Basic principles of waste management and environmental safety requirements for production waste. Methods and technological schemes for waste management Changes in the provisions on the ownership of waste

December 23, 2014 State Duma Russian Federation adopted the draft law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste", Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognizing as Invalid Certain Legislative Acts (Provisions of Legislative Acts) of the Russian Federation" in two readings at once. On December 25, the draft law was approved by the Federation Council, and on December 29, the President of the Russian Federation signed Federal Law No. 458-FZ dated December 29, 2014 with the appropriate title (hereinafter Federal Law No. 458-FZ). This law makes significant changes to the legislation regulating the sphere of waste management. The entry into force of many provisions has been postponed until January 1, 2016, some provisions - until 2017 and even until 2019. This article provides an overview of the main changes in legislation that have already entered into force and are coming into force in the near future. Since the changes are too extensive, we will dwell in detail only on the most relevant in our opinion. Some of the new legislation will require the adoption of additional by-laws, but we will briefly touch on these provisions.

The bill was submitted by the Government of the Russian Federation to the State Duma on July 21, 2011, and on October 7 of the same year it was adopted in the first reading. It took more than three years for the law to be finally adopted. Initially, the goal of the bill was to create economic incentives to involve waste in economic circulation as secondary material resources, but in the process of working on the bill, the goals were expanded. Thus, the adopted Federal Law No. 458-FZ is designed to:

  • increase the effectiveness of regulation in the field of waste management;
  • to form new economic instruments for involving waste in economic circulation;
  • create conditions for attracting investments in the field of municipal waste management.

Let's try to figure out what the essence of the changes in the legislation provided for by Federal Law No. 458-FZ is.

First of all, changes have been made to the terminology used in the field of waste management. First of all, they touched on Art. 1 federal law dated 24.06.1998 No. 89-FZ "On production and consumption waste" (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 89-FZ).


Common to all formulation of the concept "production and consumption waste" has been changed (highlighted and underlined by the author):

[…] - the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, other products or products that formed in progress production or consumption, and goods (products) that have lost their consumer properties;

production and consumption waste […] — substances or items, which educated in progress production, performance of work, provision of services or in progress consumption, which are removed, are intended for removal or are subject to removal in accordance with this Federal Law;

If earlier waste (according to the wording of the previous version of Federal Law No. 89-FZ) could be generated exclusively in the process production or consumption, and when goods and products lose their consumer properties, then now waste can also be formed when performance of work And provision of services. Of course, this clarification is quite logical, and one can only wonder why it was made only now. True, the mention of goods that have lost their consumer properties has been excluded from the new wording, but legislators have identified such waste (along with some other waste) in separate categories, which will be discussed later.

Looking closely at the new formulation, one can see that earlier the concept "wait" defined only in terms of the process education(appearance) of waste. Now, in addition to the actual description of the process of waste generation, the wording includes a mention of removal appropriately formed substances and objects. At the same time, the second part of the new definition (if we consider it in the context of domestic legislation) raises many questions:

1. What is meant in this case by removing substances or objects? In the Federal Law No. 89-FZ itself, the term "removal" is not disclosed. The linguistic interpretation of this rule of law can lead us into a dead end, since in Russian there are many meanings of this word and different dictionaries give various interpretations the noun "delete" and, accordingly, the verbs "delete" / "delete". In GOST R 53692-2009 “Resource saving. Waste management. Stages of the technological cycle of waste "(hereinafter - GOST R 53692-2009) (clause 3.1.26) there is such a definition:" waste disposal is the last stage of the technological cycle of waste, which decomposes, destroys and / or buries wastes of classes I-IV hazards while protecting the environment” . Note, however, that we are not talking here about substances or subjects, but about waste, while removal is considered as the last stage of the technological cycle of waste.

2. For what purpose was the definition supplemented by a reference to removal waste? Did it mean that certain substances and objects, formed in an appropriate way, may not be subject removal and not be intended for removing? If such substances and objects were formed in the course of the enterprise's activities, then they should not be considered waste in this case?

3. How do you determine if a substance or item is to be disposed of? Or was it meant that ALL properly formed substances and objects should be removed?

4. What is the purpose of the clause accordance with this Federal Law"? Perhaps this is just an extra mention (in addition to clause 2, article 2 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ) that the removal of certain substances and objects may be regulated by the relevant legislation? Or was it meant that the disposal of ordinary waste can occur in ways not specified in Federal Law No. 89-FZ, in which case the substances or objects will not be considered waste?

In general, much in the new formulation looks incomprehensible. But experts familiar with Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal(hereinafter - the Basel Convention), when looking at this wording, it immediately becomes obvious that it is a hybrid of the wording from the early version of Federal Law No. 89-FZ and the wording of the Basel Convention: be deleted or are to be deleted in accordance with the provisions of national law.” But, firstly, the scope of the Basel Convention is quite specific - wastes that are the object of transboundary movement, the transportation of waste itself and their disposal. Second, the Basel Convention makes reference to How the term should be understood "waste removal"(a specific list of operations with waste is given). And if the reference to national law in the Basel Convention is understandable (because in different countries legislation may vary), then tracing paper from it "... in accordance with this Federal Law" in the new wording of Federal Law No. 89-FZ looks somewhat strange.

It seems to us that the mechanical transfer of the provisions of the Basel Convention to Federal Law No. 89-FZ was not very successful. Let us assume that the resulting "hybrid" formulation and the absence of the concept "removal" in federal legislation will cause a lot of problems for enterprises in the future, especially given the new provisions of the legislation in the field of licensing (which will be discussed later). If removal is considered as the movement of substances or objects from the territory of the enterprise, this is one situation. If we consider moving and recycling within the same enterprise as removal, the situation is different. And if we consider waste operations in accordance with GOST R 53692-2009 (destruction, decomposition or burial) as disposal, then the third situation.


1. Instead of a concept "waste management" the term is now "recycling" , and the definition of this concept is given precisely through the noun "usage"(highlighted and underlined by the author):

Previous version of Federal Law No. 89-FZ (Article 1)

New version of Federal Law No. 89-FZ (Article 1)

waste management - the use of waste for the production of goods (products), the performance of work, the provision of services or to obtain energy;

recycling usage waste for the production of goods (products), performance of work, provision of services, including recycling, including reuse of waste for its intended purpose ( recycling), their return to the production cycle after appropriate preparation ( regeneration), as well as extracting useful components for their reuse ( recovery);

In one of the articles published in previous issues of the journal, we have already addressed the topic of the relationship of concepts "waste management" And "recycling" , bearing in mind the draft law preceding the appearance of Federal Law No. 458-FZ. Given the amendments to changes in legislation, this material remains relevant in many respects.

Recall that in the mentioned article we wrote that in the current practice, waste disposal could mean anything, including waste disposal; and even serious waste management companies, when concluding contracts, often indicated waste disposal in their subject matter, although in fact it was about neutralization. Now the law defines the term "recycling" . Therefore, we advise environmentalists of enterprises to be especially careful when concluding contracts and insist on the use of terms in accordance with the law.

It is important to note that now waste disposal is also understood as recycling, And regeneration, And recovery. We will return to this when discussing the issue of licensing.

2. An additional type has been added to the types of waste management - waste treatment .

According to the new provision of Federal Law No. 89-FZ (emphasized by the author) waste treatment — preliminary waste preparation for further disposal including their sorting, disassembly, cleaning.

Note that waste treatment (if it is carried out) is a stage preceding waste disposal in its new meaning. But can it be considered waste treatment, for example, sorting a batch of waste intended for disposal, from which 10-15% of waste suitable for further disposal (glass, metals, paper, cardboard, rubber, polyethylene) is selected? Indeed, in this case, sorting is essentially the preparation of waste for further disposal. Most likely, the supervisory authorities will interpret sorting as waste treatment, especially since the extraction of useful components for their reuse is classified as waste disposal. On the other hand, now the regulatory authorities will not be tempted to call sorting neutralization (which, of course, it is not). We also wrote about such curiosities in due time.

