My girlfriend can't get pregnant from me. Partners may simply be incompatible

The first or second time, you need to urgently sound the alarm. However, this opinion is erroneous, and very often for the arrival of the long-awaited absolutely healthy people it takes a year or two of active planning. Therefore, if you started trying to conceive a baby less than six months ago, then throw all bad thoughts out of your head. If the planning period is longer, and you do not have a history of serious gynecological problems, then you can safely wait another six months or a year, and then consult a doctor. But if you are very worried, visit the doctor earlier - sometimes it happens that pregnancy occurs immediately after the doctor reports that you are healthy and there are no obstacles to childbearing. By the way, contrary to popular belief, both women and men should see a doctor, because representatives of the stronger sex also often encounter disorders that prevent them from experiencing the joy of fatherhood. A lot depends on your mood. Often children do not come from those who are too passionate (in some cases, doctors say that there are no physiological reasons for infertility, but there are problems in the head). Paradoxical as it may sound, it is strong desire reduces the likelihood of pregnancy many times. Therefore, it is necessary to distract yourself with something, for example, throw yourself into work, learn a new skill, get a pet, and at least temporarily switch from the topic of pregnancy. In addition, some couples who want to conceive try too often (every day or even several times a day), while abstinence for one or two days increases the concentration of active sperm and increases the likelihood of pregnancy. If you are dieting, exercising vigorously, and actively losing weight, this can have a detrimental effect on your ability to conceive. It's time to forget about strict food restrictions, because to prepare for pregnancy the body needs various nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Also, problems with conception occur in those women who are often in stressful situations. Nervous shocks have a detrimental effect on reproductive cells and even inhibit ovulation. Therefore, if you want to become a mother soon, try to reduce the amount of stress in your life (if you have a stressful job, look for another one, try to stay calm and remember that a lot depends on it). If you smoke, quit or at least try to reduce the number of cigarettes to a minimum, because this bad habit has an extremely negative impact on both the ability to conceive a baby and subsequent pregnancies. And, of course, pregnancy may not occur due to health problems. These can be problems in the reproductive system (female or male), as well as hormonal disorders, interruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland and others. internal organs. Also, conception may not occur due to incompatibility between partners (when the female body destroys male sperm as a foreign organism). Therefore, if you cannot get pregnant within a year and a half, then you need to undergo a comprehensive examination, the results of which will make it clear what to do in order to finally be able to see the coveted two lines on the test.

According to statistics, 35-40% of infertile couples are susceptible to the inability to conceive a child due to the female factor.

We will examine in detail the answers to questions about why a woman is unable to get pregnant, and how families who want to have a child can solve this difficult problem in detail in this article.

It should be noted that problems with pregnancy are influenced not only by factors associated with the genitourinary system of the female body, but also by disruption of the functioning of other organs and systems. And the psychological problem is not the last place here.

Psychological reasons why you can't get pregnant

When a woman says “I want to get pregnant,” does she fully understand why the word “want” is present here? And why does long-term effort result in the conclusion “I can’t get pregnant”?

A person may not fully understand why he needs something. And in the issue under consideration this is far from the last factor.

It happens that a woman needs to get pregnant not because of a sincere desire to have a child.

  • In this way, she may want to tie a man to her.
  • Or it is necessary to realize one’s own importance.
  • Or just to change your life and force yourself to do something.

An important factor in why you can't get pregnant may be fear. The childbirth itself, the fear of losing its former attractiveness after childbirth, or even the subconscious thought that the woman is not ready to raise and support a child.

Sometimes it happens that a woman does not perceive her partner as a potential father of the child. Moreover, this also arises entirely on a psychological level, for example, if she harbors a grudge against her husband.

A woman may not remember this, but her subconscious sends signals to her body “I don’t want to get pregnant from this person.” Doctors, checking a woman for possible diseases and pathologies, do not find any abnormalities, shrug their shoulders and diagnose “unexplained infertility.”

What to do in this case? Contact a psychologist. After all, most women do not even suspect that in addition to physical ailments, there are also mental ones. But, be that as it may, you should not focus only on the psychological side of the problem and draw hasty conclusions.

Diagnosis and examination for infertility

Probably everyone understands that the reason why a woman cannot get pregnant can be hidden in both partners, and each of them must undergo a full examination.

The first thing partners need to do is talk to a fertility specialist. And determine possible options for the development of the problem and the approximate direction in solving it, tactics of examination and further treatment.

