, or the woman has previously had a cesarean section. In some cases, women voluntarily choose surgery instead of childbirth.

Local anesthesia is most often used for caesarean section. Much less often - general anesthesia. In the second case, rehabilitation requires a little more time.

After the operation, the woman remains in the hospital, if there are no complications, for three days. Sometimes they are discharged after two days. During this period, especially in the first week, it is necessary to monitor the health of the woman in labor; she must be surrounded with attention and care. Great value is given to the postoperative diet, since before the operation the woman in labor is limited in food. In addition, anesthesia negatively affects the functions of the digestive system.

  • Preparing for surgery

    Expectant mothers who will have to go under the knife should eat right before surgery. Doctors recommend, three to five days before surgery, not to consume foods containing a lot of fiber or substances that promote flatulence. So, it is forbidden to eat legumes, nuts, apples, milk, etc.

    You should definitely remember that you cannot eat three to four hours before the start of a cesarean section. It’s even better if your last meal was seven to eight hours before.

    Postoperative nutrition: general information

    Caesarean section refers to strip surgical operations. In the postoperative period, it is necessary to follow the correct diet.

    At this time it is necessary to restore strength. Proper nutrition is important at this time. At first, peace and rest are necessary. This contributes to the gradual restoration of strength. And if you can’t eat anything on the first day, then already on the second day metabolic processes, including digestive processes, begin to function. There is a gradual transition from complete fasting to eating light food, and later to full refund normal diet. Naturally, the menu should only contain those foods that are allowed during breastfeeding.

    On the second or third day after surgery, food is allowed that helps start bowel function.

    The entire recovery period lasts 4-5 days. After this, they begin to gradually switch to the usual menu.

    To normalize stool after a caesarean section, it is worth including fermented milk products and dried apricots in the menu.

    To activate the functioning of the intestines, metoclopramide is prescribed through a dropper on the first day of labor. Medicine stimulates intestinal motility. The same function is performed by potassium-based medications (potassium chloride), which are often introduced into a woman’s body on the second and third days.

    If on the third day the woman does not have a bowel movement, she is given an enema. All this contributes to the rapid recovery of the female body after surgery. In the first days, special requirements are imposed on the diet:

    • the menu should include only easily digestible food;
    • all food should be prepared liquid or mushy;
    • all food should be exclusively boiled (in water or steamed);
    • the daily diet should be divided into 6-7 equal portions;
    • one serving should be a maximum of 100 ml.

    You should not eat vegetables and fruits raw. They cause bloating. Products high in fiber have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    After a caesarean section, a woman experiences a protein deficiency, so proper nutrition should be aimed, among other things, at restoring the amount of the substance in the body. This is facilitated by the consumption of meat broths and lean meat.

    per day in female body The following substances should be supplied:

    • proteins – 1.5-1.6 g per 1 kg of woman’s weight;
    • fats – 70-90 g;
    • carbohydrates – 220-250 g.

    Diet for five days

    The first day

    On the first day after a caesarean section, the woman’s body is exhausted. Gas formation should not be allowed at this time. Therefore, eating is completely prohibited. All the nutrients required for a young mother are supplied through an IV. Therefore, it is only allowed to drink water (ordinary purified water or mineral water without gases). You can add a small amount of fruit juice to it (3-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). You are allowed to drink no more than one and a half liters of liquid per day.

    Second day

    On the second day, veal or chicken broth is added to the diet. You can include vegetables (onions and carrots) in it. The soup needs to be cooked in a special way dietary recipe, that is, on the third water (the first two times the liquid is simply drained after boiling). Carrots and onions are started whole, after being peeled. After cooking, vegetables are removed from the broth.

    During the day you can drink 200-300 ml of broth. Moreover, this amount should be divided into 2-3 doses of 100 ml.

    If a woman feels normal, then the diet can be slightly diversified: include in the menu skim cheese, yogurt (it should not contain artificial colors, preservatives and other harmful ingredients), boiled meat fillet, minced, liquid porridge. From the liquid you can drink fruit drinks and compotes, rosehip decoction, jelly, and weak tea. You should avoid eating vegetables and fruits. The total volume of liquid drunk per day should not exceed 1.5 liters. This amount also includes broth. The food should be warm. Food of high or low temperature has a negative effect on a woman’s body.

    The entire daily diet should be divided into 6-7 servings. You can consume no more than 100 ml of food at one time.

    Day three

    The woman in labor usually feels better on the third day. At this time, her menu can be slightly diversified and the total amount of food can be increased.

    On the third day, a woman can eat steamed cutlets, meatballs, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese. You can include fruits in your diet, but not fresh ones. For example, baked apples. At the same time, you should not eat a lot of food at once. Overeating can have serious consequences. Baby food is also good at this time: vegetable and meat purees, porridge.

    Day four

    On the fourth day after surgery, you can eat the same as on the third day.

    Day five

    On the fifth day after surgery there are no longer any strict restrictions on food. Eating small portions is important. At the same time, the diet becomes more similar to the menu of a healthy person. The following may be considered sample menu. For breakfast you can eat a stewed apple and drink a glass of compote. For second breakfast - dried fruits with compote. For lunch you can eat buckwheat porridge with chicken meatballs. For an afternoon snack, eat yogurt (without harmful ingredients). For dinner - broth with a small piece of chicken, vegetable salad.

    Meals in the following days

    From the fifth day, a nursing woman’s menu is based on the consumption of healthy foods. Every day you can add one new product to your diet. This will allow you to immediately identify a product that is harmful to the baby if the child has an allergic reaction to it.

    You need to eat, as in the first days, in small portions. Over time, such eating will become familiar and normal.

    You should definitely include porridge made from buckwheat, oatmeal and millet into your diet. Buckwheat porridge brings the greatest benefit. It contains many proteins, microelements and substances useful for nursing mothers. It’s better if you cook it not as usual, but cook it in the oven. It is recommended to add various vegetables (carrots, zucchini, etc.) to it.

