What is the main goal of speech development work. The development of coherent speech in preschool children

The main goal of the work on the development of speech and teaching the native language of children is the formation of oral speech and speech communication skills with others on the basis of mastering the literary language of their people.

In the domestic methodology, one of the main goals speech development the development of the gift of the word was considered, i.e. the ability to express accurate, rich content in oral and written speech (K. D. Ushinsky).

For a long time, when characterizing the goal of speech development, such a requirement for the child's speech as its correctness was especially emphasized. The task was to “teach children to speak their native language clearly and correctly, i.e. to freely use the correct Russian language in communication with each other and adults in various activities typical of preschool age. Correct speech was considered as: a) the correct pronunciation of sounds and words; b) the correct meaning of the use of words; c) the ability to correctly change words according to the grammar of the Russian language (See; Solovieva O. I. Methods of developing speech and teaching the native language in kindergarten. - M., 1960. - S. 19–20.)

Such an understanding is explained by the then generally accepted approach in linguistics to the culture of speech as to its correctness. At the end of the 60s. in the concept of “culture of speech”, two sides began to be distinguished: correctness and communicative expediency (G. I. Vinokur, B. N. Golovin, V. G. Kostomarov, A. A. Leontiev). Correct speech is considered necessary, but the lowest level, and communicatively expedient speech is considered the highest level of mastering the literary language. The first is characterized by the fact that the speaker uses language units in accordance with the norms of the language, for example, without socks (and not without socks), put on a coat (not put on), etc. But correct speech can be poor, with a limited vocabulary, with monotonous syntactic constructions . The second is characterized as the optimal use of the language in specific communication conditions. This refers to the choice of the most appropriate and diverse ways of expressing a certain meaning. This second, highest level, school methodologists, in relation to school practice of speech development, called good speech (See: Methods of speech development in Russian language lessons / Edited by T. A. Ladyzhenskaya. - M., 1991.)

Signs of good speech are lexical richness, accuracy, expressiveness.

To a certain extent, this approach can also be used in relation to preschool age, moreover, it is found in the analysis of modern kindergarten programs, methodological literature on the problems of children's speech development. The development of speech is considered as the formation of skills and abilities of accurate, expressive speech, free and appropriate use of language units, compliance with the rules of speech etiquette. Experimental studies and work experience show that by the senior preschool age, children can master not only correct, but also good speech.

Therefore, in the modern methodology, the goal of the speech development of children preschool age- the formation of not only correct, but also good oral speech, of course, taking into account their age characteristics and capabilities.

The general task of speech development consists of a number of particular, special tasks. The basis for their selection is the analysis of the forms of speech communication, the structure of the language and its units, as well as the level of speech awareness. Research on speech development problems recent years, conducted under the guidance of F. A. Sokhin, made it possible to theoretically justify and formulate three aspects of the characteristics of speech development tasks: structural (formation of different structural levels language systems - phonetic, lexical, grammatical); functional, or communicative (formation of language skills in its communicative function, development of coherent speech, two forms of verbal communication - dialogue and monologue); cognitive, cognitive (formation of the ability to elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech).

Let us visually isolate the tasks of the speech development of children.

Let us dwell briefly on the characteristics of each task. Their content is determined by linguistic concepts and psychological characteristics of language acquisition.

1. Development of the dictionary.

Mastering the vocabulary is the basis of the speech development of children, since the word is the most important unit of the language. The dictionary reflects the content of speech. Words denote objects and phenomena, their signs, qualities, properties and actions with them. Children learn the words necessary for their life and communication with others.

The main thing in the development of a child's vocabulary is mastering the meanings of words and their appropriate use in accordance with the context of the statement, with the situation in which communication takes place.

Vocabulary work in kindergarten is based on familiarization with the surrounding life. Its tasks and content are determined taking into account the cognitive abilities of children and involve mastering the meanings of words at the level of elementary concepts. In addition, it is important that children master the compatibility of a word, its associative links (semantic field) with other words, and the features of use in speech. In modern methodology, great importance is attached to the development of the ability to choose the most appropriate words for the statement, to use polysemantic words in accordance with the context, as well as to work on lexical means of expression (antonyms, synonyms, metaphors). Vocabulary work is closely connected with the development of dialogic and monologue speech.

2. Education of the sound culture of speech is a multifaceted task, which includes more specific microtasks related to the development of perception of the sounds of native speech and pronunciation (speaking, speech pronunciation).

It assumes: the development of speech hearing, on the basis of which the perception and discrimination of phonological means of the language takes place; teaching correct pronunciation; education of orthoepic correctness of speech; mastering the means of sound expressiveness of speech (tone of speech, timbre of voice, tempo, stress, voice power, intonation); development of a clear diction. Much attention is paid to the culture of speech behavior. The teacher teaches children to use the means of sound expression, taking into account the tasks and conditions of communication.

Preschool childhood is the most favorable period for the education of the sound culture of speech. Mastering clear and correct pronunciation should be completed in kindergarten (by the age of five).

3. The formation of the grammatical structure of speech involves the formation of the morphological side of speech (changing words by gender, number, case), word formation methods and syntax (mastering different types of phrases and sentences). Without mastering grammar, verbal communication is impossible.

Mastering the grammatical structure is of great difficulty for children, since grammatical categories are characterized by abstractness and abstraction. In addition, the grammatical structure of the Russian language is distinguished by the presence of a large number of unproductive forms and exceptions to grammar rules and rules.

Children learn the grammatical structure practically, by imitating the speech of adults and language generalizations. In a preschool institution, conditions are created for mastering difficult grammatical forms, developing grammatical skills and abilities, and preventing grammatical errors. Attention is drawn to the development of all parts of speech, the development of different ways of word formation, various syntactic constructions. It is important to ensure that children freely use grammatical skills and skills in speech communication, in coherent speech.

4. The development of coherent speech includes the development of dialogic and monologue speech.

a) The development of dialogic (colloquial) speech. Dialogic speech is the main form of communication for preschool children. For a long time, the methodology discusses the question of whether it is necessary to teach children dialogical speech if they master it spontaneously in the process of communicating with others. Practice and special studies show that preschoolers need to develop, first of all, those communicative and speech skills that are not formed without the influence of an adult. It is important to teach the child to conduct a dialogue, develop the ability to listen and understand the speech addressed to him, enter into a conversation and support it, answer questions and ask yourself, explain, use a variety of language means, behave taking into account the situation of communication.

No less important is the fact that dialogic speech develops the skills necessary for a more complex form of communication - a monologue. A monologue is born in the bowels of a dialogue (F. A. Sokhin).

b) The development of coherent monologue speech involves the formation of skills to listen and understand coherent texts, retell, build independent statements of various types. These skills are formed on the basis of elementary knowledge about the structure of the text and the types of communication within it.

5. The formation of an elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech ensures the preparation of children for learning to read and write.

“In the preparatory group for school, for the first time, speech becomes a subject of study for children. The educator develops their attitude to oral speech as a linguistic reality; he leads them to the sound analysis of words. Children are also taught to perform a syllabic analysis of a word, an analysis of the verbal composition of sentences. All this contributes to the formation of a new attitude to speech. Speech becomes the subject of children's awareness (Solovyeva O. I. Methods of developing speech and teaching the native language in kindergarten. - M., 1966. - P. 27.)

But speech awareness is not only about preparing for literacy. F. A. Sokhin noted that work aimed at elementary awareness of the sounds of speech, words, begins long before the preparatory group for school. When teaching correct sound pronunciation, developing phonemic hearing, children are given tasks to listen to the sound of words, find the most frequently repeated sounds in several words, determine the location of a sound in a word, and recall words with a given sound. In the process of vocabulary work, children perform assignments for the selection of antonyms (words with opposite meanings), synonyms (words that are close in meaning), look for definitions and comparisons in the texts of works of art. Moreover, an important point is the use of the terms “word”, “sound” in the wording of tasks. This allows children to form the first ideas about the distinction between words and sounds. In the future, in preparation for teaching literacy, “these ideas deepen, since the child isolates the word and sound precisely as units of speech, has the opportunity to “hear” their separateness as part of the whole (sentences, words) (Sokhin F. A. Tasks of speech development / / The development of speech of preschool children / Under the editorship of F. A. Sokhin. - M., 1984. - P. 14.)

Awareness of the phenomena of language and speech deepens children's observations of language, creates conditions for the self-development of speech, and increases the level of control over speech. With appropriate guidance from adults, it contributes to the development of interest in the discussion of linguistic phenomena, love for the native language.

In accordance with the traditions of the domestic methodology, another task is included in the range of tasks for the development of speech - familiarization with fiction, which is not speech in the proper sense of the word. Rather, it can be regarded as a means of carrying out all the tasks of developing the child's speech and assimilating the language in its aesthetic function. The artistic word has a huge impact on the upbringing of the individual, is a source and means of enriching the speech of children. In the process of introducing children to fiction, the vocabulary is enriched, figurative speech, poetic ear, creative speech activity, aesthetic and moral concepts develop. Therefore, the most important task of the kindergarten is to educate children's interest and love for the artistic word.

Singling out the tasks of speech development is conditional; in working with children, they are closely interconnected. These relations are determined by objectively existing connections between different units of the language. Enriching, for example, a dictionary, we simultaneously make sure that the child pronounces words correctly and clearly, learns their different forms, uses words in phrases, sentences, in coherent speech. The relationship of different speech tasks on the basis of an integrated approach to their solution creates the prerequisites for the most effective development of speech skills and abilities.

At the same time, the central, leading task is the development of coherent speech. This is due to a number of circumstances. Firstly, in coherent speech, the main function of language and speech is realized - communicative (communication). Communication with others is carried out precisely with the help of coherent speech. Secondly, in coherent speech, the relationship between mental and speech development is most pronounced. Thirdly, all other tasks of speech development are reflected in coherent speech: the formation of a dictionary, grammatical structure, and phonetic side. It shows all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language.

The teacher's knowledge of the content of the tasks is of great methodological importance, since the correct organization of work on the development of speech and teaching the native language depends on this.

1. How was the problem of speech development of children solved in the pedagogical systems of the past?

2. Describe the views on the native language and its role in the life of society and the education of the individual.

3. Why is the formation of methodology as a science associated with the names and?

4. Name the main directions of modern research in the field of speech development of children.

5. What is different modern approaches to the study of children's speech?

Chapter III The system of work on the development of speech in kindergarten

§ 1. The purpose and objectives of the development of children's speech

The main goal of the work on the development of speech and teaching the native language of children is the formation of oral speech and speech communication skills with others on the basis of mastering the literary language of their people.

In the domestic methodology, one of the main goals of speech development was considered the development of the gift of speech, that is, the ability to express accurate, rich content in oral and written speech ().

For a long time, when characterizing the goal of speech development, such a requirement for the child's speech as its correctness was especially emphasized. The task was to "teach children to speak their native language clearly and correctly, that is, to freely use the correct Russian language in communication with each other and adults in various activities characteristic of preschool age." Correct speech was considered as: a) the correct pronunciation of sounds and words; b) the correct meaning of the use of words; c) the ability to correctly change words according to Russian grammar

Such an understanding is explained by the then generally accepted approach in linguistics to the culture of speech as to its correctness. At the end of the 60s. in the concept of “culture of speech”, two sides began to be distinguished: correctness and communicative expediency (,). Correct speech is considered necessary, but the lowest level, and communicatively expedient speech is considered the highest level of mastering the literary language. The first is characterized by the fact that the speaker uses language units in accordance with the norms of the language, for example, without socks (and not without socks), put on a coat (not put on), etc. But correct speech can be poor, with a limited vocabulary, with monotonous syntactic constructions . The second is characterized as the optimal use of the language in specific communication conditions. This refers to the choice of the most appropriate and diverse ways of expressing a certain meaning. This second, highest level, school methodologists, in relation to school practice of speech development, called good speech (See: Methods of speech development in Russian language lessons / Ed. - M., 1991.)

Signs of good speech are lexical richness, accuracy, expressiveness.

To a certain extent, this approach can also be used in relation to preschool age, moreover, it is found in the analysis of modern kindergarten programs, methodological literature on the problems of children's speech development. The development of speech is considered as the formation of skills and abilities of accurate, expressive speech, the free and appropriate use of language units, and the observance of the rules of speech etiquette. Experimental studies and work experience show that by the senior preschool age, children can master not only correct, but also good speech.

Consequently, in the modern methodology, the goal of the speech development of preschool children is the formation of not only correct, but also good oral speech, of course, taking into account their age characteristics and capabilities.

The general task of speech development consists of a number of particular, special tasks. The basis for their selection is the analysis of the forms of speech communication, the structure of the language and its units, as well as the level of speech awareness. Studies of the problems of speech development in recent years, carried out under the guidance, made it possible to theoretically substantiate and formulate three aspects of the characteristics of the tasks of speech development: structural (the formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical); functional, or communicative (formation of language skills in its communicative function, development of coherent speech, two forms of verbal communication - dialogue and monologue); cognitive, cognitive (formation of the ability to elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech).

Let us visually isolate the tasks of the speech development of children.

Basic units of the language

Forms of speech communication

Speech Development Tasks

1 Vocabulary development

2 Education of sound culture of speech

word form

3 Formation of the grammatical structure of speech


4 Development of coherent speech
a) the formation of dialogic (colloquial) speech,
b) the formation of monologue speech

Let us dwell briefly on the characteristics of each task. Their content is determined by linguistic concepts and psychological characteristics of language acquisition.

1. Development of the dictionary.

Mastering the vocabulary is the basis of the speech development of children, since the word is the most important unit of the language. The dictionary reflects the content of speech. Words denote objects and phenomena, their signs, qualities, properties and actions with them. Children learn the words necessary for their life and communication with others.

The main thing in the development of a child's vocabulary is mastering the meanings of words and their appropriate use in accordance with the context of the statement, with the situation in which communication takes place.

Vocabulary work in kindergarten is based on familiarization with the surrounding life. Its tasks and content are determined taking into account the cognitive abilities of children and involve mastering the meanings of words at the level of elementary concepts. In addition, it is important that children master the compatibility of a word, its associative links (semantic field) with other words, and the features of use in speech. In modern methodology, great importance is attached to the development of the ability to choose the most appropriate words for the statement, to use polysemantic words in accordance with the context, as well as to work on lexical means of expression (antonyms, synonyms, metaphors). Vocabulary work is closely connected with the development of dialogic and monologue speech.

2. Education of the sound culture of speech is a multifaceted task, which includes more specific microtasks related to the development of perception of the sounds of native speech and pronunciation (speaking, speech pronunciation).

It assumes: the development of speech hearing, on the basis of which the perception and discrimination of phonological means of the language takes place; teaching correct pronunciation; education of orthoepic correctness of speech; mastering the means of sound expressiveness of speech (tone of speech, timbre of voice, tempo, stress, voice power, intonation); development of a clear diction. Much attention is paid to the culture of speech behavior. The teacher teaches children to use the means of sound expression, taking into account the tasks and conditions of communication.

Preschool childhood is the most favorable period for the education of the sound culture of speech. Mastering clear and correct pronunciation should be completed in kindergarten (by the age of five).

3. The formation of the grammatical structure of speech involves the formation of the morphological side of speech (changing words by gender, number, case), word formation methods and syntax (mastering different types of phrases and sentences). Without mastering grammar, verbal communication is impossible.

Mastering the grammatical structure is of great difficulty for children, since grammatical categories are characterized by abstractness and abstraction. In addition, the grammatical structure of the Russian language is distinguished by the presence of a large number of unproductive forms and exceptions to grammatical norms and rules.

Children learn the grammatical structure practically, by imitating the speech of adults and language generalizations. In a preschool institution, conditions are created for mastering difficult grammatical forms, developing grammatical skills and abilities, and preventing grammatical errors. Attention is drawn to the development of all parts of speech, the development of different ways of word formation, various syntactic constructions. It is important to ensure that children freely use grammatical skills and skills in speech communication, in coherent speech.

4. The development of coherent speech includes the development of dialogic and monologue speech.

a) The development of dialogic (colloquial) speech. Dialogic speech is the main form of communication for preschool children. For a long time, the methodology discusses the question of whether it is necessary to teach children dialogic speech if they master it spontaneously in the process of communicating with others. Practice and special studies show that preschoolers need to develop, first of all, those communicative and speech skills that are not formed without the influence of an adult. It is important to teach the child to conduct a dialogue, develop the ability to listen and understand the speech addressed to him, enter into a conversation and support it, answer questions and ask yourself, explain, use a variety of language means, behave taking into account the situation of communication.

No less important is the fact that dialogic speech develops the skills necessary for a more complex form of communication - a monologue. A monologue is born in the bowels of a dialogue ().

b) The development of coherent monologue speech involves the formation of skills to listen and understand coherent texts, retell, build independent statements of various types. These skills are formed on the basis of elementary knowledge about the structure of the text and the types of communication within it.

5. The formation of an elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech ensures the preparation of children for learning to read and write.

“In the preparatory group for school, for the first time, speech becomes a subject of study for children. The educator develops their attitude to oral speech as a linguistic reality; he leads them to the sound analysis of words. Children are also taught to perform a syllabic analysis of a word, an analysis of the verbal composition of sentences. All this contributes to the formation of a new attitude to speech. Speech becomes the subject of children's awareness (Solovyeva of the development of speech and teaching the native language in kindergarten. - M., 1966. - P. 27.)

But speech awareness is not only about preparing for literacy. noted that work aimed at an elementary awareness of the sounds of speech, words, begins long before the preparatory group for school. When teaching correct sound pronunciation, developing phonemic hearing, children are given tasks to listen to the sound of words, find the most frequently repeated sounds in several words, determine the location of a sound in a word, and recall words with a given sound. In the process of vocabulary work, children perform tasks for the selection of antonyms (words with opposite meanings), synonyms (words that are close in meaning), look for definitions and comparisons in texts works of art. Moreover, an important point is the use of the terms “word”, “sound” in the wording of tasks. This allows children to form the first ideas about the distinction between words and sounds. In the future, in preparation for teaching literacy, “these ideas deepen, since the child isolates the word and sound precisely as units of speech, has the opportunity to “hear” their separateness as part of the whole (sentences, words) (Sokhin of speech development// Speech development of preschool children / Under the editorship. - M., 1984. - S. 14.)

Awareness of the phenomena of language and speech deepens children's observations of language, creates conditions for the self-development of speech, and increases the level of control over speech. With appropriate guidance from adults, it contributes to the development of interest in the discussion of linguistic phenomena, love for the native language.

In accordance with the traditions of the domestic methodology, another task is included in the range of tasks for the development of speech - familiarization with fiction, which is not speech in the proper sense of the word. Rather, it can be regarded as a means of carrying out all the tasks of developing the child's speech and assimilating the language in its aesthetic function. The artistic word has a huge impact on the upbringing of the individual, is a source and means of enriching the speech of children. In the process of introducing children to fiction, the vocabulary is enriched, figurative speech, poetic ear, creative speech activity, aesthetic and moral concepts develop. Therefore, the most important task of the kindergarten is to educate children's interest and love for the artistic word.

Singling out the tasks of speech development is conditional; in working with children, they are closely interconnected. These relations are determined by objectively existing connections between different units of the language. Enriching, for example, a dictionary, we simultaneously make sure that the child pronounces words correctly and clearly, learns their different forms, uses words in phrases, sentences, in coherent speech. The relationship of different speech tasks on the basis of an integrated approach to their solution creates the prerequisites for the most effective development of speech skills and abilities.

At the same time, the central, leading task is the development of coherent speech. This is due to a number of circumstances. Firstly, in coherent speech, the main function of language and speech is realized - communicative (communication). Communication with others is carried out precisely with the help of coherent speech. Secondly, in coherent speech, the relationship between mental and speech development is most pronounced. Thirdly, all other tasks of speech development are reflected in coherent speech: the formation of a dictionary, grammatical structure, and phonetic side. It shows all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language.

The teacher's knowledge of the content of the tasks is of great methodological importance, since the correct organization of work on the development of speech and teaching the native language depends on this.

§ 2. Methodological principles of speech development

The process of forming children's speech should be built taking into account not only general didactic, but also methodological principles of teaching. Methodological principles are understood as general starting positions, guided by which the teacher chooses the means of teaching. These are the principles of learning, derived from the laws of children's learning of language and speech. They reflect the specifics of teaching native speech, complement the system of general didactic principles and interact with such of them as accessibility, visibility, systematicity, consistency, consciousness and activity, individualization of learning, etc. Methodological principles also act in conjunction with each other (). The problem of the principles of teaching the native language is little developed. Methodists approach it from different positions and in connection with this they name different principles (See: Fedorenko teaching the Russian language. - M., 1973; Korotkova teaching speech in kindergarten. - Rostov-on-Don, 1975.)

With regard to a preschooler, based on an analysis of research on the problems of speech development of children and the experience of kindergartens, we will highlight the following methodological principles for the development of speech and teaching the native language.

The principle of the relationship of sensory, mental and speech development of children. It is based on the understanding of speech as a speech-thinking activity, the formation and development of which is closely connected with the knowledge of the surrounding world. Speech is based on sensory representations, which form the basis of thinking, and develops in unity with thinking. Therefore, work on the development of speech cannot be separated from work aimed at the development of sensory and thought processes. It is necessary to enrich the consciousness of children with ideas and concepts about the world around them, it is necessary to develop their speech on the basis of the development of the content side of thinking. The formation of speech is carried out in a certain sequence, taking into account the peculiarities of thinking: from specific meanings to more abstract ones; from simple structures to more complex ones. Assimilation of speech material occurs in the conditions of solving mental problems, and not by simple reproduction. Following this principle obliges the teacher to widely involve visual teaching aids, to use such methods and techniques that would contribute to the development of all cognitive processes.

The principle of a communicative-activity approach to the development of speech. This principle is based on the understanding of speech as an activity consisting in the use of language for communication. It follows from the goal of developing the speech of children in kindergarten - the development of speech as a means of communication and cognition - and indicates the practical orientation of the process of teaching the native language.

This principle is one of the main ones, since it determines the strategy of all work on the development of speech. Its implementation involves the development of speech in children as a means of communication both in the process of communication (communication) and in various activities. Specially organized classes should also be conducted with this principle in mind. This means that the main areas of work with children, and the selection of language material, and all methodological tools should contribute to the development of communicative and speech skills. The communicative approach changes teaching methods, highlighting the formation of speech utterance.

The principle of development of linguistic flair ("sense of language"). Linguistic flair is an unconscious possession of the laws of language. In the process of repeated perception of speech and the use of similar forms in their own statements, the child forms analogies on a subconscious level, and then he also learns patterns. Children begin to use the forms of the language more and more freely in relation to new material, to combine elements of the language in accordance with its laws, although they are not aware of them (See Zhuikov mastering grammar in primary grades. - M., 1968. - P. 284.)

Here the ability to remember how words and phrases are traditionally used is manifested. And not only memorize, but also use them in constantly changing situations of verbal communication. This ability should be developed. For example, according to the opinion, a spontaneously arising orientation in the sound form of the language should be supported. Otherwise, it, “having fulfilled its function to the minimum degree necessary for mastering the grammatical system, collapses and ceases to develop.” The child gradually loses his special language "giftedness". It is necessary to encourage in every possible way various exercises in the form of a playful manipulation of words, which at first glance seem meaningless, but have a deep meaning for the child himself. In them, the child has the opportunity to develop his perception of linguistic reality. The development of a "sense of language" is associated with the formation of linguistic generalizations.

The principle of formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language. This principle is based on the fact that the basis of mastering speech is not only imitation, imitation of adults, but also an unconscious generalization of the phenomena of language. A kind of internal system of rules of speech behavior is formed, which allows the child not only to repeat, but also to create new statements. Since the task of teaching is the formation of communication skills, and any communication involves the ability to create new statements, then the formation of language generalizations and creative speech ability should be taken as the basis for language learning.

Simple mechanical repetition and accumulation of individual language forms is not enough for their assimilation. Researchers of children's speech believe that it is necessary to organize the process of the child's cognition of the linguistic reality itself. The center of learning should be the formation of awareness of the phenomena of language (). identifies three ways of awareness, which are often confused: the arbitrariness of speech, singling out, actual awareness. At preschool age, the arbitrariness of speech is first formed, and then its components are isolated. Awareness is an indicator of the degree of formation of speech skills.

The principle of the relationship of work on various aspects of speech, the development of speech as a holistic education. The implementation of this principle consists in such a construction of work, in which the development of all levels of the language is carried out in their close relationship. Vocabulary mastering, the formation of a grammatical structure, the development of speech perception and pronunciation skills, dialogic and monologue speech are separate, for didactic purposes, isolated, but interconnected parts of one whole - the process of mastering the language system. In the process of development of one of the aspects of speech, others simultaneously develop. Work on vocabulary, grammar, phonetics is not an end in itself, it is aimed at the development of coherent speech. The focus of the teacher should be to work on a coherent statement, which summarizes all the achievements of the child in mastering the language.

The principle of enrichment of the motivation of speech activity. The quality of speech and, ultimately, the measure of learning success depend on the motive, as the most important component in the structure of speech activity. Therefore, the enrichment of the motives of children's speech activity in the learning process is of great importance. In everyday communication, motives are determined by the natural needs of the child for impressions, for active work, for recognition and support. In the course of classes, the naturalness of communication often disappears, the natural communicativeness of speech is removed: the teacher invites the child to answer a question, retell a fairy tale, repeat something. This does not always take into account whether he has a need to do so. Psychologists note that positive speech motivation increases the effectiveness of classes. Important tasks are the creation by the teacher positive motivation for each action of the child in the learning process, as well as the organization of situations that cause the need for communication. At the same time, one should take into account the age characteristics of children, use a variety of techniques that are interesting for the child, stimulating their speech activity and contributing to the development of creative speech skills.

The principle of ensuring active speech practice. This principle finds its expression in the fact that the language is acquired in the process of its use, speech practice. Speech activity is one of the main conditions for the timely speech development of a child. The repetition of the use of language means in changing conditions allows you to develop strong and flexible speech skills, learn generalizations. Speech activity is not only speaking, but also listening, perception of speech. Therefore, it is important to teach children to actively perceive and understand the speech of the teacher. In the classroom, various factors should be used to ensure the speech activity of all children: an emotionally positive background; subject-subject communication; individually directed techniques: extensive use of visual material, game techniques; change of activities; tasks addressed to personal experience, etc.

Following this principle obliges to create conditions for a wide speech practice of all children in the classroom, in different types activities.

§ 3. Speech development program

The tasks of speech development are implemented in a program that determines the volume of speech skills and abilities, the requirements for the speech of children in different age groups.

Modern speech development programs have their own history of development. Their origins are in the first program documents of the kindergarten. The content and structure of the programs evolved gradually. In the first programs, the tasks of developing speech were of a general nature, emphasizing the need to link the content of speech with modern reality. The main emphasis in the programs of the 30s. made at work with a book and a picture. With the development of pedagogical science and practice, new tasks appeared in the programs, the volume of speech skills and abilities was refined and supplemented, and the structure was improved.

In 1962, the “Kindergarten Education Program” was first created, which defined the tasks of the speech development of children from two months to seven years. Unlike the previously published Kindergarten Teacher Guides, program requirements are separated from guidelines, the repertoire of fiction for reading and telling children has been significantly revised. The preparatory group for school (for the first time allocated in the program) provides for the preparation of children for learning to read and write. The Standard Program for Education and Training in Kindergarten (1983-1984) is essentially the basis for the development of modern educational content. In this regard, we will give a description of this particular program.

It takes into account the uniqueness of the nature of speech activity, which "serves" all types of activity and, thus, is associated with the entire life of the child. In this regard, the speech development program is based on an activity approach: the requirements for speech skills and abilities are reflected in all sections and chapters of the program. The nature of speech skills is determined by the characteristics of the content and organization of each type of activity.

For example, in the "Game" section, the need to teach children the rules and norms of verbal communication, to develop the ability to use speech when agreeing on the theme of the game, the distribution of roles, the development of role-playing interaction, in theatrical games - to play scenes based on familiar fairy tales, poems, improve performance skills. In the section "Labor education" attention is drawn to the ability to name objects, their signs, qualities, labor actions. In teaching the principles of mathematics, it is impossible to do without mastering the names of the form, size, spatial arrangement of objects, quantitative and ordinal numbers.

The requirements for communication skills, the culture of verbal communication are set out in the "Organization of life and education of children" section. Similarly, one can single out the content of speech work in other chapters of the program.

The independent chapter “Speech development” is highlighted in the “Teaching in the classroom” section, and in the senior and preparatory groups for school and in the “Organization of life and upbringing of children” section. In the group preparatory to school, the requirements for the speech development of children are reflected in the chapter "Mother tongue", since it is at this age that some linguistic knowledge is communicated and the awareness of the phenomena of language and speech deepens in children.

It should be noted that in the program documents of the kindergarten until 1983 - 1984. the tasks of speech development were indicated together with the tasks of familiarization with the surrounding life. For the first time in the "Model Program" they are given separately from each other, "taking into account the fact that the formation of most of the actual language skills and abilities (choosing a word from a synonymic series, using expressive means, comparisons, definitions, mastering the elements of word formation and inflection, the development of phonemic hearing etc.) cannot be ensured along the way when introducing children to the environment, that it requires the organization of special forms of education (verbal didactic games, creative tasks, dramatization, dramatization, etc.) (Typical program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. , . - M., 1984. - S. 5).

The kindergarten program was developed taking into account scientific data on the patterns of speech development of preschool children and the experience of preschool institutions. The requirements for different aspects of speech reflect the age indicators of speech development. The tasks of dictionary development have been significantly clarified and concretized (here more attention is paid to the disclosure of the semantic side of the word); the tasks of forming the grammatical structure of speech are more clearly formulated; for the first time, the tasks of developing the skills and abilities of word formation and the formation of the syntactic structure of speech were singled out. The program of teaching storytelling has been clarified, the sequence of using different types of storytelling and their relationship has been determined, the task of developing coherent speech is introduced starting from the second younger group. The content of artistic and speech activity of children is determined.

In general, it can be said that this program attempts to reflect the level of correct speech and the level of good speech in the requirements for children's speech. The latter is most pronounced in the older groups.

There is a close link between the program and the outreach work program (although they are presented separately). This is especially true for the volume of the dictionary. The dictionary reflects the content of knowledge about the world. It is known that their basis is the sensory experience of children. In this regard, the program clearly traces the idea of ​​the unity of sensory, mental and speech development.

Most of the tasks of speech development are set in all age groups, but their content has its own specifics, which is determined by the age characteristics of children. Yes, in junior groups the main task is the accumulation of a dictionary and the formation of the pronunciation side of speech. Starting from middle group the leading tasks are the development of coherent speech and the education of all aspects of the sound culture of speech. In older groups, the main thing is to teach children how to build coherent statements of various types, work on the semantic side of speech. In the senior and preparatory groups for school, a new section of work is introduced - preparation for literacy and literacy.

Continuity is established in the content of speech education in age groups. It manifests itself in the gradual complication of the tasks of developing speech and teaching the native language. So, in working on a word, tasks become more complicated from mastering the names of objects, features, actions, mastering the generalization, which is expressed in different words, to distinguishing the meanings of polysemantic words, synonyms and conscious choice of the word most suitable for a particular case. In the development of coherent speech - from retelling short stories and fairy tales to the compilation of coherent statements of various types, first on a visual basis, and then without relying on visualization. The program is based on taking into account the "cross-cutting" trends in the development of the dictionary, grammatical structure, phonetic side of speech, coherent speech.

Continuity is also manifested in the repetition of individual requirements in adjacent groups in order to develop strong and sustainable skills and abilities (the use of forms of speech etiquette, consistent and logical construction of coherent statements, etc.).

Along with continuity in the program, the prospects for the development of children's speech are also traced. This means that at each stage of learning, the foundations are laid for what will be developed at the subsequent stage.

The kindergarten program creates prospects for the development of children in school. It has successive links with the Russian language program in primary school. In kindergarten, such qualities of oral speech are formed, which are further developed in the first grade of the school. A rich vocabulary, the ability to clearly and accurately express one's thoughts, selectively and consciously use language means are prerequisites for successful learning of the Russian language and mastery of all academic subjects.

Within each task, the core points are highlighted that underlie the formation of communicative and speech skills and abilities. In the development of a dictionary, this is work on the semantic side of a word; in monologue speech, it is the selection of the content of an utterance, the development of ways to combine words, sentences; in the development of dialogical speech - the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, interact with others, participate in a general conversation.

A feature of the program is the brevity of the presentation of tasks and requirements. The teacher should be able to specify the general requirement, taking into account the individual characteristics of the children.

On the basis of a standard program, programs of education and training were created in the Union republics (now the CIS countries). AT Russian Federation also developed the "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" (1985), approved by the Ministry of Education. It preserved the fundamental approaches to the speech development of children, the main content of program tasks and the sequence of their complication, structure. At the same time, the specific cultural and national conditions of Russia were taken into account. The explanatory note to the program drew attention to the fact that “in national preschool institutions where work is carried out in their native language, children from the first nursery group teach oral native speech according to the program developed in the autonomous republic, territory, region, and senior group- Russian colloquial speech (2 lessons per week). In those preschool institutions where work with children of non-Russian nationality is carried out in Russian, teaching the native language (2 hours per week) is introduced from the older group according to a program developed locally ”(Program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. . - M., 1985. - P.6).

Currently, so-called variable programs are used in preschool institutions of various types. Among them, the most famous are “Rainbow” (ed.), “Development” (supervisor), “Childhood. The program for the development and education of children in kindergarten "(, and others)," The program for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten "().

The program "Rainbow", recommended by the Ministry of Education of Russia, takes into account modern requirements for the speech development of children, generally accepted sections of work on the development of speech are distinguished: the sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech, fiction. One of the most important means of development of preschoolers is the creation of a developing speech environment. great place is given to the development of dialogic speech through the communication of the teacher with children, children with each other in all areas of joint activities and in special classes. The literary repertoire for reading, telling children and learning by heart is carefully selected.

The Development program is focused on the development of children's mental abilities and creativity. Classes for the development of speech and familiarization with fiction include three main areas: 1) familiarization with fiction (reading poems, fairy tales, stories, conversations about what has been read, game improvisations based on the plots of the read works); 2) the development of special means of literary and speech activity (means of artistic expression, the development of the sound side of speech); 3) development cognitive abilities on the material of acquaintance with children's fiction. Mastering different aspects of speech occurs in the context of familiarization with works of art. The idea of ​​the unity of sensory, mental and speech development is clearly expressed and implemented. In the middle group, preparation for teaching literacy was set as an independent task, and in the senior and preparatory groups - teaching reading (Program "Development". (Basic provisions). - M., 1994.)

1. introduction head on the topic of the council.

