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Kentucky is located in the eastern part of the country and is part of the Southeastern Central states.

It ranks 37th in terms of area. On the eastern side the state shares the border with West Virginia and Virginia, on the southern side with Tennessee, and on the western side with Missouri. In the north, Kentucky borders Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

Original title: Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Postal code: KY.
Capital: Frankfort.
Largest city: Louisville.
Other big cities: Lexington, Owensboro, Bowling Green, Covington, Hopkinsville, Henderson, Richmond and Jeffersontown.
The state covers an area of ​​more than 140 thousand square meters. km.
More than 4 million people live on its territory.
Kentucky received official status in 1792, becoming the 15th US state.

The main rivers of the state are the Ohio and Tennessee rivers. Local karst landforms are a fairly common occurrence, and the local cave systems are rightfully considered to be among the longest lasting in the world. The climate in Kentucky is subtropical continental. In summer, the thermometer here rises to an average of 31 degrees Celsius, and in winter it usually stays near zero.


Europeans began developing this territory in the second half of the 18th century. Daniel Boone's expedition passed through the Appalachians in 1767-1771. During times Civil War the population of the state suffered a split. The Kentucky Legislature swore allegiance to the Union, but many residents adhered to Confederate beliefs. Significant battles were fought in the territory, and from 1862 until the end of the war the state was under the control of the Northerners.

Kentucky adopted a new constitution in 1891.


The third largest city in the state is Owensboro, which is also called the “BBQ Capital of the World” because it is here that the International Bar-B-Q Festival is held annually. In the manufacturing town of the famous Chevrolet Corvette, Bowling Green, it is worth checking out the National Corvette Museum, which opened in 1994. And in Lincoln's hometown of Hodgenville, you can attend an exciting event - Lincoln Days Celebration.

In addition, the state is famous for its musical traditions. The local capital of country music is the city of Renfro Valley, and in Owensboro you can visit the International Bluegrass Music Museum. At one time, it was in this state that Lionel Hampton, Billy Ray Cyrus, Loretta Lynn and V.C. Handy worked and lived.

Nature lovers will surely be attracted to the Mammoth Cave or Cumberland Pass preserves, as well as the Daniel Boone National Forest.

A town called Berea is famous for its liberal arts school, which was created for Appalachian youth who wanted to study but didn't have much prospects. Today it is a popular arts center. Every year, this city hosts various fairs, as well as a Handicrafts Festival.

Not far from Louisville is the Kentucky Horse Farm. It acts as a nature reserve where you can attend a horse show, ride a horse-drawn carriage or horseback, or simply camp and admire the picturesque scenery. On the territory of the same reserve you can visit the International Horse Museum - a kind of monument to this animal. In the specially created Horse Memorial outside the reserve there are graves of expensive purebred trotters who won more than one competition in their lives.

The city of Bardstown is famous for its popular type of whiskey - bourbon. It's kind of the capital of bourbon. Near Hodgeville is the family homestead of Lincoln, and the settlement of Harrodsburg is interesting for its Shaker village on a hill called Pleasant Hill.

Kentucky is home to one of the world's most popular songs. This congratulation song “Happy Birthday to you” was born from two Louisville school teachers. Their names were Patty and Mildred Jay Hill, and the song to which they originally created this famous tune was called “Good Morning to All.” It was written to greet students back in 1893. By 1912, the words of the song had unexpectedly changed, and already in this form this piece of music conquered the whole world. In 1998, she was included in the Guinness Book of Records. It was recognized as the most recognizable song on English language. By the way, today it has been translated into 18 languages, and makes people happy different corners peace.

The state of Kentucky (USA) is located in the southeastern part of the state. Its area is about 105 thousand square kilometers. In this indicator, it is in 37th place in the country. Kentucky joined the United States in 1792. The region's population is estimated at 4.4 million inhabitants.

origin of name

Currently, scientists are considering several options for the origin of the name of this state. Without a doubt, it was borrowed from the language of one of the Aboriginal tribes who lived here many centuries ago. Based on the main version, the name is translated as “dark and bloody land.” Researchers believe that it appeared in the thirteenth century. Then many local tribes were driven out of here by the Iroquois Indians as a result of numerous and bloody wars. At the same time, some researchers are inclined to believe that the name means “land of a new day.” No less popular is the theory based on which Kentucky is a state whose name is of Iroquois origin and is translated as “prairie” or “meadow.”

Geography and climate

Kentucky lies in a region known as the Superior Region. It borders the states of Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Missouri, Illinois and Tennessee. Interesting feature region is considered to have its western, northern, and eastern boundaries along the Ohio, Tug Fork, and Big Sandy, respectively). A significant part of the state is the Appalachian Mountains. Since so much grows here, it is often also called the edge of blue grass.

Kentucky is a state dominated by subtropical, continental B summer time The air temperature rarely rises above 30 degrees Celsius, and in winter it drops no lower than minus 5 degrees.


