Does manual therapy help a herniated disc? Various therapies for cervical hernia, ointments and medications - vseOspine

  1. Slana Newbie

    Registration: March 1, 2010 Messages: 4 Likes: 0 Address: St. Petersburg

    I have had chronic back pain for about 20 years, headaches, and exacerbations. I did an MRI of small disc herniations and protrusions in the lumbar and thoracic region. Is it possible to use manual therapy as a treatment in my case, or is it prohibited for disc herniations? Different doctors have different opinions. There are those that can get worse, and there are the opposite.
  2. Vladimir Vorotyntsev Doctor - chiropractor, rehabilitation specialist

  3. abelar Doctor

    Is it possible to use manual therapy as a treatment in my case, or is it prohibited for disc herniations? Different doctors have different opinions. There are those that can get worse, and there are the opposite.

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    The problem is that only chiropractors and, in case of ineffectiveness, neurosurgeons “treat” disc herniations. To call what doctors of other specialties do regarding MPG “occupation” is self-deception. But when a respected neurologist, in case of ineffectiveness conservative treatment“little blue pills and red injections” strictly prohibits contacting a chiropractor, then this is a deception! The patient has the right to have objective and reliable information about all possible treatment options! And if, instead of turning to a chiropractor, they recommend turning to an osteopath, then this is either stupidity or a commercial conspiracy. In any case, a gross violation of medical ethics and deontology.
    A neurologist needs to practice for another 5 years to be able to study as a chiropractor. And only then will he be able to find out whether he can work as a chiropractor...
    Bottom line: you have no other choice but to contact a chiropractor. Of course, you can skip this step. Wait for the neurosurgeon. But they also say all sorts of things about them...

  4. Cheldoc User

    You should know that a doctor of ANY specialty (except Chiropractors) has no idea what Manual Therapy is.
    This is how the system of training doctors in Russia is structured. During 7 years of study future doctor does not receive any information about functional pathology of the spine and methods of its treatment. Hence the ignorance of doctors in these matters.
  5. Timur Huseynov Active user

    You should know that a doctor of ANY specialty (except Chiropractors) has no idea what Manual Therapy is.
    This is how the system of training doctors in Russia is structured. During the 7-year training, the future doctor does not receive any information about the functional pathology of the spine and methods of its treatment. Hence the ignorance of doctors in these matters.

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    Ignorance is the fate of a particular individual, regardless of whether he is a doctor or a plumber. Ignorance is a state of the intellect and soul. An ignorant “professional” sincerely believes that only he is capable of judging the secrets of his profession. And ANYONE else has no idea about it (they lack the intelligence to understand, the ability and desire to read and think). An ignorant “professional” depends entirely on the place where he was taught the basics of the profession. Because it doesn’t even occur to an ignorant “professional” that there are a lot of sources - books, other schools and directions, where they also teach and have their own opinions. The ignorant “professional” believes that “a doctor of ANY specialty (except Manual Therapists) has no idea what Manual Therapy is.” Accordingly, he himself, apparently, has no idea about rheumatology, orthopedics.... and this approach is the norm for him. For the ignorant "professional" there is only one thing, for example, manual therapy. And for him, “knowledge” of this profession allows him to solve all therapeutic issues.

  6. Timur Huseynov Active user

    Registration: Feb 12, 2008 Messages: 907 Likes: 509 Address: Moscow

    Let me express my opinion on the topic.
    If we proceed simply from the fact of the anatomical presence of a disc herniation and the opinion that manual therapy is prohibited for it, then after 40-50 years, manual therapy should not be done to anyone. The presence of a hernia (anatomical) is established on the basis of MRI (CT). Considering that in Russia anyone who wants to spend money on it can establish this fact, soon there will be no one in Russia to do manual therapy. At the same time, those who have not yet had an MRI done can safely be treated with manual therapy. In the West (where money is counted), there are clear indications for MRI. That is, they don’t just do it like that. And a situation when a patient bursts into a doctor (for example, me) with frightened eyes and demands to treat him, when NOTHING hurts or worries, does not happen.
    It's simple. If there clinical manifestations herniated discs, and based on this, the prescribed MRI confirms the anatomical cause of the problem, the chiropractor must be adequate. Manual therapy in this case (theoretically) can be one of the treatment methods. SECOND and THIRD plan. But not the BASIC one. Tactics depend on the clinic (manifestations) and the severity of the process. In case of an acute hernia, manual manipulation at the level (in the area) of the hernia is unreasonable and dangerous.
    When an old problem associated with a hernia worsens (for example, it has been around for about a year or more), the importance and effectiveness of manual therapy can be very high. In this case, manual therapy may compete with first-line therapy (NSAIDs). Including manual therapy, including manipulation at the level of the hernia. At the same time, the safety of using manual therapy is quite high. What the doctor evaluates and decides. And he is responsible for his actions.
    So, each case is specific. And the tactics are determined by the DOCTOR.
  7. Cheldoc User

    Joined: Feb 3, 2008 Messages: 43 Likes: 15

    This is direct, undisguised rudeness.
    Apparently, getting personal is a sign of a highly educated and extremely cultured person...
  8. nuwa Active user

    No, this is an attempt to explain that the categorical statement about the total ignorance of doctors has no basis, since it does not take into account the personal attitude towards the profession of each individual representative of any medical specialty. Which, in turn, is a groundless insult to many talented and inquisitive doctors who are distinguished by an excellent desire for self-education and logical thinking, I repeat, no matter what branch of medicine they represent!
  9. Cheldoc User

    Joined: Feb 3, 2008 Messages: 43 Likes: 15

    Where is it said about the “total ignorance of doctors”? It is said that in Russia a person who has a medical diploma, but does not have special training in manual therapy, does not really know anything about this specialty. For the simple reason that MT is not taught in medical universities!
    This is a problem of the system of training doctors, not of an individual. This is exactly what we were talking about.
    Therefore, the inadequate response of Dr. T.G. is based solely on his personal antipathy and has nothing to do with the topic.
  10. nuwa Active user

    My confidence, as a member of a family of doctors, which includes: an obstetrician-gynecologist, a pediatrician, a psychiatrist, a dentist, 2 medical school students, that all of the above relatives, however, like many of their colleagues whom I know, have an idea of ​​what manual therapy is.

