An online school of magic is the best way to unlock your potential. School of magic Online magic courses

Although our club is not categorically against the word school, we do not usually call ourselves that. From our point of view, magic and esotericism are science, and this teaching is not intended for schoolchildren. IN modern school driven by force, this is an element of society and students there, as a rule, have no choice whether to study or not. Most often, people with already formed consciousness go into esotericism. They feel or have already clearly realized that society cannot give them what their soul requires. Therefore, I somehow don’t want to call these people students of the school of magic.

Hermetic school of Pythagoras introduced a strict age limit for students. You couldn't go to school until you were 55 years old. This made a certain sense, because the student already had a lot of life experience, it was easier for him to assimilate information about the structure of the world, and he could test the acquired knowledge by remembering his past life. And if a person by the age of 55 was not mired in society, did not become an alcoholic, and was generally able to live to such a mature age, then this already said a lot (especially in those days).

Our club does not impose such age restrictions. Since now among young people, more and more often, there are ancient souls whose experience and awareness are far ahead of their age. Such people eventually come to us. In addition, such technologies are now available that unprepared people simply will not be able to get to our classes, for seemingly indirect reasons. Therefore, if someone wants to call us magic courses or a magic school, this is not important. The important thing is that if after reading this article you still have the desire to study in our club, welcome. If it is missing, then you can find a suitable school of magic for yourself, study there for several years, and then come. Come, even if this school of magic discourages you from learning magic. Everything is different with us.

We begin our training with restoration of health, awareness of the laws by which our world lives and the development of personal strength. You will learn all this on our website. Our training is paid, but believe me, you will not regret the money spent and will come to us more than once. This money will come back to you very quickly.. But since the principle of our club is “don’t believe anything, check everything,” let’s say a few more words about free schools of magic. So

Free schools of magic

Just a few words about what free magic schools are. Don't waste your time there. I advise you to read our article on this topic. It will somewhat clarify our position on this issue. Read and do it your way, often in order to understand what it is about, a person needs to make a mistake. You can explain for a very long time what it means to “step on a rake,” or you can step on it yourself once. So, when a person attacks, he immediately clearly understands that he was warned about this. Yes, you can study for free, but it is very, very slow. And it may take you your whole life to master the basics. Life itself is a school of magic, but the learning time in it takes a huge cycle of reincarnations..

School of magic online

With the advent of the Internet, learning magic has become a very accessible thing. 25 years ago, I had to grab every book or brochure on esoteric topics that caught my eye. The Internet has changed everything. And, if we now talk about choosing a learning method, then, of course, the online learning method is the most preferable.

A normal teacher will easily tune in to your voice and will be able to influence you in such a way that it will not go unnoticed. Because there are no boundaries for subtly material bodies. But face-to-face meetings are also needed.

In our club, classes are held mainly online, and we also gather for visiting seminars. We visit places of power or meet in different cities.

Our training, on the one hand, is free, but on the other, it is more rigid. For us, magic is life and, first of all, working on yourself. When you go within yourself, you inevitably begin to touch and become aware of your soul. And it is your soul that is the source of subtle power...

In order to get an idea about training with us, you can visit our forum, watch a video, or read about our basic projects in the magic training section.

Come, it will be interesting.


The Russian school of witchcraft, known in English-speaking countries as Koldovsvorets, is rightfully considered one of the most closed magic schools in the world. What little is known about him is gleaned from open sources, from conversations between British wizards and their Russian colleagues, from spilling the beans on emigrants (as is known, in the 20th century, many Russian wizards emigrated to Europe in the 20s, for example, the well-known Dolokhov family, and then in the 90s) and from what was allowed to be revealed to representatives of Hogwarts who visited the Sorcerer as part of an agreement to exchange experience.

The Russian school, along with the British and Egyptian, is one of the three oldest in the world. There is a legend, which Russian magicians readily support, that it is even older than Hogwarts and was created in time immemorial by one of the Slavic gods (there are different versions of who exactly). However, British scholars recognize (a view now shared by most serious historians of magic) that it is second only to Hogwarts. In any case, the first written mention of the “sorcerer’s school” dates back to the end of the 11th century.

