Summer diet for weight loss. Summer diets: a delicious path to slimness The best summer diets for weight loss

By summer we manage to gain a little weight, because during the cold period the need for food is greater than during the warm period. That’s why the summer diet for weight loss, compared to others, has more chances for success with less effort. In the summer you want to eat much less; this fact is taken into account by experts when creating diets. During this season, weight loss is also helped by the large quantity and availability of low-calorie vegetables, berries, and fruits.

Principles of the 7-day summer diet

The mechanism of its action is based on the properties of vegetables and fruits to supply a lot of vitamins and microelements, while having a low calorie content. By the way, we have already talked about the lowest-calorie fruits on the pages of our website. The high fiber content in them quickly saturates, which also promotes weight loss, and also cleanses the intestines of toxin accumulations.

Many fruits are very valuable for their ability to burn fat; pineapple, citrus fruits, and kiwi are the leaders in this regard. That is why they serve as the basis of diets for weight loss; pineapple, for example, is considered one of the most effective; its details are in this article. We have already devoted a separate article to the best fat burner products.

During the diet, fruits that taste too sweet are excluded, this applies to bananas, grapes, and peaches.Dried fruits include dried apricots and prunes.Liquid also gives you a feeling of fullness, so you need to drink a lot of it, at least 2 liters.

A light summer diet for 7 days is a balanced diet, so it includes not only plant foods, but also fermented milk.The diet plan consists of a sequence of mono-diets: a vegetable day is replaced by a fruit day, followed by a berry day, followed by a fermented milk day, etc. This principle of alternation is the basis of another diet - the favorite one, which is also very popular and effective.

Summer diet 7 days: menu for each day

Menu 1st day– vegetable: eat raw vegetables in unlimited quantities. Only potatoes are prohibited for consumption. Drink plenty of water, this applies throughout the diet.

Menu 2nd day– fruit, take your favorite fruits, except very sweet ones, eat them 4-5 times, the largest portion should be for lunch. If you have an acute feeling of hunger, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Menu 3rd day– berries, eat them as much as you like.

Menu 4th day– fermented milk: you need to spend the whole day on one fermented milk product to choose from: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt or yogurt. The lunch meal can be supplemented with a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, to which a little honey has been added.

Day 5 menu– vegetable: eat vegetables that have not yet been included in the diet of the first vegetable day. You are allowed to eat potatoes baked in the oven, watered vegetable oil, lightly salted if desired.

Day 6 menu– berries: in addition to berries, apricots, dried fruits, tea without sugar with lemon are allowed. A glass of kefir is recommended before bed.

7th day menu– juice: juices squeezed from fruits are allowed - oranges, grapefruit, apples, but no food is allowed.

You need to say a decisive “no” to sugar and salt, flavor salads with lemon juice, and put a spoonful of honey in your tea. The result of a 7-day diet can be a weight loss of 5-7 kg. Exit from the diet requires gradual. On the first day after its completion, it is better to consume dairy products. Only on the 5th day can you eat meat and fish. The largest meal of the day should always be lunch.

Principles of the 10-day summer diet

This method of eating lasts 10 days, daily it is expected to lose 1 kg of weight, in the end it is expected to get rid of 10 kg. The following foods can be eaten in any quantity, but you need to eat them slowly, over at least 30 minutes, and drink the liquid in small sips.

Summer diet 10 days: menu for each day

IN 1st day eat only boiled eggs.
On 2nd day Only boiled fish of low-fat varieties should be present on the table.
On 3rd day eat low-fat cottage cheese with honey.
On 4th day eat chicken meat, boiled without skin, with the addition of herbs and seasonings.
On 5th day eat potatoes boiled in their jackets.
On 6th day there should be nothing on the table except boiled beef.
7th day involves eating salads made from cucumbers, celery, cabbage, carrots, beets, tomatoes with dressing from lemon juice.
On Day 8 the diet should be fruit and berry, the fruits are not very sweet.
9th day– kefir.
10th day- Purely drinkable, you need to drink rosehip decoction.

The 10-day summer diet is a very strict nutrition system, which can be considered as a quick diet that requires a responsible attitude. In fact, this is a combination of mono-diets, when every day the diet consists of one type of food. The given diet should be strictly followed.

Description of the summer diet for 5 days

This is the most preferable option, since it is the shortest in time, the most balanced in diet, best meets the requirements for proper menu planning, and has the smallest reduction in calorie content.

