Military police how to get there. Military police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

with the same tasks.


AT Russian Empire the functions of the military police were performed by the Separate corps of gendarmes (field gendarmerie squadrons and fortress gendarmerie teams) and formed for the duration of wars, maneuvers and the location of the unit outside the barracks in the units of the team themselves - one chief officer, one non-commissioned officer and at least the lower rank from each company, squadron, hundred, battery and team, after the February Revolution of 1917, on March 4, 1917, the Provisional Government decided to abolish the Separate Corps of Gendarmes and security departments, including the gendarmerie police departments of the railways.

Reden N., Through the hell of the Russian revolution: Memoirs of a midshipman. 1914 - 1919 - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2006. - S. 64.

On January 31, 2006, the idea of ​​creating a military police in the Russian Federation was put forward by the President of Russia, V.V.V.

In December 2009, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov signed an order to create a military police based on the structures of the military commandant's offices and the military traffic police, but in the spring of 2010 this decision was canceled.

At the end of 2010, the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that “work on the creation of a military police corps is at its final stage, during which Special attention will be given to the formation of the regulatory legal framework…”, “Due to the fact that the ongoing work is voluminous and provides for the necessary procedure for discussion and coordination with interested federal executive authorities, it is planned to complete it during 2011”.

In the summer of 2011, Anatoly Serdyukov announced the creation of a military police by the end of the year, which will restore order in the RF Armed Forces. Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov announced in November 2011 that the military police would start functioning in Russia on December 1, 2012.

The law on the military police was adopted by the State Duma on January 24 and approved by the Federation Council on January 29, signed by the President on February 4, 2014. On March 25, 2015, Vladimir Putin approved the Charter of the Military Police of the RF Armed Forces. One of the main functions of the military police will be to ensure military discipline in the garrisons.

Since the beginning of 2016, the protection of Russian military facilities in Syria and road safety has been provided by a detachment of the military police. In December 2016, after the city of Aleppo was liberated during the Russian military operation in Syria, a military police battalion was deployed there to maintain order in the liberated territories and assist the Aleppo city authorities in ensuring law and order.

Charter of the Military Police of the Armed Forces of Russia

The Charter of the Military Police of the Russian Armed Forces, approved by decree of the Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 25, 2015, determines the activities of this structure, functions, powers, general composition, as well as the procedure for the actions of army police officers in various situations. The charter has passed an independent anti-corruption expertise.

The document says that the military police is a body designed to protect the life, health, rights and freedoms of military personnel and civilian personnel, citizens called up for military training, as well as to maintain law and order in the troops, ensure road safety and protect regime objects.

The military police are endowed with broad powers - from combating crime to ensuring discipline in military garrisons. In addition, the army police have the right to detain, inspect military personnel and, if necessary, use physical force against them. The charter contains a list of situations in which military law enforcement officers are allowed to use special means (baton, handcuffs).

One of the most important functions prescribed in the document will be to ensure military discipline in the garrisons by the military personnel of the military commandant's offices. According to the charter, the military police, formally, with the permission of the commanders of the districts, will be able to conduct unannounced checks in the garrisons in order to ensure law and order.

The head of the Ministry of Defense of the country is authorized to lead the military police. He defines them organizational structure and the number, which is currently 6.5 thousand people who serve in the profile head office of the Ministry of Defense, four regional offices military police, 142 army and navy military commandant's offices, 39 guardhouses, 2 disciplinary battalions, as well as military traffic police units.

Military police will be trained at military police courses. And in the future, the Institute of Military Police may be established in the army. In the meantime, officers with a higher legal education are recruited into its staff.

Military Police Institute

The Military Institute of Physical Education is designed to educate platoon commanders and heads of guardhouses.

The training of military police officers is carried out only as part of the advanced training and retraining of officers who have graduated from combined arms, engineering, and command schools.

In the future, it is planned to establish the Military Police Institute.

The training of officers for the military police will also be undertaken by the newly created military department All-Russian State University Justice.

Main goals

The military police was created to protect military personnel and civilians who are on military training camps. In fact, this is one of the divisions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation that protects legal relations in the field of state defense (law and order, protection of military facilities, military discipline and legality).

The main tasks in accordance with the Regulations on the Main Directorate of the Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of February 24, No. 350:

  • implementation of certain powers of the Ministry of Defense to ensure the strengthening of law and order and military discipline in the Armed Forces;
  • development of draft legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the Ministry of Defense and other official documents on the activities of the military police, taking into account the main directions and stages of its development;
  • ensuring safety road traffic in Armed Forces, exercising the authority of the Ministry of Defense to organize and implement, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, special control, supervisory and licensing functions in this area;
  • ensuring the movement of troops on the roads and escorting Vehicle Armed Forces, as well as coordination of the activities of troops and military formations on issues of ensuring road safety;
  • ensuring the protection of especially important facilities of the Ministry of Defense, special regime facilities of the Russian Federation under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense, as well as those located on the territory of closed administrative-territorial formations and territories with regulated visits to foreign citizens, garrison facilities and base military camps of the Armed Forces, since 2013 ensuring the protection of especially important objects of the Ministry of Defense was closed to the military police due to the small number of staff of the military commandant's offices of the garrisons;
  • development and implementation of plans for the construction and development of the military police, improvement of its composition and structure;
  • management of regional and territorial units of the military police and control over their activities;
  • coordinating the actions of the military police when a state of martial law or a state of emergency is introduced on the territory of the Russian Federation or in its individual areas, as well as during a period of direct threat of aggression and in wartime.


On June 20, 2013, the Russian Ministry of Defense placed an order for the supply of 919 PB-4SP Osa pistols, 3,684 Shield anti-shock kits, 1,400 RGK-60RD hand grenades, 420 PUS-3T telescopic folding batons and 3,684 PUS-2M batons. The total amount of the order is about 48 million rubles.

Weapons will be issued to military police officers only when performing special tasks.

Armored vehicles are a car "" and a mine-protected car "".

  • Structure

    The system of military police bodies consists of a central body (the Main Directorate of the Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), regional bodies (departments) created according to the number of military districts, and territorial bodies (departments) of the military police, as well as military commandant's offices and disciplinary units.

    Regional bodies

    • Regional Directorate of the Military Police for the Western Military District (St. Petersburg, Obvodny Canal Embankment, 32).
    • Regional Directorate of the Military Police for the Southern Military District (Rostov-on-Don, Budyonnovsky Ave., 66).
    • Regional Directorate of the Military Police for the Central Military District (Yekaterinburg, Vostochnaya St., 60).
    • Regional Directorate of the Military Police for the Eastern Military District (Khabarovsk, Pavlovich St., 30).
    • Regional Directorate of the Military Police for the Northern Fleet (Severomorsk, Vostochnaya St., 3)

    Central office

    Recruitment to the military police

    Main qualification requirements for candidates:

    Fitness for military service;

    Age from 19 to 35 years;

    Education not lower than secondary;

    Ability to work in multitasking mode;

    Stress tolerance;


    Passing standards in accordance with the requirements of the Manual on Physical Training - NPF-2009;

    Restrictions in the selection of candidates for military service under the contract.

    A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be appointed to a position in the military police if he:

    Is a suspect or accused in a criminal case;

    Convicted for a crime by a court verdict that has entered into legal force, and also has an unexpunged or outstanding conviction;

    Submitted forged documents or knowingly false information when entering the service;

    The main condition for working in the military police is the state of health. And if the candidate has a military ID with a mark of uselessness due to health problems, in this case the refusal is obvious. But you can insist on passing the military medical commission, which is very serious (on a par with selection at a military school).

    Under equal conditions between the two candidates, preference will be given to a man who has already completed military service. A military policeman may well become a person with excellent physical fitness, skills, good health and legal education, who was not yet in active service. That is why the selection for positions in the military police is most often carried out among candidates who have already served. At present, due to the outflow of military police personnel, recruitment for contract service in military commandant's offices has been simplified and is no different from recruitment for contract service in ordinary military units.

    Chief of the Military Police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

    The military police is headed by the head of the Military Police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    # A photo Name Notes Powers
    Start The ending

    S.V. Surovikin led the working group of the MO RF on the creation of a military police
    2 A.V. Nechaev
    3 THEM. Sidorkevich Head of the Main Directorate of the Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    V.S. Ivanovsky from 25.07.2016

Sleeve insignia of the military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Headquarters (postal address): Znamenka street, house number 19, Moscow, Russian Federation - Russia .


In the Russian Empire, the functions of the military police were performed by the Separate Corps of Gendarmes (field gendarmerie squadrons and serf gendarme teams) and formed for the duration of wars, maneuvers and the location of the unit outside the barracks in the units themselves - one chief officer, one non-commissioned officer and how at least a lower rank from each company, squadron, hundred, battery and team, after February Revolution On March 4, 1917, 1917, the Provisional Government decided to abolish the Separate Corps of Gendarmes and security departments, including the gendarmerie police departments of the railways.

On March 19, the Provisional Government decided to publish a decree disbanding the Separate Corps of Gendarmes, including the gendarmerie police departments of the railways.

“Most of all, the rapidly growing consciousness that there was no one left who would attend to the preservation of the world was disturbing. Gone are the red and blue armbands military police and there was no longer a stolid, dependable cop on the street corner.”

Reden N., Through the hell of the Russian revolution: Memoirs of a midshipman. 1914-1919 - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2006. - S. 64.

On January 31, 2006, the idea of ​​​​creating a military police in the Russian Federation was put forward by Russian President V.V. Putin - at a press conference in the Kremlin, he said that "control of the rule of law in the Russian Armed Forces can be entrusted to the military police."

In December 2009, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov signed an order to create a military police based on the structures of military commandant's offices and military traffic police, but in the spring of 2010 this decision was canceled.

At the end of 2010, the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that “work on the creation of a military police corps is at its final stage, during which special attention will be paid to the formation of a regulatory legal framework ...”, “Due to the fact that the ongoing work is voluminous and provides the necessary procedure for discussion and agreement with the interested federal executive authorities, it is planned to complete it during 2011.”

In the summer of 2011, Anatoly Serdyukov announced the creation of a military police, which will restore order in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. On December 1, 2011, the Main Directorate of the Military Police of the Russian Ministry of Defense was established.

On March 25, 2015, Vladimir Putin approved the Charter of the Military Police of the RF Armed Forces. One of the main functions of the military police will be to ensure military discipline in the garrisons.

Since the beginning of 2016, the protection of Russian military facilities in Syria and road safety has been provided by a detachment of military police. In December 2016, after being released during military operation Russia in Syria, the city of Aleppo, a military police battalion was deployed there to maintain order in the liberated territories and assist the city authorities of Aleppo in ensuring law and order.

Charter of the Military Police of the Armed Forces of Russia

The Charter of the Military Police of the Russian Armed Forces, approved by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 25, 2015, determines the activities of this structure, functions, powers, general composition, as well as the procedure for the actions of army police officers in various situations. The charter has passed an independent anti-corruption expertise.