    If you meant something different, then I think the problem is the correctness of your wording, and not the reaction of your interlocutors to it.

    The main thing is to do everything with passion - it terribly brightens life. Landau

  11. Cheldoc User

    Joined: Feb 3, 2008 Messages: 43 Likes: 15

    They may all "have an idea" that manual therapy exists. To “have a concept” about a subject means to understand its essence. Without special knowledge this is impossible.
  12. nuwa Active user

    Unfortunately, you are again using synonyms. To have knowledge of the subject of Manual Therapy, as a medical specialty, in its entirety - of course not! But to have an idea, the right, as well as to have a concept (which is the same thing) - this is what they have. I will repeat your phrase: has no idea what Manual Therapy is (c)
    If we say that a person has no idea what ice cream is, then we are talking about ice cream as such, and not about the technology for its production and the ingredients used.

    Believe me, this is not nitpicking; carelessness in expressions gives rise to misunderstanding of both doctors and patients. And even more so, clarity of formulation, clarity of thought and patience are needed like air on the forum. Due to their absence, sometimes, unsatisfactory answers to you and your irritation with them follow.

    The main thing is to do everything with passion - it terribly brightens life. Landau

  13. Cheldoc User

    Joined: Feb 3, 2008 Messages: 43 Likes: 15

  14. Timur Huseynov Active user

    Registration: Feb 12, 2008 Messages: 907 Likes: 509 Address: Moscow

    If I was too categorical and harsh, I apologize. The meaning and reasons for my post were clearly formulated by Ksenia.
    The idea of ​​personal antipathy is simply ridiculous. I don’t want to develop the latter, otherwise it will again be perceived as an insult.
    A little philosophy.
    Communication on the Internet, on forums, has become commonplace and commonplace for many. And often, even part of life. The impression is that there is not always an understanding that when applied to the Internet, the proverb “A word is not a sparrow...” is 101% applicable. From the moment when it is no longer possible to edit what you said, it remains “forever” on the Internet. A website or forum may cease to exist, but search services have already made an imprint and it lies in the archives of various search services, in different places. And in 5-10-50 years, anyone can ask - Did so-and-so say something?
    Therefore, you need to take your words on the Internet (IMHO) very seriously. Do not allow anyone to interpret them as being much. This is already personal, but I admit that your humble servant has published posts and whose thoughts I am embarrassed about. But nothing can be changed.
  15. Doctor Stupin Doctor

    Registration: September 19, 2006 Messages: 33,269 Likes: 19,903 Address: Moscow. Lyubertsy

    Do you really think so? Is this really where you express all your thoughts? Forgive me, but it seems to me that not all of my thoughts are expressed here, right now, and in this form.
    Very often I don’t understand what doctors prescribe and recommend to the patient (today, a listhetic neurosurgeon prescribes a corset, and two chiropractors advise not to wear it, and one also advises not to walk, and the most interesting thing is that everyone gave their own arguments), if among We don’t understand what to say about other specialists.
    Those. Everyone has their own truth, and we must strive to create the same truth and the same concepts, and here medical ethics and collegiality are important.
  16. Cheldoc User

    Joined: Feb 3, 2008 Messages: 43 Likes: 15

    Of course not all. I'm not so limited.

    and we must strive to create one truth and one concept

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    I still couldn’t understand why it was so boring to read your messages. Now I understand. You are extremely cautious and afraid to express your own opinion. More precisely, don't be afraid. You simply don't have it.

Traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category. Adult and children's specialist, Moscow State Medical University, 1998

In medical practice, there are many techniques used to treat protrusions and hernias. One of the most popular is manual therapy, also known as osteopathy.

The use of this treatment method has its own indications and contraindications. To achieve a high-quality result, a certain number of manual procedures must be performed. Therapy sessions should only be performed by a chiropractor who has certain skills and knowledge.

Manual therapy refers to conservative treatment methods used to treat the spine. A patient may seek treatment from a chiropractor if:

  • During the examination, a protrusion was diagnosed, caused by displacement of the vertebrae and predisposed to developing into a hernia;
  • The patient refused surgical intervention(in such cases, manual therapy is prescribed for supportive purposes);
  • A vertebral hernia was diagnosed, and the patient was bothered by the standard symptom complex for the pathology.

You can use the services of a chiropractor for a hernia. At the same time, it is most important that this is not a self-taught osteopath, but a qualified specialist. Therapy sessions can only be performed after a comprehensive examination. Understanding exactly where the hernia is located and what caused it allows the therapist to choose the right massage tactics and calculate the intensity of the effort applied.

Manual therapy can be used as separate species, and precede surgery.

Types of manual influence

The main goal of manual therapy is to activate the body's hidden reserves and stimulate it to self-heal. For treatment, one of the following manual methods can be used:

  1. Arthro-vertebral. The doctor influences certain parts of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Corneal. With the help of special movements, bioactive points on the skull are influenced.
  3. Cutaneous-myofascial. The main effect is on inflamed skin and muscles. This method of manual therapy can be used independently or in preparation for surgery.
  4. Visceral. During therapy, the vertebrologist influences the internal organs.
  5. Defanotherapy. Pulse-like and traction movements are used.

