How quickly people die from potassium cyanide. Something about potassium cyanide

One of the most dangerous poisons is potassium cyanide, whose effect on humans is simply destructive. The toxic substance was repeatedly used in attempts to poison famous figures; it is known from numerous detective stories as the poison of sophisticated killers. Due to the lack of odor and external resemblance to granulated sugar, there is a risk of accidental intoxication.

Potassium cyanide information

The chemical with the formula KCN belongs to the broad group of cyanides. It combines plant toxins and laboratory developments based on them. Potassium cyanide was first produced in Germany in the mid-19th century. long time went on sale freely in pharmacies. After numerous poisonings, it was banned for household work and was classified as one of the ten most dangerous compounds for humans.

In nature, cyanide is organic matter, which is part of many fruit acids. In minimal quantities it can be found in the juice and seeds of peach, plum, and some varieties of almonds. The molecules are found in the pulp of pears, apricots and apples. But the potassium cyanide content is so low that poisoning is impossible even if you eat several kilograms of fruit every day. Cyanide ions are included in the vitamin B12 formula and are involved in the process of hematopoiesis.

Potassium cyanide, made synthetically, is a derivative of hydrocyanic acid. It is widely used in printing and developing photographs, and is indispensable in the manufacture of paints and varnishes, chemical solutions and reagents. With its help, jewelers create unique masterpieces from gold, and toxic compounds help get rid of pests and insects on farms.

There is a widespread belief about what cyanide smells like. Many people not involved in chemical production are sure that the toxin has an almond aroma. Therefore, the victim will have a specific smell from the mouth, which will facilitate diagnosis. In reality, there is no such sign, and an attempt to sniff the powder can result in poisoning.

Effect of potassium cyanide on the body

Anyone should know what potassium cyanide looks like in order to prevent a dangerous situation in a timely manner. The structure of the industrially produced composition resembles white sugar crystals. It dissolves easily in liquids without betraying its taste or aroma.

In most cases, poisoning is oral; potassium cyanide is absorbed through food and drinks. Airborne intoxication occurs when working with certain types of gouache, inhaling fine powder during an accident in the workshop, or treating the room for rodents. There is a danger of injury if the composition gets on open wounds or hangnails on the fingers.

The effect of potassium cyanide on the body is to block the enzyme cytochrome oxidase. He participates in everything vitally important processes, stimulates the division of new cells, binds and transports oxygen molecules, saturating soft tissues and mucous membranes. Cyanide blocks this connection with hemoglobin, stopping the functioning of all systems and organs. The mechanism resembles suffocation from lack of oxygen.

Symptoms of Cyanide Poisoning

The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of potassium cyanide consumed, therefore, acute and chronic stages of poisoning are distinguished. The lethal dose of cyanide is 17 mg per 1 kg of body weight. At concentrations of 10 to 15 mg severe damage internal organs occurs within 30–40 minutes. With a single dose of 50 mg, a person dies within 1 minute.

The lethal dose depends on the weight, age and health characteristics of the victim. There are several ways to be poisoned by potassium cyanide:

  • in case of an emergency leak at the enterprise;
  • in case of violation of storage rules in the laboratory or at home;
  • when working with powder without protective equipment.

Another common method for producing a high dose of potassium cyanide is based on chemical reactions. Some people unknowingly keep the composition in a room with high humidity. When the critical norm of water in the air is exceeded, decomposition into components occurs, the formula is disrupted, senile hydrogen, sodium and toxic fumes are released, which remain in the room and settle on the mucous membranes and alveoli of the bronchi.

Knowing how potassium cyanide works and its toxicity, acute poisoning can be diagnosed by symptoms. There are several stages of development of intoxication:

  1. There is a headache, spasms in the temples, severe dizziness. When measuring the pulse, there is a noticeable increase in heart rate, the heart rhythm is disturbed, the skin on the face and chest turns red from a sudden rush of blood.
  2. Breathing becomes frequent and loud, adding a feeling of lack of air. The person tries to take a deep breath, but does not feel relief. The pupils dilate, practically do not react to light, and vomiting may occur.
  3. Lack of oxygen in the blood provokes fainting, limb cramps, and smooth muscle spasms. Poisoning with potassium cyanide increases the risk of a seizure with damage to the tongue.
  4. The patient is paralyzed, the reaction to pain and irritants completely disappears. As with a stroke, involuntary bowel movements begin, Bladder. Death from potassium cyanide occurs after excruciating agony from respiratory paralysis and death of brain cells.

Important! During the Cold War, intelligence officers and secret agents had a miniature cyanide capsule sewn into the inside of their cheeks, which, when bitten, resulted in instant death and helped avoid torture and loss of important information.

Doctors explain what will happen if you drink potassium cyanide in a minimal dosage. The main blow falls on the liver, which diligently neutralizes toxic compounds. It protects hemoglobin cells and destroys their binding with poisons. In this situation, the symptoms are mild, the victim only feels dizziness and malaise.

