Monica Bellucci on divorce from Kassel: “Vincent and I will always love each other. Monica Bellucci spoke about a new relationship and a divorce from Vincent Cassel Bellucci personal life after a divorce

Analysts announced back in 2017 that the upcoming 2018 will be the year when the ruble will begin to fall rapidly. The first reason, of course, is the active oil policy of US President Donald Trump.

By lifting bans on conventional oil production, Trump began exporting petroleum products and shale oil to China, forcing Saudi Arabia to compete with America for oil exports. From time to time, the States even pulled ahead of Russia and Saudi Arabia in terms of exports. Now a barrel of Russian oil costs less than $50. Experts have already stated that by the middle of the year the figure will be closer to $40.

The Russian economy is directly dependent on oil prices. Oil prices are predicted to be higher than budgeted, which means that the Reserve Fund will also be exhausted, causing a budget deficit. But the ruble exchange rate will also be affected by the political factor. On the nose of the presidential elections in Russia. The country's leadership will demonstrate the stability of the currency as much as possible and slow down the fall of the ruble by buying dollars. After the election is over, the government will let go of its grip and the ruble will begin to fall rapidly. According to forecasts, the rate will still hold until April 2018, after which the collapse of the ruble may occur. There is no stability of the currency - there is a crisis and vice versa.

Financial analysts are already literally burying the Russian economy, advising to buy the dollar at 56 rubles, and not wait until the US currency jumps to 97 rubles. Immediately after the election, experts predict a decline of 10%. It should be noted that the public debt is only growing in numbers, its maintenance will provoke significant risks for the ruble exchange rate, and, therefore, for the Russian economy.

There is every reason to believe that investors in the global financial market may begin to withdraw assets at an accelerated pace, which will hit the Russian economy hard. Forecasts of the dollar exchange rate have already been made and posted for public viewing on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. There, the dollar has already been predicted to 64 rubles.

In one of his speeches, Russian President Vladimir Putin set the task of the Ministry of Economic Development to raise the Russian economy to a global rate of -3% of GDP per year. Although the MED announced that 2% will be reached soon, there is no support for this statement. The reform plan, as well as the concept of development, were not presented to the public. Based on this, the collapse of the ruble after the 2018 elections cannot be discarded. Indeed, in three years, the incomes of the population have fallen by more than 20% and continue to fall.

At the same time, the devaluation of the ruble, guided by the forecasts of financial analysts, will increase by 5% by the end of 2018, and already in 2019 the ruble will approach the mark of 67 per 1 dollar.

The world is just beginning to experience an economic downturn, and Russia was one of the first to feel the crisis. Analysts are afraid to imagine what will happen when the crisis will cover the entire global economy and the global recession will begin.

The most extraordinary couple plunged the press and fans into shock with the announcement of their breakup. What caused the divorce of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel? Let's take a closer look and find out what the former spouses say about this.

Statements from both sides

The divorce of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel happened after almost 18 years of family life. Not only their fans, but also colleagues in the field of cinema considered the couple an example of an ideal marital union. In the marriage of Monica and Vincent, two beautiful daughters were born: Deva and Leoni, who now live and are educated in Portugal.

At first, when information about the couple's divorce had just leaked out to the media, the only comment that Bellucci gave was: “We were divorced by our own lives. And if our paths completely diverge, we will still maintain warm relations. In an interview with one of the famous Hollywood magazines, Monica expressed her attitude towards marriages, saying that one can never be sure how long this marriage can last.

Around the same time, Kassel gave an interview and said that he and his ex-wife are very different, but perhaps this is what made their marriage so strong. When people are very different, they do not get tired of getting to know each other from new sides every day. He also noted that they were always good together, they never waited for someone's approval.

Absence of suspicion

Nothing bad was said on both sides, and the spouses speak quite kindly about each other. So why did Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel divorce? It would be quite reasonable to conclude that if everything in the couple was good, the spouses would not divorce. Many friends and acquaintances of the couple have already noticed that the family had some relationship problems. But no one wanted to admit it: this idyll was so beautiful and harmonious that even the most important Hollywood gossips did not speculate on this basis.

When did Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel divorce?

