The safest countries in the top 10. The world economic forum compiled the security rating of countries.

On our planet, according to historical and cultural characteristics, more than 195 countries were formed. They are all different from each other, and therefore exist within their own boundaries. A special microclimate is developing within the state in which citizens should feel free and safe.

Not everyone can boast of successes in the field of economic development and the development of political freedoms. When traveling to a particular country, check in advance whether it meets the safety criteria.

Safety assessment criteria

Security ratings of countries are compiled by many authoritative publications, annually rechecking the level according to the criteria. In 2020, Global Finance magazine published a ranking of the safest countries for holidays and residence. The list includes 128 states from all corners of the globe.

When compiling the table, experts assessed a lot of criteria and came up with an average indicator, which is called the safety index. The following factors are taken into account:

  • the risk of natural disasters and terrorist attacks;
  • peacefulness rating (war and peace);
  • assessment of internal security (level of development of criminal structures, percentage of crimes committed by severity).

Assessment of the level of security in the world from the publishing house Statista at the beginning of 2018

  • whether the country is at war;
  • whether there is an internal conflict;
  • how open it is to foreign investment;
  • whether its currency is strengthening.

Thus, a thorough analysis is carried out not only of the international situation, but also of domestic politics in the country. When calculating a safety rating, risk scores are assigned. The higher the index, the worse the position in the table.

Rating of safe countries for tourism

Here is a list of the safest countries for tourists for 2020, based on the safety rating from Global Finance. On the territory of the represented states there are minimal risks of terrorist attacks, disasters, low crime rates, and corruption. The listed factors influence the development of tourism. The journal's rating is indicated in parentheses.

  1. Iceland (6.16);
  2. Switzerland (7.01);
  3. Finland (7.04);
  4. Portugal (7.07);
  5. Austria (7.08);
  6. Norway (7.27);
  7. Qatar (7.28);
  8. Singapore (7.34);
  9. Denmark (7.41);
  10. New Zealand (7.42).

15 leaders in the list of safe countries from Global Finance magazine

Top 10 safest countries in the world to live

Compiled by the Institute of Peace with the participation of the Center for Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney (Australia). The following parameters are taken into account when calculating:

  • crime level;
  • crime detection;
  • foreign policy;
  • spending on military needs;
  • number of refugees
  • the level of violence in the country and so on.

There are 24 criteria in total. Data is collected from official sources. The higher the score, the worse the position in the ranking. We present the data for 2020. The peacefulness index is indicated in brackets.

Iceland (1,096)

The state is becoming more and more popular among vacationers every year. Life here is measured, calm and safe. Iceland has a high level of development, attracting investment and migrants from neighboring countries.

Iceland is a country where people live in harmony with nature

The most serious risks are associated with natural disasters. As a rule, you can only get hurt in Iceland through your own negligence. The number of crimes committed in 2018 is not large. It is the safest country in the world to live.

New Zealand (1.192)

New Zealand is an area of ​​natural beauty. Maintains second position in the ranking since 2017. It is famous for its low level of corruption in government, and serious crimes are committed extremely rarely and are considered nonsense.

New Zealand is a high-quality road surface, the absence of terrorist threats and a law-abiding population

Residents of the islands are well off, have high incomes, and the unemployment rate is not high. Citizens left without work have the right to benefits. New Zealand is peace-loving and does not take part in major conflicts. In addition, the government provides assistance to poor countries.

Austria (1,274)

The state is experiencing an influx of refugees from warring countries, while it has managed to strengthen its position in the global peace ranking compared to last year. Austria has a low crime rate, showing best result among European countries along with Iceland. Every year the number of serious crimes decreases by 1-1.5%.

Austria improved its position in the peace ranking this year

The most common thefts are in the capital's stores and cafes, which are difficult to detect. Police warn citizens to be vigilant.

Portugal (1,318)

Life in Portugal is calm, residents love it for its natural beauty, historical sites and safety on the street. The most common crime is petty theft. They have become more frequent with the influx of migrants, but the situation cannot be called critical.

Trams in Portugal - environmentally friendly transport

The Portuguese are a law-abiding people with a high level of responsibility. Creating inconvenience to others is not accepted here. The level of terrorist threat is minimal.

Denmark (1,353)

Among the safe countries is Denmark, a free and economically developed country. It is believed that only pickpockets in large cities pose a danger. The high quality of the road surface and the popularity of bicycles help keep the air clean and keep the streets safe.

According to the criterion of internal security, Denmark ranks 3rd, although a year ago it occupied 2nd

With increasing migration flows to Europe, Danish police are paying more attention to the terrorist threat.

Canada (1.372)

Life in Canada is generally safe. In large cities there are areas of instability that the police inspect more thoroughly. It is the safest country in North America. For comparison, the United States ranks 121 in the ranking.