2. Warm up.

3. Express - survey "Development of speech."

4. Analytical report on the results of the thematic control "Development of coherent speech of children" (art. rev.).

5. Crossword "Development of speech."

6. Auction of methodical finds.

7. Exchange of experience. Questionnaire for assessing the professionalism of the educator in the section "Development of speech"

8. Business game "Brainstorm".

9. Discussion of the draft decision of the teachers' council.

Questionnaire for assessing the professionalism of the educator in the section "Development of speech"

Full name of the educator ___

1. What speech development program do you use in your work?

2. Do you make notes for classes on your own or use ready-made ones published in teaching aids? ___

3. What is the main goal of speech development in preschool children?

4. What are the main areas of development work

in children in a preschool educational institution? ___

5. Formulate the tasks of forming the grammatical structure of speech in your age group. ___

6. What are the tasks of educating the sound culture of speech in children of your age group? ___ ___

7. What are the main tasks and features of vocabulary development in children of your age group ___ ___

8. What does the work on the development of communication in a preschool educational institution include? ___ ___

9. Is familiarization with fiction included in the range of tasks for the development of speech in a preschool educational institution or is it a separate area of ​​work? ___

10. Formulate the main means of developing speech in children in kindergarten ___

11. Which of the following means of speech development do you consider the most significant? Number them in descending order of importance (one number can be assigned to two or more speech development tools):

communication between adults and children;

teaching native speech and language in the classroom;

fiction; various types of art (visual, musical, theater)

12. What methods and techniques of speech development do you use

classes and free activities of children? ___

13. What is the originality of speech development classes? What is their need? In your opinion, will it be enough for the development of speech in children of preschool

age limit to educational games, free communication with an adult?

14. What are the main areas of work on the development of speech

taken into account when writing a lesson plan? ___

15. Are the parents of your pupils familiar with the problems of speech development of their children?

16. How do you organize interaction with children's families in the direction of speech development? ___


Dear colleague! Please answer the questions provided.

Circle the answer you chose. AT

one of the proposed options can be correct,

some or all answers.

Full name, date

What types of sentences are used in the dialogue?

1. Narrative

2. Incentives

3. Interrogative

4. Exclamation points

Name the types of statements

1. Description

2. Narration

3. Reasoning

4. Exclamation

What is the name of the text in which there is a list of signs, properties, qualities, actions?

1. Description

2. Narration

3. Reasoning

What is the name of the text in which the development of the plot unfolds

in time?

1. Description

2. Reasoning

3. Narration

What is the name of the text, including causal constructions, questions, assessment?

1. Description

2. Narration

3. Reasoning

Name the main types of narrative texts

1. Stories from experience

2. Fairy stories

3. Storytelling based on a picture or a series of plot pictures


Tasks for the development of speech in a preschool educational institution of a general developmental type - Page 4

Tasks for the development of speech in a preschool educational institution of a general developmental type

In modern methodology the goal of speech development of preschool children - the formation of not only correct, but also good oral speech, of course, taking into account their age characteristics and capabilities.

General task of speech development composed from a number of private, special tasks. The basis for their selection is the analysis of the forms of speech communication, the structure of the language and its units, as well as the level of speech awareness.

Studies of the problems of speech development in recent years, conducted under the guidance of F. A. Sokhin, made it possible to theoretically substantiate and formulate three aspects of the characteristics of speech development tasks:

- structural(formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical);

- functional or communicative(formation of language skills in its communicative function, development of coherent speech, two forms of verbal communication - dialogue and monologue);

- cognitive, cognitive(formation of the ability to elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech).

Imagine visually isolating the tasks of children's speech development.

Speech Development Tasks:

1.Vocabulary Development. Enrich the child's words: consolidating, clarifying, activating the vocabulary through familiarization with the environment (observation, excursion, examination of objects, paintings, didactic games, activities, riddles).

2. Formation of the grammatical side of speech. To avoid grammatical errors, learn to speak correctly. For example: I'm going for a walk (and not Petya goes for a walk), if about myself.

3. Education of sound culture of speech. In each word, it is correct to pronounce sounds accurately, clearly, the development of intonational means of expressiveness of speech (pauses, stress, tempo)

4. Formation of colloquial(dialogical speech). The ability to build a dialogue with a peer, adult, older child, baby.

5. storytelling training is the development of monologue speech.

6. Acquaintance with fiction. Listen to the text, understand, distinguish between good and bad characters, reason: How would I? Who is he - a hero? What is he? Do I want to be the same?

7. Preparing children for literacy. Sound analysis of the word: the number of sounds and the ordinal place of each syllable in the word.

Vocabulary tasks:

Vocabulary Enrichment thematic groups words;

Consolidation of ideas about generalizing concepts (vegetables, fruits, transport);

Development of ideas about the semantic side of the word: work on the correct understanding of the meanings of a polysemantic word; disclosure of semantic relations (familiarization with synonyms and antonyms of different parts of speech - nouns, adjectives, verbs); formation of word selection skills and word usage accuracy.

The tasks of educating the sound side of speech can be formulated as follows:

Work on the sound and intonation characteristics of speech;

Formation of ideas about linear sound units: sound - syllable - word - sentence - text;

Distinguishing sounds according to their qualitative characteristics: vowels and consonants (voiced and deaf, hard and soft);

Teaching the sound analysis of a word (selecting a sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word), isolating hissing and whistling sounds at the beginning of a word, finding the same sound in different words;

Development of the ability to analyze words of various syllabic structures: naming words with one, two and three sounds, determining the number of syllables;

Finding words that are similar and different in sound.

Tasks of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech:

Formation of the ability to coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case;

Teaching the correct formation, declension and use of words in the singular and plural;

Development of the ability to form the names of baby animals (cat-kitten, dog-puppy, chicken-chicken);

Teaching the ability to correlate the name of the verb-motion with the action of an object, person, animal;

Compilation of sentences of different types - simple and complex.

Tasks for the development of coherent speech:

Formation of elementary ideas about the structure of the text (beginning, middle, end);

Learning to connect sentences in different ways of communication;

Development of the ability to reveal the topic and main idea of ​​the statement, to title the story;

Learning to build statements of various types - descriptions, narratives, reasoning; bringing to the awareness of the content and structural features of a descriptive, including artistic, text; compiling narrative texts (fairy tales, stories, stories) in compliance with the logic of presentation and the use of means of artistic expression; learning to compose reasoning with selection to prove strong arguments and precise definitions;

Use for statements of different types of appropriate models (schemes), reflecting the sequence of presentation of the text.

Central, leading task is an development of connected speech.

This is due to a number of factors:

Firstly, in connected speech, the main function of language and speech is realized - communicative (communication). Communication with others is carried out precisely with the help of coherent speech.

Secondly, in coherent speech, the relationship between mental and speech development is most pronounced.

Thirdly, all other tasks of speech development are reflected in coherent speech: the formation of a dictionary, grammatical structure, and phonetic side. It shows all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language.

The teacher's knowledge of the content of the tasks is of great methodological importance, since the correct organization of work on the development of speech and teaching the native language depends on this.

Most of the tasks of speech development are set in all age groups, however their content is specific., which is determined age characteristics of children.

So , in the younger groups the main task is the accumulation of a dictionary and the formation of the pronunciation side of speech.

Beginning from the middle group, the leading tasks are the development of coherent speech and the education of all aspects of the sound culture of speech.

in senior groups the main thing is to teach children how to build coherent statements of various types, work on the semantic side of speech.

In the senior and preparatory groups for school a new section of work is introduced - preparation for literacy and literacy.

Source answer-examen.ru

Methodical development

"The development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age through learning to compose stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures"

Purpose: "The development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age."


- create a series of notes on learning to compose stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures;

Pick up the most effective methods, techniques, tools that help create interest, motivation for speech activity among preschoolers;

To form the ability and skills to compose stories based on the picture and plot pictures;

Enrich and shape the grammatical structure of children's speech in the process of working with a picture and plot pictures.


The problem of the development of coherent speech in children is well known to a wide range of pedagogical workers: educators, narrow specialists, psychologists.

It has long been established that by the preschool age there are significant differences in the level of children's speech. This is also shown by my teaching experience.

The main task of the development of coherent speech of a child at this age is the improvement of monologue speech. This task is solved through various types of speech activity: retelling literary works, compiling descriptive stories about objects, objects and natural phenomena, creating different types of creative stories, mastering the forms of speech-reasoning (explanatory speech, speech-proof, speech-planning), as well as writing stories based on a picture, and a series of plot pictures.

All of the above types of speech activity are relevant when working on the development of coherent speech of children.

When conducting directly educational activities (N. O. D.), the following rules were observed:

The use of methods and techniques in N. O. D. for compiling stories from a picture and a series of plot pictures that create interest in children from the very first minutes of the lesson and ensure its preservation until the end of the lesson;

Inclusion in N. O. D. telling the rules of the game, tasks, “training” exercises for enrichment and development of the dictionary, the formation of grammatically correct speech;

Before performing N. O. D., it is imperative to set the children up so that in their stories they use the words and expressions that they used during the training exercises;

Encourage children who fulfill this requirement;

Familiarizing children with a clear plan for the story, if necessary;

To compose stories based on a series of plot pictures, offer children bright, fairly large pictures of understandable content without unnecessary details;

Instead of physical education minutes, use educational games, but give them a mobile character;

Offer children different answers;

The technology of using classes in compiling stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures for the development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age.

Classes on these types of storytelling are proposed to be held once a month, alternating them with each other: five lessons on compiling stories based on a picture and four lessons on compiling stories based on a series of plot pictures. Other types of classes for teaching coherent speech (retelling of literary works, writing creative stories, compiling descriptive stories about objects, objects and natural phenomena) are carried out in accordance with long-term planning.

The abilities and skills in compiling stories, obtained in the process of specially organized training, are fixed in the joint activities of the educator with children, in individual work, as well as in the course of cooperation with the parents of pupils.

For the development of coherent speech, the following series of plot pictures were used:

- "my family"

Material nsportal.ru

for children 5 - 6 years old.

Multicolored boats.

I came to the river. How many colorful boats are on the river today: yellow, red, orange! They all came here by air. A boat will fly in, go down to the water and that hour will float. Many more will arrive today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.

And then the boats will no longer arrive and the river will freeze. Tell us what kind of boats they are and at what time of the year they appear?

For whom did Vitalik leave the mountain ash?

Vitalik and his mother were walking in the forest. Vitalik saw a rowan bush strewn with berries and called his mother. Together they gathered a basket of berries. “Mom, why did you leave berries on the branches?

If you collect everything, will there be a full basket?

“You don’t need to pick all the berries and mushrooms in the forest, you need to leave a little,” my mother said and explained why. What did the mother tell her son?

What is the bear looking for?

Look at the clubfoot! Barely tossing and turning. He ate on fish and berries, and now he wanders through the forest, scares the animals and is looking for something, looking ...

What is the bear looking for?

What kind of animal?

You won't understand this animal. Sleeping, running. Wakes up, stretches, clicks on nuts, feasts on dried berries - and again curls up into a ball.

Dark, warm. And there is no difference for him - day or night. What kind of animal is this?

Something white rolled out into the clearing: long ears, slanted eyes, looking to the sides. Jump-jump and out of sight under the bush. Look how startled! Don't be afraid - the branch cracked from the frost. No, he runs away ... and even confuses the tracks!

Who it?

Why are deer running away?

When the snow began to melt, the deer had small deer. It turns out that at first they are very weak, powerless and tremble all the time. It is especially disturbing to see how their legs tremble, it seems that they are about to break, and the kids will fall into the snow.

When the deer were small, they let themselves be stroked on the forehead. And now, as soon as you approach them, they run away. Why are deer running away?


For children 6 - 7 years old.

What month is in the yard?

Northern summer is quickly gone. The sky frowned, and suddenly, instead of the expected rain, large snowflakes swirled. The gray forest has quieted down. The last leaves are trembling from gusts of strong wind.

Only stubborn alder does not give in, does not want to turn yellow. What month is in the yard?

What did the bear say?

Everyone prepares for winter in their own way. Jumping fidget squirrel. He collects nuts, stuffs them into hollows, through wood cracks, and if he finds a fungus on the ground, he picks it up and hangs it on a tree to dry - it will come in handy in winter.

The squirrel works all day long and looks at the bear neighbor, who by autumn has become lazy and clumsy. “What are you, a bear, completely lazy? the squirrel asks. - Why don't you prepare for the winter, don't you store food? There will be nothing to eat in winter.

The bear laughed and said something quietly to the squirrel, so quietly that she did not hear. What did the bear say to the squirrel?

Where do birds sleep?

Many people think that the nest serves as a home for the bird. But when someone says it's small or big bird sheltered from the weather in her nest, know that this is not true. After hatching the chicks, the female leaves the nest and never returns to it.

Birds don't have a home. Where do birds sleep?

Who is this man?

A man was walking through the taiga. Came across a stream. He sat down near him, carefully examines the water, tastes it.

I was very interested: why is it such a red color near the water?

You and I will go through - well, a stream and a stream, what is special about it? And the stream will tell this person a lot. If the water in it is gray, it means that there is fertile land, black soil. If the water is yellow, then clay is at the bottom.

But if it is red, rusty, then there may be deposits of iron underground. Who is this man?

Use these games and exercises not all at once, but one or two games a day. So that they do not bother the child. If you play together, he will learn the material faster.

Do not forget to mark with a red pencil those tasks in which the child experienced difficulties, and briefly describe what they consist of. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Ekaterina Vladimirovna.

On this topic:

Material from the site nsportal.ru

GBDOU kindergarten No. 40 of the Pushkinsky district of the city of St. Petersburg

The development of speech of children of primary preschool age in play activities

Prepared by the teacher: Trankova Lyudmila Evgenievna

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech. The tasks of developing the speech of children in playing activities are solved more productively, since at preschool age this type of activity is the leading one.

Very often we, adults, are in a hurry to do something for the child, to answer any question. But is it always justified?

A set of ready-made knowledge does not form the need for the process of cognition, the desire to overcome difficulties, to independently search for solutions and achieve the goal. The child himself can find the answer to many questions, and it does not matter that only through trial and error.

Any game solves a specific problem aimed at understanding, accumulating, expanding children's knowledge, as well as speech skills.

The work on the development of children's speech is based on an integrated approach aimed at solving interrelated tasks covering different aspects of speech development (lexical, grammatical, development of coherent speech). The main principle is the relationship of different speech tasks, which at each time stage appear in different combinations. Therefore, it is necessary to arouse interest in the process of cognition, to help children independently seek answers to the questions posed.

The main thing is not to be afraid to be kind, affectionate to children.

A firm focus on the GAME as a means, method, form of organization of the developmental activities of little men will help the teacher to make his work joyful.

I want to show how the work on the development of speech is carried out

children of primary preschool age

game activity on the example of one of my days:

In the morning we bring a toy doll Masha into the group, which will meet the children and take it off for the whole day. When meeting children, we offer to say hello, tell her how she is, show the guest toys, etc. During communication, we follow the speech of the children with a bore, unobtrusively correcting it, since the speech of the educator serves as a model for the child.

Greeting ritual: "Good morning!"

Source nsportal.ru

Work program for the development of speech of preschool children ("School of early development") - Work program - page 1


Explanatory note

The role of the native language in the upbringing of preschool children is very great. Through speech, the child learns the rules of behavior, communication, agreements between people on interaction, perceives the beauty of the world around him and can tell about what he saw, conveying sensations and feelings.

Already from preschool age, the child shows great interest in linguistic reality, "experiments" with the word, creates new words, focusing on both the semantic and grammatical side of the language. This is a necessary condition for its linguistic development, which is based on the gradual awareness of the linguistic phenomena of speech.

Such development leads to the mastery of all the riches of the native language. With spontaneous speech development, children receive a rather low speech skill, so special training is needed at an early development school.

In our time of information technology, the development of children's speech is topical issue. Children know how to use technology, but they don’t know how to show their speech creativity. Preschoolers rarely visit libraries, read books, look at illustrations and talk.

Mine personal experience impressions, sensations cannot be described in 2-3 phrases. That is why it is so necessary, first of all, live communication with the child and well-structured teaching of native speech.

This working programm designed for 25 hours (1 hour per week). The course is aimed at the versatile development of the child, his coherent speech, phonemic hearing, creative thinking, coordination and fine motor skills of movements, muscles of the motor apparatus, etc. The course allows you to prepare children for learning to read, write and forms elementary skills of speech culture.

How a child is prepared for school depends on the success of his adaptation, entering the mode of school life, his academic success, mental well-being. It has been proven that in children who are not ready for systematic learning, the period of adaptation, adaptation to educational (rather than play) activities, is more difficult and longer. These children have poorly developed coherent speech and mental abilities - they do not know how to ask questions, compare objects, phenomena, highlight the main thing, they have not formed the habit of elementary self-control.

main goal school preparation program is the comprehensive development of the child: the formation of motivation for learning, the development of thinking, imagination, creative abilities, the increase in memory, the development of attention, speech and the ability to argue one’s statements, the identification of individual characteristics of future first graders and the formation of readiness for schooling.

Special assignments are used in the classroom

    to identify signs of similarity and difference between two or more objects;

    selection of identical items from a group of items;

    selection of a superfluous object;

    combining various objects into groups;

    identifying logical inconsistencies in a drawing or story.


Formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical;

Formation of language skills in its communicative function: development of connected speech, development of verbal communication;

Formation of the ability to elementary awareness of linguistic and speech phenomena;

The development of fine motor skills of the hands using rhythmic and finger gymnastics. Stroke, hatch, play with pencils, etc.;

Formation of the personality of a preschool child: the study of the needs and individual characteristics, the behavior of the child, interpersonal relationships with peers and adults;

Development of imagination and creativity.

Adaptation to school conditions, preparation for literacy , R vocabulary development.

Classes are built in an entertaining, playful way using speech games, which allows children to successfully master sound analysis words, with interest to observe their use in speech. The educational material is presented in comparison, comparison and encourages children to constantly reason, analyze, draw their own conclusions, learn to justify them, choose correct solution among the various response options. Thus, the main value is formed and developed - the child's creative thinking, on the basis of which a system of knowledge about the language will gradually take shape and the need for language proficiency and speech improvement will be formed.

When studying the problem of the development of coherent speech, the child's ability to structurally correctly construct a text and use the means of communication necessary for this is considered as the most important indicator of the coherence of statements. The path to the formation of this skill leads from a dialogue between an adult and a child, in which the adult takes on leadership, directing the train of thought of the children and suggesting ways of expression, to the expanded monologue speech of the child himself.

There is a clear logic in the process of transition from dialogue to monologue. An adult teaches a child to first build simple statements, then connect them together. At the same time, the child's speech acquires an arbitrary character, an element of planning is included in it.

This makes it possible to move on to learning planning and retelling. The development of generalization and awareness of linguistic phenomena acted as one of the conditions for the successful assimilation of the elements of vocabulary, grammar, coherent utterance, the formation in children of the initial linguistic representations-understandings of what a word, sentence is, how they are built. Awareness of the sound composition of the word and the verbal composition of the sentence brings the child to the threshold of literacy and, most importantly, lays the foundations for a new attitude to the language, conscious operation with it.

Main aspects of task compatibility

Dictionary work is aimed not only at the quantitative enrichment of the dictionary, but also at deepening the understanding of the meaning of words. Children begin to master the ways of expressing the necessary content in a word and the ability to apply the learned words in a coherent statement. The solution of lexical problems, of course, is impossible without special work to familiarize children with an ever-expanding range of objects and phenomena, to deepen knowledge about them.

The formation of the grammatical structure of speech is also closely connected with the development of coherent speech and with lexical work. When analyzing a literary work, while looking at pictures, inventing independent stories, children learn to recognize the semantic shades of a word, and the tasks that are offered to them are aimed at learning to agree on nouns and adjectives in gender, number, and case. Such exercises contribute to the fact that the child begins to realize grammatical forms and use them correctly when compiling stories.

The tasks of developing coherent speech are closely related to the tasks of educating a sound culture of speech. Such elements of the sound culture of speech as sound pronunciation, speech rate, voice power, intonational expressiveness, each in its own way affect the coherence of the presentation of a particular content. Speaking about the coherence of an utterance, it should be emphasized that its formation involves the child's assimilation of various types of connections (between words, sentences, between parts of the utterance),

In the classroom, it is not the sequence of one or another type of storytelling that comes to the fore (retelling, compiling stories based on a picture, about a toy, various types of creative stories), but the compatibility of the task of developing coherent speech with other tasks. So, some classes with objects and plot pictures are used both for children to perform lexical, grammatical and phonetic exercises, and to develop the ability to answer the teacher's questions, highlight the features of the objects described and compose independent stories.

Much attention is paid to the evaluation of children's statements. First, the teacher gives an assessment (thanks for the story, it was very interesting). At 5-7 years old, children can evaluate their own stories - this is part of learning to build a coherent statement.

At each lesson, educational tasks are also solved: the development of a culture of speech communication; the formation of the moral qualities of a person (empathy, sympathy), while a great positive impact is exerted, first of all, by the content of literary works, paintings.

When teaching preschoolers to retell literary works, their attention is specifically drawn to the theme (content) of the work, due to which they penetrate into the moral aspects of the work, they form ethical ideas and moral feelings. And when using methodological methods for the development of coherent monologue speech, they contribute to the formation of moral behavior.

When telling stories together (one picture or a series of plot pictures), the children agree among themselves on the sequence of storytelling: who will start, who continues, who completes the story. Here, on the one hand, for themselves and for other children there is a “living model” of the structure of the story, on the other hand, the formation of relationships necessary for the implementation of joint activities takes place. Storytelling in groups teaches preschoolers to negotiate among themselves, if necessary, help each other, give in, etc.

Collective storytelling can be carried out in different forms:

1. When choosing storytellers by the teacher.

2. A group of children.

3. One of the children.

It is important for the teacher to take into account the conditions of upbringing and the level of development of children, remember about educational tasks and solve them in conjunction with other (speech, mental, aesthetic) tasks.

Children should develop not only speech skills, but also communication and speech skills. It is necessary to create conditions for the emergence of a speech motive, as well as for the planning and implementation of speech acts in the process of teaching speech and language.

Care should be taken to motivate children's speech, which encourages them to speech activity. The presence of speech motivation means that the child has an inner impulse to express his thoughts, and it affects the transition of patterns into the child's own active speech.

This happens in a relaxed, natural setting of communication. Thus, the teacher should take care to bring the nature of communication with children in the classroom closer to natural conditions.

Another side of the communicative-activity approach to speech is that it always enters into some other - entirely theoretical, intellectual or practical activity. Each of them can be used in different ways.

For the development of speech, this means that it occurs not only in communicative, but also in other activities of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to determine with the help of what methods, using what language means, in relation to what types of children's activities, it is possible to solve the problem of improving the child's mental, speech and practical activities.

The structure of a lesson on the development of speech is determined by the principle of the relationship of various sections of speech work:

1. Enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

2. Work on the semantic side of the word.

3. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

4. Education of sound culture of speech.

5. Development of elementary awareness of linguistic phenomena.

6. Development of coherent monologue speech.

It is the interrelation of different speech tasks in the lesson that creates the prerequisites for the most effective mastering of speech skills. Therefore, an integrated approach is advisable, where different speech tasks are combined more often on the same content.

Principles of work with preschool children on speech development:

1. Scientific.

2. Taking into account the psychological, age characteristics of children.

3. Accounting preschool activities children (game, life, occupation).

4. Systematic relationship educational material and the child's interest in native speech.

5. Accessibility, specificity.

Material from gigabaza.ru

The main areas of work on the development of children's speech in preschool educational institutions

One of the leading tasks that preschool children solve educational institutions, is the development of children's speech.

Speech as the leading means of communication accompanies all activities of the child. From the quality of speech, the ability to use it in the game, during the joint activities of the teacher and the child, when planning and discussing a drawing, in observing on a walk, when discussing a performance, etc. depends on the success of the child, his peer acceptance, authority and status in the children's community.

According to the federal government educational standards preschool education content educational field"Speech development" is aimed at achieving the goals of the formation of oral speech and the skills of verbal communication with others on the basis of knowledge of the literary language of their people through the solution of the following tasks:

Mastering speech as a means of communication and culture;

Enrichment of the active dictionary;

Development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech;

Development of speech creativity;

Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;

Formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

The process of forming children's speech should be built taking into account not only general didactic, but also methodological principles of teaching. Methodological principles are understood as general starting points, guided by which, the teacher chooses the means of teaching. These are the principles of learning, derived from the laws of children's learning of language and speech. They reflect the specifics of teaching native speech, complement the system of general didactic principles and interact with such principles as accessibility, visibility, systematicity, consistency, consciousness and activity, individualization of learning, etc. Methodological principles also act in interconnection with each other.

In relation to a preschooler, based on an analysis of research on the problems of speech development of children and the experience of kindergartens, we highlight the followingmethodological principles for the development of speech and teaching the native language.

The principle of the relationship of sensory, mental and speech development of children. It is based on the understanding of speech as a speech-thinking activity, the formation and development of which is closely connected with the knowledge of the surrounding world. Speech is based on sensory representations, which form the basis of thinking, and develops in unity with thinking. Therefore, work on the development of speech cannot be separated from work aimed at the development of sensory and thought processes.

The principle of a communicative-activity approach to the development of speech. This principle is based on the understanding of speech as an activity consisting in the use of language for communication. It follows from the goal of developing the speech of children in kindergarten - the development of speech as a means of communication and cognition - and indicates the practical orientation of the process of teaching the native language.

This principle is one of the main ones, since it determines the strategy of all work on the development of speech. Its implementation involves the development of speech in children as a means of communication both in the process of communication (communication) and in various activities.

The principle of development of linguistic flair ("sense of language"). Linguistic flair is an unconscious possession of the laws of language. In the process of repeated perception of speech and the use of similar forms in their own statements, the child forms analogies on a subconscious level, and then he also learns patterns.

The principle of formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language. This principle is based on the fact that the basis of mastering speech is not only imitation, imitation of adults, but also an unconscious generalization of the phenomena of language. A kind of internal system of rules of speech behavior is formed, which allows the child not only to repeat, but also to create new statements. Since the task of teaching is the formation of communication skills, and any communication involves the ability to create new statements, then the formation of language generalizations and creative speech ability should be taken as the basis for language learning.

Leontiev distinguishes three ways of awareness, which are often confused: the arbitrariness of speech, singling out, awareness itself. At preschool age, the arbitrariness of speech is first formed, and then its components are isolated. Awareness is an indicator of the degree of formation of speech skills.

The principle of the relationship of work on various aspects of speech, the development of speech as a holistic education. The implementation of this principle consists in such a construction of work, in which the development of all levels of the language is carried out in their close relationship.

The principle of enrichment of the motivation of speech activity. The quality of speech and, ultimately, the measure of learning success depend on the motive, as the most important component in the structure of speech activity. Therefore, the enrichment of the motives of children's speech activity in the learning process is of great importance. In everyday communication, motives are determined by the natural needs of the child for impressions, for active work, for recognition and support. In the process of organized educational activity, the naturalness of communication often disappears, the natural communicativeness of speech is removed: the teacher invites the child to answer a question, retell a fairy tale, repeat something.

The principle of ensuring active speech practice. This principle finds its expression in the fact that the language is acquired in the process of its use, speech practice. Speech activity is one of the main conditions for the timely speech development of a child. Speech activity is not only speaking, but also listening, perception of speech. Therefore, it is important to teach children to actively perceive and understand the speech of the teacher.

The main areas of work on the development of children's speech in preschool educational institutions:

Vocabulary development (learning the meanings of words and their appropriate use in accordance with the context of the statement, the situation in which communication takes place);

Education of sound culture (development of perception of the sounds of native speech and pronunciation), love and interest in the artistic word;

Development of coherent speech (dialogical (colloquial) speech, monologue (narration);

Formation of an elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech (the difference between sound and word, finding the place of sound in a word);

Formation of the grammatical structure (morphology, syntax, word formation).

In the practice of the work of preschool teachers on the development of speech, the following methods are used:


Direct observation and its varieties (observation in nature, excursions);

Indirect observation (graphic visualization: looking at toys and pictures, telling about toys and pictures).


Reading and storytelling of works of art;

learning by heart;


summarizing conversation;

Narrative without relying on visual material.


Didactic games;

Dramatization games;


Didactic exercises;

Plastic studies;

Round dance games.

For the development of speech, various means are used:

communication between adults and children;

cultural language environment, teacher's speech;

teaching native speech and language in the classroom;


various types of art (fine, music, theater).

Let us briefly consider the role of each tool.

The most important means of speech development is communication.

In domestic psychology, communication is considered as a side of some other activity and as an independent communicative activity. The works of Russian psychologists convincingly show the role of communication with adults in general. mental development and development of the child's verbal function.

Speech, being a means of communication, occurs at a certain stage in the development of communication. The formation of speech activity is a complex process of interaction between a child and other people, carried out with the help of material and linguistic means. Speech does not arise from the very nature of the child, but is formed in the process of his existence in the social environment. Its emergence and development are caused by the needs of communication, the needs of the child's life. The contradictions that arise in communication lead to the emergence and development of the child's language ability, to the mastery of new means of communication, forms of speech. This is due to the cooperation of the child with an adult, which is built taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the baby.

1. Tasks for the development of children's speech.
2. Methodological principles of development
3. Means of speech development.
4. Types of classes in the native language.
5. Methods and techniques for the development of speech.

Changing the goal of speech development
The main goal of the work on the development of speech and teaching the native language
children - the formation of oral speech and speech communication skills with
surrounding on the basis of mastering the literary language of their
To teach children to speak their native language clearly and correctly, i.e. free
use the correct Russian language in communication with each other and
adults in various activities characteristic of preschool age.
Cultivate correctness and communication
expediency of speech.
In modern methodology, the goal of speech development of preschool children
age - the formation of not only correct, but also good oral speech,
of course, taking into account their age characteristics and capabilities.

Tasks of speech development of children

Basic units
Forms of speech
Speech Development Tasks
1. Vocabulary development
2. Education sound
speech culture
word form
3. Shaping
grammatical structure of speech
4. Development of coherent speech:
a) Formation
dialogical (colloquial)
b) formation
monologue speech

Types of classes in the native language
Mother tongue classes can be classified as:
1. depending on the leading task:
Classes for the formation of a dictionary (inspection of the premises, familiarization with
properties and qualities of objects);
classes on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech (didactic game
"Guess what's gone" - the formation of nouns plural. gender numbers. case);
Classes on the education of the sound culture of speech (training in the correct
sound pronunciation);
Classes for teaching coherent speech (conversations, all types of storytelling),
classes on the formation of the ability to analyze speech (preparation for
Classes to familiarize with fiction.

2. Depending on the application of visual
Classes that use objects of real
life, observation of the phenomena of reality
(viewing objects, observing animals and
plants, excursions);
Classes with the use of graphic visualization: with
toys (examining, talking about toys),
pictures (conversations, storytelling, didactic games);
verbal classes, without relying on visualization
(generalizing conversations, artistic reading and
storytelling, retelling, word games).


3. By didactic goals (by type of school lessons)
A. M. Borodich:
Classes on the communication of new material;
Classes to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities;
Classes on the generalization and systematization of knowledge;
final, or accounting and verification, classes;
Combined classes (mixed, combined).


4. Complex classes.. An integrated approach to
solving speech problems, an organic combination of different tasks
development of speech and thinking in one lesson. Complex classes
take into account the peculiarities of language acquisition by children as a single system
heterogeneous linguistic units.
5. Integrative lessons built on the principle
combining several types of children's activities and
different means of speech development. Typically, they use
different types of art, independent speech activity child and
integrate them thematically. For example: 1) reading a story about
birds, 2) collective drawing of birds and 3) storytelling of children from drawings.
6. Classes can be distinguished by the number of participants
frontal, with the whole group (subgroup) and

12. Classes for the development of speech and teaching the native language

13. Lesson structure

Abstract of the lesson on ......
(specify age group / year of study)
(educational tasks)
(developing tasks)
(educational tasks)
Methods and techniques:
Preliminary work (preparation for the lesson):
Lesson progress:
1. Introductory part (organizational and motivational part).
2. The main part (activity).
3. Final (reflexive-evaluative).


Educational tasks involve the formation
knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject, depending on the type of training in
didactic purpose. For example:
Lesson on the formation of new knowledge, skills and abilities:
Introduce children to…
To give (shape) an idea about ...
Learn …
Lesson to improve knowledge, skills and abilities:
Continue introducing…
Continue to form ideas about ...
Continue building skills...
Continue building skills...
Strengthening session:
Clarify and deepen understanding...
Learn to apply...


Developing tasks involve the development
mental processes, fine motor skills.
For example:
The development of figurative imagination.
Development of verbal-logical thinking.
Development of analysis and synthesis operations…


Educational tasks involve the development of feelings
and personality traits.
For example:
Raising a sense of collectivism.
Help education.
The education of accuracy, bringing the work begun to the end.


Methods and techniques
Those methods and techniques are indicated,
that are used in this lesson.
For example:
questions, encouragement, modeling,
method control questions, conversation,
explanation, explanation, demonstration.


Demonstration material is material that
used by the teacher in class.
It can be:
Pictures, illustrations, tables, (title and author), typesetting
canvas (numbers, letters, geometric shapes, etc.)
Musical or sound material (title and author)
Literary material: poems, fairy tales, etc. (specify:
title and author).


Handout -
material to work with
children (indicate the number and
size per child).
For example:
A3 sheet, napkins, plain
pencil, colored paper...


Preliminary work (preparation for the lesson)
involves the implementation of preparatory
activities to improve the perception
material in class.
For example:
Conducting an excursion.
Watching a cartoon (name, for example: "Turnip", "How
the goat learned to count to 10"), etc..
Read the story...
Give the task to parents to observe some
phenomenon, consider the subject.


Classification of methods by means used
(visibility, word and practical action)
There are three groups of methods:
- visual,
- verbal,
- practical.

22. Methods of speech development

Visual Methods
Direct methods:
- Observation;
- Tours;
- Inspections of premises;
- Examination of natural
Indirect methods:
- looking at toys
- Looking at pictures
verbal methods
-Reading thin. works
- storytelling
thin works;
- learning by heart;
Practical Methods
- Didactic games;
- Dramatization games;
- dramatizations;
- Didactic exercises
- Plastic sketches;
- Round dance games.


Speech development techniques
position display
organs of articulation

24. The level of methodological preparedness of the educator for the lesson:

- having a plan
- the quality of planning,
- knowledge of the methodology (MRR),
- conformity program material the level of development of children,
- implementation of educational tasks,
- A complex approach,
- conformity of techniques and methods,
- a variety of techniques and methods,
- Ability to lead a team of children
- the speech of the educator,
- form of organization of children.

25. Individual style of activity

attention to
Pedagogical tact