    After a few weeks, a nursing woman’s diet is almost completely restored to the same as before the childbirth period. However, you should limit yourself in consuming foods that negatively affect the development and health of the baby. Such products include coffee, carbonated soft drinks, sweets, fast food, chocolate, citrus fruits, etc. You should not eat fried, too spicy or salty foods. Many products can be replaced with healthier ones: instead of sweets, eat dried apricots or fruit chips. Over time, you can include nuts in the menu.

    You need to be careful with honey; the product often causes allergies in infants.

    All these restrictions apply only to women who are breastfeeding. breast milk. If for some reason the baby immediately switches to formula feeding, then there are no specified restrictions. And, having maintained the diet after a cesarean section, the new mother can gradually return to her previous diet. However, in any case, for the first 1-2 months, a woman needs to adhere to all of the above rules. All food should be boiled in water or steamed. This is due to the fact that a caesarean section is still a surgical operation. And the diet must be appropriate.

    Postoperative diet

    FirstStill mineral waterNo more than 1.5 l
    SecondChicken or veal broth
    Low-fat cottage cheese
    Yogurt Liquid porridge (except rice) Compote, fruit drink, jelly, rosehip decoction
    Liquids no more than 1.5 liters (including broth) Total amount of food – 600-700 ml
    ThirdSteam cutlet or chicken meatballs Liquid porridge (except rice) Low-fat cottage cheese

    Boiled, baked fruits, vegetables

    Compote, fruit drink, jelly, rosehip decoction, weak tea

    FourthThe diet is the same as on the third dayLiquids no more than 1.5 l Total amount of food – 700-800 ml
    FifthSample menu Breakfast: baked fruit + glass of compote, fruit drink
    Second breakfast: dried fruits + a glass of compote, fruit drink Lunch: porridge with steam cutlet or meatball
    Afternoon snack: natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese
    Dinner: broth with a piece of meat, light salad
    Liquids no more than 1.5 l Total amount of food – 700-800 ml

    Delicate problem: constipation

    Often new mothers face a problem such as constipation. This is explained by disturbances in intestinal motility. In addition, most women are simply afraid to strain too much for fear of the seams coming apart. In a healthy person, this disease causes discomfort. And in a woman after surgery, constipation causes significant complications. Moreover, almost all laxatives are contraindicated for women (if they are breastfeeding).

    Porridge made from buckwheat or pearl barley and light broths have a good effect on the functioning of the intestines. Dried apricots, boiled beet salad seasoned with vegetable oil. Legumes, rice, semolina, and strong tea have the opposite effect.

    There is an easy but very effective recipe for constipation, which can be used by women after surgery. To do this, drink 0.5 liters of low-fat kefir along with peeled walnuts. The nuts are pre-roasted. This combination helps normalize stomach function and improves milk production in a woman. But it is worth remembering that there is no need to be zealous with the consumption of walnuts, since in large quantities they, on the contrary, contribute to constipation.

    A decoction of fig berries is also an excellent laxative. It's easy to do. For one glass of boiling water or boiled milk, take 2 tablespoons of berries. You need to drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.


    For a quick recovery after surgery, you must carefully follow the doctor's recommendations. This also applies to following a strict diet during the first five days. It is proper nutrition that allows you to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and restore the strength lost during the operation. A balanced diet also contributes to the healthy development of the child. And, conversely, non-compliance with the regime can lead to serious consequences, including disruption of intestinal function, pain in the abdomen, and weakening of the body as a whole. In rare cases, the seams may come apart.

The birth of a child is an amazing event in the life of every family. If problems arise during pregnancy, or it was not possible to become pregnant for a long time for a number of reasons, as a rule, doctors decide to give birth to the woman by cesarean section (CS). This gives both doctors and women confidence that the birth will go well for both mother and baby. After all, a caesarean section is performed according to a well-known procedure, and variations in the course of labor are hardly possible. The same cannot be said about natural childbirth.

Condition in the first 3 days after cesarean section

For all 9 months, the woman has been patiently waiting to meet her long-awaited miracle. The day of birth comes, the baby is born and, it would seem, what else to think about besides maternal concerns. But, unfortunately, in the first few days after birth, it will not be possible to devote yourself completely emotionally and physically to the child, since the consequences of abdominal surgery will not go away without a trace.

Caesarean section is now a common option for delivery; previously it was done extremely rarely and in special cases

When should you get up after surgery?

Firstly, you will not be able to get out of bed in the next few hours after a cesarean section even if you want to - spinal anesthesia will immobilize your legs for quite a long time. Emotionally, you can feel uplifted, a surge of strength, because adrenaline was released into your blood at the time of childbirth. But physically after childbirth the body is weakened, and after the operation it is wounded and damaged.

Set yourself up to the fact that everything is over, the baby is healthy, everything is fine. Try to sleep, rest and relax. Recovering strength is your main task in the first days after childbirth.

After 8–10 hours, the legs will gradually “recover” from the anesthesia, and sensitivity will return. But this also does not mean that you are ready to take a vertical position. All decisions during the postoperative period and while the mother is in intensive care are made by the attending physician. Immediately after admission to the intensive care unit, your blood pressure and pulse will be measured at a certain frequency, the amount of discharge, and the contractility of the uterus will be assessed. These indicators will allow doctors to get a picture of your condition after childbirth, which will determine how quickly you are allowed to get up, sit down and stand up.

You should sit down for the first time after a caesarean section only with the help of a nurse. You will most likely feel dizzy, and this is normal. If the dizziness goes away quickly, you can try to get up. All movements must be made slowly and carefully. You won't be able to straighten up completely right away. For the first few days you will walk slightly bent over; the pain in the suture area will not allow you to straighten up.

After the mother and baby are transferred to the postpartum ward to stay together, they are advised not to lie around and try to move more. Walk short distances - around the room, along the corridor. This way the uterus will begin to contract faster, and this will also prevent the formation of postoperative adhesions.

