Taurus from whom to which. Description of the zodiac sign Taurus

Taurus is the earth zodiac sign.

Description of Taurus: As a rule, they have a tightly built, often dense figure; men have broad shoulders, a strong scruff, and the lower half of the body often lacks massiveness. Generally good, smooth, matte skin. Taurus loves comfort, delicious food, good wine, and values ​​both the sexual and spiritual side of love - all this is necessary for him to achieve spiritual harmony. Feels a connection with nature and knows how to enjoy it. He loves money and savings; as a rule, his income is stable. He does not like to embark on adventures, he is a sober conservative by nature, he really does not like any surprises and innovations, hasty reforms.

Stubborn, especially in what seems fundamentally important. You can’t get anything out of him by force, he doesn’t forget an insult for a long time, although he’s not prone to open quarrels - he’s quite patient. But it is better not to test his patience - in anger he can become aggressive. He prefers to dress expensively and well, focusing on what never goes out of fashion. Endowed with good taste and a sense of beauty.

1) First type Taurus associated with the element - Earth. Describing the Taurus zodiac sign of this type, we can say that these people quickly acquire a tendency to be overweight, a rough face retains beauty, and a steep forehead. They are characterized by sybaritism and sensuality. By nature, such a person is gentle, calmly, like an ox, pulling the yoke of life. At the lowest level, he is somewhat dull, someone else’s thought does not reach him right away, and is somewhat rude. He is optimistic, cheerful, knows how to appreciate everything beautiful and comfortable, and if he does something, he does it firmly and thoroughly. He is somewhat lazy and slow, he needs a “driver”, otherwise he will fall asleep right at work. She chooses her partner long and carefully, looking for vital support in her partner. It’s reliable with him, but especially freedom-loving signs - Gemini and Aquarius - get bored with him.

2) Second type Taurus associated with the element - Fire. The type is much sharper and more aggressive, a freedom-loving wild bull. The figure is more toned and lean, but the neck is dense, bullish. Hard-working, hardy, practical, but they get to work only when there is no other choice. They are quick-tempered, jealous, and love rude jokes.

3) Third type Taurus associated with Pluto, who is here in exile; subtype "bison", element - Water. The description of a Taurus of this type corresponds to a tightly built, short appearance, with a high forehead, thick eyebrows, and deep-set eyes. They are characterized by some kind of magnetism, they can become revolutionary leaders and lead the crowd. Good speakers, if they feel the support of the masses, develop irrepressible energy. Despotic, but good organizers. They are not very happy in love, they may be left without a partner or change their partners too often.

4) The fourth type of Taurus associated with the element Air, the type is associated with the Moon, which is in exaltation. The description of the Taurus zodiac sign of this type is as follows: they have a thin physique and refined manners. They love their home and household, they know how to furnish their home beautifully and comfortably. These people are calm, silent, tender and affectionate in love, and know how to dress with taste. Women remind female images S. Botticelli or O. Renoir.

Taurus - Taurus. April 21 - May 20. Second . His symbol is the head and horns of a Bull. It is a symbol of willpower, perseverance, development and absorption. Fixed sign, soft fertile earth.

Typical representative of the Taurus sign

People of the Venusian type avoid aggression, create a soft atmosphere around themselves, are capable of compromise, but are stubborn inside. This is emotionality, good taste, charm, magnetism. A person who is fruitful in creativity and skill, striving to accumulate material and spiritual benefits, assimilating what has been accumulated, appreciating art and beauty. He is distinguished by efficiency, reliability and loyalty. These are good financiers and economists.

Advantage in character are expressed in the desire to give every thing and phenomenon an accurate assessment, to spend one’s life soberly and in an earthly manner, in the love of beauty. They may have an incentive to cook well, create comfort in the home, and enjoy life with other people. Loving people.

Characteristic softness, tenderness and affection (or laziness), increased sexual need (voluptuousness), natural pleasure from communicating with nature. Patience, endurance, stability of views, psychological stability, the ability to stand firmly on one’s feet, defend one’s capabilities and overcome difficulties.

