Special operations forces in the Russian Federation: formation. Equipment of MTR fighters

Military service at all times enjoyed great honor and respect in almost every existing state. After all, the troops are the force that can protect the country from external aggression. It should be noted that the history of the development of military art stretches back to ancient times. Many modern principles of army building were laid down in Ancient Greece and Rome. With the passage of time and gradual technical evolution, new devices and technologies were included in the activities of the military. This has led to the fact that in the 21st century, the art of killing in most cases is carried out remotely, through computers, missiles, drones, etc. However, there are tasks that are simply impossible to cope with remotely or with the help of machines. That is, it is necessary to involve people with a special level of training. This type of military exists in every state. As a rule, they are combined into units B Russian Federation There is a similar formation within the Armed Forces. It performs special functions and also has its own structure, staff and features, which will be discussed later in the article.

The concept of special units

The special operations forces of the Russian Federation are special units in the structure of the Armed Forces, as was already indicated earlier. But few people understand what the category of “special units” is in general. As a rule, formations of this kind are created as part of the army, since it is precisely in combat conditions that situations very often arise that require a special approach. But there are also special units in internal services, for example the police, etc. Taking this into account, we can conclude that special units are formations in the system of bodies involved in the comprehensive defense of the state, which are responsible for carrying out the most dangerous and complex tasks. essence of missions.

Russian "analogue"

Special Operations Forces are a unit directly included in It was developed in 2009 as a result of the global reform of the entire defense sector of the state. The unit is assigned special tasks, which will be discussed in more detail later in the article. It should be noted that the Russian special operations forces report directly to the chief of the Russian Armed Forces. Today, the exact number of the special unit is unknown, since it is protected by a special regime. As for the issue of MTR equipment, the command approached it quite professionally. The unit uses all available technical innovations in the field of military affairs. It should be noted that the staff of special operations forces carries out its activities on the basis of a special service.

Main tasks of the unit

Russian special operations forces are highly mobile units. Their employees have a special military training, which builds experience in performing important and dangerous tasks. In accordance with this, we can say that the main directions of the work of the MTR are quite specific. They are usually implemented peacefully, war time both abroad and on the territory of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that the Russian special operations forces are a young unit. Many aspects and immediate goals of his work are still not fully known. However, we can say with confidence that special operations forces are engaged in the implementation of the task of the same name, which, in turn, has its own characteristics.

The concept of a special operation

The presented term characterizes the military process. It differs from ordinary operations in the specifics of its implementation, goals, and methods of activity of its subjects. First of all, it should be noted that a special operation is carried out by military units to protect the interests of the state in a particular territory. Moreover, such actions are considered special because it is simply impossible to implement them using conventional methods and means. That is, the subject composition of special operations is almost always highly qualified fighters of well-trained and highly mobile units. The methodological basis of their activities in most cases is the secrecy and secrecy of any actions. For this purpose, military personnel special units undergo special psychological, combat, fire and other types of training. They are trained to operate both as part of a mobile group and individually behind enemy lines. The most common purposes of special operations are the following:



Activities of a subversive nature, etc.

History of the creation of the MTR

It has already been pointed out that special operations forces are a relatively young unit. It did not exist in its modern form before. Its creation is preceded by a fairly long history. The governing body of the MTR was created in 2009, when the general reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began. Gradually, the structure of the new division developed and expanded. By 2012, a special operations forces command had been created. It consisted of about nine special brigades. However, the actual creation of special operations forces began in 2013. At this time, the command of this formation began to implement planned work aimed at bringing the structure of these units into proper form. According to the statement of Valery Gerasimenko, Army General, by March 23, 2013, the MTR personnel had already been actually formed. At this time, it was being prepared for direct use both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. Around the end of April 2013, the Russian Armed Forces conducted exercises that were aimed at practicing practical actions in conditions as close as possible to real ones.

Division structure

The special operations forces of the Russian Federation have their own internal structure, determined by the need to quickly respond to situations, the solution of which is within the scope of the unit’s activities. At the same time, the composition of the MTR, in turn, has an internal hierarchy, which makes it possible to distribute functional responsibilities between individual structural elements. Thus, the special operations forces of the Russian Federation consist of the following elements:

  • Direct command located in the Moscow region.
  • Special center "Snezh", which is also located in the Moscow region. It should be noted that this center today is one of the main parts of the unit presented in the article. Its task is not only to train fighters, but also to conduct special operations. Therefore, Snezh has a structure consisting of departments in different areas of activity, which will be discussed below.
  • Special training center for specialists. Direct training of personnel takes place in this department. Here, in fact, they are born Russian forces special operations. In addition, soldiers from other special units of the Russian Federation undergo training and retraining at the center.
  • A combat center similar to “Snezh” is “Cuba” or “Zzaborye”, as it is commonly called.

Of course, it is possible that there are other special centers, but information about them may be strictly classified. This level of mystery around the MTR is not accidental. After all, the fighters of this unit carry out operations that are far from straightforward. It should be noted that the SEAL unit, the SEALs, popular throughout the world, also did not officially exist in the first stages of its development. Only over time was the fact of its creation and real activities revealed.

Structure of the special center “Snezh”

In order to at least roughly understand how the special operations forces of the Russian Armed Forces work, it is necessary to consider in more detail the composition of the center special purpose“Snow”, which was mentioned earlier in the article. It should be noted that in accordance with the tasks assigned to the MTR, the structure of the center includes a number of special departments. Each of them is responsible for maintaining combat training and performing specific functions. One of these departments is the airborne department. The fighters serving in it, in accordance with the name, constantly replenish the arsenal of ways to penetrate behind enemy lines directly through the air. That is, there is a strong emphasis on skydiving, as well as paragliding. The fighters of this department are comparable to employees; however, their activities and methods of landing are kept secret.

There is also a special mountain division. Its fighters specialize in operating and surviving in appropriate conditions. As we know, conducting special operations in the mountains has an increased level of risk, which necessitates the need for special training of fighters. The same requirements are put forward to employees who work in the department for the destruction and capture of enemy infrastructure, that is, buildings, headquarters, bunkers, etc.

The Special Operations Department of the Naval Forces is multi-purpose in nature. Most often it is called sea. This formation is a competitor to the Navy SEALs of the United States of America. Because its activity is based on performing tasks in the waters of lakes, rivers and seas. As a rule, fighters carry out their work from watercraft. In addition, the functional tasks of the department include carrying out intelligence operations, sabotage actions on water bodies the enemy and those located directly on the shore.

No less important and functional is the department specializing in the protection of high-ranking government officials. In this case, its functions at some points overlap with the activities of the Federal Security Service.

Additional structural departments special center"Snezh" are the withdrawal and support units. In the first case, we are talking about formations that are engaged in the withdrawal of individual special forces groups from behind enemy lines or the site of an operation. Today, withdrawal can be carried out both by air, land and water. The remaining departments of the center deal with material support and communications. It should be noted that on the territory of Snezh there are special complexes that are used to provide fighters and maintain their combat shape.

Russian special operations forces: how to get there?

