Selenium and zinc in food. Zinc and selenium: which foods contain the most of them? Vegetables and fruits

The human body constantly requires not only vitamins, but also various microelements also found in food. A balanced diet will help maintain health, improve well-being and even slow down aging. Therefore, you need to ensure that the composition of the food you eat includes the necessary elements. The most important among them are selenium, silicon, and zinc.

Selenium in food

The first one mentioned useful substances is selenium. Its importance for the body for a long time has been underestimated by scientists. Only in the fifties of the last century it was found that this element takes part in many important processes, occurring inside a person.

Scientists note the following functions:

The natural content of selenium in the body is 12 mg. It accumulates in different concentrations in human organs - kidneys, liver, heart - improving their functioning. However, some people experience a lack of this substance, which leads to disruption of the body's biological reactions, decreased brain activity, as well as memory impairment and depression.

Often, a lack of a useful element is observed with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, since the stomach does not absorb many nutrients, or with parenteral nutrition (through veins). The substance is poorly produced in people who are obese or alcoholic, as well as in those taking cholesterol-lowering medications.

There are symptoms of selenium deficiency:

Selenium should be consumed daily along with food. Daily norms depend on a person’s age, gender and health status:

  1. For newborns, the amount of microelement consumed should not exceed 9 mcg.
  2. For children from one to six years old, the recommended dose is 20 mcg.
  3. Children from seven years old – 28 – 30 mcg.
  4. For adolescents from 12 to 14 years old, selenium is required in amounts of 38 to 43 mcg for boys, from 44 to 47 mcg for girls.
  5. Adult women should consume at least 57 mcg, men - 74 mcg. During pregnancy daily norm increases to 70 mcg.

What foods contain selenium?

A person receives microelements from food (up to 90%) and water (only 10%).

When food is cooked, the substance is not destroyed, but its content is significantly reduced.

Foods rich in selenium (table includes foods with maximum levels):

Tuna This fish is considered the record holder for the amount of the substance in question, but with any type of heat treatment its level is reduced by half. In addition, tuna contains mercury, so experts recommend eating it only once a week.
Pork A serving of bacon contains selenium, which completely covers a person's daily requirement.
Squid Seafood is also rich in this microelement. Cooked squid contains 90 micrograms per 100 grams.
Egg yolk It is best to cook soft-boiled eggs to replenish the daily requirement.
Rice and corn A serving of porridge from any of these cereals contains selenium in the amount necessary for a person.
Brewer's yeast They are often used to prevent substance deficiency: two grams of yeast are diluted warm water and drink after meals.

In addition to those listed in the table, there are other foods containing selenium. However, it is not absorbed when consuming baked goods, canned food, and various semi-finished products. Some medications also interfere with absorption: paracetamol, laxatives, statins. If symptoms of a deficiency of a beneficial element appear, it is necessary to reduce their consumption.

However, an excess of selenium often leads to negative consequences. Such cases do not depend on nutrition. They occur in people living on land with a high content of this microelement or working in paint and varnish factories. Also, selenium can exceed the norm if a person has a metabolic disorder.

Often the following symptoms signal the problem of excess:

  • Depression.
  • Apathy, drowsiness.
  • A pronounced garlic odor emanating from the body.
  • Increased sensitivity of teeth.
  • Liver problems.
  • Frequent nausea and vomiting.

If such signs appear, you should try to eliminate all factors that stimulate the accumulation of the substance and consult a doctor.

Other microelements necessary for humans

Nutrition should be balanced, including all useful elements. Foods rich in zinc, selenium, magnesium, iodine and silicon improve well-being and help the functioning of all body systems.

Zinc is needed for normal cell functioning. In addition, it helps eliminate toxic substances from the body, as well as the production of sperm and eggs. Zinc deficiency leads to slower child development, blurred vision and decreased immunity.

Nowadays, there are rarely cases of shortage of this element. If they do occur, they manifest themselves as follows:

  1. Decreased appetite.
  2. Complete hair loss.
  3. Changes in sense of smell and taste.
  4. Decreased vision at night.
  5. The appearance of white spots on the nails.

People who work with welding machines, as well as those who take too many dietary supplements containing zinc, experience problems associated with an excess of this element.

They often become serious:

  • Vomit.
  • Liver disorders.
  • Intestinal colic.
  • CNS depression and loss of consciousness.
  • Lethal outcome.

Foods rich in highly absorbable zinc are of animal origin: oysters and mussels. 100 grams of fresh oysters contain up to 45 mg of the substance, while the daily intake for an adult should not exceed 15 mg.

Plant foods also include zinc. However, the element obtained from it is poorly absorbed by the human body. High levels of zinc are found in sprouted wheat and bran (up to 13 mg).

Another useful element, silicon, affects the condition of connective tissue and bones. If the body receives an insufficient amount of this substance, then there is a danger of heart disease and tuberculosis, since the elasticity of blood vessels decreases, negatively affecting their function. Since silicon is responsible for the strength of bones, it is especially important that children have enough of it, as well as pregnant women. Silicon helps the skin remain elastic and slows down aging.

Silicon deficiency is observed mainly in older people, whose body does not absorb many microelements well. It's not hard to tell which products contain it. This is food plant origin: various unrefined cereals (silicon is contained in the husk), green vegetables - onions, cucumbers, herbs, cabbage - and medicinal herbs, sold in pharmacies. Meat also includes this element, but the body does not absorb it.

Proteins, cellular receptors, biological membranes, necessary for complete breakdown, formation of genetic material of cells, metabolism nucleic acids. Mention of the mineral is first found in the works of the Swiss alchemist K. M. Paracelsus under the words “zinken”, “zincum”, meaning “scar”. This is due to the fact that zinc metal crystals visually resemble needles. Currently designated under the symbol "Zn" and has 66 minerals. The most common of them are sphalerite, zincite, and franklinite. Zinc is present in almost all cells of the body, but it is most concentrated in bone, nervous and muscle tissues (60%).

Effect on the human body

Zinc regulates the activity of more than 200 enzyme structures, and also takes part in the formation of the most important hormones, neurotransmitters, and blood cells, creating favorable conditions for the body’s cells to function fully.