Negative traitsin case of severe solar damage: uncontrollable self-confidence, capriciousness, lust, complacency, stubbornness, pride, stubbornness. Meanness and dirty tricks towards the opposite sex, a rabid and obsessive character are possible. Obsessive passion above spiritual values, lack of understanding of other people's views. They only consider their own interests. Defiant behavior, extreme extravagance.

Weak side(vulnerability) Taurus is very prone to laziness, gluttony, and has difficulty accepting changes and everything new.

In the horoscope of women The sun is responsible for sex (those born from sunrise to sunset). Therefore, we can say about increased sexual need.

Planets in the zodiac sign Taurus

In your The planets listed below may be:

Ascendant in Taurus (rising sign)

Others often see you as the embodiment of strength, durability, reliability and consistency. The movements are slow, gracefully lazy, but hidden strength is felt in them. You do everything deliberately and methodically, emotionally restrained and secretive. Usually you are a quiet person, you don’t like to fight or take part in loud parties for a long time. Just love peace and react only to what seems important to you. Do not interfere in other people's affairs, but you like not to be interfered with. Material goods, coziness and comfort, stability in everything are very important. Due to your strong sensuality, you experience attraction to the opposite sex.

Patron planet Venus

In the physical world, Venus corresponds to sensual earthly pleasures, love of beauty. A magnetic field.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Friday
  • Numbers 6 and giving a total of 6. For example, 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 115…
  • Substances- metal and alloys, copper, cupronickel, brass, beryllium bronze.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects with yellow, pink, orange - objects of beauty and creativity that bring pleasure and harmony.


A symbol of love and feelings of sympathy, love of harmony and beauty, a sensual attitude towards the world, harmony and reconciliation, a sense of taste, an accurate assessment of quality, an artistic gift, creative imagination, harmony as a symbol of balance, a peaceful relationship with people, a feeling of happiness in relationships, in family, creativity.

Natural and applied sciences, financial spheres and management, banking, management, agriculture, textile production.

Design activities, painting and jewelry, theatrical activities, beauty formula - shaping.

Manifestation of Venus in the horoscope

Personal planet - Venus, creativity, talent, accumulation.

Venus function- this is an assessment of judgments, a choice on an emotional level. Venus determines our tendencies, which is in tune with our “I”.

Quality of Venus- love, tenderness, warmth, deep sympathy, softness, human pliability, inner strength.

Location of Venus in the Zodiac sign shows how a person expresses his feelings in personal relationships. It is also an attitude towards money, personal property, ethical and aesthetic values.

Venus in the houses of the horoscope shows in what areas and in what form a person carries out his financial affairs, artistic, aesthetic and ethical (men's erotic) aspirations.

Second - II house


Planets in the Second House

The second house is identical to the sign of Taurus and the planet Venus.

Second house in the horoscope it predetermines benefits in cash, acquisitions, transactions, the opportunity to earn money on one’s own initiative, with one’s talents and skills. Resolving issues of buying and selling, performing various tasks. Essential needs, pleasures and material wealth, accumulation of spiritual capital and knowledge. Ownership of things, resources, valuables, acquisitions and expenses.

Second house- natural talent, savings. Finance - in the form of cash, non-cash checks, movable property - jewelry, art works. Anything that is of some value.

Unfavorable manifestation of 2nd House: Problems with material well-being, there is no way to manage your material and spiritual state, the spirit of voluptuousness captures the space of talents and the desire to do something with your own hands. Uncontrolled movement and dispersal of funds, the threat of various losses from partners. No desire, conditions, etc. social factors to create a reliable financial rear.

The material used the concept

Events in predictive methods: bank accounts, check (spending); querent's poverty, wealth, stolen property, family friends, movable property, money, employer's children, cousin(sisters) on the father's side, a government official; long-term treasury bills, querent's income or earnings, salary, son-in-law's health (illness), son's (daughter's) career, treasury notes, personal possessions, guardian (of child), prosperity, gifts (to others), lost property, employee's religion, reputation (honor) ) child, querent's funds, son-in-law's employees, maternal aunt's (uncle's) neighbors, safe, securities.

