The topic of the lesson is conservation of nature, science and technology. Knowledge system and conservation

Thematic lesson September 1, 2017 Dear teachers! We offer you a list of online resources for conducting the thematic lesson “Russia, looking to the future.” Within the framework of this topic, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science identifies subtopics: Development of an innovative Russian economy; Development of Russian territories and spatial development of Russia; Conservation, Science and Technology; State security and politics. Additional topic: Personal safety

  • 1. Development of the innovative Russian economy

The development of Russia's innovative economy is influenced by: support for innovative business, implementation of technological and research projects, development of scientific and educational potential and infrastructure, and formation of an innovative culture in society.

  • Technopark of information technologies in Chelyabinsk. The children's technology park helps schoolchildren aged 6-16 years old to gain up-to-date knowledge in popular areas and implement their own projects.
  • Knowledge Day with Nuclear Energy Information Centers
  • Global school laboratory. Project “September 1st – Day of Knowledge”
  • A single lesson on involving schoolchildren in entrepreneurial activity"You are an entrepreneur"
  • Programs “Obvious-Incredible” with S. Kapitsa
  • Children's Invention Day. Video tutorial
  • 2. Development of Russian territories and spatial development of Russia

Russian Ministry economic development prepared a draft Concept of the spatial development strategy in the Russian Federation until 2030. The consolidation of regions and the priority of development of “geostrategically important territories” are expected - Far East, Russian Arctic zone, North Caucasian Federal District, Kaliningrad region, Crimea and Sevastopol.

  • All-Russian lesson “The Arctic - the facade of Russia”: methodological recommendations
  • Adventure club website. All-Russian youth expedition “Skiing to the North Pole” (2016)
  • 3. Nature conservation, science and technology.

2017 – Year of Ecology in Russia

  • Ecology online: a children's library guide to online resources
  • All-Russian Eco-lesson “Let’s do it together.” “Freedom from waste” (Ministry of Education of Russia. Lesson supplement (posters)
  • All-Russian action for schoolchildren “Red Book” (Russian movement of schoolchildren) until September 22, 2017.
  • Energy Saving Week Materials for preparing thematic lessons on energy saving issues are available on the portal
  • Energy saving events (quests, games) on the festival website TogetherBrighter
  • 4. State security and politics

  • Modular program “Course of interactive classes on the prevention of child injuries and the formation of a culture of personal safety “Universal safety code”
  • - First aid: teaching materials for teachers
  • Russian Railways video “Be careful when crossing tracks”
  • Russian Railways video "

MKOU"Novokaykent Secondary School"

With. Novokayakent

Kayakent district Republic of Dagestan

(development for Knowledge Day for students in grades 5-11)

MKOU "Novokayakent Secondary School"

Umalatova Ravganiyat Biybulatovna

Novokayakent village


Explanatory note

This class script"Nature Conservation, Science and Technology"It is recommended to conduct it as the first lesson for Knowledge Day on September 1. The script touches on ecological problems nature, the use of new technologies for nature conservation is recommended, and measures necessary for nature conservation are considered. The script was developed for students in grades 5 - 11.

Target: consider environmental problems of nature, propose the use of new technologies for nature conservation and propose measures necessary for nature conservation.

Equipment: a projector and screen, computer, laptop or interactive whiteboard for demonstrating a presentation.

Class hour scenario “Nature conservation, science and technology”

In an immoral society, all inventions that increase man's power over nature are not only not good, but undoubted and obvious evil.

L. Tolstoy.

Hand class: Guys, our first Classroom hour in 2017 it is called

"Nature conservation, science and technology." Cool watch under this name are held in all schools of our large, vast country. The name was not invented in vain. We live with you in a century of great discoveries and technologies. These discoveries and technologies affect nature and humans. Today we will talk about nature, discoveries and new technologies

Presenter 1 : On January 5, 2016, Vladimir Putin signed a Decree on holding in 2017 Russian Federation Year of Ecology.

