Features of the activities of public catering enterprises. Organization of the work of a public catering enterprise Characteristics of the production activities of a public catering enterprise

1.2 Performance indicators of public catering enterprises, their economic characteristics

Financial condition is a complex concept, which is characterized by a system of indicators reflecting the availability, placement and use of financial resources of an enterprise, this is a characteristic of its financial competitiveness (i.e. solvency, creditworthiness), fulfillment of obligations to the state and other business entities.

The movement of any inventory and labor resources is accompanied by the formation and expenditure of funds, which means that the financial condition of an economic entity reflects all aspects of the activity.

The main indicator of the activity of public catering enterprises is the turnover. The entire volume of turnover, or, as it is customary to call it, the gross turnover of public catering, consists of the turnover of products of own production and the turnover for the sale of purchased goods. In assessing the activities of public catering enterprises, great importance is attached to the share of own production in the entire turnover. This is explained by the fact that the main task of public catering is to increase the volume of sales of products of its own production. Therefore, the increase in its share in the entire turnover is assessed as a positive result of the enterprise.

Gross turnover consists of retail and wholesale turnover. Retail turnover is the sale of own-made products and purchased goods directly to consumers through dining rooms, buffets, etc.

The composition of the retail turnover of public catering includes:

Sale for cash of finished products and semi-finished products of own production (dishes, culinary, flour confectionery and bakery products) and purchased goods, including the delivery of meals at home, as well as through shops, culinary departments, tents, kiosks, delivery; peddling and other retail chain owned by this restaurant;

Sale by bank transfer of finished products and semi-finished products of own production to legal entities of social purpose and their separate subdivisions;

Sale of finished products and semi-finished products of own production, purchased goods to workers and employees with the subsequent deduction of their cost from wages;

Sale of hot meals to employees with subsequent deduction of its cost from wages;

The cost of goods issued to employees of legal entities, their separate subdivisions on account of wages through a distribution network (shops, restaurants) is included in the volume of retail turnover at full sale value.

Wholesale turnover is the sale of finished products to one catering enterprise to another, which is not a branch of this enterprise, as well as to retail trade enterprises.

The turnover of public catering is subdivided into turnover on products of own production and turnover on purchased goods. In-house products include products manufactured in-house or subjected to some kind of processing.

The role of turnover as an economic indicator is as follows:

    turnover is a volume indicator that characterizes the scale of the activity of a public catering enterprise;

    according to the share of the turnover of a public catering enterprise in the turnover of the region, one can judge the share of the enterprise in the market;

    commodity turnover per capita characterizes one of the aspects of the living standard of the population;

    according to the share of the turnover of a public catering enterprise in the turnover of the region, a monopoly enterprise is determined (it is considered as such if the share of the turnover of the enterprise in the turnover of the region exceeds 30%);

    in relation to the turnover, indicators are taken into account, analyzed and planned, evaluating the efficiency of the catering enterprise (turnover, profitability, cost level, etc.).

Rice. 1.1. Formation of various types of turnover at public catering enterprises.

The methodology for analyzing the turnover of public catering enterprises is basically the same as the turnover of a retail network. But at the same time, there are some features, mainly due to the nature of the activities of enterprises. If retail trade enterprises carry out only the sale of goods, then public catering enterprises are engaged in the production, sale and organization of consumption of goods by the population. This also explains some of the differences in foodservice and retail performance. In the process of analyzing the turnover of public catering, the following are determined: the implementation of the plan, its dynamics as a whole, by types and enterprises; change in the proportion of own-produced products in the entire turnover, the volume of its sales on average per person, etc.

The analysis of the indicators of trade turnover as a whole for a self-supporting association is supplemented by their study by the economic units that are part of the association. At the same time, the same indicators are studied for each economic unit as for the association.

Other indicators of the turnover of each enterprise are evaluated using a similar methodology.

Catering establishments have a number of features. If most enterprises in other industries are limited to performing only one or two functions, for example, food industry enterprises perform the function of production, trade enterprises - the sale of products, then public catering enterprises perform three interrelated functions:

* production of culinary products;

* sale of culinary products;

* organization of its consumption.

The variety of products depends on the nature of demand and the characteristics of the serviced contingent, its professional, age, national composition, working conditions, study and other factors.

The mode of operation of public catering enterprises depends on the mode of operation of the contingents of consumers of industrial enterprises, institutions, and educational institutions they serve. This requires enterprises to work especially intensively during the hours of the greatest flow of consumers - during lunch breaks, breaks.

Demand for catering products is subject to significant changes in seasons, days of the week and even hours of the day. In summer, the demand for vegetable dishes, soft drinks, and cold soups increases. From the position of marketing, each enterprise must analyze and study the sales market, the range of products and methods of service depend on this.

These features of the work of public catering enterprises are taken into account in the rational placement of a network of enterprises, the choice of their types, determining the operating mode and compiling a menu.

In the course of the development of public catering, the economic mechanism is being improved, economic accounting is developing and strengthening, a transition is being made to economic methods of management, new progressive forms of labor organization are being introduced, and rights are being expanded.

The activities of a self-supporting association of public catering enterprises are characterized by the following main indicators: turnover (gross and retail), production of dishes, number of employees, labor productivity, wage fund, the state of the material and technical base, the efficiency of its use, income, expenses, profit.

These and other indicators of the economic and financial activities of public catering associations are interrelated and constantly changing. They act as an object of economic analysis.

1.3 Economic and organizational characteristics of catering establishments

The catering system is a combination of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production, sale and organization of consumption of catering products.

A public catering enterprise is understood as a place for the provision of services intended for the production of public catering products, flour confectionery and bakery products, as well as their sale and (or) organization of consumption.

Depending on various factors, all catering establishments are divided into types and classes.

The type of enterprise is determined by the characteristic features of the service, the range of products sold, and the range of services provided to visitors.

The class of an enterprise depends on the set of distinctive features of an enterprise of a certain type, which characterizes the quality of services provided, the level and conditions of service.

The rules for the provision of public catering services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1036, define the following types of public catering establishments: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar. The same rules establish a special class for bars and restaurants (luxury, superior, first).

The most respectable among the types of public catering enterprises is a restaurant, which is understood as an enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, an increased level of service in combination with recreation.

A bar is a small catering company with a bar counter in terms of size and sales volume, selling mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products, and purchased goods.

The most common type of enterprise is a cafe. A cafe is an enterprise for organizing public catering and recreation for consumers with a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. However, just like a restaurant, a cafe sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks (including alcohol) and tobacco products.

A canteen is a public catering establishment that is publicly accessible or serves a certain contingent of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.

The diner is a small catering establishment with a limited range of simple dishes prepared from a certain type of raw material and is designed to serve customers quickly.

2.1. Features of production and trade activities of public catering enterprises

Organizational and legal forms of enterprises

Catering company- an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and organization of consumption (GOST R 50647-94 "Public catering. Terms and definitions").

Public catering establishments may have a different organizational and legal form. In public catering, entrepreneurial activity can be carried out without the use of hired labor and is registered as an individual labor activity. Entrepreneurial activity carried out with the involvement of hired labor is registered as an enterprise. An enterprise is an independent economic entity created to produce products, perform work and provide services in order to meet social needs and make a profit. The enterprise independently carries out its activities, disposes of the products obtained by profit after taxes. In accordance with the law, enterprises of private, state, municipal property may be created. There are also enterprises of various types of ownership in public catering. Municipal enterprises are organized by local governments; the property of municipal enterprises is formed at the expense of the corresponding local budget and is owned by the district, city.

There are many individual private enterprises in public catering; such enterprises appeared as a result of the privatization of state and municipal enterprises.

Enterprises can have various forms of organization:

General partnership (such an enterprise is not a legal entity);
- mixed partnership;
- limited liability company;
- closed joint-stock company;
- joint-stock company of open type.

Joint ventures (JV) are also organized. Foreign firms invest in Russian enterprises, help in organizing their work; such enterprises, as a rule, specialize in foreign cuisine.

Society- an association of participants who have agreed to organize a joint business. Naturally, this joint venture agreement must be documented, a memorandum of association is drawn up, which determines the conditions for the entry of each of the participants into the business, the rights and obligations of each accomplice, the amount of their property participation, the procedure for distributing profits, etc. The second constituent document of the company is the charter, which determines the procedure for the internal organization and functioning of the company itself as a legal entity.

The Company acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of its registration. The company is registered at the place of its location in the local government.

Individual (family) private enterprise belongs to a citizen by the right of ownership or to members of his family by the right of common shared ownership.

General partnership is an association of several citizens or legal entities for joint economic activities on the basis of an agreement between them. The property of a general partnership is formed at the expense of contributions of participants, income received and belongs to its participants on the basis of the right of common shared ownership. A general partnership is not a legal entity.

Mixed partnership includes full members and members of contributors and is a legal entity.

Limited Liability Company is created by legal and civil persons by combining their contributions to carry out economic activities. The statutory fund is formed only at the expense of the contributions of the founders. The authorized capital of the company is created from the nominal value of the shares of its participants. A contribution to the authorized capital can be money, securities, other things that have a monetary value. The company is a legal entity. Certain types of activities, the list of which is determined by federal law, may be carried out by a company only on the basis of a special permit (license). The abbreviated corporate name of the company must contain the full or abbreviated name of the company and the words “limited liability” or the abbreviation LLC.

Joint-stock company- a commercial organization, the authorized capital of which is divided into a certain number of shares. Certain types of activities, the list of which is determined by federal laws, can be carried out by the company only on the basis of a special permit (license). A company can be open or closed, which is reflected in the charter of the company and company name. An open society has the right to conduct an open subscription for shares issued by it and to carry out their free sale, taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law and other legal acts of the Russian Federation. A company whose shares are distributed only among its founders or other predetermined circle of persons is recognized as a closed company.

The authorized capital of the company is made up of the nominal value of the shares of the company acquired by the shareholders. The minimum authorized capital of an open company must be at least a thousand times the amount of the minimum wage established by federal law on the date of registration of the company, and for a closed company - at least one hundred times the amount of the minimum wage established by the Federal Law on the date of registration of the company.

General concepts of constituent documents and registration of enterprises

Since a society is an association of participants who agree to organize a joint business, this agreement must be documented and the obligations and rights of each of the accomplices should be clearly recorded. The constituent documents of the company are the constituent agreement and the charter.

Memorandum of association determines the purpose of the company: what constitutes the statutory fund, its size, the conditions for the participants to enter into the business, the rights and obligations of each partner, the amount of property participation, the procedure for distributing profits, due to which the reserve fund is formed, which is the supreme governing body of the company, etc. .

The charter is the second founding document of the company. If the purpose of the memorandum of association is to clearly define the relationship between the founders of the company, then the purpose of the charter is to determine the procedure for the internal organization and functioning of the company as a legal entity. The charter specifies in more detail the rights of the company to carry out its activities on its own or leased basis, describes in detail the subject and objectives of the activity, the procedure for the formation of the authorized capital and working capital, forms of remuneration, the rights of shareholders - owners of shares, the size of the authorized capital, the procedure for preparing and conducting general meeting of shareholders, etc.

The statutory fund is formed to ensure the activities of the company. This is a kind of initial capital needed to start a business. The presence of the statutory fund allows, to a certain extent, to guarantee the interests of the partners of the company.

The procedure for the establishment and registration of a company

The constituent documents must include information about the type of company, the objects and purposes of its activities, the composition of participants, the company name and location, the size of the company's authorized capital, the procedure for distributing profits and indemnifying losses, including a list of issues on which unanimity or a majority of votes is required: the size of the shares of each participant, the terms and procedure for making their contributions. In the absence of this information, the constituent documents are not valid.

The company acquires the right of a legal entity from the moment of its registration. The following documents are provided for registration:

1. application for registration of the company;
2. notarized copies of constituent documents.

State registration is carried out by district and city bodies at the location of the company.

State registration must be carried out no later than 30 days from the date of submission of the application with the necessary documents attached.

The decision to refuse registration may be made on the grounds of violation of the established procedure for creating a company, as well as non-compliance of constituent documents with the requirements of the law. After registration, the company can open settlement and other bank accounts and acquire the rights of a legal entity.

Features of production and trade activities of public catering enterprises

Catering establishments have a number of features. If most enterprises in other industries are limited to performing only one, maximum two functions, for example, food industry enterprises carry out the production function, trade enterprises - the sale of products, then public catering enterprises perform three interrelated functions:

Production of culinary products;
- sale of culinary products;
- organization of its consumption.

Products manufactured by catering establishments have limited implementation time. So, in mass production, hot dishes are prepared for 2-3 hours of sale, and cold ones - for 1 hour. This requires the release of products in batches, as they are consumed.

The range of products manufactured by catering enterprises very diverse, for its preparation different types of raw materials are used. The variety of manufactured products makes it possible to more fully satisfy the demand of consumers, but complicates the organization of production: many types of raw materials require special storage conditions, different rooms for mechanical culinary processing.

The variety of products depends on the nature of demand and the characteristics of the serviced contingent, its professional, age, national composition, working conditions, study and other factors.

Opening hours of catering establishments depends on the mode of operation of the contingents of consumers of industrial enterprises, institutions, and educational institutions they serve. This requires enterprises to work especially intensively during the hours of the greatest flow of consumers - during lunch breaks, breaks.

Demand for catering products subject to significant changes in seasons, days of the week and even hours of the day. In summer, the demand for vegetable dishes, soft drinks, and cold soups increases. From the position of marketing, each company must analyze and study the sales market, the range of products and methods of service depend on this.

Public catering enterprises provide many other services in addition to catering, for example, organizing and servicing celebrations, family dinners, leisure activities, dishware rental, etc.

The above features of the work of public catering enterprises are taken into account when rationally placing a network of enterprises, choosing their types, determining the operating mode and compiling a menu.

A public catering enterprise is an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and organization of consumption. Public catering is a branch of the national economy, which is based on enterprises characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and customer service.

Nutrition, which is one of the forms of consumption, along with production, distribution and circulation (appearance), is an integral part of social reproduction.

Satisfaction of the personal needs of the population in food provides for its production and organization of consumption, which arise and develop in close relationship with the material conditions of society and act in an individual or socially organized form. In the second case, food is produced and consumed on a mass scale at special enterprises: in canteens, cafes, restaurants, etc.

Public catering as a sub-sector of trade has large specialized enterprises, uses a significant amount of equipment, raw materials, money and other resources, has qualified and professionally trained personnel.

Public catering solves a number of social problems. First of all, people get the opportunity to restore the energy they expended in the process of work.

Those. The social and economic significance of the sub-sector is to satisfy the needs of people in food products in the best and most complete way on a scientific basis, to replace home cooking with public ones.

1.2 Performance indicators of public catering enterprises, their economic characteristics

Financial condition is a complex concept, which is characterized by a system of indicators reflecting the availability, placement and use of financial resources of an enterprise, this is a characteristic of its financial competitiveness (i.e. solvency, creditworthiness), fulfillment of obligations to the state and other business entities.

The movement of any inventory and labor resources is accompanied by the formation and expenditure of funds, which means that the financial condition of an economic entity reflects all aspects of the activity.

The main indicator of the activity of public catering enterprises is the turnover. The entire volume of turnover, or, as it is customary to call it, the gross turnover of public catering, consists of the turnover of products of own production and the turnover for the sale of purchased goods. In assessing the activities of public catering enterprises, great importance is attached to the share of own production in the entire turnover. This is explained by the fact that the main task of public catering is to increase the volume of sales of products of its own production. Therefore, the increase in its share in the entire turnover is assessed as a positive result of the enterprise.