Biological significance of zinc: improves cognitive functions (attention, memory, mood); normalizes the functioning of the cerebellum and brain; increases the synthesis and hypoglycemic effect of insulin; increases the protective properties of neutrophils and macrophages, improving the immune status of the body; stabilizes blood sugar levels; regulates oxidation reactions fatty acids; improves visual acuity, taste perception, smell (together with); potentiates the synthesis of digestive enzymes; participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, respiration, decoding information stored in genes; stimulates the regeneration of new tissues; regulates the activity of enzyme systems; activates bone formation and tissue regeneration; participates in the synthesis of sex hormones, increases sperm activity; accelerates the production of your own antibodies and antioxidants; maintains the concentration of tocopherol in the blood, facilitating its absorption; increases libido, increases potency; improves the functional condition of the skin, reducing acne and dryness; participates in the mechanisms of formation and decay of nucleic acids, protein and carbohydrate structures; accelerates the removal of toxic substances from the body, including excess carbon dioxide; participates in the mechanisms of muscle contractility; normalizes the transport “abilities” of hemoglobin; potentiates a decrease in nonspecific permeability of cell membranes.

In addition, zinc reduces the toxic effect of heavy metals on the body by 30%.

Daily norm

Zinc reserves in the body of adults weighing 70 kilograms are 1.5-3 grams, depending on the age and gender of the person, the presence concomitant diseases, conditions of the intestinal mucosa.

Moreover, 98% of the substance is concentrated inside cellular structures, and 2% in the blood serum. The daily requirement for zinc is:

  • for girls up to six months – 2 milligrams;
  • for boys up to 6 months – 3 milligrams;
  • for children under 3 years old – 3-4 milligrams;
  • for preschoolers from 4 to 8 years old – 5 milligrams;
  • for adolescents from 9 to 13 years old – 8 milligrams;
  • for girls from 14 to 18 years old – 9 milligrams;
  • for boys from 14 to 18 years old – 11 milligrams;
  • for women from 19 to 50 years old – 12 milligrams;
  • for men from 19 to 50 years old – 15 milligrams;
  • for mature males from 50 to 80 years old – 13 milligrams;
  • for postmenopausal women from 50 to 70 years – 10 milligrams;
  • for pregnant women – 14-15 milligrams;
  • for nursing mothers – 17-20 milligrams.

The upper permissible level of zinc intake without consequences for the body is 25 milligrams. The need for a microelement increases with a deficiency in the daily menu, profuse sweating, intense sports, the use of oral contraceptives, mental overload, and taking diuretics.

Deficiency and excess

Zinc deficiency, in contrast to overdose, is a common phenomenon that is especially common in people living in regions with depleted soil or an excess of copper ions in water (America, Australia, Russia, Ukraine).
Other causes of zinc deficiency:

  • poor supply of the element with food;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, intestines;
  • impaired nutrient absorption, including vegetarianism;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • malignant tumors;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • damage to the pancreas;
  • long-term use of corticosteroids, estrogens, diuretics;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • mechanical injuries, especially extensive burns;
  • excessive concentration of heavy metal salts (cadmium, mercury, lead, copper) in the body;
  • consequences surgical intervention(short bowel syndrome, artificial communication of the ileum and jejunum);
  • alcohol abuse, .

The symptoms of zinc deficiency are extremely variable, due to damage to various organs, tissues and body systems. Signs of microelement deficiency:

  • deterioration in the functional state of hair and nails (alopecia, decreased pigmentation of individual strands, slower growth of hair, delamination of the horny plates);
  • weight loss;
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, scaly rashes on the body, acne, slow wound healing, trophic ulcers);
  • neurological disorders (changes in gait and speech, hyperactivity, trembling of limbs, decreased attention, dementia, sleep disturbance, fatigue);
  • eye damage (cataracts, inflammation of the conjunctiva, corneal edema);
  • loss of sense of smell, taste disorders, occurrence of ulcers in the oral cavity;
  • decreased immunity (frequent respiratory diseases, allergic reactions);
  • growth retardation, delayed puberty in children;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • decrease in insulin concentration in the blood.

A prolonged lack of zinc in the body is fraught with a decrease in the function of the pituitary gland and gonads, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, an increased risk of neoplasms, and the occurrence of prostate adenoma. In addition, mineral deficiency in pregnant women, in half the cases, causes atonic bleeding, the birth of weakened children, and the onset of premature or prolonged labor. To eliminate a mild form of microelement deficiency, the daily menu is enriched with natural sources (see paragraph “Food sources of zinc”). A severe form of the disorder is eliminated with the help of pharmacological agents containing the mineral (Zincterala, ZincoVitala, Zinquita). However, it is important not to overdo it with nutritional supplements, since zinc consumption of more than 150-200 milligrams per day causes an overdose, which is accompanied by gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, vomiting, and headaches.

Food sources

Given that zinc supports the health of the endocrine, immune and nervous systems, it is important to ensure a daily supply of the microelement to the body.

Table No. 1 “Natural sources of zinc”
Product name Zinc content per 100 grams of product, milligrams
Wheat bran 15 -16
Veal liver (fried) 15
Eels (boiled) 13
, 7 – 9
Sesame, poppy seed 7,5 – 8
Pumpkin seeds (unroasted) 7,5
Chicken hearts (boiled) 7
4 – 6,5
Cocoa (natural) 6,5
Lamb liver (fried) 6
Sunflower seeds, flax seeds (unroasted) 5,5
Soy flour (coarse) 4,8
Beef tongue (boiled) 4,7
, beans 4,2
Wheat flour (whole grain) 3
Buckwheat, barley, oatmeal porridge 2,5 – 3
, 2,7
, 2,5
, 2,1
, 1,6 – 2,5
(without processing) 0,75
(without processing) 0,45
, 0,3

In addition, zinc is found in small quantities (up to 1 milligram per 100 grams of product) in almost all fruits, vegetables and berries. Remember cooking plant foods, including grinding cereals, leads to a loss of 50–80% of the mineral.

Interaction with other nutrients

Absorption of organic zinc occurs throughout the intestinal tract, but most is absorbed in the jejunum. Interestingly, the mineral is better absorbed from food of animal origin than from a plant source. This phenomenon is explained by the presence of phytic acid in the second product, which forms insoluble salts with zinc ions. In addition, the degree of absorption of the element is influenced by some compounds entering the body with food. Let's consider the compatibility of zinc and other substances.

  1. Organic vitamin A (beta-carotene, carotenoids) increases the bioavailability of zinc.
  2. Calcium, lithium and phosphorus ions (in small quantities) enhance the pharmacological properties of the mineral.
  3. Zinc and
  4. Additional intake of folic acid against the background of zinc deficiency impairs the absorption of the mineral from food.
  5. Aspirin “washes out” the trace element from the body.
  6. When zinc and iron are consumed together, the absorption of the latter substance is reduced.
  7. The amino acids cysteine ​​and histidine, found in meat, eggs and seafood, improve the absorption of the mineral.

