When to plant honeysuckle. Detailed instructions for planting honeysuckle

Planting honeysuckle in the garden is a great solution. This magnificent plant will decorate the site with its flowering, and later will bring delicious fruits.

Given the intricacies of planting honeysuckle and care in the open field, it is possible to grow shrubs on your site for several years.

It is difficult to describe this plant, since the general characteristics will be very contradictory.

Types of honeysuckle differ depending on the height of the plant, and there are also ornamental and edible varieties. More than 200 species of shrubs are known.

decorative curly

Curly honeysuckle is used as a garden decoration. It has a high decorative effect, grows widely, braiding everything in its path.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle and Brown can be noted among the most popular varieties.

Variety Honeysuckle can spread branches 6 m wide, and usually grows up to 2.5 m in height. It is perfect for use as a hedge.

Honeysuckle also beautifully braids arbors, so the variety is often grown just for this.

Honeysuckle leaves form "saucers" where flowers later appear. During fruiting, red berries can be seen on the plant.

Leaves, flowers and fruits of the Brown honeysuckle cultivar

The Brown variety is distinguished by the fact that it tolerates winter under cover, as it does not tolerate cold.

During flowering, orange inflorescences are formed. Does not bear fruit in cold regions.

edible garden

Among edible garden honeysuckle, Tatarskaya is considered the most common.

Her main feature- resistance to harsh conditions.

The edible Tatar honeysuckle shrub grows to a height of 2.5 m.

Flowers can only be seen in the third year of cultivation.

The color of the inflorescences depends on the plant variety. After flowering, red fruits appear on the shrub.

Growing edible honeysuckle of different varieties will diversify the palette. Shrubs can bloom with yellow, white-green inflorescences, and the berries are blue, red.

Planting honeysuckle in the backyard

To understand how to grow honeysuckle in a garden plot, you need to consider
the fact that not all varieties are suitable for different regions.

Some are frost-resistant, while others, on the contrary, grow only in warm places.

achieve best result the right planting material will help.

The choice of seedling varieties and features of their development

When buying seedlings, consider the following:

  1. It is recommended to give preference to planting material from specialized nurseries.
  2. Adult plants should not be chosen, as they adapt worse in a new place and begin to bear fruit late.
  3. Planting material up to 20 cm high is also not suitable, it has not yet had time to develop sufficiently.
  4. Seedlings must have such qualities that they grow and develop well. That is why the choice of variety depends on climatic conditions specific region.
  5. The seedling should be about 2 years old.
  6. It is recommended to plant 3 different species on the site. The fact is that this improves pollination, and leads to an increase in yield.
  7. Plants with an open root system adapt faster, but you can also purchase a closed one.

The culture is early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening, among them popular varieties:

  • honeysuckle moraine;
  • Blue bird;
  • Leningrad giant.

Among mid-seasons:

  • Amphora;
  • Zest;
  • Azure.

Late-ripening varieties include a popular variety - Kamchadalka honeysuckle.

Site selection and soil preparation for planting

If it is impossible to select such conditions, the shrub can be identified in a place with a predominance of shade.

Note! When planting a shrub, it is highly recommended not to choose low-lying areas where moisture stagnates. It will grow poorly in areas with overdried soil.

The shrub is not too picky about the soil, but when planted in fertile soil with medium acidity, it will develop rapidly.

If the land is too poor, it is prepared in advance. Nutrients are added and allowed to brew for 1.5 months.

Planting honeysuckle seedlings

It is best to transplant honeysuckle to a new place in the fall. It is important to correctly calculate the distance between the bushes when planting.

Too often planted plants will grow strongly in the future. They will be difficult to care for.

In addition, the sun's rays will not penetrate all parts of the shrub, which can provoke the appearance of various pests and the occurrence of diseases.

A shrub by the age of 6 is a plant 160-180 cm high and 120-150 cm wide.

Thus, the minimum distance between the bushes should be 150-200 m.

Reproduction of honeysuckle

There are several ways to grow honeysuckle: from seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush.

The seed method is the longest, unlike it, it is much faster to divide the bush into several small ones or plant cuttings.

In this case, fruiting will begin much faster.

seed way

A shrub blooms and bears fruit with this method of cultivation only in the fifth year of life. It is used extremely rarely.

Sowing honeysuckle seeds is carried out in October as follows:

  1. Choose a wide, but low container.
  2. Fill containers with sand and water.
  3. Spread the seeds on the surface of the sand.
  4. Sprinkle a little sand and cover the containers with a film.
  5. Next, the containers are cleaned in the refrigerator for the whole winter.

Every 2 weeks, the containers are taken out and looked at the moisture content of the sand. If it is dry, water it and put it back in the refrigerator.

To grow a shrub from seeds, with the onset of spring they are transplanted into containers filled with earth. The containers are covered with a film until sprouts appear.

At this time, there are no special features for caring for honeysuckle. The sprouts must be monitored and the soil regularly moistened.

So the seedlings develop throughout the summer. Honeysuckle is planted in autumn.

Secrets of planting cuttings in the ground

Propagation of edible honeysuckle by cuttings allows you to get a rich harvest.

One of the main points of this method of cultivation is the correct choice and preparation of planting material.

In early spring, before bud break, cuttings 15 cm long are selected. The diameter of the planting material should be 7-8 mm.

Dig a hole 10-20 cm deep in the chosen place.

Placed in a hole so that the 2 upper kidneys remain on the surface.

For better rooting, water and cover with a film. In about 3-4 weeks they will be fully rooted.

Growing and caring for honeysuckle in the middle lane

Proper planting, caring for honeysuckle in the spring significantly increase the chances of getting a good harvest.

The climate in different regions is different, so each has its own distinctive features regarding the cultivation of shrubs.

Planting and caring for honeysuckle in the Moscow region is best done in the fall, not in the spring.

At this stage, the development of the root system slows down, the plant adapts faster. In the spring, shrubs are planted only in cases of emergency.


For culture, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for active growth and development.

The shrub is watered abundantly during the period of fruit formation.

You need to water the plant every day, while at least 1.5 buckets of water are spent on one bush.

During prolonged drought, watering is increased, and during prolonged rains, reduced or stopped watering for a while.


The yield directly depends on whether fertilizers are applied during its growth, development or not.

Organic fertilizers are used to fertilize honeysuckle in the spring before planting. This helps to accelerate the development of the shrub.

If the soil is too acidic, add dolomite flour, lime.

In the first, second year of the life of the shrub, it is not necessary to fertilize, since the necessary substances were introduced before planting. They will last a couple of years. The following top dressing is carried out as follows:

  1. In autumn, wood ash, compost, and superphosphate are added to the soil.
  2. Fertilize with ammonium nitrate and urea in early spring. Dilute 15 g of a useful substance per 10 liters of water.
  3. In the middle of summer, after fruiting, they are fed with nitrophoska, nitroammofoska. For 10 liters of water, 25-30 g of fertilizer are consumed.

Diseases and pests

Failure to follow the rules for caring for a plant, insufficient lighting can cause many problems.

The most common diseases of edible honeysuckle:

white spotting- a fungal disease often affects the plant. You can find out about its appearance by gray-brown spots with a white center on the leaves.

High humidity aggravates the situation. Spraying with Fundazol will help to cope with the problem;

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease. Grayish spots form on the leaves. Over time, powdery spots spread throughout the plant.

The disease spreads rapidly when the shrub grows in the shade. The plant lacks light, soil drainage;

Drying of branches - the causative agents of the disease are fungi. Already in June, you can see how the branches begin to dry.

You can detect the disease by reddish tubercles on the branches. For prevention, the plant is treated with Bordeaux liquid in early spring and after flowering.

Among the pests note:

  • pink leaflet- brown butterfly Its caterpillars eat the leaves;
  • aphid - most often attacks the shrub. The aphid sucks the juice from the plant;
  • gooseberry moth- motley butterfly. Its caterpillars feed on shrub leaves.

Important! Processing of edible varieties in the spring is unacceptable. There is a risk of getting chemicals on the ovaries. In autumn, all damaged shoots are removed and burned.

Features of working with soil and pruning

Throughout the growth of the shrub, he needs regular weeding, loosening.

The porous soil promotes the penetration of oxygen to the roots of the plant. It is starting to develop.

Weeds take useful trace elements from the soil, so it is important to remove them in time.

When is the best time to prune in spring or autumn?

The honeysuckle plant needs to be pruned. You can increase productivity or decorativeness with the help of timely pruning.

New branches begin to grow faster if old or damaged shoots are removed.

It is best to prune honeysuckle in autumn or early spring. It is recommended to be in time before the onset of cold weather and do it in November.

Ornamental species need pruning to form stems. Edible varieties are pruned when the plant reaches 8-10 years of age.

Features of pruning young and old honeysuckle

This item also has some features. Pruning edible honeysuckle before the age of 5 years is the removal of empty branches.