Gross turnover consists of retail and wholesale turnover. Retail turnover is the sale of own-made products and purchased goods directly to consumers through dining rooms, buffets, etc.

The composition of the retail turnover of public catering includes:

Sale for cash of finished products and semi-finished products of own production (dishes, culinary, flour confectionery and bakery products) and purchased goods, including the delivery of meals at home, as well as through shops, culinary departments, tents, kiosks, delivery; peddling and other retail chain owned by this restaurant;

Sale by bank transfer of finished products and semi-finished products of own production to legal entities of social purpose and their separate subdivisions;

Sale of finished products and semi-finished products of own production, purchased goods to workers and employees with the subsequent deduction of their cost from wages;

Sale of hot meals to employees with subsequent deduction of its cost from wages;

The cost of goods issued to employees of legal entities, their separate subdivisions on account of wages through a distribution network (shops, restaurants) is included in the volume of retail turnover at full sale value.

Wholesale turnover is the sale of finished products to one catering enterprise to another, which is not a branch of this enterprise, as well as to retail trade enterprises.

The turnover of public catering is subdivided into turnover on products of own production and turnover on purchased goods. In-house products include products manufactured in-house or subjected to some kind of processing.

The role of turnover as an economic indicator is as follows:

Trade turnover is a volumetric indicator that characterizes the scale of the activity of a public catering enterprise;

According to the share of the turnover of a public catering enterprise in the turnover of the region, one can judge the share of the enterprise in the market;

Trade turnover per capita characterizes one of the aspects of the population's standard of living;

According to the share of the turnover of a public catering enterprise in the turnover of the region, a monopoly enterprise is determined (it is considered as such if the share of the turnover of the enterprise in the turnover of the region exceeds 30%);

In relation to the turnover, indicators are taken into account, analyzed and planned, evaluating the efficiency of the catering enterprise (turnover, profitability, cost level, etc.).

The methodology for analyzing the turnover of public catering enterprises is basically the same as the turnover of a retail network. But at the same time, there are some features, mainly due to the nature of the activities of enterprises. If retail trade enterprises carry out only the sale of goods, then public catering enterprises are engaged in the production, sale and organization of consumption of goods by the population. This also explains some of the differences in foodservice and retail performance. In the process of analyzing the turnover of public catering, the following are determined: the implementation of the plan, its dynamics as a whole, by types and enterprises; change in the proportion of own-produced products in the entire turnover, the volume of its sales on average per person, etc.

The analysis of the indicators of trade turnover as a whole for a self-supporting association is supplemented by their study by the economic units that are part of the association. At the same time, the same indicators are studied for each economic unit as for the association.

Other indicators of the turnover of each enterprise are evaluated using a similar methodology.

Catering establishments have a number of features. If most enterprises in other industries are limited to performing only one or two functions, for example, food industry enterprises perform the function of production, trade enterprises - the sale of products, then public catering enterprises perform three interrelated functions:

* production of culinary products;

* sale of culinary products;

* organization of its consumption.

The variety of products depends on the nature of demand and the characteristics of the serviced contingent, its professional, age, national composition, working conditions, study and other factors.

The mode of operation of public catering enterprises depends on the mode of operation of the contingents of consumers of industrial enterprises, institutions, and educational institutions they serve. This requires enterprises to work especially intensively during the hours of the greatest flow of consumers - during lunch breaks, breaks.

Demand for catering products is subject to significant changes in seasons, days of the week and even hours of the day. In summer, the demand for vegetable dishes, soft drinks, and cold soups increases. From the position of marketing, each enterprise must analyze and study the sales market, the range of products and methods of service depend on this.

These features of the work of public catering enterprises are taken into account in the rational placement of a network of enterprises, the choice of their types, determining the operating mode and compiling a menu.

In the course of the development of public catering, the economic mechanism is being improved, economic accounting is developing and strengthening, a transition is being made to economic methods of management, new progressive forms of labor organization are being introduced, and rights are being expanded.

The activities of a self-supporting association of public catering enterprises are characterized by the following main indicators: turnover (gross and retail), production of dishes, number of employees, labor productivity, wage fund, the state of the material and technical base, the efficiency of its use, income, expenses, profit.

These and other indicators of the economic and financial activities of public catering associations are interrelated and constantly changing. They act as an object of economic analysis.

Public catering is one of the main branches of economic activity of consumer cooperatives. Its production trade and organizational functions include: preparation of lunch and other products; sales of products of own production and so-called purchased goods (i.e. not subjected to culinary processing); organization of consumption.

Nutrition is a vital necessity for the majority of workers, employees, students and a significant number of other groups of the country's population. Currently, activities in the field of mass catering are beginning, though slowly, to gain momentum.

The first surge has already passed: many restaurants and cafes that opened at the beginning of the perestroika process closed due to unprofitability and lack of competitiveness.

However, gradually the process began. At the moment, large cities of Russia are experiencing a real restaurant boom: the number of hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, and various clubs is growing rapidly. The mass catering industry is in the process of development - both the number of establishments and the quality of service are growing.

Every year mass food:

More and more penetrates into the life of the broad masses of the population, contributes to the solution of many socio-economic problems;
- helps to make better use of the country's food resources, provides the population with quality nutrition in a timely manner, which is crucial for maintaining health, increasing labor productivity, and improving the quality of education;
- allows you to use your free time more efficiently, which today is an important factor for the population;
- releases from the household an additional number of workers and employees, etc.

The network of catering enterprises used by the population is represented by various types: canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, bars, etc. The need for various types is determined by: the diversity of the population's demand for various types of food (breakfasts, lunches, dinners, intermediate meals, business lunches ); the specifics of serving people both during short lunch breaks and during rest; the need to serve the adult population and children who are healthy and in need of medical nutrition.

Catering establishments

When determining the type of enterprises, the following factors are taken into account:

The range of products sold, its variety and complexity of preparation;
- technical equipment;
- service methods;
- personnel qualification;
- quality of service;
- range of services provided.

Currently, the following types of catering establishments are distinguished: a restaurant, a bar, a cafe, a canteen, a snack bar, and another type of enterprise.

A restaurant is a public catering enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, an increased level of service in combination with recreation.

Bar - a public catering enterprise with a bar counter that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods.

According to the level of service and the range of services provided, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes: luxury, superior and first, which must meet the following requirements:

Luxury class - interior sophistication, high level of comfort, a wide range of services, an assortment of original, exquisite custom-made and signature dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails - for bars;
- class "highest" - the originality of the interior, the choice of services, comfort, a diverse range of original, exquisite custom-made and specialty dishes and products for restaurants, a wide selection of branded and custom-made drinks and cocktails - for bars;
- class "first" - harmony, comfort and choice of services, a diverse range of signature dishes, products and drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a selection of drinks, cocktails of simple preparation - for bars.

Restaurants are classified according to the following criteria:

The range of products sold - fish, beer, with national cuisine or cuisine of foreign countries;
location - a city restaurant, at a hotel, railway station, etc.;
concept - author's or non-author's, in which the appropriate technology is used: its own proprietary, traditional, with elements of novelty (this criterion is not GOST).

Bars distinguish:

According to the range of products sold and the method of preparation - beer, dairy, grill - bar, salad - bar, snack bar, express bar, etc.;
according to the concept - a video bar, a sports bar, an Irish pub, etc.;
on the specifics of customer service (concepts) - video bar, sports bar, Irish pub, etc.

Canteens distinguish:

According to the range of products sold - general, dietary, therapeutic and preventive nutrition;
by the contingent of consumers served - open type or serving a specific contingent of consumers: school, student, etc.;
by location - public, by place of study, etc.

Eateries, or as they are now called fast food establishments, are classified according to the range of products sold (specialized and general). The first type includes: pizzeria, pancake, dumpling, donut, cutlet, varenichnaya, etc.

The classification of public catering enterprises can be based on the following features: functional value, technological stage of processing raw materials, method of production of culinary products, assortment, nature of service and services provided, frequency of consumer demand, type of food, location of the enterprise, served contingent of visitors, seasonality of work , degree of mobility.

Organization of public catering

Any product intended for sale must have consumer properties and comply with certain standards. In accordance with GOST R 50764-95 “Catering services. General Requirements”), the concept of catering services is defined as the result of the activities of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs to meet the needs of the population and food and leisure activities.

Certain requirements are imposed on the quality of public catering services. Services must be secure, accurate and timely. They must meet the intended purpose, be comfortable and aesthetic. Service information should be accessible and clear.

According to the All-Russian classifier, the product of industrial and commercial activities of public catering is services that are divided into several main groups:

Catering services;
services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery;
services for the organization of consumption and maintenance;
services for the sale of culinary products;
leisure services;
provision of perfumery, shoe-cleaning supplies, etc.;
minor repairs and cleaning of clothes;
packaging of culinary products purchased at the enterprise;
providing consumers with telephone and facsimile communication at the enterprise;
guaranteed storage of personal belongings (outerwear), bags and valuables of consumers;
calling a taxi at the request of the consumer;
parking of personal cars of consumers on the organized parking lot of the enterprise.

There are three main ways to provide food services:

Meals paid by the tourist;
meals not included in the tour price and provided for an additional fee;

Paid food involves the inclusion in the cost of a hotel room or tour of all expenses for food tourists. It can be breakfast only (continental or full); breakfast and dinner or breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner (half board); three meals a day (full board). Sometimes the cost of meals includes soft drinks (water, juices) and alcoholic drinks (beer, champagne, wine). If food is not included in the price of the tour, then the tourist pays for it at the place of stay and the provision of this service.

Self-service means that tourists cook their own food (most often in boarding houses, campsites) or eat in the halls of restaurants where a buffet is set, or in a cafe.

In the field of catering, fast and accurate service to tourists is of particular importance. The menu at the place of stay of tourists should be clear to all members of the group, and prices are indicated in the currency of the country. Food should correspond to the funds spent on it and not harm the health of tourists. Dissatisfaction with food due to poor organization, insufficient quality of food preparation, or low level of service can spoil the experience of the trip and damage the travel company.

The buffet (buffet) allows guests to freely choose any dishes displayed on it.

Table d'hote is a form of serving groups of tourists by waiters on a lunch or dinner menu with a limited assortment of dishes at pre-set tables for 4, 6, 8 people.

The form of service on the menu "a la carte" provides tourists with a free choice of dishes according to the menu offered by the restaurant (for individual clients and small groups).

Catering products

Dishes, culinary products and semi-finished products are subject to classification according to the following main features:

By the type of raw materials used: from meat and meat products, from poultry, game, rabbit, from fish, seafood and crayfish, from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms, from fruits and berries, from cereals, legumes and pasta, from eggs, cottage cheese and milk and lactic acid products, from flour, etc., as well as mixed and combined;
- according to the method of cooking: pickled, pickled, boiled, poached, stewed, fried (in the main way, deep-fried, grilled, etc.), sautéed, blanched, baked, baked, flambéed, IR heating, microwave processing, etc. ;
- by the nature of consumption: snacks, sandwiches, soups, main courses, drinks, side dishes, sauces, sweet dishes, desserts, cocktails and other mixed drinks with alcohol content, flour culinary products, breakfasts, lunches, dinners (food rations);
- by appointment: general purpose, for dietary, medical, school, baby food, vegetarian, for special food, etc.;
- by thermal state: cold, hot, chilled, frozen;
- by consistency: liquid, semi-liquid, thick, puree, soft, viscous, crumbly.

Flour confectionery products are divided into cakes, pastries, cream pies, muffins, croissants, rolls, gingerbread, cookies, oriental sweets, gingerbread, etc.

Cakes and pastries distinguish between:

By types of baked semi-finished products: biscuit, shortbread, puff, custard, nut, wafer, air, air-nut, crumb, combined and other branded types, including those with fillers;
- by finishing methods: cream, including cream of vegetable origin, with fruit finishes, soufflé, with mousse, with sambuca, with cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, soft cream cheese, mastic, without cream, hand-cut sweets (chocolate, marzipan), etc.

Bakery products are divided into simple, rich, low-calorie products, etc.

Catering services

Services provided to consumers in public catering establishments of various types and classes, as well as to citizens - entrepreneurs, are divided into: - catering services; - services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery; - services for the organization of consumption and maintenance; - services for the sale of culinary products; - leisure services; - information and advisory services; - other services.

Catering services are services for the production of culinary products and the creation of conditions for their sale and consumption in accordance with the type and class of the enterprise and are divided into: - restaurant catering service; - bar catering service; - cafe catering service; - canteen catering service; - Diner catering service.

The restaurant catering service is a service for the manufacture, sale and organization of consumption of a wide range of dishes and products of complex manufacture of all major groups from various types of raw materials, purchased goods and wine and vodka products, provided by qualified production and service personnel in conditions of an increased level of comfort and financial technical equipment in combination with the organization of leisure.

The bar catering service is a service for the production and sale of a wide range of drinks, snacks, confectionery, purchased goods, to create conditions for their consumption at the bar counter or in the hall.

The cafe catering service is a service for the manufacture and sale of culinary products and purchased goods in a limited assortment compared to other types of enterprises and mostly simple production, as well as the creation of conditions for their consumption at the enterprise.

The canteen catering service is a service for the manufacture of culinary products varied by day of the week or special diets for various groups of the serviced contingent (workers, schoolchildren, tourists, etc.), as well as the creation of conditions for the implementation and organization of their consumption at the enterprise.

The snack bar catering service is a service for the manufacture of a narrow range of culinary products, including from a certain type of raw material, as well as the creation of conditions for its sale and consumption.

Services for the production of culinary products and confectionery products include: - production of culinary products and confectionery products on the orders of consumers, including in complex designs and with additional design at public catering establishments; - production of dishes from the customer's raw materials at the enterprise; - the service of a cook, confectioner for the preparation of dishes, culinary and confectionery products at home.

Services for the organization of consumption of products and services include:

Organization and service of celebrations, family dinners and ritual events;
- catering and service for participants of conferences, seminars, meetings, cultural events in recreation areas, etc.;
- service of a waiter (bartender) for home service;
- delivery of culinary products and confectionery according to the orders of consumers, including banquets;
- delivery of culinary products, confectionery products and customer service at workplaces and at home;
- delivery of culinary products and confectionery products on orders and customer service along the route of passenger transport (including in a compartment, cabin, aircraft cabin);
- delivery of culinary products and confectionery on orders and room service;
- reservation of seats in the hall of a public catering enterprise;
- sale of coupons and subscriptions for service with completed rations;
- organization of rational integrated nutrition.

Services for the sale of culinary products include: - the sale of culinary products and confectionery products through shops and culinary departments; - sale of culinary products outside the enterprise; - holiday meals at home; - completing sets of culinary products for the journey, including for tourists for self-preparation of culinary products (delivery and small retail chains).

- organization of concerts, variety programs and video programs;

Provision of newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards. Information and advisory services include:

Consultations of specialists on the production, design of culinary products and confectionery and table setting;
- advice of a dietitian on the use of culinary products for various types of diseases (in dietary departments and canteens);
- organization of training in culinary skills.