3. concept « waste disposal» a new definition is given (highlighted and underlined by the author):

Previous version of Federal Law No. 89-FZ (Article 1)

New version of Federal Law No. 89-FZ (Article 1)

waste disposal – waste treatment, including incineration and disinfection of waste at specialized facilities, in order to prevention harmful

waste disposal — reducing the mass of waste, changing their composition, physical and chemical properties(including incineration and (or) disinfection at specialized facilities) in order to decrease negative the impact of waste on human health and the environment;

As in the previous edition of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, neutralization waste is characterized by its purpose . This is the main criterion in determining what should be considered waste disposal (we also pointed out this). Previously, the wording referred to preventionharmful impact, now declinenegative impact.

Adjective substitution "harmful" on "negative", probably related to the provisions of Art. 4.1 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, according to which "waste depending on the degree negative impact into the environment are subdivided[…]for five hazard classes". That is, based on the criteria for reducing the negative impact (hazard classes) specified in Art. 4.1, it can be determined whether the reduction in the mass of waste carried out or the change in the composition of the waste is neutralization.

Noun substitution "prevention" on "decline", apparently due to the fact that not always after the appropriate procedure (process) the resulting waste can be classified as practically non-hazardous waste (i.e., to class V). After all, if before the implementation of the process the waste belonged to hazard class I, and the output turned out to be another waste of hazard class III or IV, then the negative impact of the waste decreased (although it was not completely prevented). Of course, such a process is also neutralization. Therefore, we believe that the new formulation of the concept "waste disposal" more logical.

4. Definition of the term "waste storage" also subjected to correction (highlighted and underlined by the author):

As before, the term "accumulation of waste" , concept "waste storage" now revealed through a noun "warehousing". Waste storage installed new termover 11 months. Waste accumulation until January 1, 2016, temporary storage of waste for a period not exceeding 6 months will be considered, and from January 1, 2016- for a period of no more than 11 months. What type of waste management should include the storage of waste for a period of 6 to 11 months in 2015? This question is on this moment remains open.

5. According to the new version of Federal Law No. 89-FZ (highlighted and underlined by the author) waste management - activities for the collection, accumulation, transportation, processing, recycling, neutralization, disposal of waste.

6. In the previous edition of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, the concept of "waste disposal facility" . Now some clarification has appeared in the law (highlighted by the author):

Definitions are given separately. new concepts:

  • waste disposal facilities - provided for use in due course subsoil plots, underground facilities for burial waste I-V hazard classes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on subsoil;
  • waste storage facilities - specially equipped facilities that are equipped in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and are intended for long-term storage of waste for the purpose of their subsequent disposal, neutralization, and burial.

7. Federal Law No. 89-FZ introduced the concept "waste disposal facilities" - "specially equipped facilities that are equipped in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and are designed to neutralize waste".


According to the amendments to Art. 9 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ with July 1, 2015 will have the name "Licensing activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, disposal of waste of I-IV hazard classes." From July 1, 2015 the content of this article will also be changed (highlighted by the author): "1. Licensing of activities forcollection, transportation, processing, recycling , disposal, disposal of waste of I-IV hazard classes is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ "On Licensing certain types activities" subject to the provisions of this Federal Law[…]» .

Federal Law No. 458-FZ also made appropriate changes to paragraph 30 of part 1 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities”, referring to licensed types of activities collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, disposal of waste of I-IV hazard classes. These changes will come into effect on July 1, 2015.

Thus, from July 1, 2015, all types of waste management activities, except for accumulation, must be licensed (accordingly, waste generation is also not subject to licensing).

What about the previously issued licenses for neutralization and disposal of waste (including perpetual)? In Federal Law No. 458-FZ, a stunningly simple answer is given to this question: "Licenses for activities for the neutralization and disposal of waste of hazard classes I-IV, issued before the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, are valid until June 30, 2015."

Well, as they said in the old days: "Here you are, grandmother, and St. George's Day!" Today’s grandmothers, to paraphrase a modern song, can only nervously smoke a pipe ... Judge for yourself: not only did perpetual licenses suddenly turn out to be urgent (and enterprises that received licenses recently will be forced to restart the licensing process in a few months), but you also need to obtain a license for all waste management operations (except for the generation and accumulation of waste - and thanks for that!).

For example, if the enterprise produces any substances and materials (including defective products) during the production of the main products that can be used (we deliberately do not say "recycled") at the same enterprise (for example, re-introduced into the production process in the same workshop or sent to a neighboring workshop for the production of another type of product), then the position of the supervisory authorities predicted by us will be that they will require the enterprise to have a license (and if Failure to do so will result in penalties for the company. The same problem may arise when agreeing on the draft standards for the generation of waste and limits on their disposal (hereinafter referred to as NWLR): Rosprirodnadzor authorities will require that these substances and materials be included in the waste nomenclature, and a license should be attached to the NWLR project ...

Or another example: for example, in a large office building, where baskets are installed for the accumulation of office waste (if this is waste, it will turn out to be hazard class IV waste), in order to minimize the cost of removing and burying waste in one of the premises (before moving the contents of the baskets into a common bin that is taken to a solid waste landfill), glass, cardboard, metals, etc. are selected. You don't have to be Cassandra to assume that in the event of an audit, Rosprirodnadzor would classify the process of selecting useful components as waste sorting (i.e., as waste treatment), which would require an appropriate license.

Thus, in the near future, many enterprises will face a dilemma - either to obtain licenses to carry out activities for the disposal and / or processing of waste, or to prove (during inspections and in court proceedings) that certain substances and materials are not waste. As for the above examples, in the first case it will be necessary to prove that the substances and materials are a by-product (and / or raw material), and in the second case, that the substances and materials, called office waste, become waste after glass, cardboard are taken from them. , metals. Here, not only the ambiguity of the term can come to the rescue. "removal" in relation to substances and materials, but also the already existing arbitration practice, in which the courts noted that individual entrepreneurs and legal entities have the right to independently determine which substances and materials resulting from their production activities, fall under the definition of "production and consumption waste" .


In addition to Art. 1 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, when making decisions and rulings, the judges referred to the relevant position of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, set out in letter No. 12-47/94 dated 10.01.2013.

In our opinion, the licensing of new (and “new old”) types of waste management activities – in relation to enterprises specializing in such activities – can theoretically contribute to streamlining and effective control in this area. But we are afraid that the desire to force a significant part of organizations that de facto are not involved in the processing or disposal of waste to go through the licensing procedure will create unnecessary administrative barriers, which, in a difficult economic situation, will clearly not contribute to the growth of the economy in our country.


Article 4 "Waste as an object of ownership" of the Federal Law No. 89-FZ in the new edition has become extremely concise: "The right of ownership of waste is determined in accordance with civil law".

And that's it! There is no more mention that the ownership of waste belongs to the owner of raw materials, semi-finished products, other products or products, as well as goods (products), as a result of the use of which this waste was generated. And most importantly, there is no longer a provision that the owner of hazard class I-IV waste has the right to alienate this waste into the ownership of another person, transfer to him, while remaining the owner, the right to own, use or dispose of this waste, if such person has a license to carry out activities on the use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of waste of no lesser hazard class. Recall that these conditions were provided for in the previous edition of this article.

It turns out that the ownership of waste (including donation) can be transferred to any person, regardless of whether the latter has a license. Another thing is that when developing NWOLR projects, compiling technical reports or reporting by small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter referred to as SMEs), it will still be necessary to indicate the names of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who will carry out further waste management operations (indicating the types of treatment with waste and details of licenses).

Now waste- How one of the types of movable things- are the object of property rights. The grounds for the emergence and the procedure for exercising the right of ownership are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which we recommend that all ecologists study (at least the provisions of the articles on the right of ownership of movable property). It would also be useful to study the chapters and articles on the types of contracts relating to movable property.