To increase the absorption of zinc from foods, especially soybeans, natural fermentation or fermentation processes are used.


To maintain the health of the immune, reproductive, endocrine and nervous systems, products containing zinc should be present in the daily menu.

Their highest concentration is observed in oysters, cereals, nuts, berries, and fruits. Considering that zinc is part of hormones, enzymes, and nerve endings, insufficient intake of the element into the body threatens menstrual irregularities, proliferation prostate gland, severe manifestations of menopause, decreased immune forces of the body, toxicosis during pregnancy. Remember, “zinc” products must be included in the diet of expectant mothers, since they ensure the proper development and formation of the fetus.


Total experience: 35 years old.

Education:1975-1982, 1MMI, san-gig, highest qualification, infectious disease doctor.

Scientific degree: doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences.

Zinc and selenium are the most important microelements for the human body. With a deficiency of these substances, the functioning of vital organs is disrupted. Products rich in zinc and selenium are not uncommon; they can be purchased in any store or market.

Zinc and selenium: beneficial properties

Every chemical element, found in the body, performs a critical function that other compounds cannot perform.

Zinc plays a vital role in the human body:

  • Participates in the regeneration process. Accelerates the healing process of wounds.
  • Strengthens hair, nails and teeth.
  • Helps in the fight against inflammatory processes.
  • Strengthens the human immune system.
  • It is an essential element of the male reproductive system.
  • Improves vision.
  • Helps the central nervous system function properly.

According to WHO statistics, zinc deficiency is observed in a third of the population globe. This phenomenon is especially common in Africa and South America.

Selenium is no less important for the body:

  • Improving the reproductive function of representatives of both sexes.
  • Prevention of the development of malignant neoplasms.
  • Strengthening memory and concentration (especially in old age).
  • Protecting the heart from aggressive factors.
  • It has the ability to bind and remove harmful substances from the body.
  • Relief of symptoms of autoimmune diseases.

In our state, almost half of the population has a selenium deficiency. This is explained by the fact that the selenium content in soil and water in Russia is extremely low. In development special program, aimed at selenization of food products. Its goal is to increase the selenium content in basic foods (bread, milk).

Products containing zinc and selenium

For the most part, zinc and selenium are not found in the same foods. But there are still several foods that contain high levels of both microelements at the same time.

food product Zn content mg/100 g. Se content µg/100 g.
Beans 2,2 8
sunflower seed 5,3 7
Peanut 6,5 7,2
Walnuts 2,8 4
Pine nuts 4,65 7
Pumpkin seeds 7,44 30
Sesame seed 7,3 20
Poultry by-products 7,3 40
Rye bran 4,2 50

A large amount of zinc is found in seafood, offal, bran, and almost all types of cereals. The substance is also present in sea ​​fish, leafy greens, exotic fruits, beef liver and green tea.

Mineral water rich in selenium and zinc compounds is available on sale. It can also be considered as a source of these microelements. Mineral water It is better to buy at a pharmacy, as this gives a high probability of purchasing a quality product.

In addition to food, zinc and selenium are found in many vitamin complexes, which should be taken only on the advice of a specialist.

Daily norm

Depending on age and gender, the amount of zinc and selenium required for daily consumption may vary.

Before you actively rely on foods high in zinc and selenium, you need to get tested and find out whether there is a deficiency of these elements or not.

Who needs selenium and zinc

These microelements are important for all people. But there are still categories of the population for whom a lack of zinc and selenium will have an extremely negative impact on their health.

Zinc is extremely important for pregnant women, especially if they are carrying boys. During pregnancy, zinc is actively involved in the formation of the male reproductive system. If this mineral is not enough, it will have adverse consequences for the baby. Zinc is necessary for weakened patients who have suffered severe injuries. This microelement is simply necessary for a person suffering from a chronic disease.

Selenium is important for older people as it strengthens memory and attention. Regular intake of this substance delays senile dementia. Selenium should be taken by people working in hazardous enterprises, as it helps remove toxins from the body.


Zinc and selenium deficiency can be caused by several factors:

  • Living in an area where water and soil are not rich in these elements.
  • Fasting, vegetarianism or strict diet.
  • Taking diuretics, hemodialysis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in which absorption is impaired (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.)
  • Severe injuries (especially burns).
  • Prolonged stress.
  • Aging of the body.

Typically, a deficiency of zinc and selenium is combined with a deficiency of other minerals and vitamins.

Signs of zinc deficiency

First of all, the lack of this element affects the condition of hair, skin and nails. Hair becomes dull and brittle, and the skin becomes pimpled and flaky.

The second common symptom is blurred vision and the appearance of eye diseases (conjunctivitis).

A characteristic feature is prolonged tissue regeneration, non-healing ulcers, injuries, sutures.

With zinc deficiency, impotence develops in men, and infertility in women. Children experience delayed sexual and physical development.

From the outside nervous system The following manifestations are typical: tremors, irritability, loss of concentration, deterioration of memory and reactions.

Signs of selenium deficiency

A lack of selenium is accompanied by severe health disorders: apathy, depression, irritability, outbursts of anger, anxiety. Memory, attention, and performance deteriorate. Insomnia and fatigue appear.

The following signs are characteristic of the cardiovascular system: pain in the heart, high blood pressure, high pulse.

With a lack of selenium, autoimmune diseases worsen: Crohn's disease, rheumatism, all types of allergies. The aging process accelerates, the skin looks sluggish and dull.

The amount of these microelements in the body cannot be restored at once, so it is important to include foods rich in zinc and selenium in the diet.


Excess selenium and zinc can also have negative consequences. Zinc itself is a strong poison! If you eat it in its pure form, then only 5 grams are enough to cause death. Therefore, you should not get carried away with this microelement in dosage form. And food products containing zinc are not capable of causing significant harm to humans.

Excess is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Damage to the pancreas.
  • Loss of appetite, thirst, dry mouth.
  • A sharp drop in body temperature and heavy sweating.
  • Body aches, noise in the head and ears.
  • Slowing bone growth and deteriorating bone density.

All of these symptoms are much worse than the symptoms of zinc deficiency.

Excess selenium most often appears as a result of professional activities or after consuming plants containing increased amounts of the substance.


  • The characteristic smell of garlic from the skin and hair.
  • Unstable psyche (bouts of euphoria alternate with bouts of depression).
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Loss of hair and teeth, brittle nails.

You can recognize a high level of selenium in the body by the garlicky smell emanating from a person. But only a doctor can determine the exact content of the substance after analysis.

