Theoretical foundations for conducting reading lessons in Type VIII schools. Correction of reading disorders in primary school students

KS(KO)U "Kalininskaya special (correctional)

general education boarding school of the 8th type" Vurnarsky district of the Chuvash Republic

Formation and improvement of correct and conscious reading skills in children with intellectual disabilities through a logically structured system of exercises.

Teacher primary classes

Yablokova Valentina Nikolaevna

village Kalinino.


I consider the formation and improvement of correct and conscious reading in children with intellectual disabilities to be one of the important problems, the quality solution of which determines the children's interested attitude to reading books.

Real practice shows that children do not possess these skills at a sufficiently high level. And teaching reading means preparing a child for life, forming a certain attitude towards it. Enrich the life and emotional experience of a growing person.

K. D. Ushinsky argued that the basis in reading is understanding - “understanding reading ... is the main task in teaching literacy.” “Reading doesn’t mean anything; that reading and understanding what you read is the main thing.” Developing these attitudes of the great teacher, his follower, the outstanding Russian methodologist D.I. Tikhomirov wrote: “It is possible even in the first steps of education to teach a student to read and think, and through this to instill an interest in reading.”

The basis of the reading process is the trinity of the following psychophysiological components:

1. Visual perception of the graphic image of the word.

2. Reproduction of the sound image of a word.

3. Understanding the meaning of the word.

Correctness is reading without distortion, without errors. T. G. Egorov believes that the reason for erroneous reading among students with intellectual disabilities is that they do not have a flexible synthesis between perception, pronunciation and comprehension of content. Children distort those words whose meaning they do not understand due to a weak connection between perception and comprehension.

However, even in ancient times, it was noticed that at the very first steps in mastering reading, the greatest difficulties fall on the correctness and awareness of reading.

Reading skill takes a long time to improve. There are three stages in the process of developing this skill: analytical, synthetic and automation stage. IN primary school The work is carried out in two stages:

The analytical stage occurs during the period of learning to read and write and is characterized by syllable-letter analysis and reading words syllable by syllable.

The synthetic stage is characterized by reading whole words, while the visual perception of the word and its pronunciation almost coincide with the awareness of the meaning. Students switch to synthetic reading in 4th grade.

The peculiarity of the formation of the skill of correct reading is associated with the processes of phonemic hearing, sound pronunciation with the development of the reading field. Correct reading serves as a means for conscious reading of the text.

To develop these qualities in your practical work I use special exercises that I include in each reading lesson, consistently complicating the tasks.

This work gives a positive result, brings life into the lesson, making it more interesting and emotional.

When studying the reading skills of children with intellectual disabilities, I pay attention to how students read aloud or silently, since one of the requirements of the Type VIII correctional school program is to teach children to read text that they can understand out loud and silently, and to comprehend what they read meaningfully.

Reading aloud is reading to others. According to the research of Z. N. Smirnova, it is an important condition for a child with intellectual disabilities to comprehend and understand the meaning and content of the text.

Silent reading is also a necessary component in learning to read, because correctly delivered silent reading contributes to the development of students’ independence in perceiving and assimilating the content of what they are reading. Reading silently ensures the development of a love for books.

I try to structure my lessons so that the content, forms and methods of work in the lesson develop in students positive motivation, interest in reading and books in general.

One of the effective methods for developing correct reading skills in students is speech gymnastics. To read correctly, it is necessary to develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus. The pace of visual perception of text largely depends on the capabilities of the speech motor channel. Students with developmental disabilities have impaired mobility and coordination of articulation organs. Therefore, during the lesson, already at the stage of speech gymnastics, I conduct 3-4 articulation exercises. During the warm-up, I include exercises on the correct pronunciation of sounds, on practicing diction, on the development of the vocal apparatus (pronounce slowly, moderately, quickly). It prepares students to correctly read words and correct them.

Speech gymnastics is carried out for 3-5 minutes. Depending on the target orientation and nature of the exercise. In addition, some exercises can become part of physical education. I perform speech gymnastics while sitting or standing.

Speech gymnastics includes:

Breathing exercises;

Exercises to practice intonation and rate of speech;

Exercises to improve speech expressiveness;

Exercises to improve pronunciation (sound pronunciation and diction).

Let us give examples of speech gymnastics.

Learning to regulate breathing

The exercise is performed standing. The teacher explains to the children that they need to stand straight, calmly, at ease, not touch the board or wall, and not sway. The teacher stands facing the class and shows how to draw air into the lungs and how to slowly expend it when exhaling; draws attention to the fact that inhalation is done through the nose, silently and easily.

Then the students take a breath together with the teacher; On the count of “one” they hold their breath, then read in chorus on one exhalation to three, then to four and five. Instead of counting, when exhaling, they quietly pronounce either a sentence or the words mathematics, electricity. The teacher pays attention to ensuring that the end of the word (sentence) sounds clearly and with the same force as the beginning.

Practicing the pronunciation of vowel sounds.

1) Inhale and pronounce all vowel sounds. First, students practice as a choir.


2) I give combinations:

a-u, a-o, s-i, e-a, i-o, etc.

This skill is further reinforced through reading. The teacher demonstrates to the children how to take a breath while reading: breathe evenly and unnoticed by the audience; Before reading long sentences (without pauses), he reminds the students to take in enough air and use it sparingly in order to read the sentence from beginning to end without interruption.

Learning to speak clearly and distinctly

In order to teach children to speak clearly and distinctly, it is necessary to perform the following exercises aimed at clarifying the pronunciation of individual sounds, correct use sounds in words and sentences, to develop students’ diction. Here you can actively use pure sayings and poetic texts. For example:

We-shonku sliver-even mouse:

You keep rustling and not sleeping!

We-sho-nok whisper-chet the mouse:

I'll rustle, be quiet.

All types of exercises of this nature can be combined with program material section “Sounds and Letters” in the Russian language. For example, when studying the differentiation of sounds [s] - [z], after clarifying the pronunciation of these sounds and comparison exercises, use the following pure phrase:

Bitten the dog.

There's a wasp right in the nose.

The dog wanted

Eat a wasp.

And the wasp escaped -

She's gone!

Training in the clarity of pronunciation of paired consonants by voicedness - deafness:



Training in the pronunciation of consonants in combination with vowels:


Learning to speak quickly and slowly

To teach children to speak quickly or slowly, you should perform exercises, the purpose of which is to develop the skill of changing the tempo at the time of speech, which helps improve diction. In addition, such exercises help develop auditory perception and sound discrimination abilities, and improve articulation.

These types of work include the use of tongue twisters (for example, “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass”; “Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets”; “Senya was carrying a cart of hay”), as well as poems, for example:

All the maples have turned red,

And not one is being teased.

Since everyone is red anyway -

Who cares?

Learning to speak loudly and quietly

Exercises aimed at developing the ability to regulate the strength of the voice depending on the situation will help teach a child to speak loudly or quietly. You can use specially selected poems and then read them, for example, the poem “Echo” by E. Trutneva, etc. Some exercises for speech gymnastics are available in the methodological apparatus of the reading textbook.

