Thematic crosswords for the biology course “Animals” (grade 7). Crossword “General biology” Download biology crossword

The resource can be used to consolidate material and test knowledge.

1. The crossword can be used to test students’ knowledge in class, as well as to prepare students in grades 9-11 for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and VPR on this topic.

2. The resource contains answers. To consolidate the material on them, we invite students to write questions.



MBOU "Karagai Secondary School No. 2"


in biology on the topic “Fundamentals of Genetics”

Grade 10

UMK through V.V.Pasechnik

Trefilova Raisa Polikarpovna,

biology teacher

Karagay - 2017

Explanatory note

The resource is intended for use in a general biology lesson in the section "Fundamentals of Genetics" in 10th grade. By answering crossword questions, children playfully test their theoretical knowledge gained from studying this section. Answers are given that can be used to create questions about them. The material can be used in 11th grade when repeating the topic in preparation for the Unified State Exam. The material activates cognitive activity students and contributes to a solid assimilation of knowledge on this topic.

Crossword puzzle on the topic “Basics of Genetics”

Horizontally: 1. Monomer nucleic acids. 2. An organism that produces identical gametes. 3. Nucleoprotein structures in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. 4. The set of genes of a given organism. 5. The ability of organisms to acquire differences from other individuals of their species. 6. Three consecutive nucleotides. 7. The scientist is the “father” of genetics. 8. Predominance of the trait.

Vertically: 9. Chromosome crossover. 10. Structural and functional unit of heredity of living organisms. 11. The ability of organisms to transmit their characteristics and developmental characteristics to their offspring. 12. An insect is an object for genetic research. 13. A popular plant among geneticists. 14. The general appearance of the organism, determined by the totality of manifestations of the genotype. 15. Cjock-like qualitative changes in a hereditarily determined trait. 16. Different forms of the same gene.

Answers to a crossword puzzle on the topic “Fundamentals of Genetics”

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. All changes occurring in nature.

2. Nature, which includes such objects as: plants, mushrooms, animals, people.

3. A source of heat and light for all life on Earth.

4. Natural phenomena associated with the change of seasons.

5. Nature, which includes such objects as: the Sun, stars, air, water, stones.

6. Temperature measuring device.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Deciduous shrub.

2. Plants with leaves in the form of plates.

3. Plants in which one thick stem extends from the root.

4. Thick stem of the tree.

5. Coniferous shrub.

6. Plants. which have needle-shaped leaves.

7. Leaves of coniferous trees.

8. Herbaceous plants whose stems are soft and succulent.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A group of animals that include snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles.

2. Animals whose bodies are covered with hair and feed their young with milk.

3. Animals with six legs.

4. A group of animals that include frogs and toads.

5. Animals whose body is covered with feathers.

7. Animals or...

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Snowfall with strong winds.

2. The time of year when the sun rises low in the sky and the days become short.

3. Fluffy snow fringe on the trees.

4. Winter phenomenon in inanimate nature, when the snow melts, it becomes wet and easily molded.

5. Snow falling to the ground on windless days calmly, slowly.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Human internal organ. It secretes an acidic juice that can digest most food.

2. Helps digest food in the intestines.

3. Part of the human body.

4. Its length is almost eight meters.

5. Lower limb.

6. Upper limb.

7. Human internal organ. Dense muscular bag.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. The boundary of the horizon, where the sky seems to converge with the earth’s surface.

2. Earth's surface that we see around us.

3. A person’s closest environment.

4. Family history over several generations.

5. A device for determining the sides of the horizon.

6. One of the main sides of the horizon.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Low places on the plains.

2. Color indicating lowlands on the map.

3. Wide flood of the river from its banks.

4. The time of year when the sun rises high in the sky and the days become longer.

5. High places on the plains.

6. Color indicating elevations on the map.

7. A spring phenomenon when ice floes on the river, large and small, quickly float downstream, colliding and breaking.

8. What do green and yellow colors indicate on a geographical map?

9. What is indicated in blue on a geographical map?

10. What is indicated in brown on a geographical map?

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Magnifying device.

2. Tiny organisms.

3. Large group living organisms.

4. One of the kingdoms of living nature.

5. The most important condition human life.

6. Science that studies living nature.

7. Creatures that breathe, grow, feed, develop, and bear offspring.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Head of a monarchical state.

2. One of the symbols of the state.

3. One of the symbols of the state.

4. State language in Russia.

5. They are shown in political map peace.

6. Head of the Russian state.

7. Part of the society to which you belong.

8. Human society.

9. A person of any state.

10. A small part of society.

11. One of the symbols of the state.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A gas that living beings emit from the body.

2. Air does not conduct well...

3. Air when heated...

4. One of the properties of air.

5. Air when cooling...

6. Gas that living beings absorb from the air.

7. Clean air doesn't have this.

8. One of the properties of air.

9. Mixture of gases.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. High above the ground they are formed from droplets and ice floes.

2. The process by which water evaporates from the surface of the earth, forms clouds, then returns to the earth in the form of rain or snow.

3. Water in a solid state.

4. The state of water in the form of steam.

5. A substance that is part of any organism.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Russian scientist who created the science of soil science.

2. It gives the soil a dark color.

3. Nutrients without which plants cannot live.

4. It is also present in the soil.

5. Soil Science.

6. They are also solid bodies.

7. The main property of the soil.

8. Top fertile layer of soil.

9. Salt remaining on the glass after the water evaporates.

10. One of the gaseous substances contained in the soil.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Plants that have flowers and fruits.

2. Plants are inhabitants of water.

3. Plant Science.

4. Plants that have needles instead of leaves.

5. Grows in damp places. It has stems and leaves, but it does not have roots, flowers or fruits with seeds.

6. It is easily recognized by its beautiful leaves that look like large feathers. There are roots and stems, but no flowers, fruits or seeds.

7. Green “clothing” of the Earth.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Animals whose body is covered with dry scales, and some also have a shell.

2. Animals whose body is covered with feathers.

3. Animals whose body is covered with hair. They feed their children with milk.

4. A group of animals that have six legs.

5. Animals whose skin is bare and tender. They spend part of their life on land and part in water, which is why they got their name.

6. Aquatic animals whose body is covered with scales.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Animals that eat insects.