Over the long centuries of his existence, the Sorcerer changed his place more than once, mainly within Northern Rus'; according to unverified data (of course, like most large schools, it is made unmapped and reliably camouflaged not only from Muggles, but also from magical means of detection), it is currently located somewhere in Karelia, among the picturesque northern forests, rocks and lakes.

Apparently, exactly natural features This area, coupled with Russian tradition, determined the structure of the school year. It begins in February, a week before Maslenitsa (which is also considered the magical New Year), and on these days there are few activities and no marks are given. Full-time studies begin with the end of Maslenitsa Week. This, firstly, allows you to celebrate the most important magical holiday at school, combining it with education (at this time a number of magical rituals and procedures included in the school course are carried out), secondly, it gives schoolchildren, especially first-graders, time to adapt and integrate more smoothly to study. In addition, this eliminates the pan-European school problem when the school year does not coincide with the calendar year.

The school year ends on December 14, the day of Naum the Gramotnik, which is considered a common holiday for all students and teachers. Thus, the longest holidays are the winter ones, and the summer ones, on the contrary, are short. In the summer, in the forests of Karelia, rich and untouched by Muggles, a great variety of magical herbs bloom, the study of which is traditionally given great attention in the Witchcraft. In addition, at this time of year there are white nights, which makes it possible to distribute classes more evenly throughout the day and relieve students from overload. In the summer, when it's good weather, schoolchildren, under the guidance of teachers, go on trips to the forest for several days with overnight stays, thus combining entertainment with practical classes in herbology, animal knowledge and magical orienteering.

The school is accepted from nine, and the full course of study takes ten years. Upon admission, all students accept (or are assigned - the details of the procedure are unknown) a new name, under which they will study all this time. Many wizards keep it even after finishing school. Among Russian magicians, there is an opinion that using a true name makes a person more vulnerable to the effects of dark magic, and a well-chosen magical name, on the contrary, protects and increases the magical power of the bearer.

Upon admission, assignment to faculties is not made. Students are randomly assigned to several classes, which symbol assign letters of the Cyrillic alphabet: az, buki, vedi, verb, etc., taking care exclusively that the number of students in each class corresponds to the established standard. As a result, the number of classes in different years may be different. Despite this casual approach, students tend to be extremely loyal to their class, and there is traditionally an unofficial, but no less heated, rivalry between classes, unlike at Hogwarts. And, unfortunately, not only in terms of academic performance. Young Russian wizards show inexhaustible imagination in composing teasers in which they play on the names of classes, for example, “The letter az is a class at once” or “If you hear farts somewhere, that means there are beeches nearby.”

After the fourth grade, students are reassigned to faculties, which are referred to here as “specialties.” Their exact number is unknown, but we managed to find out the names of three of them: Witchcraft, Warfare and Technomagic. The latter is currently particularly popular. In general, magical Russia has long been famous for its developments in the field of creating artifacts (items to which the manufacturer has given such magical properties, that not only the weakest wizard, but even a trained Muggle can independently use them), especially means of magical communication and information protection. It will be enough to remember the now outdated, but at one time legendary “Apple on a plate”!

Upon entering the faculty, students retain their original letters, although they now have no meaning, and usually introduce themselves as: “So-and-so, Witchcraft, Seventh Verb.” However, many are dissatisfied with the fact that now they meet less often with their former classmates who are studying in a different specialty. Each faculty is assigned a separate building (and another, the largest one, for junior school students), where they live and study. They are located quite far from each other, presumably at a distance of several hours of blizzard flight, but between the buildings there are permanently operating portals (another development of Russian technomagicians, the secret of which is guarded by the Russians with special vigilance), allowing teachers, and, if necessary, students to quickly move from one into another.