These are branches where there are no shoots. They must be cut immediately at the base. It is also necessary to get rid of damaged and frozen branches.

You can see the correct anti-aging pruning of honeysuckle in the spring in the diagram.

An adult plant needs anti-aging pruning. Remove old branches, stem shoots.

Pruning is also necessary to form an edible honeysuckle bush.

Feeding and care after pruning

Proper care of the shrub contributes to the rapid development. Young branches develop, fruits appear the next year.

After pruning, all places must be treated with oil paint or garden pitch. This measure will prevent bacteria from entering the exposed areas.

Compost or manure is used as top dressing.

The main thing is "do not overdo it" with the introduction of dressings. It is recommended to fertilize the shrub 1 time in 3 years.

Another important point: you can not use fertilizers containing nitrogen in the fall.

It contributes to the growth of green mass. Thus, before the onset of cold weather, the leaves will bloom.

Typical mistakes of leaving in the fall and preparing for winter

Among the most common mistakes gardeners:

  • the wrong place to land - it is not recommended to choose a site that is constantly in the shade. Honeysuckle will grow worse, the harvest will be less. In addition, the lack of sunlight can cause fungal diseases;
  • untimely planting - also affects growth and yield. It is important to have time to plant a shrub before bud break;
  • irregular watering - lack and excess of moisture are detrimental to the plant. Watering is necessary, focusing on weather conditions;
  • improper fertilization - novice gardeners sometimes choose inappropriate fertilizers. For example, nitrogen-containing plants are used only in spring to accelerate leaf growth.

Experienced advice from experienced gardeners will save you from mistakes and help you grow a strong and healthy plant.

As for caring for honeysuckle in the fall, preparing for winter, edible varieties of the plant perfectly tolerate cold temperatures down to -40 ° C.

So that the branches do not break under the snow, they need to be tied and bent to the ground.

Decorative honeysuckle needs shelter for the winter. Creepers are carefully removed from the supports. Then they are folded and covered.

To do this, use spruce branches or other suitable covering material. Compared to other plants, honeysuckle does not need special labor-intensive care and preparation for winter.

Photo of honeysuckle in garden design

Culture has many positive aspects. unpretentious shrub will give an excellent harvest and will decorate the garden.

Berries ripen even earlier than strawberries. They are very healthy and tasty.

Compliance with simple rules will allow you to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

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There are not so many berry bushes in our gardens that begin to please with fruits. early summer. Among them is honeysuckle, an edible, unpretentious frost-resistant crop that successfully grows even in Siberia.

To obtain abundant fruiting, it is desirable to plant honeysuckle in the fall. Knowing the specifics of the agricultural technology of the shrub, the secrets of care and reproduction, it will not be difficult to get a harvest of tasty and healthy berries.

The culture is not as popular as raspberries or currants, but in recent years the situation has changed. And if earlier honeysuckle was mainly grown for decorative purposes, today many varieties have been bred that give delicious blue berries.

They are valued for their high content of vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B9, tannins, pectins. As part of acid berries:

  • apple;
  • oxalic;
  • amber;
  • lemon.

Honeysuckle is used for diseases of the stomach, rheumatism, eczema, as an antipyretic and vascular-strengthening agent. Berries and juice have an antiviral, choleretic, antioxidant effect.

Among the varieties of fruitful are:

  • Souvenir;
  • Masha;
  • Nymph.

Honeysuckle with berries has been bred, the taste of which is similar to strawberries:

  • Titmouse;
  • Roxana;
  • Cinderella;
  • Kamchadalka.

During flowering in spring, the bushes are covered with beautiful white-pink, blue flowers. Therefore, honeysuckle is often used in landscape design.

When to Plant Honeysuckle: Fall or Spring

When choosing a honeysuckle planting period, it is advisable to find time in the fall. The culture is unpretentious, seedlings with a good earthy clod take root in the spring, but at this time there is a great risk of miscalculating the timing. The plant starts sap flow early, and if you do not have time before bud break, the honeysuckle will wither.

It is most convenient to plant in September or October, given the weather and climate of a particular area.

Choice of landing site

When choosing a place for a shrub, you need to consider the following:

  • the culture bears fruit abundantly only in well-lit areas;
  • honeysuckle does not tolerate drafts, winds, as fragile branches quickly break;
  • likes to grow on fertile slightly acidic soils.

Suitable landing sites are in small lowlands, but without stagnant water, with protection in the form of outbuildings or fences. Landings are closed from the north, from cold winds.

On soils with high acidity, before the autumn planting of honeysuckle, chalk or slaked lime (100-200 grams per square meter) is applied in about 1-1.5 months. On clay soils, a drainage layer is made in the pit.

Landing pit: preparation

A pit for seedlings is prepared in advance so that the soil has time to settle. In one place, with good care, berry bushes grow up to two decades, so you need to take care of filling the soil.

The top layer of fertile soil is left, it will be needed to prepare the nutrient mixture. Its composition:

  • humus (8-10 kg);
  • potassium salt (enough 30-40 grams);
  • superphosphate (standard rate 200 grams).

The components are mixed, soil is added and half filled into the pit. Then cover it from above and leave until the day of planting.

On a note!

On clay soils, sand, wood ash, and soddy soil must be added.

The dimensions of the pit: in diameter - 40-50 cm, in depth - up to 30-40 cm.

planting depth

It is important to properly plant honeysuckle in depth. A seedling is carefully placed in the hole, so that its neck is at ground level. Then gently sprinkle the roots with the remaining nutrient mixture, soil. Plantings are watered abundantly. After some time, the soil will settle, the seedling will drop slightly and its neck will be 4-6 cm below the ground level. But this is done only on light soils. On heavy soil, it should not be buried, as the main roots may scorch.

It is advisable to mulch plantings with peat or humus.

Selection of planting material

In autumn, nurseries offer a large selection of honeysuckle seedlings. How to choose planting material:

  1. Buy plants with a height of not more than 150 and not less than 25 centimeters. "Giants", like "kids" take root for a long time, bear fruit poorly, so it's better not to take them.
  2. The age of honeysuckle should be 2-3 years.
  3. At least three different varieties are selected for one site. The culture is self-fertile, pollination is required. In this case, it is desirable to find varieties that bloom at the same time.
  4. They buy healthy, strong plants, without defects on the bark, with whole and dense buds.
  5. When buying varieties of honeysuckle for planting in the fall, plants in containers or pots with covered roots are preferable.

Seedlings from containers take root faster, actively grow.

The number of honeysuckle bushes on the site

The culture is cross-pollinated, so there should be at least two, or even three or four varieties in the garden. If you grow only one variety (albeit a few bushes), honeysuckle will delight you with abundant flowering, but will not bear fruit.

Do not forget about the flowering time, since if the periods do not coincide, their pollination will not occur, and the berries will not be tied. The choice of pollinators is taken seriously, experts believe that the number of berries and their taste depend on this.

Joint planting options

Planting scheme for honeysuckle

A good harvest is obtained subject to all the rules of agricultural technology, including the distance between the pits when planting honeysuckle in the fall. The branches of the bushes are fragile, with crowded plantings they will break. In addition, the illumination and ventilation of plants deteriorates, it is more difficult to pick berries.

Therefore, for tall bushes, a distance of two meters is left, for low ones - up to 1.2-1.5 meters. The first group includes varieties:

  • Fortune;
  • Nymph;
  • Volkhov;
  • Bakchar giant

Undersized varieties:

  • Ramenskaya;
  • Gzhel late;
  • Blue bird

Distance between rows - 2-3 meters.

Landing in the regions: features

Wild shrubs from the Siberian taiga served as the basis for breeding productive varieties of useful berries. In the wild, an unpretentious culture grows in Siberia, the Far East, and Kamchatka. It can be seen on the slopes of hills, in ravines.

The shrub is not afraid of severe frosts, but honeysuckle does not tolerate severe drought and heat. You also need to beware of sudden warming in winter, when the bushes can freeze slightly. Such differences are typical for the middle lane, so in this region, gardeners need to be careful and take care of shelter.

Siberia, Ural

Suitable regions for planting honeysuckle in the spring, since during the autumn planting, fragile seedlings often freeze slightly due to early cold weather. Three-year-old seedlings with a closed root system adapt better to the local climate.

Planting dates are scheduled for the beginning of June, when the danger of return frosts has passed. Until the fall, the plants will get stronger and in the winter they will leave already able to withstand severe frosts.

Middle lane, Moscow region

The first half of September (until 15-18) is the best time for planting. Active vegetation has come to an end, honeysuckle is gradually entering a dormant period.

Spring planting is rarely practiced, as return frosts often occur in the region. If the need arose, then they choose the time at the end of March, planting a prepared seedling with big ball earth.

Volga region

Another region for which the best time for planting berries is spring. It is necessary to plant the plants before bud break, otherwise the honeysuckle will take root for a long time, and the risk of death of the bushes is high.

Southern regions

It is problematic to grow a good harvest of honeysuckle in the south of Russia. The climate is unsuitable for culture, harvests are in 1-2 years, the indicators are low. If, nevertheless, there is a desire to try how the culture will grow on the site, then you should find a shaded place for it and provide abundant regular watering.

Decorative honeysuckle: planting

Noting the specifics of planting edible honeysuckle, do not forget about decorative varieties. Usually these are climbing vines, the length of which reaches several meters. They are used for vertical gardening of plots, decoration in landscape design.

Planting is not much different from planting edible varieties, but in order to quickly obtain shoots, shoots of ornamental plants are often buried in trenches. So several viable bushes are obtained from one shoot.

The group includes many varieties that differ in appearance, distribution area. Plants are unpretentious, frost-resistant, differ from traditional varieties in the shape of berries. They are round and small, red, orange or black.


The fruits of decorative honeysuckle should not be eaten, they are poisonous.

Among the most famous varieties honeysuckle honeysuckle stands out with shoots up to almost 5-6 meters in length. Differs in the long term of cultivation (up to 3 years), high frost resistance. It blooms profusely with bright orange or pink flowers. In sunny places, on supports (fences, arbors) forms green curly walls.

Popular decorative varieties:

  • Hecrota;
  • Telman;
  • Brown;
  • Seaside;
  • Gerald.

Young planting care

Planting and caring for the berry in the fall will not require much time from the gardener. The main thing is not to miss the deadlines so that young plants take root and successfully endure the winter.

Main activities:

  • loosening;
  • mulching;
  • watering.

It is necessary to remove weeds near the bushes, rake a little soil to the base of the bush. If everything is done correctly, then the first berries are expected in the second year. Bushes enter the peak of fruiting in 5-6 years.


The measles of the shrub lie in the upper layer of the soil, therefore they loosen the soil carefully. It is especially important to do this in spring and summer, providing an influx of oxygen to the roots.

In autumn, the soil around the bushes is carefully dug up with a pitchfork. Depth - 12-15 cm. When using mulch (humus, peat, sawdust), the ground can not be loosened.

Watering and feeding

They turn to watering the bushes Special attention. If the plant does not have enough moisture, then the berries will grow bitter. Irrigation volumes are determined by the state of honeysuckle, weather conditions, soil type. In the heat, water often, spilling the soil well.

For top dressing, complex compositions are used, strictly observing the norms. In the spring they fertilize with nitrogen-containing compounds, in the fall it is useful to feed honeysuckle with potassium and phosphorus. The use of organics is allowed for about 3-4 years, but fertilizers must be well rotted. The norm is 10 liters per bush.


When growing a crop, do not forget that in the first 2-3 years the bushes grow slowly. Therefore, it is important to properly prune honeysuckle in the fall according to age. Pruning immediately after planting weakens the bush, delaying future fruiting.

Shrub pruning scheme

  1. If the root system is damaged, the seedling can be cut to 1/3 before planting.
  2. In the spring, old or diseased branches are removed from the bushes.
  3. During the growing season, dried and thin branches are removed. The culture is characterized by the presence of numerous shoots with underdeveloped buds. They dry out, thicken the plant. They need to be cut.
  4. From the age of 4, formative pruning is carried out, removing thick branches in the center of the bush, weak and creeping shoots along the surface of the earth. Be sure to cut the stems with a small increase.
  5. Bushes that are more than 8 years old are rejuvenated every 4-5 years. To do this, cut some trunks, remove extra branches. It is optimal if an adult bush has 4-5 well-developed skeletal branches.
  6. For old bushes, a radical pruning is carried out in the fall for rejuvenation. To do this, the plant is cut at a height of 30-40 cm from the soil surface. It will take 2-3 seasons to form a new powerful bush.

Be sure to take into account that the honeysuckle buds are located at the tips of the shoots. Therefore, global pruning is not allowed, leading to a significant decrease in the yield of bushes. All sections after the procedure are covered with oil paint or garden pitch. In autumn, after pruning, potash-phosphorus fertilizers are applied to support a weakened bush, and honeysuckle is also watered abundantly.


For reproduction, three main methods are used:

  • division of adult plants;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Each has its own characteristics, and among the popular ones - cuttings and dividing the bush.

seed way

But let's start with seed propagation - a time-consuming and inefficient way. It is mainly used in breeding to create new varieties. The results are different, so amateur gardeners are skeptical about such technology. It is not possible to repeat all the qualities and properties of the mother plant when planting with seeds, almost 1/3 of the honeysuckle loses them.

To obtain seeds, juicy and ripe berries are selected, laid out in the sun for about a couple of hours. Next, honeysuckle is sown on the prepared beds of the mini-nursery.

  1. Holes are made 2 cm deep, 10 cm apart.
  2. The pulp of the berries is squeezed into the holes along with the seeds.
  3. Lightly sprinkle with earth and irrigate with planting water.
  4. Cover the bed with a film or covering material.
  5. The film is regularly lifted for ventilation, the ground is sprayed with water.
  6. When shoots appear, the shelter is removed.

Sprouts appear in about 30-40 days. Until autumn, with proper care, the bushes form 3-4 leaves. For the winter, they must be covered with agrofiber, spruce branches from the cold.

In a mini-nursery, honeysuckle grows for 2 years. Then strong plants are selected and, together with an earthy clod, are transplanted to a permanent place.

When spring sowing seeds, they are harvested in the summer of the previous season, stored in a dry place in winter. Planted immediately in spring open ground(upon the onset of stable heat) or seedlings are first grown and only then - to a permanent place in the open air.

The boxes are stuffed with a nutrient mixture:

  • river sand;
  • humus;
  • ash.

Sand and humus are taken in equal proportions, ash is added a little. Between the seeds leave a distance of up to 1 cm, sown in moist soil. Sprouts appear slowly, grow very hard. Until autumn, they are grown at home, and by winter they are taken out to the greenhouse, carefully covered and left until spring.

After the arrival of warm days, the plants open. After, when the bushes become 5-6 cm high, they dive into the garden and grow there for another season. Then they are already seated in the chosen place.

On a note!

Some gardeners grow honeysuckle seedlings from autumn, getting strong seedlings with 4-5 leaves by spring.

When propagated by seeds, honeysuckle usually produces the first berries no earlier than the fifth year.

Reproduction by cuttings

The most popular propagation options are lignified or green cuttings.

lignified cuttings

At the end of autumn, cuttings are cut, planted in containers filled with peat and sand. Water regularly, slightly loosen the soil. These seedlings are ready for planting next fall.

If the cuttings are dug up for the winter under the snow, then they are planted in the spring. It is recommended to place honeysuckle obliquely in the wells, leaving only one kidney on top.

In the garden, young bushes grow for 2-3 years, then they are dug up and planted in selected places on the site.

Green cuttings

Honeysuckle can be propagated by green cuttings. To do this, cut the shoots of the current year (10 cm each), plant them in a greenhouse.

Timing of cutting - the appearance of green berries on adult bushes. In the greenhouse, the cuttings quickly give roots (after about 15-18 days). They are cared for until autumn, then carefully covered for the winter. In the spring, plants are planted in a permanent place.


No less popular is the method of reproduction using layering from adult bushes.

  1. The lowest strong branches are bent to the ground.
  2. They dig a small groove (its depth on light soils is 5 cm, on heavy soils - 2-3 cm). With the help of a bracket or a wooden fork, the shoot is pinned to the ground, laid in a groove and lightly sprinkled with soil.
  3. After a while, the layering will give roots.

Separate it from the mother bush for the next year.

The division of the bush

Bushes that have reached the age of 8-9 years can be divided. At the same time, each division is left with:

  • well-developed roots (20-30 cm each);
  • 2–3 branches;
  • 2-3 stems.

For separation, a pitchfork and a saw are used. Usually divide the bushes in the spring, before the buds open. Parts of the bush are planted in a prepared place, watered. After 30-40 days, the seedlings give roots.

Shelter for the winter

Unpretentious honeysuckle is not afraid of frost, but if you do not take care of preparing for the winter, the bushes can freeze during the thaw.

Most edible crop varieties do not need shelter. The culture easily tolerates temperatures below minus 50ºC, flower buds and roots do not suffer. The danger is sudden thaws in winter, when after warm days frost sets in sharply.

Curly varieties of decorative honeysuckle protect from the cold, removing from supports and covering with spruce branches or agrofibre. In this form, the bushes are not afraid of even the most severe frosts.

Transplanting honeysuckle to a new place

It happens that you need to transplant the bush to another place. The reasons are different:

  • redevelopment of the site;
  • initially unsuccessful choice of location;
  • the desire of the new owners of the garden.

When to transplant honeysuckle

It is desirable to transplant honeysuckle in the fall, in the middle lane these are the terms - September and until mid-October. In the spring, work is not worth it, since sap flow begins early in the bushes, and the plant will lose a lot of strength during transplantation.

Planting hole preparation

Preparing a place for landing:

  • dig holes (diameter not less than 70-80 cm);
  • lay drainage on the bottom (fragments of brick, pebbles, expanded clay);
  • humus is added (up to 15 kg, 200-300 grams of superphosphate, a liter of ash).

In adult bushes, the root system is well developed, so there should be enough space in the pit.

Preparing a bush for transplanting

On the bush, dry or damaged branches are carefully cut off, shoots are shortened. The best plant height is up to half a meter. Honeysuckle is dug in a circle, trying not to damage the roots. It is necessary to transplant with a clod of earth, so adaptation will pass faster.

Before the plant is taken out, the earth is thoroughly shed. The dug up honeysuckle is laid on a burlap or tarpaulin, the extra roots are carefully cut off. In the pit, the bush is placed strictly vertically, carefully laying the roots and not deepening the root collar. They fall asleep with soil, irrigate well, mulch the bush.

Caring for a transplanted bush

Further care is standard:

  • watering;
  • top dressing.

It is especially important to control soil moisture, preventing drying out. Feed the bush in the spring, using complex fertilizer formulations.

Storage of seedlings before planting in the ground

  • the state of the bushes;
  • time of year (spring or autumn);
  • own possibilities.

In early spring, if the buds are still sleeping, and the weather does not allow planting, the plants are put in the refrigerator. If the plant comes to life, then first they plant it in a prepared container at home, and only then, upon the onset auspicious days are planted on the street.

In autumn, seedlings should be planted, and if not possible, then dig in the garden. Planting such honeysuckle in a pot for growing at home in winter is not worth it, since there is a high risk of losing the plant.

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Honeysuckle for harvest is planted next to several varieties ...


Honeysuckle, as well as any garden plants, requires care. This will affect both the flowering of the shrub and the yield, the quality of the fruit. If planting is planned for decorative purposes (creating a hedge), then the seedlings are placed around the perimeter of the site at a distance of one and a half to two meters from each other. Primorsky varieties: Dove, Dolphin, Dawn, etc.

Where to plant a crop on the site

Currently, there are a huge number of varieties of honeysuckle. And not always the cultivation of honeysuckle is associated with the desire to get fruits.

If you initially fertilize the soil, the plant will not need additional feeding for two years after planting. And how do they take care of honeysuckle immediately when the seedling hits the ground?

Honeysuckle, whether fruit bush or a lushly flowering liana, is distinguished by simple agricultural technology, does not require special painstaking care or conditions.

How and when to plant shrubs

Treatment with drugs

2 cups wood ash.

Growing edible honeysuckle began to gain popularity among gardeners not so long ago. Although this is strange, because edible honeysuckle is a real storehouse of vitamins and trace elements valuable for the body, exceeding the composition of blackberries and even blueberries. And planting it on the site will provide the owner not only with berries, but also with a beautiful ornamental shrub. Moreover, caring for honeysuckle will not be difficult if you know in advance about the characteristics of the culture.

  • I planted a "duet", in the fall, like all trees. subscribed to the newspaper "Selsky Vestnik".​
  • In the first three to four years, the shrub grows rather slowly. During this period, it is imperative to feed.
  • It is not recommended to use mature plants for planting, since flowers can be damaged during their transplantation and this will negatively affect both the survival rate of plants and the degree of fruiting.

Honeysuckle seedlings usually tolerate planting well. Planting time depends on the variety of honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle is a fairly beautiful plant, especially during the flowering period. Therefore, it is often planted in order to decorate the place around the gazebo and any part of the garden. But if initially the plant had more than five zero-level shoots extending from the root, the extra branches will have to be cut earlier. If this is not done, the shoots will begin to weaken and dry out on their own from a lack of light. The following are subject to removal and pruning on honeysuckle in the fall: The landing site is carefully watered.

When choosing a site for planting, you need to consider that the best growth and abundant flowering is possible only in a well-lit area with little shading. If the plant falls into heavy shade, the shoots lengthen and the number of cutting buds decreases. You don’t have to wait for friendly growth and abundant fruiting when honeysuckle is planted in excessively dry or, conversely, moist, low-lying areas.

How to care for shrubs

- for the prevention of diseases and the removal of pests, special preparations are used, which are recommended for use in August. If there are no pests on berry crops, this item can be skipped. In cases where harm has been done, special preparations should be purchased at flower shops.

After that, it is necessary to cover the pit and leave it in this state for about 4-5 days.

Choose varieties that do not crumble. Our honeysuckle has never had growth. You need to plant several varieties for pollination. The plant is not whimsical, in dry weather we water and sometimes thin out the bush.

As a top dressing can act:

Culture features

It is believed that plants with a closed root system have the highest degree of survival. However, they must be sold in a plastic bag. In this case, there will be a guarantee that the root system is not overdried, which means that it will not die during planting.

Since, first of all, these varieties have late vegetation, secondly, high frost resistance, and thirdly, by mid-summer, shoot growth stops and apical buds are laid. Honeysuckle bloom continues for a month. growth coming from the base of the bush;

Spring planting of honeysuckle is possible only if the plant enters the growing season late. More often these are decorative species, for example, alpine or small-leaved honeysuckle. It is better not to disturb fruit-bearing varieties in spring. Care for honeysuckle, planting came at the time of revival of the kidneys and the beginning of growth, threatens with serious complications.


Planting and caring for a honeysuckle plant

Seedlings with a root system protected by a clod of earth and a container can be planted in the garden from April to October without fear that the plant will hardly acclimatize and get sick.

Choosing a place for planting honeysuckle

. Throughout the entire period of development, growth and fruiting of the culture, she simply needs care in a similar way - loosening the soil and weeding. Loosening helps to provide the root system of shrubs with oxygen and retain moisture, and with the help of weeds, weeds that interfere with the full cultivation of honeysuckle will be removed. In September, the soil is digged to prepare the honeysuckle for winter and the transition to the dormant stage.

"air pockets"

see photo

Planting honeysuckle on the site

In order to have berries, you need to plant at least two varieties side by side, and preferably 3 She has cross-pollination

For edible honeysuckle, choose an open and sunny place, but protected from the wind.

  • You should not buy seedlings, the cuttings of which have not had time to develop sufficiently. The optimal height of a good seedling should be at least 25–30 centimeters.
  • For blue honeysuckle varieties, planting in the fall is preferable - from late August to mid-October, since this variety has early vegetation (even before the end of April), and the soil is not yet warm enough by this time.
  • Honeysuckle will delight with its color, starting from the first days of May and almost until the end of June. This period may vary depending on the variety of honeysuckle.

Short, weak shoots that do not have time to ripen by winter;

The growing season for honeysuckle begins in early spring. Plants quickly come to life after winter and for abundant flowering they must receive high-quality top dressing in the form of universal fertilizer at the rate of 20–30 grams per meter of planting area. When the plant gives buds, it is good to support its strength by watering Kemira Universal 20 grams per bucket of water.

A seedling carefully transferred to the planting pit is quickly accepted and does not require, apart from top dressing and watering, any special care measures. If honeysuckle with an open root system is to be planted, then the period from the second half of August to October is considered the most favorable time for this. This is due to:

  • Formation of bushes
  • . The root neck of the seedlings needs to be deepened into the soil by only 2-3 cm.
  • ). Planting edible honeysuckle in personal plots is also found as garden protection plantings.

South of Ukraine? I don't recommend planting at all! In Russia, it is believed that south of Volgograd, honeysuckle is difficult or almost impossible to grow. She has a short growing season, then she goes to rest on her own and quite early. In the southern regions, it comes out of dormancy before winter, begins to vegetate, and then its frosts kill it. Although the frost resistance of all varieties of honeysuckle is not lower than -46, this applies to bushes that are at rest. In our steppe sharply continental climate (Samara), in long autumns, it happens that honeysuckle wakes up and blooms in autumn, but it saves that not all plants bloom. Irina Shabalina has already answered very well about watering, and I have nothing to add to this. In addition to a small nuance - watering is not a panacea for the southern regions, where the warm period is longer than in the Orenburg region at Irina Shabalina or at me in Samara. Therefore, I do not advise planting honeysuckle in the south of Ukraine.​

  • It is convenient to plant bushes along the edge of the site with a distance between plants from 0.5 (dense hedge) to 1.5 m. The soil should be moisture-intensive, but without stagnant water. Soil type - almost any.
  • But overgrown plants with a height of more than one and a half meters are not the best option. They are difficult to take root and, as a result, do not soon begin to bear fruit.

When choosing a place, the nature of the soil should be taken into account. Almost any soil will do, but the main thing is with sufficient water content, but not too much - so that the water does not stagnate.

How to care for honeysuckle?

Honeysuckle, with proper care, bears fruit annually.

Sick, dry and damaged branches.

  • Honeysuckle responds favorably to sprinkling. This procedure, if the growth lag is noticeable, can be used to apply foliar bait, which includes superphosphate, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. When summer ends, it is important that the plants go into the winter strong and healthy. How to feed honeysuckle in the fall?
  • the end of the growing season;
  • Simply put, pruning of bushes is carried out in order to remove old branches so that the rest receive maximum lighting. At the same time, such a procedure is not carried out in the first five years after planting, while the shrub has not yet been formed. Pruning can be carried out after 10 years of growing a crop in one place.​

In the spring, young seedlings need to be cared for, which would ensure the good development of shrubs in the future. So, for example, you first need to spud the bushes. And then, the ground near them must be dug up by no more than 7-8 cm, so as not to damage the roots, and mulched. For this purpose, you can use both humus and manure, as well as peat.

Location on the site for honeysuckle is a very important criterion. If you want the shrub to develop well and actively, as well as bear fruit, then it is better to plant it in areas that are abundantly illuminated by sunlight. Planting the crop in places where there are no cold drafts and fertile soil will give the best results. Of course, if the honeysuckle care is proper.

Varieties. You need to plant at least 2 varieties, and preferably 3, since all varieties are self-fertile. The best varieties are the Bakchar selection. Here is a link to the Bakchar stronghold of northern horticulture: [link blocked by the decision of the project administration]​

Pruning honeysuckle and shaping bushes

Planting honeysuckle is best in autumn. Plants planted in spring take root worse, and besides, this should be done early - in April, before flowering.

The choice of variety depends on the climate in which it will grow. It is better if this variety was bred nearby, that is, approximately in the same conditions where its further cultivation is planned.

The best solution may be to choose a place with loose, drained soils.

The berries are dark purple in color and contain a thick juice that can stain more than just the tongue.

  • Massive fruiting in honeysuckle occurs on strong one-year-old shoots, so they cannot be shortened. The main attention when pruning a light-loving culture is given to branches directed deep into the crown. They interfere with the growth of neighboring shoots, interfere with pollination and the development of berries. They are cut out first.
  • After a massive leaf fall, the soil under the honeysuckle bushes is loosened by 20 cm and 100–200 grams of sifted wood ash is applied per meter of plantation.
  • Good winter hardiness of the shrub;
  • Best of all, as noted by gardeners, pruning takes place in the spring, in April.

The edible honeysuckle plant is quite durable. In one place, the culture will produce fruits for as long as 16-20 years, although the first 5 years the plant will not grow very intensively, despite the care that it provides. In general, this berry crop can be grown with the most basic care. And what it will be like after 20 years of cultivation can be seen in the photo.

Edible honeysuckle shrubs will grow poorly on hills and in partial shade. The culture will also feel unfavorable in dry and sandy soils.

  • Varieties Sibiryachka, Silginka, Roxana are very good. I also like the Morena variety.
  • Most cultivars are self-fertile, and to ensure cross-pollination, you will need at least two different cultivars blooming at the same time, and preferably three to five. Planting material (2–3-year-old seedlings) should look like this: the aerial part consists of 4–5 skeletal shoots 25–35 cm long and at least 5 mm thick at the base, roots no shorter than 25 cm, with 4–5 branches.
  • Most varieties are not self-pollinating. Therefore, for better yields, it is recommended to plant several different varieties at once. When choosing one or another variety, you should consider whether the selected varieties will be compatible in terms of pollination.​
  • The soil, if necessary, can be fertilized with a special mixture, which includes sand, peat, humus and sod land in the ratio: 1: 1: 1: 3.
  • The fruits are similar to blueberries, but, as a rule, have an oblong shape.

How and when to prune honeysuckle if an adult bush gives smaller and smaller yields? From eight to ten years of age, honeysuckle ages and needs anti-aging pruning, including:

Planting, growing, caring for honeysuckle - video


All the nuances of growing honeysuckle: planting, reproduction and care

In addition, shrubs should be fed with infusion of manure or humus with the addition of phosphate and potash fertilizers.

The completion of the formation of shoots and apical buds for growth in the coming season.

Plant appearance

And for shrubs it will be more useful if, at the same time, help the plant with top dressing. Nitrogen fertilizers are ideal. How to carry out spring pruning, a video clip will clearly demonstrate.

And yet, in order to have the opportunity to harvest 2 kg of berries from one bush in the sixth year, it is recommended to observe the following care:

Most gardeners who grow such a shrub crop recommend at least 3 different varieties of honeysuckle on the site.

Take a closer look at the varieties of Czech selection, their climate is milder and the warm period is also long. Maybe they suit you better. I don’t know if there are honeysuckle breeding centers in Ukraine, but if there are, then it’s better to look at your local varieties.​

Landing pits (40x50x40 cm) are prepared immediately before planting. Organic fertilizers are applied to them (up to two buckets, depending on the type of soil), as well as superphosphate (up to 200 g) and potassium salt (35–40 g).

Inspect the seedlings themselves before buying. Healthy seedlings should have even shoots and green leaves. Planting material with the presence of pests or diseases on it is not the best option for breeding honeysuckle.

You should also pay attention to the degree of soil oxidation. Soil acidity should be between 7.5 and 8.5 PH.​

Variety of honeysuckle varieties

The taste of berries depends on the degree of maturity. When fully ripe, they have a sweet and sour taste.

  • serious thinning of the crown,
  • Before the onset of cold weather, the trunk circles under the plants are covered with peat or sawdust, with a layer of up to 5 cm.
  • Since honeysuckle is a plant that is cross-pollinated, the gardener should provide for the presence of bushes somewhere nearby for the transfer of pollen by insects, otherwise you won’t have to wait for the harvest from the only bush in the area.
  • Features of the culture, as previously mentioned, in its early flowering and fruiting. Therefore, care, consisting of the above points, should also include harvesting.​
  • Regular watering

Rules for planting honeysuckle

This is explained by the fact that cross-pollination improves the taste of fruits. Therefore, if possible, then the area where the crop is planned to be planted should be chosen more.

Honeysuckle is a young culture. The first varieties appeared in the state register only in 1980. Therefore, honeysuckle has such a nuance: the same variety in different regions and different climates manifests itself differently.

Read about care here

The place for planting and the planting material itself are selected. The soil is prepared - it remains only to plant honeysuckle in the ground.

If a large amount of water stagnates in the selected area, then artificial soil drainage can be done using gravel or broken bricks to a depth of 5 to 7 centimeters.

Currently, countless varieties of this shrub have been bred. They are divided into:

Cutting all branches weakened by pests or diseases;

To obtain berries with decent taste, it is not enough to plant a high-yielding variety on the site. It is necessary to provide the plant with sufficient watering and monitor the condition of the soil under plantings.

Plants of two or three years of age are most often used as planting material, under which pits are prepared at least 30 cm deep and wide.

Some varieties of edible honeysuckle are distinguished by rather large berries (

- very important for the plant, especially during the fruiting period. Therefore, with daily regularity, you can water honeysuckle, using 1-1.5 buckets of water per 1 bush. In summer, on dry days, watering can be increased to 2 buckets for one shrub.

Edible honeysuckle shrubs tend to bud early. Therefore, the optimal time when it should be planted on the site should be autumn (late September - early October). As a rule, planting material is rooted cuttings, which in most cases look like in the photo.​

Py. Sy.​

You didn't specify what honeysuckle. It comes in two types (I don’t mean varieties) - decorative (honeycomb) and edible (a lot of varieties). So, honeysuckle is better to plant along the fence, it twists and will be very beautiful when it blooms, and what a fragrance it will stand. And after flowering, bright orange inedible berries will appear on it. And edible can be planted anywhere, best of all, of course, in the sun, it blooms very early, blue berries will appear in June, earlier than strawberries

For planting 2-3 summer varieties, you need to dig a hole for planting to a depth of about 25-30 centimeters.

In the event that the fundamental is to obtain fruits, then better fit a place protected from strong winds, but open enough to receive sunlight.​

  • Moscow varieties: Gzhelka, Viliga, Korchaga, Kubyshka, Lakomka, Moskovskaya 23, Princess Diana, Ramenskaya, Sinichka, Skoroplodnaya, Fortuna, etc.
  • Removal of old branches and their replacement with tops or branches located near the base of the bush;
  • How to care for honeysuckle in the hot season? Honeysuckle does not experience a great need for water, but in hot dry weather, especially with ripening berries, additional watering of 10 liters per bush is necessary. Otherwise, the soil dries up and compacts.
  • Older plants can also be transplanted. The only condition is that honeysuckle, as in the photo, planting and caring for which is carried out already in the sixth year of life, should be pre-cut to 50 cm in height. Due to the absence of a large crown and mass of foliage, this will make it easier for the bush to get used to new conditions. For pre-cut bushes 5–7 years old, the planting holes are expanded and deepened to 50 cm.
  • "Blue Spindle"
  • Soil deacidification

Dig a hole under the shrub. Its depth should be approximately 40-45 cm, dimensions - 50x50 cm. The distance between the pits for planting should be left from 1.5 to 2 meters. Row spacing can be 2.5-3 meters. The collective planting of such crops can be thicker, about 1 meter between shrubs, if it is a personal plot.

There is no growth.

​Experience shows that those that are under the hot sun all day look depressed with yellow edges of the leaves. Those that fall into the shade of an apple tree or a fence part of the day are completely green.

The diameter of the landing pit should not exceed 25 centimeters.

Honeysuckle is a light-loving shrub, especially climbing varieties.

Leningrad varieties: Amphora, Bogdana, Viola, Dessert, Malvina, Omega, Souvenir, Yulia, etc.

Features of caring for honeysuckle

Cut branches that have stopped growing into strong branches or tops located closer to the base of the bush.

Plants that do not receive moisture are forced to either discard some of the fruits, or the berries ripen dry with a clear bitter aftertaste.

Between seedlings that will grow well, it is important to leave a distance of at least one and a half to two meters.

). Large ripe berries fall off quickly, so it is extremely important to pick fruits on time so as not to lose most of the crop.


Where is the best place to plant honeysuckle?

✿Elena m✿

- this procedure is rather a necessity in order to create neutral soil conditions for the crop that are more preferable to it. Deoxidation is carried out once a year, in the summer. Ash is used for the procedure, diluting 1 liter of ash with one bucket of water.

It’s worth immediately fertilizing it - add to the soil dug out of the hole:

It is better to plant in the fall, because honeysuckle wakes up very early and starts to grow. In the spring it is difficult to catch the moment until it begins to vegetate, does not dry out and dies.

Honeysuckle does not give growth. General care is like blackcurrant, it is moisture-loving, but it cannot stand stagnant water, we also have an arid hot climate - honeysuckle feels best under a constant thick layer of mulch - this way moisture jumps less. Honeysuckle is a cross-pollinated plant - it does not actually pollinate with its pollen, and therefore it is necessary to plant at least two different varieties. You will have one problem, like ours --- after a long drought, with the beginning of the autumn rains, honeysuckle will come out of dormancy and decide that spring has come ---- it will bloom. But I noticed that if the whole season is well watered (not allowed to dry out), then the autumn flowering is canceled, in the worst case, some varieties produce a few buds, but this does not affect the overall harvest. There are many types now. Bakchar varieties are now considered the best in terms of yield, large-fruitedness and non-shattering (you can find it in the search engine), in general, when a variety turns up for purchase, try to find as much information about neo as possible. Until recently, I grew 6 varieties, of which I consider the Nymph variety to be the most delicious, now I have planted 8 varieties from Bakchar, but so far I can’t say anything which of them is the most...​

For 5-7 year old varieties, the depth of the pit should be at least 50 centimeters and the corresponding diameter should be 50 centimeters.

Forest varieties prefer shaded areas and grow well under tree crowns, where there is higher humidity, which plays a positive role for their development.

Natalia Zametta

Ural varieties: Sorceress, Izyuminka, Sineglazka, Fianit, Chernichka, etc.

Yarovoy Vladimir

Pruning dry branches to living, intact tissue.

Care for honeysuckle in the fall is not limited to fertilizing and loosening the soil. After the completion of leaf fall, it is time to trim the shrub. Depending on the type of plant and its purpose, the formation of the crown is different. Ornamental vines and plants planted to create hedges need only sanitary removal of weak, diseased and damaged branches, as well as shaping the bush. In fruiting honeysuckle, not only depends on the quality of pruning appearance, but also the number of ripened berries. Therefore, pruning such plants has its own characteristics.


The root system is straightened and sprinkled with soil so that the root neck of the bush is at the level of the soil.

Tatyana Latypova

As you can see, caring for honeysuckle is not difficult. And if you carry out the procedures necessary for culture in time to create comfortable conditions, then you can not only indulge yourself with healthy berries, but also enjoy the view of ornamental shrubs in the garden.


Top dressing and fertilizer

Mityai Bukhankin

organic fertilizers (for example, "Giant berry" - 3 cups);

Ludmila Samoilova

Honeysuckle, of course, is great and tempting. And how do you grow and bear fruit currants? Still different regions... so different!

Svetlana Butorina

You will live, it is better to plant in the fall, but you can also in the spring. There is growth, but not much. I could be wrong, of course, but I think so. But at the expense of the variety I will not advise anything.


Before planting, it is better to fertilize planting pits to improve yields.

Intelligent Dolphin

Saplings are planted in the ground at a distance of half a meter to one and a half meters.

Siberian varieties: Berel, Gerda, Cinderella, X, Azure, Parabelskaya, Selena, Sibiryachka, Tomichka, etc.
Places of cuts of large branches must be treated with garden pitch. If the bush is running, and thinning is not possible, it is worth removing the entire crown above 50 cm from the root neck in order to start the formation of honeysuckle again from the next season.
The best time for pruning honeysuckle is autumn, when the foliage has fallen off, and the structure of the bush is clearly visible. The movement of juices at honeysuckle begins extremely early, if you do not have time to remove excess or old branches in March, you will have to wait until October. But dry shoots can be removed at any time. The honeysuckle of the first two or three years of life does not need much pruning. The development of shoots at this time is due to the upper buds, and the bush increases its green mass. Then the lengthening of the branches gradually stops, and they begin to overgrow with lateral branches.

The necessary fertilizers are added to the pit, for example, 40 grams of a potassium-containing agent, 60-100 grams of superphosphate and about five kilograms of mullein.

Both fruit-bearing honeysuckle shrubs and ornamental plants of this species have been the attention of domestic gardeners for over a century. A variety of types and forms of honeysuckle allows the use of culture in the design of arches, as a hedge, in group and single plantings. Almost all honeysuckle shrubs are excellent honey plants. Varieties with useful edible berries regularly rejoice with a bountiful harvest. How difficult is it to plant this shrub in your area? And how to care for honeysuckle so that the plant shows all its qualities as much as possible?
​. Late fall- it's time to apply fertilizing for shrubs. But the procedure of such a plan should be carried out with an interval of a year. Used as top dressing, as a rule, 5 kg of compost, 40 gr. double superphosphate and 100 gr. ash. In the spring of each year, when edible honeysuckle is preparing for bud break, you can use ammonium nitrate as a fertilizer, at the rate of 15 g. per 1 sq. m.​
3 st. spoons of nitrophoska; What kind of tomato to plant in a greenhouse

Unpretentious, frost-resistant culture - edible honeysuckle, a common shrub with small useful fruits, marked by a high content of vitamins and trace elements.

Honeysuckle edible

Varieties of edible honeysuckle

Unpretentious shrubs are grown throughout the globe, there are up to 200 varieties. For the most part, these are early varieties, the plant bears fruit already at the end of May. Harvested throughout the growing season, until the end of August.

  1. "Bogdan". A hybrid variety bred by crossing. A small shrub with a slightly spreading crown. The fruits are large, have an oval shape, sweet and sour taste and a lilac-violet hue.
  2. "Long-fruited". A low, spreading, rounded shrub. Berries-cylinders of large size, with an intense sweet and sour taste. Early maturing variety.
  3. "Mascot". High yielding variety. Powerful bushes up to 2 meters high bear fruit abundantly. Berries of medium size, with a delicate dessert flavor. Mid-season variety, especially appreciated in the preparation of preserves and jams.
  4. "Bakchar giant". Tall, up to 2 meters shrubs with an oval crown shape. Mid-early variety resistant to pest damage and diseases. The fruits are very tasty, intense blue color.
  5. "Cinderella". The medium-sized variety is popular due to the high palatability of the berries, which taste like strawberries. The fruits are suitable for fresh and canned consumption.
  6. "Azure". The yield is low, up to 1-2 kg per bush. It has a delicate blueberry flavor, with a slight bitterness. Universal grade.
  7. "Fiery oval". Fruits are widely used for making wines and desserts. The shape is oval-rounded, the color is light purple.
  8. "In memory of Gidzyuk". The variety differs from the rest in long purple fruits with a tart taste. Berries practically do not crumble.
  9. "Tomichka". Srednerosly bush, with elongated graceful fruits with a thin skin.
  10. Volkhov. The variety is great for the middle band. Unpretentious tall, up to 2 meters, a bush with a low level of shedding. The berries are large, with strawberry flavor.

Almost all varieties of edible honeysuckle are self-pollinated. In addition to gastronomic use, they are used to decorate plots, they form hedges. Shrubs look great in general compositions of landscape design. Curly honeysuckle is used in the design of arches, arbors, vertical gardening of buildings and fences.

Sweet varieties of honeysuckle are widely used in the preparation of desserts, conservation, and winemaking. Berries provide the human body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.


The benefits and harms of honeysuckle berries

Edible honeysuckle is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals; the berries contain pectin, ascorbic and oxalic acid. It is recommended to use in pathologies and for preventive purposes.

Main advantages:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • lowering the acidity of the stomach;
  • healing of peptic ulcers of the intestine and stomach;
  • antipyretic properties;
  • low calorie;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • cleaning of toxins;
  • antibacterial action;
  • improved appetite and digestion;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improvement of blood circulation.

Fruits are useful for both adults and children. They are used for cosmetic purposes to eliminate acne and inflammatory processes skin. Honeysuckle masks are used for dry and rough skin. They have a healing restorative property, the effect is noticeable after the first application.

Honeysuckle is useful for the body in case of gastritis or stomach ulcers, in the initial stages of atherosclerosis. Fruit decoctions relieve fever during illness, tone and soothe.

It should be borne in mind that the use of honeysuckle fruits can cause an allergic reaction. Especially it is not recommended to eat it in large quantities. Allergy sufferers can cause an attack of pollen during flowering.

Reference! It is contraindicated to give berries to children under 5 years of age.

During spring beriberi, doctors advise drinking decoctions of honeysuckle to strengthen immunity and prevent beriberi. There is more vitamin C in honeysuckle than in rose hips.


When planting honeysuckle, seedlings select a site with good sunlight, although shrubs tolerate a little partial shade well. The quality of the soil doesn't really matter. It is undesirable to place honeysuckle on dry sandy soils and swampy areas where water stagnates. It is usually planned to plant honeysuckle in the edible spring, but autumn work is also practiced, before the onset of frost, so that the root system has time to take root.

In the spring, do not plant shrubs after the buds begin to swell. Edible honeysuckle is planted after the onset of stable heat, at positive night temperatures.

Planting pattern: 40x40x40 cm, the distance between the bushes should not be less than 1.5 m, in rows - at least 2 meters. The calculation is made taking into account the characteristics of the variety: the height and width of the bush. For full growth and fruiting, you should follow the rules of planting, bring into the pit:

  • 10-12 rotted manure;
  • 100 g of superphosphate;
  • 30-50 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 300-400 g of wood ash.

Fertilizers are thoroughly mixed, form a mound. A seedling is placed on it, the roots are straightened, avoiding bending. Cover with earth and tamp. Pour abundantly with water.

Important! The root neck is deepened into the ground by 5 cm.

The earth is mulched with bark, sawdust, peat or hay to retain moisture. Branches are not cut.

In the country, shrubs are planted along fences and hedges, used for zoning territories. Adult bushes create beautiful compositions, decorating the backyard. Over time, young shoots grow from the old bush, which, if desired, are separated for planting in another place.

Care and reproduction

Edible honeysuckle has a good survival rate, but to accelerate growth and fruiting, it should be provided with fertilizers, especially in the first year of life. Start top dressing at two-week intervals. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied at the rate of: 30g. ammonium nitrate or urea per 10 liters. water. With this solution, seedlings are watered under the root: 1l. for one plant. Loosen the soil carefully so as not to damage the roots.

In summer, young bushes need abundant regular watering. After full engraftment, bushes are fed in 2-3 years, not more often. In the spring, rotted manure is brought under the plants, and in the fall - wood ash. Foliar top dressing is practiced with drugs:

  • "Master";
  • "Mortar";
  • "Epin";
  • "Aquarin".

20 g of dry preparation is dissolved in 10 liters. water and spray honeysuckle in windless dry weather.

Pruning in the fall is carried out until the end of October, so that the plants have time to recover before the onset of cold weather. Sick, broken and dried branches are removed. Old bushes are cut off completely, to a height of up to half a meter. They will recover in 2-3 years and continue to bear fruit as before. Spring pruning is carried out no later than March.

Edible honeysuckle is propagated in two ways: cuttings and layering. In the fall, “dropping” layering is practiced for further engraftment in the soil. The soil around the bush is raked, stronger shoots are selected, bent to the ground. They are pinned and sprinkled with soil by 4-5 cm. The seedling will begin to grow in two years. This method is suitable for varieties with lower annual branches.

Edible honeysuckle cuttings are carried out in two ways.

  1. Propagation by green cuttings. With the appearance of the first green berries on flowering bushes, the cuttings are cut in cool cloudy weather. Strong young shoots are cut obliquely with a sharp disinfected knife. It is divided into several parts, in one cutting there should be at least 2-3 healthy buds.
    The lower leaves are removed, the upper ones are shortened. Placed in water for a day and planted in the soil. For the winter, the "shank" is sheltered from frost. With the onset of heat, strong seedlings are selected and placed in a permanent place, weakened cuttings are left to strengthen for another season.
  2. Propagation by woody cuttings. For this method, one-year strong branches with 2-3 buds are chosen, wrapped in wet burlap or rags, placed in sand or sawdust. With the onset of heat, they are planted at an angle of 45 degrees, leaving one kidney above the surface. Propagation by cuttings in this way has a lower percentage of survival.

Growing edible honeysuckle is possible by dividing the bush. To do this, it is completely dug up and carefully cut. Thus, it is possible to multiply plantings independently in a short time.

The plant is not capable of self-pollination, therefore, pollination of edible honeysuckle is a cross species. Therefore, it is recommended to stir several plants in the garden or on the site. Shrubs are pollinated by insects: bumblebees and bees. To attract them, it is worth placing baits with sweet syrup near the plantations.

A detailed video on how to propagate honeysuckle:

How honeysuckle blooms

The flowers are delicate yellow, beautifully shaped like a "gramophone" with long stamens, collected in inflorescences. Grow in pairs in one ovary. Flowering is long, up to 1 month. If honeysuckle does not bloom the first 1-2 years after planting, do not panic.

The plant begins active growth for 3-4 years. Flowers may not form when the root collar is deeply deepened during planting and when damaged by pests.

Edible honeysuckle diseases and their treatment

It is generally accepted that honeysuckle is a plant resistant to diseases and pests. If preventive treatments are carried out on time and in full, it is possible to avoid damage and diseases. If the first signs appear, urgent measures should be taken. There are a number of insects that harm honeysuckle.

  1. Aphid. Characteristic signs are pale foliage and tops of shoots. The aphid sucks the juice from the tissues, weakening the plant. For prevention in the spring, the bushes should be treated with the preparations "Eleksar", "Confidor", "Karate", "Aktellik". use folk remedies: spraying with solutions of onions, garlic, peppers, tobacco. Apply coniferous extract, chamomile infusion.
  2. Leaflet. It is easy to identify by the leaves twisted into a tube. With the beginning of the growing season, it is worth treating the honeysuckle plantings with Fuvanol, Aktara or biological products Lepidocide, Biotlin, Dendrobacillin.
  3. Cherry fly. White worms are larvae deposited on plants by the cherry fly. Berries are damaged by pests, the plant is oppressed. Insecticide treatment is recommended.

Pest control methods vary from folk methods and funds to chemicals. The simplest solution is to treat honeysuckle from early spring.

Diseases are diverse, similar to those that affect other cultures.

  1. Mosaic. This leaf disease has characteristic symptoms: bright yellow spots on the leaves. Such a viral disease is incurable. The bush must be urgently uprooted and burned.
  2. Ramulariasis. Appears in cool, damp weather, identified by gray-brown spots and white bloom on the foliage. The disease is stopped with the drugs "Fundazol", "Oxyhom", "Horus".

Among the diseases of edible honeysuckle are found:

  • powdery mildew;
  • sooty fungus;
  • cercosporosis;
  • rust.

Diseases are easy to prevent by observing the planting care regimen and regular treatment with special preparations.

Edible honeysuckle (also called honeysuckle) is becoming more and more popular among gardeners. The culture is attracted not only by the usefulness of the fruits, but also by the ability to develop in harsh conditions. The plant reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively. The most common way is to plant honeysuckle in the spring with seedlings.

When to plant in the spring, in what month

Spring planting in open ground is practiced by many gardeners. But it should be produced before the kidneys begin to swell, i.e. immediately after the snow melts. In most regions, this interval is quite short and falls on the month of March.

Advantages and disadvantages of planting in the spring

Planting edible honeysuckle in the spring is preferable for the reason that the seedling will have enough time to take root. But if you slow down and do not invest in the deadlines, planting the plant by the time the buds swell, then it is difficult for the plant to spend energy on the development of the root system.

Honeysuckle in your garden

Note! Early spring planting has another significant drawback - the risk of March morning frosts. Despite the winter hardiness of the culture, the plant that has not yet had time to take root can hardly tolerate low temperatures.

Best time to plant: spring or fall

The choice of time for planting honeysuckle is influenced by several factors: regionality, ripening period, openness of the root system. For the southern regions, it is preferable to plant in the fall, because here the growing season of plants begins too early. Spring is more suitable for northerners due to the fact that autumn in these areas is cold.

Note! Late varieties are best planted in the spring - their buds wake up later, but the early seedling should be left for autumn planting.

Particular attention should be paid to the root system:

  • A plant with ACS is best planted in the fall, as in the spring it may not have time to take root before bud break. In seedlings, the roots are partially shortened before planting. Therefore, it will be very difficult to simultaneously develop a bush and restore the system;
  • The closed root rolls over with an earthen clod at any time, since the ZOK is already partially ready for quick engraftment on the site.

Based on the foregoing, each gardener will decide for himself when it is better to plant honeysuckle in the country.

How to plant in spring: step by step instructions

Each work in the garden is carried out according to a certain technology. There is also a guide on how to plant honeysuckle seedlings in the spring. Below is a step-by-step algorithm of actions, and it begins with the choice of material.

What should be a seedling

To get tasty berries in the future, you should not buy young bushes in a spontaneous market - it is better to contact a nursery.

Selection of seedlings in the nursery

Here is the instruction to be followed when choosing honeysuckle seedlings:

  • the optimal age for transplants is 2-3 years, when a healthy root system has already formed on the bush, and flexible shoots (there should be about 2-4 pieces) have reached at least 30 cm in height;
  • seedlings shorter than 25 cm are poorly developed, and overgrowths (more than 1 m) take root poorly;
  • plants with ZOK are preferable, since their roots are more protected, therefore they take root faster.

Important! You should not stop at buying one plant - this culture is self-fertile, so a couple is needed for pollination. When choosing honeysuckle of a different variety, preference is given to bushes with the same budding period.

Landing place

Most the best place for planting - an open, well-lit area, but even in the shade, honeysuckle will produce (though not so abundantly). Plantings should also be protected - the young leaf will suffer from strong winds and the berry will fall off.

The main limitation in the selection of a place for a berry plant is the low occurrence of underground streams. If they are no deeper than a meter and a half, the roots of the plant will begin to rot, and the bush will die.

What can not be planted

Honeysuckle does not like loneliness, but not every plant is comfortable with every culture. If capricole gets along well with its own kind (raspberries, currants), then with apple trees, for example, they have conditional compatibility.

You should not plant next to poplar, chestnut, conifers, walnut - their leaves, falling off, begin to rot and infect neighboring plants. The same applies to peach, cherry, black viburnum, elderberry and flower bushes (jasmine, rose, lilac).

Important! The neighborhood with common juniper is harmful - it is a serious distributor of rust, which is very difficult to remove in the future. The disease will quickly flood the entire garden, causing problems not only for honeysuckle, but also for other fruit and berry crops.

Harmful neighborhood with common juniper

At what distance to plant

When planting bushes, they take into account that the crown of an adult plant will be sprawling. To avoid further strong thickening, seedlings are placed at a distance of at least one and a half meters from each other. The characteristics of the variety are also taken into account. If for undersized individuals 1.5-2 m is a suitable gap, then 2.5-3 m is maintained between tall individuals.

When planting an ornamental variety, the distance is made 3-3.5 m between seedlings. When laying an extensive plantation, at least 3 meters should also be left between rows.

What kind of soil is needed

Honeysuckle is not capricious in the choice of soil (unless dry sands are suitable for it), but the culture develops best on fertile, loose soils with a high pH. Excessive acidity is smoothed out by liming, which is carried out before frosts for spring planting next year. Lime or dolomite flour is added to the soil when digging at the rate of 0.2-0.4 kg per square meter of land.

How deep to plant

The root system of honeysuckle does not lie deep, so pits for seedlings are dug up to a maximum of 0.5 m. Here, the composition of the soil is also taken into account. If the soil is loose, the roots are buried by 0.2-0.3 m, on sticky chernozem - by 0.1 m.

Preparing a hole for landing

How and what to fertilize before planting

The recesses prepared for seedlings are filled with fertilizers: compost or humus (10 kg), potassium salt and double superphosphate (0.2 kg each). You can also use another mineral water, taking 0.35 kg of ammophos or nitrophos. If potash fertilizers are not at hand, it is recommended to replace them with wood ash (0.5 kg per plant). On sandy soils, the amount of humus is doubled and mixed with clay (5 kg per 1 sq.m.).

Landing methods

Honeysuckle, like other berry crops, is planted in pits, arranged in 1-2 rows. With a large number of seedlings, it is rational to use the trench method. It is made about 0.4-0.5 m wide and 0.3 m deep. Before fertilizing, the bottom of the ditch is drained with broken bricks or pebbles.

Care after landing

Those who have summer cottages, knows how important it is to organize the proper care of crops. Honeysuckle is unpretentious, but the basic conditions of agricultural technology should be observed.

seedling after planting

The first 3 years after planting, when the plants are not yet bearing fruit, all care comes down to regular watering, weed removal and mulching. All other events will take place in subsequent years.


If before the beginning of summer the shrubs are watered moderately, then from June a bucket of water is poured under each bush 4-5 times per season. In hot summers without rain, the number of irrigations should be increased, otherwise the berry will lose its juiciness and become tasteless.


The fertilizer that was applied during planting is enough for the plant for 3 years. Then they are fed with rotted manure or compost, adding a bucket of organic matter under each bush in the spring. But first, still on the melting snow, diluted urea is poured under the plants (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).

Before honeysuckle begins to bloom, foliar top dressing is used, spraying the plants with Aquarin, Mortar, Master. In autumn, it is enough to pour wood ash under the bushes (150 g each).


For the first 6 years, berry growers do without pruning. Then, in the spring, sanitary pruning is carried out: damaged, diseased and dry branches are removed. But the tops of the shoots cannot be touched - the main flower buds are concentrated here, from which fruits will later appear.

Formation of honeysuckle bush

Formative pruning is carried out in March or autumn, after leaf fall. Once every 2 years, a couple of unproductive shoots are removed. If the bush is more than 15 years old, a complete rejuvenating pruning is needed - only 0.5 m stumps are left. A new bush will form in a couple of years from young growth.

Diseases and pests

Honeysuckle is quite resistant to disease, except that powdery mildew can develop if the season is too rainy. Here Fitosporin will come to the rescue. The main control should be aimed at harmful insects:

  • when aphids appear, it is recommended to treat the bushes 2-3 times with a vodka solution - dilute ½ cup of alcohol in a liter of water;
  • if there is a hidden or sucking pest on the bush, systemic chemistry is used (“Confidor”, “Aktelik”, etc.).

On a note! Chemicals can be used before the berries are tied. But if there is a need for them during the ripening period, then, saving the plant, you will have to abandon the harvest - the fruit will be inedible.

Landing in different regions

The general rules for planting a cultivated plant are described above. But each region has its own conditions for growing berries.

In the Volga region

The most favorable in this region is the planting of honeysuckle in the spring, as soon as the snow melts. In this case, the air temperature should be in the range of 5-10 degrees Celsius. In the Volga region, this time falls on the second half of March and until mid-April. But the possibility of a return of frost should also be taken into account. In order not to freeze the kidneys, you need to follow the weather forecasts.

Middle lane (Moscow region)

For this region, the spring planting option is unacceptable. But if the need arises, then this work should be done in the second half of March.

Note! The optimal time is from the end of August and September. Roots slow down their development and will favorably perceive transplants.

In Siberia and the Urals

The northern strip of the country is distinguished by the fact that spring is late and comes closer to June. This is the only time to plant honeysuckle. In the autumn planting, the plants simply do not have time to take root, since the winter in Siberia and the Urals is quite early.

landing errors

Beginning gardeners are just learning the art of agriculture. If it is wrong to plant plants and take care of them, it will be difficult to get healthy bushes, and even more so good yields. Therefore, honeysuckle care should be provided in the spring, taking into account the advice of experienced gardeners:

  • if you transplant seedlings to a shaded area, then you should not hope for big fruits and high yields;
  • when planting a crop, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region (southern, middle, northern), as well as monitor the weather, waiting for it to stabilize, and the buds have not yet begun to open;
  • improper feeding can destroy the plant; if the weather is too hot in the season, then the honeysuckle should not only be irrigated, but made with a nutrient liquid; but you should not overdo it with fertilizers - the foliage will begin to turn yellow, fall off, and the seedling will die.

If everything is done correctly, then honeysuckle will take root well, and in next year summer residents will be able to discover the unusual taste of nutritious berries.

A real garden decoration

By paying maximum attention to the correct spring planting, by taking proper care of the crops, you can quickly get rich harvests of honeysuckle. At the same time, the cottage will be unusually transformed, thanks to the beautiful bushes of this culture.