It is more difficult to detect chronic potassium cyanide poisoning. When entering the blood daily, the particles settle in soft tissues, and the properties appear gradually. A person feels tired, and due to insufficient oxygen supply, he is overcome by drowsiness and absent-mindedness. Blood tests show a decrease in hemoglobin and an increase in liver tests.

First aid for potassium cyanide intoxication

If a person exhibits symptoms of potassium cyanide poisoning, first aid must be provided immediately - the victim’s life may depend on the speed and correctness of actions. The patient must be provided with a flow of fresh air and taken outside from a room saturated with toxic fumes. At the same time, an ambulance is called, following the operator’s recommendations.

Potassium cyanide is a poison that can penetrate through pores and cuts on the skin, so work clothes are removed from the person. Exposed areas of the body are wiped with a towel dipped in soapy water. While maintaining consciousness, it is necessary to rinse the mouth and rinse the nose from dust. To prepare a disinfecting solution, use hydrogen peroxide, baking soda or antiseptics.

It is important to provide proper assistance in case of loss of consciousness:

  1. The victim is placed on his side so that he does not choke on the vomit.
  2. Constantly check your pulse, monitor your breathing rate and chest contractions.
  3. If necessary, perform a cardiac massage.

After hospitalization of the patient, the person who provided assistance must contact a medical facility. He also needs to be given an antidote to prevent secondary potassium poisoning. The following drugs act in this capacity:

  • sodium nitrite;
  • glucose;
  • any hemoglobin converters;
  • amyl nitrite;
  • sodium thiosulfate.

At home, before the doctor arrives, you can give regular sugar. Sweet glucose perfectly replaces the antidote and breaks down potassium cyanide into compounds k2c2o4 and salts that are safe for the body. It is offered to the patient in the form of a piece of refined sugar, concentrated syrup. If the chewing muscles are weak, pour one spoonful of sweetened tea or water into the mouth and allow a little sand to dissolve. This procedure is strictly prohibited for diabetes mellitus.

It should be remembered that to neutralize potassium cyanide, a direct reaction with a product containing glucose and its derivatives is necessary. Therefore, the sweet medicine should be obtained as early as possible to ensure contact of the chemicals in the stomach. If the poison gets into the blood and several hours have passed, it will be impossible to correct the situation.

Upon admission to the hospital, the first action of toxicologists is to administer the drugs Lobelin or Cititon. They are designed to stimulate the parts of the brain responsible for breathing. Additionally, the victim is transferred to artificial ventilation, and the concentration of oxygen ions is increased. The following steps can help make potassium cyanide safer:

In the case of the patient, the patient is kept under constant observation. On the second day, potassium cyanide intoxication often causes kidney dysfunction, liver damage and other life-threatening complications. Complete rehabilitation takes several months.

Possible consequences

Whether potassium cyanide kills quickly or slowly depends on the dose taken. But a person rarely manages to fully recover: the chemical and oxygen starvation provoke the death of brain cells. The victim has problems with memory, assimilation of information, and coordination of movements is impaired. Health consequences may include:

  • decreased liver function;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • deterioration of the thyroid gland;
  • problems with conception.

Half of those affected by potassium cyanide develop long-term neuroses, characterized by uncontrolled surges in blood pressure, arrhythmia, and frequent. The person experiences mood swings, becomes irritable and inattentive.

Prevention when working with cyanides

At enterprises that actively use the chemical as a reagent, the emphasis is on respiratory and skin protection. All actions must be carried out in special clothing and gloves using masks and respirators. Considering that when there is a leak, the smell of potassium cyanide is not noticeable, professionals resort to a trick: they put a piece of sugar in the cheek. When the toxin gets into the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, it is instantly neutralized. To reduce the risk of poisoning, you should follow the recommendations:

  1. In workshops where potassium cyanide or hydrocyanic acid is contained, carry out preventive training for neutralization.
  2. Visit your therapist regularly for examinations and tests.
  3. Do not try the powder on your tongue unknown origin, do not check what cyanide smells like.

At home, toxicologists do not recommend eating or medicinal purposes core of apricot kernels. If you are going to work with paints based on potassium cyanide at home, you should purchase an antidote and familiarize yourself with the specifics of first aid.

Potassium cyanide is a chemical compound that has found application in medicine, used in various industries, chemical formula KCN. Over the centuries, the substance has become a means to eliminate ill-wishers. Modern diagnostic methods completely exclude this possibility of poisoning due to the rapid detection of poison in human tissues and organs. An effective antidote has also been synthesized to provide urgent assistance in case of accidental intoxication. It will not be possible to buy the drug in a pharmacy - pharmacists and pharmacists have long stopped using it in tinctures and ointments and purchasing it in finished form.