When going to North America, remember that Canada ranks 6th in the peace ranking, but the USA is only 121st

The main threats in society are petty thefts and bicycle thefts (the cities of Vancouver and Montreal are most susceptible). Those who go here on vacation should remember that winter in Canada is harsh, there are snowstorms, hurricane winds, and wild animals can be found outside the cities.

Czech Republic (1,381)

Czech police have to be more attentive to visitors to last years, as the government requires maintaining a high level of safety. It was achieved thanks to the coordinated work of law enforcement agencies. The number of crimes is minimal, and the flow of imported drugs has decreased significantly.

The Czech Republic is free from religious conflicts However, in the capital you can find prostitutes, beggars and homeless people. Tourists are advised to be vigilant in crowded areas due to the activity of pickpockets.

Singapore (1,382)

In 2020, Singapore rose 3 places in the peace ranking. The state is in the top 5 for the quality of internal security. Police are rarely seen on the streets of Singapore; the city has cameras with facial recognition software. Large fines are provided for violation of order, littering on the streets, and uncivil behavior. Strict measures made it possible to transform Singapore from a poor country into a developed one in a short period of time.

Singapore was not in the top ten last year

Foreign policy is peaceful, stable the economic growth.

Japan (1.391)

Japan is one of the ten stable, safe, economically developed territories in the world. The Japanese are intolerant of those who disturb order. The Summer Olympic Games will be held here in 2020, so the police have been put on full alert.

Even in remote villages in Japan, a tourist will feel safe

A characteristic feature is severe punishments for crimes and the retention of the death penalty. Up to 67% of crimes committed are thefts. The main problem is the presence of criminal groups.

Ireland (1,393)

In recent years, incidents of petty theft and violence against women have increased in Ireland. The reason is common to all of Europe and is the large number of migrants.

Ireland rose 2 places and broke into the top ten

Living in Ireland means stability. Citizens are law-abiding, and there are not many accidents on the roads. Among natural disasters, only floods occur during the flood period. For the last 8 years, Ireland has been consistently included in the ranking of “The Most Stable Countries in Europe”.

Russia's position on the list

Let's turn to the rating of Global Finance magazine and find out what place is allocated in it Russian Federation. The country is in 108th place on the list with a score of 12.94 points. The publishing house explains this situation by the economic recession, the lack of prospects for resolving the conflict with Ukraine, and the high crime rate.

According to experts from the Institute of Peace, Russia is also a dangerous state. She ranks 154th with 3.160 points. Russia's neighbors according to the rating table are the Central African Republic and Sudan.

Russian army well armed, which frightens neighboring countries

Unfortunately, the number of serious crimes in Russia continues to remain at a high level, and cases of abuse of power are increasing. The traffic situation is extremely dangerous in all major cities. In 2020, 14.8 thousand people died in road accidents.

For January 2020, crime statistics are as follows:

  • 49% – theft of other people’s property;
  • the number of economic crimes increased by 3.4%;
  • disclosure rate – 80%.

With a general decrease in the number of registered violations, the military budget is growing. According to Western organizations, Russia is conducting an aggressive foreign policy, strengthening market position military equipment, conducting military operations in foreign countries. This affects the rating index.

Ranking by region of the world

Let's consider the situation with internal and external security by region of the world, since the territories of Africa and Latin America are not represented in the top 10.

  1. Mauritius (1,548);
  2. Botswana (1,659);
  3. Sierra Leone (1,740);
  4. Madagascar (1,776);
  5. Ghana (1.772).

The represented states have a high level of security. It is based on demilitarization and strict control at checkpoints. The main problems of African countries: internal conflicts between tribes, theft in public places, fraud.

In Latin America

Most without dangerous countries South America:

  1. Chile (1,649);
  2. Uruguay (1,761);
  3. Costa Rica (1,767);
  4. Panama (1.826);
  5. Argentina (1.947).

The presented territories are not characterized by a high crime rate.

In Asia

The first five places in terms of the level of protection of citizens and tourists in Asia:

  1. Singapore (1,382);
  2. Japan (1.391);
  3. Butane (1.545);
  4. Malaysia (1,619);
  5. Taiwan (1.736).

Europe is recognized as the safest region in the world. This can be seen from the general list presented above.

Global Security Map 2018

Where should you not go?

Before traveling abroad, all tourists are advised to take into account the political situation in the host country and soberly assess the risks. The last 10 lines are occupied by the states:

  • Mali (14.15);
  • Chad (14.31);
  • Bangladesh (14.66);
  • Colombia (14.79);
  • Pakistan (14.80);
  • Nigeria (14.88);
  • El Salvador (15.43);
  • Guatemala (15.81);
  • Yemen (15.93);
  • Philippines (17.70).