Some young people would like to get into this unit. To date, the recruitment process for service in the special operations forces of the Russian Federation is not known exactly. The unit, according to unclassified data, is staffed by contract military personnel. That is, all employees, without exception, are professional fighters, and not people who are undergoing military service. In addition, many specialists of the unit end up in it after graduating from special military service. educational institutions, in which certain faculties are provided. These today are the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, as well as However, it is possible that personnel in the MTR are also replenished through the recruitment of people who are already serving in units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Conflicts involving the unit

To date, special operations forces have officially been deployed on the territory of the state of Syria. In this country, the unit was engaged in ground reconnaissance of the area to support airstrikes. At the same time, the activities of the unit are confirmed by a fact that was also covered in the media. According to the official version, near Palmyra in March 2016, MTR soldiers liberated the city. Due to superior enemy forces, one of the special forces personnel was killed. In addition to military operations in Syria, there is a lot of unofficial information about the activities of the Special Forces in other military conflicts, for example in the North Caucasus during the fight against Islamists. The most controversial is the fact of the participation of fighters of the mentioned unit in the Crimean crisis.

Special unit emblem

The Russian special operations forces, whose emblem is presented in the article, have special symbols. It is, first of all, represented by a common sign that exists among all military formations in Russia. The emblem of the MTR of the Russian Federation is a gray wreath, at the top of which is a reduced emblem of the Russian Armed Forces, namely a double-headed eagle of gold color. In the center of the Special Operations Forces badge is a bow, the string of which is pulled by an arrow with wings. This symbol is also gold in color.

So, this article presented photos of the special operations forces of the Russian Federation. We also found out the main tasks and composition of this unit. Let's hope that more information about the activities of the MTR will soon appear, which will make it possible to judge the quality of the work of this unit.

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M.V. Skandakova

Omsk student construction teams (SCO).


Student construction teams undoubtedly made a great contribution to the labor education of youth. In our article we tried to reflect the chronicle of the Omsk Special Forces, from the moment of their inception to the present day. Until now, such an attempt has been made in literature only once, when in 1985 the Omsk book publishing house published a small book by Vyacheslav Viktorovich Dvorakovsky “With Komsomol fire in the chest” (1) for the anniversary date - the 20th anniversary of the Omsk student construction brigades.

The main source for studying this topic were articles from various Omsk newspapers: “Omskaya Pravda”, “Evening Omsk”, “Young Sibiryak”, the student newspaper of the Omsk Polytechnic Institute “Polytechnic”, regional newspapers - “Sibiryak” (Kalachinsk), “Mayak” (Lubino). In these articles you can find critical and journalistic notes and essays, interviews with commanders and commissars of detachments, reports from gatherings of fighters and veterans of the movement, as well as information about the advantages and disadvantages of the MTR.

Materials relating to 2005-2006 are taken from the reports of the revived regional headquarters of the Regional Youth public organization"Omsk regional student squad."

1958 - About 300 students from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University went to the Kazakh steppes and built the first houses for the new settlers of the virgin lands. Thus began the movement of student construction brigades.

1964 – Beginning of the biography of the Omsk SSO. 340 fighters from five universities in the city left for Kazakhstan. The detachment (commander A. Korneev, commissar V. Kiy) built the first student facilities and spent 560 thousand rubles in capital investments. Based on the results of their work, the detachment was awarded the Commemorative Red Banner of the Pavlodar Regional Committee of the Komsomol of Kazakhstan.

1965 - A detachment of 500 soldiers from five universities of the city (commander M. Misyurov, commissar A. Kozlov) worked on state farms in the Pavlodar region, spent 621 thousand rubles in capital investments.

1966 - The detachment consisted of 700 fighters (commander M. Belyankov, commissar V. Davidzon) worked in the virgin regions of the Omsk region. The Energia detachment was formed, consisting of 220 fighters (commander V. Kiy), who helped in the electrification of villages in the region. 1,343 thousand rubles of capital investments were disbursed. The transport construction detachment (commander B. Mikhailov) worked in Kazakhstan and was awarded the Red Banner of the Komsomol Central Committee.

1967 - The detachment consisted of 1193 people (commander V. Kostenko, commissar A. Kozlov). 670 fighters built 89 facilities in the region. 116 soldiers of the Energia detachment commissioned 316 km of power lines. A transport construction detachment consisting of 410 people (commander V. Kovalev, commissar B. Mikhailov) worked in the Uzbek SSR. Almost 2.5 million have been developed. rubles of investment.

1968 - A regional detachment (commander V. Yakubovich, commissar A. Demidenko) of 2,330 people worked in the Omsk, Tyumen, Arkhangelsk regions, Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Primorsky Territory. The first squad of Blue Meridian girls left for the island of Shikotan. For high performance indicators, the detachment was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Komsomol Central Committee and the Ministry Agriculture RSFSR, Certificate of Honor from the USSR Ministry of Agriculture.

1969 - In the Omsk region, in the Turkmen USSR, 2598 students worked on Sakhalin (commander B. Mikhailov, commissioner E. Freiman). Teams of the Polytechnic Institute are hard at work on the Ust-Balyk – Omsk highway and in the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, on the construction of the Shining of the North oil pipeline. Squad transport institute“Baikal” worked at the Slyudyanka station in the Irkutsk region.

1970 - The detachment consisted of 2628 fighters (commander B. Mikhailov, commissar E. Freiman), who worked in Tatarstan, built the Kama plant in Naberezhnye Chelny, in the Krasnodar Territory, Irkutsk, Sakhalin and Omsk regions. 5.2 million rubles of capital investments have been spent. Based on the results of the socialist competition, the regional detachment was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Komsomol Central Committee and the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFSR, the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Rural Construction of the RSFSR and the Komsomol Central Committee.

1971 - There are 3660 people in the detachment (commander V. Kovalek, commissar V. Boldyrev). The most important construction projects: Tavrichesky water supply system, Maryanovsky feed mill, Kalachinsky, Novovarshavsky, Russko-Polyansky, Chernoglazovsky, Lyubovsky, Bessarabsky and Isilkulsky elevators. 8,984 thousand rubles of capital investments were disbursed. For victory in the socialist competition, the regional detachment was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Komsomol Central Committee and the Ministry of Rural Construction.

1972 – The regional detachment (commander V. Kovalek, commissar A. Krivopusk) has 6137 fighters. Students worked at the All-Union Komsomol shock construction site - the construction of the Plastmass plant, at the Luzinsky pig farm, and the Izyumovskaya poultry farm. Omsk students worked on the construction of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant in Tolyatti, the airport in Alma-Ata, at construction sites in Dzhambul, at fish processing enterprises in the Sakhalin region, and in the fields of the Krasnodar Territory. At the end of the year, the regional detachment (for the second year in a row) was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the Ministry of Rural Construction of the RSFSR.

1973 – A detachment was formed (commander V. Kovalek, commissar V. Khrustalev) numbering 6938 people. The most important objects of this work semester: the All-Union Komsomol shock construction of a plastics plant, the Luzinsky pig farm, milk powder factories in the Sedelnikovsky and Kolosovsky districts of the Omsk region. The team completed a scope of work worth 14,365 thousand rubles. For high production indicators, the regional detachment was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Ministry of Rural Construction of the RSFSR.

1974 - The detachment consisted of 6,530 people (commander V. Kovalek, commissar V. Khrustalev). For the first time, an international team from the Gödel University of Agricultural Sciences of the Hungarian People's Republic worked in our region. For active participation in the “Komsomol - Rural School” movement, the regional detachment was awarded the prize of the Komsomol Central Committee for the best patronage work.