Later, during the recovery period, learn to carefully get out of bed using your hand.

How long can you push after a caesarean section?

Often after a caesarean section, women experience problems with bowel movements. Constipation and hemorrhoids may occur. Hemorrhoids can form both during pregnancy and after childbirth. This happens due to fetal pressure on the rectum. This happens especially often in the last term, when the weight of the fetus is maximum.

If you have hemorrhoids, you should not push at all. Otherwise, you risk aggravating the matter - cracks, bleeding, and prolapse of the rectum may appear during bowel movements. Use glycerin suppositories, they are safe for the child and will help cope with the problem of constipation.

You should also not push in order to keep the sutures intact. During pushing, the abdominal muscles become very tense, and the uterus also becomes tense. Despite the fact that after a cesarean section the scar is well stitched (it cannot come apart easily), you should not overexert yourself until the stitches are removed.

To make going to the toilet easier in the first months after a cesarean section, eat vegetables, while not forgetting about your diet breastfeeding.

If you experience constipation after a cesarean section, remember that this is temporary and your bowel movements will return to normal after some time.

During my second pregnancy, I was able to “enjoy” having hemorrhoids. It was small and not causing much trouble. But after giving birth, I was faced with the problem of bowel movements. The stool was painful and rare. I tried to normalize the situation with proper nutrition and increased fluid intake. Everything got better about 3 months after the CS.

How long does it take to remove the catheter?

A urinary catheter is one of the troubles of any operation. During anesthesia, urine output cannot be controlled, so a catheter is inserted and the urine is drained into a bag.

The color and volume of urine allow you to monitor the patient’s condition during cesarean section. The absence of blood in the urine is an indication that the bladder is not affected during surgery.

The first day the catheter will remain in your bladder even after childbirth. During the period of anesthesia, its presence is not felt. This causes slight discomfort later.

The catheter will be removed before you are transferred from the intensive care unit to the postpartum ward. They will already make sure that you can urinate on your own after childbirth. This is also an indicator of the normal functioning of the body after delivery.

The catheter is removed quickly, with a deep breath, just as it was inserted.

Duration of the postpartum period after cesarean section

After a cesarean section, a woman recovers a little longer than after a natural birth (VB). As after any operation, injury to the integrity of tissues and organs slows down the recovery process. In the case of childbirth, this is the uterus and abdominal wall.

Due to trauma, the contractile function of the uterus slows down, and the process of releasing lochia (postpartum discharge) also slows down. As a rule, women with cesarean sections have fewer of them, so it takes more time to completely restore the uterus to its previous size.

After a natural birth, the recovery period lasts up to 40 days, after a CS about 60 days. Even if a woman had stitches placed on her perineum during EP, such stitches heal faster than the scar and stitches after a CS.

Nowadays, during childbirth, doctors use self-absorbing threads, which allows the woman not to remove the stitches; over time, the wounds heal, the threads dissolve.

After 2 CS, my scar was also stitched with self-absorbing threads. But since I am a plump woman, and even after the first CS, my stomach was distended with stretch marks (stretch marks) and a large fetus hanging like a bag, the healing of the sutures was difficult and long. On the 14th day, the gynecologist said that in my case it was still better to remove the stitches, otherwise they would dissolve for six months with such a saggy belly with excess subcutaneous fat. The surgeon removed my stitches, after which the pain became much less.

Take care of yourself during the recovery period after a caesarean section - do not lift anything heavy, relax with your baby, spend more time on fresh air

The recovery period for each woman lasts a different amount of time. This depends on many factors:

  • individual characteristics. All women cannot be equal to each other. Each birth is individual, the condition of the child is individual, the situation in the family, relationships with the husband and many other factors influence the period of full recovery of a woman after a CS;
  • psychological condition. It depends entirely on environment- relationships with the spouse, relatives, the mother’s willingness to give herself completely to the baby, etc.;
  • physical state. Every woman's pain threshold is different. Some people forget about the pain after a few days, while others for a long time cannot sleep peacefully or fully care for the child;
  • presence/absence of complications. This factor can be attributed to physical condition. After all, if after surgery a woman has complications in the form of suppuration of the sutures or the discovery of placenta remains in the uterine cavity, there is no question of completing the recovery period. Additional difficulties will only increase this period, and will also leave unpleasant sensations in the memory, which will add emotions to the general psychological state of the woman after childbirth.

Cesarean section recovery plan

Since CS is a surgical procedure, the number one goal will be to prevent complications. To do this, it is mandatory that in the maternity hospital the new mother receives oxytocin injections for timely contractions of the uterus. Delayed excretion of lochia, which is released during uterine contractions, can cause the most common complication - the presence of the placenta and its parts in the uterus. In this case, the woman inevitably ends up in the hospital, where the uterine cavity is cleaned.

Depending on the condition of the scar and stitches, antibiotics may also be prescribed for 5–7 days. This measure should not be abandoned either. Antibiotics won't allow it inflammatory process progress, will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

Do not neglect painkillers either. After a CS, they are placed from the very moment of birth until discharge from the hospital. Even if it seems to you that the condition has improved, do not refuse the painkiller injection; perhaps the previous injection of the drug is still effective. This means that after its effect ceases, you will fully feel all the pain. This is of no use, because the mother should be calm and adequate.

If the postpartum period is favorable after a CS, antibiotics are not prescribed

For a speedy recovery, start physical activity on the first day after birth. Try to sit and lie down more often, but carefully. Do a light warm-up with your legs right on the bed. The main thing is not to strain your stomach, so as not to jeopardize the integrity of the stitches.

Suture healing

In order for the suture to heal faster, even in the maternity hospital it is regularly treated with antiseptic solutions. Often this is a solution of manganese, which disinfects the skin and dries the injection sites on the seam.