During the existence of the Sorcerer, the school uniform changed several times; in certain periods it was abandoned altogether, but by now the robes of a pan-European model have been established; their colors vary according to faculties. However, for some unknown reason, this innovation was received with hostility by schoolchildren. They went to all possible lengths to get out of wearing robes, no matter how much they tried to “improve” uniform! And in the end, the school leadership was forced to make concessions and allow schoolchildren, at their own discretion, to make, within reason, changes in the cut and decoration of the robe. The latter was the most important, since Russian sorceresses have long loved to decorate their clothes with a variety of colored embroidery, which, in addition to aesthetics, also had a witchcraft purpose. According to unverified reports, magical embroidery is even included in the girls’ education program; For boys, this corresponds to a course in magical wood carving. Such embroideries are made for oneself, given to relatives and friends as a sign of affection, and to favorite teachers as a sign of special respect. A girl can give her own embroidered school robe to the boy she likes on Ivan Kupala Day. On this day, it is customary for boys to give the object of their affection needlework supplies, also personally decorated with carvings suitable for the occasion.

In general, the holiday of Ivan Kupala, which is celebrated on July 7, is to a certain extent an analogue of our Valentine's Day. On this day, boys and girls openly show each other signs of cordial affection (which is not encouraged on other days, because they believe that it distracts the children from their studies), exchange gifts and notes, swim in the lake together, and dance in the evening. The culmination of the holiday is a bonfire - it is lit on the shore of the lake, in the same place where they dance, and high school students in pairs (of course, those who are lucky enough to find reciprocity), holding hands, jump over the fire with a running start. It is believed that if a couple manages not to open their hands, this means that they will be together, and from that day on they are jokingly called the bride and groom. Although this is more of a tradition than a ritual, and such an “engagement” does not have legal force, even the teachers do not stand aside and give the couple some concessions so that they can spend more time with each other.

This, in essence, is all that can be said about the Russian magic school. It only remains to add that the graduates of the Sorcerer over the years were such world-famous magicians as Vasilisa the Wise, famous for her study of the witchcraft properties of frog skin, the animagus Vseslav of Polotsk, the famous soothsayer of the era of Ivan the Terrible, who went down in history under the name Melnik, seven unique highly specialized magicians, the Simeon brothers , Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, Wolf Messing, Anton Gorodetsky and many others. IN early XVIII centuries there for a long time The famous Hogwarts graduate Jacob Bruce taught, and in the middle of the 16th century, a special course of lectures on Potions was given by Durmstrang graduate Elisha Bomelius.

In conclusion, I can say that the Sorcerer, along with Hogwarts, is full of mysteries and secrets, and in no case should we underestimate the school, filled with the Russian spirit.

Conducts classes on the development of psychic abilities, and in other disciplines, which you can find out about on the page.

Online priority helps to reach a large audience of people who want to master the science of magic. This option is suitable for more independent people who can do without constant supervision from the teacher.
On the part of the teacher, during online communication, knowledge is transferred not only in the form of conversation, but also at the field level. The teacher-magician achieves complete concentration on the student, allowing him to read knowledge directly from the subconscious and energy-information fields of the teacher. Also, if necessary, during the lesson the teacher opens the student’s chakras, transfers to him astral objects of power, keys to egregors, etc. - everything depends on the circumstances. Each student is unique, and one general method Teaching magic over the Internet cannot be for everyone.
Each student has his own potential, his own predisposition to study a certain magical discipline. At the request of the student, the training program includes a lesson on finding one’s own Path of the Magician. But if, for various reasons, this lesson does not give a clear answer to the question of what the student is more predisposed to in magic, then I do additional diagnostics to identify the student’s hidden potential. Sometimes at the beginning of training such diagnostics are not required, because the student wants to learn everything. After a certain time, the student still finds his way in Magic, and even then we change the training program to suit the student’s changing interests in order to give as fully as possible exactly the knowledge for which the craving has opened.
Sometimes a student finds his path after completing a lesson on past lives.
What skills does our online magic school provide? First of all, each student receives clairvoyance skills. Some students, of course, already have these abilities and do not need to develop in this direction. But most often a course in extrasensory perception is needed. The speed at which clairvoyance is acquired is different for each student. This depends, first of all, on how much time the student devotes to magical practices and doing exercises. Secondly, the speed of development of clairvoyance abilities depends on the level of sensitivity of a person. Those who in life are less susceptible to feelings and emotions, live more by logic and reason - such people have to spend a long time increasing their sensitivity to subtle energies. As a rule, these are men over 40 years old. Women of any age master clairvoyance very quickly and do not have any difficulties in this. This happens due to women’s natural emotionality and increased intuitiveness.
But older men also master clairvoyance, under my careful supervision, selection of practices and additional developmental techniques.
What is better for studying esotericism - an online school of esotericism, or personal lessons? Of course, personal training is of higher quality and faster, but via the Internet it is possible to study anywhere in the world, and an astral connection with the student is still created and helps to achieve good results in teaching magic remotely.