Astrologers Anna Ungar and Lillian Huber. Horary astrology.

Synthetic sign Taurus

You are characterized by a desire for stability and homeliness. You do everything thoughtfully and methodically, but have difficulty adapting to the unexpected. Outwardly, you are a soft person, but you have enormous willpower and stubbornness. You are your own person and do not like to be rushed or pushed into something in which you do not feel confident. It is easy to motivate you, to persuade you to do something with the help of charm, beauty, love, tenderness - but not force. You will not fight anyone, but will simply stubbornly resist any attempt to force you to do something you do not want to do. You look like a calm, indifferent person, but behind your good-natured and peaceful appearance hides enormous strength. When it comes to a contest of willpower, you often win simply because of your relentless persistence, which can overpower anyone. You cannot be led off course if you have set a goal for yourself.
Your shortcomings: You are characterized by selfishness, thirst for pleasure, stinginess, and stubbornness. You experience attraction to the opposite sex, which sometimes leads to excessive abuse of the pleasures of life.

Allegory for Taurus

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed in each of them the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

"To you, Taurus, I give the power to embed the seed into the substance. Your work is very significant, requiring patience, for you must finish everything that has been started, or the seeds will be wasted. You must not doubt or change your mind in the middle, or rely on others in what I ask you to do. For this I give you the gift of Power. Use it wisely."

And Taurus stepped back to his place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Key words in the horoscope for Taurus - Venus - Second House:

“My benefit”, purchases, gifts, consumption, collecting, accumulation, loss or acquisition of things, things for which you can get money. Additional income, sales, wealth, cash, pleasure, stability, perseverance, earning money through your own efforts.

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Tags: Sun in Taurus, zodiac sign Taurus, patron stone, talisman of Taurus, keywords, planet Venus, Second House, Allegory for Taurus, function and quality of Venus

Each person has his own zodiac sign, which is determined depending on his date of birth. It is influenced by the day and month of birth. Each sign has its own characteristics, description, strengths and weaknesses, and compatibility. In this article we will look at the Taurus zodiac type.

Common features

The main characteristics of a person whose Zodiac type is Taurus are practicality, determination, and possession. He is decisive and confident in his own abilities. And since he belongs to the Earth type, he is called upon to deal with material matters. Such a person tries to master all aspects of life, obtain material benefits, and achieve heights. For him, satisfying his needs is one of the main tasks, as is convenience in everything, pleasure from life.

He is active in his work and loves to get results. He needs money not for the sake of owning pieces of paper, but in order to satisfy his needs. Like no one else he appreciates beauty, beautiful and expensive things and objects, stylish clothes, well-groomed appearance. For the sake of emotional and material stability, he is ready to go to great lengths.

Taurus does not really like to understand himself, look for reasons and connections, since he devotes his time to a greater extent to achieving his goals. He likes to plan his life for many years in advance and cannot stand those who prevent him from doing this.


If your child is a Taurus, then from childhood he is very persistent, purposeful, and cheerful. Likes to devote time to art, music, drawing. From the young age he shows persistence in achieving his goal.

And he will behave this way, even if his parents consider the goal frivolous and unnecessary. If the baby decides something, it will last for a long time. Thus, it will be almost impossible to convince a child of the Taurus sign who has decided not to go to kindergarten.

Screaming, scolding, punishing - all this does not work with Taurus, and often gives the opposite results. If he wants something, he will get it. Taurus does not accept standard parenting techniques and will have to fully use his mind and imagination to convince him of something.

Among not the most best qualities– slowness. And this slowness is noticeable only in comparison with other children: it may seem that Taurus is leisurely and takes too long to switch from one task to another. Although this quality is not a minus at all.

Taurus is thorough and does everything for sure; his pace will always be a little slow, no matter what is expected of him, but the result of his actions will be impressive. You just have to come to terms with this feature. If you rush him, the result will be disastrous: everything will fall out of his hands and his nerves will give out.

For children of this sign, as for other representatives of the earthly element, changes are very dangerous, which they perceive with caution, because they become strongly attached to home, parents, friends, and surroundings. Even in adulthood, they will choose the proven “old” over the promising and unknown “new”.

Both children and adults love to travel and get to know new cultures, but they only do this when a warm home awaits them.

For such a child, you should not spare money on education or familiarization with culture, since he will appreciate it and be able to use it in the future.

The main priority of Taurus is reliability and safety, the need for a period of calm after fast and frantic activity. However, they are not averse to making love affairs and winning hearts, and a good sex life is very important to them, despite their sentimentality - manifested in both great love and fleeting romantic relationships.

No one will doubt your loyalty and reliability. You hate uncertainty of any kind, especially uncertainty in personal relationships. All your attachments are long-lasting, stable and extremely strong. That is why Taurus are ardent opponents of divorce and are capable of any effort to maintain a calm and strong marriage.

They can be called the “anchor” of their marriage partner; they are generous and reliable “getters”. At the same time, they are cordial, have considerable sexual energy and a wonderful sense of humor.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus

Symbol: bull.

Ruling planet: Venus.

Characteristics of the sign: earthly - motionless - negative.

Builder, manufacturer sign.

Taurus Personality: Kind-hearted, pragmatic, materialistic, practical, artistic, self-indulgent, attentive and careful, reliable, patient and stubborn.

Positive traits: practicality, reliability, artistry, generosity, perseverance and loyalty, humanity and kindness.

Negative qualities: stubbornness, greed, tendency to bias and prejudice, rudeness and down-to-earthness, laziness and self-indulgence, limited outlook.

Personality characteristics of Taurus

Your sign is an "earth" sign, giving you a sense of stability and orienting you towards material values, while your ruling planet, Venus, gives you a love of beauty, beautiful things and delicious food. Because of this fundamental contradiction (you are driven by both artistic aspirations and crude materialism), people consider you obsessed with money or attribute to you claims to a special, subtle artistic taste.

"Taurus" works best in areas where both people and money are involved - such as banks, large corporations, etc. Essentially, this is the sign of a builder—you were born with the desire to create new things.

You are sensual - not only in the sense of craving for gross physical pleasures, but also in relation to all the beautiful things that money can buy - even such as a good house. "Taurus" people have enormous sexual energy and are gourmets and gluttons at the same time. They are extremely hospitable and love to treat and help themselves.

The character of the “Taurus” is known - it takes a long time to harness, but drives unusually fast (and then can be dangerous!) True, the outbursts of rage of the “Taurus” are not very long; their angry roar rather serves as a safety valve for them. Sometimes it “takes a long time for them to get it,” but when they form their views, their views are firm and stable. This makes them consistent and persistent in all their undertakings.

You are easily moody and anxious when you have nothing to do: you like to be busy all the time. You know a lot about the supply of goods and can be a good administrator. Your sense of beauty and your practicality not only make you a good home owner, but also allow you to be a true professional home interior designer. You are truly hardworking and care deeply about your friends, family and relatives.

Your views are characterized by a combination of realism and mysticism. You think that you will reach God through hard work - thus you are capable of becoming an ideal karma yogi. Your life purpose is clearly defined, although it is not at all easy for others to understand what is on your mind and what your next step will be in the next minute.

Your steadfastness is truly impressive. The fight is carried out without hesitation, defeat cannot break you. You are able to achieve your goal because you never lose hope and rarely despair. You are a traditionalist, and your relationships with colleagues and superiors are friendly and respectful. You are an excellent organizer, but there is also a desire to gain, to “snatch” from life, and you follow it with your usual dedication.

Taurus as a friend

You are able to be patient, persistent and persuasive. You good friend, albeit not particularly outstanding; For your friends, you always have time, money, useful and practical advice in stock. You often compromise your desires in order to preserve friendship - after all, your attachments are strong, and you are afraid of losing a friend, preferring to see him happy and satisfied with you.

Taurus as a father

You are aware of your tendency to stick to your chosen path and should not overprotect your children, especially when they first want to leave home. But, unfortunately, you may also not be willing to meet them halfway.