Self-absorbable sutures should dissolve within 7–8 days after the CS. After this, continue to treat the seam at home until complete healing.

You can also use sterile dressings so that the seam does not come into contact with the linen and the clothing does not put pressure on it.

If there is hyperemia (redness) at the seam, additional treatment may be prescribed - for example, with Xeroform powder.

Xeroform is a powder that has a yellow color, a weak specific odor, and is prepared in the prescription department of pharmacies.

Alternating with a manganese solution, Xeroform is applied to the seam. It has a disinfecting, astringent and drying effect.

Even in the maternity hospital, you may be prescribed procedures in the physical room - UHF and electrophoresis. These procedures help tissues recover and regenerate faster. After discharge, the gynecologist may additionally prescribe a number of procedures.

Xeroform helped me a lot. The healing of the suture was slow and painful. Relatives brought this wonderful powder to the maternity hospital. And even after discharge, my husband applied it to my healing suture.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

The resumption of menstruation after CS will depend on the presence or absence of breastfeeding (BF). With breastfeeding, the first menstruation after childbirth will come in 6–12 months. If this does not happen, do not delay your visit to the doctor. At artificial feeding Menstruation may begin 2–3 months after the CS. Regularity also builds over several months.

Postpartum lochia is not related to postpartum menstruation, so it is not worth comparing these two processes.

Important! Do not forget that the presence of breastfeeding does not protect a woman from pregnancy.

Although during this period the work of the reproductive system of a young mother is controlled by the hormone prolactin, which inhibits the work of the ovaries and suppresses ovulation, pregnancy is still possible, this should not be forgotten. In a situation where a woman becomes pregnant during breastfeeding, similar births occur. In the case of a CS, it is recommended to avoid pregnancy for two years in order to restore and completely heal the scar on the uterus. Giving birth to a child a year after a CS is a big risk for mother and baby.

Pay attention to the regularity and abundance of menstruation after a CS. If the discharge is too abundant or, on the contrary, scanty, make an appointment with your doctor for a consultation.

Figure restoration

Of course, every woman after a cesarean section dreams of getting rid of the belly that stretched during pregnancy. This is the most problematic part of the body after childbirth. Also, a young mother may be bothered by stretch marks and cellulite. During pregnancy, the activity of the body decreases, the lifestyle becomes less active, and corresponding defects of the skin and figure as a whole arise.

There is no need to rush to introduce sports into postpartum life. It is recommended to include it in the recovery plan no earlier than 6 months after the CS. Best exercise in the fight against a sagging belly - abdominal pumping. The first short abdominal exercises should be done no earlier than 4–6 weeks after surgery.

In the first months, it is better not to use dumbbells at all. After the sutures have been restored and healed, begin introducing weights with the smallest weight, but no more than 3–4 kg.

The plan for restoring your figure after a caesarean section should not start with sports such as:

  • Athletics;
  • volleyball, basketball and any other active ball sports
  • tennis;
  • Weightlifting;
  • active cycling.

I had an emergency c-section. I gained +25 kg during pregnancy. And I look great now. The child is 1.5 years old. Height 170, weight 51 kg. Everything is the same as before giving birth. And the seam is almost invisible. Thin thread. But I didn’t sit idle. 1.5 months after the CS, I was already running at the stadium. At home, while the child was sleeping, I pumped my abs, did squats, and pumped my arms every day. I have always been involved in sports, so this makes me happy. Every evening, be sure to have a contrast shower. I rubbed olive oil into my skin daily. I started drinking water - 2–3 liters of water daily, I couldn’t drink that much water before. The child had diathesis and broke out, so she ate very little food. And she lost a lot of weight. I won’t describe it, but from 4 months I was on IV, and my hormones returned to normal, my weight returned to my original weight.

4. Guest

Without including sports in your life, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of a sagging belly and return to your previous shape.

Create your own workout program to perform at home. We recommend including basic and simple exercises:

  1. In a position on your side, lift your legs alternately without bending your knees. The toe of the foot should be pointing towards you.
  2. Do lunges on all fours. Simultaneously raise the arm and leg of the opposite limbs (left leg/right arm, right leg/left arm). The head is a continuation of the neck and should be in line with it. Keep your arm and leg raised for a few seconds.
  3. While lying down, inflate and retract your stomach. At the same time, your arms lie under your head, your legs are bent at the knees and slightly spread apart. Inflate your stomach as you inhale, draw in as you exhale.
  4. Lie on your side, one arm bent at the elbow and holding your head, the other lies in front of you. The leg on which you are lying must be raised up as much as possible, the second leg stands in front of you. Then the sides need to be changed.
  5. Wall sits. Stand close to the wall. Feel the contact with the wall of your shoulder blades and buttocks. Do slow squats, trying not to lift your shoulder blades and buttocks.

In addition to exercise, nutrition plays an important role. By including sports activities, but without changing your diet, you will not be able to achieve the desired results. The calories lost during training will come back with the wrong food.

It is advisable to exclude sweets from the diet, bakery products, add more vegetables, water, herbs.

I have two children, the youngest is 5 years old. I can only tell you about stretch marks, excess weight (it was +15) and cellulite. So, I got rid of all this after giving birth for about 6-8 months. What I did: I drank 2 liters of water a day (I didn’t want to drink, but I forced myself), stopped eating sweets, pasta and potatoes, did wraps with red pepper twice a week, used a hot scrub in the shower (I don’t remember the name, in orange jar) + applied creams from the same company. I didn’t remove stretch marks with a laser, I only used these products. I can say that now the skin is very beautiful, the whole body is toned.


Walking is a great place to start. They will allow you to expend energy without overstraining damaged muscles.

Video. Leslie Sansone: Walking with Leslie Sansone 1 mile

I tried classes with Leslie Sanson myself. Excellent workouts - no pushing pace, but at the same time I was sweating and losing grams of excess weight with each session.

