What is good for the pancreas: recommendations from doctors. What foods are good for the pancreas What vegetables are good for the pancreas

The pancreas is responsible for the production of the hormones glucagon, insulin, and food enzymes. Many of its pathologies develop against the background of proper nutrition. Therefore, it is important to know the list of useful and harmful products for this organ and the liver.

Main functions of the pancreas

The most important function of this organ is the production of insulin, which, together with glucagon, controls the concentration of glucose. In 24 hours, the organ produces about 1 liter of juice containing enzymes responsible for the digestion of consumed products.

It is very difficult to treat the gland. To avoid the development of pancreatitis, as well as other dangerous diseases, you must follow the rules of nutrition and taking medications.

What does the organ require?

Answering the question of what is good for the pancreas, doctors advise focusing on vitamins groups E-A. It is recommended to eat foods rich in microelements. It is important not only to eat foods that are good for the liver and pancreas, but also to take vitamin and mineral complexes. It is better to entrust the selection of the complex to the attending physician.

When the acute phase of the disease of this organ develops, it is important to adhere to 3 rules:

  • hunger;
  • cold;
  • peace.

In the first few days during an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to refuse food. It is advisable to drink herbal infusions. They can be combined with rosehip decoction.

Basic principles of nutrition

What foods are good for the pancreas? This organ should be provided with regular, rational food intake. You need to eat 4-6 times|
24 hours, in small portions.

Around 18:00 the organ stops producing digestive enzymes. Everything consumed in the evening enters the duodenum, remains there until 09:00, then rots. In the morning, the almost completely rotten mass, secreting poisons, moves through the large intestine. Dangerous toxins are neutralized by the liver.

Eating dinner is not very beneficial for the pancreas. The evening meal should not exceed 18% of the daily value. It is very important to follow a gentle, balanced diet.

For gastrointestinal diseases, it is important to pay attention to food cooked in a double boiler or in a water bath. You can eat stewed or boiled food. Fried food should not be taken. Food should not be too hot or cold.

What products are beneficial?

The list of foods that are good for the pancreas includes:

  1. Low-fat milk.
  2. Berries.
  3. Protein products.
  4. Unsweetened drinks.
  5. Vegetable soups.
  6. Porridge.
  7. Without yeast bread.
  8. Stewed vegetables.

Dairy products are beneficial for the pancreas because they are rich in protein. It is important to eat low-fat fermented baked milk, Russian or Dutch cheese. Their These products accompany the restoration of the organ.

Products such as Black Sea fish, veal, eggs, etc. are very beneficial for the pancreas. chicken fillet. Healthy eating for the pancreas requires compliance with the drinking regime. It is advisable to use high-quality distilled water. You can drink weakly brewed tea with milk. It is advisable to avoid black tea in favor of green tea.

Healthy food for the liver and pancreas necessarily includes vegetable soups. A dish prepared from pumpkin, zucchini, and potatoes has a good effect on the condition of the organ. You need to be careful with salt and spices.

For normal functioning of the organ, it is important to eat dietary cereals. When preparing them, you should use foods that are beneficial for the pancreas, such as rolled oats, buckwheat, and rice. It is allowed to add a small piece of butter or spread to the porridge.

Products with vitamins and microelements

Anyone who wants to know what is good for the pancreas must eat foods rich in vitamins and microelements. Many elements important for organ health are contained in:

  1. Mulberry.
  2. Gooseberries.
  3. Bakhchevykh.
  4. Carrots.
  5. Nettle.
  6. Red pepper
  7. Wild berries.
  8. Garden berries.
  9. vegetable oil
  10. Lettuce leaves.
  11. Brewer's yeast.
  12. Tomatoes.
  13. Apricots.
  14. Cabbage.

What foods are harmful to the gland?

To avoid the development of dangerous diseases, it is important to know what is harmful to the pancreas. It is not recommended to eat:

  1. Fat.
  2. Spices.
  3. Foods rich in flavors.
  4. Cream desserts.
  5. Semi-finished products.
  6. Sour soups.

The list of foods harmful to the pancreas includes smoked and fried meat. It is recommended to replace spices with aromatic herbs. Spicy foods should be avoided. Store-bought pickled products are very harmful to health. It is dangerous because it contains carcinogens.

