Occurs in the 4th week of pregnancy: signs, symptoms, photos, ultrasound

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall continues and in parallel, the formation of an embryo begins, which after some time will turn into a fetus, and then into a newborn baby. The expectant mother does not yet know about the new life developing inside her, but very soon a pregnancy test will give positive results.

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What is implantation?

Normally, fertilization of an egg by a sperm occurs in the fallopian tube. It takes an average of 6-7 days for the fertilized egg to travel from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Once in the uterine cavity, the fertilized egg (at this stage it is called a blastocyst) adheres to the inner uterine lining (endometrium) and begins to secrete enzymes necessary for deeper penetration into the uterine wall. This is implantation.

During implantation, the trophoblast (formed from the outer cells of the blastocyst) begins to actively divide and transform into a kind of villi, which gradually penetrate deep into the endometrium. It starts with these fibers formation of chorionic villi– a structure responsible for providing the embryo with all the necessary substances until the placenta appears.

Around the chorionic villi, lacunae filled with maternal blood are formed, from which the developing small organism draws oxygen and resources for active growth.

Implantation of the fertilized egg in some pregnant women is accompanied by a slight discharge of blood from the genital tract - the so-called implantation bleeding. Its appearance is associated with the destruction of the walls of endometrial vessels under the action of enzymes secreted by the trophoblast. Gynecologists consider this phenomenon as a variant of the norm, but only if it is repeated once and is not accompanied by severe painful sensations.

Human chorionic gonadotropin

After implantation of the fertilized egg, the cells of the developing chorion begin to synthesize a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This substance is several times more active in relation to the female reproductive organs than sex hormones.

The main function of hCG is to force female body reorganize to preserve and maintain emerging life. Under the influence of hCG, the synthesis of progesterone (pregnancy hormone) increases, stress resistance increases, and a number of other important processes occur.

The detection of hCG in the body fluids of women is used to diagnose pregnancy. Normally, within a few days after implantation, in a concentration sufficient to be determined by available methods, hCG appears in the blood, and in the urine only a week later, so even the most sensitive test can give an accurate result about the presence of pregnancy no earlier than 2 weeks after conception .

Each stage of pregnancy has its own concentration of hCG in the blood, which gives doctors the opportunity to assess how well the pregnancy is progressing. For example, a low rate of increase in the level of hCG is characteristic of, and a sharp decrease in the concentration of this hormone is characteristic of a threatening or already occurred one.

Mother's feelings at 4 weeks of pregnancy

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, a woman begins to feel swelling of the mammary glands and increased sensitivity of the nipples. In addition, the expectant mother becomes more irritable, emotionally unstable, gets tired quickly and constantly wants to sleep. Body weight may increase slightly (from 0.5 to 1 kg).

The appearance of these signs is associated with the impact on the female body. In principle, the same substance is synthesized by the corpus luteum of the ovary in the second half of the menstrual cycle in the absence of pregnancy. Therefore, for many women, symptoms such as irritability and breast swelling occur before each menstruation and cannot be regarded as the first signs of pregnancy if there is no delay.

Fetus at 4 weeks of gestation

This week, from a cluster of cells called a blastocyst, the formation of an embryo and extra-embryonic structures (chorion, yolk sac, amnion) begins.

Cells of the embryoblast (inner part of the blastocyst) at 4 weeks are divided into two populations:

  • The endoblast from which the yolk sac is formed.
  • Ectoblast is the precursor of the amniotic cavity and amniotic fluid.

The embryonic rudiment begins to form from the cells located at the junction of the endoblast and ectoblast. At the 4th week of pregnancy, the future embryo consists of only three layers (sheets) of cells that differ in structure:

  • Ectoderm. This leaf will give rise to the child’s skin, hair, eyes, nervous system, tooth enamel, and ears.
  • Mesoderm– these are the future muscles, skeleton, blood vessels, heart, kidneys of the baby.
  • Endoderm- predecessors of the digestive system, lungs.

