The best sites for job search

We bring to your attention a list of the TOP 10 best job sites.

1 HeadHunter Jobs, vacancies

HeadHunter has been operating in the online recruitment market since 2000. At the moment is one of the best online resources for job search and recruitment. More than 300 thousand visitors are looking for work and employees on the HeadHunter website every day. Applicants are provided with a search for vacancies by specified parameters and by companies. There is also a special section for young professionals and a navigator for recruitment agencies. On the site you will always find the latest news, research, surveys.

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2 Job site Compiling a resume provides job seekers with a job search in the resume database and a catalog of vacancies in different cities of Russia, labor market news, reviews, information materials, a directory of recruitment agencies and employers, resume writing tips, etc.

How to look for a job on


Which site to find a job? SuperJob is one of the most popular and visited resources in the field of job search and recruitment. On the site, you can read the publications of vacancies of leading Russian and foreign companies, leave your resume or create a vacancy, find out the results of research in the field of work, and get up-to-date information on labor market trends. More than 70,000 resumes of specialists and more than 10,000 vacancies are added to the site database daily. In addition, the site contains a list of Russian recruiting agencies, training companies, personnel press, as well as announcements of personnel events.

4 Job search at - the largest site for the search and selection of personnel. For job seekers, an advanced search for vacancies and a subscription to vacancies, the publication of resumes, and a search in the catalog of companies are provided. For young specialists and university graduates, a special section Work for students has been created.

5 WORK.RU is a national site for employment. Designed for a wide range of job seekers, employers, recruiters, as well as employees planning their careers. The catalog contains over 100,000 vacancies and over 1,350,000 resumes. For applicants, a search by parameters and in the catalog of professions is presented: by industry or alphabetically. Every day, about 10,000 new job offers appear in the bank of vacancies for job search. A special project is provided for students and young professionals with no work experience, and there are also many useful tips and articles. Access to vacancies and resumes is free: registration on the site is not required.


100 WORKS is a site that is designed for all Internet users in Russia and for Russian-speaking users of the CIS countries. 100 WORKS is a simple and convenient search for all vacancies! Hundreds of job search sites post thousands of new jobs every day. A special job search engine finds new job offers and saves for 100 JOBS. For 100 WORKS, you can get reliable statistical information on the level of wages by region and specialty.

In addition to fresh vacancies, the 100 JOBS website regularly publishes news and articles about employment, career building, professional development, as well as the most popular specialties and labor law issues.

7 is one of the oldest job search and recruitment sites. The project was created in 1999 and consistently ranks among the top five most popular and visited Russian job sites according to various ratings and polls. Every day, the JobList database is updated with more than 1000 new resumes that have passed moderation. The site presents vacancies of the largest domestic and foreign companies. Advantages of JobList: simple and convenient registration; high-quality audience of applicants; wide coverage of regions; convenient search for resumes and vacancies; manual moderation of vacancies and resumes; search for vacancies by metro stations; daily news of the personnel market; convenient services for effective positioning of vacancies.

8 is a job site that has been working in this area for 10 years. One of the largest databases of vacancies and resumes in RuNet - over 150 thousand ads! An exclusive advantage - the site publishes all the announcements of the popular magazine "Job & Salary"! The site provides a master resume, subscriptions to hot vacancies, free posting of vacancies and access to the resume database, the possibility of online posting vacancies in the Job & Salary magazine, personnel market news, surveys, materials from the Job & Salary magazine


Avito / Work is a project of the Avito team actively promoted on TV. There are many job opportunities here.

All services for employers (viewing resumes, posting vacancies) and job seekers (posting resumes, viewing vacancies) are free of charge.

10 is a site specializing in job search in Moscow. The site has a convenient search for vacancies and resumes, including by metro stations, the ability to subscribe to resumes and vacancies, a catalog of recruitment agencies and employers, more than 170,000 vacancies, as well as always fresh news and useful articles.

On the last page you can download for free the book "100 Ways to Find a Job" and a video tutorial on the phenomenally fast job search.

100 ways to find a job

You can download an informative book on our website on how to quickly find a well-paid job, as well as how to behave in an interview. File size - 141 kb, format - FB2.