Money manicure: when to cut your nails by day of the week. How to cut nails by day of the week: choose the most favorable day Favorable days for cutting nails in July

The Moon also plays an important role in nail care. There is a lunar calendar for nail care. The moon is a whole science. Knowing its energetic power, you can be healthy and beautiful, or you can...

Rules for nail care according to the lunar calendar

It is advisable to take care of your fingernails and toenails, trim them and file them on Capricorn days.

Nails trimmed during Capricorn days become harder and more resistant to damage. Special nail products are unnecessary in this case, because they are always aimed at combating the symptom, not the cause.

If you have ingrown nails, they need to be corrected or trimmed during the waxing Moon, otherwise they will grow back incorrectly. The exception is correction of the nail bed. It is better to postpone this procedure for the period of the waning Moon (if possible, avoid the days of Pisces).

Also more effective during the waning moon is the treatment of stubborn nail fungus and foot fungus. This disease is now, unfortunately, not uncommon. The same principle applies to warts. I know of many cases where young, apparently clean girls had flat warts on their feet. I also repeatedly witnessed their disappearance after treating them on the waning moon.

Strengthening nails according to the lunar calendar

What should healthy nails look like? Hard, smooth, pink. What about the beautiful ones? Well maintained.

What to do if your nails often break, split, become rough, or lose natural color? This, by the way, may be the result of a metabolic disorder in the body, or some kind of disease of the internal organs.

True, there are other reasons, external. Let's say working conditions. Chemicals, resins, solvents... Or your hands are in water for a long time. Low-quality nail polish could also be the culprit.

If your nails have long lost their attractive, healthy appearance, consult a dermatologist. It will help you get rid of unpleasant changes. If your nails look like concave “watch glasses” or your fingertips resemble “drumsticks,” the situation is more serious. Rush to see an internal medicine specialist.

Nail treatment recipes

  • Fragile, brittle nails can be strengthened with warm baths vegetable oil, to which vitamin A, three drops of iodine or five drops of lemon juice are added. You can do them 1-2 times a week.
  • It is useful to tie your fingertips once or twice a week with cotton wool soaked in sunflower oil, and bandage them overnight.
  • Lemon juice, table vinegar, cranberry, black or red currant juice should be regularly rubbed into both the nail plate and the skin around it.
  • Once every two days it is useful to take warm baths from sea or table salt.
  • “Thimbles” made from beeswax have an excellent effect. It must be preheated in a water bath, then the entire nails should be immersed in it. Wax “thimbles” will appear on your fingers, which must be preserved until the morning.
  • You will notice positive effect if you start constantly using a special nail cream. Your nails will become stronger and restore their color and shine.
  • Nails become stronger and grow faster if you eat foods rich in proteins, mineral salts, vitamins A and D, and gelatin. Gelatin can be added to jelly, jellied and dessert dishes, or simply added little by little to hot soup.
  • Special advice for those who smoke: yellowed nails “turn pale” when rubbed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice. You can use mixtures: 1 part glycerin, 5 parts hydrogen peroxide, or: 1 part glycerin, 1.5 parts perhydrol, 4 parts distilled water. These are daily procedures. Alternatively, stubborn brown keratinized nail layers can be gently buffed away with a pumice stone. But first take a ten-minute soap-soda bath.
  • To strengthen breaking and peeling nails, first of all, you should increase the amount of protein in your diet, take 2 teaspoons of gelatin or fruit, fish, milk, meat jelly daily, and eat foods containing iron, calcium and vitamins.

When to treat an ingrown toenail according to the Moon

Let's consider what should be the treatment of a nail according to the Moon if it is ingrown. Trimming ingrown toenails is a must when the moon is young. If you do this when the Moon is flawed, they will begin to grow incorrectly again.

Exceptions to this rule occur only when the nail is completely removed: such surgical intervention is more successful with a debilitated Moon (just try not to do this under the sign of Pisces).

In beauty salons, they sometimes “splint” ingrown nails: some time after removing the ingrown part of the nail, when the inflammation stops, a soft bandage is applied to the side pouch, this can help the nail grow correctly. Everything at the right time

People have a lot of superstitions associated with nails. And for good reason. After all, this is biological material, from which, just like from hair, one can determine a person’s DNA. Most people cut them without thinking, just as needed. Women do manicures in their free time from work. But there are days when you can’t cut your nails.

In this article you will find out on what days astrologers recommend getting rid of overgrown nails. Where is it better not to do this and why should not the procedure be performed at night or in the evening? This is especially true for young children. After all, mothers are very superstitious in this matter.

Astrologers advise planning this procedure. After all, in this way you can protect yourself from troubles and even call on luck to help. Let's look at what cutting your nails means on each day of the week.


It is possible and even necessary to carry out the procedure on this day. Astrologers say that people who plan to cut their nails on the first day of the week get rid of melancholy and sadness. The negative goes away along with the dead part of the nail. Hygiene procedures on this day are the prevention of diseases associated with the genitourinary system (urological and gynecological).