Physicochemical characteristics

Many people learned what potassium cyanide is only after reading action-packed detective stories or watching historical TV series. For scientists, this is a compound obtained during a chemical reaction between hydrocyanic acid and easily soluble potassium salts. After diluting cyanide in water, a clear, odorless solution is formed.

The widespread belief that hydrocyanic acid smells like almonds is just a myth. Error of judgment is based on the presence of poison in the bones fruit trees. If the poison is extracted in this way, then a huge amount of plant material will be required to be able to smell the potassium cyanide.

Externally, potassium cyanide resembles ordinary granulated sugar and looks like a fine-crystalline powder. As the moisture content in the surrounding space increases, the substance loses its stability and decomposes into neutral ingredients. But toxic fumes can accumulate in the air, which will cause human poisoning. Hydrocyanic acid is a weak compound, so it is easily replaced in dilution by salts formed by stronger and more stable acids.

Potassium cyanide is an inorganic compound of hydrocyanic acid with a simple chemical composition. It quickly decomposes in liquids into cations and anions, and no conditions are required to enter into reactions. When the poison is diluted in glucose solutions, its instant oxidation occurs. Therefore, when carrying out detoxification therapy, glucose can be used as an antidote that neutralizes the effect of the poison.

Currently, poisoning from a toxic compound occurs extremely rarely. Usually the causes of intoxication are:

  • improper storage of the substance at home;
  • occurrence of emergency situations in industrial production. Despite the presence of modern treatment facilities, toxic fumes quickly spread indoors and penetrate the human body.

The use of potassium cyanide at certain stages of technological processes as an ingredient or catalyst does not exclude the possibility of poisoning by vapors or gases. The poison enters the respiratory tract and then into the bloodstream. After just a short time, a sufficient concentration of the chemical accumulates in it to cause death.

Intoxication can develop after the poison gets on the skin and mucous membranes. In the presence of microcracks, open wounds or scratches, the poison enters the bloodstream, and at the site of its penetration it develops inflammatory process: redness and rashes appear. Potassium cyanide is able to bind to red blood cells, reducing their functional activity in delivering molecular oxygen to tissues.

Toxic effect on the human body

Intoxication with KCN in significant concentrations results in the death of a person as a result of respiratory arrest
. A chemical interaction occurs between the compound and cytochrome oxidase, one of the cellular enzymes. Ferric iron turns out to be bound, which makes electron transfer impossible. Violation of their transportation leads to the cessation of adenosine triphosphate synthesis. This organic substance is a universal energy accumulator in biological systems.

A paradoxical situation arises - a deficiency of molecular oxygen develops in organs and tissues, and its excess concentration is found in the bloodstream, but it is very tightly bound to red blood cells. Therefore, when autopsying people who died from this poison, the cause of death can be immediately determined: the color of the blood in all veins becomes bright red as a result of an increase in hemoglobin content.

Neutralization of red blood cells leads to oxygen starvation of tissues and a decrease in the functional activity of all vital systems. The metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates slows down and they begin to accumulate in the body. The lack of molecular oxygen has a particularly negative effect on brain cells – neurons. The process of transmitting impulses to the central and vegetative nervous system. The lack of innervation provokes the following effect of KCN on humans:

  • breathing problems;
  • disorder of the cardiovascular system;
  • impairment of blood filtration and urine excretion from the body.

The poison is carried by the bloodstream to the liver cells, damaging them, which leads to distortion of metabolic processes.

The lethal dose for humans of the toxic compound is 1.6 mg/kg. But it may vary depending on:

  • health conditions;
  • gender;
  • age of the victim;
  • routes of penetration of a toxic compound into the body.

The toxic properties of this salt of hydrocyanic acid made it possible to classify it as a potent poison. Potassium cyanide is subject to quantitative accounting in industrial production for the prevention of severe intoxications.

Poisoning prevention measures include strict monitoring of compliance with safety precautions when working with highly toxic substances. But the ability of the poison to quickly undergo hydrolysis and evaporate into the surrounding space sometimes leads to the penetration of a small amount of the chemical compound into the body. Toxicologists advise employees to always carry compressed sugar with them. Its use slows down the absorption of potassium cyanide into the bloodstream.

Signs of poisoning will appear faster if there is no food in the person’s stomach. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins can partially bind a toxic compound and prevent its absorption by the gastric mucosa.

A small amount of potassium cyanide can always be found in cells and tissues. The chemical compound takes part in the metabolism of biologically active substances, water- and fat-soluble vitamins, and enzymes. The smoker's body contains a lot of hydrocyanic acid salts, which penetrate into the blood from tobacco.

Beneficial properties of the chemical compound

Potassium cyanide is not stable. The cyano group is quickly replaced by salts formed by stronger acids, as a result of which the compound loses its toxic properties. This quality is widely used at certain stages of technological processes in various industries.