Here are excerpts from Civil Code that may be useful to environmentalists:

from the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Article 136. Fruits, products and income

3. A similar situation from January 1, 2016 will also arise in the field of submission of notification reports by SMEs. The procedure for submitting and monitoring reports on the generation, disposal, neutralization, and disposal of waste (with the exception of statistical reporting) of SMEs, in the course of their economic and (or) other activities, waste is generated at facilities subject to federal state environmental supervision, will be established by the authorized federal executive body; and on objects subject to regional state environmental supervision, - authorized executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation.

4. The wording on the possibility of suspending the activities of enterprises in cases of violation of the NOLR will be changed. If in the previous edition it was about the suspension of activities in the field of waste management (this provision has remained since the time when waste management included the generation of waste), then from January 1, 2016, the specified norm of Federal Law No. 89-FZ will be look like this (highlighted and underlined by the author): « In case of violation of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal economic and (or) other activities of individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, during which waste is generated, may be limited, suspended or terminated in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation”.


Changes will be made to Art. 14 "Requirements for waste management of hazard classes I-V" of Federal Law No. 89-FZ:

1. From January 1, 2016 enterprises, in the course of which activities are formed waste of I-V hazard classes and, will be required to carry out assignment of waste to a specific hazard class for confirmation such assignment in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body (the same body will carry out the confirmation of the classification of wastes of I-V hazard classes to a specific hazard class). This, as they say, is “bad news” (recall that at present the procedure for classifying wastes as hazard classes I-IV is still in effect, and for class V wastes, the need to classify waste as hazard classes, as a rule, arises only during the development of the NOLR project) .

2. The "good news" is that from January 1, 2016, confirmation of the assignment to a specific hazard class of waste included in the federal classification catalog of waste, will not be required . We note with sadness that the legislators did not take pity on ordinary ecologists and did not provide for a faster entry into force of this norm.


Federal Law No. 458-FZ also amended Art. 23 “Payment for the negative impact on the environment during waste disposal” of Federal Law No. 89-FZ. January 1, 2016 the following important provisions come into force:

1. Paying a fee for the negative impact on the environment (hereinafter referred to as NIOS) when placing waste (except for MSW) carried out by individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, in the process of carrying out economic and (or) other activities, waste is generated.

2. Payers of the fee for NVOS when placing MSW are operators for the treatment of MSW, regional operators engaged in activities for their placement.

Thus, longstanding disputes (including disputes in high courts) about whether enterprises should pay a fee for NVOS when placing waste, and who exactly should pay this fee, will now sink into oblivion. The ambiguity of the legislation will be eliminated: waste ownership, whether transmitted or not transmitted, will have nothing to do with the VAT payment.

Speaking about the payment for NWOS when placing MSW, we note one more new norm of the Federal Law No. 89-FZ (enters into force on January 1, 2016): “The cost of paying for the negative impact on the environment when placing municipal solid waste is taken into account when setting tariffs for the operator for handling solidcommunalwaste, a regional operator in the manner prescribed by the basics of pricing in the field of solid waste managementcommunalwaste". This rule applies not only to environmentalists, but to all citizens. Since these costs are likely to be included in utility bills, the total amount of utility bills will have to increase. Ideally, this should become an incentive to reduce the generation of waste on the part of users of residential premises - both directly (each resident should strive to reduce waste generation, and hand over secondary resources to recycling centers), and by influencing management companies (voluntary or forced their organization of separate waste collection).

Federal Law No. 458-FZ amended the provisions of Federal Law No. 219-FZ of July 21, 2014 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” on the application of reducing coefficients to the rates of payment for VAT(changes will take effect January 1, 2016). Thus, in order to encourage legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in economic and (or) other activities, to take measures to reduce the NEI, when calculating the fee for the NEI when disposing of waste, the following coefficients will be applied to the rates of such a fee:

  • coefficient 0 - when placing waste of the V hazard class of the extractive industry by laying artificially created cavities in rocks during the reclamation of land and soil cover;
  • coefficient 0.5 - when placing waste of IV, V hazard classes, formed during the disposal of previously placed waste from the processing and mining industries;
  • coefficient 0.67 - when placing waste of hazard class III, generated in the process of neutralization of waste of hazard class II;
  • coefficient 0.49 - when placing waste of hazard class IV, generated in the process of neutralization of waste of hazard class III;
  • coefficient 0.33 - when placing waste of hazard class IV, generated in the process of neutralization of waste of hazard class II.

January 1, 2016 the provision of Federal Law No. 89-FZ comes into force that in the production of packaging, finished goods (products), after the loss of consumer properties which form waste, which are presented biodegradable materials(the list will be established by the Government of the Russian Federation), may apply various economic incentives.


The need to amend Art. 15 “Requirements for the professional training of persons admitted to the treatment of waste of I-IV hazard class” of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, many provisions of which (especially after the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. Federation") have become a kind of atavism (suffice it to say that the concept of "professional training" does not exist in the latest Federal Law), is long overdue. Nevertheless, legislators, keen on the development of new large-scale concepts, the first two paragraphs of Art. 15 was not touched at all, but supplemented by paragraph 3 of the following content: “3. The procedure for the professional training of persons admitted to the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal, disposal of waste of I-IV hazard classes, and the requirements for its implementation are established by the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education , in agreement with the federal executive body responsible for state regulation in the field of environmental protection". This provision comes into effect on July 1, 2015 and we are very interested to see how it will be implemented.


Earlier we talked about the "carrots" provided for in the new legislation. Now let's say a few words about the new prohibitions ("whips") in Federal Law No. 89-FZ:

  • from January 1, 2016 in Art. 11 a ban will be introduced on the commissioning of buildings, structures and other facilities that are not equipped with technical means and technologies for the neutralization and safe disposal of waste;
  • from January 1, 2016 in Art. 12 is introduced ban on the use of MSW for land and quarry reclamation;
  • from January 1, 2017 in accordance with the new edition of Art. 12 disposal of waste, which includes useful components to be disposed of, will be prohibited. The list of types of waste, which include useful components prohibited for disposal, will be established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Whether this would invalidate previously issued NOLR approvals if those limits allowed for disposal of useful components remains to be seen.


In the article, we tried to dwell on the most important, in our opinion, innovations in the legislation in the field of waste management. Some of them were affected to a greater extent, some were only outlined. The framework of a journal article, especially one written literally “in hot pursuit” of the adopted Federal Law No. 458-FZ, does not allow us to talk in too much detail about large-scale changes in the field of waste management. It seems to us that today there are more questions to this regulatory legal act than answers in it. We are sure that on the pages of the Ecologist's Handbook, the authors of the articles will turn to the analysis of Federal Law No. 458-FZ more than once. Much will be clarified in the process of practical implementation of the provisions of this document, incl. as the relevant by-laws are adopted.

In this regard, I would like to draw your attention to the portal, where drafts of all normative acts are published and where everyone can take part in the official public discussion. Immediately after the adoption of Federal Law No. 458, drafts of several by-laws appeared on this portal. We believe that the active participation of the environmental community in the official discussion can help develop optimal versions of regulations.

For example, according to the Great explanatory dictionary Russian language, ed. S.A. Kuznetsova (St. Petersburg: Norint, 2009) “delete” - 1) move to a longer distance, move away; 2) remove, take out, withdraw, etc. smth. superfluous, unnecessary, interfering; 3) eliminate some. method (remove, cut, pull out, etc.); 4) to make the impact, the influence of smth., less tangible; get rid of any. influences, impacts, etc.

We are talking about emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, discharges of harmful substances into water bodies, substances that destroy ozone layer, radioactive waste, biological waste, medical waste.

We are referring to the new Guidelines for the development of draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated August 05, 2014 No. 349. For more details, see: Prokhorov I.O. New guidelines on the development of PNOOLR: comments and reflections // Ecologist's Handbook. 2014. No. 12. S. 9-25.

It seems to us that if this news had been heard for the first time at a meeting of ecologists, then after it a pause should have hung, after which loud and prolonged applause would follow ... After all, what Rosprirodnadzor “arranged” after August 1, 2014 waste hazards - with the release of numerous explanatory letters and especially with the introduction of the so-called "Waste Certification Portal" - environmentalists will be remembered for a long time.

The standards for the accumulation of toxic industrial waste on the territories of enterprises are established taking into account the following indicators:

The size of the storage area;

Toxicity and reactivity of compounds present in the waste;

Volume of generated waste;

Climatic conditions (temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction).

Requirements for the temporary storage of toxic waste on the territories of enterprises are defined in the following regulatory documents.

1) SanPiN - 03 "Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste." According to this document, temporary storage (storage) of hazardous waste in the territories of enterprises should be carried out in stationary warehouses or at special sites.

Waste of various hazard classes should be stored and transported as follows:

- 1 hazard class- in special sealed containers (containers, barrels, tanks). Metal containers must be checked for tightness, the wall thickness of the container must be at least 10 mm, and the corrosion rate of the material must not exceed 0.1 mm/year. Waste of the 1st hazard class must be removed from the territory of the enterprise within 24 hours;

- 2 hazard classes– in a reliable closed container (sealed plastic bags, plastic bags);

- 3 hazard classes- in paper, textile, cotton bags. Solid bulk waste (stored in containers, plastic bags and paper bags) must be removed from the territory of the enterprise within two days;

- 4 hazard classes- can be stored in bulk, in the form of ridges, it is allowed to transport in bulk.

2) SN No. 3183 - 84 "Procedure for the accumulation, transportation, neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste." - M .: Ministry of Health of the USSR, 1985.

3) SN No. 3204 - 85 "The maximum amount of accumulation of toxic industrial waste on the territory of an enterprise (organization)". - M.: Ministry of Health, Minvodhoz, MinGEO of the USSR, 1985. This document limits the amount of toxic industrial waste temporarily allowed on the territory of the enterprise in order to avoid excessive environmental pollution. At the same time, it is emphasized that the storage of industrial waste on the territory of the enterprise can only be considered as a temporary measure. In practice, two indicators are normalized:

Maximum content of toxic substances in waste;

The maximum amount of toxic industrial waste on the territory of the enterprise is the amount of industrial waste that can be placed in specially designated places on the territory of the enterprise, provided that the possible release of harmful substances into the air does not exceed 0.3 MAC. Otherwise, the waste accumulated on the territory of the enterprise is subject to immediate removal.

4) SP No. 4015 - 85 "The maximum content of toxic compounds in industrial waste and storage facilities located outside the territory of the enterprise (organization)". Accumulators are tailing and sludge storages, settling ponds, storage ponds Wastewater. Placement of industrial waste of the 1st hazard class in storage tanks is prohibited. The size of the sanitary protection zone around the storage tanks depends on the hazard class of the disposed waste: for class 2 - 1000 m, for class 3 - 500 m, for class 4 - 300 m.

There are several groups of industrial waste processing methods. .

Mechanical Methods used in the preparation of waste for recycling. These include grinding and aggregation . Grinding methods include crushing and grinding.

a) crushing. The intensity and efficiency of waste processing processes increases with a decrease in the size of pieces (grains) of processed materials.

b) Grinding is used when it is necessary to obtain finely dispersed fractions with a particle size of less than 5 mm from lumpy waste. The degree of grinding during grinding reaches 100 or more. Mills are used for grinding. For separation into fractions by size, screening of pieces is used ( grains) material when it moves on cellular surfaces (grate grates, sieves with cells or holes of various shapes and sizes are used). Screens are vibrating or rotating.

Waste aggregation is the process of enlargement of fine particles. It is used to reduce the amount of waste and increase the rationality of their further use and transportation.

Aggregation methods include the following.

a) Granulation - the formation of aggregates, usually spherical or cylindrical, from powders, pastes, melts of processed materials. Vibrating and rotary granulators of various designs are used.

b) Tableting is the granulation of powder materials using various types of tablet machines, the principle of which is based on the pressing of powders. Tableting is used in the production of various adsorbents, catalysts, vitamin, medicinal and other preparations from waste. The shape of the tablets is varied (cylinders, balls, discs, rings) with a diameter cross section 6 - 12 mm.

c) Briquetting is used to compact the waste to improve the conditions of transportation, storage and processing.

TO physical methods include the following.

a) Magnetic separation is used to separate magnetic components from non-magnetic ones. Oxides, hydroxides, metal salts have weak magnetic properties. Various rock-forming minerals (quartz, feldspar) are non-magnetic. Waste is passed through a magnetic separator with a moving belt.

b) Electroseparation is based on the difference in the electrophysical properties of materials (electrical conductivity). It is used to separate waste containing non-ferrous metal impurities from polymeric materials. Upon contact with the surface of a charged metal electrode, electrically conductive particles acquire a charge and are repelled from it.

c) The following methods are also used to separate lumpy and bulk materials:

Screening or screening (on sieves, gratings and screens);

Separation under the action of gravitational (inertial) forces. In this case, the carrier medium is air. Gas precipitators and separators are used.

Hydrodynamic methods. The carrier medium in the separation of waste components is a liquid. The following methods are used:

Gravity - settling under the action of gravity in settling tanks;

Separation by centrifugal force in centrifuges and hydrocyclones;

Filtration under the action of a pressure difference through a filtering partition;

Electrofiltration under the action of an electric field.

Heat exchange processes. Devices such as heaters, coolers, boilers, evaporators, condensers, etc. are used. Heat exchange processes underlie the operation of installations:



Extraction, etc.

Diffusion processes are the basis for the processes of separation of two-phase systems in order to utilize the individual components of the waste. These include sorption methods for treating wastewater and exhaust gases.

Chemical processes. These include the following.

a) Leaching (extraction). The method is used in the processing of galvanic sludge, mining waste dumps, some metallurgical and fuel slags, wood and other wastes. The method is based on the extraction of components from a complex material by selective dissolution in a liquid - an extractant.

b) Crystallization - the separation of a solid phase in the form of crystals from saturated solutions, melts or vapors. The method is used in the processing of liquid and solid waste, the solid is first transferred into a solution.

c) Coagulation and flocculation are widely used in wastewater treatment.

d) Chlorination and ozonation are used to disinfect wastewater.

e) Waste incineration also applies to chemical methods because it is a redox process.

Biochemical processes are applied to sewage treatment, to clearing of the soil of oil products.

Thermal methods(flameless). The purpose of heat treatment is to neutralize waste, reduce its volume, as well as obtain valuable commercial products.

With the ratification by the Russian Federation of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal in 1994 Federal Law No. 49-FZ of November 25, 1994 "On Ratification of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal" "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation" , 11/28/1994, N 31, art. 3200 The Russian Federation has assumed the obligation to form in the national legislation a set of rules relating, among others, to medical waste. Since that time, the development of the necessary regulations began.

With the adoption of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation" Russian newspaper"N 263, 23.11.2011 for the first time the definition of the term" medical waste". According to Art. 49 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, all types of waste are medical waste, including anatomical, pathological-anatomical, biochemical, microbiological and physiological, generated in the course of medical activities and pharmaceutical activities, production activities medicines and medical products.

To determine the place of medical waste in the system of objects legal regulation, let us turn to the questions of the relationship between the concept of "medical waste" and related concepts.

The relationship between the concepts of "medical waste" and "production and consumption waste" is of greatest interest to us.

