Dagestanskaya Pravda archive of issues. Dagestan truth

Website: www.dagpravda.ru
  • Aliyev, Ibrahim Makhmudovich - in 1920-28;
  • Grushnin, Ivan Alekseevich - in 1928-30;
  • Nazarevich, Alexander Fedorovich - in 1930-34;
  • Kushnev, Pyotr Ivanovich - in 1934-36;
  • Ivanov, Ivan Alekseevich - in 1936-38;
  • Piskunov, Vasily Ivanovich - in 1938-40;
  • Omelyanchuk, Pavel Nesterovich - in 1940-43;
  • Shilov, Dmitry Alexandrovich - in 1943-46;
  • Afanasyev, Ivan Andreevich - in 1946-47;
  • Golovanov, Dmitry Alexandrovich - in 1947-48;
  • Vostrikov, Sergei Ivanovich - in 1948-51;
  • Ponomarev, Alexander Mikhailovich - in 1951-60;
  • Zelenin, Leonid Petrovich - in 1960-71;
  • Komissarov, Nikolai Vasilievich - in 1971-88;
  • Beibutova, Galina Fedorovna - in 1988-2001;
  • Idrisov, Radzhab Magomedovich - in 2001-2014;
  • Tokbolatova, Burliyat Movsarovna - since 2014.

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An excerpt characterizing Dagestan Truth

- Thank you all, gentlemen, all units acted heroically: infantry, cavalry and artillery. How are two guns left in the center? – he asked, looking for someone with his eyes. (Prince Bagration did not ask about the guns on the left flank; he already knew that all the guns had been abandoned there at the very beginning of the matter.) “I think I asked you,” he turned to the officer on duty at the headquarters.
“One was hit,” answered the officer on duty, “and the other, I can’t understand; I myself was there all the time and gave orders and just drove away... It was hot, really,” he added modestly.
Someone said that Captain Tushin was standing here near the village, and that they had already sent for him.
“Yes, there you were,” said Prince Bagration, turning to Prince Andrei.
“Well, we didn’t move in together for a bit,” said the officer on duty, smiling pleasantly at Bolkonsky.
“I did not have the pleasure of seeing you,” said Prince Andrei coldly and abruptly.
Everyone was silent. Tushin appeared on the threshold, timidly making his way from behind the generals. Walking around the generals in a cramped hut, embarrassed, as always, at the sight of his superiors, Tushin did not notice the flagpole and stumbled over it. Several voices laughed.
– How was the weapon abandoned? – Bagration asked, frowning not so much at the captain as at those laughing, among whom Zherkov’s voice was heard loudest.
Tushin now only, at the sight of the formidable authorities, imagined in all horror his guilt and shame in the fact that he, having remained alive, had lost two guns. He was so excited that until that moment he did not have time to think about it. The officers' laughter confused him even more. He stood in front of Bagration with a trembling lower jaw and barely said:
– I don’t know... Your Excellency... there were no people, Your Excellency.
– You could have taken it from cover!
Tushin did not say that there was no cover, although this was the absolute truth. He was afraid to let down another boss by this and silently, with fixed eyes, looked straight into Bagration’s face, like a confused student looks into the eyes of an examiner.
The silence was quite long. Prince Bagration, apparently not wanting to be strict, had nothing to say; the rest did not dare to intervene in the conversation. Prince Andrey looked at Tushin from under his brows, and his fingers moved nervously.
“Your Excellency,” Prince Andrei interrupted the silence with his sharp voice, “you deigned to send me to Captain Tushin’s battery.” I was there and found two thirds of the men and horses killed, two guns mangled, and no cover.
Prince Bagration and Tushin now looked equally stubbornly at Bolkonsky, who was speaking restrainedly and excitedly.
“And if, Your Excellency, allow me to express my opinion,” he continued, “then we owe the success of the day most of all to the action of this battery and the heroic fortitude of Captain Tushin and his company,” said Prince Andrei and, without waiting for an answer, he immediately stood up and walked away from the table.

(“Dagestan truth”,)

Republican newspaper of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in Russian. Published in Makhachkala. Published 6 times a week. "D. n." originates from the newspaper “Dagestan Worker”, the first issue of which was published on March 9, 1918. The name of the newspaper was changed several times, since 1932 it has been published under the name “D. n." In 1968, in connection with its 50th anniversary, the newspaper was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. Circulation (1971)

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  • - Dagestan, located in the east. parts of the North Caucasus; within the RSFSR. Pl. 50.3 t. km2. Us. 1719 t. h. The capital is Makhachkala. Auto. The republic was founded on January 20. 1921...