1975 - The regional detachment consisted of 7074 people (commander V. Usov, commissioner N. Bychkov). Most of the detachment worked at high-impact Komsomol construction sites in the region: at the Oktyabrskaya broiler poultry farm, the Luzinsky pig farm, at the plastics plant and at CHPP-5. 16.2 million rubles of capital investments have been spent. For victory in the socialist competition, the regional detachment was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the USSR Ministry of Rural Construction.

1976 – The Omsk regional detachment numbered 7,599 people in its ranks (commander V. Usov, commissar V. Dvorakovsky). The regional detachment has spent 16.2 million rubles in capital investments. Students worked in the Sakhalin and Irkutsk regions, in the Krasnodar Territory. Based on the results of the socialist competition, the regional detachment was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Ministry of Rural Construction of the RSFSR.

1977 - 8206 fighters of the regional detachment (commander V. Usov, commissar V. Dvorakovsky) worked in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Alma-Ata regions, in Checheno-Ingushetia, in the Hungarian People's Republic. 17 million rubles of capital investments have been spent. 15 objects were awarded the “Student Quality Mark”.

1978 - A detachment of 8984 people was formed (commander V. Usov, commissar V. Dvorakovsky). The detachments worked in the Tyumen region, on Sakhalin Island, in the Krasnodar Territory, the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and in Alma-Ata. Facilities of the Omsk region: Chunaevsky pig-feeding complex, Priirtysh broiler poultry farm, indoor skating rink, CHPP-5, etc. In total, 18.5 million rubles of capital investments were spent. For the fifth time, a student construction team from the Gödel University of Agricultural Sciences of the Hungarian People's Republic came to Omsk.

1979 – Omsk regional student detachment (commander V. Usov, commissioner S. Lipatov) consisted of 9,600 people. Its fighters worked at the All-Union Komsomol shock construction site - the Baikal-Amur Mainline, and at regional shock construction sites. Students traveled to Sakhalin, the Krasnodar Territory, the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and the Kazakh SSR. 19.2 million rubles of capital investments have been spent. For excellent work in the zone of the North, the Far East, Siberia, and the Urals, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol awarded the Omsk regional student detachment with the challenge Red Banner of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

1980 - There are 10,665 fighters in the detachment (commander V. Usov, commissar S. Lipatov). Students worked in the Khabarovsk and Krasnodar territories, in the Amur, Sakhalin, Kurgan, Alma-Ata regions, and in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The international detachment "Friendship" traveled to the People's Republic of Mozambique. The impact objects of the region were the Chunaevsky pig farm, the Aromatika complex, CHPP-5, the Omsk and Priirtysh poultry farms, and the Plastmass plant. For excellent work in the zone of the North, Far East, Siberia and the Urals, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol awarded the Omsk regional student detachment with the challenge Red Banner.

1981 – The regional student detachment numbered 10,722 people (commander V. Dvorakovsky, commissar S. Privalova). The detachment's fighters worked in the Hungarian People's Republic, in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, in Checheno-Ingushetia, at the All-Union Komsomol shock construction site - the Baikal-Amur Mainline, in the Sakhalin, Tyumen, Kurgan, Irkutsk regions and Krasnodar Territory, at the Komsomol shock construction sites in the Omsk region. In total, the fighters spent 21.2 million rubles in capital investments, of which 5,500 rubles were transferred to the Peace Fund.

1982 - In the regional student detachment (commander V. Dvorakovsky, commissar S. Privalova) - 10869 fighters. Students worked in the Hungarian People's Republic, at All-Union shock construction sites - at BAM, in the Tyumen region, in the Krasnodar region, on Sakhalin, at construction sites in Omsk and the Omsk region. Addresses of the labor semester in the region and city: Nadezhdinsky greenhouse plant, the third stage of the Siberian broiler poultry farm, Priirtysh goose farm, city pig slaughterhouse, Aromatika complex, CHPP-5. 21,263 thousand rubles of capital investments were disbursed. The regional detachment was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Komsomol Central Committee and the USSR Ministry of Agriculture.

1983 – A regional student detachment of 10,845 people (commander V. Dvorakovsky, commissioner S. Goncharuk) worked on the largest and most important construction projects in the region and city: a cattle fattening complex cattle in the village Karpovka, Bolsherechensky milk powder plant, Luzinsky feed mill, etc. The detachment’s fighters worked in the Hungarian People’s Republic, on the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline, in the Krasnodar Territory, the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and in fish processing in the Sakhalin region.

Under renovation of Artynsky orphanage The “Star” gratuitous labor detachment of the Pedagogical Institute worked.

Based on the results of the All-Russian Socialist Competition of Construction Teams, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. The All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol awarded the Omsk regional student construction team with a Certificate of Honor for high quality production activities, great political and grassroots work.

1984 – The size of the regional student detachment is 10,800 people (commander V. Dvorakovsky, commissioner A. Bryl). Students worked selflessly at the city’s major construction projects, CHPP-5, wastewater treatment plants, SK plant. The student teams of our region provided great assistance to the workers of the Krasnodar Territory, Checheno-Ingushetia, Moldova, the Chita and Magadan regions, Alma-Ata, and Semipalatinsk.

1985 – Year of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. The fighters of the regional student detachment (commander A. Konovalov, commissar V. Lysenko) spent more than 20 million rubles in capital investments, 619 objects were put into operation.

The combined student team "Omich" worked during the preparation of the capital's festival facilities to receive participants of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students.

1986 – All-Union student detachment dedicated to the XXII Congress of the CPSU (commander A. Konovalov, commissar V. Lysenko). 20,022 thousand rubles of capital investments were disbursed. A combined student team of 50 people from various universities in Omsk worked in the Kyiv region on the construction of housing (the Kommunar collective farm in the village of Fedorovka, Vyshgorod district) for people evacuated from Chernobyl.

36 construction teams worked in the Kalachin zone (commissioner of the zonal SSO S. Nagaev). In 2 months, 3 million rubles were spent.

An international student team “Friendship-2” (“Baratshag”) has been formed at Omskhi. Detachment commander G. Kunitsyn, commissar E. Verevkin. 12 of the 30 students are Hungarians studying at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Gödel. Soldiers of the detachment worked on the construction of facilities of Trust No. 3, SMU No. 3, and participated in the construction of a tram depot.

The fighters of the regional detachment transferred more than 25 thousand rubles to the fund to help victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

1987 - Commander of the regional headquarters of linear student detachments A. Konovalov, chief engineer of the regional headquarters of student detachments S. Dobyl, Commissioner E. Levchenko.

There were 20 research and production teams, 64 teams worked using the brigade contract method. The funds earned during the days of free labor were transferred to the development of the city of Gagarin, as well as to help youth unions in developing countries.

Regional construction projects of the summer: Luzino - construction of a feed mill. Kormilovka – elevator, Ust-Ishimsky district -

highway Bolshaya Tava - Letnee. City sites: airport, zonal school of the Komsomol activists on the left bank, new production facilities of the Plastmass plant.

Mobile teams: collecting tea, vegetables and fruits (Krasnodar, Checheno-Ingushetia), Putin's teams (Sakhalin), construction of facilities (Primorye, Yakutia, Magadan region).

