Can your eyes itch when looking at indoor plants? What to do if you are allergic to plants, or which indoor flowers are harmless to an allergy sufferer

Flowers surround us everywhere. Cultivated varieties are planted in flower beds within the city to improve the appearance of the streets, creating a contrast with the dusty gray asphalt. Wild species grow in fields, in unkempt garden plots, at the edge of forests - anywhere where seeds can be carried by wind currents, as well as birds, insects and animals. It is difficult to imagine a holiday without flower arrangements, and according to existing traditions, it is customary to celebrate the arrival of special dates by presenting bouquets. In addition, for many people, the contemplation of bright peonies, fragrant roses or field daisies - a way to relax, immerse yourself in pleasant thoughts. However, if you develop an allergy to flowers, any contact with them can seriously threaten your health. Therefore, it is worth finding out which symptoms are an alarming signal indicating the presence of pathological sensitivity.

The most common allergenic flowers

There is a truly huge list of plants that can cause intolerance reactions. However, several species can be distinguished from it, which are considered the most dangerous due to the fact that they are found literally everywhere. These include:

  1. Lily

    Extremely beautiful, feels comfortable and in room conditions, and in the garden in open space. It is cultivated in almost every corner of the planet, sometimes wild varieties are observed. Valued for its elegant appearance and rich, delicate aroma, which can cause signs of allergy to flowers even without direct contact with buds, stems and pollen.

  2. Ambrosia

    Classified as a weed. It is unpretentious, grows even in drought conditions, and is not eaten by animals due to its unpleasant bitter taste. Its pollen spreads to significant distances- on average, within a radius of 2 km. The seeds remain viable for up to four decades, which makes the plant practically invulnerable to all quarantine measures.

  3. Pelargonium, geranium

    They are similar to each other and are often chosen for breeding at home - on a windowsill, balcony or veranda. They come in a variety of colors, making it easy for owners to add them as an extra touch to any home decor.

It is worth remembering that absolutely any plant can cause a reaction - it is necessary to focus, first of all, on the feelings of a particular patient who is faced with unpleasant symptoms.

Causes of allergies

Flower intolerance is associated with sensitivity to protein components (proteins) and essential oils, which are contained in:

  • in pollen;
  • in juice;
  • on stems;
  • in the roots.

The patient's immune system reacts to them as a threat and, upon contact, triggers the production of antibodies - special protective compounds that can be detected through laboratory testing. The most important are pollen particles that spread with air currents, settle on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and provoke inflammatory process. When thinking about what flowers you may be allergic to, you need to evaluate a specific plant in accordance with the criteria:

  1. Bright color.
  2. Intense, almost suffocating smell.
  3. The presence of wide-opening buds with numerous stamens.

If all the mentioned features are present, most likely you are looking at a variety that is dangerous for sensitive patients. It “dominates” the bouquet, is immediately noticeable on the windowsill or in the garden, smells pleasant, but in some people even without immunological intolerance it can cause headaches. Light-colored species that lack a strong aroma are less active as flower allergens.

Sometimes there is also a risk of cross-reactions due to sensitivity to a particular plant:

  • for lilies - onions, garlic, aloe;
  • for ambrosia - for sunflower, dandelion;
  • to wormwood - on dahlias, chamomiles.

To check for allergies to indoor flowers or outdoor species, it is necessary to temporarily interrupt contact with them - improvement in the condition is considered a reliable indicator of intolerance.

To do this, you can take pots with “suspected” varieties to relatives or give them to neighbors. To avoid contact with plants located on personal plot, it is enough to leave for a few days.


At the core clinical manifestations lies an inflammatory process, which is sometimes very similar to an infectious disease. For this reason, a pollen allergy may be mistaken for a cold. This opinion is confirmed in severe cases, complications associated with damage to the skin and mucous membranes (for example, as a result of scratching).

There are features characteristic of allergies to lilies of the valley and other flowers:

  1. Dependence on contact with a provocateur plant.
  2. Absence of pus in the discharge.
  3. Complaints of severe itching, irritation, swelling in the affected areas.

During infection, the intoxication syndrome still dominates - weakness, headache, decreased tolerance to physical activity. However, it is worth noting that even this manifestation can be observed in cases of severe sensitivity to plants.