Also a good day to cut your nails. If you constantly suffer from headaches, then schedule a manicure for Tuesday. Often, simply cutting your nails on this day relieves migraines much better than pharmaceutical drugs. Along with regrown nails, troubles, head and blood diseases go away on this day.


Are you waiting for good news about an important event in your life? Then get your nails done on Wednesday. If you have been tormented by some issue for a long time, you urgently need to find a solution or concentrate as much as possible, then cutting your nails in the middle of the week will help you.

Astrologers also recommend cutting nails on Wednesday: for students during the session, for applicants during the entrance campaign. Manicure in the middle of the week has a good effect on the nervous and immune system. When you cut your nails, try to imagine that with them you are getting rid of problems and increasing your chances of success.

If there is confusion in your head and you just can’t sort things out at work, then leave everything and go for a manicure after a hard day. Most likely, the next day you will start planning everything and quickly get out of the crisis.


The first reason why you should cut your nails on this day is to increase your life expectancy. The sign works if you train yourself to always do a manicure on this day. This thesis has not been proven by scientists, but they also cannot refute it. In any case, this is a good day for any hygiene procedures. It’s not for nothing that in Orthodoxy on Maundy Thursday they clean up their homes and clean them up.


This is the day when you cannot cut your nails. By folk beliefs those who do manicures doom themselves to disaster on this day. Cutting nails on this day is especially contraindicated for men.


Most astrologers believe that the first day off is a great time for a manicure. This is especially true for those who are looking for their soulmate. Cutting nails on Saturday has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the human body. It is also believed that by cutting your nails on this day, you get rid of some of your karmic debts.

Why can't you cut your nails on Sunday?

You can't do a manicure on the last day of the week. This is the day when you cannot cut your nails. In Orthodoxy, during this period I rest and it is not customary to cut anything at all (cut, sew, knit).

On Sunday, the connection between a person and his guardian angel is strongest. If you believe the signs, then by cutting your nails on Sunday, you cut off your connection with him.

What time of day to do a manicure

It is better to cut your nails during the day or in the morning. Such procedures should be done when it is light. You should not cut your nails at night, because there is a risk of bringing misfortune on yourself. Nails and hair are a person’s energetic protection; by doing a manicure in the evening, you are depriving yourself of protection. You should not cut your nails in the evening for the same reason as at night. Our ancestors believed that otherworldly forces awaken in the dark. By cutting your nails, you seem to give a part of yourself to them to be torn to pieces. Just don't do it after sunset.

Of course, there is no scientific basis for the sign, so it’s up to you to decide whether to use this advice or not. The only thing that can explain the old sign why you can’t cut your nails at night: our ancestors didn’t have electricity, and doing hygiene procedures by candlelight is very inconvenient. You could get hurt and get an infection. Since there were no antibacterial agents before, any wound was mortally dangerous, since it was possible to get blood poisoning.

Magicians and healers warn people against cutting their nails outside the home. The fact is that cut nails and hair are something that ill-wishers can use in their rituals. If you have the opportunity to do a manicure yourself, then it is better to be careful. Now you know which days you can’t cut your nails and which days you can.

According to the lunar calendar

Astrologers unanimously say that the waning moon is a period when you can’t cut your nails. This will shake the atmosphere in the family: quarrels and misunderstandings will begin. A manicure on bad days can cause health problems. In addition, the nails themselves, which grow after this, will be brittle and ugly.

And when do you need to get a manicure so that your fingers look well-groomed and everything is fine in business? Experts recommend choosing the period of the new moon. Also, according to the lunar calendar, it is good to get your nails done on Tuesday. This day opens up new opportunities: changing jobs, moving up the career ladder. If you are tormented by debts and lack of money in your family, then cut your nails on Saturday.

When to cut baby's nails?

Our grandmothers began to use scissors to remove overgrown nails from a newborn only on the tenth day of life. Before this, mom bit off the regrown edge or filed it down. This sign has a scientific basis. People were simply afraid of giving their child an infection. After all, such small child constantly spinning, and the procedure requires caution. Since there were previously difficulties with antibacterial agents, and child mortality from blood poisoning was very high, they tried to hold off on getting a manicure for the baby.

Also, our ancestors did not cut the nails of a sleeping child. It was believed that children were defenseless during sleep, and bad energy could accumulate at the cut site. This can make the baby sick.

On your birthday

You may have heard that before people I didn’t wash or get my hair cut on my birthday. Naturally, manicure was also prohibited. It sounds crazy to us now, but the fact is that this day is not good for the birthday boy in terms of energy. This is a period when a person is absolutely defenseless, it’s not for nothing that so many people die before literally a day before their birthday, or die on the same day they were born. Whether you follow this sign or not is your right, but the birthday girl or boy can get a beautiful manicure the day before the celebration.

An attractive and well-groomed image consists of many details. Girls should pay attention to the recommendations of the lunar calendar so that they appearance And beautiful hands became the basis good mood and health.

Since ancient times, nail cutting has been approached with special care. Our ancestors believed that cutting the nail plates on a certain day of the week helped get rid of negativity and attract various benefits to life. Nowadays many signs are viewed with skepticism, but experts on the site recommend not to neglect the knowledge that has come down to our times. Take into account the opinion of astrologers who know on which days the Moon will be favorable.

