Forecast accuracy. Are you lying to us all the time? Whose weather forecast is more accurate? The most accurate weather forecast

01.04.2013 11:33

Despite the huge selection of Internet weather sites, only a few of them use their own forecasts. For example, you should not hope that the weather on the website can be checked with Yandex, since both services, like hundreds of others, use data from the Finnish meteorological service Foreca.

It is also unlikely that significant differences in the forecast will be found in the British BBC and Russian rp5 . Both services use data from the British Met Office. Met Office.

But such American giants as Weather Underground, AccuWeather, Weather Channel build their forecasts on the basis of the American numerical forecasting model GFS (Global Forecast System).

Strictly speaking, today in the world there are three main global numerical weather forecasting models, or hydrodynamic models of the atmosphere. That is, data from all weather stations in the world, satellites, ships and other systems are analyzed, collected and processed in three main ways based on non-linear equations.

The city of Reading in the UK is home to the ECMWF (European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) model. It is this forecasting model that is used by Foreca, one of the world's leading providers of "weather" content. To date, this model is the newest, rapidly developing and has gained fame as a leader in the accuracy of long-term forecasts.

The UkMet model is the brainchild of the oldest meteorological service in the world, MetOffice, the British Government Meteorological Office. It is believed that it is richer than others in terms of scientific potential and gives the most accurate short-term forecast.

As for the American GFS, it has the largest coverage (almost the entire globe) and, according to experts, is the most conservative. The GFS model is operated by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) - National Center US Atmospheric and Oceanic Research. Now the original GFS data is in the public domain free of charge on American servers. Nevertheless, experts say that for our latitudes it is the least adapted, since it does not take into account snow cover well.

A hydrodynamic model of the atmosphere is a unique, complex and expensive product that exists in a single copy. One run of the model takes several hours of CPU time on a supercomputer. Therefore, for the meteorological services of various countries and commercial organizations, the owners provide access not to the model itself, but to the final results of calculations: global fields of meteorological values ​​on the planet for different heights at different points in time.

In turn, weather services can use their own algorithms for interpolation and presentation of calculated model data. Therefore, differences in weather forecasts occur even where the same model is taken as a basis.

Many meteorological resources combine data from major global models and use a variety of additional "wind corrections" from the world's leading meteorological organizations.

Quite a unique product of American and Indian programmers with computing power in Denmark and Germany.

  1. 7.

Professional American weather site for the most advanced users with its own forecast based on the GFS model covering the entire globe. The resource is owned by Weather Services International (WSI), part of the Weather Channel group of companies. WSI claims to own the world's largest commercial weather database, partnering with the governments of the US, Canada, Japan and the UK. These forecasts are used by most of the world's airlines, the resource supplies weather content for 60,000 media and companies in the energy sector.

A non-English-speaking user of the site, when searching for weather in his city, should not forget to switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

In addition, intellicast specializes in providing information about hurricanes and tornadoes. This is where most ordinary Americans receive warnings of impending natural disasters.

  1. 8.

The BBC weather service from one of the world's leading news agencies appeared online in 1997 and provides weather information under license from the British meteorological service MetOficce, that is, it uses the Ukmet forecasting model. The UK Met Office is the oldest weather service in the world, founded in 1854 and in 1861 provided the first official weather forecast for English newspapers. Now the forecast is made for 5000 cities of the world. What is most interesting is that it is the short-term forecasts from the Air Force that turn out to be the most accurate for Kyiv according to reviews on the Internet.


Service of the American television channel about the weather The Weather Channel (TWC), now turned into a huge corporation. The channel began broadcasting in 1982, and the site opened in 1995. Remarkably, the channel's founder, John Colman, is a leading critic of global warming theory. Naturally, Americans use the GFS predictive model. The weather from is relayed by the Yahoo search engine, and from the features of the resource - various specialized services, for example, forecasts for gardeners with tips on caring for plants. Unfortunately, the data is presented only on the Fahrenheit scale, so the resource is not popular in our latitudes. But for the inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere - this is No. 1.

  1. 10.

