Special exercises for burning belly fat. Workout to burn belly fat

This article describes fat burning workouts in simple terms. Follow all the tips and you will start to lose weight.

What you need to know...

  • If you're serious about training for fat burning and weight loss, then you should make time for proper nutrition. If you don't have time, FIND it.
  • Too often people try to lose weight only through exhausting interval endurance training. If you want to burn fat, then you should switch to smarter strategies. For example, exercises to sustain your metabolism (about that), strength training, bodybuilding and body strength conditioning (a type of training with a certain arsenal of exercises from related disciplines).
  • When developing a weekly training plan, do not lose sight of the fact that different styles of training are responsible for the development and recovery of different systems in our body. You should leave a small amount of time between different states of physical "stress" - the body needs recovery from joint pain, back pain, nervous tension and metabolic surges.
  • In your quest to lose fat, rotate between two types of activity - short, intense workouts and long endurance workouts.

Do you want to lose weight? Throw away all the stupid fitness tips - they'll be perfect for your grandma. Real workouts for burning fat provoke muscle growth. Here are eight rules for effective weight loss + a small fat burning workout program and a plan to put these tips into action.

  1. Your priority is food

Yes, this article is about training, but nutrition is the single most important rule in getting rid of fat. If you really want to clean it up, take the time to go shopping, to cook, to keep a diary of your food. If you don't have that time, FIND IT! Cut down on the time you spend on TV, phone, and social media.

If you've already cut as much time as possible and you still don't have enough, train less, but devote more time to your nutrition. That's right - cut back on your workouts! For example, in my fat loss program, I set aside Tuesday and Saturday for shopping and cooking. These days, of course, you can work out, but if you are a really busy person, do not chase two hares at the same time - take care of your nutrition first of all.

As far as WHAT is, there is no hard and fast rule. Perhaps you already know what kind of food is preventing you from achieving your goals. Although, there are, of course, a few basic rules. Try for example paleo diet as the basis of the diet (only natural one-ingredient foods, meat, fish, eggs with yolks and vegetables) without limiting the products that help you achieve what you want. That is, if you are taking protein shakes, supplements, and muscle-building foods, don't quit. Don't limit yourself to good carbs.

  1. Choose serious endurance exercises

Regardless of your goals, effective training depends on a system of properly selected exercises. Effective fat loss exercises will help you achieve any new goals in the future. Pay attention to complex, complex exercises, consisting of several elements at the same time.

  1. Get stronger

Most people believe that strength is important for building muscle and increasing the overall effectiveness of training. If your goal is only fat loss, then you need to burn as much fuel as possible. To do this, your body must not be immune to this fuel. The main problem with cardio for fat loss is that the more you do cardio, the better the result, and for the result to be even better, you need to consume even more fuel. Thus, your body becomes more and more receptive to the fuel with which you "refuel" it. With strength training, things are a little different. The better your results in strength training, the more weight you can lift. The more weight, the more and more intensely it burns out of you the same fuel. It is strength training (for metabolic endurance, for resistance) that makes us stronger, which effectively helps with fat loss.

  1. Grow Muscle

Anyone who wants to lose weight is simply obliged to think about how to properly grow muscles. Most people know about this, however, I do not stop repeating this truth again and again. Just a few grams of muscle can be responsible for losing pounds of excess fat every day!

  1. Boost your metabolism after workouts

A few years ago, scientists claimed that slow cardio helps us lose fat. However, this is an answer to an initially misunderstood question. Training for fat loss is not about burning fat during the workout, but about burning it over the next 24 hours after the workout. Short-term, high-impact exercise creates an oxygen deficit, which speeds up our metabolism for another day after exercise.

  1. Make a wise schedule

As you plan your weekly plan, consider the impact that different types of activity have on your body and the amount of stress that comes from those activities, such as:

Common stressors: sprint, high jump, training with a barbell;

Back muscle tension: speed training and endurance training, training to complete exhaustion;

Metabolic stressors: interval training (ideal for fat loss, but difficult in terms of longevity of recovery after them).

Do not forget about the time free from physical activity between workouts. If on one day you choose the most intense, hard workouts, then switch to lighter loads the next day. A sample lesson plan will help you understand how it works.

  1. Change strategies around

The main rule for achieving any goal is to strictly follow the program. In most cases, those who are trying to lose weight use only debilitating, high-intensity interval training. This, of course, is great, but for a long time their effect will not last. Losing weight requires several strategies at once:

Metabolic Endurance Training: Use moderate weights for variable moderate compound exercises for the whole body.

Power training: Use more traditional strength training methods - this will allow you to take more weight when training with weights.

Body-building: Focus on building muscle - this will increase the metabolic rate. Go for a brisk walk - this will help burn some extra calories.

Body strength conditioning (Development of the overall strength of your body): Focus on going to the gym and compound exercises with weight lifting.

The focus is not only on the frequency of training, but also on the frequency of the diet. When some people switch to slightly lower intensity workouts, they begin to gain fat. And, of course, this is not from training - training cannot provoke the growth of adipose tissue. If you're switching from heavy to light workouts, remember to eliminate carbs from your diet and reduce your calorie intake. Otherwise, you will start to get fat again.

  1. Get out for air

Man was created by nature to live outdoors. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to grab a barbell and stomp on the street for a public strength training. Just try to do something physically active outside of the house more often. Run sprints, carry loaded sleds in winter, take a sledgehammer and beat an old tire half to death with it. Try going to the park to work out with kettlebells. Don't forget the Farm Walk (with dumbbells in both hands) right after your workout. Any activity in the open air not only burns calories, but also lifts your spirits, reduces psychological daily stress and brings you closer and closer to your goal.

Weight Loss Workout Program - Putting It All Together


Use anything to help you get in shape before your workout. Roller skating, running, any kind of dynamic mobility, short sprints, jumps, medicine ball or corrective exercises are great. The main thing is not to get carried away. 5-10 minutes will be enough.

The training program for burning fat is presented broken down by days of training. You can choose the days that suit you best, but there must be rest days between workouts.


After lifting weights, switch to short, intense workouts. Here is an example of such training:

Sprints for 40-60 meters

Sprints on an incline or stadium (short - less than 40 minutes): 5-10 sprints, 90 seconds - 2 minutes. Relaxation.

Hitting a tire with a sledgehammer: Max hits in 10-20 seconds, 5-10 sets in 90 seconds-2 minutes. Relaxation.

Pulling a loaded sled (walking or running): 5-12 approaches (20 meters). Step 1 is back and forth. Between sets - a break of 90 seconds - 2 minutes.

Tuesday - Shopping/Cooking

If time permits, take up cross-country running.

Find a soccer field. Run diagonally from one end of the field to the other at about 75% of your top speed. When you reach, walk the length of the field to another corner. Repeat this 8-15 times. Such an exercise will raise the overall tone of the body and help in recovery after the next day of enhanced training. If you don't have football fields nearby, improvise! The park is fine. And a couple of trees will mark the corners.


If you don't have a special sled, take up walking.

On the same day, it is necessary to strengthen the process of burning fat. Therefore, immediately after strength training, proceed to the following exercises:

400m sprints: 2-4 runs, 2-5 minutes. Rest between runs.

Battle ropes: 45-47 seconds, 4-6 sets, rest between sets - 1-2 minutes.

Pulling the sled (walking or running): 4-6 sets (distance of 30 meters), 1 set is two runs back and forth, rest 2-5 minutes between sets.


All according to plan Tuesday, or at least 30-60 minutes of brisk walking.


Further - according to the plan of Monday. True, some changes are allowed here. For example, if you were running 40-60m sprints on Monday, switch to sprinting around the stadium or hitting a tire with a sledgehammer.

Saturday - your choice + shopping and cooking healthy food

Choose for yourself:

Option 1 SPORT

The ideal option is sports games in the open air, and not in front of the TV screen.


Hiking, mountain biking, climbing, etc. Just make sure it's hard enough.


Gather your friends and all the sports equipment and go to the nearest park or forest. If you don't do these outings regularly, then plan ahead. And if you are still interested in some rules, then read on:

  1. Switch from exercises that require high skill and experience to exercises that require less skill.
  2. Use 10 second sets for intense exercise and 30 second to 2 minute sets for less intense exercise.
  3. Your workout should not exceed one hour.
  4. Track your progress on the most serious exercises.
  5. Occasionally go through an ordeal that I call "That was a bad idea...". Simply, one of your group of friends offers you a challenge - something that no one has tried before. Something new and definitely heavy. This presents you not so much a physical as a psychological challenge. The competitive moment will give you strength and help you show your best, perhaps latent abilities.


On this day, with peace of mind, you can enjoy the pleasant types of bodybuilding.

ExercisesApproachesNumber of repetitionsRelaxation
A1Standing dumbbell press3 8-10 10 sec.
A2Breeding dumbbells to the sides3 12-15 90 sec.
B1Dumbbell or barbell lifts3 8-10 10 sec.
B2Dumbbell curl for biceps3 8-10 10 sec.
B3Barbell curl for biceps3 8-10 2 minutes
C1Bench press3 8-10 10 sec.
C2Close grip pull-ups with weights3 8-10 10 sec.
C3Bench press3 8-10 2 minutes.
DStanding calf raises3-5 8-10 90 sec.
EHanging Abs Exercises3 8-10 60 sec.

The repetition of exercises in the table (bench press) is not accidental. This is directly related to the Charles Polikin method. The third exercise in the set involves returning to the first with the condition of using slightly less weight.

Sunday - Any light physical activity

For example, brisk walking or cycling. The training program for getting rid of fat can be modified to suit your abilities and needs. The main thing is to keep the intensity and rhythm of training high so that the body uses fat as energy and does not burn muscles.

And before the new training season, read.

The issue of losing weight is becoming more and more urgent with the approach of hot days, because very few girls agree to flaunt their plump bodies after a long winter. Everyone is looking for effective ways to quickly put their body in order, go on the strictest diets, but only a few devote enough time to sports. Yes, a sensible diet should be the foundation of a fat burning program, but effective fat burning exercises are the key to a lean, toned figure.

What is fat burning

Fat cells are reserves of unspent energy deposited under the skin because they simply had nowhere to go, because at a certain time the body received more calories than it could spend. To get rid of these unnecessary reserves in the form of a fatty layer, it is necessary to create an energy deficit: spend the maximum amount of energy, and receive the minimum with food - then the body will begin to use up reserves from fat depots. An excellent tool for this approach will be special exercises for fat burning.

What exercises burn fat

Any physical activity will be extremely useful in the process of weight loss, but for fat burning, in other words, drying the body, you need to choose the most effective and efficient type of fitness. It is not so important where you will work out - in the gym or at home, the main thing is to create the most suitable set of exercises for fat burning that works through all problem areas, which must be combined with a protein or hypocarbohydrate diet. You should not forget about rest either, because the quality of weight loss directly depends on the quality of sleep.


Fat-burning strength exercises pump muscles well and accelerate metabolism. After such training, the metabolism remains at a high level for a long time, and calories continue to burn. Strength training for burning fat always gives good results. To enhance the effect, you can consume a little protein at the end of your workout. Consider an example of a fat burning strength exercise for working out the arms and lower body:

  • Lunges with dumbbells. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells weighing 2 kg lowered. Sharply push the right leg forward, tilting the body. At the same time, pull your arms with dumbbells to your chest. Repeat for the left leg. Do 3 sets of 15 reps on each leg.