Thus, we see that foods rich in zinc and selenium are mainly: nuts, grains, greens and meat. Great components for healthy eating. All these products are rich in other useful substances, so they can be eaten without fear.

The article was checked by doctor Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya.

The human body is a complex device that requires almost the entire periodic table for normal functioning. The body can synthesize many substances on its own, but there are also those that must be obtained from food. Let's look at where zinc is found, which plays a vital role in human metabolism.

Zinc deficiency

Zinc is a very important substance, and its deficiency immediately affects human health. First of all, immunity and reproductive function are affected, and wound healing will also be complicated. A lack of zinc in childhood is especially dangerous: it can cause stunted growth and puberty. In some cases, this even affects taste and smell.

In addition, it is believed that zinc inhibits the aging process, which means that its lack will accelerate it. That is why it is especially important for women to monitor the balance of this substance. Systematizing the above, we can note the following negative consequences lack of zinc:

  • frequent infections;
  • focal hair loss;
  • growth retardation in children;
  • irritability and memory loss;
  • late puberty;
  • loss of appetite, taste and smell;
  • impotence in men;
  • infertility in women;
  • impaired absorption of vitamins A, C and E;
  • brittle nails;
  • poor wound healing;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • increased cholesterol levels.

Bright external sign A lack of zinc in the body results in the appearance of white spots on the nails. If you notice them, you may need to be more careful about your diet.

Excess zinc

Keep in mind that you always run the risk of overdoing it if you go too heavy on zinc. There is a possibility of harming your health if you take too many drugs (of course, you are unlikely to overdose if you consume foods rich in zinc). Due to the excess, general poisoning of the body is possible, the inability to absorb nutrients in the intestines and a deficiency of other minerals.

Products containing zinc

Let's look at what zinc contains in order to be able to obtain it in a natural way, without the use of drugs and dietary supplements. In its natural form, it is absorbed much better and does not threaten the body in any way. First of all, it can be found in products of these 5 groups (the first contains the most zinc, the last contains it in small quantities).

Seeds and nuts

Seeds and nuts are the best natural spring zinc Add them to salads, use them as a snack, and you won't suffer from zinc deficiency. Especially notable in this row are sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, as well as pine nuts and peanuts.

Lean protein foods

Do you like organ meats? They contain a lot of useful substances. There is a lot of zinc in beef tongue, veal, chicken hearts, turkey. Fat meat products contain little zinc.

Cereals and more

This group contains different products - wholemeal flour, yeast, and egg yolk. They are united by an average zinc content.


Plant protein is an excellent source of zinc! Any legume, be it peas or lentils, always contains quite a lot of this valuable substance. By the way, this group includes peanut butter, walnuts and coconut– they do not contain as much zinc as in products of the second group.


A sardine lover will never suffer from a zinc deficiency, nor will anyone who regularly eats tuna or salmon. These foods contain little zinc, but consuming them regularly will still save you from deficiency.

Choose your favorite products from this list and replenish your zinc reserves with pleasure!

Each of us wants to feel healthy and vigorous. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen. What does this depend on? To maintain the necessary balance of forces in the body, it is necessary that the elements of the periodic table be present in us in sufficient quantities.

However, in practice it turns out that various factors - environmental problems, stress, various kinds of life trials - lead to a sharp disruption in the exchange of elements at the cellular level and affect our well-being in general. These losses can be compensated primarily through a balanced diet, since the gastrointestinal tract is the main conductor of life-giving microelements, including zinc.

His healing properties were well known back in Ancient Egypt, where it was customary to make ointment from zinc, quickly healing wounds. Nowadays, the role of this microelement in human life is also appreciated, but, as a rule, by doctors. And it is important that all people can become aware of which zinc-containing foods they need to include in their diet.

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The role of zinc in the human body

The effect of zinc on the human body, its functions

Zinc is rightfully considered elixir of youth. It acts on our body at the cellular level, directly participating in metabolism: this essential trace element is part of all vitamins, enzymes and hormones, in fact, occupying 98% of all our cells.

The largest amount of it can be found in the testicles, prostate and sperm of men, in leukocytes and red blood cells.

There is zinc (who would have thought!) in our eyes, or rather in the retina. So the expression “steel-eyed” is not always just a figure of speech.

Zinc is indispensable for the normal functioning of the human body and, of course, the spirit, because “in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.” The presence of this microelement in the body ensures a person’s normal functioning and well-being. On the contrary, its lack may cause a number of serious problems:

  • reproductive dysfunction;
  • malfunctions of the immune system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatitis;
  • poor blood circulation;
  • anemia;
  • slowing down the healing process;
  • inhibition of normal growth and puberty;
  • loss taste qualities and sense of smell;
  • hair loss;
  • among athletes - a decrease in the results obtained;
  • in adolescents - a tendency to alcoholism;
  • for pregnant women - termination of pregnancy;
  • premature birth;
  • the birth of weakened, low-weight children.

Attention! Zinc deficiency can be caused by active physical activity, accompanied by profuse sweating, consumption of excessive amounts of carbohydrates, and the use of diuretics.

Interaction of zinc with other trace elements

Zinc crystals

Once in the body, microelements enter into synthesis with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which come with food, air and water. The balance of microelements is also affected toxins coming from outside, medications taken and the state of the intestinal microflora. This makes the process of absorption of microelements through the skin and mucous membranes different - it increases or slows down.

Thanks to a sufficient amount of protein in our diet, zinc is absorbed better and faster, and an excess of phytates (hardly soluble phytic acid compounds that are part of plant products, such as legumes), iron, calcium, cadmium, copper or lead interferes with absorption - absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract and delivery of this microelement to the body tissues and its internal organs.

The combination of zinc with vitamin A is very useful: in this case, the effect of the vitamin is enhanced, and it, together with the blood, is more easily transported to all cells of the body.

Foods containing zinc

What products contain it?

We see that the amount of zinc in the body can fluctuate, and therefore consciously drawing up your menu for every day is a necessary condition. What should you pay attention to?

Products of plant origin, according to experts, are not able to fully provide us with the required amount of zinc. Although there are suitable examples among them (see table below). And yet the main the emphasis should be on seafood and meat. Using the data in the table, we will understand in more detail what we should choose for our daily diet.

