The benefits and harms of chicory for the human body. Chicory - medicinal properties and contraindications

Chicory is the crushed and dried roots of the plant of the same name. On this basis, a drink is prepared, the health benefits and harms of which we will study today. In terms of its invigorating and tonic properties, instant chicory can compete with coffee.

Chicory - composition and health benefits

The influence of any drink must be considered in conjunction with the study of the chemical list of substances.

No. 1. VitaminC

Ascorbic acid is known to everyone as a powerful immune system stimulant. But not many people know that the antioxidant properties of this vitamin are very pronounced. Chicory, upon entering the body, instantly binds and removes radionuclides, metal salts and other poisons that poison a person.

No. 2. beta carotene

Required for eye health, often added to vitamin supplements for people with low vision. Beta-carotene is designed to enhance the lubrication of the eyeball, strengthen the eye muscles, and prevent serious diseases (glaucoma, cataracts, etc.). At the same time, the substance does not allow the formation of cancer cells in the body.

No. 3. VitaminB4

Known to many as choline. Chicory accumulates a lot of vitamin B4, the benefits and harms of which have been studied repeatedly. It is needed for health, because it cleanses the liver, restores its structure and filtering functions. Increases the outflow of bile, prevents cholelithiasis.

No. 4. VitaminE

Otherwise, it is called tocopherol, or "vitamin of youth." Tocopherol is famous for its antioxidant properties. It strengthens cell membranes, cleanses the blood, enhances the production of red blood cells, enriches tissues with oxygen and nutrients. It is vitamin E that prevents early tissue aging and prolongs youth.

No. 5. VitaminB6

It enhances the production of antibodies, which subsequently protect the body from the development of malignant tumors. Also, this vitamin is necessary for the production of red blood cells and improve blood composition. It is responsible for lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, removes cholesterol and converts carbohydrates into energy.

No. 6. VitaminB1

Responsible for the activity of the brain, increasing the activity of neurons and enhancing cognitive abilities. Thiamine is prescribed for admission with moral exhaustion and loss of strength, deterioration in performance, apathy, seasonal blues and other difficulties with the psycho-emotional environment. For modern man it is simply necessary.

No. 7. VitaminB5

Chicory is often used to treat dermatological problems. So that the health benefits and harms do not change places, you must first brew the soluble powder and moisten the sponge in it. Then apply to the affected area. Regenerative properties eliminate ulcers and heal long-term non-healing wounds.

No. 8. VitaminB9

Folic acid is necessary for pregnant girls for the full development of the central nervous system of the fetus in accordance with the gestation period. Vitamin B9 is used topically, rubbed into the hair to treat hair loss, dandruff, stunted growth.

No. 9. VitaminB2

Also known as riboflavin. Takes part in cell division. It improves blood quality, enhances all metabolic processes in the body, is responsible for water-salt metabolism. Helps relieve swelling by removing excess fluid from the tissues. Of course, it is required for pregnant women to ensure the correct intrauterine development of the fetus.

No. 10. VitaminA

Reinforces the action of tocopherol and beta-carotene. Promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body and maintains visual acuity. Removes fatigue from the eyes during prolonged exposure to the sun, working at a PC and watching TV. It also improves skin condition as it enhances collagen production.

No. 11. VitaminK

Chicory concentrates a lot of vitamin K, the benefits and harms of which have been considered repeatedly. For health, this element is required to maintain blood clotting at the desired level. Thus, wound healing is accelerated, bleeding sites in the cavity are tightened. internal organs. Vitamin K helps a person recover faster after surgery.

No. 12. VitaminPP

Good for people who are addicted to cigarettes. Helps to say goodbye to addiction, as it reduces cravings for nicotine. Participates in absolutely all recovery processes, improves metabolism, helps get rid of anxiety and insomnia.

No. 13. Calcium

The most important mineral that acts as a material for building bone tissue. Calcium is also required for teeth to seal their structure, prevent caries, and strengthen enamel. Responsible for the condition of nails, prevents their delamination and brittleness. Fills voids in the hair structure, making them smooth and non-porous.

No. 14. Iron

Chicory, the benefits and harms of which we are considering today, is needed for health due to the high accumulation of iron in the composition. This mineral compound increases the level of hemoglobin, treats anemia in adults and children, eliminates dizziness and apathy.

No. 15. Sodium

Supports water-salt metabolism, expels excess fluid from the body, thereby completely eliminating edema and contributing to a decrease in body volume. It also carries nutrients to cells, enriches tissues with oxygen.

No. 16. Potassium

Strengthens muscle tissue, is responsible for a stable heart rate, is considered a core mineral. It is required for people who have recently had a heart attack to accelerate the tightening of the scar.

No. 17. Manganese

Reinforces the action of calcium, forming bones and reducing the risk of fractures. Promotes the formation of natural lubrication for the joints, helps people with pain in rheumatism and osteochondrosis.

No. 18. Copper

Enhances the production of collagen and elastin. In addition to improving the condition of the skin, the blood channels are strengthened. The vessels become elastic and dense, they do not burst, so the so-called vascular networks do not form.

No. 19. Phosphorus

Chicory contains phosphorus. Considering the health benefits and harms of this mineral, it must be said that it enhances the action of calcium. Along with this, bones, teeth, nails and hair are strengthened. Phosphorus is required by the brain and people who work hard mentally.

No. 20. Zinc

Male mineral substance, which is responsible for potency. Zinc increases blood flow to the organs of the groin, enhances the production of spermatozoa and makes them mobile. This mineral should be supplied to the body of all men, because it enhances the production of testosterone.

No. 21. Magnesium

Supports the action of potassium, improves heartbeat, prevents heart attacks. Reduces blood pressure and blood glucose levels, which is especially appreciated by diabetics.

No. 22. Selenium

Required by the reproductive system of men and women. Improves hormonal levels, prevents many pathologies associated with the genitourinary system. Cleanses the kidneys from deposits, prevents the formation of stones and sand.

Calorie content of chicory

The finished drink from soluble powder has a low calorie content. In 100 gr. dry composition contains 21 kcal. In a teaspoon of the product - less than 2 kcal.

Other useful properties of chicory

Chicory has a valuable composition, thanks to which everyone knows its benefits and harms to health. There is practically no negative effect on the body.

1. If you want to say goodbye to excess weight, it is highly recommended to include salad chicory in your daily diet. It effectively fights obesity, preventing you from gaining extra pounds.

2. Chicory contains a natural polysaccharide, which is presented in the form of inulin. Thanks to him, the body better absorbs calcium, iron, copper and phosphorus.

3. The product is rich in antioxidants, potassium and magnesium. The body is cleansed of free radicals and slagging. The work of the heart and nervous system improves.

4. The drink will be a real salvation for girls who love coffee. Chicory is recommended during pregnancy. It is safe and may well become an alternative to classic coffee.

5. Freshly squeezed chicory juice is an excellent way to improve vision. To prepare a drink, use young shoots. Juice is best mixed with tomato or cucumber. For good absorption, add 1 tsp. oils.

6. Chicory drink is great for bowel problems. Its health benefits and harms are undeniable. Because the negative impact is practically absent.

7. The composition has a laxative, diuretic and antiseptic effect. Therefore, the scope of the product is quite extensive. Chicory can cope with various ailments.

8. Regular intake of the drink relieves sleep problems, frequent stress, nervous tension, depression and even arrhythmia. The main thing is not to abuse.

The benefits of chicory for women

1. Chicory deserves special attention, because its benefits and harms to a woman's health are extremely important. Due to its healing qualities, the drink is often included in the composition of various cosmetics.

2. If you regularly use such products, the tissues will quickly become saturated with valuable compounds. The condition of the skin will improve, the structure of the hair will be restored.

4. Otherwise, the consumption of chicory will have a positive effect on the entire female body. Health benefits and harms are not equal. Do not abuse the product, so as not to face a negative consequence.

The benefits of chicory for men

1. Chicory is necessary for men who are constantly exposed to emotional stress. The benefits and harms have been studied, for the health of men, a drink is simply necessary.

2. Active compounds prevent the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies. The drink strengthens nervous system increasing resistance to stress.

3. In order not to lean on coffee, it is better to replace several tricks with chicory. Thus, it will be possible to bypass the development of various diseases that may arise due to the abuse of coffee.

Chicory - harmful to health

Despite the mass useful qualities drink consumption should be moderate. For certain diseases, the product is prohibited:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • gastritis in the acute stage;
  • age less than 3 years.

Chicory is considered a completely harmless drink. Its health benefits and harms are determined by the composition. If you take into account contraindications, you will be able to avoid negative impact. For serious illness, consult your doctor.

Good day, dear friends! Today we will talk about a wonderful drink, and what are the benefits and harms of instant chicory.

Chicory has gained such great popularity due to the important component contained in it - inulin. It is this substance, as well as a number of others, that determine the harm and benefit of chicory. In recent decades, the use of this plant has increased significantly due to its high content of inulin.

This herbaceous plant has blue flowers and grows in many countries of Europe and North America. Many cultures use it in various forms in their cuisine.

Its roots are often used as a coffee substitute or as an additive to it. This is possible due to the taste, reminiscent of coffee. Also, the leaves of this herb are sometimes added to salads.


Inulin is a group of oligo- and polysaccharides. Many plants can be its source. The detailed composition of this compound will vary greatly depending on which plant it was derived from. This is due to the variability in the length of the saccharide chains that make up its composition. Due to the variability of the composition of inulin, it can be included in various foods:

  • It can act as a flavor enhancer as it has a sweetish taste.
  • It can be used to replace fat, sugar and flour, as it has a binding and compacting effect and contains fewer calories.

In addition to being used in a number of food industries, inulin has a number of health benefits. It is an excellent source of fiber and also has the ability to improve the absorption of certain minerals such as calcium and magnesium. This is where its prebiotic properties come into play.

How are prebiotics different from probiotics - the benefits of chicory

To properly understand the benefits of chicory, it is necessary to consider the difference between probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are cultures of microorganisms that, when consumed in food, improve health.

Prebiotics are substances that create an appropriate environment for the necessary existence of probiotic microorganisms. They are a specialized fiber that improves the reproduction of beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics are not broken down gastric juice, they pass along the entire tract and are used by microorganisms.

Both probiotics and prebiotics help to rid the body of harmful, inflammation-causing micro-organisms that normally thrive on a poor diet (eating too much fat or sugar). These harmful microorganisms promote gas formation, synthesize harmful compounds and prevent the absorption of beneficial substances.

Inulin is a soluble fiber and acts as a prebiotic. As it passes through the intestines, it is fermented by probiotic bacteria.

Thanks to this, chicory in type 2 diabetes is very useful. The use of the root of this herb helps to delay the onset or prevent this form of the disease, as well as improve intestinal motility.

What is chicory made from?

From horse plants. As we mentioned, not all forms of inulin are the same. The inulin from the root of this herb is an ideal dietary supplement when compared to its counterparts extracted from other plants. The longer chain of inulin derived from this herb effectively inhibits the absorption of excess sugar.

Also, the inulin of this plant, unlike other types of fiber, has a delicate and creamy taste, which makes it an attractive ingredient in many dishes and foods. The process of extracting inulin from the roots of this herb is quite simple, it is in many ways similar to that of obtaining sugar from beets.

Medicinal properties

The root of this plant is an excellent source of polyphenols with antioxidant properties. These compounds are large molecules characterized by the ability to quickly pass through cell membranes and interact with other compounds in the intercellular space.

The antioxidant properties of polyphenols are expressed due to their ability to bind free radicals that are harmful to the body. They also have a positive effect on fat metabolism due to the fact that they have an estrogenic effect. Natural chicory is also able to counteract inflammatory processes in the body.

Is instant chicory good for you?

What is useful chicory soluble for women and men? This product is an almost perfect nutritional supplement.

It is an excellent source of fiber, has a delicate and creamy taste, improves intestinal health, and prevents the absorption of fat. It is also safe for diabetics due to its low glycemic index.

How many times a day can you drink?

There are no formal regulations on this issue. Generally recommends limiting this product to 3-5 grams per day.

Many are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to drink chicory with milk. If you do not drink liters of the drink, then of course you can, this is a wonderful tandem, such a drink will help make your figure slim and effectively cleanse the body.

Is it possible for children?

Due to the ability of this product to normalize the synthesis of certain fats, eating it by a child can help normalize weight. Improving the condition of the population of bifidobacteria in the intestines of the child through the use of the root extract of this herb improves the detoxification of the body and promotes overall health. Also, this herb is conducive to improving the function of the liver of children and blood counts.

How does it affect pressure

This product is not only a great coffee substitute, but also a natural way to lower blood pressure. The high content of folate in it helps to improve blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. Also, this plant contains a significant amount of potassium, which is necessary to normalize blood pressure and improve the water balance in the body.

Drinking this drink can help minimize caffeine intake, which will also have a beneficial effect on blood pressure. However, this product may interact with a number of drugs, such as antihypertensive beta-blockers, so specialist advice is desirable.

Buying and cooking

Which chicory is best?

Most often we see on sale an instant powder extract of the root of this plant. The liquid (pasty) version of this product is somewhat less common. Whole or chopped root can usually be purchased in markets or pharmacies. These categories are listed by us in order of increasing their usefulness.

The powder of this product contains the least amount of nutrients compared to the root. The liquid version is a reasonable compromise between the powder product and the root of this herb. It is quite convenient to prepare and does not cost much.

How to choose?

When purchasing this product, please refer to the list of ingredients on the package. Ideally, it should not contain fried acorns or cereals, and only one hundred percent extract of this plant should be in the composition. A good product is homogeneous, does not contain sticky pieces and lumps.

Preparation - video


  • Cases of contact dermatitis and other allergies caused by the root extract of this herb have been described. Contact dermatitis usually develops during the production of this product and is caused by certain substances in this herb.
  • Since this plant can cause increased bile secretion, a doctor's consultation is required before taking its extract in the presence of gallstone disease.
  • In some people, this plant can cause individual food intolerance, so it may be necessary to refuse it.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

This product is a menstrual stimulant and also has an abortifacient effect. For this reason, this drink is not recommended for pregnant women.

Chicory during breastfeeding is recommended to be used only with great care, after consulting with a specialist. Due to the fact that the potential negative effect of this plant on the health of a nursing mother is not fully understood, doctors usually recommend that you refrain from taking this drink during the feeding period.

Video - chicory in folk medicine

Summing up

There is a lot of scientific evidence in favor of the fact that both liquid chicory and its powdered counterpart are very beneficial for the body. The basis of this benefit is the presence of inulin in it, which serves as an excellent source of fiber.

In some cases, traditional medicine uses the ground root of this herb to prepare various decoctions in order to improve the condition of the stomach. In most cases, chicory for gastritis is not only acceptable, but even useful. However, in case of stomach problems, a specialist consultation is required before consuming it.

Today we talked about the benefits and harms of soluble chicory. Author of the article: Vladimir Sviridov, candidate of biological sciences, information technology specialist. Dear readers, if the article was useful to you, share it with your friends, press the buttons of social networks.

Chicory, or rather its root, has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Positive properties medicinal plant appear in relation to certain diseases. Many people who cannot drink coffee have replaced it with a drink that uses chicory to make it. Reviews indicate that it can be used to lose extra pounds without harm to health. A useful drink will also be for expectant mothers. You can use chicory only if there are no contraindications.

What is chicory?

Chicory belongs to the Asteraceae family and is a perennial plant with bright blue flowers. It can be found in wastelands, along roadsides. Among the people, the plant is known as the "king-root" for its many-sided positive effect on the human body.

The composition of the plant is as follows:

  • pectin;
  • inulin;
  • choline;
  • vitamins (A, B, C, E);
  • trace elements (potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium);
  • carotene;
  • tannins;
  • mineral salts;
  • organic acids;
  • gum.

Around the world, chicory root is used to make a drink that tastes like coffee. However, such a drink has much more useful properties and does not have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. To do this, the roots of the plant are dried, crushed and fried until golden brown. In the future, the powder will be packaged and sent to store shelves. Chicory leaves are used for food.

The benefits of chicory

The root of the plant contains the polysaccharide inulin, which is used as a natural sugar substitute. Therefore, people with a history of diabetes mellitus and obesity should pay attention to chicory, first of all. The substance is also necessary to maintain healthy microflora in the intestines.

Chicory will help to improve the functioning of the stomach and normalize metabolic processes. The reviews say that the vitamins and minerals contained in the root of the plant have a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system (slow down the heart rate, dilate blood vessels), and contribute to the removal of "bad" cholesterol.

Chicory tea also has anti-inflammatory properties. By drinking this drink regularly, you can speed up the healing process of wounds and prevent the development of inflammation. Therefore, it can be used for skin diseases, acne.

Chicory root is rich in B vitamins, which are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. They help to calm, restore vigor and energy.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

Many women learn about what chicory is during pregnancy, when it is necessary to exclude the use of coffee for a while. A drink similar in color and taste will be extremely beneficial for future mother. Inulin in the composition of the plant will help to establish the work digestive system, eliminate constipation and heartburn.

Another problem that almost all expectant mothers face is iron deficiency anemia. You can increase the level of hemoglobin if you drink a cup of chicory drink a day.


It should be remembered that each medicinal plant can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes only if there are no contraindications. If you are allergic to similar plants, experts recommend not using chicory (soluble). In this case, the drink begins to be consumed in small quantities to check the reaction of the body.

The use of the plant (in any form) should be excluded in the presence of vascular pathologies - varicose veins, hemorrhoids. The plant tends to dilate blood vessels, which in such diseases will only have a negative effect and worsen well-being. Contraindications also include gallstone disease. Chicory, reviews of which will be discussed below, has a choleretic effect and can provoke the passage of stones.

With peptic ulcer and gastritis, it is better to refuse a drink made from chicory powder. The active substances that are present in the composition of the plant irritate the mucous surface of the digestive organs. Do not use chicory in diseases of the respiratory system - bronchial asthma, bronchitis.

Chicory during lactation

From the moment the baby is born, a woman has to make drastic changes in her diet and give up many foods and drinks. Caffeine also has a negative effect on the child's body. A chicory drink will help replace your favorite aromatic coffee.

Is it possible for nursing chicory, and will the plant harm the baby? Doctors assure that a drink from a medicinal plant is absolutely safe for both mother and newborn. In addition, it helps to increase lactation. Useful substances contained in the drink will penetrate into breast milk and have a calming effect on the baby.

At the same time, during breastfeeding, it is not recommended to consume more than two cups of the drink per day.

Harm of chicory

In some cases, a medicinal plant does not bring the expected benefit, but a completely opposite result. It depends on the individual sensitivity of the organism. Many note an increase in appetite while taking a drink from chicory. The phenomenon is caused by the normalization of the pancreas and the digestive system as a whole. This point should be taken into account if the drink will be used for weight loss.

With serious deviations in the work of the nervous system, mild excitability, the use of chicory can cause insomnia, emotional swings. Chicory instead of coffee should be used with caution if you are prone to an allergic reaction due to the increased content of vitamin C in the plant.

Chicory liquid

On the shelves of stores you can find not only chicory powder, but also a liquid extract of this plant. Thanks to more gentle processing during the production process, liquid chicory has more beneficial properties. It is made by evaporating liquid from the roots of the plant. The manipulation is repeated several times. Excess water from the resulting liquid is removed.

It is generally accepted that the liquid extract of a medicinal plant is more difficult to fake, unlike the powder. The product can be found in many stores. It is packaged in small jars. The liquid should be dark brown in color.

Chicory "Health"

On shelves healthy eating you can find chicory under different brands. Some manufacturers add various extracts to the product. medicinal herbs, berries. This makes the drink more tasty and healthy.

Chicory "Health" from the Coffee Company "Vokrug Sveta" (Russia), according to buyers and connoisseurs of this drink, is considered one of the best. The product has passed quality control. Its composition is fully consistent with the standards.

Soluble chicory can be purchased both in pure form and with various flavors: ginseng, taiga herbs, lingonberries, blueberries, wild rose, sea buckthorn, lemon, cinnamon, raspberries. Normally, the taste of the drink should be bitter due to the presence of intribin glycoside in the composition of the plant root.

Many people drink a flavored drink that tastes like coffee. Such lovers, of course, want to know how soluble chicory is useful for the body.

Soluble mixture is a great help for those who suffer from hypertension and stomach diseases, but are not used to doing without a cup of coffee in the morning. Patients with these diagnoses decide not to take caffeine and choose chicory as an alternative.

In the old days, 20% of chicory roots were mixed with coffee beans and brewed in a coffee maker. Such a recipe will help to make a gradual transition from one drink to another.

Chicory is a herbaceous plant

In order to consider the beneficial properties of soluble chicory, it would be good to get acquainted with the raw materials from which it is made. Chicory ordinary is a perennial tall plant, with pale blue flowers. It is not rich in leaves, but blooms very profusely and is considered an excellent honey plant.

Of greatest interest is the root. In its shape, it resembles a spindle; it is from it that a valuable drink is obtained. The rationale is that it is large and beefy.

Valuable grass grows everywhere. It can be found on desert hillocks and along the road. Mass cultivation of chicory in the fields is also practiced in order to obtain the roots of this plant.

Useful properties of chicory root

What soluble chicory is useful for is the vital biological substances contained in the roots of the plant from which it is obtained. They include vitamins PP, B2, A, C, as well as useful elements such as manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and iron. Due to the abundance of such components, the drink is used as a general tonic.

Chicory root also stores other nutrients: choline, pectin, lactucin, sugar, intibin, organic acids, protein compounds, ascorbic acid and tannins,

The earthy part of the plant is enriched with milky liquid and has a bitter taste. Therefore, a similar aftertaste is also present in powdered chicory soluble. Is the product from it useful for sick people?

Since ancient times, the root has been used to increase appetite and improve digestion. AT folk medicine it is used to normalize metabolism, in diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines and colds. Chicory root has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and slightly laxative effects.

Some studies have shown that the lower part of the plant can have a sedative and astringent effect.

The presence of inulin in chicory roots is of great importance. This substance is contained in them from 60 to 80%, depending on where the grass grows. In particular, because of this element, chicory has found its use in medicine.

It should be clarified whether beneficial properties for the body are preserved in soluble chicory in the same composition as in the roots of the plant itself. To do this, you need to consider the process of manufacturing the mixture.

How is instant chicory obtained?

Chicory powder is obtained by grinding and drying the roots. It is replete with useful properties and is more used for medical purposes.

The technology of preparation of soluble chicory consists of several stages. The root mixture of the plant is exposed to high temperatures. The harm and benefit of the drink will depend on what kind of processing it has experienced.

Sublimated chicory is prepared by a new method. It is obtained by thickening extraction and spray drying. In a similar way, you can make a powdered mass at home. The cut and roasted root is passed through a coffee machine.

Which chicory is more useful

Which drink will be better depends to a greater extent on what goal the person is pursuing. For people with hypertension and some heart conditions, an instant fried drink may be more suitable. This will satisfy their emotional needs, as they would not like to part with coffee drinks. If a person wants to improve the functioning of his digestive system, then the usual powder from the roots will serve him as a medicine.

Unroasted chicory powder is the healthiest product made from the roots of the plant. It contains all useful substances. But for people who need a coffee substitute, it won't work as it doesn't have the desired flavor.

Liquid chicory is considered a budget option. It has a longer shelf life, so it can be bought in large containers at a bargain price.

Soluble chicory, whose beneficial properties are slightly less, has an amazing aroma and excellent taste.

Sublimated chicory has recently appeared on store shelves. In this instant drink, all useful elements and vitamins are maximally preserved, as it was subject to low temperature conditions. It has a lighter color.

It is worth noting that the darker the powder, the less useful properties it has.

How to choose the right instant chicory

To protect yourself from low-quality products, you need the following actions:

  • Buy the product only in sealed packaging, preferably in a vacuum.
  • Pay attention to composition. The benefit will only be if real chicory root is present, and not its extract. Many manufacturers add flavorings and other chemical impurities in an attempt to disguise low-quality products. Sometimes, in order to save money, chicory is diluted with some natural powdered ingredients. But after that, the drink no longer bears its value.
  • Carefully consider the soluble mixture. It should not have lumps. Qualitative mass, as a rule, is homogeneous and dry.
  • The naturalness of the product can be checked by dissolving it in a spoon warm water. Chicory has its own specific smell, which would be good to remember. The sensation of richness in taste is an indicator of a natural product. There is a slight sweetness in the bitter drink.

How to check the product for quality

Many manufacturers manage to add crushed and toasted cereal grains to chicory. To determine the quality of the powdered mass, you can conduct an experiment:

  1. Pour water into two glasses.
  2. Pour a spoonful of natural chicory into one, into the other a mixture with the addition of grains.
  3. Add a few drops of iodine to each of them.

In a glass of natural chicory, iodine does not stain. Where there are cereal additives, it acquires a blue-violet hue.

What is useful chicory soluble for the body

For a person with good health chicory will be an excellent prophylactic and tonic. If everything is in order in the body, then the drink will not cause any side effects. Thanks to the large amount of vitamins, the instant mixture provides protection against infections because it strengthens the immune system. Its use also has a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin. What is useful chicory soluble for medicinal purposes?

  1. The presence of iron in the product is a big plus for those who need to increase hemoglobin.
  2. Thiamine, located in the root of the plant, supports the work of blood vessels and the heart.
  3. Chicory contributes to normal blood sugar levels due to its inulin content. Hydrolysis converts chicory into fructose and sucrose. People suffering from early forms of diabetes are advised to use it regularly. It does not raise the glycemic index. Chicory has a sweet aftertaste, which makes some people refuse to add sugar to the drink.
  4. Pectin (soluble fiber) is able to dissolve sugar in the blood. It is just like inulin, useful for diabetics.
  5. Cleanses the body of toxic substances.
  6. Promotes the proper functioning of the digestive system. Inulin is necessary for the normalization of the intestinal microflora. It feeds the important bacteria living in it. Metabolic processes in the human body occur correctly due to the presence of inulin.
  7. Doctors believe that the instant drink is aimed at the elderly, for the reason that caffeine is contraindicated for them.

From the above facts, we can conclude that soluble chicory is beneficial for the human body. Why rush to buy vitamin complex, you can simply add this aromatic drink to your diet.

Benefits for the female body

How soluble chicory is useful for a woman's body will be shown by the following statements:

  • As a rule, the fair sex tends to accumulate more fat cells than men. Chicory produces a cleansing effect, due to which the breakdown of fats occurs. The drink reduces the feeling of hunger, and this, in turn, prevents cellulite.
  • What girl wouldn't want to have beautiful skin? It has been proven that folic acid has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Just chicory root is rich in such a substance.
  • For expectant mothers, a pleasant drink will provide invaluable support. It will relieve heartburn and alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis. The fact that chicory normalizes the formation of blood cells will benefit not only the pregnant woman, but also the unborn child.

What is useful chicory soluble for men

Is the drink suitable for the strong half of humanity? According to its qualities, soluble chicory is also good for men. Beneficial features drinks are especially important for the elderly. Age-related changes entail a number of urological problems. The drink will serve as an addition to the main treatment of such diseases. To prevent it, you need to use it for a long time.

The abundance of trace elements and vitamins has a positive effect on potency, as it produces a restorative effect. The constant use of chicory tones and supports the male body as a whole and is a great alternative for gourmets who do not want to give up the taste of coffee.


Although the beneficial properties and contraindications of instant chicory are determined by the process of preparing the product, there are still significant reasons to refuse it.

  • Soluble chicory is noted as a vasodilator. It is contraindicated in diseases such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids, as well as in vascular pathology.
  • With exacerbation of the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
  • It is worth giving up the drink during stress and insomnia, as well as if the patient is taking sedatives.
  • It is not recommended to drink a healing instant drink more than 2 times a day.
  • Asthma and chronic bronchitis.

An insufficient amount of vitamins in the body is dangerous to health. But an overabundance of beneficial substance can also cause great harm. It would be good for everyone to know what substances are missing in his body. It is important to periodically do examinations, and then make up your diet. The use of any natural product needs a measure. If there are any diseases, then before buying chicory, you need to consult a doctor.

And yet, what outweighs in soluble chicory - useful properties or contraindications. Reviews of some people will help to draw an objective conclusion.

Chicory can be recognized by its bright blue colors. For medicinal purposes, the roots of cultivated and wild chicory species are commonly used.

This plant grows throughout Europe, East Asia, North and South Africa, America, India, Australia and New Zealand. It is found mainly along roads, in ditches, in meadows, in weedy wastelands as a weed.

Chicory root contains from 10 to 20% fructose, carotene, up to 60% inulin, vitaminsc,b1,b2,B3, trace elements - iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc., tannins, proteins, organic acids, pectin, resins. The most useful item is inulin- a substance that contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves metabolism.

In folk medicine, chicory has been used since ancient times. Chicory root is mentioned in the works of Forekal, Theophrastus, Pliny. Analysis of ancient medicine indicates that chicory was contained in various medicines that were used for the treatment of diseases of the liver, digestive organs, various wounds.

AT modern medicine Chicory is quite popular and finds its application due to its healing properties.

Chicory normalizes the work of the pancreas, enhances metabolic processes in the liver and blood flow, has a choleretic effect, improves the dissolution of gallstones, and also improves appetite. Inulin, which is part of chicory, develops beneficial intestinal microflora, which strengthens the body's immunity.


It has a lot of useful properties: anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, diuretic, choleretic, sedative, antipyretic, astringent, antihelminthic. As wound healing funds are effective decoctions and infusions of this plant - in the treatment neurodermatitis, allergic dermatitis, diathesis, seborrhea, psoriasis, acne etc.

Due to its properties, chicory is widely used to treat various diseases - stomach ulcers, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, gastritis etc. And because of the high content trace element iron, chicory is used in prevention and treatment of anemia.

Chicory root drink is a decaffeinated coffee substitute that has no contraindications and is very useful for people with insomnia, depression, migraine, hypertension, neurasthenia, tachycardia, ischemic disease heart, atherosclerosis, and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to B vitamins, chicory has a calming effect on the nervous system of the body.

High value in chicorn root is inulin. He lowers blood sugar, improves digestion and metabolism. These properties of chicory effective in the fight against obesity and are actively used in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

It is believed that regular consumption of chicory helps the body get rid of toxins, slags, radioactive substances and heavy metals.

Currently, chicory is very popular all over the world as a healthy product. diet food and gourmet seasonings. Coffee with chicory root has long been a favorite drink of Europeans. A drink based chicory root as a coffee substitute often included in the diet people for whom coffee is contraindicated.

Watch a short video about some of the beneficial properties of chicory, as well as a recipe for its preparation:

Watch a three-minute video on how to choose only high-quality chicory in the store, which will really be useful to the body: