How to grow variegated and reed phalaris in the garden and pond. Phalaris reed in the garden and in the pond Phalaris reed in landscape design

Phalaris belongs to the perennial plants of the grass family. It can often be seen in city parks. It also has other names: reed canary grass or two-tasseled grass. It is planted in flower beds and used to create landscape design around a pond. It does not require special care or a specific type of soil.

Phalaris is a plant from the grass family.

Description of the plant

Decorative elongated leaves with white and yellow stripes are of great interest to gardeners. However, Phalaris reed flowers do not attract special attention, and therefore it is used in gardening design solely because of its beautiful leaves.

The name canary grass originates from the distant past, when the seeds of this plant were used as food for poultry, as well as canaries.

It is interesting to know that the following crops belong to the cereal family:

  • rye;
  • wheat;
  • sorghum;
  • maned barley;
  • triticale;
  • millet;
  • ground reed grass;
  • timothy grass;
  • wheatgrass;
  • bison;
  • chumiza;
  • the fire is boneless;
  • fescue

This is an incomplete list of cereal crops.

It is noteworthy that variegated phalaris can reach a height of about 2 meters. In addition, it is characterized by a creeping rhizome, sharp leaves and panicle-shaped inflorescences. The plant reproduces using its roots. Phalaris is grown for food and also for decorative purposes. Variegated plant species are widely used as a garden crop. Flowering occurs from mid-July to early September. Many species of canary grass, of which there are more than 25, grow both in the steppe zone and high in the mountains. They grow wild along the banks of water bodies.

This plant is unpretentious; any soil is suitable for it. Canary grass grows in Europe, America and Asia.

Phalaris is unpretentious, grows on any soil

Phalaris species

IN wildlife There are about sixteen varieties of Phalaris. These include phalaris amethystine, phalaris angusta, phalaris aquatic, phalaris arundinacea, phalaris brachystachys, phalaris californica, etc.

The most popular species among gardeners are reed and Canarian falaris.

Varieties of this plant that are most popular for landscape design:

  • Feesey;
  • Luteopicta;
  • Picta;
  • Tricolor.

Reed phalaris is the most popular type of phalaris among gardeners

It is worth considering these four types in more detail..

  1. The Feesey variety has one distinctive feature - green leaves with elongated white stripes. Used in landscape design. It does not tolerate high temperatures, so the best time for its flowering is the off-season.
  2. Luteopicta is distinguished by the presence of yellow stripes. In hot weather, these stripes become green and the leaves become more faded.
  3. Picta is the most ancient ornamental species among cereal crops. Its green leaves have cream stripes.
  4. Tricolor - its name is due to the fact that in the cold season its leaves take on a pink tint.

These varieties of Phalaris are of interest as ornamental plants.

Features of reproduction

The most commonly used propagation methods are seed and vegetative. If you want to propagate phalaris, you need to know that 3-5 years after germination it does not retain its former shape. In view of this, it would be best to transplant it. The bush is divided into equal parts and replanted in early autumn, so that the canary has time to gain strength in preparation for winter. Immediately before replanting, it is necessary to add fertilizer to the soil.

This plant should be planted at a depth of 10-15 cm to provide the rhizomes with the opportunity to develop. It is best to collect seeds when the plant reaches the age of 3-4 years.

A less popular method of propagation is cuttings, because it involves planting the plant in fertilized soil with drainage.

The most popular method of propagating Phalaris is by seed.

In a similar way, canary grass is propagated from May to July. In addition, falaris also reproduces by seeds and rhizomes.

In the spring (April-May), when the soil is well warmed up, you can sow the seeds. To prepare the soil for this procedure, it is necessary to loosen it and make holes. If there are stones or clay soil in this area, the soil must be fertilized before sowing.

Before you sow the seeds, you should germinate them. For this purpose, they are placed in a wet napkin. The soil in which the seeds will be sown must also be moist. Nest planting is mainly used. The distance between the holes is 20−25 cm, which provides sufficient space for plants. They begin to sprout after 10-15 days. If the soil tends to dry out, then additional watering is necessary.

During the growth process, Phalaris is unpretentious in care.

Reproduction by dividing the bush requires preliminary soil preparation. To do this, it is necessary to loosen the soil and install restrictions for the growth of the root system, since falaris is a rather aggressive plant. Its rhizome grows very quickly, occupying neighboring territories. To prevent this, the plant must be planted in an old bucket or iron circle, immersed in the soil to a depth of 20-30 centimeters. The bush itself must be planted no deeper than 15 centimeters.

It is noteworthy that the roots take root well in almost any soil. To propagate a plant using this method, you should dig up the bush along with the roots and divide it into separate parts, each of which is planted in a prepared and watered hole. Using this method, it is good to propagate phalaris in the off-season.

Phalaris does not require special care or growing conditions

Subtleties of care

With proper care, this plant will be able to delight its owners with the beauty of its shapes and colors for many years. At the very beginning it should not be fed. In the first year, phalaris devotes all its energy to the development of roots, and therefore the above-ground part of the plant only slightly increases in size. To make the bush look thicker and more lush, you can trim the leaves to give it the desired shape.

At the end of the winter period, the leaves should be trimmed. It will be useful to know that canary grass does not require special conditions for wintering.

The plant is quite resistant to drought, but it still needs watering. If there is not enough moisture, the leaves may fade. To avoid this, it is necessary to water the falaris with plenty of water once every 5 days. During the hot summer period, it is watered regularly once every 2-3 days to avoid drying out of the soil. We should also not forget that only adult specimens are drought-resistant.

Good conditions for the growth of canary grass are moist soils along the banks of reservoirs. Nevertheless, stagnation of moisture has a negative effect on the plant: putrefactive processes in the root system can begin, and its growth can also slow down. To avoid such consequences, a drainage system should be organized. In addition, it is also practiced to plant phalaris on sloping areas so that excess moisture drains and does not harm the roots.

This plant adapts to various types of soil and does not require fertilizing. If the soil is rocky or clayey, compost fertilizers should still be applied in a ratio of 50-80 g/m². It is not recommended to increase this proportion, as this can cause increased growth of rhizomes and a decrease in the resistance of stems.

When growing Phalaris for seeds for birds, it must be fed with mineral fertilizers. They are introduced in early autumn, when the growing season has already completed and the seeds have ripened.

If falaris is grown for seeds, it needs to be fed with fertilizers

The plant is very popular due to the fact that it has green leaves all year round. Pruning should be done every year in March, just before the onset of the growing season.

If the bush is annual, then it is pruned to create a lush and dense shape.

Considering that the roots of the plant spread to neighboring areas very quickly, the bush must be limited when planting. You can also build a fence using slate or garden tape.

Application in landscape design

The plant can take on bushy forms and is used to create living fences. In addition, canary grass prefers moist soils, which is why it is actively used to create landscape designs for artificial reservoirs.

Phalaris can be planted in open ground, as well as in containers, with which you can decorate gazebos and paths. In a flowerbed, it is rational to use it to create an accent, for example, in the center of a composition in which various types of plants may be present.

You need to know that the inflorescences can reach a length of about 2 meters, so the plant should be planted in the center of the composition or on the sides of the flowerbed. Reed canary grass is an excellent option for creating an alpine slide.

Difficulties in growing

This perennial, like its other relatives, is prone to damping off due to thaw from winter to spring. Melted snow freezes at night, creating a crust of ice under which moisture and increased temperature are concentrated. During this process, the plant begins to experience increased respiration and active consumption. useful substances, due to which it begins to weaken and become susceptible to fungal infections.

The presence of the disease in the spring can be determined by limp leaves and gray plaque. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to create proper drainage in the root zone. After all, stagnant water can lead to various diseases.

If it is still not possible to avoid contamination of the soil, then it is necessary to liming it. This procedure will help prevent the development of the disease.

Diseases and pests

Despite the resistance of phalaris to pests and diseases, growing for several years in a row in the same place, the plant can become vulnerable to common diseases of cereal crops, and can also be affected by wireworms, meadow moths and other insects.

