About children-heroes of our days. Young Heroes of Our Time Report on Children's Heroes of Our Time

Are heroic acts of people possible in our time? We know a lot about the exploits of Soviet soldiers that were committed on the battlefield. Is there a place for selflessness at the present time? Indeed, today the crisis is raging, there is a constant increase in prices, and many do not have confidence in the future. But, despite all this, we can safely say that the heroic deeds of people in our time are possible. After all, there will always be a courageous person who, at the risk of his life, will do what he simply cannot help but do.

The concept of achievement

How to describe the heroic deeds of people in our time? An essay on this topic must begin with a definition of the concept of "feat". And for this it is worth referring to the dictionary of V. I. Dahl. The author explains the word "feat" as a glorious, important deed, a valiant deed or deed. What are the roots of this concept? The word "feat" comes from "move", "move", "give forward", "move". In turn, "move" means nothing more than to force or induce to do something. Such an explanation gives grounds to speak of a feat as an act associated with righteousness and spirituality, as well as with the high moral principles of the person who performed it.

And what about an act that is associated with material interest or self-interest? By its very definition, it does not fall under the category of a feat. After all, this selfless act is an important deed for people, committed without any selfish purpose. No wonder someone who accomplishes a feat in Russia is called a hero.

Dahl's dictionary contains another interpretation of the word "feat". This is "hard and selfless work, an important undertaking, a deed." These are labor feats. Today in Russia they are associated with scientific discoveries, with the release of products, with the production of performances or the creation of films that do not leave the audience indifferent.

Russia's highest government award

During the existence of the USSR, for the accomplishment of military and labor feats, they were awarded the title and awarded a medal, which was called " Golden Star". However, other times have come. Soviet Union was gone, and the former awards were replaced by others. 03/20/1992 the government of Russia established a new title - Hero Russian Federation, which corresponds to the award - the medal "Gold Star". The material for the manufacture of the latter is gold.

This medal is made in the form of a five-pointed star. On its back there is an inscription - "Hero of Russia". The ribbon for the medal is colored state flag. This award is presented personally by the president and only once.

The first heroes of the Russian Federation

Sometimes selfless deeds are unknown to wide circles of citizens. And this often distinguishes the heroic deeds of people in our time. The newly established award was presented for the first time in 1992. There were two heroes. However, one of them received a high rank and a medal posthumously.

Award No. 1 was received by Krikalev S.K., who spent a long time on the Mir space orbital station. In those years it was a real record.

The award, which has number two, was presented to Major General Oskanov S.O. On February 7, 1992, he performed a training flight, which had to be made in difficult weather conditions. At this time, the auto-horizon of the MIG-29 aircraft piloted by him failed. Poor visibility caused the pilot to lose spatial orientation. Leaving the cloud zone, Oskanov suddenly saw an approaching settlement. It was the village of Khvorostyanki, located in the Dobrinsky district of the Lipetsk region. At the cost of his life, the major general prevented the plane from falling on residential buildings.

What is the high award for?

People who have committed heroic deeds in our time are certainly marked by the state. And today there are quite a lot of them. According to official figures, about a thousand Gold Star medals have already been awarded for the exploits of people today.

Most of these heroes received their award for military merit. Among them were about a hundred participants in the war with Nazi Germany, who had not been awarded a high rank in previous years. Unfortunately, almost all of them received their medal posthumously.

The exploits of the heroes of Russia in our days were also highly appreciated for fighting in Chechnya. Their number was almost five hundred people.

In addition, the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded to the military and intelligence officers who performed feats outside the combat zone. In the list of awardees, you can also find citizens of the country working as testers, rescuers, astronauts, etc.

Military awards

The heroic deeds of people in our time, as in previous years, are often committed while serving in the army. Feats in the life of the military are far from uncommon, because almost every medal awarded is an award for combat operations. Often she finds her hero posthumously.

We list some of the military who received the highest state award:

  1. Vorobyov Dmitry. He received his award in 2000 at the age of 25. It was awarded for an operation on the territory of Chechnya.
  2. Tibekin Oleg. He received the award posthumously. In 2000, Oleg allowed his colleagues to retreat near Grozny, but he himself was shot at close range.
  3. Padalka Valentine. The award was presented to him in 1994. In Rostov, Valentin was at the controls of a helicopter that the terrorists demanded in exchange for the lives of the schoolchildren they had captured. Thanks to the ingenuity of the guy, all the children survived.

The list of military personnel who received a high rank could be continued for a very long time. After all, brave-hearted heroes perform the feats of our days in any extreme situation in order to save the lives of others.

Recent awards

For the Syrian campaign, by presidential decree, six military personnel were awarded the title of Hero of Russia. Among them:

- Alexander Dvornikov. As chief of staff, he commanded troops during the fighting in Syria.

-Vadim Baikulov- military spy.

- Viktor Romanov- senior test navigator.

- Andrey Dyachenko- Deputy commander of the 47th squadron, which is part of the Sixth Air Force Army.

Two servicemen received a high state award posthumously. It:

- Oleg Peshkov- lieutenant colonel, commander of the Su-24M crew, who died on 11/24/2015 during the shelling of the aircraft by the Turkish Air Force.

- Alexander Prokhorenko, who was surrounded by militants in the province of Homs and caused fire.

Award to civilians

The heroic deeds of people in our time are highly valued by the state. See the photo of the presentation of the highest state award to civilians below. It vividly confirms that the Gold Star medal these days can be received not only by military personnel. It can be awarded and a common person(there are more than a hundred of them today).

Nurdin Usamov became the first civilian to receive the country's highest award. During the war in Chechnya, he examined energy facilities in the republic. And all the work was carried out at the risk of his life. And already from the moment of the liberation of certain regions of Chechnya, he began to organize work to restore the entire energy complex of the republic. Nurdin Usamov was not frightened by the constant threats of militants who fired on and mined objects.

The exploits of heroes in our days are also performed by women. A vivid example of this is Nina Vladimirovna Brusnikina. Working in the Gryazovetsky district of the Vologda region, on April 26, 2006, she noticed a flame escaping from dry grass fodder located on the territory of a livestock complex. The woman took all possible measures to ensure that the fire did not spread to the facilities of the breeding farm. Subsequently, the firefighters who arrived at the scene of the fire confirmed that without the selfless actions of Nina Vladimirovna, it would hardly have been possible to save the complex. That is why on October 5, 2006 Brusnikina N.V. was awarded the Gold Star medal with the title of Hero of Russia.

People who were awarded the highest awards of the two countries

The 90s of the last century are characterized by the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of the Russian Federation. At the intersection of the existence of these countries, some people received a double reward.

They were awarded the title of Hero of the USSR and Hero of the Russian Federation. There are only four such citizens. Among them:

  1. Konstantinovich. This is a famous astronaut with a large number of professional awards. He became a Hero of the USSR in 1989. At the same time, he was awarded the Gold Star medal. In 1992, S.K. Krikalev received the first such award of the Russian Federation.
  2. Vladimirovich. Despite his medical education, he received the highest state award as an astronaut. In 1989, Polyakov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and in 1995, after completing a record space flight lasting 437 days, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.
  3. Maidanov Nikolay Savinovich. This courageous man was a helicopter pilot. He received the highest award of the USSR in 1988 for military merit. The title Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded to Maidanov in 2000 posthumously.
  4. Nikolaevich. This is a scientist and famous polar explorer, who was also engaged in political activities for some period of time. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Chilingarov after completing the most difficult government task. In 2008 he was awarded the second highest award. The scientist received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation after the completion of a deep-sea expedition.

All these people are brave and courageous citizens of their country. The heroic deeds of people in our time, Russia, as in former times, appreciates very highly. After all, all the feats were performed in extreme conditions, where it was necessary to show special resourcefulness and ingenuity.

It is worth saying that all the Heroes of Russia are extraordinary people. Often they rightfully deserve other high state awards. So, the world-famous gunsmith-designer M. T. Kalashnikov was not only a Hero of Russia, but was twice awarded the Hero of Socialist Labor. V. Beiskbaev - veteran of the Great Patriotic War, as well as cosmonauts T. A. Musabaev and Yu. I. Malenchenko are not only Heroes of the Russian Federation, but also Heroes of Kazakhstan. V. A. Wolf - Sergeant of the Airborne Forces, winner of the Hero of Russia and Hero of Abkhazia awards. S. Sh. Sharipov is a cosmonaut who is both a Hero of the Russian Federation and a Hero of Kyrgyzstan.

Heroic deeds of ordinary people

In 1997, the highest award of our country was first presented to a girl - Marina Plotnikova (posthumously). She accomplished her feat in July 1991 in the Tomalinsky district Penza region. Marina, along with her two younger sisters, swam in the Khoper River. They were joined by a friend - Natasha Vorobyova, who soon fell into a whirlpool and began to sink. Marina saved her. However, at this time, her younger sisters got into the whirlpool. The courageous girl was able to save them too, but she herself was exhausted and, unfortunately, died.

And let not all feats ordinary people today they are awarded the Hero of Russia award. But, nevertheless, these citizens of our country can be considered as such. And despite the fact that the exploits of ordinary people today are sometimes hardly noticeable, they will forever remain in the grateful hearts of people.

The heroic deed of seventy-nine-year-old Elena Golubeva is worthy of respect and admiration. She was the first to rush to help people injured during the crash of the Nevsky Express. The elderly woman brought them clothes and her blankets.

The real heroes of the city of Iskitim (Novosibirsk region) were two students of the local assembly technical school. They, 17-year-old Nikita Miller and 20-year-old Vlad Volkov, were rounded up by a raider who tried to rob a food stall.

Alexey Peregudov, a priest from the Chelyabinsk region, did not lose his head in a difficult situation. He had to save the life of the groom right at the wedding. The guy lost consciousness during the wedding. Priest Peregudov, having examined the lying man, suggested that he had a cardiac arrest. Immediately the priest began to provide first aid. After performing an indirect heart massage, which Peregudov had previously seen only on TV, the groom came to his senses.

In Mordovia, Marat Zinatullin performed a heroic deed. This veteran of the war in Chechnya saved an elderly man by pulling him out of a burning apartment. Seeing the flame, Marat climbed onto the roof of a barn located next to the house, and from there he was able to get to the balcony. Zinatullin broke the glass and got into the apartment, where a 70-year-old pensioner, poisoned by smoke, was lying on the floor. Marat was able to open the front door and carry the victim to the entrance.

On November 30, 2013, a fisherman fell through the ice at Chernoistochinsky Pond. The worker of housing and communal services Rais Salakhutdinov came to the aid of the man. He also fished on this pond and was the first to hear the cry for help.

Courageous deeds of children

What is it, a feat in our days? An essay on this topic can highlight various situations. And among them, the courageous deeds of young citizens of our country stand out. Who are they, children - the heroes of our time? The feats of our day are performed by ordinary schoolchildren, whose courage in extreme situations causes deep respect.