The content of the concept of production and consumption waste is quite wide, of course, the waste generated in the process of medical, pharmaceutical activities and activities for the production of medicines and medical devices should be recognized as production and consumption waste. We draw this conclusion, since medical waste, as well as production and consumption waste, has the following features that we previously identified:

  • - such objects are formed as a result of production or consumption, as well as due to the loss of their consumer properties by certain objects;
  • - unsuitability for further use (extraction useful properties) without processing;
  • - public significance, due to the impact on the environment and the danger to the latter, as well as to society;

But along with common features, it should be noted that production and consumption waste should be distinguished as a generic concept, and medical waste as a specific one, since medical waste includes only those production and consumption wastes that are generated in the process of medical, pharmaceutical, medical, production of medicines and medical devices. Thus, the main element for isolating medical waste as a special type of production and consumption waste is a specific entity, in the course of which waste is generated.

It is much more difficult to determine the place of medical waste in the system of hazard classes of production and consumption waste. As follows from Art. 49 of the Federal Law "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation", medical waste is divided according to the degree of their epidemiological, toxicological, radiation hazard, as well as the negative impact on the environment into the following classes:

  • Class "A" - epidemiologically safe waste, close in composition to municipal solid waste;
  • Class "B" - epidemiologically hazardous waste;
  • Class "B" - extremely epidemiologically hazardous waste;
  • · class "G" - toxicological hazardous waste, similar in composition to industrial waste;
  • Class "D" - radioactive waste.

That is, for medical waste, its own classification of hazard classes has been established, which does not coincide with the classification of the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”. At the same time, the grounds for classifying medical waste include not only their impact on the environment, but also other aspects. The criteria for assigning medical waste to a particular class are enshrined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 04, 2012 No. 681 “On approval of criteria for dividing medical waste into classes according to the degree of their epidemiological, toxicological, radiation hazard, as well as the negative impact on the environment » "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 09.07.2012, N 28, art. 3911:

  • The criterion for the danger of class A medical waste is the absence of pathogens in their composition infectious diseases;
  • The criterion for the danger of class B medical waste is infection (possibility of infection) of waste with microorganisms of 3-4 pathogenicity groups (pathogenic biological agents) In accordance with "SP 1.2.036-95. 1.2. Epidemiology. Procedure for accounting, storage, transfer and transportation of microorganisms I - IV groups of pathogenicity. Sanitary rules "M., Information and Publishing Center of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation, 1996, The concept of "pathogenic biological agents" includes: bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, fungi, protozoa, mycoplasmas, toxins and poisons of biological origin or material suspicious for their content, as well as new microorganisms, including fragments of the genome of the named PBAs and representing a danger to humans. Classification of pathogenic organisms for humans by pathogenicity groups from 1 to 4 is given in Appendix 5.4. SP 1.2.036-95. , as well as contact with biological fluids;
  • · The criterion for class B medical waste hazard is infection (possibility of infection) of waste with microorganisms of 1-2 pathogenicity groups;
  • The hazard criterion for class G medical waste is the presence of toxic substances in its composition;
  • · The hazard criterion for class D medical waste is the content of radionuclides in its composition exceeding the levels established in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Use of Atomic Energy".

Medical waste in most countries is classified as hazardous waste N.K. Efimova Waste of medical institutions as a factor of medical and environmental risk Issues of expertise and quality of medical care", N 4, April 2011, however, as follows from the above classification adopted in the territory of the Russian Federation, medical waste can be non-hazardous.

Between 75% and 90% of the waste generated in the healthcare system is not classified as risk waste or is “normal” healthcare waste comparable to household waste. The remaining 15-20% of healthcare waste is considered hazardous waste, and it can cause various risks to human health Orlov A.Yu. Substantiation of the sanitary and chemical hazard of medical waste: Ph.D. thesis: 14.02.01. Moscow, 2010 .

We believe it should be recognized that due to the current existence of parallel classifications of production and consumption waste and medical waste by hazard classes, law enforcement officers may have a logical question as to whether, in addition to the special classification of medical waste by hazard classes, they should also apply to them the general production and consumption waste classification. We plan to answer this question later in this work.

The issue of the relationship between the concepts of "biological waste" and "medical waste" is subject to research and clarity, since in the literature and in regulations these concepts are used in different combinations. Federal Law "On production and consumption waste" in Part 2 of Art. 2 separates the concepts of biological waste and medical waste (denoted as waste from medical institutions), using them as two independent concepts. However, a number of authors adhere to the position that medical waste is a type of biological waste.

The definition of biological waste in the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the Collection, Disposal and Destruction of Biological Waste (approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation 04.12.1995 N 13-7-2 / 469) "Russian News", N 35, 02.22.1996 is given in the form of listing specific types of such waste: biological waste is:

  • corpses of animals and birds, incl. laboratory;
  • aborted and stillborn fetuses;
  • · veterinary confiscated products (meat, fish, other products of animal origin) identified after veterinary and sanitary examination at slaughterhouses, slaughterhouses, meat and fish processing organizations, markets, trade organizations and other objects;
  • Other wastes obtained during the processing of food and non-food raw materials of animal origin.

Among the listed biological waste Special attention should be addressed to aborted and stillborn fetuses. Due to the lack of clarification of the nature of their origin, such waste can also be classified as medical, since in fact, as a result of medical activities, aborted and stillborn human fetuses can be formed. We believe that the wording used in the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the Collection, Disposal and Destruction of Biological Waste needs to be clarified: instead of “aborted and stillborn fetuses”, “aborted and / or stillborn fetuses of animals and birds” should be indicated.

It should be noted that biological waste can be erroneously equated with organic waste of natural origin (hereinafter referred to as "organic waste"). At the same time, as we noted above in this work, organic waste can be of both animal and vegetable origin. In addition, the formation of biological waste, unlike organic waste, is directly related to the implementation of certain types of activities (veterinary services, processing of animal raw materials, etc.). Medical waste, due to the diversity of its composition, may contain organic waste, but cannot be classified as organic waste in its entirety. We believe that the relationship between the concepts of "biological waste", "medical waste" and "organic waste of natural origin" can be depicted as follows:

To determine the limits of regulation of relations related to the circulation of medical waste, the ratio of the terms "waste of medical institutions" and "medical waste" is extremely important, because the Federal Law "On production and consumption waste" operates with the term "waste of medical institutions", and Federal Law "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens" - the term "medical waste".

In 1999, the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 01.22.1999 N 2 approved “SanPiN Soil, cleaning of populated areas, household and industrial waste. Sanitary protection of the soil. Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions. Sanitary rules and norms "M., Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 1999 Repealed, in which the concept of "waste of medical institutions" was introduced - all types of waste generated in hospitals (citywide, clinical, specialized, departmental, as part of research, educational institutes), polyclinics (including adults, children's, dental), dispensaries; ambulance stations; blood transfusion stations; long-term care facilities; research institutes and educational institutions medical profile; veterinary clinics; pharmacies; pharmaceutical industries; health-improving institutions (sanatoriums, dispensaries, rest houses, boarding houses); sanitary and preventive institutions; institutions of forensic medical examination; medical laboratories (including anatomical, pathoanatomical, biochemical, microbiological, physiological); private healthcare providers. At the same time, it should be noted that the legislation of the Russian Federation did not contain and does not contain a uniform and unambiguous interpretation of the term "medical institution" (hereinafter referred to as HCI):

  • · Under the institution by virtue of Art. 120 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is understood as a non-profit organization created by the owner to carry out managerial, socio-cultural or other functions of a non-profit nature. The relevant Civil Code of the Russian Federation is the definition of a healthcare facility, which is contained in the Order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated 10/13/2008 No. 241-st "On approval of the national standard" SPS "Consultant Plus", - a healthcare institution classified by regulatory documents government agency management of health care of the Russian Federation to the category of therapeutic and prophylactic ... ".
  • · According to SanPiN 2. 1.3.2630-10 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities", approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2010 N 58 "Bulletin of regulatory acts federal bodies executive power", N 36, 09/06/2010, HCI - all types of organizations, regardless of the organizational and legal form and form of ownership, the main activity of which is outpatient and / or inpatient medical care. Based on the content of the term "waste of HCI" , taken by us from SanPiN, the given interpretation seems to be the most appropriate for the context.