The movement “We design ourselves - we build ourselves” is expanding. SibADI students built 2 bridges.

The detachments spent 16.5 million rubles in capital investments.

1988 - Commander A. Konovalov, Commissioner E. Levchenko.

67% of the regional student group worked in organizations related to the implementation of the Food Program. There was a redistribution of student efforts to the construction of rural facilities; 8 specialized teams of combine operators worked.

The regional team introduced 34 rationalization proposals with an economic effect of 43.7 thousand rubles.

Student fighters repaired 46 club institutions. 175 school gyms have been prepared for the school year.

There was a combined detachment of students - conductors "Express-88", the backbone of which was made up of OMIIT students.

1989 - In total, about 7,500 thousand students worked in 1989. 9.9 million rubles of installation work were spent in the Omsk region, Magadan (about 2 million rubles), and in the Tyumen region (1.3 million rubles). Omsk detachments worked on Sakhalin, Krasnodar Territory, Checheno-Ingushetia.

Construction projects in Omsk: new shoe factory, kindergarten, shop, school No. 45, airport in the village of Fedorovka (4 linear construction teams took part - about 100 people).

1990 - Commander of the Omsk regional headquarters of the SO S. Palitsyn.

146 construction and 45 non-construction teams worked in the region total number 5936 people. 10 million 372 thousand rubles were spent. 421 fighters worked outside the region. According to the results of the regional social competition, the united student team of SibADI took 1st place.

For the first time, the Omsk regional headquarters of the SO on the basis of 6 universities in Omsk formed a student team of conductors to service international trains. The train route passed through Prague, Warsaw, Berlin, Vienna.

1991 - This year there were 49 student construction teams, numbering 500 people, 5 non-construction teams, numbering 385 people. Construction and installation work worth 4.5 million rubles was completed. 43 production facilities were built (including granaries, livestock buildings), 3 cultural centers were put into operation, and 22 residential buildings were erected. 2 teams of students took part in laying a narrow-gauge railway in difficult places in the Ust-Ishim region. 1 km of tracks were built.

Soldiers of student teams worked on the road - in Magadan and Sakhalin, Kamchatka and the Tyumen region, in the Krasnodar Territory and Chelyabinsk, in Igarka, Kazakhstan.

1992 - According to the regional headquarters of the SO, the number of regional student groups was 1235 people. Of these, 1,080 children left the region, and 155 worked on its territory. The regional headquarters sent 200 people to Sakhalin, 60 to Kamchatka, 6 to Tyumen, about 600 people to Krasnodar, 160 people to Magadan.

1994 - 745 people worked in the Omsk region and beyond. These are the “Omich” squads of the Veterinary Institute, “Contact” and “Solnyshko” of the Transport Institute. They worked in the Tyumen region. SibADI students built a clinic in Omsk, and a team from the technical university built the Luzinsky pig farm.

1995 - Of the 200 regional and regional headquarters of the Special Forces, which worked in 1991 in the vast expanses of the USSR, only 40 remained. Among them was the Omsk headquarters of student detachments. 21 contracts were concluded, about 300 Omsk students found summer jobs. These were mainly students from those universities that have traditionally been at the forefront of construction companies: the Transport Academy, the Automobile Institute, the Technical University, Omsk State University. Students worked at the sites of Stroypodryad, Stroypodryad-plus, Stroyrestavratsiya, as well as in the cities. Nizhnevartovsk, Neftyugansk, Surgut.

1997 - one detachment of the southern direction was assembled. IN last years The construction team is undergoing changes. This is a detachment of work and rest for students. It was created on the basis of 20 educational institutions and consists of 110 people (commander - Chairman of the Association of Student Trade Unions Galina Ivanovna Nevoit). We collected fruits and tea.

1998 - Timid attempts to revive the MTR were made by the leadership of Omsk universities (Polytechnic University, Road Transport Academy). The detachments are generally small in number (no more than 100 people). During this period, the SSOs created at universities were engaged in the improvement of the territories of their universities, buildings, produced current and major renovation. Only construction crews from SibADI managed to go to Adler to collect nuts. About 150 students worked at construction sites in the city, such as the Khudozhestvenny cinema, the Internal Affairs Directorate hospital on the street. Berezovaya, dental clinic on the street. Rabinovich and others.

1999 - A large team of students from Omsk worked in Sochi to collect hazelnuts. It was planned to collect about 350 tons. Almost the entire harvest was sent to the Babaevskaya confectionery factory.

2002 - Modern student teams were re-created on the initiative of the Youth Policy Department and the City Student Council. Basically, there were teaching teams in the city that organized children's leisure time in summer time at city sites. In total, there were 6 pedagogical detachments (5 in the districts and 1 in the scout center).

Together with the city student council, a construction team "Polytechnic" (Omsk State Technical University) was formed, which worked at the site of the NPO "Mostovik" in the village. Hot key (80 people). The detachment was engaged in roofing work and restoring the road surface. SibADI offered students work in the northern regions (Tyumen region, Nizhny Urengoy, Salekhard, Neftyugansk). A detachment “Conductor” (286 people) was created at the Omsk State University of Railway Transport to work on railway transport.

According to various sources, in 2002, from 650 to 1000 people worked in Omsk student groups.

2003 - A visiting student team was formed, which worked in the Krasnodarchay association (Sochi). In Omsk and the Omsk region, the student teams “Mostovik” of SibADI, the pedagogical team “Brig”, and the team of conductors of the Omsk State University of Railway Transport have traditionally worked.

2004 - On the initiative of students, with the support of the Ministry of Youth Affairs, physical culture and sports of the Omsk region and the Association of Trade Union Organizations of Students of the Omsk Region in November 2004, the “I Regional Forum of Student Teams” was held on the basis of the children’s health camp “Beryozka”. Eighty students from 11 universities in Omsk and 2 branches of universities located in Tara took part in the forum. The structure of the future headquarters of student teams was developed, proposals were prepared on the procedure for interaction with the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of the Omsk Region, and elections of the Headquarters Commander and his deputies were held.

During the period from November 2004 to June 2005, under the leadership of the headquarters (commander of the regional headquarters Aleksey Nikolaevich Poteyko, first deputy commander Aleksey Andreevich Tsikunov), student detachments of various directions with a total number of 551 people were formed.

2005 - Commander of the regional headquarters A. N. Poteyko, first deputy commander A. A. Tsikunov.

The largest detachment (351 fighters) - a detachment of passenger carriage conductors - was formed on the basis of the Omsk state university communication routes.

The soldiers also worked on Far East- This is Putin’s student detachment “Ocean - 1”, which worked as part of the combined all-Russian student detachment “Primorye - 2005”. The guys, consisting of 20 people, worked in Kamchatka, processing fish.

SSO "Granit" - a combined student detachment of 65 people, under the guidance of specialists from the NPO "Mostovik", carried out an engineering and geological survey of the foundations of the Assumption Cathedral.

As part of combined student teams, the guys built a metro bridge, residential buildings, and participated in the reconstruction of the SibADI educational building (77 fighters in total).

Members of the combined student pedagogical detachment “Brig”, consisting of 38 people, worked as counselors in children’s health camps.

