Why is ginger needed? Candied ginger without sugar

Sassi water for weight loss, the recipe for which was invented by the American Cynthia Sass, has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, increases the rate of fat breakdown and cleanses the body of waste products.

How to prepare Sassi water?

Classic version


  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • mint leaves – 12 pcs.


The cucumber must be peeled and cut into thin slices along with the lemon. Take a jug or some other container, put all the ingredients in it, pick mint leaves with your hands, and fill it with water. Place the finished drink in the refrigerator for 12 hours. In winter, you can change the recipe for Sassi water and prepare it without mint, in which case the drink will be devoid of menthol taste and aroma.

Sassi water without ginger


  • clean still water– 2 l;
  • orange or lemon – 1 pc.;
  • sage – 4 leaves;
  • mint leaves – 12 pcs.


Citrus should be cut into thin slices. Take a container and use your hands to chop the mint, sage and lemon verbena. Place the citrus and fill everything with water. The drink also needs to be infused for 12 hours.

How else to make Sassi water?


  • pure still water – 2 l;
  • chopped ginger root – 1 teaspoon;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • tangerine – 1 pc.;
  • lemon verbena – 5 leaves;
  • sage – 4 leaves;
  • mint leaves – 12 pcs.


You need to prepare the drink as in the classic recipe. Additionally, peel the tangerine, remove the white veins and divide into slices. Tear the sage and verbena with your hands and add to the drink.

How to use?

Sassi water should be consumed throughout the day, but not more than 1 tbsp. at a time. The last dose should be no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime. Make sure that the drink is not exposed to the sun; store it exclusively in the refrigerator.

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Ginger drink recipe: Sassi water for weight loss

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of all kinds of recipes for combating excess weight - from simple and elementary to the most complex, from those that simply have absolutely no effect on the human body - to harmful ones. Most popular in recent years enjoys losing weight with Sassi water or ginger drink. Everyone who has tried it on themselves claims that regular use of this effective and very simple infusion allows you to achieve truly stunning results.

The principle of action and effect of losing weight with Sassi water

The Sassi weight loss drink was invented by a well-known American doctor in medical circles, Cynthia Sassi (hence the name). The reason for such popularity of this water is the selection of components contained in its composition. Ginger takes the main place among them. This plant has been used since ancient times to get rid of excess weight, cleanse the body of toxins and waste, and improve the condition of hair and skin. And cucumber and lemon remove excess fluid from the body, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate lymphatic drainage and also activate fat burning processes. The Sassi drink is especially effective for losing weight in the thighs and abdomen.

As practice shows, during the first three to four days of drinking Sassi water for weight loss, you can easily get rid of 1-2 kg of excess “accumulation”, even if the level of caloric content of foods in the diet of a losing weight person remains at the same level . If you use the drink regularly and combine it with a diet according to the scheme below, then burning fat in problem areas of the body will significantly accelerate:

  • For the first four days, eat as usual and plus drink Sassi drink.
  • For the second four days, the diet should consist of Sassi water and a maximum of 1400 kcal/day.
  • The next two weeks - no more than 1600 kcal/day plus the Sassi drink for weight loss.

Subject to the use of this scheme, Sassi ginger water provides the following results:

  • Normalization of intestinal activity.
  • Significant reduction in waist and hip volumes due to the removal of excess fluid from the body and burning of most of the fat reserves.
  • Losing 5-7 kilograms of excess weight.

Besides the fact that your stomach will become flatter and your figure more refined, you will become healthier and feel much better.

How to drink Sassi drink correctly?

To get the best results, here are some basic recommendations regarding correct intake Sassi drink:

  • The ingredients must be of high quality and must be washed well before use.
  • You cannot leave ginger water in the heat and in the sun, as this will cause all the beneficial substances to disintegrate, and the cocktail itself may even deteriorate.
  • The amount of infusion consumed should not exceed four liters. Drinking the drink on an empty stomach stretches the stomach and puts additional stress on the heart and kidneys.
  • It is recommended to drink no more than 1 glass of drink at a time.
  • If pieces of citrus, herbs and cucumber floating in ginger water bother you, then, if desired, you can strain it before drinking.
  • In order not to provoke swelling of the eyelids, it is better to take the last dose of Sassi at least 1.5 hours before bedtime.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude coffee, tea, and gas-forming products from the diet (they should be replaced with ginger water). Food should be consumed in small portions.

Sassi drink recipe for weight loss

Sassi ginger water to combat overweight You can make your own using available ingredients. To do this you will need:

  • Two liters clean water.
  • One fresh cucumber(pre-peeled).
  • Ten peppermint leaves.
  • One medium sized lemon.
  • One tablespoon of grated ginger root (can be purchased at any greengrocer or supermarket).

To prepare the Sassi drink for weight loss according to the recipe, all ingredients should be thoroughly crushed (mint leaves must be torn with your hands, cucumber and lemon cut into small rings) and then poured with clean water. Leave the ginger weight loss drink to infuse on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 12 hours, after covering it with a lid. After the specified time, you need to pour the infusion into an opaque vessel and drink it all during the day.

Nutritionists recommend preparing Sassi ginger water every day rather than storing it in the refrigerator for a long time. In order for the use of Sassi to burn extra pounds to be as effective as possible, you only need to use fresh products. As for other components, for example, mint leaves, they should be collected only in places that are located away from manufacturing enterprises and highways. After all, as you know, plants easily absorb all carcinogenic and harmful substances from the atmosphere.

Reviews about losing weight with the Sassi drink

There are many different reviews about the use of Sassi ginger water to combat excess weight. Mostly, everyone who has tried the recipe described earlier speaks only positively about it. Nevertheless, there are people who are still concerned about the question of how safe it is to use the infusion from a medical point of view? So, in agreement with the reviews of experts, Sassi is really effective in losing weight, because it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerates the metabolic process (metabolism in the body).

Still, we would like to note that, according to doctors, there are certain contraindications to drinking ginger water. For example, if you have a peptic ulcer and high acidity of gastric juice, it is recommended to avoid taking Sassi, as it contains acids and essential oils. It is also not advisable to abuse this drink for people who have diseases of the excretory system, urolithiasis or kidney dysfunction. Sassi has a fairly pronounced diuretic effect, due to which its use increases the load on the kidneys. This in turn can provoke relapses of some chronic pathologies.


Sassi water

Myth about magical properties Sassi water and the truth of its aromatic taste.

When it comes to Sassi water, the first thing people ask is: “Is this water really that effective for weight loss?” Meanwhile, Sassi water is, first of all, a wonderful drink, and only secondly does it have a beneficial effect on digestive tract. First of all, it refreshes, quenches thirst, and only secondly, it removes excess liquid. Firstly, a light vitamin cocktail that does not contain artificial sweeteners (sugar, honey, etc.), and secondly, it speeds up metabolism. As for weight loss, Sassi water is not a “magic drink”, but simply a nice element of any diet.

I’ll start with a recipe for making Sassi water at home, and then I’ll tell you what the story of weight loss is and whether the drink can be consumed for dietary purposes.

Cooking time: 5 minutes plus steeping time. Yield: 4 servings

Recipe Ingredients

To prepare Sassi water you will need:

  • 1 liter filtered chilled water
  • 1 small cucumber or half a large one
  • 1 small root of fresh ginger
  • 0.5 lemon
  • a few mint leaves optional (I don't have any)

To keep the drink cold, you can make extra ice.

How to prepare Sassi water

The process of preparing the drink is simple and fast. First, cut a well-washed lemon into thin slices. Then cut the cucumber into very thin slices. If you use a large cucumber, it is better to peel it. Next, grate the peeled ginger root until you have about a teaspoon of pulp.

Place all these ingredients in a carafe and fill them with water. Stir the drink and place it in the refrigerator to infuse. That's the whole Sassi recipe.

Before serving, pour the refreshing Sassi water into glasses and add ice, and to make the drink more pleasing to the eye, add a few slices of lemon and cucumber to each glass.


It is best to prepare Sassi water the day before - for example, in the evening, so that it is thoroughly infused and all the ingredients included in its composition fully give it their aromas. So, fresh cucumber will make the drink light and fresh, lemon will add aroma and sourness, and ginger will give spice, and with it vigor and energy.

You can diversify the drink by replacing lemon with lime or orange, and also adding a sprig of mint, lemon balm, basil or rosemary.

If you don’t have time to infuse Sassi water, you will still get an excellent vitamin cocktail, just its aromas will be lighter and its taste will be more delicate.

Prepare fresh Sassi water every day, no more than 4 liters. Store it in the refrigerator.

Sassi water for weight loss

Strictly speaking, Sassi water is the commercial focus of one enterprising American woman named Sass (hence the name). The drink actually contains a lot of useful and healthy ingredients. Indeed: cucumber, ginger, lime, mint are wonderful ingredients, valuable both on their own and together. They speed up metabolism and help regulate the amount of fluid in the body, promote the removal of toxins and have a sedative effect. Everything is so, and there is nothing unexpected here.

The drink was declared miraculous supposedly because of the “correct” ratio of components and the “correct” application. And it was announced without any scientific evidence. Like a witch doctor's remedy.

It is well known that it is EASY TO ACHIEVE WHAT YOU DESIRE - and here it is wasp waist and a flat stomach is an excellent hook to catch the gullible. If you organize a PR company “correctly” and properly set up a person’s motivation, you can work wonders with him! Yes, such a consumer of Sassi water can even lose weight! Placebo effect, have you heard?

Meanwhile, it is also true that there is nothing but benefit in Sassi water. The drink does not work miracles, but together with a diet (and not INSTEAD of a diet) it can be useful.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day and no more than 4 liters, do not drink much at night. - Do not overuse simple carbohydrates (sugar)

Eat small meals every 2-3 hours

Switch to separate meals (meaning separate intake and the correct combination of carbohydrates, fats and proteins). - Eat no more than 1400 kcal for the first 2 weeks, and no more than 1600 for the next 4 months.

If there is debate about separate nutrition (many nutritionists refute the value of separate nutrition for health and weight loss), then the recommendation around specific calories is amazing. A competent expert on healthy eating will explain to you that calories are a purely individual matter, and you need to count them based on your own goals and indicators, and not taking numbers out of thin air.

In general, drink Sassi water, it is pleasant water in all respects. And the myth about another magical remedy for flat stomach and slim waist, just smile, or better yet, find the right place for it in your delicious and healthy diet.


Sassi water for weight loss

Sassi water is an easy-to-prepare vitamin and mineral cocktail that normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is an effective fat-burning agent. This weight loss drink is rich in vitamins, as it contains ginger root and lemon. Sassy water, in addition, helps restore water balance in the body of a person trying to lose weight.

Benefits of Lemon Ginger Water

The vitamin water received its name in honor of its creator Cynthia Sass, a nutritionist who has earned recognition in her homeland - in the USA and throughout the world. Why is Sassi water good for weight loss? The drink stimulates metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, reduces gas formation, helps to quickly remove metabolic products from the body, and accelerates the breakdown of fats. Moreover, the process of losing weight with the help of Sassi water is considered a side effect, but a pleasant one.

How does Sassi water work?

One of the main components of the mineral-vitamin drink is ginger. It speeds up metabolism and has a warming effect, which can be felt after the first glass of cocktail. Sassi water increases tone, has an analgesic effect, stimulates the functioning of human internal organs, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Ginger, in addition, is a powerful antitoxic agent; it normalizes intestinal motility, thereby cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to health benefits, this cocktail has a calming effect. The mint contained in the vitamin drink serves as a natural antidepressant and stimulates the formation of female sex hormones, so Sassi water is especially beneficial for women. The fresh smell of a natural cocktail invigorates, and the light lemon sourness adds piquancy to it.

When, how and how many days can you drink water?

Sassy Cocktail Sassy Water must be taken for 4 days before starting the diet. It will speed up your metabolism and prepare the basis for starting your chosen weight loss method. In addition, Sassi water can be consumed during meals. Most diets are based on restricting calorie intake, which forces the body to burn fat in an effort to fill the caloric deficit. After this, he begins to adapt to the new diet, reducing his basal metabolism, saving calories and slowing down his metabolism.

When taking Sassi water at the same time, the body does not slow down metabolic processes, which is the purpose of the cocktail. Accelerating metabolism even with reduced calories will lead to effective weight loss. It is possible to achieve maximum effectiveness of the cocktail by combining its intake with exercise.

You can drink Sassi weight loss drink all the time without harm to your health, if you do not have any contraindications to the ingredients it contains. People with kidney disease and hypertension should avoid consuming large amounts of fluid. To see weight loss results, drink water for at least 2-3 weeks.

How to drink Sassi water correctly to lose weight

To get rid of excess weight, drink Sassi water specific program, developed by the author of the technique.

  1. First stage. For 4 days, drink 8 or more glasses of drink per day. Moreover, the daily amount of water should not exceed 4 liters, since it is unknown how the heart and kidneys may react to excess fluid. At the same time as drinking Sassi water, it is worth reducing the daily amount of calories to 1400 kcal, which are distributed over 6-8 meals. The first portion of the drink is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning.
  2. Second stage. In the next 4 days, you should drink the same amount of water, but the calorie content of the daily menu should be equal to 1600 kcal, distributed over 4 meals (400 kcal for each snack). At this time, exclude coffee, juice, sweets, soda, salt, fermented milk and dairy products, tea, and brown bread from your diet.

How to prepare Sassi water for weight loss

The vitamin elixir of youth from Cynthia Sass is not an expensive weight loss product that fills the shelves of modern pharmacies and stores. It is not difficult to prepare this effective slimming remedy even at home, using only affordable and natural ingredients. How to make Sassi water?

Step-by-step recipe for making classic Sassi water

Sassi water for weight loss will give the expected positive result only if the rules for its preparation are followed. To get a fat-burning cocktail, it is extremely important to choose fresh, natural products.


  • 2 liters of water.
  • Ginger root.
  • Cucumber without skin.
  • 10 peppermint leaves.


  1. Grind the ginger to a paste, cut the cucumber into slices.
  2. Place a tablespoon of ginger mass, mint and cucumber slices into a clean glass liquid.
  3. Fill the ingredients with water and leave in the refrigerator overnight (10-12 hours). During this time, Sassi water is saturated with vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Citrus water Sassi

This recipe is no different from the classic Sassi drink in terms of effectiveness. However, it is an alternative option in case you don’t like the taste of a traditional cocktail. Additionally, herbs and citrus are added to the drink - lemon, tangerine, grapefruit or orange.


  • 2 liters of purified water.
  • Mint.
  • Lemon verbena.
  • 2 sage leaves.
  • Citrus of your choice.


  1. Add finely chopped lemon/orange/grapefruit with peel to the prepared water.
  2. Add sage, mint and verbena leaves to the container.
  3. Place Sassi water in the refrigerator to steep (10 hours is enough), after which it is ready for use.

Drink recipe without mint

It is not always possible, especially in winter, to find fresh mint. In this case, there is a simple option for preparing Sassi water without it.


  • 2 liters of water.
  • A whole lemon.
  • Ginger (root).
  • Fresh cucumber.


  1. Cut the unpeeled lemon and cucumber into thin quarters.
  2. Grate the ginger root in such an amount that you get a heaped tablespoon.
  3. Place all the ingredients in the bottom of a three-liter jar and fill it with cold water. Please note that it is better to store the cocktail in glass rather than in plastic, since the acid may react with the artificial material.
  4. Leave the container in the refrigerator in the evening, the Sassi drink will be ready in the morning.

Brewing method

Fans of rich taste and bright aroma should try the custard type of Sassi drink. Ingredients: Ginger root. Lemon. Liter of water.


  1. Grate or grind the ginger in a blender.
  2. Wash the lemon and cut into slices.
  3. Place both products in a 1.5 liter container and fill with boiling water.
  4. If desired, sweeten the Sassi drink with honey.
  5. After 15-20 minutes, cool the cocktail and start drinking.

Storage conditions for Sassi drink

Keep Sassi diet water in the refrigerator or other cool place where the sun's rays do not fall. If you do not adhere to these storage conditions, the drink will quickly lose beneficial properties and will cease to be effective means for the breakdown of fats.

Sassi water diet

To lose weight using Sassi water, you should follow a low-calorie diet. Moreover, it is better to eat often, but in small portions. Choose foods for the menu that do not contribute to bloating. The light Sassi drink can be drunk at any time of the day, but it is better to do it between meals, half an hour before the next snack.

Basic rules of the Sassi water diet:

  1. Consume 1400-1600 Kcal per day.
  2. Avoid long breaks between meals (maximum 4 hours).
  3. Monosaturated fats should be present in every meal, they will replace the trans fats that you are used to eating.

Foods to eat on the Sassi diet:

  • Vegetables, fruits.
  • Whole grain products.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Dietary varieties of fish and meat.
  • Greens (parsley, celery, dill, etc.).
  • Low-fat milk, kefir, yogurt.
  • Dark dark chocolate.
  • Seeds, nuts.
  • Natural spices.
  • Olive.

What is prohibited for use:

  • Salt.
  • Soda, alcohol, kvass.
  • Onions, broccoli, beans.
  • Processed food products such as sausages, semi-finished products, canned food.
  • Carbohydrate foods (baked goods, bananas, pasta).

Side effects and contraindications

Sassi water for weight loss is contraindicated for those who are allergic to any ingredient in the drink. In addition, it is better to refrain from such a diet for people with diseases digestive system(ulcer, gastritis, colitis), renal failure, hypertension. Sassi water can have a sedative effect on some people, so doctors do not recommend drinking the drink for weight loss for people whose work requires concentration.

We think many people have heard at least once in their lives about such a famous spice as ginger. This plant is credited with many not only culinary, but also magical healing qualities. It is believed that ginger root is an almost universal medicine that helps against many ailments.

Is this really true and is it true that ginger root has some unique properties and abilities. We will talk about this and much more further. However, first, let’s answer the question of what ginger is and what it is used for, and also take a short excursion into history in order to find out everything about this medicinal plant.

Medicinal ginger root

The full name of this perennial plant from the family and genus of the same name is “Ginger officinalis.” In addition, in the literature one often encounters such a name as Zīngiber officināle, which translated from Latin into Russian means Common ginger.

In common parlance, both the plant itself and its components, for example, leaves or rhizomes, are called ginger. This plant “loves” warm countries and grows in the mild climates of South Asia, Australia, Indonesia, Barbados and India. Nowadays, the plant is cultivated in industrial quantities mainly in China.

In the countries listed above, people have used ginger for thousands of years medicinal purposes. Europeans learned about how the medicinal properties of ginger affect the human body only in the Middle Ages, when sailors brought the strange spice to the Old World. It is noteworthy that ginger came to Europe at a terrible time.

It was just raging plague , and the new overseas plant was immediately used in the treatment of this deadly disease. People were willing to pay exorbitant amounts of money for this plant, although at that time few people really knew what to do with ginger root and how to use it in healing.

Nowadays, ginger is not losing its position and is still in demand, both in cooking and in medicine, and not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine.

This plant is cultivated, as we mentioned above, mostly in China, as well as in the countries of Southeast Asia. In our latitudes you can buy both fresh roots or tubers of the plant, as well as dried or pickled ginger in sugar.

In cooking, ginger is used in ground form; it gives the dish a subtle spicy taste and aroma. However, in countries where the plant grows, the use of ginger root powder is kept to a minimum. Since not a single powdered extract, even of the highest quality, can compare in its taste and aroma characteristics with a fresh product.

Seasonings such as ginger are added to meat and fish dishes, salads, sauces and drinks. When pickled, ginger is used as a snack served with Japanese food. national dish sushi. It is believed that without this spice, the taste of many people’s favorite dish will not be as bright and rich.

In addition, ginger powder, like the root in fresh added to drinks. For example, in tea, which, by the way, is considered not only tasty and tonic, but also a medicinal drink. So, what is useful in ginger and what effect does this plant have on the human body?

Useful properties of ginger

As you know, every coin has two sides and ginger is no exception. Even the most useful product has its pros and cons. Therefore, let's take a closer look at what harmful and beneficial properties ginger has. Perhaps we should start by considering the chemical composition of the plant, which will help shed light on the beneficial properties of ginger root.

Ginger root, benefits and harm to the body

So, what are the benefits of ginger for the human body? Let's start by answering this question. The rhizome of the plant contains many biologically active ingredients(according to conservative estimates of researchers, about 400 compounds) that determine the medicinal properties of ginger. Moreover, most of them are contained in essential oil, which is the basis of the chemical composition of the plant.

In turn, the main components of ginger oil are such organic compounds as:

  • α- and β-zingiberenes , i.e. zingiberenes And sesquiterpenes - these are substances belonging to a broad class terpenes , the main difference of which is the presence in their composition hydrocarbons , and also ketones, aldehydes and alcohols . They are widely used in perfumery as odor fixing agents, as well as in pharmacology in the production of certain medicines, For example, anthelmintic medications ;
  • linalool is an organic alcohol from which it is obtained linalyl acetate (lily of the valley ester), also used in the cosmetics industry as an aromatic fragrance;
  • camphene - This monoterpene or hydrocarbon natural origin, which plays an important role in many industries, since it is an intermediate in the production of such compounds as camphor ;
  • bisabolene - this is another representative of the class terpenes , the chemical characteristics of which, namely aroma, have found application in the perfume industry;
  • cineole or methane oxide (also known by its obsolete name eucalyptol *) - This monocyclic terpene , included in antiseptic , and also about expectorants used in medicine to treat acute respiratory infections And . In addition, this compound is a component of some synthetic essential oils, i.e. produced artificially;
  • borneol is an alcohol, which, like camphene used in the synthesis process camphor , which in turn is widely used in the medical industry, as well as in perfumery;
  • - is a substance that is aldehyde (alcohol that does not contain a hydrogen component). This alcohol is widely used in the perfumery industry as a fragrance, as well as in the food industry as a flavoring agent, and in pharmacology as a component. anti-inflammatory and antiseptic medicines. It is worth noting that citral can be called one of the most important compounds that determines healing properties ginger Since this substance can have a positive effect on blood pressure, it is a raw material for further synthesis, which is irreplaceable and certainly beneficial for the health of all people without exception, and is also part of medicines that effectively help in the treatment of certain ophthalmic ailments. In addition, this aldehyde is indispensable for children who have such a disease as intracranial hypertension.

* source: Wikipedia

However, the benefits of ginger lie not only in the essential oil, which is found in abundance in chemical composition rhizomes of the plant. We think that many, faced with seasonal colds, have come across traditional medicine recipes on the Internet, the main component of which was ginger.

This is due to the fact that the chemical composition of ginger root is rich in containing, in other words, the main “fighter” against various types of acute respiratory infections And ARVI .

In addition, it has been scientifically proven that ascorbic acid is a compound that doctors classify as the so-called essential substances necessary for normal growth, development, and human existence.

The rhizome of the plant contains other equally important good health and wellness (like ascorbic acid) compounds, for example:

  • , i.e. ;
  • zinc ;
  • salt calcium ;
  • silicon ;
  • manganese ;
  • chromium ;
  • phosphorus ;
  • silicon ;
  • asparagine ;
  • essential amino acids ( methionine, lysine, phenylalanine, valine, leucine, methionine, threonine and arginine );
  • oleic, linoleic, nicotinic and caprylic acids.

A substance such as gingerol . We think it has now become clear why ginger root is beneficial for the body, because the list of important macro- and microelements it contains is quite impressive. Having learned everything about ginger in terms of its chemical composition, let's talk about the beneficial properties and contraindications of ginger.

Useful properties and contraindications of ginger root

Recipes for using ginger leaves and root can be easily found on the Internet. For traditional medicine in Asian countries, the use of this plant for medicinal purposes is as common as the use daisies or thyme for domestic doctors.

With the advent of freely available ginger in our latitudes, many questions have arisen to which it is important to give the correct answers. After all, without knowing what the plant heals and how to use ginger in food correctly, you can greatly harm your health. Therefore, first you should understand what ginger is for, who it is contraindicated for, and also what it is used for.

So, what does ginger help with? Since the rhizome of the plant contains many useful compounds, medicines prepared on its basis have anti-inflammatory, antiemetic And immunostimulating properties. In addition, ginger root has a positive effect on digestive system .

Based on the above, we can answer the question of what the root of the plant treats and formulate indications for its use. Let's start with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (hereinafter referred to as the gastrointestinal tract). Ginger is primarily a spice, and like many other spices, it perfectly stimulates the appetite, while having a positive effect on metabolic processes.

Therefore, regular consumption of ginger helps to normalize both fat and cholesterol metabolism in the body.

Taking into account these properties of the plant, nutritionists often advise people who want to get rid of extra pounds to include it in their diet.

Active biological compounds included in the rhizome, namely essential amino acids , improve blood supply to the body, thereby speeding up metabolic processes, which leads to more efficient calorie burning.

In addition, ginger has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility , which, coupled with the above properties, gives significant results in losing weight. Of course, subject to the principles of proper nutrition and daily physical activity. So don't think that you can lose weight quickly just by adding a spice like ginger to high-calorie foods.

The benefits and harms of pickled ginger and candied fruits

But not all ginger is beneficial for the body of women or men trying to lose weight. For example, ginger dried in sugar, as well as ginger dried in sugar, cannot be called faithful assistants in the fight against excess weight. Rather, these are the worst enemies who will only hinder the achievement of the goal.

It's all about the calorie content of the candied rhizome of the plant, which depends, firstly, on the technology of preparing the product, and secondly, on the generosity of the cook for the sweet component. On average, 100 grams of candied fruits (i.e. ginger dried in sugar) contains about 300 Kcal, which is almost three and a half times higher than the same amount of fresh rhizome (80 Kcal per 100 grams of product).

And although after processing candied ginger peels retain most of the beneficial compounds they contain, people who want to normalize their weight should not get carried away with this delicacy.

There are similar concerns about pickled rhizomes. Are there any benefits to pickled ginger or is it just a tasty snack that perfectly complements Japanese sushi?

As they say in folk wisdom– in everything you need to know when to stop. This rule comes in handy with pickled ginger root. Unlike candied ginger, pickled ginger is not terrible for its calorie content, which, by the way, is only 51 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

However, not everything is so simple here, because the technology for preparing the product involves the use of a marinade, which usually includes rice vinegar. Therefore, if you have problems with Gastrointestinal tract , then you are strictly forbidden to eat even a small amount of this product.

However, doctors are in no hurry to give the palm to the rhizome of a medicinal plant in matters of treatment high blood pressure. Frankly, doctors are, in principle, skeptical about almost all health recipes from traditional healers. On the one hand, they can be understood.

After all, no ginger can cope with hypertension of the second or third degree, when a person constantly experiences discomfort from stable high pressure. Moreover, in such cases, the use of ginger root can be very harmful. Firstly, because it absolutely cannot be used together with hypotensive medicines, because it can provoke a sharp decrease in blood pressure levels.

Secondly, some people, having received the first short-term effect from eating ginger, believe that they can now do without drug treatment. As a result, the disease progresses without proper treatment and transforms from an easier stage for treatment to the next more severe one. Of course, any physician will be categorically against such dangerous self-medication.

Interestingly, these same unique qualities of ginger can alleviate the condition of those who are struggling with the opposite problem, i.e. low blood pressure or hypotension . After all, the compounds contained in the plant saturate the blood with oxygen and help relieve vascular spasms, thus normalizing low blood pressure.

It is believed that ginger root is a real salvation for people whose bodies are sensitive to weather changes. However, there are also “pitfalls” here, without taking into account which you can also aggravate the situation without obtaining any therapeutic effect.

Therefore, do not rush to consider ginger a panacea for problems with blood pressure. Consult your doctor for qualified medical help, and if he allows, use ginger root as an auxiliary therapeutic or preventive remedy.

It is important to emphasize that ginger root is potentially dangerous:

  • at coronary disease hearts ;
  • at stroke and in pre-stroke condition;
  • at pre-infarction state And during a heart attack .

As we said earlier, ginger root can have beneficial effects on performance digestive tract and help in the fight against excess weight. Unfortunately, many dieters, knowing about these beneficial properties, forget that this same plant can greatly harm the gastrointestinal tract. Let's figure out whether ginger is harmful to the stomach.

Ginger contains many highly active components, which, on the one hand, are beneficial, but on the other hand, can negatively affect the health of people who suffer from digestive diseases such as:

  • ulcerative colitis ;
  • gastritis ;
  • esophageal reflux ;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • diverticulitis ;
  • stomach ulcer ;

To understand why ginger is not always good for the stomach, remember what the plant tastes like. After all, first of all, it is a spice that is used in cooking to give a dish a piquant taste and aroma. This means that the rhizome of the plant, due to the content of gingerol in its chemical composition, is distinguished by its burning taste characteristics, which, when it comes into contact with the mucous membranes, irritate them.

That is why people with the gastrointestinal tract ailments listed above should absolutely not eat particularly fresh ginger. In addition, for the same reason, this spicy plant cannot be used if there is damage to the oral mucosa. Otherwise, ginger may cause deterioration in the tissue healing process.

Let’s answer another popular question about whether ginger root is good or bad for the liver. Let's start with the fact that ginger is contraindicated for people who suffer from liver diseases such as:

  • hepatitis;
  • stones in the bile ducts;
  • cirrhosis.

For these diseases, ginger in any form is a potentially fatal danger to the human body. Therefore, under no circumstances should the plant be used for these ailments. In moderate quantities, ginger is believed to help remove stones from the body.

However, self-medication should only be done under the supervision of doctors. Otherwise, the highly active compounds contained in the rhizome of the plant can provoke the formation of stones in the bile ducts. In this case, it will no longer be possible to do without surgical intervention, and delay will cost lives.

It is important to know that the plant can enhance bleeding , and also causes strong allergic reaction . In addition, despite the scientifically recognized immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties of ginger root, it is strictly forbidden to use it if a person has an elevated temperature due to acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. In this case, ginger will only do harm.

Another point that characterizes duality useful qualities ginger root. On the one hand, it helps the expectant mother cope with nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy. But on the other hand, in subsequent periods, the same ginger can negatively affect the well-being of a woman and child.

It is prohibited to use the spice in conjunction with such medications as:

  • drugs that affect blood sugar levels, the effect of which ginger enhances and also provokes side effects, increasing the risk of developing hypokalemia due to reduced efficiency beta blockers ;
  • drugs that have antiarrhythmic properties ;
  • heart stimulants;
  • drugs that lower blood pressure.

How to eat ginger root?

Having discussed the beneficial and not-so-good qualities of ginger root, it’s time to talk about how to eat it correctly, how to choose and where to store it, as well as where this “miracle plant” is sold. To begin with, we note that there is far more than one type of ginger root, which differ from each other:

  • color, both the outer peel and the inner pulp, for example, there is ordinary white or yellowish ginger or exotic green with blue veins;
  • aroma, which can give the spice a characteristic bright spicy or citrus odor. It happens that some types of ginger smell like kerosene;
  • the shape of the rhizome, which can be in the form of a fist or a hand with bent fingers, or have a flattened or elongated structure.

There are different types of ginger:

  • Barbados (black) is the unpeeled rhizome of the plant, which is boiled or scalded with water before sale;
  • Bleached root is ginger that has been previously peeled from the top layer (peel), which is then kept in a lime solution;
  • Jamaican or white Bengal root is the highest grade ginger.

The ginger that is considered good is the one whose root does not look flaccid, but is strong to the touch. If the ginger root crunches when broken, then this product will have a brighter aroma and taste. If you purchase a spice in powder form, then, firstly, it must be hermetically packaged. And secondly, the color of such a spice should be sandy, not white.

Novice cooks often ask the question of how to peel ginger and whether it is necessary to peel it at all.

As a rule, products imported from China are sold on the shelves of our stores. Chinese farmers do not skimp on the use of pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals in the struggle for a consistently high harvest.

In addition, before delivery, fresh ginger can be “preserved” using special chemicals, which also contain substances that are unsafe for people. Therefore, before using the fresh root of the plant for food, you need to:

  • wash thoroughly under running water;
  • peel;
  • place in cold water for about an hour to remove some toxins from the plant.

In principle, fresh root can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than ten days. Then it will begin to fade and such ginger can only be used if it is soaked in water. However, this spice will not be half as aromatic and spicy. Ginger powder is usually recommended to be stored for a maximum of four months.

We think that many lovers of this spicy plant have wondered how to preserve ginger longer, and so that the product does not lose its unique healing properties over time. The very first method that comes to mind is drying. So, how to dry ginger root.

First, let's answer the question of whether the root needs to be peeled before drying. Here the opinions of culinary specialists are divided. Some people prefer to cut off the peel, while others believe that simply washing the ginger well is enough, because... It is under the skin of the rhizome that the maximum useful compounds are contained.

If you chose the first option, then wash the rhizome and then cut off the peel. It’s easier to do this along the root, i.e. from the base to the edges. Try to cut off as thin a layer of peel as possible. The ginger root, peeled or well washed under water, should be cut into thin petals and then placed on a baking sheet previously covered with a sheet. parchment paper and put it in the oven.

For the first two hours, dry the ginger at a temperature of 50 C, then you can increase it to 70 C. You can use a special electric dryer.

You can store the root dried in this way in ground form or put the petals in spice jars.

True, it can be replaced with regular apple cider vinegar. First, the ginger is washed and then peeled. The whole root is rubbed with table salt and left in this form for about four hours. Moreover, you need to place it in the refrigerator.

After the specified time has passed, the ginger is taken out of the refrigerator and cut (it is convenient to use a vegetable cutter) into thin petals. Then the root is doused with boiling water and allowed to cool. At this time, prepare a marinade from vinegar, sugar and water.

To give the pickled product a traditional bright shade, use finely chopped or grated beets. Ginger petals along with beets are placed in a glass jar and filled with marinade. In this form, the product should stand in the refrigerator for three days. Then it can be eaten.

How to eat ginger? Health Recipes

How do you eat ginger, and most importantly, with what? We will try to answer this question further. Ginger is used as a spice in the preparation of fish and meat dishes. It is also added to baked goods (widely known gingerbread). Fresh ginger root adds a piquant taste and fresh aroma to salads, sauces and appetizers.

Pickled ginger is served with sushi, and is also used as an addition to meat or fish. Fresh root or powder is added to marinades for meat or fish, and is also used in preparing first courses. Ginger root gives a special taste to drinks (kvass, tea, sbitnya, there is even ginger beer or ale).

Ginger is used to make jam and candied candied fruits. There are a great many recipes that include such a spice as ginger root. We have no doubt that everyone will be able to find something to suit their own taste.

Education: Graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University with a degree in Surgery. At the university he headed the Council of the Student Scientific Society. Advanced training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology".

Experience: Worked in a general medical network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital, Liozno Central District Hospital) and part-time as a district oncologist and traumatologist. Worked as a pharmaceutical representative for a year at the Rubicon company.

Presented 3 rationalization proposals on the topic “Optimization of antibiotic therapy depending on species composition microflora", 2 works took prizes in the republican competition-review of student scientific works(categories 1 and 3).

Good afternoon, dear readers! If you love ginger, this recipe is for you! Ginger is very useful: it strengthens the immune system, promotes weight loss, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - and that’s not all! We can talk about the benefits of ginger non-stop, and someday I will do this in a separate article. And now - about candied fruits...

I’ve been wanting to make candied fruits without sugar for quite some time, but there was only one question: what to replace sugar with? Does a sweetener have the caramelizing properties of regular sugar? You can only find out through experience) I used a recipe for making candied fruits with regular sugar as a basis. Instead of sugar - “Fitparad”. And you remember - ginger is allowed 😉

  • ginger – 100 g
  • “Fitparad” – 15 measuring spoons
  • water for syrup - 5 tbsp. spoons


First, peel the ginger, removing a thin layer of peel.

We cut the roots into thin slices. If the ginger is “aged” - its fibers are coarse, don’t let this scare you - in the finished candied fruits they will become tender. This hairiness does not affect the taste, only the aesthetics. There is no such “washcloth” in young roots. But I don’t know how to determine the age of the root in a store.

Cook ginger slices in plain water for 20-30 minutes to remove excessive pungency. I didn’t take a lot of water and there was enough spice left) I think you can add water to half the saucepan.

Then the broth needs to be drained. You can put it in a jar and in the refrigerator, and add it to tea as needed. By the way, it strengthens the immune system and promotes weight loss. Pour 5 tablespoons of water into the pan with ginger, add “Fitparad”, close the lid and cook over low heat for another 30 minutes, until the liquid has completely evaporated.

I couldn’t resist, I tried the ginger slice about 5 minutes after boiling – delicious! But I didn’t have enough sourness, lemon was just asking for it! Added some lemon peels and a tablespoon of juice.

This was an unplanned step; candied fruits can be prepared without lemon. But if you still want it with lemon and peels... You need to boil the peels in advance (a day before) in syrup for about 5 minutes, leave for several hours, cook again - in general, proceed as with ordinary candied citrus peels. In the photo, the syrup has already been partially absorbed into the ginger and partially evaporated. The pieces of lemon peel are not transparent - they have not had enough time to turn into full-fledged candied fruit. Of course, as far as possible in this case)

I dried candied ginger, placing it in a silicone mold, in the oven at the lowest temperature. Wait until dry room temperature, I had no patience)))

I liked the result of the experiment with “Fitparad”: the candied ginger turned out tart, sweet, aromatic, spicy, with a slight sourness thanks to lemon... With a cup of hot tea - what could be better?

You can also use these wonderful spicy candied fruits in baking. Add them, for example, to . See you again!

P.S. It's finally spring!

New recipes, interesting articles and all the events from life

Which spice by number useful substances is practically not inferior in its composition, however, it differs from it in that it does not have such a specific smell?

While you are thinking about the answer to this question, we will invite you to once again take a journey into the fascinating and aromatic world of spices and talk about such a seasoning as ginger. By the way, if you haven’t guessed yet what the answer to our riddle at the beginning of the publication is, then it’s ginger...

What is ginger

Ginger belongs to the genus of perennial herbaceous plants that are part of the Zingiberaceae family. In total, this genus includes more than 140 species of this plant. And, the very name of this root can be literally translated as white or horned root.

Useful substances in ginger

100 grams of ginger root contain 80 calories. And, in the composition of this spice you can find the following components:

  • Saturated fat 0.2 g
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.2 g
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.2 g
  • Carbohydrates 18 g
  • Dietary fiber 2 g
  • Sugar 1.7 g
  • Proteins 1.8 g
  • vitamins (A, B, C), microelements (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus) and other useful macroelements.

The history of ginger

Ginger is one of the most popular and famous spices, which is known in different parts of our world. Thus, even the ancient Greeks used ginger, adding it to flour for baking bread, and in Europe, in the Middle Ages, it was already added not only to bakery products and other baked goods, but they also seasoned meat dishes, sweets and even drinks with it, including alcoholic ones (wine and beer). And, in order to enhance the healing properties of this spice, ginger was mixed with nutmeg or cardamom.

As for the special properties of this spice, it was generally believed that it increases sexual desire, and if you add it to a dish and give this dish to your partner during a romantic dinner, then a sleepless night until the morning will be simply guaranteed.

All this is enough to understand that the unique and special properties of ginger as a spice, medicine, and even an aphrodisiac have been used by mankind for a long time.

The current situation has not changed at all and time has not taken away the popularity and well-deserved fame of this spice. Therefore, do not be surprised if in the recipes of culinary dishes, in the composition of medicines, in traditional medicine recipes, and even in cosmetology you come across a mention of... ginger...

How to choose ginger

Today, on the shelves of specialized stores you can find ginger in several forms - fresh (ginger root), pickled, ground (a ready-made spice for your dishes) and dried (from it you can make your own spices at home, or use it as a main ingredient). active ingredient in traditional medicine recipes or in home cosmetology).

It is noteworthy that depending on what form of ginger you are going to buy, the aspect of the benefit that you will be able to extract from it will depend. So,

dried ginger has high anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties, and for the treatment inflammatory processes It is better for your body to use it, of course, while fresh ginger (due to the fact that the composition of the fresh root is slightly different from the composition of the dry product) will be preferable to use as a prophylactic in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract...

Benefits of ginger

Of course, in his useful composition, which is extremely rich in vitamins, microelements and other useful macroelements, as well as in the beneficial effects of all these components on the human body...

Benefits of ginger for digestion

Thus, science and medicine have proven that eating this spice promotes the activity of lipase and other essential food enzymes, and gingerols (the source of that very spicy taste of ginger) stimulate the processes of bile secretion and are responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of this spice and make it a powerful natural antioxidant .

Video about losing weight with ginger

Benefits of ginger for skin

Since this spice and its constituent components have an anti-inflammatory effect, this has a beneficial effect on the condition of our skin and prevents the appearance of skin irritations and rashes. Our skin looks clear, healthy and glowing, all thanks to the fact that we didn't forget to spice up our lunch with ginger.

You can also prepare various dishes from ginger root juice. cosmetics for skin care at home, and you can wipe your face with the fresh root of this plant several times a day - in this original way you will get rid of wrinkles and scars on the skin.

Benefits of Ginger as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent

Diseases such as arthritis, fever, toothache, cough, bronchitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, low blood pressure, a tendency to form blood clots - you can forget about all this if you regularly season your dishes with this spice.

Well, if you suddenly fell stricken with a viral infection or the flu, which, however, is not at all surprising, because it’s the cold season outside and the time of rampant such infections - a special drink (we’ll call it) will help you quickly get back on your feet and forget about your illness his ginger tea), to which, as you may have guessed, we will definitely add ginger...

Anti-inflammatory ginger tea recipe

To prepare this drink you will need ginger (can be dried or fresh), a little honey, a few mint leaves, lemon juice and ground black pepper. First, you need to prepare the base for such a drink - to do this, take ginger root, wash it, peel it, grate or finely chop it, pour the resulting pulp with 1 liter of water and simmer over low heat after boiling for 10 minutes. During the cooking process, do not forget to add ground black pepper.

Strain the resulting broth, add mint and a few teaspoons. Your cold drink is ready.

It is noteworthy that it will delight you not only with its exquisite aroma, but will also warm and invigorate you, and of course, drive away your cold...