At present, the regulatory acts also use the term “treatment and preventive organizations” (HPO), which, we believe, is replacing HCI, however, it should be noted that, along with HPO, the legislation of the Russian Federation singles out the concept of “organizations engaged in medical activities” ( medical organizations) - legal entities, regardless of the organizational and legal form, carrying out medical activities as the main (statutory) type of activity on the basis of a license issued in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (clause 11, article 2 of the Federal Law "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation "). Pursuant to Art. 14 of the Federal Law "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation", the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation developed a draft order "On approval of the nomenclature of medical organizations", according to which organizations engaged in medical activities are proposed to be divided into types and, in particular, along with medical and preventive medical organizations, it is also proposed to allocate medical organizations of a special type and medical organizations for supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being.

Taking into account the concept of HCI waste, set out in SanPiN, it seems that at present, the term “waste of medical organizations” is a successor concept in relation to HCI waste.

The following fact indicates the related nature of the concepts of “medical waste” and “hospital waste”: in 2010, SanPiN 2.1.7 became invalid due to the entry into force of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for handling with medical waste. At the same time SanPiN 2.1.7. contained Chapter 3 "Medical Waste", which provided a classification of waste from healthcare facilities into five hazard classes according to the degree of their epidemiological, toxicological and radiation hazard, and this classification was used almost unchanged in SanPiN

Let's look again at the legal definition of medical waste. The Federal Law “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” refers to medical waste all types of waste generated in the process of implementation:

  • medical activities;
  • pharmaceutical activities. A capacious concept of a pharmaceutical organization is given in Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation" - a legal entity, regardless of the organizational and legal form, carrying out pharmaceutical activities (organization wholesale trade medicinal products, pharmacy organization). It should be added that a pharmaceutical organization should be recognized as an organization that has a license for pharmaceutical activities;
  • activities for the production of medicines and medical devices.

That is, with the introduction of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation", the concept of medical waste has become broader in its content. In support of the foregoing, one cannot but pay attention to the interpretation of the legislation of the Ministry of Natural Resources, contained, in particular, in the Letter of December 16, 2011 N 12-46 / 18775 "On the regulation of environmental activities with medical and biological waste" SPS Consultant Plus: "currently (...) the issues of waste management of medical institutions, and medical waste in general, are regulated by Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN ... ". That is, in accordance with the position of the Ministry of Natural Resources, waste from healthcare facilities is included in the group of medical waste, the term "waste from healthcare facilities" is narrower in content.

Some authors, for example, Orlov A.Yu., Orlov A.Yu. Substantiation of the sanitary and chemical hazard of medical waste: Ph.D. thesis: 14.02.01. Moscow, 2010 also use the term "health care waste", while, we believe, referring to the waste of medical organizations.

Evidence of the urgent need to bring the terms used in various regulations and doctrine to uniformity is the Draft Federal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation", which in most of the existing present time normative documents the term "medical institutions" will be replaced by "medical organizations", and the term "waste of healthcare facilities" used in the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste" will be replaced by the term "medical waste". With the adoption of the above changes, the dispute regarding the relationship between the concepts of "waste of healthcare facilities" and "medical waste" will lose its relevance, therefore, further in this work, we will use the term "medical waste" as equivalent to the term "waste of healthcare facilities".

production and consumption waste It is customary to call the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, other products or products that were formed in the process of production or consumption, as well as goods (products) that have lost their consumer properties.

hazardous waste called waste containing substances that have dangerous properties: toxicity, explosion hazard, fire hazard, high reactivity, contain pathogens of infectious diseases, and also pose a danger to the environment and human health on their own or when they come into contact with other substances.

Sanitary rules for establishing the hazard class of toxic production and consumption waste SP establish five hazard classes of waste:

waste of hazard class I (extremely hazardous), these include, for example, mercury lamps, spent fluorescent mercury-containing tubes;

waste of hazard class II (highly hazardous), such as waste containing dust and/or sawdust of lead;

hazard class III waste (moderately hazardous): cement dust;

waste of hazard class IV (low hazard): coke dust, waste of abrasive materials in the form of dust and powder;

hazard class V waste (practically non-hazardous): sand waste not contaminated with hazardous substances.

Waste management - activities in the process of which waste is generated, as well as the collection, use, disposal, transportation and disposal of waste.

Waste disposal– storage and disposal of waste.

Waste storage provides for the content of waste in waste disposal facilities for the purpose of their subsequent burial, neutralization or use.

Waste disposal facilities- specially equipped facilities: landfills, sludge storages, rock dumps, etc.

Waste disposal– isolation of waste not subject to further use in special storage facilities, which exclude the ingress of harmful substances into the environment.

Waste disposal– waste treatment, including incineration in specialized facilities to prevent harmful effects waste per person and the environment.

Each manufacturer is assigned waste generation standard, i.e. the amount of waste of a particular type in the production of a unit of production, and is calculated limit for waste disposal - the maximum allowable amount of waste during the year.

The main waste treatment methods are biodegradation, composting and incineration.

Composting- This is a biological method for the neutralization of municipal solid waste (MSW) containing a large amount of organic matter. The essence of the process is as follows. Diverse, mostly heat-loving, microorganisms actively grow and develop in the thickness of the garbage, as a result of which its co-heating up to 60 ° C occurs. At this temperature, pathogenic microorganisms die. decomposition of solid organic matter in household waste continues until a relatively stable material, similar to humus, is obtained. In this case, more complex compounds decompose and turn into simpler ones. The disadvantage of composting is the need to store and neutralize the non-compostable part of the garbage, the volume of which makes up a significant part of the total amount of garbage. This problem can be solved by incineration, pyrolysis or disposal of waste to landfills.

Biodegradation of organic waste is considered the most environmentally acceptable and economically viable method of processing them.

Currently, many dilute industrial wastes are treated biologically. Commonly used aerobic technology based on oxidation carried out by microorganisms in aerotanks, biofilters and bioponds. A significant disadvantage of aerobic technologies is the energy consumption for aeration and the problems of utilization of the resulting excess activated sludge - up to 1.5 kg of microbial biomass for each removed kilogram of organic matter.

A anaerobic The treatment by methane fermentation does not have these drawbacks: it does not require electricity for aeration, the volume of sediment decreases, and, in addition, valuable organic matter, methane, is formed. The mechanism of anaerobic microbiological conversion of organic substances is very complex and not fully understood. Nevertheless, industrial technologies for anaerobic treatment are widely used abroad. In our country, intensive anaerobic technologies are not yet used.

Thermal methods of waste processing. Municipal solid waste contains up to 30% by mass of carbon and up to 4% of hydrogen. The calorific value of the waste is determined precisely by these elements. Various technologies for fire disposal of waste have been developed. The main combustion products of carbon and hydrogen are CO 2 and H 2 O, respectively.

Incomplete combustion produces undesirable products: carbon monoxide, low molecular weight organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, soot, etc. When incinerated, it must be taken into account that the waste contains potentially hazardous elements characterized by high toxicity and volatility: various compounds of halogens, nitrogen, sulfur, heavy metals (copper, zinc, lead, etc.).

In industrial practice, there are currently two areas of thermal processing of MSW, based on forced mixing and movement of the material:

Layered combustion on grates at a temperature of 900 ... 1000 ° C;

Combustion in a fluidized bed at a temperature of 850 ... 950 ° C.

Fluidized bed incineration has a number of environmental and technological advantages, but it requires the preparation of waste for such a process, so it is much less common.

The most environmentally acceptable use of waste as secondary material resources. To implement this direction, at least two conditions are necessary: ​​firstly, the availability of sufficiently complete and easily accessible information on the sources and accumulation of waste being sold; secondly, favorable economic conditions.