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  • - Dagestan, - part of the RSFSR. Located in the east. parts of the North Caucasus, in the east it is washed by the Caspian Sea. Formed on January 20. 1921. Area. 50.3 thousand km2. Us. - 1,062,472 hours; as of January 1st estimate 1963 - 1222 thousand hours ...
  • - organized in May 1917 in Temir-Khan-Shura by M. Dakhadaev, M. Khizroev, D. Korkmasov, A. Zulfukarov, S. Gabiev and A. Takho-Godi. In terms of social composition and political views of D. s. was heterogeneous...

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  • - located between 41°12" and almost 44° N latitude and between 45°35" and 48°26" E. The ridge extending from the Main Caucasus Range near Mount Barbalo is now called not the Andean, but the Pirikitelsky ...
  • - formed in 1861, first from 10, then from 12 hundreds. Since 1883, the D. militia consists of only 3 hundred...

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  • - Dagestan. As part of the RSFSR. Formed on January 20, 1921. Area 50.3 thousand km2. Population 1457 thousand people. . There are 39 districts, 8 cities, and 14 urban-type settlements in D. The capital is Makhachkala...
  • - sheep, a breed of fine-wool sheep, bred in 1934-50 in the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic by crossing local coarse-wool sheep and Württemberg rams...

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  • - organized in May 1917 in Temir-Khan-Shura by M. Dakhadaev, M. Khizroev, D. Korkmasov, A. Zulfukarov, S. Gabiev and A. Takho-Godi. According to the social composition and political views of D. s. g. was...

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"I never forget about my native Dagestan"

Interview of the State Duma deputy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Organizations, Gadzhi Makhachev for the newspaper "Dagestanskaya Pravda"

our information:

Gadzhi Makhachev was born in 1951 in Khasavyurt. Has two higher education, Candidate of Economic Sciences and Candidate of Legal Sciences. He served in the army, worked in various positions in the Kazbekovsky district and in the city of Khasavyurt. From 1991-1999 Three times he was elected as a deputy of the parliament of Dagestan. 1995 - elected general director OJSC "Dagneft" 1998 - appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan. 1999 - elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Awarded the Order of Courage (1997), the personalized gold medal of Shamil (1997), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2000), the gold medal “Imam Shamil” (2001), the medal “In Memory of 850 anniversary of Moscow”, the anniversary medal “300 years of the Russian Navy”, the medal “For Merit” by Volzhsky Cossack army, anniversary medal “70 years of the Airborne Forces”, UNESCO diploma, Certificate of Honor of the Republic of Dagestan, Certificate of Honor of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

He has the title “Honorary Oilman of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation”.

Married, has two children

Work in the country's parliament is, as always, intense and very eventful, but as a people's representative and representative of Dagestan in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, you have the greatest satisfaction from your work when you manage to fulfill the orders of voters, residents of the republic and Dagestanis living outside its borders. I receive a lot of letters, appeals, applications, so my next visit to Dagestan is dedicated to meeting with voters in order to get acquainted with the problems on the spot and, if possible, resolve certain issues. Although, even with a great desire, it is impossible to meet everyone and resolve all issues, but I try to do my best.

As for legislative activities, together with our colleagues on the Committee, we submitted for consideration a very large number of federal bills aimed at strengthening our society and improving the lives of Russians.

The consistent work of the “People’s Deputy” group, of which I am a member, has made it possible to increase healthcare spending by 3.18 times over the past three years. We sought a clear social orientation and budget for 2003. There is an increase in the minimum wage from 450 rubles to 600 rubles from October 1 of this year. The salaries of public sector workers will increase by 1.33 times. I came up with a proposal to finance the work of non-governmental organizations under the Federal Target Program “Older Generation” educational institution“Center for Protection from Stress” to develop a rehabilitation methodology with training in anti-stress self-regulation skills for the elderly, thousands of people a year. This center has proven itself well after the tragic events in the city of Kaspiysk in May 2002. I repeatedly appealed to the Government of the Russian Federation, seeking inclusion in the Federal Investment Program of a number of objects aimed at developing the social infrastructure of the republic and every year I informed the Dagestanis about what amendments I was able to make to the Budget to improve socio-economic situation in Dagestan.

As a member of the State Duma Commission on Public Debt and Foreign Assets of the Russian Federation, I participated in the discussion of the issue of verifying the legality and effectiveness of the targeted spending of loan funds from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development of a number of projects financed by IBRD loans.