Breast reconstruction

In addition to figure flaws, any woman after childbirth is faced with the problem of breast changes - the skin becomes flabby, weak, the breasts are no longer elastic and taut. All this happens along with a change in processes in the breast - during pregnancy, adipose tissue is replaced by glandular tissue, thus, the mammary glands prepare for feeding the child. After childbirth, with the cessation of lactation, the glandular tissue must again be replaced by adipose tissue, but, firstly, this process cannot happen instantly, and secondly, stretched skin in any case cannot become the same.

But don’t panic, over time, and also thanks to your efforts, your breasts can be given a beautiful and seductive look.

To do this, it is necessary to act from different angles, namely:

  1. Make your nutrition correct. Include more amino acids and vitamins in your diet. Such nutrition will be beneficial to the body as a whole.
  2. Physical exercise. There are special exercises for the chest. Change up your daily routine to include chest exercises.
  3. Help restore breast skin with masks and other cosmetics.
  4. Do contrast baths while taking a shower.
  5. Additionally, do a massage course, if possible.

This set of exercises is not complicated and will not take much time to complete.

Here are some exercises to help you get back to normal:

  1. Hand clenching. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your palms together and resist each other. Keep your arms tense for 1-2 minutes. Then relax your arms and lower them. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  2. Squeezing the ball. Take the ball, spread your elbows to the sides, place your palms on the ball. Try to squeeze the ball with your palms, holding the pose for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Lifting dumbbells. To perform the exercise, use small dumbbells (2–3 kg). Stretch your arms with dumbbells in front of you, slightly apart to the sides. Alternately bend and straighten your arms. Make sure you breathe evenly. Do the exercise for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Scissors. Perform crosswise movements with your hands, changing the position of your hands from above/bottom. Keep a steady pace. Watch your breathing. Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Bent-overs with dumbbells. Take dumbbells, bend your elbows and spread them to the sides so that your elbows are pointing away from you. Without straightening your elbows, raise and lower your arms to the sides. The body should be tilted slightly forward.
  6. Raise of hands. Stand in initial position. Place your hands on the side of your thighs and clench your fingers into fists. At the same time, raise your arms to the sides until your shoulders drop, then lower them. Repeat the exercise for 1-2 minutes.
  7. Push-ups 1. Go to a free wall and lean your palms against it. Start doing push-ups from the wall without leaning your body against it. Do the exercise for 1–2 minutes.
  8. Push-ups 2. Place your palms against the wall and bend your elbows, bringing them close to your body. In this position, perform push-ups for 1–2 minutes.

Alternative physical exercise- swimming in the pool. If you have this luxury when you have a baby, it will have a wonderful effect on all muscle groups in your body. During swimming, the chest is perfectly tightened.

Restoration of hair, teeth and nails after CS

Hair, teeth and nails begin to suffer catastrophically even during pregnancy. You don’t have to think about this for a long time, everything is understandable - the child grows, the skeleton is formed, the rudiments of teeth, hair grows. The fetus, like any other living creature, needs calcium to function. The baby obtains calcium in the stomach at the expense of the mother. This is why problems with teeth and nails just happen. To maintain calcium levels in the body, pregnant women are prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes.

After childbirth, it is worth continuing to take them. Pharmacies sell a great variety of such complexes, to suit every budget.

Don't forget to also add calcium-rich foods to your diet. These include hard cheese, black bread, milk, shrimp, cabbage, cottage cheese, sour cream, leeks, and dried fruits.

Calcium deficiency manifests itself in fatigue, irritability, and anxiety.

Important! Calcium is fully absorbed only with a sufficient level of vitamin D. We get it from sunlight, or in the form fish oil or an aqueous solution of vitamin D.

You can also take it for hair restoration vitamin complexes for the whole body, or specifically for hair.

Photo gallery: vitamin complexes for hair and nail restoration

Contains biotin - a vitamin for hair, costs about 400 rubles
Contains a large amount of vitamin E, approximate cost 750 rubles
This complex has collected many positive reviews for improving the condition of nails, hair and skin, 650 rubles
Contains yeast, which has a positive effect on hair condition, about 400 rubles

Also use masks. A wide range of masks are now available in stores, or at home you can use products to strengthen and restore hair. For example, burdock oil. It is very effective for growth, because the problem of hair loss is very important for women after childbirth.

After my first and second births, my hair was falling out a lot. One day I even thought that I needed to see a doctor, because so much hair could not just stay on the comb. Over time, everything returned to normal. I used burdock oil and restorative store-bought masks.

Restoration of digestion and metabolism

To restore metabolism after childbirth, and, accordingly, digestion, you should adjust your lifestyle to a healthy one, which includes healthy eating, sports, walks.

Starving to achieve such a goal is wrong, because after giving birth, a woman breastfeeds her baby and must eat well so that the milk is nutritious and healthy for the baby.

You should eat food in small portions, so the body will not be able to store strategic reserves in the form of fat. Include in your diet fresh vegetables, more fruits, fresh fish, cottage cheese, liver, eggs. Be sure to have porridge for breakfast periodically. If possible, give up sweets and foods containing large amounts of sugar - this is false food for the body.

By the way, when you starve, your metabolism decreases, so provide yourself with food for the whole day. It is better to think about meals in the evening; the correct thing to do is to prepare food in advance for each meal and put it in containers. This way you will definitely not eat something wrong.

Maintaining a sleep and activity schedule will also help restore your metabolism. It is very important. In order for the body to function properly, it must rest and be awake for a sufficient amount of time.

Spend more time outdoors. Let it be just walks with a stroller. The main thing is not to sit on a bench, but to walk and move.

Moderate physical activity will also help in establishing digestion and metabolism after a CS. There will be no stagnation of peristalsis during movement and light load.

