Preparation for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language: program, methods and technologies. How to prepare for the exam from scratch on your own To start preparing for the Russian exam

Any graduate from the 10th grade knows that in order to receive a certificate and complete schooling, it is necessary to pass the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. In many schools, it is from this moment that gradual preparation for the Unified State Examination in Russian begins, because both teachers and the school administration are interested in the successful completion of the year by all students. However, one should not be irresponsible about preparation, since the results of the exam will directly affect the possibility of continuing education at the university.

Assessing the complexity of tasks

How to think over the preparation for the exam in the Russian language? To get started, go to the official FIPI website ( to get acquainted with the official demo version of the test that you have to solve in the exam. You will see that the version of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language consists of 24 test tasks, a text and a written task for working on the text (essay).

In principle, this is not so much, and even if you come to your senses just a month before the exam, with daily classes you can achieve at least a minimum passing score.

Usually, for the USE in the Russian language, preparation is organized directly at the school. The teacher analyzes the solution of some tasks at the Russian language lessons themselves, and for more targeted preparation for the Unified State Examination in Russian, time is allocated for additional classes on the subject after the main lessons. In these classes, for about an hour, you solve exactly the tasks that appear in the tests.

It would seem that a solution has been found. But things don't always work out so well. It often turns out that, for example, the time chosen for classes is not suitable for you, or classes do not bring positive results as a result, since they are taught by your own teacher in Russian, communication with which does not add up for various reasons. That is why many students and parents still have to look for other options on how to prepare for the exam in Russian.

Tutor help

A common option in this case is classes with a tutor. If you can find a really good teacher and agree on classes on suitable terms, then most likely the result will please you. The tutor will evaluate your initial knowledge, will be able to identify exactly your gaps and study according to an individual scheme. The disadvantages that can be identified in this option are the relatively high cost of such classes, as well as their format. Not everyone is comfortable studying in the evening at home or with a tutor, since the situation is not quite working.


Most likely, therefore, many students choose to prepare for the Unified State Examination in Russian in the courses. Courses can be held directly at the university you intend to enroll in, or in private educational centers. When enrolling in courses at a university, be sure to specify the curriculum so as not to accidentally get into preparation courses for an internal exam, which can be held at a university on a par with the Unified State Examination in Russian, the preparation in this case will differ significantly from what you need. The weak side of group lessons is the large number of students in the group. Do not forget to clarify this point as well.


If you still decide to prepare for the Unified State Examination in Russian on your own, then start by purchasing the official collections of the Unified State Examination tests of the current year. The questions of each test are identical in content, and in addition, a strictly defined topic is assigned to each assignment number from the USE. This greatly simplifies the task, because in this case we clearly know which topics are included in the program of our preparation for the exam, and which are not. Many students begin to prepare for the Unified State Examination in Russian on their own, and already in the last 2-3 months they have been studying under the guidance of a private teacher or in a group of express preparation for the Unified State Examination in Russian.

Do not focus only on the daily or weekly solution of the full test. When building a training program, it is also useful to identify your strongest and most weak spots in knowledge of the Russian language. Try all the same to understand and analyze the specific topics on the subject that are checked in a particular task. Some topics you can easily remember from the school course, others will require learning almost from scratch. In any case, thematic study of the subject will be psychologically easier than solving numerous tasks on various topics.

Start by doing simple tasks. They do not require much effort, and you can comfortably join the work of preparing for the exam.

For example, this is task number 1, where you just need to learn how to read the text carefully and highlight the main information in it. Or task number 3, where you need to choose the correct meaning of the word from the proposed options. Relatively easy is task number 8, which tests your knowledge of the spelling of the roots, and we were taught to select test words with an emphasis on the root back in primary school. Having solved a few of these simple tasks, we will already be able to score a certain number of points and ensure that we pass the exam in the Russian language with a positive score.

Alas, it will not do without memorizing some material. In mathematics, these are formulas, in Russian - exception words and the correct placement of stress in words (task No. 4). With these difficult units, only one old way will help to cope: write out and periodically reread. Gradually, at least some of these words will be deposited in your memory. Therefore, naturally, if we prepare in advance for the exam in the Russian language, the chances of memorization increase.