Control questions

1. What processes affect soil fertility?

2. What is soil erosion? Causes and types of soil erosion.

3. Name the main soil pollutants.

4. What is production and consumption waste? What are the hazard classes of waste?

5. What does the concept of "waste management" include?

6. How is the standard for waste generation and the limit for waste disposal established?

7. Name the main methods of waste processing.

8. Give brief description composting method.

9. On what processes is the biodegradation of organic waste based?

10. Name the main directions of thermal processing of waste.

11. What other ways of recycling do you know?

Environmental monitoring

Under monitoring imply tracking system for some objects or phenomena.

Environmental monitoring is an information system created for the purpose of monitoring and predicting changes in environment in order to highlight the anthropogenic component against the background of other natural processes.

One of the important aspects of the functioning of monitoring systems is predictive capability state of the investigated environment and warnings about undesirable changes in its characteristics.

Types of environmental monitoring.By scale There are monitoring basic (background), global, regional, impact.

on methods of conducting and objects of observation: aviation, space, human environment environment.

Base monitoring performs monitoring of general biospheric, mainly natural, phenomena without imposing regional anthropogenic influences on them.

Global monitoring monitors global processes and phenomena in the Earth's biosphere and its ecosphere, including all their ecological components (the main material and energy components of ecological systems), and warns of emerging extreme situations.

Regional monitoring monitors processes and phenomena within a certain region, where these processes and phenomena may differ both in their natural character and in anthropogenic impacts from the basic background characteristic of the entire biosphere.

Impact monitoring is the monitoring of regional and local anthropogenic impacts in especially dangerous zones and places.

Monitoring of the human environment monitors the state of the natural environment surrounding a person and prevents emerging critical situations that are harmful or dangerous to the health of people and other living organisms.

The implementation of monitoring requires the use of fairly well-developed software, including complexes of mathematical models of the phenomena under study.

The development of a model of a particular phenomenon or natural system is associated with the choice of its conceptual structure and the availability of a closed package of computer programs. The most common type of models are sets differential equations, reflecting the biological, geochemical, and climatic processes in the system under study. In this case, the coefficients of the equations either have a specific meaning or are determined indirectly through the approximation of experimental data.

Modeling a real natural system based on experimental data and conducting numerous experiments on it make it possible to obtain quantitative estimates of the interactions of various components of communities both in natural systems and those formed as a result of intrusion into the natural environment. economic activity person.

The objectives of the environmental monitoring system are:

Monitoring of chemical, biological, physical parameters (characteristics);

Ensuring the organization of operational information.

The principles underlying the organization of the system:



Regular reporting.

On the basis of the environmental monitoring system, a nationwide system for monitoring and controlling the state of the environment has been created.

The assessment of the environment and health of the population includes the state of atmospheric air, drinking water, food, and ionizing radiation.

Ecological passport of the enterprise- this is a document that is available at each enterprise, it is compiled in accordance with GOST Protection of Nature. Ecological passport of the enterprise. General provisions.

This document contains factual data on the impact of this object on atmospheric air and water bodies and assessment of these impacts, soil pollution, waste management.

The environmental passport data is updated twice a year.

EIA procedure

In accordance with existing rules any pre-project and project documentation related to any economic undertakings, the development of new territories, the location of industries, the design, construction and reconstruction of economic and civil facilities, must contain the section "Environmental Protection" and in it - a mandatory subsection of the EIA - materials on environmental impact assessment planned activity. EIA is a preliminary determination of the nature and degree of danger of all potential types of impact and an assessment of the environmental, economic and social consequences of the project; a structured process of taking into account environmental requirements in the system of preparation and decision-making on economic development.

EIA provides for variability of decisions, taking into account territorial features and interests of the population. EIA is organized and provided by the customer of the project with the involvement of competent organizations and specialists. In many cases, EIA requires special engineering and environmental surveys. The EIA procedure includes a number of successive stages.

1. Identification of sources of influence using experimental data, expert assessments, creation of installations mathematical modeling, literature analysis, etc. As a result, sources, types and objects of impact are identified.

2. A quantitative assessment of the types of impact can be carried out by a balance or instrumental method. When using the balance method, the amount of emissions, discharges, waste is determined. The instrumental method is the measurement and analysis of results.

3. Forecasting changes in the natural environment. A probabilistic forecast of environmental pollution is given, taking into account climatic conditions, wind roses, background concentrations, etc.

4. Forecasting emergency situations. A forecast of possible emergencies, causes and probability of their occurrence is given. For each emergency, preventive measures are provided.

5. Determination of ways to prevent negative consequences. Opportunities to reduce the impact with the help of special technical means of protection, technologies, etc. are determined.

6. Choice of methods of control over the state of the environment and residual consequences. The system of monitoring, control should be provided in the designed technological scheme.

7. Ecological and economic assessment of options for design solutions. Impact assessment is carried out for all possible options with an analysis of damages, compensation costs for protection from harmful effects after the project implementation.

8. Registration of results. It is carried out in the form of a separate section of the project document, which is a mandatory annex and contains, in addition to the materials of the EIA list, a copy of the agreement with the Ministry of Health, authorities state supervision responsible for the use natural resources, the conclusion of the departmental examination, the conclusion of the public examination and the main disagreements.

Environmental assessment

Environmental assessmentestablishing the compliance of the planned economic and other activities with environmental requirements and determining the admissibility of the implementation of the object of environmental expertise in order to prevent possible adverse impacts of this activity on the environment and related social, economic and other consequences of the implementation of the object of environmental expertise ().

Environmental expertise involves a special study of economic and technical projects, objects and processes in order to make a reasonable conclusion about their compliance with environmental requirements, norms and regulations.

Environmental impact assessment thus performs the functions of a forward-looking preventive control design documentation and at the same time functions oversight for environmental compliance of project implementation results. According to Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Expertise" these types of control and supervision are carried out by environmental authorities.

Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Expertise"(Art. 3) formulates principles of ecological expertise, namely:

Presumptions of potential environmental hazard of any planned economic and other activities;

Mandatory conduct of the state environmental review before making decisions on the implementation of the object of environmental review;

The complexity of assessing the impact on the environment of economic and other activities and its consequences;

Obligation to take into account the requirements of environmental safety during the environmental impact assessment;

Reliability and completeness of information submitted for ecological expertise;

Independence of environmental review experts in the exercise of their powers in the field of environmental review;

Scientific validity, objectivity and legality of the conclusions of environmental expertise;

Glasnost, participation public organizations(associations), accounting public opinion;

Responsibility of the participants in the environmental review and interested parties for the organization, conduct, quality of the environmental review.

Control questions

1. Formulate the concepts of monitoring, environmental monitoring.

2. Name the types of environmental monitoring.

3. Formulate the tasks and principles of organization of the environmental monitoring system.

4. What is the environmental passport of the enterprise, its content?

5. What is the EIA procedure? For what purpose is it carried out?

6. List the sequence of stages of the EIA.

7. What does the ecological expertise include?

8. Formulate the principles of ecological expertise.

Types of damage from environmental pollution

The most objective criterion used in environmental assessment is the damage caused to the economy as a result of environmental pollution.

There are three types of damage: actual, possible and prevented.

Under actual damage is understood as the actual losses and damage caused to the economy as a result of environmental pollution.

Possible damage is the damage to the economy that could have occurred in the absence of environmental protection measures.

Under prevented damage is the difference between potential and actual damage.

The damage calculation method assumes taking into account the damage caused by the increased morbidity of the population; damage to agriculture, housing, communal and domestic services, industry and other types

The calculations are of an estimated nature due to the lack of reliable natural science and sociological information.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

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What is consumer and production waste? This term is disclosed in the law of the Russian Federation (June 24, 1998) - "On production and consumption waste". All residues of materials, raw materials, products, semi-finished products or products that are the result of the production/consumption process are production and consumption waste. That is, it is the garbage of all spheres of human life.