Posture restoration

The deteriorated posture lies in the same 9 months of pregnancy. A woman gets used to walking like a duck, waddling from side to side. The stomach is protruding, since it did not need to be kept taut throughout the entire pregnancy; the muscles have become unaccustomed to being in constant tone. The fetus in the abdomen, plus amniotic fluid and the weight of the uterus - all this forces the woman to violate the correct posture, a heavy load pulls forward. And so throughout the pregnancy, with increasing weight in the front.

Incorrect posture is just a habit that can and should be fought, because a habit, as you know, is developed within 21 days

It turns out that poor posture and gait are a habit that involuntarily became the norm for a woman after childbirth. And any habit must and can be fought.

  • try to control yourself. It is clear that after childbirth with baby It’s difficult, but nothing is impossible for a woman. It is so? Reward yourself with your inner self. Don’t be lazy to be beautiful, even with a lot of worries in your head;
  • use a corset. There are corsets on the market that will control your posture. You can walk in them both at home and wear them under clothes even outside the home;
  • Don't give up wearing heels completely. When you put on a heel or stiletto heel, you will involuntarily straighten up, because this is the only way to maintain your balance. Don’t torment yourself if you don’t like these shoes after giving birth. Wear heels occasionally, on occasion;
  • take a massage course. A specialist will help you relax your back and neck muscles and relieve tension.

Video: beautiful posture after childbirth - exercises for stooping

Restoration of the pelvic floor muscles

After a caesarean section, not only the muscles of the abdominal wall suffer, but also the muscles pelvic floor also weaken during pregnancy. To feel desired and enjoy intimacy with your husband, learn to exercise your muscles.

If you have never encountered this information and do not know the state of your pelvic floor muscles, note the following symptoms:

  • decreased sensitivity;
  • vaginal dryness is felt;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • you hear the sound of air escaping during intercourse;
  • feeling of vaginal stretching.

If you notice two or more signs, then we can say that your intimate muscles are stretched. Don't despair, the pelvic floor muscles can be perfectly trained.

With the help of special Kegel exercises you can make your sex life brighter and more varied:

  • after training, the vagina narrows, becomes more elastic, ribbed;
  • you can solve problems with achieving orgasm;
  • such activities serve to prevent urinary incontinence;
  • you will protect yourself from prolapse of the pelvic organs with age;
  • trained muscles will prolong a woman’s youth and the onset of menopause will be delayed.

It’s best to start training your intimate muscles before giving birth, then the process of delivery will be easier (we’re talking about natural childbirth):

Kegel exercises are simple at first glance, but in fact they may not work the first time.

  1. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles upward and inward, standing shoulder-width apart with your palms on your buttocks.
  2. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles upward and inward while kneeling (on all fours), with your head resting on your hands.
  3. Lying on your stomach and bending one leg at the knee, relax and tense your pelvic floor muscles alternately.
  4. Lie on your back, bend your knees and spread them apart. One hand lies under the buttocks, the other on the stomach. Relax and tense your pelvic floor muscles, helping with your palms.
  5. Sitting with your legs crossed and your back straight, tense your muscles upward and inward, as if lifting off the floor.
  6. Legs to the sides, hands resting on the knees, body tilted forward, pelvic floor muscles tense. Pull your muscles upward and inward.

In addition to exercises to restore the pelvic floor muscles, you can use special intimate simulators. As a rule, these simulators look like balls connected by a thread. To use such balls at home, knowledge and skills in their use are required. Otherwise, you can only harm the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs. Before use, consult a specialist.

Choose exercise equipment made from quality materials so as not to cause harm. internal organs and not cause infection

Navel restoration

A change in the muscles of the umbilical ring is called an umbilical hernia. It occurs in women after childbirth, when a huge belly grows during pregnancy and often after a CS. This disease can be corrected; it is possible to restore the navel muscles.

During pregnancy, the fetus, especially a large one, puts force on the abdominal wall, which causes weakening of the umbilical ring muscles. This also happens if a woman is worried about constipation; this phenomenon occurs already in the last stages of pregnancy. Excess weight also plays a big role in weakening these muscles.

You can fight an umbilical hernia with the help of antispasmodics; it is also recommended to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall with abdominal exercises and wear a special bandage.

Important! Abdominal exercises should be postponed until postpartum discharge stops.

To prevent the appearance of an umbilical hernia, women are recommended to:

  • keep your weight under control and fight excess;
  • play sports and keep muscles, including the muscles of the abdominal wall, in good shape;
  • During pregnancy, it is mandatory to use a prenatal bandage. It will help the muscles be in the correct position.

An umbilical hernia is a fusion of the scar after a CS

Psychological recovery

From a psychological point of view, a woman often experiences difficulties after childbirth. They manifest themselves in the form of depression and fatigue. Often, it is after a caesarean section that a young mother blames herself for not being able to “give birth normally”, for “failing to cope”, for the fact that the birth of the baby seemed to pass her by. More often such thoughts occur to women who have had an emergency CS. It is believed that when a CS is planned and scheduled in advance, expectant mother there is time to prepare for this thought, to think through everything and think it over.

The operation is especially difficult psychologically for opponents of the CS, who are confident that only natural childbirth can go smoothly and positively for the child. It is difficult for such women even in the postpartum period. They were definitely not prepared for such a turn of events.

Be sure to attend pregnancy courses that cover caesarean sections. Ask the presenter to elaborate on certain issues. Get as much information as possible, ask questions, discuss and get rid of fears.

It's all due to changes in hormones during the postpartum period. It is she who makes the mood change, return again to the day of birth, thinking about the details. In some ways, this is even the norm, because a woman’s hormonal background actually changes after childbirth, just as it changes during pregnancy.

If you feel that there are more and more negative thoughts, your mood is getting worse, do not hesitate - seek help from a psychologist, because the baby needs a cheerful and healthy mother who loves, cares and enjoys every day of motherhood.

If in a minute postpartum depression If it seems that it doesn’t matter to you what happens next, then remember about your baby - he depends on you not only physically in terms of feeding, walking and bathing, but also emotionally. Charge your child only with positive emotions.