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Names of product items

Proportion of zinc (1 mg) per 100 g of food consumed

Meat products

Fried veal liver

Beef stew

Boiled chicken hearts

Fried lamb liver

Boiled beef tongue

Fried lamb kidneys


Boiled eels

Butter anchovies

Canned salmon

Nuts and dried fruits

Pine nuts

Brazil nut

Peanut nut



Pistachio nuts


Vegetables and fruits



Boiled carrots

Cereals and legumes, seeds

Wheat bran

poppy seed

Sesame seed

Pumpkin seeds

Sunflower seeds

flax seed

Soy flour

Soybeans, dry beans

Dry lentils

Dry peas

Wheat flour (coarse)

Dry white beans

Boiled beans




Boiled white rice

Products of plant, fungal and animal origin

Dry yeast

Egg yolk

White mushroom

Snitch (variety - common)

Green onion

Foods containing the most zinc

Foods High in Zinc

So, the most zinc is found in grains and legumes (18 items on the food list) and nuts (10 items). However, the record holders for the content of this useful substance in 100 grams of food are oysters, which are not without reason considered a delicacy. Boiled eels and wheat bran are also rich in zinc. Meat products also help the body.

In the well-known dispute about whether dry or compressed yeast is healthier, the first type of fungal product may receive an additional advantage, because it contains more zinc, like other minerals and, often found in pharmacies, it is offered to customers on a par with dietary supplements.

Experts also advise eating more poultry, cheese, onions, potatoes, garlic, green vegetables, buckwheat, also containing zinc. Lentils, soybeans, barley flour, dry cream, celery, asparagus, radishes, and bread are also useful in this regard. Good for dessert are lemons, oranges, grapefruits, apples, figs, dates, blueberries, raspberries, black currant. Having already received many praises in his honor, green tea can also attract attention due to the presence of vital zinc in it.

Wonderful folk remedy To prevent zinc deficiency in the human body, use an infusion of birch leaves.

Daily value of zinc for the human body

Children simply need to consume zinc with food every day. In this case, the daily minimum is determined by the number of years the child has turned:

  • at the age of six months to 3 years - 3 mg of zinc;
  • from 4 to 8 years - up to 5 mg;
  • from 9 to 13 years - 8 mg.

Also norms depend on gender differences: for girls in the first six months of life, 2 mg of zinc is enough, and for boys - 3 mg. Young people and adults also have their own nuances: girls and women aged 14-18 and 19-50 years old need 9 and 12 mg of zinc, boys and men of the same age need more, 11 and 15 mg each.

After fifty years, these figures decrease for everyone: for women to 10 mg, for men - to 13 mg.

For pregnant women who eat, as they say, “for two,” there are their own indicators: under the age of 18 they are recommended to take 15 mg of zinc, and from 19 years old - 14 mg. Nursing mothers also spend a huge amount of microelements and need additional nutrition. Their norm is up to 18 years - 15 mg, after 19 - 17 mg.

Attention, these factors must be taken into account!

  1. Contraceptives significantly reduce the percentage of zinc in the body, undermining its health.
  2. Zinc can be toxic at doses greater than 150 mg per day.
  3. The body requires more zinc when intestinal functions are impaired or when using diuretics.
  4. Dairy products slow down the absorption of zinc.
  5. Caffeine and alcohol practically “drain” zinc from the body, sugar and salt also contribute to this.
  6. The successful absorption of zinc is greatly influenced by protein-rich foods, such as legumes and nuts.
  7. The same function is performed by leavening agents used in baking bread, and soy products, which have undergone fermentation or fermentation (tempeh and miso).

At increased content cholesterol in the blood must be used. Principles and features of using this diet, menu examples.

Everything about using burdock oil for the health of your hair -

The main signs of zinc deficiency in the body

  • brittle nails;
  • hair loss;
  • whitish spots on the surface of the nails;
  • frequent colds;
  • long and painful healing of wounds and abrasions;
  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • lethargy;
  • pale skin;
  • delayed growth and development of the body.

If you find a number of signs, most likely, the zinc in the body is not all right and you need to urgently replenish it!

A well-chosen daily diet will allow you to significantly strengthen your physical and psychological condition. And the reminder below will serve as additional motivation for choosing zinc-containing products -.

Benefits of zinc for the body

  • Stimulates brain function and mental activity.
  • Positively affects the action of the genetic apparatus.
  • Serves as a connecting thread between the stomach, intestinal mucosa, kidneys, and leukocytes.
  • Stimulates the functioning of growth hormones.
  • Positively affects bone formation.
  • Regulates breathing and restores hematopoiesis.
  • Stimulates wound healing.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Strengthens and rejuvenates skin, hair, nails.
  • Helps the body produce testosterone (male sex hormone)
  • Increases potency, stimulates sexual activity.
  • Removes cholesterol from the body.
  • Participates in the formation of its own antioxidants.
  • Takes care of vision.
  • Enhances regeneration.
  • Reduces the manifestations of allergies.
  • Acts as a detoxifier (in case of alcohol poisoning, for example).
  • Prevents infectious diseases.
  • Serves to prevent fibrosis.
  • Neutralizes the toxic effects of heavy metals on the body, reduces the lead content in tissues.

The benefits of zinc for every person living on earth can hardly be overestimated, but it can be underestimated if you are not attentive enough to your body. Take note of what we have told you, and start taking care of your nutrition in a new way. This will certainly improve the quality of your life!

Zinc is a metal that is harmless to the human body, but some of its compounds, such as sulfate and oxide, are toxic. Zinc oxide, however, is a proven therapeutic agent used in the form of ointments and powders.

Recent medical research has shown that this element acts as an antioxidant, which is necessary for wound healing and protein synthesis. It is vital for the activity of male hormones, prostate function and the development of human reproductive organs. That is why everyone should know what foods contain zinc and be able to preserve this element when preparing food and be able to identify the symptoms of its deficiency.

Oatmeal with berries is an excellent source of zinc

Recently, medicines containing zinc have become available and are widely used against colds and flu. Zinc supplements are able to bind to the viruses that cause colds (rhinoviruses) and prevent them from reproducing, causing the symptoms of the disease to disappear.

Zinc promotes human growth, protects bile and liver from harmful factors and substances, and also ensures the functioning of all senses. This mineral promotes cell division in the following cases: during the development of the embryo, wound healing and malignant formations. This element represents good and evil in one bottle, which is explained by its ability to influence the division of cancer cells, which contribute to the development of malignant tumors.

All people, without exception, who care about their health, should know what foods contain zinc, and be sure to consume them daily. Of the total amount of mineral consumed, only a small part of this element is absorbed with food. That is why you should try to consume as much food as possible every day that contains this microelement.