What is potassium cyanide - a compound used as an ingredient and also a catalyst that accelerates the speed chemical reactions. At mining and processing plants and in galvanic production, it is used to oxidize noble metals (gold, platinum). The toxic substance is included in reagents for developing photographic film and removing plaque from the surface of jewelry. Entomologists use KCN to kill butterflies and dragonflies. People who are interested in painting encounter hydrocyanic acid salts when diluting paints for painting:

  • "milori";
  • "Prussian blue";
  • "Prussian blue"

These types of gouache and watercolor paint the canvas a bright blue. The term “hydrocyanic” characterizes the ability of the acid to give objects blue and intensely blue colors in the presence of iron cations.

Acute and chronic poison intoxication can be diagnosed in people not involved in production precious metals. About ten years ago, at mining and processing plants in countries of Eastern Europe Toxic waste was released into the Danube. The local population used the water for domestic and household needs; people ate fish caught in the reservoir. After a few months, the number of patients with symptoms of chronic intoxication increased significantly.

Potassium cyanide does not occur in nature in concentrated form. But the seeds of fruit trees of the Rosaceae family contain a small amount of amygdalin, a substance that contains a cyano group. Most of the poison is found in the kernels:

  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • almonds;
  • cherries;
  • drain

Young elderberry leaves and shoots contain a lot of potassium cyanide, which can cause poisoning in pets. Amygdalin in the human body is hydrolyzed to hydrocyanic acid, which has similar properties to its salts. Death from KCN will occur after consuming 90-110 g of apricot kernels. The fresh product is the most toxic, since during heat treatment or drying, amygdalin loses its toxic properties.

Potassium cyanide is a component of some insecticides. IN agriculture it is used to kill rodents that enter grain storage facilities. There is a high probability of poisoning if safety rules when working with poisons are not followed, as well as if they are improperly stored in places where containers with powder are easily accessible.

Intoxication Clinic

To conduct adequate detoxification therapy, doctors need to find out what concentration of poison is circulating in the victim’s body. Characteristic signs drug poisoning occurs when any amount of poison enters the bloodstream, but their severity will vary. In addition to the dose of the toxic compound, the symptoms are directly dependent on the person’s age and history of diseases. Treatment tactics for hydrocyanic acid salt poisoning differ at certain stages of the pathological process.

Mild degree of poisoning

No treatment is required at this stage of intoxication. A small amount of poison entered the victim’s body, which was not capable of affecting health. The person should be taken out of the room into fresh air and all symptoms of poisoning will quickly disappear. These include:

  • dry throat, desire to cough;
  • metallic taste in the mouth, feeling of numbness in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract;
  • disorders of the digestive tract: nausea, sour belching, urge to defecate;
  • feeling of lack of air, slight dizziness;
  • excessive secretion of saliva;
  • rapid heartbeat, arterial hypertension.

The same symptoms can occur with chronic poisoning. The lack of treatment is explained by the fact that a person, as a rule, does not attach importance to the negative signs of intoxication, attributing them to fatigue or temporary malaise.

Average degree of poisoning

As the concentration of KCN in the bloodstream increases, signs of malfunction develop central system
. The situation is complicated by the fact that the victim often cannot understand the seriousness of what is happening due to the emergence of emotional instability. The following symptoms are typical for this stage of poisoning:

  • increased anxiety or restlessness, sharply replaced by lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • lack of coordination in space, unsteadiness of gait, dizziness;
  • feverish state, cold sweat, chills;
  • breathing problems, shortness of breath;
  • flushing of blood to the face and upper body;
  • dryness of all mucous membranes;
  • trembling of arms and legs.

A characteristic feature of the symptoms at this stage of intoxication is severe protrusion of the eyes. Together with redness of the mucous membranes, the symptom is one of the main diagnostic signs of poisoning with this poison.

Emotional instability is expressed in the occurrence of severe fear in a person. He wants to run somewhere, take some action, most often absolutely meaningless. In this state, the victim can harm himself and the people around him.

Severe poisoning

At this stage of intoxication, a person needs urgent hospitalization and detoxification therapy, including the use of an antidote. The severity of symptoms increases, provoking a decrease in the functional activity of all vital systems. What signs of intoxication occur at this stage:

  • tremor of the upper and lower extremities;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • decreased tactile, muscle, tendon reflexes;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, feeling of fullness in the epigastric area;
  • thready pulse, arterial hypotension;
  • temperature increase.

This degree of poisoning with this drug is characterized by urinary disturbances.. Blood filtration by the kidneys is disrupted - toxic compounds and metabolic products of substances remain in the body. When the bladder is emptied, a small amount of cloudy urine is released. The victim may involuntarily have a bowel movement due to a decrease in the tone of his smooth muscle muscles.

Paralytic stage of intoxication

After entering the body lethal dose poison there is little time left to neutralize the effect of the poison, administer an antidote to the victim
. This stage of poisoning often ends in the death of a person if detoxification therapy and resuscitation measures are not carried out within 10-20 minutes. At this stage, the victim experiences the following symptoms:

  • shallow breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • lack of pupil reaction to light;
  • lack of urination;
  • low blood pressure.

Poisoning with hydrocyanic acid salts is characterized by the appearance of a bright blush and redness of the mucous membranes. Oxygen starvation of brain cells develops. He is not able to fully regulate vital systems. The result is pulmonary edema and cardiac arrest. Death occurs most often when KCN penetrates the stomach and when toxic fumes are inhaled.

First aid for poisoning

The toxic effect of potassium cyanide on the human body manifests itself rapidly, therefore, you should immediately call an ambulance and tell the doctor the cause of intoxication.

As a rule, in all industrial production that use hydrocyanic acid compounds, there are ampoules with antidote in the first aid kit. The antidote is administered parenterally in accordance with the attached instructions.

While waiting for a doctor, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim:

  • put the person to bed, talk to him so that he is conscious;
  • in case of cardiac arrest, perform indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration;
  • turn the victim on his side, as he may choke on vomit;
  • rinse the stomach with a pink solution of potassium permanganate until clear liquid leaves;
  • give any adsorbent or enterosorbent;
  • give the person strong and very sweet tea to bind the poison.

The victim will be urgently hospitalized for detoxification treatment with solutions of glucose and mineral salts. Potassium cyanide poisoning will require a long rehabilitation period. If a large amount of a toxic compound enters the body, there may be dangerous consequences: urinary disturbances, liver cell damage, exacerbation of chronic diseases.


The famous potassium cyanide actually does not look very impressive - like a colorless crystalline powder with a density of about 1.52 g/cm 3 . Chemical formula - KCN. It dissolves quite well in water and hot ethyl alcohol. And it is extremely poisonous - so much so that in the laboratory it is handled with extreme caution; all reactions are carried out only with gloves and only in a fume hood with good draft. The melting point of cyanide is 634.5 degrees Celsius, the liquid form is mobile, like ordinary water. When dry, the substance is odorless, but when it captures moisture from the air and reacts with carbon dioxide, it can smell like bitter almonds. It is quite possible to obtain potassium cyanide at home if you have access to some reagents, but this is highly not recommended, since the unlucky chemist may be poisoned by toxic fumes.

Effect on humans

The mechanism of action of KCN in the human body is as follows: it binds an enzyme called “cytochrome oxidase” and blocks the flow of oxygen into cells, so that the body literally suffocates at the cellular level. When a person is poisoned, he feels a severe headache, nausea, a bitter taste in the mouth, profuse salivation, a fairly noticeable smell of bitter almonds may emanate from his face, and vomiting may begin. A noticeable blush appears on the face, the mucous membranes acquire a bright pink color. At high concentrations of hydrocyanic acid, death occurs almost instantly. By the way, potassium cyanide and related compounds can be found in those same almonds, as well as in the grains of apples, apricots and plums. But in order to get poisoned, you need to eat a large amount of these foods. In small doses, the human body can completely neutralize the poison.

First aid, antidotes

It should be noted that the symptoms may be blurred if the poison was taken on a full stomach or together with sugars. The first thing to do if you notice symptoms similar to exposure to KCN is to call a doctor. The sooner this is done, the greater the chance of saving the life of a poisoned person. In the event that potassium cyanide enters the body through digestive system, you need to rinse your stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate or just salted water. If there is a suspicion that poisoning occurred through the skin or respiratory system, you need to take the person out of the room into fresh air and remove the supposedly contaminated clothing. He needs to be kept calm until the doctors arrive. In medicine, the following antidotes are traditionally used intravenously: sodium nitrite, amyl nitrite, sodium thiosulfate. Additionally, therapy is performed with a glucose solution with ascorbic acid, oxygen therapy, and drugs that regulate cardiac activity are used. Working with cyanide in laboratories should be carried out with extreme caution. And for “home” chemists there should not be a question at all about where to buy potassium cyanide - it is not sold in its pure form. And although highlight it knowledgeable person It’s not difficult, you shouldn’t experiment with your own health.

What do Grigory Rasputin, Vladimir Lenin and an unknown elephant named Yambo have in common? A lover of action-packed detective novels, in which treacherous crimes are accompanied by an almond aroma, can easily answer this question.

Potassium cyanide is a substance that became an effective replacement for the “royal poison” and took part in many political feuds, where it was necessary to remove those disliked by the regime from the road statesmen. At one time they tried to deal with the help of this poison not only with the power-hungry old man, the leader of the Communist Party and other prominent persons, but also with the unfortunate animal from the Odessa circus. Moreover, the elephant Yambo went down in history because his poisoning, like the poisoning of Rasputin, was not successful.

This strongest inorganic poison is not available to anyone today. ordinary person, so cyanide poisoning is very rare. However, the industry uses enough poisonous and toxic substances to cause harm without even being in an Agatha Christie novel.

Taking precautions when coming into contact with hazardous chemical compounds is often not enough and it is necessary to know how potassium cyanide affects humans in order to provide first aid in a timely manner.

What is potassium cyanide and what is it eaten with?

It is not known for certain when humanity first became acquainted with hydrocyanic acid derivatives and their properties. Cyanides boast ancient origins and rich history: These substances were first mentioned by the ancient Egyptians, who obtained them from peach pits.

The assumption of a deadly poison in such a popular delicacy seems absurd, however, more than two and a half hundred plants of the plum genus have similar properties. Why has no one been poisoned by eating the fruits of these trees yet?

The secret is quite simple: the poison is contained in fruit seeds. During metabolism, a natural glycoside called amygdalin is broken down by enzymes gastric juice and forms toxic compounds. After hydrolysis, the amygdalin molecule loses glucose and breaks down into benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid.

There are no documented cases of death from eating the fruit in the medical literature, since cyanide poisoning requires eating so many seeds raw. However, a child can become poisoned by swallowing 10 or more seeds, so parents need to be extremely careful.

Jams, compotes, and tinctures made from these fruits do not actually pose a threat, even if you do not remove the seeds from the fruits. After heat treatment and preservation, amygdalin loses its toxic properties, and the potassium salt of hydrocyanic acid itself dissolves well in water and alcohol.

Cyanide itself is an unremarkable white powder, but its compounds with iron molecules are distinguished by a variety of shades of blue. Thanks to this property, the substance is more popularly known as “blue,” and one of the most famous dyes based on it is Prussian blue. It was from this substance that it was first chemically synthesized by a Swedish scientist.

Areas of human activity in which one may encounter cyanide today:

  • agriculture and entomology (used as an insecticide);
  • mining and processing production;
  • creation of galvanic coatings;
  • production of plastic and products made from it;
  • developing photographic film;
  • production of fabric dyes and paints for artists in all shades of blue;
  • military affairs (during Nazi Germany).

Industrial enterprises where potassium cyanide is actively used can pose a danger even to the non-industrial population. Toxic wastewater pollutes water bodies and causes the death of their inhabitants and mass poisoning among people.

It has been proven that the sense of smell largely depends on a person’s genetic characteristics. The characteristic almond aroma appears during the hydrolysis of hydrocyanic acid - the smell of hydrogen cyanide, which is released in the process. There is a possibility of poisoning by the vapors of this substance, so it is highly not recommended to empirically test what cyanide smells like.

How does potassium cyanide work?

There is an opinion that if a small amount of this substance enters the stomach, instant death occurs. This statement is only half true.

Indeed, potassium cyanide is a dangerous poison for humans, but in fact, the use of this substance does not lead to immediate death. The mechanism of its action on the human body is more complex than it might seem:

  1. A special enzyme, cytochrome oxidase, is responsible for the absorption of oxygen at the cellular level. During the studies, the venous blood of the test animals was bright scarlet, like arterial blood. This indicated that when it enters the body, the poison blocks this enzyme.
  2. Next, oxygen metabolism is disrupted and oxygen starvation of cells occurs. Oxygen molecules circulate freely in the blood, bound to hemoglobin.
  3. Cells gradually begin to die, the normal functioning of internal organs is disrupted, and then their activity stops altogether.
  4. The result is death, which in all respects resembles suffocation.

It can be seen that death from cyanide poisoning does not occur immediately, but a person can lose consciousness very quickly due to lack of oxygen.

Damage to the body is possible not only when poison enters the stomach, but also when inhaling its vapors and when it comes into contact with the skin (especially in places of damage).

How does poisoning manifest itself?

As with most intoxications, the result of a person’s encounter with this poison can take both acute and chronic forms.

Acute poisoning occurs immediately a few minutes after ingesting the poison or inhaling cyanide powder. This effect of potassium cyanide on humans is due to the fact that the substance is quickly absorbed into the blood through the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach.

Poisoning can be divided into four main phases, each of which is characterized by special features:

  1. The first prodromal phase, during which symptoms just begin to appear:
  • discomfort and bitterness in the mouth;
  • sore throat, irritation of mucous membranes;
  • increased salivation;
  • slight numbness of the mucous membranes;
  • dizziness accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • squeezing pain in chest.
  1. At the second stage it is observed active development oxygen starvation of the body:
  • drop in blood pressure, slowing heart rate and pulse;
  • increased pain and heaviness in the piles;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • general weakness, severe dizziness;
  • redness and protrusion of the eyes as if suffocating, dilated pupils;
  • the appearance of a feeling of fear, panic.
  1. The above picture is complemented by convulsive twitching, convulsions, and involuntary defecation and urination may occur. When a lethal dose is consumed, the patient loses consciousness.
  2. At this stage, death is inevitable. Death occurs 20-40 minutes after the first signs appear as a result of respiratory paralysis and cardiac arrest.

At full strength, the poison acts in the body for about four hours. If death does not occur during this time, the patient, as a rule, remains alive. But even after complete recovery, the activity of areas of the cerebral cortex is disrupted, the functionality of which can no longer be restored.

A person’s life can be saved if you immediately call an ambulance and promptly provide first aid before the medical team arrives:

  • provide the patient with free breathing;
  • remove constrictive clothing and things that may have been exposed to poison;
  • rinse the stomach as quickly as possible with plenty of water, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda.

If the victim is unconscious, it is necessary, if possible, to resuscitate him using artificial respiration and cardiac massage. Upon arrival of the doctor, the patient will be given a specific antidote that will neutralize the effect of the poison.

Such poisonings are very serious and dangerous, so treatment should occur in a hospital and be prescribed after examining the patient and taking his tests.

Potassium cyanide antidote

As they say last news in the field of chemistry and biology, a new fast-acting antidote against cyanide was recently invented. Scientists claim that this substance can neutralize the toxin within three minutes. However, it has not yet become widespread, and the antidotes it uses modern medicine, act very slowly.

Help, as a rule, is provided with the help of nitrogenous substances and compounds that easily release sulfur from the group of methemoglobin-forming agents. There are several varieties of such antidotes, which differ in their methods of application, but act on the same principle: they “tear off” oxygen from hemoglobin so that it gains the ability to cleanse cells of toxin. Most often, the victim is given amyl nitrite to sniff, sodium nitrite or methyl blue is injected intravenously in the form of a solution.

One of the most unexpected antidotes and the reason for the failure of the killers of Rasputin and the elephant Yambo is glucose. They tried to treat both of them with sweets filled with cyanide. When the poison has already entered the blood, glucose is useless and can only serve as an auxiliary agent for the treatment of poisoning, but it can weaken the effect of the toxin by entering into synthesis with it. Sulfur has the same property, the presence of which in large quantities in the victim’s stomach reduces the effectiveness of the poison.

Industrial workers exposed to potassium cyanide take precautions and often use sugar as an additional means of protection. However, this cannot fully protect against the accumulation of toxic substances in the body. If chronic poisoning is suspected, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination to prescribe the correct treatment.

Potassium cyanide is a poison that replaced arsenic and has been used more than once in the murders of political figures. After the discovery of the characteristics of white crystals, potassium cyanide was banned from public sale. According to toxicologists, the inorganic substance ranks fifth in the ranking of fast-acting poisons. When working with this chemical component, observing safety measures is not enough - you need to know the mechanism of action of the poison and be able to help the victim in a timely manner.

What is potassium cyanide?

Potassium cyanide is a derivative of hydrocyanic acid, designated by the chemical formula KCN. In a solid aggregate state it looks like a crystalline powder without color. This is an unstable compound, since hydrocyanic acid is a weak complex of ionic elements. The cyano group is replaced by any salts of stronger acids, which evaporates in the form of vapor. The gaseous state becomes poisonous, while the residue is rendered harmless. The bonds are easily broken by a concentrated solution of glucose, during heat treatment and under conditions of high humidity.

Types and characteristics

The toxic substance is found in peaches and 250 varieties of plums. When eating fruits, poisoning does not occur, since the poison is contained in the seeds. As a result of metabolism, amygdalin from the group of natural glycosides is broken down under the influence of of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, forming a toxin. The remaining substance breaks down into glucose, benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid. Sugar instantly neutralizes the resulting amount of cyanide, resulting in no threat to human health.


  1. By appearance resembles crystals of refined sugar.
  2. Cyanide dissolves freely in water without affecting the color or density of the liquid.
  3. In the presence of toxic fumes or crystals, a person perceives a slight odor of almonds.

The olfactory receptors of 50% of people recognize aroma. The peculiarity depends on individual characteristics and genetic factors. Due to the risk of poisoning, it is not recommended to heavily inhale air containing toxic fumes.

Where are cyanides found?

Crystals of potassium cyanide cannot be found in nature. A dangerous substance is produced by cells poisonous plants. Present in small quantities in the seeds:

  • apricots;
  • plums;
  • peaches;
  • cherries.

Cyanide is used in mining, jewelry, and paint production. Chemical poisoning threatens employees industrial enterprises, laboratory assistants and chemists. In the domestic sphere, the toxic compound is found in photo reagents and pest control products.

Human exposure and risk of poisoning

There is a hypothesis that when crystals enter the stomach, death occurs instantly. The theory is confirmed in only 50% of clinical experiments on animals.

Potassium cyanide is dangerous to the human body, but the likelihood of instant death if consumed orally is minimal. The principle of action of the chemical substance is difficult to understand and is divided in the scientific field into 4 stages of poisoning:

Research has shown that death does not occur instantly. Due to a lack of oxygen, a person can lose consciousness, which others perceive as fatal. Within a minute, due to the cessation of the diaphragm, breathing is not felt, the heart refuses to generate nerve impulses. The pulse is threadlike. 5 minutes after breathing and heartbeat stop, the body dies completely.

A toxic compound can penetrate the body not only through oral administration, but also through inhalation gaseous state, when poison enters the body through the skin by diffusion or when it enters the bloodstream through wounds.


In 85% of cases, poisoning takes a chronic or acute form. In the latter case, signs of poisoning appear 2–3 minutes after using potassium cyanide in food or when inhaling it in the form of steam or powder.

The rapid action is due to the penetration of the chemical compound into the blood vessels through the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus, and through the walls of the stomach during the digestive act.

In 4 phases of poisoning, different symptoms are observed:

Stage name Signs of poisoning
Prodromal (beginning of symptoms of poisoning)
  • sore throat;
  • irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs;
  • strengthening the work of the salivary glands;
  • bitter taste on the tongue;
  • slight numbness of the soft palate, lips;
  • nausea, vomiting due to dizziness;
  • a squeezing sensation in the chest, turning into pain.
Active process of oxygen starvation
  • decreased heart rate due to a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • shortness of breath - it is difficult to breathe;
  • muscle fibers stop contracting - weakness;
  • dilated pupils;
  • panic, fear;
  • the eyes become red, the person opens his eyelids wide.
Cell death
  • increasing spasms of the smooth and skeletal muscles, convulsions;
  • involuntary urination, bowel movements;
  • loss of consciousness.
Death After cellular respiration stops, death occurs within 5–20 minutes, depending on the dose taken

A person begins to feel symptoms within 40 minutes if the dosage is small. The concentration in the blood does not reach lethal levels, and the liver cells cope with neutralizing the poison.

Cyanide poisoning in chronic form passes more smoothly. Intoxication lasts several days: toxic substances accumulate, gradually weakening the body. The likelihood of death increases every day. Symptoms begin to appear slowly.

Potassium cyanide circulates in the blood for up to 4 hours. If death does not occur within this period, the body begins to eliminate the poison, and the person survives. Poisoning leaves its mark: disruption of brain activity occurs due to the death of neurons as a result of oxygen starvation. It is impossible to restore lost connections.

First aid and treatment

At the first symptoms of intoxication, it is necessary to call an ambulance, and then provide prompt first aid:

  1. Provide access fresh air. If a person is poisoned by vapors, remove them from constrictive clothing.
  2. If a toxic compound enters the mouth, rinse the stomach with plenty of water, soda, and a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. If there is no consciousness, a pulse cannot be felt, and breathing has stopped, resuscitation measures are taken. Two mouth-to-mouth breaths of mechanical ventilation alternate with 30 rapid compressions in the heart area.
  4. The toxin can penetrate the skin if it permeates clothing. The poisonous tissue must be removed to prevent further intoxication.

IN medical institution specialists determine the degree of poisoning and administer an antidote to neutralize potassium cyanide. Analysis and medication therapy, including an antidote, are prescribed. In a difficult situation, the patient is hospitalized and the cyanide is gradually removed under inpatient conditions.

Medicinal assistance is provided with the help of nitrogen-containing drugs and substances that release sulfur radicals from methemoglobin formers. Groups of medications converge in the mechanism of action - they promote the separation of oxygen molecules from hemoglobin, restoring the respiratory process in cells. In practice they use:

  • Amyl nitrite vapor;
  • intravenous solution of sodium nitrite;
  • Methylene Blue solution.

An unexpected discovery in beginning of XXI V. - antidote to potassium cyanide (glucose). Sugar was responsible for the failure of a number of assassination attempts on Rasputin and the elephant Yambo, as the killers put the poison in the confectionery. If cyanide has already entered the body, there is no use in eating glucose. The monosaccharide is able to weaken the effect of the toxin only through direct contact as a result of a synthesis reaction. Sulfur has a similar property, the molecules of which neutralize poison in the stomach.

An increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma after a meal helps to neutralize the toxin in the blood vessels.

If there are signs of chronic intoxication, it is necessary to stop contact with the toxic substance and undergo a medical examination.


Acute poisoning by one of the deadly poisons disrupts brain activity and can lead to death. 85% of potassium cyanide poisoning cases occur among workers in laboratories and the mining industry. Workers in relevant professions must observe safety precautions:

  1. If vapors leak or the equipment is not sealed, you must leave the room immediately.
  2. It is necessary to work only in special protective suits.
  3. Before interacting with the toxin, you need to wear glasses, because the toxic compound can settle on contact lenses.
  4. It is required to store an antidote in the first aid kit of the workroom.
  5. It is necessary to be able to provide first aid and know resuscitation procedures.
  6. Pulmonologist, Therapist, Cardiologist, Functional Diagnostics Doctor. Doctor of the highest category. Work experience: 9 years. Graduated from Khabarovsk State Medical Institute, clinical residency in therapy. I am engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organs, and also conduct medical examinations. I treat diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system.