Their divorce became known in August 2013, and yet in July of the same year, the couple, along with their daughters, Deva and Leoni, rested on the territory of the Greek islands, enjoying the sea and the sun. In connection with this event, it would be rather difficult to guess what is the reason for the divorce of Monica Belucci and Vincent Cassel, because the family looked absolutely happy. However, something happened that the fans of the couple did not want to hear: through their representatives, the spouses announced the divorce.

Hidden Problems

But in fact, many moments testified to a very imperfect relationship. First of all, it is a place of residence. Monica Bellucci lived most of the time with her daughters in Rome because Italy is her favorite country. While her husband Vincent spent almost all the time in Paris. It would seem that it's okay, because Rome and Paris are located so close to each other. But after a while, Kassel bought a house in Brazil and began to live there, constantly sharing enthusiastic comments on social media profiles about new housing and the natural beauties of the country.

Where did it all begin?

Let's go back many years. The couple got married in Monaco in 1999, after 3 years of marriage. Only the closest friends and relatives of the newlyweds were invited to the celebration. The marriage turned out to be very modest and without unnecessary pomposity. Then everything was just beginning, the newly-made husband and wife were infinitely happy and pleased with each other.

So how did things change, and what is the real reason behind Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel's divorce? A year before the divorce, in an interview, Bellucci uttered a phrase that she was not sure about their future, but would really like them to be together. This once again suggests that in the relationship of the star couple there were already omissions and disagreements related to living in different countries.

At 39, Monica gave birth to her first daughter, Deva. And then rumors about problems in a couple began to appear more and more often. Because Kassel had to constantly leave for filming and social events in France and other countries alone, while Bellucci spent all her time with her daughter in Rome and occasionally agreed to participate in filming.

The divorce of Monica Belucci and Vincent Cassel, the reasons for their separation, omissions in the relationship - all this was discussed in the media for a very long time. One thing is worth noting: the former spouses still provide mutual support, do not swear at each other and give love to their daughters, and this is worthy of respect.

The reason for the divorce of Bellucci and Kassel was distrust

Monica Bellucci could not absolutely trust her husband Vincent Cassel. This was the reason for the divorce of one of the most beautiful acting couples.

Recently, Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel have officially announced that they are divorcing. This message shocked fans of the couple, because their family has always seemed strong. However, everything was not as rosy as we would like. The actress admitted that she never really trusted her husband.

Moreover, Monica Bellucci has repeatedly said that she lives exclusively for today and does not believe that marriage can last forever. As a result, the way it happened, the exemplary couple of Monica Belulchchi and Vincent Cassel broke up. In an interview with a Western publication, the actress said that from the very beginning of her acquaintance with Vincent Cassel, she could not be sure of him. The actress carried this feeling through all the years of her life together, but she could not cope with it.

At the same time, it was Vincent Cassel who had a reason not to trust his wife. According to rumors, Monica Bellucci left the family for the sake of the Azerbaijani billionaire Telman Ismailov. However, there is no confirmation of this information, most likely it is gossip. But even after the reason for the divorce became clear, the world continues to be sad that the love story of Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci is over.

Monica Bellucci spoke about the new relationship and divorce from Vincent Cassel

The sexiest woman on the planet gave the first candid interview about her personal life

The most beautiful woman in world cinema, Monica Bellucci, has always been famous not only for her frank roles, but also for her statements. However, in the past few years, the actress has preferred to keep her personal life a secret. The thing is that the divorce from Vincent Cassel in 2013 was not easy for her. And so, in her recent interview with the French magazine Paris Match, for the first time she spoke frankly about what she had to endure.

“I made a choice. We can be with someone for a long time and suddenly realize that this can no longer continue - everyone must go their own way. The gap for me was very painful, but necessary, ”the actress shared.

She also added that earlier, realizing her beauty, she felt more secure: “When I was younger, I was more sensitive to beauty. I have always gone out with beautiful young people. Today it seems to me that men with wrinkles are more interesting: traces of time on the face and body help not to be distracted from the main thing - this is how we see the soul better.