Respiratory disorders

Among them are the following symptoms of allergy to flowers:

  1. Nasal congestion.
  2. Sneezing, liquid discharge.
  3. Shortness of breath, cough.
  4. Feeling of lack of air.

Patients are bothered by tickling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which also extends to the ears; sometimes conjunctivitis syndrome is associated, including redness, itching of the eyelids, lacrimation, and photophobia. Constant rubbing of the nose and eyes with a handkerchief and fingers leads to irritation of the skin above the upper lip, microtraumas and the creation of an “entry gate” for infection. The result may be additional inflammation - for example, in the cornea area (keratitis). The described symptoms are often accompanied by an asthma attack, manifested by a dry cough with wheezing and difficulty exhaling.

Dermatological signs


  • redness, swelling;
  • peeling, rashes (spots, blisters, blisters);
  • dryness, itching;
  • sometimes - pain.

Symptoms of allergy to indoor flowers and outdoor species usually occur in close contact with stems, pollen, and sap.

They are characterized by local damage - for example, if a person decides to cut daisies without gloves, pathological changes are observed on the palms, hands, and fingers on the inside. Generalized disorders (affecting the entire skin as a whole) are also possible; they are characteristic of cross-allergy, which develops when consuming provoking substances in food.

Features of the course in children

The child is more sensitive to the sap, pollen and smell of plants. He has delicate skin, which is easily damaged when combed, and easily becomes scratched. You should also pay attention to the narrow clearance respiratory tract, due to which even slight swelling of the mucous membrane leads to difficulty in the passage of air flow. In addition, children are curious; out of ignorance, they can taste the plant of interest and damage the integrity of the leaves and stems. For this reason, the focus of the lesion is most often located:

  • on the palms;
  • on the hands;
  • in the nasal cavity, mouth.

Depending on the type of contact, the child may be concerned about:

  • the appearance of a rash (spots, blisters, nodules, blisters);
  • swelling and itching of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • runny nose, sneezing, cough, shortness of breath.

This is a syndrome characterized by the presence of a set of symptoms reminiscent of the picture infectious disease. The following symptoms of allergies to lilies of the valley and other flowers are observed:

  1. General weakness, sweating.
  2. Decreased physical activity.
  3. Nervousness, sleep disturbance.
  4. Lack of appetite.
  5. Headache.
  6. Low-grade fever (37.1-37.9 °C).

The listed manifestations are often supplemented by local pathological changes. If a flower allergen gets on exposed skin, dermatitis (redness, itching, rash) develops, and on mucous membranes - rhinitis (runny nose) and/or conjunctivitis.


To find out what flowers a child or adult may be allergic to and choose the right treatment, it is necessary to use a set of studies. First, you need a survey that allows you to clarify information about the nature of sensitivity and compile a list of suspected provoking plants. It is also necessary to inspect the affected areas and use special tests.

They have accuracy and reliability, and make it possible to evaluate the results immediately after completing the study (takes about 30 minutes). They consist of applying selected allergens to the forearm or back, where direct contact with them is ensured using a small puncture, scratch or injection. The weight advantage is that the patient does not feel pain or experiences minimal discomfort - all manipulations are carried out extremely carefully, using small instruments.

The doctor pays attention to the appearance of:

  • redness (hyperemia);
  • swelling;
  • sensations of itching, irritation;
  • element of the rash (blister).

Signs of a positive reaction in the presence of sensitivity to colors are observed, on average, after 20 minutes from the moment of contact.

This period may be shortened or slightly extended, but the appearance of the symptoms named in the list indicates that the patient still has an allergy. Sometimes delayed consequences are possible - numbness, swelling and redness of the skin at the site of application of the provocateur, which occurs several hours after the test. They are stored for up to two days.

Laboratory tests

This involves taking a blood sample from a vein to test the serum for antibodies. They help determine the presence of sensitivity to different colors (lily of the valley, etc.) without direct contact with allergens. This makes it possible to diagnose patients suffering from dermatological diseases or who have a high risk of anaphylactic shock when performing a skin test. The tests have other advantages:

  1. They have no age restrictions.
  2. Allows you to test a large number of plants for allergenicity at the same time.
  3. Can be used to monitor the condition during treatment without the risk of provoking a reaction.

You can plan a diagnostic search under the guidance of an experienced physician. Discuss your appointment with a specialist in advance medicines(especially antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids) - they can distort the results.

About the fact that gardening or indoor flower can cause allergies, many people have heard. But not everyone knows how to avoid this. A number of measures are used:

  • refusal to grow at home, on a personal plot;
  • timely elimination of weeds around the perimeter of the home, especially under the windows;
  • notifying family and friends that bouquets may pose a threat.