Presenter 2: The head of state ordered the formation of an organizing committee for the Year of Ecology. The head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, Sergei Ivanov, was appointed chairman. The Government has been instructed to ensure the development and approval of a plan of main activities for the Year of Ecology. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recommended to carry out the necessary activities within the framework of the ongoing Year of Ecology.

Presenter 1: On August 1, 2015, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree that 2017 in Russia will also be declared the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas (SPNA). The event is timed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the creation of our country’s first state nature reserve- Barguzinsky.

Presenter 2: Holding the Year of Protected Areas will attract public attention to conservation issues natural heritage. Specially protected natural areas is one of the most effective forms of environmental protection activities, allowing for complete or partial removal from economic use land and preserve biological and landscape diversity in Russia and on the planet as a whole.

Cl. hands: Nature is the primary source of satisfying the material and spiritual needs of people. Human society is surrounded everywhere by nature. We continuously interact with nature in all possible directions. Nature has a variety of meanings for humans: industrial, scientific, health, aesthetic and educational.

We live in a time when science and technology are highly developed. In our computer age, people cause great harm to nature.

Presenter 1: Thanks to centuries-old achievements of science and technology, we now have powerful tools to influence nature. Our achievements enable humans to invade the macrocosm and microcosm, influence the life of the biosphere, transform millions of virgin untouched lands into agricultural fields and monoculture gardens, randomly genetically modify many animal breeds and plant varieties, and create urban landscapes. Invading the life of nature, a person often violates the eternal natural laws and leads to changes in life that are undesirable for him. environment. Nowadays, people are faced with the urgent task of preventing the environmental crisis, strengthening nature conservation and wisely using its finite resources.

The progress of mankind is associated with the scientific and technological revolution. It was born slowly and gradually, so that now, in the new millennium, it can give rise to a gigantic ecological collapse.

On the one hand, we are witnessing a qualitative leap in the scientific and technical capabilities of humanity, on the other hand, we are observing a qualitative leap in the terrible means of destroying nature, in military affairs, which can wipe out all life from the face of the Earth.

Presenter 2 : The modern age of computer science and electronics, computers and robots leaves millions of people unemployed; the young and educated are forced to go to the market to trade. Wealth and power are increasingly concentrated in the hands of bankers and oligarchs. Militarism is swelling in the arms race, which ultimately seeks to seize the political levers of control. He really becomes a terribly ugly and extremely dangerous monster of the 21st century. Through the efforts of the arms race, the most advanced scientific and technological achievements are being transformed into weapons of mass destruction of people. Both people themselves and the entire environment suffer from this.

Today one thing becomes clear - scientific and technical progress is obliged to find an answer to the question: how to radically improve the use of non-renewable natural environmental resources, materials, raw materials, energy and fuel at all stages of production - from the extraction and processing of raw materials to the release of finished products. Environmental protection must be a top priority. It's time to reduce energy, material and metal intensity of production. Careful use of resources should become an important source of meeting people's needs for raw materials, fuel and energy.

Cl. hands : Guys, the ecological situation of our area is not in the best condition. Today our guest is an ecologist from our region. Let's give him the floor.

Ecologist : Speech by an ecologist on the ecological state of the area.

Cl. hands : Guys, you can ask questions to our guest.

Students : Students ask questions to the ecologist.

Cl. hands: Dear guys, each of us has Cell phones and smartphones. With their help you can make the world around you better. Guys, try to answer the question: are mobile technologies popular in our country? How do you think?

Students : (students’ answers)

Cl. hands: What are our gadgets capable of?

Student 1 : With the help of mobile technologies you can save forests from fires, protect animals, save trees, protect nature from garbage and much more.

Student 2 : Video cameras at base stations help monitor the forest. With their help you can determine the location of the fire. You can also use cameras to monitor rare animals in nature reserves. Video cameras are available in many regions of our country.

Student 3: Each student, being at home, can plant a tree,

through the Internet service “Plant a tree”. This helps restore fire-damaged forests.