August 1: the union of the waning moon and the constellation Pisces will be a great start to the month. On this day, cutting your nail plates will allow you to say goodbye to envious people, as well as protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.

August 2, 3: cutting your nails under the influence of the waning Moon in Aries will relieve doubts and timidity. The rounded shape of the marigolds will help cope with mood swings, which will have a beneficial effect on relationships with loved ones and colleagues.

August 4, 5: You can attract attention to your person on the 4th by cutting your nails before lunch. On August 5, astrologers recommend not cutting your nails so that they do not become brittle and brittle.

August 6, 7: The moon moves into the constellation Gemini, which will have an ambiguous effect on both mood and well-being. On the 6th, you can cut your nails without fear, but on August 7, trimming your nails can cause headaches. Get rid of unpleasant symptoms possible by resorting to traditional medicine.

August 8, 9: under the influence zodiac constellation Cancer, cutting your nails will give you vigor and relieve ailments. It is especially important to trim the nails of girls suffering from periodic pain. Just avoid giving aggressive sharp shapes to your nails, so as not to inadvertently become participants in scandals or gossip.

August 10, 11: The moon moves into the constellation Leo, and on the 10th you can safely do any manipulations with your nails. By trimming them, you can get closer to your goal faster. The New Moon will come on the 11th, it is better to devote the day to caring for the skin of your hands and start a massage session that will relieve many diseases.

August 12, 13: Cutting your nail plates will help you distract yourself from obsessive thoughts these days. The Moon in Virgo will support any endeavors, so on this day it is better to leave doubts and take on difficult tasks and projects.

August 14, 15: Trimming your nails under the influence of the Moon in the constellation Libra will be appropriate on August 14. On this day, a new image will help you cope with any difficulties along the way. On the 15th, you should only get a manicure and trim your nails in trusted salons, so as not to harm your hands.

August 16, 17 and 18: these days the Moon moves to the constellation Scorpio. The ambiguous energy of the constellation will affect your mood, and you will trim your nails at your own peril and risk. Those who need it should call on luck to help.

August 19, 20: The transition of the Moon to the constellation Sagittarius will not improve your situation much. These days, frequent mood changes continue, and it is better to replace nail trimming with caring procedures in a beauty salon or at home. Avoid sharp iron objects when manipulating nail plates.

August 21, 22 and 23: trimming nails under the influence of the constellation Capricorn and the waxing Moon is possible, but the nail plates will quickly grow and lose their shape. Astrologers recommend using the services of professionals and taking care of your nails. Paraffin baths and the application of nourishing vitamin creams will help strengthen them.

August 24, 25: The moon will be in the constellation Aquarius for two days, but only the 24th can be considered a good day for cutting nails. On August 25, you can avoid unpleasant consequences and failures in the business environment if you leave your marigolds alone and do more important things.

August 26, 27, 28: On the 26th, during the Full Moon, trimming your nails will help get rid of financial problems, but the constellation Pisces on this day can negatively affect your mood. On August 27 and 28, cutting your nails is possible, but consider your mood and visit a professional, otherwise the result of independent manipulations may make you despondent.

August 29, 30: The constellation Aries will influence your mood these days, so it is better to postpone cutting your nails until a more favorable time. These days, astrologers recommend improving your energy and mood.

August 31: The last day of summer will be a good time to cut your nails. The constellation Taurus will have a positive effect on your mood, and creating a new image will be great.

For many people, cutting nails is not just a way to change their image. Many people take care of their nails, allowing themselves to relax after a busy day at work, and create an image that will help achieve their goals. Astrologers recommend taking into account the phases of the moon not only for such manipulations, but also in order to attract well-being and prosperity into life. We wish you good luck and health, and do not forget to press the buttons and

How to find out everything about your health from your nails and hair. Diagnostics and recovery Konstantin Grigoriev

Lunar calendar hair and nail cutting

When to cut your nails and hair

If you cut your hair and nails in accordance with lunar rhythms, you can direct astral flows in the right direction, avoid unreasonable waste of your resources and achieve maximum success in any endeavor. Therefore, before visiting the hairdresser or doing home care, take a look at the Lunar calendar.

Each lunar month is a unique model of life with all stages of development: birth, growth, flourishing and old age.

New moon

The days of the new moon are called dark days or days of Hecate ( ancient greek goddess dark moon). They last for two days before and after the new moon. During the days of Hecate, many people experience noticeable deviations in both mental and physical health. Moreover, those born on a new moon often suffer from insoluble internal contradictions and depression. The days of Hecate are the time when life potential is maximally exhausted, activity is reduced, and a person is most weakened and exhausted. During the new moon, the body prepares for renewal. Therefore, you should not cut your hair and nails at this time, as this can disrupt the energy balance and attract negativity.

First waxing quarter moon

The element of the first phase is earth. She is associated with the name of the goddess Artemis (ancient Greek goddess of war).