Taurus as a mother

You have the same tendency to be overprotective of your children, considering them your property. You will do everything in your power for the good behavior and beautiful appearance of your sons or daughters; by saving and saving when necessary, you will provide them with good clothes, Interesting games and even music lessons. You are so keen on making your children look beautiful that you often forget about your own proper appearance in their eyes. You must also admit that you do not adapt to new things very easily and must keep up with the times so as not to lose contact and avoid quarrels with your children.

A look at the decades

As we already mentioned, each of the zodiac signs contains 30 degrees; in turn, they can be divided into three decades of 10 degrees each.

It is known that although all those born between April 21 and May 20 are “Taurus”, their character traits may be different due to the difference in decades.

You are pleasure-loving and sensual; you should learn self-control. You are able to constantly change your point of view in an effort to control other people. You can shine by performing works of theatrical or musical art, acting in films, painting, or in the hotel or restaurant business.

If you were born between May 2 and May 11 (second decanate), you are ruled by Mercury and can choose from many things - artist, lawyer, teacher, editor, diplomat, chemist, salesman - to honor your undeniable and versatile talents. Your innate caution helps you get ahead and shadows you at the same time, allowing you to subtly and skillfully outperform others.

Your attitude towards life is firm and uncompromising. It is impossible to knock out an idea that has taken root in your head. Although this gives you a sense of purpose, dedication, it puts you within a very narrow framework. Your possible activities may successfully include real estate, land, Agriculture and horticulture (in general, everything related to the earth), engineering, entrepreneurship and management activities.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between April 18-22, then your birth date fell during the Aries/Taurus transition.

Sign of power. The love for form, color, design, architecture, and music is clearly expressed. The physical and artistic sides of character are very strong, which gives the person a very bright, charismatic personality. Ego problems can ruin a good quiet life. Having become an athlete, military man, composer, conductor, chemist, pharmacist, scientist, this person can deal with alchemy, gases, minerals, copper, intelligence data, iron, steel.

Possible diseases include gout, diseases of the glands, throat, heart, headaches, insomnia, bruises, and eye diseases.

These people are very stubborn, determined, and usually lucky. Success is in money. Important years: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 36, 42, 51, 60, 66, 69, 72, 91.

If you were born between May 19-22, then your birth date fell during the Taurus/Gemini transition.

Extraordinarily exciting people. However, it is also true that at times you can be very stubborn, inflexible and intractable - this is the difficulty. Caustic wit, devilish temper, the will of a demon, the cunning of a diplomat, both art and science are your friends. And this is proven by a study of the horoscopes of such people. Your real name is versatility. You will easily earn as well as spend money. This is truly wonderful. Not a bad friend. But please don't expect complete fidelity in return for your own. Accept people for who they really are - complex, mood-dependent, changeable.

Health hazards include diseases of the lungs, throat, limbs, chest, sinuses, genitals and tonsils, as well as colds, gout, arthritis and bronchitis.

The most important years of Taurus: 5-6, 14-15, 23-24, 32-33, 41- 42, 50-51, 59-60, 68-69, 77-78, 86-87.

Know what's good for you:

Lucky number Taurus: 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, (series of sixes).

— Taurus’ lucky color: scarlet, red, combinations of red and white.

— Happy Taurus day: Tuesday.

— Lucky flowers and herbs for Taurus: geranium, mustard, honeysuckle, mint.

— Taurus lucky stone: diamond and ruby.

— Taurus talisman: iron (located close to the skin; for example, an iron key).

The characteristics of Taurus will help you better understand this stubborn and contradictory sign. His psychological portrait with weak and strengths Personalities, features of suitable professions and many other nuances you will learn below.

Description of the zodiac sign Taurus

If in a crowd you see a silent person with a strong, deep gaze, it will probably be a Taurus. If he decides to say something, he will speak slowly and express his thoughts as briefly and clearly as possible. This is a peaceful person, he can remain calm for years, even if there is always an irritant next to him. However, if you still manage to piss off Taurus, beware of his anger. In ordinary situations, if you anger Taurus, he will simply become increasingly stubborn.

Taurus do not like popularity, everyone's attention. At the same time, they are quite hospitable and gladly receive guests. In addition, Taurus loves the attention of the opposite sex. However, they are unlikely to actively seek their chosen one. In matters of love and friendship, Taurus are very passive.