2. Animals that eat both animal and plant foods.

3. These “chains” begin with plants.

4. The hedgehog has excellent defense -...

5. Insects that eat other insects.

6. The hare has fast...

7. Animals that eat plant foods.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. An adult emerges from the pupa...

2. Fixed caterpillar.

3. Fish egg.

4. Urticaria butterfly larvae.

5. These insects do not have pupae.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1 Deadly poisonous mushroom.

2. The visible part of a mushroom in the forest.

3. An amazing organism consisting of a fungus and algae.

4. Underground part mushroom.

5. The visible part of a mushroom in the forest.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Organ of touch.

2. A person’s ability to smell.

3. Olfactory organ.

4. Organ of vision.

5. Organ of taste.

6. Organ of hearing.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. There are many of them in vegetables and fruits.

2. Substances that serve as the main “ building material"for the human body.

3. They provide the body with energy and also serve as the “building material” of the body.

4. The main supplier of energy for our body.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Celestial bodies revolving around the Sun.

2. What were astronomers called in ancient times?

3. Vast space with stars, planets and other celestial bodies.

4. The name of our planet.

5. The science of celestial or cosmic bodies.

6. A star around which ten planets revolve, including our planet.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Natural satellite of the Earth.

2. The first planet from the Sun.

3. The planet named after the king of the sea.

4. A planet with 30 satellites and clearly visible rings consisting of rocks and blocks revolving around it.

5. Planet, with two satellites.

6. Second planet from the Sun.

7. A planet with one natural satellite.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Night predatory bird, listed in the Red Book of Russia.

2. Mixed forest tree.

3. “The lungs of our planet.”

4. Illegal shooting of animals.

5. Mixed forest tree.

6. Plant growing on Far East, listed in the Red Book of Russia.

7. A type of coniferous forest where mainly pine trees grow.

8. The famous animal of the reserve located in the south of the Moscow region, on the banks of the Oka.

9. These special substances are released by the leaves of many trees, which kill pathogenic bacteria.

10. A black spot left after a fire in the forest and not overgrown with grass for many years.

11. Large forest animal.

12. What can happen if you leave glass jars and bottles in the forest?

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A predatory insect whose prey is flies.

2. A rare large beetle hiding under stones.

3. A large animal living in forests.

4. A bird that lives on the seashore and feeds on fish.

5. An amazingly beautiful butterfly.

6. An inhabitant of the sea, burning a person like nettles.

7. A loud chirping insect that feeds on plant sap.

8. An outlandish fish, the body shape resembles a sewing needle.

9. Seabird feeding on fish.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Storage of water on Earth, which is so necessary for all living things.

2. Natural body of water planets.

3. Artificial pond.

4. Natural reservoir.

5. A huge natural body of water on Earth.

6. Artificial pond.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A mineral consisting of grains of feldspar, quartz and mica.

2. A special type of limestone. It is used to write on the blackboard and is used to make tooth powder.

3. A durable stone of white or gray color, formed from the remains of living beings. Lime is obtained from it.

4. The property of clay to mold well and retain the shape that is given to it.

5. A widespread rock formed by the destruction of granite.

6. The main property of granite.

7. An important property of peat.

8. A machine working in a quarry.

9. It is used for preparing mortars.

10. Products made of baked clay.

11. Mineral, dark brown in color, consisting of plant remains, loose, fragile, lighter than water.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. The chirping of these insects can be heard from all sides in the meadow.

2. Natural community.

3. Beetles that collect animal droppings in their burrows thereby store food for themselves and their larvae.

4. Not bright grass growing in the meadow.

5. An insect that feeds on the nectar of flowers.

6. Pollinating insect.

7. A nurse insect that buries dead birds and animals in the soil.

8. Meadow plant.

9. The inflorescence of this meadow grass resembles a fox tail.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A mushroom growing in a meadow.

2. This bird constantly shakes its tail, which is why it got its name.

3. Meadow bird running on the ground.

4. An amphibian that feeds on insects.

5. Owls fly from the forest to the meadow after them.

6. This bird is also called twitch.

7. A large bird of prey flies to a meadow in search of food.

8. A reptile whose food is insects.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. The roots of this plant are attached to the bottom, and wide leaves float on the surface of the reservoir.

2. Herbivorous larvae of frogs and toads swim in the water column.

3. Microscopic green plants.

4. Predatory beetle.

5. Fish that feed on plants and insect larvae.

6. Predatory fish of the reservoir.

7. The roots of this plant are attached to the bottom, and wide leaves float on the surface of the reservoir.

8. A predatory bug running rapidly along the surface of the water.

9. A plant floating on the surface of the water.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A mammal living in a body of water.

2. Mollusks that live at the bottom of a reservoir.

3. A mammal with valuable fur that lives in a body of water.

4. Mollusk valves.

5. The roots of this plant are attached to the bottom, and the stems and leaves rise above the water of the reservoir.

6. The roots of this plant are attached to the bottom, and the stems and leaves rise above the water of the reservoir.

7. Herbivorous snail.

8. The roots of this plant are attached to the bottom, and the stems and leaves rise above the water of the reservoir.

9. A mammal that lives near water.

10. Waterfowl.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. In the southern regions of our country, this grain crop is grown for grain, and in more northern regions, silage is obtained from it.

2. Rye bread is baked from the flour of this culture.

3. Field crop from the seeds of which sunflower oil is obtained.

4. Field farming is when... crops are grown.

5. From these tubers field crop get starch.

6. Green mass from corn.

7. The grain crop from which millet is obtained.

8. The grain crop from which buckwheat is obtained.

9. Fiber is obtained from this field crop for making textiles.

10. Main field crops.

11. Grain crop from which pearl barley is obtained.

12. The main grain crop of our country.

13. Oatmeal is made from these grains.

14. Field culture.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. The branch of crop production involved in the cultivation of vegetable crops.

2. Vegetables rich in vitamins.

3. Substances contained in onions and garlic that kill pathogenic bacteria.

4. Vegetable crops.

5. Vegetable crop rich in “growth” vitamin.

6. Vegetable crop with a pungent odor.

7. Heat-loving vegetable crop containing large amounts (up to 90%) of water.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Widespread fruit crop.

2. Prickly fruit crop.

3. This one fruit tree the fruit is blue in color.

4. Sweet berry.

5. The fruit of this tree resembles the shape of a light bulb.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. The branch of crop production involved in the cultivation of field crops.

2. The branch of crop production involved in the cultivation of fruit crops.

3. The branch of crop production involved in the cultivation of vegetable crops.

4. The branch of crop production involved in the cultivation of flower crops.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. The livestock industry involved in the raising and breeding of pigs.