Cl. hands: Guys, we are surrounded by heaps of garbage everywhere. There is a lot of garbage in the water. It's called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The exact size is unknown, there is a lot of plastic in it.

Scientists estimate that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. What can you do to prevent this from happening? What is our situation? How can you help?

Students : We also have a lot of garbage.

Student 4: Take a photo and send it to authorities and environmental activists.

Student 5: Conduct clean-up days to clean yards, forests, and banks. Do not stand on the sidelines, but take an active part with the involvement of your comrades.

Cl. hands: What to do with collected garbage?

Student 6 : Sort and give to factories for processing. Obtain raw materials for new products, i.e. recycling.

Cl. hands: Guys, we all have a lot of unnecessary things at home, but what do you do with them?

Student 7 : We give it to those who need it. We give a second life to things.

Student 8 : We burn and poison the air with poisonous gases, so you can’t burn garbage. The garbage does not burn completely.

Student 9 : Throw it in the trash. Under natural conditions they decompose: food waste - from 2 to 5 weeks, a wool sock - 1 year, paper from 2 to 10 years, a tin can - 100 years, plastic bottle– 500 years, glass – more than 1000 years.

Cl. hands: Guys, many things contain toxic substances and should not be thrown away. They must be handed over to special collection points. Such things include light bulbs, thermometers, batteries, etc. Recycling things saves Natural resources and little water is wasted.

Cl. hands: There are a lot of new inventions to save energy. There are stations operating on environmentally friendly energy sources: solar panels, wind power plants.

Student 10 : In Khabarovsk, a young entrepreneur invented a backpack with built-in solar panels that can charge a smartphone, tablet and laptop.

Student 11 . Once upon a time in the computer, atomic age
A sensible man walked through the forest.
He threw the cigarette butt into the grass under the bush,
He didn't think at all what would happen next.
But a fire broke out, a fire broke out,
And immediately the entire forest was engulfed in intense heat.
All the animals and birds hurried there,
Where the smartest oak grew by the pond.
The fire rushed after, the fire ate everything,
The oak tree began to burn with a red flame.
He suddenly groaned, for the first time in a century:
“Oh, what are you doing, reasonable man?

Student 12. And how much trouble you bring with you!
And how much misfortune is happening to you!
You hardly think about the future..."
The words froze in a broken phrase.
The ominous fire continued to devour the forest,
And the tiny bunny was waiting for miracles from the sky.
He raised his burnt paws to the sky.
“Save! Save! - he whispered quietly.
And the sky heard a thin call,
And she sent a cloud with rain and thunder.
Now the cloud has opened a retaliatory strike,
The raging fire did not soon subside.

Student 13.
And how much trouble he managed to cause,
Although there might not have been a fire.
But just through the forest in the computer age
A smart and strong man walked.
And the tree wants it, the bird wants it
I turn to you, man, with all my heart.
“The planet is one, for you and for us.

Student 14. We need to take care of it not tomorrow - now!
You create miracles with new technology,
And you take the garbage to fields and forests.
Making a lot of discoveries in science,

You dirty water pouring into the seas.
Stop and think - nature is sick.
She needs your care today."
You need to love from childhood, you need to protect from childhood.
To leave a strong planet as a legacy.

Presenter 1: In RussiaProtection of Nature- a rather neglected matter. TOenvironmentalstudents are little involved in the work. Passive work of schoolchildren in circles of young ecologists, and the ineffective activities of “green” and “blue” patrols, which unite a small number of children. Who now, tell me, monitors the cleanliness of rivers, lakes and ponds, protects fish resources?

Student 15: There are fewer and fewer untouched places on the planet.

Lakes of oil are spilled across the tundra.

And hostile whirlwinds swirl from the pipes...

Live nature- already half dead.

The man brought her to her knees.

We want to rake in more money.

And what after us?