Video: lunges with dumbbells


Professional trainers consider intensive training to be the best way to quickly burn fat - circuit or interval training for fat burning. When doing bodybuilding, you need to periodically alternate several blocks of exercises for different muscle groups, performing sets of strength and cardio exercises for 5-8 minutes with short breaks. A five-minute warm-up should be a mandatory beginning of each workout, and at the end it is worth stretching. An interval training program for fat burning may include:

  • squats;
  • jumping rope;
  • push ups;
  • approaches for the press;
  • shuttle run;
  • treadmill.

Consider in detail one of the types using a jump rope:

  • Jumping rope with high heels. Pick up sports equipment. Put your feet together, straighten your back. Jump rope, with each jump bending your legs under you and touching your buttocks with your heels. It is necessary to do 4 sets of 20 jumps.


Cardio training is aimed at strengthening the heart muscle, so during aerobic training you need to control breathing, pulse and heart rate (heart rate). As for the effectiveness of cardio for burning fat, it will be small without an appropriate diet, and for a noticeable result, the duration of a continuous workout should vary from 30 to 60 minutes. Options:

  • jogging;
  • cycling or exercise bike;
  • swimming;
  • aerobics;
  • water aerobics;
  • breathing exercises (bodyflex, oxysize).

With the help of an exercise bike, you can conduct an effective cardio workout. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Take a comfortable position on the exercise bike, keep your back evenly relaxed, relax your arms too, raise your head slightly up, look straight ahead. First, pedal slowly, after a minute, accelerate the pace to an average for half a minute, then pedal as quickly as possible for another 30 seconds. It is necessary to do 6 such approaches with alternating light and intense loads.

The most energy-intensive

Many people are wondering which of the exercises for burning fat are the most energy-intensive, because it is always better to do several effective approaches and burn a large number of calories than to engage in low-energy exercise for hours. Such fat burning exercises exist among both aerobic and strength exercises, while some combine both types of physical activity. For example:

  • Emphasis crouching - emphasis lying. On the mat or just on the floor, stand in a plank position or take an emphasis while lying down. Sharply pull your legs to your chest and straighten back. Repeat 15-20 times, after five minutes, perform another approach. To get the result, you will have to train daily for at least two months.

In the gym

Classes on special simulators help to lose weight, remove part of the subcutaneous fat, tighten the skin. To build muscle mass, athletes go to gyms (in common people - rocking chairs) and take different types of sports nutrition. Such a measure in the fight against subcutaneous fat is not at all necessary if you correctly adjust your diet and build an effective workout. There are a few tips for this:

  • Cardio machines will be useful for women when exercising in the gym, and it is better to alternate classes on them with short strength exercises (lunges, push-ups, hack squats, for the press).
  • For men, bench presses, deadlifts, crossovers, twisting in combination with small aerobic loads (training on a treadmill, exercise bike, jumping rope) are more suitable.

At home

Various fat burning exercises can be safely done at home without additional equipment. The execution time does not matter much: you can include approaches for fat burning in the usual exercises in the morning or do it in the evening two hours after dinner. When choosing physical activity for fat burning, you should focus on your problem areas. For women, for the correction of priests, thighs, breasts, the following options are suitable:

  • squats;
  • plank;
  • push ups;
  • jumping;
  • swing your legs.

It is better for men to use exercises with weighting agents in training in order not only to remove fat, but also to pump up muscles. With dumbbells you can do:

  • presses;
  • walking lunges;
  • traction;
  • rises.

The Best Fat Burning Exercises

It is impossible to say which of the fat burning exercises are the best, because they can all be good fat burners in certain areas of the body. To bring your figure into shape, do little from time to time, you need to train at least 4 times a week. It’s also not worth torturing yourself with fat burning trainings - you need to complete the approach for as many repetitions as your physical fitness allows.

For women

For fat burning, girls are suitable for both aerobic fat burning exercises and approaches with additional weight, for example, with small dumbbells or their imitation in the form of plastic bottles filled with water. For example:

  • Running in place with high knees. Stretch your arms forward in front of you, run in place at a fast pace, raising your knees and hips as high as possible. Do 4 sets of 5 minutes with two-minute breaks. Repeat every other day for a month.
  • Deep squats with weights. Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Pick up dumbbells of 1.5 kg. Squat deeply, at the same time bending your arms at the elbows and pulling them to your chest. While squatting, stretch your tailbone down and keep your back straight. Do 3 sets of 15 times during each workout for at least a month.
  • Twisting with cross leg pulling. Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head, raise your legs and bend at the knees. Perform twisting of the body, tearing off the shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor. Elbow reach to the opposite knee. Do 3 sets of 10 times. Repeat daily for 2-3 months.

For men

It is better for men to choose more intense exercises for fat burning, trying to use different muscle groups. Burn fat well

  • Rock climber. Take an emphasis lying down, resting your palms on the ball. Pull your right knee towards the ball. With a quick sharp movement, change the right leg with the left, without bending the back and pelvis. Perform 2 sets of 3 minutes with 1.5-minute breaks. Perform during each workout for a month and a half.
  • Push-ups on dumbbells. Get into a plank position with your palms resting on dumbbells placed vertically. Slowly lower the body down, trying to make the chest lower than the hands. Return to starting position. Perform 2 sets of 20 repetitions. Do it three times a week for two months.
  • Mahi dumbbells in a semi-squat position. Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, sit down so that the pelvis is just above the knees. Raise your arms with dumbbells weighing 5 kg to chest level. Sharply bring straight arms forward and to the sides. Perform 3 sets of 5 minutes. Do during every workout for three months.

Video: climber exercise

For the stomach

To turn a shapeless belly into an elastic strong press or a beautiful tummy and a thin waist, you need an integrated approach, part of which can be the following fat burning exercises:

  • Leg lifts. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, immobilize the body. Raise straight legs at an angle of 30 degrees and fix for the longest possible time. Repeat 10 times. Perform daily for 1.5-2 months.
  • Body lifts. Lying on your back, immobilize your legs. Cross your arms in front of you. Raise the body at an angle of 30-35 degrees and fix for 20-30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 to 20 times. Perform daily for at least a month.
  • Jump squats. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, pull your stomach in. Squat deeply, keeping your back straight. Jump up sharply, and then return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 8 repetitions. Perform every other day for at least two months.