Ginger It was known as a spice and medicinal remedy even before our era. The name ginger in Sanskrit means “universal medicine”. Arab merchants, selling ginger root to the Greeks and Romans as a remedy for many ailments, claimed that this wonderful root was grown in the distant land of the troglodytes. In fact, the properties of ginger were discovered in China and India, which have been the main exporters of this spice since ancient times. Roman aristocrats used ginger for overeating and nausea; sailors used it to fight scurvy and seasickness. Ginger has been valued for centuries for its ability to preserve the main sign of youth - sex drive. In the 19th century, ginger-based “harem candies” were very popular in Europe. In Japanese cuisine, ginger dishes are considered an effective aphrodisiac and remedy for female frigidity.

Today it is no longer possible to find wild ginger; its place has been taken by forms cultivated by humans. There is an opinion that turmeric is a wild form of ginger, but it would be more correct to classify these plants as belonging to the same family. Ginger can be grown at home on a windowsill or in the garden. This perennial plant resembles a reed with small yellow flowers. The only part of ginger used for food is the root. Depending on the processing method, white and black ginger are distinguished. Black (or Barbados) ginger is obtained from washed and dried roots; To obtain white ginger, the roots are doused with boiling water, immersed in weakly concentrated sulfuric acid or bleach and dried in the sun. Black ginger is more pungent and tart. Both species are grey-white at the break. Ginger is usually sold in the form of a gray powder, but for maximum benefits and rich flavor, it is better to take the whole root, chop or grind it, and squeeze the juice.

Ginger contains from 1% to 3% essential oils and a large amount of amino acids necessary for humans (tryptophan, leysine, threonine, phenylanine, methionine and valine.) It is rich in iron, sodium, potassium and zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium salts and vitamins A, C, B1 and B2.

Ginger oil is used for arthritis, rheumatism, sprains and muscle pain. Ginger tea is a good diaphoretic and cold medicine. In addition, ginger has tonic, antispasmodic and vasodilating properties, stimulates blood circulation and restores strength. The properties of other medicinal herbs are revealed more fully in the vicinity of ginger. Such a potent remedy as ginger has several contraindications. Ginger is harmful for ulcers, colitis, intestinal diseases, and is not recommended for pregnant women. later and nursing women, although in the first trimester of pregnancy ginger can relieve toxicosis.

The taste of ginger root is sweet and spicy. It belongs to the category of hot spices. In cooking, ginger is used to preserve the freshness of dishes and add a special taste and aroma to soups, hot main courses of fish and meat, sausages, pates, canned food, jams, marinades and drinks. Ginger is included in seasonings ("curry", "chutney") and sauces (Worcher's.) There are many tinctures, liqueurs and other strong drinks with ginger. Confectionery- gingerbread cookies, muffins, jellies, fillings for pies and sweets, compotes - cannot do without ginger flavoring. In Asia, ginger pickled in sweet vinegar or dried in a mixture of salt and sugar is popular. Candied ginger is a favorite Chinese delicacy.

Fresh ginger root should be smooth, firm, not wrinkled and low in fiber. The longer the root, the richer it is essential oils and microelements. A fresh, spicy smell is an indicator of high quality ginger. Young ginger has a thin skin that should not be cut off. The hard and thick skin of mature ginger must be removed before use.

Fresh ginger Can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week. The dried root retains its properties for up to 4 months. Dried, unpeeled ginger roots should be stored in a cool, dark place. When storing in the refrigerator, do not use plastic bags. Most of the beneficial substances in ginger are found under the skin, so when peeling the ginger root it should be left very thin. It is not recommended to use wooden utensils to cut and grind ginger, as it will retain its smell for a long time. It is better to use a fine grater to grind ginger root. If you squeeze grated ginger, you get ginger juice, which can be used in its pure form as a dressing for salads and sweet dishes. To preserve the aroma and taste of fresh ginger for a long time, you need to peel it and pour vodka or sherry.

Dried ginger should be soaked before use and take into account that it is sharper than fresh. A teaspoon of chopped dried ginger can be replaced in recipes with a tablespoon of grated fresh ginger. Ground ginger is significantly inferior to fresh ginger in taste and aroma.

Ginger is used in fairly large quantities - 1 g per 1 kg of meat or dough. Ginger is added to sauces after readiness; in the dough - during or at the end of kneading; in stews - 20 minutes before cooking; in compotes, jams and other sweets - 2-5 minutes before readiness. To make ginger oil, heat slices of ginger root in olive, corn, or peanut oil until they darken. Ginger oil can be used to dress salads and season pasta.

Ginger recipes

Ginger tea

3 teaspoons of grated ginger per 100 ml of water,
honey to taste

Place freshly grated ginger in cold water and bring to a boil in a tightly closed enamel pan. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes and leave to steep for 5-10 minutes. Add honey and drink hot.

Candied ginger

500 g fresh ginger root,

Peel and slice fresh ginger root, place in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes until softened. Drain the water, add an equal amount of sugar and 3 tablespoons of water. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until the ginger is translucent and the liquid has evaporated. Roll the ginger slices in sugar or breadcrumbs and leave in a sealed container. Candied ginger can be stored for up to 3 months.

Ginger ice cream

Fresh ginger root 4-5 cm long,
500 g ice cream
candied ginger, nuts, fruit for decoration.

Peel the ginger, grate it finely and pass through a fine sieve to extract as much juice as possible. Melt the ice cream until creamy, mix with ginger juice and place in the freezer for 20-30 minutes. Decorate to taste.

Chicken ginger soup

ginger root about 3 cm long,
2 cloves garlic
300 g boneless chicken
200 g lightly salted chicken broth
1 teaspoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons lemon juice
¼ teaspoon hot seasoning (curry, chili)
2 teaspoons chopped green onions
2 teaspoons cilantro
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
50 g spinach sprouts

Peel the ginger, cut into slices and grind in a mortar along with the garlic. Place the mixture, chicken, soy sauce, lemon juice, chili and 100 g of water in a saucepan with broth. Bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes until the chicken is cooked through. After this, remove the chicken and large pieces of ginger and garlic, add the spinach and cook for another 1-2 minutes.

Mix green onions with cilantro, finely chop and crush in a mortar with vegetable oil and salt until a homogeneous mass is formed. When the chicken meat has cooled, divide it into portions, place on plates, pour in the broth and season with a mixture of onions and cilantro.