At this time, the body is just beginning to accumulate energy, so the immune system is weakened and even minor ailments are difficult to bear. In the first quarter, it is better not to overload yourself physically and emotionally, as this can lead to exhaustion. Therefore, it is also better not to disturb your hair and nails at this time.

Second waxing quarter of the Moon

The element of the second phase is water. She is associated with the name of Thetis ( eldest daughter sea ​​king Nereus and moon goddess Selene).

At this time, the body’s energy grows, physical and emotional health strengthens, and activity increases. If you want your hair or nails to grow quickly, get your hair cut during this lunar period. The second quarter is favorable for replenishing our body with nutrients and vitamins, since they are most easily absorbed. Nails and hair absorb vitamins and minerals from moisturizing and nourishing masks as much as possible.

Full moon

The full moon is the time of transition from the accumulation of strength to its waste. Excess energy, mental and physiological activity during this period reaches its limit and turns into excitement and nervousness. Many people experience worsening nervous disorders and rapid mood swings. Hair and nail care procedures will help you calm down and find harmony with yourself at this time. Haircuts during the full moon are the most beneficial, as they stimulate growth and give strength.

Third waning quarter of the moon

The element of the third phase is fire. She is associated with the name of the goddess Diana (an ancient Roman warrior).

This is the period of maturity of the body, when the accumulated energy begins to be effectively spent. Although human strength still remains at its best. At this time, stress and pain are easily tolerated, and infections are rejected. Therefore, medical procedures with hair and nails, or surgical interventions(removal of ingrown nails, purulent inflammations) is best done on the waning moon. If you want to strengthen your roots and prevent hair loss, visit a hairdresser during this quarter of the Moon. It is likely that after visiting the salon your hair structure will change, for example, it will become more manageable or, conversely, curly. However, after a haircut on the waning Moon, the hair will gain length for a very long time.

Fourth waning quarter of the moon

The element of the fourth phase is also fire. She is associated with the name of Eris (goddess of moonlight).

This is the time of exhaustion of energy resources, the period of “old age” of the body. In the last phase, life opportunities drop sharply, immunity weakens, and physical activity decreases. Therefore, cutting hair and nails can be done if you are confident in your abilities. But it is better, of course, especially when approaching the new moon, to postpone them for the waxing quarter of the Moon, so as not to cut off another part of your energy.

Moon in zodiac signs and hair and nail care

When carrying out procedures with hair and nails, astrologers recommend taking into account not only the quarter of the Moon, but also the phase in a certain zodiac sign.

Hair and nail cutting during the Moon phase in Fire signs

Moon in Sagittarius. At this time, any type of scalp and hand massage is effective. They have a stimulating effect and promote better exchange substances and the growth of hair and nails. These days, it’s homemade ones that are simply miraculous. folk recipes. And haircuts help improve relationships with others, establish business contacts and advance your career.

Moon in Leo. If you want to radically change your life, then it is best to visit the hairdresser when the Moon is in Leo. These days you can easily choose a new image for yourself. The phase of the Moon in Leo is favorable for carrying out moisturizing and renewing procedures for hair and hands. Especially pamper yourself with vitamin masks.

The Moon in Aries is an unfavorable period for cutting hair and nails. At this time, there is a possibility of a decrease in immunity, aggravation of chronic diseases. Neither hand massage nor scalp massage will be effective. Styling using special collagen-containing emulsions will not be beneficial. It is strictly forbidden to perm, carve or lighten your hair on these days. Only procedures for cosmetic purposes are acceptable, for example, removal of ingrown nails and hair, deep cleansing, etc.

Hair and nail cutting during the Moon phase in Air signs

The moon in Aquarius is a favorable period for hygienic and therapeutic procedures with hair and nails. Pamper yourself with a massage, manicure and pedicure. These days you can easily cope with hangnails, inflammation and cracks in the skin of your feet. The procedures will be effective in the fight against hair loss and dandruff. Best to use these days vitamin masks, herbal decoctions and infusions, fruit and vegetable wraps.

The Moon in Libra is a favorable time for haircuts, as growth accelerates and the structure of hair and nails improves. The waning moon phase in Libra is perfect for restoring damaged eyebrows and eyelashes. Massage of the scalp and hands using essential oils. A harmonious change in hair color will promote a positive attitude and improve your biofield.

The Moon in Gemini is an unlucky period for carrying out hygienic and aesthetic procedures. On this day it is not recommended to extend nails, cut or dye hair. The Moon in Gemini has a beneficial effect on cleansing and rejuvenating procedures using light moisturizing and nourishing products.

Hair and nail cutting during the Moon in Water signs

The Moon in Pisces increases the sensitivity of the body. Therefore, haircuts are not recommended on this day, as it can cause problems in the condition of hair and nails. You should not try out new cosmetics on this day. It is better to use proven moisturizing masks with the addition of aloe, fruit juices and berries.

The moon in Scorpio is an extremely unfavorable time for hair and nail treatments. Haircut can cause problems in personal life, provoke conflicts with people of the opposite sex. It is better to reduce water procedures. But massage and oil masks will be very useful.