Video: jump squat

For legs

To tighten the buttocks, thighs, calves, you need to include in your usual workout for fat burning:

  • Jumping over a step platform or other obstacle. Put your feet together, cross your arms in front of your chest. Quickly jump over the obstacle to the right and left. Make 30-40 jumps, rest for 2 minutes, then repeat the exercise. Perform three times a week for 2-3 months.
  • Walking with weights. Place a step platform or bench in front of you. Sharply raise the leg, bent at the knee, and put on the bench. At the same time raise your hands with kilogram dumbbells and the body. The second leg remains in the air. Do 4 sets of 15 times. Perform four times a week for 2-3 months.
  • Swing your feet forward. Stand straight, with one hand grasp the support. Alternately raise the right, then the left leg forward as high as possible and lower it to the floor. Repeat 30 times for each leg. Perform daily for 2-3 months.

Video: stepping with weights

For the whole body

Rapid weight loss and fat burning on the body is facilitated by complex fat burning exercises, which include strength and cardio loads:

  • Push-ups on the ball. Take an emphasis lying down, lean your hands on the ball, smoothly raise and lower the body, touching the ball with your chest, but without arching your back. Perform 3 sets of 10 times. Perform every other day for three months.
  • Push-ups + jumps. Take an emphasis lying down, perform one low push-up. Then abruptly move into a squat position and jump up. Return to starting position. Perform 2 sets of 15 repetitions. Perform daily for at least two months.
  • Dumbbell bench press in a sitting position. Sit on a chair, spread your legs wide and fix your back straight. Hands with dumbbells weighing 10 kg are lowered. Alternately raise your hands up. Repeat 20-25 times for each hand. Perform three times a week for 1-2 months.


Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


A flat and expressive press is present in almost every person, it's just often hidden under a layer of body fat. To remedy the situation, a person begins to perform an exercise to burn belly fat, do gymnastics in the morning or go to fitness, but does not always get what he wants. The fact is that it is necessary to remove excess weight in a complex and according to the rules that fitness experts talk about.

How to burn belly fat

To make your body athletic and fit, it is not enough to exercise alone. It is necessary to understand how fat is burned, and to apply this knowledge in action. The combustion process consists of several stages: first, free fatty acids are mobilized from adipose tissue, then they are transported with the blood to the place of combustion, after which they are burned in the heart, liver or muscles. Fat burning and muscle growth are completely different processes that cannot occur simultaneously, so you can’t combine strength training with relief exercises - there will be no result.

The mobilization of free fatty acids depends on various hormones, including insulin. It stops already at an average level of insulin, so you need to train on an empty stomach. This will increase the content of cortisol - a hormone that accelerates the burning of fat cells. We offer some tips from experts on how to quickly burn belly fat:

  • In a dream, a person loses weight, so you need to sleep 8-10 hours.
  • Good cardio is jumping rope. Give yourself a twenty-minute workout every day.
  • Start doing an exercise to burn belly fat (twisting, plank, jumping, pull-ups).
  • Before each workout, eat grapefruit, it helps to burn subcutaneous fat.
  • Skimmed milk is useful, it contains bioactive potassium, which blocks fatty formations.
  • Another fruit for weight loss is the avocado. It is fatty, but does not contribute to the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Avocados contain the carbohydrate mannoheptulose, which delays the formation of body fat.
  • As drinks - water, green tea, they are drunk before training.
  • Evening workouts are considered the most productive, from five to seven in the evening.
  • Quickly burns fat cycling.

On the stomach and sides

An excellent hula hoop is a special hoop, inside of which massage balls are placed. They massage and break up adipose tissue, helping to remove fat from the body. In addition, you will have to increase physical activity, and instead of watching TV, do light jogging or brisk walking and attend aerobics classes three times a week.

Physical education at home can also give results, you just need to know how to train properly. The session should last at least an hour, because the body does not burn stored calories for the first 20 minutes of training. A set of exercises is selected individually, but in any case, it is important to keep the muscles in the abdomen tense throughout the entire workout. To make herself a thin waist, a woman will have to load herself with aerobic training for a long time and eat right, because fat is removed from the sides and abdomen last.

lower abdomen

Running, brisk walking, any other cardio loads that need to be performed for at least half an hour with a heart rate reading of 130-140 beats per minute will help burn fat in the lower abdomen. Such exercises reduce the content of insulin in the blood, but adrenaline, on the contrary, increase. This is enough to increase blood circulation in adipose tissue and provoke fat burning.

Abdominal Exercises

The abdominal muscles are located in front and on the sides, so the exercises must be selected so that they work out all the muscles well in proportion. In addition, it must be remembered that the press is muscles, our goal is not to pump up muscles, but to remove fat deposits from the abdomen and sides. These are completely different goals and they are fulfilled in different ways. you should always start with a warm-up - stretching. To do this, while inhaling, you need to inflate your stomach as much as possible and linger, and when you exhale, draw in your stomach and count to thirty.


The starting position of the exercise is to bend your arms at the elbows, the position of the body is emphasis, lying on your elbows. You need to lean on the forearms and toes of the legs. The elbows are placed strictly under the shoulders, the hips and stomach are tense during the entire session. The bar is performed when exhaling and is held until there is enough strength (start with 10 seconds).

  • Feet together - this will increase the load on the abdominal muscle complex.
  • Legs must be kept straight, in strong tension.
  • Buttocks are tense all the time.
  • The lumbar region when performing the plank should be flat. You can not round and bend your back.
  • The stomach is pulled in to the ribs as much as possible, but there is no need to hold your breath.
  • Elbows are placed exactly under the shoulders, which will unload the shoulder girdle.

