How old is Nikolai Baskov

Modern stars always monitor their appearance, visit specialists in the field of cosmetology, which is why it is very difficult to determine how old they are. Many fans are wondering how old Nikolai Baskov is, because he has been on stage in perfect form for decades. In 2017 Baskov is 40 years old, and he is 1976.

Baskov's biography

Kolya Baskov is a favorite singer of many art connoisseurs, he was born in Russia, but lived abroad for several years. From the age of five, the singer began to study music, study notes and the first words of songs, he began at home, his mother was engaged in him.

Baskov has a great leap in creativity, he quickly became popular, this was helped by the All-Russian Competition for Young Performers, where he became a laureate of the award. It was 1999, after some time, Kolya Baskov had already started acting in video clips, which gave him even more popularity.

In a short time after such creative growth, it was he who became a singer who sings in both Crossover and Pop styles. Each of his compositions sounded on all radio waves, both adults and children listened to him. In early 2001, Baskov became a soloist with the Bolshoi Opera Company. Also, just at that time, he became a graduate, graduated from the class of chamber and opera singing, graduated from Gnesinka. After that, he entered graduate school and after 3 years he graduated with a gold medal.

After a musical education was received, the Basques changed their lives in the roots. He had a lot of influential acquaintances and even friends, with the help of whom he began to enjoy great popularity among the audience. The most influential moment is the meeting with Montserrat Caballe, who, among a large number of opera artists, gave preference to Baskov.

Together they traveled to many countries, performed on the largest and most famous stages, which brought the singer great popularity. Together they visited:

  • Switzerland.
  • Spain.
  • Italy.
  • Germany and others.

It was during these years that Baskov was able to realize himself as an opera artist as much as possible. He began to take part in various musicals, sang opera arias, neopolitan songs, and only after that he switched to modern pop music. You can often find pop music in his works.

The singer's personal life was formed in 2001. He chose the daughter of his producer Boris Shpigel as his wife. After 5 years, their son Bronislav was born. But, unfortunately, the singer's personal life failed, and they divorced.

Literally a few months after the divorce, Baskov spoke about his engagement to Oksana Fedorova. They did not hide their relationship, and the affair took place publicly. But, the wedding never took place, in 2011 the couple told the public that they were breaking up.