American commercial weather service based on the GFS model with 2 million locations worldwide in the database. The company was founded in 1962, and the site appeared in 1995. Now the service specializes in paid services for meteorologists, the sale of forecast content in the form of XML files, and the development of convenient weather software for PCs, smartphones and tablets. As for ordinary users, here you can find an hourly forecast and much more for those who speak English well. For Russian-speakers who still want to know the forecast using the American GFS model and enjoy deployed American weather services, there is the site, where you can even “remove” data from one of the 25,000 world weather stations.

Reading time: 10 minutes.

The weather forecast is sometimes one of the most important information a person needs, and it does not matter for an hour, a day or a whole week. The network has a huge amount of resources that provide it, but only a few have reliable weather data. We bring to your attention the most accurate weather forecast sites reporting the latest and most reliable weather data. is one of the most accurate Ukrainian meteorological resources providing weather information online. The coverage of the territory of the site, however, is small - all the settlements of Ukraine and just over 100,000 major world cities. Information about long-term weather forecasts is provided by the Finnish weather service Foreca, and data on real-time changes is provided by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

The resource displays the weather report for the current moment, for 7 and 10 days. This is information about temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed and precipitation. According to the given routes on, you can find convenient weather maps, as well as data on the water temperature of the Black, Mediterranean and other European seas.

The undisputed leader of the Runet in terms of attendance, compares favorably with its fellow, which often sins with unreliable data. Site navigation is simple, concise and intuitive. The resource contains a detailed and fairly accurate weather forecast for any point the globe. The site information is always up-to-date, since the data is updated four times a day. detailed forecast includes temperature, wind speed, precipitation, sunrise and sunset, moon phases, geomagnetic data. Information about upcoming weather changes can be viewed for an hour, a day, several days or a month. On the information geographic maps fixed on the site, you can view changes in temperature, wind direction, precipitation and cloudiness for three days ahead in dynamics. is one of the world's leading informers with the most accurate and objective weather reports. The resource was transferred to online mode in 1997. The work of is based on the Ukmet predictive model. The portal has information about temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind strength and speed, as well as visibility on the roads. The time frame of the forecast is from 1 and 10 days.

The weather forecast is licensed by MetOficce, a British weather service founded in 1854 and one of the world's oldest and most respected weather resources. Starting with providing weather reports for British newspapers back in 1861, today MetOficce produces weather reports for 5,000 major world cities. And the BBC's short-term forecasts have long earned the reputation of being the most accurate in the world.

One of the most reliable weather forecast services. We are very fond of users for the simplicity and conciseness of the interface, the lack of excess information and a detailed weather forecast. The output of accurate data for a day, 10 days or a month is possible for absolutely any city in the world.

Information for the site was provided by the Finnish service Foreca, which makes weather forecasts using the ECMWF model. The resource base consists of about 12 thousand cities in 228 countries.

From the site data, you can get information about air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, the presence or absence of precipitation, wind speed and direction, sunrise and sunset. Information about the weather and microclimate of seaside towns is supplemented with temperature data sea ​​water coastal zone.

An American metrological resource that provides accurate weather forecasts for 3 million locations around the world. The commercial weather service originated in 1995 based on the GFS model founded by Joel Myres in 1965. Initially, the data collected by Accuweather was intended for publication in the media and television forecasts. Now the company is a paid service for meteorologists, sells forecast data and creates weather software for PCs and mobile devices.

On you can find an hourly weather forecast and a lot of useful weather information. For example, not only information about the probability of precipitation is submitted here, but also a map of cloudiness changes, as well as data on the degree of danger of ultraviolet radiation. The resource provides a weather forecast for a month, but all data is updated regularly. In the upper right corner of the site menu, you can select the Russian language and the Celsius temperature scale. is America's most popular site, rightfully considered one of the most accurate and reliable in the world. The meteorological resource is owned by Weather Services International (WSI), which owns one of the world's largest commercial meteorological databases. Based on the GFS model, the resource gives clear information about the state of weather conditions anywhere in the world.

WSI provides weather reports to most of the world's airlines. It also actively cooperates with the UK, Japan, Canada and the USA, providing unique information content for more than 60,000 media companies and enterprises in the energy sector.