It is important to know that eating meat broths, jellied meat, and aspic is harmful to the pancreas. The use of bone broths, borscht, cabbage soup, and sorrel soup has a negative effect on the functioning of the organ.

It's not just low-quality alcohol that is harmful. It is not recommended to drink flavored cocktails, beer, or champagne. You should avoid vodka and cognac. The maximum permissible dose of quality wine is 40 ml/24 hours.

The most dangerous foods for the pancreas

There is a list of killer foods that are harmful to the pancreas. It includes:

  1. Alcoholic drinks.
  2. Sweet.
  3. Smoked meats.

Drinking alcohol contributes to the appearance of spasms in the blood vessels of the organ. Cells atrophy, and digestive problems arise. Against this background, diabetes develops. Smoked food has an irritating effect. It negatively affects the functioning of the organ. Abuse of sweets increases the load on the gland. This also leads to diabetes.

Which product is considered the most dangerous? First place in the hit parade of foods harmful to the liver and pancreas belongs to table salt. Its use promotes moisture retention. This leads to an increase in blood pressure. Against this background, the pancreatic vessels are affected.

Healthy food for the liver

Answering the question of what is good for the liver and pancreas, gastroenterologists recommend focusing on green foods. The liver “loves” asparagus, peas, and artichokes. Drinking soy milk brings great benefits to the body.

Eating fruits and vegetables

For liver health, emphasis should be placed on consuming:

  • melons;
  • cauliflower
  • green apples;
  • red beets;
  • greenery;
  • avocado;
  • broccoli.

Melons contain magnesium, which helps restore the structure of the organ. Apples are a source of iron, which normalizes its functioning. Beets contain betaine, greens help get rid of bad “aroma” from the mouth and pain syndrome. Avocado contains monosaturated fats that restore liver cells. Eating broccoli increases the concentration of glucosinolate in the blood.

Eating meat and fish

Low-fat meat products saturate the liver with carbohydrates and fats. At the same time, they do not overload the organ. What foods are good for the liver and pancreas? The list includes:

  • chicken fillet;
  • turkey;
  • young veal;
  • dairy pig meat;
  • river fish

Turkey contains sodium + selenium, thanks to which carbohydrates are processed by the body into energy. Young pig meat does not cause harm to the body only if it is cooked for 2-3 hours.

River fish contains phosphorus, which enhances work processes. Vitamin B12 restores cells.

Consumption of drinks

  • berry compotes;
  • green tea;
  • unsweetened fruit drinks;
  • fruit compotes;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • curdled milk;
  • medicinal mineral water.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help filter the blood. Unsweetened compotes nourish the body useful substances. Low-fat kefir is very useful for hepatitis C. Daily norm of this product - 4-6 tbsp. If you feel hungry in the evening, you can drink 1 glass of kefir even after 20:00.

An integral and very important part of our life is proper nutrition. We all know that without it it is impossible to maintain good health. One of the decisive factors is to eat the right and healthy foods in your diet. Junk food has a destructive effect on the entire body and on the gastrointestinal tract in the first place. Absolutely all organs involved in digestion suffer from fatty, salty, spicy foods and alcohol. The pancreas is no exception.

This is a vital organ involved in digestion, the functioning of the stomach, and is also responsible for the production of an important substance that regulates sugar in our blood - insulin.

Poor nutrition and lifestyle, as well as bad habits can harm this organ, thereby disrupting its proper functioning. What foods are good and bad for our pancreas?

Factors that disrupt the functioning of the pancreas

There are a number of factors affecting the health of this organ:

  • and nicotine,
  • fatty, salty and spicy foods,
  • the presence of stones in the gall bladder, interfering with the normal discharge of bile;

All this causes the development of a large number of serious diseases and abnormalities.

Constant consumption of junk food: sour, spicy, alcohol, fast food , snack products, fatty foods made from refined raw materials and, cause an irreparable blow to your digestive system.