Straight twists

Starting position - lying on your back, on the floor, legs bent at the knees and placed above body level (on a sofa or chair). This position from the very beginning of the exercise allows you to twist the pelvis. It is important to position your hands correctly. The closer they are to the pelvis, the easier it is to perform the exercise. It is more difficult to do twisting if the hands are located far from the head, but you need to complicate the lesson gradually.

At the stage of mastering the exercise, hands can be placed on the stomach to feel the tension of the press. You need to start twisting the body to the pelvis slowly, the back must be rounded, and the shoulder blades should be raised from the floor. Try to reach your groin with your head and hold for a few seconds. Then exhale and slowly assume the starting position, but it is impossible to lie down completely on the floor so that the target muscles do not relax until the end of the exercise.

Diagonal twists

They are used to train oblique and anterior abdominal muscles. You need to perform the exercise from a supine position, knees bent, feet on the floor. Hands are clasped behind the head, elbows are spread apart. The shoulders are raised to the knees, straining the abdominal muscles. Approaching the knees, it is necessary to twist the body so that the left elbow touches the right knee, then the same elbow of the other hand. Movements are slow and smooth.


A workout to burn belly fat should be done at least five times, and be sure to follow the diet. If you do gymnastics every other day, then getting rid of the volume of fat at the waist will not work. Before starting the class, you need to warm up by jumping rope or twisting the hoop. What exercises to remove the stomach? They are selected individually, but there are also common for all:

  1. It is effective to squat on one leg to remove fat from the thighs. From a standing position, with one leg bent and pulled to the waist, you need to do 15 squats, first on one, then on the second leg. Keep your stomach tight all the time.
  2. Squat crunches are performed with a tight stomach. Stand up, put your legs apart, arms at your sides, sit down as much as possible. Tilt the body until it is parallel to the floor, then reach with your hand to the opposite leg, straining the press and twisting. Strongly draw in the stomach, straighten up. On each side you need to do 15 movements.
  3. A good jump squat exercise. From a standing position, you need to do a squat, then jump up without changing the width of the legs. Such jumps should be performed at least ten.


The exercise is based on special breathing (as in infants), in which not the sternum rises, but the stomach. You need to master the technique slowly, gradually, listening to your body. For the first few lessons, you can simply master the exercise and only after that begin to perform body flex. The breathing technique looks like this: exhale - inhale - exhale - pause - relaxation.

  • Exhale completely through your mouth.
  • Inhale forcefully through your nose, puffing up your belly.
  • Exhale completely through your mouth and tighten your stomach.
  • Hold your breath for ten seconds, pulling your stomach in as much as possible.
  • Breathe in and relax.

How to get rid of belly fat for men

First you need to pay attention to the press, oblique abdominal muscles, lower back. These muscles are involved almost all day when a person walks, picks up objects, bends over. To lose weight and put the press in order, a man needs to start going to the gym, where the trainer will offer him an individual set of exercises. The most effective for weight loss can be called the following of them:

  • lifting legs on the uneven bars and the crossbar;
  • exercise "climber";
  • twisting on the press, on a fitness ball.
  • side exercise;
  • dumbbell press.

Burning belly fat in men should begin with a warm-up, each exercise is performed up to 20 times in three sets. The addition of a set of exercises to running, swimming, cycling will help to achieve results faster. For very obese men, intensifying training is dangerous for health, you should first adjust the diet, bring activity to life and lose a few pounds. You can start with 30-minute walks at a brisk pace and increase your walking time to two hours in 10 days.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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In order for the body to be beautiful and healthy, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition is one of the components of such a lifestyle, but do not forget about physical health. Statistics say that today every third person is overweight. We are not talking about extra 100 kilograms, here we mean small reserves of fat that are debugged in both men and women, on the sides and abdomen.

In most cases, men are not as worried about their “belly” as women, for whom extra pounds are an eternal problem and a headache. You can lose weight by dieting, but exercise will help you effectively and quickly get rid of excess weight, hanging sides, and, among other things, will make your body toned and your body healthy.

Effective Fat Burning Exercises

First of all, I would like to note that today being beautiful and fit is not only good, but also fashionable. This trend has become popular relatively recently, but it is already widespread, both among young people and among middle-aged people.

Fashion for sports can be called both beautiful and useful, so today playing sports means being in trend and it's really great. Many people think that without a gym and an individual trainer it is impossible to get in shape, but this opinion is erroneous, because everything is in the hands of a person, and they will help you to make your body fit and beautiful. fat burning exercises at home. Here the main desire and, importantly, the right approach.

Before you start playing sports at home, you need to learn about a number of rules and recommendations that you need to listen to and follow. In order for homework to be beneficial and effective, you need to know the basic recommendations about this:

  1. Set a goal. This is very important, because aimless sports will not bring much result, which means that there is a chance that you will waste your strength and nerves in vain. If the main goal is to lose weight, you need to remember that sports at home should be regular, and long enough - three times a week will be enough. If you have a desire to just keep your physical shape, exercising twice a week is the norm.
  2. Regularity of classes. This factor is also important for achieving the goals. In order to burn fat on the sides and abdomen, you need to accustom your body to constant and progressive loads, otherwise your rare workouts will not give any result.
  3. Remember that and Excess can't lead to anything good.. This also applies to sports at home. Every day you can not bother your body with physical activity. The body must have time to recover, this is a mandatory rule for playing sports at home. Daily training is allowed only for professional athletes.

  1. Before proceeding to home exercises to burn fat, you must prepare your body - warm it up. Each workout should begin with a warm-up, otherwise, you can injure the muscles, causing physical harm to the body.
  2. Sports time. The length of the workout matters. In order to lose extra pounds and burn fat where it is not needed, you need to exercise for at least 30 minutes. In this case, the longer you play sports, the more fat you will be able to burn during this activity.
  3. Don't end your workout abruptly. After finishing the last exercise, keep moving for 10 minutes, do not immediately lie down on the sofa or bed. Walk around the house, apartment, and when the body cools down, and breathing returns to normal, you can do other things.
  4. It is forbidden do the same exercises constantly, they need to be changed. Our body, muscles, over time get used to certain exercises, and in order for fat to be removed from the abdomen and sides effectively, the body needs variety.
  5. It is impossible to lose 10 kg in one week of playing sports at home and tighten your body. Everything in the body should happen gradually. Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the individual structure and susceptibility of the organism. The rate of fat burning and the process of losing weight may depend on this.
  6. If you are the owner of chronic diseases, it is best before you start exercises to burn belly fat, consult your doctor to avoid the so-called "side effects" of exercising at home. The main rule is do not harm your body.