Monica shared that after 20 years of relationship with Kassel, it was not easy for her to start all over again, but now she is in love again: “Now there is a man in my life, but I can’t say more. I need some privacy. A new chapter of my life is about to begin."

Bellucci added that big changes await her soon - she is preparing to move: “At the time of my divorce in 2013, Kassel remained in Brazil, and I decided to move to Paris. Last year I bought a house in Lisbon and really want to move there. My children will love it there, because life there is more measured than in the French capital.”

Recall that Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel met in 1997 on the set of the film "The Apartment", and three years later they got married. In 2004 they had a daughter, Deva, and in 2010, Leonie. In 2013, the couple announced a divorce "by mutual consent".

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Vincent Cassel called the true reason for the divorce from Monica Bellucci

The acting couple of Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci could be considered ideal. Beautiful, talented and temperamental people who found each other. Their marriage lasted almost 15 years. And fans were shocked when the couple announced their divorce in 2013. Only years later, Vincent Cassel agreed to tell reporters the real reason for the divorce.

“You know, this is the wrong word -“ broke up ”. Sometimes marriages break up. But people don't, they don't separate. This is just our case. We'll always be together. And not at all because we have two children and our youngest daughter is only six. You see, when we say “they broke up”, we mean that, once united, people made a mistake and now they realize it. But we didn't get divorced because we made a mistake. On the contrary, we did the right thing. But now it's better to get divorced. That's all. We have never absolutized the so-called marital fidelity. Not that we had romantic episodes, so to speak, on the side ... But psychologically, we left the doors of our marriage open.

For both of us, it has always been a priority that, by and large, we are together, although we sometimes lived separately - Monica in Rome, I am in Paris ... But we knew that we would always find ourselves where we needed each other. As long as we need, really need each other. And at some point it became clear: a lot connects us, we are devoted to each other, but there is no longer any need to be together and be considered a couple. And then it's better not to be considered a couple anymore. That is, in fact, no events preceded our parting. But sensations, something indistinct ... ”, - the actor said in an interview with Psychology magazine.

Divorce of Bellucci and Kassel: two views on both sides of the language barrier

Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel divorce

Initially, this couple raised a lot of questions. The soft, beautiful, sexy diva Monica and the uncontrollable satyr Vincent - it seemed that there could be nothing in common between them.

The most "mythical", according to the European press, a couple of show business broke up. Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel. The Internet exploded with discussions. The author of these lines compared the content of women's discussions on the topic in France and in Russia and discovered a new - special - property of our people.

Of course, spouses get nuts on both sides of the language barrier. On this issue, the women of both countries show rare unanimity. Vincent, of course, was “some kind of frightened”, “drunk and fighter”, “no charm”. Monica is an "ordinary woman", "provincial" and "what he saw in her."

But that's where the psychological similarity ends. French women, expressing regret, indignation and delight, go home. The maximum familiarity they are capable of: “I don’t understand how she lived with this bastard for 18 years, she deserves a husband a hundred times better” or: “And what he found in her, there are plenty of people like her everywhere. He's from a different class."

Ours is not like that. Ours are starting powerful - dozens of pages - branches of the OBS agency ("One woman said" - author) They enter into such family details of Vincent and Monica that not a single tabloid clicker can reach even in the most daring fantasies ... They endure authoritative versions with the pathos of British scientists and forecasts with Vanga's conviction, simultaneously involving a bunch of outsiders and innocent celebrities in the process. It was on Russian forums that I learned with curiosity that Bellucci's father's name was Pasquale, and his mother was more beautiful than his daughter, Gerard Depardieu wants to marry a minor, and Michael Douglas suffers from erectile dysfunction. Russian showbiz was also not spared. It turned out that the actor Konstantin Kryukov with his “village Alekseeva” are mowing under Bellucci with Kassel, but where are they ... Etc. etc.