Other services include:

Rental of table linen, crockery, cutlery, inventory;
- sale of company badges, flowers, souvenirs;
- Provision of perfumes, accessories for cleaning shoes, etc.;
- minor repairs and cleaning of clothes;
- packaging of dishes and products left after serving consumers;
- packaging of culinary products purchased at the enterprise;
- providing consumers with telephone and facsimile communication at the enterprise;
- guaranteed storage of personal belongings (outerwear), bags and valuables of the consumer;
- calling a taxi at the request of the consumer;
- parking of personal cars of consumers in an organized parking lot near the enterprise.

The list of services provided by a public catering enterprise can be expanded depending on its type, class and specifics of the consumer contingent served.

Catering Technology

In the modern world, visiting restaurants, cafes, bars has become an integral part of the life of any person. Food and drinks served in restaurants and cafes are very diverse. When visiting such establishments, a person wants to enjoy deliciously cooked food. The ability to cook beautifully, decorate food and drinks, and set the table is also important. In order to succeed in the restaurant business, you need to know the technology of preparing certain dishes and drinks.

Catering technology is exactly what is needed to understand all the intricacies of the restaurant business, food preparation and service culture. The technology of public catering products, of course, includes a complex of disciplines.

First of all, it is the technology and rules for preparing various dishes. In turn, the technology of preparing culinary dishes implies knowledge of various methods of processing products and recipes, ingredient standards, cooking cost standards, as well as the rules for dispensing ready meals.

The next important aspect, which includes the technology of catering products, is the technical equipment for the process of preparing food and drinks. A specialist in this field must necessarily know the technological processes of cooking and be able to properly and rationally operate the equipment.

A special place in the organization of public catering is the quality control of prepared culinary products. It is also unacceptable to allow spoilage of products, as this will ultimately affect the profitability of the restaurant business. The technology of catering products, in addition to all of the above, also includes a culture of customer service.

Indeed, the atmosphere of a restaurant or cafe, and, therefore, the attitude of customers towards it, largely depends on how beautifully and correctly the table is set, as well as on the form in which cooked food and drinks are dispensed. Service personnel must comply with all rules of etiquette and courtesy when dealing with customers.

A specialist in such a field as the technology of public catering products, of course, must have the skills and abilities, and use them in their professional activities in organizing public catering and cultural services for the population.

Responsibilities of a food service technologist include:

Use of modern methods and technologies for preparing food and drinks;
- Development and implementation of optimal modes of production in modern places of public catering;
- Development of the order of work, norms of labor and material costs for the preparation of food and drinks;
- Conducting work to optimize production processes and reduce the cost of manufacturing products;
- Implementation of control over compliance with technical discipline in all areas of work, as well as over the correct operation of the equipment used;
- Monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the production of products, as well as compliance with safety regulations at work;
- Continuous quality control of food and drinks, as well as the ingredients used for their preparation;
- Study and application of international experience in the provision of services in places of public catering.

Only by professionally carrying out their activities in the field of providing public catering services to the population, one can achieve success. After all, it is necessary to remember that the client is always right, and you need to try not only to feed the person, but also to leave a good impression about yourself.

Catering production

All your production consists of three main components:

1. Preparation of workshops.
2. Preparation of all necessary documents.
3. Work with staff.

Preparation of workshops includes 10 divisions:

1. A kitchen or a hot shop where the whole sacrament of cooking semi-finished products takes place, the first and second courses are prepared.
2. Meat shop where blanks and semi-finished products are made from meat, fish, chicken, etc.
3. Cold shop creative workshop for creating snacks.
4. Vegetable shop where all vegetables are cleaned - potatoes, onions, carrots, beets. Fresh vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes undergo primary processing in the shop. Fresh greens are moving.
5. The egg processing workshop is a responsible link in production, all raw eggs pass through it to the pre-preparation workshops.
6. Washing department for kitchen utensils - a production department where dishes from the kitchen and all workshops are washed.
7. Washing compartment for tableware, a compartment where dishes from the dining room are washed.
8. The confectionery shop is the most “delicious” and “sweetest” here, confectioners conjure their masterpieces, bake buns, cakes and all sorts of goodies.
9. Bread slicer is the department where the bread comes and it is cut into portions.
10. Hygiene room or sanitary unit is a department necessary for the entire production team.

Preparation of production documentation:

1. Calculation cards.
2. Technological cards.
3. Technical and technological maps.
4. Scrapbook.
5. Journal of sanitary inspection of personnel (health journal).
6. Notebook for dilution of disinfectants (10% solution of bleach).
7. Notebook of the temperature regime of production (daily readings of thermometers in refrigerating chambers, cabinets).
8. Notebook of critical remarks.

Work with personnel:

1. Job descriptions.
2. Safety instructions.
3. Sanitary books.
4. Safety magazine.

The work of putting things in order is very painstaking, but if everything is done correctly, you will definitely feel like a queen or king.

Catering activities

Public catering is a branch of the national economy, which is based on enterprises characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and customer service and differing in types and specializations.

Catering enterprises perform three interrelated functions:

Production of culinary products;
- sale of culinary products;
- organization of its consumption.

The catering service is the result of the activities of enterprises and entrepreneurs to meet the consumer's needs for food and leisure activities.

Service process - a set of operations performed by the contractor in direct contact with the consumer of services in the sale of culinary products and leisure activities. In the process of servicing consumers, the range of services should correspond to the type of enterprise.

The main catering service is a catering service.

The catering service is a service for the production of culinary products and the creation of conditions for their sale and consumption in accordance with the type and class of the enterprise and is divided into the following:

Restaurant catering service;
- bar catering service;
- cafe catering service;
- canteen catering service;
- Diner catering service.

The public catering system is formed by restaurants of various classes, bars, cafes and canteens.

A restaurant is a catering company that provides guests with a wide range of dishes, drinks, confectionery, including custom-made, branded and complex preparations.

There is no single, universally accepted classification of restaurants. But restaurants can be divided into two broad categories: full service and specialty restaurants.

Full-service restaurants are those where there is a very wide choice of dishes, especially a la carte, and where almost everything that is served to the table is grown here, at the restaurant, from “raw materials” to fresh herbs. Full-service restaurants can be formal or informal and can be categorized by price, atmosphere, and menu. More often than not, French and Italian culinary traditions thrive in these restaurants.

Most full-service restaurants are privately owned and run by a manager or board of directors. Recently, many restaurants of this type have appeared.

The specialization of restaurants can be very diverse: fast service, family, casual. Restaurants can also specialize in preparing national dishes, dinners, breakfasts, etc.

Fast food restaurants offer a menu limited to hamburgers, fried potatoes, hot dogs, chicken, various fish and national dishes such as Mexican tacos, burritos, etc. these menu restrictions and standardization of the menu allow for much faster service, which is very welcome by busy people.

Family restaurants are a modern take on the style of an old-fashioned coffee shop. In this segment of the restaurant business, most establishments are individually owned.

They are located, as a rule, in prestigious suburbs or not far from them. The atmosphere of most family restaurants is simple, like the menu, the waiters know how to please all family members.

A cafe is a catering establishment that provides guests with a limited range of dishes and drinks, flour confectionery products, and other products in comparison with a restaurant, combined with recreation and entertainment.

Canteen - a public catering establishment that is publicly accessible or serves a certain contingent of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.

Bar - a specialized catering establishment with a bar counter, providing guests with mixed, strong alcoholic, low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, desserts, snacks, pastry and bakery products, and purchased goods.

Consumer service methods - a way to sell catering products to consumers. There are two methods of service: service by a waiter, bartender, bartender, self-service.

Form of customer service: an organizational technique that is a variety or combination of customer service methods.

Types, methods and forms of service at enterprises depend on the place of eating, the method of obtaining and delivering it to consumers, the degree of participation of personnel in the service, etc. The choice of the most rational types of service contributes to a more complete satisfaction of consumer demand.

The main types of catering services are:

Sales of products in the halls of open-type enterprises (restaurants, bars, canteens, cafes, snack bars), as well as in canteens at industrial enterprises, educational institutions;
- passenger service on the way;
- sale of culinary products through culinary shops;
- organization of service by a waiter (bartender) at home.

The following service methods are used in catering establishments:

- service by waiters, bartenders;
- combined method.

In mass service, with a relatively small range of sold dishes, self-service is used to speed up service, during which consumers independently take cold dishes and drinks, flour confectionery from the dispensary. Hot dishes are portioned by distributors just before the holiday.

Waiter service is used in restaurants, bars, sometimes cafes, in which comfort plays a big role, these enterprises are intended not only to provide catering services, but also to organize consumer recreation.

With the combined method, a combination of the two specified service methods is provided. For example, a catering company operates during the day according to the self-service method (public cafe, canteen), and in the evening - service by waiters. In such enterprises, conditions should also be created for organizing consumer recreation.

Depending on the participation of staff in the service, a distinction is made between full and partial self-service.

With full self-service, the consumer performs all operations related to receiving dishes, delivering them to the dining table and cleaning dishes.

With partial self-service, most of these operations are performed by enterprise personnel to expedite service. An example of partial self-service is the preliminary setting of tables in canteens at industrial enterprises and educational institutions, where a single lunch break is established and meals are organized through complex breakfasts and lunches. At the same time, consumers only pour the first dishes from the soup tureens that were previously placed on the tables into plates, and take away the used dishes.

According to the method of settlement with consumers, self-service is distinguished with preliminary, subsequent, direct settlement, payment after meals and self-settlement.

In self-service with pre-calculation, consumers, having familiarized themselves with the menu, purchase checks at the cash desk and use these checks to receive the selected dishes at the distribution, this type of self-service slows down the service process. Significant acceleration in the application of this form of service is achieved by the release of set meals on pre-purchased coupons or subscriptions.

Self-service with subsequent settlement - payment for selected dishes at the end of the distribution line. The advantages of this form of service are the possibility of a visual choice of dishes by consumers, the release of distributors from parsing checks, which speeds up the service process.

Self-service with direct settlement ensures the simultaneous selection of dishes, their receipt and payment of the cost. In this case, the release of products and settlement with the consumer is carried out by one employee. This form of service is used in buffets, snack bars, when serving through the bar counter in bars.

In self-service with payment after a meal, the consumer, having chosen dishes and drinks, receives a check from the cashier at the end of the dispensing area, which he pays after eating when leaving the hall. The use of this form of service contributes to strengthening control over the conduct of settlement operations. At the same time, the capacity of the hall increases by 1.5 times compared to self-service with prepayment.

Self-service according to the self-calculation system is used in enterprises with a constant contingent of those who eat. Consumers choose their own dishes and pay by putting money into a piggy bank. Near each type of product is a price tag.

French service is a type of service typical of gourmet restaurants, where it emphasizes the elegance of the atmosphere. The food is served appetizingly laid out on a large platter and served on plates on a trolley equipped even with a gas burner for heating food, which stands next to the table.

French service is considered the most impressive and expensive type of restaurant service.

Russian service - a type of service in which the food is cooked entirely in the kitchen, the meat is cut into portions and placed on the dish, like all other side dishes.

In this form, the dish is brought to the table at which the guests are sitting, and a portion of meat and side dishes is placed on each guest's personal plate - using a large spoon and fork. This type of service is convenient for banquets and parties. On this occasion, waiters usually wear white gloves.

American service is a simplified version of Russian service. The food is prepared and laid out on plates directly in the kitchen, the plates are carried to the guests. This service method is popular due to its speed: the order is processed quickly and the food is served piping hot.

Public catering facilities

A sign of today is the reorganization of the structure of public catering enterprises. Along with large public catering enterprises, a network of small and medium-sized enterprises is actively developing, successfully replacing those that existed in Soviet times.

Private bakeries, meat, sausage, dairy shops, restaurants are growing and developing; cafes, canteens, bars and pizzerias appear at every turn. This diversity is justified and useful, since the tastes and preferences of people are diverse, and the more services are provided to the exacting taste of the consumer, the more incentives the owners, managers and employees of such enterprises have to improve product quality and improve service.

At the same time, a network of fast food establishments is also developing. Russian companies are already successfully competing with McDonald's restaurants.

But despite all the variety of public catering enterprises, their activities are subject to a number of general rules and regulations that are the same for all objects related to food, food production and public services.

All public catering establishments are divided according to production and trade criteria and, taking into account the organization of the technological process, into procurement and pre-cooking.

Mechanized enterprises such as factories that process raw materials and produce various types of semi-finished products for the supply of pre-preparation enterprises are procurement enterprises. Their distinguishing feature is the flow of production of semi-finished products, which makes it possible to rationally use high-performance equipment, process significant volumes of raw materials and provide a large number of canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, etc. with semi-finished products. These include specialized workshops for the production of semi-finished products, kitchen factories, factories culinary products and semi-finished products, etc. Among this category, enterprises operating with a full cycle can be distinguished, they produce semi-finished products and are sold through buffets, culinary shops, and their own trading floors. Such enterprises include food factories, restaurants.

Mechanized enterprises that produce various semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products to supply pre-cooked enterprises with them are factories and workshops for culinary products and semi-finished products. Semi-finished products of the harvesting factory can also be sold through the retail trade network.

The workshops of the harvesting factory are equipped with modern high-performance equipment, production lines for cleaning and sulphating potatoes, for the production of salads, vinaigrettes, vegetable cutlets, frying potatoes until half cooked, etc. operate in them. , kvass, fruit waters, ice cream.

Large mechanized enterprises producing culinary and confectionery products for pre-cooking enterprises are kitchen factories. In the building of the factory-kitchen there may be a canteen, a restaurant, a cafe, a culinary shop. The factory may have specialized workshops for the production of chilled and quick-frozen dishes.

A mechanized enterprise that processes raw materials for the production of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products and supplies pre-cooked enterprises with them is a canteen-preparation. In the canteen-preparation can be organized meals for visitors in the trading floors.

Using the industrial method, the culinary factory produces ready-made dishes, packaging them in special trays, bags. These factories, as a rule, have a very high level of mechanization of production, they are equipped with flow and automatic lines, and continuous equipment. Products are supplied to enterprises that do not have their own production capacities or they are insufficient.

Pre-preparation enterprises are small enterprises. They organize the production of dishes and culinary products from semi-finished products obtained from procurement enterprises, and the sale of culinary products to the population. Work on semi-finished products reduces the need for pre-cooking enterprises in equipment, reduces the area of ​​​​production and storage facilities, frees up workers previously engaged in the primary processing of raw materials, and improves the sanitary maintenance of enterprises. All this creates conditions for the growth of output without increasing production space, for expanding the range of dishes and culinary products produced, and improving their quality. Freeing up the area of ​​production premises previously used for the primary processing of raw materials, and thereby expanding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsales halls, allows to increase throughput and provide more people with services. This category includes pre-cooking canteens and dispensing canteens, restaurant cars, cafes, snack bars, pancakes, pizzerias, barbecue and other enterprises for the sale of ready-made meals at home, buffets.

At present, many private enterprises combine all aspects of the technological process, but at the same time there are many such enterprises that are the same pre-preparation enterprises or blank shops, only with a smaller volume of products.

Catering workers

The requirements for the personnel of public catering establishments are determined not only by the organization itself, they are also dictated by GOST. Catering establishments are places where many people come, expecting not only to enjoy delicious food cooked in the right conditions, but also to receive high-quality service. There are state standards that such enterprises must comply with, and these standards also specify the requirements for personnel.

It is important to note that for all the exactingness and severity of GOST, catering establishments - canteens, cafes and restaurants - nothing prevents them from maintaining their own style and making additional requirements when hiring staff.