Finally, there are tasks of increased difficulty. Traditionally, punctuation assignments are difficult for high school students. Indeed, it is better to analyze this topic with a teacher who will teach you how to correctly highlight the basics of sentences, find logical boundaries and correctly place signs. However, among these tasks there are more and less difficult ones. Task number 15, where you need to put signs in simple sentences, is not at all difficult to work out. For task number 16, you also need to learn only two rules for setting commas with participles and participles.

What to do if there is very little time?

How to prepare for the exam in the Russian language, if there is no time to re-study difficult topics? Focus on perfecting simple tasks. For example, task number 24 (one of the most difficult) will require you to know literary terms, immerse yourself in the study of a very special area. Evaluate your strengths and decide whether it is worth spending so much time on it? Maybe it's better to start studying essay writing?

By the way, it is the essay that should be given Special attention when you think how well to prepare for the exam in Russian. It is usually considered the most unpleasant and difficult task of all. USE test, but the secret is that, clearly knowing the rules for working with an essay USE format, write Good work easier than solving some tasks from the test. Even if you do not get the maximum score for it, scoring about 10-12 points out of 23 is more than realistic.

Of course, a lot depends on your initial knowledge, as well as on the desire to prepare for the exam. But, if you set yourself the goal of writing the Unified State Examination in Russian for a good score and go step by step towards it, then the result will not be long in coming. Believe me, you know much more from the Russian language than you think. Happy preparation!

Successfully passing the exam is the dream of every school graduate and their parents. Preparation is carried out, as a rule, with the involvement of tutors. And since there are several subjects for rent, the amount for paying for additional classes is not small.

But you can prepare for the exam on your own!

Tools for preparation: study, tests, olympiads

Preparation must begin no later than one year before the test.

Current grades in a subject do not objectively reflect the level of the entire course, for example, mathematics. The USE assesses knowledge and practical skills over several years.

Use every opportunity to replenish and test your knowledge.

  1. During the lessons, listen carefully to the explanations of the teachers. Feel free to ask questions, ask to explain again incomprehensible points. USE materials made up of topics learned in school.
  2. In its own way the essence of the exam- test increased complexity. So you don't have to skip exams. They provide an opportunity to check the level of knowledge, discover topics that should be learned and give the skill of working with tasks. After all, the result depends on the ability to understand the task. Oddly enough, but most of the errors are due to an incorrectly read task, from the fact that they did not understand the question.
  3. Participate in subject Olympiads. They are not limited to the school curriculum and their implementation is somewhat similar to the exam. In the process of preparing for participation, you will gain new knowledge and the skill of working on non-standard tasks.

To increase motivation, consider training precisely as a tool for preparing for the exam.

Teaching is work. Heavy, but doable.

Check out this year's criteria

Every year, in the order of conduct, USE structure changes are made. Therefore, at the initial stage of preparation, familiarize yourself with the exam format that is relevant for the period of delivery.

To do this, on the FIPI website, find the specifications and codifiers for the subjects that you pass. This will give you the opportunity to understand what to prepare for and what will be required of you on the exam. What practical skills do you need to develop?

Pay attention to the criteria for grading tasks with a detailed answer. Review the formatting requirements.

The specification describes the structure of the exam, the composition of the KIM. The codifier contains a list of topics for which there will be assignments for the exam.

All changes in the course and content are made at the beginning of the academic year.

What you need to prepare

For self-study in the exam at home you need:

  • textbooks;
  • reference materials;
  • Internet resources;
  • benefits.

The most important thing you need is desire. Without this component, self-training is unlikely.

The goal of preparation is to understand the material. It won't help just to learn. In a stressful situation, and passing the exam is one of those, the brain reproduces understandable things.

What textbooks and reference materials are needed for, manuals are understandable. Let's take a closer look at online resources. In self-preparation for the exam, they play almost the main role.