It is also worth studying the information on official page Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where they publish warnings for tourists. Danger awaits people in warring states: Afghanistan, Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Ukraine. High epidemiological risk remains in sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe where measles and diphtheria are rampant.

Dangerous countries are marked in pink and red on the research map. Here the risk of being involved in a serious crime increases many times; pedestrians do not feel protected.


  1. Security ratings are compiled by large publishing houses and international institutions. The index is calculated according to a range of parameters, including external and internal political factors, involvement in conflicts, the number of crimes and car accidents.
  2. The three most attractive countries in the world for safe tourism according to Global Finance magazine are Iceland, Switzerland, and Finland.
  3. The Institute of Peace conducts research on the security of citizens within the country. The first places in the ranking are occupied by Iceland, New Zealand, and Austria. Russia is in 154th place and is considered dangerous.
  4. Europe is the most protected region in the world.
  5. The most dangerous countries are the Philippines, Yemen, and Guatemala.

For many, an ideal country is a state without wars and protests, with a stable economy that allows you to easily secure your life and leisure, without crime and fear for your safety.

Do you know which countries in the world are best suited for such a calm, peaceful, stable life, with prospects for the future? Since 2007, the Institute for Economics and Peace has been researching all peoples and regions of the planet based on external and internal indicators. We may think that the world is becoming increasingly violent in times of crisis, but according to the Global Peace Index, there are 20 of the most peaceful countries in which to live.

1. Denmark

Denmark tops the list of the most peaceful countries on earth as it is truly a safe place to live. Even when Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, was under Nazi occupation during World War II, there was no military activity in the city at all. This is because people living in Denmark prefer to focus on economic issues rather than getting involved in various armed conflicts.

Danish people are very friendly, open and helpful. All tourists who have visited Denmark at least once in their lives, without exception, claim that they would like to live in this country.

2. Norway

Many did not expect that Norway could appear on the list of ideal countries to live in. Perhaps this is because Anders Behring Breivik, a mass murderer, has hurt the country's global reputation. Of course, this was an isolated incident of this magnitude, and according to the Global Peace Index, Norway is one of the most peaceful, stable, friendly and safe countries to live in.

It is the state with the highest level of human development in the world. In addition, the Oslo government always places economic stability, social development and peace at the top of the country's list of priorities.

3. Singapore

As an active member of the international community and, overall, a small separate nation, Singapore may never have happened! Since gaining independence in 1965 as a sovereign Republic, Singapore has always focused on being a great neighbor through establishing social, peaceful, economic, political relations with all countries.

Singapore cooperates with the United Nations and also participates in various global, unilateral and multilateral publicity campaigns international cooperation, and is also a member of the WTO (World trade Organization).

Singapore is on the list of the most peaceful countries and is also one of the richest countries in the world. Here the level of murders and violent crime is tens of times lower than in other countries.

4. Slovenia

The beautiful European country of Slovenia is also in the “ideal to live” rating. It showed the lowest indicators among the countries of the continent in terms of the number of organized internal conflicts, protests, and the number of civil and external wars. In addition, its wonderful cities, like Maribor and Ljubljana, are teeming with unique culture and flavor, making Slovenia a fantastic destination for tourists.

5. Sweden

One of the most beautiful Scandinavian countries, Sweden is located in the far north of Europe. Although Sweden is one of the largest arms exporters in Europe, the country has a low robbery rate (only 9,000 per year) compared to the US (about 350,000 per year)! Sweden has not fought or participated in battles for more than two centuries.

Most of the country's budget is aimed at economic and social development, which makes the level of citizens' dissatisfaction with their lives zero.

According to the Global Peace Index, Sweden is one of the most peaceful and stable (politically and economically) countries in the world, despite being the world's third largest arms exporter.

6. Iceland

Iceland has been recognized as one of the most peaceful countries in the world, as it has managed to stay away from all the major conflicts in the world. Thanks to this, the government has been able to invest money in the economy and development of the country for centuries.

Iceland rarely makes headlines. Despite the collapse of the Icelandic banks several years ago, the country has remained not only an amazing place with impressive natural beauty, but also a fairly stable state. Tourists from all over the world come to Iceland to see the huge glaciers and raging volcanoes, as well as the many unique natural and cultural attractions in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland.

7. Belgium

According to the Global Peace Index, Belgium is one of the best and most peaceful places to live in both Europe and the rest of the world. Located in the heart of the continent, this small country occupies a special political place. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is home to the European Union and NATO.

Belgium boasts medieval cities, beautiful town halls, majestic castles and captivating natural beauty.
The murder and incarceration rates in Belgium are very low, even taking into account the government crisis during the period 2008-2011.

8. Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is relatively new country which gained independence from Soviet Union in 1989 thanks to the Velvet Revolution and subsequent division with Slovakia.

After the collapse of Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic focused on creating a strong capitalist economy and a stable climate for investment.

In 2009, the Human Development Index (HDI) declared the Czech Republic to have a “very high level of human development”. Known primarily for its magnificent capital, Prague, and breathtaking natural beauty, the Czech Republic attracts tourists from all over. Moreover, students from all over the world flock to this country who have real opportunity get a European education for free and stay in this amazing country.

9. Switzerland

Switzerland has consistently maintained a well-functioning government and an open political culture for decades. An illustration of the quality of a country's government activities is the lowest score for political instability. In addition, Switzerland is among the most peaceful countries that have low violent crime rates. Although Switzerland is known for its neutrality in regional, international and global political matters, it maintains close diplomatic relations with various countries around the world.

10. Japan

One of the most culturally fascinating countries, Japan has the third largest economy in the world. Since World War II, it has been a very calm state, with virtually no internal conflicts and a very low crime rate. The country has its own internal security regulation force to maintain peace.

Japan is a peaceful and also stunningly beautiful country that you don't necessarily want to live in, but it's worth visiting one day.

11. Ireland

With its rich historical sites, amazing green pastures and friendly people, it's no wonder that Ireland is one of the most peaceful countries on Earth.

Ireland is a fabulous country with many reasons to visit. A rich literary history, mountain castles, picturesque coastlines and legendary hospitality make Ireland a wonderful place to visit at any time of the year, as well as a wonderful place to live, with a calm, peaceful atmosphere.

12. Finland

The Finns, as a people, have never been famous for their fighting character, despite the fact that they have compulsory civil and military service for young people. It is also worth noting the Finnish education system, which covers absolutely all areas of activity. It’s not for nothing that she ranks fifth among the best in the world.

13. New Zealand

Every year since 2007, the Institute for Economics and Peace has ranked New Zealand among the most peaceful countries. And there are reasons for this: a very small percentage of the population in prisons, limited military capabilities, close relations with Australia and incredible hospitality. New Zealand is a wonderful country to live. It is a place of varied natural scenery and unusual inhabitants.

Visitors from all over the world come to New Zealand to experience mountain scenery, breathtaking alpine glaciers, stunning beaches, fantastic geothermal springs and bubbling volcanoes, and walk through the haunts of famous hobbits and elves from the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The country is also famous for its fine wines, with a huge number of grape varieties planted throughout New Zealand. So if you are a big fan of wine or hobbits, this is the place for you.

14. Canada

Having one of the highest standards of living in the world, Canada is also a very calm and stable country. It is home to only 33 million people, but is nonetheless the second largest country in the world.

Canada is a wonderful country to live in, with clean and safe cities, picturesque landscapes and friendly people.

Canada, despite having a relatively high military potential, is not currently involved in any armed conflicts.

15. Austria

Austria is a small Central European country that ranks among the “ideal countries” due to its position in international politics. Since the First World War, the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Second World War, Austria has embarked on a path of peaceful and serene life.

Many people argue that Austria is the best country to live. After all, with its amazing history, the world famous resorts in the Alps, with a stable economy that allows citizens to work and achieve success, it is not surprising to see Austria on this list.

16. Butane

Bhutan is also one of the 20 most beautiful and safe countries to live in, as measured by the 2013 Global Peace Index. This is because Bhutan does not take part in international conflicts, and no internal unrest has been noticed here over the past 6 years. The country has a huge number of police officers per 100,000 population and a low level of organized crime. The government allocates almost no money for military needs and production heavy weapons. The people here are very friendly, peaceful, and besides this, Bhutan boasts a large number of interesting sights.

17. Australia

Australia is a beautiful and peaceful country that offers cultural diversity, wonderful beaches, lots of breathtaking scenery, amazing fauna and friendly people with a great sense of humor. Although Australia is almost the size of the United States, it has a small population of about 20 million.

Very low crime rate, stable politic system, high standards of healthcare and well-maintained roads make Australia a safe and relatively easy country to live in or simply explore.

18. Portugal

You might be surprised to learn that Portugal is one of the calmest countries in the world, but it's true. It has been part of the EU for 26 years and is part of the European Monetary System. Portugal has the 43rd largest economy in the world according to the World Bank. In addition, the country has one of the highest GDP growth rates.

It has a very low crime rate, a high standard of living and a stable government. Plus, stunning sandy beaches, golden plains, majestic mountains and vibrant cities make Portugal one of the... best places for accommodation.

19. Qatar

Qatar is perhaps the most stable and industrially developed country in the entire Middle East, and the calmest in the whole world. Violent incidents are very rare here.