Plant Sources of Zinc

  • Vegetables – broccoli, corn, carrots, radishes, cauliflower, spinach, green onions;
  • Fruits – avocado;
  • Berries – raspberries, blueberries;
  • Cereals – rice, wheat, oatmeal;
  • Legumes – beans, lentils, peas
  • Mushrooms and chocolate;
  • Nuts – peanuts, walnuts and pine nuts, coconut;
  • Seeds – sunflower and pumpkin, sesame.

Animal sources of zinc

  • Meat – beef, turkey, pork, lamb, duck;
  • Offal – beef tongue, heart;
  • Seafood - oysters;
  • Fish – river, sardine, tuna;
  • Dairy products – processed cheese.
  • Egg yolk.

Main functions of zinc in the body

  • Prevents diabetes - due to the element’s ability to form compounds with the hormone insulin, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism in the body;
  • Necessary for the formation of bone tissue - with the help of this process, the skeleton is restored in the body of adults and children, and the formation of “porous” structures is prevented;
  • Prevents the occurrence of epilepsy in the human body - this substance is the substance taurine, the deficiency of which leads to the occurrence of the disease;
  • Promotes the absorption of vitamin A in the body - zinc preparations are prescribed for the treatment of many diseases (stomach ulcers, anemia, prostate tumors, skin diseases, including burns), it is thanks to this element that vitamin A is released from the liver, which helps to compensate for its deficiency in body;
  • Ensures rapid healing of wounds - you can use ointments or tablets containing this element or simply include foods rich in the mineral in your diet;
  • Affects a person’s mental abilities - there is a connection between physical and mental abilities people and the content of the element in their bodies;
  • Preventing the development of rheumatism and arthritis - a diet rich in foods containing zinc helps stop the development of these diseases, and in some cases allows you to get rid of them;
  • Improves hair condition - helps improve and restore the structure of hair and scalp, preventing hair loss.

Video from the Internet

Daily intake of zinc

The human body contains approximately 2 grams. zinc, which is used to maintain necessary processes. To ensure that the reserves of this mineral do not decrease, it is necessary to include foods rich in this mineral in the diet every day or take medications if there is a deficiency.

Daily value for children

  • 0-6 months – 2 mg;
  • 6-12 months – 3 mg;
  • 1-3 years – 4 mg;
  • 4-8 years – 5 mg;
  • 8-13 years – 8 mg;
  • From 14 and older – 11 mg.

Daily value for women

The amount of zinc needed per day varies depending on a person's age and lifestyle.

  • 14-18 years old – 9 mg;
  • From 19 and older – 8 mg;
  • Pregnancy period – from 12 to 13 mg;
  • Lactation period – from 11 to 12 mg.

Daily value for men

With increased physical activity and excessive sweating, the need for zinc increases several times. Alcohol also poses a serious threat to the amount of this mineral contained in the body.

  • From 14 years and older - 11 mg.

Lack of zinc in the body

Zinc deficiency can be caused by liver disease, thyroid dysfunction, lack of the mineral in water, and poor absorption. A shortage of an element may be caused by the presence of widely used phytin (found in hemp seed and cake, as well as in some cereal bran), which “binds” the mineral, making it difficult to absorb.

Overconsumption of zinc in the body occurs in the following diseases: bronchial cancer, inflammation or prostate cancer, leukemia. Consumption of milk and calcium supplements helps reduce the absorption of this mineral by almost half, and alcohol and coffee intensively remove the element from the body.

Consequences of zinc deficiency

A lack of zinc in the human body causes a number of pathological changes, the symptoms of which should be known in order to independently identify nutritional deficiency of the mineral and promptly eliminate the process that has begun by balancing the diet.

The lack of the mineral causes damage to the skin and slows down the growth of hair and nails. Also, mineral deficiency causes the following symptoms:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Malabsorption of nutrients;
  • Slow wound healing;
  • Hair loss and brittle nails;
  • Deterioration and loss of memory;
  • The occurrence of peptic ulcers and diabetes mellitus;
  • Anomalies of child development in the presence of zinc deficiency during pregnancy.

A lack of zinc in the human body can cause a whole range of neuropsychic and neurological disorders: schizophrenia, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, acute psychosis, food aversion, dementia, depression and attention disorders.

Treatment of mineral deficiency is carried out using special diets and intake medicines in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes. A deficiency of this element is much more serious than an excess, because it poses a danger to human health.

Excess zinc in the body

The following symptoms are characteristic of excess zinc: attacks of weakness and nausea. During periods of excess mineral in the human body, there is a violation of the absorption of other microelements, especially iron, copper and manganese.

The reasons for the excess of this element are uncontrolled use of drugs and dietary supplements containing this mineral.

Preparations containing zinc

Currently, the most popular are zinc preparations in the form of ointments, powder (sulfate, chloride and oxide), as well as solutions for external use. The following drugs are in demand:

  • Injection solution – zinc sulfate;
  • Eye drops – zinc sulfate 0.25%;
  • The monocomponent drug "Cintrecal" is a Polish production and is available in the form of tablets for internal use. Contains 45 mg of the elemental active ingredient – ​​zinc.

One of the most important elements for humans is zinc, which we will talk about today. Without this microelement, bones and muscle tissue will never become full-fledged systems of the body: zinc stimulates cell growth and improves. Red blood cells, leukocytes, male sperm, liver and kidney tissues are saturated with zinc in varying quantities. The body of adults contains up to 3 g of microelement.

The importance of zinc for the body

A deficiency of a useful substance worsens general well-being, undermines and interferes with the normal functioning of a person as a whole. Regular saturation of all body systems with zinc makes possible such beneficial processes as:

  • strengthening the optic nerve;
  • enhanced wound regeneration;
  • rapid growth and development of bone tissue;
  • activation of the cerebral cortex;
  • improvement of thought processes;
  • normal functioning of the genital organs and reproductive system;
  • increasing resistance;
  • stimulation of the nervous system;
  • development prevention;
  • source of energy for severe poisoning;
  • preventing the development of fibrosis;
  • increase in sexual energy and potency;
  • rejuvenation of hair, skin and nails.

Zinc deficiency in the body

To once again convince its readers of the indispensability of zinc, MirSovetov cites full list diseases and conditions that arise due to a lack of this substance in the body:

  • dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  • strong;
  • problems with;
  • miscarriage;
  • decreased immunity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • delayed development of the reproductive system;
  • lack of energy;
  • white lines on the nails;
  • prolonged healing of wounds;
  • memory problems.

The body can suffer from an insufficient amount of zinc not only due to the lack of food containing zinc. The cause of a deficiency of a microelement important for health is often excessive physical activity and abuse of “fast” carbohydrates - this white bread, chocolate, potatoes, sweet fruits, jam, carbonated sweet drinks.