By the end of the 4th week of pregnancy, the fertilized egg is no longer called a blastocyst, but a gastrula, and the stage of intrauterine development of the baby is called gastrulation. The size of the embryo at this stage is only about 1 mm(this is less than a poppy seed).

Possible problems

The 4th week of pregnancy, like the 3rd, is a critical period in the baby’s intrauterine development. The embryo is extremely sensitive to the negative effects of radiation, chemical substances, medications, infectious agents, especially since he has already established a connection with his mother, so practically everything good and bad that is in her blood is transmitted to the child.

In addition, week 4 can be called decisive in terms of immediate prospects. If implantation has occurred and embryo development has begun, the pregnancy will continue. If for some reason the fertilized egg was unable to penetrate the endometrium or the formation of the embryo did not begin, the woman will have another menstruation (possibly with a slight delay) and the fertilized egg will come out along with the menstrual flow. Moreover, the woman will never know about it.

There are many reasons for the death of a child at such an early stage. Most often these are gross developmental disorders, which at this stage are called blastopathies. In addition, the unpreparedness of the endometrium or uterine abnormalities can prevent normal implantation of the fertilized egg. Immune disorders can also play a role, as a result of which the mother’s body simply rejects a foreign object in the face of the embryo (normally, the female body immediately after fertilization begins to release an early pregnancy factor, which suppresses the immune response and thereby contributes to the preservation of the child).

A woman’s lifestyle this week largely determines what, if any, development of the tiny creature inside her will be. That's why For expectant mother very important:

The expectant mother should eat well, drink vitamin complexes (if prescribed by the gynecologist), go for walks fresh air, do something pleasant for the soul, communicate with loved ones and experience more positive emotions.

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Zubkova Olga Sergeevna, medical observer, epidemiologist

At the very beginning of the fourth obstetric week of pregnancy, the most important event occurs - the embryo forms its own circulatory system and receives full right to be called an embryo. And his mother is now officially becoming pregnant and may even notice the first signs of her interesting situation.


With a standard cycle of 28 days, the expectant mother will begin to expect her next period in the fourth week. But especially sensitive women can guess their situation even before the delay occurs. Most often noted:

  • the appearance of causeless weakness and drowsiness;
  • mood swings;
  • chest pain and engorgement;
  • the appearance of minor swelling.

Sometimes women notice an increase in sensitivity to odors and a feeling of tension in the lower abdomen; it may seem as if its volume has increased slightly. Chronic diseases often worsen.

Some women experience implantation bleeding. It usually takes the form of spotting and lasts no more than 1-3 days. Often, expectant mothers mistake it for menstruation that has not arrived on time, and therefore are not aware of their situation.

Physiological changes

This week, real changes associated with pregnancy begin in a woman’s body. Her body begins to rebuild, and the embryo gradually takes on the appearance of a living organism, and not a ball of cells.

What happens in a woman's body?

After the embryo is implanted, the woman’s body begins to undergo changes characteristic of pregnancy. During the normal menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum, which appears at the site of the egg that has left the follicle, reaches its maximum size and gradually involutions.

If implantation of the embryo occurs, then the usual cycle is disrupted. The growth of the corpus luteum continues, and it can reach 30 mm in diameter. Its main biological purpose is . At about 3-4 months, the placenta takes over this role.

After the embryo attaches to the uterine cavity, it begins to produce hCG, which enters the mother’s bloodstream, changing her well-being and some processes in the body.

Under the influence of this hormone, pregnancy continues, and the first symptoms of pregnancy appear.

Changes in the child's body. How does the baby develop? The development of the embryo at this stage occurs very quickly. At the very beginning of the 4th week, it looks more like a disk with a diameter of about a millimeter, consisting of special germ layers. The outer layer of cells will gradually turn into skin, hair and the nervous system, the inner layer will become the liver, digestive system, thyroid and pancreas. And from the middle layer the skeleton, muscles, connective tissues, circulatory and excretory system

At the 4th week of pregnancy, temporary extraembryonic organs such as the chorion, amnion and yolk sac are formed in the embryo.