The most common disease is pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is the process of inflammation of the pancreas, due to which the organ swells and cannot release the secreted enzyme into the stomach. Accumulating in the organ itself, the enzyme begins to digest the gland itself.

This is a serious disease with a high mortality rate. Even if you pay attention to the symptoms in time and start treatment, there is a high probability of developing serious complications. A large number of patients who have suffered acute pancreatitis can no longer return to their previous life and diet.

They are forced to follow special diets for the rest of their lives and give up their favorite foods, because even a slight deviation from the diet can lead to relapses of this terrible disease. A poorly functioning organ begins to drag along a whole chain of diseases of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Nutrition is a decisive factor, as it can both worsen and improve the condition of the organ and the patient’s overall well-being.

Products useful for restoring the pancreas

Products consumed during treatment or prevention should not be greasy, not salty and should not contain a rough texture, for example. All this puts a lot of stress on the organ during the digestion process. The main allies in the fight for health are peace and hunger. It is from them that all diets associated with the treatment of pancreatitis are based. You need to eat food that strains the gland as little as possible.

When this food, including alcohol, enters the stomach, it causes the organ to wear out, thereby causing an inflammatory process. You should try to use gentle nutrition not only during treatment, but also during normal life. everyday life, thereby protecting yourself from the development of pancreatitis and diabetes.


An important vegetable to eat. Nutritionists recommend including it in a large number of diets aimed at restoring organs digestive system. The composition contains virtually no fats and coarse dietary fiber. In addition, they contain essential vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C.

Use zucchini to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Doctors allow eating zucchini just two weeks after the stage of acute pancreatitis is eliminated.

They should be served well stewed or baked. It is also a good idea to grind the prepared zucchini until smooth, as this will facilitate the digestion process.

If you have pancreatitis, you should not eat fried or canned zucchini in any way!

Lean meats and fish

Reducing or even banning the consumption of fatty foods is a fundamentally important point in the process of recovery and digestion, since fatty foods cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Fatty foods and alcohol are the main enemies of the health of the digestive system.

You should try to use:

  • lean poultry varieties,
  • turkey meat,
  • beef,
  • rabbit meat;
Limit pork consumption in your diet or try to choose lean cuts. You need to steam or boil the meat.

Fish is also very healthy due to its high content of microelements. Choose non-greasy types, such as:

  • perch,
  • cod,
  • zander;


  • salmon,
  • mackerel,
  • flounder,
  • capelin
  • tuna
  • halibut
  • pangasius and other fatty species.
Prepare steamed dishes from it, bake, stew or boil in the same way as meat.

Dairy products

All dairy products contain large amounts of protein. This element is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Without it, there can be no talk of successful restoration of this organ. Not all dairy products are suitable for consumption. As with meat, you should eliminate anything fatty, such as butter.

Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, and fermented baked milk are perfect for consumption. But you just have to exclude it from the diet.


The basis of any diet, including those aimed at restoring the stomach and digestive organs, is porridge. Being mainly complex carbohydrates, porridges provide the body with energy for the whole day. In addition, they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Buckwheat, oatmeal, and properly cooked rice bring only benefits. The main condition during the diet is cooking with water. You need to eat it in small portions. Porridges are easily digested without putting stress on the organs. You can also add a small amount of fruit or boiled lean meat.


This vegetable is indispensable in preparing any dishes. Indispensable for humans due to its rich content of useful elements. For gastrointestinal diseases, use only in its used form!

Non-sour apples

The composition contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for regeneration, including potassium, magnesium and iron. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas in particular, you should eat them exclusively ground. This will ease the work of the stomach and other organs, facilitating the digestion process.

All varieties of cabbage

Try to eat as many different varieties of cabbage as possible:

  • White cabbage,
  • Beijing
  • Broccoli.
This vegetable is known for its anti-carcinogenic properties, as well as its ability to remove toxins from the body. This affects general condition, well-being, as well as on the level of regeneration. In its spent form it is very easy to digest.