2. The livestock industry involved in the cultivation and breeding of domestic rabbits.

3. The livestock industry involved in the raising and breeding of horses.

4. The livestock industry involved in the raising and breeding of poultry.

5. The livestock industry involved in the cultivation and breeding of bees.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. The most important property of iron ore.

2. Small compressed blocks of peat used as fuel and fertilizer.

3. Type of coal.

4. Main raw materials for mechanical engineering.

5. Coal is mined in quarries and... .

6. Ore having common name and containing valuable metals such as vanadium, titanium, cobalt.

7. Best variety coal, shiny, black.

8. A brittle alloy of iron and carbon.

9. Type of coal.

10. Rock formed in the bowels of the Earth from the remains of ancient plants.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. To extract oil you need deep... .

2. To extract oil, they build...derricks.

3. A thick, oily liquid with a pungent odor, formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived many millions of years ago.

4. A colorless light gas formed from the remains of plants and animals that once lived on the planet.

5. Valuable metal contained in iron ore, which is indispensable when creating space rockets.

6. Export of goods abroad for their sale.

7. Liquid fuel for cars.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Tier located under the trees.

2. A community of all forest inhabitants closely related to each other.

3. Plants forming the uppermost tier.

4. Tier where mosses and lichens grow.

5. Many forest animals feed on them.

6. Mushroom used to treat elk.

7. Below the shrubs grow... .

8. Tier, below the tier of bushes.

9. Mushrooms contribute... to plant residues in the forest.

10. “Floors” in the forest.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A meteor that reached the surface of the Earth.

2. Minor planets.

3. A planet moving in the orbit closest to the Sun.

4. Translated from ancient Greek it means “wandering.”

5. “Lord of food, father and mother of people.” Who were the Egyptians talking about?

6. The planet behind Saturn.

7. “Falling Stars.”

8. A large system that includes millions and millions of stars.

9. A celestial body consisting of clumps of solid particles and gas. It has a tail directed towards the Sun.

10. The second planet from the Sun.

11. A planet rotating in the fourth orbit from the Sun.

12. A planet with giant rings made of rocks and ice.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. When moving from liquid state into solids, water has its own volume...

2. Transfer of heat from a more heated part of the body to another, less heated one.

3. The most extraordinary substance on Earth.

4. A natural disaster during which water demolishes bridges, destroys banks and buildings, destroys crops, and takes human lives.

5. The water shell of the Earth.

6. Underground voids.

7. Gaseous state water.

8. A liquid containing foreign substances that are evenly distributed in it.

9. Tiny droplets of water formed in the air.

10. Solid state water.

11. Various particles that have not dissolved in water, which make the water cloudy.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Plants that grow on their own in nature.

2. Green pigment of the plant.

3. Organ of seed reproduction.

4. The oldest profession of a person who was engaged in growing plants for himself.

5. Organic matter formed during photosynthesis in plants.

6. Education process organic matter from inorganic in plant leaves.

7. Shade-tolerant flowering plant.

8. Plants that a person specifically grows to use in everyday life.

9. A dye that accumulates in the tissues and organs of the plant.

10. Stem with leaves and buds located on it.

11. The result of plant activity from previous years.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A stem with leaves and buds located on it.

2. Organ of a flowering plant.

3. Pollen ripens in it.

4. Organ of seed reproduction in flowering plants.

5. The above-ground organ of a flowering plant, the function of which is to bring the leaves to the light and conduct water with mineral salts throughout the plant.

6. All the petals of the flower together.

7. The fruit is formed from it.

8. The underground organ of a flowering plant.

9. A special organ of a flowering plant where the formation of organic substances from inorganic substances occurs.

10. It is located inside the fetus.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Single-celled fungi used by humans in baking and winemaking.

2. It has different colors and shapes in mushrooms.

3. Inconspicuous mushrooms invisible to the eye.

4. Edible mushroom that lives under aspen trees.

5. Mushroom body.

6. Edible agaric mushroom.

7. Edible cap mushroom.

8. A special group of living beings that does not belong to either plants or animals.

9. The body of the mushroom that people put in a basket.

10. A fungus that settles on trees and destroys their wood.

11. Cap mushroom.

12. Edible mushrooms.

13. Edible mushrooms similar to milk mushrooms.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Bread crop.

2. Annual or perennial crops, the juicy fleshy parts of which are eaten by humans.

3. A group of plants cultivated by humans to produce fruits, berries, and nuts.

4. A cultivated plant whose homeland is the European-Siberian center.

5. Plants that provide raw materials for various sectors of the national economy.

6. A vegetable native to Mexico.

7. The most important group cultivated plants, cultivated mainly for grain production.

8. Grain crop, whose homeland is South India.

9. Her homeland is China.

10. “Sunny Flower.” For a long time in Russia it remained decorative.

11. crops from which vegetable oil is obtained.

12. Plant from Mexico.

14. This vegetable comes from the Mediterranean and Central Asia

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Animals that feed only on vegetation.

2. Animals whose life is completely dependent on conditions environment.

3. An ungulate animal that lives in the forest.

4. Mammal in Figure 105.

5. Animals whose life is completely dependent on humans.

6. Reptiles in Figure 105.

7. Animals that feed exclusively on other animals.

8. Animals that eat only insects.

9. Animals that eat both plants and other animals.

10. Large predator in Figure 105.

11. A special substance that gives the plant cell hardness and permanent shape.

12. The bird in Figure 105.

Beginning of the form

End of form


1. Formation of the upper and lower jaws.

2. Vertebrae completely fused to each other with the iliac bones.

3. Pectoral muscle mass.

4. Lower legs.

5. Muscles that lift the wing.

6. Skin gland in birds.

7. Limb girdle, formed by three paired bones: crow bones, scapulae, and clavicle.

8. Hind limb belt.


9. Type of contour feather of a bird.

10. Place of attachment of tail feathers.

11. Feathers that form the basis of the plumage.

12. Outer cover of birds.

13. Number of sacral vertebrae in birds.

14. Regular process of changing feathers in birds.

15. Animals whose forelimbs are transformed into wings.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Facial muscles are especially developed in the Primate order.