Presenter 2 : The most important condition way out of the environmental crisis is the rapprochement between man andnature, searching for ways for them to live together. This is, first of all, expressed in the desire of many people to leave the city and live on their own land, to cultivate it with their own hands, and not with terrible agricultural machinery. This is how true love is bornnatureand friendship with her. This is how a new generation of people is born, capable of not only exploitingnature, but also to give oneself, one’s work, one’s life for the goodenvironment, for the goodnature.

Information sources:

1. Sayings of the greats about nature.

2. 2017 - Year of Ecology in Russia

3. Poems about ecology

The presentation is devoted to the relationship between man and the world around him. How a person can have a negative impact on such a fragile and defenseless world around him. All this is demonstrated in photographs and poetry. The material is designed for an environmental class hour.



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Slide captions:

It is impossible to allow people to direct to their destruction those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer. F. Joliot-Curie

How beautiful this world is LOOK

What is ecology? The science that studies the relationships of animal and plant organisms with each other and with the environment, as well as the impact of human activity on the environment. in Greek: “ekos” - 2nd house”; “logos” - teaching, science.

“Laws of Ecology” Everything is connected to everything Everything has to go somewhere Nothing is given for nothing Nature knows best They were formulated by the American scientist Barry Commoner.

R. Rozhdestvensky Airfields, piers and platforms, Forests without birds and lands without water... Fewer and fewer - surrounding nature. More and more - the environment.

Pollution is the process of negative modification of the environment - air, water, soil - through its intoxication with substances that threaten the life of living organisms.

I pray that the Planet is alive, that frosts in winter and spring bloom, that the nightingale trill rings in the forest, and that April comes to us with the arrival of geese. To run barefoot on the grass in the summer, And to fly somersaults on a sled in the winter, To greet the sunrises and see off the sunset, And count the stars in the night sky with a friend. People of the world, wake up, look around! From green the Planet suddenly became black. The sky is in terrible smoke, the earth is on fire, Floods and downpours are washing away the fields. Everything! Nature is tired in this dark age of fighting your outrages, man. What are we doing, people, what are we doing? What can we leave to our descendants? Poem by 6th grade student Lupu Daniil

MKOU "Novokayakent Secondary School"

With. Novokayakent

Kayakent district Republic of Dagestan

(development for Knowledge Day for students in grades 5-11)

MKOU "Novokayakent Secondary School"

Umalatova Ravganiyat Biybulatovna

Novokayakent village

Explanatory note

This scenario for the class hour “Nature conservation, science and technology” is recommended to be taught as the first lesson for Knowledge Day on September 1. The scenario touches on environmental problems of nature, recommends the use of new technologies for nature conservation, and discusses the measures necessary for nature conservation. The script was developed for students in grades 5 - 11.

Target: consider environmental problems of nature, propose the use of new technologies for nature conservation and propose measures necessary for nature conservation.

Equipment: a projector and screen, computer, laptop or interactive whiteboard for demonstrating a presentation.

Class hour scenario “Nature conservation, science and technology”

In an immoral society, all inventions that increase man's power over nature are not only not good, but undoubted and obvious evil.

L. Tolstoy.

Hand class: Guys, our first class hour in 2017 is called

"Nature conservation, science and technology." Classes under this name are held in all schools of our large, vast country. The name was not invented in vain. We live with you in a century of great discoveries and technologies. These discoveries and technologies affect nature and humans. Today we will talk about nature, discoveries and new technologies

Presenter 1: On January 5, 2016, Vladimir Putin signed a Decree on holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation in 2017.

Presenter 2: The head of state ordered the formation of an organizing committee for the Year of Ecology. The head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, Sergei Ivanov, was appointed chairman. The Government has been instructed to ensure the development and approval of a plan of main activities for the Year of Ecology. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recommended to carry out the necessary activities within the framework of the ongoing Year of Ecology.

Presenter 1: On August 1, 2015, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree that 2017 in Russia will also be declared the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas (SPNA). The event is timed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the creation of the first state nature reserve in our country - Barguzinsky.