Online lectures and video tutorials

Have you decided the KIM USE option and got an unsatisfactory result? This is not a reason for frustration, but a guide to action: learning the material.

Find a video lesson on the topic of the assignment. The advantage of the Internet is that it is possible to choose the style of teaching and presentation of material.

Don't spend a lot of time searching and browsing. Be guided by the fact that in the first issue of the search engine the most popular video lessons, and therefore, the highest quality.

Immediately after watching, solve several problems on the topic. You can do it right there on the demo site.

The Internet in this case replaces the tutor. Only he does not need to pay a large amount for services.

Track the effectiveness of training

If you solve KIMs on one site, use the function of saving the results. Then you can see the progress and analyze the errors. This is necessary in order to determine what material needs to be tightened.

Particular attention to errors associated with absent-mindedness, inattention. An answer not entered, a missing or unaccounted for sign, take points. Memory and attention also need to be trained.

Study the codifiers on the FIPI website

We go to the FIPI website, find the section of the Unified State Examination and GVE-11, open the page "Demo versions, specifications and codifiers". The documents here are structured by subject - download for those that you hand over. The archive can also contain all sorts of useful things like dictionaries, word assemblies, rules and formulas.

First of all, we open the codifier - the sections of the educational program that will be checked during the exam are marked here. Mark topics you know and don't know.


The codifier will give an idea of ​​the number of topics to be studied in each subject. At the beginning of preparation, this volume is terrifying.

But nothing is impossible. Proper planning will help you absorb all the necessary volume.

  • Distribute the preparation by the days of the week: one day - one subject. This will give you a deeper dive into the information. Indeed, in addition to preparing for the exam, there will also be homework for the current educational process.
  • Allocate 1.5-2 hours daily and be sure to take one or two breaks of 15 minutes. A tired brain does not remember information, but “passes” it.
  • Make a plan-task for each lesson, marking the topics studied. You will see the effectiveness of your work and will be able to track what has already been done and what still needs to be learned.

Start the lesson by solving the demo. So you will evaluate the initial level of knowledge and understanding of the topic and understand how much you will have to study on it.

Depending on how much time you have, form a training plan. It is best to start studying at least a year before the exam, but it is quite possible to master the basics quickly - in a month, a week, or even a day.

Make up an example educational program”, in which the topics will go in descending order. From basic aspects to the least significant details. Create a schedule and make sure you stick to it. The hardest thing about self-training is discipline. No one is standing over you with a stick, so organizing yourself is very difficult. In no case do not skip classes - nothing will work if you put off until tomorrow.

Remember that you are not doing it for someone else, so do not deceive yourself. If the material is not learned, allocate an extra day for it or approach the teacher and ask for an explanation. Perhaps one of your friends can help you.

Take the exam demo

There are sites that have demo versions of USE assignments. They can be solved directly on the site and get the result.

Most often, typical tasks are set, without an advanced level and practical tasks.

You can solve the demo version from the archive downloaded on the FIPI website, but this is not very convenient - you will have to check it yourself, referring to the answers.

It is more convenient to solve the demo version online, for example, on Yandex.EGE - here the system will check your answers and calculate the number of points. Problems only with part C - it is technically impossible to check the essay, presentation and essay using services. You will have to do this yourself, evaluating the work according to the criteria from the specification.

Real world training

Use all the possibilities of the "rehearsal" of the exam. The exam process is stressful. Practice will help you stay calm in the real world. And this is the key to success.

Ideally, go through the entire procedure, with the entrance through metal detectors, solving problems under the guns of video cameras.

The FIPI website has a description of the most common mistakes made by graduates of past years. In most cases, they were worth the lost points. Read this experience.

Psychological preparation

In the period of preparation for the exam and on the day of passing, often remember Carlson's words "Calm, only calm." You've probably noticed that when you're nervous, it's harder to focus and remember things.

Contributes to an adequate perception of the exam confidence in their knowledge, confirmed by the results of training exams and demos.

Do not take sedatives in last days before the exam. They slow down the work of the brain and in a situation of severe stress give drowsiness.

Physical training

Urgently mobilize all the systems and forces of the body. Physical condition is also an important factor.