Moon in Cancer. Cutting hair and nails and washing your hair are not recommended. This day is also unfavorable for styling, as the hair becomes unruly and does not hold its shape. When choosing cosmetics for hair and nails, give preference to the softest and most gentle masks, as well as masks that promote skin renewal.

Hair and nail cutting during the Moon in Earth signs

Moon in Capricorn. In the waning phase, it is recommended to carry out procedures to remove cosmetic imperfections (calluses, ingrown nails and hair, dandruff, fungus, etc.). On the waxing Moon, it is best to nourish hair and nails, as they quickly absorb useful substances. The Moon in Capricorn is favorable as home care, and professional. In addition, this time is the most favorable for manicures and pedicures, cleansing the scalp, and improving the structure of hair and nails.

The moon in Taurus is the most favorable time for a haircut. Hair will grow faster and its structure will improve. Nails will become hard and acquire a healthy color. The moon in Taurus has a beneficial effect on hair coloring, healing the scalp and hands. Nourishing oil and vitamin masks will be the most effective. This day is favorable for shaping eyebrows and permanent makeup.

The Moon in Virgo has a positive effect on hair cutting, manicure and pedicure procedures, and nail extensions. Therapeutic baths, infusions, removal of calluses, hangnails, and depilation are effective on this day. Aromatherapy and phytotherapy using essential oils are especially useful. This is also a good time to test new cosmetics and develop your own hair and nail care program.

The influence of lunar days on hair and nail cutting

Determining only the phase of the moon for effective nail and hair care is not enough. It is also necessary to choose the right lunar day, on which your future well-being will depend. By following the Lunar calendar, you can tune your hair and nails to three energy waves:

Personal energy (health, vitality and opportunities, activity), with which haircuts are most closely associated;

Social energy (social activity), depending on hair and nail coloring;

Natural energy (a source of spiritual and physical strength) controlled by various grooming procedures, hair styling, hand massage, etc.

1st lunar day. At this time, the body is being adjusted to the new lunar month. Therefore, cutting hair and nails is extremely undesirable, as it can lead to a reduction in energy resources, complete exhaustion, and even serious illness. How about dyeing your hair natural dyes or giving your nails shine with natural ingredients is completely safe. It will even give you additional vitality and a boost of vigor. On the first lunar day, you can attract an impulse of natural energy to yourself, improve your physical and mental well-being if you braid your hair for the whole day. It would seem that this is the simplest manipulation, and yet it concentrates healing cosmic currents on your body.

2nd lunar day. The body is configured to accept energy, so any procedures with conductors - hair and nails - will help improve health. A haircut will improve the condition of the sense organs (visual acuity, hearing, and olfactory sensitivity will increase). The excretory function will improve, digestive systems, cerebral circulation is normalized. Changing your hairstyle will attract additional vitality. On this day, it is best to get rid of unnecessary ballast: cut off split ends or peeling nails. This will allow your guides to maintain a healthy appearance for a long time. However, keep in mind that after a haircut, the structure of the hair and nails may change beyond recognition (for example, the hair will become frizzy and the nails will bend strongly). Refuse synthetic dyes, varnishes, and nail polish removers on this day. The use of unnatural products will be more powerful and will lead to dehydration of the nails and hair.

3rd lunar day - a day of active energy exchange with Nature. Treatments that stimulate blood circulation will be beneficial: comb your hair thoroughly, massage your hands and fingertips to activate energy exchange. Efficiency can be enhanced with the help of conspiracies that will attract positive emotions and protect against negativity.

For hair:

How many years, so many Czechs.

There are so many hairs on the head.

My hair, waft, curl, strengthen,

My years, increase in health and wealth.

For nails:

I will cut off the melancholy, sadness, evil fate. Go away, you dashing one, go away, evil one, go away, oblique! Go away, my misfortune, let my fate come!

I cut my hair, I cut my hair, I drive out sadness and melancholy! May the joy in my years be with me forever!

Grow your nail, grow, grow! Not birdlike, not animalistic, but human and beautiful!

I cut, I cut: I drive away troubles, fevers, adversities. Get away forever, trouble, from my yard!

With the help of a haircut, you will increase the sensitivity of your hair and nails to energy flows and, thereby, achieve excellent health and increase vitality. Moreover, the more you cut, the more actively the energy potential will be renewed. Even if you are not going to change your hairstyle or the length of your nails, do it purely symbolically: cut a couple of hairs or shorten one nail, then you will add health and beauty to them. Synthetic dyes on this day should be used as sparingly as possible so as not to close the energy channels. And it’s better to refuse styling, since nature will still take its course and tune the hair to attract vital forces, and no hairspray will help maintain the hairstyle for a long time.

4th lunar day- your energy begins to overflow. If you are completely satisfied with your state of health, refuse to trim your hair and nails, as this will entail a change in their structure, slow down growth and disrupt further energy exchange. The same applies to a radical change in color. If you really can’t stand it, it’s better to use natural, discreet shades. But in general, procedures with hair and nails on this day are fraught with mental disorders, diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

5th lunar day. A visit to the hairdresser on this day will come in handy. With the help of a haircut (but not a radical one!) you will be completely renewed: your physical health will improve, your mental state will be balanced. Extension procedures, perms, and lightening on this day will not bring negative health consequences, since hair and nails are set up for rapid recovery.