Taurus loves painting, music and simply adore their home. For them, this is the main fortress, protection and support. Despite the fact that representatives of this sign usually do not waste money, they do not skimp on purchases for the home.

Those born under the sign of Taurus famous people, like Al Pacino, Robert Pattison, Honore de Balzac, Penelope Cruz, Jessica Alba, Uma Thurman.

Psychological characteristics of the Taurus sign

Taurus is one of the most patient zodiac signs, which only plays into Taurus’ hands. It takes a lot of effort to piss him off. Patience is complemented by generosity, so Taurus do not hold grudges for a long time, easily forgive offenders, and do not make life difficult for themselves.

The second positive side of personality is practicality. He always knows exactly what he can benefit from. This is why Taurus is always with money. We can say that material wealth itself is attracted to representatives of this sign, so that they rarely suffer from poverty.

But no one is perfect. The main negative character trait of Taurus is laziness. It creates problems not only for Taurus themselves, but also for all the people around them.

Negative aspects also include conservatism and excessive stubbornness. It will take a long time to persuade a Taurus to try something new. Well, if he has decided something for himself, don’t even hope to convince him, no matter how right you are.

The element of Taurus and its talismans

Taurus has two heavenly patrons at once: Venus and the Moon. Venus gives Taurus thrift, perseverance and, in general, makes them exactly who they are. The moon also has its own important role. It extinguishes the excessive stubbornness of Taurus, helps them seek compromises and find it easier mutual language with people. But the element of this sign is earth.

Now let's look at the talismans of this sign:

  • lucky numbers: 2, 4, 16;
  • talisman: a figurine of a bull, a figurine of an elephant with a raised trunk (it is important that the figurines are not made of ivory);
  • color: yellow, orange, all shades of green;
  • countries that I help to find spiritual balance: Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland.

Turquoise is the main talisman stone for this zodiac sign. He will help Taurus win in any situation. Agate should be taken with you to all serious events. It gives its owner the gift of oratory. Opal will share psychic abilities with Taurus, but it should not be worn by people with weak psyches, as the problem may worsen. Jade will protect Taurus from diseases. Chrysoprase will increase self-esteem. Chalcedony will protect against stress, bad mood and the bad influence of evil people.

But there are some things Taurus should avoid. First of all, we are talking about silver. It does not suit this zodiac sign. Also, you should not overuse red flowers. Red stones - jet, jade, garnet - can pose a real danger.

Choosing a profession for Taurus

Taurus knows how to make good money, if, of course, he is not lazy. So representatives of this sign can be calm about their future.

Taurus has golden hands. They manage to do everything, no matter what they undertake. They are especially good at all the work that is associated with creating comfort in the home. They are excellent architects, builders, designers, and weavers. They also do a good job with interior decoration premises.

Other professions that suit Taurus include:

  • writer;
  • farmer;
  • animal breeder;
  • cook or pastry chef;
  • restaurant business owner;
  • dealer.

Taurus, unlike many other zodiac signs, is calm about routine work. He will not perform it anyhow, but carefully, observing all the rules. In terms of work, Taurus is a real pedant, so the boss can be calm about the area of ​​work that he entrusted to Taurus.

Taurus Health

Taurus have quite good health. However, even the smallest health problems can have serious consequences for them. The fact is that Taurus will delay visiting the hospital for too long, in the hope that everything will go away on its own. And for preventive purposes, you can’t drag him into the hospital at all.

Vulnerable places for Taurus are the intestines, larynx and throat. They may experience various diseases related to these areas. Diseases often start as something harmless and progress. For example, an ordinary sore throat develops into bronchitis, and then into bronchial asthma. That is why you need to take great care of your throat and be careful when handling cold drinks and foods.

Another problem that Taurus suffers from is obesity. Partly excess weight associated with their laziness, slowness and in a sedentary manner life. It is enough to add regular exercise to protect yourself from this problem.

Now, thanks to , Taurus will become at least a little closer and clearer to you. Lift the veil of secrecy over people born under this amazing sign to better understand them.