Remember that you are a conductor of mood and general condition from mother to baby

Honestly, after two births I did not experience any psychological problems; both pregnancies were desired. But around me I met women with varying degrees of postpartum depression. Consultation with a psychologist, or at least the support of loved ones, is extremely necessary for a woman during this period. Don’t isolate yourself, don’t ignore help, and everything will gradually get better.

How to recover after a cesarean section if the mother is over 35 years old

Nowadays, more and more often, women give birth after 35–40 years, and there are cases when the first child appears in the family at this age.

Children are always a great happiness for a married couple. They say that pregnancy makes a woman younger. All this is great, if not for some BUTs:

  • As a woman ages, it worsens more and more chronic diseases. Carrying a child to term is not an easy task at any age; the older the mother, the greater the burden she experiences during pregnancy;
  • pregnancy after 35 is considered difficult, since there is a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, etc.;
  • When maintaining a pregnancy at a late age, a woman should think about what the future of this child will be like. After all, every year the mother’s age does not get smaller, no one gives guarantees of a long life unencumbered by age-related diseases.

The postpartum recovery period after 35 years may be slightly longer. This depends on the health status of the new mother.

Be sure to undergo a thorough examination before pregnancy if it is planned. If not, then after the birth of the child, visit specialists in precisely those areas in which your health is “lame”, since pregnancy takes a toll weak points body. The stress of carrying a baby can affect organs and organ systems that were bothersome before pregnancy.

It also happens that despite life experience and possible repeated experience of motherhood, a woman after 35–40 years old finds it difficult to withstand sleepless nights, lack of free time, and a large load of household chores. In order not to regret the birth of a late child, seek help from a specialist in time. It will help you understand yourself and see the world of a happy mother in a new way.

Being a mother is happiness for a woman, but any issue must be approached wisely

What can help with recovery after a caesarean section?

Every woman after a CS wants to return to her previous shape as soon as possible. This applies to both physical and emotional capabilities. I would like to be like before pregnancy.

For a quick recovery, use a few tips:

  • Start walking as soon as possible after surgery. This will prevent the formation of adhesions and will help you quickly recover from anesthesia and its consequences;
  • wear a bandage. Wear it in the first few days after the CS, of course, with your doctor’s permission. The bandage will help hold weakened abdominal muscles, the scar will be at rest, the seams will be covered and protected from damage, pressed. This will ease coughing and sneezing;
  • Don't forget about compression garments. The CS operation must be performed strictly in compression stockings. They are also recommended to be worn for some time after childbirth. They will prevent the development of thrombosis;
  • Maintain stitch hygiene. Treat the suture even after discharge from the hospital, until complete healing. Cover it with a sterile bandage to prevent contamination and mechanical damage;
  • maintain a sleep and rest schedule. Sleep with your baby whenever possible;
  • walk more and be in the fresh air. Oxygen is useful for tissue regeneration and general condition body;
  • eat well. Your body needs strength to recover. Include foods containing iron in your diet. Women who have given birth often have anemia;
  • take vitamins. The child grew while in the stomach thanks to your vitamins and microelements. It is necessary to replenish their supply;
  • drink more water. This will be useful both for lactation and for timely emptying of the intestines and bladder.

Video: fast recovery after caesarean section

Video: how to survive a caesarean section

If a caesarean section is necessary according to indications, then take it for granted, communicate more with the doctor, consult, and gain information. If you are wondering whether to choose a natural birth or a CS, and you think that a CS is an alternative to a painful and painful birth, then read the information about the recovery period and be prepared for it.

If a baby is born by caesarean section, then his first cry is a special miracle. Doctors themselves say about mothers who gave birth this way: “Caesar”. Respectful, kind and beautiful. Like a bird. But in order for the recovery period to pass without complications, in order to quickly “fledge” and flap your wings with new strength towards the happiness of motherhood, it is necessary to follow special recommendations.
After a caesarean section, the first days are the most difficult. Little things like rolling over, coughing, taking a deep breath, or reaching into bed are not easy.


On the first day after the operation, the new mother is in the intensive care unit, where her condition is monitored by a nurse and an anesthesiologist. Her blood pressure, pulse, temperature are measured, the degree of uterine contraction and the intensity of vaginal discharge, and urination are assessed. The nurse is changing the dressings in the area of ​​the surgical suture. After using an epidural or spinal anesthesia, a woman should remain in bed for 3 to 12 hours. You need to get up gradually, slowly, without sudden movements and always in the presence of one of the medical staff or relatives. You can sit down on the 2-3rd day after surgery.

To feel more comfortable after surgery, just follow these tips:

Roll over on its side

1. To make it easier to roll over from your back to your side, first of all, bend your knees so that your feet rest on the plane on which you are lying.
2. Plant your feet and lift your hips so that your body is straight from your shoulders to your knees.
3. Rotate your hips to the side and lower them. Then turn your upper body in the same direction.

So, you are lying on your side. This method saves your seams from damage and relieves your elbows from painful friction on the sheets.

If general anesthesia was used during a caesarean section, you may need to cough to get rid of mucus that has accumulated in the lungs.

To clear your throat without fear of discomfort or pain, use a simple technique called “barking.” Despite its ironic name, it is really effective and recommended by experts.

1. It is necessary to reinforce the seams with your hands, a small pillow or tie with a towel.
2. Now inhale deeply, filling your lungs completely.
3. The next action is to exhale completely, sharply but carefully, drawing in the stomach rather than inflating it.
4. Make a sound similar to “woof.”
5. Repeat several times over an hour, especially if you feel gurgling or sobbing in your chest. If rib cage clean and you get out of bed regularly, there is no need to do this often.

If an “unusual birth” is planned due to special indications, which we have already described in detail in the article “Invaluable help in childbirth,” it will be extremely useful to practice coughing correctly.