For spinal hernias located in the lumbar region (most often they are localized there), defanotherapy is mainly used. This method of manual treatment can reduce pain syndrome, eliminate the protrusion of herniated discs, reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process, correct the patient’s posture and strengthen the muscles.

Manual treatment technique

Before starting manual procedures, doctors accurately determine the location of the hernia. Magnetic resonance or computed tomography can be used for this.

If the hernia is at an acute stage of development, the doctor makes very gentle and not sudden movements. At first, the pressure and force applied are minimal. With each subsequent session, the chiropractor works more intensely on the affected area. This avalanche-like approach gives the body time to get used to the load so that it does not react to it too painfully and the patient’s condition does not worsen. During the session, the patient should be as relaxed as possible. During this period, the load on the spine becomes uniform, and the column itself takes the correct physiological position.

The technique of manual massage is based on physical laws.

Specific movements allow the formation of negative pressure in the spinal column, which causes the hernia to be reduced. In this way, the core of the spinal disc returns to its correct place. The pressure that it put on the nerves and blood vessels is eliminated. They leave with him and unpleasant symptoms. It is very important that all movements of the specialist during physical impact are smooth and soft. If the pressure is too strong, the inflammatory process inside the disc and the joint as a whole may intensify. Closer to the last sessions, more force is applied by the doctor. This is necessary in order to physically reduce the hernia. After this, the patient may experience slight pain in the back, but this is an extremely temporary phenomenon.

Manual therapy should always be carried out in combination with physical therapy and drug treatment. Training should be selected individually for each patient; the first sessions are carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Among medications, patients are prescribed muscle relaxants (relax muscles), analgesics (relieve pain) and drugs from the NSAID group (relieve inflammation).

What result should I expect?

Manual therapy performed by a vertebrologist allows you to improve general state patient. The results of treatment are:

  1. Partial or complete elimination of pain;
  2. Relieving spasm in the muscular frame of the back and structures supporting the spine;
  3. Elimination of inflammation at the site of hernia formation;
  4. Restoring mobility in the spinal column;
  5. Normalization of blood circulation, which restores the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients.

If a vertebral hernia occupies a dangerous position, pinches nerves, blood vessels and limits the motor function of the spine, an operation is performed and the hernia is removed.

It is impossible to relieve all symptomatic manifestations with manual therapy alone in such clinical cases.

How many therapy sessions do you need?

Treatment of spinal hernias through manual therapy is a rather lengthy process. The doctor must select the duration of the treatment course individually.

On average, one manual therapy session lasts half an hour. For spinal hernias, the required number of such sessions can vary between 15-20 procedures.

Therapy sessions are not conducted daily. You definitely need to take a break of 2-3 days so that the spinal column and the muscles that surround it can rest and recover.

Symptomatic relief usually occurs after just a few treatments. But this does not mean that treatment should be stopped. The number of sessions is clearly tied to the complexity of the clinical situation for a particular patient. Long-term exposure to the affected area allows you to consolidate the result and ensure that spinal problems no longer bother the patient.

Contraindications to treatment

To identify contraindications to therapy, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out. There are cases when manual therapy may not only not improve the situation, but also cause severe harm to the spine. This treatment method is prohibited if:

  • The presence of strokes, circulatory disorders in the brain and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Occlusion of the vertebral artery.
  • Pregnancy. If a woman is in the 2nd and later trimesters, manual treatment is prohibited for her.
  • Some pathologies of the central nervous system.
  • Infectious diseases. First you need to cure these dysfunctions, after which you can begin the procedures.
  • The presence of tumors of different localization.
  • Spinal injuries. Manual therapy differs from therapeutic massages in its more severe impact on the affected area. If the patient has had injuries, during the session the doctor may disrupt the integrity of the tissues, stimulate re-injury or pinched nerves.
  • History of spinal cord and brain diseases.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.

In such cases, patients are prohibited from visiting the chiropractor's office. To treat spinal hernias, alternative methods are used to help get rid of the tumor.


It is possible and even necessary to attend manual therapy sessions for a spinal hernia.

The procedure allows you to relieve the symptomatic manifestations of hernias, eliminate inflammation and pinching of nerves and blood vessels.

Manual procedures are used in combination with medications and exercise therapy. On average, the duration of treatment is up to 20 sessions. Manual therapy has some contraindications, so the patient must undergo an examination before treatment.

Damage to the outer lining of the intervertebral disc causes its contents to leak out, forming a hernia. At the same time, an inflammatory process occurs, which can be accompanied by pinched nerves. Depending on the location of the disease, symptoms and treatment methods differ.

In number the best ways Non-surgical hernia treatment includes manual therapy. It can be performed at any age, and has no side effects characteristic of drug treatment. But first, let us remind you what a hernia of the spine is and what it can be like.

Causes of spinal hernia

Several reasons contribute to the destruction of the annulus fibrosus (the outer part of the disc):

  • sudden movements (often in athletes);
  • injuries;
  • strong physical activity (lifting heavy objects);
  • poor nutrition;
  • infectious diseases;

Determining the cause of the disease is necessary to avoid its development. The patient may need to change their lifestyle in the future.

Symptoms of a spinal hernia

Signs common to all forms of the disease can be recognized without specialized equipment:

  • pain in the neck, chest, lower back, legs or buttocks - depending on the area of ​​the spine in which the hernia has formed ("disc prolapse");
  • numbness of the neck, arms, feet;
  • limited mobility of the spine;
  • weakness.