Reading in a whisper and slowly:

a) Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles.

Lo-lo-lo – it’s warm outside.

Mu-mu-mu - milk for anyone?

Ry-ry-ry - mosquitoes are flying.

b) Reading quietly and moderately:

archa-artsa arla-archa

arta-arda arsa-arzha

V ) Reading loudly and confidently:



Five-minute reading is a stage of the lesson that allows you to improve your reading technique and increase the time allotted to reading by each student. This stage includes:

Reading syllabic tables of various modifications;

Reading words that are difficult in syllabic and morphemic composition, additional, facilitated texts that are accessible for independent reading by children with intellectual disabilities;

Readings by guess.

Another goal of five-minute reading is to expand the reading field of students as a condition for improving reading technique.

Five minutes of reading can be carried out by the teacher at any stage of the lesson simultaneously with work on the text.

To develop the skill of correct reading, I use the following series of exercises:

Group 1: exercises aimed at developing memory and attention.

1 . Game "Photographer".

The tape contains 5-6 letters from the text read in class. For a certain time, students must read the words and remember them. Then the teacher removes one word. Asks children: What has changed? What word disappeared?

2. In one minute, find words in the text starting with a given letter (for example, find words starting with the letter “d”). The first option is in the first paragraph (6 words, the second option is in the second paragraph (3 words). Text: E. Permyak “What are hands needed for.”

3. Find the extra letter(take pictures): a, o, c, y, i. Children must remember all the letters in 30 seconds and name the extra one (the letter “v”, since it is a consonant).

4. Find the extra syllable: bo, but, ko, so, ky, ro (“ky”, since the others are with the letter “o”, and this one is with the letter “s”).

5. Divide the words into 2 groups:

a) cow, nightingale, goat, crow, sheep, magpie;

Group 1 – “Pets”

Group 2 – “Birds”

b) hare, peas, hedgehog, bear, cabbage, wolf, cucumber.

Group 1 – “Animals”

Group 2 – “Vegetables”

Group 2: exercises with words.

1. Reading words that differ in one letter: chalk - mel, soap - soap, small - crumpled, mouse - bear, bear - bowl.

2. Reading words whose spelling contains the same letters: bush - knock, pine - pump, fur - laughter, mouse - reed, brand - frame, oil - resin, midge - chamomile.

3. Reading words that have the same prefixes, endings: arrived, came, sewed, brought, chorus; red, white, blue, black, yellow.

4. Vocabulary work (finding out the lexical meaning of words before reading).

5. Preliminary syllable-by-syllable reading of words with complex syllabic or morphemic composition.

Re-re-lo-zhi-la - shifted

I said goodbye - I said goodbye

I looked - I looked

6. Reading inverted tongue twisters

Aknyonor anorov alinovorp

(see Appendix 2) .

The most important thing is to cultivate students' reading consciousness. Consciousness of reading presupposes an understanding of the meaning of both individual words and expressions and the entire work as a whole, its ideas, images and role artistic means.

The assimilation of the content of what is read is carried out in the process of analyzing the works. At the same time, a system of work to establish cause-and-effect relationships and patterns is important, since this type of activity has an important correctional value.

Pascal said: “We will understand nothing if we read too fast or too slow.”

The greatest opportunities for developing the reading consciousness of schoolchildren lie in such types of work as:

Preparation for the initial perception of the text ( introduction teachers, possible use of observations of phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality);

Setting up a targeted perception of the text;

Primary perception of the text, emotional-evaluative conversation with the simultaneous use of visual and verbal teaching aids;

Conversation in connection with the analysis of parts of the text and the entire story (establishing the sequence of events, cause-and-effect relationships in the development of the plot, understanding the relationship between individual parts of the text and the logic of events, clarifying motives for behavior characters, determining the essential traits of their characters, comparing heroes, assessing their actions);

Vocabulary work (carried out at all stages of work on the text);

Work on a plan (verbal drawing - illustrating the text, dramatization; titling each part of the story, collective work with the teacher - dividing the text into parts according to these headings, inventing headings after students divide the text into parts);

Retelling (answers to questions, retelling close to the text);

Analysis of life situations;

Final, summarizing conversation.

The implementation of the task of developing students' reading consciousness is provided for by the methodological apparatus of the textbook. It presents questions and tasks for analyzing the content of parts and the work as a whole; vocabulary work; materials for emotional-evaluative conversation; work on drawing up a plan: verbal drawing techniques, titling parts of the text, coming up with headings, etc.

Exercises to develop conscious reading skills

Group 1: logical exercises.

1. What do the words have in common and how do they differ?

Chalk is shallow, small is crumpled, soap is sweet.

2 . Name it in one word.

Crow, sparrow, swallow, tit; scissors, hammer, axe, rake; scarf, mittens, coat, jacket; TV, iron, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator; potatoes, beets, onions, kaputa; horse, cow, pig, sheep; shoes, boots, slippers, sneakers; linden, birch, spruce, pine; goose, duck, chicken; green, blue, red, yellow.

3 . Divide the words into groups.

Hare, peas, hedgehog, bear, cabbage, wolf, cucumber.

Cow, wardrobe, chair, sofa, goat, sheep, table.

4 . For the highlighted word, select the words that make sense.

Herbs: plantain, clover, sorrel, coltsfoot, birch.

Insects: magpie, fly, beetle, mosquito, bee, crow, sparrow.

Shoes: boots, coat, jacket, shoes, slippers, jacket.

5. Which letter, syllable, word is extra?

a u r o s

ma ra la ny ta

ku na dy ti lo

Group 2: games with words.

1. Game " Find the word in the word."

For example, currants (homeland, juice, board, etc.).

2. Game “Who Screams How.”

Goose - squeaks

Duck - cackling

Chicken cackling

Rooster - quacks

Chicken - crowing

3. Game "Name the parents"

The chicken has a duck

The duckling has a goose, a gander

The gosling has a chicken and a rooster

4. Make words from these letters.

y, x, l, k, p, e, s, o

5 . Reading two-syllable words with a missing letter.




6. Reading two-syllable words with two missing letters.



7. Analysis of the meanings of synonymous words:

key - spring,

warrior - soldier-fighter,

chilly - freeze - freeze,

fence - wattle fence,

guard - guard - guard - guard,

brave - courageous - courageous - courageous

8 . Change the words like this:

maple leaves - maple leaves

city ​​streets -...

pine smell -...

made of stone - stone

made of paper -...

made from straw -...

Group 3: work with deformed texts, unfinished stories.

1. Compose the text (rearrangement of sentences, texts are selected to the topic of the lesson.

2. Make up sentences about the topic of the lesson.

At school.

School, class, desk, duty officer, guys, notebook, pencil case, lesson.

3. Finish the story.

Caring for birds.

Frosty winter has arrived. Birds are sitting on a pine tree. They are looking for food...