6th lunar day. Hygienic procedures for hair and nails on this day will be as positive as possible for your health. You can improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system, get rid of colds and viral diseases. However, it is better to postpone coloring or image changing procedures for another day, as they can disrupt energy metabolism.

7th lunar day. Cutting your hair and nails will make you healthier genitourinary system, will contribute to the production of natural pheromones, which will give you additional charm and sexuality. So, if you are not planning a visit to the salon that day, you can at least trim your bangs, cut a couple of hairs or file your nails. Styling or curling will help attract additional natural forces and life potential.

8th lunar day. On this day, the maximum number of positive energy. Therefore, haircuts will only disrupt the bioflow and bring big health problems. Impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system, headaches or toothaches, allergic reactions, skin diseases, and nervous disorders are not excluded. For the same reason, it is better to avoid any manipulation with hair and nails.

9th lunar day- time of radiation of negative energy from Space. Get rid of negativity, avoid health problems and dangerous consequences for life you can with the help of haircuts. Hair and nail lightening procedures can achieve a similar effect.

The 10th lunar day is considered unfavorable for health. On this day, hair and nails must be treated with the most care. It's best to save your haircuts for another day, otherwise you will attract problems with your senses. But here are therapeutic and strengthening procedures using natural remedies will help strengthen the immune system. Frequently combing your hair and massaging your fingertips will also have a positive effect on your health.

11th lunar day- a day of peak energy, when any action can be accompanied by a powerful surge of energy, both positive and negative. So this is the best time to visit the salon. Haircuts will protect your health and prevent you from feeling unwell. You can at least symbolically trim a strand of your hair or correct the shape of your nails. Good styling will normalize and streamline the flow of energy and give you vitality.

12th lunar day. Haircuts will tune the body to work with health energy. So even if you didn’t intend to take care of yourself, take advantage of the influence of the lunar day and adjust your hairstyle or the shape of your nails.

13th lunar day has extraordinary potential: new energy flows begin to flow from Space. In order not to disrupt these flows, refrain from any coloring and styling of hair, extensions and coating of nails, even with colorless varnish. But haircuts will have a beneficial effect on your appearance and will help improve the health of your genitourinary and excretory systems.

14th lunar day- time to mobilize mental and physical strength. It is better not to touch your hair and nails on this day. Trust them, let them work according to the old scheme, and then you will maintain mental and physical balance.

15th lunar day- unlucky for haircuts. On this day, too much destructive energy is emitted from Space. Therefore, shortened hair or nails will only tune in to her perception. Procedures with nails and hair can provoke mental disorders, increased blood pressure, headaches, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, sensory organs, and mental imbalance. To unlock the source of natural energy, it is best to leave your hair loose, and if it is curly, straighten it. Forget about your nails on this day, they will do a good job on their own.

16th lunar day- It is better to refrain from any procedures with hair and nails. Haircuts can provoke negative emotions, craving for alcohol and cigarettes, deterioration of health and, above all, disruption of cerebral circulation, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

17th lunar day. Haircuts will bring you health benefits. They will help improve well-being, self-cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract, and general rejuvenation of the body. Haircuts will help you get rid of headaches, toothaches or other pain in the near future.

18th lunar day. Cutting your hair and nails activates your energy, which means that the process of self-renewal and healing starts in your body. A visit to the hairdresser and manicure salon on this day will add longevity to you.

19th lunar day- day of explosive energy. Therefore, it is better to refrain from procedures with hair and nails. Haircuts will seriously affect your health: they will lead to migraines, eye diseases and infections, and aching joints. But combing your hair at least several times a day will attract natural forces to you and increase your vitality.

20th lunar day- the time when malfunctions begin in the operation of energy conductors. Therefore, to activate them, visit a beauty salon. Haircuts will bring relief from various ailments, and the condition of the visual system will improve. But it is better to refuse coloring on this day. An unsuccessful procedure can lead to mental disorders.

21st lunar day b. Haircuts will attract beauty, health and well-being. Treatments with hair and nails will help you cope with pain and get rid of habits that are harmful to your well-being (smoking, alcoholism, gluttony, etc.).

22nd lunar day. Hair cutting will help improve the condition of the respiratory and excretory systems. However, it is better not to overdo it here. Radical haircuts will disrupt the stable state of your biofield.

23rd lunar day Procedures with hair and nails are contraindicated on this day. They can lead to an imbalance in energy balance. Any procedures with hair and nails will lead to increased fatigue, cause problems in the gastrointestinal tract, and cause a slowdown in metabolic processes. So it will be easy to gain excess weight on this day.

24th lunar day- the time when energy resources begin to deplete. Haircuts are perfect for replenishing your supply, as they will tune your conductors to better perceive energy. But people with weak blood vessels should avoid lightening their hair, otherwise cardiovascular failure may occur and blood clots may form.