Magic is not those magical rituals that are available only to a select few. This is universal knowledge that will help each of us organize one or another area of ​​our lives. Knowing the basics of extrasensory perception, bioenergy or healing, you will be able to manage your financial sector, improve family relationships or solve current problems in a comprehensive manner. But where can you learn such skills? Two options immediately arise - face-to-face training or an online magic school. Which one should you choose?

Why face-to-face learning is not always good

It would seem that personal presence at such classes is simply necessary. On the one hand, you are in closer contact with the specialist who is teaching you, you can ask him any questions. However, rarely does anyone pay attention to the negative side of this method of learning.

The disadvantages of full-time training in magic include the following:

  • The location of the center, specialist or course location is not always convenient for you. Even if the classes are held in your city, the journey there may take a long time, it will tire you, and you will arrive to class already tired. Working with energy requires a lot of concentration and tension, the lesson may simply go in vain.
  • You lose classes due to illness, weather conditions, your own schedule... Crazy rhythm modern man cannot always adapt to new, even useful hobbies. Sometimes you will feel unwell and will not be able to come due to an urgent meeting at work. Will a specialist be waiting for you? Will he agree to reschedule the class? Most likely no. Moreover, group courses will not wait for one participant.
  • You pay more. Personal time of a specialist, rental of premises, advertising are expensive. All these costs are included in the price of full-time training. You are losing out far more financially than you would by attending an online magic school.
  • The knowledge you gain is limited. Teaching all areas of magic in full-time courses is a rare occurrence. There are only a few such schools - you need to gather good specialists in different industries and provide them with a constant flow of clients. As you understand, this is an expensive pleasure for the students themselves. Therefore, full-time magic training is taught by one specialist who can call himself an expert in only one industry. This is a big minus for a beginner who has not yet even decided what is closer to him.

Is an online magic school effective?

Why does online training in magic not give the same positive results? In fact, the importance personal meeting nothing more than an established stereotype. We are used to being skeptical about the Internet and remote communication. In fact, in extrasensory perception there is no concept of distance - magic works with energy that is not subject to kilometers.

In addition, the online magic school course that we offer has been worked out over several decades of practice. Since the 90s, we have been collecting materials from face-to-face courses given by experts in the field of magic, Tarot cards, healing, and bioenergy. Now all this knowledge is combined in comprehensive programs and separate areas for each type of magic.

The online school of magic has the following advantages:

  • The collected materials were tested in practice, including in full-time training courses.
    You won't need to fit your busy schedule around your class schedule—take your time through the program, when it's convenient for you. It is better to understand magic consciously, without haste.
  • You study in comfortable conditions, from anywhere in the world. This makes it easier to comprehend complex information presented in courses.
  • You can complete a comprehensive online magic school program lasting 3-5 years. You will receive universal knowledge that will help you manage all areas of life. You can also choose individual in-depth courses in areas that are most interesting.
  • The cost of an online magic school is 5 times less than full-time training.
    Our materials contain only relevant information from practitioners, which is regularly updated and supplemented.