Presenter 2: Holding the Year of Protected Natural Areas will help attract public attention to the issues of preserving natural heritage. Specially protected natural areas are one of the most effective forms of environmental protection, allowing for the complete or partial withdrawal of land from economic use and the preservation of biological and landscape diversity in Russia and on the planet as a whole.

Cl. hands: Nature is the primary source of satisfying the material and spiritual needs of people. Human society is surrounded everywhere by nature. We continuously interact with nature in all possible directions. Nature has a variety of meanings for humans: industrial, scientific, health, aesthetic and educational.

We live in a time when science and technology are highly developed. In our computer age, people cause great harm to nature.

Presenter 1: Thanks to centuries-old achievements of science and technology, we now have powerful tools to influence nature. Our achievements enable humans to invade the macrocosm and microcosm, influence the life of the biosphere, transform millions of virgin untouched lands into agricultural fields and monoculture gardens, randomly genetically modify many animal breeds and plant varieties, and create urban landscapes. By invading the life of nature, a person often violates the eternal natural laws and leads to changes in the environment that are undesirable for him. Nowadays, people are faced with the urgent task of preventing the environmental crisis, strengthening nature conservation and wisely using its finite resources.

The progress of mankind is associated with the scientific and technological revolution. It was born slowly and gradually, so that now, in the new millennium, it can give rise to a gigantic ecological collapse.

On the one hand, we are witnessing a qualitative leap in the scientific and technical capabilities of humanity, on the other hand, we are observing a qualitative leap in the terrible means of destroying nature, in military affairs, which can wipe out all life from the face of the Earth.

Presenter 2: The modern age of computer science and electronics, computers and robots leaves millions of people unemployed; the young and educated are forced to go to the market to trade. Wealth and power are increasingly concentrated in the hands of bankers and oligarchs. Militarism is swelling in the arms race, which ultimately seeks to seize the political levers of control. He really becomes a terribly ugly and extremely dangerous monster of the 21st century. Through the efforts of the arms race, the most advanced scientific and technological achievements are being transformed into weapons of mass destruction of people. Both people themselves and the entire environment suffer from this.

Today one thing becomes clear - scientific and technological progress must find an answer to the question: how to radically improve the use of non-renewable natural environmental resources, materials, raw materials, energy and fuel at all stages of production - from the extraction and processing of raw materials to the release of finished products. Environmental protection must be a top priority. It's time to reduce energy, material and metal intensity of production. Careful use of resources should become an important source of meeting people's needs for raw materials, fuel and energy.

Cl. hands: Guys, the ecological situation of our area is not in the best condition. Today our guest is an ecologist from our region. Let's give him the floor.

Ecologist: Speech by an ecologist on the ecological state of the area.

Cl. hands: Guys, you can ask questions to our guest.

Students: Students ask questions to the ecologist.

Cl. hands: Dear guys, each of us has mobile phones and smartphones. With their help you can make the world around you better. Guys, try to answer the question: are mobile technologies popular in our country? How do you think?

Students: (students’ answers)

Cl. hands: What are our gadgets capable of?

Student 1: With the help of mobile technologies you can save forests from fires, protect animals, save trees, protect nature from garbage and much more.

Student 2: Video cameras at base stations help monitor the forest. With their help you can determine the location of the fire. You can also use cameras to monitor rare animals in nature reserves. Video cameras are available in many regions of our country.

Student 3: Each student, being at home, can plant a tree,

through the Internet service “Plant a tree”. This helps restore fire-damaged forests.

Cl. hands: Guys, we are surrounded by heaps of garbage everywhere. There is a lot of garbage in the water. It's called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The exact size is unknown, there is a lot of plastic in it.

Scientists estimate that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. What can you do to prevent this from happening? What is our situation? How can you help?

Students: We also have a lot of garbage.

Student 4: Take a photo and send it to authorities and environmental activists.

Student 5: Conduct clean-up days to clean yards, forests, and banks. Do not stand on the sidelines, but take an active part with the involvement of your comrades.

Cl. hands: What to do with collected garbage?