Under certain conditions, the pain may intensify - with a deep breath, overwork, sudden movements, and strong physical exertion. If you notice one or more of the described signs, consult a doctor. Otherwise, the consequences of lack of treatment will not be long in coming:

  • impotence;
  • headache;
  • poor coordination of movements;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • blood pressure problems.

Disability is an undesirable but probable result of neglecting the achievements of traditional or oriental medicine.

What types of spinal hernias can be cured by manual therapy?

Depending on the location, there are three types of disease:

  • Cervical hernia - manifests itself above the waist, pain in the arms, possible deterioration of attention, blockage of the vertebral artery, and muscle weakness.
  • Thoracic hernia - covers chest. Usually appears no earlier than 35 years of age, with the exception of persons who have undergone trauma or surgery.
  • Lumbar hernia - manifests itself below the belt and at the lumbar level, affecting 1 or more of its 5 vertebrae.

The most rare species officially it is a lesion of the thoracic region - only 4% of cases. The bulk of complaints occur in the lower back, which experiences heavy loads in Everyday life(65%). In the remaining cases (31%), the vertebrae of the cervical spine are affected. The most commonly damaged vertebrae are L4-L5 and L5-S1.

Stages of development of intervertebral hernia

Early detection of the disease and contacting a qualified specialist will avoid its transition to one of the subsequent stages;

  • Stage I - the size of the hernia is no more than 3 mm. In the vertebral area, the blood supply is disrupted, and pain occurs due to a compressed nerve.
  • Stage II - hernia size up to 15 mm. Pain sensations spread far beyond its borders. The pressure on the nerves increases, and their physical destruction begins.
  • Stage III - complete or partial destruction of the entire nerve root. The intervertebral disc loses its shock-absorbing properties.
  • Stage IV - atrophy spreads to adjacent neighboring tissues. The disk itself becomes hard. An ankylosing block occurs.

Each of them is characterized by the severity of violations that become irreversible over time.

Manual therapy for spinal hernia

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and in particular diseases of the spine, require effective methods treatment. Manual therapy, which has virtually no contraindications or side effects, is one of them. The translation of the Latin word itself literally means “brush”.

This method has been refined over the centuries and is now combined with other eastern and western medicine. Unlike conventional massage, a chiropractor works not only with muscles, but also with joints, spine, internal organs. Its actions can be divided into several parts:

  • Preliminary examination, examination using hardware, palpation, visual examination of the affected area and other methods.
  • Analysis of the results obtained.
  • The use of strictly dosed influences, selected individually. The doctor can treat not only middle-aged people, but also elderly patients, as well as children.

During the entire procedure, the chiropractor monitors the patient's condition. If severe pain or other undesirable results occur, the doctor adjusts his actions.

To consolidate the result, you must adhere to the recommendations given by the therapist. They may include performing exercises that support muscles and joints at a certain level.

First of all, manual therapy for a hernia of the lumbar or other department is aimed at eliminating pain symptoms. Having relieved the patient of them, the doctor achieves a reduction or complete disappearance of edema and restores the previous metabolic rate. Then problems with blood circulation are eliminated, accumulated metabolic products are removed from the body.

Manual therapy for a spinal hernia is not only treatment, but also an effective study of the patient’s health status. "Manual" examination techniques include:

  • Pulse diagnostics, designed to clearly determine the state of the body systems. Allows for an accurate diagnosis.
  • Load tests that determine the severity of individual problems with the patient’s spine.
  • Neurological tests. Helps determine the extent of disturbances caused by intervertebral hernia y.

The hardware is based on the use of special settings:

  • X-ray - for detailed images of bones and joints, with which you can estimate the distance between adjacent vertebrae;
  • a device for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - to monitor the condition of nerve roots and individual discs;
  • equipment for computed tomography- gives a picture of the condition of soft tissues.

Treatment results

In just 1 course it is possible to stop the development of a spinal hernia and neutralize its symptoms. The results of manual therapy treatment are as follows:

  • uncontrolled muscle contractions and cramps stop;
  • spine mobility is restored;
  • pain disappears;
  • blood circulation and tissue nutrition in the affected area improves.

Results can be felt after 1-2 sessions. Their total number, duration and frequency are selected individually to have the maximum effect.

It occurs due to deformation of the disc located between the vertebrae. This problem requires combined treatment. One of the methods to alleviate the patient's condition is massage and manual therapy. Before starting this procedure, you must consult a specialist and undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

In order not to provoke a deterioration in the patient’s well-being, you need to know about some features of this procedure:

  1. Massage should be used only in the early stages of the disease. Otherwise, you can cause pinched nerves, which will inevitably lead to paralysis or even death.
  2. Exercise will help improve the patient’s well-being, aimed at relaxing the muscles located along the spine.
  3. Do not apply sharp or intense pressure.

Reference: The first session is short in duration. Only light massage movements are used.

  1. Are prohibited twisting and sudden movements that can lead to disc displacement and a noticeable increase in pain for the patient.
  2. The presence of severe pain indicates that massage is not allowed during this period.
  3. Categorically prohibited perform deep rubbing movements.
  4. Massage sessions will be more effective in the event that they are supplemented with the correct physical therapy exercises.


Before prescribing a massage course to a patient, The attending physician gives a referral for a series of examinations. This allows you to find out whether it is possible to use this method in a particular case.

Main contraindications to the use of massage:

  • strong pain in the neck area;
  • colds diseases;
  • fever, high temperature;
  • diseases cardiovascular system;
  • presence of allergic reactions on the patient's body ;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract(nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • for diseases of bone tissue, as well as the presence of inflammatory processes in it.

If you have at least one contraindication to cervical massage if you have a hernia, immediately refuse it so as not to worsen your condition or complicate the course of the disease.