Diseases can be prevented by following agrotechnical measures, such as crop rotation. In this case, the predecessors of this plant should be row crops or black fallow.

Canary grass is predisposed to the following diseases: powdery mildew, various types of smut and mold, spotting, rust, rot, tobacco mosaic, helminthosporiosis, etc. All these diseases have their own characteristic features, which can be distinguished visually.

If phalaris is not replanted for a long time, it may become susceptible to diseases.

An excellent way to combat helminthosporium and rust is a drug called Vectra. The required dose of the active substance is calculated depending on the area of ​​the treated area. Since the amount of kg/ha is indicated on the packaging, the area is calculated in meters and the dose required for the solution is calculated in grams.

The main pests include: mosquitoes, cutworms, aphids, weevils, bedbugs, seed eaters, fleas, wireworms, grains, etc. To combat them, specially selected insecticides are used, which are sprayed on plants.

Growing reed grass is quite easy even for an amateur gardener, since the plant can withstand high and low temperatures, arid and humid climates, and many others. natural phenomena. If you want to decorate your garden or flower bed, the shore of a pond or a terrace in your yard without much effort and expense, you can safely choose phalaris. In addition, it can be grown as a stand-alone ornamental crop and as a complement to other perennial herbs.

Tee canaryweed (double-sourced), another name, phalaris, is a plant of amazing beauty. Landscape designers love it very much for its unpretentiousness and ability to grow in various conditions. It is not uncommon to find him near a pond. The plant attracts the eye to its appearance, its leaves have an ideal linear shape, green color with light stripes. In fact, dwarf is not a flower, or even a grass - it is an ornamental grass. It can reach a height of up to 120 centimeters.

The plant is considered a perennial and prefers well-drained soil. It grows quite quickly into dense thickets. Therefore, when growing it at home you need proper care. It can be planted both in open ground and in containers, placing them near the house.

Rules for planting and care

The main advantage of Phalaris is that even novice gardeners who do not have much experience can plant it. The plant can withstand hot summers, harsh winters and rainy autumns without any problems. Everything you need to know about breeding Phalaris:

  • The plant is quite aggressive, grows actively, and if the wrong species is chosen, it can seriously clog the area. Before planting, it is recommended to study the varieties and decide which one is suitable.
  • Reed canary grass is rapidly growing; to stop the process, containers are used for planting. To plant a plant in open ground, you need to install wide metal plates to restrain growth.
  • Young plants do not need moisture as much as adults. The brightness of the leaves and the speed of growth depend on moisture content.
  • If you want to make a border from phalaris, you will need to constantly trim it.
  • It is recommended to choose loose soil.
  • In hot weather, the plant feels great in a sunny or slightly shaded place. In rainy and cloudy periods, the colors are brighter and more saturated.

Reed phalaris tolerates frost well, so there is no need to take any action for the winter, no care is required.

Another advantage for which gardeners love the plant is its high resistance to diseases and pests.

Canary grass should be pruned regularly. At least every season, reduce the height of the plant by 20 centimeters. In this case, its turf will be dense and thick, forming a beautiful carpet with lush and bright leaves.

At the end of the gardening season, the phalaris is cut off at the root. If large plantations have been grown, it can simply be mowed with a scythe.

Interesting fact! The plant received its name due to its purpose. Birds, including canaries, feed on its seeds.


Two propagation methods are popular among gardeners:

  • Vegetative.
  • Seminal.

Before sowing the seeds, they are soaked in water for 24 hours. In this case, the germination process will be much faster. Plant the seed in a shallow container without burying it, but only covering it a little with soil, 2.5-3 centimeters. The soil should be well moistened. After the planting procedure, everything is thoroughly sprayed with a spray bottle. The containers are brought into a warm room, about 21-23°C. If the temperature is higher, seedlings will appear faster.

The vegetative method is also easy to use. You can reproduce:

  • Using a cutting cut at the base of the shoot.
  • Particles of the root system with nodules.
  • Dividing the bush.

The root system of Phalaris is designed in such a way that there are many nodes on it from which roots are formed. Only then do young shoots sprout. The same growth system can be observed in wheatgrass.

The roots for propagation may be very small, but there is no need to worry if proper care they will quickly take root and grow. They are planted in containers with fertile soil and placed in a sunny place (a windowsill on the south side is suitable). In spring the first shoots will appear.

It is advisable to install a tray under the boxes so that the flowing water remains under the plant. Do not let the soil dry out; provide constant moderate watering.

Phalaris reed near the pond

The plant grows well near a pond; we can say that this is one of his favorite places. Small bushes are planted in pots with fertile soil; pebbles can be placed on top. The containers are placed directly into the pond. The distance between water and soil should be about 7-10 centimeters. In such an atmosphere, Phalaris develops very quickly.

In the first year after planting, the plant does not grow up so quickly, but as a bush it develops well.

Phalaris care is not required throughout the gardening season. But it harmonizes perfectly with sedges and nymphs, and the red canary grass looks great next to it.

To prevent the pot with the plant from moving like a boat or tilting when there is a gust of wind, it is recommended to cover it with large stones. In this way it will gain stability.

In water root system Phalaris develops very well, grows a long “beard”. This fact makes it easy to propagate the plant.

If it is not possible to keep reed grass in the pond in winter, it is transferred to a garden trench. For planting in a pond on next year, it is recommended to increase the landing capacity.

Plant in design

Many lovers of landscape design use dvuktistochnik in the design of gardens and ponds. It looks great with other perennials and complements any composition.

It is worth remembering that falaris is an aggressive plant, its root system is actively growing, and this will destroy not only the weeds, but also the flowers planted nearby. To prevent this from happening, the growth of the root system should be limited. You can dig in special restrictive bars, or simply plant the plant in an old bucket and move it with it to the desired location.

Reed canary grass can be planted in places where other plants simply will not grow, for example, a narrow strip near a gate, the edge of a pond, etc. It is very convenient for them to decorate alpine slides.

Florists use canary leaves as an addition to bouquets. It will look harmonious with any flowers, complementing them with its bright greenery and beautiful shape. Pre-dried sheets can also be used in compositions. The herbarium will turn out wonderful. Some even create paintings from dry leaves of the plant.


By and large, the plant does not need fertilizers. Fertilizer is applied only when they want to increase the number of seeds.

In order for the “harvest” to be good, mineral fertilizers will be required. Also, you need to know not only what to contribute, but also when.

In spring, fertilizing is applied before tillering begins; during this period, the plant needs nutrients.

On a note! Don't forget to remove weeds near the two-tasseled plant. They interfere with the normal development of the root system, absorb useful components from the soil, and are also carriers of diseases and pests. And you must agree, Falyaris will lose his beautiful appearance and will not be able to decorate the area if weeds grow around.

Two-flowered plant, canary grass, reed phalaris - all these are the names of one plant, which you have probably seen more than once. Landscape designers like grass for its unpretentiousness and ability to take root in any conditions. The plant got its name because its seeds serve as food for birds, including canaries. Canary grass, or silk grass, is valued for the beauty of its leaves, unpretentiousness, and resistance of shoots to lodging. The two-source plant is planted on alpine hills, along the edge of a reservoir or along a fence.

Description of two-tasseled or reed canaryweed

Reed canaryweed (Phalaris arundinacea) or reed grass is a perennial plant from the Poaceae family. Phalaris is distributed throughout the temperate zone of continents, except Antarctica. It can grow both on the plain and in the mountains, in dry places and swamps.

The dwarf plant has a creeping, nodular rhizome that grows horizontally, forming nodules with fibrous roots. His distinctive feature is the linear color of the leaves (green with white or cream stripes) of different widths depending on the variety. From mid-summer it produces paniculate inflorescences. Grows well in sunny places. It looks just as impressive in the shade.

How to care for a canary

Loose, moist soils are more suitable for the dwarf plant, but it also grows well in dry meadows. Clay or sandy soil is most preferable. On fertile soils, the stripes appear brighter - the plant becomes more spectacular and tolerates heat more easily.