Summer diet 5 days: approximate menu for 1 day

Having breakfast porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal), 100 g of any fruit or berries, green tea. Pre-soak the cereal for porridge overnight in water, then cook for 15 minutes. We alternate the type of cereal by day.

Lunch - 250 g oranges, kiwi, pears or other fruits.

We have lunch:

  • n a half-portion bowl of celery soup or soup from other vegetables;
  • chopped salad from 200 g of cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes or other vegetables, sprinkled with oil (alternate with stewed vegetables);
  • a dish of 100 g of meat, seafood, fish or eggs;
  • a glass of compote, but not particularly sweet.

Having an afternoon snack T berry dessert weighing no more than 100 g, can be replaced with a glass of fruit juice.

Let's have dinner f rukta or vegetables, can be in the form of a salad with dressing of 1 tbsp. l. sour cream; casserole or stewed vegetables with meat;1 glass of kefir.

If you feel hungry three hours before going to bed, you can eat a small amount of protein food left over from lunch. In addition to juices, 2 liters of water should be drunk per day.

The five-day “summer” diet allows you to get rid of 3-4 kg. Reviews about this method of nutrition are positive. Those who have been on such a diet note that it is tolerated quite easily, without much strain.

Analyze all the given summer diets carefully, choose the one that suits you, be persistent and lose weight forever. And we wish you success in this!

Summer is a great time to get rid of everything unnecessary and start a new life. Overweight– is no exception. In the heat, several prerequisites for losing weight arise at once: first, we start eating about half as much, second, we drink and move more. It would seem that this is already enough to enter autumn slim and transformed. However, everyone has their own idea of ​​the right way to spend time on the hottest days. Some people spend days and nights on the beach, while others try new dishes while traveling and inevitably gain new pounds due to their tendency to indulge in excess.

On the Internet you can find many of the most effective, fastest and simply the best summer diets that promise to get rid of 10 kg in 10 days, but in reality none of them work, since each option, no matter how attractive they may be, operates on the same principle - restricting the diet and reducing the calorie content of dishes by excluding vital nutrients.

At the Slavic Clinic, restrictions when losing weight are unacceptable - with a sharp decrease in calorie intake, they create the effect of starvation, lead to exhaustion and slowdown of metabolism. In addition, self-experimentation can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. In this article, we'll look at the main summer diets, detail why they don't work, and give tips on eating right in the heat.

We eat less, we weigh... more

Nutritionists unanimously recognized the period from June to August as the best for getting rid of extra pounds. However, there is one caveat - only those who find a rational approach to creating a menu can lose weight.

Most methods are based on the exclusion of one component from the diet. For example, giving up baked goods and all flour products, and carbohydrates. But if our body can tolerate the first, then the second will not be an easy test for it. We've talked about this several times in our articles and we'll say it again: carbohydrates are an integral part of a healthy diet. True, you need to decide for yourself what they should be. Slow ones are a priority - they maintain a long-lasting feeling of fullness, and also contain substances that inhibit the absorption of sugar into the blood. So a plate of pasta from durum varieties wheat will definitely be healthier than a bun. The main thing is to know how and when to eat this plate.

The main mistakes of those losing weight in the summer were and remain:

Critical reduction in caloric intake

It would seem that nutritionists have repeatedly said that eating less does not mean getting rid of weight loss faster. excess weight. But practice shows that only a few follow the advice of experts. Most strive for serious restrictions. The nutritionist at the Slavic Clinic reminds: in summer time Our body needs long-term “cooling”. However, this does not mean that underestimation of caloric intake can reach the point of hunger strike. Any changes are possible only under the supervision of a specialist. And the permissible figure itself is assigned strictly individually, taking into account age, gender, the presence of chronic diseases, and the results of bioimpedance analysis, which can be performed in our clinic.

Skew towards mono power supply

Most of the summer diets that are called the best are bad because the proposed menus lack variety. One involves switching to berries and fruits, the second involves giving up carbohydrates and predominant proteins in the diet for a period of five days to a week. We remind you that such extremes can lead to metabolic disorders and digestive problems, as well as to exhaustion, increased load on the kidneys, lack of B vitamins, intoxication and even intestinal cancer.

Physical activity is beyond my strength

Don't forget that activity will only help you burn fat if it is moderate. You should not spend days and nights in the gym - excessive zeal can lead to injuries, weakening of the body and a plateau effect. This is what nutritionists call the period when weight loss stops for a certain period of time. This “delay” is most often caused by hormonal changes or changes in metabolism - its slowdown. And this is exactly what happens when we live from training to training - in a state of stress.

All diets lead to the same effect - we lose excess weight for a while, and then gain it with a vengeance. Or we don’t lose, but only gain, because the body turns on the saving mode and begins to save every calorie, turning it into fat.

Specialists at the Slavic Clinic advise:

    Don't follow advice you hear from friends, read on the Internet or in magazines. You should only trust professionals who are well aware of the pros and cons of popular methods. Contact our nutritionist if you want to lose weight without harm to your health and maintain the results for a long time.

    Play sports without fanaticism. We will help you choose the type of activity that will benefit you. The best options for those who do not want to torture themselves are Pilates, yoga, aerobics, swimming, walking.

    Say “yes” to variety and “no” to monotonous and poor nutrition. All methods with the prefix “mono” are potentially dangerous. They lead to a deficiency of vitamins and important microelements, anemia, exhaustion, exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers, bulbitis, duodenitis, colitis.

Find out more about our weight loss programs:

Berry mood: pros and cons

This technique is one of the most popular, because if we want something in the heat, it’s something juicy and bright. Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants – the season is rich in unforgettable tastes from childhood. The advantage of such nutrition is that you will not look at the menu with disgust for the main products. But this does not mean that you will not get tired of the monotonous, albeit bright, filling of your plate.

The basic rules of this diet are:

    You should eat at least 500 g of berries per day, dividing the portion according to calorie content.

    Small meals throughout the day are encouraged. This means that you eat small meals 5-6 times a day.

    Berries should be eaten in the morning, as an afternoon snack, and before bed. The disadvantage of this recommendation is that each organism is individual, as is the digestive system. For people suffering from gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis or gastric ulcer, this regimen is contraindicated.

  • Other foods are not prohibited, but their consumption is subject to the idea of ​​reducing overall caloric intake.

Supporters of this juicy diet they say that this approach helps to get rid of 3 kg in a week. The advantages of this method are that berries are much healthier than chips, crackers, fast food and other junk food and can be a good option for an every day snack. The disadvantage is the risk of exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases and allergies. So if you want to switch to a bright menu, consult a specialist at the Slavic Clinic so that the result does not bring you disappointment and deterioration in your well-being. It is preferable to include berries in the diet, but in a smaller volume, individual in each case.

More greens for a thin waist

The second option that we will consider is based on the belief that switching to green vegetables can lead to rapid weight loss. You should eat half a kilogram of greens per week, which must be thoroughly chopped, eaten raw or heat-treated - stewed, baked. It is possible to add chicken to the menu. To fully absorb vitamins and valuable microelements from vegetables, it is necessary to combine plant foods with vegetable oil - flaxseed, olive, sunflower.

In this case main drawback diets - limiting protein foods. If we want our body to spend, rather than save, we need to normalize metabolism, and this is impossible to do without switching to a varied, balanced diet.

Advice from a nutritionist at the Slavic Clinic

The creators of this technique understand that without vegetables our diet will become poorer. But they do not take into account the main requirement for the menu for those who want to lose weight in the summer - losing excess weight does not force us to turn into a vegetarian or eat only chicken at lunch every day. It is necessary to remember that there should be both fish and meat on the table - you can alternate fish and meat days. The main condition is that the food should not be excessively fatty. It is for this reason that rabbit is better than lamb, and herring is worse than cod.

Effective, balanced and easy diets for the summer: myth or reality

Are all the restrictive measures that the fighters for thin waist, dangerous? It is important to understand and accept one simple truth: weight will begin to decrease only if your body works correctly, receiving the minimum that is necessary for active life. If we fast or drink only juices (by the way, such options are also widely discussed on the Internet), we will not only deny ourselves valuable nutrients, but we will literally force ourselves to save calories in reserve.

All summer diets for fast weight loss, recognized as effective in anonymous reviews, and menus that involve eating a single product lead to the opposite result. We eat very little, we experience constant feeling hunger, and not far from a breakdown. The result is predictable - a day in an embrace with a box of chocolates, a cake, or evening gatherings in fast food restaurants. And it’s easy to provoke indigestion using such methods – an abundance of raw vegetables, fruits and berries can lead to problems with the pancreas, stomach and intestines, and cause diarrhea.

How to eat in the summer to lose weight: why you don’t need a diet

If in winter we need more calories, then in summer the norm decreases. However, we should not forget that the “I don’t want” signal coming from our stomach and brain is not a reason not to eat anything at all. If it's lunch time and you can't get a piece down your throat, wait. But if the feeling of hunger does not come, eat anyway - little by little, combining proteins, polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates for the proper functioning of all systems.

Specialists at the Slavic Clinic are confident that the majority will categorically reject necessary products, for which diets are famous, can only lead to adverse consequences associated with disruption of the body. Follow our tips to make your weight loss in the summer effective and safe:

    The menu must include sources of protein. It can be lean beef, chicken, rabbit, veal or steamed fish. It is better to eat them not for lunch, as we are used to, but for dinner. Don't forget that you need to have an evening snack no later than three hours before bedtime.

    Preference should be given to plant foods - vegetables, fruits and berries must be on your table. They can be raw (with restrictions for patients with gastritis, ulcers, colitis), stewed, boiled or cooked in the oven, on the grill. It is better to dress vegetables in salads olive oil or low-fat yogurt.

    Remember that water is your best assistant in losing weight in the summer. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters per day. It is much easier to do this in the heat - the hand itself will reach for the glass with life-giving moisture. But do not drink immediately after eating - this will send undigested food straight to the intestines and upset the stomach.

    Don't give up bakery products. Eat whole grain bread instead of buns. It contains cereals that are rich in zinc - an essential microelement that protects our skin from dryness, normalizes hormonal levels and strengthens the immune system.

To learn how to lose weight in the summer, there is no need to follow a trendy diet and search for a menu for quick weight loss. All you have to do is contact the Slavic Clinic. We will tell you how to change yourself without rushing from one extreme to another, we will create an ideal diet for hot days, taking into account the characteristics of your body, and we will tell you what physical activity is acceptable in your case. Don't be afraid to start new life with us - without prohibitions and harm to health.

Need to show off on the beach in an open swimsuit, but there are extra folds? They can be removed with a simple diet.

Before the holiday season, many are surprised to discover that after a series of holidays, their favorite outfits are no longer fastened, and an open swimsuit shows the most beautiful parts of the body in a not very favorable light.

To regain your former slimness and generally improve the condition of your body, you can resort to effective summer diets, which are based on the seasonal gifts of nature. There are many options for such weight loss, so everyone can find a way to their liking to get rid of not only extra pounds, but also the feeling of guilt for past addictions to junk food.

Principles of weight loss in summer

In summer, vegetables and fruits begin to ripen in gardens, and fresh and juicy fruits also appear on store shelves. Among other things, they are also low in calories, so it would be a crime not to use them as a means of losing weight. Such a summer diet for weight loss will turn out to be not only effective and easy, but also tasty, since there is hardly a person who does not like at least one vegetable or fruit.

Summer is the most successful time for those who have decided to say goodbye to overweight. Hot weather usually does not contribute to an increase in appetite, so food portions are reduced by themselves, and the daily menu becomes less and less fried and fatty. In addition, the proximity of the upcoming holiday inspires us to work on own body, and the right motivation is already half the success.

Despite the fact that you don’t feel like eating in the heat, nutritionists still advise not to skip breakfast and lunch. If you eat the bulk of your daily diet for dinner, this will quickly affect your figure. Instead, it is better to give preference to light ones, but hearty dishes during the day and a small snack 4 hours before bedtime.

The summer diet menu is based on seasonal vegetables and fruits. They can be consumed either raw or baked, stewed, boiled or steamed. You should only avoid bananas, grapes and potatoes, as they do not contribute much to weight loss.

The peculiarity of summer diets is that any vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities, achieving complete saturation. It is best to determine for yourself daily norm and divide the entire amount of fruit into 5-6 equal parts, eating them at regular intervals. If this is not possible, you can simply satisfy your hunger as needed.

The benefits and harms of losing weight in summer

The advantage of any summer diet is that it is difficult to harm your own body with vegetables and fruits. On the contrary, in the summer you need to stock up on as many vitamins and useful components as possible in order to strengthen your health and feel great during the cold season.

If you use fruits and vegetables grown on your own plot, the benefits of the diet increase. Everyone who grows fruits themselves knows how they were processed, who collected them and how. If you purchase store-bought vegetables and fruits, you should do so from trusted sellers who comply with sanitary standards.

However, even in this case, the fruits should be washed thoroughly before each meal. Since they will be consumed in large quantities during the diet, the likelihood of contracting some kind of infection due to the fact that the seller worked without gloves increases.

Effective summer weight loss diets based on vegetables and fruits not only help you lose weight, but also have a positive effect on your appearance and appearance. internal state body. Those who try to eat more fresh fruits will quickly notice that their skin, hair and nails begin to look healthier, and their stomachs feel lighter.

There is practically no harm if you approach it responsibly.
For example, if you are allergic to any fruits, then you need to pay attention to other vegetables and fruits. In addition, there is no need to get too carried away - despite the fact that such products contain many useful components, they still cannot fully fill the need for nutrients. For this reason, you should occasionally include protein foods and fermented milk products in your summer diet menu for weight loss.

Another possible disadvantage is that upon completion of the vacation or the return of moderate weather, a person who has lost weight often immediately returns to their usual diet. As a result of this, those kilograms that were dropped return to their places and bring “friends” with them.

Menu options

If you urgently need to lose weight before going on vacation, you can use a chain of mono-diets. This method of losing weight assumes that a person will choose one low-calorie product every day and eat only it and nothing else. For example, on the first day you can only eat apples, on the second - cucumbers, on the third - grapefruits, etc.

If such a diet lasts more than 3 days, then 1 day a week you need to eat buckwheat, oatmeal or rice, and on another day you should supplement the menu with lean meat, chicken or fish. This will replenish the lack of nutrients, as a result of which the body will not experience stress. This diet will allow you to lose up to 1 kg per day, but it is worth considering that this number includes not only body fat, but also water and intestinal contents, so the external result may differ from the indicator on the scale.

Mini diet for four days

This method of losing weight allows you to lose 3-7 kg of excess weight in 4 days if you stick to the plan. The mini-diet provides four meals a day, with the first breakfast and lunch accounting for 30% of all calories, and the second breakfast and dinner – 20%. At the same time, every day you need to eat at least 2 different vegetables and 1 fruit so as not to experience a deficiency in nutritional components.

Sample menu for 4 days:

  • Day 1 – for breakfast, grated apple with honey, a glass of milk, for second breakfast a glass of low-fat yogurt, for lunch a low-fat soup from any vegetables, for dinner a small piece of lean boiled meat without salt and spices;
  • Day 2 – for breakfast, several cucumbers and a couple of black bread crackers, for second breakfast, a glass of citrus juice and a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese, for lunch, steamed or boiled low-fat fish (pike perch, cod, flounder) and a glass of low-fat kefir, for dinner, fruit salad with honey and low-fat yogurt;
  • Day 3 – for breakfast 100 g of rice with water or half and half with milk, for second breakfast a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits, for lunch low-fat chicken broth and a couple of hard-boiled eggs, for dinner a small piece of boiled chicken without skin, fat, salt and spices;
  • Day 4 – for breakfast 100 g of oatmeal with water or half and half with milk and a few radishes, for second breakfast 1-2 green apples, for lunch a salad of seaweed and seafood, for dinner 2 glasses of kefir.

This menu does not have a negative effect on the body, so it can be used again after 1-2 days, but no more than three times in a row. In between such mini-courses, you need to eat with minor changes, for example, add more meat and fish to the menu.

Options for 5 and 7 days

Weight loss designed for 5 or more days should be thought out more carefully, since due to an incorrectly formulated diet with a lack of nutrients, the body may become depleted. If the summer diet is calculated for 5 days, sample menu could be as follows:

  • For breakfast, prepare any porridge with water or half and half with milk - rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, and additionally eat a portion of any vegetables.
  • A Lenten meal is being prepared for lunch. vegetable soup without meat, in rare cases with a small amount of chicken.
  • For an afternoon snack you can eat berries, fruits and cottage cheese. The fruits can be eaten whole, made into a salad with low-fat yogurt or a cocktail with low-fat kefir.
  • Dinner should be light. Vegetable salads are suitable stewed vegetables, steamed lean fish or chicken. Portions should be small.

This light summer diet is suitable for minor weight correction, when you need to quickly lose 2-3 kg without going on a hunger strike. If desired, the same menu can be extended immediately for another 5 days if you need to achieve a more pronounced result.

The most popular involves a chain of different mono-diets. The menu looks like this:

  • 1 day – vegetable, you can eat any fruits in any form and quantity;
  • Day 2 – fruit, you can eat any fruit in any form and quantity;
  • Day 3 – berries, they can be eaten separately or mixed, consumed in any quantity;
  • Day 4 – fermented milk, you can drink low-fat kefir and eat cottage cheese, but only until your hunger is satisfied, no more;
  • Day 5 – vegetable;
  • Day 6 – berry;
  • Day 7 – fruity.

This menu is quite strict, since during the entire week there will never be any animal protein in the diet. In this regard, it is better to plan such weight loss on vacation, otherwise there is a chance that on working days, with such a diet, the person losing weight will be constantly tired, lethargic and unproductive. Regarding positive side diet, then it is one of the easiest - the body is cleansed, and the person stops feeling heaviness, which is especially important after holidays and picnics. In a week I manage to lose 7 kg.

Juice diet

This type of weight loss deserves special attention, since vegetables and fruits are processed into freshly squeezed juice without adding sugar or other flavor enhancers. IN easy version Such a diet requires five meals a day, and three times a day you will need to eat light food - vegetable salads, cereals, lean soups, meat, chicken and steamed fish - and drink a glass of juice the other two times. You can stick to this diet for quite a long time, up to one month, losing 2-3 kg every week.

Another version of the juice diet involves completely refusing food and replacing it with 2-3 liters of fruit, berry or vegetable juice per day. Such weight loss will be effective, but tough, so it cannot be continued for more than 3 days. During this time, you can lose 2-3 extra kg. You need to get out of this diet gradually - first light cereals and soups, then protein foods.

Summer is the most desirable time for many women: when else can you show off in bright dresses, short shorts and parade along the beach in a bikini? Almost every woman, wanting to please herself, has made attempts to get in shape before the beach season, but often attempts to lose weight on her own in winter and spring turn out to be futile. But don’t despair: summer is a great time to start the fight for slimness. In the heat, you don’t feel like eating so much, metabolic processes in the body accelerate, you have the opportunity to spend a lot of time on fresh air, so the weight comes off much faster. In addition, fresh seasonal vegetables, berries and fruits will appear on store shelves, low in calories and at the same time rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, allowing you not to feel hungry for a long time - and this is a great reason to try delicious summer diets for weight loss.

In this article we will talk about several diets that are ideal for summer weight loss. Summer diets for weight loss are characterized by a large proportion of plant foods, these can be fruit or vegetable diets for the summer, as well as more traditional options, which also contain protein and carbohydrate foods. Everyone can choose what suits her. We suggest familiarizing yourself with diets designed for both five and seven days.

Five-day summer diet, option 1

A five-day diet allows you to lose several kilograms, cleanse your body, and at the same time eat tasty and balanced food. Get acquainted with the nutrition plan.


  • oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge on water: after soaking the cereal, cook for 15 minutes;
  • 100 g of fruits or berries;
  • Green tea.


200-250 g of berries or fruits.


  • 150 g of soup from your favorite vegetables;
  • 100 grams of any low-fat protein food (chicken, beef, fish, seafood, eggs);
  • 150-200 g vegetable stew or vegetable salad, which you can season with olive oil;
  • Freshly brewed berry or fruit compote.

Afternoon snack

A glass of freshly squeezed juice or 100 g of cottage cheese with fruit.


In the evening you can choose one of the following options:

  • Vegetable salad with butter or sour cream;
  • Fruit salad, with a dressing of low-fat yogurt, sour cream or 1 tablespoon of low-fat cream;
  • Curd casserole;
  • Vegetable stew with meat.

Late dinner

  • Two to three hours before going to bed, you can eat a serving of protein food that you ate during the day.
  • Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day, not counting juices. This summer diet for 5 days will help you lose several kilograms without harming your health or causing physical discomfort.

Five-day summer diet, option 2

If you strictly follow the recommendations, a five-day diet allows you to lose up to 3-4 kg. This summer diet is characterized by a high content of vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamins and minerals, while being filling and low in calories. Diet dishes It is advisable to steam or boil; frying in oil is not recommended. Despite the absence of strict restrictions, while losing weight you will have to give up sweet, fatty and smoked foods. It is also important to consume at least 2.5 liters. fluids per day, preferably water or green tea. Detailed instructions The summer diet menu is presented below.

First day

  • For breakfast - coffee without cream and sugar, a small piece of toasted black bread. You can have a snack with 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • For lunch you can eat fish soup with vegetables.
  • For dinner - 200 g of any steamed vegetables with mushrooms, with a piece of black bread.

Second day

  • For breakfast, you can eat a couple of walnuts to make up for the deficiency of healthy fatty acids, with black coffee without sugar.
  • For lunch – 100 g of cabbage salad, two or three quail eggs or one chicken.
  • You can cook for lunch beef soup with vegetables.
  • For dinner, 200 g of steamed vegetables with mushrooms and a piece of black bread are suitable.

Third day

  • For breakfast - toast from dried black bread, tea without sugar.
  • During the day, you can drink a glass of kefir (low-fat) and eat 100 g of currants or strawberries.
  • Lunch consists of chicken soup with vegetables.
  • Dinner of 200-250 g of any steamed vegetables, with a piece of black bread.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast – green tea (without sugar), black bread crackers.
  • During the day, as a snack, half a banana and a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch meal from fish soup with vegetables.
  • For dinner, 200-250 g of steamed vegetables with a piece of black bread.

Fifth day

  • Breakfast - tea, of course without sugar, 100 g of seasonal berries.
  • For lunch, you can drink a sip of low-fat kefir and eat two or three walnuts.
  • Lunch food includes beef soup with vegetables.
  • Dinner – 200 g of any steamed vegetables with mushrooms, with a piece of black bread.

Such a summer diet for 5 days is tolerated by the body quite easily, both physically and psychologically, while allowing you to gradually switch to a healthy diet without the risk of relapse.

Summer diet for 7 days

This is a seasonal diet for 7 days, extremely simple and effective. Its principle is based on the fact that every day you choose a fruit, vegetable or berry and eat it throughout the day. In case of unbearable hunger, a glass of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt is allowed. The summer diet for a week suggests that you need to drink at least 2.5 liters during the day. still water, green tea or herbal infusions; tea, coffee and alcohol are not recommended during the weekly diet. The summer diet menu is presented step by step.

  • Day 1 – vegetable. You can choose any vegetable and eat it all day in unlimited quantities. Dressing in the form of lemon juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil is acceptable.
  • Day 2 – fruity. Choose any fruit, such as apples or oranges, divide them into several meals and eat most of them for lunch. If you are unbearably hungry, you can “eat” a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.
  • Day 3 – berry day. Fresh berries are not only tasty, but also a healthy source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, the latter of which will make you feel full. During the day you can eat any berries in unlimited quantities.
  • Day 4 – fermented milk. You can eat low-fat fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. These foods are rich in protein and calcium, which are good for muscle and bone tissue, and also contain beneficial bacteria that are important for normal intestinal function. Consume the selected product in small portions throughout the day.
  • Day 5 – vegetable again. This can be any vegetable, for example, boiled potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers or pumpkin. You can eat the product either in its pure form or in the form of salads, okroshka with kefir (if cucumbers are chosen). You need to drink mineral water throughout the day.
  • Day 6 – berry day again. You can eat the berries raw, make purees and cocktails from them. In the evening you can “swallow” a glass of kefir.
  • Day 7 – juices. During the day you need to drink freshly squeezed fruit juices without sugar, for example, orange, apple or grapefruit. Juices can be consumed both pure and assorted.

As a result of using a diet for seven days, you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight and cleanse your intestines. In summer, the diet is usually well tolerated by the body, but it is not recommended to repeat it more than once a month. This summer diet is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system and those who have recently undergone surgery.

According to reviews, a summer diet for a week gives tangible results, but the first days are tormented by a constant feeling of hunger, which leads to both physical and psychological discomfort and the desire to break loose.

Summing up the summer diet

Summer diets are an excellent opportunity to quickly and deliciously lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins. Seasonal vegetables, berries and fruits help replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals and at the same time provide a feeling of satiety. However, in the presence of chronic diseases, both the five-day and 7-day diets can lead to a deterioration in the body’s condition, so it is advisable to consult a doctor before deciding to try them.

If you know from your own experience what a summer diet is, you can tell us about your impressions and results in the comments under this article.

Video: Summer diets for weight loss

It starts already in spring active preparation for the summer season and holidays. In cold weather, body imperfections are easily hidden under clothes, but in the heat this will no longer be possible. There are a lot of weight loss methods, including seasonal ones.

This article proposes the most popular diets, their differences from winter and autumn ones. To make it less uncomfortable to endure food restrictions, it is advisable to select an individual option.

Benefits of summer diets and contraindications

Summer diets are considered the most affordable. During this period, vegetables and fruits become cheaper, which allows for wider adjustments to the diet. A lot appears on the menu fresh berries, juices Almost all summer diets belong to. They are easy to follow and practically do not break.

Fresh vegetables, as well as fruits and berries, which are unavailable (or very expensive) in winter, are a good alternative to sweet and high-carbohydrate dishes. In summer, the body simply “bathes” in vitamin complexes. This allows you to maintain the desired level of energy, actively get rid of extra pounds and not experience depression or loss of strength.

However, summer diets also have some minor disadvantages. This is the risk of allergic reactions, undesirable consumption of certain fruits and berries during pregnancy and lactation, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of summer diets

Features of the summer diet - great use easily digestible and low- and no-high-calorie. During such a diet, it is advisable to exclude physical activity. Summer diets can be quite complex, and excess energy expenditure will cause acute hunger. Or you can significantly limit the loads if there is no possibility or desire to temporarily completely abandon them.

If diets based on freshly squeezed juices are used, it is advisable to dilute them with water 1:1 to prevent possible allergic reactions. This recommendation especially applies to beetroot, carrot and citrus drinks. The most beneficial are juices with pulp.

The disadvantages of summer diet food include long addiction. For people who are engaged in physical labor every day, it is better to choose options with the possibility of consuming rice and buckwheat. Fruits and berries contain a lot of simple sugars, so they affect the body, just like desserts. For this reason, it is recommended to replace grapes and bananas with cherries, apples, and grapefruits. Some vegetables: potatoes (see), corn, sweet potatoes contain a lot of starch, so instead of them it is better to include tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cabbage in the menu.

The importance of proper drinking regime

This point applies to all diets. During them it is especially important to use. Cells begin to experience its deficiency if less than 2 liters of fluid enters the body daily. As a result, toxins and other harmful substances accumulate in it.

Cells do not receive the required amount of minerals and vitamins. Fluid retention begins, which provokes swelling and disruption of the lymphatic system, and problems with electrolyte appear. As a result, an insufficient amount of fluid stops weight loss.

It is recommended to drink liquid not in large quantities at once, but 200 ml 30 minutes before meals and after the same time. In extreme heat, when there is excessive sweating, the amount of fluid should be increased by 20 percent.

Summer diet options before vacation

Summer dietary food conditionally divided into three types. Fast ones are usually used before a vacation, when the result is needed almost “instantly”. Rehabilitation is recommended after vacation - for recovery normal shape body and how the body works. The third option is based on composition (single-component or consisting of different products).

Before going on vacation, you should start following a diet not last days, but with a reserve (but you can repeat it if you wish). In this case, the result obtained will be stable and will last for a long time.


One of the best methods is considered to be the method of Michael Moreno. The doctor also took into account the fact that it is very difficult for any person to immediately adapt to a different, unusual diet. Therefore, this summer diet is divided into 4 stages, each of which lasts 17 days.

After each, it is necessary to change the diet in order to stop the body’s addiction and stop the weight loss process. The menu is compiled individually. Authorized products:

  • flaxseed and olive oil;
  • foods containing protein (in small quantities);
  • vegetables that do not contain starch;
  • fermented milk products (see);
  • eating fruit in small quantities daily.

In addition to the above, other products are prohibited. Smoked meats, fast food, sweets, and fried foods are especially contraindicated. If you follow a diet, you need to move quickly for 17 minutes every day (by walking or walking).

At the first stage, metabolism accelerates and weight loss begins. At the same time, the calorie content per day should not exceed 1200 kcal. During the 1st cycle they lose weight from 5 to 7 kg.

In the second stage, there is a possibility of weight gain. To prevent this, the diet should be contrasting in caloric content (every other day) - up to 1500 kcal one day, practically no kcal the next. This not only supports, but also provokes active fat burning.

The third stage is stabilization of eating habits. Weight loss continues, but in smaller amounts. The last stage is achievement desired result. However, to maintain it, you must continue to observe proper nutrition. On weekends, you can slightly exceed the maximum calorie intake and drink no more than two glasses of wine (red).

The advantages of the technique include rapid and significant weight loss, development of healthy eating habits, and improved skin. The downside is that the diet should be low-calorie, and carbohydrates and fruits are eaten only before 14:00. There are few prohibitions - diabetes, kidney disease.


If you don’t have enough time for the Moreno method, but you want to get results quickly, you can use the French version developed by K. Gursak. This diet is designed for a week and allows you to lose up to 4 kg during this time, which reduces your body size by one size. The fat layer becomes smaller in the most problematic areas - the upper arms, hips and waist.

It is important not only to adhere to the chosen method, but also to exit it correctly. The duration of the process is the same as the weight loss process itself. TO general principles Correct exit refers to the introduction of prohibited products to the menu, one per day.

There is no need to give up your already familiar fruits, berries and vegetables - they will continue to support the body and proper nutrition. Daily physical activity is advisable (you can increase it slightly) to maintain the required energy expenditure.

There are many summer diets offered - you can choose to suit every taste. At the same time, in many options you can combine the diet yourself. However, a number of summer diets require a certain strict implementation plan, otherwise weight loss will be less effective.