For example, the youngest hero in our country is Zhenya Tabakov. At the time of the feat, he was a student of the second grade. The Order of Courage, which Zhenya was awarded, was presented to his mother. The boy received it posthumously for protecting his sister from a criminal. Under the guise of a postman, he entered the apartment and began to demand money from the children. Grabbing his sister, the criminal ordered the boy to bring everything of value that was in the apartment. Zhenya tried to protect himself and the girl by hitting the criminal with a table knife. However, the weak hand of a second grader could not harm a grown man. An enraged criminal, previously convicted of robbery and murder, inflicted eight stab wounds on Zhenya, from which the boy died the same day in the hospital.

Schoolchildren from the village of Ilyinka, located in the Tula region, Nikita Sabitov, Andrey Ibronov, Artem Voronin, Vladislav Kozyrev and Andrey Nadruz are also real heroes. The boys pulled 78-year-old pensioner Valentina Nikitina out of the well.

And in the Krasnodar Territory, schoolchildren Mikhail Serdyuk and Roman Vitkov managed to save an elderly woman who could not get out of a burning house. At the time when the boys saw the fire, the flames engulfed almost the entire veranda. Schoolchildren took an ax and a sledgehammer from the shed and broke the glass. Roman climbed into the window and, having broken down the doors, carried the woman out into the street.

And this is not all the children-heroes of our time. The feats of our days are performed by young citizens of the country, having a noble heart and a strong character.

Work for courageous people

Emergencies and serious fires often occur in the country. And so the exploits of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in our days are not uncommon. Rescuers have to act in the most difficult situations, showing courage and ingenuity. And always employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations prove their high professionalism, sometimes coming to the aid of people in difficult situations.

The exploits of firefighters today can be described for a long time. And some of them are done outside of work. For example, the senior lieutenant of the fire service from Samara, Alexander Mordvov, saw flames in the house opposite at six in the morning. The fire engulfed the five-story Khrushchev building, spreading from a pile of garbage left under the balcony of the first floor. Alexander, wearing a sports suit, rushed to help the firefighters who had already arrived at the scene. The senior lieutenant managed to bring a woman who was choking from burning into the street, but could not enter the entrance again because of the thick smoke. Alexander "borrowed" a special jacket from the fire brigade, ran into the house and carried three children and nine adults out of the burning apartments in turn. Later, at the request of the victims of the fire, the rescuer in a training suit was awarded the medal "For Merit to Samara".

The exploits of firefighters today help save the lives of not only people. Sometimes the Ministry of Emergency Situations has to rescue animals. So, once the duty officer of the Ufa search and rescue squad received a call that inhuman screams were heard from the ventilation pipe of one of the city houses. These sounds terrified the residents of nearby apartments for two days. Rescuer Alexander Permyakov found an ordinary puppy that fell into a ventilation shaft and could not get out. Getting a dog was not easy. The narrow shaft made it impossible to bend or turn around. However, Alexander managed to grab the prisoner by the tip of the tail and pulled him out.

Life often brings people into emergency situations. And the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are always in a hurry to help them. So, nothing foreshadowed trouble on a typical June day in Saratov. But a sudden downpour flooded the city. Many streets were under water, including St. Tankers. On it, right in the middle of the roadway, the bus of the ninetieth route stalled. Rescuers went to help passengers in trouble. The driver Konstantin Lukyanov, who transported the brigade, parked the car of the Ministry of Emergency Situations near the scene and waited for his comrades. Suddenly, he saw a multi-ton truck, which, having lost control, rushed to the bus stop. A few more moments, and the car would have crashed into people on the sidewalk. The decision was made instantly. Lukyanov took the hit himself, driving onto the roadway in front of the truck. Thanks to the selfless actions of this courageous man, the people who were at the bus stop remained alive.

The exploits of the heroes of our days are numerous. We should always remember the people who risk their lives to save the lives of others. The strength of their spirit should also inspire us to good deeds.

Eleven-year-old Yakut woman Kharyskhaana Ammosova was awarded the state medal "For Courage in Rescue" on November 2. In addition to her, the Federation Council awarded 19 more children who committed heroic deeds.

The 10-year-old girl who saved her younger siblings from a fire. A 16-year-old boy who put his back under the knife blows of a criminal to protect a friend. Four 13-year-olds who held a dangerous recidivist. A 12-year-old boy who caught a one-year-old girl who fell out of a window. A 17-year-old athlete who pulled out the wounded after the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro.

These are real feats performed by our compatriots, many of whom have not yet reached the age of majority. "Children Heroes" - within the framework of this all-Russian project, the award ceremony for young Russians has been held for the fourth year in a row under the auspices of the Federation Council, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Union of Rescuers.

At the same time, not everyone came to Bolshaya Dmitrovka, where the awards ceremony was held. “We have many children and teenagers in our country who deserve respect and high awards, those who are not indifferent to the grief of others, who, risking their lives, threw themselves into fire and water to save a person’s life. In total, we received 229 submissions from 57 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, ”said Valentina Matvienko, chairman of the Federation Council. And she expressed sincere gratitude to teachers and parents for raising such worthy citizens of our country.

2017 Child Heroes Award Winners

Children and adolescents who have shown personal courage in extreme situations

Mikhailaki Vladimir (17 years old), St. Petersburg

On April 3, 2017, an explosion occurred in one of the train cars in the St. Petersburg metro. Vladimir at that moment was in the subway - he boldly began to help the injured passengers, helped them get out of the damaged subway car, independently tried to stop the blood and accompanied the victims on the way to the street, leading them through the acrid smoke.

Grishin Dmitry (13 years old), Trushin Pavel (14 years old), Movchan Dmitry (13 years old), Larin Dmitry (14 years old). All — Moscow region

One morning, four guys were walking through the village of Krasnaya Poyma, Lukhovitsky District, Moscow Region. Passing by an abandoned school, they heard suspicious sounds and noticed the movement of someone outside the building. The guys decided to find out what was happening: while examining the first floor of the building, they found a criminal who tried to rape a seven-year-old boy. The attacker did not respond to the demands to stop the violence, and then the young heroes proceeded to active actions: using force, they distracted the criminal and dragged the frightened boy to a safe distance. After that, the guys called for help a passerby, who helped to detain the intruder. It turned out to be a previously convicted recidivist.

Chernova Julia (10 years old), Belgorod region

The tragedy broke out in one of the houses of the village of Phantom in the Prokhorovsky district of the Belgorod region in early February. Julia stayed at home for the eldest to look after the younger children. But suddenly there was a fire, which began to quickly cover the house. Yulia's brothers and sisters, frightened, hid under the beds and wardrobes - certain death! At this time, the eldest 10-year-old Yulia tried to put out the fire with water, but the flame blocked the exit from the house. The decision was made quickly - Yulia broke the window glass with her fist and managed not only to push all five children out of the fire, but also to throw a blanket and several warm clothes onto the snow. When the girl saw that a neighbor was running to her aid, she lost consciousness. Fortunately, the adults managed to save Yulia herself.

Skvortsov Alexey (9 years old), Mari El Republic

A schoolboy was walking down the street in his village of Kokshamary, Zvenigovsky district. Suddenly, he saw a broken wire of the electric lighting line on the ground, and next to it, a little boy lying unconscious. Alexei was not at a loss and remembered the skills that he was taught at school in the lessons of life safety. The nine-year-old hero took a stick in his hands and moved a bare wire away from the shocked boy. After he called ambulance.

Tumgoev Rashid (15 years old), The Republic of Ingushetia

15-year-old Rashid lives in the rural settlement of Surkhakhi in the Nazran District of the Republic of Ingushetia. On June 26, 2017, he saw a mudflow approaching one of the houses in which there were eight children. Rashid rushed to the house and began to drag the unsuspecting boys and girls out into the street. And two younger girls of four and five years old Rashid carried in his arms. After that, he led the children to a hillock, to the top of which, as the young hero calculated, the mudflow would definitely not be able to reach. All children were saved.

Gorbuntsov Leonid (16 years old), Kemerovo region

A 16-year-old resident of the city of Belova was returning home from training when he heard a woman's cries for help - an attacker was trying to snatch a bag from her hands. He succeeded, but Leonid rushed after the criminal in pursuit. Having caught up with him on a nearby street, he kept the robber until the police arrived.

Skvortsov Andrey (16 years old), Moscow

A third-grade student ran home - she was a little late after the school line. At the entrance of her house, the girl decided to call her mother. The schoolgirl's new phone attracted the attention of the intruder - he took it away and tried to hide. At that moment, Andrey was leaving the entrance and noticed the girl all in tears. Having learned from her what happened, he instantly caught up with the robber, twisted him and managed to deliver him to the police department on his own.

Yusupova Milana (9 years old), The Republic of Dagestan

At the beginning of September, the third-grader Milana, who lives in the village of Babayurt, went to the neighbors on behalf of her mother. On the way, she noticed that smoke was coming from an apartment on the second floor of one of the houses. At first she was very frightened, but then she heard the voices of two girls - they pleaded for help. Overcoming fear, Milana entered the burning apartment, grabbed the girls of six and seven years old in her arms and ran out into the street. The savior came to herself only when she realized that she had brought the girls to the house of Milana herself! The children she bravely carried out of the fire survived.

Pivovarova Kristina (16 years old), Moscow region

On May 2, 2017, on the platform of the Sharapova Okhota railway station, one of the passengers suddenly lost consciousness. The head of a woman who had fainted hung from the platform towards which the fast train was speeding. Seeing this from the opposite side of the tracks, Christina rushed across the tracks at the risk of her life, pulled herself up and climbed onto the platform, after which she pulled the woman away from the edge of the platform. A few seconds later, a train rushed past them - the woman was saved.

Adoniev Yaroslav (12 years old), Republic of Bashkortostan

A schoolboy from the city of Sterlitamak was waiting for his friends in the yard. Yaroslav noticed that someone was throwing leaves from the window of the second floor. Coming closer, he saw a one-year-old girl swaying on the windowsill. Having instantly oriented himself, the schoolboy ran to the house, at the very last moment he was able to catch the baby in his arms! For this, he had to fall to his knees and tear his elbows - the main thing is that the rescued escaped with only a slight fright. Yaroslav with a child in his arms ran to his friend's mother, who called the police and doctors. It turned out that the girl stayed in the apartment with her three-year-old brother. Only when he was at home, Yaroslav realized what tragedy had been avoided thanks to his act.

Kovalev Roman (13 years old), Kursk region

A schoolboy from the village of Demino noticed that a fire was burning in the windows of a neighbor's house. Knowing that there was a paralyzed woman in the house, Roman broke the glass and climbed into her room. It's incredible, but he managed to single-handedly carry a woman out of a house on fire in his arms! The patient's life was saved.