25th lunar day. Hair and nails are very vulnerable on this day. Any procedures with them are categorically undesirable. They can lead to deterioration of vision, exacerbation of eye diseases, nervous breakdowns and more serious consequences. Any harsh impact on hair and nails will simply disrupt the functioning of the energy information system.

26th lunar day- a time of emotional instability. Therefore, it is better to postpone haircuts, they will cause mental health problems and serious injuries. The only thing you can do on this day is high hairstyles, they will replenish the missing energy volume.

27th lunar day- activity time. This day is recommended for beauty restoration. A haircut will not only improve your appearance, but also lift your spirits and improve your mental balance. With the help of hair coloring, creating complex hairstyles, and nail extensions, you will also achieve positive results: fine wrinkles will smooth out, ailments will go away, and a feeling of lightness will appear throughout the body.

28th lunar day- time of emotional stability. It should not be disturbed by various hair and nail care procedures. Haircuts can reduce physical activity and have negative consequences for health, up to a threat to life. It is better to leave your hair and nails in their natural state - let them work independently for your benefit.

29th lunar day- time to sum up the results of the lunar month. Shortening hair and nails, even to a small length, will bring relief from old and chronic ailments and improve your emotional state. However, refrain from coloring your hair and applying nail polish, otherwise you will simply block all the body’s ability to cope with ailments and postpone them to the next month.

30th lunar day- a time of peace and tranquility. On this day, it is best to cut the ends of your hair and nails, even just a little. This will help get rid of negative energy, accumulated over the entire month, and will give you the opportunity to tune in to the new lunar month. Dyeing your hair or nails on this day is completely useless, since by doing so you are setting yourself up for long-term work in the same rhythm. But, starting from the new moon, all settings are reset, and your efforts are in vain.

You should also pay attention to days that are especially unfavorable for haircuts - these are days of solar and lunar eclipses, as well as days that “burn” your health. According to Tibetan medicine, it's 12 and 27 lunar days, falling on Sunday; 11 and 26 - on Monday; 10 and 25 - on Tuesday, 3 and 18 - on Wednesday, 6 and 21 - on Thursday, 2 and 17 - on Friday, 7 and 22 - on Saturday.

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Today, the question of when is the best time to do a manicure and other nail manipulations, in March or April 2020 no longer seems idle. Everyone remembered the ancient traditions of nail care.
The understanding has come that there are no traditions based on nothing - old truths come into life again and we try to cut our nails, dye our hair and do manicures according to the lunar calendar.

Proper nail care can not only improve their condition and normalize your health, but more importantly, change your destiny for the better.
Therefore, it is important to find out which days are most favorable for haircuts. Whether it is worth cutting your nails according to the days of the week, or according to the lunar calendar, this is not always just a tribute to fashionable hobbies.
The lunar manicure calendar is not a whim of astrologers, but a tool proven over thousands of years for those who want to have beautiful nails and prosperity in life.

Many will ask: “Why is it better to do a manicure only on certain days? favorable days?. We don’t know the answer to this question, just as we don’t know “Why does our life depend on the phases of the moon?”
It just depends. But we know which days are suitable for cutting nails and manicures in March 2020, and which are not.

As you know, the Moon influences many processes on Earth. We can easily see some phenomena that arise due to the will of the Earth's satellite, for example, the ebb and flow of the oceans.
Others are not so noticeable, but more important. The moon influences many natural processes - from harvests to your health.
And people noticed this a long time ago and realized that they need to do hair cutting, pedicure and manicure in accordance with the lunar calendar.
The same applies to hair removal or cosmetic procedures... But first, very briefly about the lunar manicure calendar in March and April 2020.

The best time when you can and should cut your nails is Friday, after dark, regardless of the phase of the moon.
If you are lucky and it is “Capricorn” and the waning Moon, then shortening the length of your nails with a manicure will not only make your nails beautiful, but will also have a positive effect on your health.
But avoid cutting your nails on Saturday, especially in the signs of Gemini, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Perhaps, after these procedures, they will become fragile and brittle.
Besides, Saturday is not a good time to get your nails done.
If you want your nails to grow faster, then shorten them when the moon is waxing.

Now we will tell you about nail care in March 2020.

We cut our nails and get a manicure in March on the 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 21st, 22nd, 26th, 27th, 28th, 31st

According to the March lunar manicure calendar, it is better to put off tweezers and nippers on other days.

Read more about cutting nails according to the lunar calendar below. But first, about the influence of the phases of our satellite on our lives.

For several thousand years, humanity has used the phases of the moon to keep time.
Even in ancient times, people noticed that the eternal satellite of the Earth controls the tides, determines the time when to plant seeds and when to harvest.
But for us, the influence of the satellite on beauty and health is more important. Many centuries ago, women knew well that there are days favorable for haircuts, days for hair removal, days for skin care.

When the moon is waxing, hair and nails grow faster. Therefore, cutting these days leads to an improvement in the quality of hair and nails.
In addition, these days vitamins are absorbed better by the body, cuts and abrasions on the skin heal faster.
Conversely, cutting your hair on unfavorable days not only worsens the quality of your nails, but more importantly, it can adversely affect your health and even your destiny.
But it is better to remove acne during the waning moon. By the way, these days it is best to do hair removal.