Over time, the chorion will turn into the placenta, the amnion will become the amniotic sac, and the yolk sac will provide hematopoiesis for the embryo until 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.

At the end of this week, it is already possible to distinguish the rudiments of the child’s face. His intestinal tube is already opening from the side of the head, and this is how the formation of the oral cavity begins. There are rudiments of the organs of hearing and vision. During this week, the heart of the unborn baby begins to take shape, as well as its endocrine organs, respiratory, digestive and excretory systems. In the primary kidney, you can notice the formation of glomeruli and tubules, and the rudiments of germ cells migrate there, which will then end up in the adrenal glands and will be responsible for the development of sexual characteristics.

The development of the brain occurs very intensively, which is why the head noticeably increases in size. Limbs gradually appear, you can already notice where the arms and legs will be.

Fruit size

It is almost impossible to estimate the size of the fetus at such a short time, since it grows and develops very quickly. On average, it is compared to a poppy seed. Its weight is approximately half a gram, and its height is 0.36-1 mm. And although the embryo inside the yolk sac becomes more and more like a living creature, its size, together with all the membranes, does not exceed 3 mm.

Changes in the mother's body

From the fourth obstetric week of pregnancy, active changes begin in the woman’s body; it prepares to permanently turn into a vessel for the child, most of whose functions will be aimed at maintaining his life. The development of vegetative-vascular reactions begins, manifested in the form of spasms of small vessels, causing loss of fluid from the bloodstream. Occasionally, this even leads to dehydration, which can be aggravated by the urge to. At the same time, the embryo begins to produce substances that suppress the mother’s immune system in order to prevent rejection of the fetus during implantation. A decrease in the activity of the body's defense systems leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases

. This is a very dangerous moment, since a woman, not knowing about her pregnancy, can take medications, which will negatively affect the development of the embryo. Therefore, at the planning stage, it is better not to rush into treatment and refrain from visiting public places where the risk of contracting an infection is high. But such a phenomenon also has. In diseases associated with the immune system, autoimmune aggression is suppressed. This leads to long-term remission without the use of any medicines. Pregnant women with diabetes mellitus The first type does not require insulin injections until the placentation process is complete. Allergic reactions, including seasonal ones, also disappear. With psoriasis and other diseases of the skin and connective tissues, long-term remission usually begins, which often ends in complete cure.

Analyzes and examinations

There are no mandatory examinations for such a short period yet. But at this stage it is already possible to obtain objective data about the presence of pregnancy and its development. Therefore, the most impatient expectant mothers may already begin to give up.

Objective data

At the end of the second week of pregnancy, a high-quality pregnancy test may already show two lines. A false positive result is practically excluded, but false negatives occur when using tests with low sensitivity or stitched ones.

Human chorionic gonadotropin can already be detected in a woman’s blood. Its presence indicates pregnancy, and its quantity can be used to predict:

  • the possibility of bearing a child and potential risks spontaneous abortion;
  • the presence of several fruits;
  • the likelihood of developing a hydatidiform mole.

Vaginal examinations become more informative at week 4. It is already possible to detect the symptoms of Snegirev, Piskachek, Gertner, Horwitz-Geghar, which make it possible to diagnose early pregnancy. Also suspect interesting situation women will allow bimanual examinations. However, such signs will not allow you to determine an ectopic pregnancy, since clinical picture

does not change depending on the position of the fetus.

Ultrasound examination

An ultrasound examination at 4 weeks reveals a growing corpus luteum, the size of which may hint that implantation of the fertilized egg has occurred. When using a highly sensitive device, it is possible to detect the embryo itself. But it is not recommended to conduct such a study at such an early stage, as this may negatively affect the development of the embryo.