At, you can view weather data in Fahrenheit or Celsius to choose from, learn first-hand about the threat of an impending hurricane or tornado. It is this meteorological resource that is the main source of warning about the approach of a natural disaster for the entire US population.

One of the most accurate foreign weather forecast sites that provides information on weather conditions for hundreds of thousands of cities on the planet. The resource was formed by the American television channel The Weather Channel and is in English. There is also a Russian version of it -

The site has a nice interface and a lot of news reports. By setting the region, the user receives detailed data on air temperature and humidity, cloud cover, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, sunrise and sunset, moon phases, road visibility. Time frames - 1 hour, 1, 5 or 10 days. Broadcasts forecasts search system Yahoo.

The site has various specialized services such as forecasts and recommendations for gardeners. Despite the accuracy of forecasts and a pleasant interface, is not particularly popular in the CIS countries due to the provision of temperature data on the Fahrenheit scale.

An independent resource with interesting and easy navigation was created more than 20 years ago by Russian meteorologists and astronomers. The site provides reliable weather forecasts for 5, 7, 10, 14 days and a month. The resource also has forecasts of the state of the geomagnetic field and recommendations for weather-dependent people.

A special program "WeatherObs" helps with the determination of temperature, wind speed, humidity and air pressure, road visibility, etc. is a kind of Internet magazine, on the portal of which you can find not only an accurate forecast for any part of the world, but also get acquainted with various news reports on climatic and astronomical facts. And for members of the meteorological club and fans of astronomical observations, there is an opportunity to share interesting data and photographs of weather anomalies.

There is no doubt about the weather news of this resource, since the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, which is responsible for climate monitoring and environment since 1930. Thanks to this fact, fully justifies its motto - "About the weather first hand", because the weather data is received daily on the site's information portal directly from the Hydrometeorological Center.

A detailed weather forecast by covers not only Russia, but also most cities in the world. The user is provided with information about temperature changes, the presence and intensity of precipitation, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction. also has an animated 48-hour weather forecast for European countries, an archive of forecasts and climate statistics. The main page of the resource has a map of meteorological hazards with regions marked on it that are under the threat of adverse climatic phenomena. For holidaymakers, a pleasant bonus is provided in the form of information about the temperature of the water at different points in the oceans.

Good day everyone!

I think that everyone will agree with me that the weather often brings us surprises, sometimes very unexpected ones (such as a heavy downpour, although just half an hour ago there were no signs of rain).

When planning your vacation, trip, and just going to work, study - it is not uncommon to find out what awaits us tomorrow, in a week - in order to take the same umbrella with you, buy some thing, prepare something warm, etc. d.

In this article, I want to cite several sites where you can find out quite accurately about the weather for the near future (up to about 14 days). Forewarned is forearmed! So...

Note: any forecast is not 100% accurate! Especially if it is drawn up for a period of more than a few days (everywhere there is a certain line). If the temperature is predicted more accurately, then the precipitation may go "blunder".

Websites with weather forecast

The official website of the hydrometeorological center of Russia, which has access to almost all cities of our country, the CIS, abroad, resorts (the most big cities available in the column on the left). The hydrometeorological center has been predicting the weather since 1930, and as you can imagine, specialists with such vast experience are among the most accurate! Even though their site doesn't look like the prettiest weather site out there, but still...

By the way, in addition to the forecast, the site has an archive of forecasts, climate statistics, news and warnings about the dangers that the weather "prepares" for us...

One of the most convenient and popular weather forecast sites. What is especially captivating is that when you visit the site, it will automatically determine your city by your IP address and show the weather for the next 3 days (which is what most people need).

I also want to note that the forecast can be built for 3, 10, 14 days, and for a whole month. In addition to the temperature in degrees, you can find out the direction and speed of the wind, pressure, precipitation, and other information on the site.

Note: if you have a website, then you can install a weather widget on it and always be aware of what awaits you.

This service, although English language, but I added it to my review. After all, his forecasts are used even by airlines (how much more precisely?). True, I didn’t put it in first place in the article due to the lack of a great and powerful one, which may scare some users away (although almost everything can be guessed from the pictures, besides Chrome browser offers to translate the site into Russian).