As noted above, the region's population is about 4.4 million people. Of these, Americans account for about 21% of local residents, Germans - 12.7%, Irish - 10.5%, and English - almost 10%. Speaking of racial composition, it should be noted that the state is populated predominantly by white citizens. African Americans make up only 8% of local residents, and everyone else only 2%. As for religion, a third of the population are Evangelical Christians, 10% are adherents of the Roman Catholic Church, 9% are Protestants. One cannot help but focus on the fact that 46.5% of Kentucky residents do not identify themselves with any religion.


Louisville (Kentucky) is the largest city in the region. About 550 thousand people live here. The metropolis is known for its unique parks. The second largest city is Lexington, with its population of 300,000. Despite this, the state capital is the city of Frankfort, built on the Kentucky River in 1835. Only 25 thousand people live here. As in any administrative center, the basis of its economy is the public sector. In other words, the majority of the population works in government at various levels. Other major cities in Kentucky are Owensboro, Bardstown, Richmond, Henderson, Convington and others.


The most developed industries in the region are textile, mining, food and tobacco industries, mechanical engineering, manufacturing alcoholic drinks, electronics, furniture, shoes, metal products. The most common local minerals are natural gas, oil and coal. Majority industrial enterprises located along the eastern part of the state, the production of timber is well established, and the city of Paducah is one of the largest centers of the state's nuclear industry.

Kentucky is the second largest tobacco producing state in the country. In addition, corn, soybeans, forage grasses are grown on local farms, and racehorses are also bred. It should also be noted that the mass production of unofficial business card USA - corn whiskey, known as bourbon.

Tourist attraction

Tourism is considered one of the fastest growing industries in Kentucky. This is not surprising, because the state boasts not only numerous historical attractions, but also unique natural beauty. It is here that the world famous Cumberland Falls are located - one of the largest in the country. Caves in limestone washed out by the Kentucky River are also considered quite interesting. The longest of them is 630 kilometers long and is known as

Horse racing, which is held annually at the Louisville Hippodrome, is also considered quite popular. There is also a museum dedicated to them. Thirty kilometers from this city is Fort Knox, which is the repository of the country’s gold reserves. Many tourists also come to the Lincoln Birthplace Historical Park. Kentucky is the home state of American corn whiskey. For lovers of this drink, special thematic tours are constantly organized, which include not only tasting, but also interesting stories about the history of its origin and development of production.

Kentucky, USA (Kentucky, KY, USA) - Photo

Kentucky (Kentucky, KY) is the eastern state of the United States of America, and is bordered by Virginia, Tennessee, Illinois, Missouri and Ohio. State capital - Frankfort city, other large cities include Bowling Green, Louisville, Hopkinsville, Lexington-Fayette. Kentucky joined the United States in 1792 and became the 15th state.

The territory of the state is divided into parts; the Camberlain limestone plateau is located on a huge area. The state is surrounded by rivers: Ohio, Mississippi, Big Sandy And Tug Fork. The bulk of the territory is occupied by the Appalachian Mountains. State of Kentucky nicknamed “the land of blue grass” because the lands are covered with meadow bluegrass. The climate in Kentucky is continental with cold winter and hot summer.

Kentucky is home to almost 4.5 million residents. By race, the state has the largest American population, and when it comes to religion, the majority are evangelical.

The state has mineral resources such as natural gas, oil and coal. The tobacco, textile and food industries, as well as the production of footwear, electronics, furniture, metal products, alcoholic beverages and ferrous metal rolling are developed at a high level in Kentucky. Many industrial companies are located along the Ohio (river). The city of Paducah is considered a large center of the nuclear industry. The state ranks second in the United States in tobacco production. Kentucky farms produce large cattle and racehorses. The state produces bourbon (corn whiskey) and develops tourism.

The state has a huge number of places to visit and have a good time, here you can see places that are not found anywhere else in the world.

One of the largest waterfalls in the country is located in Kentucky. There are also a huge number of limestone caves near the Kentucky River. Here is the longest cave in the whole world - Mammoth Cave, it stretches for 630 kilometers. This place alone is visited by half a million tourists every year.

Mammoth Cave

Louisville is famous for its horse racing track called Churchill Downs, where horse racing is held annually. You can also visit museums dedicated to equestrian sports and competitions. Not far from the city there is a storage facility, which houses the US gold reserves.

Newport has a huge aquarium, and Frankfort is home to a whiskey distillery and capitol buildings.

Kentucky State Map:

Kentucky, official name The Commonwealth of Kentucky (English: Kentucky, Commonwealth of Kentucky) is a state in the eastern United States, one of the so-called states of the Southeast Center. Population 4.042 million (2000; 25th among states). The capital is Frankfort. The largest city is Louisville, other large cities are Lexington-Fayette, Owensboro, Bowling Green, Hopkinsville.

The official state mottos are “United We Stand, Divided We Fall” and “Let us Give Thanks to the Lord” (Latin: Deo Gratiam Habeamus). Official nickname- “Bluegrass State”.