Group 4: working with text (textbook).

1. Read the text yourself, answer the questions written on the board.

2. Arrange the questions in order of the content of the text.

3. Read out the answer to the 2nd question.

4. Ask questions about the text or part of the text.

5. Determine how many parts there are in the text.

6. Work on the title.

7. Selective reading. Find in the text a description of the hero, nature, etc.

8. Compiling crossword puzzles based on the text.

9. Selection of proverbs and sayings that reveal the theme of the text.

10. Retelling with and without questions.

11. Drawing up a text plan.

12. Selection of illustrations for the text.

13. Based on the illustration, determine the content of the text.

14. “Destroyed Texts.”

15. Get organized.

16. Determining the main idea of ​​a text by title

17. Based on the illustrations to the text, determine its content.

Article on correctional pedagogy. Correction of reading impairments in primary school students with disabilities (intellectual disabilities)

Author: Tatyana Aleksandrovna Prigorneva, primary school teacher at the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Valuysk Special Secondary School - Boarding School” in Valuyki.

Description of material: This material will be useful to teachers teaching students with disabilities health in primary school according to an adapted program developed on the basis of the “Special (correctional) program educational institutions VIII type 1-4 classes” edited by V.V. Voronkova. - M.:, Education, 2013.

In educational institutions where children with disabilities (children with intellectual disabilities) study, the problem of developing reading skills is especially acute. These children need special correctional and developmental education. The contingent of students is heterogeneous in terms of perception, memory, mental activity, disorders of psychophysical functions, speech development.

The psychophysiological basis of reading difficulties is the slow rate of reception and processing of visually perceived information, the establishment of associative connections between the visual, auditory and speech motor centers involved in the act of reading, the low rate of thought processes underlying the comprehension of perceived information, and weakness of self-control. A primary school teacher must be aware of the characteristics of children with disabilities, their learning difficulties and provide them with qualified assistance and support at the stage of learning to read where the problem arises. Helping the teacher understand the causes of reading disorders and introducing special methods of correctional work is the main goal of this article.

Education in the primary grades of a correctional school of the VIII type is carried out according to an adapted program developed on the basis of the “Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, grades 1-4”, edited by Dr. pedagogical sciences V.V. Voronkova. – M.: Education, 2013.

The purpose of the reading and speech development program: to form the skill of conscious, correct, fluent, expressive reading of whole words, to develop coherent oral speech, which is a necessary condition for the successful acquisition by students with disabilities of the level of educational skills that they need for social adaptation and rehabilitation in society.

Objectives of teaching reading and speech development:
- teach schoolchildren to correctly and meaningfully read a text they can understand out loud and silently;
- analyze the works read (highlight the main idea, the main characters, evaluate their actions);
- increase the level of general and speech development of students, teach them to consistently and correctly express their thoughts orally (full and selective retelling, compiling a story by analogy with what they read);
- to form the moral qualities of students, reading independence and culture.

Along with these tasks, special tasks aimed at correcting the mental activity of schoolchildren are also solved in the classroom.

Main directions of correctional work:
- development of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and patterns;
- improving the skills of coherent oral speech, enriching and clarifying vocabulary;
- correction of deficiencies in the development of cognitive activity.
- development of articulatory motor skills;
- developing the ability to work according to verbal instructions and algorithms;
- correction of disturbances in the emotional and personal sphere;
- expanding ideas about the world around us;
- correction of individual gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities.

Speech disorders in children with developmental disabilities are diverse in their manifestations, mechanisms, level, and their consequences are various reading disorders.

The following are considered as the main reasons for the occurrence of reading disorders in primary school students of Type VIII correctional schools in domestic correctional pedagogy: 1) phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (G. A. Kashe, R. E. Lenina, etc.); 2) general underdevelopment of speech (G. A. Kashe, L. F. Spirova, etc.); H) level mental development(A.N. Kornev, N.A. Tsytsina, etc.).

The process of mastering reading by children with disabilities proceeds slowly and is characterized by qualitative originality and certain difficulties. All reading errors in these children can be divided into 5 groups:
1) Failure to master letters. Children with disabilities experience failure to learn letters of varying severity: from failure to learn several letters to failure to learn 20-25 letters.
2) Letter by letter reading. In some cases, children cannot even merge individual syllables, naming the letters one by one. In others, after naming letters in isolation, children pronounce the syllable together.
H) Distortion of the sound and syllabic structure of a word. Numerous distortions of the sound-syllable structure of the word are noted, varying in nature: a) omissions of consonants in conjunction (bench-hint);
b) omissions of consonants and vowels in the absence of a confluence (locomotive-parvoz);
c) add more sounds (in the rain, in the rain);
d) rearrangement of sounds (shovel - lotapa);
e) omissions, rearrangements of syllables (kanava-kavana).
4) Impaired reading comprehension.
5) Agrammatisms appear in schoolchildren at the stage of synthetic reading techniques, especially starting from the 2nd grade of a correctional school. They manifest themselves in a violation of the morphological structure of the word, in the replacement of prefixes, suffixes, endings, in a violation of their understanding and use in the reading process (wanted - “wanted”, dove - “dove”).

Students with disabilities have impairments in all components of reading skills: reading method, reading accuracy, reading comprehension, reading expressiveness. The teacher needs to examine students, analyze and determine the type of reading disorder, its manifestation in each and draw up long-term plan corrective work to eliminate.

Correction of reading errors.
Correct reading is reading without errors or distortions. Correct reading - expressed in the absence of errors in: 1) substitutions, 2) omissions, 3) rearrangements, 4) additions, 5) distortions, 6) repetitions of letters, syllables, words in readable text, 7) errors of stress in words.

In the lessons, the following methods are used to correct the main violations of reading accuracy of students in the primary classes of the VIII type correctional school. R.I. Lalaeva recommends special techniques that help develop correct reading. These include:

1.Sound-letter analysis of words:
- select words that begin with stressed vowels;
- choose the letter for the picture that corresponds to the first sound (windows, aster, street);
- speech lotto;
- recognition of the initial vowel in an unstressed position. Determine by ear what sound is at the beginning of words; recognition of a vowel sound in the middle of a word. Words are offered in pairs, children must determine the corresponding sound:
bush, juice son, elk smoke, carried forest, tooth
closet, little sleep, the mouse sat down, there was an onion, he drank
After children learn to operate freely with vowel sounds, they should move on to working with consonants.

Tasks for recognizing and isolating consonant sounds:
a) recognition of the initial sound in a word;
b) recognizing the last consonant in a word;
c) recognition of a consonant in the middle of a word;
d) select pictures whose names contain a certain consonant sound in any position.

2.Reading tables with difficult words; preliminary syllable-by-syllable reading of words with complex syllabic or morphemic composition.