Products useful for maintaining a healthy pancreas

Since the pancreas plays a critical role in digestion and is also involved in the process of producing insulin, which is necessary to regulate sugar in your blood, it is wise to take good care of it. Prevention, as we know, is the best medicine. There are a number of foods that can help keep your gland healthy and avoid pancreatitis, a painful process of inflammation of the pancreas that can have very serious consequences.

Blueberry and Cherry

Blueberries and cherries contain large quantities that protect the cells of your body from various types of damage.


Turmeric has incredible properties. Recent research shows that turmeric can relieve inflammation and pain in the pancreas. In addition, it stimulates the production of insulin and lowers blood sugar levels, which certainly reduces the risk of diabetes.

Additionally, there is evidence that this spice reduces the size of gallstones and prevents their formation.


Garlic is a storehouse of a large number of useful and important substances for us, including allicin. Many of them help the pancreas stay healthy and protect it from negative impact environment and nutrition.
Remember that eating garlic is prohibited during an exacerbation of pancreatitis! Strictly adhere to the diet prescribed to you by your doctor.

Red grapes

Red grapes contain a unique substance called Resveratrol. It is this substance that is recognized throughout the world as a powerful antioxidant, and all possible benefits from drinking dry red wine are possible only thanks to it.

It is strictly prohibited to consume any alcohol during problems with the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatitis! Remember this!


Spinach contains a lot of iron and vitamin B. These substances are necessary for the normal functioning of our pancreas. Use it or other leafy greens in salads, soups or in roasts.

Sweet potato varieties

Many people believe that a product's resemblance to a particular organ affects its functionality. The shape and color of young sweet potatoes closely resembles the pancreas. However, sweet potatoes, especially new potatoes, along with other orange and yellow vegetables such as carrots, cabbage and corn, contain nutrients that support glandular health and may also prevent cancer by reducing the likelihood of developing cancer in the breast. twice.

Yogurt With Active Cultures and Prebiotics

Low-fat types of yogurt with live cultures are a good source of prebiotics, beneficial microorganisms that increase our immunity, since it has long been known that nutrition directly affects the flora of the stomach, the center of our immune system. Try to eat yoghurts with the least amount of sugar in their composition.


Oregano is known for its anti-hyperglycemic compounds and can also be very effective against the development of cancer cells in the pancreas! What else can be good for your pancreas?

Reducing and managing stress levels and quitting smoking

It has long been known about the negative effects of stress on our body, especially chronic stress. You must understand that during any stress or anxiety, cortisol levels rise, which changes many processes in your body, such as digestion. In addition, it increases inflammatory processes, worsening the condition of your pancreas and slowing down the recovery process.

This is really very important. Chronic stress affects the entire body as a whole, having a destructive effect on every organ.

Quitting smoking

It has long been known that smoking greatly affects the state of the digestive system, including the pancreas. Studies have shown that people who smoke a standard pack of cigarettes per day increase the risk of pancreatitis by almost 2 times.

If you feel uneasy in the gland area or periodically observe symptoms of this disease, then you should think about giving up this habit completely. Only by changing your lifestyle can you avoid negative consequences in the future, including acute pancreatitis.

Avoid extreme crash diets

Sufferers overweight people very often begin to subject themselves to very strict diets, wanting to get rid of accumulated fat mass as quickly as possible. When you start fasting, all your internal organs are stressed. This can cause disruption of the digestive processes, which in turn can provoke many diseases, including inflammation of the pancreas and stomach ulcers.

Healthy drinks

Drinking is an important part of our lives and diet. Our body consists of 70 percent water and it is not surprising that right choice fluids are so important. If you have any problems with the pancreas, you should avoid sweet, sour and carbonated water. It is worth paying attention to natural compotes or fruit drinks. Drink more plain pure water or medicinal mineral waters in small quantities. Although they contain gases, the benefits they bring cannot be compared with the possible harm.

Fruit drinks and smoothies

Cocktails based on natural vegetables and fruits are filled with a large amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect your body from damage. We recommend eating plenty of vegetables and fruits during your glandular recovery diet. One way is to blend 100% natural fruit or vegetable juice with soft fillers such as berries, bananas, peaches, spinach and sweet potatoes. Dilute this with low-fat yoghurt until it reaches drinkable consistency. Talk to your doctor about adding vitamin C powder to your smoothie. It is a strong antioxidant and will definitely speed up the healing process.