Spivak Ivan (14 years old), Stavropol region

Ivan was walking along with his friends along the street of the city of Georgievsk, when an 18-year-old guy began to threaten them. He was clearly out of his mind and tried to stab one of the guys with a knife. Ivan rushed forward and covered his friend from the knife of the criminal, and he himself was wounded in the back. No one, except Ivan, was hurt anymore, and the criminal was quickly detained.

Fisurenko Nikita (15 years old), Sizonenko Roman (14 years old), Republic of Crimea

On August 8 of this year, Nikita and Roman, while in the village of Chernomorskoye, saw that four children were swimming in the sea during a storm. Before the eyes of young people, they soon began to sink. At cries for help, Nikita and Roman rushed into the water and began to pull them out of the water. As a result, all four children were saved.

Dulaev Sarmat (11 years old), Republic North Ossetia– Alanya

In February, Sarmat and his friends went for a walk to the Terek River. The extreme walk of the fifth graders threatened to turn into a tragedy - one of the guys fell through the ice. The Sarmat was not at a loss and began to pull out his friend, who was being carried away strong current mountain river. The struggle of the river and the guys was watched by several adults, who for some reason considered what was happening to be a “fun prank”. In the meantime, the situation became critical - the ice was cracking, his hands were slipping off ... Then Sarmat, having gathered his last strength, grabbed his friend by the jacket and pulled him towards him. The rescue took place - Sarmat was able to save the life of a friend without outside help!

Tarasov Anton (at the time of the feat - 16 years old), Donetsk People's Republic

This young man in the project "Children-Heroes" was celebrated separately. Anton accomplished his feat in 2014, but it became known only now.

At three o'clock in the morning, the village named after Komarov, located on the main line of fire, was subjected to massive shelling by the Uragan multiple launch rocket system. After the first explosion, the roof of the house where the boy's family lived collapsed. Anton heard the cries of his mother and father and began to make his way into the bedroom to his parents.

His six-year-old sister Liza was under the collapse of bricks, she did not move, it was difficult for her to breathe. Mom could not move the fallen blocks that had broken off the wall. Anton crawled up to her and began to dig out his little sister. It was necessary to act very quickly, and Anton succeeded: he pulled his sister out, brought her to her senses, checked the work of her arms and legs.

Parents also needed help. My mother was bleeding: fragments cut her back, and her father was also crushed by a collapsed ceiling beam, he could not get out on his own. The shelling continued, it was 20 degrees below zero outside. Taking his mother and sister to the neighbors, Anton, together with a friend who ran to the rescue, rescued his father - he was immobilized, his spine was hurt. Anton called an ambulance and sent the family to the hospital, while he ran to his older brother and grandmother. He acted without feeling his own injury - during the rescue of his relatives, he was wounded in the leg. Fortunately, the boy's family survived. And after all that he had experienced, Anton decided to become a doctor.

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Children-heroes of our time and their exploits

This Post is about children who committed Deed. People also call such actions feat. I admire them. Let them know as much as possible more people - the country must know its Heroes.

The post is sad. But he does not deny the fact that a worthy generation is growing in our country. Glory to the heroes

The youngest hero of Russia. A real man who was only 7 years old. Sole seven year old owner Order of Courage. Unfortunately, posthumously.

The tragedy broke out on the evening of November 28, 2008. Zhenya and his twelve-year-old older sister Yana were alone at home. An unknown man called at the door, who introduced himself as a postman who allegedly brought a registered letter.

Yana did not suspect anything was wrong and allowed him to come in. Entering the apartment and closing the door behind him, instead of a letter, the “postman” took out a knife and, grabbing Yana, began to demand that the children give him all the money and valuables. Having received an answer from the children that they did not know where the money was, the criminal demanded that Zhenya look for them, and he dragged Yana into the bathroom, where he began to rip off her clothes. Seeing how he rips off his sister's clothes, Zhenya grabbed kitchen knife and in desperation stuck it in the waist of the offender. Howling in pain, he loosened his grip, and the girl managed to run out of the apartment for help. In a rage, the failed rapist, pulling the knife out of himself, began to thrust it into the child (eight stab wounds incompatible with life were counted on Zhenya's body), after which he fled. However, the wound inflicted by Zhenya, leaving behind a bloody trail, did not allow him to escape from the chase.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 20, 2009 No. For courage and dedication shown in the performance of civic duty Tabakov Evgeny Evgenievich was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. The order was received by Zhenya's mother Galina Petrovna.

On September 1, 2013, a monument to Zhenya Tabakov was opened in the school yard - a boy driving a kite away from a dove. The memory of the young hero was immortalized. School No. 83 of the Noginsk district of the Moscow region, where the boy studied, was named after him. The school management decided to put his name on the list of students forever. in the lobby educational institution A memorial plaque in memory of the boy was unveiled. The desk in the office where Zhenya studied was named after him. The right to sit behind it is granted to the best student of the class assigned to this office. A monument of the author's work was erected on Zhenya's grave.

A 12-year-old teenager, a resident of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, died saving a 9-year-old schoolboy. The tragedy occurred on May 5, 2012 on Enthusiasts Boulevard. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, 9-year-old Andrey Churbanov decided to get plastic bottle that fell into the fountain. Suddenly he was shocked, the boy lost consciousness and fell into the water.

Everyone shouted “help”, but only Danil jumped into the water, who at that moment was passing by on a bicycle. Danil Sadykov pulled the victim onto the side, but he himself received a severe electric shock. He died before the ambulance arrived.
Thanks to selfless act one child, the other child survived.

Danil Sadykov was awarded the Order of Courage. Posthumously. For the courage and dedication shown in saving a person in extreme conditions. The award was presented by the chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Instead of her son, the boy's father, Aidar Sadykov, received her.

The monument to Danila in Naberezhnye Chelny is made in the form of a “feather”, symbolizing an easy but cut short life, and a memorial plaque with a reminder of the feat of a little hero.

Maxim Konov and Georgy Suchkov

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, two third-graders rescued a woman who fell into an ice hole. When she was already saying goodbye to life, two boys passed by the pond, returning from school. A 55-year-old resident of the village of Mukhtolova, Ardatovsky district, went to the pond to draw water from the Epiphany hole. The ice hole was already covered with ice, the woman slipped and lost her balance. In heavy winter clothes, she found herself in icy water. Clinging to the edge of the ice, the unfortunate woman began to call for help.

Fortunately, at that moment, two friends Maxim and Georgiy, who were returning from school, were passing by the pond. Noticing the woman, they, without wasting a second, rushed to help. Having reached the ice-hole, the boys took the woman by both hands and pulled her out onto strong ice. The guys accompanied her to the house, not forgetting to grab a bucket and a sled. Arriving doctors examined the woman, provided assistance, she did not need hospitalization.

Of course, such a shock did not pass without a trace, but the woman does not get tired of thanking the guys for staying alive. She gave her rescuers soccer balls and cell phones.

Vanya Makarov

Vanya Makarov from Ivdel is now eight years old. A year ago, he rescued his classmate from the river, who fell through the ice. Looking at this little boy - a little over a meter tall and weighing only 22 kilograms - it's hard to imagine how he alone could pull the girl out of the water. Vanya grew up in an orphanage with his sister. But two years ago he got into the family of Nadezhda Novikova (and the woman already had four of her children). In the future, Vanya plans to go to study at a cadet school in order to become a lifeguard later.

Kobychev Maxim

Fire in a private residential building in the village of Zelveno Amur region flared up in the late evening. Neighbors discovered the fire very late, when thick smoke poured from the windows of the burning house. Reporting about the fire, the residents began to extinguish the flames by flooding it with water. By that time things and the walls of the building were burning in the rooms. Among those who ran to help was 14-year-old Maxim Kobychev. Having learned that there were people in the house, he, not at a loss in a difficult situation, entered the house and pulled a disabled woman born in 1929 into the fresh air. Then, risking his own life, he returned to the burning building and carried out a man born in 1972.

Kirill Daineko and Sergey Skripnik

In the Chelyabinsk region, two friends of 12 years showed real courage, saving their teachers from the destruction caused by the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Kirill Daineko and Sergei Skrypnik heard their teacher Natalya Ivanovna calling for help from the dining room, unable to knock down the massive doors. The children rushed to save the teacher. First, they ran into the duty room, grabbed a reinforcing bar that came under their arm and knocked out the window into the dining room with them. Then, through the window opening, the teacher, wounded by glass fragments, was transferred to the street. After that, the schoolchildren discovered that another woman needed help - a kitchen worker, who was overwhelmed by utensils that collapsed from the impact of the blast wave. Having quickly sorted out the blockage, the boys called for help from adults.

Lida Ponomareva

The medal "For Saving the Perishing" will be awarded to a sixth grade student of Ustvashskaya high school Leshukonsky district (Arkhangelsk region) Lidia Ponomareva. The corresponding Decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the press service of the regional government reports.

In July 2013, a 12-year-old girl saved two seven-year-old children. Lida, ahead of the adults, jumped into the river, first after the drowning boy, and then helped the girl to swim out, who was also carried away by the current far from the shore. One of the guys on land managed to throw a life jacket to the drowning child, for which Lida pulled the girl to the shore.

Lida Ponomareva, the only one of the surrounding children and adults who found themselves at the scene of the tragedy, without hesitation, rushed into the river. The girl risked her own life doubly, because her injured arm was very sore. When the next day after saving the children, the mother and daughter went to the hospital, it turned out that it was a fracture.

Admiring the courage and courage of the girl, the governor of the Arkhangelsk region, Igor Orlov, personally thanked Lida for her brave act over the phone.

At the suggestion of the governor, Lida Ponomareva was presented for a state award.

Alina Gusakova and Denis Fedorov

During the terrible fires in Khakassia, schoolchildren saved three people.
On that day, the girl happened to be near the house of her first teacher. She came to visit a friend who lived next door.

I hear someone screaming, she said to Nina: “I’ll come now,” Alina says about that day. - I see through the window that Polina Ivanovna is shouting: “Help!”. While Alina was saving a school teacher, her house, in which the girl lives with her grandmother and older brother, burned to the ground.

On April 12, in the same village of Kozhukhovo, Tatyana Fedorova, together with her 14-year-old son Denis, came to visit their grandmother. Holiday anyway. As soon as the whole family sat down at the table, a neighbor came running and, pointing to the mountain, called to put out the fire.

We ran up to the fire, started putting it out with rags, - says Rufina Shaimardanova, Denis Fedorov's aunt. - When they extinguished most of it, it blew very sharply, strong wind and the fire went down on us. We ran to the village, ran into the nearest buildings to hide from the smoke. Then we hear - the fence is cracking, everything is on fire! I could not find the door, my thin brother darted through the crack, and then came back for me. And together we can't find a way out! Smokey, scary! And then Denis opened the door, grabbed my hand and pulled me out, then my brother. I have a panic, my brother has a panic. And Denis reassures: "Calm down Rufa." When we walked, nothing was visible at all, the lenses in my eyes were fused from the high temperature ...

This is how a 14-year-old schoolboy saved two people. He not only helped to get out of the house on fire, but also brought him to a safe place.

Head of the EMERCOM of Russia Vladimir Puchkov presented departmental awards to firefighters and residents of Khakassia, who distinguished themselves in the elimination of massive fires, in the fire station No. 3 of the Abakan garrison of the EMERCOM of Russia. The list of award recipients includes 19 firefighters from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, firefighters from Khakassia, volunteers and two schoolchildren from the Ordzhonikidzevsky district - Alina Gusakova and Denis Fedorov.



The stories below about 33 heroes are only a small part of the feats,

that are committed by children.

Not everyone is awarded medals, but this does not make their act any less significant.

The most important reward is the gratitude of those whose lives they saved.

According to the stories of children-heroes, in many emergency situations they were helped by knowledge and skills,

obtained in the lessons of life safety.

And this is pride for life safety teachers (in a good way)

for their students, for their subject of life safety, for their teaching profession.

If you have similar stories - please send us.

Russia must know your heroes!


Aisen Mikhailov

Alexander Alexandrov

Alexandra Ershova

Andrey Berenda

Anton Chusov

Artem Artyukhin

Vladislav Prikhodko

Daniil Musakhanov

Denis Davydov

Dmitry Shapkin

Ivan Ganshin

Evgeny Pozdnyakov

Mikhail Buklaga

Nastya Erokhina

Nikita Sviridov

Nikita Terekhin

Nikita Medvedev

Olesya Pushmina

Artur Ghazaryan

Valeria Maksimova

Vlad Morozov

Valentin Tsurikov

Vyacheslav Vildanov

Ekaterina Michurova

Ksenia Perfilieva

Lisa Khomutova

Maxim Zotimov

Maria Zyabrikova

Stas Slynko

Sergey Prytkov

Trofim Zhendrinsky

Khamzat Yakubov

Eduard Timofeev

and many, many other children-heroes who were helped by the knowledge gained in the lessons of life safety...

Vadim Nasipov was awarded the medal "For saving the dead"

20-year-old student of the Ural State Pedagogical University Vadim Nasipov came to the aid of a baby who was in a wheelchair on the tracks at the Uralmash metro station. The child, in a fit of jealousy for her husband, was pushed onto the rails by his own mother.

The future life safety teacher, having descended into the subway, saw a terrible thing: a stroller with a loudly crying baby was lying right on the tracks, and a beam of light was already visible in the tunnel and the sound of an approaching train was heard. Without thinking about whether the contact rails are de-energized or not, Vadim jumped down and saved the child.

MAGOMED SABIGULAEV, rescue of a drowning man

11 years old, Kedi village, Tsumadinsky district, Republic of Dagestan
On a clear June day, two little friends - Adam Ziyavdinov and Saipudin Isaev (both 4 years old) played near the lake in the village of Kedi. Adam got too close to the shore, slipped and fell into a lake 2 meters deep. Saipudin, who remained on the shore, did not lose his head and ran to seek help.

Boris Bushkov. Rescue of a drowning man

Toward evening, Boris rode his bicycle to the Velikaya River for fishing. Suddenly he heard cries for help and increased his speed. In a matter of minutes, he drove up to the river and saw that two boys were drowning. One floundered in the middle of the river, while the other was carried away by the current. Without a moment's hesitation, Boris quickly took off his clothes and rushed to help.


9th grade student Artem Artyukhin, saved a student from his school Olya Aksimova from a fire. And now the award has found its hero, Artem received the medal "For Courage in a Fire."

The solemn rewarding of the hero was attended by students of the local school No. 1176. The hero received the medal "For Courage in a Fire" from the hands of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

According to Ivan Podoprikhin, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, the guy was lucky to be in the right place at the right time, where he not only did not get confused, took a risk, and thereby was able to save a person's life.

As Artyom himself recalled, that day he was returning home when he noticed smoke coming out of the building, and a lot of onlookers gathered nearby, filming what was happening on camera and waiting for further development. He did not lose his head and, entering the building, found a girl on the eighth floor who called for help, knocking out the door, he took her out of the house in which the fire started.


In Stavropol, 15-year-olds Ivan Ganshin and Artur Kazaryan detained and taken to the police station of the criminal who robbed the man.

On Saturday afternoon, putting off preparations for the first session, they walked through the center of the city to meet with friends and, a few dozen meters away, saw how a young man, knocking a man to the ground, began to beat him. The guys overtook the criminal only in the next block, twisted his hands and led him to the victim, not succumbing to persuasion to let him go. After some time, a police squad arrived at the scene. The detained 27-year-old man was charged under the article of attempted robbery, he is now under investigation.


On the way to go fishing, Pavel Kulikov, a 9-year-old resident of the village of Chastye, slipped on the frozen boards of the bridge and fell into the icy water of the bay. Icy water in an instant filled rubber boots and made clothes a deadly burden for a 9-year-old child. His friend Nikita Terekhin not taken aback and rushed to the aid of a friend.

The boy hung on a high bridge so that Pavel could grab onto his leg and climb out of the cold water. On land, the young rescuer picked up the injured friend and took him home. Thanks to the brave act of the boy, the schoolboy escaped with only hypothermia. The heroic deed of the third grader did not go unnoticed. The young rescuer became a real hero in the eyes of the students of his native school. The head of the Chastinsky district awarded Nikita with a mobile phone and a letter of thanks.


Documents for the awarding of the 13-year-old Olesya Pushmina. In the summer, a schoolgirl from the Irkutsk region saved a drowning eight-year-old boy who was swimming in an abandoned quarry with his grandfather. At that moment, there were still people on the shore, including strong men, but no one, except Olesya, rushed to help.

It all happened in an abandoned quarry. Olesya Pushmina and her friends came here to sunbathe and swim. They ended up next to eight-year-old Nikita, who was taught to swim by his grandfather. At some point, Olesya noticed that an elderly man had disappeared under water, and the child was trying to swim out with all his strength. Without hesitation, Olesya rushed to save the boy. He says that there was one thought in his head: not to let the child go under water. Grabbing Nikita from behind with one hand, the other rowed to the shore. How she managed to swim to the shore with an eight-year-old boy, the fragile girl does not remember. Having seated the child on the shore, Olesya with friends who came to the rescue tried to save the man. I had to dive several times.


The Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory awarded 12-year-old schoolboy Stas Slynko with the medal "For Courage in a Fire". Stanislav saved his five-year-old sister and aunt from the fire. A night fire in their house in the village of Starominskaya happened in April 2012. At this time, the student's mother was on a business trip. Stanislav and his younger sister Irina were looked after by their aunt and her husband.

The boy was the first to wake up from the crackle of burning furniture and the smell of smoke. He shouted "We're on fire!" and ran to the nursery where the 5-year-old sister was sleeping.

Professional rescuers say that the child, once on fire, acted with extreme precision and courage.


On April 26, during the solemn ceremony of presenting state awards of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the medal of the President of Russia "For the salvation of the perished" will be awarded to a student of the 10th grade of the Kundyadinskaya secondary school of the Nyurbinsky district Mikhailov Aisen Semenovich.

In July 2009, Aisen Mikhailov twice rescued drowning children. In the first case, on July 12, he pulled a six-year-old child out of the water, who was swimming without adult supervision. A group of children were swimming in shallow water. Suddenly, unexpectedly, one of them was carried by the current into a deep ravine, and he began to sink. Aisen, who was not far away, immediately rushed to help and pulled the boy ashore.

The second incident happened two weeks later. On this day, many children and adults rested on the Vilyui River. The group of girls was about fifty meters from the main group of bathers. Suddenly, one of them, an 8th grade student, started to sink.

Aisen heard the screams of the girls, already leaving the beach, and without a second's hesitation, he rushed to help. And he pulled a girl who managed to choke on the river water to the shore. Before the arrival of adults, the boy managed to provide first aid to the victim, brought her to her senses. If not for the presence of Aisen at that tragic moment, something irreparable could have happened.

On September 1, 2009, at the celebration of the Day of Knowledge for heroic deeds, Aisen Mikhailov was awarded the Diploma of the Center for State Inspection for Small Vessels of the Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).


Summer vacation 13-year-old resident of St. Tomsk Andrey Berenda spent with his grandmother in the village of Zima, Irkutsk region. Last year, he met two brothers here - 16-year-old Maxim and 11-year-old Dima. With them, he disappeared for days on end - together they went fishing, swam, walked. On that day, August 2, closer to dinner, as soon as the water warmed up a little, the friends went to the river. However, in their usual place it seemed a little cold to them, so they decided to wade to the other side and continue their rest there. Putting things in a bag, they carefully moved through the water one after another. But then the older brother Maxim decided to play a trick on the younger one, grabbed rubber slippers from his hands and let them go downstream. Dima immediately rushed into the water after them. Having swum a little, he felt that he was beginning to be pulled deeper. The boy screamed and began to flounder, brother Maxim immediately rushed to his aid. But a strong current picked them both up and carried them down. Then Andrei realized that his friends might not get out on their own, so, throwing a bag with things, he rushed to help his brothers. Noticing that Maxim swam towards the shore, he began to pull out the younger Dima - he was already completely exhausted.
“When I swam up to him, Dima began to grab onto me, tried to climb up, I felt that I myself could drown now,” Andrei recalls. - I tell him: "Calm down, roll over on your stomach, swim forward, I will push you." Dima obeyed, and so we got to the shore. While we were sailing, I saw that Maxim was still holding on to the surface. But when we got ashore, and I turned around, Maxim was no longer visible. When I thought that Maxim had drowned, I felt uneasy.
Meanwhile, fishermen who watched what was happening from the shore became witnesses of the tragedy. However, none of them came to the aid of the brothers. They silently continued to fish and did not even come up when Andrei pushed the frightened Dima ashore and asked to call an ambulance. The younger brother did not tell his parents about what happened to the older brother until the evening. When the pain of losing his brother overcame the fear of parental anger, he told them everything. Maxim's body was found only two days later. Andrei, meanwhile, says that if Maxim was still on the surface when he pulled his brother ashore, then he would no doubt have returned for him. Even in spite of the fact that he was already almost without strength.