Student 6: Sort and give to factories for processing. Obtain raw materials for new products, i.e. recycling.

Cl. hands: Guys, we all have a lot of unnecessary things at home, but what do you do with them?

Student 7: We give it to those who need it. We give a second life to things.

Student 8: We burn and poison the air with poisonous gases, so you can’t burn garbage. The garbage does not burn completely.

Student 9: Throw it in the trash. Under natural conditions, they decompose: food waste - from 2 to 5 weeks, a wool sock - 1 year, paper from 2 to 10 years, a tin can - 100 years, a plastic bottle - 500 years, glass - more than 1000 years.

Cl. hands: Guys, many things contain toxic substances and should not be thrown away. They must be handed over to special collection points. Such things include light bulbs, thermometers, batteries, etc. Recycling things saves natural resources and wastes little water.

Cl. hands: There are a lot of new inventions to save energy. There are stations operating on environmentally friendly energy sources: solar panels, wind power plants.

Student 10: In Khabarovsk, a young entrepreneur invented a backpack with built-in solar panels that can charge a smartphone, tablet and laptop.

Student 11. Once upon a time in the computer, atomic age
A sensible man walked through the forest.
He threw the cigarette butt into the grass under the bush,
He didn't think at all what would happen next.
But a fire broke out, a fire broke out,
And immediately the entire forest was engulfed in intense heat.
All the animals and birds hurried there,
Where the smartest oak grew by the pond.
The fire rushed after, the fire ate everything,
The oak tree began to burn with a red flame.
He suddenly groaned, for the first time in a century:
“Oh, what are you doing, reasonable man?

Student 12. And how much trouble you bring with you!
And how much misfortune is happening to you!
You hardly think about the future..."
The words froze in a broken phrase.
The ominous fire continued to devour the forest,
And the tiny bunny was waiting for miracles from the sky.
He raised his burnt paws to the sky.
“Save! Save! - he whispered quietly.
And the sky heard a thin call,
And she sent a cloud with rain and thunder.
Now the cloud has opened a retaliatory strike,
The raging fire did not soon subside.

Student 13.
And how much trouble he managed to cause,
Although there might not have been a fire.
But just through the forest in the computer age
A smart and strong man walked.
And the tree wants it, the bird wants it
I turn to you, man, with all my heart.
“The planet is one, for you and for us.

Student 14. We need to take care of it not tomorrow - now!
You create miracles with new technology,
And you take the garbage to fields and forests.
Making a lot of discoveries in science,

You are pouring dirty water into the sea.
Stop and think - nature is sick.
She needs your care today."
You need to love from childhood, you need to protect from childhood.
To leave a strong planet as a legacy.

Presenter 1: In Russia, nature conservation is a rather neglected matter. TO environmental students are little involved in the work. Passive work of schoolchildren in circles of young ecologists, and the ineffective activities of “green” and “blue” patrols, which unite a small number of children. Who now, tell me, monitors the cleanliness of rivers, lakes and ponds, protects fish resources?

Student 15: There are fewer and fewer untouched places on the planet.

Lakes of oil are spilled across the tundra.

And hostile whirlwinds swirl from the pipes...

Wildlife is already half a corpse.

The man brought her to her knees.

We want to rake in more money.

And what after us?

Presenter 2: The most important condition for overcoming the environmental crisis is the rapprochement of man and nature, the search for ways for them to live together. This is, first of all, expressed in the desire of many people to leave the city and live on their own land, to cultivate it with their own hands, and not with terrible agricultural machinery. This is how true love for nature and friendship with it is born. This is how a new generation of people is born, capable of not only exploiting nature, but also giving themselves, their work, their lives for the good environment, for the benefit of nature.