3. Reading short texts not related to the work being studied in class, written on the board.

4. Choral reading of the difficult part of the story.

5. Distribution of parts of the text for reading among students, taking into account the capabilities of each.

6. Reading by guess.

7. Training reading with tasks of various types (selective reading, finding part of the text for an illustration, etc.).

In order to prevent errors, preliminary dictionary work is carried out, which is aimed at clarifying the lexical meaning of words, without understanding the meaning of which the perception of the text will be difficult.

To develop correct reading, in addition to organizing daily exercises and preventing errors, constant monitoring of students’ reading accuracy and timely correction of errors are necessary.
Corrective work regarding the reading method.
The main violations of the reading method among primary school students in correctional schools are difficulties in merging letters into syllables and syllables into words. Many children tend to get stuck in ineffective ways of reading for a long time. The reason for this is the insufficient formation of sound and syllabic synthesis, which constitutes one of the important prerequisites for successfully mastering the skill of reading.
The development of sound-syllable synthesis in oral speech is one of the areas of correctional work in relation to the method of reading:
a) game “Tape recorder”: the teacher, one by one, with pauses, names the syllables from which the children must form a word.
b) synthesis of words from syllables with one constant and one changing syllable:
ro -zha, - ma, -ta, - ha

C) game “Telegraph”: the teacher taps out the syllabic structure of the word, and the children must guess what word it could be: for example, the name of someone present.
d) game “Help Dunno”
Dunno mixed up the syllables. Help him put the syllables in place to make a word.
e) individual sounds (s, a) are pronounced to the child. What syllable should be produced?
f) game “The word crumbled” Compiling a word from given letters.
g) game “Lost letter”
DU. SU. D. M. B. K
What word will you get if you insert a letter?

Practicing the skill of reading all types of syllables. In grades 1 and 2, at the beginning of each lesson, it is necessary to work on the syllabic table, which is given in the textbook “Primer” (for 1st grade of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type) edited by V.V. Voronkova, I.V. Kolomytkina.

The skill of visual syllable division is practiced on the material of two-syllable words in the following sequence: a) two-syllable words without a consonant cluster, first with emphasis on the last and then on the first syllable (moon, piece, flour, hand, fog, saffron milk cap, ball); b) two-syllable words with a vowel syllable and a consonant cluster at the beginning of the word (morning, aster, curtains, window, waited, sleepers, elephants); c) multi-letter two-syllable words (omission, shed, friend, coat, dawn). Next, reading of three-syllable and polysyllabic words is also practiced.

Reading can be loud (out loud) or silent (to yourself). The following types of aloud reading are used in each lesson:
1) Reading after the announcer.
2) Reading in pairs, group reading.
3) Reading with your eyes off the text.
4) Reading at a faster pace.
5) Reading with transition to unfamiliar text.
b) Buzz reading.
7) Read at the pace of a tongue twister.
8) Visual dictations.

Silent reading is also a necessary component in learning to read, because correctly delivered silent reading contributes to the development of students’ independence in perceiving and assimilating the content of what they are reading. When teaching silent reading, you can use the following techniques:
1) reading to oneself tasks written on the board or on a card, followed by their completion (for example, “show your notebook”, “raise your hand”);
2) students read aloud the questions written on the board, then read the text indicated by the teacher to themselves, after which they answer the questions posed by the teacher;
3) after silent reading, students draw verbal pictures of the text or its individual parts, answer questions placed in the reading textbook.

Silent reading develops gradually, starting from the 3rd grade of a correctional school, and only by the end of the 4th grade is it well and qualitatively formed. The transition from reading aloud to reading silently is closely related to the stage of “humming”, silent reading, which is the next step in the formation of this complex skill.

Correction of reading comprehension disorders.
Consciousness of reading presupposes an understanding of the meaning of both individual words and expressions and the entire work as a whole, its ideas, images and the role of artistic means. Correction of reading comprehension disorders is included in such types of work as:
- preparation for the primary perception of the text (introductory speech by the teacher, possible use of observations of phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality);
- setting for targeted perception of the text;
-primary perception of the text, emotional-evaluative conversation with the simultaneous use of visual and verbal teaching aids;
- a conversation in connection with the analysis of parts of the text and the entire story (establishing the sequence of events, primary-consequence connections in the development of the plot, understanding the relationship between individual parts of the text and the logic of events, clarifying the motives for the behavior of the characters, determining the essential features of their characters, comparing characters, evaluation their actions). Students are offered tasks for the development of logical thinking, the basis of which are sentences expressing the communication of relationships:
1. The wolf is chasing a hare. Who's running ahead?
2. Garden behind the house. What's ahead?
3.I read the newspaper after I had breakfast. What did I do first?

It should be noted that in any cases when there are doubts about reading comprehension, students should be provided with help: vocabulary work (carried out at all stages of work on the text), attracting children’s attention to understanding what they read must be done from their first steps in reading. Children should immediately be given the instruction: “read it, understand it.” To activate attention to the meaning of a read word, it is recommended to use the following techniques:
a) selective oral explanation to children of the meaning of the words read,
offered on the board or special individual cards;
b) selection of pictures or display of objects from the environment;
c) selection of antonyms or synonyms (from a group of words proposed on another card; independently);
d) a schematic representation of an object or action on the board;
e) depiction of an object, action using facial expressions, pantomimes;
f) coming up with a sentence with the word read;
g) search for a word with an unknown lexical meaning for children in a group of suggested words;
h) explanation of the meaning of the word by the teacher, etc.

If the word has multiple meanings (handle, key, tear off, lift, etc.), then you should sort out several meanings with the children and include the word in different contexts.
- work on the plan (verbal drawing - illustrating the text, dramatization; titling each part of the story, collective work with the teacher - dividing the text into parts according to these headings, inventing headings after dividing the text by students);
- retelling (answers to questions, retelling close to the text);
- analysis of life situations;
- final, summarizing conversation.

Correction of reading fluency.
Reading fluency is a reading speed that presupposes and ensures conscious perception of what is being read. In the process of examining reading skills, it is necessary to pay attention to the pace (reading speed). Starting from the 3rd grade of a correctional school of the VIII type, when the bulk of students switch to smooth reading in whole words, it is necessary to practice this skill.
The main correctional techniques that contribute to the development of reading fluency are:
- daily training of students in reading (students should read as much as possible, at least 25-30 minutes per lesson);
- repeated re-reading of the text in class. In order for rereading to achieve positive results and not reduce interest in reading, the following types of work are recommended:
- selective reading,

Answers to questions about what you read using lines from the text,
-finding and rereading individual passages of the text when analyzing the content;
- preliminary orientation of students before reading the text.
- reading difficult words found in the text. I first write out words that are complex in syllabic or morphemic composition on the board in syllable-by-syllable order, and the students read them aloud.
- preliminary reading of the text to oneself (“buzzing” or quiet reading);
- use of specially prepared tables associated with the text.

Correction of expressive reading skills.
Work on expressive reading should be preceded by a thorough analysis of the work: disclosure characteristic features characters, pictures depicted in the work; show the author’s attitude to events and the actions of the characters; convey the basic emotional tone inherent in the work. By influencing the feelings and emotions of children, expressiveness helps to reveal the main idea of ​​the work.

Work on developing expressive reading skills begins in grade 1, but becomes more specific only in grades 2-4. Work on the intonation component of reading skills begins with developing the ability to observe pauses on punctuation marks (period, question and exclamation marks).

Logical stress is also important for this component. To work on logical stress, you can use exercises with moving the logical stress from one word of a phrase to another while simultaneously changing the meaning of the phrase, and also use analysis of various situations: “Read so that only the teacher can hear you; and now loudly so that the whole class can hear; read slowly, quickly; read in such a way as to express surprise, joy, anxiety.”

To develop the skill of expressive reading, it is necessary to teach children to change the strength of their voice, change the pitch, rhythm and tempo of speech, and timbre of their voice.

An important component of learning the skill of expressive reading is working on correct intonation, which begins with developing the ability to imitate the teacher’s intonation.

The main types of exercises for developing correct intonation are:
- change in tone (read how the wolf speaks (rudely, angrily), the fox (quietly, affectionately, insinuatingly);
- reading by role;
- dramatizations of fables and skits.

Correction of reading disorders using speech gymnastics and five-minute reading.
I carry out work on the formation of all the qualities of full-fledged reading during the study of the text, as well as in specially structurally allocated parts of the reading lesson: speech gymnastics and five-minute reading.

Speech gymnastics is aimed at solving several problems:
improving the clarity of pronunciation, developing diction, correct breathing; In addition, it contributes to the formation of expressive speech and the development of basic techniques of expressive reading.

Speech gymnastics is carried out for 3-5 minutes (up to 10 minutes is possible) depending on the target orientation and nature of the exercises. In some cases, when speech gymnastics exercises can be combined with materials from the text being studied, it is not taught as a separate structural part of the lesson.

In addition, some exercises can become part of physical education. Speech gymnastics can be carried out sitting or standing (while practicing breathing, performing dynamic exercises).

Speech gymnastics includes:
breathing exercises;
voice power modulation exercises;
exercises to practice intonation and speech rate;
exercises to improve speech expressiveness;
exercises to improve pronunciation (sound pronunciation and diction).

Five minute reading- a lesson stage that allows you to improve
reading technique and increase the time allocated for reading by each student. This stage includes:
reading syllabic tables of various modifications;
reading words that are difficult in syllabic and morphemic composition, additional, facilitated texts that are accessible for independent reading by children with intellectual disabilities;
reading by guess.

Another goal of five-minute reading is to expand the reading field of students as a condition for improving reading technique. Five minutes of reading can be done at any stage of the lesson simultaneously with work on the text.

The various techniques and types of work discussed in the lessons are aimed at correcting the reading skills of primary school students in a correctional school. Systematic corrective work will certainly bring positive results. Schoolchildren with disabilities will develop an interest in the works they read and the ability to independently understand the content of what they are reading and draw appropriate conclusions from it. As a result of performing the proposed exercises, students' vocabulary is clarified and enriched, the lexical side of speech develops, and the ability to correctly construct sentences and express their thoughts correctly and consistently is developed.

Application. Material for speech gymnastics.

We learn to speak clearly and distinctly.
Here you can actively use pure sayings and poetic texts.
For example:
Who wants to talk
He must reprimand
Everything is correct and clear,
So that it is clear to everyone.
We will talk
And we will reprimand
So correct and clear
So that it is clear to everyone.

We whisper to the mouse:
- You keep rustling, you’re not sleeping!
We-sho-nok whisper-chet the mouse:
- I'll rustle, be quiet.

Look, there are apples on the branches!
Get them together quickly!
But then the apples fluttered up.
After all, this is sne-gi-ri!

Ar-ar-ar - there is a lantern hanging in the room.
Bang-bang - there are pillars in the yard.
Du-do-da- the wires are humming.
Zhu-zhu-zhu - let's give milk to the hedgehog.
Cha-cha-cha - a candle is burning in the room.
Chu-chu-chu- I knock with a hammer.
Ra-ra-ra - the game begins.
Ry-ry-ry - the boys have balls.
Ro-ro-ro - Raya has a new bucket.
Ru-ru-ru - we continue the game.
Or-or-or - the red tomato is ripe.
Ir-ir-ir - my dad is the commander.
Lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside.
Lu-lu-lu - the table is in the corner.
Sha-sha-sha - the mother washes the baby.
Shu-shu-shu - I'm writing a letter.
Sa-sa-sa - a fox is running in the forest.
Su-su-su - it was cold in the forest.

Learning to speak quickly and slowly.
This type of work includes the use of tongue twisters:
Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.
Senya was carrying a cart of hay.
A fisherman is catching fish; his entire catch floats into the river.
Frost lay on the branches of the spruce tree, and the needles turned white overnight.
Mishka knocked off the pine cones with his hat.
Kostya is mowing the hay. Senya carries hay in the canopy.
Titmouse, titmouse - sister to the sparrow.
The couch potato, a red cat, was lying down on his stomach.
Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.
The little chatterbox chattered and chatted about the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.
Radishes rarely grew in the garden bed, and the garden bed was rarely in order.

Poems can be used.
For example:
All the maples have turned red,
And not one is being teased.
Since everyone is red anyway -
Who cares?

We learn to speak loudly and quietly.
Exercises aimed at developing the ability to regulate the strength of the voice depending on the situation will help teach a child to speak loudly or quietly. You can use specially selected poems and then read them, for example, the poem by E. Trutneva “Echo” and others.
“Echo” (G. Vieru)
-Mother! - heard from the hill.
Echo will also shout: “Ma-a-a!”
It was the baby who called his mother.
Echo, who are you shouting to?

“Echo” (F. Bobylev)
We are looking for Echo with the whole squad:
-Echo, where are you?
- Near! Near!
Echo! Echo1
What fun!
It means a forest path
The echo walks and wanders with you
Invisible day - day.
Exercises to practice intonation.
Children are offered the game "Kolobok". Assignment: say in the voice of a bear (then a fox, a hare, a wolf) the phrase “Kolobok, Kolobok, I’ll eat you!”
Read the phrase “So autumn has come...” with different intonations:
- surprised, - important,
- offended,
- joyfully,
- sadly.

Forms and means of control. Features of the organization of reading control in primary grades.
Current reading control takes place at each lesson in the form of an individual or frontal oral survey: reading a text, retelling the content of a work (full, brief, selective), expressive reading by heart or from sight. It is carried out on the material of the studied program works, mainly in oral form. In order to identify individual reading skills and abilities, ongoing testing and assessment of knowledge can be carried out.

Reading techniques are tested at the beginning, middle and end of the school year.
The final control of reading aloud is carried out individually 3 times during the school year: at the beginning of the school year (starting control), for the 1st half of the year, for the 2nd half of the year. When testing your reading technique, it is recommended to select unfamiliar but accessible texts.

The assessment takes into account the success of students in mastering reading techniques (correctness, fluency, expressiveness) and the content of what is being read (highlighting the main idea, answering questions, retelling) in accordance with the program requirements for each year of study.

At the beginning of the next school year, reading technique is checked using texts whose volume corresponds to the volume of texts from the previous year.

The form is presented in table form.
Form for checking the reading technique of students in _____ grade __ half-year __-_ academic year.

F.I. students
Reading method
Syllable reading
Syllable reading and whole words
in whole words

Correct reading
3 or more errors
1 -2 errors
No mistakes

Reading expressiveness

Conscious reading
Reading unconsciously

Word count

Sample texts to test reading technique for grade 4
By berry
So the strawberries are ripe. Grandmother and Nadya took the mugs, went into the forest - and let’s collect them. Only grandma - in the mug, and Nadya - in her mouth.
We came home. Grandma’s mug is full, and Nadya’s is empty; even grandpa has nothing to treat her with. Nadya felt ashamed. (40 words) (Ya. Taits)

1. Where did grandma and Nadya go?
2. What berries did they go to the forest to pick?
3. Why did Nadya feel ashamed?

Belkin drying room (V. Bianki)
The squirrel took one of its round nests in the trees for storage. She has hazelnuts and cones stacked there.
In addition, the squirrel collected mushrooms - boletus and birch mushrooms. She planted them on broken pine branches and dried them for future use. (37 words)

-Who is the text talking about?
-What does the squirrel have in the pantry?
- What mushrooms did the squirrel pick?

Lesson on reading and speech development in 3rd grade.
Topic: “Explanatory reading of the story
I. Sokolova - Mikitova “The Cranes Are Flying Away”

Goals:- improve the skill of correct and conscious reading in whole words; expand students' knowledge about migratory birds; - develop speech skills, creativity, attention, and the ability to analyze a work;
- cultivate a love for nature.

Equipment: illustrations, vocabulary words, texts for five minutes of reading, the title of the section “Autumn Time”, tongue twister, game “Make Words”, letters on magnets.
During the classes.
1. Class organization.
Don't forget to take it on the road
A reliable bunch of “keys”. You will find a way into any story,
You will enter any fairy tale.

2. Five minutes of reading.- Name the topic of the section. ("Autumn time")
- The autumn wind blew and multi-colored autumn leaves flew towards us through the open window. Autumn sent them to us. Autumn wants you to learn a lot about her and read her stories (reading various texts about autumn printed on autumn leaves, cut from colored paper.)
- What did autumn tell you about? (student answers) - Name autumn signs.

3. Speech warm-up.
Let's do a speech warm-up.

1) Read (in chorus): Autumn has come
Read this phrase with different intonations:
- surprised, - important,
- offended,
- joyfully,
- sadly.

2) Game “Make words”. Mushroom-glasses, -ok, -nick.
-Do the words made up refer to autumn? Why?

3) Working with tongue twisters. Autumn tongue twister:
Autumn has colored the aspen tree,
I like Aspen very much.

4. Checking homework. Competition "Best Reader of Autumn". Expressive recitation by heart of poems about autumn (students' choice) to the music of Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons". Exhibition of drawings for poems.

5. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1) Introductory conversation.
- Today in the lesson we will continue our acquaintance with the works of the “Autumn Time” section.
- Which birds fly away from our region in the fall?
- Name the migratory birds. -Where are they flying to? migratory birds?
- Guess the riddle:
Long-legged, long-necked,
Long-billed, gray body,
And the back of the head is bare, red,
Wanders through the dirty swamps,
Catches frogs in them,
Clueless jumpers. (crane, illustration showing)
- What do you know about this bird? (The teacher summarizes and supplements the students’ information.)
- Look at the picture. What do you see? (illustration “Flight of the Cranes”)
- How many of you have seen cranes flying in the sky?

2) Vocabulary work. Explanation of the meaning of the word "shoals".

3) Report the topic of the lesson.- What do you think we will read about today? - Let's get acquainted with the story by I. Sokolov - Mikitov “The Cranes Are Flying Away.”
4) Reading of the text by the teacher.
- How did this story make you feel?
- Why do cranes fly away? warm countries?

5) Vocabulary work.
Explanation of the meaning of the words: “waders”, “tops of fir trees” (the words are given on the tables).

6) Practicing reading skills. Read the words written on the table, first syllable by syllable, then in whole words: circled - circled,
under-n-ma-yut-sya - rise,
pro-sy-pa-yut-sya - wake up,

7) Independent reading. Students read a story (“buzz reading”).
Individual work with weak students.

5. Dynamic pause.

6.Continuing to study new material.

1) Explanatory reading. Students read the story aloud in a chain with an explanation of the meaning of the passage read.

2) Analysis of the work.
- How did the cranes prepare for departure? Read it.
- As they say in the story that warm countries are far away and that it is difficult to fly there? Read it.
-Where did the cranes stop to rest?
- Read the description autumn forest before sunrise.
- Read the description of the autumn forest after sunrise.
- Which forest would you like to visit? Why?
- Read the last lines of the story. How do they make you feel?
- In what voice should they be read - happy or sad?

3) Game “Shifters”.
Ilvaruzh (cranes).
Ikiluk (waders).
Otolob (swamp).
7. Self-study task. Prepare a reading of the story by I. Sokolov - Mikitov “The Cranes Are Flying Away” p. 46-48, answer the questions.

8. Lesson summary.
- What work did we get acquainted with in class?
- What is this story about?
- Do you think the path of the cranes is difficult? Why?
- How should we help birds?
- Will the cranes return to their native lands in the spring?

Topic: M. Prishvin. Gadgets. 4th grade.

Tasks :

    • Improving the skills of conscious, expressive reading;

    • Development of attention based on exercises in reading letter tables and letter anagrams.

      Development of speech, expansion of students' vocabulary.

      Cultivating motivation for reading and love for the animal world.

Equipment: Subject pictures of tits, cards with letters

anagrams, encrypted author's surname, alphabetic

table: “Find words”, testing to check home

tasks, tokens, Power presentationPoint.

During the classes:

I . Organizational moment:

1) Conversation:

Hello guys!

- For correct answers you will receive tokens. Who has tokens?

accumulates the most, he will receive a good grade.

Which section did you start studying?

Who did you read about in this section? About animals.

Slides 4- 15

Let's play and test your knowledge about animals.

2) Game: “Say the word”

1. The hare is jumping, and the swallow ……….

2. The worm crawls, and the fish ………….

3. The horse runs, and the snake ………….

4. The caterpillar crawls, and the grasshopper……

5. The cow moos, and the horse………..

6. The dog barks, and the cat ……………

7. The pig grunts, and the sheep ………….

8. The hen clucks, and the cuckoo……..

9. The frog croaks, and the mouse………..

10. The magpie chirps, and the crow……..

11. The turtle crawls, and the horse......

12. The rooster crows, and the goose……..

II . Checking homework:

    Introductory conversation:

Slide -17

What animal did you read about at home? About the dog.

Let's check how well you know the content.


Slides – 18- 21

1. Who found the dog?




Prove it using words from the text.

2 . What happened to the dog?

    Struck by lightning;

    Hit by a passing car;

    The owner abandoned him.

3. What amazing incident happened to the guys?

    The children floated away on the ice floe;

    The children got lost in the forest;

    The children flew into space.

Prove with words from the text.

4. Who helped the children?




Prove with words from the text.

5. Which proverb fits this story?

    Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

    An old friend is better than two new ones.

    Debt good turn deserves another.

4) Conducting summaries. Ratings.

III . Learning new things:

    Introduction to the topic:

The lesson will also include a representative of the animal world.

(Children are invited to choose cards themselves according to difficulty level).

Put the letters in order and read the word.

Slide - 22

Group 1 is an easier option.

Co karo

on In ro


hit In ro

Group 2 is more difficult.

tel da

jackpot ku ka

catch with

neither si tsa

Group 3 is the most difficult option.




Crow, sparrow, cuckoo - this is...


Who will be the hero of our story? Birds.

Slide - 24

Put the letters in descending order of numbers and find out the author's last name.

The photo and name of the author appears on the screen.

Teacher's story.

That's right, the story was written by Mikhail Prishvin. He loved to observe nature. And in his stories he described the beauty of nature, the life of birds and animals.

    Primary reading by the teacher.

Exercise : It's time to find out the name of the bird. I will read you a story by M. Prishvin, and you listen carefully and remember what bird the story is about.

So, what bird is the story talking about?

True about titmice.

Slide – 25

3)Teacher's story:

There are many types of tits in nature. The most common is the great tit. There is a tit - a Muscovy. There are tufted tits.

Our story talks about the smallest tits - chickadees.

Slide -26

IV . Physical education minute:

I propose to depict birds known to us to the music:



    A penguin is also a bird.

    The bird king is the eagle.

V . Continuation of the stage of learning something new:

Slide – 28

    Practicing reading techniques. Circular reading.

got caught moving

humbler special

wood squeaked

convinced the chubby ones

quietly peered

2) Parsing unclear words:

Slide - 29

Sawdust – waste from sawing wood.

Gray – dark gray with a bluish tint.

Snuck up - unnoticed, quietly approached.

Convinced - made me believe.

3) Reading “Relay Race”.

After the word “stop”, say the name of the person to whom you are passing the baton.

The next participant repeats the last sentence of the previous one

participant and reads again until the “stop” command.

Slide - 30

4) Answers on questions:

What were the little titmice doing?

How did the nuts behave in a moment of danger?

What did the captive bird do? Why?

How did the second tit help her?

    Read the passage that matches this illustration.

Slide - 31

5) Gymnastics for the eyes:

Slide - 32

I suggest watching the movement of tits


6) Preparing for reading by role.

Slide -33

How many titmice were there?

    Reading by roles. Children reading have signs on their desks.

    Homework: - expressive reading.

Slide – 34

VII . Result:

The birds have sent you a letter. In every line

hidden word.

Slide - 35




How can you and I help the birds?

What do titmouses eat?

Tits love mosquitoes, midges, caterpillars, and aphids. These birds are beneficial and are considered best friends gardeners because they destroy insect pests.

They destroy not only in summer, but also in winter by catching insects in the bark of trees. This reduces the number of pests many times over by spring.

That's why November 12 People celebrate the holiday “Titmouse Day” by strengthening feeders on trees.


What can you put in your feeder in winter? Seeds, grains, bread, seeds.

If there is time left, you can offer to guess

what the titmouse likes to feast on in winter.

Slide – 37

You guessed it right. Tits love it very much


What story did you learn about in class?

What does the story teach us?

You did a good job. Let's count the tokens. Ratings.

Sveta Skibo
Consultation for teachers “The role of extracurricular reading in cognitive development pupils of a correctional school"

The problem of introducing children to reading is becoming global. "Signs of Trouble" today, according to psychologists and teachers, are the consumption ideology taking shape before our eyes, the decline in prestige and the level of knowledge and education. Children and youth develop a rejection of such moral values ​​as kindness and responsiveness, decency and nobility, honesty and hard work, citizenship and patriotism. In a situation of immorality in all spheres of life surrounding a child - in everyday life, in the yard and on the street - in that muddy stream that pours on him from television screens, everyone, and especially the child, who comes into this world not in the best, kindest time, moral supports are needed, pure sources of Goodness and Beauty, which have always saved humanity, and a person must fall into these life-giving springs from childhood. After all, it is in childhood, when the child’s ideas about “what is good and what is bad”, the moral foundation of the individual is laid. What should a child do, where should he look today for these moral supports and models, if both at home and on the street he sees more immoral than moral.

Therefore, one of the most important tasks school is education a highly moral personality, capable of independently assessing the surrounding reality and determining their life choices. In the implementation of this task, great role literature plays like school discipline, shaping the spiritual world and value orientations of students. Literature in general is one way explore the world, humanity, itself. It conveys the thoughts, views of the author, his attitude to life and reality in the best possible way. Introduces pupils with the moral and aesthetic values ​​of the culture of its people and humanity as a whole and contributes to the deep, personal development of these values, since in the process perception in a literary text, reason, feelings, and will are involved, which means that the process of general and moral child's personality development, his upbringing.

Raising a love of reading in children is the fundamental task of any schools, and for our schools this is of particular importance, since in correctional school children with disabilities are educated who have a fairly low level of communicative culture, weak developed cognitive interest . "The question of children's reading“,” wrote N.K. Krupskaya, “this is one of the most important issues. Children's reading plays a major role in children's lives, much larger than in the lives of adults. A book read by children remains in memory almost for the rest of their lives and influences their future children's development. From the books that children read, they draw a certain understanding of the world; books develop in them certain norms of behavior.”

Speech development, mastery of their native language is one of the most important acquisitions for students correctional school, which will subsequently allow him to adapt socially. Along with skills reading, important task classes is the mastery of coherent speech as the main communicative function. She performs the most important social functions: helps students establish connections with people around them, determines and regulates the norms of behavior of people in society, which is one of the main conditions for the adaptation of graduates correctional school of the VIII type.

Particular importance in developing skills reading, development of oral coherent speech, and as a result, the adaptation of students with disabilities has extracurricular reading

Target extracurricular reading: formation of reading skills, instilling love and interest in books.

Extracurricular reading plays a huge role in personal development teenagers their perception literature because teacher may, at its discretion, select those works of fiction that can most effectively influence development teenagers of one class or another. Not always school the program meets the needs and tastes schoolchildren, some facet of them development may not be sufficiently disclosed. And then lessons come to the rescue extracurricular reading - reading works located outside school curriculum , but at the same time having enormous artistic and educational value. By reading accessible stories, poems, and fairy tales, students learn to understand the general content and main idea of ​​the work, namely extracurricular reading Children develop creative thinking, brought up aesthetic feeling, love for the native language, fiction, interest in reading. In classes, while working on literary texts, they learn to distinguish the main from the secondary, identify the relationship between the described phenomena and events, and understand their meaning; learn to divide the text into parts, make a plan of what they read and retell it in accordance with it. All this contributes development logical thinking of students. Analyzing the work schoolboy must think about important issues being: about truth and lies, love and ignorance, the origins of evil and good, the capabilities of man and his place in the world. Since children face such serious problems in life, the sooner he starts thinking about them, the better. And let good and smart books help him solve these problems.

On extracurricular reading Students read books with great moral potential. Literary works develop pupils' ability recreate in your imagination pictures of life drawn by the writer, the world of feelings and experiences of literary heroes, the ability to trace their destinies; see the author’s position and assessment; determine your emotional and evaluative attitude to what you read through moral and ethical assessment. Penetrating into the inner world of the characters, empathizing with them, the student comprehends his own feelings, recognizes his image"I". Empathy and appreciation are the basis for the formation of moral ideas and beliefs of an individual. Moral and ethical assessment of the actions of literary heroes helps schoolboy, correlate his ideas with universal moral values, gain ideas about the norms of behavior and relationships between people, which form the basis of his moral ideas and personal qualities and help him master methods of action in various life situations.

In extracurricular reading you can enter additional literary works containing problematic moral situations. This contributes development personal-semantic sphere schoolchildren; helps self-knowledge, self-awareness of the individual, the formation of individual values. Texts are selected in such a way that pupils attracted life situations and the characters of the works are peers with whom you want to communicate, make friends, or, conversely, explain them when they are wrong. Pupils Senior students get acquainted in classes with the best examples of domestic and foreign literature. Fiction provides a comprehensive picture of a person. Problems of a person’s relationship to reality, to the world around him, to the people, to himself, philosophical, social and moral issues raised fiction, evoke bright thoughts, moral and aesthetic experiences in the young reader, thereby influencing the formation of the spiritual image of the young reader, promoting character development.

On extracurricular reading children get acquainted with the author of the work, biographical information about him is provided, and the richness of his inner world and moral values ​​is revealed. Appeal to images outstanding people teaches our pupils to understand others, the ability to put oneself in the place of an object of nature is of great interest when working with works about nature.

To enhance the emotional state of students extracurricular reading You can use works of painting and music. While children are looking at paintings, there is a discussion of the artist’s views on native nature, expressed which corner of nature is closer and dearer to them.

Selecting literature for students, taken into account: volume of the work, textual accessibility, relevance of the work for this category of students.

extracurricular reading differs in methodology carrying out: festivity of activities (non-traditional forms work: various game tasks, pre-prepared student performances, puzzles, quizzes, crosswords, literary games, etc.).

Methods and techniques used on extracurricular reading:

Rereading works of art; close to the text or verbatim playback excerpts from the work read; word drawing; depiction of situations discussed through direct actions (dramatization) and conversations - discussions, conversations, reasoning, learning poems; collective consideration and creation of description details based on illustrations according to the rules; selective individual reading reading the text out loud during a conversation about what has been read is a mandatory element of working with a children’s book, a technique that allows the child to confirm the evidence of the ideas he expresses during the discussion, etc. d.

In the classroom you can use productive methods: drawing – used at different stages reading or during repeated reading to obtain information about how much the student understood the artistic image, how much of it perception the image is closer to the author.

Didactic games - used at different stages of the lesson. They help students experience a situation that has never happened in their lives and imagine the image of the hero of the work.

But of course the greatest game is the game of « real performance» , where role transformation occurs, responsibility for a common cause is formed, and the opportunity arises to give each student work to his liking and strength, and creative work. Actors, those who play roles, enter into the images of heroes, and this level of entry is the deepest, most effective in educational sense. And the most important thing is that creativity is "self-expression" and even "strengthening oneself". We must not forget that it is in the process of creativity that personality is manifested and formed.

And in conclusion of my report, I would like to note that literature teaches children the correct attitude towards life and influences the formation of personality young man « Good book helps students gain insight into psychology human soul, into the depth of human feelings and thoughts, into the diversity of human characters and relationships, into the most complex events of state, public and private life of people and nations. Like an older friend and wise comrade, she "opens the eyes" to the beautiful in life, elevating and ennobling a person.” And if we want to see someone teaching our schools prepared for life, you need to make him a literate reader.

Lesson summary for 4th grade reading

Lesson topic: A. Barkov “Yashka”

Lesson type: Lesson on communicating new knowledge

Target: Improving reading skills in the process of getting acquainted with a new work


    Introduce A. Barkov’s story “Yashka”;

    Correct auditory and visual perception, memory.

    Cultivate learning motivation.

During the classes

    Org. moment

    Speech exercise


    LOGICAL Stress


    Updating knowledge

In spring, not only rooks come to us, but also other birds.

Who knows the name of these birds?

What are these birds called?

Why do they return to their native places?

Today we will talk and read about one of the migratory birds, and in order to find out which one, guess the riddle.

He comes every year

To where the house awaits him.

He can sing other people's songs,

Show the starling among other birds.

(remove the series of birds, hang an illustration with a starling)

Guys, how do you think people learn about flights and bird life? (science - ornithology)


Topic, lesson objectives

Today in class we will read the story “Yashka” by ALEXANDER SERGEEVICH BARKOV


New words: mongrel, make fun of ( have fun amuse yourself mock) entrance ( Opening for entry and exit ), they are making noise ( make noise, make noise), fence

Birdhouse ( squarew Nick).



1. I claim that the starling arrived at the end of February.

2. Am I saying that the starling was named after the boy’s friend?

3. I claim that Yashka could tease the cat?

4. I claim that the boy climbed into the birdhouse with the chicks.

5. I claim that it was not easy for starlings to feed their voracious chicks.

6. I claim that the boy fed the birds with bread and grain.

7. I claim that before leaving, the starling flew in to say goodbye to his native place.


(words are given scattered on the board)

Picked up the worms

Gave a concert

Native places

Farewell circle

Find and read the sentences with these phrases.


We worked together

A little tired.

Quickly everything at once

Stand up at your desks!

Once! Get up, stretch.

Two! Bend over, straighten up.

Three! Three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

For four! - arms are wider.

Five! - wave your hands.

Six - sit quietly at your desk.

And now we will sit together,

We still need to work.


Who Ch. hero of the story?

Read the description of the starling.

Read what Yashka liked to eat?

Read why you shouldn't touch chicks.

Read how the boy helped the birds.

Read how starlings said goodbye to their native places.



Hard work, laziness, ingenuity, greed, care, boasting

Lesson summary:

What story did you read today? What does this work teach?


Birds are our friends - they destroy insects,

Bird nests should not be disturbed.

Birds need help.



If kindness lives in the world,
Adults and children rejoice.
And, of course, you have to be kind,
And in trouble we will not forget each other,
And the earth will spin faster,
If we are kinder to you.