2. The name of the limb in bats.

3. Thoracic and abdominal sections.

4. Hair change in some mammals occurs in spring and autumn.

5. The thumb of the hand in mammals... to the other four fingers.

6. Cover of mammals.

7. The limb of fast-running animals is represented...

8. Ancestors of ancient mammals.

9. Segmented bone plate in the mammalian skeleton.

10. A limb of swimming mammals that performs the function of movement in the water column.

11. Constant number of cervical vertebrae in mammals.

12. Section of the skeleton, consisting of four fused vertebrae.

13. Dome-shaped muscle, the function of which is to change the volume of the chest cavity when the animal breathes.

14. The most highly organized class of vertebrates.

15. Outer skin.

16. Limb type of the Primate order.

17. The basis of the shoulder girdle of mammals.

18. Very long, coarse hair that performs a tactile function.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. The structure is similar to sponges, but they already have a digestive cavity, cell differentiation is observed (separation by function)

2. The body of these animals consists of three sections: head, chest, abdomen. On the head there is one pair of compound eyes, simple eyes, antennae, and mouth appendages. The chest bears three pairs of walking legs and wings. Tracheal breathing.

3.Highly organized warm-blooded animals. The skin has hair and numerous skin glands. The heart is four chambered. The brain is well developed; there is a cerebral cortex. The cubs are fed milk.

4. Exclusively aquatic animals with a streamlined body. Breathing through the gills. The heart is two-chambered. The limbs are fin-shaped.

5. These worms have a spindle-shaped body, the internal organs are located in the body cavity.

6. These are marine animals, mainly bottom-dwelling, with radial symmetry of the body. The skeleton is formed by calcareous plates. Feature– water-vascular system.

7.Mostly aquatic animals. They breathe with gills. The body consists of a head, thorax (or cephalothorax) and abdomen. The cephalothorax bears five pairs of walking legs. The eyes are complex.

8.Their body consists of a head, torso and legs and is usually enclosed in a shell. There is a skin fold - the mantle.

10. There are 1.5-2 million species of these inhabitants of our planet. They are characterized by a heterotrophic type of nutrition, active metabolism, mobility, and limited growth.

11.Highly organized warm-blooded animals. Most of them are capable of flight. The skin is almost devoid of skin glands. The body is covered with feathers. The heart is four chambered.

12. This type unites animals that have jointed limbs and a hard body cover.

13. Mostly land dwellers. Breathing is light, skin is dry. There are two circles of blood circulation, a three-chambered heart.

14. Land dwellers. The body of these animals consists of two sections. There are four pairs of walking limbs on the cephalothorax. The eyes are simple. There are no antennae. They breathe through pulmonary sacs and trachea.

15.Animals whose body consists of one cell. They are microscopic in size, and many have special-purpose organelles.

16.Exclusively aquatic animals. Their body resembles a bag riddled with pores; it is formed by two layers of cells. Organs and tissues are missing.

17. Worms that have a segmented body, each segment has bristles on the sides that help them move. Circulatory system closed. In the head section there are the suprapharyngeal and subpharyngeal nerve nodes.

18.They live both in water and on land. The skin is damp. Adults breathe through their lungs and skin. The heart is three-chambered. Larval development occurs in water.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. They gather in flocks and are very harmful agriculture, for which they received the name “Egyptian execution”.

2. A diurnal predatory insect that feeds on mosquitoes and other small insects. Large head with large compound eyes. The larvae attack tadpoles and fish fry.

3. Formation on the abdomen of the female, for laying eggs in the ground, on the surface of plants or inside the body.

4. Domesticated species of insect.

5. The largest order of insects.

6. Representative of Orthoptera.

8. Social insect.

9. A beetle that performs the function of a nurse, burying manure in the soil.

10. Mostly a nocturnal animal that cannot tolerate the cold and lives in human housing.

11. Lice eggs.

12. A class whose animals are named for the characteristic notches on the abdomen.

13. Orthoptera.

14. They are distributed throughout to the globe. Adults do not feed and live for one or several days.

15. Animals of this class are black, straw-fawn, brownish in color. Their chirping occurs like that of grasshoppers.

16. These animals lead an underground lifestyle. The forelimbs are designed for digging. They harm garden plants by damaging the root system.

17. The beetle harms fish farming because its larvae attack fish fry.

18. “Two-tails.”

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Amazing engineering structure made of wax, consisting of hexagonal cells arranged in two layers, with the entrance facing in opposite directions.

2. Domesticated hymenopteran social insect.

3. Bee. Infertile female.

4. Wingless insects that transmit dangerous diseases to humans.

5. Order, the fore wings of the representatives are half composed of hard chitin, and the other part of the wings is membranous and has venation.

6. A butterfly that flies in the fall to southern Africa, India or Iran.

7. Homoptera, harmful to agriculture.

8. Hymenoptera.

9. Butterfly larva.

10. A consistent chain of innate responses to various stimuli.

11. A order of insects that have well-developed fore wings.

12. Bee laying eggs.

13. Water bugs.

14. Domesticated species of butterfly.

15. Insects whose wings are covered with scales.

16. Bee glue.

17. A butterfly that flies alone to warm regions.

18. Male in the hive.

19. Blood-sucking species.

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1. Complete or partial violation of the integrity of the bone.

2. Trauma associated with the exit of the bone head incompletely.

3. Fracture when the skin and muscles are not broken.

4. Damage to tissues and organs without compromising the integrity of the skin.

5. Fracture when the skin and muscles are broken.

6. A special medical board for fixing the immobility of the affected part of the body.

7. Persistent displacement of the articular bones, in which the head of one bone comes out of the articular fossa of the other.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. The beginning of blood circulation is considered...

2. Pulmonary vesicles.

4. The number of chambers of the human heart.

5. An artery that encircles the heart in the form of a crown.

6. The blood circulation begins in the left ventricle.

7. An open system in the human body that allows you to cleanse the intercellular spaces of unnecessary substances.

8. Blood entering the right ventricle.

9. Part of the heart containing oxygen-rich arterial blood.

10. Part of the heart containing venous blood rich in carbon dioxide.

11. They supply blood to all organs and tissues.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Formations on the skin, resulting from blockage of the brood ducts.

2. Skin damage caused by chemical or thermal irritants.

3. A disease caused by scabies.

4. Cracks in the corners of the mouth caused by a lack of vitamin B 2 ».

5. A bandage that needs to be applied to the victim in case of severe frostbite.

6. Skin disorders associated with the endocrine system.

7. Hypothermia of the skin, manifested by whitening of the skin.

8. Damage to the skin surface.

9. One of the most common fungal skin diseases.

10. Skin disease associated with a lack of vitamins.

11. Skin type with excess nutrition.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. The part of the brain where the centers that provide clarity of vision and hearing are located.

2. The brain, which includes the medulla oblongata, cerebellum, pons, midbrain, diencephalon and cerebral hemispheres.

3. The brain, consisting of three parts - upper, central and lower.

4. The brain is similar in structure and functions to the spinal cord.

5. Lower part of the diencephalon.

6. Protruding parts of the surface of the cerebral hemispheres.

7. It coordinates movements, makes them smooth and accurate.

8. Department N.S., manager internal organs, smooth muscles and metabolism.

9. Central part of the diencephalon.

10. A section of the nervous system specializing in the perception of information coming from the environment and control of body movements in space.

11. Supreme body autonomic nervous system.

12. Zone located in front of the central sulcus.

13. Depressions on the surface of the hemispheres.

14. Nervous system, regulating the work of striated muscle tissue of skeletal muscles.

15. The auditory pathways pass through it into the cortex.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1.The most complex human organ, capable of perceiving and processing a large amount of information.

2. Superficial layer of the cerebellar hemispheres.

3. Oblong + bridge + middle + intermediate = ?

4. The place where the nerve fibers are located, as well as the centers associated with facial expressions and chewing functions.

5. The brain, which is responsible for the vital centers involved in the regulation of breathing, the activity of the heart, and blood vessels.

6. The brain, which conducts impulses to the cerebral cortex from skin receptors, sensory organs, centers of thirst, hunger, maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the body, etc.

7. The part of the brain that takes part in the coordination of precise, purposeful movements.

8. The smallest part of the brain involved in the reflex regulation of various types of movements that arise under the influence of visual and auditory impulses.

9. The brain is located in the cranial cavity and has a complex shape.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A vital human organ.

2. Elongated, middle part of the short bone.

3. Short tubular bone.

4. Bones that have a complex shape and consist of several parts with different structures and shapes.

5. Thickened ends of the short bone.

6. One of the parts of the skeleton.

7.The main function of the skeleton.

8.It consists of more than 200 interconnected bones.

9. Flat bone.

10. Mixed bone.

11.The largest and longest bone in the human skeleton.

12. Bones involved in the formation of the walls of cavities containing internal organs.

13.Long tubular bone of the human upper limb.

14. Inside the body of the bone there is...

15. Flat bone.

16. Part of the skeleton that forms a container for vital organs genitourinary system person.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Paired, largest bones of the facial region.

2. Unpaired bone of the medulla.

3. The lower movable part of the skull.

4. One of the unpaired bones of the brain section of the skull.

5. One of the paired largest bones of the facial region.

6. Paired bones of the brain section of the skull.

7. One of the sections of the skull.

8. Paired bones of the medulla.

9. Section of the skull.

10. Paired bones of the facial region.

11. Paired bones of the facial region.

12. Bone located on the neck.

13. Skull.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Section of the spine, consisting of five vertebrae

2. Section of the spine formed from 4-5 vertebrae

3. Section of the spine, consisting of seven vertebrae

4. Part of a vertebra

5. The part of the spine that supports the head

6. The section of the spine next to the lumbar

7. Part of a vertebra

8. Part of a vertebra

9. Section of the spine formed by twelve vertebrae

10. Canal containing the spinal cord

11. The brain located in the spinal canal

12. Function of the spine for the spinal cord

13. A cell formed by twelve pairs of ribs

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. One of the sections of the skeleton of the free upper limb

2. A bone that forms a movable connection with the scapula, allowing various movements of the hand

3. Upper limb

4. Limbs with the help of which a person performs labor operations

5. Limbs whose function is support and movement

6. One of the sections of the hand

7. One of the sections of the hand

8. The ability of this bone to rotate around the ulna allows movements such as turning a key, turning a screwdriver

9. A paired bone that is part of the girdle of the upper limbs and resembles a shovel in shape

10. One of the sections of the hand

11. Section of the skeleton of the free upper limb

12. Paired bone, part of the upper limb girdle

13. Lower limb

14. Radial + ...? = forearm

15. Movable joint allowing for various hand movements

16. One of the sections of the skeleton of the free upper limb

17. Radial + ulnar =?

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Bones of the foot skeleton.

2. Human lower limbs.

3. The largest massive bone of the human skeleton.

4. One of the tarsal bones.

5. Shin bone.

6. Pelvic bones + sacrum =?

7. Tarsal bones + metatarsals + phalanges = skeleton...?

8. Small bones of the foot.

9. Bones of the foot skeleton.

10. Patella.

11. Skeletal bone of the foot.

12. One of the bones of the lower leg.

13. Hip bone+...? + pelvic bone.

14. Belt of the lower extremities.

15. A bone that is part of the skeleton of the free lower limb.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. There are three pairs of them.

2. A device for introducing poison into the enemy’s body.

3. “Portrait” of an insect.

4. The main sensory organ of an insect.

5. With its help the insect feeds.

6. A wonderful apparatus that lifts an animal into the air.

7. Device for laying eggs.

8. Receptacle for the intestines, digestive and reproductive glands.

9. They see ultraviolet rays and polarized light with them.

10. The seat of powerful muscles that move the wings and legs.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Class of vertebrates, the main distinctive features which are live births.

2. Squad placental mammals. The vast majority of representatives of the order are classical carnivores, hunting mainly vertebrates.

3. The most numerous order of mammals.

4. One of the most progressive orders of placental mammals, including, among others, monkeys and humans.

5. The order of placental mammals owes its name to their main distinctive feature- trunk.

6. A group of mammals that includes seals and walruses.

7. Order of large land mammals.

8. Animals are small in size, with a short tail or no tail at all. Their teeth bear some resemblance to the teeth of rodents.

9. The name of the order was given because the animals have developed third and fourth fingers, the ends of which are covered with a thick horny hoof, like a case or shoe. The second and fifth fingers are underdeveloped, and the first is reduced.

10. An order of mammals belonging to the more archaic placentals that already existed in the Eocene. They have well-developed jaws and muscles for chewing. The main food consists of insects, centipedes and worms.

11. A order of mammals fully adapted to life in water. They are the largest known animals that have ever lived on Earth.

12. An order of placental mammals, the only one whose representatives are capable of active flight. The science of chiropterology is devoted to their study.

13. A subclass of primitive mammals, combining the features of mammals and reptiles.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Marine mammals from the order Cetaceans, not related to either dolphins or porpoises. They are the largest in size among animals. Moreover, according to some sources, hippos are their closest relatives; they evolved from a common ancestor approximately 54 million years ago.

2. The largest mammal on our planet.

3. One of the largest representatives of pinnipeds.

4. Mammal, cat family. It is one of the largest land predators, second in mass only to the polar and brown bears.

6. Animal of the equid family, domesticated. Widely used by people to this day.

7. A predatory mammal of the Mustelidae family. Found on almost all continents. The smallest representative of the Carnivora order.

8. Primate, from the Monkey family, of medium size with a strong body and strong limbs.

9. Dog-headed monkey.

10. A very beautiful mammal. The skin of the animal is a golden background, on which black spots are randomly scattered.

11. These are small animals that look like mice, but with an elongated muzzle in the form of a proboscis. She eats four and a half times her own weight. Moreover, it eats not only insects and their larvae, but also slugs, and even attacks mice.

12. A well-known animal by its appearance. The length of its body is about 20-30 cm, the tail is about 3 cm. The average weight is about 700-800 g. The ears are relatively small. The needles are short (no more than 3 cm). The head and belly are covered with coarse and usually dark-colored hair.

13. The largest modern deer.

14. Insectivore of small and medium size. Adapted to an underground, burrowing lifestyle. The body is elongated, round, covered with thick, smooth, velvety fur.

15. This is a small rodent - thanks to its omnivorous nature and amazing ability to adapt, it has conquered the whole world.

16. Family of artiodactyls. Characterized by branched horns, which are present only in males. They have a rich symbolic meaning and appear in the myths of various cultures and peoples, personifying nobility, greatness, beauty, grace, and speed.

17. The most northern of the cat species. The animal prefers dense dark coniferous forests and taiga, although it is found in a wide variety of plantations, including mountain forests; sometimes enters the forest-steppe and forest-tundra. She climbs trees and rocks very well and swims well.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Medium-sized deer. Ruminant and exclusively herbivore. Its food consists of grass and tree leaves. Sometimes it also tears off tree bark.

2. Swamp beaver.

3. A predatory mammal of the Canidae family.

4. Outwardly, it is very similar to a donkey, but has many common features with a horse.

5. A predatory mammal of the Canidae family. Similar to a wolf, but much smaller in size, with a shorter tail and a pointed muzzle.

6. Mammal of the order Carnivora. A very large and strong animal. Omnivorous, climbs and swims well, runs fast, can stand and walk short distances on its hind legs.

7. An excellent pet, an excellent pet that has won the sympathy of not only children, but also adults.

8. The artiodactyl family, herbivorous animals that feed various parts plants, including bark, leaves, herbs, buds, branches and moss.

9. Artiodactyl mammal of the pig family. An important hunting and commercial animal.

10. A mammal from the order Artiodactyls, it is the tallest land animal on the planet.

11. Mammals, representatives of the rodent order. Herbivore, lives in burrows, has warm fur.

12. The beast is slightly larger than a cone. It has an elongated body with a fluffy long tail, long ears, dark brown color with a white belly, sometimes gray. A characteristic feature is the ability to store nuts for the winter. Some species bury nuts in the ground, others hide them in tree hollows.

13. Musk rat. Semi-aquatic rodent.

14. A fur-bearing commercial animal, which is sometimes called the polar fox.

15. Or a donkey.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Almost all representatives of this family are herbs. The stem is a straw. Small flowers are collected one or several in spikelets, forming complex inflorescences. The fruit is a grain. A seed with abundant endosperm and an adjacent small embryo occupying one end of the seed.

2. Representatives of this family are distributed almost throughout the globe. One of the economically most important groups of the plant kingdom. Many members of the family are widely used as medicinal, technical, and ornamental plants, and are valued as honey plants. They are characterized by symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria, which improves the soil by enriching it with nitrogen.

3. Up to 1500 species, distributed mainly in the northern hemisphere. Some species are cultivated as food and ornamental plants.

4. Distributed both in the tropics and subtropics, and in temperate regions. The family includes many ornamental species (irises, gladioli, saffrons, etc.), as well as a number of medicinal, food, essential oil, and dyeing plants. Perennials with underground rhizomes or corms. The fruit is a capsule with numerous seeds.

5. Shrubs with simple alternate leaves. A calyx of 5 sepals fused into a tube attached to the ovary. Stamens 5. Fruits - juicy multi-seeded berries. Seeds with endosperm. A number of species are classified as food (berry) plants; some are bred as ornamental ones.

6. One of the taxonomic units.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A root developing from a stem or leaf.

2. An axial vegetative organ of a plant, which has unlimited apical growth, positive geotropism, has a radial structure and never bears leaves.

3. Branch of the main, lateral or adventitious root.

4. Root system with a well-defined main root.

5. A modified thickened lateral or adventitious root that performs the function of storing nutrients.

6. Root zone where cell size increases and their specialization begins.

7. The zone where the growth cone, represented by the apical educational tissue, ensures the growth of the root in length due to continuous cell division.

8. The root zone, located above the suction zone, where water and mineral salts move through the vessels, and carbohydrates through the sieve tubes.

9. Root developing from the embryonic root.

10. The root system is represented mainly by adventitious roots, in which the main root is not distinguished.

11. A zone that moves as it grows, where cells specialize into various tissues and water is absorbed from the soil with the help of root hairs.

12. Protective, constantly renewing cells at the top of the growing root.

13. A modified thickened main root, bearing a shortened shoot at the base and performing the function of storing nutrients.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. Stem with leaves and buds.

2. Perennial woody plants that produce powerful lateral shoots near the soil surface. The main trunk is visible only in young plants.

3. Complex of plant sciences: classification, historical development, morphology ( external structure), anatomy ( internal structure), physiology, ecology, etc.

4. Dry multi-seeded fruit, the seeds of which are located on the valves (peas, beans)

5. One of the main vegetative organs of leafy plants, serving to attach to the substrate and absorb water and nutrients from it.

6. A fruit that has well-developed pulp with a large amount of juice containing various acids and sugars (cranberries, grapes, cherries).

7. Dry multi-seeded fruit of two valves, separated by a membranous septum; the seeds are located on the partition (cabbage, turnips, radishes).

8. Juicy multi-seeded fruits (tomato, grapes, currants).

9. Annual and perennial plants with soft or succulent ground stems that die off during unfavorable seasonal climate changes.

10. Reproductive organ of angiosperms (flowering) plants.

11. Dry single-seeded fruit with a relatively thin leathery pericarp, easily separated from the seed (sunflower, dandelion).

12. A system of knowledge about seasonal natural phenomena, the timing of their occurrence and the reasons that determine these timings.

13. Dry single-seeded fruit with a thin pericarp, tightly pressed to the seed and fused with it only at the base (rye, wheat, barley).

14. Research, educational and cultural-educational gardens, in which collections of living plants are collected and diversity and richness are studied on their basis flora Earth.

15. A fruit that does not have juicy pulp and contains one or many seeds (acorn, nut, bean).

16. Low-growing perennial plants with woody, highly branched shoots, usually without a clearly defined main trunk (lingonberries, blueberries).

17. Juicy, single-seeded fruit with a hard stone (plum, cherry).

18. Perennial plants with a lignified main trunk, which persists throughout life, and a crown (spruce, birch).

19. The organ of reproduction and dispersal of plants, developing from the ovule and ovary in flowering plants, in which it is enclosed in the fruit, or lies open on the scale of the cone in gymnosperms.

20. An organ that develops from the ovary of a flower and contains seeds, the function of which is the formation, protection and distribution of seeds.

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. An annual herbaceous plant, a leading grain crop in many countries of the world.

2. Heat-loving, light-loving and moisture-loving plant. Used in the food industry for the production of flour, butter, margarine, confectionery, in the production of artificial fibers, plastics, glue, varnishes, paints, soap, as well as for feed in the form of green mass and hay for farm animals

3. Perennial tuberous vegetable crop.

4. Drought-resistant herbaceous plant. The seeds contain fatty edible oil, allylic oil, essential in medicine.

5. An annual heat-loving plant grown for its oil from the seed. The fiber is suitable for making burlap, tarpaulin, and twine.

6. Biennial vegetable and fodder crop. Heads of cabbage and leaves contain carbohydrates, proteins and mineral salts, vitamins C and group B, etc.

7. Light-loving, moisture-loving, heat-loving plant. The seeds contain from 37 to 57% oil, which goes directly into food, industry - soap making, paint and varnish production.

Explanatory note

Crossword on the topic " General biology»


Educational: control and recording of knowledge in sections of general biology (cytology, genetics, selection, embryology, evolutionary studies).

Developmental: continue the formation of methods of mental activity; continue development personal qualities- attention, accuracy, biological speech when solving a crossword puzzle.

Educational: to continue the formation of a scientific-materialistic worldview through the general properties of living things, their evolutionary development, to help increase the motivation of students.

Audience: 1st year of secondary vocational education, 9th and 11th grades of schools

Item: Biology

Information sources:

1. The phenomenon of life (section of the volume “Biologists” of the F42 series “Encyclopedia for Children”) / Chapter. Ed. M.D. Aksenova. - M.: Avanta+, 2000. - 160 p.: ill.

2. Mamontov S.G., Zakharov V.B., Kozlova T.A. Biology: textbook for students. institutions of higher education education (bachelor's degree). - M., 2014.

3. Nikitinskaya T.V. Biology: a pocket guide. - M., 2015.

4. A.A. Kamensky General biology grades 10-11. M.: Bustard, 2005

Questions for the crossword

1. Indirect cell division, in which the hereditary material contained in a double set of chromosomes is divided in half between two new, daughter cells.

2. Organic acids containing carboxyl and amine groups.

3. The process of acquiring new quality.

4. A nitrogenous base that is part of DNA.

5. A major evolutionary change that allows it to occupy a new habitat.

6. Resizing in length or width.

7. One of the four main nutrients.

8. The property of living organisms to acquire new characteristics.

9. Totality external signs body.

10. A group of plant organisms created by selective breeding methods.

11. Time is a period in the geological record of the Earth that includes several periods.

12. The main structural, functional and reproductive element of living matter.

13. Organelle of the cell nucleus, consisting of a DNA molecule and proteins.

14. A variation of one gene.

15. Genetically homogeneous descendants of this individual, obtained as a result of asexual reproduction.

16. A group of microorganisms created by selection methods.

17. Cell organelle that carries out protein synthesis.

18. An organism of non-cellular nature.

19. A group of organisms belonging to the animal kingdom, created by selective breeding.

20. Organelle of eukaryotic cells containing genetic material.

21. A compound consisting of a nitrogenous base, the carbohydrate ribose or deoxyribose, and a phosphoric acid residue.

22. The process of human historical development.


23. Repetition of phenomena or processes in living organisms after a certain period of time.

24. Mutual correspondence, complementarity of two molecules or their parts.

25. Metabolism and energy.

26. The longest period of time in the geological record of the Earth.

27. The set of genes of an organism.

28. The early stage of development of a living organism from the beginning of egg fragmentation until exit from the egg or from the mother’s body.

29. Section of a DNA molecule. Carrying information about the structure of the protein.

30. Fertilized egg.

31. The process of formation of organic substances in the green parts of plants from carbon dioxide and water under the influence of sunlight.

32. A set of individuals that have common morphophysiological and genetic characteristics, occupy a certain area, and are capable of freely interbreeding to form fertile offspring.

33. Development from an unfertilized egg.

34. The ability to pass on one's characteristics from generation to generation.

35. A period of time in the geological record of the Earth.

36. Freshwater coelenterate animal.

37. Process of historical development organic world.

38. One of the four biogenic elements.

40. The set of hereditary elements of an organism that determine its development, structure and life activity under all possible conditions.

41. Adaptation of the body to the environment.


  1. Mitosis
  2. Amino acid
  3. Development
  4. Timin
  5. Aromorphosis
  6. Hydrogen
  7. Variability
  8. Phenotype
  9. Cell
  10. Chromosome
  11. Allele
  12. Strain
  13. Ribosome
  14. Virus
  15. Breed
  16. Nucleotide
  17. Anthropogenesis
  18. Rhythm
  19. Complementarity
  20. Metabolism
  21. Genome
  22. Embryo
  23. Zygote
  24. Photosynthesis
  25. Parthenogenesis
  26. Heredity
  27. Period
  28. Hydra
  29. Evolution
  30. Oxygen
  31. Lamarck
  32. Genotype
  33. Adaptation

/data/files/w1536488978.docx (Field for solving the crossword puzzle)

Crossword “History of the development of biology” 1. Russian scientist who proved that the development of all organisms begins with the egg, and in the early stages of development similarities are found in the structure of the embryos of animals belonging to different classes. 2.The name of the ship on which Charles Darwin went on a trip around the world. 3. Swedish naturalist who based his classification on the principle of hierarchy (subordination) of taxa. 4.English scientist who created the theory of speciation. 5. A scientist whose works throughout the Middle Ages were the basis of ideas about living nature. 6. The scientist who discovered the cell theory. 7. A scientist whose theory had a great influence on the worldview of Charles Darwin. 8. The process of historical development of living nature from the moment of the emergence of life on Earth to the present. 9.Double nomenclature. Crossword “Basic properties of living organisms”

Horizontal 1. The totality of all biocenoses of the planet in which the circulation of substances and the transformation of energy occurs, associated with the life activity of all living organisms living on Earth. 2.Individual development of the body. 3.The ability of living matter to reproduce its own kind. 4.Collection of organisms different types 5.Living bodies existing on Earth, which are open, self-regulating and self-reproducing systems, built from polymers 6.Integral single-celled organisms capable of performing all the functions necessary to ensure their life activity 7. Irreversible and directed development of living nature, accompanied by the formation of new species and the progressive complication of life forms

8. Irreversible, directed, natural change in objects of living and inanimate nature 9. A set of organisms of different species and environmental factors, combined metabolism and energy into a single natural complex Vertical 10. Historical development of the organism 11. An organism that is an integral system of organs, capable of independent existence 12. The general property of an organism to acquire new signs and properties to the conditions of existence in specific natural conditions 13. The ability of organisms to transmit their signs and properties and developmental features from generation to generation 14. A set of organisms of the same species, united by a common place habitats Crossword puzzle “Development of biology in the pre-Darwinian period” with answers without answers 1. French naturalist who created the first evolutionary theory and who proposed the term "biology". Laid the foundations natural system classifications.

2. The theory that put an end to the debate between adherents of the immutability of species and spontaneous evolutionists. 3.B modern science the highest taxon became... 4. The largest taxon in the Linnaean system. 5. The principle of “subordination”. 6.A device created in the 17th century and used in biological research. 7.From the Greek “arrangement in order.” 8. Theory answering the emergence of complex organisms, their adaptive characteristics, the diversity of the organic world and its preservation in nature and other issues. 9. Swedish naturalist who described more than 8,000 plant species, establishing a uniform terminology and procedure for describing species. 10. “Double” nomenclature. 11.Ancient Greek philosopher who described more than 500 species of various plants and animals. 12. A set of individuals with the ability to interbreed with the formation of fertile offspring living in a certain territory. 13.English naturalist – creator of the modern theory of evolution. Crossword “Structure and functions of cells Horizontally”

1. Complex organisms whose cells are adapted to oxygen consumption. 2.Organisms that have retained the features of extreme antiquity to the present day due to the simplicity of their structure. 3. “Energy stations” of cells. 4.Organisms that have a separate nucleus in the cell. Vertical 5. Various structures of an animal cell that are responsible for performing a particular function. 6.Nuclear-free organisms. Crossword “Prokaryotic cell” Horizontal 1. The process of detaching part of the cytoplasm from the mother cell. 2. A ring-shaped molecule containing hereditary information, located in the cytoplasm of a bacterial cell. 3. Formation in a bacterial cell that separates the cytoplasm from the cell wall. 4.The usual way of bacteria reproduction. Vertically 5.Bacterial cells are spherical in shape. 6. Formations located in the cytoplasm of a bacterial cell in which protein synthesis occurs. 7. Bacterial cells have a tortuous shape.

8. Bacterial cells are elongated. 9. Substances located inside a bacterial cell that can prolong its life in the absence of external energy sources. 10.Organoid absent in a bacterial cell. Crossword puzzle “Eukaryotic cell. Cytoplasm" Horizontal 1. Network formed complex system membranes that penetrate the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells. 2. The process of trapping solid particles in the cell membrane. 3. The process of capture of intercellular fluid by the cell membrane. 4. Dense inclusions in a plant cell. 5. Numerous tiny holes present in the cytoplasmic membrane.

6. Spherical bodies consisting of subunits. 7.RNA synthesized in the nucleus on the DNA molecule of one of the chromosomes. 8.Colorless plastids of a plant cell, in which starch is synthesized from monosaccharides and disaccharides. 9. Plastids, including various pigments from the group of carotenoids, giving bright colors to flowers and fruits. 10. Cell bodies having spherical, oval, cylindrical, filamentous and other shapes, the function of which is the formation of ATP. 11. Various substances located in the cytoplasm of a cell, which have the property of either appearing or disappearing during its life. 12. A developed system in a plant cell that determines its osmotic properties. 13. Green plastids containing chlorophyll pigment. Vertical 14. Organoids of a plant cell in which the primary synthesis of organic substances from inorganic substances occurs due to light energy. 15. Stressed state of the cell wall. 16.Selectivity of the cell membrane. 17.Principle of structure structural organization cells. 18.Type of EPS whose function is protein synthesis. 19.Type of EPS where the synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates occurs. 20.Small oval bodies filled with digestive enzymes.

Crossword puzzle with questions and answers for schoolchildren in grades 5 - 8. "To the young entomologist."

Makeeva Nelya Nikolaevna, teacher of biology and chemistry, MBOU "Perkhlyayskaya OOSH", Ruzaevsky district, village. Perkhlyay.
Description: this crossword puzzle will be useful class teachers, teachers additional education. It can be used in individual or group work in lessons and extracurricular activities.
Target: developing schoolchildren's interest in insectivores.
- deepen and expand schoolchildren’s knowledge about the insects of our planet;
- learn to solve crossword puzzles;
- develop curiosity and creative activity in children.

Crossword on the topic: "To a young entomologist"

Horizontal questions:
1. What insects does the steppe viper eat?
3. What kind of wasp takes care of its children?
4. An insect that lives together?
6. A squad of insects without eyes and without antennae?
7. Which insects have children as their main wealth?
10. Which bee makes hives from mud?
11. Bedbug...
12. House - caterpillars of the amblicalpa moth.
13. Insect living together.

16. Insect with scary eyes.
18. The beetle is the enemy of insects.
19. Apple...
21. A beetle that hides in wood?

Vertical questions:
2. Who takes a strange pose in the heat?
5. Is the beetle an immigrant from America?
8. Desert...
9. Resident of steppes and deserts?
14. Sacred beetle.
15. Wasp...
17. Mothers of many children?
20. Order Diptera?

Crossword answers:

1. Locust
3. Eumene
4. Polytail
6. Straightless
7. Ants
10. Ilnitsa
11. Gebljak
12. Galla
13. Polytail
16. Praying Mantis
18. Horse
19. Mole
21. Barbel
2. Dragonfly
5. Colorado
8. Filly
9. Darkling
14. Scarab
15. Ammophyll
17. Aphids
20. Mosquito