Clean filtered drinking water

Dehydration is common side effect pancreatitis, so you need to drink plenty of water. Doctors recommend drinking six glasses of water a day. This will help relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process.

What drinks are harmful?

Nutrition is very important in the process of pancreas restoration. The choice of drinks is almost as important. The wrong drink can trigger a new outbreak of acute pancreatitis, so it is important to avoid certain drinks. Avoid coffee, store-bought sweet juices, any carbonated sweet and sour drinks, as well as strong black and green teas or other drinks that irritate the stomach lining. Of course, avoid alcohol!

What foods are harmful to the pancreas?

There are both beneficial and harmful foods for the pancreas, which have a destructive effect on the organ. Constant nutrition of this kind leads to serious complications and disruption of the digestive system as a whole. The first blow is taken by the pancreas and stomach. Every time you eat junk food, salty food, smoked sour food and drink the whole thing with alcohol, you risk triggering the development of a disease such as pancreatitis. It is worth considering that the restoration of the gland is a long and labor-intensive process, and after a certain stage it is almost impossible to fully recover.

People who have suffered acute pancreatitis are often forced to stick to a diet for the rest of their lives and completely forget about eating their favorite foods. Any deviation from the diet may threaten new relapses of the disease and even greater deterioration of the condition. In order not to let everything get to such a state, you should know which foods should be consumed carefully and in moderation. By limiting yourself to them, you will avoid unpleasant consequences for your health.


One of the main enemies of the pancreas is alcohol. For many years there has been debate about whether it is possible to drink alcohol. Each person decides this for himself. One thing is for sure. Pancreatitis caused by alcohol consumption is very common and accounts for a fairly large percentage of mortality from this terrible disease.

When alcohol enters the stomach, it disrupts the functioning of all digestive organs. The stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines and kidneys suffer. Unable to cope with the load, the pancreas begins to become inflamed, and this is how pancreatitis begins. If you still decide to drink alcohol, then you should observe moderation. In small quantities it is unlikely to be able to cause irreparable harm. Moreover, using alcoholic drinks Do not mix it with fatty, spicy, salty or other foods that are difficult to digest.

Fatty, sour, salty, smoked and spicy foods

All products belonging to this category are harmful food for the pancreas and digestive system in general. They increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract, forcing organs to work almost at their maximum capacity.

Even a single meal of heavy food can cause an attack of pancreatitis, especially if you eat it with alcohol.

The amazing structure of the human digestive system allows us to eat plant and animal protein, fats, carbohydrates and fiber in any combination. Pancreatic juice contains enzymes in an inactive form. Depending on what nutrients the food contains, certain enzymes are activated.

Knowing what is good for the pancreas will help you keep this organ healthy and functional for a long time, reduce the risk of exacerbations of pancreatitis and normalize metabolism.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the process of breaking down complex organic matter into simple components, which flows in the human body and allows it to receive vital energy and building material for cells.

This process is carried out due to the coordinated work of the digestive, endocrine, nervous and circulatory systems. The digestion process begins in the mouth and ends in the large intestine. Each organ has its own tasks. The stomach is responsible for the initial breakdown of proteins and has an acidic environment. Bile emulsifies fats, and the pancreas is involved in all types of metabolism, secreting enzymes that break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It secretes its juice into the duodenum, creating an alkaline environment in the intestinal lumen. Subsequently, amino acids, bile acids and glucose are absorbed into the blood in the small intestine, and water is absorbed in the large intestine and feces are formed.

Role of the pancreas

The pancreas is central to the metabolic process, as it not only produces digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase, chymotrypsin and trypsin, but is also an endocrine organ. The cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas produce the hormones insulin and glucagon, which regulate blood glucose levels. Violations in the work of this body lead to serious problems with health.

Healthy foods for the pancreas, when consumed regularly, will help digestion and make this process more efficient.