In order to more deeply study the socio-political situation in our region and find ways to resolve the situation in the south of Russia, I took part in a number of scientific and practical conferences aimed at studying the modern ethnopolitical situation in the North Caucasus and Dagestan.

Participated in the discussion of the resolution “On the State Duma’s appeal” to the President Russian Federation"about the critical situation in connection with the distribution and use of drugs."

He repeatedly gave protocol instructions to the Security Committee to consider the creation of a working group to study the illegal activities of skinheads as an organized criminal community.

As coordinator of the parliamentary group for relations with the Syrian Parliament, he organized a meeting with the Ambassador of Syria, at which two issues were discussed: strengthening inter-parliamentary relations with the People's Assembly of the Syrian Arab Republic; the problem of resolving the Middle East conflict and ending the genocide of the Palestinian people.

As part of an official delegation, he visited Iraq due to the sharp deterioration of the situation in the Middle East.

You can’t tell everything in just one short interview, but I can say one thing for sure, I do everything in my power so that I am not ashamed to openly look into the eyes of those who have placed this high trust in me.

Wherever I am, I do not forget about my native Dagestan and very closely follow the economic and political processes taking place here.

- In the message of the Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Dagestan M.M. Magomedov, the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan is told about the need to create an integral legal system, which, without violating the single legal space of the Russian Federation, would at the same time correspond to the characteristics of our republic. Now in Dagestan there is a wide discussion of the draft new Constitution of Dagestan, approved by the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan. Do you think constitutional reform is necessary in Dagestan?

Dagestan is a subject of the Russian Federation and Dagestanis must live by the laws by which the whole country lives; it’s another matter if these laws allow us to make some of our own amendments that do not come at the expense of the creation of a democratic society.

I think that today there are all the necessary prerequisites for bringing our republican laws in accordance with federal ones, without in any way infringing on the rights of citizens of Dagestan.

Regarding the parliament of the republic, I agree that the number of deputies should be reduced by at least half; as for representation from parties, I have repeatedly expressed my opinion on this matter. I believe that deputies to both the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan should be elected not according to party lists, but according to single-mandate constituencies, because when voting for this or that party, sometimes people have no idea about those who are on these lists.

The head of the republic, no matter how he is called president or chairman, must be a person elected by the people, as is customary throughout the civilized world.

- The Central Election Committee of the Russian Federation submitted a proposal to create an additional district in Dagestan for elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. I would like to know whether you will participate in the upcoming elections and, if so, in which constituency?

- Due to the fact that there was an outflow of population in the Murmansk and Irkutsk regions, and the population increased in Krasnodar and Dagestan, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation made changes to the schemes for dividing single-mandate constituencies, as a result of which our republic received another additional constituency for elections to the State Duma.

As for my participation in the elections, Dagestanis, representatives of various segments of the population of the republic, respected and well-known people in Dagestan are turning to me with a request for my next nomination as a candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. I had a conversation on this topic with the leadership of the republic, with the head of the administration of the city of Makhachkala and other cities. Having studied and analyzed the current situation, and familiarized myself with the available support resources, I decided to run as a candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the Makhachkala single-mandate constituency. Since I am still a deputy from this district and know first-hand about the state of affairs and problems, there are many backlogs that need to be completed, there are also larger-scale projects that cannot be completed within one deputy term. Therefore, I will be glad if the Dagestanis once again show their trust in representing the republic in the highest legislative body of the country and I will try to justify their hopes.

- You created the Foundation for the Support of Science, Education and Culture. Does the Foundation plan to hold any events related to the anniversary of the world-famous poet Rasul Gamzatov?

Yes, indeed, this year we can say there is a national Dagestan holiday, the 80th anniversary of the great poet of our time, respected and beloved by all of us, Rasul Gamzatov. Being in the nature of his work in many countries of the world and meeting with different people, you proudly listen to the wonderful reviews about the works of our famous fellow countryman. Both state leaders and ordinary people speak about him with admiration.

I know that the leadership of the republic has prepared a large program for holding anniversary events, but the Foundation naturally will not stand aside; we are planning to publish two gift volumes of selected works by Rasul Gamzatov - “Patimat” and “Tales”. A number of events are also planned, both in the republic and abroad.

The Foundation also pays great attention to supporting young emerging talents. More than thirty students, graduate students and doctoral students receive a personal scholarship from the Foundation on a competitive basis.

This year, for the first time in the republic, the Foundation allocated grants for the implementation of five scientific projects. The Gold Medal and Prize will be awarded in five categories.

To form a normal civilized society, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of science, education and culture, and this requires solid support, both from the state and from public organizations.