After you enter the site, the first thing to do is enter your city in the transcription (search box on the top, right). By the way, the site itself will show tips as soon as you start entering your city (example below).

By the way, the temperature is shown in several versions: in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. The current weather is updated on the site in real time. For many cities, there are several weather points for an accurate result.

As for the forecast, on the site you can find a 10-day option: very convenient. In general, enjoy!

Forecast for 10 days on the website

A very interesting and unusual site (by the way, the forecasts are very accurate). It differs from the rest by the presence of an hourly forecast: for each hour, the temperature and the probability of precipitation in percent are indicated. Agree, it is convenient to find out - will it rain today, when, and do you need an umbrella? ☺

In general, in general, the forecast can be found out for the next 10 days: there is a brief presentation (as in the screen above), and a complete one.

It is also very interesting to look at the weather map in the menu on the left: you can see your city and the area around it, see how cloud cover, temperature, precipitation, pressure in this area will change over time.

A very popular and convenient site to see the weather for the near future (up to 6 days). The visibility is especially captivating - everything you need is shown in one plate: temperature, precipitation, how temperature, pressure, wind (speed, gusts, direction), etc.

The weather forecast on the site is prepared by the Met Office of Great Britain (Met Office). The site currently provides weather forecasts for 500,000 settlements(Probably yours is too!).

A very colorful and unusual site with an informative presentation of the weather. First you need to enter your city in the search box, then you will see not only the weather forecast (shown at the bottom of the window: temperature, rain, snow, wind, e.g. wind, etc.), but you will also be able to watch clouds and precipitation move over the city how and where the wind blows, etc.

Very unusual and entertaining!

Meteo news is a very useful weather informer: here you can find information that is often omitted on other sites. For example, in addition to temperature, precipitation, wind, you can find out sunrise and sunset, day length, moonrise and moonset, and other data.

The forecast is available for 3, 5 and 14 days. You can also get acquainted with the dynamics of the nearest hourly changes in weather conditions, get information about the climate in your area, about the average temperatures at a certain time.

There is a weather archive for 48 hours: you can find out everything about it in graphs and numbers (very useful if, for example, you are forced to keep a weather diary in your studies).

One of the best weather forecasting services, the widget is very accurate and looks pretty. What captivates: the site has a choice of many languages ​​​​(Russian is supported!), The site automatically determines your location (determines not only the city, but also your area!) And gives a forecast for the next 36 hours (i.e. up-to-date information).

In addition, the forecast can be obtained for 5, 10 days, for the next weekend, and for a month ahead. In general, very convenient.

As for the current weather, you can check the temperature (and how it feels), wind speed, humidity, dew point, pressure, visibility (especially useful for motorists).

Yandex-weather is a very popular service from the Moscow Meteorological Bureau. Moreover, I want to note that the weather forecast is quite accurate and close to reality.

When you go to the site, usually your city is always determined automatically and is 99% correct. Yandex-weather invites you to immediately familiarize yourself with the current weather and the forecast for the coming days (see the screen above). By selecting a specific day, you can find out the temperature, precipitation, humidity, pressure for the morning, afternoon, evening and night. In addition, you can find out the waxing or waning moon now (quite a popular question for many, by the way).

In addition, on Yandex-weather, you can find out the usual temperature for the current place according to the climate of your area. Yandex also offers to play roulette so that the weather you need falls out (a trifle, but funny ☺)!

Another weather forecast service from a popular search engine in Runet. By going to the site, will automatically determine your city and show the current weather and forecast for the coming days. The forecast is presented in a convenient table from which you can find out day and night temperatures, precipitation, pressure, humidity, wind direction and speed.

By the way, the service from inserts pictures for the plate according to the current weather: for example, if it is raining, you will see a picture with rain (as in the screenshot above). Very clear and convenient (as for me).

That's all, I hope you won't lose with the weather now!

The sun is the source of life on the planet. Its rays give the necessary light and warmth. At the same time, ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is detrimental to all living things. To find a compromise between useful and harmful properties Sun, meteorologists calculate the index of ultraviolet radiation, which characterizes the degree of its danger.