Regular eating is the key to health

Basic principles of proper nutrition

  • IN modern world We are faced with the fact that food becomes contaminated with chemical additives. Dyes, preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers increase the shelf life of products and make them more attractive in appearance. However, for the pancreas they are poisons that change chemical composition food and disrupt the process of normal enzyme production.
  • Another problem for working city dwellers is the lack of a full breakfast and lunch, while the main meal occurs in the evening. This diet leads to a heavy load on the pancreas, which does not have time to provide the required amount of enzymes for optimal digestion. This leads to metabolic disorders and the accumulation of salts and waste in the body.

    Advice! Eat food at least 5 times a day in small portions. This will allow the digestive system to work without stress and reduce the load on the pancreas.

  • Our food enters the duodenum as a mixture of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. If you mix many different foods, especially difficult for digestion, into one meal, a malfunction of the digestive system may occur, which will lead to an exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis or cholecystitis.

    Advice! If you want the pancreas to work well and not become inflamed, try not to mix animal proteins and carbohydrates in one meal. For example, eat meat with vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, turnips, and not with potatoes or pasta.

  • In order to start the digestion process, food must be well ground and mixed with saliva. Under such conditions, the flow rate chemical reactions in the metabolic process is optimal.

    Advice! To live long and not get sick, at least 20 times, and do not drink it with liquid. It is recommended to drink drinks such as tea or juice half an hour before meals or an hour after meals.

  • Excess weight leads to obesity internal organs, this disrupts their work and leads to the development of metabolic syndrome and metabolic disorders.

    Advice! If your weight is more than the number that is obtained when you subtract one hundred from your height in centimeters, then you urgently need to start normalizing your weight!

  • Smoked, over-salted, heavily fried foods require increased work of enzymes in the digestive system and change the normal chemical composition of the food bolus.

    Advice! Try to replace fried food with baked food, cook without salt. Add salt to the food directly on the plate to taste. This will reduce your daily salt intake and normalize water-salt metabolism.

What foods are best for the pancreas?

Optimal foods for the pancreas include lean meat and fish, olive oil, cereals, vegetables and fruits, compotes and jelly, dried white bread, fermented milk products.

Products for proper nutrition

For example:

  • beef, rabbit, chicken breast, cod, hake;
  • oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, wheat cereal;
  • broccoli, turnips, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, spinach, cauliflower;
  • apples, bananas, pears;
  • eggs (white);
  • cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk;
  • It is better not to eat vegetables fresh, and stew or steam, bake fruit;
  • Steam meat and fish, stew or make soufflé.
  • alcohol in any form;
  • fats in large quantities, especially of animal origin;
  • sweets, sugar in large quantities;
  • meat, fish or mushroom broths;
  • peas, beans;
  • mushrooms;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fresh vegetables, especially cabbage;
  • sweet fresh fruits, especially grapes;
  • egg yolk.

Advice! This diet is indicated for pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas. If you have not had attacks of pancreatitis, it is enough to follow the basic principles of proper nutrition. The diet can be expanded.

And remember that the most beneficial thing for the pancreas is your desire to be healthy and lead an active lifestyle!

Inflammatory processes in the pancreas (pancreatitis) in the fairer sex are usually a consequence poor nutrition. Both half-starvation diets and an abundance of fatty foods and fast food can lead to disruption of the gallbladder and cholecystitis with subsequent formation of stones. It develops against the background of these degenerative processes.

When compiling proper diet for women, both of these diseases need to be taken into account: exclude foods that have a detrimental effect on both the gallbladder and the pancreas.

Inflammation of the pancreas leads to disruption of metabolic processes. This, first of all, leads to dysfunction of the digestive organs, and then to an imbalance in the body as a whole.

During inflammation, the digestive function of the gland is the first to fail. Then the intrasecretory system also suffers, which threatens to disrupt carbohydrate metabolism and increase blood sugar.

A woman will feel problems with her pancreas quite quickly. They will be revealed:

  • bloating;
  • nausea to the point of vomiting;
  • painful attacks radiating to the lower back, sometimes to the hypochondrium;
  • diarrhea;
  • feeling of weakness, chronic fatigue.

With serious exacerbations of the disease, fever, yellowing of the skin and sclera are possible. Urgent medical assistance is needed here.

Even if the attack of the disease is not so severe, you still need to see a doctor. After all, pancreatitis can develop into pancreatic necrosis, which can be fatal.

Complex therapy for inflammatory diseases of the above-mentioned organs certainly involves a special diet that helps normalize metabolic processes and inhibit inflammation. The latter occurs due to eliminating foods that increase the production of enzymes by the gland (hyperenzymemia).

Basic principles of eating

The diet for pancreatic diseases is based not only on the prohibition of certain products. The entire diet is changing. Here are seven important rules, which need to be taken into account.

The menu should be dominated by dishes with an abundance of complex carbohydrates, water-soluble vitamins and lipotropic elements.

Useful and harmful products

It is believed that the diet for pancreatic diseases is quite strict. But all because of the habit of semi-finished products and fast food. In fact, you can prepare a lot of permitted products delicious dishes. And giving up some of them will not make your diet poor.

Table. Which foods can be consumed and which are prohibited.

Types of productsAllowedBanned
MeatChicken, rabbit and turkey, lean beef tenderloin, steamed or boiled veal.All meat with refractory fats - pork, lamb, duck, goose. Also smoked meat, fatty sausages and preserves.
FishLow-fat boiled: cod, haddock, pike perch, pike, navaga.Fatty (mackerel, salmon), as well as caviar, crabs and shrimp, fish oil, smoked and dried fish.
EggsIn the form of steamed protein omelettes, occasionally soft-boiled. No more than two per day.Hard-boiled or in the form of scrambled eggs, as well as in mayonnaise.
MilkLow-fat milk and cottage cheese. Occasionally a slice of butter is allowed.Everything else. Margarine and ice cream are especially harmful.
BreadRusks, biscuits, dried or yesterday's bread.Any pastries, especially rich ones, and pancakes.
Cereals and pastaPaste durum varieties, semolina, buckwheat, rice porridge, "Hercules" on the water.All the others, especially pearl barley and corn.
DessertsA little marshmallow, honey and marmalade.Everything else, especially the chocolate and buttercream brownies.
VegetablesPotatoes, beets, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, cucumbers. Chopped and boiled or baked.White cabbage, tomatoes, legumes, all types of radishes, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms, lettuce.
FruitBananas, sour berries, baked apples and pears.Citrus fruits, pomegranates due to the abundance of acids, grapes, figs and dates - due to the fact that they contribute to gas formation.
DrinksHerbal or weak black tea, freshly squeezed juices diluted with water, non-carbonated mineral water.Strong coffee, tea, sour juices.

Fresh white cabbage is prohibited, but sauerkraut with a small amount of salt can sometimes be eaten. It does not cause gas formation and enriches the body with vitamin C in winter.

Spices, ketchups and excess salt are not recommended for pancreatitis. But to ensure that the dishes are not bland, you can use turmeric, cinnamon and a drop of soy sauce.

Healthy foods include nuts. They contain bioflavonoids that fight inflammation and vitamin E, which strengthens cell membranes. The best for pancreatitis are walnuts. But you can eat them only in small quantities, since nuts contain a lot of fat.

What to eat during an exacerbation of the disease

The acute period of pancreatitis is characterized by very painful attacks. At this time, the patient is recommended to fast. And with such pain, I don’t particularly feel like eating. You can drink mineral water still, herbal teas, highly diluted juices from non-acidic fruits, rosehip decoction, dried fruits. Drinking plenty of fluids inhibits the synthesis of digestive enzymes, prevents them from entering the intestines and removes toxins. All this reduces pain.

You need to fast for no more than two days, after which gastroenterologists recommend dietary table No. 5P (first option). What to eat for the next five days after fasting:

  • slimy cereal or vegetable soups;
  • paired meatballs or fish;
  • steamed protein omelettes;
  • steam casseroles and puddings;
  • puree from boiled vegetables;
  • baked pears and apples.

You can drink jelly, non-acidic compotes, herbal teas, decoctions of rose hips and dried fruits, and still mineral water.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

Acute periods in pancreatic diseases are followed by long-term remissions. At this time, the menu can be expanded by:

  • yesterday's bread, crackers and biscuits;
  • a small amount of butter;
  • permitted sweets and fruits;
  • very weak coffee with milk;
  • mild soft or semi-hard cheese as a dressing for pasta.

This diet is very difficult for women because of the ban on chocolate and cakes. But a little honey on a biscuit or marshmallows will brighten up an unusual diet. If the period of remission is long, and it is unbearable to live without your favorite dishes, you can allow yourself some, but only a little.

Table. Sample menu for chronic pancreatitis.

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinner
MondayOatmeal, tea, biscuits.Cream soup with celery, boiled fish with vegetables, compote.Spaghetti with cheese, compote.
TuesdayCurd pudding, tea with honey.Vegetable cream soup, baked chicken fillet with beets, herbal tea.Milk sausages with vegetables, weak coffee with milk.
WednesdayCheese pancakes with honey, weak coffee with milk.Rice soup, steamed meatballs, tea with marshmallows.Any porridge and jelly.
ThursdayGrated carrots with beets, steamed fish, juice.Meatball soup, buckwheat porridge with a piece of boiled chicken, jelly.Pumpkin pie, compote.
FridaySteamed chicken cutlets with mashed potatoes, rosehip broth.Vegetable soup, chicken fillet with rice, jelly.Steamed protein omelet, weak coffee with milk, biscuit.
SaturdayMacaroni and cheese, milk.Noodle soup with chicken, steamed fish cutlets with carrots, tea.A slice of boiled veal with mashed potatoes, tea.
SundaySoft-boiled egg, tea with crackers.Creamy potato soup, baked vegetables, slice of boiled beef, juice.Steamed chicken breast with potatoes, jelly.

Three meals are not enough for pancreatic diseases. Need snacks throughout the day. For example, at noon and a couple of hours after lunch you can eat a baked apple, soufflé, or drink jelly. Before going to bed, a glass of low-fat milk or compote is useful.

Nutrition after surgery

In advanced cases, pancreatic diseases may require resection or removal. After surgical intervention the first two days are hungry. Afterwards, a gentle diet is necessary. You will need to not only eliminate unhealthy foods, but also reduce calories. For chronic pancreatitis, women need to consume 2000 plus or minus 200 kilocalories. After surgery, it is better to limit your daily caloric intake to 1500 kilocalories to give your digestive organs a rest.

Dishes in the first seven days should be chopped and steamed. Afterwards you can include boiled fish, meat and vegetables.

Table. One of the options for the daily menu in the second week after surgery.

EatingApproximate timeMenu
First7:30 Homemade curd mass, whipped in a blender with banana, “Hercules”, weak tea.
Second10:30 Two baked apples.
Third13:00 Cream vegetable soup, steamed chicken fillet with buckwheat garnish, jelly and biscuits.
Fourth15:30 Compote with crackers.
Fifth18:30 Steamed cod with mashed potatoes, grated beets, rosehip infusion.
SixthBefore bedA glass of low-fat milk.

Portions should be small. You can increase the calorie content of the menu only two weeks after surgery.

Diet for pancreatitis in combination with high sugar

The diet for diseases of the pancreas changes slightly if the symptoms of the disease are complemented by increased sugar. To prevent the development of diabetes or the worsening of the condition if it is present, doctors recommend diet table No. 5P/9. It is aimed at correcting nutrition taking into account carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

What is special about this diet:

  • simple carbohydrates – sweets, fruits – are completely excluded;
  • increased amount of fiber (vegetables, bran);
  • most of the fats are of vegetable nature;
  • Sweeteners are allowed on the recommendation of a doctor.

Among vegetables, it is preferable to choose those that contain less than 10 g of carbohydrates per 100 g (cucumbers, zucchini, cauliflower, beets, carrots).

The diet, even during remission, should be followed for at least a year since the last attack. Afterwards you can expand your diet. But it is better to avoid very fatty meat and fish, caustic marinades and fizzy alcohol forever. read on our website.

Video - Medical nutrition for pancreatic disease