Getting up and walking

For the first time, a nurse will help you get out of bed after your doctor's permission. You may feel weak and dizzy. Don't be scared! This is natural, because you just had abdominal surgery! Regardless of whether general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia was used, a feeling of weakness when first standing up is inevitable.

Now, when you first rise, first think that the hardest part is over, and your first rise already means that you are firmly on the path to recovery!

The birth of a child is a huge event, a real feat, regardless of how it happened - through the natural birth canal, or by Caesarean section. Seriously think that at a certain moment, precisely at this point on the vast Earth, it was YOU who accomplished this feat! And very soon your long-awaited baby will be at home with you, and you will fully enjoy the happiness of motherhood, priceless moments of communication with the sweetest, beloved, most dear creature in the world.

To get out of bed, do the following:

1. Turning onto your side, allow your legs to hang over the edge of the bed and move yourself into a sitting position.
2. Sit for a while and move your legs.
3. When you are ready, lower your feet to the floor and stand up (be sure to have assistance). Stand as straight as possible. This will not harm your seams even if they seem to be pulling.
4. Once you get used to standing, take a small step.

Every time you get out of bed, you will notice that it gets easier and easier.

Now try to gradually increase the duration of your walks. Just remember to think:

- I'm done! With every step I get stronger. Every movement brings me closer to being discharged home, just as every flap of its wings carries a bird closer to its cherished nest.

Intestinal gases

They, my dears, make you pay attention to yourself after any operation on the abdominal cavity. To put it simply, this is a situation trivially voiced by the words “I’m feeling fart.” The reason for this problem is the slowdown in intestinal activity as a result of the operation.

The following will help you cope with gases:
– deep breathing;
– rocking the chair (if gases bother you at home);
– exclusion from the postoperative diet of foods and drinks that produce gases


Another sensitive point is possible difficulties with urination. They can occur after a catheter in the ureter, anesthesia and abdominal surgery.

Don't worry, drink more fluids, try urinating in the shower or bath. If you are unable to urinate yourself, you will still need a catheter to empty your bladder.


Day 1.

A woman is allowed to drink still water acidified with lemon juice. Considering that IVs are usually placed after surgery, on the first day the mother receives all nutrients directly into the bloodstream.

Day 2.

On the second day after a caesarean section, the woman is transferred from the intensive care ward to the postpartum ward. The diet after a cesarean section is similar to the diet after any abdominal surgery. Dense food is excluded - at this time it is necessary to spare the organs of the digestive tract as much as possible.

The food ration is expanded gradually. On the 3rd day after surgery, the menu includes low-fat chicken broth, boiled meat minced through a meat grinder, cottage cheese or meat puree or soufflé, and porridge. The entire diet is divided into 5-6 meals. You are allowed to drink not very sweet tea, thin jelly, compotes, and rosehip decoction. The usual volume of food at each meal is 70–100 ml.

The first independent stool should be on the 3rd–5th day after surgery. After this, you can return to the products consumed during pregnancy, but taking into account the restrictions recommended for nursing mothers. After all, milk usually comes in by this time.

Normalization of stool and prevention of constipation is greatly facilitated by:

– moderate physical activity,
– also a sufficient amount of vegetables and dried fruits (especially prunes) in the diet. During this period, there are no longer any dietary features for women who gave birth by cesarean section.

Patients and their relatives often ask whether after surgery it is possible to lift weights, play sports, and in general - what can and cannot be done during this period. The answer to the first question is not clear-cut. Surgeons, for example, after abdominal operations do not allow their patients to lift more than 2 kg for 2 months. But how can you say this to a woman who has to take care of a baby? Therefore, we do not recommend that postpartum women after a cesarean section lift more than 3-4 kg during the first time (2-3 months), that is, more than the weight of the child.

Patients who have undergone a cesarean section can work on their abdominal muscles no earlier than a month after giving birth.

It should be remembered that after a cesarean section a scar remains on the uterus, which can affect the course of subsequent pregnancies. It has been proven that the scar reaches its optimal state for carrying a pregnancy 2-3 years after surgery. At this point, the woman’s body is recovering from the previous pregnancy. Therefore, it is better to think about a brother or sister for your first-born after this time has passed.

Exercises you can do the day after surgery ations

Starting position: sitting with support on the back. Perform slowly and repeat up to 10 times.

Pull the socks toward you, then away from you at an average pace.
Rotate your feet inward, then outward.
Press your knees together, then release.
Squeeze your gluteal muscles, then release.
Bend one leg and extend it forward, lower it, then the other.
Repeat all exercises up to 10 times, then rest.

An exercise for the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor is also useful.

Kegel exercise: Squeeze your perineal muscles as if you were trying to hold back a stream of urine. Hold in tension for a few seconds, then relax. Do 10–20 repetitions at a fast pace 3–4 times a day. Increase the tension time by 1 second each time, gradually reaching 20 seconds or more.

Regular practice of this exercise helps to avoid problems with urinary incontinence.

After you are allowed to walk, you need to use this to improve your condition. Spend as little time in bed as possible; walking helps you recover after surgery and prevent constipation.

Important! Until the stitches have healed completely, try to get out of bed correctly! You should not raise your head or sit up while lying on your back; this strains the abdominal muscles and can cause the stitches to come apart.

To get out of bed, you need to turn on your side, lower your legs and slowly sit down, pushing off with your hands, without straining your abdominal muscles. Excessive load on them can lead to seams coming apart.

After the stitches are removed, you can, with the doctor’s permission, begin light exercises for the abdominal muscles:

Abdominal retraction. Sitting position with a slightly bent back. Inhale, then exhale, and as you exhale, draw in your stomach. Stay in this position for 1 second, then relax your stomach and inhale. Perform 10 – 15 repetitions several times a day.
Lifting the pelvis. Lying on your back on a hard surface, legs bent at the knees. Raise your pelvis up, without lifting your lower back, and lower it. Perform 15–20 repetitions several times a day.