During the period of illness, preparation for the exam usually stops, which means that either the workload increases in the following days or something remains unlearned. After an illness, the body needs several days to recover.

Walking, physical activity, enhanced proper nutrition and observance of the daily regimen contribute to the maintenance of physical condition and you will have enough strength and health to prepare and pass the exam.

Each student can independently prepare for the exam. On the part of parents, a willingness to support and help, control over the results of training will be required.

Dear parents, celebrate any, even the smallest successes of the child. Compare his previous level of knowledge with what is on this moment. And never compare yourself to other children.

Preparation for the exam in a specific subject

Each of the subjects has its own characteristics that must be considered when preparing for the exam. Based on the feedback from past graduates, we have compiled specific tips that will help you pass the exam with a good score.

How to prepare for the exam in the Russian language

Understand (not memorize, but understand) and remember the rules, memorize the exception words and the basics of punctuation. Do not be lazy, take a set of rules and read them all - mark for yourself those that you don’t remember or remember poorly, then memorize them 1-2 per day, do test tasks. There are millions of such tasks in the network, it is not difficult to search. According to statistics, 11th grade graduates most often make mistakes in the following rules, topics and sections:

  • Spelling - spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives, participles; spelling "o" and "ё" after hissing; prefixes "pre" and "at".
  • Particles and unions - spelling "not" and "neither"; spelling of unions.
  • Punctuation is direct speech; participial and participle turns, a comma before "and".
  • Vocabulary - introductory words.
  • Grammar - continuous and separate spelling of adverbs; writing adverbs and nouns with a hyphen.

Tip: Be sure to learn the types of subordinate clauses and the declension of numerals. They also "catch" tens of thousands of graduates.

It is also important to learn all kinds of exception words - they do not lend themselves to the rules (at least the rules from the school curriculum) and you just need to remember them. Ideally, you need to arrange them in an acceptable font, print or write by hand, and then hang them over your desktop. Look at them more often - this is one of the most effective ways memorization.

Preparing for Part C more difficult. Here you will need to write an essay-reasoning based on the text you have read. Usually they suggest to note what the author had in mind, and to express their own opinion on this issue. The worst solution is to connect emotions and start “downloading rights” in your storytelling. The best solution- look at and remember the evaluation criteria and write an essay in full accordance with them, without inventing or inventing anything, adding only a very small amount of emotion. Criteria for evaluating the essay are in the specification.

How to prepare for the exam in mathematics

Mathematics is the most difficult subject for self-study. First of all, because of the tasks in part C. It’s quite possible to master parts A and B without a tutor - we learn the rules and formulas, those that are the most difficult to remember, print or write out, after which we hang them over the desktop and look at them as often as possible .

In what basic topics do graduates most often make mistakes:

  • trigonometric formulas.
  • Logarithmic equations.
  • Differentiation rules.
  • Basic theorems of geometry.
  • Primitives and integrals.

When preparing for the exam in mathematics, it is recommended to solve as much as possible. Start with demo versions of exam options. After all, there are not so many rules and formulas in the school curriculum - again, we refer you to the codifier - see what you need to know, what you can use, what is important to remember in the first place. If you feel that the solution of a certain segment of problems is going badly, solve them as much as possible, connect ordinary textbooks from the school curriculum, look at ready-made solutions.

How to prepare for the exam in history

History is not a collection of dates and events. First of all, it's chronological. That is why training should be built not on memorizing dates and personalities, but on building chronological chains, identifying causes and effects. Look at the topics of the codifier - they almost completely repeat the educational program on the history of Russia from ancient times to the present day.

Preparation should be built in this way: if you have at least half a year, then start over (from ancient times) and go through 2-3 topics every day (depending on the time you have).

So you will understand the sequence of events and you will understand that the abolition of serfdom could not have happened in 1451, and Ivan the Terrible could not have visited St. Petersburg.