Classic and acupressure massage

These are the most popular types of massage that are used to relieve pain in the patient. Let's look at them in more detail.

  1. Classic massage. This type of massage normalizes blood circulation, metabolism, improves muscle contraction and removes toxins accumulated in diseased areas of the neck.

Procedures can be performed every other day and only with minimal pain in the cervical region. One procedure lasts a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 50 minutes. It includes the following manipulations:

  • stroking movements along and across the spine;
  • gradual transition to rubbing and warming up the muscles;
  • easy grip on small areas of skin and subsequent light compression;
  • tapping and patting with the pads of the fingers, sometimes the palms are used, and practically no force is applied;
  • weak massaging relaxing movements palms along the entire back, the main emphasis is on the diseased area.

All exercises begin to be performed from the lower back and move towards the neck.

Attention: a prerequisite when performing the massage in question is not to touch the spine.

  1. Acupressure. The purpose of this type of massage is to relieve tension only in specific areas of the back. It is performed with elbows, fists, palms and fingers. The specialist puts a lot of effort and acts sharply, but briefly, on the cervical spine. The patient experiences very strong pain attacks, which quickly pass, and the patient’s condition noticeably improves.

Other types of massage

In the presence of a hernia of the cervical spine, the following types of massage are also used:

  1. Swedish massage. It is a type of classic massage. It is characterized by sliding hand movements and the absence of deep kneading techniques. Only the upper layer of muscles is involved, thereby improving blood circulation without any strain on the cardiovascular system.
  2. Shiatsu massage(Shiatsu) is a type of acupressure.

This type of massage is performed by pressing certain points on the back with fingers, elbows and fists, which causes muscle relaxation and a feeling of relief. Pressing occurs with varying strength and intensity, which can provoke severe painful sensations, but they are short-lived.

Reference: At the end of a shiatsu session, severe pain is noticeably reduced.

  1. Ice massage. It is a very effective remedy, which is explained by the special properties of the ice itself: ice removes inflammatory processes and eliminates swelling of painful tissues; acts on nerve endings, slowing down the process of transmitting painful sensations throughout the back.
  1. Vacuum, aka canned. Before starting the procedure, massage oil is applied to the surface of the body. Then they place jars, which, sticking to the body, create a vacuum, as a result of which the skin is absorbed by 20 mm. As a result of these actions, the patient experiences pleasant feelings of warmth and relaxation. All traces that appear after the cans disappear within two to three hours. This massage helps relax muscles, remove toxins from the entire body, normalize blood circulation and eliminate pain in the cervical region.

Positive effect of sessions vacuum massage complemented by various physiotherapeutic methods. Immediately after completion of the session, the patient is not allowed to get up from the couch, so as not to provoke dizziness or nausea.

Reference: In some cases, bruises may appear on the body, which will disappear two days or the next day after the procedure.

Useful video

Below you can find out about therapeutic massage for grija


Thus, at the first signs of a hernia in the cervical spine, massage and special physical exercise may prove to be quite effective methods to combat this disease. They will help relieve pain symptoms. However, in order not to worsen your condition, before starting any type of massage, consult a specialist and undergo the necessary medical examination.

Intervertebral hernia lumbar region is one of the dangerous diseases that is accompanied by severe pain in the lower back and can radiate to the leg. After some time, this pain begins to hinder a person’s movements; the patient cannot move normally, which leads to disability.

    • Symptoms:
    • But how to treat intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region?
    • Treatment of intervertebral hernia using traditional medicine
  • Other treatments
  • Acupuncture

This can happen due to excessive stress on the lower back, namely the spine, as a result of injury, heavy lifting, or some other factors.

Pain appears as a result of rupture of the fibrous ring, which is located in the intervertebral disc, so some of it, namely the jelly-like part, begins to come out and thereby puts pressure on the ends of the spinal column. This leads to the formation of pain. If you seek help from a doctor in time, there is a chance to restore the disc and get rid of the disease. But generally, the patient pays attention to severe pain only at the late stage of a lumbar hernia. This can lead to severe pain that radiates strongly to the leg. In this case, difficulties may arise when urinating, libido and potency decrease.

A herniated disc appears anywhere in the lumbar region, but most often it occurs between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, as well as between the 5th and 1st sacral vertebrae. But, in addition, intervertebral hernia can cause radiculopathy, lumbago, and also lead to inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Causes of a hernia in the spine or lower back:

Symptoms of a lumbar hernia

The main symptom of the disease is displacement and rupture of the fibrous membrane of the disc, which leads to the leakage of jelly-like fluid into the interstitial space. There are several stages in the development of this process:

  • prolapse. The disc moves slightly, and if it is not influenced by external factors and deformation, then it can easily fall into place;
  • protrusion. With minimal displacement of the disc, its subsequent shift occurs, but for now this is limited between the vertebral bodies;
  • extrusion and sequestration. At this stage, the nucleus is completely displaced outward and it hangs between the vertebrae. Then the core ruptures and its contents flow out.


But how to treat intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region?

The main thing in this matter is to quickly contact a specialist so as not to miss conservative treatment in order to avoid surgery. A specialist, prescribing treatment in this case, can stop the progression of the disease, which leads to the prevention of complications. The main goal in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation is to localize the pain that leads to discomfort and difficulty in movement. But how to treat a hernia?

Only medications can remove inflammation and pain, and they will also take part in the recovery process. Anti-inflammatory drugs can suppress the enzyme activity that appears at the site of inflammation and is responsible for pain in the lumbar region. These drugs also reduce nerve sensitivity, which leads to increased blood flow.

In addition, during the treatment of lumbar hernia, drugs are used that improve blood circulation. They are able to relieve swelling and restore blood flow to the painful area.