Chronic zinc deficiency in the stronger half of humanity leads to decreased erection, lack of sexual desire, etc. IN female body zinc is involved in no less important processes: with its participation, hormones of the estrogen group appear, the menstrual cycle is normalized, and menopause is tolerated relatively easily.

With a systematic lack of zinc in a person, tendon reflexes decrease, the pancreas degenerates, and the processes of bone mineralization are disrupted.

The body's greatest need for zinc appears in summer months when increased sweating occurs, as well as while taking birth control pills.

The diet of people who practice vegetarianism must certainly include seafood, since seeds and legumes cannot completely restore the necessary reserves of zinc in the body. If avoiding animal products is a position you cannot compromise on, try to include foods in your diet that will help make the lack of zinc in your body less significant. These are cauliflower, radishes, broccoli, carrots, spinach and dried apricots.

Why does the body lack zinc?

To replenish zinc reserves in the body, you need to know which foods contain the maximum content of this valuable microelement:

  1. Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, apples, green vegetables, figs - in these products of plant origin the concentration of zinc is 0.25 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
  2. 1 kg of honey contains 0.31 mg of beneficial trace elements.
  3. In 1 kg of raspberries, black currants or dates you can find 2-8 mg of zinc.
  4. Up to 8 mg of the valuable substance is contained in foods such as meat, refined rice, sugar and regular beets, milk, asparagus, celery, tomatoes, potatoes, and bread.
  5. From 8 to 20 mg of zinc per 1 kg of weight is present in garlic, onions, yeast, brown rice, eggs, grain crops.
  6. Quite high zinc content (20–50 mg) was found in molasses, rabbit meat, squid, barley and oatmeal, lentils, peas and green tea leaves.
  7. 30–85 mg – this amount of important microelement is contained in beef liver.
  8. The record for the content of the largest amount of zinc is set by sunflower seeds, sprouted wheat and wheat bran - from 130 to 202 mg!

Please note that the body does not absorb zinc completely, but only 20–30% of the total mass.

Daily requirement for zinc

Each of us has individual requirements for the daily amount of zinc, which are primarily determined by gender and age:

  • boys up to six months – 3 mg of zinc per day;
  • girls up to six months – 2 mg/day;
  • children under 3 years old – 3 mg/day;
  • children under 8 years old – 5 mg/day;
  • adolescents from 13 years old – 8 mg/day;
  • boys under 17 – 18 years old – 11 mg/day;
  • girls – up to 17–18 years old – 9 mg/day;
  • men under 50 years old – 15 mg/day;
  • women under 50 years old – 12 mg/day;
  • pregnant women under 18 years of age – 15 mg/day;
  • pregnant women over 19 years old – 14 mg/day;
  • girls under 18 years of age during lactation – 20 mg/day;
  • girls over 19 years old during lactation – 17 mg/day.

Features of zinc absorption by the body

Speaking about the need to daily replenish zinc reserves in the body, it would be wrong to remain silent about the factors that in one way or another affect the quality of absorption of this microelement.

For example, taking diuretic tablets sharply increases a person’s need for zinc, and dairy products and drinks containing caffeine, salt and sugar completely prevent the body from fully absorbing the microelement.

Foods rich in natural protein, on the contrary, promote better absorption of zinc, so do not forget to eat nuts and legumes more often.

For the process of assimilation of zinc, another microelement, copper, serves as a catalyst.

What does excess nutrients lead to?

Excessive concern for your health sometimes gives results that are exactly the opposite of expectations: an excess of zinc in the body is sometimes as dangerous as its deficiency. Nutritionists warn that the daily microelement intake should not exceed 150 mg, otherwise the body will be poisoned. This means that dietary supplements and vitamins with zinc should be taken with great caution.

If you are not careful, zinc oxide immediately turns from a useful trace element into a real poison. Remember the symptoms that occur when the body is intoxicated with zinc:

  • sweetish taste in the mouth;
  • poor appetite;
  • constant thirst;
  • increased fatigue;
  • cough and chest pain when breathing deeply;
  • nasal congestion;
  • vomit;

In addition, the causes of excessive accumulation of zinc in the body may be a disorder of zinc metabolism, as well as professional activity related to chemical production.

When it comes to proper nutrition, talk not only about the composition and calorie content of products, but also about the composition proper diet taking into account the health status of a particular person. Ideally, dietary habits should be discussed with your doctor. A specialist will tell you what, how much and how to eat, so that a person receives exactly as much nutrients as he needs for good health.

For a long time, selenium was classified as a potent poison, and only in the mid-20th century (in the 60s) was its most important role in the physiological processes occurring in the human body proven.

Without selenium, the normal functioning of almost all systems is impossible - cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, nervous, immune, reproductive. Since most of it (up to 90%) comes from outside (with food), nutritionists recommend that you carefully prepare your diet, including plant and animal products rich in selenium in the daily menu.

Considering that a deficiency, as well as an excess of a substance in food, can lead to serious health problems, it is worth carefully studying the information below. Today we will look at the role of the microelement selenium in the life of the human body, the daily need of the body of different ages for it and find out in which products the selenium content is maximum.

Why does a person need selenium?

According to numerous studies, selenium is present in almost all hormones and enzymes that our body produces. This compound is one of the most powerful antioxidants that protect cells from the effects of dangerous free radicals and prolong the youth of our body.

In the presence of selenium, vitamins C and E are activated ( ascorbic acid and tocopherols), which belong to the group of antioxidants, and greatly enhances their biological value. By preventing oxidative stress in the body with the help of these compounds, the aging process slows down, the formation of malignant tumors is prevented and constant renewal occurs at the cellular level.

Without this microelement, normal functioning of the immune system is impossible. It activates the body's defenses in the fight against negative environmental factors and increases its resistance to infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, microbes, fungi). Also chem. the element catalyzes the hormones produced by the thyroid gland, and, as is known, human health directly depends on its normal functioning, especially in old age.

Selenium has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair, improves visual perception, activates all types of metabolic processes, and supports the reproductive functions of men.

A sufficient supply of the substance with food ensures the activity of sperm in the male seminal fluid, and therefore is responsible for the reproductive functions of the male body, allowing it not to lose sexual activity over time.

The trace element is involved in the neutralization and removal of toxic compounds and breakdown products, as well as toxins and carcinogens. Part of the amino acid called selenocysteine, which is important for the biological function of protein compounds, selenium counteracts the destructive effects of radionuclides and heavy metal salts, in particular mercury, lead and cadmium.