At the end of the third week or at the very beginning of the fourth, implantation of the fertilized egg usually occurs. After this, the hCG hormone begins to be released into the mother’s bloodstream, which can be detected using a blood test. By the end of the week, its amount fluctuates between 50 and 100 mU/ml. In multiple pregnancies, values ​​may be higher.

HCG table by week of pregnancy

Factors affecting the fetus

This week a connection is established between the fetus and the mother. They are connected by vessels that have membranes and filter the blood without allowing large particles to pass through. But their effectiveness compared to the placenta is very low, so any harmful substance that enters the mother’s bloodstream can cause damage to the fetus and its abnormal development. At this stage, you need to very strictly monitor your diet, stop using it, and try to avoid exposure to harmful chemicals.

Possible complications during pregnancy

The most dangerous complications possible this week are disruptions in the process of laying the fetal organs. They can be provoked by consumption by the mother. harmful substances or medications. An increase in a woman’s body temperature and various infectious diseases also have a negative impact.

When a mother is born, special substances are formed in her blood - pyrogens. They can accelerate the baby's metabolic processes, provoking premature maturation of some of its cells, which leads to disruption of the formation of organs. This often leads to the appearance of heart defects when connective tissue grows faster than muscle tissue.

If a woman had chronic inflammatory process inner layer of the endometrium, this can provoke the appearance of symptoms of miscarriage - pain in the lower abdomen and spotting.

It often happens at this time. If desired, this process can be stopped by giving the woman large doses of progesterone. But most modern doctors consider this unnecessary, since defective conceptions usually fail, which lead to the development of non-viable fetuses.

What kind of discharge could there be?

Normal for this stage of pregnancy are scanty transparent or whitish discharge without a characteristic odor. At the beginning of the week during implantation, bloody impurities may appear. They should not be abundant and disappear in 1-3 days.

Although most women in the fourth obstetric week of pregnancy are not yet aware of the miracle that has happened and are usually living their lives, this period is very important for the unborn baby, so it is worth a little reconsidering your habits and optimizing your lifestyle.

Nutrition and bad habits

The diet of the expectant mother during this period should be rich and well-balanced in order to provide the growing embryo with all the necessary substances. Many women experience constipation in the first weeks of pregnancy, so we must not forget about fluids and fiber, which will help normalize digestion. It is advisable to include it in the menu more vegetables and folate-rich greens, seasonal fruits.

Alcohol and obviously unhealthy foods, such as chips and sweets, are contraindicated. The embryo needs protein to build organs, so even avid vegetarians are advised to include lean meat, poultry, fish and eggs in their diet.

Do I need to take vitamins?

Usually, women in the 4th week of pregnancy have enough vitamins obtained from food. In addition to folic acid, which should be started before pregnancy. If a woman does not receive adequate nutrition, for example, due to religious beliefs, make up for the deficiency useful substances Complex multivitamins for pregnant women will help.

Intimate life

There are no restrictions on sexual activity at this stage yet. An exception may be cases where conception occurred under the supervision of doctors due to the woman’s poor health or a history of miscarriages. In such a situation, the doctor may recommend abstinence for the period of implantation so that uterine contractions during orgasm do not prevent the embryo from properly implanting.

It is worth noting that with the beginning of active production of progesterone by the corpus luteum, a woman’s intimate sensations may change. Sometimes there is an increase in libido and a sharpening of all senses. In some situations, sexual desire, on the contrary, disappears, and a woman may feel awkward and uncomfortable.

Physical activity

There is no need to limit your activity yet. But you need to be careful of falling or jumping from heights. You also cannot understand the burdens and become overtired. But moderate exercise and walks in the fresh air will always be useful.

Medicines and medical procedures

Any medical interventions are prohibited this week. If you need to take medications, you must inform your doctor about possible pregnancy. Any form of anesthesia is contraindicated, so it is better to postpone it until the third trimester.