At the same time, we must remember that when determining favorable days, we must take into account not only the phase of our satellite, but also the constellation in which it is located.

Follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar when doing your manicure and you will put in order not only your nails, but also your life.
But, if you do everything right, but your nails look unsightly, peel, or crumble? The reason may be individual intolerance to the varnish used,
in metabolic disorders or fungal diseases. You need to change the polish, and if this does not help, contact a dermatologist.
It is also useful to eat more foods containing iron, calcium, silicon, and a lot of fresh herbs.
Remember nails are an indicator of the health of our body and karma. Healthy ones always have a smooth, shiny, pink surface.
Then your life will be wonderful.

When is the best (and best) time to cut your nails in March 2020?

Date Day Lunar day Zodiac Moon phase The best days for a manicure
1 Sun 7,8 Twins Waxing Moon Who asked when you can cut your nails in March?? Today is a great day for manicure and pedicure.
2 Mon 8,9 Don't be in a rush to grab your pliers or scissors. If necessary, it’s better to do a little sawing today. But without fanaticism.
3 W 9,10 Unfavorable day. You can't cut your nails today. Don't strain your eyes, take care of your eyesight
4 Wed 10,11 Cancer The day is clearly conducive to cutting your nails and creating a new nail look. Today length doesn't matter.
5 Thu 11,12 Unfavorable day. We do not do manicures or pedicures. Neither together nor separately.
6 Fri 12,13 Leo March is a good time to cut your nails and take care of your nail bed. Decorate and strengthen your nails, they will come in handy in the future.
7 Sat 13,14 As the moon grows, the desire to cut your nails and get a manicure increases. So what's the matter? Today is a great day.
8 Sun 14,15 Virgo A good time when in March you can cut your nails and do an original French manicure
9 Mon 15,16 Full moon Unfavorable day. The decision to cut your nails is yours. Lunar calendar, confused. There are some for, but more against.
10 W 16,17 Scales Waning Moon Unfavorable day in March for cutting nails. By the way, tomorrow, it is better to shorten the horny plates on the back surface of the fingertips. Tomorrow, alas, is a bad time to create a new manicure.
11 Wed 17,18 Unfavorable day. Who was interested in the question of when to cut nails in March?? We answer everyone, not today. And prepare a new varnish, it’s time for other paints.
12 Thu 18,19 Scorpion Taking care of your nails. You can do anything, and, of course, cut your nails. Put aside other evening activities and take care of your nails.
13 Fri 19 A whole successful day lies ahead. You can and should have time to cut your nails and get an amazing manicure
14 Sat 20 Sagittarius Neutral day. In general, this is possible and a good day, but it is better to cut your nails more carefully today and not use new polish.
15 Sun 20,21 A great time of day to visit a manicure salon. On this day you can cut your nails and apply polish.
16 Mon 21,22 Capricorn Neutral day. The decision is yours. In any case, be careful with scissors and files. Use only proven varnish for manicure
17 W 22,23 If yesterday you didn’t have time to shorten your nails and get a manicure, then you can do it today.
18 Wed 23,24 Cutting your nails and applying fashionable polishes on this day will give you pleasure. Don't wait, go for it
19 Thu 24,25 Aquarius We don’t cut our nails often and the moon calendar is in uncertain balance. Set aside the files and tweezers
20 Fri 25,26 No, no and no. You can cut your nails in March, but, of course, not today.
21 Sat 26,27 Fish We answer everyone who was interested in cutting your nails today. Can. And not only to cut hair, but also to do procedures called “manicures”.
22 Sun 27,28 December ends with days that are good for imagining a new manicure. Whether we cut our hair or not, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that anything is possible, and that we make it before April...
23 Mon 28,29 Unfavorable day for a new manicure and nail cutting. The lunar calendar prohibits, but not everything. We don’t change the varnish; if absolutely necessary, you can do a little work with a file...
24 W 29,30,1 Aries New moon Although it is light when the moon is almost full, it is better not to disturb your hair or nails. Watch a thriller on TV, read a detective story.
25 Wed 1,2 Waxing Moon No, it’s not today that you have to cut your nails. Bad day. The procedures should begin on March 26, after 20:00. Just the time for long women's series.
26 Thu 2,3 Taurus Anyone who denied themselves the pleasure of cutting their nails yesterday can do it today, or in April.
27 Fri 3,4 We cut both nails and hair. The moon is waning, and the desire to just bite off your nails is growing. We don't tolerate it. Until April, not just a hand, a fingernail... just a stone's throw away.
28 Sat 4,5 It's time, it's time to get your nails done. March 30 is a good day to cut your nails.
29 Sun 5,6 Twins Let's shorten our nails. But not today, but on the day when the Moon recommends it to us.
30 Mon 6,7 Cutting your nails and applying fashionable polishes on this day will not bring you pleasure. Don't hesitate, wait until April 2020
31 W 7,8 Cancer YOU will have time to cut your nails before the end of March, if you hurry, of course. It's April outside. Let's meet him with a new manicure.