Topics most often confused by graduates:

  • Theories of the origin of Russia (Norman, centrist and others).
  • feudal division.
  • Trouble.
  • Reforms of Peter I.
  • Patriotic War of 1812.
  • World War I.
  • Revolution of 1917 and civil war.
  • The Second World War.
  • Thaw.

The educational program in history is a huge amount of knowledge. Therefore, if you only have 2-3 months left to prepare, there is no point in trying to study the whole thing. Take the most important events and study them according to the plan. For example, wars: cause, course, main battles, commanders, results. Or reforms: background, dates, content, consequences. It is also worth memorizing key dates - the beginning and end of wars, the implementation of major reforms, the reign of heads of state, and so on.

How to prepare for the exam in social studies

Preparation is good because there are not so many terms that require remembering the exact interpretation. Here, the outlook is more important, the ability to think logically and answer the questions posed from the standpoint of the norms of law and morality. When preparing, it is enough to study topics from the codifier and solve demo versions of exam options. If, while solving, you stumble upon a topic that you do not know or know poorly, mark it for yourself and study it. Also try to look for causal relationships, rely on facts.

Social science is one of the few subjects that does not have obvious "problem" topics. Graduates make mistakes in everyone equally often, and there is no way to give statistics. But we can note a number of documents that are mandatory for reading and studying in the course of preparation - for example, the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Check out the full list in the code.

As for part C, here you will find an essay on a given topic. It's important not to get too emotional, even if the subject touches on your feelings. Refer to the specification and look at the job evaluation criteria. Build your story around it. Do not try to please the criteria to the smallest detail - keep the style of presentation free. But give examples, point out arguments, back them up with facts. Ideally, if you can add precedents, using your own horizons.

How to prepare for the exam in biology

Parts A and B are the theory you just need to know. There is nothing transcendental here, therefore we open textbooks and begin to study everything in stages. This can be done even in 2-3 months - most of the materials are easy to remember if you delve into the topic and learn to operate with terms (it is important to know their interpretation, and not stumble with each new meeting with an unknown word). Most often, school graduates get confused and make mistakes in the following sections of the school curriculum:

  • The structure of pro- and eukaryotic cells.
  • Ontogenesis.
  • Human anatomy.
  • Higher nervous activity.
  • Global ecosystem (the teachings of V. I. Vernadsky).

Now let's talk about preparing for part C - it is traditionally the most difficult. Here it is necessary to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. According to the experience of past years, even graduates who know the theory in detail make mistakes precisely in applying their knowledge in the course of a practical task. Therefore, it is worth preparing by studying real examples of completing tasks from Part C and translating the experience gained into your own practice. Use quality video tutorials. They can be found, for example, on the same Yandex.USE. You can see how teachers and experts solve problems - adopt their methods.

How to prepare for the exam in physics

Training should include two basic components - the study of theory, rules and formulas and their application in practice. It is not recommended to just memorize the rules. It is best to solve 2-3 tasks for each formula you studied, or analyze the finished solution. It is important not so much to know as to understand. Ideally, if you have enough time not only for the problem solving promoter, but also for real experiments.

In what topics do graduates make mistakes most often:

  • Galileo's principle of relativity.
  • Hooke's law is the force of elasticity.
  • The Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation.
  • Law of conservation of momentum.
  • Einstein's equation for the photoelectric effect
  • Radioactivity.

The more you decide, the better. If you have at least six months at your disposal, then distribute the preparation time approximately in the ratio of 15 minutes of theory and 30 minutes of practice from each academic hour. Use academic hours - rest for 10-15 minutes every hour. Solving problems takes too much energy, and in order not to get migraines, you need to rest. It is also not recommended to spend more than 2 academic hours per day on self-study.

It is far from always possible to understand the solution of the problem on your own, even if the correct option lies in front of you. But it is really important to catch the logic, otherwise there will simply be no sense from the viewed.

If there is no way to turn to a good teacher or tutor, decide together with other graduates preparing for exams. AT in social networks and messengers there are many communities, channels and chats where high school students solve problems together USE demos discuss them and help each other.