Fat burning exercises for women

Regular exercise should be a carefully planned process that takes into account all of the above factors, and do not forget that exercises for men and women are different. This is due to the difference in the structure of the body.

No one says that the exercises will differ dramatically, there are just some nuances that should be taken into account when planning workouts. The female body is no less hardy than the male, but at the same time, not so strong, so this factor plays an important role in the lesson in question.

Do not think that in order to effectively burn subcutaneous fat, it is necessary to perform supernatural and heavy exercises, the main thing in this matter is to perform them correctly. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Properly performed simple exercises will bring effective and long-awaited results. Exercises can be elementary, but if they are performed correctly, the fat on the sides will melt before our eyes.

Here is one of the many effective and simple workouts for burning fat on the sides:

  • Exercise "mill". Everyone knows this exercise since school. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, socks at an angle of 45 degrees. We make inclinations to each leg, touch the tips of our toes with our feet - 15 times on each side.

  • Next exercise: feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. We make inclinations in each direction 15 times, alternately, while tilting the body to the side as much as possible, helping with the hand.

  • Standing twist. Hands behind the head, feet shoulder-width apart, raise one leg and tilt the body along with the arm to the side, 15 times on each side.

By doing these simple exercises correctly, the very next day you will feel how your side muscles work and fat is burned on them.

Fat burning exercises for men

Men suffer from excess fat on the sides and abdomen no less than women, they just, in most cases, they do not attach much importance to this. But, today, as mentioned earlier, being a slender and pumped-up guy is not only beautiful, but also fashionable, so guys should know how to get rid of annoying and unnecessary fat on their sides and stomach.

Since men are stronger, and to some extent, more enduring than women, they determine the number of repetitions on their own, taking into account their feelings and physical capabilities. For a short but intense workout, you will need a towel and a glass of water.

  • Take a sip of water, pick up a towel, stretch it to the maximum, and in this position twist it with your whole torso, without relaxing your arms, alternately, in different directions. The number of repetitions depends on the physical form. After completing this exercise, drink some water.
  • The second exercise is also performed with a towel. We stretch the towel to the maximum, keep our hands in constant tension. We squat a little so that the legs feel tension. We put tense hands with a towel in front of us, and in this position we linger for 30 seconds. We repeat this exercise several times. We drink water.
  • The third exercise: we get on all fours, cross our legs together and start push-ups. The depth and number of repetitions depends on physical fitness.

Such a workout will take no more than 30 minutes, but is really productive.

Exercises to burn belly fat

Belly fat is a real problem for both women and men. You can get rid of such trouble by properly performing fat burning exercises. First you need to warm up a little and stretch, prepare the body for physical exertion.

So, the order and correct execution of exercises for fat burning:

  • Push ups. The legs are crossed, the body is straight at an angle of 90 0. After it becomes very difficult to do push-ups in this position, we kneel down and continue push-ups until you feel a shiver in your whole body. We perform the exercise at an intense pace.
  • Intense jumps. Jumping up, we keep our hands on our sides, spreading our legs and connecting them. You set the pace yourself.
  • Jump Squats. Hands can be kept on the sides, we squat deeply and jump high up. We repeat this exercise at an intense pace. The number of times depends on physical fitness.
  • Sumo style squat. Wide setting of the legs, deeply squat, when lifting the body up, raise the leg up.

  • Squat with leg swing. Wide setting of the legs, deep squatting, when lifting the body up, we swing the leg, each leg, in turn.
  • Press exercise. Standard lifting of the body when fixing the legs. We go down and up quickly enough, preferably at the same pace.

It is important to perform all these exercises one after another without rest, at an intense pace, a large number of times. Such regular training will bring noticeable results in a week.

Side Fat Burning Exercises

French sides - the accumulation of fat deposits under the skin in the lumbar region and on the buttock. Causes of occurrence - the appearance of excess weight. They appear very quickly with malnutrition and in the absence of any physical activity. They are especially clear in the autumn-winter period, when we begin to move less and eat more. Getting rid of them is not as easy as building them up.

Nothing is impossible, and properly performed physical exercises will help get rid of fat deposits on the sides. To do this, you will need dumbbells, but since not every home has such equipment, they can be replaced with plastic sand bottles. Organizing such dumbbells will not be a problem, the main thing is that the bottles are the same, both in volume and in weight:

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in hands. Push the hips forward, pinching the buttocks. There shouldn't be any bends. Raise your shoulders up, then take them back, and gently lower them down. The lower part of the body, below the waist, must be motionless. The number of repetitions is determined independently.
  • Side bends with dumbbells. We stand in the same position as in the previous exercise. But now we do tilts to the side, the back is even. The legs are motionless. Each side should be done the same number of times, regardless of which part of the torso is stronger.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, the pelvis is motionless, we bring the dumbbells together, you can take them to the lock for weighting. We bring the elbows in line with the shoulders, the pelvis is slightly pushed forward. We take a breath and scroll the body in one direction, then in the other. The number of repetitions is determined independently, each time increasing their number.

Such simple exercises will help you get rid of excess fat deposits on your sides. The main thing is not to be lazy and correctly perform all the exercises listed above.

Cardio exercises to burn fat

Excellent exercises for burning fat are cardio exercises, which can also be performed at home.

  1. Rope jumping - we jump fast, a lot and for a long time. We make several approaches. You can change the type of jumps: on two legs, raising legs one by one, etc.