The document states that the military police- This is a body designed to protect the life, health, rights and freedoms of military personnel and civilian personnel, citizens called up for military training, as well as to maintain law and order in the troops, ensure road safety and protect sensitive facilities.

The newly created military departments at the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian state university justice.

Main goals

On clothing provision in federal executive bodies and federal state bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law, in peacetime, as amended on May 17, 2017 and federal state bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law, in peacetime, with changes

GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION DECISION No. 903 of September 5, 2014 On Amendments to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2006 N 390 provision in the federal executive authorities, in which the federal law provides for military service, in peaceful

Fur hats with earflaps are worn with a golden cockade, with a field uniform - with a khaki cockade. Wearing fur hats with earflaps lowered is allowed at an air temperature of -10 C and below, and with headphones tied at the back, when servicing weapons and military equipment, at chores and at the direction of the commander of the military unit of the unit. With the headphones raised, the ends of the braid are tied and tucked under the headphones, with the headphones lowered, they are tied under the chin.

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Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Order of February 7, 2017 N 89 on amendments to Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2015 N 300 on the approval of the rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental insignia and other OF HERALDIC SIGNS IN THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE PROCEDURE FOR MIXING ITEMS OF THE EXISTING AND NEW MILITARY UNIFORM IN THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Make changes to the appendix

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On approval of the Rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental insignia and other heraldic insignia in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Procedure for mixing items of existing and new military uniforms in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with changes as of November 26, 2018 MINISTER OF DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated June 22, 2015 N 300 On approval of the Rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental signs

To the commander of the military district of the fleet Only the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on June 22, 2015 signed order 300 On approval of the Rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Procedure for mixing items of existing and new military uniforms clothing in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation further - the order in which, introduced new form and appearance sleeves

Russian Warrior combat equipment soldier, also called the kit of the soldier of the future. The Ratnik is part of a general project to improve the quality of a single soldier on the battlefield through the use of the latest scientific achievements in the field of navigation, night vision systems, tracking the psychophysiological state of a soldier, using advanced materials in the manufacture of armor and clothing fabrics. The system is a complex of modern means of protection,

GENERAL SYMBOLS OF THE ARMED FORCES OF RUSSIA MILITARY HERALDIC SIGN - EMBLEM OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION GGR RF 258 The military heraldic sign - the emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is an image of a golden silver double-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding a sword in its right paw, and a laurel wreath in its left paw. On the chest of the eagle is a shield crowned with a crown. On a shield on a red field - a rider slaying a dragon with a spear

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In 2015 Russian army change clothes. Some military personnel already have a new military uniform. According to the plan of the Russian Ministry of Defense, by the end of 2014, new uniforms were required to be provided to all military personnel. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Dmitry Bulgakov. The need to change the ranks of the Russian army has existed for a long time. Together with the new set of clothes, new rules for wearing military uniforms will also be introduced. In 2014, a new sample of clothing was received

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The protective kit for the crews of armored vehicles 6B48 Ratnik-ZK was put into service in 2014. The manufacturer of this kit is the Moscow Center for High-Strength Materials Armocom. This kit is designed to protect crew members of combat vehicles from exposure to open flames, thermal effects, secondary fragments formed in the habitable compartment, as well as to protect elbow and knee joints from various kinds of mechanical damage. Produce high quality products

The emblem of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation The emblem serves as a reminder

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The summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. It is part of the all-weather set of basic uniforms (VKBO). Suit made of Mirage fabric (PE-65%, cotton-35%), with high content cotton - hygienic and comfortable in daily wear. Straight cut jacket. The collar is a stand, the volume is regulated by a pata on a textile fastener. The central fastener on a demountable lightning closed by a level on textile fasteners. Two breast patch pockets with flaps on textile fasteners. Back with two vertical pleats for freedom of movement in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. Sleeves are one-piece. In the upper part of the sleeves there are patch pockets with flaps on textile fasteners. In the area of ​​the elbow there are pads-amplifiers with an input for protectors on textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeve there is a patch pocket for pens. On a bottom of sleeves cuffs with pats on textile fasteners for volume adjustment. Straight cut trousers. One-piece belt with seven belt loops. The volume of the belt is regulated by a cord with tips. Button closure. Two side slash pockets. On the side seams are two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is pulled together with an elastic cord with a clamp. Entrances to pockets, designed obliquely, like a hand, are closed with flaps on textile fasteners. In the area of ​​the knees there are reinforcement pads with an input for protectors on textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers there are patch pockets with flaps on textile fasteners. The volume on the bottom of the trousers is regulated by a braid. On the back halves of the trousers are two welt pockets with flaps with a hidden button closure. Reinforcement pad in the seat area

Jacket: - free cut; - a fastener central onboard, a wind-shelter level, on buttons; - coquette from finishing fabric; -2 welt slanted pockets with a flap, buttoned at the bottom of the front; - 1 slant patch pocket on the sleeves; - reinforcing curly overlays in the elbow area; - the bottom of the sleeves with an elastic band; - double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring to adjust the volume; - waist adjustment with drawstrings; Trousers: - free cut; -2 side vertical pockets; - in the area of ​​the knees, on the back halves of the trousers along the seam of the seat - reinforcing pads; -2 side patch pockets with flap; -2 back patch pockets with buttons; - the cut of the details in the knee area prevents them from stretching; - the back halves under the knee are assembled with an elastic band; - waistband with elastic; - bottom with elastic band; - fastened braces (braces); - belt loops; wearing - both in boots and out. material: tent fabric; composition: 100% cotton; density: 270 gr.; overlays: ripstop, oxford; cuffs: yes; sealing gum: yes; jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes; optional: lightweight summer version; high strength fabric and seams; How to wash Gorka suit.

Please note - in this model, fleece insulation is only in the jacket! Coloring: khaki Jacket: - free cut; - a fastener central onboard, a wind-shelter level, on buttons; - coquette from finishing fabric; -2 welt slanted pockets with a flap, buttoned at the bottom of the front; - 1 slant patch pocket on the sleeves; - reinforcing curly overlays in the elbow area; - the bottom of the sleeves with an elastic band; - double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring to adjust the volume; - waist adjustment with drawstrings; Trousers: - free cut; -2 side vertical pockets; - in the area of ​​the knees, on the back halves of the trousers along the seam of the seat - reinforcing pads; -2 side patch pockets with flap; -2 back patch pockets with buttons; - the cut of the details in the knee area prevents them from stretching; - the back halves under the knee are assembled with an elastic band; - waistband with elastic; - bottom with elastic band; - fastened braces (braces); - belt loops; wearing - both in boots and out. material: tent fabric; composition: 100% cotton; density: 270 gr.; overlays: ripstop, oxford 0; cuffs: yes; sealing gum: yes; seasonality: demi-season; additionally: reinforced inserts, removable fleece lining, anthers on trousers, suspenders included

The summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Straight cut jacket. The collar is a stand, the volume is regulated by a pata on a textile fastener. The central fastener on a demountable lightning closed by a level on textile fasteners. Two breast patch pockets with flaps on textile fasteners. Pockets are located obliquely, in the direction of the hand. Back with two vertical pleats for freedom of movement in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. Sleeves are one-piece. In the upper part of the sleeves there are patch pockets with flaps on textile fasteners, with belt loops on the inside of the flaps. In the area of ​​the elbow there are pads-amplifiers with an input for protectors on textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeves there are patch pockets for pens. On a bottom of sleeves cuffs with pats on textile fasteners for volume adjustment. Straight cut trousers. One-piece belt with seven belt loops. The volume of the belt is regulated by a cord with tips. Button closure. Two side slash pockets. On the side seams are two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is pulled together with an elastic cord with a clamp. Entrances to pockets, designed obliquely, like a hand, are closed with flaps on textile fasteners. In the area of ​​the knees there are reinforcement pads with an input for protectors on textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers there are patch pockets with flaps on textile fasteners. The volume on the bottom of the trousers is regulated by a braid. On the back halves of the trousers there are two welt pockets with flaps with a hidden button closure.In the seat area there is an overlay-amplifier Fabric: Mirage-210, pe-67%, chl-33%

Jacket "Mountain-3" is recommended for outdoor activities (tourism, hiking), as well as a field uniform for mountain rifle units of the RF Ministry of Defense of sight On buttons Adjustment of volume of a sleeve above a wrist the hidden elastic band on a flypaper Elbows are protected by a polyurethane foam removable insert (included in the package) Pockets: two lower volume pockets on buttons are closed by valves "Napoleon" pocket on a breast inclined pockets on sleeves, are closed by valves on a flypaper internal moisture protection pocket for documents with Velcro Tightening: on the waist with a cord on the bottom of the jacket of the jacket See all items by tag of the jacket with a rubber cord Material: 100% cotton, new high-quality tarpaulin, superior to analogs used by most other manufacturers New technology processing allowed to significantly improve the fabric's resistance to fading and abrasion Reinforcing overlays -100% polyester polyester View all products by tag polyester rip-stop Attention! Before washing, remove the protective inserts in the knee/elbow pads from their respective pockets. Do not wash protective inserts in the washing machine. When washing tarpaulin products in a washing machine, traces of abrasion may appear. SIZING: Download the size chart (.xlsx) to determine the exact size you need REVIEWS: Review by Survival Panda Discussion about this model on the forum YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN:

The costume consists of a jacket and trousers. Jacket with a central side zipper. Front with upper welt pockets with flaps and leaflets, fastened with textile fasteners and side welt pockets in a “frame”, fastened with a “zipper” braid. Lined front and back of the jacket. Turn-down collar with stand. Staff suit made of rip-stop fabric with Velcro. Back with yoke. The sleeves are set-in, one-sutural, with reinforcing overlays in the elbow area, with stitched cuffs, fastened with a textile fastener - a slit with a puff. For attaching removable shoulder straps, there are loops in the area of ​​the shoulder seams, two continuous loops are sewn perpendicular to the shoulder seam. At the bottom of the jacket there is a cut-off belt, the volume of which is regulated by the side sections with elastic band. Trousers are straight, with stitched arrows and side pockets on the front halves. Fastening of the front of the trousers with a zipper. On the back halves - tucks. On the right back half there is a welt pocket with a flap and a leaflet, fastened with a textile fastener. The belt is stitched, fastened with a loop and a button. To adjust the volume, the belt is pulled together with elastic band, in the area of ​​the side seams. Sample material drawing: Additionally, you can purchase:

Combined-arms suit of a new sample. The combined arms suit of a new sample is made taking into account the latest requirements for uniforms and can actually be used all year round. Structurally, the suit is a light jacket (tunic) and loose-fitting trousers. It is made from a durable 70/30 polyester/cotton blend with a weight of 220 grams. per 1m2 of authorized colors "digital flora". The jacket is equipped with a zipper, which, in turn, is covered with a windproof valve, securely fixed with textile fasteners, has a stand-up collar that prevents the fighter from chafing the neck of the fighter with body armor, and five pockets. Two frontal, two overhead on sleeves and one internal, waterproof, for documents. The sleeves of the jacket are reinforced with a double layer of fabric, and are securely fixed at the wrist with Velcro fasteners. The cut of the jacket itself is thought out so that it can be worn under warming layers, worn either tucked into trousers or loose. For quick identification in an emergency, and the insignia required by the charter, the jacket has six reliable attachment points - three above the chest pockets, and three on the sleeves. The trousers of the suit are loose enough not to hamper the fighter's movements, the knees and other loaded parts are reinforced with a second layer of fabric, elastic bands are sewn into the belt for automatic volume control. This allows you to wear a warming layer quite comfortably and in critical cases do without a waist belt. To accommodate the minimum required by a fighter, the trousers have six pockets. Two overhead cargo on the sides, two slotted, and two rear. At the bottom of the legs there are drawstrings that allow you to securely fix the trousers over combat boots, as well as belt loops, they allow for more precise adjustment in height, and make wearing trousers tucked into shoes more comfortable. color pixel Main features: coloring green pixel durable material Velcro stand collar for patches inner pocket CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUIT Material: rip-stop Composition: 70/30 Density: 220 gr. Cuffs: Velcro Sealing elastic bands: ties Pockets jacket / trousers: yes / yes Seasonality: demi-season

Cap of the Ministry of Defense (office). The cap is made of ripstop fabric, olive color. According to the temporary regulation No. 256/41/3101. On caps and caps there is an insignia of belonging to the executive authorities, where the law provides for military service (golden cockade), for senior officers, in addition, a visor and cap band with golden sewing.

Windbreaker OV combined arms. The combined-arms windbreaker is part of a new set of uniforms for the Russian Armed Forces of the VKBO, and is designed for operation throughout the year. It is made of taslan, a material consisting of 100% polyester, with a density of 180g. per 1m2, which provides increased wear resistance of the product and protection against precipitation. The jacket has a deep hood with adjustable drawstrings, two patch pockets on the sleeves, two voluminous side welt pockets and sealing elastic bands along the edge of the sleeves and waist. False epaulettes provide a quick change of insignia from field to clearly distinguishable everyday ones and vice versa. Five areas with a textile fastener are provided for quick identification of a soldier. Two breastplates for the name, rank of blood group and other necessary information, and three - on the sleeves of the windbreaker, to place the emblems of the military branch, the tactical emblem of the unit and the nationality of the military. Removable fleece lining makes it comfortable to wear low temperatures. color green figure Main features: windbreaker statutory lining of removable fleece hood CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUIT Material: taslan Composition: 100% p-e Density: 180 gr. Cuffs: yes Sealing elastic bands: yes Pockets jacket/trousers: jacket Seasonality: demi-season Additionally: removable fleece lining

Winter jacket for the army, navy and air force provides reliable protection against wind and snow. The insulation perfectly retains heat, weighs little, does not deform, does not absorb moisture. The combination of membrane fabric and insulation provides protection from severe frosts. FEATURES Cold protection Stabilized fit For military operations Hand wash only MATERIALS Rip-stop Membrane Fibersoft insulation

Summer suit. Consists of a shirt and trousers. Straight fit shirt. Turn-down collar The central fastener on a detachable lightning. Along the shoulder line there are epaulettes with removable stalemates (false epaulettes) Back with a yoke. Two chest patch pockets with button flaps. Two side welt pockets with leaflets. At the bottom of the jacket there is a cut-off belt, the volume of which is regulated by the side sections with elastic band. Sleeves are two-seam, short. On a bottom of sleeves cuffs with lapels on buttons. Straight cut trousers. Cut-off belt with five belt loops. The volume of the belt is regulated by the side sections with elastic band. Zip closure. Two side welt pockets. On the right back half there is a pocket with a flap on a button. The arrows on the front halves of the trousers are stitched. Fabric: "Panacea" Composition: 67% polyester, 33% viscose 155 g/m2

Trousers from a special suit of parachute parts On the buttons The belt is adjustable in size with the help of side elastic bands An oversized belt for the convenience of wearing ammunition on the belt Loops for a wide waist belt Reinforcing pads with a softening insert on the knees (photo A) Mesh for ventilation in the groin area The bottom of the trousers with an elastic band Drawstring cuffs at the bottom of the pants prevent debris from getting into shoes Pockets: 2 side pockets and 2 hip pockets with a fold-over top to prevent items from falling out 1 knife pocket 2 back pockets Material: 100% cotton The parachute parts of the suit proved to be very convenient for tourists as well. Everything that is sharpened for a parachute is good for a backpack. Durable, dense canvas fabric, pre-shrunk and highly resistant to fading. The tarpaulin breathes, protects from wind and moisture, is not afraid of a fire (if you do not dry clothes on a fire rope) and is not bitten by insects. The loose-fitting jacket does not restrict movement and is devoid of protruding details. Due to the absence of lower pockets, it can be worn both loose and tucked into trousers. Characteristic for uniform buttons. The bottom of the jacket is adjustable in size. Two front pockets and easy-access side pockets on the sleeves are protected by flaps. The inner pocket for documents is made of water-repellent fabric. Ventilation in the most overheated places in the jacket and trousers is provided by mesh fabric. The most tense ones (elbows and knees) are reinforced with additional pads (on the knees with a softening insert). Trousers with a high elasticated waistband and drawstrings for a wide belt are comfortable and allow you to carry the necessary ammunition on the belt. The loose fit, the drawstring bottom of the legs allow you to move freely through the most inaccessible places and protect the boots from debris getting inside. The restraint of the jacket is more than offset by the abundance of pockets on the trousers. Welt pockets on the side are simple and familiar, two back pockets with flaps, two front pockets with flaps in front on the hips and a knife pocket. You can place everything you need from salt, matches, maps, compass and GPS to horns from the machine. Durable, comfortable, breathable, unpretentious suit will be reliable protection in the forest and in the air.

Summer camouflage suit "Borderguard-2" produced by Prival is made of light mixed fabric, consists of a jacket and trousers. Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. The suit is comfortable in hot weather, and, thanks to the loose fit, can be worn over clothing as a protective layer. Loose-fit jacket with a zip and a hood. 2 pockets on jacket, 2 on pants. Elastic waistband with additional cord fastening. The bottom of the pants with elastic. Packed in a compact case. Set composition: jacket / trousers Fabric: 65% polyester, 35% viscose Colour: border guard camouflage

Men's raincoat for employees of the Ministry of Defense of a straight silhouette will provide comfortable service and a presentable appearance at temperatures down to -15 degrees. Jacket fabric with a membrane in combination with insulation works as wind and moisture protection. CHARACTERISTICS Cold protection Rain and wind protection Statutory cut Hand wash only MATERIALS Rip-stop Membrane Fibersoft insulation

The jacket is oversized! If you wear 50 r you need to take 48 !!! Jacket from a winter field suit for servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the sample of 2010. It differs from the original in external wind and moisture protection fabric, lightweight non-removable insulation and a more convenient central fastener. External fabric - Oxford PU (100% nylon). Unlike the mixed fabric of the original, it does not get wet, protects from the wind and has high strength. Lightweight synthetic fabric lining Central zip fastening, covered with a placket on the outside with buttons (buttons in the original). It protects better from cold and wind, it is more convenient to work even with warm gloves For simplicity and convenience, the insulation (synthetic winterizer) is made non-removable. The amount of insulation is less than in the original, the jacket is more demi-season for its intended purpose. Reinforcement of the elbows with overlays from the second layer of fabric. False epaulettes included High wide collar lined with fleece. It fastens with Velcro. The hood is insulated with a layer of fleece and stows away in the collar. Stretches around the face, and in two dimensions at the back of the head. Fastens at the front with Velcro Waist is tightened with an elastic cord with two clamps on the inside of the jacket. Slanted entry at a comfortable angle, fleece-lined inner document pocket with velcro flap (heart side), made of waterproof fabric washing clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect against possible damage by parts of the washing machine drum. Close all zippers and velcro fasteners and fully loosen all adjustments before washing. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30°C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinse cycles to ensure that all detergent residues are removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. The dryer can be used average temperature(40-60°C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the top fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with the lining out (turned inside out). You can dry the product in a suspended state with the lining out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special product such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing detergent soak for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore the DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing is not forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the effectiveness of DWR decreases. If water droplets have stopped rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend using special compositions to restore the splash-proof treatment of fabrics in the form of a spray, or poured into washing machine such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel or Nikwax TX.Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First wash the product according to the washing instructions, then use the selected composition to restore the splash protection by spraying it directly on the front of the product while it is still damp, or running a second wash cycle, first pouring the required amount of wash-in into the washing machine . The manufacturer's instructions for the restoration of the splashproof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR reconditioning products require heat activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or dryer at medium temperature (40-60°C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry.

The Soft Shell Suit is purposefully designed to meet the exacting demands of Force operators. Special Purpose. Designed to support comfortable temperature body of the user in the cold season during vigorous activity, in bad weather, in wind and rain. The suit can be used as the base 5th layer of ECWCS Gen.III. MPA-26-01 jacket: MPA-26-01 jacket is designed to maintain a comfortable body temperature in the cold season. Effectively removes steam from the body, does not let moisture in from the outside and reliably protects against cold, wind and rain, taking into account intense physical activity. The demi-season jacket combines several layers of clothing thanks to the three-layer Softshell material, which consists of an outer surface with water and dirt-repellent Teflon® impregnation, a membrane and fleece that remove moisture from the body. Cuffs on sleeves are regulated by a textile fastener. Ventilation in the armhole area allows you to “cool down” faster and not overheat during increased physical activity and changing weather conditions. A high stand-up collar protects the neck. Removable hood adjustable in volume and oval of the face. The tactical jacket is equipped with 8 pockets with zippers: chest, side, back in the lower part of the back and in the forearm area. Velcro fasteners are located in the upper part of the sleeves for attaching chevrons. -2 internal and 6 external pockets with the possibility of access when worn together with tactical equipment; - ventilation openings are protected by a grid; - adjustable waist and hem - stand collar; - adjustable, detachable hood; - closable ventilation openings; - taped zippers. - places for chevrons with Velcro Soft shell fabric breathes, does not tear, does not get wet, does not restrict movement! COMPOSITION 92% POLYESTER, 8% SPANDEX, MEMBRANE, FLEECE SPRING/FALL SEASON JACKET CATEGORY

The MPA-35 suit is designed for comfortable work of employees of the Ministry of Defense in hot weather. Consists of trousers and a jacket with long sleeves. On the sleeves there are reinforcing pads in the elbow area. The bottom of the jacket is adjustable in size. SPECIFICATIONS For hot weather Statutory fit For office work MATERIALS Gabardine (100% polyester)

The costume consists of a jacket and trousers. Jacket with a central side zipper. Front with upper welt pockets with flaps and leaflets, fastened with textile fasteners and side welt pockets in a “frame”, fastened with a “zipper” braid. Lined front and back of the jacket. Turn-down collar with stand. Back with yoke. The sleeves are set-in, one-sutural, with reinforcing overlays in the elbow area, with stitched cuffs, fastened with a textile fastener - a slit with a puff. For attaching removable shoulder straps, there are loops in the area of ​​the shoulder seams, two continuous loops are sewn perpendicular to the shoulder seam. At the bottom of the jacket there is a cut-off belt, the volume of which is regulated by the side sections with elastic band. Trousers are straight, with stitched arrows and side pockets on the front halves. Fastening of the front of the trousers with a zipper. On the back halves - tucks. On the right back half there is a welt pocket with a flap and a leaflet, fastened with a textile fastener. The belt is stitched, fastened with a loop and a button. To adjust the volume, the belt is pulled together with elastic band, in the area of ​​the side seams. Additionally, you can purchase:

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military police

Does the police have a military mortgage?

Hello Eugene! Within the meaning of paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 N 117-FZ (as amended on August 3, 2018) "On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel," participants in the savings and mortgage system are military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation who are military service under the contract.

While serving in the police, I went to the police department for a security officer, then I quit, I want to be reinstated in the police, do I need to go through the police department, I went through half a year ago.

Yes, VVK needs to be passed on a new one.

Where should a police officer's military ID be kept?

This document kept in a personal file.

I get a job in the police and go through the military commission for the first time, there is a gynecologist in the list of doctors that the registry for women gives, do I have the right to be examined by my doctor, to whom I go to be checked (paid office)?

No, you do not have such a right.

Is it possible to get a job without a military ticket to the police.

Good afternoon! They will not be hired for a certified position without a military ID in the police.

Can I join the police without a military ID?

Theoretically - it is possible, the legislation does not contain a direct ban. Enough detail about this - for example, here:

I want to join the police. I didn’t go to the army, they gave me a military ID (category B), article 59 b-decree 565. Will they take me to work If I pass the military college in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Hello! Citizens of the Russian Federation entering the service in the internal affairs bodies must meet the qualification requirements, be capable of fulfilling the official duties of an employee in terms of their personal and business qualities, physical fitness and health status. The age for entering the service in the internal affairs bodies is determined from 18 to 35 years (for citizens who previously served in federal executive bodies in positions for which the assignment of special (military) ranks is provided - up to 50 years). Citizens who have served on conscription in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or who have a deferment from conscription are accepted. Qualification requirements for positions in the internal affairs bodies provide for the presence for positions of rank and file and junior commanding staff - middle (full) general education, for positions of middle commanding staff - education not lower than secondary professional, corresponding to the direction of activity, for positions of senior and higher commanding staff - higher vocational education corresponding to the direction of activity. Citizens entering the service in the internal affairs bodies pass: a military medical commission; professional psychological selection; psychophysiological studies (examinations), testing aimed at identifying the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription and the abuse of alcohol or toxic substances; checking the level of physical fitness. Level check physical training candidate includes passing the standards: Men - you must score at least 105 points in the sum of two exercises (strength: pull-ups 13 times - 55 points or push-ups 40 times - 55 points; speed and agility - shuttle run 26.0 - 55 points). Women - you need to score at least 65 points in the sum of 2 exercises (strength: push-ups 7 times - 35 points or forward bends per minute 17 times - 33 points; speed and agility - shuttle run 33.8 - 33 points). For men, a prerequisite is military service. Try to contact the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Hello. Read Appendix N 1 to the Instructions on the procedure for conducting a military medical examination and medical examination in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, There are practically no differences from the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The question is, a man tried to rape me, I wrote a statement to the police, since he is a military man, they call me to the military prosecutor's office. Can I be forced to withdraw my application?

Hello! No, of course they cannot force you to withdraw your application. This can only happen if you wish.

The law does not provide for such a procedure as taking the application, even at the request of the victim. The application has already been registered and it cannot disappear in any way.

If half a year has not passed for my VVK, I work for the Russian Guard ovo, can I quit and get a job in the police since I passed the VVK of the Russian Guard, half a year has not yet passed.

Under the law, no. If upon admission to the service an IHC is required, it is carried out according to all the parameters required specifically for this service, even if there is an IHC passed for another service.

The district police officer handed over the material to the military prosecutor's office under Part 1 of Art. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, can they refuse to initiate a criminal case? Can the initiation of a criminal case against me be grounds for dismissal or a further refusal to renew the contract? What disciplinary sanctions can be applied to me, my commanders in case of an acquittal?

Hello. If a criminal case on the material of the preliminary check has not yet been initiated, then they may refuse to initiate a criminal case if there are legal grounds for that. The initiation of a criminal case cannot be grounds for dismissal. However, after the conviction of the court comes into force, you may be dismissed on the basis of clauses "e", "e.1" or "h" part 3 of Art. 34 of the Regulations on the procedure for passing military service (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237). In the event of an acquittal, it is unlikely that anyone will receive disciplinary action, because in case of acquittal, all legal consequences associated with the criminal case cease.

Now I am going through the VVK when I was dismissed from the police to reduce my position, the experience is 27 calendars, I was diagnosed with hypertension and sugar. diabetes. Is this enough to establish a group and receive a payment.?

Diabetes can be a disability.