How to prepare for the exam in English

learn English language- wrong answer. More precisely, not entirely true. In conditions of self-training, it is impossible to learn English in a few months. But to pass the exam by 60-70 points without even having the Pre-Intermediate level is quite realistic. For this, it is necessary for the time remaining before the exam to “switch to English” as much as possible. This means that you have to not only learn grammar, but also:

  • Listen to songs in English by reading and memorizing the lyrics.
  • Watch movies in English with Russian subtitles.
  • Read familiar works in English as much as possible.

Interestingly, the most difficult part The USE in English, according to graduates, is not part C (essay, composition or letter), but listening, in which you need to work with the text spoken by the announcer. Therefore, learn to understand fast English speech or develop this skill as much as possible if you already know how. This can be done in an interesting way - for example, listening to songs in English. Open the text, clarify the translation of incomprehensible words and phrases. Listen to the song and look at the lyrics at the same time.

As for part C, here it is usually proposed to write a letter or essay on a given topic. This topic does not need to be thoroughly mastered in terms of, for example, history or other science. But you need to have enough vocabulary to be able to talk about it. Therefore, look at the topics indicated in the codifier, and select characteristic words and phrases for each of them - they will have to be memorized. You can use services like Lingualeo - here, even in the free version, there are many collections of thematic words.


It is realistic to prepare for the exam in basic subjects even in a month. The only question is what you can achieve as a result of preparation.

Really learn in a day ground rules and topics - this guarantees 5-6 points on tasks from part A, which will definitely not be superfluous. In a month, you can understand the logic of solving problems in the course of performing practical tasks. In half a year it is really possible to undergo in-depth self-training, and in a year - to prepare comprehensively.

It is important not to scatter your attention and not to go into a thorough study of the details - this way you can miss the base by spending too much time on the little things.

Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language from scratch, and even on your own? With full responsibility I affirm: it is possible.

Just let's immediately decide - what does "from scratch" mean, that is, what kind of "zero" is meant. To do this, I would like you to answer three questions.

1. Do you understand Russian?

3. Can you link words into sentences, and build texts from sentences, at least small ones?

So, you answered yes to all three questions? So it's not all that bad! At least there is already a small foundation for it - and I'm not kidding, believe me. By the way, theoretically, to complete some USE tasks, only a good command of Russian is required: it is assumed that they can be dealt with without even knowing a single rule.

But do not flatter yourself: the main part of the tasks still requires a systematic repetition (and if “from scratch”, then study) of most of the topics of the school course of the Russian language.

If you are interested in how to prepare for the Unified State Examination from scratch, then, having adequately assessed your knowledge of the Russian language, you decided that they are “zero”. It doesn’t matter why: I was often sick, I was lazy a lot, I walked for a long time ... Zero is so zero. The main thing is that you are still thinking about how to pass the exam - and that's great! I'll try to help you.

Where to begin?

To begin with, figure out what kind of animal this is - the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. Go to the FIPI website ( and download the latest demo version of the exam there.

The glossary and dictionary of paronyms will be useful to you later, you can read the codifier and specification later at your leisure. Now you need a demo version - more precisely, demo version USE in Russian. Take the test, check the answers - evaluate how “zero” your knowledge is. Approximately the same tasks will be on the real exam. Now you know what to work on.

Try to find school textbooks of the Russian language from grades 5 to 11, as well as manuals for preparing for the exam. Now there are a lot of such manuals - both in printed form and in electronic form. Choose ones that have sample exam tests - and the more the better. I usually recommend N.A. Senina or I.P. Tsybulko (it is possible that these authors are familiar to you from the time).

Has the preliminary work been done? Now be patient: preparing for the exam is not an easy task.

We plan independent preparation for the exam

Of course, ideally, your preparation for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language should be under the guidance of a teacher or tutor. But you decided to prepare for the exam on your own - which means we will try to plan the work together. You can't do without planning - the system is important here.

First of all, figure out the daily routine: set aside time for yourself to study. Think about how many times a week you can practice. Your lesson should consist of two parts - theoretical and practical. First, you study the theory on a certain topic, then you complete test tasks in the USE format. Look for theoretical material in textbooks, tests - in manuals for preparing for the exam.