2006 - Commander of the regional headquarters A. N. Poteyko, first deputy commander A. A. Tsikunov, Commissioner Yu. N. Poteyko. In the 2006 season, the number of construction teams increased more than fivefold. 928 students from Omsk educational institutions worked as part of 39 construction teams of various directions. Student teams worked on almost all the iconic objects of our city, such as: Irtysh embankment, Assumption Cathedral, the building of the Administration of Omsk and the Legislative Assembly, residential microdistricts "Pribrezhny", "Stargorod", "Sibzavod", "12th microdistrict" .

Far away from native land two student construction teams worked, they were the Volzhanin SSO, which worked in the Vologda region at a facility being built by the NPO Mostovik, and the Start SSO, which worked in the village. Bolsherechye (Omsk region) on the reconstruction of a communication center.

The team of guides (450 students) was formed from students from different universities in Omsk. In recent years, the need for such detachments has clearly manifested itself and the annual order from the West Siberian Railway is growing.

In the summer of 2006, another unique tradition of the detachment movement was continued - poutine detachments engaged in fish processing in the Far East. One detachment was sent, consisting of both experienced fighters and newcomers.

In the summer of 2006, the teams began working in a new service direction. The guys worked as promoters, waiters, loaders, 353 people in total.

A very important and actively developing area is the development of leader and pedagogical teams in the Omsk region, which became part of the Consolidated Regional Leader Team, and then joined the teaching staff of 15 children health camps on the territory of the Omsk region. We also managed to create a visiting student leader detachment “Zvezda”, which worked in Leningrad region in the Children's health camp "City of Masters", a total of 212 fighters. The main driver of this direction at the headquarters is the year-round pedagogical detachment “Brig”, which has existed for 16 years.

In total, 1,943 soldiers took part in the construction teams in the summer of 2006.

Thus, the Omsk regional student team has traveled a journey of more than 40 years. There were ups, downs, mistakes, doubts and pride in a job well done. Let us wish the new generation of construction team members good luck on this difficult, but so necessary and important path.


Dvorakovsky V.V. With Komsomol fire in the chest (student construction teams of the Omsk region). Omsk: Book. publishing house, 1985.

There is little information about the special operations forces: these are young troops and they work under the heading “secret”. The fighters are wearing balaclavas; their faces cannot be seen in news stories or photographs. These people silently and modestly carry out their task, but the results are talked about all over the world.

History of special forces

Special forces were created in the 50s by secret order, subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff.

The first Soviet special forces could eliminate the commanders and influential political figures of the aggressor countries and destroy the complexes rocket launchers, aircraft control centers or communication channels with nuclear submarines. Carrying out their assigned tasks, the special forces had to skillfully bring the enemy into panic.

At the beginning of the 80s, there were 11 special forces brigades in the country. They fought in Afghanistan, Chechnya - their numbers grew. Special forces troops ceased to be a “piece” commodity; fighters were used more and more often.

Special Operations Forces in the Russian Federation: formation

MTR are troops created to defend and protect the interests of Russia and its citizens anywhere in the world. These are special forces that perform tasks in peacetime.

The history of the formation of the MTR of the Russian Armed Forces begins with the founding of special-purpose military units, on the basis of which, on March 5, 1999, the Specialist Training Center appeared. Part is located in Solnechnogorsk. The GRU group was subordinate. Then it was called the Senezh Special Purpose Center. The soldiers who underwent special training in the unit were nicknamed “sunflowers.”

The new military unit took its first battles in Chechnya, during the second Chechen campaign.

Almost ten years later, during the reform of the RF Armed Forces, the special unit was reorganized into the Directorate of Special Operations, reporting to the Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces.

In April 2011, with the assistance of the FSB special forces, the formation of another Special Operations Center began. The TsSN is subordinate to the head of the GRU and is located near Moscow. The unit was called the Kubinka-2 Special Purpose Center.

In March 2013, Russia announced that the country was training special operations forces. "Senezh" and "Kubinka-2" are part of the new forces.

Three years later, the naval special operations department of the MTR was included in the Navy in Crimea.

The first commander of the Special Forces of the Russian Armed Forces - Oleg Martyanov, 2009-2013. The Special Operations Forces Command remains one of the most closed structures of the Russian Armed Forces.

Day of "Polite People"

The President signed the decree establishing the Day of Special Operations Forces on February 26, 2015, the next day the soldiers celebrated their first “day of polite people” - February 27.

A year before the signing of the decree, on the night of February 27, Russian soldiers occupied all objects of importance in ensuring the defense capability of Crimea and parts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Locals nicknamed the people in camouflage “polite” because they, performing a special task at a busy time, behaved extremely courteously and modestly with Crimeans.

The emblem of the special operations forces is a bow with a stele on a string pointing upward. On the plumage of the arrow there are two spread wings.

Equipment of MTR fighters

The equipment and weapons of special operations forces are unique. The equipment includes:

  • headphones that muffle the sounds of combat and make it possible to talk through the built-in radio station (removed);
  • Kalashnikov assault rifle latest model with Picatinny rails on which additional equipment can be mounted;
  • silent firing devices;
  • anti-fragmentation glasses;
  • helmet - shockproof and anti-fragmentation;
  • gun;
  • mount for night vision device;
  • body armor - capable of stopping a bullet fired from a machine gun and a sniper rifle, with mounts for magazines with cartridges, grenades and a first aid kit;
  • optical sight;
  • camouflage with built-in elbow and knee pads;
  • Lightweight and durable tactical boots.

The equipment also includes: a tactical protection kit, an anti-fragmentation suit, a wetsuit, a diving kit, an unloading vest, and a thermal imaging monoculator.

The most unclassified thing is medical equipment.

Each specialist has:

  1. Standard wearable medical kit.
  2. Portable stretcher for carrying the wounded from the battlefield.
  3. Means to stop bleeding - bandages, tourniquet or tourniquet, systems, saline solution, hemostatic agent.
  4. Anti-poisoning agents, antiseptics, painkillers, antishocks, hemostatic agents.

The set weighs about 10 kg.

How Special Operations Forces soldiers work

The occupation of MTR fighters is conducting reconnaissance and sabotage behind enemy lines, as well as maintaining order in their rear.

The work comes with many hardships. Military service is at the limit, tickling your nerves, requiring every effort and willingness to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others.

The most important factor is the combat coherence of the team. What is needed here is absolute discipline, unconditional following of the commander, and at the same time the ability to make independent decisions individually by each fighter.

Physical training is a necessary factor in specialist training. Daily activities become a way of life. A warrior must have an absolute reaction in any situation, have the utmost restraint and endurance.

Equally important is the ability to work with modern types of weapons. This requires constant improvement of the professionalism of each specialist.

Working in a team, two or three, as part of a group is based on ideal interaction, the ability to literally understand comrades in arms without words. Through training, every movement becomes automatic. Each warrior must not only know his maneuver, but also be able to act instinctively and predict the actions of the enemy.

"Military surgery"

The special operations forces of the Russian Federation are the military elite. The army group uses modern views weapons and equipment, perfectly equipped and ready at any time to carry out combat mission in any conditions, anywhere on the planet. The fighters are faced with the task of protecting the interests of Russia and its citizens. Their job every day is to be ready every minute to immediately use their skills.