Possible problems

In the fourth week, fetal death often occurs. If a woman did not plan her pregnancy and did not monitor it, then she may not notice the interruption, which usually looks like another menstruation. There is no need to worry about this, as this is how the body gets rid of defective fertilized eggs. And from next month you can start planning again.

Video about 4 weeks of pregnancy

When you are 4 weeks pregnant – do you feel it? How does the expectant mother feel? There are already a lot of questions at this time. After all, in the early stages, every day is important.

Calculations using different methods

When doctors work with pregnant patients, they do not go into detail about ovulation and the day of conception. The gestational age will be calculated using the obstetric method: from the first day of the last menstrual period.

Using the embryonic method, the period is calculated from the estimated ovulation and is “delayed” by two weeks in comparison with the obstetric period.

Sometimes women count the period from the moment of delay. Then the fourth week will mean the eighth obstetric or sixth embryonic. Is it easy to get confused? Then it's better to stick to the medical point of view. After all, the expectant mother will have to communicate with doctors quite often.

Fruit size: more than one cell

As soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg, rapid division of the zygote begins. If you think about it, it's a miracle. One single cell forms many others. They are completely different, and their roles are different. And each cell “knows” where it should be and what to do.

If it is the 4th obstetric week, then it is too early to talk about the fetus. The zygote gradually passes into the embryo stage. Now the unborn child is an almost invisible lump of cells, which scientists call a morula. Under a microscope, it will look like a berry covered with “pimples.” If the fixation of the morula in the uterine cavity has not yet occurred, it will definitely take place. And then the real cellular magic will begin.

How does an embryo work?

The size of the future fetus at the 4th obstetric week is comparable to a “poppy seed”. Its weight is about 0.5 g, and its height is 0.36-1 mm. However, this is literally momentary data. The embryo grows rapidly due to constant cell division.

Embryo structure

Doctors often use the concept of the germinal disc, which is formed by the germ layers. These are special layers of cells:

  • the inner layer (endoderm) will give rise to digestive tract, liver and lungs, as well as the pancreas;
  • the middle layer (mesoderm) is the future kidneys, muscles, heart and blood vessels, as well as the baby’s skeleton;
  • the outer layer (ectoderm) is responsible for the formation nervous system, head (including eyes, teeth and hair), and skin.

Extraembryonic organs

The miracle of nature is also that a single fertilized cell, when divided, provides the baby with everything necessary. Including full meals. This is done by the so-called extraembryonic organs. There are three of them:

  • chorion: a sort of hairy sac that will later become the placenta;
  • amnion is the future amniotic sac, a strong “packaging” of the fetus;
  • The yolk sac is the food supply for the embryo.

The last extraembryonic organ is especially important. It is its dysfunction or pathology that can lead to miscarriage. Based on the condition of the yolk sac, the ultrasound specialist will obtain some important data about the pregnancy and the embryo.

Scientists have established an interesting fact: it is mainly the male genes of the embryo that are “responsible” for the external embryonic organs. It can be said that the function of provider and protector is inherent in the deepest levels of the human being.

Future mom

At the fourth obstetric week, a woman may still not know anything. Active development zygotes in the female body can either give the first signs of pregnancy, or have no effect on the condition of the expectant mother at all.


If a woman is planning a pregnancy, she is full of expectations. The main question now is: did it work or not?? At the 4th obstetric week, the mother’s feelings are more emotional in nature.

Physically, a woman may feel slightly unwell. Slight weakness, barely noticeable discomfort in the lower abdomen, and drowsiness are possible. This condition is almost the same both in early pregnancy and on the eve of menstruation.

But the sensitivity of the breasts and nipples may increase noticeably. The mammary glands sometimes swell from the first days after conception. Also, by the end of the fourth week, the expectant mother may well have her first. In this case, someone will simply empty the refrigerator, and someone will run to the store for something “delicious” and special. It may also be the other way around: nausea will set in and you won’t want to eat at all.

