What time do babies start menstruating. Transitional age in girls: signs and symptoms

The female body, unlike the male, has its own characteristics. Nature is so arranged that a woman bears and gives birth to a child. In her body, since adolescence, there are complex biological processes associated with puberty and the onset of menstruation. You should know at what age menstruation begins in girls.

In the ovaries, the female sex glands, complex chemicals are synthesized and released into the blood - hormones called progesterone and estrogen. They affect the metabolic processes in the body, causing secondary sexual characteristics, the onset of menstruation.

The eggs mature in the follicles. Regular maturation of fertile eggs is observed from the onset of puberty. If the egg is not fertilized, then menstruation begins. The maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg from it in women correspond to certain days between two periods, which is called ovulation.

The first menstruation indicates the onset of puberty, which occurs gradually. Menstruation is the external manifestation of the important and complex process of turning a girl into a girl. Girls need to know that intimacy, regardless of young age may lead to pregnancy.

Girls first period

According to statistics, earlier menstruation began in girls when they reached the age of 17-18. What age do girls start menstruating now? Now the first menstruation is celebrated in more than early dates than a hundred years ago. For some, critical days come at 12-13 years old, and for eastern representatives even 10-11 years old.

If menstruation appears very early, before 9 years, this indicates precocious puberty.

At what age do they start?

If critical days come at the age of 11-16 years, this is considered normal from the point of view of medicine.

If menstruation begins before the age of 11, then parents need to know that the reason for this may be:

  • unbearable physical activity for this age;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • unbalanced diet.

Late onset of puberty at 16-20 years is associated with:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • insufficient development of the ovaries;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland.


About 2 years before the onset of critical days, girls begin to noticeably change:

  • They become more feminine, their emotional mood changes, body shapes are rounded, breasts noticeably increase.
  • In the armpits and on the pubis, the appearance of dark hairs is noted, the external genitalia slightly increase in size.
  • In the body, hormonal changes take place, from the increased work of the sebaceous and sweat glands on the face, back, girls also have acne.
  • The roots of the hair on the head quickly become oily.
  • 2-3 months before the onset of menstruation, vaginal discharge of a whitish or yellowish nature is observed.

At the next stage, 3-4 months before the start of the first days of menstruation, girls begin to feel causeless apathy or aggression, they are worried about minor headaches, they become whiny and touchy.

All these signs should not be ignored by adults, they should psychologically prepare the girl for the onset of a new stage of development - for puberty.

What should be the menstruation?

It is known that the body loses from 50 to 100 ml, sometimes more blood during menstruation. They cause pulling or cramping pains, general weakness, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, some may experience nausea and vomiting.

Important Points

Do I need to visit a gynecologist?

If there are no obvious reasons, it is not necessary to visit the gynecologist's office regularly after the first menstruation. Moms should enroll their girls to a gynecologist for an examination at the age of 14-15 to make sure there are no health problems, their proper development.

There are reasons to visit a gynecologist after the onset of menstruation:

  • A too short period of menstruation of 1-2 days is observed several times in a row, or menstruation lasts more than a week. In the first case, this indicates that hormones are not produced enough, ovarian function is impaired. In the second case, this indicates a weak contractility of the uterus.
  • Bleeding is too abundant, you often have to change tampons and pads.
  • After the first menstruation, menstruation was interrupted, the pause was about 6 months.
  • After establishing a normal menstrual cycle, the cycles began to be disturbed (longer than 5 weeks or shorter than 3 weeks).
  • In the secretions, the presence of large ones is observed.
  • If there are abundant discharges with blood clots, the girl has a stomach ache and dizziness, her body temperature is elevated, intestinal disorders are accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

All these symptoms indicate problems in the girl's health.
From all of the above, it follows that when the onset of the first menstruation approaches, the mother should talk in advance about possible changes in her daughter's body.

On the video about the first menstruation

Menstrual bleeding is not a pathology, it is a natural process in the life of every woman, signaling the onset of the reproductive period. For girls, the arrival of the first menstruation (menarche) is always accompanied by excitement, and in order to avoid many inconveniences, you need to seriously prepare for this process.

What is menstruation?

Every month, preparing to receive a fertilized egg, the functional layer of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) increases in size.

If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium is separated from the uterus and destroyed, passing through the cervix and vagina in the form of bleeding. Such a process is often accompanied by poor health and pain, especially on the first day.
You can find out about the onset of menarche in advance. Sudden mood swings, breast enlargement, increased fatigue, lower abdominal cramps - these are all signs that the girl will soon begin her first menstrual cycle in her life.

Time of the first menstruation

The norm for the onset of menstruation is 12-14 years. But in reality modern life very often there are cases of earlier or later menstruation. And if our mothers and grandmothers had menarche at an older age, now the opposite situation is observed: due to early puberty, menstruation begins at 10, and even at 8-9 years. The first menstruation occurs after the formation of secondary sexual characteristics (appearance of pubic hair, in the perineum, growth of the mammary glands). Before the onset of menarche, acne and blackheads on the face may occur.

The role of a mother is very important in such moments. Often girls notice changes in the body, but do not understand what exactly is happening. In such a situation, the mother needs to explain everything to her daughter and assure that such a condition is absolutely normal for every girl.

Deviations from the norm

The following situations are cause for concern:

  • too early menstruation, which appeared before 9 years;
  • absence of menarche after 15 years.

Such situations may indicate quite serious deviations:

early menstruation

The onset of the first menstruation earlier than normal is caused by such reasons:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • decreased ovarian reserve;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • features of the constitution, excess weight;
  • mental trauma;
  • lifestyle (excessive physical activity);
  • lack of nutrients.

Early menstruation indicates early puberty, which is directly related to the state of the brain.
Pathology of the brain that causes early menstruation:

  1. tumors of the pituitary and hypothalamus or congenital changes in these areas of the brain;
  2. impulse disturbances from the cerebral cortex.

All these pathologies lead to an increase in the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which activate the ovaries and cause the process of ovulation.
The time of the beginning of the first menstruation is also affected by the mental state in which the girl is: in case of malfunctions nervous system and emotional overstrain, the risk of earlier menarche is obvious. In addition, the appearance of early menstruation is also affected by the food consumed by the girl: the predominance of a large amount of spicy, sour and salty foods in the diet can accelerate the onset of menarche.
Situations when the first menstruation began in early age, and then a long period of delay set in, is also not considered the norm and requires a doctor's consultation.
In women whose menarche occurred earlier than normal, in the future may appear:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • osteoporosis;
  • diabetes;
  • mammary cancer.

late menstruation

If girls do not start their periods before the age of 15, this is a cause for concern.
Factors affecting the appearance of menstruation at a later age:

  • pathology of the development of the uterus;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • emotional stress and nervous strain;
  • diets;
  • constant and exhausting physical activity;
  • fluctuations in body weight;
  • malnutrition;
  • ecological situation.

Very often, the reason for the absence of menarche is the excessive thinness of the girl. It has been noticed that in thin and undersized girls, menstruation begins much later than in peers of normal build. The reason is that with an insufficient amount of adipose tissue, the body does not produce the required amount of the female hormone estrogen and this causes primary amenorrhea (complete absence of menstruation).

At an early age, this disease is successfully treated and easily diagnosed.
Girls with a later menarche are at risk of developing:

  • endometrial cancer;
  • breast cancer.

First menstruation

Normal is considered to be menstruation, which comes and ends at the same time intervals. Ideally, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but its increase or decrease does not indicate any pathologies and is also considered normal. According to studies, women's menstrual cycle lasts 21 to 35 days.
The nature of the first menstruation is directly affected by the individual characteristics of the girl's body.

  • In healthy girls, regular periods are established immediately and subsequently occur without delay.
  • In weak girls, the menstrual cycle is irregular both in duration and in the amount of spotting.

The normal duration of menstruation, on average, is 3-5 days and directly depends on the girl's lifestyle. Menstruation that lasts less than 3 and more than 7 days is a deviation from the norm and is caused by a violation of the function of the ovaries, as well as a change in the amount of production of sex hormones.
The volume of blood that is released during menstruation should be 50 - 150 ml. The most heavy bleeding is observed in the first 2 days.
A deviation from the norm is considered:

  • excessive abundance or scarcity of secretions;
  • severe and prolonged pain;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • the duration of the menstrual cycle is less than 21 days or more than 40 days;
  • violation of the previously established cycle.

The first menstruation is a very important event, indicating the girl’s readiness to enter into “ adult life". This is a kind of signal about the completion of sexual development and the possibility of pregnancy. But too early or very late onset of menarche may indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the body, which can only be diagnosed by a specialist.

Menstruation is the main signal of the female body about its puberty and further readiness to become pregnant. During this period, bloody discharge from the vagina should be observed. Menstrual blood is thick and dark, possibly with small clots or lumps. Such discharges are considered normal and are explained by the fact that during the period women's days not only blood is released, but also particles of the inner surface of the uterus.

When does a girl's first period start?

Usually, menstruation in girls begins between the ages of 11 and 13. However, both early (from 9 years old) and late menstruation (at 16 years old) are quite common. This cycle largely depends on heredity and can begin in girls at the age of their mother's first menstruation. Such periods are considered common and are accompanied by normal development.

Another factor that has an important influence on the beginning of the cycle is body weight. It has been scientifically proven that the onset of menstruation comes after reaching 50 kg of weight. Therefore, for overweight girls, critical days begin earlier than for thin ones.

Additional reasons that may affect the untimely appearance of the first menstruation:

  • Physical development.
  • Nutrition.
  • Strong stress.
  • Past illnesses in childhood.

There are also very early periods, which begin before 9 years. And also very late - after 16 years. In both cases, it is best to contact a pediatric gynecologist to make sure that the body is functioning normally.

The first symptoms of menstruation and how long they appear

Approximately 2 years before the start of the first menstruation, the girl undergoes obvious changes in her physiology and emotional state.

  1. The features of the figure acquire softer feminine outlines.
  2. Hair begins to grow in the armpit and pubic area.
  3. The external genitals increase, the breast begins to grow.
  4. The work of hormonal glands is also enhanced, which leads to more profuse sweating, the appearance of acne on the face, back and chest.

A few months before menstruation is due, white or completely colorless mucous discharge from the vagina may appear. Gradually, they will become more abundant and may have a more viscous or liquid consistency. Definitely odorless. There are also causeless mood swings, fatigue, headaches, nervousness.

Immediately before the very appearance of women's days, there may be pulling pains in the lower abdomen. They can be both strong and weak. Pain will go away a few hours after the start of menstruation.

When is the first menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the interval from the first day of the onset of menstruation to the beginning of the next.

As a rule, the first menstruation lasts from 3 to 5 days, often exactly as long as the girl's mother. The duration of the cycle for most young girls is different and can range from 21 to 35 calendar days. Within one year after the first period, the cycle may be irregular, with delays of one to three months, and spotting is very scanty. During this period, the hormonal background is just beginning to adjust in girls and everything is very unstable.

How long does it take to have a regular menstrual cycle?

A regular cycle of menstruation is a very important indicator of the proper functioning of the ovaries in the female body. Usually, after a year after the start of menstruation, it should improve and occur every month on certain dates.

In order to calculate your cycle and track its regularity, you need to keep a personal calendar. Each month, you should mark the date of the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as determine the time intervals between cycles. If menstruation begins every month on the same date or at the same time intervals, this means that the body has established its regular menstrual cycle.

Menstrual disorders in girls

If the pause between menstruation lasts more than three months, this indicates a violation of the cycle.

An irregular menstrual cycle indicates various adverse factors:

  • Physical or psychological trauma.
  • stress overload.
  • Instability in weight, especially its loss, is associated with strict diets.
  • Early or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Brain concussion.
  • Acute viral infections.
  • Climate change.
  • Diseases of the ovaries.

What should be the first menstruation and how much blood should be allocated?

The normal amount of blood released during this period is from 60 to 150 ml. For several days, blood discharge is the most abundant (about 70% of the total blood norm), but on the 3rd - 4th day they begin to decrease. They have a characteristic unpleasant odor, which appears due to the increased work of the glands of the vulva.

Since there is a change in the microflora of the vagina, proper intimate hygiene is necessary. It will help protect the young body from inflammatory processes and infections.

What can and can not be done during menstruation?

During menstruation, it is also necessary to follow some rules that will help protect the body from unpleasant consequences.

  • Swimming pool and bathroom. Swimming in the pool or taking a warm bath has a very positive effect on the female body during this period. warm water relaxes the muscles and helps to ease the pain in the lower abdomen. Stay in the pool should be reduced to half an hour, while using a tampon.
  • Sport. Sports during menstruation are allowed only if they do not bring additional pain or discomfort. Too vigorous exercise should be avoided.

  • Baths and saunas. During menstruation, visiting saunas and baths is not recommended. Prolonged exposure to a room with high air temperature leads to profuse bleeding.
  • Sunbathing and a visit to the solarium. The female body becomes very susceptible, so ultraviolet rays can adversely affect it. Severe headaches, fatigue, dizziness are possible.

How long does it take to visit a gynecologist?

With the advent of menstruation, a visit to the gynecologist is completely optional. Only if there are no obvious reasons for this in the form of itching, extraneous or suspicious discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

The most common menstrual disorders in girls are:

  • The duration of the menstrual cycle is less than 21 or more than 35 calendar days.
  • Menses last more than 7 or less than 2 days. Too long period indicates a reduced work of ovarian function, and a short period indicates insufficient production of sex hormones.
  • Severe bleeding that requires frequent pad changes (every few hours).
  • Between periods, bleeding occurs.
  • Lethargy and severe headaches.
  • There are large blood clots in the discharge.
  • Delay after the first menstruation for more than six months.

There are cases when urgent hospitalization is necessary, when menstrual bleeding appears, accompanied by very severe pain in the lower abdomen, gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, vomiting, severe dizziness and high body temperature.

When and how to prepare a girl for the first menstruation?

So that menstruation does not cause fear and panic in a teenager, it is necessary to visit a pediatric gynecologist during puberty. He will explain to the young girl about all the signs of menstruation, when they should begin and what needs to be done.

It is also very important that the mother tells the girl in advance about menstruation, that their occurrence is completely normal. It should explain everything about the menstrual cycle, the dangers of early sexual intercourse, delays and pregnancy. In this case, you do not need to switch to moralizing, it is better to stick to a friendly conversation.

The age at which girls start menstruating depends on many factors. In our article, we will talk about the timing of the onset of the first menstruation, the features of the formation of the menstrual cycle and the harbingers of the first menstruation.

The formation of menstrual function is an extremely complex process, regulated by dozens of hormones, nerve impulses of various parts of the brain, as well as genetic characteristics.

Every girl is born with large reserves dormant eggs in the ovaries.

Follicles in the amount of several million are laid in the ovarian tissue in the womb. By the time of the onset of menstruation, about three hundred thousand dormant follicles remain in the gonads of the girl. The starting moment of the first ovulation or awakening of the eggs and the first menstruation associated with them in girls remains not yet entirely clear.

What is menstruation in girls?

Menarche or the first menstruation is called the very first discharge of blood from the genital tract of a teenage girl. The timing of the onset of menstruation is highly dependent on a number of factors:

  • Heredity. If women in the family started menstruating early, then we can expect an earlier menarche in a teenager from such a family.
  • Nutritional features. Adolescents from disadvantaged families or regions that are poor in certain foods may have periods later.
  • Pre-existing illnesses and general health conditions. Serious viral infections (herpes, infectious mononucleosis, parotitis and others), intoxication, long courses of antibiotic therapy (anti-tuberculosis drugs) can negatively affect the onset of menstruation.
  • Physical development, sports. In girls who are professionally involved in sports, especially weightlifting, menstruation may come later.
  • Body weight and metabolic characteristics. In adolescents who are overweight due to abnormal estrogen metabolism, menarche may occur earlier.
  • Psychological development of the girl. There is evidence that girls who are sexually educated and psychologically prepared for the menstrual function may begin their periods earlier than their peers.

The normal period of the onset of the first menstruation is considered to be the age of 10-16 years. Previously, these terms were much tougher - 11-15 years, and doctors took quite aggressive measures against teenagers who had gone beyond the limits. Now, even at the age of 17, many gynecologists-endocrinologists prefer to carefully examine the girl, and in the absence of serious deviations, they use expectant tactics.

Harbingers of the first menstruation

Any attentive mother can notice changes in her teenage daughter, indicating the imminent onset of menstruation. With the advent of the first such changes, it is worth having a conversation with the girl, explaining to her in an accessible way what is happening to her and what to expect in the future.

Typical harbingers of the first menstruation are:

  1. Accelerated growth of a girl in height, a change in facial features.
  2. Change in the nature of the deposition of subcutaneous fatty tissue according to the typical female type: on the hips, abdomen, buttocks.
  3. Hair growth in hormone-dependent areas: armpits and pubis. This phenomenon is called adrenarche and is one of the earliest and most significant signs of puberty.
  4. Enlargement, swelling of the mammary glands, change in the size of the nipples - thelarche. The growth of the mammary glands can be considered a kind of starting point for puberty. Most often, the first menstruation occurs within 1-2 years after the onset of thelarche.
  5. Teen character changes. Girls begin to be interested in the opposite sex, carefully monitor their appearance, try to use perfume and cosmetics.

early menarche

If the first menstruation or its visible precursors occurs in a girl under 10 years old, this is a reason to contact a pediatric gynecologist and endocrinologist. Earlier formation of menstruation may be a sign of hormone-producing ovarian tumors or formations in certain parts of the brain.

Even if no masses were found, precocious puberty and the associated sustained estrogen levels can do some disservice to the body:

  • A high level of estrogen contributes to the closure of growth zones in long tubular bones - shoulders, hips, legs. This can lead to short stature of the girl and the formation of psychological complexes in her.
  • The longer the temporal effect of estrogens on target organs: the uterus and mammary glands, the higher the risk of developing malignant neoplasms in them at a more mature age.
  • Often the child is mentally unprepared for such "adult" problems. Often girls hide the beginning of menstruation from their parents, become isolated. Because of this, communication with peers and social adaptation of the girl may suffer.

Late menarche

It often happens that the girl is already 16 years old, and the harbingers of the first menstruation are not noticeable. Such adolescents should also be consulted by a pediatric gynecologist and endocrinologist. It is necessary to carefully and tactfully deal with the reasons for the delay in menarche. From possible causes such delays can be called:

  1. Genital infantilism. This concept includes various malformations of the uterus and ovaries associated with their underdevelopment or lack of proper growth.
  2. Hormonal abnormalities in the work of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries.
  3. Hormone-producing tumors of the adrenal glands, brain, ovaries.
  4. Deficiency of body weight, severe anemia, lack of vitamins and trace elements in the diet.
  5. Chronic stressful situations, unfavorable atmosphere at home and at school.
  6. Smoking, alcohol and heavy drug use by teenagers.
  7. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. This situation, unfortunately, is not uncommon these days. Adolescents become sexually active and have promiscuity at a very early age.
  8. The so-called false amenorrhea or absence of menstruation. In this situation, menstruation passes, but menstrual blood does not leave the uterus. The reason for this may be adhesions and bridges of the uterus, cervix, vagina and continuous hymen. Children's gynecologists last years treat such patients as carefully as possible, avoiding aggressive tactics. But in some cases, it is necessary to prescribe hormonal drugs to prevent serious complications in the future.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site

Useful video

Many parents, unfortunately, do not quite understand what a transitional age is for girls. Signs that tell them that their daughter's life is entering a new period are often simply ignored. Adults forget about their own childhood and adolescence, and therefore, when their beloved daughter reaches adolescence, they are not at all ready for the changes that are taking place. Moms and dads have no idea when the transitional age begins and ends in girls, what changes in their physiological and psychological state are the norm and which are not, what problems accompany this period and how to deal with them.

What is transitional age?

Transitional age is a rather difficult period that every child goes through in the process of his fact, both psychologists and doctors confirm. During this period of time, children's attitude and consciousness change, and their body is subject to significant physiological changes.

Sooner or later, every parent raising their beloved daughter wonders at what age the transitional age begins in girls. Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question, since this period does not have strict time limits. The transitional age in girls, the signs and symptoms that characterize it, differ and depend on the individuality of each individual. However, in the circle of psychologists, it is customary to conditionally divide the transitional age into three main phases:

What physiological changes are accompanied by transitional age?

How to determine that the transitional age has begun in a girl? Signs are usually present, so attentive parents are unlikely to miss this moment. From a physiological point of view, the following age-related changes take place:

Puberty anomalies

Parents need to be very careful during the period when the transitional age begins in girls. Signs of any deviations should be identified in a timely manner, since any delay is fraught with serious consequences. Moms and dads should sound the alarm if:

  1. The mammary glands begin to grow too early. We are talking about premature breast growth, if this happens when the girl is not yet 8 years old.
  2. characterized by the onset of puberty in girls under the age of 8-10 years.
  3. Premature growth of hair in the pubic and underarm areas.
  4. Premature or late onset of menstruation.
  5. Late puberty, characterized by the absence of signs of puberty in girls 13-14 years old.

Despite the fact that there is no definite date when the transitional age begins in girls, the symptoms described above should alert parents. If any of them are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice.

Diseases of transitional age

Puberty is accompanied by major changes throughout the body. The state of health is also affected. Problems that arise psychologically put an additional burden on the body, as a result of which it sometimes fails.

What diseases occur when the transitional age begins in girls? Are there any symptoms of these diseases or not?

As a rule, the ailments characteristic of adolescence are temporary. Among the most common are the following:

and transitional age

In girls, the signs of puberty appear, as a rule, at the age of 12-13 years. They grow rapidly, and in just one year their height can increase by 5-10 cm. Puberty of girls begins with a sharp development of the mammary glands and, of course, the genitals. The body acquires a more rounded shape, subcutaneous fats are deposited on the buttocks and thighs, intensive hair growth begins on the pubis and in the armpits. At the same time, there are changes in character. Girls become more shy, they are increasingly flirting with boys, falling in love for the first time.

One of the most important signs of puberty is the onset of the first menstruation. At this time, there are changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Mood swings, increased fatigue and headaches are observed. Therefore, when menstruation begins, doctors recommend girls to be more often on fresh air, do not expose the body to excessive physical exertion and rest more.

What psychological problems do girls have in adolescence?

For teenage girls, how they are perceived by others matters a lot. It is very important for them how they look and what impression they make on the representatives of the opposite sex, that is, on boys. They spend a lot of time in front of the mirror and closely study the changes that their body has undergone. Often girls are very critical of themselves and remain dissatisfied with their appearance. In addition, adolescents experience frequent mood swings, which is explained by the increased release of sex hormones into the blood. Hormones are also the cause of excess sexual energy. However, the girl cannot yet realize this energy because of her age. As a result, she becomes aggressive, impudent and naughty. Parents should be patient and not forget that during this period, the adrenal cortex functions much more intensively in adolescents, and that is why their child is constantly in a state of stress.

What complexes do girls have during puberty?

New problems appear in the family when girls enter the transitional age. A photo of an intimate character in a drawer, a mountain of cosmetics and new clothes is far from uncommon. The desire to wear a short skirt and apply a thick layer of makeup on her face does not mean at all that the girl wants to attract attention. Sometimes this is a sign that she has developed certain complexes, and she has lost confidence in herself. The situation is aggravated if a teenage girl lags behind her peers in development. The second breast size of a girlfriend against the background of her zero is perceived as a real tragedy. Life seems gray and worthless.

If the girl is not helped, let her continue to be alone with her problems, as a result, the complexes will multiply. This, in turn, can lead to the development of a prolonged depression, from which it is not possible to get out without the intervention of a psychologist.

How to help a girl overcome the difficulties of adolescence?

It is difficult not only for teenagers, but also for their parents. Loving moms and dads often turn to specialists with the question of how long the transitional age lasts for girls. Unfortunately, neither psychologists nor doctors will be able to give them a specific date, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the child. However, they can give parents some important tips to help them cope with the difficulties of adolescence. For example, parents should:

Allow the girl to make independent decisions;

Forget about the directive style of communication;

Give the girl more freedom;

Do not do for the daughter the work that she can do on her own;

Don't criticize the guy she's dating;

Do not violate her personal space;

Do not discuss your daughter with strangers.