Qatar is one of the most flexible and liberal states in the East, where women have many rights, including the right to work, drive and vote. The country is now committed to National Vision 2030 to achieve a more sustainable and developed economy.

20. Mauritius

In 2013, the country was recognized as the most peaceful state in Africa. Strength This state lies in the stability of the region and thereby further promotes it as a reliable platform for rich management services and estate planning.

It is a great advantage to live in a peaceful, stable country, and if you are lucky enough to live in one, you should be proud of it!

Wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Terror on the streets North America. Riots, violence, rising murder rates. Sometimes it seems like our world is just going crazy. Facing all these horrors normal people they want to escape from their own homes and hide with their families where they will be safer. But where can you go in search of peace and quiet in the midst of endless madness? modern world? This is very good question.

Every year, the London-based non-governmental institute Legatum publishes rankings on the well-being of countries around the world. Among parameters such as democratic freedoms and GDP, experts also include statistics on crime rates in their assessment of European countries. The results provide a new perspective on the world and help you understand where in the world you are most or least at risk of being robbed, raped or murdered. Want to escape the endless cycle of scary news? That way…

P.S. To keep things fair, this top ten does not include countries with a disputed or unrecognized political status, as well as enclaves and dwarf states. Otherwise, the Vatican would be in the lead on all counts!

10. Sweden

Forget the gloomy and rainy scenes from Scandinavian brutality films. Sweden is a true Northern European fortress of liberal rights and freedoms, and one of the safest countries on the planet. In 2015, there were only 90 murders per 10 million inhabitants. If it seems to you that this is a lot, you are simply not yet able to appreciate the scale and relationships. This is an entire country, while, for example, in the American city of Detroit alone, where about 700 thousand people live, the same number of people are killed per year - 90.

In truth, Sweden is not entirely crime-free. In the hottest tourist seasons pickpocket activity flourishes here. In addition, in Sweden, not everything is so simple with the problem of rape. This Scandinavian country leads in the number of rape cases and lawsuits in all of Europe, which does not look very safe. But it sounds like this only until you start comparing these indicators with other countries.

For example, in the US, if a boss harasses his subordinate every day for a week, she can sue him for sexual harassment. If the manager had behaved exactly the same way, but in Sweden, he would have received as many as 52 different lawsuits. This is because since 2005, Swedish rape laws have been considered the most feminist in the world. According to statistics, 15% of Swedes feel unsafe walking alone on the streets at night.

9. Austria

This small European nation of beer and sausage lovers was once one of the world's greatest empires. The Habsburgs ruled large parts of the Earth, under their rule in different time were the lands of modern Germany, Spain, Mexico, Peru and Bosnia. The dynasty fell during the First World War, but its capital, Vienna, still remains one of the greatest cities on Earth.

As a bonus, this country is an amazingly safe place! There are about a million fewer people living here than in Sweden, and no more than 40 murders are recorded per year. According to OSED data (Organization Economic Cooperation and Development), which includes 38 countries, Austria is in 6th place as a country with one of the lowest murder rates.

Of course, it is not 100% safe here. With the start of the migration crisis in 2015, this country has become famous as a transit state for human traffic. The most dramatic example of the problem was the death of 70 migrants found in a truck abandoned on the side of the road. In 2016, for the first time in European history since World War II, local citizens elected as president a representative of an ultra-right party that supports the radical ideas of Nazism and fascism.

Despite all this, Austria remains a very friendly and beautiful place where you are unlikely to get into trouble and where you are almost certainly not going to meet a bad end. It’s very picturesque here, and the food they serve is delicious!

8. Switzerland

The first thing you notice about Switzerland, besides its incredible natural beauty, is that this country is simply overrun with weapons. The Swiss love it, almost like the Texans. It is the guns, pistols and knives themselves, and not using them. Switzerland is one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of registered weapons per capita, just a couple of steps behind the United States. However, in the US, deadly shootings are a daily problem, while in Switzerland the crime rate is extremely low. In 2014, there were only 41 murders in a population of 8 million.

Part of this can be explained by the fact that it is a very rich country. Switzerland ranks 12th in the ranking in terms of GDP per capita. At the same time, it is one of 2 countries with a population of over 5 million people among the 14 richest countries in the world. Its cities prosper fabulously. Forget about roads paved with gold. The Swiss wallets are literally covered with a layer of platinum.

But all this wealth has its ethical price. During World War II, the country's national bank replenished its reserves with Nazi gold. Years later, the banking system, renowned for its independence and anonymity, was accused of hiding the funds of major money launderers. Among the clients of Swiss banks, even Escobar himself (Pablo Escobar), a Colombian drug lord and terrorist, one of the most famous criminals of the 20th century, was mentioned.