External changes

Even in the fourth week, a woman’s waist can increase by 1-2 cm. If all the clothes are “tight”, the woman will definitely notice it. The main thing is to react correctly. If pregnancy is not planned, the expectant mother may not recognize her condition. Then she will rush to the gym or to a nutritionist. This is why it is important to take good protection. And if pregnancy is allowed, you need to be careful. Then even minor symptoms will give the right clue.

The expectant mother may feel slightly heavier. Weight gain in the early stages is explained, like many other things, by hormonal changes. It, in combination with early toxicosis, sometimes leads to slight weight loss. If the expectant mother is feeling good, there is no need to worry.

Vaginal discharge

During a normal pregnancy, the next menstruation will not come. If for some reason the zygote cannot gain a foothold in the uterus, menstruation will occur. In this case, they do not talk about miscarriage. Often women do not even know that they could become future mothers.

If pregnancy is confirmed, bleeding is an alarm signal. You should immediately consult a doctor.

Implantation bleeding - This is a very slight bloody or brown discharge. One or two smears are possible when the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity.

The female body uses mucous secretions to create a special protective plug. It will literally clog the cervix and will come out normally only before giving birth.

A woman will need to be examined if her mucous discharge is unusual.:

Note to moms!

Hello girls! After giving birth, I gained 11 kilograms and could not get rid of them. I tried to limit myself in food, but diets did not bring much results. I had to look for another solution. And I found it: (-15kg) I hope the information is useful to you!

  • With unpleasant smell;
  • yellow;
  • too abundant;
  • thick and white;
  • similar to cottage cheese flakes.

Ways to confirm pregnancy

How soon will the expectant mother be able to verify her new condition? How long will it take to get the most accurate result? It all depends on the method.

Pharmacy test: will it show or not?

Some modern tests can recognize pregnancy even before a delay. Therefore, if the pregnancy is 4 weeks, the test can be applied if there is no patience. Still, it’s better to wait until the first day of your expected period. The result will be more reliable.


At the beginning of the fourth obstetric week, the study is unlikely to help in any way. But in the end, with high-quality equipment, a good specialist will already be able to see something. This will be a uterus with a thick layer of endometrium and an embryo - small black dot. If a woman has previously had an ectopic pregnancy, a specialist doctor will definitely check the entire female system.

Blood test for hCG

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels increase during pregnancy. Therefore, a blood test at the end of the 4th week will help confirm that conception was successful.

Visit to the doctor: is it time or can we wait?

Modern women are often very busy. Work, family life and hobbies take up a lot of time. But now the expectant mother will have to take care of two at once.

In the fourth obstetric week, it is still too early to register. The pregnancy itself may not yet be confirmed. But if you already have a positive result, you can go for a consultation. What will the doctor do?

  1. He will examine the woman and externally assess her general condition.
  2. Collect primary data.
  3. Will assign a suitable one vitamin complex and folic acid preparations.

If conception was planned and was under medical supervision, the woman will still visit her doctor. The doctor will confirm a successful conception and prescribe measures to maintain the pregnancy. This is especially important if the patient has already had miscarriages.

What to pay attention to

It's amazing how many aspects of life you have to evaluate differently when pregnancy occurs. Special recommendations for expectant mothers should be followed as early as possible. If this hasn't happened before the 4th week, it's time to pay attention to a lot of things.


Completeness and balance: these are the main requirements. Fasting days from now on in the past. It is also advisable to give up canned food, semi-finished products and fast food.

When preparing meat dishes, it is important to ensure that there is no fat. Fish, on the contrary, can be consumed in fatty varieties. Is there a contradiction here? In fact, none. Fatty fish contains many useful organic acids, which are completely absent in animal fat. It should be noted: we are not talking about frying in oil. It’s just that some types of fish live in cold seas and oceans, so they acquire a fatty layer for their own warmth. The most famous are salmon, trout and salmon.

If you want something sweet, then marshmallows or marshmallows are better than chocolate or cake.