The rules for handling production and consumption waste are established by the law of the Russian Federation "On waste products of production / consumption". The concept of handling waste products and the scheme for their management are described in the Basel Convention.

General provisions of the program

The scheme and rules for handling production and consumption waste are developed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Waste management methods are detailed in the regulations that regulate the protection of land from waste of this type. Collection, short-term storage, and disposal of waste, subsequent transfer and reuse of waste, that is, all processes should not adversely affect the environment and people.

Environmental programs and SanPin regulations oblige the management of organizations to comply with certain conditions:

  • Storage or disposal of waste should be carried out in a room with all the necessary equipment.
  • Mandatory accounting, which reflects the presence of garbage and the possibility of its secondary use.
  • Timely transfer reliable data to the SanPin authorities on the presence of garbage for recycling and its quantity.
  • Proper logging of the movement of workings.
  • Once a year, conduct briefings for employees of the department.

SanPin prohibits:

  • Uncontrolled dumping of garbage outside the organization without prior neutralization.
  • Burn garbage outside special equipment (furnaces with a gas cleaning system). It is forbidden to dispose of waste by methods not provided for by SanPin.
  • Place a warehouse on the territory of your own enterprise, other organizations and settlements. Exception: Use of an incinerator that complies with air protection regulations.
  • Use chemical elements with unknown properties.
  • Organize burial grounds from toxic waste.

It is necessary to follow all the rules established by SanPin. Otherwise, serious sanctions are imposed on violators from a fine to the closure of the organization.

Control programs

The scheme for the use of hazardous waste in production must comply with sanitary standards.

Basic norms:

  • The company appoints a person responsible for waste management (collection, storage, disinfection, processing)
  • All actions with waste must be recorded in the log book. A designated person is also responsible for them.
  • Every month on a set day, all objects and processes should be checked.

Classification of industrial waste

The law (FZ No. 89) and SanPin distinguishes five classes of waste. The classification of production and consumption waste has been developed based on the potential hazard of industrial waste. There are the following types of waste:

  1. Extremely dangerous. These are toxic substances. The disposal of such substances in landfills is prohibited. They must be isolated and disposed of in another way.
  2. Highly hazardous waste containing lead.
  3. Moderate danger. Used car oils. According to SanPin, you can send them to the burial grounds.
  4. Low-dangerous. There is a possibility of negative impact. This category includes bitumen, hard asphalt, etc.
  5. Non-hazardous trash. For example, foam or ordinary plastic.

The hazard class of a substance dictates the methods and rules for handling it. Before deciding on handling methods, it is necessary to assess and record the hazard class.

Waste management safety programs

The waste management system has established a number of restrictions on the handling of substances of this origin. The law establishes ways to regulate these rules. Violation of the requirements will result in imprisonment or a large monetary fine.

The following provisions must be observed:

  • Persons whose age is equal to or over 18 years old may be allowed to work with waste of 1-3 classes. They must have undergone preliminary briefing and necessary training. After that, they should be able to quickly respond to any circumstances, up to the provision of first aid.
  • Development of production is prohibited from storing more than established by the legislation of the country.
  • Storage and placement of waste is carried out in a room free from heating devices and sparking sources.
  • If several types of hazardous substances are stored in the same room, their compatibility must be taken into account.
  • It is forbidden to leave personal belongings in the premises.
  • After contact with hazardous materials, it is necessary, observing safety precautions, to wash your hands well with soap and water. warm water. If something is bothering you, see a doctor.
  • The room must be equipped with a fire alarm.

Waste management

Actions relating to production and consumption waste should be carried out by specialized services with the necessary transport, personnel and license. Production and consumption waste management is controlled by environmental authorities.

The placement of production and consumption waste is carried out in accordance with the established rules in special areas:

  • Vaults
  • polygons
  • Complexes
  • facilities

All actions are performed in accordance with the requirements of SanPin and in the presence of a license to perform any activity with hazardous mining. The disposal of waste materials is also affected by the conclusion on the establishment of the degree of danger of waste substances.

The list of working off, which are located at landfills, is determined by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor. When placing the used material at the landfill, the entrepreneur must calculate the limit for the placement of mining. In this case, you must specify:

  • Quantity of salvage
  • Its composition
  • Hazard Class

There is a list of substances, the placement of which is prohibited at landfills:

  • Utilities of 1-3 hazard classes
  • Radioactive mining of various states of aggregation
  • Toxic mining 1-3 degree of harmfulness
  • Explosives
  • Confiscated raw materials from the slaughterhouses of meat processing plants
  • Dead animal corpses
  • Waste materials of medical institutions

For the neutralization and disposal of such raw materials, special buildings are used that meet the requirements of sanitary and environmental authorities. The Russian Federation has set a fee for the disposal of production waste. The maximum amount of payment is set for causing harm. nature. The fee was approved in accordance with Decree No. 632 (28.08.1992).

Waste disposal

There are three types of recycling:

  • Primary - the use of waste materials is performed without prior processing
  • Secondary - materials obtained as a result of special processing of waste materials are used
  • Mixed - a combination of the first two types

It is not possible to dispose of production residues that contain harmful substances: mercury, precious metals, cadmium and others. For these materials, secondary utilization is used by separating the waste material into fractions. Modern methods recycling of production waste is represented by the following areas:

  • Pyrolysis. The scheme represents the combustion of materials in a special chamber at a very high / low temperature.
  • Garbage incineration. Such a system contributes to the rapid reduction of waste and the preservation of land.
  • Composting. Only suitable for organic residues. As a result, you can get an organic fertilizer that can be used in agriculture. It is important to know that industrial waste may contain toxic substances, in which case this disposal method is not suitable.
  • The system of complex processing by a highly specialized enterprise. The most promising direction of waste disposal. It is carried out at enterprises equipped with modern technological equipment.
  • Burial in landfills / landfills. The cheapest option, but takes up significant space.

Possible ways to use waste from production

Despite the fact that such waste in most cases is not suitable for recycling, there are a number of areas that include programs for the possible use of waste:

  1. Backfilling of roads, reclamation of the area, etc. In general, all areas in which pebbles, sand and other industrial waste of a solid type are actively used. The economic benefits of such use are obvious, but only 15% of all waste goes to these needs.
  2. Construction Materials. There are ways to recycle waste for use in the production of building materials.
  3. Like fertilizer. There are programs developed by agricultural experts that allow the use of waste as fertilizer for the land. For example, ammonium sulfate (NNH4) 2SO4 can be easily obtained from phosphogypsum. The conversion procedure is relatively inexpensive, but there are also problems: there is a possibility that heavy metals, such as arsenic and selenium, can be found in mining, which can harm the soil.
  4. as a fuel. Waste from the forestry and woodworking industries can be used as fuel in industrial activities.

Responsibility for violations of the rules in the field of handling hazardous waste

Hazardous waste management programs are regulated by Article 28 of the Waste Federal Law. According to this act, total or partial violation of the proper law will result in administrative, criminal or legal punishment.

  • Disciplinary responsibility. If the procedure for handling production and consumption waste is violated. In this case, the head of the organization has the right to apply disciplinary action to the workers.
  • Property liability. This liability system, which applies to legal entities. That is, to those business entities that have violated the basic requirements and programs for the operation of hazardous waste.
  • Civil law

The management of production and consumption waste is currently topical issue. According to statistics, in 1997 more than 300 tons of industrial waste were thrown into unauthorized dumps, damage was caused to a huge number of territories that will recover only after hundreds of years. This happened almost 20 years ago, but positive trends are still not visible. Environmental programs and laws that have been adopted in the Russian Federation during recent years, contributed to the reduction of illegal waste, but the importance is still high.

2017 is named the year of ecology in Russia. The state affects an important sphere of human life, its interaction with nature. Let's be careful and respectful of the environment. The planet is our second home.