Chondroprotectors can accelerate the recovery process in cartilage tissue. Of course, you can’t do without topical products that eliminate pain.

Surgical removal of lumbar disc herniation

Surgery is a last resort in the treatment of vertebral hernia. It is usually used during exacerbation of the disease, especially when the hernia affects a person’s life. This happens after diagnostics of the patient’s body showed that compression of the nerve endings led to disruption of the genitourinary organs. In addition, problems in the genitourinary area can arise due to compression of the nerves in the spine itself.

Types of gentle surgical intervention:

A lumbar calvarial hernia can also be treated with therapeutic exercises. But this must be done after the pain syndrome has been eliminated and in the absence of nerve compression. A set of exercises is developed individually for each individual patient. The main goal of therapeutic exercises is to strengthen the muscles of the lower back and spine so that disc displacement does not occur in the future. Many exercises can be aimed at stretching the spine. In this case, the spaces between the vertebrae may become wider, and the disc will be installed in its original place.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia using traditional medicine

In the treatment of spinal hernia folk remedies aimed at eliminating pain. Usually, general strengthening herbs and fruits, which contain many vitamins and microelements, are used for treatment. All infusions must be consumed before meals. Their active substances quickly reach the problem area and help correct all the disorders that have appeared in the structure of the spinal tissue.

A decoction of aspen bark helps eliminate lumbar hernia. Pour one tablespoon of bark into a glass of boiling water and cook for an hour. The decoction should be drunk 4 times a day, 30 grams.

The cinquefoil tincture (can be found at the pharmacy) must be diluted with water and taken three times a day. This tincture can also be prepared at home by mixing 40% alcohol with 100 grams of cinquefoil.

When treating an intervertebral hernia, compresses can be used. Horse fat is perfect for this, which must be finely grated and wrapped in cloth, and then applied to the hernia. The pain begins to gradually subside, but the bandage should not be removed for two days.

Resin ointment should be applied after a bath. To prepare it you will need 0.5 kg of dry comfrey roots, 300 grams of vodka, 70 grams of pine resin and 350 grams of pork fat. The comfrey needs to be crushed in a blender and the fat melted. Then mix the fat with comfrey and put on low heat for about 30 minutes. The resin is also melted and added to the main mixture, without turning off the heat, cook for another 10 minutes and then add vodka. Stir everything for 10 minutes and remove from heat. After the mixture has cooled, the ointment is ready for application.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region can also be done using clay. Red clay should be moistened with water and wrapped in gauze, and then heated to 40 degrees. Gauze is applied to the hernia and fixed. The clay should be removed after it has completely dried. This method is considered the most effective in treating hernia.

Other treatments

It is not recommended to use traditional manual therapy methods in the treatment of intervertebral hernia, therefore, in order to achieve a better effect during treatment, you can use the opposite methods: kinesiology, osteopathy, reflexology. With the help of individual body movements, the chiropractor is able to influence nervous system the patient, which leads to a speedy recovery. On average, such therapy lasts about 10 days, but it all depends on the patient’s condition.


Acupuncture involves a targeted effect on the body, in particular on a sore spot. The process is carried out using thin medical needles, which a specialist installs at the desired points on the patient’s body. Modern acupuncture includes a complex of electrical stimulation of body points. In other words, the needles are connected to the device, and impulses are transmitted through them. This therapy, included in complex treatment, better and more effective than traditional acupuncture.

Using manual therapy to treat spinal diseases

Manual therapy is one of the most effective methods of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

It not only improves blood circulation in tissues, but also restores the functions of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

Manual procedures are successfully used in many countries around the world and have been approved by the majority of people suffering from spinal diseases.

What is manual therapy?

Manual therapy of the spine is a system of manual techniques that are aimed at activating all the body’s forces for self-healing.

For spinal diseases, the main goal of treatment is the rehabilitation of intervertebral discs and vertebrae.

This is done using special techniques, the essence of which is to distance the articular surfaces from each other.

Thanks to the work of chiropractors (vertebrologists), who influence strictly certain areas of the spine, blood circulation in the tissues improves, muscle tone increases, and degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs are stopped.

In addition, tactile influences activate the functioning of nerve endings and relieve muscle spasms. If manual procedures are alternated with courses of physiotherapeutic procedures and reflexology, the effect of treatment is enhanced several times.

Features of the technique

As a rule, people turn to a vertebrologist if they have the following complaints:

If these complaints are indeed a symptom of spinal pathology, the doctor determines the treatment and the advisability of manual therapy.

However, there are those who, on the contrary, consider them necessary in treatment. In fact, everything relies on the professionalism of the vertebrologist, since one wrong move can aggravate the course of the disease.

The presence of certain signs is not yet a reason to prescribe manual therapy. The diagnosis must first be confirmed using x-ray or MRI.

If the image really shows pathology (intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, etc.), the doctor decides to prescribe a course of treatment.

Each physical therapy session lasts about 30 minutes. Then a break is taken for two days to maintain the therapeutic effect.

Therapy for hernia

Many specialists do not undertake manual therapy for hernia of the lumbar and cervical spine, since this work requires high professionalism.

However, this does not mean that it is contraindicated. In some cases, after the first session the patient feels relief.

In order for the exercises to be effective and not harm the body, the doctor must know the exact location of the hernia. As a rule, decompression and shock-pulse techniques are used for this disease.

The patient's body is relaxed, due to which muscle tension and body fixation are equalized.

In the acute form of the disease, manual treatment is limited to light, plastic techniques. In this case, a Shants collar or special orthopedic traction is used.

When the acute process begins to subside, post-isometric muscle relaxation and traction mobilization are used.