Why pay more if the effectiveness of an online magic school is no less than in-person training? Having mastered a full course, you will not only be able to use the knowledge for yourself, but will also be able to help other people. Never before has it been so accessible to discover your psychic potential - choose an interesting direction now!

Already in the first block of course 1 you will learn:

  • Fundamental things about a system called reality
  • About your level of consciousness (assemblage point) and what is beneficial for you
  • About short paths to the evolution of your consciousness (an easy, interesting path)
  • Basic applied techniques of Psychotronics

In 16 hours of video lectures, you will solve most of the questions that torment you and it will become easier to get out of social hypnosis. Wake up and become wiser!

Attached to the first course video materials Additional Information on the basics of magical heritage, which includes all the handouts necessary for an in-depth study of psychotronics.


In the 1st year of the School, the basic concepts of Magic and the principles of human evolution are studied, as well as basic techniques for working with the subtle plane. Having mastered the 1st course program, the adept can actively apply and develop diagnostic and extrasensory skills.

Having received the basic information from the first block, you will fully understand what magical traditions are and will be able to apply techniques to improve everyday life.

Course "Basics of Magic" (1.1)

In the first semester, the basic principles of the magical paradigm are studied, and basic skills in magical work are given.

Click to open.

I. The magical paradigm of the School.

I. The magical paradigm of the School.

  • Information about the School. The structure of the Atlantis Association, its brief history.
  • Information about the Rubedo school, goals, objectives, methods and teaching procedures.
  • Basic principles of the magical paradigm. The world as an information object.
  • Basic principles of magical technology. The influence of consciousness on the world.
  • Data from research in Magic. Multidimensional model of the world. The concept of “subtle plans”.
  • The structure of a multidimensional model of the world. The “physical” layer of the universe. Temporal measurements.
  • Basic principles of world processes. The principle of evolution. Tasks and goals of evolution.
  • The role of the “physical” layer of the universe in evolution. Basic methods of evolution.
  • Global structure of the universe. Two “branches” of development, the concept of the antiworld.
  • General overview of the current state of Magical knowledge and technology.

II. History of the world of Mages.

II. History of the world of Mages.

  • Basic principles of space biology. Possible options for life and civilizations.
  • Place solar system in outer space.
  • The influence of the location of the Solar system on possible events on its planets.
  • Evolution of the Earth. Eons, eras and periods. Probable events of the Cenozoic era.
  • History of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Data obtained from Magical Science.
  • Jotun civilization, possible origin, history.
  • The Jotun Invasion of Earth. Impact on the planet.
  • Creation of artificial races. Doors, Alvas, Atlantes. Lemuria.
  • The emergence of Atlantis. Technologies of Atlantic civilization.
  • Achievements of science and technology of Atlanteans. Mages of Atlantis.
  • War with the Jotuns. The death of Atlantis, the “global flood.”
  • Secondary cities of Atlanteans. Development of adapted technologies.
  • Creation of the Vanir. Vanir magic. Vanir Invasion.
  • Wars between the Van states, Atlanteans and Jotuns. The period of "sword and magic".
  • Formation of magic schools in different territories. Specialization of magic schools.
  • Ancient Egyptian magical civilization. History of Egypt. Revival of Mage technology.
  • Temple schools.
  • Magic schools of the Near and Far East, India, Tibet, South America.
  • Magical tradition in the period of Antiquity. Spread of temple schools.
  • The emergence and development of Christianity.
  • Magical tradition in the Middle Ages. Magic in Christianity. Order of the Knights Templar.
  • Medieval necromancy. Development of Eastern traditions.
  • Magical tradition in modern times. Formation of the world Elite.
  • Creation of modern public and economic system. Secret orders.
  • Magical tradition in modern times.
  • The revival of magical technologies in the USSR and the Third Reich.
  • Management of society by Mages.
  • Project " New air" Perspectives on Magic in the 21st Century.