7. Germany

Germany is the most overpopulated country in Europe, 15 million people ahead of its competitors France and the UK. In addition, another million refugees from Syria and other war-torn countries have recently moved here. Despite all this, crime rates have been steadily declining across the board since the 1990s, when Berlin Wall. The only category of crime that has increased over the years is petty shoplifting.

Among OECD countries, Germany ranks 9th in terms of murder rates. Perhaps the dry numbers here are much higher than in Austria. But 2,100 murders per year for a population of 80 million is very low, especially when compared to the United States, where there are over 15,000 murders per year for 318 million citizens.

Of course, life here is not so safe, and not everyone here walks the streets at night in lederhosen, Bavarian leather shorts with suspenders, singing funny songs. Following the terrorist attack of a truck driving into a crowd at a Christmas market in 2016, Germany too is now suffering from the disease that plagues most Western countries.

6. Norway

Only 5 million people live here. Do you know how many modern Vikings were killed in 2015? 21 people. If Norway were a US state, it would have the lowest murder rate in the entire country and would be third in crime rankings across the continent. Only sparsely populated Vermont (626,000 people) and New Hampshire (1,300,000 people) can boast comparable integrity of their residents. The only crime that foreigners face in Norway today is robbery. In general, killing is not accepted here.

But things weren’t always so rosy in Norway either. About 6 years ago, a sad event thundered throughout the world, during which far-right terrorist Anders Breivik blew up a car in the center of Oslo and shot 77 participants of a youth congress on a neighboring island. It is unlikely that you will meet another Breivik like him, but Norwegians and especially the residents of Oslo are still reeling from the shock.

Apart from the tragedy of 2011, Norway remains one of the most attractive, interesting and safe countries in the world. And don’t listen to those who accuse the Scandinavians of being boring and boring. Rich and prosperous Norway is the country that all other northern European countries secretly dream of becoming, despite the fact that the nights here are too short and the beer is expensive.

5. Denmark

Denmark is so safe that even Norwegians feel safer here. In terms of murder rates, this country ranks 5th in the OECD ranking. It is almost impossible to hear about street crime here. Even drug suppliers who smuggle their goods through Denmark try to avoid violence and do not give the police a reason to be noticed. At least that’s how they behave on its territory.

At the same time, it is Denmark that is most often criticized by the terrorist groups Al-Qaeda and radicalists from ISIS, who call on their followers to attack this country. However, until now there have been no large-scale terrorist attacks here, which has brought worldwide fame to the professionalism of the Danish intelligence services and its counter-extremism department.

Denmark is worth visiting not only because of its safety and low murder rate. It's here that you'll admire the officially happiest capital in the world, Copenhagen, and appreciate how things are going in the world's only autonomous republic run by real hippies.

4. Iceland

In January 2017, a girl was kidnapped and killed in Reykjavik while heading home after relaxing at a bar. A similar grim story in any other country would have been drowned in a hundred other tragedies, but in Iceland it led to nationwide mourning marches. Numerous candlelight vigils were held, tens of thousands of citizens marched through the streets of the country, and an entire nation united to honor the death of the brutally murdered woman. It's obvious that people here truly and genuinely care about each other.

With a population of just 323,000, Iceland is the most remote and least populated northern country in Europe. It often seems that remoteness and isolation contribute to riots and high crime rates, but in Iceland the opposite is true. Police patrols conduct their patrols here without any weapons, and even in the darkest gateways violence is unheard of. Local residents still habitually leave their doors unlocked even at night. If there are one or more murders here in a year, it's a very bad year.

In many ways, things work this way in Iceland because all citizens are very involved in each other's lives. The local population is truly responsive, everyone knows each other and... Perhaps this is why the recent murder of a girl shocked the whole country so much. Iceland is safe not only because it is very rich, but also because its people choose to live and think this way.

3. Japan

Finally, a non-European country. An island nation of 127 million people, Japan is known for its eccentricity, extremely hard-working culture and high level of security. Even Yakuza gang members don't carry guns here. Japan ranked third in the OECD rankings for safety and homicide rates. In 2015, no more than 1 thousand murders occurred here. For comparison, 3 times fewer people live in the USA than in Japan, and there were 15 times more murders. Therefore, it is quite fair to say that this Asian island nation is very safe.

And it gets better here. 2015 was particularly notable in that virtually all crime categories reached their lowest levels since 1945. Tokyo is considered the safest city in the world! Osaka, another major Japanese city, is in third place in this ranking. And all this despite the fact that Tokyo is the second largest city in the world, second only to the Chinese region of the Pearl River Delta.