- You have made a great contribution to the preservation and development of the oil industry of Dagestan; thanks to you, a new oil refining industry for the republic is starting. Tell me what the prospect is in your opinion further development oil and gas industry of the republic?

Although Dagestan is one of the oldest oil and gas regions in the country, which is characterized by difficult mining and geological conditions for drilling and production, the possibilities of its subsoil are far from being exhausted. The degree of development of potential resources on land is 30%, and at sea - no more than 1%.

Additional production on land can be obtained by drilling directional wells in the Makhachkala-Tarki, Dimitrovskoye and Izberbash fields in undeveloped areas under built-up areas and inaccessible offshore areas, as well as by drilling wells in promising structures of Northern Dagestan (Yuzhno-Ozernaya, Bishkolskaya, Zapadno - Saiga, etc.).

We mainly associate the prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry with the development of the Caspian shelf, where significant hydrocarbon reserves are concentrated. To carry out exploration and development of oil and gas fields on the shelf of the Caspian Sea, Rosneft OJSC created another subsidiary, Rosneft-Kaspoil LLC, in Dagestan. In 2002, the volume of seismic work amounted to about 1000 linear meters. km in the amount of about 1.5 million dollars. The result was preparation for drilling of the offshore structure Arablyar-Sea - South, design and estimate documentation was developed for the construction of well No. 1, with a depth of 3000 meters and a deviation from the vertical of 3000 meters. In accordance with the signed agreement on contract drilling between OJSC NK Rosneft-Dagneft and LLC Rosneft-Kaspoil, installation of drilling equipment is currently underway and drilling of the well will begin in July.

Successful implementation of this project- this is an increase in the tax base for the budget of the republic, an increase in the number of jobs and development social structure Dagestan.

Patimat Magomedova 09.07.2003{

It has been two years since Dagestan has a new president, Mukhu Aliyev. Has it been done a lot or a little? It depends on how to evaluate and who evaluates the activities of the head of the republic. If you find fault with little things, you can always find mistakes. That's why we are people. But drawing far-reaching conclusions from this, constantly conjecturing something that is not even there - this already smells of deliberate provocation and special intent to destabilize the situation and achieve specific goals - discrediting the president.

Gadzhi Makhachev

If we don't respect ourselves

To be honest, I didn’t want to write or talk about politics at all. And even think. I got tired of it after twenty years. No matter what they had to say on the topic of the day, no matter what rallies they took part in, knowing in advance that half of the promises could not be fulfilled for various objective and subjective reasons. Nevertheless, even now, after many years, I believe that this had to be done, because they were losing more than their own name, which was bowed both then and today by everyone who is not too lazy, who wants to seem even a greater patriot and defender of the Fatherland than our Imam Shamil. Looking back over decades, of course, you understand how many mistakes were made, stupid statements, naive declarations, how many victims, moral and material, could have been avoided. A series of faces of my friends who passed away so early pass before me. It's a pity. All this happened, all this is history, and, unfortunately, it is impossible to forget anything, although I don’t want to remember some of its moments. But what to do - this is real life , this is real policy, not virtual and sugar-coated, but, I repeat, real. After all, history is written not by ideal images invented by someone, but by contradictory people full of human shortcomings, individuals, by the way, often hated and despised by their contemporaries, and then also often and excessively praised by their descendants. There are any number of examples in the same history and even recent ones. Sometimes you read some so-called memoirs and think what kind of “madhouse” you live in. After all, it would seem that he saw a lot and saw many in action and actions. There seems to be nothing to be surprised about. But I'm surprised. Why am I suddenly telling everyone about this today? You know that I always tried to tell the truth, albeit relative, but the truth, more often than not it turned out to my detriment, although I was well aware of the ambiguous attitude towards my own personality. It’s enough to read all the nonsense that is written about me on the Internet, where pieces of truth overlap with outright lies. But I don’t pay much attention to this anymore, because you can’t come up with anything new, and everyone is tired of the old. In general, I recently began to adhere to the instructions that Rasul Gamzatov once gave me - “don’t challenge a fool.” Know that this makes life easier and much calmer. I recommend it. Returning to the topic of today, I decided to express my point of view on the processes taking place in Dagestan, since, reading our “revolutionary” and “opposition” press, you come to the conclusion that something is about to happen in the republic. Who is to blame is also clear: President Mukhu Aliyev. Everyone and everything is criticized. For any reason and for no reason too. Of course, you can criticize, but why be sarcastic and angry? For what purposes? I understand that this happened at rallies where we could respond to each other. Sorry for my directness, and they hit people in the face, those were the times. But today, again and again, create tension in relations between different nationalities, why? After all, it is well known what a subtle matter this is - Dagestan society. This means that there are goals and objectives that are understandable even to the inexperienced. The question is - where were these figures five, ten years ago? And what they wrote at that time is also well known to us. Isn't this opportunistic? For example, I was often accused of this (fairly or not is another question). But today, what some newspapers allow themselves is cruel opportunism and anger, which does not fit into any gates. After all, Dagestanis have always been patriots of their people and never allowed the head of their republic to be insulted, if only out of self-esteem! My friends and comrades will not let me lie: no matter where we sat at the table, I always raised the last toast to the leader of Dagestan, no matter how tense our relations were. Because this is our authority, and we must raise it always and everywhere. If we don’t respect ourselves, no one in the Caucasus will respect us. This is an axiom - everyone who writes about what is happening in our home should remember this well. It has been two years since Dagestan has a new President, Mukhu Aliyev. Has it been done a lot or a little? It depends on how to evaluate and who evaluates the activities of the head of the republic. If you find fault with little things, you can always find mistakes. That's why we are people. But to draw far-reaching conclusions from this, to constantly speculate on something that is not even there - this already smells of deliberate provocation and special intent to destabilize the situation and achieve specific goals - discrediting the president and his policies in front of the Federal Center. What to hide? We already went through this when some of the “writers” were not yet born. If we speak objectively and impartially, then it’s a no-brainer that serious successes have been achieved over the past two years in almost all areas of activity. I didn’t want to dwell on the numbers and facts at first; they are well known from the speeches of the President of Dagestan and have been repeatedly voiced in the media mass media. But then I decided it was better to remind. First of all, I would like to remind you that throughout these two years we have constantly lived in the regime of elections to various legislative and executive bodies. For Dagestan, unlike other regions, it is a very difficult task to hold elections, taking into account our national composition and without having the corresponding Federal law. It was possible to form a new composition of the People's Assembly, where almost all the nationalities of Dagestan are proportionally represented, and this is a great merit of the President of the Republic personally. New people came to the government, and not according to some principles well known to us, but at least according to their declared business qualities. Competitions are being held, and real competitions, to fill positions in ministries and departments. This is not to say that everything is fine here, but we are starting. When and in what years were talented Dagestan children from low-income families sent to study abroad without any pushers? Today we are doing this and really hope that they will return to their homeland and bring a new impetus to the development of the republic. National projects have begun to really work, loans are being issued to agricultural producers, housing construction is growing, and in 2007 alone over 800 thousand m2 of housing were put into operation. The situation in healthcare is changing radically, hospitals and clinics are being built. We introduced twenty-six schools in 2007 alone in different regions and villages. This has never happened before modern history Dagestan since the 90s. The republic's tax base has doubled. Let’s remember how we used to have to squeeze budget money out of Moscow. How many walkers were there, how much effort and energy wasted. And this problem has been solved: Dagestan is now trusted and almost always allocated as much as necessary financial resources under the word of the President. Believe me, this is no small achievement. Many people say and write that we are dependent, that we need to reduce subsidies, etc., etc. Of course, it is necessary, who can argue, but it is clear that this is a long process, but for now it is simply necessary to use the special attitude of the Russian leadership towards Dagestan. And the President does this, realizing that, in the end, this is the foundation for a radical reform of the republic’s economy. And I want to note, while remaining with absolutely clean hands. Isn't that right? No one can deny this. But aren’t there positive developments in the fight against terrorism and banditry? They are criticized for Gimry. You will talk to the jamaat of the villages of the Untsukul region, and I was there and talked. Everyone is tired of living like this, they want peace and normal work on their land. And people constantly asked to restore order, wrote letters and appeals to all authorities. And order must be restored. Another thing is that this must be done in full compliance with the law. Of course, this does not always work out, and violations of the law must be strictly suppressed. And I fully support the President’s opinion that it is necessary to fight not against the ideology of Wahhabism, but against specific bandits and their accomplices. If we don’t do this today, we’ll get Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi tomorrow. Do we need this? Today, some journalists especially exaggerate the national issue. By the way, when there are no serious arguments in criticism, this very topic always comes to the surface in Dagestan. It is easiest to talk about it, count and calculate percentages within the leadership of certain ministries and organizations. It has become fashionable to talk about the “Avar hegemon”, his dominance everywhere, the cleansing of the political field from Dargins, Lezgins, Kumyks, etc. I don’t even want to talk about this topic, the ears of nationalism are so clearly sticking out here. The President of Dagestan has done a lot for the development of the republic over the past two years. Another question is whether such trends are sustainable? Will the President be able to maintain and, moreover, accelerate these processes? I'm sure yes! But only if the political space of Dagestan is not shaken by the provocative actions of politicians and pseudo-politicians, based only on their personal and clan interests. Believe my experience, the experience of the 90s, that this is relatively easy to do, but it is very difficult and difficult to correct mistakes later. Now I am more sincere than ever. The time is different, the people in charge of the country's leadership are different, understanding general development Russia is completely different. And no matter how much you shout or rally, you won’t get anything on this basis - no jobs, no privileges of any kind. The current young, and not only the young generation of politicians, must learn this well, otherwise you can lose a lot, if not everything you have. This means that one thing remains - the consolidation of all political forces to achieve the set goals. We have one goal - peace and stability in the republic, and on this basis, achieving such economic and social indicators that would allow Dagestan to become a leading political force in the North Caucasus, based on the size of the population and territory, the presence natural resources. I believe and am confident that with such colossal potential, the goal is quite achievable in the foreseeable historical period. I repeat, all that is needed is political will and the consolidation of the entire Dagestan society, regardless of nationality and market considerations. And in this regard, as a citizen of Dagestan, I support our President Mukha Aliyev and will always support him to the best of my ability. I think that the majority of Dagestanis are of the same opinion - they, as they say, don’t care what’s happening at the top, what nationality the leader is - the main thing is that he and his team are honest and decent, work to improve the well-being of the people, their health, not allowed political upheaval and ethnic strife. Everything else is secondary. This is the policy.

Dagestan truth


Interview with Rajab Idrisov

Gadzhi Makhachev:

« We can already talk about the outlines of a democratic society.”

Interview of Makhachev Gadzhi Nukhievich - deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, first deputy chairman of the Committee on Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Organizations with the newspaper "Dagestanskaya Pravda" to Rajab Idrisov.

- First of all, I congratulate you on another high award - the Order of Akhmad Kadyrov!

- Thanks for the congratulations .

You somehow very quickly entered politics and economic spheres. What helped you achieve such a fast career? (Briefly about life and activities over the last 10 years).

My attitude towards Dagestan served as a help. I really love our mountain region and the people living here. And the social and political situation that developed in the late 80s of the last century forced me to enter the political arena. The lawlessness that occurred during the years of perestroika, the infringement of the rights and freedoms of Dagestanis both within the republic and outside its borders. In connection with this situation, in 1988, my like-minded people and I created the Popular Front of Dagestan named after Imam Shamil. Its members included representatives of all nationalities living in the republic. Those who could not reach state authorities and those who were not allowed to live in peace by criminal structures turned to us for help. Great material and moral support was provided to many Dagestanis. In the early 90s, the need arose to create the Avar People's Movement. This step was dictated by several factors: the oppression of the Avars living in the Kvareli region of Georgia, in Zagatala and Belokani of the Republic of Azerbaijan. With certain statements and actions of mononational movements that already existed at that time. And of course the disastrous socio-economic situation in which the Avars living in the mountainous regions of the republic found themselves. The most important task and goal of creating the IDA was to preserve peace and centuries-old friendship between the peoples of Dagestan and preserve the identity of the Avars - the language, culture, traditions and historical past of the people. In 1999, during those difficult and tragic days for the whole of Dagestan, I was appointed special commissioner of the State Council and the government of the republic in the Botlikh region, and I also headed the people’s militia of Dagestan. For the first time, people from all cities, towns, districts and villages of the republic, regardless of nationality and religious belief, joined the people's militia and were ready to defend their native Dagestan. This once again proved that we are united and indivisible. Seeing such unity, I invited all national movements to declare self-dissolution. Of course, in Dagestan, every people still has quite a few problems, but together we are a great force and together it will be much easier for us to overcome all difficulties. Over the past 10 - 15 years, all Dagestanis have had to go through much that is difficult and new to us. The process of transition from one social formation that had developed over decades into an almost incomprehensible free anarchy was not easy for the entire country. Glory to Allah, today we can already talk about some outlines of a democratic system, economic restoration, some kind of stability and confidence in the future has appeared. This is all to talk about the wisdom of the Dagestanis and the correctness of the course taken by the leadership of the republic and the country. If we talk about our social - political activity over the years, today I am very pleased that I was able to make a certain contribution to the preservation of peace, to the political and economic stability of the republic. Regarding my activities in the field of economics, in 1993, the famous oilman and respected Dagestani Abdulatip Sultanmuradovich Saidov invited me to work in the oil industry of Dagestan. In 1995, I was elected general director of the Dagneft joint-stock company. At that time, the entire industry was on the verge of collapse, due to political instability, economic blockade and military operations in the neighboring Chechen Republic. Operating main oil pipelines were disabled, all were closed oil wells Izberbashsky oil and gas production department and many wells of the South Sukhokum oil and gas production department. I accepted joint stock company with billions of dollars in debts and non-payments, with large delays in payment wages and reduced oil and gas production volumes. Was created close-up to get out of the crisis. We were one of the first who were able to attract foreign investors to Dagestan. During the period when all plants and factories were closing in the republic, we managed to build three new factories. With the help of NK Rosneft, launch closed wells and increase oil and gas production. JSC Dagneft became at that time the only company that was allowed to export oil. As a result of all this great work, the oil industry of Dagestan was preserved, thousands of Dagestanis were provided with work and considerable cash flowed into the treasury of the republic. Today, OJSC NK Rosneft - Dagneft is one of the largest taxpayers in the republic; it is a powerful corporate system in which a mechanism operates from oil production to the sale of petroleum products. A person achieves success and Allah helps him when the person himself treats the work he undertakes responsibly and with love. You need to think not only about your own good, but also about the good of the land on which you live and about the people with whom you live. More than once, during the most difficult years of the development of our society, the Dagestanis showed me great confidence, electing me as a deputy of three convocations of the republic’s parliament and two convocations of the country’s parliament. I, in turn, have made, and will continue to make, every effort to justify the trust of my fellow countrymen.

- Now you are the first deputy chairman of the Committee on Affairspublic associations and religious organizations of parliamentRussian Federation. What specific work is carried out in the Committee??

The work of the Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations is based on creating the foundations for the activities of institutions civil society. The committee unites eight deputies from different factions and is headed by Sergei Aleksandrovich Popov. The Committee has an expert council consisting of deputies, scientists, representatives of government departments, public associations and religious organizations. The Committee has a close relationship with government agencies subjects of the Russian Federation. The Committee is responsible for the preparation and preliminary consideration of bills, organization of parliamentary hearings, round tables and seminars. Over the past years, the Committee has worked on more than 130 bills, 23 of which were adopted by the State Duma and signed by the President of Russia. The most important law, which clearly separated the scope of government activities and public initiatives, was the law “On public associations" It is also important Federal law“On trade unions their rights and guarantees of activity”, “On charitable activities and charitable organizations”, “On freedom of conscience and religious organizations", "ABOUT political parties", "About meetings, rallies, demonstrations and pickets" and many others. The basis of all these laws is one of the most important principles of civil society - ensuring human rights and freedoms in accordance with the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and other international acts.

- What would you highlight in terms of importance for the republic in the Address of President Mukhu Aliyev to the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan?

I am pleased that, unlike last year’s message, the President had the opportunity in this message to talk more about the socio-economic development of the republic rather than about extremism and terrorism. Undoubtedly important when summing up the work for the year were certain and visible successes in the development of society as a whole. The President's message provides an in-depth analysis of the work done, socio-political and social -economic situation in the republic and a comprehensive program for action has been given for future years. I think it is promising that the President places emphasis on the development of industry, hydropower, hydrocarbon production and agriculture. The President's message focused on important place attracting investments into the economy of the republic. Today, many wealthy Dagestanis invest their money in promising investment projects outside the republic. Dagestanis are great patriots of their republic and if they are given the opportunity to invest large-scale projects in their homeland and a good legislative framework, there will be no kickbacks or bureaucratic delays, then investors will flock to the republic. It is important that the message focuses on development social infrastructure and the formation of the foundations of civil society. Issues of development of science, education, culture and healthcare are also of no small importance. The most important thing, of course, is to maintain peace and stability, then it will be possible to calmly solve all the assigned tasks and implement the programs outlined in the President’s message aimed at further social economic development and prosperity of Dagestan.

-Your interests are very broad - you head a department at Dag State University,wrote a book about Islam, I'm not talking about charity work,created a special fund with awards and bonuses. How do you keep up with everything?

-With such a wide range of figures, the family is often left without properattention. What is your family life like?

Family is the main thing in the life of any person and I think that says it all, therefore, despite all your busyness, you need to find time and pay attention to your family.

Now in Dagestan, the construction of mosques and studies in religious educational institutions have become widespread. But secular schools deserve due attention they don’t receive it - there are not enough offices equipped with everything necessary,premises, furniture, equipment, teaching aids. Wouldn't all this lead toserious contradictions in society?

I believe that we should not go from one extreme to the other. There should be both religious and secular educational institutions in Dagestan. Today, when people have the opportunity to gain material wealth, we should not forget about spiritual wealth. It is very offensive and painful for me to look at how our Dagestan society, despite its mentality with strong moral foundations, strives for a way of life that is alien to us, and sometimes even depraved. The concepts of honor and dignity are being devalued, the identity and rich culture of the Dagestan people are being lost. We have good youth, but recent years she was left to her own devices and exposed to the influence of the street. In a modern civilized society there should be a person with a rich spiritual and moral culture and a good secular education. But people are not born this way; they need to be guided from childhood. No matter how high a religious education a person receives, he cannot live in a closed world; in modern conditions he simply needs to have and secular education. Now, as far as I know, religious educational institutions also introduce secular disciplines into their courses. It would be nice if secular schools began to study the basics of religion, which would help preserve spiritual and moral values ​​and cleanse them from all dirt. If we talk about quantity educational institutions, then today religion is separated from the state, because mosques and madrassas are built with private donations. I think with today's economic development with the implementation National project“Education” and with the help of wealthy fellow Dagestanis, due attention will be paid to the construction of secular schools. Although, I think little will depend on the number of schools, it is necessary that in both religious and secular schools, first of all, there is quality education and upbringing. However, in addition to educational institutions, a person should receive the most important education in the family, as it was with our fathers and grandfathers.

-What does communication with fellow countrymen bring you?

IN free time I try to come to Dagestan and communicate with my fellow countrymen and voters. And if I manage to solve some issue, resolve a problem, believe me, it gives me great pleasure. For me, there is no greater happiness than benefiting the Dagestanis and my native Dagestan.

About the publication

Today, for readers and the entire public of the republic, the newspaper "Dagestan Truth" is the flagship of Dagestan journalism, a spokesman for the interests and aspirations of all the peoples of Dagestan, a mirror reflecting on its pages a rich and colorful life, important phenomena and events of the country, the republic and the whole world, creating public opinion around one or another current problems that concern the population.

Being the only daily printed organ in the republic, "Dagestanskaya Pravda", unlike other newspapers and magazines, has the ability to quickly, literally on the heels of, respond to the most pressing issues of our time, to concentrate the attention of mountaineers on solving immediate political, economic and cultural problems, strengthening friendship and unity of the peoples of the Land of Mountains

"Dagestanskaya Pravda" is the legal heir of the Dagestan Russian-language press. Its historical roots go back to the first years of the twentieth century, when in the arena public life In Dagestan, the first sign of a regularly published press appeared in the person of the Russian-language newspaper "Dagestan". "Dagestanskaya Pravda" has absorbed the best traditions of its predecessors: from "Dagestan" (1906) - the popularization of liberal ideas, from the newspapers "Dawn of Dagestan" and "Muslim Newspaper", published by Said Gabiev in St. Petersburg in 1912-1914 , - rebellious spirit and the struggle for the enlightenment of the people, from "Dagestan worker" (1918) - revolutionary aspiration for the future, from "Red Dagestan" (1922-1931) - activity in the construction of socialism.

IN Soviet times The Dagestan regional committee of the party, establishing the Milestones of the history of a particular printed organ, proceeded from what revolutionary, Bolshevik, communist publications preceded it, recorded the moment of publication of the first issue of the first of them and, thus, built a bridge from modern newspapers and magazines to the era of the revolution and the beginning of Soviet power. This is how the dates of publication of the first national newspapers were determined: Avar - from “KhaltIulel chIaga”, Kumyk - from “Ishchi Khalk”, Lak - from “Ilchi”, etc.

As for "Dagestanskaya Pravda", the predecessor, the beginning of it, was identified as the Bolshevik newspaper "Dagestan Worker", published in March 1918 under the leadership of Ullubiy Buynaksky and Ibrahim Aliyev (hence the current 85th anniversary of the newspaper).

During the period of democratic reforms, there is a reassessment of previous values, including in the field of journalism. As you know, at the beginning of 2003 the country celebrated the 300th anniversary of the Russian press, the history of which begins with the Vedomosti newspaper founded by Peter I (1703). Nowadays, Russians celebrate Russian Press Day not on May 5 (the day the first issue of the newspaper Pravda, the organ of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, was published), but on January 13, when Peter’s newspaper appeared. And this, in my opinion, is correct, because in such cases one must proceed not from political considerations, but from objective facts.

If we follow this logic, then it doesn’t hurt for us, Dagestanis, to take a fresh look at the history of our press, and then we will find that the Russian-language press originated in Dagestan not in 1918, but in 1906, and, therefore, in 2006 She will turn 100 years old.