  • Young plants do not need moisture as much as adults. But the brightness of the leaf plates and the growth rate depend on moisture.
  • Regular pruning of phalaris in the spring at a level of 25-30 cm stimulates the development of dense, dense turf. Canary grass inflorescences are not decorative and are best cut off.
  • You can do without fertilizing. Although irrigation with ammonia water will benefit the beauty and picturesqueness of the leaves.
  • Tolerates frosts well without any shelter.

Under favorable conditions, the canary can be aggressive; its landing sites should be limited.
It grows in one place for about 6 years. If aging turf becomes loose, then silk grass requires replanting. Otherwise, it will turn into a weed, losing its decorative effect.

Growing from seeds

How to grow canaryweed phalaris from seeds

Canary grass is propagated by seeds, which are pre-soaked for speedy germination. You can sow directly into the garden bed or in advance in early spring, in March-April, in plastic containers or pots, several in each. Planting depth is 1-1.5 cm, the distance is at least 2-3 cm between seedlings. The shoots are not long in coming. And after a few days they rise like a brush above the soil surface.

Canary seedlings photo

All that remains is to moisten the soil before the seedlings are transferred to a permanent location. Prepare the planting holes in advance, fertilizing them with organic matter and thoroughly moistening them. Transplanted by transferring from a container to the ground. If there are too many seedlings in the pot, you can divide the curtain into two or more parts. With proper care, the canary grows quickly and occupies the entire territory provided to it.

Vegetative propagation

The vegetative method is also not difficult. It all depends on the volume of the plant from which the shoots are separated. You can simply dig up part of an overgrown bush, sprinkling nutritious soil into the free space.

A cutting cut at the base easily takes root in wet sand. In just a few days, he will develop a beard of white roots. And this is already ready planting material. You can use a knife to separate a small knot with roots and leaves - such a shoot is also ready for planting.

An important condition for any type of propagation is timely watering, this ensures successful establishment and full development of the cereal.

Canary in landscape design

Canary grass or two-flowered plant in garden design photo

Canary grass is used in mixed plantings in flower beds and flower beds as an accent. You can plant it as a ground cover or background plant. Cut canary shoots retain freshness for a long time, making an excellent addition to bouquets. They can be dried and used to create a winter composition.

Phalaris in landscape design photo

It feels great on the shore of a pond, but it can also be placed in shallow water in a container. The two-source plant can be placed where nothing grows. On any personal plot there is a place for a canary that, without any pretensions, will delight the owners with originality and simplicity.

Description of the plant

Decorative elongated leaves with white and yellow stripes are of great interest to gardeners. However, the flowers of reed phalaris do not attract much attention, and therefore it is used in garden design solely because of its beautiful leaves.

The name canary grass comes from the distant past, when the seeds of this plant were used as food for poultry and canaries.

It is interesting to know that the following crops belong to the cereal family:

  • rye,
  • wheat,
  • sorghum,
  • maned barley,
  • triticale,
  • millet,
  • ground reed grass,
  • timothy grass,
  • wheatgrass,
  • Zubrovka,
  • chumiza,
  • a boneless fire,
  • fescue

Botanical description

Canary grass belongs to the grass family. The name of the plant comes from the name of the canary. Its seeds were often used in the past to feed poultry, including canaries.

The perennial grows up to 2 m, has a creeping rhizome, pointed long leaves and panicle inflorescences. The leaf color is bright green with oblong white or yellow stripes. Propagated by rhizomes.
Grown for decorative and fodder purposes. In gardening, variegated forms of perennials are cultivated. Blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. More than 25 species of canary grass have chosen territories from the steppe zone to the highlands. Wild species are found on the banks of water bodies. Grows on any soil in Europe, Asia, America.

There are 16 species of canary grass in wild form: phalaris amethystine, phalaris angusta, phalaris aquatic, phalaris arundinacea, phalaris brachystachys, phalaris californica and others.

The most widespread in plant growing are Canarian And reed canary.
Canary grass Varieties of canary grass cultivated in ornamental horticulture:


Two main types of propagation are popular: vegetative and seed.

Even if you are not going to propagate the perennial, you should take into account that after 3-5 years of growing in one place, the canary will grow and the bush will not hold its shape well. In this case, he will have to be seated.

Dividing the bush in equal parts and replanting is carried out in early autumn so that the plant has time to acclimatize for winter. Before transplanting, add a nutrient mixture to the soil. Planting is carried out to a depth of 10-15 cm so that the root system can actively develop.

Cuttings- This is the least popular method of propagation, since it requires planting part of the plant in nutritious soil with good drainage. In this way, falaris can be propagated from May to July.

In addition to dividing the bush and cuttings, the perennial can be propagated by rhizomes and seeds.

In the spring, in April - May, when the soil warms up well, the seeds are sown.
Canary grass seeds Preparing the soil for planting consists of loosening and creating holes.

If the area is rocky or clayey, add nutritious soil to the holes before planting. Before planting, seeds can be germinated until the tip of the sprout appears from the seed.

For germination, seeds are placed under a damp cloth. The soil for planting seeds must be moist. Planting form: nesting.

A distance between holes of 20-25 cm creates the necessary space for each plant. Shoots appear on the 10-15th day. When the soil dries out, additional watering is carried out. The growing plant does not require special care.

Dividing the bush

Soil preparation includes loosening and installing restrictions for the growth of the root system. Canary grass is an aggressive form of vegetation.

Its creeping rhizome very quickly captures new territories. To avoid this, the plant can be planted in an old bucket or in a metal circle buried 20-30 cm into the soil. The planting depth should not exceed 15 cm.

The rhizome will grow very well in any soil. For propagation by rhizomes, the bush is dug up along with the roots and divided into several parts. Each part of the bush is planted in a separate pre-watered hole. Falaris can be planted in this way in spring or autumn.

Plant care

With proper care, cereal perennials will delight you for a long time with the perfection of their forms and the variegated color of their leaves. In the first year of life, the plant does not need feeding. During this period, the canary plant makes the main effort to develop the root system.

Therefore, the height of the bush does not reach its maximum size. To increase the density of the bush, it is advisable to trim the leaves. At the end of winter, the leaves are cut off. The plant does not require special conditions for wintering.

Despite its drought resistance, canary grass needs watering. With a lack of moisture, the leaves become faded. Therefore, the watering regime under normal conditions is once every 5 days, abundantly. During the summer heat - once every 2-3 days as the soil dries out. It should be remembered that only mature plants tolerate drought well.

The plant can grow in moist soil on the banks of water bodies. But stagnation of water negatively affects its development: the growth of the root system slows down, and root rot may begin.

To prevent this, good soil drainage is needed. The plant can also be planted on a site with a slope. The slope helps drain water from the root system.

Plants that can grow in soils depleted of substances do not need feeding. Including canary grass, some species of which grow in the highlands. Our soils are sufficiently nutritious for such herbs.

If the area for the plant is clay or rocky, you can add compost at the rate of 50-80 g/sq.m. when planting. m. There is no need to increase the fertilizer rate, since an overdose will lead to intensive root growth and reduce the stability of the stems.

If canary grass is grown for seeds for birds, then fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is required. Gardeners also apply mineral fertilizers in early autumn, after the end of the active growing season and seed ripening.

The perennial is grown due to the presence of green leaves during the cold season.

Therefore, annual pruning of the plant can be done in the spring, in March, before the start of the growing season. Pruning a one-year-old bush is practiced in order to increase its density.

Use in landscape design

The plant grows well into bushy forms, so it can be used to create plant borders.

The ability to grow in very moist soils makes canary grass suitable for decorating artificial reservoirs.

The perennial can be planted either in the ground or grown in separate containers. Containers can be used to decorate gazebos and walking alleys.

In a flowerbed, canary will be appropriate as accent points, for example, in the center of the composition. The composition may consist of several types of plants. It should be taken into account that the height of the inflorescences reaches 2 m.
Therefore, it is better to place the plant in the center of the composition or on the sides of the flower bed. Perfectly suited when placed in an alpine slide.