Vegetables and fruits are essential components of the “pregnant diet”. They can be eaten fresh, boiled or stewed. Plus cereals and dairy products.

Expectant mothers often ask: now nothing “like that” is allowed at all? And if you really want sprat, chili compote or chips to the point of nausea? If you approach diet issues strictly, then there is only one answer: yes, nothing “like that” is really possible. But if some food, even “junk” food, will help the expectant mother cope with nausea or cheer up, then why not? It’s only better to consume unwanted foods in microdoses. “Stretch” a pack of chips for a week, and do not eat canned food with a tablespoon straight from the jar.

There is only one absolute “taboo”: alcohol for an expectant mother is strictly contraindicated! And it doesn’t matter how many “degrees” there are in the drink. All kinds of homemade liqueurs are also alcohol, albeit as natural as possible. The best strategy for an expectant mother is to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages.

Food poisoning is dangerous for the unborn baby. Therefore, it is very important to protect your diet in the 4th week of pregnancy. There is no need to try exotic dishes and products at this time. The body may not accept them and react with gastrointestinal upset. And not only the expectant mother will suffer, but also the embryo. Right now he is very unstable to any negative influences.

Protection from harmful factors

The expectant mother's body can be very vulnerable. Some protective mechanisms have not yet been formed at the 4th obstetric week. Therefore it is very important:

  • quit smoking yourself and stay away from people who smoke;
  • take careful care during epidemics of viral infections;
  • monitor your mood and let only positive emotions into your life;
  • avoid sudden climate change.

Additional measures

Stretch marks can seriously ruin both the appearance of a woman’s skin and her mood. One of the skin protection measures is olive oil. It is recommended to rub it into problem areas even before the tummy begins to grow.

Pregnancy and sex

At the 4th obstetric week, the couple may not yet know that someone else has already been born. Therefore, the intimate life of future parents proceeds as usual. Some women, after intimacy, feel an unpleasant heaviness in the labia area.

If conception is planned and carried out under the supervision of a doctor, he may advise taking a break from sexual life. This is especially important if the woman has previously had miscarriages. In rare cases, uterine contractions during orgasm can prevent the embryo from fully implanting in the uterine cavity.

In all other cases, if the couple feels well, there are no obstacles to sex. There is one psychological moment. Perhaps over time, the intimate sensations of the expectant mother will change. She may experience awkwardness, discomfort, or simply fear when being intimate with the man she loves. It is highly advisable to warn your partner about this. Future father must be ready and patient. At the slightest negativity in her intimate life, a woman should not withdraw into herself and view sex as a duty and obligation. The child's father will probably feel the tension. Without knowing the true cause, problems may occur. family life. Therefore, mutual love, respect, attention and frankness are especially important now.


In the fourth obstetric week, the concept of miscarriage is used extremely rarely. In most cases, a woman does not have time to accurately confirm pregnancy or even fully understand her condition. Therefore, for many, bleeding during a miscarriage is equal to menstruation.

Some symptoms may indicate a possible interruption.

  1. My stomach hurts and feels tight. This is pain, not mild discomfort.
  2. Bleeding is profuse, sometimes with clots.
  3. Bloody discharge is brown in color.

But even all of the listed signs do not always signal that a miscarriage has occurred or spontaneous abortion.

Termination of pregnancy can also be intentional. Every woman has the right to this. However, the decision must be responsible. Nothing should be done in a state of nervous breakdown, out of fear, or in retaliation against someone. Modern medicine tries to spare women under any circumstances. But no one has yet canceled the adverse physical and psychological consequences of abortion.

Overall result of the 4th week

  1. The fourth obstetric week can be the time to confirm pregnancy.
  2. The embryo undergoes not just division, but a functional distribution of cells.
  3. The first, barely noticeable signs and symptoms of pregnancy appear.

The lifestyle of a pregnant woman in the fourth week will largely determine further development a tiny creature - a future baby.

Video guide: 4th week of pregnancy: what happens, symptoms, sensations, signs