III. Principles of human evolution.

III. Principles of human evolution.

      • General principles of evolution in the universe.
      • The growth of complexity and dimensionality of structures as the basis of evolution.
      • Goals and objectives of human evolution on Earth. The Doctrine of Reincarnation.
      • Process and mechanisms of evolution. Interaction with the physical world as a means of development.
      • Stages of human evolution. The concept of castes as certain levels of development.
      • Characteristics of each caste. “Workers”, “merchants”, “warriors”, “scientists”, “magicians”, “gods”, “demiurges”.
      • Reasons and principles of transitions between castes. Peculiarities of life of each caste.
      • Relationships between castes. The caste structure of society as a consequence of evolution.
      • Historical experience of using or changing the caste structure of society.
      • Modern social system and future prospects.
      • Higher stages of development. The concept of “Heaven”, “Magonia”.
      • Processes of transition to higher levels.
      • The ultimate goal of human development on Earth. The further fate of the consciousnesses of magicians.

IV. Consciousness of the planet and the Universe

IV. Consciousness of the planet and the Universe

      • Planet Earth as a multidimensional object. The concept of the Consciousness of the planet.
      • The emergence of planetary consciousnesses in the course of evolution. Formation of planetary consciousnesses.
      • History of the Earth's consciousness. Formation of Earth consciousness.
      • The diagram of the Earth's consciousness is the Tree of Sephiroth. Traditions that have preserved knowledge of the consciousness of the Earth.
      • The structure of the Earth's consciousness. World principles as components of the consciousness of the planet.
      • Consciousness of the planet as part of the Universe. The concept of the Elder Reality.
      • General overview of world principles (channels). 22 channels of the Sephiroth Tree.
      • Relationships between the channels of the Tree of Sephiroth. Reflections of higher channels on lower planes.
      • Structure of the Tree of Sephiroth. The work of the planet’s consciousness, the propagation of signals in the Tree of Sephiroth.
      • Tarot cards as a means of tuning into the channels of the Sephiroth Tree. Practical use.
      • The concept of Temple Channels of Power as magical technology.
      • The role of Temple canals in making magicians.
      • The concept of Sephira as “worlds” in the structure of the planet’s consciousness. Origin of Sephira.
      • The concept of Egregors as components of the Earth's consciousness. Types of egregors.
      • Structure of egregors. The ratio of egregors and the consciousnesses of different castes included in them.
      • General concept of the Elements. Global structure of the Universe.
      • Elements of Energy (Fire), Information (Earth), Time (Water), Chaos (Air).
      • The role of using Elements in evolution.
      • The world of the dead as part of the consciousness of the Earth. The concept of Limbo.
      • The concept of the elements of Death and Life.

V. Technologies for accelerating evolution

V. Technologies for accelerating evolution

      • The basic principle of evolution is the complication of consciousness. Growth of consciousness in terms of mass and dimension.
      • Conditions for the growth of consciousness. Possible sources for growth.
      • Social technologies of evolution.
      • The formalized caste structure of society as a means of development.
      • Social methods of rapid development (orders, monasteries, schools), their role in history.
      • Magical sources for the growth of consciousness.
      • Subtle objects, runic flows, channels of the Sephiroth Tree, Temple channels, elemental portals.
      • Additional means for the growth of consciousness. Magic technologies, Reincarnation.
      • The Atlantis School of Magic approach to development management.
      • The main components of magical doing.
      • The role of theory, practices, influences, artifacts. The educational process of the School.
      • Finding magical sources of growth of consciousness. Procedure, methods, conditions.

VI. Ancient heritage

VI. Ancient heritage

      • Legacy of Atlantis. Ancient and revived technologies.
      • The history of the legacy of Atlantis. Egyptian, Jewish, Eastern, South American magical traditions.
      • Vanir heritage, Vedic and runic traditions.
      • System of knowledge and practices of the Sephirotic tradition (review). Tarot and Kabbalistics.
      • System of knowledge and practices of the Runic tradition (review). The concept of Runes.
      • System of knowledge and practices of Voodoo (review).
      • History of Voodooism. Significant egregors of spirits living on the subtle plane of the Earth.
      • Knowledge of Eastern directions (review). Preserved medical knowledge of Atlantis.
      • Knowledge of Western destinations (review). Schools of Reincarnation.
      • Magic in world religions. Technologies preserved in religions.
      • Christianity as a school of quality at a different level of civilization. Mission of Jesus Christ.

VII. Basic concepts of magical heritage.

VII. Basic concepts of magical heritage.

      • The concept of magical energy. Varieties of energies.
      • Multidimensional human structure.
      • Concepts about subtle bodies, consciousness, subconscious, matrix, monad.
      • The structure of human subtle bodies. Consciousness, chakras, connections, channels, connection zones.
      • Basic human energy system.
      • The structure of human consciousness. Assemblage point, intelligence, firmware, consciousness, subconscious.
      • Types of energies of consciousness and subtle bodies.
      • Nutrition of each type of energy, sources, features.
      • Changes in human subtle bodies in the process of evolution.
      • Growth of consciousness, awareness as the basis of development. Movement of the Assemblage Point.
      • Concepts of Initiation and Ascension.
      • Characteristics of consciousness: mass, frequency, complexity, volume, fixation, elemental affinity.
      • Changes in the characteristics of consciousness in the process of evolution.
      • The concept of the core of personality.
      • The concept of Patron.
      • The concept of Karma. Structure and types of karma. Principles of karma assessment.
      • Conditions for performing magical effects.
      • Requirements for consciousness, the meaning of the characteristics of consciousness.
      • Concepts about the magical position and mediumship. Sources of energy in Magic.
      • The concept of Yang and Yin magic.
      • The concept of the Agreement. Formation and modification of Agreements as a magical work.
      • Types of Agreements. Agreements of various egregors.
      • The concept of Spells.
      • General overview of magical technologies. Ancient and updated technologies.
      • Astrology, bioenergy, their origin and significance.
      • The concept of " black magic" Features and dangers of the “black” path.

VIII. World of Magicians

VIII. World of Magicians

      • General structure of the egregor of Magi. Mages of Mahonia and our world.
      • Specializations of Mages. Elemental clans of Mages, the reason for their emergence.
      • The concept of combat magic. Battle magicians in the egregor of Mages and in society. "Earth Elite"
      • Contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations and their role in the evolution of the world.
      • Magic Artifacts and their classification. Artifact markets.
      • School of Magic "Atlantis" in the world of magicians. Tasks of Battle Mages at the present time.

There is power in knowledge!

A person who avoids this information

not ready to change my world.

IX. Basic Application Techniques

IX. Basic Application Techniques

      • The concept of circles of energy, methods of artificial displacement of the Assemblage Point.
      • Fireball technique as a means of energy management.
      • Using the Fireball technique.
      • Basic technology of time travel with consciousness.
      • Timeline displacement techniques.
      • Basic situation management technology. Working with desires.
      • Simple influence techniques. Active, protective and restorative effects.
      • Creation of thought forms as the basis of spells. Control of thought forms.
      • Basic technology for accelerating evolution. The concept of the Supreme Ally.
      • Techniques for working with School artifacts.
      • Using School artifacts to accelerate development.

X. Life of an Adept and Magician

X. Life of an Adept and Magician

      • The main features of the life of an adept. Principles of conservation and accumulation of energy.
      • Basic rules for relationships with society and people around you.
      • Technicians safe communication. Energy interactions with others.
      • The concepts of "blessing" and "desecration".
      • Safety precautions in Magic.

Everyone should know this information!

Our goal is to improve the consciousness of 10,000 people

8 two-hour lessons for the price of 6 lessons

16 hours of basic magical traditions (psychotronics)

+ Access to correspondence department

+ Access to webinars and Q&A evenings

+ Additional materials on Psychokinetics

The cost is only 3000 rubles

Magic for those who are not afraid to put their own

social worldview is called into question!