Hello! At the VVK they will be interested in why they stuffed it and what it means. If psychologists understand that everything is fine with your head, then you will pass. And you will be required to walk in the service in clothes that will cover the tattoo.

Will they hire a police officer with a tattoo on his calf? And will there be problems with VVK?

Good afternoon. Much depends on what kind of tattoo (image) you have. The final decision on the mental health of a candidate for the Ministry of Internal Affairs is made by a psychiatrist after a conversation with him and, possibly, a referral to a psychiatric hospital for examination. Your question is more medical than legal.

Is it possible to get a job in the police of the Moscow region with the VVK passed in the Tula region.

If a certain time has not passed, then it is possible.

I was going to work, because of the high fence the military police could not be seen, they were standing on the left immediately after the passage, but after the passage I turned right and did not see the patrol. Having walked two meters, I heard the cry "comrade soldier." Turning around, he approached the patrol and performed a military salute. They did not introduce themselves and demanded documents. And recorded for failure to comply with the military salute. When did I say that they were not visible, and they were on the opposite side and I could not see them. To which I received the answer that if you don’t like something, go and appeal. How to be?

Hello, if you think that the actions of military police officials are unlawful, you have the right to challenge them in the military prosecutor's office or the garrison military court.

I am an officer, being at the field exit, I was detained by the military police, and during the examination, the doctor concluded the residual effects of intoxication! They said they would fire me! Can they get fired? Served 15 calendar years.

Hello. Yes, in principle they can.

Is it possible to undergo VVK for service in the police after the operation for the correction of vision.

Hello. Yes, you can.

Hello, yes you can. Up to - 2 vision is suitable for category 3 destinations.

I am doing an internship at the Federal Penitentiary Service, in this moment I want to transfer to the police, do I need to go through the VVK again.

Unfortunately, the VVK will have to go through again - different departments - BUT it will be purely formal.

I am a 45-year-old pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I decided to join the police, I went through the VVK, the answer came to the personnel "NOT GOOD" (without explanation), what are my next steps?

You are entitled to clarification. In case of refusal, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.

When employed in the internal affairs bodies, all candidates undergo a medical commission in the polyclinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, based on the results of which the doctors of the commission give a conclusion whether they are fit or not for service in the internal affairs bodies. When passing the medical examination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, fitness for military service is taken into account, i.e. the results of the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office.

I am a military man and overdue the loan and I was told before the judicial officer on duty that they would go to the Military Police, what threatens me for this?

Do you have a civil legal relations and the police have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Greetings. And nothing will happen to you. These are civil law relations and have nothing to do with military service. They have the right to sue and that's it. All other actions are illegal. They must send a letter demanding payment of the debt, give a deadline for repayment, and then sue.

I want to work in the police. He served in the army, but in the military ID category B3. How to fix it on A1?

Hello, you need to apply to the military commissariat in the name of the chief for a second medical examination. (FZ "On military duty and military service")

The number of the military police unit in Saratov.

This is a legal advice website. We do not provide background information.

I am resigning from the police by decision of the VVK, category D, not fit, I have a length of service of more than 20 years. The reason for dismissal was atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal form, frequent symptomatic relapses. Chronic heart failure is the first functional class according to NYHA. Dyscirculatory encephalopathy of the first stage. And others. These diseases were obtained during military service. Is it necessary insurance payment for acquired diseases? Thanks in advance!

Hello Nikolay! Part 5 of Article 43 of the Federal Law of 07.02.2011 No. 3-FZ "On the Police" stipulates that "when a police officer receives an injury or other damage to health in connection with the performance of official duties, excluding the possibility of further service in the police, he is paid a lump-sum allowance in the amount of two million rubles" Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 18.06.2012 No. 590 approved the Instruction on the procedure for making payments in order to compensate for harm caused in connection with the performance of official duties to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation or their close relatives. Paragraph 22 of the said instruction establishes a list of documents necessary to resolve the issue of paying a lump sum allowance, among which are copies of the materials and the conclusion of the check, as well as a copy of the conclusion of the military medical commission on the category of fitness for service in the internal affairs bodies of the employee who was injured or otherwise damaged health in connection with the performance of official duties, which led to the termination of the contract and the dismissal of the employee, indicating the causal relationship of injury or other damage to health in the wording "military injury". Thus, if a different conclusion is indicated in the conclusion of the VVK, for example, a disease acquired during the period of service, then there are no grounds for paying the MAP in the amount of 2,000,000 rubles. At the same time, the decision on the issue of paying a lump-sum allowance is entrusted to permanent commissions created in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district, interregional and regional levels, where you can apply.

My son wants to work in the police. But according to the conclusion of the VVK, a military ID did not serve in the army. Conclusion. Peptic ulcer defarmation of the bulb. Thank you.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own requirements, but still they will not take it, since the police take mainly those who served in the army.

If you evade military service, no one can find a personal file. Can the military police open a criminal case without a personal file of a soldier?

Hello! Who is the deviant? Military or conscripted citizen? If a conscript does not come because there is no summons, he is not an evader and the police will not deal with him.

Is it possible to transfer from contract service on a ship to contract service in the military police?

Yes, it is possible, and with the preservation of the military rank. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237 (as amended on February 21, 2019) "Issues of military service" (together with the "Regulations on the procedure for military service"). Article 15 1. A serviceman may be transferred to a new place of military service from one military unit to another (including one located in another locality) within the limits of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (other troops, military formations or bodies, military units Federal Fire Service) in the following cases: e) at a personal request (for servicemen undergoing military service under a contract);