These are special forces, they use combat methods that other troops do not use. MTR fighters are reconnaissance saboteurs, demolitionists, counter-saboteurs and partisans. They are paratroopers and divers, they also use the lung weapon and PRK.

MTR in Syria

Precise airstrikes were carried out thanks to the professionalism of the fighters. Specialists work deep in the rear, using the entire arsenal of special reconnaissance and enemy detection equipment. And snipers with rifles do no less than bombers.

Adjusting airstrikes, eliminating terrorists and destroying important objects - these are the tasks facing the MTR.

Russian armed forces were invited by the Syrian authorities. It was decided that it was better to stop the terrorists there than to wait for them in Russia. The MTR units found themselves in the thick of the confrontation. The skills acquired during training are used in combat conditions, skills are honed and professionalism increases.

Unique tasks of the MTR

Modern intelligence, surveillance and communications tools require extensive knowledge in the field of computer technology. Simulators using the latest electronics allow specialists to hone their skills and improve their professionalism in conditions that are as close as possible to combat.

Carrying out combat missions in different regions requires knowledge of the language of the host country, culture and folk customs.

Being in contact with the local population is an important factor in obtaining and implementing the obtained information. Great attention is paid to undercover operational and tactical-special training. Specialists must perfectly know the basics of tactics and strategy of modern warfare.

They work under the heading "secret"

The Russian Ministry of Defense's special forces use combat training systems. Important place devoted to parachuting, fire training, mine demolition and sapper work, tactics.

SOF influence the economy and politics of other states with muscle and strength, but secretly. They train foreign partisans, destroy important objects, and eliminate those who are in the way. There are MTRs in the USA, Germany, England, France, and Israel. And they don’t sit anywhere without work.

There have been people in our country who have performed critical tasks all over the world, and they continue to do their work today.

All Russian special forces troops are fighting in the Caucasus with varying intensity, participating in special operations to destroy bandits and extremists.

Today, the Russian Armed Forces have 7 special forces brigades, as well as 4 squads of combat swimmers.

An MTR detachment is worth an entire army

Only the best of the best make it into the MTR. Candidates undergo a rigorous selection process. The results of severe tests determine whether a person is able to withstand difficult situations and not give up in the face of the most dangerous tasks.

Daily training is necessary to be ready to carry out any combat mission as clearly and effectively, promptly and creatively as possible. Strength today special operations of the Russian Federation carry out direct work in the hottest spots on the planet.

The country's military elite

The first special forces appeared in the GRU of the General Staff of the Russian Federation. Later, in other law enforcement agencies and intelligence services, special units were formed, designed for various tasks. For example, TsSN FSB "Alpha" fights terrorism in transport, "Vympel" - at particularly important facilities.

There are special forces in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in internal troops. The famous “speckled berets” resist gangs and provide forceful support to the police. The task of the FS OBNON special forces is to fight the drug mafia. Special forces of the Federal Penitentiary Service countering riots in the penitentiary system - in Russian prisons and zones.

In the West, all special operations forces are brought into a single fist: land, sea, and air. In the Russian Federation everything is fragmented. For several decades, the command has been trying to include aviation squadrons in the brigades, but so far to no avail.

But the leadership of the Russian armed forces has ceased to be shy about what they are doing in other countries. It declared its interests around the world and its goals to save and protect all Russian citizens: diplomats captured by extremists, sailors captured by pirates, Russian citizens held hostage.

At the foot of Elbrus there is a stela dedicated to the Heroes of the Defense of Elbrus. Here, a Russian soldier defeated a division of selected German climbers in the war.

Russia returns to big story. It is argued that where the Russian soldier came, there will be peace, tranquility and justice. At the same time, we are talking not only about the special operations forces of the Russian Federation.

Soldiers of the All-Union Shock Komsomol Detachment are leaving for shock construction sites in the Soviet country

All-Union student construction teams(construction teams, WSSO) - Komsomol All-Union program of the Komsomol Central Committee for students of higher, secondary vocational and primary educational institutions, forming temporary labor teams for voluntary work in their free time from study (as a rule, summer holidays) to various objects of the national economy Soviet Union, having a state and all-encompassing character in the USSR.

All-Union Student Construction Brigade (VSSO) - form of organization paid work student youth, organized on the basis of official regulations of the state. Since we were talking about work in free time from the main classes (that is, studies), and the bulk of these workers were students, this form received the established name “work semester.”

First work semester Soviet students passed in the summer of 1924, when the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and the People's Commissariat of Labor and Education issued the first instructions on the practice of students in the summer. This document entrusted the organization of students' work during the holidays at the country's industrial and agricultural enterprises to Komsomol organizations of universities, ordering the leadership of the host organizations and the relevant People's Commissariats and departments to provide them with the necessary assistance in this. Subsequently, taking into account the legal subtleties associated with the employment of persons who were students (including minors), educational ministries, the State Committee for Labor and Social Affairs and other departments of the USSR issued a number of documents that put this work in a clear legal framework .

In the 1920s, the first to respond to the call to begin the work semester were students of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after. N. E. Bauman. In 1933, 350 thousand representatives of university youth were already working on the construction sites of the five-year plan. “Trudarmists” worked on the construction of Magnitka and Dneproges, the Moscow Metro, the Moscow-Omsk railway, harvesting crops in the Moscow region and Ukraine, logging in the north and Siberia. The first post-war student labor brigade was formed in 1948 in Leningrad. Its core consisted of students of the Polytechnic Institute. They went to build the Neppovskaya and Lozhgolovskaya hydroelectric power stations in the Leningrad Region.

The decision to create the first student detachment was made on October 13, 1958 at the IX reporting and election conference of the Komsomol organization of the Physics Department of Moscow State University. The moment of the emergence of student teams is considered to be the spring of 1959, when 339 physics students of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University went to the Virgin Lands in the North Kazakhstan region (Bulaevsky district), where they built 16 objects, completing a volume of work worth 250 thousand rubles . Over the summer they managed to build 12 residential buildings, a calf barn, two poultry houses and a rabbitry. Soon students from other universities began to arrive in Tselina.

Impact construction

  • 1967 - VAZ was declared an All-Union shock-Komsomol construction project
  • 1971 - KAMAZ was declared an All-Union shock-Komsomol construction project (until the first car in 1976)
  • 1974 - BAM was declared an All-Union shock-Komsomol construction project (before the golden crutch in 1979)
  • 1978 - The next All-Union shock-Komsomol construction project was announced - the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.
  • 1979 - Teams worked at the BAM, Primorye, and oil fields of Tyumen.

An All-Union rally of student teams is being held in Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR.

  • 1982 - Participation of the MTR in the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.
  • 1985 - Construction teams participate in the Komsomol shock construction project of KATEK.

The same year marked the peak of the development of SO in the USSR: applications were submitted from ministries and departments to attract 2 million students, the number of the All-Union Student Detachment amounted to 830 thousand people. By the mid-1980s, 12.758 million students had passed through SSE.

In the summer of 1986, MTR soldiers participate in shock construction projects of the USSR - Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, BAM, KATEK, Ekibastuz, gas fields of Tyumen. Hundreds of volunteers went to the Kyiv region to build housing for Chernobyl victims. In Tajikistan, student fighters helped in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake. Thanks to student groups, the cities of Ust-Ilimsk and Bratsk were founded.

Organizational structure

The formation of the VSSO was under the supreme authority of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, where for these purposes it was created in 1969 Central headquarters of the All-Union Student Construction Team(WSSO). Similar headquarters were created in the republican Komsomol committees. In the RSFSR, as well as in Ukraine and other largest republics with regional (territorial) division, regional-level headquarters were created (under the jurisdiction of the corresponding regional committees of the Komsomol). In other republics - for example, Georgia - the headquarters of the VSSO (in the early 1980s, its commander was the secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Georgia, Lordkipanidze) was created directly under the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

These headquarters were in charge of the formation, on the one hand, of the list of objects on which students were to work this year, and on the other, the distribution of these objects between higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the respective republics that formed linear student construction teams (SCT). The formation of the VSSO, depending on the number and structure of the educational institution, was organized either by the “big committee” (VLKSM) of the university, or distributed among the faculty committees of the Komsomol.

During the production period, in the summer, the regional structure for managing construction teams based on location was activated. After all, the sites where SALW worked were located outside the cities, regions, and often the republics in which the construction teams were formed. The republican, regional and regional Komsomol committees entrusted the tasks of managing them to the commanders and members of regional headquarters they appointed. Besides district, regional etc. (corresponding to the units of administrative division of the USSR), in some cases, and zonal. For example, in the early 1980s. in the North Caucasus (Pyatigorsk, Mineralnye Vody, Nalchik), the work of the VSSO, which included student citizens of other countries, was supervised by the zonal headquarters of the VSSO “International” with headquarters in Kislovodsk.

Symbols of construction brigades

As a rule, chevrons and insignia of a specific detachment or group of detachments were sewn onto the jacket of a construction brigade soldier. There were signs “VSSO” - All-Union Student Construction Detachment, which was later replaced by the chevron “LSO” - Linear Student Detachment; signs of regional associations, chevrons of an educational institution and a specific detachment. Some chevrons were made centrally, for example, “LSO”, “LSO commander”, “Central headquarters of student detachments”, the rest were made separately by each detachment or headquarters, usually using silk-screen printing.

Since 1962, badges began to be issued centrally for construction teams - first “Student Virgin Construction” (from 1962 to 1973), then “Student Construction Teams” (from 1968 to 1972) and, finally, “All-Union Student Team” (from 1973 to 1992) . Commemorative badges and pennants were produced in small editions, both centrally and in republics, territories, regions and, of course, cities and universities. Small editions were even produced for individual student groups (for anniversaries and other memorable dates).

Brief construction brigade dictionary

Construction squad fighter

  • Line detachment headquarters- the governing body of the LSO, consisting of the commander, commissar, foreman, caretaker, treasurer and detachment doctor.
  • Construction brigade headquarters- to manage the activities within the framework of the construction brigade movement in the USSR, a hierarchy of headquarters was created: from the all-Union level to the republican (territorial) and regional - within the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the corresponding administrative-territorial units, and, at the functional level - headquarters at the Komsomol committees of higher and secondary special educational institutions that were in charge of the formation of the main “working units” - linear construction teams (LCO). Each LSO (or simply, construction brigade) created its own headquarters (see below Line detachment headquarters).

Commander of all construction teams of Leningrad State University in 1980-84. was, ex officio, secretary of the Komsomol committee of Leningrad State University, now first deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation A. I. Bastrykin, chief of staff - current scientist-philosopher and political scientist, professor A. I. Strebkov.

  • Line Detachment Commander- head of the LSO. The position is elective; V Soviet time the LSO commander was appointed by the Komsomol committee after approval by the party committee (party bureau) of the educational institution that formed the linear construction squad (LSO). He bore final responsibility to the authorities that appointed and approved him for all aspects of the activities of the LDF, including those delegated, in accordance with their duties and competence, to the foreman and other members of the LDF headquarters.

The commander is the main manager of funds LSO cash desks, position with right of first signature on the financial documents of the detachment (see also below Treasurer And caretaker).

First commander in 1980, for work in the Kavminvod region as part of the zonal construction team "International") was in 1980 one of the current heads of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation A. I. Rodenkov, the second (in 1981) was a prominent scientist-economist, professor V. M. Shavshukov .

  • Commissioner- the leader of the detachment on a par with the commander. Formally, the position of SSO commissar was “elected,” but selection and approval for it was the exclusive prerogative of the party committee (party bureau) of the educational institution, which acted on the basis of the formal presentation of the “selected” candidate by the Komsomol committee. By general rule, members of the CPSU, candidates for membership of the CPSU, or Komsomol activists included in the secret “queue” for admission to the CPSU were appointed to the commissars. Often, the WSSO commissioners were not students, but graduate students or junior members of the teaching staff. Responsible, like army political officers, for political and cultural work, the commissars became the head of the non-statutory Komsomol organization VSSO, having the right to raise questions at its meetings, including the expulsion of violators from the Komsomol (and the university).

First commissioner international LSO "Optimum" (first formed at the Faculty of Economics of the Leningrad State University in 1980 for work in the Kavminvod region as part of the zonal construction team "International") was the current Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A. L. Kudrin.

  • Master- the responsible organizer and producer of the work of small arms and light weapons, his “foreman”. In the next season of work of the construction teams, he was the first (sometimes together with the future commander, if one had already been appointed), to begin preparing the front of work (and if the “political appointees” to the commanders were incompetent, he took on these functions in full). No later than February-March of the current year, travel (if necessary, together with lodgers) to the site of the future deployment of small arms and light weapons, entered into negotiations with the management of government contracting and subcontracting organizations, receiving from them lists of objects and - most importantly! - Approximately coordinating the estimate and prices of these works. With the start of work, he distributed the volumes accepted for execution between foremen construction team; made proposals to the MTR headquarters for the distribution of the accrued salary fund between brigades in accordance with coefficient labor participation (KTU; although this payment scheme was officially recommended, in practice some units circumvented it). Participated in daily planning meetings host construction organization (if there were several sites, they could also be visited by foremen interested in resolving issues of supplying their sites) as a foreman, resolving all issues of supplying the site with materials and tools. Carried final responsibility on issues that were directly under the control of the foremen: compliance with safety regulations, labor discipline, etc.; submitted to the receiving organization documents on the assignment of construction and other qualifications to members of the detachment, as well as on making entries in their work books.

The organizer of the first trip, and then master international LSO "Optimum" (first formed at the Faculty of Economics of the Leningrad State University in 1980 for work in the Kavminvod region as part of the zonal construction team "International") was the economist A.V. Chernikov (aka "godfather", who gave the team the name "Optimum" and which was the design of his sleeve patch used from 1980-84).

  • Brigadier- by general definition, the head of a functional unit of a larger site (construction site, workshop, etc.) performing the corresponding production task, with the direct participation of himself foreman in these works along with other members of his team (that is, the position does not imply exemption from the main job). Mediator in relations between members of his team and higher management (in LSO - foreman and commander) in resolving issues, first of all, logistics of the work front and their payment. The LSO usually had at least 2-3 brigades, numbering from 5-10 to 15 or more people, depending on the type of activity. As a rule, student teams were formalized in the host organization as an independent structural unit (along with other teams). However, due to the specifics of the object, students could be included in the units already existing at the enterprise (construction site, etc.) under the guidance of professional foremen; in this case, the senior in experience from this group - maintaining the status in his LSO foreman- was a “deputy” professional foreman.