If intolerance is related to flowering seasonal plants, it is worth considering the option of temporarily leaving for a safer region. You can also consult your doctor about the use of barrier medications (for example, Nazaval based on micronized cellulose), which protect the nasal mucosa from contact with the allergen. A person who is aware of the likelihood of a reaction should always carry with him an antihistamine recommended by a specialist.

Which flowers do not cause allergies?

    • Flowers that you smell for the first time in your life do not cause allergies 😉
    • The less pollen and stench from a flower, the more chance that it is not a strong allergen (if you don’t poke your nose directly into it).
  • Allergies are usually caused by almost any flowers that are available. After all, it’s usually pollen that causes allergies in people. But you can name flowers that are less allergenic. Examples include orchids, begonias and phlox.

    Highly allergenic are ragweed, lilies, geraniums and others, mainly those that emit a very strong odor.

    It should be noted that each person has his own allergic sensitivity to flowers: when inhaling pollen from any non-allergenic flowers, he may develop a runny nose and watery eyes. This happens especially often in summer, during flowering.

    Even flowers such as chamomile, clover, asters, decorative and deciduous plants, which do not cause any particular allergies, can become a source of allergic symptoms for some people, even leading to Quincke's syndrome.

    The thought immediately came to mind: artificial. But seriously? After all, every girl loves flowers, but what to do if you have allergies. An allergic reaction is caused by pollen found in flowers. Therefore, you need to choose flowers in which there is no pollen or there is still very little of it. The most hypoallergenic flowers are: climbing roses, unopened roses, phlox, orchids, bougainvillea has no pollen, petunia, lobelia (for the garden).

    All flowers can cause allergies, because all flowers are characterized by the presence of pollen, which is an allergen.

    There are more hypoallergenic flowers, there are less, but completely hypoallergenic flowers simply do not exist.

    All flowers cause allergies (with the exception of Cappuccino, but let’s be honest, it’s not for romantic relationships. And in my opinion personal experience The more beautiful the flower, the more it causes allergies. Flower pollen prevents people from enjoying the smell of flowers. Therefore, give perfume.

    Due to the fact that many people have an allergic reaction to flowers, breeders have bred one single flower that does not cause allergies - decorative sunflowers and they are called Cappuccino, while all other flowers pose a danger to allergy sufferers.

    Allergies can be caused by all flowers that have pollen, because pollen is the allergen. Based on this, you need to pay attention to those flowers that have no pollen or very little. These flowers include the following: orchids, phlox, petunias, lobelias, climbing roses.

    The more dust and pollen there are on flowers, the stronger their smell, the more they can provoke allergies; there are many such flowers, even indoor flowers such as geranium and dieffenbachia cause allergies. Flowers that are safe for allergy sufferers are beautiful orchids, double roses, cambria, and begonia.

    Any flower can cause allergies. The most dangerous flowers are those that have a strong odor and a lot of pollen. The most hated plant for allergy sufferers is ragweed. During its flowering period, everyone actively sneezes and cries.

    All flowers cause allergies. Because all flowers have pollen. There are flowers that have pollen in small quantities - orchids, phlox, begonias, but a large amount of these flowers will again cause allergies. In medicine, 700 types of flowers and 11,000 flowering plants have been identified that cause allergies. Therefore, you should simply find flowers that do not cause your allergies. By the way, if you believe scientists, they have bred genetically modified flowers that do not cause allergies, although I have not yet seen them on sale.

Answers biologist Gleb Kudryavtsev:

The most evil enemies The allergy sufferer is not plants at all, but ordinary house dust that settles on the leaves. To prevent this, try wiping the leaves, and if wiping is difficult or impossible, then bathe the plants in the shower at least once every six months.

Some plants can cause allergies when touched; symptoms of this include hives and burns. Most often these are those that are covered with glandular hairs.

Particularly severe allergies are caused by plants that have volatile pollen and a strong odor. But if there is no pollen, there is no reaction. Therefore, among the two plants, it is better to choose the one that blooms with double flowers. They produce virtually no pollen, since additional petals usually lead to the disappearance or greatly reduced number of stamens.

Orchids and bromeliads almost never cause allergies. Feel free to choose Phalaenopsis, Vriesia, Guzmania, Cambria or any other representative of these families. Of the common store-bought options, double rose or begonia are perfect.

Another important point– allergies to pollen and dust are much less likely if the air is humid. Plants usually like it too, so spraying will bring double benefits, especially during the dry winter period.

Why do some people tolerate the presence of flowers in the house, while others do not? Allergies are associated with improper functioning of the immune system. If you don't know what exactly started it, it's worth looking at your house plants - perhaps one of them is the cause. and in this article we will tell you the features of all such plants and show them photos.