In modern oncology, selenium is given an honorable role as an oncoprotective substance involved in the prevention of malignant degeneration of cells. Optimal portions of selenium in food help prevent the development of cancer pathologies.

  • Our motor, the heart, needs selenium, especially after a myocardial infarction.

Knowing which foods contain the most selenium will allow you to enrich your diet with healthy foods every day. Since portions of the microelement in its food sources are not so large, to ensure the daily requirement for the compound, the given figures for selenium content in mcg for every 100 grams of product should be taken into account.

How much should you eat?

The adult body contains only 10 to 14 mg of selenium. Most of it is found in the liver, kidneys, pancreas, spinal cord, lungs, testicles and spermatic cords (in men), ovaries (in women). Also, high concentrations of selenium are found in the skin and its appendages - in the nail plates and hair shafts.

The daily requirement of an adult body for selenium ranges from 20 to 100 mcg. The maximum permissible dose of selenium should not exceed 400 mcg/day. For children, the amount of substance required per day is calculated based on body weight - approximately 1 mcg per kilogram.

Refusal of refined sugar, canned food, flour, semi-finished products and an increase in foods rich in tocopherols (avocado, flaxseed, pumpkin, nuts, sesame, corn, sunflower oil, unroasted nuts and seeds), allow the microelement to be preserved and absorbed much better.

The need for the compound increases in severe illnesses, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Athletes, people involved in manual labor, and people working in heavy and hazardous industries also require increased selenium content in their food.

Products containing large amounts of selenium (table)

Which foods contain the most selenium? (photo)

Let’s take a closer look at the question “The microelement selenium, which products contain it.” The table presented below will allow you to get a complete picture of the foods that should be included when compiling a therapeutic and preventive diet for adults and children.

Selenium-rich foods Microelement content in mcg/100 g
Dried oyster mushrooms111
Dried white and Polish mushrooms100
Fresh pork lard, bacon100
Coconut (milk, pulp, dried shavings)80
Brazil nut1917
Boiled squid and octopus77
Seafood (mussels, rapana, shrimp, crabs, oysters)From 25 to 50
Garlic (bulbs and herbs)From 20 to 40
By-products (beef heart, veal and pork kidneys, spleen)From 25 to 45
Wheat cereal, sprouted wheatUp to 40
Sea oily fish (tuna, salmon, flounder, mackerel, herring, haddock)Up to 45
Bread products made from wheat flour20
Cheese cheese, suluguni, mozzarella, cheddar20
Corn and corn grits18
Chicken and turkey fillet16
Hard cheeses such as Dutch, Gouda, Swiss12
Wheat bran11
Fresh olives and olive oil10
Legumes, including peanuts9
Yolk of a soft-boiled egg8
Sunflower seeds7
Mother's milk (breast)From 1 to 3

Although in smaller quantities, selenium is present in all types of nuts not listed in the table (cedar, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), seeds (flax, pumpkin seeds, sesame), seaweed, baker's and brewer's yeast, mushrooms (chanterelles, boletus, champignons, rows, russula), sprouted grains, cereals (oats, eggs, millet, millet, pearl barley, brown rice).

The lowest selenium content is found in berries, fruits and vegetables, but they can be safely replaced with nuts and seeds, especially as healthy snacks between main meals.

Something to keep in mind that plants grown on fertile soils without the use of pesticides and pesticides, and animals feeding on meadow grass, accumulate significantly more selenium in their tissues than fruits grown on mineral fertilizers and treated with chemicals, and living organisms fed on feed with the addition of antibiotics and stimulants growth.

Selenium preparations - a replacement for products?

Currently, you can find many drugs containing selenium on the pharmacological market. The most famous include: Selenium Active, Selenium + zinc, neoselen, antioxycaps, bioselenium. Biologically active food supplements, vitamin-mineral and mineral complexes various manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, also contain certain fixed portions of this compound.

Taking such medications should be started after consulting a doctor and establishing an imbalance of mineral compounds through blood tests. You should not self-medicate and self-diagnose - this can only aggravate existing health problems.

Carefully read the instructions and the amount of microelements in the capsule/tablet, which should be indicated on each package, so as not to exceed the daily dosage and not cause organ failure.

There are a number of medicinal plants rich in biologically absorbable selenium: spirulina algae, all parts of silver birch, eucalyptus (including eucalyptus oil), licorice, sweet clover, horsetail. There are many folk recipes preparing decoctions, infusions and tinctures from them.

An excess of selenium - why is it dangerous for humans?

Hair problems or excess selenium?

An overdose of the substance most often occurs when taking inorganic selenium compounds. Intoxication of the body manifests itself when taking doses exceeding 800 mcg for a long time, and is manifested by nervous disorders, vomiting, nausea, liver pathologies, development inflammatory processes, drying and cracking of the skin, destruction of the nail plates, hair loss, chipping of tooth enamel.

A sign of excessive presence of selenium in the body can be a strong garlic smell emanating from the skin and mouth when there is no fresh or dried garlic in the menu.

Excess selenium can provoke the development of malignant neoplasms. The exact content of a particular microelement can only be determined through laboratory blood tests.

What does a lack of selenium lead to, symptoms of deficiency

Insufficient intake of selenium from food can cause many ailments, including: thyroid disease, metabolic disorders, cataracts, oncological pathologies, exudative diathesis, heart and vascular diseases. In severe cases, doctors can diagnose hepatitis, liver necrosis, and in men, reproductive dysfunction.

About the lack of selenium in the body The following signs may indicate:

  • tendency to inflammation;
  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • deterioration of skin, hair and nails;
  • slower growth and development in children;
  • impaired absorption of vitamins, in particular tocopherols;
  • development of iodine deficiency;
  • Keshan's disease;
  • Kashin-Beck disease.

Everyone knows that microelements in the body are closely interconnected. Insufficient intake or excess of any of them can provoke various ailments and failures in the coordinated operation of all systems. For example, when the condition of hair and nail plates deteriorates, the body requires B vitamins, as well as magnesium, zinc, silicon, and selenium in food products.

It is best in this case to enrich the diet with brewer’s yeast, seafood, seaweed, unrefined grains and add 2 to 5 cloves of fresh garlic to your food daily as a seasoning.

As you can see, selenium is vital for the body. Please note that the products listed in the table are ideal sources not only of this microelement, but also of many much-needed biologically active compounds - vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, organic acids, mineral salts, bioflavonodes, etc.

Take a responsible approach to choosing products to create a diet for yourself and your loved ones, and your health will always delight you with excellent condition.