But before you rush to pack your bags, it's worth noting that Tokyo is also considered the most dangerous city in the world. It sounds contradictory and illogical. But the answer lies in this: being safe from other people is one thing, but being safe from the forces of nature is another. And in this regard, Japan really let us down. Earthquakes often occur here, and then tsunamis hit the city, killing thousands of people. Mother Nature, unfortunately, is very unmerciful towards this island and often chooses it as a “whipping boy”.

2. Luxembourg

Tucked between France, Germany and Belgium, super-rich Luxembourg is one of Europe's smallest countries. It is so small that Holland seems big in comparison. Even the island of Rhodes is larger than Luxembourg. But this tiny country has something that Holland and Rhodes don't. No, we are not talking about the European Court of Arbitration, the fiery Burgzondeg or Duke Henri. The most remarkable thing about this country is that it is in first place according to the OECD in the ranking for the lowest crime and in second place for the lowest murder rate.

Violent crimes simply don't happen here. In 2015, a series of armed robberies occurred in Luxembourg. Nothing like this has happened since then. And although the population here is only 543,202 people, such low crime is still impressive. For example, Kansas, an American city with a population of almost 3 million residents, is much more dangerous; more than 125 people were killed there in 2016. But in Luxembourg, murders simply don’t happen.

The reason for this may be the high standards of quality of life and the very low level of poverty in the country. Luxembourg ranks sixth in terms of GDP per capita, and always ranks among the top in terms of quality of life. Although the security of this country may be under threat for some time now due to the fact that Luxembourg has sent several of its soldiers to Syria to fight ISIS. Radicalists do not forgive such steps...

1. Singapore

That's all. This is the safest country on Earth. Singapore has a very small territory, being home to 5.3 million people who inhabit an area 4 times smaller than the Greek resort island of Rhodes with its population of 1 million. This insane level of overcrowding may make you think of high crime rates and quickly erupting aggression leading to violence.

But no. In 2011, only 16 people were killed here. In 2015 and 2016, all types of crimes from violence to thefts decreased by 10 or 20 times. The only category of crime that is still growing is cybercrime. It's unpleasant, but at least in Singapore no one is in danger of waking up in a pool of their own blood.

In addition, Singapore never experiences natural disasters, unlike Japan. It's clean and livable. How could it be otherwise, when even for spitting gum you can be fined a hefty sum. However, all this security comes at a price.

In Singapore, the government is in charge and values ​​security over freedom. According to the British research company the Economist Intelligence Unit, Singapore ranks 75th in the ranking of respect for democratic rights and freedoms, following Colombia, Serbia, Hungary and Brazil, and just 10 places ahead of Honduras. The USA is in 20th place in the British rankings. In this small Asian state, security definitely comes at a price. Whether it's worth it is up to you to decide.

There are more than 150 states on the territory of our planet. Each of them has its own culture, ethnic composition, customs, laws and mentality. Thanks to similar features, all countries Globe are not similar to each other. However, not every one of them is characterized by economic stability and security. Every year, many reputable print publications and online resources compile lists that include the safest countries on the planet.

When compiling the rating of safe countries, a huge number of criteria are taken into account, ranging from the pace of economic development to the standard of living of people. In this case, absolutely all the details that, to one degree or another, characterize a particular state are taken into account. The most important of them are:

Today, almost every state compiles its own ratings. In most cases, they do not reflect the real picture and are created to strengthen their own positions in the eyes of the world community. At the same time, the international rating, which is compiled jointly by all states of the planet, includes 162 positions.

The most dangerous countries for tourists

Unfortunately, most countries of the former socialist camp are located at the bottom of the list, and the top ten most dangerous countries are as follows:

  1. Somalia;

According to the rating, the most dangerous place on the planet is Syria, which is currently in a state of civil war. In general, the bottom lines of the list are occupied by the poorest countries in Africa and Asia. However, Russia also has not gone far and occupies only 145th place, belonging to the class of states with dynamically developing variable risks.

Top 10 safe and comfortable countries for holidays and living

Slovenia - 10th place

Despite the fact that the lists are updated annually, the 10 safest countries in the world have remained unchanged. Although minor changes took place within the dozen, no one left it. In 2020, tenth place is still occupied by Slovenia.

Thanks to its favorable geographical location in the very center of Europe and its membership in the EU, Slovenia has achieved enormous economic success in a short time. What affected the standard of living of the population, infrastructure development and social guarantees.

The majority of the country's citizens are involved in the industrial sector, which is not only developing dynamically, but also requires a systematic increase in staff. Stability, prosperity and the availability of jobs help reduce street crime. In addition, most of the population has a negative attitude towards violence and strongly condemns it.

Slovenia is a unitary republic with a stable political structure and developed foreign economic relations. All these factors, combined with a low crime rate, make it one of the leaders in the top safest countries in the world.