If you trust me, I can offer the materials of our site. I promise to eventually publish theory and practice in all areas of preparation for the exam. But we already have some.

There are not so many sections that you have to repeat (or study from scratch). You can copy their list directly from our website, print it out - and put a “tick” if the topic has been studied. It would be nice to periodically return to the material covered - so as not to forget. Here are the topics (note: clickable links mean that material on the topic is on our site; these topics are highlighted in italics).

The list of topics that are included in the exam in the Russian language

Phonetics. Orthoepy


The lexical meaning of the word. The division of the vocabulary of the Russian language into groups depending on the semantic relationships between words. Lexical norms (use of a word in accordance with the exact lexical meaning and the requirement of lexical compatibility).

word formation

Tasks for this section are no longer included in the exam, so we recommend this material as an additional one.


. Morphological norms(formation of word forms).



Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech.

Continuous, hyphenated, separate spelling of words.


Phrase. Types of subordination in the phrase: agreement, control, adjoining *. Agreement norms. Management standards.

Sentence. Grammatical (predicative) basis of the sentence. Subject and predicate as the main members of the sentence.

Types of proposals by the presence of main members: two-part and one-part.

A simple complicated sentence. Construction of sentences with homogeneous members. Building a sentence with a participle.

Types of sentences by the number of grammatical foundations. Types of complex sentences by means of communication of parts. complex sentences with different types connections. Construction of complex sentences.


Punctuation in compound sentences simple sentence with identical members.

Punctuation marks in sentences with separate members (definitions, circumstances, applications).

Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence.

Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (with homogeneous members).

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with allied and non-union connection. A complex sentence with different types of connection.


Text as a speech product. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text. Sequence of sentences in the text. Means of communication of sentences in the text. Information processing of texts of various styles and genres.

speech science

Speech. The use of language means depending on the speech situation. Functional-semantic types of speech.

* - Assignments on topics marked with an asterisk are no longer included in the exam. This material can be used as an additional.

If it gets difficult...

Of course, I can’t guarantee you 100 points on the exam (although everything is possible). But I promise that if you practice regularly using this technique, the result will be worthy.

However, some material may be too difficult for you. Do not be upset, this often happens: you learn, you learn a topic, but it is not given - and that's it!

The best assistant is a school teacher: if you formulate the question correctly, I think he will not refuse to help.

By the way, I won't refuse to help you either. If you have any questions or problems, please email me. [email protected] (with notice "USE from scratch") or contact me directly from the site through the feedback form (it is at the very bottom of this page). Whatever I can do, I'll help! I have been preparing graduates for the Unified State Examination since 2004, including from scratch. Perhaps I will be useful to you too.

So, let's get to work! The main thing, believe me: if you want and persevere, you can prepare for the exam - even from scratch! Good luck, I believe in you.

Svetlana Basenko, site administrator


It seemed like it was just September. Pupils carelessly went to the 11th grade, only occasionally remembering that they had to take exams at the end of this year. It was going to spring: the closer to the end of May, the stronger was the emotional burden. And here it is - the finish line. The end of school is very close, and many are happy about it. But what about exams? After all, the burden of responsibility weighs on everyone, just to a different extent. Even those guys who are preparing for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language are worried. Almost in a panic, those who hope - what if it doesn't work out? Whatever the situation, the remaining time is better spent preparing rather than looking for ways to cheat the system. Preparing for the exam in a week is quite realistic. The question is who needs what result.

Read small works for argumentation

To successfully cope with an essay, you need not only to know its structure, but also to be able to give arguments, proving your own position. The more you read, the better. But when there is a week left before the exam, it is pointless to leave all the time for reading. But you can read, suitable for a large number of problems.

1 KG. Paustovsky "Basket with fir cones"

2. K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram"

3. M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil" (the legend of Danko)

4. M. Sholokhov "The fate of man"

Repeat the rules

We are not talking about very elementary rules, the study of which begins in elementary school. But things like , merged and separate spelling are NOT with various parts speech, signs complex sentences worth repeating.