Information sources:

1. Statements of the great about nature.

2. 2017 - Year of Ecology in Russia

3. Poems about ecology

4. Encyclopedia of environmental protection

The changes observed in nature, caused by active human intervention, indicate the unsatisfactory state of industrial and technological practice, the education system, and the decline in the moral and spiritual level of man. In this regard, there is an urgent need to revise the entire system of knowledge about the world, man and society. In other words, an objective need arose to strengthen the fundamental basis of education, built on the basis of the organic unity of its natural science components. A person must see and realize his dependence on nature, of which he is an integral part. According to Bertrand Russell, nature obeys only by being subordinated to it. Only in this case, human knowledge and the power of nature are combined and transformed into a creative force. We can name two groups of reasons indicating the need to increase the role of the fundamental basis of education. The first group is associated with global problems of civilization, the current stage of development of which is characterized by the presence of signs of economic, environmental, and energy crises, as well as a sharp aggravation of national and social conflicts in many countries of the world. The second group is due to the fact that global community In recent decades, it has placed the priority of the individual at the center of the education system. The formation of a highly educated personality requires solving a set of interrelated problems. First, it is necessary to create conditions for harmonious relations between man and nature through the study of the fundamental laws that govern it. At the same time, it is extremely important not so much to understand the phenomena of nature in order to master them through reflection, but to preserve nature in its natural state for future generations. Secondly, a person lives in society and for his harmonious existence it is necessary to immerse himself in the cultural environment through the development of history, law, philosophy, economics and other sciences. The concept of fundamental education was first clearly formulated in early XIX V. philologist and philosopher Wilhelm Humboldt (1767–1835). According to this concept, the subject of study should be that fundamental knowledge that is born at the forefront of the development of science, and fundamental education should be combined with scientific research.

Such a progressive education system has been introduced in the best universities in the world. The problem of strengthening the fundamental basis of education is relevant not only for Russia, but also for other countries. Thus, in one of the reports of the US commission it was noted that America, as with the launch of the first Soviet satellite, is in danger of losing its level of education and may find itself among the countries that are not able to perceive latest achievements science, engineering, technology, humanities due to the very low level of mathematical and natural science education. IN official document The US National Commission on Quality in Education states: “The nation is in danger as the educational foundations of the state are undermined by an ever-growing tide of mediocrity that threatens the future of the nation and the country as a whole, and if an unfriendly power were to attempt to impose such a mediocre education system on America , which exists today, we would regard it as an act of war.” in one more important document– UNESCO report – emphasizes that for the development of the world “the only significant resources are knowledge, human ingenuity, imagination and good will; it becomes clear that without them no sustainable progress with regard to peace, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms is possible; Education plays a decisive role in the development of these qualities.” An important role in fundamental education is played by natural scientific knowledge, which not only broadens the horizons of the learner, but also represents a sphere of active actions that determine the level of development of society. One of the paradoxes of historical development is that neither the consciousness of an impending planetary catastrophe, nor the comprehension of the idea sustainable development, nor the revision of the conceptual foundations of education have so far had almost no effect on the real behavior of states and human societies. The world continues to move along a dangerous path that brings us all closer to the final brink - to the line beyond which there is no choice, no future, no person, and perhaps no life at all. Ten years after the adoption of the concept of sustainable development, in 2002, the UN World Conference on Sustainable Development, called the Earth Summit, was held in Rio de Janeiro. It was attended by delegates from 189 countries and heads of over 100 states of the world. At this conference it was noted that over the past ten years much less has been achieved than expected. Consumer lifestyles continue to deplete the Earth's natural life-sustaining sources. The developed countries have not fulfilled their promises to step up action to protect the environment even on their own territories, let alone help developing countries. Representatives of many countries said that it is the residents of Europe and especially the United States, the so-called “golden billion,” who consume about 80% of the world’s energy resources, and therefore they must pay for it and help 2.5 billion people who cannot meet their needs even with clean water and electricity. It is clear that the root of evil lies not only in the thinking and behavior of individual people, but also in general political and economic relations. At the same time, cultural, spiritual and moral factors still play a huge role, aimed at eradicating the ruthlessly consumerist relations of man and all humanity to nature. And the only force capable of organically, as if from within, transforming culture is, again, education on the fertile soil of upbringing. In this regard, it is necessary to radically restructure the teaching of fundamental sciences. One of the main tasks is to radically strengthen their ideological significance. In the concepts and concepts of fundamental disciplines it is necessary to see not only a scattering of knowledge, but also a holistic picture of the natural world, including its planetary changes. This means that fundamental knowledge should not be acquired in separate clusters, but in a single system - comprehensively. And to become familiar not only with its immediate meaning, but also as vitally important spiritual and moral values ​​and moral norms. The normative role of fundamental sciences in the formation of the spiritual and moral principles of human activity has not yet been fully comprehended by scientists themselves, much less it has not been mastered and is far from understood by politicians and bigwigs business world. But you still can’t do without it. It is throughout the entire system modern education and spiritual and moral education, the sprouts of a new worldview can and should sprout. Scientists, teachers, all representatives of fundamental sciences are called upon to see the cardinal nature of the problem of the survival of man and humanity and to realize their responsibility for solving it. Today it is very important that, as in the years of the Pugwash Movement, prominent representatives of the scientific elite and the academic community as a whole take an equally decisive position in the fight against the impending catastrophe. And so that our contemporaries act as persistently as physicists in their time actively acted, who managed to convince the public and political circles of the need to stop the nuclear missile arms race and achieve a renunciation of the use of nuclear weapons. However, the efforts of scientists and teachers will be in vain if each person does not realize his share of responsibility for the decision global problem preserving life on our planet. “The future of the community, as part of a unified system of the biosphere, depends on when it understands its connection with Nature (God, Spirit, Supreme Intelligence, World Information) and accepts responsibility not only for the development of society (which is what all the utopians strived for), but also the biosphere as a whole,” said Academician V.I. Vernadsky (1863–1945).