The staff at catering establishments includes not only the cook, waiters and kitchen workers.

All workers are divided into three categories:

Administrative staff, which includes the director, accountant and managers;
service personnel, which includes those employees who are in contact with customers and are directly responsible for the quality of service in the institution - administrators, waiters, head waiters, bartenders and barmaids;
production personnel, this category includes cooks, technologists, sushi chefs, culinary specialists, confectioners, etc., that is, those who are engaged in cooking.

The requirements for each category of personnel are different.

General requirements for employees of all categories

There are certain requirements that apply to employees of public catering establishments when applying for a job, regardless of which category they belong to.

First of all, a sufficient level of professional training is required, which guarantees the employee's knowledge of all the theoretical and practical features of the profession. So, cooks must have certificates of graduation from educational institutions in the profession of a cook. This specification must be strictly observed.

Observance of sanitation is mandatory, which implies the presence of a valid medical book for all staff, including waiters and hall workers. This means that the company obliges the employee to comply with the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness of the workplace. Personal hygiene is very important. For example, cooks are prohibited from having long fingernails and manicures, and from keeping personal items such as cell phones on work surfaces in the kitchen.

All workers must be made aware that they must comply with health and safety regulations in their workplace. Such training should be carried out by the company itself for its employees.

Requirements for production personnel

The most stringent requirements are imposed on those who work in the kitchen and are engaged in the preparation of food and cooking for the guests of the establishment.

In particular, such employees should always wear only sanitary clothing and footwear at their workplace. They cannot work in their home clothes. At the same time, such clothes and shoes should undergo regular dry cleaning in order to always be without traces of any contamination. Company logos or badges may be placed on such clothing.

At the same time, it is forbidden to go out into the hall in sanitary clothes and communicate with consumers of catering services.

All personal clothing of personnel in which people come to work should be stored during the day in a specially designated room.

If catering workers show signs of illness, cuts or burns on their hands, the administration of the organization should immediately find out about this and immediately remove this employee from work until he fully recovers.

Service personnel requirements

Catering staff - waiters, administrators, bartenders - is in constant contact with visitors, so the success and profitability of the business largely depends on their literacy and professionalism.

The main characteristics of such workers are the ability to be polite, tactful, friendly even during conflict situations. Such staff should be available to assist guests, for example disabled guests, if necessary.

Waiters must have an impeccable knowledge of the menu, including the ingredients and how each dish is prepared.

Administrators must have the skills to deal with complaints and complaints from guests, as well as be responsible for the correct and coordinated work of all employees.

Requirements for administrative staff

Personnel management in a catering establishment is the responsibility of administrative staff. The competent organization of the activities of the entire institution depends on it.

Such employees should be able to monitor the effectiveness of the activities of workers and production, know the methods of introducing new, modern technologies, control the quality of service and conduct safety briefings at the workplace.

Administrative personnel must carefully monitor compliance with the requirements of labor protection and sanitary condition of the enterprise and its employees.

One of the most important requirements is knowledge of the technological process, the procedure for developing and compiling menus, skills in determining the norms of loss of raw materials. Thus, a technologist or process engineer must be able to monitor the quality of products used in the preparation of dishes, semi-finished products and other culinary products made by employees. They are also responsible for grading and organoleptic testing, which must be carried out within the established time frame by all organizations working in the field of catering services.

The requirements for the warehouse manager are the ability to properly organize warehouse management and equip storage facilities, as well as supply the organization with material resources that are necessary for uninterrupted activities.

The warehouse manager must know all the standards and specifications that stipulate the storage of products and semi-finished products. He must also be able to systematize and properly save all incoming documents to account for raw materials stored and used. The head of the warehouse is responsible for monitoring the correct operation and timely repair of warehouse and refrigeration equipment. In the event of breakdowns, the warehouse manager must immediately report this to the management and call repair specialists.

The main requirement for the storekeeper is the ability to receive incoming food products, check documentation on site and distribute stocks.

Additional requirements

It is important that all staff know how to properly store the products from which dishes are prepared for the guests of the institution.

First of all, personnel should monitor the presence of labeling on all food products that are stored and used. He must control the quality of these products and their timely write-off.

When receiving packaged products, it is necessary to control the correctness and integrity of the packaging. An important requirement is knowledge of the rules of the commodity neighborhood when storing ready-made dishes, preparations and semi-finished products.

Types of catering

Public catering services, as a type of entrepreneurial activity, are carried out by a large number of enterprises of all forms of ownership and individual entrepreneurs. Catering establishments designed to satisfy the need for food and leisure activities differ among themselves in the types, sizes and nature of the services provided.

Type of catering enterprise - a type of enterprise with characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers. Public catering enterprises are divided into the following types: restaurant, cafe, canteen, snack bar. A variety of enterprises arises as a result of a combination of basic types.

The following types are distinguished:

Restaurant - a public catering enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded ones; wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, an increased level of service in combination with the organization of recreation.
Bar - a public catering enterprise with a bar counter that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods.
Cafe - an enterprise for catering and recreation of consumers with the provision of a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks.
Canteen - a public catering establishment that is publicly accessible or serves a certain contingent of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.
Snack bar - a public catering establishment with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation from a certain type of raw material and designed to quickly serve consumers.

technical equipment (material base, engineering and technical equipment and equipment, composition of premises, architectural and planning solution, etc.);
service methods;
staff qualifications;
quality of service (comfort, communication ethics, aesthetics, etc.).

According to the level of service and the range of services provided, catering establishments are divided into three classes: deluxe, superior and first. The class of a public catering enterprise is a set of distinctive features of an enterprise of a certain type, characterizing the quality of the services provided, the level and conditions of service. The classes of catering establishments are determined by the owner.

Public catering enterprises of any type and class must ensure the safety of life and health of consumers and the safety of their property. This happens subject to compliance with the “Rules for the production and sale of public catering products”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 332, sanitary and technological norms and rules, as well as fire and electrical safety requirements.

The quality of catering

It is recommended to organize quality control of public catering products (public catering) at each stage of production, for which it is necessary to create input, operational and acceptance quality control services with a clear separation of functions and responsibilities for the quality of products and food products in particular. The composition of services is determined in accordance with the type and staffing of the enterprise. Entrance control service: head. warehouse, deputy director for supply, merchandiser.

At enterprises that do not have warehousing facilities, the quality acceptance of products is carried out by the head of the shop, the head of production, the process engineer, and the cook-foreman. Operational and acceptance control: shop manager, process engineer, head. production, cook-foreman.

The incoming control service is responsible for the quality of incoming raw materials.

Operational control - control over compliance with the correct execution of technological operations, their sequence, heat treatment modes, recipes, rules for processing and dispensing dishes.

It is carried out by organoleptic evaluation at individual stages of the technological process, checking the compliance of the raw material set with technological maps, product yield.

Acceptance control - quality control of products - is organized depending on the type of enterprise.

In procurement enterprises, they are carried out as each batch of products is manufactured according to the organoleptic indicators set forth in the NTD, as well as in terms of product yield, compliance with packaging and labeling requirements. A quality certificate must be completed for the batch.

At enterprises selling dishes of mass demand, marriage is carried out. The rejection commission (production manager, process engineer, foreman cook, cooks of the 5th and 6th categories) conducts an organoleptic assessment of the quality of food, determines the actual weight of piece products and semi-finished products, checks the temperature of the dishes served, and the correct storage of food on distribution.

Organization of product quality control in public catering

The quality of food raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products is evaluated based on the results of the analysis of a part of the product selected from the batch. A batch is considered to be any number of products of the same name, manufactured by the enterprise per shift. Sampling of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, for which technical documentation has been developed (GOST, OST, TU), is carried out by opening a certain number of transport packaging units specified in these documents, and selecting a part of the product.

A sample taken from a single packaging unit is called a single sample. The number of products in a single sample from each package unit must be the same. One-time samples are combined, mixed and made up of an average or total sample in the manner described in the NTD. The average sample must be taken in such a way that its composition corresponds to the entire lot. In the absence of standards and specifications for raw materials and semi-finished products for taking an average sample from a small lot, all packaging units are opened, if there are no more than five, in a larger lot - every second or third, but not less than five.

Parts are separated from the average sample for organoleptic evaluation, mass determination and laboratory analysis.

Samples are packed in dry, clean containers (glass jars with tightly closed stoppers, metal vessels, parchment, etc.) Each sample must have a label with the name of the product, the date and hour of sampling, as well as the number of the standard or recipe, the samples are sealed.

Samples should be immediately delivered to the laboratory or stored in a refrigerator. Samples received by the laboratory are recorded in a log, which indicates the serial number of the sample, the number of the sampling act, the date of sampling and delivery of the sample, the name of the enterprise and the sample, the place of sampling, the mass of the batch (kg, pieces), the surname, name, patronymic of the manufacturer, names of persons who passed and accepted samples.

Samples received by the laboratory must be prepared for analysis and examined on the day of receipt. Samples are controlled by organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters. For physicochemical studies, part of the sample is converted into a homogeneous mass using various methods. Fragile products are crushed in a mortar or laboratory mill. Semi-finished products and finished products from meat, fish, poultry are passed through a meat grinder twice. Raw vegetables are chopped on a grater. Samples with a dense consistency, multicomponent samples are homogenized in a tissue grinder.

Catering control

Administrative control at a public catering enterprise is carried out daily. Such control can be complex: economic activity will be monitored not only by the head of the enterprise (general and / or executive director), but also by the production manager and chief accountant.

Catering establishments are also constantly inspected by higher organizations. Such control is departmental and is carried out through various kinds of inventories and audits. The main goal of departmental control is to make sure that the enterprise keeps the documentation in order, correctly spends material and commodity values, does not abuse its position, reputation, etc.

At the state level, control over the work of a public catering enterprise is carried out by the State Inspectorate for the Quality of Goods in Trade. Under her responsibility: control over the quality of products and raw materials, control over compliance with the basic rules of trade and competition, control over compliance with food storage conditions, verification of recipes for prepared dishes, compliance with technological instructions, literacy of pricing policy.

The bodies of the State Sanitary Supervision carry out control over compliance with the rules and norms of a sanitary and hygienic nature at a public catering enterprise during the storage of products and raw materials, their transportation, and the sale of finished products according to the actual menu. In addition, these bodies monitor compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of personnel, the maintenance of equipment and premises.

Technical inspectors of trade union committees, public inspectors, labor protection commissions, various bureaus and councils for the implementation of scientific labor organization carry out inspections of compliance with safety regulations at a public catering enterprise, labor protection rules.

Control over the activities of a public catering enterprise is also carried out within the enterprise. This is done by the primary party organizations of enterprises of this kind, which elect commissions from among their members. Commissions are created specifically to ensure that the management of the economic activities of public catering enterprises is partially carried out by party organizations and the role of this management is significant.

Often, trade union organizations of public catering enterprises control the activities of those cafes, catering establishments, bars and fast food restaurants that are geographically located in their zone of influence. Such organizations are in close contact with the commissions created under the Council of People's Deputies. Public control is mainly engaged in checking the menu, product range, its quality, pricing policy, monitor compliance with competition laws, control the quality of service, etc.

Those groups which actively assist the people's control committees, check the financial discipline of public catering establishments, and monitor the observance of sales plans. Such control allows to significantly increase the level of customer service culture, identify resources that are not used by the public catering enterprise, and direct the enterprise's activities in a more efficient direction.

In order to qualitatively control the work of a public catering enterprise, the Book of Suggestions and Complaints is also used. Control of this kind is carried out directly by the clients of a particular enterprise. The book of complaints must certainly come into the hands of the visitor at the first request. According to the current legislation, any complaint or entry in the book must be considered by the management within two days after its appearance. The shortcomings noted must be eliminated, and a record of the results of consideration of a specific complaint or proposal is made in the same book on the back of the sheet. The client of the public catering establishment is notified accordingly about the entry.

Quality control at a public catering enterprise as one of the most important types of control

Quality control in a public catering enterprise should be carried out at each production stage. Especially for this, several services are created at the enterprise: the service of acceptance control, operational and input control.

Often, the storekeeper is engaged in the control of the input quality of products at a public catering enterprise. His work is checked by the Deputy Director. If the enterprise itself does not have its own product warehouse, a cook-foreman, technologist or production manager will carry out activities at the input control.

The chef-foreman and the chef of the highest rank at the enterprise have the opportunity to carry out both acceptance and operational control.

Input quality control of products: what is checked

When carrying out input control, the responsible person accepts the products that arrive at the public catering enterprise, checks all the accompanying documentation (how the quality of the incoming products corresponds to the data in the documents and regulations). In case of incorrect registration of products, untimely return of products that have lost their quality, non-compliance with sanitary standards and requirements, the input control service at the enterprise must draw up appropriate claims.

Operational quality control at a public catering enterprise

For any restaurant, cafe or canteen, it is important that the sequence of technological operations with products, the modes of heat treatment of products, the rules for dispensing products and dishes are fully observed. It is operational control that allows you to identify violations that take place in time, eliminate them in a timely manner, and prevent low-quality products from reaching the end consumer.

At individual stages of the technological process, operational control is carried out using organoleptic evaluation, verification of technological maps, and sometimes physical and chemical verification. It is this control that makes it possible to obtain accurate indicators that are important in assessing the quality of dishes.

Acceptance control

Acceptance control of product quality is carried out in different ways. It all depends on what type the particular catering establishment is.

If, for example, an enterprise is engaged in the sale of culinary products and dishes for the mass consumer, the enterprise will need to create a special rejection commission, which can constantly evaluate the quality of already manufactured products.

If the verification is carried out by state supervision bodies, then, as a rule, it is a selective quality control for microbiological, physico-chemical and organoleptic indicators of the finished product.

Inspection control is often carried out at those catering establishments that have a certificate of conformity for production.

Development of public catering

Today, the catering industry in Russia is a huge number of enterprises with different levels of service, product quality, and a variety of equipment used. Public catering is now a very, very developing area of ​​the food industry. Not only the number of catering establishments themselves is growing, but their range is noticeably expanding. The question arises: when did catering originate in Russia? When did the first restaurants appear? Consider the main stages of development.

The first canteens arose at the Putilov factory in Petrograd, and then in Moscow and other cities. In conditions of acute food shortages and economic disruption during the civil war and foreign intervention, public canteens played an important role in providing food to the population.

During the NEP period, public canteens were transferred to the jurisdiction of consumer cooperatives and transferred to economic accounting. They fed over 8 million people.

Until the thirties, the industry did not receive proper development, since the country's attention was directed to industrialization and the organization of the collective farm economy.

Having created the material base for the development of public catering in the country, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted a resolution "On measures to improve public catering", in which he noted the importance of public catering and provided for a number of measures aimed at improving the quality and expanding the range of dishes, improving sanitary conditions and strengthening material and technical base of enterprises, to increase the interest of workers in the results of their work. The first culinary schools, technical schools, and institutes were put into operation. Commercial engineering factories produced the first domestic equipment. To improve the supply of raw materials, public catering enterprises received the right to procure agricultural products and organize subsidiary plots. The rejection of finished products and culinary products was introduced.

During the Great Patriotic War, the public catering system contributed to a more even distribution of food among the population, depending on the quality and quantity of their labor, helped to provide additional food for workers in the leading sectors of the national economy, and primarily the defense industry.

In the post-war years, the network of public catering enterprises expanded at a significant pace and reached 118 thousand units (in 1940 there were 87.6 thousand enterprises); the assortment of dishes has increased and the provision of enterprises with technological and refrigeration equipment has improved, the culture of serving the population has improved.

The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the further development and improvement of public catering", which provided for the transition of the industry to industrial rails in connection with the transition of canteens, restaurants, cafes and eateries to work with semi-finished products. It was planned to organize the production of semi-finished products at large kitchen factories, procurement factories, as well as at enterprises of the meat and dairy, fish and food industries. The centralized production of semi-finished products makes it possible to more rationally organize their production, increase the productivity of cooks, create production lines, make better use of production space and waste, and reduce cooking costs. After the September Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, public catering enterprises began to gradually switch to a new planning system based on three or two indicators - trade with the allocation of turnover for the sale of their own products and profits, or only for the sale of their own products and profits. Particular attention was paid to the quality of dishes and forms of public service.

Public catering, which has become an important branch of the national economy, is closely connected with the development of the entire economy of the socialist state and with the solution of major social problems. The turnover of public catering amounted to 21.1 billion rubles, 2333 thousand people were employed in the industry, 97 million people used the services of enterprises every day. Many new enterprises have been opened, and workers', school and student meals have been especially strengthened and improved. Progressive forms of service (set meals, food delivery to workplaces, a subscription system, mechanized lines for distributing set meals, etc.) have been introduced and widely approved, and the nutrition of people working in the evening and night shifts has improved.

The industry has increased the production of quick frozen meals. In this regard, electrophysical methods of processing food products are introduced, devices for periodic and continuous action with infrared and microwave heating are created and produced.

Automated washing departments are being created, including a number of specialized machines and vehicles. Particular attention was paid to rational nutrition, to the introduction of complex meals compiled on a scientific basis. Nutrition rations were developed for various professional groups, depending on the nature of work, taking into account energy costs and physiological needs for basic nutrients (for example, in a research institute for public catering using a computer).

Branch management is carried out by the Ministry of Trade of the USSR, the Ministries of Trade of the Union and Autonomous Republics, the Department of Trade and Public Catering of the Executive Committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies.

In cities with a wide network of public catering establishments, there are trusts of canteens, cafes, and restaurants. In small towns, the management of the public catering system and trade is combined into trade. Ministries and departments develop and implement measures to develop, locate and specialize a network of enterprises, introduce progressive forms of service, improve the culture of production and the quality of dishes, train personnel, monitor compliance by enterprises with sanitary rules, prices and margins, standing scales, etc.

At the end of the 1980s, many public catering enterprises began to work on the basis of cost accounting, i.e. have their own balance. Many cooperative catering establishments were opened, although most of them continued to remain part of state trade associations. They supplied enterprises with raw materials, semi-finished products and items of material and technical relations, directed the work of all enterprises to fulfill the instructions of higher levels, engaged in the selection and training of personnel, set the working hours of enterprises, introduced new equipment and progressive forms of service, new technology, organized equipment repairs and laundry underwear.

In the outlined main directions of the economic and social development of our country, considerable attention was paid to the improvement of the public catering system. Further complex automation of the processes of cooking and serving the population, the introduction of large procurement enterprises and the centralized supply of enterprises with semi-finished products, the introduction of new progressive technologies were assumed.

However, the change of planned relations in the economy to market ones in the early 1990s determined a sharp turn in the development of public catering enterprises. It has taken the path of creating small, compact, self-sustaining enterprises with a high level of service and quality of cooking, i.e. The priority was not quantity, but quality.

Of course, large catering establishments still exist today. But the level of their equipment, the quality of food preparation, and the culture of service are entering into increasingly fierce competition with the McDonald's that have appeared in our country, various cafes, snack bars, and other enterprises opened by foreign firms.

Creation in Russia of public catering enterprises with high quality of prepared products, level of service, most convenient for visitors is one of the most important tasks facing the public catering system today.

Accounting in public catering

Public catering is a rather complex activity, because it performs several functions: production, sale of own production and purchased goods, as well as organization of their consumption. The pricing process is also quite complex. Unfortunately, in recent years, very few regulatory documents have been published on accounting in public catering, in the presence of a number of problems in this area.

This article is devoted to one of these problems.

Public catering enterprises, as property complexes, traditionally consist of three structural divisions:

production (kitchen);
buffets (bars).

In practice, there are other organizational structures (lack of pantry, buffets, etc.).

So at present, when creating a number of enterprises, for example, "fast food" (fast food), the creation of storerooms is not foreseen in advance.

In these enterprises, raw materials and goods from suppliers immediately go to production (kitchen), as a result of which they are accounted for by posting:

Debit 20 Main production "
- on the purchase price of goods without VAT
Debit 19 "VAT on acquired values"
- for the amount of VAT
Credit 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"
- for the purchase price of goods.

Pantry workers receive raw materials and goods from suppliers and subsequently release raw materials into production, and goods to buffets (bases).

Raw materials are used to make products and goods are used to sell.

Production workers (kitchens) produce finished products (snacks, first, second, third courses, etc.) by cold and heat treatment of raw materials, and then sell them to consumers.

Buffet workers sell to consumers both purchased goods received from the pantry and products of their own production received from the kitchen.

In the instructions for using the chart of accounts for accounting for the financial and economic activities of organizations, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 94n, raw materials and goods in the pantry should be accounted for on account 41.1 "Goods in warehouses", goods and products of own production in buffets (bars) - on account 41.2 "Goods in retail trade".

With regard to raw materials and finished products in production (kitchen), there is currently an ambiguity.

The fact is that in the instructions for applying the chart of accounts from the characteristics of account 20 "Main production", the words contained in the old instructions were removed: account 20 "Main production" "... is used to account for the costs of public catering enterprises for the production of their own products ( in terms of raw materials and supplies).

From this it follows logically that account 20 "Main production" should no longer be used in public catering. True, in the old instruction the list of activities where account 20 "Main production" is used was closed, and in the new instruction it is open, so it can be assumed that the authors meant it by "etc." and catering organizations.

What account should still take into account raw materials and finished products in production (kitchen)?

The only account 41 "Goods" remains, for which a separate sub-account "Raw materials and finished products in production (kitchen)" can be opened.

By and large, it does not matter on which account the above values ​​will be taken into account, on account 20 or 41, especially since from the point of view of the correctness of the accounting methodology, both of them are not suitable for this purpose.

Let's start with account 41 "Goods".

Paragraph 2 of PBU 5/01 "Accounting for inventories", approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 44n, defines goods: "Goods are part of inventories acquired or received from other legal entities or individuals and intended for sale."

Based on this definition, raw materials supplied to production (kitchen) cannot be qualified as goods, because they are intended not for sale, but for the production of finished products from them.

The latter, in turn, from an accounting point of view, is not a commodity, since it is not received from other legal entities or individuals.

For tax purposes, the concept of "goods" is much broader. In paragraph 3 of Art. 38 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation says: "Any property sold or intended for sale is recognized as a commodity."

The instructions for using the new chart of accounts say: "Account 20" Main production "is intended to summarize information on the costs of production, the products of which were the purpose of creating this organization."

Production costs are the consumption of raw materials and materials, wages of employees, depreciation of fixed assets, etc.

In public catering, all costs (except for raw materials) have traditionally been reflected and are reflected in the debit of account 44 "Sales costs".

The instructions for using the chart of accounts say: "In organizations engaged in trading activities, on account 44" Selling expenses ", in particular, the following expenses (distribution costs) can be reflected: for rent, for the maintenance of buildings, structures, premises and inventory ; storage and processing of goods; other expenses similar in name".

The activities of public catering cannot be called purely commercial, because. it, as mentioned above, performs three functions: production, trade and organization of consumption.

However, always in trade (especially in retail) and in public catering, accounting for goods, distribution costs and other indicators was built on the same basis.

For example, we can name methodological recommendations on accounting for costs included in distribution and production costs, and financial results at trade and public catering enterprises, approved by the letter of Roskomtorg No. 1-552 / 32-2.

Thus, based on the foregoing, account 20 "Main production" is also not entirely suitable for accounting for raw materials and finished products in the production (kitchen) of catering establishments.

Nevertheless, in our opinion, of the two accounts (20 "Main production" or 41 "Goods"), the use of the first is most preferable.

First, as in manufacturing enterprises, this account indicates the costs associated with the production of products (though only in terms of the cost of raw materials).

Secondly, this account, as in manufacturing enterprises, takes into account finished products that have not yet been sold to consumers.

Thirdly, this account has already been used for this purpose before. It's just that in public catering it is not a calculation, but a material account.

Catering system

Nutrition is a natural need of any person. Food tourism is also considered as an important element of entertainment and knowledge of local culture, in particular gastronomy. National cuisine is an element of the culture of the people, has clear distinctive features, is an element of knowledge and a means of satisfaction.

Considering modern tourism as one of the forms of entrepreneurial activity, we cannot bypass the food industry. Catering is an important integral part of the tourism industry.

The public catering system is formed by restaurants of various classes, bars, cafes and canteens, fast food outlets and self-service.

The type of food is always indicated in the composition of tourist services: breakfast, half board, full board. Half board (two meals a day) may include breakfast and lunch or dinner. Boarding house - three meals a day. They also determine the quantity, and sometimes the caloric content of food, types of cooking calculations. The number of different breakfasts depends on the traditions of the country or region of visit (European, continental, English, American, etc.). The type of guest service is also important (buffet, etc.).

It is generally accepted that a tourist should definitely eat light food in the morning, i. breakfast. Therefore, hotels mostly need restaurants and provide this service. This is such an integral part of hospitality services, often included in the cost of accommodation.

Food is not just an ordinary need of every person, tourists consider it as entertainment and pleasure, the food of different peoples and even localities is often very peculiar, therefore it is attractive to tourists. In addition, it is good to treat a welcome guest - a tradition of almost all peoples. For many tourists, national cuisine is an interesting element of the tour program.

Catering should also take into account medical aspects. Improper nutrition, poorly cooked (without following the rules) food can lead to poisoning. Up to 60% of tourists visiting Egypt and India suffering from diarrhea. It is also necessary to take into account the generally accepted restrictions for certain groups of tourists on religious grounds (they do not eat pork, fasting), the special requirements of vegetarians, and baby food. Tourists must specify these features in the food requirements when buying a tour.

Principles of functioning of catering establishments

The main purpose of the catering business is to satisfy the needs of people in the consumption of food. In part, the process of eating coincides with the process of communication between people, education, and rest.

The classification of subdivisions of a catering enterprise is based on three criteria: belonging to a specific type of activity, form of participation in the main activity, role in the production of culinary products.

The main activity of a catering enterprise is the preparation and sale of food. For the entertainment of visitors, comfortable catering establishments invite musicians and artists.

Depending on the form of participation in the activities of the enterprise, divisions (Shops) are distinguished, the result of which is expressed in culinary products, and divisions (departments, services) that do not produce products, but perform the functions of an organization that manages production or services it (for example, directorate, warehouse, accounting).

Food is prepared and sold in the main workshops. Raw materials, containers are washed in auxiliary workshops, waste is stored, etc. Auxiliary services are necessary for the functioning of the main workshops and the enterprise as a whole. Such before are transport, power, repair services.

The products of a catering enterprise are a direct result of its main activity; Raw materials that enter the enterprise (products intended for cooking) can be processed. The work of the staff is aimed at achieving a direct result. Partial results of work - waste (residues) are not part of the company's products. The products of a catering enterprise can be expressed in two forms: a product and additional processing of culinary products. Products include dishes, culinary products, semi-finished products, bread, confectionery, drinks.

A dish is a unity of products (portions of food) that are culinary ready, fully suitable for consumption and released to the consumer. Unlike dishes, culinary products, although they have the quality of culinary readiness, require additional processing in the form of heating, decoration before being served to the consumer.

The products of the catering establishment are characterized by varying degrees of readiness. Cooking is possible in the presence of raw materials that are not products. The finished dish meets the quality requirements and is not subject to further processing.

The study of products according to the degree of readiness is important for analyzing the results of the enterprise and managing it.

Historically ancient is an enterprise with a full cycle of processing raw materials. The enterprise received food products without cooking from industry and agriculture. Progress in organizing the production of catering establishments necessitated the creation of enterprises for the production of semi-finished products, as well as special procurement enterprises for the mechanical processing of raw materials. At the same time, the area of ​​establishments began to shrink.

With the help of modern technologies in the food industry, food establishments with an incomplete technological cycle are only engaged in additional processing of culinary products and semi-finished products.

To carry out various technological processes, the following rooms are provided:

For receiving and storing raw materials;
- Production;
- For consumers;
- Office and household;
- Technical.

The premises for the acceptance and storage of raw materials include: a reception room, cooling pantries, refrigerators.

Production premises (kitchen) consist of procurement workshops (meat, fish, vegetable), preparatory workshops (hot, cold, confectionery), service, distribution (if visitors are served by waiters), production manager's premises.

Premises for serving visitors include halls for visitors (Consumers), waiters' rooms, vestibules, rooms for artists. If visitors are served by waiters, this also includes a buffet.

The service and amenity premises include: the premises of the directorate, management personnel, accounting, dressing rooms and bathrooms, showers for staff and rooms for staff meals.

Workshops, life support services of the enterprise belong to the technical premises.

A specific list of premises of a food establishment is formed in accordance with sanitary requirements, norms, technology features. The room has sophisticated engineering equipment. In all rooms, an automatic fire detection system is installed, which is very sensitive to smoke and combustion gases.

Public catering is classified according to many criteria.

On the basis of connectedness of management, enterprises are divided into chains and enterprises operating autonomously. The largest such chains, for example, in the USA, include "Mac Donald" (with 9460 enterprises, annual incomes of more than 12 billion dollars), "Burger King" and others.

Depending on the contingent served by the institution, enterprises can work with a permanent contingent (such catering establishments are located at hotels, sanatoriums, etc.), with a variable contingent, for example, a city restaurant.

Public catering is also distinguished by the completeness of the technological cycle, the volume and nature of services, the type of food, the mode of operation, hours of operation and other features.

Typology of public catering is carried out depending on the form of customer service, the nature of the activity, the range of dishes that are sold. They take into account the features of the interior, musical accompaniment, furniture, tableware and linen, appliances.

Special types of food establishments include: a restaurant, a cafe, a bar, a buffet, a dining room, etc. A restaurant is considered a comfortable food establishment with the largest assortment of dishes.

By type of service, these enterprises are divided into those where waiters serve, and those where the self-service system operates. For the diet of tourists, these enterprises provide services in the form of full board, half board, special meals, buffets, meals for children, etc. (on call, by order), and at catering establishments.

According to the range of food for tourists, services are divided into complex meals, meals to choose from, meals on pre-order, as well as servicing solemn events, receptions, anniversaries, banquets, etc.

Food establishments specialize in national dishes (European, Korean, Chinese, Georgian, Hebrew and other national cuisines).

Enterprises are also classified by the number of places for visitors, the mode of operation (round the clock, with a time limit).

Depending on the degree of technical equipment, quality and volume of services, location, price, architectural and artistic design of premises, assortment, degree of automation and other indicators, tourism catering enterprises are divided into categories.

Category - a sign of a catering company that characterizes the level of service quality. Categories are denoted by the symbol - * (star). The highest category of a tourist catering establishment is five stars, the lowest one is one star. Enterprises that have not passed certification according to European standards retain the old classification: luxury, highest, first and second categories.

Classification of restaurant service enterprises

The peculiarity of restaurant service enterprises operating in the field of tourism is that they must satisfy the nutritional needs of people from around the world with their diverse tastes and traditions of national cuisine. Experts argue that food traditions are conservative human traditions, since they have been formed for quite a long time under the influence of natural, geographical, socio-economic and other factors.

International tourism practice has created a variety of types of enterprises and forms of service for tourists.

In the former USSR, all catering establishments were divided into five price categories: luxury, superior, first, second, third. Price categories were assigned in order: restaurants - luxury, highest, first, second; cafe of a general type - higher, first, second; specialized cafe - the first, second; canteens - second, third; buffetam - first, second, third; bars - luxury, highest, first.

Basic requirements for catering

For the functioning of catering establishments, the following attributes of the enterprise's activities are indispensable and typically characteristic, such as menus, organization of food preparation, purchase and storage of raw materials, customer service, etc. Accordingly, there are certain rules and regulations for the implementation of business activities by the enterprise. For all catering establishments there are general requirements (fire safety, sanitary condition) and typical dependencies on the type of catering establishment.

The most important document of a food establishment is the menu. This is the main document of the enterprise, which has evaluation, analytical and stimulating functions.

The menu is a list of dishes that are in the daily diet, with a free choice of a la carte and on-duty dishes, dinners, banquets, special types of service. The price list includes drinks, fruits, confectionery and tobacco products. The evaluation function of the menu is a reflection of the main activity of the enterprise and the culinary skills of the chefs. Equally important are the analytical functions of the menu. As an object between an enterprise in the face of a waiter and a visitor, the menu allows you to study the demand, and then develop rational directions for the formation of menus, cuisines, technologies. The function reflects the influence of the menu on the results of the enterprise.

The menu is developed taking into account the assortment minimum - the minimum number of dishes that should be in the implementation. A very large menu makes it difficult to serve visitors, requires a large amount of raw materials, semi-finished products, large areas and various equipment for cooking. But, on the other hand, the choice of dishes should be quite diverse. That is why menu calculation is an extremely important element of the enterprise's activity.

The menu is a document with the help of which the visitor introduces the kitchen of the enterprise (institution). Menu design is turning into a developed area of ​​advertising.

When organizing customer service, you should get answers to three questions: where, when and how to serve.

The location of the enterprise is chosen before its construction or during the reconstruction of a previously built building into a public catering facility. It is believed that the good location of a food establishment can increase its turnover by 30%. Therefore, it is necessary to fully evaluate the possible contingent of visitors, their number. Some help in this is provided by indicators of the density of the network of establishments.

Equally important is the establishment of the mode of operation of the enterprise. In order to increase the flow of visitors, enterprises are waging a "battle for time", organizing work mainly during those hours when the population has the greatest need to visit food establishments. If the issue of the location of a food establishment is decided once, then the mode of operation, as well as forms of customer service, are reviewed from time to time in order to better adapt them to consumer demand.

Forms of customer service may be different. Serving visitors sitting at tables can be complemented by self-service elements of the "buffet" type. The following forms of service are common: in a hotel room, passenger service in vehicles; celebratory, off-site and banquet services. Bar service is popular.

The accepted form of service does not answer the question "how to serve". Visitors should be attracted by the interior, the cleanliness of the hall, the hygiene of the kitchen, the appearance of the staff, the quality of the dishes served, the culture and efficiency of the service.

The hall should be beautifully and qualitatively furnished. The comfort of visitors is facilitated by appropriate sound insulation, lighting, air exchange and circulation.

The direct service of visitors in the hall includes the following operations: meeting, greeting and accommodating guests, accepting orders, transferring orders for production, receiving products from the buffet and kitchen and serving them to guests, changing and cleaning dishes, paying visitors, providing all other services.

Food is served on the table in a certain sequence. Before serving cold dishes and snacks. They also contain the sequence of serving: fish, meat, cold, poultry and game, vegetables and mushrooms, cheese, then - hot appetizers (in the same sequence), followed by hot dishes (first): clear soups, soups - puree, seasoned, dairy, cold, sweet. After them - vegetable dishes, then dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta; egg and cheese dishes. Rounding out the sequence are sweet dishes and hot drinks.

Regarding the quality of customer service, three elements should be taken into account: the characteristics of the quality of the dishes, the duration of the service and the quality of the work.

General requirements for catering establishments in tourism

All requirements for catering establishments are divided into general and additional.

General requirements contain the following regulations:

1. The layout of the territory adjacent to the enterprise should provide convenient passage and access for visitors by car.
2. The entrance to the enterprise must provide simultaneous movement in two opposite directions: to the entrance and to the exit. Doors should open effortlessly and automatically close behind the visitor without forcing them to return.
3. Premises for visitors to tourist catering establishments must comply with the general sanitary-hygienic, fire-prevention and technical requirements in public premises, guarantee safe and comfortable conditions in terms of such parameters as temperature and humidity. A prerequisite is the absence of foreign odors, especially kitchens and toilets.
4. All rooms must be equipped with signs (pictograms) that help visitors navigate.
5. A copy of the certificate of the catering establishment must be posted in the lobby, indicating that it has been assigned a certain category with the corresponding number of stars.
6. The equipment of premises for visitors should provide for the possibility of visiting catering establishments for disabled people and tourists with children, if the hotel (tourist complex, base, campsite) at which it is located provides accommodation for disabled people and tourists with children of the appropriate age or a tourist catering establishment serves visitors, not staying in hotels.
7. Restaurants, cafes and bars that use tablecloths and individual napkins for table setting must have in sufficient quantities less than two types of table linen sets: white tablecloths and napkins for serving banquets, anniversaries, receptions and other events and colored tablecloths and napkins, corresponding to the design of the interior of the enterprise. A set of colored underwear can be replaced with white underwear for daily maintenance, if allowed by the style of the enterprise. Do not use table linen with traces of soiling and damage left after washing and repair.
8. In table setting, tableware and high-quality tableware, as well as cutlery of a single sample, should be used. A prerequisite is the same style of table setting. Different sets of tableware, glass and cutlery can be used for table setting only if the decoration of the hall provides for local zones that are distinguished by a special color of table linen, furniture, serving. Damaged tableware, glass and cutlery must not be used.
9. In the service of organized tourist groups by bank transfer, it is recommended to offer complete meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, based on the age and national composition of the tourist group, energy costs on the route. The repetition of the diet for such a group is allowed no earlier than 10 days, and the dishes that were in the diet, no less than 4 days. The menu of completed food rations must be agreed with the team leader.
10. Products for cooking must have a certificate confirming the absence of substances harmful to health (nitrites, nitrates, pesticides, etc.), as well as radiation and chemical contamination exceeding the established standards. If there is no certificate, a laboratory analysis of products is carried out.
11. On the cover of the menu and wine list, there must be the name of the tourist catering establishment and a trademark with the number of stars, which corresponds to the category of the enterprise based on the certificate issued to it.
12. The head waiter, waiters and bartenders must know at least one of the European languages. The brigade should have waiters who speak different languages.
13. All employees of a tourist catering enterprise must be dressed in uniform, special or sanitary clothing and footwear of the sample established for this enterprise in good condition, without visible damage and pollution. Clothing must be branded with the category of the business and the corresponding number of stars. All employees of tourist catering establishments on uniform must wear an identifier with the emblem of the enterprise and signs of its professional affiliation and the place it occupies in the service hierarchy.
14. The headwaiter's uniform must differ from the clothes of waiters in a strict style of execution, a tailcoat or a tuxedo may be included in the kit.
15. Service workers must be polite, attentive and prudent (but unobtrusive) to visitors. The employee must comply with the request of the visitor, if this does not distract him from the performance of direct duties. A conflict situation arose, the employee immediately invite the duty administrator, head waiter or director of the enterprise.

Food for tourists

The food scheme of tourists depends on the type of tour, the category of tourists, the ratio of accommodation places to food places and many other factors.

The food system is indicated in the ticket, contract, voucher.

Usually, breakfast is provided to tourists according to the self-service buffet scheme and a choice of dishes from the provided assortment, if desired. In hotels of high categories, breakfast can be ordered in a cafe, restaurant or in the room. In rooms equipped with kitchens and mini-bars, the tourist prepares breakfast on his own.

In the "half board" meal plan, the tourist is provided with either a combined lunch and dinner, or dinner at a set time. In the "full board" meal plan, three to four meals a day are provided.

It is clear that the catering scheme for sports, hunting, climbing and other amateur tours with active modes of movement is based on self-cooking of food from special semi-finished products and concentrates.

Special dietary requirements are for the so-called gastronomic tours, where a certain national cuisine prevails with famous gourmet (in some cases exotic) dishes and drinks.

Depending on the category of the catering enterprise, the quality of service as a complex service is realized by the main, additional and related services. Along with well-prepared and aesthetically decorated dishes, an important role is played by the overall composition of the table setting, the selection of dishes and cutlery, the colors of tablecloths, napkins with the company's brand name, flowers, the qualifications of waiters, bartenders, head waiters, impeccable cleanliness, beautifully designed menus on several languages, the general interior of the hall, comfort, sound insulation, soft adjustable lighting, etc.

The list of additional and related services includes: variety show, orchestra, musical accompaniment without an orchestra, TV (at the request of customers), a dance floor, the ability to order a taxi, buy souvenirs.

Tourists eat in accordance with the conditions specified in the voucher, voucher, contract - in restaurants, cafes, bars and other enterprises adapted for this.

Catering Classification

At present, the network of public catering establishments is developing faster and faster - from the simplest ones, where you can almost “on the run” have a bite of a pie with tea poured into a disposable cup, to the most sophisticated top-class restaurants, where you can satisfy the whim of any gourmet. In this case, the principle “demand creates supply” applies. That is, all of the above catering establishments are undoubtedly in demand among consumers. After all, visitors to these establishments are also consumers, and they are also subject to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. But if, when buying a product, almost every buyer understands that he is a consumer and at least approximately, but knows that he has certain rights, then when visiting cafes, restaurants and other public catering establishments, visitors know much less about their rights, and even seek their protection much less often.

This is due primarily to the specifics of the industry itself. Indeed, it is much more difficult to prove that you were served a stale salad yesterday than to prove that you were sold a low-quality iron yesterday. In addition, general consumer protection advocacy is usually directed only towards goods, not services. Despite certain features and the difficulties associated with this, you should still know, use and protect your rights when visiting catering establishments.

However, before seeking compliance with certain of your rights from employees of a public catering enterprise, it must be taken into account that, depending on the type of public catering enterprise, the range of services that you will be entitled to count on when visiting one or another institution will also differ. For a uniform definition of such rights and obligations, it is customary to classify public catering establishments.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1036 “On Approval of the Rules for the Provision of Catering Services”, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the RF GD “On Approval of the Rules for the Provision of Catering Services”), catering services are provided in restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens, snack bars and other places of public catering, the types of which, and for restaurants and bars also their classes (luxury, highest, first) are determined by the contractor in accordance with the state standard.

The main document establishing the classification of catering establishments is GOST R 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises”, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation No. 198, which was put into effect on July 1, 1995. Despite the fact that, in accordance with Article 46 of Federal Law No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, pending the entry into force of the relevant technical regulations, the requirements established by the current national standards are subject to mandatory execution only in the part that ensures the achievement of the goals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation , this standard is still the most frequently used when it is necessary to classify public catering establishments, including in judicial practice.

This standard establishes the classification of catering establishments, general requirements for catering establishments of various types and classes. The provisions of this standard apply to catering establishments of various organizational and legal forms.

In the above standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

Public catering enterprise - an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) organization of consumption (GOST R 50647).

Type of public catering enterprise - a type of enterprise with characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers.

The class of a public catering enterprise is a set of distinctive features of a certain type of enterprise, characterizing the quality of the services provided, the level and conditions of service.

Restaurant - a public catering establishment with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded ones; wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, an increased level of service in combination with the organization of recreation.

Bar - a catering company with a bar counter that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods.

Cafe - an enterprise for catering and recreation of consumers with the provision of a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks.

Canteen - a public catering enterprise or serving a certain contingent of consumers that produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.

A snack bar is a public catering establishment with a limited range of simple dishes prepared from a certain type of raw material and designed to quickly serve consumers.

In accordance with the specified standard, the following types of catering establishments are provided: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar.

When determining the type of enterprise, the following factors are taken into account:

The range of products sold, their diversity and complexity of manufacturing;
technical equipment (material base, engineering and technical equipment and equipment, composition of premises, architectural and planning solution, etc.);
service methods;
staff qualifications;
quality of service (comfort, communication ethics, aesthetics, etc.);
range of services provided to consumers.

According to the level of service and the range of services provided, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes - luxury, highest and first, which must meet the following requirements:

"Lux" - interior sophistication, high level of comfort, a wide range of services, a range of original, exquisite custom-made and signature dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails - for bars;
"highest" - originality of the interior, choice of services, comfort, a diverse range of original, gourmet, custom-made and specialty dishes and products for restaurants, a wide selection of branded and custom-made drinks and cocktails - for bars;
"first" - harmony, comfort and choice of services, a diverse range of branded dishes and products and drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a set of drinks, simple cocktails, including custom-made and branded ones - for bars.

Cafes, canteens and snack bars are not divided into classes.

Restaurants distinguish:

According to the range of products sold - fish, beer; with national cuisine or cuisine of foreign countries;
at the location - a restaurant at a hotel, railway station, in a recreation area, a dining car, etc.

Bars distinguish:

According to the range of products sold and the method of preparation - dairy, beer, wine, coffee, cocktail bar, grill bar;
on the specifics of customer service - video bar, variety bar, etc.

Cafe distinguish:

According to the range of products sold - ice cream parlor, confectionery cafe, dairy cafe;
by the contingent of consumers - cafes for youth, children, etc.

Canteens distinguish:

According to the range of products sold - general and dietary;
for servicing a contingent of consumers - school, student, etc.;
by location - public, at the place of study, work.

Eateries share:

According to the range of products sold - general and specialized (sausage, dumplings, pancake, patty, donut, barbecue, tea, pizzeria, hamburger, etc.).

Restaurants, cafes and bars combine the production, sale and organization of consumption of products with the organization of recreation and entertainment for consumers.

Despite the fact that public catering enterprises differ in types, classes and other characteristics, there are general requirements that apply to such enterprises precisely as public catering enterprises. And, therefore, the consumer, visiting any public catering establishment of the above types and class, has the right to expect (and, therefore, demand) the following general requirements in it in accordance with Section 5 of GOST. 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises.

Public catering establishments of any type and class must ensure the safety of life and health of consumers and the safety of their property, subject to compliance with the "Rules for the production and sale of public catering products" approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 332, sanitary and technological norms and rules, as well as the requirements of the fire department. and electrical safety.

At catering establishments, the requirements of regulatory documents on the safety of services must be met:

Sanitary-hygienic and technological requirements, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products;
requirements for the safety of food raw materials and products;
environmental safety;
fire safety;
electrical safety.

Public catering enterprises of any type should have convenient access roads and pedestrian access to the entrance, the necessary reference and information signs. The territory adjacent to the enterprise should have artificial lighting in the evening.

On the territory adjacent to the enterprise and accessible to consumers, it is not allowed:

Carrying out loading and unloading operations;
container storage;
placement of containers with garbage;
burning garbage, empty containers, waste.

Sites with waste bins should be at least 20 m away from the windows and doors of the premises of the enterprise.

The architectural and planning solution and structural elements of the building, the technical equipment used must comply with sanitary standards and rules.

The facility should have emergency exits, stairs, emergency instructions, a public address system, and fire protection equipment.

Enterprises of all types and classes must be equipped with engineering systems and equipment that provide the necessary level of comfort, including: hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, radio and telephone communications.

The entrance to the enterprise must ensure the simultaneous movement of two counter flows of consumers to the entrance and exit. In enterprises with more than 50 seats in the halls, separate entrances and stairs for consumers and staff should be provided.

The enterprise must have a sign indicating its type, class, forms of organization of its activities, company name, legal entity (location of the owner), information about the mode of operation, about the services provided.

In enterprises under construction and reconstructed to serve the disabled, inclined ramps at the entrance doors for the passage of wheelchairs, elevators, platforms for turning a wheelchair in the hall, and specially equipped toilets should be provided.

The placement of production facilities and equipment in them should ensure the consistency of the technological process of production and sale of products, as well as compliance with technological, sanitary norms and rules.

Catering room

More and more categories of the population appear, ready to use the services of public catering establishments with pleasure. However, not everyone can do this in restaurants in the Soviet sense of the word, but very many can visit, within the limits of loyal amounts, the so-called modern restaurants. The range of them is very large: from a small tea room, in which there are almost coffee tables, ending with a restaurant with a full cycle kitchen and a pompous hall for pop stars. But small catering establishments, just like real restaurants, are required to comply with the requirements for catering premises.

Requirements for catering premises are determined by the Sanitary Rules and Regulations. Depending on the type of enterprise: the cycle of the kitchen, the composition of the menu, the number of seats in the hall, the requirements for the composition of catering premises are intensified.

There are the following groups of catering premises:

1. Warehouse - designed to store raw materials in refrigeration equipment, in refrigerated and uncooled rooms (the latter are intended for short-term storage).
2. Premises of the production group - include a production line:
- cutting, preparation of raw materials, processing of semi-finished products, production output;
- procurement and pre-preparation workshops;
- confectionery (if available);
- auxiliary: washing, bread slicer.
3. Trading group - catering premises in which the sale of manufactured products, the use by the client, the sale and the premises accompanying this process take place: a distribution line, a bar, a showcase, a cloakroom, a lobby, a bathroom.
4. Administrative premises - for the work of the administration of the enterprise, recreation and ensuring the labor process for the employees of the enterprise: offices of the director, accountant, utility rooms for staff: wardrobe, shower, tea room.

Requirements for public catering premises indicate the mandatory connection of premises with each other.

The following requirements for the layout of catering premises apply:

The placement in the course of the technological process must be observed: warehouse - production - trade - administrative, household, auxiliary.
- The location of catering facilities should be as accessible as possible, with the shortest connections between them.
- The intersection of opposite production flows should be excluded: the movement of clean and used dishes, visitors and service personnel, raw materials, semi-finished products and waste.
- The location of catering premises should take into account the system of entrances and exits: production and storage facilities should be impassable, the entrance to the trade group - from the street, the entrances to the warehouse and production groups - from the courtyard.
- The layout of retail premises should ensure the evacuation of people in case of fire.
- The layout of public catering facilities must comply with the Sanitary Norms and Rules (SNiP), fire regulations.

To one degree or another, but the requirements for public catering facilities must be observed without fail. For example, an enterprise with a full-cycle production must have the entire specified list of production and storage facilities. However, in cramped circumstances, a properly equipped basement can be used as a short-term storage room, and a bread-cutting room can be organized as a stand-alone airtight bread cabinet.

Catering characteristic

Type of public catering enterprise - a type of enterprise with characteristic features of culinary products and the range of services provided to fighters. According to GOST R 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises, the main types of public catering establishments are restaurants, bars, canteens, cafes, snack bars. But according to the above, public catering enterprises are classified according to the stages of production, so there are such types of procurement enterprises as a procurement factory, a semi-finished products plant, a culinary factory; in terms of the large volume of culinary products produced, such types of public catering enterprises as kitchen factories and food processing plants stand out. To expand the services provided in public catering, buffets, take-out businesses, and culinary shops are being organized.

Services provided to consumers in public catering establishments of various types and classes, according to GOST R 50764-95 "Public catering services" are divided into:

Catering services;
- services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery;
- services for the organization of consumption and maintenance;
- services for the sale of culinary products;
- leisure services;
- information and advisory services;
- other services.

To regulate the relationship between consumers and contractors in the field of catering services, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "Rules for the provision of catering services", which were developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", was approved.

Public catering services are determined by the contractor (public catering enterprise) in accordance with its type (and for restaurants and bars by their class) and are confirmed by the certification body in accordance with the state standard. Public catering establishments selling alcoholic and tobacco products are required to have a license for this type of activity.

In the event of a temporary suspension of the provision of services (for planned sanitary days, repairs and in other cases), the enterprise is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with information on the date and timing of the suspension of its activities and notify local governments.

Public catering enterprises are obliged to comply with the mandatory requirements for the quality of services, their safety for life, human health, the environment and property established in state standards, sanitary, fire regulations, technological documents and other regulatory documents.

Catering services, regardless of the type of enterprise, must meet the requirements of:

Compliance with the intended purpose;
- accuracy and timeliness of provision;
- safety and environmental friendliness;
- ergonomics and comfort;
- aesthetics;
- service culture;
- social targeting;
- informative.

A procurement factory is a large mechanized enterprise designed for the production of semi-finished products, culinary, confectionery products and their supply to other public catering establishments and retail chain enterprises. The capacity of the harvesting factory-kitchen is determined by tons of processed raw materials per day. The harvesting factory has high-performance equipment, including mechanized lines for the processing of meat, fish, and vegetables; powerful refrigeration equipment; for defrosting meat and poultry - defrosters. The procurement factory has a large storage facility with conveyors, overhead mechanical lines for the movement of products and raw materials; meat, poultry, fish, vegetable, culinary and confectionery shops, expedition and specialized transport, which involves the use of functional containers for transporting semi-finished products and culinary products to other enterprises. Production shops are equipped with modern high-performance equipment. They can be organized in-line mechanized lines for the preparation of quick-frozen semi-finished products and dishes, their storage is provided in low-temperature chambers.

The plant of semi-finished products differs from the harvesting factory in that it produces only semi-finished products from meat, poultry, fish, potatoes and vegetables and in greater capacity. The capacity of such an enterprise is projected to be up to 30 tons of processed raw materials per day. On the basis of procurement factories, semi-finished products factories, kitchen factories, food processing plants - culinary trade and production associations can be created.

A kitchen factory is a large public catering enterprise designed to produce semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products and supply pre-cooked enterprises with them. Kitchen factories differ from other procurement enterprises in that their building may contain a canteen, restaurant, cafe or snack bar. In addition to the main workshops, the kitchen factory may include shops for the production of soft drinks, confectionery, ice cream, for the production of chilled and quick-frozen dishes, etc. The capacity of the kitchen factory is up to 10-15 thousand dishes per shift.

The food plant is a large trade and production association, which includes: a procurement factory or specialized procurement workshops and pre-cooking enterprises (canteens, cafes, snack bars). Having highly mechanized equipment, the catering plant ensures the production and delivery of semi-finished products to other public catering enterprises. The catering plant has a single production program, a single administrative department, and a common storage facility. A catering complex, as a rule, is created on the territory of a large manufacturing enterprise to serve its contingent, but, in addition, it can serve the population of an adjacent residential area, employees of nearby institutions. A catering complex can also be created at a large higher educational institution with a total number of students of more than 5 thousand people. School food complexes are also being created.

Specialized culinary workshops are organized at meat processing plants, fish factories, and vegetable stores. Designed for the manufacture of semi-finished products from meat, fish and vegetables and their supply to pre-cooking enterprises. Production lines for the processing of raw materials and the production of semi-finished products are used, heavy loading and unloading operations are mechanized.

Dining room - a public catering establishment that is publicly accessible or serves a certain contingent of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day. The canteen catering service is a service for the manufacture of culinary products, varied by day of the week or special diets for various groups of the serviced contingent (workers, schoolchildren, tourists, etc.), as well as the creation of conditions for sale and consumption at the enterprise.

Canteens distinguish:

According to the range of products sold - general type and dietary;
- according to the served contingent of consumers - school, student, worker, etc.;
- by location - public, at the place of study, work.

Public canteens are designed to provide products of mass demand (breakfasts, lunches, dinners) to the general population of the area and visitors. In canteens, the method of self-service of consumers with subsequent payment is used.

Canteens at manufacturing enterprises, institutions and educational institutions are located taking into account the maximum approximation to the contingents served. Canteens at manufacturing enterprises organize meals for workers in day, evening and night shifts, and if necessary, deliver hot food directly to workshops or construction sites. The order of work of canteens is coordinated with the administration of enterprises, institutions and educational institutions.

Canteens at vocational schools organize two or three meals a day based on the norms of the daily ration. As a rule, tables are set in advance in these canteens. Canteens at general education schools are created with a number of students of at least 320 people.

It is recommended to prepare complex breakfasts, lunches for two age groups: the first - for students of grades I-V, the second - for students of grades VI-XI. In large cities, school catering plants are being created, which centrally supply school canteens with semi-finished products, flour culinary and confectionery products. The opening hours of school canteens are coordinated with the school administration.

Diet canteens specialize in serving people in need of medical nutrition. In dietary canteens with a capacity of 100 seats or more, it is recommended to have 5-6 basic diets, in other canteens with a dietary department (tables) - at least 3. Dishes are prepared according to special recipes and technologies by cooks with appropriate training, under the supervision of a nutritionist or nurses. The production of dietary canteens is equipped with specialized equipment and inventory - steamers, wiping machines, steam boilers, juicers.

Canteens, distributing and mobile are designed to serve small teams of workers, employees, usually dispersed over large areas. Mobile canteens do not have a kitchen, but only heat food delivered from other catering establishments in isothermal containers. Such canteens are provided with unbreakable crockery and cutlery.

Canteens should have a sign indicating the legal form, hours of operation. In the design of trading floors, decorative elements are used that create a unity of style. In dining rooms, standard lightweight furniture is used that matches the interior of the room; tables must have hygienic coatings. From tableware, earthenware, glass from pressed glass is used. Of the premises for consumers, canteens should have a vestibule, a wardrobe, and toilet rooms. The area of ​​trading floors must comply with the standard - 1.8 m2 per seat.

A restaurant is a public catering enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with a high level of service combined with leisure activities. Depending on the quality of the services provided, the level and conditions of service, restaurants are divided into classes: luxury, superior, first. The restaurant catering service is a service for the manufacture, sale and organization of consumption of a wide range of dishes and products of complex manufacture from various types of raw materials, purchased goods, wine and vodka products, provided by qualified production and service personnel in conditions of increased comfort and material and technical equipment in combination with leisure activities. Some restaurants specialize in preparing dishes of national cuisine and cuisine of foreign countries.

Restaurants provide consumers, as a rule, lunches and dinners, and when serving participants in conferences, seminars, meetings - a full ration - food. Also, restaurants at railway stations, airports, and hotels provide consumers with a full diet. Restaurants organize various types of banquets and themed parties. Restaurants provide additional services to the population: waiter service at home, ordering and delivery of culinary and confectionery products to consumers, including banquet ones; reservation of seats in the restaurant hall; rental of tableware, etc.

Leisure services include:

Organization of music service;
- organization of concerts, variety programs;
- provision of newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards.

Customer service is carried out by head waiters, waiters. In restaurants of the highest class, as well as serving foreign tourists, waiters must speak a foreign language to the extent necessary to fulfill their duties.

Restaurants must have, in addition to the usual signboard, a lighted signboard with design elements. Exquisite and original decorative elements (lamps, draperies, etc.) are used to design halls and premises for consumers. In the trading floor in luxury and higher class restaurants, the presence of a stage and a dance floor is a must. To create an optimal microclimate in the trading floor in luxury restaurants, an air conditioning system with automatic maintenance of optimal temperature and humidity parameters is required. For restaurants of the highest and first class, a conventional ventilation system is acceptable. Furniture in restaurants should be of increased comfort, corresponding to the interior of the room; tables should have a soft coating, in first-class restaurants it is possible to use tables with a polyester coating. Armchairs should be soft or semi-soft with armrests. Big demands are made on dishes and appliances. Cupronickel, nickel silver, stainless steel, porcelain and faience with a monogram are used or artistic decoration, crystal, artistically designed blown glassware.

The area of ​​the trading floor with a stage and a dance floor must comply with the standard - 2 m2 per seat.

Dining cars - designed to serve passengers of railway transport on the way. Restaurant cars are included in long-distance trains that travel in one direction for more than a day. The restaurant car has a hall for consumers, a production room, a washing department and a buffet. Perishable goods are stored in refrigerated cabinets, hatches. Cold appetizers, first and second courses, wine and vodka products, cold and hot drinks, confectionery and tobacco products are sold. Additional services: peddling goods and drinks. Service by waiters.

Coupe buffets - organized on trains with a flight duration of less than a day. They occupy 2-3 compartments; have commercial and utility premises. Refrigerators are available. Sandwiches, dairy products, boiled sausages, sausages, hot drinks and cold soft drinks, confectionery are sold.

Bar - a catering company with a bar counter that sells mixed drinks, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods. Bars are divided into classes: luxury, superior and first.

Bars distinguish:

According to the range of products sold and the method of preparation - dairy, beer, coffee, cocktail bar, grill bar, etc.;
- on the specifics of customer service - video bar, variety bar, etc.

Bar catering services are a service for the preparation and sale of a wide range of drinks, snacks, confectionery, purchased goods, to create conditions for their consumption at the bar counter or in the hall.

Service in bars is carried out by headwaiters, bartenders, waiters with special education and professional training.

Bars must have an illuminated sign with design elements; to decorate the halls, decorative elements are used that create a unity of style. The microclimate is supported by air conditioning or supply and exhaust ventilation. Mandatory bar accessory - a bar counter up to 1.2 m high and stools with swivel seats 0.8 m high. In the hall there are tables with soft or polyester coating, soft chairs with armrests. The requirements for tableware are the same as in restaurants; tableware made of cupronickel, nickel silver, stainless steel, porcelain and faience, crystal, glass of the highest grades is used.

A cafe is a public catering enterprise designed to organize the recreation of consumers. The range of products sold is limited compared to the restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, flour confectionery, drinks, purchased goods. Dishes are mostly simple cooking, an extended range of hot drinks (tea, coffee, milk, chocolate, etc.).

Cafe distinguish:

According to the range of products sold - ice-cream cafe, confectionery cafe, dairy cafe;
- according to the contingent of consumers - youth cafe, children's cafe;
- according to the method of service - self-service, service by waiters.

Cafes are not divided into classes, so the range of dishes depends on the specialization of the cafe.

Universal self-service cafes sell clear broths from first courses, second courses of simple cooking: pancakes with various fillings, scrambled eggs, sausages, sausages with a simple side dish.

Cafes with waiter service have specialty, custom-made dishes on their menu, but mostly fast food.

Drawing up a menu and, accordingly, recording begins with hot drinks (at least 10 items), then they write cold drinks, flour confectionery (8-10 items), hot dishes, cold dishes.

The cafe is designed for visitors to relax, so the design of the trading floor with decorative elements, lighting, and color scheme is of great importance. The microclimate is supported by a supply and exhaust ventilation system. The furniture is standard lightweight construction, the tables must have a polyester coating. From tableware it is used: metal from stainless steel, semi-porcelain faience, high-quality glass.

In a cafe, in addition to trading floors, there should be a lobby, a cloakroom, and toilet rooms for visitors.

The norm of the area for one seat in a cafe is 1.6 m2.

The cafeteria is organized mainly at large food and department stores. Designed for the sale and consumption on the spot of hot drinks, dairy products, sandwiches, confectionery and other goods that do not require complex preparation. The sale of alcoholic beverages in cafeterias is not allowed.

The cafeteria consists of two parts: the hall and the utility room. Sandwiches, hot drinks are prepared on site, the rest of the products are delivered ready-made. Cafeterias are organized for 8, 16, 24, 32 seats. They are equipped with high four-seater tables. To serve children and the elderly, one or two four-seater tables with chairs are installed.

Snack bar - a catering establishment with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation for quick service to consumers. The catering service of the diner depends on the specialization.

Eateries share:

According to the range of general products sold;
- specialized (sausage, dumpling, pancake, patty, donut, barbecue, tea, pizzeria, hamburger, etc.).

Eateries must have a high throughput, their economic efficiency depends on this, so they are placed in busy places, on the central streets of cities and in recreation areas.

Eateries are classified as fast-food establishments, so self-service should be used. In large eateries, several self-service handouts can be organized. Sometimes distributing sections have ledges, each section sells products of the same name with its own settlement node, this speeds up the service of consumers who have little time.

Trading floors are equipped with high tables with hygienic coverings. The design of the halls must also meet certain requirements of aesthetics and sanitation.

From tableware, it is allowed to use dishes made of aluminum, faience, pressed glass.

According to standard requirements, snack bars may not have a lobby, a cloakroom, or toilets for visitors.

The area of ​​the eatery halls must comply with the standard - 1.6 m2 per seat.

Tearoom - a specialized snack bar, an enterprise designed for the preparation and sale of a wide range of tea and flour confectionery. In addition, the menu of tea houses includes hot second courses of fish, meat, vegetables, natural scrambled eggs with sausage, ham, etc.

In the architectural and artistic mode of the hall, elements of the Russian national style are used.

The specialization of snack bars involves the sale of certain types of products characteristic of this enterprise.

Barbecue - a common type of specialized enterprise. The barbeque menu includes at least three or four types of shish kebabs with different side dishes and sauces, as well as kebab, chakhokhbili, tobacco chicken, kharcho and other national dishes that are in great demand among visitors from the first courses. Serve visitors in barbecue, as a rule, waiters. The rest of the eateries are self-service.

Dumplings - specialized snack bars, the main products of which are dumplings with various minced meats. The menu also includes cold snacks of simple preparation, hot and cold drinks. Pelmeni can come in the form of semi-finished products or be prepared on the spot, in this case, dumpling machines are used in dumplings.

Pancake houses specialize in the preparation and sale of products from liquid dough - pancakes, pancakes, fritters, pancakes stuffed with various minced meats. They diversify the serving of these products with sour cream, caviar, jam, jam, honey, etc.

Pirozhkovye are intended for the preparation and sale of fried and baked pies, pies, pies and other products from various types of dough.

Cheburechnye are intended for preparation and realization of popular dishes of oriental cuisine - chebureks and belyashi. Related products in chebu-1 river - broths, salads, sandwiches, as well as cold and hot appetizers.

Sausages specialize in the sale of hot sausages, sausages, boiled, baked with a variety of side dishes, as well as cold (water, beer, juices, etc.) and hot drinks, lactic acid products.

The pizzeria is designed for the preparation and sale of pizza with various toppings. In self-service, the dispenser prepares the pizza in the presence of the customer, using the appropriate cooking equipment. The pizzeria may have waiter service.

Bistro - a new chain of fast food establishments. In Moscow, the Russian Bistro company successfully operates, which opens numerous enterprises of this type. The bistro specializes in Russian cuisine (patties, pies, broths, salads, drinks).

Specialized enterprises with intensive workload have higher economic indicators than general-purpose enterprises, since the turnover of seats can be higher than in other enterprises. Specialized enterprises more fully satisfy the needs of visitors with certain products than universal enterprises.

A narrow range of dishes allows you to automate service processes and create businesses such as cafes, vending machines, snack bars. It is recommended to open such enterprises where a large number of people accumulate: at entertainment institutions, stadiums, sports palaces.

To expand public catering services in cities, residential areas are hosting enterprises for the sale of finished products at home. Such an enterprise is intended for the preparation and sale of lunch products, culinary and confectionery products, semi-finished products at home. The company can accept pre-orders for these products. The assortment of the enterprise includes a choice of cold dishes, first, second and sweet dishes. Service is provided by the distributor.

The enterprise has warehouses for food storage, a production facility, a trading floor, which can accommodate several four-seater tables (3-4) for eating food on the spot, but its main task is to sell products to the house.

Catering establishments may also operate as retail establishments. These include culinary shops, a small retail network (kiosks, peddling). When selling culinary products through a small retail chain, all rules that ensure product safety must also be observed. Each batch of culinary products must be accompanied by a quality certificate indicating the manufacturer, the regulatory document according to which the product was developed, the shelf life, weight, price of one piece (kilogram) of the product. The shelf life specified in the certificate is the shelf life of culinary products and includes the time spent by the product at the manufacturing plant (from the end of the production process), the time of transportation, storage and sale. Purchased goods can be sold through a small retail network, but the rule must be observed that the sale of goods whose shelf life has expired is prohibited.

Culinary shops - enterprises that sell culinary and confectionery products, semi-finished products to the population; accept pre-orders for semi-finished products and flour confectionery. The trading floor of the store is organized for 2, 3, 5 and 8 workplaces. The store does not have its own production and is a branch of other public catering enterprises (food plant, restaurant, canteen).

The store usually organizes three departments:

Department of semi-finished products (meat, fish, vegetables, cereals), natural large-sized, portioned, small portioned (goulash, azu), chopped (steaks, meatballs, minced meat);
- Department of finished culinary products: salads, vinaigrettes; vegetable and cereal casseroles; liver paste; boiled, fried meat, fish and poultry culinary products; crumbly cereals (buckwheat), etc.;
- confectionery department - sells flour confectionery products from various types of dough (cakes, pastries, pies, buns, etc.) and purchased confectionery products - sweets, chocolate, cookies, waffles, etc.

At the culinary store, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trading floor allows, a cafeteria is organized; for the consumption of products on the spot, several high tables are set up.

Catering safety

Labor protection includes a set of measures for labor safety, industrial sanitation, hygiene and fire fighting equipment.

Occupational safety studies technological processes and equipment used in production, analyzes the causes of accidents and occupational diseases, and develops specific measures to prevent and eliminate them. Fire fighting equipment prevents and eliminates fires that have arisen. Industrial sanitation studies the influence of the external environment and working conditions on the human body and its performance.

The production activity of the hot shop depends on how correctly it is designed, provided with appropriate premises, how the necessary equipment is selected and arranged in it, ensuring a normal technological process. The layout of the catering establishment as a whole, as well as the dimensions of the premises of all production workshops, including the hot workshop, are determined in accordance with current standards that ensure safe and optimal working conditions for confectioners. Correct and sufficient lighting plays an important role. The most favorable for vision is natural light. The ratio of the window area to the floor area should be 1:6, and the greatest distance from the windows can be up to 8 m. Artificial lighting is used in rooms that do not require constant monitoring of the process (warehouses, engine room, expedition). The workshop needs emergency lighting that provides minimal lighting when the worker is turned off (1:10).

At large catering enterprises, the management of labor protection is assigned to the deputy director (if there is a position of chief engineer, then to him), at other enterprises - to the director. In hot shops, the management of labor protection is assigned, in addition to managers, also to the head of the shop.

Managers are obliged to organize control over the implementation of labor legislation, orders and instructions of higher organizations.

Together with the trade union organization, they develop an action plan to create normal and safe working conditions, organize briefings, exhibitions, lectures, display of slides, posters on labor protection and fire fighting equipment. The head of the workshop supervises the good condition of the operated equipment, machines, fences, the timely implementation of preventive maintenance of equipment, vehicles and the safe conduct of loading and unloading operations.

For newcomers, the head of the shop is obliged to conduct an introductory briefing and monitor the timely provision of workers with high-quality sanitary overalls. The head has the right to suspend work in certain areas in cases where it is dangerous to health, and to bring the perpetrators to justice. In case of an accident, an investigation is carried out and measures are taken to eliminate the causes that cause these cases, acts are drawn up in the form of H-1, if the accident caused disability for at least one day. The act objectively sets out the causes (direct and indirect) of the accident and indicates measures to eliminate them.

The most important measure aimed at preventing accidents is the mandatory conduct of production briefings. Introductory briefing is given to all employees who first come to work, and students sent to the shop for practical training. Briefing at the workplace and repeated briefing are carried out to consolidate and test knowledge of the rules and instructions for labor safety and the ability to apply skills in practice. Unscheduled briefing is carried out when changing the technological process, acquiring new equipment, etc.

Occupational safety in the operation of technological equipment. All electrical equipment is grounded, i.e. connect metal parts with grounding conductors laid in the ground. Due to this, when a person is included in the circuit, a current passes through his body that does not pose a danger to life. There should be rubber mats in front of the circuit breakers and machines and the inscription: "High voltage - dangerous to life." The danger of electric shock increases at elevated room temperatures; in moist and damp air.

The safety of working on mechanical equipment depends on the design of the machine, the presence of guards, signaling blocking devices. Before starting the machine, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the working chamber and near the moving parts of the machine, tidy up the workplace and overalls, check the presence of guards for the moving parts of the machine; check the serviceability of the starting equipment and the correct assembly of the replaceable parts of the machine; start the machine at idle and make sure that the drive shaft rotates in the direction of the arrow.

When working on a universal drive, it is necessary to remove and install replaceable machines only with the electric motor turned off, after the machine has completely stopped, control the heating of the electric motor (do not allow overheating above 69 ° C). While the machine is in operation, it is not allowed to leave it for a long time. After finishing work, you need to stop the machine, turn off the breaker and only then disassemble the working parts for cleaning and washing.

Thermal equipment is used in confectionery shops on fire, gas or electric heating. Each type of fuel requires special precautions and compliance with labor safety rules. However, it is necessary to adhere to the general rules of labor protection. It is impossible to work on thermal equipment without serviceable fittings. The pressure gauge must have a red line on the limiting working pressure.

All premises of the workshop, pantries must have one fire extinguisher and one box of sand to extinguish the fire.

The safety of people inside the building is ensured by the number and size of exits from the premises, as well as ways of evacuating people during a fire. The evacuation plan is posted on the wall in a conspicuous place.

Sanitary requirements for the maintenance of a hot shop. The layout of the hot shop should correspond to the sequence of the technological process of preparing products and exclude the possibility of oncoming or crossing flows of raw materials and finished products.

Workplaces for cooks are organized clearly in accordance with the production operation performed and the type of product being prepared.

The most hygienic heating equipment are electrical appliances. All equipment is kept clean, after work thoroughly washed with hot water and detergents.

Non-mechanical equipment includes production tables, bathtubs, racks, stools, cabinets, etc. Production tables must have a flat, smooth, durable, stainless surface. After each production operation, they are washed with hot water, and at the end of the working day - with hot water with detergents and rinsed with hot water. Tables with wooden tops are cleaned with a knife and washed with hot water.

All workshop inventory is washed with hot water and detergents. Wooden inventory is disinfected by rinsing with hot water at least 65 ° C.

Brushes and washcloths for washing inventory and utensils must be thoroughly washed daily with detergents, boiled for 10-15 minutes, dried and stored in a specially designated place.

Tools (knives, recesses, molds) are kept clean during work. Chef's knives, like cutting boards, must be assigned to the workplace and marked. Stainless steel chef's knives should be stored in a dry place.

All metal tools, after washing with hot water, are disinfected by boiling in water or by calcining in an oven.

During non-working hours, clean inventory is stored in special cabinets or on closed racks.

For washing kitchen utensils, bathtubs from two compartments are used. In the first compartment, the dishes are washed with a washcloth and a brush with detergents that are allowed to be used in catering establishments at a water temperature of 45-50 ° C, in the second - they are rinsed with hot water (not lower than 65 ° C).

Store kitchen utensils upside down on racks. Before use, it must be rinsed with hot water, after checking the cleanliness of the inner surface. Kitchen utensils are not disinfected, as they are constantly subjected to heat treatment.

Catering company- an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and organization of consumption.

Public catering establishments may have a different organizational and legal form. In public catering, entrepreneurial activity can be carried out without the use of hired labor and be registered as an individual labor activity, with the involvement of hired labor, which involves the registration of an enterprise. An enterprise is an independent economic entity created to produce products, perform work and provide services in order to meet social needs and make a profit. The enterprise independently carries out its activities, disposes of the products obtained by profit after taxes. Enterprises of private, state and municipal property may be established in accordance with the law. Public catering is predominantly operated by private and municipal enterprises. At the same time, municipal enterprises are created by local governments and take responsibility for organizing social catering; the property of municipal enterprises is formed at the expense of the corresponding local budget and is owned by the district, city.

Enterprises can have various forms of organization: a general partnership (such an enterprise is not a legal entity); mixed partnership; limited liability company; closed joint stock company; open joint stock company. Joint ventures (JV) are also organized. Foreign firms invest in Russian enterprises, help in organizing their work, such enterprises, as a rule, specialize in foreign cuisine.

Catering establishments have a number of features. If most enterprises in other industries are limited to performing only one, maximum two functions, for example, food industry enterprises carry out the production function, trade enterprises - the sale of products, then public catering enterprises perform three interrelated functions:

Production of culinary products;

Sales of culinary products;

Organization of its consumption.

Products manufactured by public catering enterprises have a limited sales period. So, in mass production, hot dishes are prepared for 2-3 hours of sale, and cold ones - for 1 hour. This requires the release of products in batches, as they are consumed.

The range of products produced by public catering enterprises is very diverse; different types of raw materials are used for its preparation. The variety of manufactured products makes it possible to more fully satisfy the demand of consumers, but complicates the organization of production: many types of raw materials require special storage conditions, different rooms for mechanical culinary processing.

The variety of products depends on the nature of demand and the characteristics of the serviced contingent, its professional, age, national composition, working conditions, study and other factors.

The mode of operation of public catering enterprises depends on the mode of operation of the contingents of consumers of industrial enterprises, institutions, and educational institutions they serve. This requires enterprises to work especially intensively during the hours of the greatest flow of consumers - during lunch breaks, shift changes.

Demand for catering products is subject to significant changes in seasons, days and even time of day. In summer, the demand for vegetable dishes, soft drinks, and cold soups increases. From the position of marketing, each company must analyze and study the sales market, the range of products and methods of service depend on this.

Public catering enterprises provide many other services besides catering, for example: organizing and servicing celebrations, family dinners, leisure activities, dishware rental, etc.

The above features of the work of public catering enterprises are taken into account when rationally placing a network of enterprises, choosing their types, determining the operating mode and compiling a menu.