An 11-year-old boy, Anton Chusov, with his heroic deed, cut off all disputes about whether such a subject as “Fundamentals of Life Safety” is needed at school. In the face of the impending tragedy, he remembered what the teacher explained, and is now awarded the medal "For saving the lost."
On September 27, 2007, the Governor of the Vladimir Region, Nikolai Vinogradov, in the building of the regional administration, solemnly presented Anton Chusov with the medal "For Saving the Perishing": an 11-year-old schoolboy saved two drowning girls last summer, and the President of the Russian Federation signed a Decree on awarding the young hero with a government award.
Last July, Anton, a student from Gus-Khrustalny, swam in one of the ponds not far from the district center. Close to Anton, two girls swam on car cameras. One of them fell into the water and began to sink. Anton's grandmother Nina Ilyinichna, who came to look after her grandson, began to call for help, but there were no adults nearby. Anton rushed to save:
- She was already under water, and I had to push her to the surface several times, - the young hero told the correspondent from the newspaper.
8-year-old Kristina was also in the water, whom Anton helped to climb onto the car camera. Meanwhile, the grandmother was already pumping out the rescued Tanya.
Tanya swallowed a lot of water, she was shaking and shivering. Christina escaped with a fright. The boy and his grandmother brought the girls to their senses and brought them home. For a long time no one knew what had happened. In autumn Anton went to school. As before, he studied for fours and threes, as before, he was more friends with girls than with boys, as before, he rushed about at breaks and flew along the railing ... Suddenly, a local newspaper wrote about the boy's feat.
- My mother taught me to swim, I already swim breaststroke quite well. And I'm not a hero, I'm not even the best swimmer in the class, - the modest Anton seemed to justify himself when correspondents of newspapers and television began to interview him. However, the little hero showed not only courage, but the professionalism of a real rescuer.
- In our class they showed a film on how to save drowning people, - explains Anton. - And I acted as taught in the film: I did not pull the girl by the hair, but dived and pushed her out of the water.
- I myself was surprised that Anton was not at all afraid when he saw that the girl was drowning, - said Nina Ilyinichna, Anton's grandmother, - especially since he himself recently learned to swim. I was so frightened when Anton began to dive for the girl: what if he drowned himself!
Anton reassures his grandmother: well, he's alive! And besides, at the OBZh lesson it is clearly said: if a person drowns, he must be saved.


The first day of the school year for students of school No. 4 of the South-Western district of the capital began in a special way. Many TV cameras, journalists, representatives of the prefecture and the Ministry of Emergency Situations came to congratulate all the guys and personally the 9-year-old Valentina Tsurikova, because now he is not just a schoolboy, but a real hero. In the children's camp, he was the first to come to the aid of a boy drowning in the pool.

“The girl comes up to me and says, there is Maxim, he is already under water for about 5 minutes. I dived next to him, I pull him up - he does not move at all. When he pulled it out to the surface, put his head on the side, then the shift director ran up, started pumping him out, then the doctor ran in, also started pumping out, then they called an ambulance, they started taking everyone out, ”Valentin recalls that day. The whole school now knows about his heroic deed, and his parents are now truly proud of their son.

“We were proud that our son did not lose his head and at such a moment he was able to orient himself and made the only right decision to help the person,” Valya's parents told the correspondents of the Ministry of Emergencies of Media.

Viktor Shepelev, head of the department for the Southwestern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow, presented the young hero with the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Eliminating the Consequences of an Emergency" and invited Valya to seriously think about a career as a rescuer.


He was not afraid and saved three lives at once. In Yekaterinburg, a 14-year-old schoolboy was solemnly awarded for heroism in a fire. During the May holidays, Vladislav helped neighbors who were in danger of suffocating in their own apartment.
Marina Mikhailovna still cannot calmly recall the events of that day. And he doesn't want to. The fact that there was a fire, blames only himself. Here is her neighbor Vladislav Prikhodko, on the contrary, that day I remembered everything that was taught in the lessons of life safety.
Opening the door, Vlad saw the neighbor's children screaming that their apartment was on fire. Not at a loss, the 14-year-old boy took the guys outside and returned for their grandmother. But even after that, Vlad did not rush to save himself. After waiting for the firefighters, he showed them the apartment and the room that were on fire. Later it turns out: the fire started because the 3-year-old neighbor decided to set fire to the sofa.

Vlad Morozov, a first-grader of school No. 4 in the city of Navashino, became a real hero. On September 1, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations came to the school line. For courage, the seven-year-old firefighter received a letter from the fire department and mittens-gaiters - as a keepsake. The regional department of education gave Vlad a ticket to a sanatorium camp.

“I really liked the mittens,” says Vlad. - When I grow up, I will also become a real fireman. I will save people from the fire."

But the very day when Vlad had to show courage, the boy does not like to remember. Vlad spent his regular holidays with his grandmother. On a July night, she flew into the rural house of his grandmother Lidia Ivanovna fireball. The fireball was first seen by Lydia Ivanovna's brother Alexander. The pensioner slept in a separate room. Lightning hit the Russian furnace, and then an explosion, Alexander was thrown to the door. Somehow he crawled out into the street: Alexander Ivanovich walked very badly - an invalid since childhood. This explosion was heard by little Vlad.

“The explosion deafened me, and my grandmother even burst eardrums,” complains Vlad.

Lydia Ivanovna has long since lost her sight. “I tried to get out by myself, then I ran into a burning table, went along the wall - and then it burns. Thought it was gone. And then a voice in the smoke: Granny, give me your hand, I'll take you out. And so we went, ”recalls the pensioner.

Melted plastic dripped from the ceiling - right on Vladik's back. But he didn't cry!

“They put me on a bench and said:“ Granny, your dress is on fire at the back. Look, the bench caught fire too. Let's go further!" And as soon as we moved away from the shop, a gas cylinder exploded in the house. As if some kind of force led the granddaughter out of the fire to a safe distance. Guardian angel, maybe?”, - added Lydia Ivanovna


May 20, 2011 Denis Davydov rescued a drowning first-grader. Children played in the village of Kosh-Akach on the banks of the Chuya River. One of the boys ended up in the water due to careless movement. The Chuya River is deep, with a strong current, so the first-grader instantly found himself in the middle of the river. Denis realized that the child could die, and, without hesitation, rushed to the water to save the drowning man. The young rescuer dived under the water, grabbed the boy by the collar of his clothes, pulled him to the shore and pulled the child out of the icy water. As Denis later recalled: “... there was no time, I didn’t even think about fear, I just saw that someone had fallen into the water, that I needed help.” The rescued boy, frozen and frightened, Denis brought to his home. Parents are proud of their son, but still cannot understand how a boy, despite his young age, not scared. On July 29, 2011, a solemn awarding of Denis Davydov took place in the assembly hall of the district administration. For a selfless, heroic deed, the boy was presented with a gift, a medal and a certificate from the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Altai, Colonel I.A. Bukin. Denis does not consider himself a hero: “Well, what a hero I am, I just helped a person in trouble. Anyone else in my place did the same." But for peers, parents and teachers, he is an example to follow, they look up to him, they are proud of him.


Returning home on December 18, 2004, Zhenya Pozdnyakov distinctly heard a child crying. Through the windows of Mironov's apartment, from where children's screams and knocks could be heard, there was no way to see something - as if a dense fog had enveloped everything. And then Zhenya distinctly caught the smell of smoke. Smoke crawled out into the street from under the doors and from the windows of the Mironovs' house.
Pozdnyakov rushed to the porch. With one movement, he tore off the padlock and immediately almost threw two boys out into the street. But he knew that the Mironovs had four children - Zhenya was a classmate of the mother of a large family. The fire was literally gaining strength before our eyes, and Zhenya no longer had time to think. Clenching his teeth to avoid the scalding smoke, he darted into the room - another kid saved. To find the fourth, smallest of the Mironovs, Zhenya needed a sip fresh air. He felt the frost fill every cell of his body with lightning speed. I wanted to stand and stand under the December sky ringing with blueness, throwing my head high. And breathe, breathe deeply ... But somewhere in the smoke and fire, the two-year-old Deniska remained. Both the second and third attempts to find the boy ended unsuccessfully. Having stepped a third time beyond the threshold of the flaming room, Zhenya decided that I would not go out without a boy. And as if someone whispered in his ear at that moment - look under the crib. Deniska huddled under her in a corner and did not even move.
Only then did one of the neighbors call the fire department. Zhenya Pozdnyakov - for the courage and heroism shown in rescuing four young children, will certainly be presented with a government award. A request for this was sent to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Tomsk Region by the head of a similar regional service. Employees of the administration of the Tomsk region confirmed that the decision to reward the guy who showed real heroism and true courage will be made in the near future.

For three guys, February 18 was not quite an ordinary day. Fifth grader awarded at school meetings Daniil Musakhanov from school 68 in Belorechensk, second grade student Nikita Sviridov and first grader Eduard Timofeev from 31 schools in the village of Rodniki.

For courage, vigilance and correct actions when extinguishing dry grass, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations presented the children with gifts and letters of thanks.

“It happened on February 7 on Aerodromnaya Street in the village of Rodniki,” says Daniil Musakhanov, “I was visiting my grandmother, walking with Nikita and Edik. We noticed that dry grass caught fire in front of the house, and at any moment the fire could spread to residential buildings.

The guys extinguished the fire on their own and only then reported to the fire brigade. The fire brigade highly appreciated the deed of the guys.


November 2005 Slava Vildanov, then a 5th grade student living in the village of Ragnuksa saved four-year-old Dima Tomashevich drowning in the river. Playing on the shore, the kid slipped and fell into cold water. Dima's comrade managed to run to the nearest courtyard and tell Slava about everything. During this time, the drowning boy almost sank to the bottom, and only his jacket was visible on the water. But Slava entered the water and pulled the victim ashore.

For his bravery and courage in rescuing his friend on the water, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Slava was awarded the medal "For Saving the Perishing".


Liza Khomutova is the smallest in her 6th grade in height and weighs a little more than her younger brother. But she's been doing it for four years table tennis. In her age group, she has already become the champion of the region twice and took the “bronze”, fighting with adult athletes. Every weekday, he trains for three hours at the Luch sports club at the Elektropribor plant. Liza is an ordinary girl, but even an adult can learn from her courage and courage. Lisa was awarded the medal "For saving the dead."

Brother Sasha was walking along the pond and accidentally came across a hole with fragile ice. The neighbor cut a hole in which he swam the day before. The ice-hole was seized by the first ice, which was covered with snow. So the danger zone on the ice did not betray itself. Sasha stepped on her! The ice burst, the boy immediately fell into the water. He started screaming and calling for help, but a nearby snow machine muffled his screams. The neighbor who was cleaning the ice did not hear or see anything. By some miracle, the sister of the drowning Sasha, Lisa, heard the alarming cries and did everything quickly and accurately. She did not run to the house for her relatives, but rushed to the hole. Only his brother's head and arms protruded from it. The girl, grabbing his hands tightly, pulled him onto the hard ice.


For 14-year-old Dima Shapkin, school life safety lessons were not in vain. How to do artificial respiration, the first resuscitation, apply a splint. This is taught in every school. Dima never thought that one day he would have to put this knowledge into practice.

Dima, his younger brothers and 6-year-old sister spent the weekend at their grandmother's dacha. Tamara Alexandrovna was engaged in the garden, Dima - household chores, the kids played in the yard. Like all children, Vanya and Dima quickly got bored with playing at home, and they went outside.

Grandmother, Tyoma drowned, - a frightened Vanya flew into the yard.

It turned out that the tomboys went to the handle. Little Artyom went down to the shore to touch the water, and slipping on wet stones fell into the icy water. The fast current swirled the boy.

Dima, without thinking, rushed out of the house to the river, but Tyoma was already far away. Rushing into the icy water, Dima managed to pull his brother ashore.

“He was blue and was no longer breathing. I remembered how the teacher told us at the OBZH lesson about rescuing drowning people. How we trained on the doll. I turned him over, pressed on his chest and stomach, did artificial respiration. Water poured out of Tyoma, then he coughed and breathed,” Dima recalls that day.

After rescuers were already called, little Artyom was admitted to the hospital with bilateral pneumonia - due to the fact that water got into his lungs.

“The kid was saved by the fact that resuscitation measures were very competently provided to him. And most importantly, in time - after all, in such situations, seconds count. When a child does not breathe, oxygen starvation begins, which has a very negative effect on the brain and nervous system. So, Dima is their guardian angel,” says Tyoma's attending physician.

Dmitry Shapkin was awarded by presidential decree for courageous and decisive actions in rescuing people in extreme conditions with the medal "For Saving the Perishing". But Dima himself does not consider himself a hero.

What could have done differently? Dmitry is surprised.


On January 20, in the village of Kirovskoye, Kamyzyaksky District, Astrakhan Region, seven-year-old Katya Michurova saved her classmate Amir Nurgaliyev, who fell into an ice-hole on Erik Dulinsky. Katya and Amir skated on the ice near the house. Suddenly Amir slipped and fell into the water. Katya was not at a loss and was able to lend a helping hand. “At first I was a little scared. I wanted to give a branch that lay nearby, but it froze to the ice, and I could not tear it off. Then I grabbed Amir by the sleeve of my jacket, but the ice broke off. I tried again to pull him out of the icy water, but again I failed. And only the third time, when I grabbed his hand, I managed to pull Amir onto the ice. We were very cold and quickly ran home,” recalls Katya.

Katya did not tell anyone at home, and only from Amir's grateful parents did Katya's mother learn about her daughter's act. To the question in the class: “Were you afraid that you yourself could die?” Katya answered sincerely: “Yes. But I thought if Amir drowned, then his mother would cry a lot, and I would lose a friend.” After such words, tears rolled into the eyes of adults, because not every adult could do this.

But the words of little Amir's mother were the most heartfelt: “This little girl, who has such a big heart, saved our family from irreparable grief. It's even scary to think how it could end. I am very grateful to her for saving my son's life. May the forces of good always protect her and save her from failures and dangers.


Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations went to one of the schools in the Kostroma region to present an award to a sixth grader. Ksenia Perfilieva risking her own life to save a little boy who was drowning in a river. Moreover, neither classmates nor teachers knew about this incident. Ksyusha says that she didn’t do anything special, and everyone in her place would have done the same.
This girl did not stand out among her peers before, but now in 6 "A" everyone knows that Ksyusha Perfileva accomplished a real feat. She herself did not even tell her friends about how she saved the neighbor's boy, classmates found out about this at the school line when Ksyusha was awarded a letter for saving a drowning man.
It all happened in the village of Vysokovskaya, in the summer Ksenia visited her grandmother here. That day she went to swim in the river, where two boys were splashing. 6-year-old Zakhar now can’t even really explain how he got into a deep pool, because he doesn’t know how to swim.
Zakhar Smirnov: "I was standing on a rock, I slipped and fell. And I started to sink..."
While the boy unsuccessfully tried to get out of the river, his friend remained on the bank. But there was no one to call for help, there were no adults nearby.
This place in the village is called "black pool". The depth here is several meters. Seeing that a neighbor boy was helplessly floundering in the middle of the river, Ksenia Perfilieva, without hesitation, rushed to his aid.
In a matter of seconds, she swam to Zakhar, and when she carried him to the shore in her arms, he was already unconscious and did not breathe.
Ksenia Perfilyeva: “When I pulled him out, he didn’t breathe. At the lessons of life safety, they told us, I remembered that you need to press on your chest. If he breathes, then everything is fine. If not, then you need to do artificial respiration.”
Ksyusha did a heart massage and artificial respiration, although she did not hope that it would help, when suddenly the boy came to his senses. An hour later, the child was taken to the hospital, where doctors fought for his life for several more days. Zakhara's mother still cannot believe what happened, that day she was only away from home for a couple of hours - she went to the store for shopping, and when she returned, she found out that her son had almost died.
As a reward, the schoolgirl received a gift from the Ministry of Emergency Situations - an MP3 player, in the district administration of Xenia they presented a small award. At school, in the lessons of life safety, she is now given as an example, explaining how to properly provide first aid to drowning people.
The sixth-grader assures that everyone in her place would have done the same. And making plans for the future. This year, in an essay on the topic "Choice of Profession", Ksenia wrote that after school she would definitely try to get a job in the rescue service.


In July 2011, on the pond outside the village of Sutchevo, Marposad district Chuvash Republic unattended adults, bathed a group of children. The girls, among whom was 11-year-old Nadya Tarasova, did not know how to swim, so they took pieces of polystyrene with them. At some point, the foam slipped out of Nadia's hands, and she began to sink. Valeria Maksimova, who was nearby, on the shore, was not at a loss, quickly assessed the situation and began to loudly call for help. The first to come to the rescue was a 12-year-old Sasha Alexandrov who managed to pull the sinking to the shore. At a safe depth joined him Valeria Maksimova, and together they pulled Nadya to the shore. From the other side, the call for help was answered by Maxim Zotimov, who swam across a pond 35 meters wide and joined the guys. Already together, the children, without wasting a second, provided first aid to the injured girl. Three brave teenagers managed to bring Nadia to her senses and restore her breath.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 4, 2013 No. 184, a student of an autonomous institution of the Chuvash Republic of primary vocational education"Vocational School No. 28, Mariinsky Posad" Maxim Zotimov, student of the municipal budgetary school educational institution"Gymnasium No. 1", Mariinsky Posad Valeriya Maksimova, a student of the state special (correctional) educational institution of the Chuvash Republic for students, pupils with handicapped health "Cheboksary special (correctional) boarding school" Alexander Alexandrov, for their courage and determination in rescuing people on the water were awarded medals "For saving the dead."


You don't have to be mature and sophisticated to save lives. The main thing is to have a clear mind, courage and kind heart. Grand Prize in the special nomination of the festival "Children-Heroes" is awarded to a second grade student of the Gzhel secondary school, which is located in the village of Gzhel, Ramensky district, Moscow region, Maria Zyabrikova.

On January 12, 2010, at 19:22, the central fire department in the city of Voskresensk received a message about a fire at the address: Tsuryupa village, st. Central, d. 3. The dispatcher sent guards on duty from four fire departments to the place of the call.

At the time of the fire, three adults were in the burning apartment - spouses Tatyana and Alexander, Alexander's brother - Sergey, as well as two children - six-year-old Masha Zyabrikova and her half-year-old brother Dima.

We thought the children were inside,” says neighbor Roza Zintsova, who discovered the fire and reported it. But, fortunately, they escaped. Initially, apparently, it caught fire in the corridor, and thus not only the exit was blocked, but also access to water, since our neighbors had it only in the bathroom. And besides, the ceilings in the apartment were made of plastic panels, and there two sighs - and you can lose consciousness.

As Masha said after the tragedy, her mother told her: “Run to Angela. I am now." Girl - well done! Another would be: where am I without my mother ... But Masha - no. She took her little brother in her arms and climbed out the window. Frost minus fifteen, she ran into the entrance with Dima in her arms, she wanted to take a stroller to put Dima there. But there were no pillows, no blankets, nothing. She grabbed her brother and ran to her mother's friend. Barefoot…

Car parents and uncle, unfortunately, died in a fire. Now Masha and Dima live with their grandparents in a private house in the village of Obukhovo. Maria Zyabrikova was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Courage in a Fire".


A student of the Kursk Autotechnical College, 17-year-old Mikhail Buklaga was awarded the medal "For Saving the Dead" for his courage and determination in rescuing people in extreme conditions. The corresponding decree was signed by the President of the Russian Federation.
The guy is actively involved in the military-patriotic club "Slavs", participates in campaigns in places of military glory, grows good, kind, hardworking and sympathetic. In the summer, Misha saved a neighbor who was drowning in the pond, whose heart was seized in the water. Late help, there would be a tragedy. The guy did not even suspect that for his courage in rescuing a drowning man on the line on September 1, he would be honored as a real hero.
There was another case when Mikhail saw a woman lying unconscious on the street. The young man could not pass by, he stopped and recognized her as a friend of his mother. “I ran after the elders, naturally, they called an ambulance, sent a woman to the hospital - it turned out that she had a heart attack,” says Mikhail Buklaga.
Mikhail Buklaga dreams of becoming a professional rescuer and working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


Nastya Erokhin, a student of the 1st grade of school No. 27 in Tomsk, is now called by her classmates nothing more than a “rescuer”. A seven-year-old girl pulled her little sister out of the fire and was able to get out of the burning house herself.
Fire in a single-family log house on the street. 5th Army happened on the afternoon of January 11th. Nastya Erokhina and her five-year-old sister Lena were alone at home - the girls' mother was away from the apartment for a short while. When Nastya realized that the house was on fire, it was no longer possible to leave through the door - the veranda of the house was on fire.
But Nastya was not taken aback and closed the door behind her. Nevertheless, acrid smoke began to quickly fill the house. Attempts to get out through the windows were initially unsuccessful. In the smoke, with difficulty, only the window in the children's room was half opened - the sofa that propped it up interfered. The hardest thing was with Lena - the younger sister panicked a lot, got tangled in the curtains and resisted in every possible way. Finally, pushing her sister, Nastya herself was able to squeeze through the narrow opening. Jumping out into the street without clothes, the girls ran to the store where their grandmother works.
The soldiers of the 10th fire brigade who arrived at the scene were quickly able to cope with the fire, preventing it from spreading. As a result of the fire, only the veranda burned out and the apartment became sooty.
This act could not go unnoticed by the Tomsk firefighters. On January 27, at the school where Nastya studies, from the early morning there was an extraordinary revival. The call from the second lesson was given 10 minutes earlier. Everyone was asked to go to the gym. On the general line in front of the teachers and students of the school, the rescuers awarded Nastya with a diploma and soft toy. In the hands of Nastya, a letter: "For skillful and decisive actions, courage and self-control, shown in an emergency when saving people in a fire." Mom and grandmother Nastya did not hide their tears on the line. Finally, having recovered a little, Valentina Erokhina, Nastya's grandmother, admits that girls have always been taught how to behave in such a situation, which is why, she believes, Nastya was not at a loss.

In January 2011, in the village of Roshinsky, Chaplyginsky District, Lipetsk Region, where 12-year-old Nikita Medvedev lives with his parents, risking his own health and even life, brave hero rescued 8-year-old Volodya Dynko (Benko). The children were playing not far from the Stanovaya Ryasa River, no one noticed how Volodya went out onto the ice and fell through, only after a while the guys heard the boy calling for help and with his last strength he held on to the thin paradise of the ice crust. The guys got scared, they started looking for a stick to pull Volodya out. Nikita, despite his young age, made an immediate and only right decision, he rushed into the water and began to save the boy.

While everyone was looking for a stick, I saw that Volodya was already slipping and could not hold on. I realized that they would not have time to bring the stick, - said Nikita Medvedev. Pulling the child out of the water onto the ice, he cracked, and the two of them were already in ice water. Nikita was not at a loss here either, he dived, picked up Volodya, who had already gone under water, and together they reached the shore. The rescued baby was already brought home by local guys, and the wet Nikita ran to his grandmother's house.

On March 5, Nikita Medvedev, along with his family, was invited to the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and was awarded the medal "For Distinction in Eliminating the Consequences of Emergencies." According to the Regulations, the medal is awarded for distinction, courage and dedication shown in the performance of tasks to eliminate the consequences of an emergency in conditions involving a risk to life; skillful, proactive and decisive actions that contributed to the successful implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations.

Nikita himself does not consider himself a hero. He says if this situation happened again, he would do the same. The young hero liked saving people so much that now he knows exactly who to be. He dreams of working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


Ershova Alexandra Evgenievna, or simply Sasha Ershova - a heroic Tver girl, a student of the 35th school, accomplished a feat during a terrible disaster in the Transvaal water park on February 14, 2004.

Sasha with her mother Lyuba and father Zhenya live in Tver. On my father's birthday, we decided to take a ride to Moscow. Where to go in the capital? Dad decided to show the child a real huge water park! Sasha with early childhood I was engaged in swimming, in the water how a fish feels.

…….When the vaults of the water park collapsed, Sasha, squeezed between concrete blocks, for a long time held a three-year-old girl, Masha, who was completely unfamiliar to her, above the water.

Suddenly, something cracked overhead and a huge beam fell next to me, - says Sasha. - I dived and saw that a little girl was going under the water next to me. I realized that she could not swim, and grabbed her under the chest. Together with her, I emerged, began to console her.

The girls did not have time to jump out of the pool. Directly over their heads, like a house of cards, heavy slabs were formed. Sasha's head was sticking out of the water, and a frightened baby in a bright swimsuit pressed against the swimmer's chest.

In that extreme situation, it seemed to the second-grader Sasha that she had held little Masha in her arms for only thirty minutes. In fact, she had to wait a good hour and a half for rescuers. All this time she held the girl in her arms, not feeling that her left arm was broken.


Sergei Prytkov, like other guys, goes to school, plays the guitar, walks with his peers in the yard, and he also accomplished a real feat - he saved a little girl from the fire. It happened in the village of Sukhonogovo, where Sergei was visiting relatives. There was a fire in his aunt's house. Hearing screams from the street, the boy saw a blazing part of the house. Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed to help. The hostess with her little daughter was able to get out of the house by breaking the window, but her second daughter remained in the burning room.

Sergei rushed into the burning room for a frightened baby. In the kitchen the linoleum and the legs of the stool on which the girl was standing were already burning. The fire engulfed the ceiling. Another minute or two and the irreparable could happen. But Sergey found the child and managed to take it out into the street, and then, having transferred it into reliable hands, took part in extinguishing the fire.

They were able to extinguish the fire on their own. The modest guy took his act for granted, and did not talk much about it. And he did not even expect that his feat would become known at school. The All-Russian Volunteer Fire Society awarded Sergey with the medal "For Valor and Courage in a Fire". Seryozha came to the award ceremony with his mother, kept himself very modest and seemed to be even a little embarrassed by the attention paid to him. And when asked how he was not afraid to step into a burning house in order to save a child's life, he replied that he simply could not do otherwise.


fourth grade student Trofim Zhendrinsky He was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Courage in a Fire". Trofim pulled two guys out of the fire. This story happened in the spring of last year in the small village of Balagany, Verkhnevilyui district. On March 12, 2012, a residential building caught fire in the evening.
The fire broke out on the veranda of one of the apartments where the Zhendrinsky family lived. The parents were not at home at the time of the fire. Spouses Oktyabrina Trofimovna and Ivan Ivanovich are technical workers at a local school, at that moment they were at work.
At home were Trofim and two younger children, whom he looked after - a brother and sister. Seeing the flame walking along the veranda, the boy was not at a loss, and brought his brother and sister out of the burning building. However, it was not easy to do this: the frightened children hid under the bed, and did not want to leave their shelter in any way.
Trofim was the first to carry his brother out of the smoke-filled apartment. Leaving him in the snow, he again ran into the house for his sister. He dragged his resisting sister out of the apartment by force. And then adult neighbors arrived and began to put out the flames.
The fire was reported to the local fire department in the neighboring village of Khomustakh. Firefighters arrived at the scene and extinguished the fire.
“Trofim is no different from his peers. Calm, friendly boy with a sense of responsibility. Very sociable, cheerful.
Despite such a young age, Trofim Ivanovich Zhendrinsky showed strong personal qualities: dedication, courage, courage and the ability to act clearly and competently in a difficult and dangerous environment. Trofim acted correctly, did not succumb to fear and panic, showed courage worthy of an adult. Thanks to courageous, resolute and competent actions, the children remained unharmed, ”employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry say.


In Chechnya, a little boy committed a truly heroic deed. A child saved his little brother from a burning house. The fire occurred in the early morning of November 9, 2012 in a private house in the small village of Bachi-Yurt. Five children, mother and grandmother slept in the house. A strong crackling and noise from the fire woke up the residents, the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Chechnya reported.

The rooms were already engulfed in flames, cutting off the way out of the house. The eldest son in the family, seven-year-old Khamzat Yakubov, did not lose his head. He bravely grabbed the smallest and helpless child and, breaking the glass, climbed through the window. The boy put the baby at a safe distance and ran to the next of kin to call for help.

Soon after, firefighters arrived at the scene and extinguished the raging fire. Fortunately, no one died. Five family members received various burns. On board the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they were sent for treatment to a Moscow hospital.

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Chechen Republic is preparing a submission for awarding Khamzat with the medal "For Courage in a Fire".


Every day in Russia, ordinary citizens perform feats who do not pass by when someone needs help. The country should know its heroes, so this collection is dedicated to brave, caring people who have proven by deed that heroism has a place in our lives.

1. An unusual incident with a miraculous rescue occurred in the city of Lesnoy. A 26-year-old engineer named Vladimir Startsev saved a two-year-old girl who had fallen from a fourth-floor balcony.

“I was returning from the sports ground, where I was training with the children. I look, some kind of pandemonium, ”recalls Startsev. - People under the balcony were fussing, shouting something, waving their arms. I raise my head up, and there a little girl, with the last of her strength, grabs the outer edge of the balcony. Here, according to Vladimir, he turned on the climber's syndrome. Moreover, the athlete has been engaged in sambo and rock climbing for many years. The physical form allowed. He assessed the situation and intended to climb the wall to the fourth floor.
“Already prepared to jump to the balcony of the first floor, I raise my eyes, and the child flies down! I instantly regrouped and relaxed my muscles to catch her. This is how we were taught in training, - says Vladimir Startsev. “She landed right in my arms, she cried, of course, she got scared.”

2. It happened on August 15th. On that day, my sister and nephews and I came to the river to swim. Everything was good - heat, sun, water. Then my sister says to me: “Lyosha, look, the man drowned, out, swims by. The drowned man was carried away by a fast current, and I had to run about 350 meters until I caught up. And our river is mountainous, the cobblestones, while running, fell several times, but got up and continued to run, barely overtook.

The child turned out to be the victim. On the face all the signs of a drowned man - an unnaturally swollen stomach, a bluish-black body, veins swelled. I didn't even know if it was a boy or a girl. He pulled the child ashore, began to pour water out of him. The stomach, the lungs - everything was filled with water, the tongue kept sinking. Asked for a towel next door standing people. No one filed, they disdained, they were frightened by the sight of the girl, they took pity on her for their beautiful towels. And I'm wearing nothing but swimming trunks. Because of the fast run, and while I was pulling her out of the water, I was exhausted, there was not enough air for artificial respiration.
About resuscitation
Thank God, my colleague, nurse Olga, was passing by, but she was on the other side. She started screaming for me to bring the baby to her on the shore. The child who swallowed water became incredibly heavy. The peasants responded to the request to carry the girl to the other side. There, Olga and I continued all resuscitation actions. They drained the water as best they could, did a heart massage, artificial respiration, for 15-20 minutes there was no reaction, neither from the girl, nor from nearby onlookers. I asked for an ambulance, no one called, and the ambulance station was nearby, 150 meters away. Olga and I couldn’t afford to be distracted even for a second, so we couldn’t even call. After some time, a boy was found, and he ran to call for help. In the meantime, we were all trying to revive a little girl, five years old. From despair, Olga even began to cry, it seemed that there was no hope anymore. Everyone around said, leave these useless attempts, you will break all her ribs, why are you mocking the dead. But then the girl sighed, the nurse who came running heard the sounds of a heartbeat.

3. A third-grader rescued three young children from a burning hut. For the heroism shown, 11-year-old Dima Filyushin was almost flogged at home.

... On the day when a fire broke out on the outskirts of the village, the twin brothers Andryusha and Vasya and five-year-old Nastya were alone at home. Mom left for work. Dima was returning from school when he noticed a flame in the neighbor's windows. The boy looked inside - the curtains were ablaze, and next to him, on the bed, three-year-old Vasya was sleeping. Of course, the student could call the rescue service, but without hesitation, he rushed to save the kids himself.

4. A young 17-year-old girl from Zarechny, Marina Safarova, became a real hero. The girl pulled the fishermen, her brother and the snowmobile out of the hole with a sheet.

Before the onset of spring, young people decided to last time visit the Sursky reservoir, in the Penza region, and after that "tie up" until next year, since the ice is no longer as reliable as a month ago. Without going far, the guys left the car on the shore, and they themselves moved 40 meters from the edge and drilled holes. While her brother was fishing, the girl drew sketches of the landscape, and after a couple of hours she froze and went to get warm in the car, and at the same time warm up the engine.