It is extremely important that a new worldview, based on a synthesis of the achievements of fundamental sciences and spiritual and moral values, permeate the entire system of training and education of the younger generation - from schools to universities. The first step in this direction has already been taken - students of higher education educational institutions concepts of modern natural science and ecology are studied, and the study of Orthodox culture and secular ethics is gradually being introduced in schools. Considering the practical significance of natural science knowledge, it is advisable to do next step– include in the educational process high school disciplines that would integrate knowledge in various natural sciences on the basis of a holistic conceptual approach to the study of the properties of natural objects and fundamental laws. One of these disciplines may be, for example, modern natural science, which in its didactic content corresponds to the concepts of modern natural science for study by university students, and another equally important discipline is ecology. The introduction of these disciplines for high school students does not at all mean the exclusion of physics, chemistry and biology from the educational process. This means that a variable approach is possible within the allocated training hours. For example, for schools with humanitarian and socio-economic areas, it is advisable to provide a larger volume of teaching hours for studying modern natural science, and for physics and mathematics schools to choose physics as a major along with mathematics, etc. Without a doubt, any person who has not only general conceptual natural scientific knowledge, but also has mastered moral rules, will certainly act in such a way that the benefit as a result of his action is always combined with a careful attitude towards nature and its conservation for both present and future people. future generations. Only in this case will the creative activity of each person make a tangible contribution to the stable balance of natural processes and the dynamic progressive development of the biosphere, which will move into a more ordered state - the noosphere, the sphere of reason.
Bibliographical references
Karpenkov S.Kh. Concepts of modern natural science. Textbook for universities, 12th ed. M.: Direct-Media, 2014.
Karpenkov S.Kh. Concepts of modern natural science. Workshop, 6th ed. M.: Direct-Media, 2016.
Karpenkov S.Kh. Ecology. Textbook for universities. M.: Direct-Media, 2015.
Karpenkov S.Kh. Ecology. Workshop. M.: Direct-Media, 2014.
Karpenkov S.Kh. Ecology. Textbook for bachelors. M.: Logos, 2014.
Karpenkov S.Kh. Technical means of information technology. 3rd ed. M.: Direct-Media, 2015.
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