Difficulties in growing

Canary grass, like other perennial grasses, is subject to damping off in the winter and spring. This is facilitated by the thaw. Thawed snow freezes overnight and forms an ice crust.

Under the crust, the temperature and humidity rise. The plant begins to breathe intensively.

Nutrients are consumed, the canaryweed weakens and is affected by fungi. In spring, the development of the disease is noticeable by the lethargy of the leaves and a gray coating on them.
Prevention is proper drainage in the root zone. Do not create stagnant water in the soil, as this promotes the development of mold and other diseases. If infection has already occurred, liming the soil will prevent the development of the disease.

Diseases and pests

Despite their resistance to diseases and pests, after 3-4 years of growing in one place, plants can be susceptible to common cereal diseases and affected by wireworms, meadow moths and other seed-eating insects.

Diseases of cereal perennials:

  • various types of mold,
  • rotten
  • spotting,
  • helminthosporiosis,
  • ergot,
  • rust,
  • powdery mildew,
  • leaf and stem smut,
  • sclerotinia,
  • dusty smut,
  • hard smut,
  • mosaics.

All types of diseases are easily recognized by the color and intensity of plaque on the leaves or the visual presence of rot.

When powdery mildew the plant is sprayed with sulfur raster. Rust and helminthosporiosis of cereals are controlled with Vectra preparations. The norms of working solutions are calculated based on the area being treated.
Since the units of measurement indicated on the packaging are kg/ha, it is necessary to find out the area in meters and determine the required number of grams to prepare the solution.

The main pests of grasses: weevils, cutworms, thrips, aphids, bugs, fleas, seed eaters, weevils, mosquitoes, wireworms and other insects. Pest control is carried out with insecticides depending on the type of insect that infested the plants. The method of applying drugs is spraying.

Growing Phalaris is not difficult even for a novice gardener. The plant tolerates flood, drought, heat and frost, as well as other weather disasters. If you want to enjoy the magnificent design of your flowerbed, gazebo for relaxation or artificial pond without much labor and loss of time, choose this plant. Phalaris can be used in decoration either independently or in combination with other perennials.

The use of reed phalaris in landscape design

Canary grass is used in flower beds and mixed flower beds. It is good as a background plant in the background, or as an accent among the different shades of green in a cereal garden. At the same time, it is important not to forget that falaris is very aggressive, it grows quickly, drowning out other species. It has strong creeping rhizomes. When planting a plant among perennials, you should definitely provide a method of protection. This can be a restrictive net in the soil or simply placing the rhizome in an old bucket.

Reed two-flowered plant looks great in dark corners of the garden where a light color accent is required. Since it grows in partial shade and even in shade, it is often used as a ground cover plant. Regular trimming of shoots helps maintain thick and dense turf.

In any place where nothing grows, you can plant reed phalaris. It grows well in sunny places, but can also withstand shade. On a narrow strip of land near a gate, on the edge of a reservoir, at the foot of a retaining wall - this grass is appropriate everywhere and will take root everywhere.

Phalaris is used on the shore of a pond (and even in the pond itself), as well as on an alpine hill. When grown as a border plant, it is recommended to trim regularly to the required level.

You can also grow falaris in a pot, placing it in the water of a pond or digging the container into a rock garden, mixborder, or any desired place. This method makes it easy and simple to limit the spread of roots.

Canary grass (phalaris reed) can be used for dried bouquets and flower paintings. When cut, shoots and leaves remain fresh for a long time and are an excellent addition to phytocompositions of living plants.

Tips for caring and growing are the simplest - plant and forget. In most cases, reed phalaris will grow on its own, without your participation, and will also take over the area around the planting site.

Location and lighting. Prefers well-lit sunny places, but also grows excellently in the shade.

The soil. Able to grow on infertile dry soil, but prefers moist and loose soil. Both sandy and clay soil are suitable for it; its acidity is not particularly important.

Reproduction. It is easy to divide the rhizome in spring or fall. You can sow seeds directly into the soil.

Usually, very overgrown canary bushes are dug up and the rhizomes with leaves are divided into parts. Almost all of the cuttings take root; they are planted at a distance of about half a meter from each other.

Canary grass or canary seed

Other names: canary grass, canary seed, canary grass, canary grass. Homeland of origin: fields and meadows of Southern Europe. In Russia it is found as a wild weed.

Canary grass can be found everywhere; it is an extremely unpretentious herb that can grow on any soil. An annual, bushy, densely turfy plant with a light green, straight, bare stem branched at the base. Plant height up to 1 m.

Propagated only by seed. Seeds are sown in open ground in May, after 14 days the first shoots appear.

The root system is fibrous. The leaves are broadly linear, up to 5 and 7 mm wide, pointed, short, rough.

It blooms in June with ovoid, round, oblong, dense spikelets - panicles, up to 5 cm long. The panicle consists of miniature lanceolate-shaped scales with a smooth edge, a light shade with a characteristic green longitudinal stripe. The scales at the base are longer, up to 6 mm, the upper ones are smaller and narrower, about 1-3 mm long. In August, the fruits ripen - boxes up to 5 mm long.

Small canary

An annual herbaceous plant no more than 60 cm high. The stem is straight or ascending, branched, geniculate. The leaves are flat, long, rough along the edges, the base of the leaf often hugs the stem. The inflorescences are spike-shaped, paniculate, light, cylindrical, ovoid in shape, up to 5 cm long and up to 2 cm wide, spikelets are scales 3 - 5 mm long.

Peculiar canary

peculiar canaryweed (Phalaris paradoxa)

Another name is strange canary. Zoned variety for Siberia and Far East, Asia.

Phalaris arundinacea variegata ‘Feesey’

Varietal form of reed canary grass. Plant height is about 80 - 100 cm. Flowering period July - September. It does not require special care, watering as the soil dries. For better growth, it is recommended to water moderately, no more than 3 times a week. Lack of moisture in the soil does not harm the plants, but it does affect the decorative effect. Prefers open light areas, also grows well in partial shade.

The leaves are long, with light longitudinal stripes of a more saturated bright color. Feature– with a decrease in temperature, in spring and autumn, the stems and leaf blades acquire a pink tint.


Varietal form of reed canary grass, unblown inflorescence - dark red panicles - spikelets. Prefers moister soil, but is drought-resistant. Grows equally well in partial shade and in open sunny areas. Up to 1 m in height, leaves are white-green. In autumn and spring low temperatures the stem and leaves acquire a deeper pink color.

The most popular cultivated form of reed-like silk grass. Grows quickly, prefers moist, fertilized soil. Most often used in gardening. The variety grows up to 2 m in height. The leaves are long, with a characteristic longitudinal stripe of pale yellow color along the entire length of the leaf.

A herbaceous plant up to 2 m high, with long, straight, white-green striped leaves. As the temperature drops, a pink tint appears on the leaf blades, which may persist in the future. Drought-resistant variety, prefers moist and moist soil.

Reedwort Elegantissima

Phalaris Tricolor

Decorative deciduous cereal plant, reaching 1 m in height. Like other varieties, the leaves are light green in color and have white longitudinal stripes. The peak of decorativeness of this species occurs in the cold season, when a pink tint appears on the leaves. By the way, it can also persist during the summer period.

Phalaris Tricolor blooms for two months, starting in early July and ending at the end of August. This is a winter-hardy species and grows well in sunny places with little shade. Tolerates pruning well. It prefers to grow in moist, damp soil, although it belongs to the group of drought-resistant plants. This species looks beautiful when cut and near bodies of water.

Canary grass or silk grass

This is a spectacular annual plant, reaching 50-100 cm in height. Habitat: Mediterranean. The canary plant received this name due to its purpose. Its seeds are food for birds, including canaries. The stems are tall and erect.

Large paniculate inflorescences consist of small awnless spikelets. Cone-shaped flowers bloom in midsummer. This variety is propagated by seeds. Its description includes: high frost resistance, resistance to drought and disease.