  1. Jumps - we jump a lot, high, raise our hands up when jumping, bring our legs together and spread them apart. The exercise is called "Asterisk".

Jumping rope and without it is a great cardio workout for all muscle groups. Burn fat, lose weight, increase your endurance and keep your body in good shape. Simple and effective. The regularity of exercise is the main factor for achieving your goal.

Taking care of your body, its appearance through sports, you will not only be beautiful, but also healthy.

Video: Burn fat

Are you trying to lose weight and don't know which fat-burning workout is the most effective and whether you need to perform aerobic exercise or can you do without cardio workouts? In this article, we will share with you five effective complexes, they include the best fat burning exercises that will help you lose weight fast!

We all know what it's like: spring is in full swing, summer is fast approaching, and you don't have time to start a full three-month weight loss program to lose weight by summer.

Fortunately for you, there is another way to earn the coveted six-pack abs for the summer.

Simply add a couple of short, fat-burning workouts to your current training program and kick start your weight loss without significantly changing your workout routine.

Each fat burning workout from the list is suitable for men and women, the differences will only be in the working weights. You do not have to come up with a summer weight loss program yourself.

Choose your own sets for the buttocks and hamstrings, back and core, full body, supersets for arms and shock workouts for the chest and shoulders, combine them at your discretion, and introduce them into your weekly split, work with heavy weights, and have fun from the process.

No thinking and planning - just take it and train, and this summer will be guaranteed to be the most slender in your life!

Kom Plex 1: Percussion training of the lower body on the buttocks and hamstrings

This fat-burning workout in the gym for girls will help not only lose those extra pounds. You can improve the tone of the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh.

The buttocks and biceps of the thighs often cause a lot of problems for women, but such training will not hurt the guys either.

  1. superset

"Good morning"

3 sets, 10-12 reps

Hyperextension (back extension)

  1. Rise on socks standing

  1. superset

Barbell Hip Thrusts

Glute bridge on one leg

4 sets, 10 reps per leg

4 x 10 per leg

  1. Lunges back with a barbell (or in the Smith machine)

4 x 10 per leg

  1. Wide stance barbell squat

3 sets, 10 reps

  1. Bending the legs in the simulator while sitting

3 x 8 per leg

Secrets of exercise technique

Good Morning Barbell / Back Extension: Lean forward at the hip joint with a straight back. Be careful to keep your neck neutral and keep your shoulders level. As you straighten your back, lock your chin and round your upper back to put more pressure on your buttocks.

Rise on socks standing: Aim to fully stretch the muscles at the bottom of the amplitude with each repetition to the count of 1. Maintain control and do not spring as you lift up.

Barbell Hip Thrust / Single Leg Hip Thrust: You may need to stock up on two barbells for this superset so that you can quickly switch to a lighter weight when doing a single leg exercise if necessary. This movement is similar to regular hip-thrusts with only one leg off the floor.

: Keep your non-working leg straight, lift it off the floor and take it back as you lower the body. It will serve as a counterbalance to you. Shift your weight onto the heel of your planted foot, and keep your hips and shoulders symmetrical as you lean down on each rep.

Lunges back in the Smith machine: The Smith machine version of the exercise is no different than the barbell back lunge. This way you gain more stability, and you can concentrate on moving your legs, and not on maintaining balance.

Wide stance barbell squat: Squat down for a full 4 seconds. Squat as low as possible without letting your heels leave the floor. Your goal is to reach a point where your thighs are at least parallel to the floor.

Bending the legs in the simulator with one leg: Most leg curl machines have only one long roller to fit both legs. For a one-legged exercise, shift your body weight on the machine a little so that your ankle is directly in the center of the roller, otherwise you may strain your knee.

Set ex 2: back, trapezium and core workout

The back and core muscles work synergistically to form an efficient and dynamic team for intense fat burning strength training. This set of exercises is crammed with supersets for back muscles. Then, to finish off, you'll switch to supersets for traps and abs.

  1. superset

Deadlift with barbell

5 sets, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps

  1. superset

Vertical pull with a wide grip

Incline dumbbell row

  1. superset

Rod pull from the floor

Pulling the block down with straight arms

  1. superset

Narrow grip vertical chest row

Reverse Bent over Row

  1. superset

Perform sitting

  1. superset

4 sets to failure

Twisting on the bench for the press

4 sets to failure

Secrets of technology

Deadlift / Wide Grip Pull-ups: Doing 4 sets of exercises is not suitable for fat burning training, but this complex provides a high pace of exercise to accelerate your anaerobic fat loss. Rest no more than 1-2 minutes between supersets. You may not be able to lift as heavy as you could if you were to rest 3-4 minutes between sets when you get to 4 reps. However, the reduction in weight is more than offset by the overall intensity as training volume increases during the workout.

Wide Grip Vertical Row / Incline Dumbbell Row: In this superset, aim to maintain a 1:2:1:2 tempo where the negative phase lasts 1 second with a 2-second pause at the starting point of the amplitude, followed by an explosive 1-second positive phase and a 2-second pause in the fully flexed position. . Perform each exercise in this mode, observing the correct technique.

Pulling the bar from the floor / Pulling the block down with straight arms: In this superset, change the tempo of the exercise to 4:2:1:2: 4-second negative phase, 2-second pause, jerky 1-second positive contraction, and a full 2 ​​second pause with contraction hold.

Narrow Grip Vertical Row / Reverse Dumbbell Row: Try to sit with a straight back as you perform close-grip vertical rows, pulling the handle down to the top of your chest and resisting the temptation to lean back and arch your lower back. If you lean back, the exercise becomes more like rowing.

Barbell Shrugs / Seated Dumbbell Shrugs: In this superset, speed up the exercise to 1:0:1:2 by jerking through the concentric phase of each rep without any pause before contraction and with a 2-second hold at the top.