Thanks to manual procedures, negative pressure is created in the body of the spine, and the hernia, according to the laws of physics, is set back.

In addition, such exercises relieve pain and eliminate the main cause of the disease. This cause, in most cases, is spinal osteochondrosis.

How to perform manual therapy of the spine - video lessons:

Procedures for osteochondrosis

The essence of osteochondrosis is the curvature and destruction of the vertebrae, so therapeutic practice is aimed at restoring their functions.

Vertebrologists distinguish 4 phases of the disease:

  • passes secretly;
  • characterized by vertebral movements and pain;
  • intervertebral hernia develops;
  • spondylolisthesis is formed, in which the vertebrae are displaced and bone growths appear.

Hand treatment is effective only in the first three stages. Once bone growths appear, it can no longer help.

Before the session begins, the muscles are warmed up and then slowly stretched. Thanks to these procedures, muscle spasms are eliminated and local blood circulation is improved.

Then they begin the therapy itself, which has the following components:

The most popular and most effective technique massage is considered. All exercises are done in positions in which you can stretch the muscles in the affected area as much as possible.

Before repeating the stretch, you need to move slightly in the opposite direction, and then fix the muscles for a few minutes. Such approaches are good for relieving muscle spasms.

Therapy for cervical hypermobility

One of the most common neck pathologies is hypermobility.

Manual therapy for instability of the cervical spine is aimed at eliminating it.

To do this, first of all, muscle tension is relieved. When the load is removed from the diseased vertebra, it becomes less loose and the disease does not progress.

The main method of treatment for instability of the cervical vertebrae is automobilization.

Its essence is that the patient clasps his head with one hand and tilts it forward, and with the other he props up his chin. Then he slowly turns his head and rocks in the direction of rotation.

These procedures not only relieve tension, but also improve local blood circulation.

Independent use of the technique

The use of spinal manual therapy at home is only possible with outside help.

A physically strong person is well suited for this purpose. strong man, who will have an understanding of the physiology of the body and is trained in the technique of medical procedures.

Before starting practice, you need to warm up the muscles using a special vibration massager, warm bath or segmental massage.

This can be achieved by leaning on the back of a chair or other surface, or by holding the spinal sections with your hands. Most often, the hand support method is used in the treatment of the cervical or lumbar spine.

Each movement should be done with only light pressure. Many exercises do not require the use of force at all, since they are designed on the principle of inertial action.

The therapeutic effect in this case is achieved thanks to personal body weight. The most difficult thing is to carry out procedures only on certain areas of the spine, without moving or straining other muscles.

Voice of the people

What do people who have undergone manual procedures write in their reviews?

Contraindications and precautions

Like any other type of treatment, manual therapy can be harmful to health.

Therefore, it is important to know in what cases it is contraindicated. This includes:

  • acute joint diseases;
  • disc myelopathy;
  • arthrosis 3-4 degrees;
  • bone osteoporosis;
  • intervertebral disc injuries;
  • tumors of the spine, spinal cord or brain;
  • Forestier's disease;
  • consolidated spinal fractures.

As for pregnancy, many experts have a positive attitude towards manual treatment.

The fact is that during the period of carrying a child, most medications are contraindicated, and manual procedures can be a real salvation from pain.

Taking into account reviews from patients and doctors, as well as numerous studies, we can conclude that manual therapy is completely safe when treating the spine.

Moreover, it has an amazing effect, which is not always possible to achieve even with drug treatment.

Only an experienced, qualified specialist can cure the spine without harming the rest of the body.

Non-surgical methods for treating intervertebral hernia

Every person who has been diagnosed with a herniated disc asks the question: is it possible to do without surgery? Fortunately, there are a large number of non-surgical hernia treatment options.

Each of these methods has its own contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before treatment.

Drug treatment

An intervertebral hernia often causes pinching of the roots, in which case the patient develops signs of inflammation and severe pain. Doctors usually prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs):

  • Voltaren;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Nise;
  • Indopamide.

In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, these drugs also reduce pain. These medications Available in the form of injection solutions, ointments, rectal suppositories. The doctor, based on the results of the examination, decides what to prescribe for the patient. You should not self-medicate and take these medications on your own.

The use of tablet drugs can provoke an exacerbation of chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers. In order to protect the gastric mucosa from the effects of NSAIDs, the following drugs can be used:

  • Almagel;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Gastal;
  • Almag.

These drugs cover the stomach with a film that protects it from exposure to an aggressive environment.

In cases where the patient complains of unbearable pain, he is prescribed stronger drugs, for example, morphine or codeine. These medications can only be obtained with a prescription from specialized pharmacies.

If all these methods are ineffective and the patient continues to suffer from pain, he is prescribed epidural injections, i.e. injections directly into the lesion. The patient is administered steroid drugs, which provide almost immediate relief. But the use of this method is limited. Epidural injections can only be used 3 times a year.

The next group of drugs used in the treatment of intervertebral hernia are chondroprotectors. They restore cartilage tissue in the intervertebral space, stop the progression of the disease and prevent the destruction of intervertebral discs. Chondroprotectors include:

  • Alflutop;
  • Teraflex;
  • Structum.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, drugs should be used for 3 months or more. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

Doctors confirm positive effect from the use of Rumalon is an extract from animal cartilage and bone marrow. The medicine contains structural components that are necessary for the normal functioning of cartilage.

Muscle relaxants are prescribed to patients to relax muscles and reduce pain. Mydocalm belongs to this group.

Patients also need drugs that improve blood circulation in the diseased area. For this purpose use:

  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Trental.

If pain prevents the patient from falling asleep, he is prescribed antidepressants. They calm the nervous system. There is information that these medicines can also reduce pain. Antidepressants are available only by prescription and are used strictly in a certain dosage. These include:

  • Sertraline;
  • Insidon.