Phalaris runner or "Snow Pink"

A magnificent newly bred perennial hybrid. It differs from previous varieties in the color of its leaves: greenish-blue with pronounced white stripes. The length of the leaves is 50-60 cm.

This plant looks spectacular near bodies of water, on alpine slides, borders and in a swimming pool combined with a pond.

Planting and caring for falaris in open ground

Growing this herb is not difficult, even for a novice gardener. After all, this is a plant that easily tolerates floods, drought and severe frosts.

  • In favorable growing conditions, phalaris is an aggressive plant that begins to actively develop and clog the area. Therefore, less aggressive species are planted to decorate small garden plots.
  • To stop rapid growth, falaris is planted in special containers. If you plan to land in open ground This means that the place of growth must be limited using wide metal plates.
  • Phalaris is grown using the seed method. Seeds are planted superficially in plastic and shallow containers with well-moistened soil. To speed up the germination process, the seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours before sowing.
  • The crops are sprinkled with a 3-centimeter layer of soil on top, sprayed with a spray bottle and placed in a warm room with a temperature of 21-23 degrees. At higher temperature conditions seedlings will sprout faster.
  • Young plants are not as demanding of moisture as adults. The brightness of the color of the leaves and their growth will depend on the amount of moisture.

In combination with other inhabitants of reservoirs - sedge, nymphs, arrowhead, the lush plant Phalaris looks impressive and very beautiful. Caring for falaris is very simple; all it requires is periodic watering and removal of weeds.

Watering and humidity

Like all cereals, reed grass is drought-tolerant, but prefers to grow in moist or damp soil. It takes root well on the banks of natural and artificial reservoirs. But stagnation of water can negatively affect the development of the root system - even to the point of rotting of the roots. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to provide for high-quality soil drainage or to plant plants in areas with an inclination towards a body of water, near a pond, in order to provide the plant with natural drainage of excess moisture.

The canary plant does not need special feeding schemes; it gets enough nutrients from the soil. When planting in clay or rocky soils, you can add some compost. On depleted soils (during autumn digging), it is advisable to fertilize with potassium fertilizers. To improve the decorative appearance of plantings and enhance the contrast of leaf color, you can add a little nitrogen fertilizer once a season (when watering).

In order for the turf to remain dense and dense, and the plantings to remain decorative and fresh, it is necessary to periodically trim the plant at a level of 25-30 cm. The canary grass inflorescences are inconspicuous and do not represent decorative value, so they are removed. Dried panicles are used in floristry to create autumn bouquets and other compositions.

At the end of the season, the bushes are cut at the root or removed with a sharpened hoe. If canary grass is used as a ground cover plant and the plantings occupy a large area, then you can simply mow it with a scythe. This is done in order not to cut off old leaves in the spring, when there is a possibility of damaging young shoots.

Limiting rhizome growth

When planting reed canary grass, it should be taken into account that it is extremely aggressive - it grows quickly, capturing new territories and suppressing weaker plants. To prevent this from happening, choose the most cultivated variegated varieties, and also limit the places where it grows with strips of garden tape, metal, slate and other suitable materials. The limiters are dug into the ground to a depth of 20-25 cm. You can immediately plant the plant in containers.

Watch the video: Phalaris reedwort. Ornamental grasses for the garden (April 2020).

Canaryweed (Dvukistochnik)

Latin name: Phalaris

species "Canary"

The soil Flowering time Possible colors Illumination Watering Difficulty of care Air humidity Fertilizer frequency Content temperature
  • 1. Description
  • 2. Growing
  • 3. Diseases and pests
  • 4. Reproduction
  • 5. First steps after purchase
  • 6. Secrets of success
  • 7. Possible difficulties


19 plant species make up the genus Canary grass from the Poaceae family. Herbaceous annuals and perennials grow everywhere. Dense thickets and single bushes are found in dry areas as often as on the banks of reservoirs. They inhabited the highlands, plains, roadsides and forest edges. The seeds of the bird species are considered an excellent food for canaries, which led to the Russian name of the genus.

The creeping rhizome of Canarygrass has numerous nodes located 1.5–2 cm from each other. From each of them, roots first grow, and then above-ground shoots extend.

The plant's multiple stems begin to branch from the base. Strong shoots do not break under gusts of wind. The alternate leaves are long with a pointed tip. The leaves of natural species are dark or light green. The leaf blades are very pleasant to the touch. It is no coincidence that the plant is often called silky grass.

Canaryflower blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. The panicle inflorescences are crowned with long peduncles that rise above the foliage. Tiny spikelets are single-flowered and can be silver, greenish, or purple. After flowering, fruits appear - small grains with seeds.


Reed Canary grass varieties have become widespread in cultivation. These plants have inherited a non-capricious disposition natural look and acquired a variegated color of the leaf blades. Height varies from 60 cm to 1.5 meters.

Canary grass is undemanding when it comes to soil fertility and grows well on any cultivated land. The undoubted advantages of the plant include resistance to diseases and pest attacks.

The inflorescences have no decorative value. Trimming flower stalks stimulates the growth of new leaves.

The easiest way to propagate canary grass is vegetatively. IN summer months You can cut stem cuttings. They take root quickly. It is also possible to divide a bush or rhizome with the obligatory preservation of at least one internode on each part. The cuttings are immediately planted in the designated area and watered abundantly.

Diseases and pests


Seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush.

First steps after purchase

Canary grass seeds have a high germination rate. Sowing can be done before winter or in spring directly into open ground. Shoots appear in two weeks. Seedlings need regular, careful watering.

Grown Canaries are usually sold with a closed root system. Transportation is easy even over long distances. It is better not to replant the plant into the prepared hole, but to transfer it.

If the rhizome is purchased before the start of the season, it is recommended to plant it in a container with a nutrient substrate. It is advisable to place the pot in a lighted place, keep the soil stable wet. Transshipment to the designated place is carried out with the onset of heat.

Secrets of success

Canary grass thrives in partial shade and open sunny areas. The plant has an amazing ability to adapt to weather conditions. Please note that, like all cool-season grasses, growth stops in the summer. However, this does not affect the decorative effect.

Despite the drought resistance of the Canary, it is not recommended to subject it to such tests. With a lack of moisture, the color of the leaf blades fades. Water the plant frequently and abundantly.

When grown on fertile soils, the plant does without fertilizing. If the soil is depleted, it is worth applying complex mineral fertilizers in April.

In late autumn it is advisable to prune old shoots. And you can maintain the height of the bush by regularly trimming it to 40–20 cm.

Possible difficulties

The canary is never satisfied with the territory allotted to it. The plant is rapidly taking over neighboring areas. The use of limiters (garden tape, slate, etc.) can prevent intrusion.

At 5–6 years of age, the plant loses its external attractiveness - the bush falls apart, and varietal characteristics are lost. It should be dug up and divided. The delenki are seated at a distance of half a meter from each other.

Very rarely, yellow-brown spots appear on the leaf blades. For treatment it is necessary to treat with fungicides. Effective drugs presented on the website in the “Medicines” section.

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Canary grass (phalaris) - cultivation and care

Home page » Canary grass (phalaris) - cultivation and care

You can meet various types of canary grass almost everywhere: in meadows and fields, in forests and parks, near houses and along roads. Canary grass is so common that sometimes not everyone will pay attention to such an ordinary and familiar plant. Decorative varieties are grown in cultivation.

Description of the plant

Canary grass is a herbaceous plant for open ground, reaching a height of 150 cm. It belongs to the grass family; in nature there are 19 annual and perennial species.

The stem is smooth, even, bare, erect, branches from the base. It does not break under gusty winds.

The leaves are alternate, lanceolate, simple or linear, up to 2 cm wide, the base is truncated, the apex is pointed. Wild species are painted monotonous green color dark or light shades. The leaves are tender to the touch, which is why the canary grass plant is called silky grass.

The rhizome is fibrous, creeping, long, knotty.

The inflorescence is paniculate, up to 20 cm long and up to 2 cm wide, rises above the plant, large, resembling fluffy spikelets on long peduncles. Single-flowered miniature spikelets are found in greenish-gray and lilac shades. Flowering period June - September.

In autumn, yellow or brown fruits are formed in the form of small grains with seeds.

Types and varieties

Wild canary grass is rarely used in garden plantings; usually in floriculture its variegated forms with variegated leaf plate colors are used.

Reed canary grass

It has other names: reed-like dvuktistnik, zhirovnik, dvukistochnik, silk grass.

Reed canarygrass is a perennial meadow riding grass. Grows up to 2.5 m in height. The stems are straight, bare, round, smooth, leafy, slightly convex in the area of ​​the leaf axils.

The leaves are up to 30 cm in length, flat, narrow, pointed at the ends, green with a gray-blue tint, slightly rough.

The root system is fibrous, branched, extending into the ground up to 2 meters. The rhizome is creeping, developed, yellow-brown in color, extending 10 - 15 cm underground. In June, a spike-shaped paniculate inflorescence up to 10 - 20 cm in length is formed. The loose panicle has a green or gray-blue tint and is wind pollinated.

In July - August the fruit ripens in the form of a flattened, ovoid, dark yellow grain.

Prefers moist soil, coastlines along rivers and lakes.

Distributed in the temperate zone of the European part of Russia, in Eastern Siberia, in the Urals, territory of North America.

Sowing of seeds occurs in the fall after the grains ripen. Flowering occurs in the second year of the plant's life. 5 zoned varieties have been bred in culture, but in agriculture they are not widely used.

Canary grass or canary seed

Other names: canary grass, canary seed, canary grass, canary grass. Homeland of origin: fields and meadows of Southern Europe. In Russia it is found as a wild weed.

Canary grass can be found everywhere; it is an extremely unpretentious herb that can grow on any soil. An annual, bushy, densely turfy plant with a light green, straight, bare stem branched at the base. Plant height up to 1 m.

Propagated only by seed. Seeds are sown in open ground in May, after 14 days the first shoots appear.

The root system is fibrous. The leaves are broadly linear, up to 5 and 7 mm wide, pointed, short, rough.

It blooms in June with ovoid, round, oblong, dense spikelets - panicles, up to 5 cm long. The panicle consists of miniature lanceolate-shaped scales with a smooth edge, a light shade with a characteristic green longitudinal stripe. The scales at the base are longer, up to 6 mm, the upper ones are smaller and narrower, about 1-3 mm long. In August, the fruits ripen - boxes up to 5 mm long.

Small canary

An annual herbaceous plant no more than 60 cm high. The stem is straight or ascending, branched, geniculate. The leaves are flat, long, rough along the edges, the base of the leaf often hugs the stem. The inflorescences are spike-shaped, paniculate, light, cylindrical, ovoid in shape, up to 5 cm long and up to 2 cm wide, spikelets are scales 3 - 5 mm long.

Peculiar canary

peculiar canaryweed (Phalaris paradoxa)

Another name is strange canary. Zoned variety for Siberia and the Far East, Asia.


Phalaris arundinacea variegata ‘Feesey’

Varietal form of reed canary grass. Plant height is about 80 - 100 cm. Flowering period July - September. It does not require special care, watering as the soil dries. For better growth, it is recommended to water moderately, no more than 3 times a week. Lack of moisture in the soil does not harm the plants, but it does affect the decorative effect. Prefers open light areas, also grows well in partial shade.

The leaves are long, with light longitudinal stripes of a more saturated bright color. A characteristic feature is that as the temperature drops, in spring and autumn, the stems and leaf blades acquire a pink tint.


Varietal form of reed canary grass, unblown inflorescence - dark red panicles - spikelets. Prefers moister soil, but is drought-resistant. Grows equally well in partial shade and in open sunny areas. Up to 1 m in height, leaves are white-green. In autumn and spring, at low temperatures, the stem and leaves acquire a deeper pink color.


The most popular cultivated form of reed-like silk grass. Grows quickly, prefers moist, fertilized soil. Most often used in gardening. The variety grows up to 2 m in height. The leaves are long, with a characteristic longitudinal stripe of pale yellow color along the entire length of the leaf.


A herbaceous plant up to 2 m high, with long, straight, white-green striped leaves. As the temperature drops, a pink tint appears on the leaf blades, which may persist in the future. Drought-resistant variety, prefers moist and moist soil.

Woods Dwarf

Reed varietal form. Perennial herbaceous plant. The dwarf copy of the Picta variety, however, is more compact in size, reaching 50 cm in height.

Diseases and pests

Not attacked by drivers, resistant to diseases.

Plant care

Silk grass prefers any loose soil, but feels better on sandy and clayey soils. In fertile soil, the decorative properties are most pronounced.
Watering is required moderately, three times a week, and the plants are drought-resistant. To obtain a lush bush in early spring, the canary grass must be pruned at a level of 20 - 30 cm from the ground, which will lead to the development of denser foliage. Tall panicles do not have a decorative effect; to avoid self-seeding, it is recommended to trim them.

Fertilizing is not necessary, but when fertilized, the plant grows thicker and brighter.

Reed canary grass is a winter-hardy species and does not need shelter for the winter. At the end of autumn, the canary plant is pruned at the root.


Even a novice gardener will not have any difficulties when caring for, growing and planting reed canary grass. With proper care, canary grass grows quickly and can clog the nearest area.

When planting in open ground, in order to avoid rapid growth, it is recommended to install metal plates in the ground around the planting site that will restrain the rapid growth of the plant. If it is not possible to limit the growth process in open ground, it is recommended to plant canary grass in wide containers buried in the ground. Plant at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. Every 3-5 years it is necessary to replant the plants by dividing the bush.

In fresh or dried form, the plant is often used in floristry to make bouquets and various compositions. Reed canary grass and its decorative varieties are used to design alpine slides, borders, decorations coastline man-made ponds, reservoirs, as ground cover plants. In separate containers the plant grows well and develops in shallow water.

House in the garden

Living in harmony with nature


Phalaris reed

Reed phalaris is better known in our country under the names canary grass, reed grass, and canary grass. One of the most unpretentious cereal plants. Only variegated forms are used in culture.

Reed phalaris (Phalaris arundinacea) is a perennial plant of the Poaceae family. The distribution zone in nature is the entire temperate zone of Eurasia and North America.

The peculiarity and value of the plant lies in the light, almost white color of the leaves. Phalaris reaches a height of 60-120 cm and grows quickly. Its leaves are linear, green with white or cream longitudinal stripes of different widths depending on the variety.

The reed dwarf is very beautiful, it is loved and often used by landscape designers. It is valued not only for the beauty of its leaves, but also for its unpretentiousness. Phalaris is not demanding in care and readily grows both in the light and in the shade. Its flexible shoots are very stable and do not droop or break in bad weather.

Canary grass prefers loose, moist soils, but also grows well in dry places. The plant is winter-hardy; even in severe frosts, the leaves and stems do not droop, maintaining a completely decorative appearance. The plant easily tolerates cutting to a height of 20-40

Flowering occurs in mid-summer, but many gardeners prefer to cut off the flower stalks.

"Picta" is one of the oldest and most widespread varieties of ornamental cereals. Its leaves are green with longitudinal light cream stripes, and in the sun they turn white.

The use of reed phalaris in landscape design

Canary grass is used in flower beds and mixed flower beds. It is good as a background plant in the background, or as an accent among the different shades of green in a cereal garden. At the same time, it is important not to forget that falaris is very aggressive, it grows quickly, drowning out other species. It has strong creeping rhizomes. When planting a plant among perennials, you should definitely provide a method of protection. This can be a restrictive net in the soil or simply placing the rhizome in an old bucket.

Reed two-flowered plant looks great in dark corners of the garden where a light color accent is required. Since it grows in partial shade and even in shade, it is often used as a ground cover plant. Regular trimming of shoots helps maintain thick and dense turf.

In any place where nothing grows, you can plant reed phalaris. It grows well in sunny places, but can also withstand shade. On a narrow strip of land near a gate, on the edge of a reservoir, at the foot of a retaining wall - this grass is appropriate everywhere and will take root everywhere.

Phalaris is used on the shore of a pond (and even in the pond itself), as well as on an alpine hill. When grown as a border plant, it is recommended to trim regularly to the required level.

You can also grow falaris in a pot, placing it in the water of a pond or digging the container into a rock garden, mixborder, or any desired place. This method makes it easy and simple to limit the spread of roots.

Canary grass (phalaris reed) can be used for dried bouquets and flower paintings. When cut, shoots and leaves remain fresh for a long time and are an excellent addition to phytocompositions of living plants.

Tips for caring and growing are the simplest - plant and forget. In most cases, reed phalaris will grow on its own, without your participation, and will also take over the area around the planting site.

Location and lighting. Prefers well-lit sunny places, but also grows well in the shade.

The soil. Able to grow on infertile dry soil, but prefers moist and loose soil. Both sandy and clay soil are suitable for it; its acidity is not particularly important.

Reproduction. It is easy to divide the rhizome in spring or fall. You can sow seeds directly into the soil.

Usually, very overgrown canary bushes are dug up and the rhizomes with leaves are divided into parts. Almost all of the cuttings take root; they are planted at a distance of about half a meter from each other.

Reed dwarf (phalaris) - description

Cane grass is a cereal

The herbaceous perennial plant Reedwort has other names: falaris; reed canary grass; variegated sedge; silk grass.

This cereal is loved by many gardeners not only for its unusually decorative appearance. Although, it is really impossible to find the same plant with long variegated leaves.
Phalaris is truly a unique plant. Its leaves remain elegant from early spring until late autumn. And the most important thing is that this cereal easily tolerates the severe frosts of our latitudes and hot periods of summer, and is able to grow in any type of soil, in the shade and in the sun.
In adulthood, phalaris can reach a meter or more. If necessary, you can trim the bush. Pruning won't hurt him.
Falaris is also used in dry bouquets.

Another advantage is its resistance to diseases and pests.

The only negative that you need to pay attention to when choosing a landing site is the aggressiveness of Phalaris. Its root system quickly spreads and can destroy nearby plants.

In addition to the rhizome, spikelets with seeds pose a danger of clogging areas of the garden. It is advisable to cut them off in time, especially since they are not of great decorative interest.

Planting phalaris is not particularly difficult, since the viability of the plant is very high. It is enough to dig up part of the bush, plant it in a hole and water it, and this cereal will definitely take root. Rather, you need to worry about its excessive growth and ability to quickly take over other areas of the garden. Therefore, it is advisable to protect the seedlings with slate plates (dig 30 cm into the ground), at least in the direction where it is not desirable for them to grow.

You need to water the dwarf plant regularly, although it can easily withstand drought. The density of the color of the leaves and the height of the bush depend on the water.

Reed phalaris should be cut off almost to the root for the winter. It is enough to leave only low stumps at the base.
The Phalaris bush can be trimmed to shape its shape and height. Moreover, cutting will stimulate the growth of foliage and new shoots.

Two-source grass is a forest grass; it is not necessary to fertilize and feed it with mineral fertilizers. You can fertilize only when necessary to increase seed yield (at the end of summer).

Phalaris is very aggressive, and is capable of displacing cultivated plants, but there are weeds that can grow inside the dwarf bush. If they appear, be sure to remove them promptly.

Reproduction of the dwarf is possible in 2 ways

It is necessary to propagate the two-flowered plant only by dividing the rhizome, especially since this grass grows very quickly.
You can sow seeds, but keep in mind that only varietal plants have white stripes along the leaves. From seeds grow species-specific cereals that do not have these decorative characteristics.
Before sowing, seeds are soaked for a day in warm water. Sow on the ground and then sprinkle with a small layer of soil. Water the seeds regularly.

Video of Phalaris at the height of its growth, in early summer.

Video of Elimus in the middle of summer, at the height of its growth.

How to buy phalaris seedlings

Buy one The plant Reed dwarf (phalaris) can be purchased for 200 rubles.
The minimum order amount may be 1,500 rubles, but the cost of delivery by mail (or PEC) in this case is paid by you.
Delivery by mail is free if the cost of the plants (set) is 3000 rubles.
Weight Limit one parcel is no more than 5 kg.
The parcel is sent by Russian Post 1st class or by the transport company PEK.

A brief description, as well as other photographs of Dvukistochnik taken in our nursery during different periods of growth of this plant, you can see by following these links:
Reedwort (phalaris) and How to buy phalaris (reedwort) seedlings.

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2017 / Indoor flowers, plants and seeds for the garden

Reed canary or two-tasseled planting and care in open ground Photo

Two-flowered plant, canary grass, reed phalaris - all these are the names of one plant, which you have probably seen more than once. Landscape designers like grass for its unpretentiousness and ability to take root in any conditions. The plant got its name because its seeds serve as food for birds, including canaries. Canary grass, or silk grass, is valued for the beauty of its leaves, unpretentiousness, and resistance of shoots to lodging. The two-source plant is planted on alpine hills, along the edge of a reservoir or along a fence.

Description of two-tasseled or reed canaryweed

Reed canaryweed (Phalaris arundinacea) or reed grass is a perennial plant from the Poaceae family. Phalaris is distributed throughout the temperate zone of continents, except Antarctica. It can grow both on the plain and in the mountains, in dry places and swamps.

The dwarf plant has a creeping, nodular rhizome that grows horizontally, forming nodules with fibrous roots. Its distinctive feature is the linear color of the leaves (green with white or cream stripes) of different widths depending on the variety. From mid-summer it produces paniculate inflorescences. Grows well in sunny places. It looks just as impressive in the shade.

How to care for a canary

Loose, moist soils are more suitable for the dwarf plant, but it also grows well in dry meadows. Clay or sandy soil is most preferable. On fertile soils, the stripes appear brighter - the plant becomes more spectacular and tolerates heat more easily.

  • Young plants do not need moisture as much as adults. But the brightness of the leaf plates and the growth rate depend on moisture.
  • Regular pruning of phalaris in the spring at a level of 25-30 cm stimulates the development of dense, dense turf. Canary grass inflorescences are not decorative and are best cut off.
  • You can do without fertilizing. Although irrigation with ammonia water will benefit the beauty and picturesqueness of the leaves.
  • Tolerates frosts well without any shelter.

Under favorable conditions, the canary can be aggressive; its landing sites should be limited.
It grows in one place for about 6 years. If aging turf becomes loose, then silk grass requires replanting. Otherwise, it will turn into a weed, losing its decorative effect.

How to propagate dvukochnik

Growing from seeds

How to grow canaryweed phalaris from seeds

Canary grass is propagated by seeds, which are pre-soaked for speedy germination. You can sow directly into the garden bed or in advance in early spring, in March-April, in plastic containers or pots, several in each. Planting depth is 1-1.5 cm, the distance is at least 2-3 cm between seedlings. The shoots are not long in coming. And after a few days they rise like a brush above the soil surface.

Canary seedlings photo

All that remains is to moisten the soil before the seedlings are transferred to a permanent location. Prepare the planting holes in advance, fertilizing them with organic matter and thoroughly moistening them. Transplanted by transferring from a container to the ground. If there are too many seedlings in the pot, you can divide the curtain into two or more parts. With proper care, the canary grows quickly and occupies the entire territory provided to it.

Vegetative propagation

The vegetative method is also not difficult. It all depends on the volume of the plant from which the shoots are separated. You can simply dig up part of an overgrown bush, sprinkling nutritious soil into the free space.

A cutting cut at the base easily takes root in wet sand. In just a few days, he will develop a beard of white roots. And this is ready-made planting material. You can use a knife to separate a small knot with roots and leaves - such a shoot is also ready for planting.

An important condition for any type of propagation is timely watering, this ensures successful establishment and full development of the cereal.