It's rather funny that the model of relations between Monica and Vincent in the eyes of our citizens emerges as such - rather Russian. Kassel is a passionate person, zhuir and a drunkard, but the owner of a certain "brutal charm". After meeting Monica, he wanted to bring new girls to bed every night and drink a glass of red wine. He flatly refused to live with Monica. In addition, he was a native Muscovite ... sorry, a Parisian, and she was from the Italian outback (“a milkmaid from Khatsapetovka”). She decided to marry him out of desperation. The years are growing, it's time to give birth to children, and on the horizon there is no one but this Vincent. The man was crushing ... The husband's parents accepted the daughter-in-law with coolness and barely recognized their grandchildren (they, of course, were born ugly, but who else can be born from a drunkard?). He wiped his feet on it! She sobbed into her pillow. And in her old age - at the age of 48 - she decided to divorce this cattle-Kassel, who immediately found himself a young one. And you look, it’s even worse: “What if Monica divorced Kassel. because she found out he was gay?? Look at me like with Vin Diesel they broke off! Vin Diesel.. having a wife and kids.. and past affairs.. turned out to be gay. And why, for example, Vincent Cassel cannot also turn out to be gay? Then, in principle, it is clear why Monica left him. Horror".

After examining about a hundred pages with similar reasoning, the author of these lines was indignant: “Yes, where, pardon, did you get all this ?! Neither the Russian nor the Western press has published anything like this…”

This is an amazing property of our people - to instantly mythologize the surrounding space. What we need to build a house - draw, we will live. Now I advise series writers looking for inspiration to visit Russian ladies' forums more often. No French dreamed of. And it also became clear to me why our people, endowed with such powerful mythological thinking, do not like the “yellow press”. After all, journalists too clearly bring clarity both to the private life of idols and to the public. Leave no room for imagination. And the reader wants to invent himself! Stop interfering with him, comrade colleagues.

I don't even know what to guess yet.

The love story of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel officially ended on August 26, 2013: it was then that the actress's press secretary announced the divorce of the star couple. Behind Bellucci and Cassel were 17 years of relationship, 12 of which they lived in marriage. Today we will remember the brightest moments of this love story, more like a movie script.


No matter how prosaic it may seem, actors Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel met on the set of the film "The Apartment". In 1996, Bellucci was a completely inexperienced actress, while Cassel was a prominent French actor, exploiting the role of "bad boy". There are various rumors about how their romance began: someone romanticizes the story of the acquaintance of a film couple (“They fell in love with each other at first sight ...”), and someone trusts the lovers themselves - both Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel admitted, that at first sight imbued with hostility to each other. Vincent considered Monica "another model trying to break through the road to the cinema with her outstanding breasts", and Monica considered Vincent to be an arrogant pusher. Nonetheless the love story underlying the plot of the "Apartment" also connected the actors: just a couple of kisses under the camera was enough for their dislike to be replaced by sympathy.

The actors who played lovers in the movies did not immediately decide on intimacy. Subsequently, Bellucci admitted in an interview that Cassel did not seem to her a worthy party: "It was not love at first sight. Yes, Vincent seemed attractive to me, but I did not feel that I could be sure of him, I could rely on him."

Fearing the excessive windiness of her lover, Monica Bellucci decided to play ahead of the curve and simply not become attached to the French heartthrob. From the very beginning of their romance, the actress clearly defined the boundaries: he has his own life, she has her own. Vincent Cassel, not accustomed to such treatment, was, to put it mildly, discouraged. But he had to obey: he still lived in Paris, and she - in London and Rome. There could be no talk of any serious rapprochement, the novel "at a distance" had to be saved. Cassel offered Bellucci one role in French cinema, then another, and so imperceptibly strengthened her professional position and acquired joint projects with her.


Vincent Cassel persuaded Monica Bellucci to accept a ring, hand and heart from him for almost three years - the freedom-loving and proud Italian was adamant. Marriage was useless to her. She changed her mind only after the actor got into a car accident.“At some point, I decided that being a widow is more logical than a former mistress. In addition, any woman goes black more than anyone else,” Bellucci later stated. The actress justified her frivolous attitude to legal marriage with fatalism: “Sometimes it even seemed to me that we don’t choose those with whom we connect our lives. These relationships just happen to us. And you never know how long they will last. So I never knew how much is allotted to this union."

It is noteworthy that shortly after the wedding, the actors again went home: he went to Paris, and she went to Rome. Love at a distance became a habit for Kassel and Bellucci, which was very difficult to change.: "I consider Italy my home, but it is important for Vincent that we spend enough time in France. Sometimes we manage to live like a normal family - all together, but still most of the time we remain a lot of traveling actors who mostly live apart from each other : I'm on the set, then Vincent. But for the sake of the children, we try to adjust our schedules so that one of us is always with them. Of course, it would be ideal to work together. But not all the time, "Monica Bellucci admitted to reporters.


The relationship of the brightest couple of Western show business can hardly be called cloudless. Jealous Vincent Cassel suffered from journalists who regularly suspected Monica Bellucci of having affairs with the entire Hollywood beau monde. Bellucci was credited with affairs with George Clooney, Gerard Depardieu and Bruce Willis, and she did absolutely nothing to refute these rumors. Moreover, in numerous interviews, the actress only fueled interest in her personal life: “I think it’s unnatural to have only one partner. We all change lovers, we just prefer to keep silent about it more often,” she said.

Is it any wonder that Vincent Cassel also began to give rise to suspicions of infidelity. However, Monica Bellucci was not embarrassed by rumors about his novels with models and actresses (among others, even with Jennifer Aniston), which she directly and bluntly told reporters.

It would be strange to expect such an unusual couple to quickly grow into children, nannies and home teachers. And indeed, the first child of Kassel and Bellucci was born only in 2004. Monica Bellucci, who ignored all her husband's requests for heirs, subsequently admitted more than once that the birth of her first daughter changed her life: "I was in no hurry to become a mother. I gave birth to my first daughter when I was 39, and the second - at 45. At a younger age, I I was simply not ready for motherhood. I was not ready to sacrifice myself, to give myself to children. Yes, I was absorbed in myself and Vincent, but in the end, when I gave birth, I breastfed and felt that I wanted to give as much time, strength and love as possible to this creation".

The second child of Cassel and Bellucci was born in 2010 and, by all indications, should have further strengthened the relationship of the couple. "Children have greatly changed our relationship with Vincent. And changed them for the better. We try to be sympathetic to the fact that we cannot see each other as often as we would like, because work is work - we travel a lot, lead an almost gypsy lifestyle," - said Monica Bellucci, and the fans willingly believed her.

After the birth of a second child and so many years of marriage, the news of the divorce of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel came as a complete surprise to everyone.


The film "Irreversible" (the one where Bellucci's heroine dies after being raped in the transition) was supposed to be the final chord in the relationship between Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel. At least, the critics thought so, and, it should be noted, this sad prophecy had reasons. In 2001, after filming in the extremely frank film "Eyes Wide Shut", the "golden" couple of Hollywood, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, divorced. For a long time, rumors circulated in the press and among the fans of the couple that it was the work on the film that broke the couple. Nicole denied these gossip, but few people listened to her.

And now, just a couple of years after the “divorce of the century,” “Irreversible” comes out on the screens, containing frank scenes of sex and violence. How did Vincent and Monica survive the shooting and subsequent rental of the film? Easily! " I knew for sure: my wife is a woman with balls. She has the guts to play it!"- Vincent Cassel told reporters. Indeed, Monica Bellucci was equanimity itself. Immediately after filming the scandalous scene with the transition, she flew away to rest with her husband, and the couple spent these short holidays great.


How Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel decided to divorce, no one knows for sure except themselves. Immediately after the announcement of the bad news, the actress and her now ex-husband refused to comment on it. It is known that for 17 years, they have been visited more than once by thoughts of divorce, but each time they managed to save their relationship. It is a pity that this time the couple could not avoid collapse, however, 2013 turned out to be fatal not only for their union.

The most extraordinary couple plunged the press and fans into shock with the announcement of their breakup. What caused the divorce of Monica Bellucci and Let's take a closer look and find out what the former spouses say about this.

Statements from both sides

The divorce of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel happened after almost 18 years of family life. Not only their fans, but also colleagues in the field of cinema considered the couple an example of an ideal marital union. In the marriage of Monica and Vincent, two beautiful daughters were born: Deva and Leoni, who now live and are educated in Portugal.

At first, when information about the couple's divorce had just leaked to the media, the only comment that Bellucci gave was: "We were divorced by our own lives. And if our paths completely diverge, we will still maintain a warm relationship." In an interview with one of the famous Hollywood magazines, Monica expressed her attitude towards marriages, saying that one can never be sure how long this marriage can last.

Around the same time, Kassel gave an interview and said that he and his ex-wife are very different, but perhaps this is what made their marriage so strong. When people are very different, they do not get tired of getting to know each other from new sides every day. He also noted that they were always good together, they never waited for someone's approval.

Absence of suspicion

Nothing bad was said on both sides, and the spouses speak quite kindly about each other. So why did Monica Bellucci divorce and It would be quite reasonable to conclude that if everything was good in a couple, the spouses would not divorce. Many friends and acquaintances of the couple have already noticed that the family had some relationship problems. But no one wanted to admit it: this idyll was so beautiful and harmonious that even the most important Hollywood gossips did not speculate on this basis.

When did Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel divorce?

Their divorce became known in August 2013, and yet in July of the same year, the couple, along with their daughters, Deva and Leoni, rested on the territory of the Greek islands, enjoying the sea and the sun. In connection with this event, it would be rather difficult to guess what is the reason for the divorce of Monica Belucci and Vincent Cassel, because the family looked absolutely happy. However, something happened that the fans of the couple did not want to hear: through their representatives, the spouses announced the divorce.

Hidden Problems

But in fact, many moments testified to a very imperfect relationship. First of all, it is a place of residence. Monica Bellucci lived most of the time with her daughters in Rome because Italy is her favorite country. While her husband Vincent spent almost all the time in Paris. It would seem that it's okay, because Rome and Paris are located so close to each other. But after a while, Kassel bought a house in Brazil and began to live there, constantly sharing enthusiastic comments on social media profiles about new housing and the natural beauties of the country.

Where did it all begin?

Let's go back many years. The couple got married in Monaco in 1999, after 3 years of marriage. Only the closest friends and relatives of the newlyweds were invited to the celebration. The marriage turned out to be very modest and without unnecessary pomposity. Then everything was just beginning, the newly-made husband and wife were infinitely happy and pleased with each other.

So how did things change, and what is the real reason behind Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel's divorce? A year before the divorce, in an interview, Bellucci uttered a phrase that she was not sure about their future, but would really like them to be together. This once again suggests that in the relationship of the star couple there were already omissions and disagreements related to living in different countries.

At 39, Monica gave birth to her first daughter, Deva. And then rumors about problems in a couple began to appear more and more often. Because Kassel had to constantly leave for filming and social events in France and other countries alone, while Bellucci spent all her time with her daughter in Rome and occasionally agreed to participate in filming.

The divorce of Monica Belucci and Vincent Cassel, the reasons for their separation, omissions in the relationship - all this was discussed in the media for a very long time. One thing is worth noting: the former spouses still provide mutual support, do not swear at each other and give love to their daughters, and this is worthy of respect.

She has always been famous not only for her frank roles, but also for her statements. However, in the past few years, the actress has preferred to keep her personal life a secret. The thing is that the divorce from Vincent Cassel in 2013 was not easy for her. And so, in her recent interview with the French magazine Paris Match, for the first time she spoke frankly about what she had to endure.

“I made a choice. We can be with someone for a long time and suddenly realize that this can no longer continue - everyone must go their own way. The gap for me was very painful, but necessary, ”the actress shared.

She also added that earlier, realizing her beauty, she felt more secure: “When I was younger, I was more sensitive to beauty. I have always gone out with beautiful young people. Today it seems to me that men with wrinkles are more interesting: traces of time on the face and body help not to be distracted from the main thing - this is how we see the soul better.

Monica shared that after 20 years of relationship with Kassel, it was not easy for her to start all over again, but now she is in love again: “Now there is a man in my life, but I can’t say more. I need some privacy. A new chapter of my life is about to begin."

Bellucci added that big changes await her soon - she is preparing to move: “At the time of my divorce in 2013, Kassel remained in Brazil, and I decided to move to Paris. Last year I bought a house in Lisbon and really want to move there. My children will love it there, because life there is more measured than in the French capital.”