The foreman of the international LSO "Optimum" (formed at the Faculty of Economics of the Leningrad State University; worked in the Kavminvod region as part of the zonal construction team "International") were in 1980-82. famous now: scientist and politician Andrei Illarionov and publicist Dmitry Travin.

  • Tenant- a non-systemic name of a functional position performed by one or another detachment leader (commander, foreman, foremen; sometimes the future detachment commander also traveled as part of the lodgers cook) in the preparatory period for small arms and light weapons. The costs of sending lodgers to the places of future deployment of the detachment were borne by the headquarters of the special forces of the educational institution or the regional detachment. When deciding on the advisability of the business trip itself, this headquarters drew up the appropriate travel documents and accepted financial reports on them in the prescribed form. Cases of attributing expenses for business trips of quartermasters to the account of funds individually earned by members of the detachment were, as a rule, due to abuses (lack of production necessity of preliminary departure to an already equipped place of deployment; attempts to pay twice for the same travel, from two sources - railway .tickets were not personalized - etc.)
  • caretaker, head of the economic unit - a financially responsible position in the detachment, which involved accepting for storage property and valuables acquired at the expense of funds LSO cash desks(that is, from money transferred to the caretaker by the treasurer) or transferred to the detachment by its members or the organization that formed the detachment for temporary economic use (for example, pots, pans). Combining the duties of a caretaker and a treasurer was a serious (but, alas, not uncommon) violation of financial discipline and served as a source of serious financial abuse in some VSSO. The very presence of a caretaker in the leadership structure of the LDF was determined, first of all, by the need to organize its own food service and kitchen. In these cases, the duties of the caretaker were performed, part-time, cook squad.
  • Treasurer- a financially responsible position, the content of which, according to the Rules of Conduct in force in the USSR accounting and reporting, corresponded to the duties of the organization’s cashier, who, as an exception, combined this position with the functions of a “senior accountant with the rights of a chief accountant.” The keeper Money (LSO cash desks) and responsible for reporting on their movement. In the financial documentation of LSO - the head with right of second signature (right of first signature belonged to the SALW commander as the manager of the detachment's funds).
  • Squad doctor. As a rule, two doctors (the so-called sandwich), the main one (determined on the basis of qualifications) was part of the LSO headquarters by position. In the vast majority of LSOs, students and graduate students of medical universities worked as physicians. However, with the consent of the chief physician of the district (zonal) detachment, who was responsible for the formation of this part of the construction brigade contingent, the LSO doctor and his assistant could be appointed other persons with secondary or higher medical education. “Medbrat” (“nurse”) were not obliged to work at production sites along with the detachment, but, as a rule, they joined one of its brigades in order to receive additional labor income.

Like squad master, his doctor began work long before departure: he was entrusted with the responsibility of collecting documents for the mandatory medical examination of those leaving, and if the detachment traveled to encephalohazardous and other areas critical to health, obtaining the necessary vaccinations. Only the largest universities in the country (the rank of Moscow, Leningrad, and Kyiv universities) had their own clinics, on the basis of which it was possible to successfully conduct medical examinations and vaccinations in an organized manner. In other cases, doctors from other detachments had to “run” after the construction crews almost until the day of departure, demanding from them the appropriate certificates. However, the doctor had the right to prohibit the departure of such careless people: after all, in the event of illness, infection or death of a soldier who did not provide a certificate, the law placed full responsibility on the detachment doctor (and his commander).

  • Squad cook- another (like doctors) necessary position, thanks to which the composition of the detachment, assembled on the basis of any highly specialized faculty or technical school (physicists, mathematicians, philosophers, etc.), was “diluted” with representatives of other educational institutions, specialties, creating favorable preconditions for “cross-cultural” communication. There are no statistics on what percentage of chefs were students and graduates of culinary colleges, and what percentage were self-taught from among “their” students. However, in any case, appointment to the position of cook required the candidate to first obtain an SES certificate, and required regular communication with medical and sanitary epidemiological services throughout the entire season of work of the LSO. According to Leningrad University statistics, out of about 50 construction teams, less than half actually had their own kitchen (and, accordingly, cooks) - namely, those who worked far from civilization. In other detachments, meals were provided in nearby and/or factory canteens (in these cases, not from the funds of the common boiler, but at their own expense); however, in case of emergency, the presence of a person with an SES certificate was also required in these units.
  • Sanddvoika- cm. squad doctor.
  • Glavkhud- chief artist of the squad
  • "The Cook"- cm. squad cook
  • "Chronicler"- keeps a chronicle of squad affairs
  • Fighter- a member of the detachment who has worked at least one virgin soil
  • Virgin land- place of work and residence of the detachment (in summer)
  • Tselinka- both dress and work clothes (jackets) of the squad members, a source of special pride for each fighter
  • Stroevka, fight- another name for the jacket of a construction brigade fighter, used in the European part of Russia; the jackets of fighters of pedagogical student brigades, student brigades of conductors and medical student brigades are also called.
  • Old man- a unit soldier who has worked for 3 summers (virgin lands) or more

Traditions and holidays of various groups

In various construction teams formed by universities and technical schools throughout the country, the USSR, various traditions and holidays were developed and maintained. The list below (like originally this entire article) was compiled from the chronicles of only one of them (obviously, the “Almagest” PM-PU Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov).

Burying the green serpent- a promotion that takes place 1-2 days before departure to the virgin lands. The goal is to stop (from now on) drinking alcoholic beverages for the duration of the labor landing.

Virgin Lands New Year (from July 31 to August 1); March 8(8 August); February 23(July 23); The 14th of February(August 14). On these days, squad members prepare handmade gifts, draw cards for each other, congratulate their superiors, and send telegrams to other squads. There are many different holidays in the virgin lands. For example, Sports Day, Courtesy Day, Neptune Day, Builder's Day, Draw day, Anarchy Day etc., etc. The choice is at the discretion of the squad.

DMB - Young Soldier's Day. On this day, the detachment's headquarters is selected from young pioneer soldiers. They change places with the “old men” and “build” them. The next day everything returns to normal...

Baptism, Initiation to greenery- the day when new fighters are tested for courage and endurance. As a rule, this day is unexpected and becomes the most memorable in the virgin lands. The tests are difficult and easy, but fun and imaginative.

Once a season, the headquarters of some district and zonal detachments organized festivals and other holidays, which brought together all the construction teams of the region in full force. Headquarters of the ZSO "International" ( North Caucasus) held such festivals in Kislovodsk. Their agenda included sports competitions, and, of course, amateur construction brigade competitions.


In September 1991, the XXII Extraordinary Congress of the Komsomol considered the political role of the Komsomol as a federation of communist youth unions to be exhausted and announced the self-dissolution of the organization. Thus, with the self-dissolution of the Komsomol, the movement of student groups practically disintegrated (Cessation of the activities of the Central Headquarters of the SO). However, in Sverdlovsk region The Sverdlovsk Regional Student Team has been preserved and continues to operate, including several dozen construction teams, teaching teams and guide teams.

Notable members

Many went through construction brigade school famous people of our country: Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, deputy mayor of Moscow Lyudmila Ivanovna Shvetsova, ex-governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory