Should I wake up a newborn for feeding?

It's good when your baby is calm, he eats well and sleeps even more than he should. He is not disturbed by extraneous noises, loud sounds, bright lights, he is so sweetly asleep that it is impossible to wake him up even at feeding time! What to do when a child sleeps for more than three hours, is it necessary to wake him up so that he does not miss a meal, because for newborns, weight gain in sufficient quantities is the main criterion for health!

Why can a child oversleep feeding

When a child does not have enough food, he loudly declares this with his crying, thus demanding that his mother satisfy his need for food. If the baby is healthy and sleeps a lot, this once again indicates that the mother’s milk is fatty, he has enough food, and that the newborn has a strong nervous system. But when the birth was difficult (for example, a caesarean section), the mother was given painkillers, the child may experience some lethargy. Some of the cesareans do not cry at all when they want to eat, their hunger is dulled. Doctors associate all this with anesthesia of the mother during childbirth and the ingestion of the drug into the body of the baby, which somewhat inhibits the nervous system.

In this case, whether to wake the newborn for feeding or not, the question is not worth it, Pediatricians believe that children under 6 months are best fed on time. And in order for the awakening to be easy, you need to lift the baby, press him to yourself so that he can smell the mother's milk. Remember that the baby learns the world through olfactory receptors!

How to wake up a child

It is believed that milk arrives best at night, this is facilitated by the hormone oxytocin, so night feedings are welcome, and in the first two months this should be done not once, but twice. Children under 3 months are recommended to feed on demand. As soon as the baby began to smack his lips, look for breasts, feed him. Do not wait for the child to fully wake up, he will eat with his eyes closed. It's ok for a night feed! As soon as you see that the baby has fallen asleep, empty the chest and put the baby to sleep until morning.

When the child is not full-term, he does not wake up at night and does not require food, the mother needs to get up constantly and wake him up every time so as not to miss feeding, because otherwise the baby will not be able to get stronger and gain the necessary weight.