Hanging Leg Raises / Crunches on the Abs Bench: If you still have strength left, you can do an additional seventh superset after this ab combo, choosing two more exercises such as reverse crunches and crunches, crunches on the bench with a twist of the body and a 30-second plank, or a jackknife exercise and dragon flag.

Complex 3: Double circular training for all muscles of the body

These two combinations of exercises will get you moving in many directions. Instead of focusing on one part of the body, we will make all muscle groups move and work together to burn calories and develop strength and endurance. This fat burning circuit workout for men and women must be done at a high intensity in order to quickly achieve impressive results.

  1. Combination 1: Repeat 3 times

Barbell lunge walking

15 reps per leg

10 repetitions

Front Squat with Barbell Press

15 repetitions

Twisting bike

30 repetitions

  1. Combination 2: Repeat 3 times

Sprint on a spin bike

Jump Squats

10 repetitions

Lunges back with dumbbells

With lifting dumbbells for biceps

10 repetitions

You can do the first exercise in two ways: move forward with each lunge, stepping forward on the floor first with one foot, then with the other; either step forward with one foot, then return to the starting position, and lunge with your left foot.

Next, start doing burpees as vigorously as possible, and those 10 reps will fly by. Switch equipment and move on to the press-up squat, also known as barbell thrusters. Choose a weight that you can press, not one that you can squat with.

When performing bicycle twists, do not lock your hands behind your head, pressing on your neck. Instead, gently place your hands behind your head to lightly support your head and neck, with your fingertips barely touching.

If there is no spin bike, a regular upright or recumbent exercise bike will do. Whichever one you choose, work as hard as you can for 20 seconds, and start jumping squats.

If you can't squat deep enough while doing jump squats, try touching your fingers to the floor between your knees on each rep. When doing a combination of reverse lunges and leg curls on the machine, choose a weight with which you can perform curls.

While doing the plank, do not let the hips sag, trying to stretch the body in one line. Constantly monitor the position of the body, correcting it if necessary, so that the body remains straight from the heels to the head.

These simple yet powerful full body fat burning exercises can be expended with minimal equipment, so you can do it at home by replacing your exercise bike with a jump rope or running in place.

Complex 4: Hand training for relief

Biceps, triceps, and forearms are small muscle groups, but you can still boost your metabolism if you lift heavy weights and shorten your rest time. Between supersets and trisets, rest for 30-60 seconds, and do not stop completely during the exercise, except to move from one to another.

  1. superset

5 sets, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps

French bench press with EZ bar

5 x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4

  1. superset

Triceps press in the block

Sitting dumbbell curls

5 x 15 (alternate)

  1. superset


seated french press

  1. triset

Sitting Reverse Wrist Curl

Biceps curl on the lower block

Diamond push ups

5 sets to failure

Secrets of technology

Standing Barbell Curl / French Bench Press on a horizontal bench: You can do any of these exercises with both regular and EZ bar. Both bars give different sensations and affect the muscles slightly differently due to the change in the position of the wrists. The choice is yours.

W-Handle Triceps Down Press / Seated Dumbbell Alternate Curl: In this superset, try to keep the rhythm 1:0:1:2. This is a 1-second negative phase without a pause at the end, then a 1-second positive phase and a 2-second pause in a fully flexed position. Changing the pace of the exercise in a new way stimulates the muscles, especially if you are used to training at the same rhythm all the time.

Dumbbell Hammer Exercise / Seated Dumbbell French Press: Change your rhythm to 4:0:1:2. Similarly, the first number is the time to complete the eccentric phase in seconds, the second number is the pause at what can be considered the starting position (zero means there is no pause between repetitions), the third number is the concentric movement, in which you are essentially doing the main work, and the fourth is the peak reduction.

Barbell Wrist Curls / W-Handle Low Pulldown Biceps Curls / Diamond Pushups: With these three exercises, you work the muscles from smallest to largest. When you move on to push-ups, your hands should be begging for mercy. To finally finish off your hands, try to finish the complex with a few additional push-ups with a wide stance. They are lighter than diamond ones, since the main load falls on the chest muscles.

Complex 5: Program for the chest and shoulders

If you are in the process of losing weight, this fat burning workout will replace your usual chest and delt complex, you can improve your shape and lose weight. It's not much different from regular mass-building training, but reducing rest periods to less than 30 seconds stimulates intense calorie expenditure.

  1. Incline dumbbell bench press head up

4 sets, 10-12 reps

  1. Dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench

  1. Lifting dumbbells in front of you


3 sets, 8 heavy reps (plus 8 light reps each set)

  1. Raising your arm to the side while lying on your side on an incline bench

3-4 x 10 (plus 10 dropsets)

Secrets of exercise technique

For all three pressing exercises, increase the weight with each set to reach failure at 10 reps of the last set.

To work your chest muscles in a slightly unusual way, use a neutral grip (palms facing each other) when doing dumbbell presses on an incline bench, instead of a regular grip with palms forward.

When doing the bench press on a horizontal bench, take advantage of the dumbbells and lower them as deep as possible at the bottom of the amplitude in order to properly stretch the muscles. In the lower position, the dumbbells should be close to the body, while the elbows are fully bent and directed to the floor.

When doing arm raises in front of you, do not lean back from the working arm when your shoulders start to get tired. Bend your legs slightly and stand straight, focusing on the work of the front bundles of deltas.

When doing side raises, the first 10 reps should be heavy, so choose a weight that will reach failure at 8-10 reps. Then quickly switch to a lighter weight - about 30% lighter - and squeeze out another 10 extra reps. Do all sets in this mode, and then move on to chin rows. By this time, your shoulders will be tired, but despite the burning sensation in the muscles, do not rush, and pause at the top of the amplitude with each repetition to accentuate muscle contraction.

Each fat burning training program does not include special exercises, you can change the complexes, but follow the requirements for the intensity of training and you will see relief muscles on the body. Together with a competent one, you can lose weight in the abdomen and see the press cubes in 6-8 weeks.