Under the weight of motor vehicles, the ice could not stand it and broke through in the places where the holes were drilled, as after a perforator. People began to sink, the snowmobile hung on the edge of the ice by the ski, the whole structure threatened to break off completely, then people would have very little chance of salvation. Men clung with their last strength to the edge of the hole, but warm clothes instantly got wet and literally pulled to the bottom. In this situation, Marina did not think about the possible danger and rushed to the rescue.
Having seized her brother, the girl, however, could not help him in any way, since the balance of forces of our heroine and the superior mass turned out to be too unequal. Run for help? But not a single living soul is visible in the area, only a company of the same fishermen can be seen on the horizon. Go to town for help?
So while time passes, people can simply drown from hypothermia. Thinking like this, Marina intuitively ran to the car. Opening the trunk in search of an item that could help in the situation, the girl drew attention to the bag of bed linen, which she took from the laundry. - The first thing that came to mind was to twist the rope from the sheets, tie it to the car and try to pull them out. - Marina remembers
The pile of laundry was enough for almost 30 meters, it could have been longer, but the girl tied an impromptu cable with a double calculation.
- I've never braided so fast, - the rescuer laughs, - I twisted thirty meters in three minutes, this is a record. The remaining distance to the people, the girl ventured to drive on the ice.
- It is still very strong near the shore, I moved out onto the ice and quietly went backwards. The door opened just in case and drove off. The cable from the sheets turned out to be so strong that in the end, not only people, but also a snowmobile were taken out of the hole. After the rescue operation was completed, the men took off their clothes and climbed into the car.
- I don’t even have rights yet, I handed it over, but I’ll get it only in a month, when I turn 18 years old. While I was taking them home, I was worried, suddenly traffic cops would come across, and I would be without a license, although in theory they would have let me go, or helped to deliver everyone home.

5. Little hero of Buryatia - this is how 5-year-old Danila Zaitsev was christened in the republic. This kid saved his older sister Valya from death. When the girl fell into the hole, her brother held her for half an hour so that the current would not drag Valya under the ice.

When the boy's hands were cold and tired, he grabbed his sister by the hood with his teeth and did not let go until a neighbor, 15-year-old Ivan Zhamyanov, came to the rescue. The teenager was able to pull Valya out of the water and in his arms carried the exhausted and frozen girl to his home. There, the child was wrapped in a blanket and given hot tea to drink.

Upon learning of this story, the leadership of the local school contacted regional management Ministry of Emergency Situations with a request to reward both boys for a heroic deed.

6. 35-year-old resident of Uralsk Rinat Fardiev was repairing his car when he suddenly heard a loud knock. Having run up to the scene, he saw a sinking car and without thinking twice jumped into the icy water and began to pull out the victims.

“At the scene of the accident, I saw a confused driver and passengers of the VAZ, who in the dark could not understand where the car they had crashed into had gone. Then I followed the tracks of the wheels down and found the Audi in the river with the wheels up. I immediately entered the water and began to pull people out of the car. First I got the driver and passenger who was sitting in the front seat, and then the two passengers from the back seat. They were already unconscious at the time."
Unfortunately, one of the people rescued by Rinat did not survive - the 34-year-old Audi passenger died of hypothermia. Other victims were hospitalized and this moment already written out. Rinat himself works as a driver and does not see much heroism in his act at all. “The traffic cops told me at the scene of the accident that they would decide on my promotion. But from the very beginning I did not seek publicity and receive any awards, most importantly, I managed to save people, ”he said.

7. A Saratovitian who pulled two little boys out of the water: “I thought I couldn’t swim. But as soon as I heard the screams, I immediately forgot about everything.

The screams were heard by a local resident, 26-year-old Vadim Prodan. Running up to the concrete slabs, he saw Ilya drowning. The boy was 20 meters from the shore. The man, wasting no time, rushed to save the boy. In order to pull the child out, Vadim had to dive several times - but when Ilya appeared from under the water, he was still conscious. On the shore, the boy told Vadim about his friend, who was no longer visible.

The man returned to the water and swam towards the reeds. He began to dive and look for the child - but he was nowhere to be seen. And suddenly Vadim felt his hand caught on something - diving again, he found Misha. Grabbing him by the hair, the man pulled the boy ashore, where he gave him artificial respiration. A few minutes later, Misha regained consciousness. A little later, Ilya and Misha were taken to the Ozinsky Central Hospital.
“I always thought to myself that I don’t know how to swim, only to stay on the water a little,” Vadim admits, “But as soon as I heard the screams, I immediately forgot about everything, and there was no fear, there was only one thought in my head - I need help.
Rescuing the boys, Vadim hit the rebar lying in the water and injured his leg. He later received several stitches in the hospital.

8. Schoolchildren from the Krasnodar Territory Roman Vitkov and Mikhail Serdyuk rescued an elderly woman from a burning house.

On their way home, they saw a burning building. Having run into the yard, the schoolchildren saw that the veranda was almost completely engulfed in fire. Roman and Mikhail rushed to the shed for the tool. Grabbing a sledgehammer and an ax, knocking out a window, Roman climbed into the window opening. An elderly woman slept in a smoky room. It was possible to take out the victim only after breaking the door.

9. And in the Chelyabinsk region, the priest Alexei Peregudov saved the life of the groom at the wedding.

During the wedding, the groom lost consciousness. The only one who did not lose his head in this situation was Priest Alexei Peregudov. He quickly examined the patient, suspected cardiac arrest and provided first aid, including chest compressions. As a result, the sacrament was successfully completed. Father Aleksey noted that he had only seen chest compressions in movies.

10. A veteran distinguished himself in Mordovia Chechen war Marat Zinatullin, who rescued an elderly man from a burning apartment.

Having witnessed the fire, Marat acted like a professional firefighter. He climbed along the fence to a small barn, and from it he climbed onto the balcony. He broke the glass, opened the door leading from the balcony to the room, and got inside. The 70-year-old owner of the apartment lay on the floor. The pensioner, who was poisoned by smoke, could not leave the apartment on his own. Marat, opening the front door from the inside, carried the owner of the house to the entrance.

11. Roman Sorvachev, an employee of the Kostroma colony, saved the lives of his neighbors in a fire.

Entering the entrance of his house, he immediately figured out the apartment from which the smell of smoke comes. The door was opened by a drunken man, who assured that everything was in order. However, Roman called the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The rescuers who arrived at the scene of the fire were unable to enter the premises through the door, and the uniform of the EMERCOM officer did not allow them to get into the apartment through the narrow window frame. Then Roman climbed up the fire escape, entered the apartment and pulled out an elderly woman and an unconscious man from the heavily smoky apartment.

12. A resident of the village of Yurmash (Bashkortostan) Rafit Shamsutdinov saved two children from a fire.

Rafita, a fellow villager, lit the stove and, leaving two children - a three-year-old girl and a one-and-a-half-year-old son, went off to school with her older children. The smoke from the burning house was noticed by Rafit Shamsutdinov. Despite the abundance of smoke, he managed to get into the burning room and carry the children out.

13. Dagestan Arsen Fittsulaev prevented a disaster at a gas station in Kaspiysk. Later, Arsen realized that he actually risked his life.

An explosion suddenly thundered at one of the gas stations within the boundaries of Kaspiysk. As it turned out later, a foreign car driving at high speed crashed into a gas tank and knocked down a valve. A minute of delay, and the fire would have spread to nearby tanks with combustible fuel. In such a scenario, casualties would not have been avoided. However, the situation was radically changed by a modest gas station worker, who skillfully averted the disaster and reduced its scale to a burned-out car and several damaged cars.

14. And in the village of Ilyinka-1, Tula Region, schoolchildren Andrei Ibronov, Nikita Sabitov, Andrei Navruz, Vladislav Kozyrev and Artem Voronin pulled a pensioner from a well.

78-year-old Valentina Nikitina fell into a well and could not get out on her own. Andrey Ibronov and Nikita Sabitov heard cries for help and immediately rushed to save the elderly woman. However, three more guys had to be called to help - Andrei Navruz, Vladislav Kozyrev and Artem Voronin. Together, the guys managed to pull an elderly pensioner out of the well. “I tried to get out, the well is not deep - I even reached the edge with my hand. But it was so slippery and cold that I could not grab onto the hoop. And when I raised my hands ice water stuffed into the sleeves. I screamed, called for help, but the well is far from residential buildings and roads, so no one heard me. How long this went on, I don’t even know ... Soon I began to feel sleepy, I raised my head with the last of my strength and suddenly saw two boys looking into the well!” – said the victim.

15. In Bashkiria, a first-grader saved a three-year-old child from icy water.

When Nikita Baranov from the village of Tashkinovo, Krasnokamsk district, accomplished his feat, he was only seven. Once, while playing with friends on the street, a first grader heard a child crying from the trench. In the village, gas was supplied: the dug pits were flooded with water, and three-year-old Dima fell into one of them. There were no builders or other adults nearby, so Nikita himself pulled the choking boy to the surface

16. A man in the Moscow region saved his 11-month-old son from death by cutting the boy's throat and inserting the base of a fountain pen there so that the choking baby could breathe.

An 11-month-old baby had a sunken tongue and stopped breathing. The father, realizing that the count goes on for seconds, took a kitchen knife, made an incision in his son's throat and inserted a tube into it, which he made from a pen.

17. She closed her brother from bullets. The story took place at the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

In Ingushetia, it is customary for children to congratulate their friends and relatives at this time in their homes. Zalina Arsanova and her younger brother were leaving the entrance when shots rang out. An attempt was made on the life of one of the FSB officers in a neighboring courtyard. When the first bullet pierced the facade of the nearest house, the girl realized that it was shooting, and her younger brother was in the line of fire, and covered him with herself. The girl with a gunshot wound was taken to the Malgobek Clinical Hospital No. 1, where she underwent an operation. Internal organs Surgeons had to assemble a 12-year-old child literally piece by piece. Luckily everyone survived

18. Students of the Iskitim branch of the Novosibirsk Assembly College - 17-year-old Nikita Miller and 20-year-old Vlad Volkov - became real heroes of the Siberian town.

Still: the guys tied up an armed raider who was trying to rob a grocery kiosk.

19. A young man from Kabardino-Balkaria saved a child from a fire.

In the village of Shitkhala, Urvan district of the KBR, a residential building caught fire. Even before the arrival of firefighters, the whole district came running to the house. No one dared to enter the burning room. Twenty-year-old Beslan Taov, having learned that a child was left in the house, without hesitation, rushed to his aid. Having previously doused himself with water, he entered the burning house and a few minutes later came out with the baby in his arms. The boy named Tamerlane was unconscious, in a few minutes he could not be saved. Thanks to the heroism of Beslan, the child survived.

20. A resident of St. Petersburg did not allow the girl to die.

A resident of St. Petersburg, Igor Sivtsov, was driving a car and saw a drowning man in the waters of the Neva. Igor immediately called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and then made an attempt to save the drowning girl on his own.
Bypassing a traffic jam, he approached the parapet of the embankment as close as possible, where the drowning woman was carried by the current. As it turned out, the woman did not want to be rescued, she tried to commit suicide by jumping from the Volodarsky bridge. After talking with the girl, Igor convinced her to swim to the shore, where he managed to pull her out. After that, he turned on all the heaters in his car, and sat the victim to warm up until the ambulance arrived.