Year of formation: 1792 (15th in order)
State slogan: United we stand, divided we fall.
Formal name: Commonwealth of Kentucky
Most Big city state: Louisville
State capital: Frankfort
Population: more than 4 million people (25th place in the country).
Area: 140.7 thousand sq. km. (37th place in the country.)
More big cities in state:

The name Kentucky comes from the Indian name of the river of the same name, the meaning of which is still controversial. According to one version, the expression means “Dark and bloody hunting territory.” There are also options for “Tomorrowland”, “Land of Meadows”, etc.

Active development of the territory by Europeans began in the second half of the 18th century. From 1767 to 1771, Daniel Boone traveled through the Appalachian Mountains with an expedition. During the Civil War, the state's society was divided. The state legislature declared allegiance to the Union. Many Kentuckians joined the Union Army, but many enlisted in the Confederate Army. In September 1861, Lincoln wrote in a private letter that “the loss of Kentucky would be tantamount to the loss of the entire campaign.” Within the state in initial phase were carried out fighting, but from 1862 Kentucky remained in Northern hands until the end of the war.

A new state constitution was adopted in 1891.

Geography and climate of Kentucky

Kentucky occupies an area of ​​104,749 thousand km² (37th place among states). In the east it borders with the states of West Virginia and Virginia, in the south with Tennessee, in the west with Missouri, and in the north with Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. The bulk of the territory is in the Appalachian Mountains.

The most significant rivers are the Ohio and Tennessee. Karst landforms are quite common; cave systems are considered the longest in the world. The climate is subtropical continental, average temperature in summer +31, in winter about 0.

Economy of Kentucky

In 2003, Kentucky's GDP was $129 billion. The state's most important mineral resources include coal, natural gas and oil. The state's industry is concentrated along the Ohio River. The most developed industries are the food, textile and tobacco industries, as well as mechanical engineering, rolling of ferrous metals, production of metal products, Vehicle, electronics, furniture, shoes, alcoholic beverages, there are chemical industry enterprises.

IN agriculture The leading role is played by crop production - the production of tobacco (Kentucky is the second largest tobacco producer in the country after Virginia), forage grasses, soybeans, and corn. Kentucky ranks first in the United States in the breeding of racehorses and sixth in the breeding of cattle.

Kentucky is considered the birthplace and main territory for the production of bourbon - American corn whiskey. The state of Kentucky is home to all of the largest and most famous bourbon distilleries.

Official name: Commonwealth of Kentucky ( Kentucky, Commonwealth of Kentucky) is a state in the eastern United States, one of the so-called states of the Southeast Center. Population 4,369,356 people (26th among states, 2011 data). The capital is Frankfort. The largest city is Louisville, other large cities are Lexington-Fayette, Owensboro, Bowling Green, Hopkinsville.

Kentucky's official nickname is the Bluegrass State.

Kentucky occupies an area of ​​104,749 thousand km (37th place among states). In the east it borders with the states of West Virginia and Virginia, in the south with Tennessee, in the west with Missouri, and in the north with Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. The bulk of the territory falls on the Appalachian Plateau.

Flag Coat of arms Map

The most significant rivers are the Ohio and Tennessee. Karst landforms are quite common, and there are large caves. The climate is temperate continental, with warm summer and cold winter.

In 2003, Kentucky's GDP was $129 billion. The state's most important mineral resources include coal, natural gas and oil. The state's industry is concentrated along the Ohio River. The food, textile and tobacco industries are most developed, as well as mechanical engineering, ferrous metal rolling, production of metal products, vehicles, electronics, furniture, footwear, alcoholic beverages, and there are chemical industry enterprises.

In agriculture, crop production plays a leading role - the production of tobacco (Kentucky is the second largest tobacco producer in the country after Virginia), forage grasses, soybeans, and corn. Kentucky ranks first in the United States in the breeding of racehorses and sixth in the breeding of cattle.

Kentucky is considered the birthplace and main territory for the production of bourbon - American corn whiskey. The state of Kentucky is home to all of the largest and most famous bourbon distilleries.

The name Kentucky comes from the Indian name of the river of the same name, the meaning of which is still controversial. According to one version, the expression means “Dark and bloody hunting territory.” There are also options for “Tomorrowland”, “Land of Meadows”, etc.

Active development of the territory by Europeans began in the second half of the 18th century. From 1767 to 1771 Daniel Boone traveled through the Appalachian Mountains with an expedition. During the Civil War, the state's society was divided. The state legislature declared allegiance to the Union. Many Kentuckians joined the Union Army, but many enlisted in the Confederate Army. In September 1861, Abraham Lincoln wrote in a private letter that "to lose Kentucky would be to lose the entire campaign." In the initial phase, fighting took place in the state, but from 1862 until the end of the war, Kentucky remained in the hands of the northerners.

A new state constitution was adopted in 1891.

Articles from Wikipedia were used in preparing the material.