What UV radiation from the sun is

The ultraviolet radiation of the Sun has a wide range and is divided into three regions, two of which reach the Earth.

  • UV-A. Longwave radiation range
    315–400 nm

    The rays pass almost freely through all atmospheric "barriers" and reach the Earth.

  • UVB. Medium wave radiation range
    280–315 nm

    The rays are 90% absorbed by the ozone layer, carbon dioxide and water vapor.

  • UVC. Shortwave radiation range
    100–280 nm

    The most dangerous area. They are completely absorbed by stratospheric ozone without reaching the Earth.

The more ozone, clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere, the less the harmful effect of the Sun. However, these saving factors have a high natural variability. The annual maximum of stratospheric ozone occurs in spring, and the minimum - in autumn. Cloud cover is one of the most variable weather characteristics. The content of carbon dioxide also changes all the time.

At what values ​​of the UV index is there a danger

The UV index gives an estimate of the amount of UV radiation from the Sun on the Earth's surface. UV index values ​​range from safe 0 to extreme 11+.

  • 0–2 Low
  • 3–5 Moderate
  • 6–7 High
  • 8–10 Very high
  • 11+ Extreme

In mid-latitudes, the UV index approaches unsafe values ​​(6–7) only at the maximum height of the Sun above the horizon (occurs in late June - early July). At the equator, during the year, the UV index reaches 9...11+ points.

What is the benefit of the sun

In small doses, UV radiation from the Sun is essential. The sun's rays synthesize melanin, serotonin, vitamin D, necessary for our health, and prevent rickets.

Melanin creates a kind of protective barrier for skin cells from harmful effects Sun. Because of it, our skin darkens and becomes more elastic.

Happiness hormone serotonin affects our well-being: it improves mood and increases overall vitality.

Vitamin D strengthens the immune system, stabilizes blood pressure and performs anti-rickets functions.

Why is the sun dangerous?

When sunbathing, it is important to understand that the line between beneficial and harmful Sun is very thin. Excessive sunburn always borders on a burn. UV radiation damages DNA in skin cells.

The body's defense system cannot cope with such an aggressive impact. This lowers the immune system, damages the retina, causes skin aging and can lead to cancer.

Ultraviolet destroys the DNA strand

How does the sun affect people?

Susceptibility to UV radiation depends on skin type. The most sensitive to the Sun are people of the European race - for them, protection is required already at an index of 3, and 6 is considered dangerous.

At the same time, for Indonesians and African Americans, this threshold is 6 and 8, respectively.

Who is affected the most by the Sun?

    people with light
    skin tone

    People with many moles

    Residents of the middle latitudes while relaxing in the south

    winter lovers

    Skiers and climbers

    People who have family history skin cancer

In what weather is the sun most dangerous

The fact that the Sun is dangerous only in hot and clear weather is a common misconception. You can also get burned in cool cloudy weather.

Cloudiness, no matter how dense it may be, does not at all reduce the amount of ultraviolet to zero. In mid-latitudes, cloudiness significantly reduces the risk of sunburn, which cannot be said about traditional places. beach holiday. For example, in the tropics, if in sunny weather you can get burned in 30 minutes, then in cloudy weather - in a couple of hours.

How to protect yourself from the sun

To protect against harmful rays, observe simple rules:

    Get less exposure to the Sun during the midday hours

    Wear light-colored clothing, including wide-brimmed hats

    Use protective creams

    put on Sunglasses

    Stay in the shade more on the beach

Which sunscreen to choose

Sunscreen varies in terms of sun protection and is labeled from 2 to 50+. The numbers indicate the proportion of solar radiation that overcomes the protection of the cream and reaches the skin.

For example, when applying a cream labeled 15, only 1/15 (or 7%) of the UV rays will penetrate the protective film. In the case of cream 50, only 1/50, or 2%, affects the skin.

Sunscreen creates a reflective layer on the body. However, it is important to understand that no cream is capable of reflecting 100% of ultraviolet radiation.

For everyday use, when the time spent under the Sun does not exceed half an hour, a cream with protection 15 is quite suitable. For tanning on the beach, it is better to take 30 and above. However, for fair-skinned people, it is recommended to use a cream labeled 50+.

How to apply sunscreen

The cream should be applied evenly to all exposed skin, including the face, ears and neck. If you plan to sunbathe for a long time, then the cream should be applied twice: 30 minutes before going out and, additionally, before going to the beach.

Please refer to the cream instructions for how much to apply.

How to apply sunscreen while swimming

Sunscreen should be applied every time after bathing. Water washes away the protective film and, reflecting the sun's rays, increases the dose of ultraviolet radiation received. Thus, when bathing, the risk of burning increases. However, due to the cooling effect, you may not feel the burn.

Excessive sweating and rubbing with a towel is also a reason to re-protect the skin.

It should be remembered that on the beach, even under an umbrella, the shade does not provide full protection. Sand, water, and even grass reflect up to 20% of UV rays, increasing their impact on the skin.

How to protect your eyes

Sunlight reflecting off water, snow, or sand can cause painful retinal burns. Use sunglasses with an ultraviolet filter to protect your eyes.

Danger for skiers and climbers

In the mountains, the atmospheric "filter" is thinner. For every 100 meters of altitude, the UV index increases by 5%.

Snow reflects up to 85% of UV rays. In addition, up to 80% of the ultraviolet reflected by the snow cover is again reflected by the clouds.

Thus, in the mountains, the Sun is most dangerous. Protecting the face, lower part of the chin and ears is necessary even in cloudy weather.

How to deal with sunburn if you are burned

    Treat the body with a damp sponge to wet the burn

    Lubricate the burnt areas with anti-burn cream

    If the temperature rises, consult a doctor, you may be advised to take an antipyretic

    If the burn is severe (skin is very swollen and blisters), seek medical attention.

You can't help but trust the weather news on this site, because it is an information resource of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, the main federal service responsible for climate and environmental monitoring. The main motto of the site is “About the weather first-hand”, and indeed, the most accurate and detailed forecast is received daily directly from the Hydrometeorological Center not only for Russia, but for all countries of the world. Data on temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction are compiled for 5,000 cities around the world. On the home page The site has a map of meteorological hazards, where regions are marked that are threatened by adverse climatic events. In addition, here you can find information about the water temperature in different parts of the World Ocean, which is important during the holiday season.

Very simple, concise, easy to navigate website. No extra information, only accurate and detailed weather forecast for any given region of the globe. A detailed forecast, including data on temperature, wind speed, precipitation, sunrise and sunset, moon phase, geomagnetic disturbances, is issued both for hours and days, and for several days or a month. The site contains informational geographic maps that dynamically display changes in temperature, cloudiness, precipitation and wind direction in Europe, Siberia and Far East. Thanks to the maps, you can independently track the weather changes for three days in advance.

A solid and popular foreign site, formed on the basis of The Weather Channel, providing weather information for 100,000 cities on the planet. The site is in English, but there is a Russian version of it "". Beautiful and clear interface, a lot of news reports. For a given region, detailed climatic and astronomical data are issued: air temperature and humidity, cloudiness, wind speed and direction, Atmosphere pressure, road visibility, sunrise and sunset, moon phases. On the site you can get a forecast for a specific hour and day, for five or ten days.

An interesting, easy-to-navigate and well-designed online weather magazine, where, in addition to instant and accurate forecasts for any point on the globe, you can find a lot of climate and astronomical news. Via special program"WeatherObs" determines the temperature, wind speed, humidity and air pressure, visibility on the roads for the region specified on the map. Members of the meteorological club and lovers of astronomical observations put on the site quite interesting data and photographs about weather anomalies, natural events, nearest comets, solar and lunar activity. The site contains information about the monthly weather for all regions of Russia.

A convenient brainchild of the Yandex search engine, loved by many users. A simple, concise interface in pleasant warm colors, the site is not loaded with unnecessary information, only a detailed forecast in numerical data and on a map. Output of accurate data for any city in the world within a day, ten days and a month. The site displays all climatic and astronomical information in maximum detail: air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, presence or absence of precipitation, wind speed and direction, sunrise and sunset. For coastal cities, the temperature of sea water in the coastal zone is added, which is important during the holiday season.