Japan - 9th place

Japan is one of the world leaders in economic development, second only to the USA and China. The country has a high standard of living, and its residents are dedicated and hardworking. Most Japanese prefer to work 12–14 hours a day and do not take vacations.

Receiving huge profits contributes to the development of all industries, from the quality of road surfaces to the introduction of advanced technologies in the industrial sector. Japanese medicine is also considered one of the best in the world, as evidenced by its low infant mortality rate and large number of centenarians.

The low crime rate is due to the peculiarities of the mentality and attitude of people towards manifestations of cruelty. The number of violent deaths in the country is one of the lowest in the world, at 4.4 for every million inhabitants.

Ninth place in the world ranking is due to its geographical location, since almost the entire territory of the state is located within the Great Ring of Fire. The threat of tsunami, seismic activity and the small area played a role. Japan did not become a leader in terms of life safety, which it could well have counted on.

Canada - 8th place

Canada is in second place in terms of area, second only to the Russian Federation. The high level of economic development is due to the presence of a huge amount of minerals and other natural resources which are exported. Funds received from trade operations contribute to the modernization of industry and improving the living standards of citizens.

Implementation latest technologies and the high level of qualifications of the staff have glorified Canadian medicine throughout the world. Well-developed infrastructure and high-quality roads also play a role.

Canada's only geographic neighbor is the United States, which significantly reduces the flow of illegal immigrants trying to enter the country. Despite its large area, the country's population density is quite low. However, more than 75% of residents live along the border with the United States, where most of the cities are located. At the same time, the northern regions of the state are occupied by taiga forests.

Canadians are ardent opponents of any form of violence and categorically do not accept crime. Street thefts and robberies are rare, and violent deaths are virtually unreported. Therefore, it is not easy to live in such a country safely, but also quite comfortably.

To travel to Canada you need.

Switzerland - 7th place

Switzerland is a multinational state in which at least 3-4 people live in peace and harmony. Despite the difference in views and culture, they get along with each other and almost never conflict. Like National composition not only contributed to attracting foreign capital, but also contributed to the development of tolerance between people of different nations.

The Swiss economy is based on tourism, for which all the necessary conditions have been created. Most of the country's population is employed in the service sector aimed at foreign guests. Every year, infrastructure is modernized and people's living conditions are improved.

Focusing on tourists contributes to improvement in all areas economic activity and medicine, which is one of the best in the world. Despite the different ethnic composition, the level of terrorist threats is practically non-existent, as is crime in general.

A large flow of foreign tourists, the opportunity to open their own business and independently plan their activities make Switzerland one of the most hospitable and safe countries in Europe.

The low crime rate is explained by the absence of division of society along class lines, since most of the population is at the same financial level. In addition, the high cultural level of residents, social security and rejection of violence make the state one of the safest places to live in the world.

Today, only a few monuments remind of the Soviet past in the Czech Republic. All other areas of life have long been reoriented towards market relations. Part of the income received from the export of products of own production is spent on improving the living standards of people, which ensure the progress of the economy.

To travel to the country you need

Portugal - 5th place

Portugal has always been considered one of the safest countries in the world, since 2016 it has entered the top ten. The main source of state income is the agrarian-industrial sector, which ensures systematic economic growth. The main trading partners are countries European Union, to which about 95% of all manufactured products are exported.

Despite the development of the agricultural industry, the standard of living of the population is very high. Most of the profits go to modernizing existing infrastructure and improving social standards. Medicine is distinguished by its professionalism.

Udachnoye geographical location in the very south of Europe and endless beaches make Portugal a tasty morsel for tourists from all over the world. A high level of economic development and the absence of class inequality contributes to a reduction in crime. Despite the southern temperament, residents of the state categorically do not accept and condemn violence. This makes it possible not only to live in safety, but also to move freely around the country at any time of the day. You need it for the trip.

New Zealand - 4th place

New Zealand is a unique state not only in terms of its structure, but also in its isolation from the rest of the world. It is located in Pacific Ocean and occupies two islands of the same name. Its peculiarity is the lack of territorial proximity to other countries, since the nearest state is located 1 thousand km away.

Due to its geographical isolation, New Zealand is practically not involved in any military conflicts, which also significantly reduces the threat of terrorist attacks. Main directions economic activity The state is served by the agricultural and industrial sectors, which employ the majority of the population.

The islands are famous for their huge mineral deposits, among which gold and silver occupy the leading positions. Income from their production forms the basis of the economy and allows it to develop dynamically.

The attitude of New Zealanders towards crime and corruption is sharply negative, and favorable conditions for business development only help attract foreign investment. Living on its territory is safe and comfortable. New Zealand could well have become the safest country in the world if it had not been located in a zone of seismic activity. Over the past 10 years, at least 5 major earthquakes have been recorded on the islands. To travel to New Zealand you need