In addition to the main treatment, the patient is prescribed the use of vitamins. B vitamins restore tissue sensitivity and reduce pain. Vitamin D restores bone tissue, strengthens ligaments, and is prescribed along with calcium. Vitamins A, E and C are antioxidants and help restore damaged intervertebral cartilage tissue.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy has long proven its effectiveness in treating back problems. After the procedures, muscle tension is reduced and tense tissues are restored.

During the procedure, a medicinal substance is injected into the patient's body tissue, without tissue damage. The medicine enters the skin under the influence of an electric current.

Advantages of electrophoresis:

  • a more concentrated medicine that directly enters the body tissues, bypassing the liver;
  • long-term retention of the drug in tissues;
  • the effect of current on the body also has a positive effect: blood circulation improves, swelling and inflammation decrease;
  • the treatment is painless;
  • rarely causes an allergic reaction.

Mud therapy

This method is classified as thermal treatment using mud of various compositions. The mud is heated to 50 degrees, then mixed with cold water and applied either in the form of applications to the sore spot, or to the entire body with the exception of the head and heart area. Therapeutic mud improves metabolism in the diseased area, relieves inflammation and swelling.

Mud therapy can be used only after the end of the acute period, that is, after the pain has subsided.


Ultrasound therapy is a method of using vibrations sound waves. They are not perceived by the human ear. But they penetrate into the body to a depth of 6 cm.

Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, tissue metabolism accelerates, blood circulation improves, and muscle spasms are relieved. Ultrasound relieves inflammation and pain.

It has a positive effect in combination with other treatment methods. It can be carried out only after the pain has subsided. Massage should be performed by a specially trained medical professional.

There is a special massage technique that can be performed at home, but only after consultation with your doctor. First you need to rub the inflamed vertebrae fir oil. After this, apply honey to the skin, after adding a few mummy tablets to it. Make patting movements on the back. At this time, the skin should stick to the palms. The pain that appears during such a massage should be tolerated. Honey removes old toxins and fights hernia. After the honey massage, you need to wipe your back with a warm cloth and apply Finalgon ointment to it. After this, you need to wrap your back and go to bed. Improvement can be felt by the morning, but to achieve a long-term effect it is necessary to carry out a course of 2-4 weeks.

Gymnastics for intervertebral hernia

  • Get on all fours. Raise your opposite arm and leg. Hold for a few seconds, then lower and repeat with the other arm and leg.
  • Lie on your back. The surface must be hard. Legs should be bent at the knees, arms at your sides. Raise and lower your pelvis for 1-2 minutes.
  • On the floor, lie on your stomach. Place your arms along your body, while trying to raise your upper body as much as possible. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times. It can also be complicated and lift the chest and legs at the same time (“boat”).

Exists folk wisdom: you need to spend as much time on gymnastics for a hernia as was spent on acquiring it.


The main rule is that you can’t do exercises in bed. Buy a special yoga mat. Exercises should not cause discomfort. If pain occurs, you should stop exercising.

  • Lie on your back with your knees pulled up to your chin. In this position you need to roll on the floor. The exercise stretches the spinal muscles and ligaments.
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees. Grasp your shins with your hands. In this position, try to straighten your spine as much as possible.
  • Lying on your back, bend your leg at the knee and try to touch it with your forehead. Then switch legs.
  • Get on all fours. Arch your back like a cat. In this case, your gaze should first be at the floor, then at the ceiling.

Treatment performed using hands is called manual therapy. It is performed for many diseases of the spine, joints, muscles and internal organs.

Treatment is carried out by a specially trained chiropractor. To begin with, he relieves pain, and after that he will perform techniques aimed at restoring the intervertebral disc. After a course of manual therapy, muscle tone is normalized, pressure on the damaged disc is reduced, and blood circulation improves. Normalizing blood circulation improves metabolism, thereby relieving inflammation and pain more quickly.

It is very important to choose a qualified doctor, because one wrong movement can lead to disability of the patient.


A complex of diagnostics and therapeutic effects on the patient’s tissues using fingers. With this method of treatment, the effect on the human body is very gentle, so it can be used for people of all age groups.

Using his hands, an osteopathic doctor can determine even small deviations in the position of organs, the spine and other tissues of the body. Hands help the doctor not only make a diagnosis, but also carry out treatment.

Advantages of osteopathy

  • effective diagnosis and treatment of spinal diseases;
  • safety of treatment;
  • pain relief after the first session;
  • Can be used to prevent exacerbation.

In case of intervertebral hernia, the doctor, acting on the diseased area, improves blood circulation and metabolism. After a course of treatment of 7-10 sessions, muscle spasms are relieved and pain goes away.


  • mental illness;
  • thrombosis;
  • tumors;
  • infectious diseases.

There are a huge number of non-surgical hernia treatments. The main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and not self-medicate. Since a hernia is classified as chronic diseases, then it is important to remember to prevent exacerbation of the disease.

  • Eat right. More fruits and vegetables, follow the drinking regime. Eliminate fatty, spicy, smoked and pickled foods from your food.
  • Exercise every day. They will help keep muscles toned and protect the spine from damage.
  • Go swimming. It also trains the muscles of the spine, strengthens them and thereby prevents exacerbation of the disease.
  • Don't lift heavy objects.
  • Undergo preventive treatment in a timely manner: physiotherapy, drug therapy. The frequency of such treatment is prescribed by the doctor. This will depend on the extent of the damage to the spine.

It must be remembered that in severe cases such treatment may not help and surgery cannot be avoided. Listen to your doctor and then you may be able to avoid surgical treatment.

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