Diseases and pests

One of the important advantages of canary grass is that it is resistant to pests and not susceptible to diseases. Only in extremely rare cases is a fungicide treatment required.

Canary in landscape design

Canary grass or two-flowered plant in garden design photo

Canary grass is used in mixed plantings in flower beds and flower beds as an accent. You can plant it as a ground cover or background plant. Cut canary shoots retain freshness for a long time, making an excellent addition to bouquets. They can be dried and used to create a winter composition.

Phalaris in landscape design photo

It feels great on the shore of a pond, but it can also be placed in shallow water in a container. The two-source plant can be placed where nothing grows. On any personal plot there is a place for a canary, which, without any pretensions, will delight the owners with originality and simplicity.

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Reed phalaris is better known among us under the names canary grass, reed grass, and canary grass. One of the most unpretentious cereal plants. Only variegated forms are used in culture. The reed dwarf is very beautiful, it is loved and often used by landscape designers. It is valued not only for the beauty of its leaves, but also for its unpretentiousness. Phalaris is not demanding in care and readily grows both in the light and in the shade. Its flexible shoots are very stable.

You can meet various types of canary grass almost everywhere: in meadows and fields, in forests and parks, near houses and along roads. Canary grass is so common that sometimes not everyone will pay attention to such an ordinary and familiar plant. Decorative varieties are grown in cultivation.

Canary grass is a herbaceous plant for open ground, reaching a height of 150 cm. It belongs to the grass family; in nature there are 19 annual and perennial species.

The stem is smooth, even, bare, erect, branches from the base. It does not break under gusty winds.

The leaves are alternate, lanceolate, simple or linear, up to 2 cm wide, the base is truncated, the apex is pointed. Wild species are painted a monotonous green color in dark or light shades. The leaves are tender to the touch, which is why the canary grass plant is called silky grass.

The rhizome is fibrous, creeping, long, knotty.

The inflorescence is paniculate, up to 20 cm long and up to 2 cm wide, rises above the plant, large, resembling fluffy spikelets on long peduncles. Single-flowered miniature spikelets are found in greenish-gray and lilac shades. Flowering period June - September.

In autumn, yellow or brown fruits are formed in the form of small grains with seeds.

Types and varieties

Wild canary grass is rarely used in garden plantings; usually in floriculture its variegated forms with variegated leaf plate colors are used.

Reed canary grass

Reed canary grass

It has other names: reed-like dvuktistnik, zhirovnik, dvukistochnik, silk grass.

Reed canarygrass is a perennial meadow riding grass. Grows up to 2.5 m in height. The stems are straight, bare, round, smooth, leafy, slightly convex in the area of ​​the leaf axils.

The leaves are up to 30 cm in length, flat, narrow, pointed at the ends, green with a gray-blue tint, slightly rough.

The root system is fibrous, branched, extending into the ground up to 2 meters. The rhizome is creeping, developed, yellow-brown in color, extending 10 - 15 cm underground. In June, a spike-shaped paniculate inflorescence up to 10 - 20 cm in length is formed. The loose panicle has a green or gray-blue tint and is wind pollinated.

In July - August the fruit ripens in the form of a flattened, ovoid, dark yellow grain.

Prefers moist soil, coastlines along rivers and lakes.

Distributed in the temperate zone of the European part of Russia, in Eastern Siberia, the Urals, and North America.

Sowing of seeds occurs in the fall after the grains ripen. Flowering occurs in the second year of the plant's life. 5 zoned varieties have been bred for cultivation, but they are not widely used in agriculture.

Canary grass or canary seed

Canary Canary

Other names: canary grass, canary seed, canary grass, canary grass. Homeland of origin: fields and meadows of Southern Europe. In Russia it is found as a wild weed.

Canary grass can be found everywhere; it is an extremely unpretentious herb that can grow on any soil. An annual, bushy, densely turfy plant with a light green, straight, bare stem branched at the base. Plant height up to 1 m.

Propagated only by seed. Seeds are sown in open ground in May, after 14 days the first shoots appear.

The root system is fibrous. The leaves are broadly linear, up to 5 and 7 mm wide, pointed, short, rough.

It blooms in June with ovoid, round, oblong, dense spikelets - panicles, up to 5 cm long. The panicle consists of miniature lanceolate-shaped scales with a smooth edge, a light shade with a characteristic green longitudinal stripe. The scales at the base are longer, up to 6 mm, the upper ones are smaller and narrower, about 1-3 mm long. In August, the fruits ripen - boxes up to 5 mm long.

Small canary

Small canary

An annual herbaceous plant no more than 60 cm high. The stem is straight or ascending, branched, geniculate. The leaves are flat, long, rough along the edges, the base of the leaf often hugs the stem. The inflorescences are spike-shaped, paniculate, light, cylindrical, ovoid in shape, up to 5 cm long and up to 2 cm wide, spikelets are scales 3 - 5 mm long.

Peculiar canary

peculiar canaryweed (Phalaris paradoxa)

Another name is strange canary. Zoned variety for Siberia and the Far East, Asia.


Phalaris arundinacea variegata ‘Feesey’

Varietal form of reed canary grass. Plant height is about 80 - 100 cm. Flowering period July - September. It does not require special care, watering as the soil dries. For better growth, it is recommended to water moderately, no more than 3 times a week. Lack of moisture in the soil does not harm the plants, but it does affect the decorative effect. Prefers open light areas, also grows well in partial shade.

The leaves are long, with light longitudinal stripes of a more saturated bright color. A characteristic feature is that as the temperature drops, in spring and autumn, the stems and leaf blades acquire a pink tint.


Varietal form of reed canary grass, unblown inflorescence - dark red panicles - spikelets. Prefers moister soil, but is drought-resistant. Grows equally well in partial shade and in open sunny areas. Up to 1 m in height, leaves are white-green. In autumn and spring, at low temperatures, the stem and leaves acquire a deeper pink color.


The most popular cultivated form of reed-like silk grass. Grows quickly, prefers moist, fertilized soil. Most often used in gardening. The variety grows up to 2 m in height. The leaves are long, with a characteristic longitudinal stripe of pale yellow color along the entire length of the leaf.


canary grass Tricolor

A herbaceous plant up to 2 m high, with long, straight, white-green striped leaves. As the temperature drops, a pink tint appears on the leaf blades, which may persist in the future. Drought-resistant variety, prefers moist and moist soil.

Woods Dwarf

Reed varietal form. Perennial herbaceous plant. The dwarf copy of the Picta variety, however, is more compact in size, reaching 50 cm in height.

Diseases and pests

Not attacked by drivers, resistant to diseases.

Plant care

Silk grass prefers any loose soil, but feels better on sandy and clayey soils. In fertile soil, the decorative properties are most pronounced.
Watering is required moderately, three times a week, and the plants are drought-resistant. To obtain a lush bush in early spring, the canary grass must be pruned at a level of 20 - 30 cm from the ground, which will lead to the development of denser foliage. Tall panicles do not have a decorative effect; to avoid self-seeding, it is recommended to trim them.

Fertilizing is not necessary, but when fertilized, the plant grows thicker and brighter.

Reed canary grass is a winter-hardy species and does not need shelter for the winter. At the end of autumn, the canary plant is pruned at the root.


Even a novice gardener will not have any difficulties when caring for, growing and planting reed canary grass. With proper care, canary grass grows quickly and can clog the nearest area.

When planting in open ground, in order to avoid rapid growth, it is recommended to install metal plates in the ground around the planting site that will restrain the rapid growth of the plant. If it is not possible to limit the growth process in open ground, it is recommended to plant canary grass in wide containers buried in the ground. Plant at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. Every 3-5 years it is necessary to replant the plants by dividing the bush.

Canary in landscape design

In fresh or dried form, the plant is often used in floristry to make bouquets and various compositions. Reed canary grass and its decorative varieties are used to decorate alpine hills, borders, decorate the coastline of man-made ponds, reservoirs, and as ground cover plants. In separate containers the plant grows well and develops in shallow water.