House flowers that cause allergies are usually beautiful flowering plants. Due to its strong odor, lily causes nasal congestion and makes breathing difficult. This flower is a very strong allergen.


In general, allergies to house flowers are a common phenomenon. Those whose symptoms appear during the flowering period of trees should be especially careful. You can never say for sure which house flowers cause allergies and which do not. Many people are allergic to flowering if Dieffenbachia and spurge appear in the house. Burning and itching is what you can get if you touch the leaves of these plants. It is better to care for these plants while wearing gloves.



Allergies to house flowers can occur to ferns and kirkazon. Butterwort and Kalanchoe are also house flowers that cause allergies in sensitive people. But still, allergies to flowering are more common. If you are allergic to house flowers, do not grow sedum, crabgrass, or cyclamen.








What flowers cause allergies most often?

If we talk about which house flowers cause allergies, then you can also add agave and rhododendron to this list. The latter is a plant with a very strong aroma.



Those for whom allergies to flowering are a common thing should not have such a flower as the light at home. There may be an allergy from home flowers to alocasia and colocasia.




What house flowers can children be allergic to? You should be very careful with such a popular plant as the viviparous tree.

Asplenium viviparous

But begonia, impatiens and various types of palm trees can be kept in an apartment; they are safe for children. If in kindergarten There are some plants to which your child is allergic, bring this to the attention of the teachers.

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What indoor plants are dangerous for children?

Beauty and comfort - that’s what they create indoor plants in the house. But what if some greens from your indoor garden harmful? Moreover, if it negatively affects the health of your baby? You need to urgently distribute it, put it in another room or balcony, or even throw away the plant if it turns out to be poisonous. But before you take drastic measures, abandon the aesthetics created in the house, or the benefits that flowerpots bring, study the topic of which indoor flowers are dangerous for children.

First: look to see if there are any thorns on the plant or if its leaves are too sharp. First of all, get rid of, or place above, such flowerpots that the baby can cut his handle or prick himself. For example, move palm plants and the palm trees themselves higher: yucca, dracaena, various prickly cacti. You can figure out these obvious signs of danger yourself. But find out in more detail how poisonous all other plants are.

Second: poisonous and dangerous plants. Beautiful and colorful berries, and as a result – strong poison, contain nightshade. A small bush-like plant with round berries, it is extremely dangerous. The child is attracted to the fruits growing on nightshade, so get rid of the plant or move it very high. Decorative peppers are also dangerous. Its fruits are small, up to 4 centimeters, but colorful and attractive. If a child wants to taste a houseplant, this will lead to allergies, itching and possibly small burn wounds.

Some indoor flowers. You may have noticed that when the leaves drop, a white sap appears on the stem, similar to milk. So this juice can cause allergies and poisoning. White poison is contained by such plants as: ficus, spurge - almost all types, poinsettia (Christmas star), "African" spurge and its varieties.

Croton (a type of milkweed with multi-colored leaves) can also cause allergies. The juice of these plants can burn a child’s delicate skin, and if a child tastes it, burns his lips and tongue, his temperature may rise and he may be poisoned. Measures should be taken to induce vomiting and rinse the stomach.

But the usual, barely noticeable transparent juice of Dieffenbachia can cause severe poisoning; if you rub your eyes, first breaking a leaf of this plant, you can get burns to the mucous membrane.

Flowering plants: primroses, hydrangeas, callas, philodendron and azaleas. These flowers are very beautiful, so they attract your child's attention. But you may not even realize how poisonous and harmful they are to his health. Hydrangeas contain cyanide (leaves and stems), the same substance found in azalea flowers. If you try a piece of the flower, you can get seriously poisoned (at best). Primrose can provoke a severe allergic reaction in a child; their flowers contain essential oil.

Philodendron is not just a plant - it is a real danger to a child. The leaves, stems and flowers of this plant contain poison, it spreads with the air (it is not dangerous for an adult). The leaves of this plant contain poison that can even leave burns on the hands of a child.

There are many useful flowerpots that are recommended if you have a child in the apartment. All of the above plants are strictly prohibited, but you can still choose a green friend from thousands of beautiful and completely safe plants, both green and flowering.

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What indoor flowers can a person be allergic to?

When buying a particular houseplant, you should know which indoor flowers you may be allergic to. Runny nose, sneezing, tears - very unpleasant surprises after purchase. The point is that essential oils, spores, pollen of many plants spread easily in a closed room and can cause an allergic attack.

Manifestations of allergies to plants: conjunctivitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and asthma attacks.

Manifestations of allergies to plants

  1. Conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctiva), which is manifested by lacrimation, redness of the eyes, severe itching and swelling of the eyelids.
  2. Rhinitis. This is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by itching, sneezing and fluid discharge.
  3. Laryngitis manifests itself as a sore throat and dry cough.
  4. Bronchitis and asthma attacks can result in attacks of suffocation and swelling of the respiratory system.
  5. Skin reactions include redness, rashes and burns.

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What indoor flowers can cause allergies?

When flowering, catharanthus causes shortness of breath and dizziness in a person.

  1. Many housewives love to grow geranium, which is known for its medicinal properties. Its essential oils relieve headaches, purify the air, and can get rid of mosquitoes. But at the same time, they can cause a severe allergic reaction in the form of suffocation.
  2. Ferns often cause allergies during flowering. Very small, volatile spores during flowering easily spread throughout the house, causing irritation to the nose, eyes and throat. A persistent cough may develop.
  3. During flowering, flowers of the amaryllis family smell very strongly. Allergies to indoor plants of this family are very serious. Their fragrance can cause shortness of breath.
  4. Dieffenbachia has poisonous juice that can cause skin irritation and even burns. Cyclamen, philodendron and aglaonema have the same property.
  5. Catharanthus, oleander, alamanda. During flowering, they spread a divine fragrance, which, unfortunately, can cause shortness of breath and dizziness.
  6. The milky sap secreted by plants of the euphorbia family is very dangerous.
  7. Famous for its medicinal properties, Kalanchoe can cause skin allergies, and when consumed internally, it can cause swelling of the bronchi. This is also why the fat woman is dangerous.
  8. Agave, which purifies the air, sometimes causes burns on the skin.

Parents know how difficult it is to keep track of a curious baby. It doesn't take him long to tear off a beautiful leaf of the poisonous Dieffenbachia and put it in his mouth. And a seemingly safe plant will become a potential threat to a child. Parents-flower growers need to follow some rules:

The fern causes irritation to the nose, eyes and throat.

  1. Children are more susceptible to allergic reactions than adults. It is imperative to protect your child from contact with indoor flowers that cause allergies. Remove all poisonous and potentially allergenic flowers from your home.
  2. Completely eliminate tactile contact with plants. To do this, place them out of the child's reach.
  3. To prevent your son or daughter from accidentally eating fertilizer, use only liquid preparations.
  4. Regularly remove dust from the leaves, this will help indoor flowers purify the air.

A person always tries to create coziness in his home by surrounding himself with flowers. As a rule, housewives are guided appearance plants and ease of care. But if you have allergies, especially children, purchase indoor flowers with caution! Before purchasing, carefully study the flower to avoid disappointment later. After all, plants that cause allergies are mostly safe if you care for them properly. For example, use gloves to avoid exposure to the milky sap.

When thinking about allergies to indoor flowers in your household, do not forget that similar symptoms can also be caused by non-plants. The allergen may be dust accumulated on the leaves. Fertilizers used can cause a painful reaction. Soil fungi are also very dangerous. Therefore, to prevent recurrent signs of allergies, it is important to correctly identify and eliminate the allergen. It should be remembered that allergies are a serious disease and should only be treated by a doctor.

But allergies are not a death sentence. You should know that not all indoor flowers cause allergies.

No cases of the disease have been identified when growing tradescantia, begonia, balsam, dracaena, aloe, and chlorophytum.

They are absolutely safe for owners and will be a wonderful decoration for any interior.

Allergy to flowers

Allergy to flowers is a fairly common disease that affects many people. Despite the fact that flowers are very beautiful, smell good and perfectly decorate the room, they often have to be abandoned due to the occurrence of severe allergic reactions.

Causes of allergies to flowers

Experts identify the main reasons why an allergic reaction to plants may occur. These include irritation of the nasal mucosa due to pollen particles entering it, as well as the action of the reagin mechanism, which, when plant particles enter the body, causes an immunoglobulin reaction, which initiates an increase in the production of histamine and serotonin in the body.

Allergies, according to doctors, can be a hereditary disease (atopic), so if your older relatives have it, you are at risk. Before purchasing a flower, ask your parents if your family has encountered cases of a negative reaction of the body to interaction with plants and, if this has happened, be sure to clarify their names.
If an allergy to flowers occurs, it is recommended to carry out a full diagnosis, revealing the susceptibility of the human body to the influence of the most common allergens. This will not only resolve the issue of the presence or absence of an allergy to plants, but will also determine the list of other substances that can cause the disease.

What are the symptoms of a flower allergy?

Doctors give the answer to this question. The most common symptoms indicating the presence of an allergy are a dry cough, itchy skin, and watery eyes. Don't neglect treatment! An advanced allergy to indoor flowers can cause the formation and development of serious diseases. These include, for example, asthma and respiratory allergies. Allergoses, namely rhinosinusitis, allergic laryngitis and allergic tracheobronchitis, which cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort, provoke a burning sensation in the nose, swelling of the mucous membrane and eyes, and a dry cough.

This disease is not limited to adults. In children, the manifestations of such an allergy include not only difficulty breathing and a runny nose, but also skin rashes, itching and drowsiness. You can predict the possibility of developing an allergy to flowers in childhood by the presence of allergic reactions to complementary foods: its presence in most cases indicates that the child will also develop an allergy to pollen. Most often, children of older preschool age suffer from flower allergies.

Flowers that cause allergies

It often happens that only a certain type of plant causes allergies. What indoor flowers cause allergies in most cases? Basically these are:

  • geranium (its leaves contain essential oil)
  • fern-like plants (they spread spores throughout the room)
  • Dieffenbachia
  • poinsettia
  • Kalanchoe
  • cyclamen and akaliph

These house flowers, despite their external beauty, can cause significant harm to your health, so if you have any doubts about the safety of purchasing one of them, consult your doctor first.

How can the disease be treated?

Allergies are treated using a standard set of medications. Taking allergy medications, such as suprastin or diazolin, will help reduce the adverse effects of pollen on the nasal mucosa, and nasal drops and sprays will help eliminate a runny nose.

An allergy to flowers does not go away on its own. This disease cannot be completely eradicated, and to prevent the occurrence of allergies, it is necessary to protect yourself from exposure to the factors that cause it. An adult who has once encountered this problem has only one option to avoid an allergy to flowers: avoid contact with allergens.

You should also be extremely careful when outdoor plants, such as ragweed, are blooming. During this period, you should try to spend as little time outside as possible, avoid appearing in places with unmown grass, and, if possible, cover your nose and mouth with a scarf, handkerchief, or gauze bandage to prevent pollen from entering the respiratory tract.

  • Allergy to bedbug bites
  • Allergy to medications
  • Atrophic rhinitis
  • Temperature with allergies

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Looking around, we notice that at home, in the office, in the hospital and even in the store we are surrounded by living plants. Undoubtedly, this is wonderful, because plants not only help improve the oxygen balance around, but also have a calming effect on humans.

However, even here there may be pitfalls. The thing is that the choice of such plants should also be made extremely carefully. There are indoor plants that cause allergies. Of course, when choosing, most people rely on the appearance of the plant, method of care and size, but one should not ignore the fact that any plant can cause the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the idea of ​​cough, rash and even asthmatic symptoms.

What causes an allergic reaction?

Symptoms: dry cough. Allergy to indoor plants is a fairly common and at the same time not a simple disease. This can cause a lot of unpleasant hours and even days for the patient.
The cause of the disease can be not only pollen, which appears in plants during the flowering period, but also essential oils released from stems and leaves. Since both pollen and essential compounds are volatile, they easily penetrate the human body and provoke the development of an allergic disease.
Another cause of allergies can be alkaloids and saponins, which are part of plants and are known to be poisonous. In some cases, a reaction can develop exclusively individually, to other plant secretions. To find out which plants that cause allergies are best avoided, you should consult a specialist or read special literature.
Don't forget one more thing. A person can purchase and plant a houseplant at home, and when he fertilizes the soil, he will also develop allergic symptoms. The fact is that fertilizers can also cause an unpleasant disease. Therefore, this important factor should be taken into account when planting plants at home.

Symptoms of the disease

Determining the presence of an allergy to a houseplant is not difficult. Symptoms of this disease appear very quickly and can be expressed as:

    Swelling of the mucous membranes of the body.

    Allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

    Sometimes there may be laryngitis, sore throat, dry cough.

    Skin rashes, hyperemia and severe itching.

Symptoms: conjunctivitis.

IN difficult cases Allergy to indoor plants can be expressed in the form of asthmatic manifestations, shortness of breath, sputum production and Quincke's edema. If a person has a high sensitivity threshold, then he may have anaphylactic shock, in which it is necessary to provide prompt medical assistance.
The symptoms of the disease are quite standard, but even with the slightest sign of an allergic reaction, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is especially important to do when the disease appears in children.

Allergy diagnosis

Before you begin treatment at home, you should do two things. The first is to determine which plants the reaction occurred to, and the second is to contact an allergist.
Allergies can also be acute. In this case, you should immediately call ambulance, since the patient can very quickly develop anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal. It is especially dangerous if the disease appears in children.
If the symptoms of the disease are mild, you should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. It is very important to determine which plant and which component of it the body reacts so negatively to. The allergist will refer the sick person for a full examination and scarification will most likely be prescribed. This diagnostic method allows you to identify allergies by performing subcutaneous tests with various types of irritants. The allergen that provokes the development of the disease will definitely give a reaction. Sometimes, as a diagnostic measure, a general blood and urine test is performed to identify a specific protein.
The most important thing is to make a correct diagnosis and, based on the results obtained, begin treatment.

Indoor plants.

Allergy treatment methods

As already noted, in case of a violent allergenic reaction of the body, you should immediately call an ambulance.
For other patients, it will be necessary to get rid of the plant that provokes allergies and carry out wet cleaning in order to neutralize the surrounding area from accumulated allergens. It is also necessary to take some kind of antihistamine that will suppress the symptoms of the disease and not cause discomfort to the patient. After this, you need to visit an allergist, who will draw up a course of treatment.
Since allergies to indoor plants are mostly of the respiratory type, and the disease itself can occur in those people who are especially sensitive to such external influences, appropriate treatment should be used. Competent medical care will help not only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also rid the carrier of it forever.
As a treatment, an allergist may prescribe a course of antihistamines. Such drugs include Claritin, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Erius. If this technique does not give desired results, then the doctor resorts to a more serious type of treatment - hormonal. A complex of hormonal drugs can very quickly neutralize not only symptoms, but also overcome harmful allergenic substances that appear in the patient’s blood.

What plants should you avoid?

Dangerous indoor plants.

Based on practical observations, several conclusions can be drawn regarding which plants are allergenic and which are not. First of all, it is worth noting pelargonium or its second name, geranium. Its leaves have a very high content of essential oils, which gives the plant a very pungent and sometimes suffocating odor.
Ferns are also among the serious allergens. Allergies are triggered by pollen and spores of the plant during ripening.
Headaches and breathing problems can be caused by plants such as oleander, crinum, eucharis, and severe swelling can be caused by dieffenbach and alocasia. Kirkazone contains alkaloids, and the popular calanoe and echeveria can cause severe rhinitis and conjunctivitis.
To avoid such difficulties and not waste time on further treatment, it is worth familiarizing yourself in detail with the development features of a particular plant at home.

If you want to refresh the interior of your home, then best choice- These are indoor plants. This is the simplest and quick way bring innovation to an already boring room, breathe life into the space. But, attention - what to do if you or someone in your household suffers from allergies? Do you really have to always admire artificial flower arrangements that are constantly covered in dust? Of course not. Try decorating your home with indoor plants whose pollen is low in allergenicity. With them, your home will not only be beautiful, but also comfortable to live in.

It should be remembered that the causes of allergies are different for everyone. Those that are suitable for some are absolutely contraindicated for others. Therefore, listen to your feelings and select indoor plants individually. But there are still some plants that are low allergenic. These are the best places to start creating your home greenhouse.

Home greenhouse for allergy sufferers


One of the most unpretentious plants, however, if it grows in open ground, for example, on a personal plot or in a flowerbed at the entrance. However, this plant will also grow in your home if you choose a place with good lighting for it, for example on a balcony, or as an external decoration of a private house. In the room, due to lack of light, this plant stretches out and blooms poorly.


This is very beautiful plant with colorful leaves. It requires proper care. The soil should be moist, but not too wet, there should be enough light, but direct sunlight should be avoided in the spring and summer. The appearance of its leaves, shape and color will tell you whether you are caring for it correctly. If the color of the leaves is dull or even monochromatic, it means there is not enough light, the ends of the leaves have turned brown - water more. Croton is very capricious, but with enough attention it will be a real decoration for an apartment or office. Moreover, it can be grown in a floor vase in the form of a tree, as well as in pots in the form of a bush. In the latter case, pinch off the top and the plant will stop growing upward. Next you can watch a video about the features of this plant.

Peperomia. This is a small compact plant. There are more than 50 types of peperomia, the main difference being the shape and color of the leaves. They grow well in bright but diffused light. They should be watered when the soil feels dry to the touch.

Noble laurel

This is a plant with shiny green leaves. Laurel grows well indoors, but in summer it is better to move it to the balcony; on hot days it requires more watering. Bay leaves can be used as a spice in preparing various dishes.

Spathiphyllum (Peace lily)

This is a beautiful plant with showy white flowers. Grows well in a warm room. The soil should be moist but not wet, lighting should be moderate.

And finally

Do not forget that the source of allergens can be not only the plants themselves, but also the dust on their leaves and the soil in the pots. That is why it is worth picking off dry and yellow flowers and leaves, wipe the plant from dust; do not over-moisten the soil because of the possibility of mold appearing in the pot.

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What indoor flowers can a person be allergic to?

When buying a particular houseplant, you should know which indoor flowers you may be allergic to. Runny nose, sneezing, tears - very unpleasant surprises after purchase. The fact is that essential oils, spores, and pollen of many plants spread easily in a closed room and can cause an allergic attack.

Manifestations of allergies to plants: conjunctivitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and asthma attacks.

Manifestations of allergies to plants

  1. Conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctiva), which is manifested by lacrimation, redness of the eyes, severe itching and swelling of the eyelids.
  2. Rhinitis. This is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by itching, sneezing and fluid discharge.
  3. Laryngitis manifests itself as a sore throat and dry cough.
  4. Bronchitis and asthma attacks can result in attacks of suffocation and swelling of the respiratory system.
  5. Skin reactions include redness, rashes and burns.

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What indoor flowers can cause allergies?

When flowering, catharanthus causes shortness of breath and dizziness in a person.

  1. Many housewives love to grow geranium, which is known for its medicinal properties. Its essential oils relieve headaches, purify the air, and can get rid of mosquitoes. But at the same time, they can cause a severe allergic reaction in the form of suffocation.
  2. Ferns often cause allergies during flowering. Very small, volatile spores during flowering easily spread throughout the house, causing irritation to the nose, eyes and throat. A persistent cough may develop.
  3. During flowering, flowers of the amaryllis family smell very strongly. Allergies to indoor plants of this family are very serious. Their fragrance can cause shortness of breath.
  4. Dieffenbachia has poisonous juice that can cause skin irritation and even burns. Cyclamen, philodendron and aglaonema have the same property.
  5. Catharanthus, oleander, alamanda. During flowering, they spread a divine fragrance, which, unfortunately, can cause shortness of breath and dizziness.
  6. The milky sap secreted by plants of the euphorbia family is very dangerous.
  7. Famous for its medicinal properties, Kalanchoe can cause skin allergies, and when consumed internally, bronchial swelling. This is also why the fat woman is dangerous.
  8. Agave, which purifies the air, sometimes causes burns on the skin.

Parents know how difficult it is to keep track of a curious baby. It doesn't take him long to tear off a beautiful leaf of the poisonous Dieffenbachia and put it in his mouth. And a seemingly safe plant will become a potential threat to a child. Parents-flower growers need to follow some rules:

The fern causes irritation to the nose, eyes and throat.

  1. Children are more susceptible to allergic reactions than adults. It is imperative to protect your child from contact with indoor flowers that cause allergies. Remove all poisonous and potentially allergenic flowers from your home.
  2. Completely eliminate tactile contact with plants. To do this, place them out of the child's reach.
  3. To prevent your son or daughter from accidentally eating fertilizer, use only liquid preparations.
  4. Regularly remove dust from the leaves, this will help indoor flowers purify the air.

A person always tries to create coziness in his home by surrounding himself with flowers. As a rule, housewives are guided by the appearance of the plant and the ease of caring for it. But if you have allergies, especially children, purchase indoor flowers with caution! Before purchasing, carefully study the flower to avoid disappointment later. After all, plants that cause allergies are mostly safe if you care for them properly. For example, use gloves to avoid exposure to the milky sap.

When thinking about allergies to indoor flowers in your household, do not forget that similar symptoms can also be caused by non-plants. The allergen may be dust accumulated on the leaves. Fertilizers used can cause a painful reaction. Soil fungi are also very dangerous. Therefore, to prevent recurrent signs of allergies, it is important to correctly identify and eliminate the allergen. It should be remembered that allergies are a serious disease and should only be treated by a doctor.

But allergies are not a death sentence. You should know that not all indoor flowers cause allergies.

No cases of the disease have been identified when growing tradescantia, begonia, balsam, dracaena, aloe, and chlorophytum.

They are absolutely safe for owners and will be a wonderful decoration for any interior.