And before starting an individual examination, both partners should conduct tests for the presence of sexually transmitted infectious diseases, because this may be the main cause of infertility. And also during treatment, exacerbations of these diseases are possible.

In men, the entire examination and diagnosis is quite simple, but informative. It is worth examining an andrologist and consulting with a specialist in male infertility.

What should a woman do?

Women should first undergo a pelvic ultrasound examination. Afterwards, if no obvious symptoms are detected, the following checks are carried out:

  • Diagnostics of hormonal levels and the functioning of the ovaries (the content of certain hormones in the blood, monitoring changes in the uterus during the menstrual cycle, measuring the temperature of the internal genital organs).
  • Assessment of the condition of the uterine cavity, which can be most accurately determined by hysteroscopy - a detailed examination using a mini video camera.
  • Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes.
  • Immunological compatibility of partners, which is best determined by a postcoital test. It measures the ability of a given man's sperm to move and maintain motility in the mucous conditions of a given woman's cervix.

What affects a woman's reproductive function?

There are several main groups of pathologies that affect a woman’s infertility. These reasons are discussed below.

1. Ovulation failures

This problem affects the ability to conceive in approximately 40%. Ovulation begins in most cases 14 days before the start of menstruation, although this is generally adjusted to each woman's individual menstrual cycle.

Ovulation is the release of a mature and ready-to-fertilize egg from the follicle. Ovarian diseases affect follicle maturation. Accordingly, it also affects the maturation of the egg, so ovulation does not occur.

2. Diseases of the uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes

Healthy cervical canal female body evenly filled with mucus. It facilitates the unhindered meeting of the egg with the sperm.

If there is not enough mucus or its consistency exceeds the normal thickness, this leads to sperm getting stuck halfway to the target. Occurs as a result of sexually transmitted infections, erosion of the cervix or its inflammation and when the glands that produce mucus are disrupted.

A common problem is inflammation of the fallopian tubes. This is affected by the above-mentioned infectious diseases, previous abortions or ectopic pregnancy. Infertility is also caused by uterine tumors and cysts.

The reason for the inability to conceive can also be a failure in the woman’s immunity, as a result of which substances that kill sperm are formed in the mucus. This is called immunological infertility and a post-coital test is done to detect it.

3. Polycystic ovary syndrome

It is caused by hormonal disorders in the female body, often an excess of male sex hormones. Easily determined by external changes - a sharp increase in body weight and excessive “hairiness”.

Leads to changes in the ovaries - the follicles do not mature, and as a result, eggs do not develop. Many follicular cysts appear (this is easily diagnosed using ultrasound).

Fortunately, this disease has been successfully and promptly treated for several decades. Its main focus is to stimulate ovulation and with maximum achievements, the ovaries return to normal functioning in 70%, and the possibility of becoming pregnant is about 40%.

Of course, infertility treatment is always individual. And to the question “Why can’t I get pregnant?” no woman will find an accurate answer only in written sources or guided by someone else's experience.

Even if there is a firm belief that you have determined the exact cause in this way and your symptoms confirm it, you should remember that the above-mentioned infertility factors can be combined.

Obviously, in order for your “I want to get pregnant” to be transformed into a confident “I can”, you should contact a gynecologist for an accurate diagnosis and direct all efforts to bring a new addition to your family.

Diagnosis of infertility and statistical data

The problem of childlessness in families during their reproductive years in the world is about 14%. In terms of percentage, the inability to conceive is equal for both men and women.

In 40% it depends on a violation of the man’s fertilizing ability, in 40% the reason lies in problems of the woman’s reproductive organs, and in 20% it is associated with both partners. Either disorders were detected in both, or such a couple is immunologically incompatible.

The statistical period for determining whether a healthy married couple is able to conceive a child or not is 12 months of regular sexual intercourse, a simple calculation works here: for 30% of couples this period takes 2 or 3 months, for 60% - about 7 months and for the remaining 10% takes 11-12 months.

Therefore, do not panic and give up if your sex life lasts less time. It’s too early to tell yourself “I can’t get pregnant.”

Female infertility can be primary (when there was no previous pregnancy) and secondary (there was a pregnancy before, but the next time within a year of fruitful efforts did not occur).

Secondary infertility

The problem of conceiving a second child, unfortunately, is quite common among couples who already have one child. Secondary infertility is also possible if the previous pregnancy was terminated through abortion or miscarriage. Or labor did not occur due to an ectopic pregnancy.

It’s sad, but the phrase “I can’t get pregnant with a second child” is heard by almost half of such families. What should you do in this case?

If a couple is faced with this problem, but nevertheless wants to have a second child, then it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor. Because with age, finding appropriate treatment methods and getting pregnant a second time will be much more difficult.

Causes of secondary infertility

Fertility, in other words, a woman’s reproductive rate, noticeably decreases after 35 years. And about a quarter of women at this age are susceptible to secondary infertility.

1. Problems with the thyroid gland. For example, when its hyperfunction occurs, it affects the amount of hormones produced and the menstrual cycle. Which, again, disrupts the ovulation process and reduces the ability to conceive.

And, in addition, it causes some gynecological diseases: endometriosis or uterine fibroids. But hypofunction of the thyroid gland can suppress the production of ovarian hormones.

2. An interrupted pregnancy, in particular an abortion, is fraught with even more disastrous results. For example, the endometrial layer that lines the lining of the uterus is often completely scraped off during abortions.

As a result, the egg, which naturally matures and is successfully fertilized, but cannot stay in the uterus. There is no substance holding it.

3. If the first birth was by caesarean section, then this can also negatively affect the conception of the second child. Since operations performed in the uterine cavity often leave scars, polyps or adhesions.

But in this case, with timely medical intervention, everything can usually be adjusted and you can successfully become pregnant again.

4. And, of course, a well-known fact that should not be forgotten: infertility is actively influenced not only by an unhealthy lifestyle, but also even by poor nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to think about your lifestyle during the conception of your first child and its possible changes during the desire to become pregnant with your second.

Causes of infertility not related to pathologies and medicine

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of us are prone to exaggeration, panic and involuntarily inventing a whole mountain of non-existent ailments for ourselves, without really understanding the cause of the problem.

A couple who is unable to conceive may well be completely healthy. Here are some ridiculous and very easy to eliminate factors of so-called infertility.

1. Too active sex life of partners or, conversely, long abstinence. This problem is mainly for men. In the first case, if a man, say, has sex every day, then the number of sperm and their activity drop noticeably. They do not have time to mature to the state necessary for fertilization.

In the second case, the result is almost similar, since the sperm for a long time were in a “dormant” state and may not be ready for fertilization. The optimal interval for the frequency of sexual intercourse for partners who want to have a child is about 5 days, and during the ovulation period it should be 2-3 days.

2. Stress, nervous breakdowns and fatigue, which leads to both a decrease in sperm production and disruption of the ovulation process. During the period of conception, both partners should protect themselves from factors that negatively affect the psyche.

3. Consumption of some medicines, mainly antibiotics and sedatives. This is also an individual problem, in which, however, you should definitely consult with the doctor who prescribed these medications, and with your personal gynecologist or andrologist.

Even taking vitamin C in large quantities can inhibit the production of cervical fluid in women. You should not consume artificial vitamins, dietary supplements and other chemicals.

4. Of course, smoking, alcohol abuse and even coffee negatively affect the reproductive function of both sexes. During the period of conceiving a child, you should completely abandon these habits, because if a long-desired pregnancy occurs, this can harm the fetus.

Dear women, you should always remember that when you ask yourself questions that are quite relevant in our time, “Why can’t I get pregnant?” and, what’s even more relevant, “Why can’t I get pregnant with my second child?”, don’t despair and think that a full-fledged happy family life now it will be out of reach for you.

Tell yourself: “I can do it” and don’t stop moving towards your goal. The happiness of having children is not at all overrated, and couples who are absolutely confident in the strength of their union and repeat with one voice “I want, I want, I want” have every right to achieve what they want.

I would really like this article to be useful and help you find the best methods for solving the problem of difficulty getting pregnant. And remember: a healthy body must have a healthy mind.

Not every woman can get pregnant right away. According to statistics, every fifth married couple in the world has problems with successful fertilization. After several unsuccessful attempts, many patients fall into despair. In fact, in such a situation, a woman needs to see a doctor to determine the reason that is preventing her from becoming pregnant.

Why can't you conceive a baby the first time? What are the reasons for the impossibility of conceiving? What should patients do who cannot get pregnant?

Possible causes of problems with conception

Many women ask their doctor why they cannot get pregnant and fear that they will never be able to become mothers. The diagnosis of infertility can only be made by a specialist based on the results of studies of the biological material of both partners. There is no need to despair at such a diagnosis: 65 percent of couples in whom doctors suspected infertility managed to experience the joy of parenthood after therapy.

In medical practice, the reasons that prevent a patient from becoming pregnant are divided into three types:

  • women's;
  • men's;
  • general.

Female causes are caused by pathologies of the development of the pelvic organs or their dysfunction.

These include:

  • adhesions in the fallopian tubes caused by infection;
  • absence of fallopian tubes due to surgery, for example, after an ectopic pregnancy;
  • formation of adhesions in the pelvis due to endometriosis, inflammatory processes, abortion, surgery, due to which the egg is not able to enter the fallopian tube;
  • congenital pathologies of the uterus - the presence of a septum in its cavity, a saddle-shaped or bicornuate uterus, duplication of the uterus;
  • acquired pathologies of the uterus - removal of the uterus or the presence of scars in it due to surgery to eliminate tumors;
  • prolonged abstinence from pregnancy, as a result of which blood circulation in the female reproductive organs is disrupted, which makes them incapacitated;
  • history of abortion.

Some couples are unable to conceive a child due to dysfunction of the male organs. Causes of infertility in men include:

  • ejaculation disorder – insufficient sperm quantity, sedentary sperm or a small number of them;
  • dysfunction of the penis, lack of erection;
  • structural anomalies of the genital organs – scrotal hypospadias, significant curvatures;
  • obstruction of the seminal duct, as a result of which sperm simply cannot leave the body;
  • damage to the spermatogenic epithelium - a condition in which sperm production decreases or stops altogether due to testicular injuries, chemotherapy, large dose irradiation, contact with toxic substances.

Gynecologists and reproductive specialists know cases where an absolutely healthy wife and husband fail to conceive a baby.

Causes of infertility that do not depend on gender include:

  • hormonal disorders - dysfunction of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, due to which the production of necessary female and male hormones is disrupted;
  • genetic disorders;
  • acute inflammatory processes, infections of the genitourinary system.

What should be done if a woman cannot get pregnant?

Problems with conception cause fear and panic in women. Many patients immediately begin to look for miracle drugs that can get rid of the problem. Doctors warn women against risks possible complications and insist that taking medications, including vitamin complexes, must be agreed with the treating gynecologist, reproductive specialist or endocrinologist. A specialist can give a couple several recommendations that will increase the chances of a successful conception:

  • Review your diet. This means that both partners need to exclude processed foods and fast food from food, and increase the amount of simple and nutritious food, for example, cereals, meat and poultry, green vegetables and fruits. At the same time, future parents cannot do without fish and seafood, which can be replaced with fish oil.
  • Control your drinking regime. To maintain proper water balance, you need to drink 2 liters of liquid per day, but avoid strong black tea and coffee.
  • Quit alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and drugs. Alcohol-containing drinks and cigarettes are taboos for childless couples.
  • Stop uncontrolled medication use. When the first symptoms of the disease occur, you should consult a doctor and under no circumstances self-medicate.
  • Support each other and don't lose heart. Depression reduces fertility by half, so both partners need to work on stabilizing their psycho-emotional mood.
  • Have sex regularly. First of all, it is necessary for pleasure and relief from mental stress. Sex should be at least 4 times a week. Many couples manage to conceive a baby during ovulation.
  • Take vitamins A and C, folic acid. A high concentration of these vitamins in the body significantly increases the chances of conception, and folic acid prevents developmental abnormalities nervous system fetus, which is formed at the earliest stage.

Diagnosis of problems with conception

The effectiveness and efficiency of treatment depends on the accuracy and timeliness of the examination. Today, there are many methods for diagnosing problems with conception:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Using a vaginal sensor, the sonologist determines the structure, size, structure, and location of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. It also records the condition of the endometrium, follicle growth, the presence of fluid in the pelvic cavity, the presence of benign or malignant formations (cysts, polyps, tumors).
  • Maintaining a basal temperature scale. Visualization of a graph based on data obtained in the morning and evening allows you to determine the functionality of the ovaries.
  • Collection of urogenital material and bacterial culture. Diagnostics is aimed at identifying STDs and various infections.
  • Blood tests. The patient needs to pass general analysis and hormone analysis.
  • Partner compatibility test. A postcoital test is necessary to detect antibodies.
  • Laparoscopic examination of the uterus. Diagnosis is carried out under general anesthesia through a small incision in the peritoneum.

Men require additional diagnostics. Necessary tests for male patients include:

  • visual examination of the scrotum and penis;
  • spermogram - an analysis that allows you to determine the number, activity of sperm, and the presence of antibodies in the ejaculate;
  • ultrasound examination of the scrotum, necessary to identify neoplasms, varicocele, testicular trauma;
  • genetic research;
  • functional study of sperm, during which their viability and ability to penetrate the egg are examined;
  • transrectal ultrasound aimed at identifying the anatomical causes of blockage of the seminal canal.

Treatment methods

Most fertility problems can be resolved with traditional medicine. The doctor’s main task is to find out the exact reasons why a couple is unable to get pregnant. The main methods of treating infertility include:

  • Hormonal therapy. The functioning of the body depends on hormonal balance, this applies to both women and men. Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes of reproductive health problems. To date, there is a large number of studies on the hormonal panel. After the doctor finds out which hormone is deficient, he will prescribe appropriate treatment using synthetic drugs. Hormone therapy in most cases allows you to achieve the desired result after a short time.

  • Surgical intervention. If the cause of infertility is pathological changes in the woman’s reproductive organs, that is, adhesions, cysts, tumors, the gynecologist will first prescribe appropriate drug therapy. If it does not give the desired result, the pathological changes will be eliminated surgically.
  • ECO. In some cases, infertility cannot be overcome either with medications or surgery. Then doctors recommend in vitro fertilization to the couple. The chances of pregnancy through IVF are quite high.

Folk remedies

Often women who have problems conceiving are ready for anything, so they resort to alternative medicine, especially since many traditional healers promise quick and effective results. In fact, homemade decoctions and potions can make the situation worse.

Infertility treatment is a difficult test for a married couple, especially if the long-awaited conception never happened. Tests, hospitals, pills - all this is incredibly exhausting for both partners. You can survive this test only with mutual support. If hormonal therapy, surgery and even IVF do not bring the desired results, the couple may resort to alternative wayssurrogacy or adoption.

A woman's ability to conceive and bear offspring—fertility—depends on many factors. Sometimes banal stress prevents you from getting pregnant, and it is enough to go on vacation and relax for the long-awaited pregnancy to occur. Sometimes it is not possible to get pregnant, since the reasons are quite serious and the woman herself is not always aware of them. Inflammation of the pelvic organs and genitourinary system, infections, and hormonal imbalances may be the answer to the question of why you cannot get pregnant.

IN long absence Pregnancy is usually blamed on the woman, although in almost 30-40% of cases the cause lies in the male body.

Why you can’t get pregnant: reasons and factors that interfere with pregnancy:

  • Irregular or, on the contrary, too frequent sexual intercourse, which does not allow the accumulation of the required amount of sperm;
  • Age of partners: in women, with age, the possibility of eggs for fertilization decreases and ovulation no longer occurs in every menstrual cycle; in men, the number and motility of sperm decreases;
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs of a woman and in genitourinary system in a man, infectious diseases, incl. sexually transmitted;
  • Complications from previous infections: rubella or mumps suffered by a man worsen the quality of sperm; untreated diseases of the pelvic organs in women lead to obstruction of the fallopian or fallopian tubes;
  • Complications after injury or abortion;
  • Problems with ovulation in women and ejaculation in men;
  • Taking some medicines: analgesics, antibiotics, antidepressants and some other drugs negatively affect fertility;
  • Overweight or underweight woman;
  • Bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs and even caffeine reduces the chances of getting pregnant and producing healthy offspring;
  • Weakened immunity and lack of vitamins;
  • Stress.

Having studied the reasons why you can’t get pregnant right away, you can change your lifestyle by paying attention proper nutrition, physical activity, taking vitamins. If necessary, you can consult a doctor and undergo examinations - this will increase your chances.

Ways to get pregnant if you can't:

  • Maintain regularly sex life: the optimal rhythm for conception is every other day;
  • Track ovulation and the most favorable days for conception (5 days before and 1 day after ovulation);
  • Adhere to a special diet, which must include vegetables, fruits, legumes, amino acids and vitamins
  • Eliminate stress and give up bad habits;
  • Pass a medical examination.

If, with regular sexual activity, pregnancy does not occur for more than a year, partners should consult a doctor. If you can’t get pregnant, tests will show the hormonal picture of the body, and an ultrasound will help assess the condition of the reproductive system, identify or exclude polycystic ovaries, endometriosis and other diseases that may interfere with conception.

If you can’t get pregnant naturally, artificial insemination methods can come to the rescue: IVF, ICSI, artificial insemination or even surrogacy.

If you can’t get pregnant for a long time, you need to visit a gynecologist who, based on examining the woman and prescribing tests and examinations, will determine the cause of infertility. The woman's partner should also see a doctor.

The doctor will answer the questions: why you can’t get pregnant, what to do, how to stimulate fertility and wait for the long-awaited pregnancy.

Consultation with a psychologist, individual or family, can help find psychological reasons blocking pregnancy. Often it is the internal attitudes of partners, fears or unconscious anxiety that can provoke the appearance of physical problems that prevent the appearance of a new addition to the family.

Pregnancy occurs during ovulation during sexual intercourse. But ovulation and high-quality sperm are not all that is needed to quickly get pregnant. There are some nuances that need to be taken into account.

Wise nature is designed in such a way that in conditions unfavorable for the development of the unborn child, conception is impossible; even pregnancy freezes if negative factors appear. You can get pregnant quickly if you exclude these factors and follow our recommendations.

What to do to get pregnant faster.

Stress prevents you from getting pregnant

Stress is one of the leading reasons preventing pregnancy. Even absolutely healthy couples, due to stress and increased nervousness, cannot get pregnant quickly. Learn to relax: auto-training, aromatherapy and aroma baths, massage (SPA, hydromassage) help well; in extreme cases, you can resort to sedative herbs.

Bad habits prevent you from getting pregnant

Women who smoke are less likely to get pregnant quickly. The fact is that eggs are laid at the birth of a girl; new ones do not appear during life. That is everything harmful effects, toxic substances remain in the eggs and can cause inability to fertilize or pathology in the unborn child. Nicotine and tar are deposited in the liver, which weakens its function of cleansing the body; the liver tries to work more intensely and produces too many androgens - hormones, the excess of which prevents ovulation. Smoking reduces the level of estradiol in the blood, which means it reduces the chance of getting pregnant. Men who smoke have fewer sperm and are less motile. Caffeine has a similar negative effect on conception.

Eat right.

To get pregnant faster, your diet must contain large quantities of greens and vegetables, cereals and breads rich in folic acid, sunflower or olive oil to get enough vitamin E and fruits. Women with anovulation are recommended to eat nuts and legumes daily. To get pregnant quickly, be sure to eat yogurt, cottage cheese or full-fat milk every day.

Stabilize your weight.

Those who are too thin or too curvy women You may have problems conceiving. As a rule, they arise not specifically because of weight, but because of hormonal disorders, the consequence of which is overweight, therefore, it is incorrect to suggest that those wishing to become pregnant bring their weight to generally accepted norms using weight loss diets; this will only do harm. To begin with, if your weight is too different from the norm, visit an endocrinologist. I would like to note that women whose weight is constant (and its size is unimportant) can become pregnant much faster than women whose weight fluctuates.
Men also need to think about their weight: when weight fluctuates, fewer sperm are produced.

Limit your medication use, especially antibiotics, analgesics and antihistamines (for allergies), they interfere with the maturation of the egg.

Antibiotics negatively affect the liver, and disturbances in its functioning interfere with pregnancy. Antihistamines prevent the onset of ovulation.

Do not use lubricants during sexual intercourse, they create an environment that kills sperm. Some people recommend using egg white instead of lubricant - under no circumstances! There may be so many pathogenic microorganisms in the protein that treatment for them will only prevent you from getting pregnant quickly.

Avoid oral sex without a condom, because the oral cavity has a completely different microflora, and also because salivary enzymes decompose sperm.

Clear your energy field. In other words, clear karma, restore the balance of energies in the body - you can call it differently, but the meaning is the same. Sincerely ask for forgiveness from anyone you may have offended. Be sure to sincerely ask your grandparents for forgiveness for everything, and if they are no longer alive, ask for forgiveness and blessings mentally. This step is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Get a ficus at home. Plants are good at absorbing the negative energy of apartment residents, especially plants with large leaves. If there is too much negative energy, the plant may temporarily stop growing or even die. Be sure to bury the dead plant in the ground and you can start another one. You'll see how quickly you can help treat many diseases for all residents of the apartment.

Don’t throw words around and don’t wish anyone harm, don’t say that your situation is deplorable, don’t complain. Say: everything will be fine with me. Recommendations for setting up your energy field.

Get a talisman, let it be small soft toy, which you will then give to your child.

Thought is material, and at the beginning of all creations lies fantasy. Imagine what your long-awaited child is like, what he will be like when he grows up: his appearance, character. If you know how to draw, draw it, and your thoughts will definitely come to life.