It is worth paying special attention to the repetition of means of expression for task 24 of the USE in the Russian language. For the correct completion of this task, you can get a lot of primary points, which means it’s good to win when transferring them to a hundred-point system.

Write out algorithms for solving the test

This is not a way for the forgetful. By writing out algorithms, you systematize knowledge, bring order to your head. Even an excellent student can get confused in his head due to too much information. What can we say about those guys who went to class for the whole 11th grade just to sit?

When writing out algorithms, make notes. Highlight tasks that are easy for you, that you do without mistakes - you will need to start on them in the exam in the first place. Don't focus on what doesn't work. It is better to "run" through the entire exam test, do what you can, and leave the most difficult moments for later.

Solve test tasks

Solve 1-2 test variants of the exam per day. If problems occur more often in specific types of tasks, solve them en masse. But do not forget to repeat the rules before that - without them, things are unlikely to get off the ground.

Repeat the essay writing algorithm

The most important thing in writing the exam in the Russian language is to observe the desired structure, not to deviate from the topic. It is not so much the beauty of your presentation that is judged here, but its actual accuracy. Therefore, write down not only the algorithm for solving test tasks, but also the algorithm for writing an essay. This can be done using . It does not matter in what order you will work out the structural parts of the essay on a draft. Some guys immediately go according to plan, but someone is more comfortable starting with a problem or selection of arguments. A plan will help you build the stories in the right order.

Write some essays

The process of writing an examination essay in the Russian language is a rather long process. But don't waste your time on it. In the rest of the week, write 1-2 essays in the USE format. So you repeat the structure, work out the plan you wrote out, remember some arguments. What if a similar topic comes up on an exam?

Read completed essays

Spend a few hours reading. This can be done both on this site and on other resources. This method is very powerful, because everything is worked out at the same time: literary and life arguments are recalled, the structure of the essay is repeated, different ones are considered. But approach the choice of resources from which you take the material responsibly. On many sites, examples are given as a sample, which are better not to use.

Find like-minded people

Arrange with friends or classmates about joint preparation. Discuss difficult tasks, look for arguments together, share your success in solving tests. Joint training is a serious motivator that encourages you to work.

Don't forget about rest

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the most important thing before the exam is to rest. Put your books aside the day before the exam. Take a walk, have a tasty meal, watch a movie or play board games. Fear and excitement will not help, but you still need moral strength.

It is always better to prepare systematically, but if this does not work out, use the tips given above. Naturally, this method of preparation is not suitable for everyone. But everyone can learn from these tips a lesson. Good luck on your exam!

Handbook for preparing for the exam

Reference information for all tasks: 1 - 26. If you don’t know something, don’t remember, don’t understand, you are here. Simple, accessible, lots of examples.

Collection of practice tests: 1 - 24

Practice tests with answers to all tasks


Interactive preparation course for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. 26 sections. Individual achievement statistics. Options are formed for each person personally during new visits. Fully complies with the new format of the exam.

  • Unified State Examination Navigator by subscription


Who is interested in training USE options in Russian with answers and comments? Our new series"USE-responder" for you.

Collection of essays on the Russian language (task 26)

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Useful information

The word USE has a fascinating effect on people. The majority, long before the exam, begins to treat it as a fatal milestone: terrible and inevitable. One gets the impression that the will and mind of people are paralyzed at the same time ... Distinct images of a conveyor belt, a meat grinder or a current that carries the unfortunate people to no one knows where emerge ... What is the consequence of such an attitude towards the upcoming test? Passivity, indifference or, on the contrary, feverish activity, senseless fuss, excessive nervous tension. Get reliable information about the upcoming exam.

useless information

Even during difficult or serious work, you can find a reason to joke. Section for those who want to relax a bit

Self defense. If an appeal is needed

It is better not to tune in to the appeal in advance. There is such a life pattern: often people attract situations that they think too much about. The situation of filing an appeal is not the most pleasant. I wish you could avoid it. But if an appeal is unavoidable, it's best to know how to file it.
Therefore, I consider it important to talk about this topic.