How to prepare for the exam 1 day before passing it: methods and recommendations

Almost everyone was a student. And accordingly, many of us know what a session is. It is inevitable, like passing exams. But the life of a student is full of interesting events, and for many, study is far from being in the first place. However, when the session comes, you have to collect your thoughts. And often negligent students ask themselves: how to prepare for the exam in 1 day?

What needs to be done first?

If only a day is left before the delivery of the item, then there is no need to hesitate. First, you need to get ready to study. Concentrate, drink coffee or citrus juice (these drinks have a good effect on mindfulness, increasing it), log out of all social networks and turn off the phone with the TV so that nothing can distract from an important matter. After that, you need to open a list of questions or topics and familiarize yourself with them. It is recommended to start with the most difficult ones. They should be emphasized. Then, when complex issues are studied, you can move on to simpler ones.

It is highly recommended to make notes - key words or abstracts. So it will be easier to repeat the answer to the question and remember its main content. It is also desirable to look for a connection between them. Often the questions overlap with each other. True, this applies more to humanitarian subjects than technical ones.

Time distribution

There are quite a few tips for people who are interested, for 1 day. And the most important thing that a student should take into account is that it is necessary to allocate time correctly. Let's say he studies topics or questions for 45 minutes, and then rests for 15 minutes. It is very important during this break to be completely distracted from mental activity. You can watch some videos on the Internet, drink tea or coffee, take a walk in the fresh air or just lie down. So it will turn out to replenish strength and feel a surge of energy.

It is also advised to distribute exam questions to these time intervals. Let's say a student has 30 tickets that need to be prepared, and a day for all this. This means that in the notorious 45 minutes he must have time to do 3 pieces. Then - a break. In total, it will take 10 hours to prepare. Starting at 10:00 in the morning, it will be possible to finish by 8 in the evening. Then you can take a break for two hours, and then repeat everything that was done over the past day. Yes, studying for 10 hours is exhausting. But if the student is faced with the question of how to prepare for the exam in 1 day, then you need to concentrate and for once strain yourself to pass the subject.


No matter how difficult the subject, it will need to be understood. The material is often very difficult to grasp. And this is a big problem. After all, no matter how phenomenal the student's memory is, what he does not understand will still not be remembered. That's why you have to be smart. The best way to remember incomprehensible material is to come up with associations. Many students do just that.

In general, it is desirable to delve into the material and catch the essence. You can parse the sentence literally by words - you can still find the meaning. And this will be the best way out, because if this ticket comes across in the exam, then the student will be able to tell everything in his own words and will not need to try to remember the wording from the abstract. By the way, most teachers appreciate it - when a student understands what he is saying. This indicates the student's knowledge of the subject.

Numbers and formulas

All of the above definitely works if the student is preparing to take a humanitarian subject (history, psychology, pedagogy, etc.). But how to prepare for the exam in 1 day if you have to answer physics, geometry, linear algebra? Here everything is much more complicated. Since it will not be possible to spontaneously prepare for such items, you need to walk on them. But there is a way out here too.

Formulas and axioms are the main assistants in solving a problem or in some kind of explanation. And you can remember them if you find in them a similarity with a number that the student knows by heart. It can be some memorable date, someone's phone number or a birthday. In formulas, it is also not uncommon to see a familiar figure or sequence.

Using your abilities

Many students are happy to talk about how to quickly and effectively prepare for the exam. And popular advice is that each student should use their own abilities. If a person has a well-developed visual memory, then he needs to reread the material. It will definitely “imprint” on a subconscious level. And if auditory memory is well developed, then it is worth pronouncing the answers to questions and tickets out loud.

And it is recommended to use motor memory. That is to write cheat sheets. And if they cannot be used in the exam, then the work certainly will not be lost. After all, the material will be absorbed much better than with ordinary cramming. Even teachers advise writing cheat sheets (they only add that they should be left at home later). Why? Everything is simple. The cheat sheet has always been a small piece of paper on which the most important, key information for the answer was written. The student, in order to write it, processed far more than one page of a textbook or abstract. Accordingly, he thought, analyzed, chose the most important and wrote it on a piece of paper. And everything was stored in his mind. So if a student is thinking about how to prepare for the exam in one night, then you should not waste time and write cheat sheets.


Above are a few tips on how to prepare for an exam the day before it's due. But not everything always goes according to plan. If a student is not used to hard study and fruitful work, then literally after an hour of processing the examination material, he will begin to get tired and fall asleep. Well, then you need to stimulate yourself in all sorts of ways.

Strong sweet coffee (natural, not instant) and dark chocolate help a lot. You can also add cinnamon, cream and milk to this drink. It's even better than pure coffee! Because in this case, the drink will provide the body not only with invigorating caffeine, but also with a considerable dose of carbohydrates. But don't drink energy drinks. It is recommended to eat nuts. And sandwiches with honey. You can also eat black bread with salmon and avocado (although not everyone in the house can find this).

And an even better way to cheer up the body and stop wanting to sleep is physical activity. A short charge is enough! An approach of push-ups, squats, a warm-up for the shoulders and back, rotation of the head - and that's all, the student will definitely not be overcome by sleep for the next hour. All this should also be taken into account when thinking about how to prepare for the test in 1 day.

About the Russian Roulette Method

Many students make a big mistake. They begin to prepare questions according to the list and conscientiously select the material, simultaneously cramming it. But now the time is already coming to sleep, fatigue makes itself felt, and there are still, say, 20 questions from the end. And the student thinks - okay, you don’t need to do them, they probably won’t get caught. And on the day of the exam, he gets a ticket consisting of questions that were among those 20 unfinished. Labor down the drain. So, it is better to cover all the questions and give a small answer to absolutely every one in the process of preparation. Like it or not, they all overlap with each other, and in extreme cases it will be possible to “pour water”. No need to play Russian roulette and think that an unprepared question will not come across. Usually it's the other way around.

Collective preparation

This is probably the best way. And efficient. This often happens, “X hour” is just around the corner, and a group of negligent students grabs their heads - how to prepare for the exam in one day? Ways exist, and many have already been described. But the best method of preparation is collective. A group of those same students unites (in someone's apartment or in a hostel), then they distribute questions among themselves and prepare them together. It turns out quickly and efficiently - besides, the company works better, and certainly no one will let anyone fall asleep. The main thing is to get ready for work. Otherwise, everything can turn into a party.

Before the exam

Well, the above was about how to prepare for the exam in one day. But in the end, it is worth saying a few more words on this topic.

So, it is very important to get enough sleep before giving up. Therefore, you need to start preparing in the morning in order to have time to go to bed before midnight. Arriving at the exam sleepy, yawning, dreaming of a pillow, it is unlikely that you will be able to concentrate and remember everything that was prepared. It will be a pity to waste your time.

In the morning you should eat well and recharge with caffeine. And most importantly - do not oversleep, so you need to set several alarms. And on the way to the university, repeat the material - for example, sitting in a minibus, scroll through the questions that cause the most problems.

In principle, it is realistic to prepare for the exam in one day. The main thing is to follow the above recommendations and believe in yourself.