Tourist associations. Test questions and assignments

· Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation
About the ministry. Documentation. Press center, news. Competitions and tenders. Calendar of events. Links.

· Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation (Rosturizm)
News. Legislation. Unified Federal Register. International activity. Exhibitions. Conferences and seminars. Classification of accommodation facilities. Statistics. Education.

· State Duma Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship
Information about structure and composition. Directions of legislative activity, events, link to the website of the Chairman of the Committee. The Committee includes: Subcommittee on Tourism, Expert Council on the Development of the Tourism Services Market, Expert Council on the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.

· Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on entrepreneurship in the field of tourism, resort, recreation and hotel activities
Regulations on the Committee. Structure. Work plans. Reports. Meetings. News and events. Legislative activity. State policy in the field of development of tourism and resort business in Russia.

· Expert Council under the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Development of Competition in the Sphere of Tourism
Regulations on the Council. Compound. Minutes of meetings.

· Russian Union of Travel Industry (RST)
About the union and its projects. Types of tourism. Information about tourism opportunities in countries and regions of Russia, maps. Legislation, legal online consultation. Tips for tourists. Section for travel industry professionals. News. Special offers. Air and railway schedules. Vacancies in the tourism industry. Exhibitions, forums. Documents and articles. Links.

Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR)
About the association and its projects. News. Legal service. Articles. Analytics. Seminars and exhibitions. Information and advice for tourists. Vacancies in the tourism industry. Special offers. Forum. Links.

· Commission of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs on Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Industry
Composition of the commission. News.

· Association of Active Tourism (AAT)
News. Search for a tour. Routes. Recommendations. Activity. Descriptions of types of active tourism. Photo gallery.

· Association of Business Travel (Russian Business Travel Association – RBTA)
Consultative, expert-analytical and educational forum of subjects of the business tourism and MICE industry market in Russia.

Association of Resorts and Tourism of the Stavropol Territory
About the region, cities and regions. Types of tourism. Tourist infrastructure and resources. Tourism development. Calendar of events. News. Cards. Forum. Photo gallery. Links.

· Tourist Sports Union of Russia (TSSR)
Types of sports tourism. Events calendar. News. Training of tourist personnel, documents. Personalities. Competitions, hikes, travel. Photo exhibitions.

· National Academy of Tourism (NAT)
Association of scientific and practical workers in the tourism sector.

· Non-profit partnership "Sankurtur"
Catalog. Treatment profiles. Medical consultations. Search. Reviews. Documentation. Forum. Links.

· Russian Hotel Association (RGA)
Association, tourism and hotel news. Hotel catalog and ordering service. Archive of the magazine "Parade of Hotels".

· Federation of restaurateurs and hoteliers of Russia (FRIO)
Member Directory. Activity. Press center. Legislation.

· United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Catalog of member countries. Programs. Regional offices. News. Activity. Statistics.

· World Association of Travel Agencies (WATA)
Member Directory. Activity. Forum. Special offers.

· World Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA)
News. Membership. Congresses. Press releases. Events. Links.

· World Federation of Tourist Guides Associations (WFTGA)
Membership. Information. Trainings. Publications. Convention. Photo gallery. Links.

· World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
Member Directory. News. Activities and Events. Activity. Research. Center for Documentary Sources. Statistics.

· Interactive Travel Service Providers Association (ITSA)
Member Directory. Press releases. News. Information.

· Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE)
Member Directory. Programs. Events calendar. Reviews and official documents. Publications. Data bank for personnel selection.

· International Association Antarctic tour operators
About the association, membership rules, documents. Reviews on types of tourism in the Arctic, statistics. Photo gallery. Press releases.

Confederation of Youth, Student and Educational Tourism (WYSET)
Member Directory. Publications. Press releases. Participation in events.

International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Member Directory. Working groups and committees. Activity. Services and consultations. Events. Trainings. Press center. News.

· International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST)
Member Directory. Conference minutes. Magazine "Tourist Review". Links.

International Travel Fairs Association (ITTFA)
Member Directory. Exhibition calendar. Handbook for exhibition organizers.

International Organization for Vocational Training in Tourism (AMFORT)
Links to research, educational and training centers, scientific sources. Publications. Vacancies and personnel selection. News.

· International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA)
On-line search for directions, tour operators, accommodation facilities, airlines, etc. Calendar of events. Press releases. Statistics. Advertising. Video recordings.

International Bus Tourism Federation (RDA)
Membership. RDA Newspaper. Events. Activity. Links.

· International Federation of Journalists and Writers for Tourism (FIJET)
Member Directory. Newspaper FIJET. Photo reports of events. Events archive.

International Federation of Tour Operators (IFTO)
Member Directory. News and publications. Links.

· International Bureau for Social Tourism (BITS)
About social tourism. News and information. Links, documents, bibliography. Member Directory. Photo gallery.

· International Tourism Alliance (AIT)
Promoting types of tourism. International travel documents. Membership.

· Society of Incentive Travel Leaders (SITE)
Branches. Educational programs. Events. Membership. Forum. Photo gallery. Press releases. Links.

· World Student and Educational Tourism Confederation (WYSE)
About the confederation. Mission. Publications, press releases, documents. Activity.

· European Travel Commission (ETC)
Member Directory. Annual report. Popularization of Europe abroad. Statistics. Events. Ecotourism. Press releases. Links.

· European Federation for Farm and Rural Tourism (Eurogites)
Catalog of member countries. News.

· Confederation of national associations of hoteliers and restaurateurs of EU countries (HOTREC)
Member Directory. Policy and strategy. News and publications. Classification of hotel categories in EU countries.

· African Tourism Association (ATA)
List of events. Photo gallery. Releases and publications. Links. Membership. Travel online magazine.

· Association of countries Arab world Tourism and Travel Agency (AWITTA)
Information by country. Membership.

Confederation of Tourist Organizations of Latin America (COTAL)
Member Directory. Congresses. Reports of the executive committee. Exhibitions.

· Pacific Travel Agencies Association (PATA)
News. Events. Information. Publications. Member Directory. About Asia-Pacific

On one's own

17. Transport support for tourism

Tourism involves the movement of people from one place to another, both within a country and abroad. Legislation European countries consider transportation to be one of the main services provided to the traveler, along with accommodation services.

The standard international classification of means of transport, developed on the basis of UN proposals, is given in the Recommendations on Tourism Statistics (WTO, 1994). This classification can be used for both internal and external international tourism. It consists of two levels – category (mode of transport) and category defining the vehicle.

1. Air transport: scheduled flights; unscheduled flights; other air transport

2. Water transport: passenger lines and ferries; cruises; others.

3. Land transport: railway transport; intercity and city buses, other public transport; private cars with a capacity of up to 8 people; car rental Vehicle; other means of land transport.

Railway transport. The advent of railways revolutionized travel. The railroad offered cheap and fast transportation compared to horses and ships. For several years, railways were used exclusively for transporting goods before the idea of ​​transporting people arose.

The basis of the activity of railway passenger transport is the implementation of international and domestic transportation between cities or regions, i.e. provision of transportation services. According to international rules, the services of sleeping cars are classified as collective accommodation services, and the services of dining cars are classified as catering services.

The cost of transportation services includes: payment for the right to travel along the road a certain distance according to the transportation tariff; the cost of a reserved seat (a passenger’s right to a berth in carriages of various classes); insurance payment; commission fee for pre-sale services, etc.

The quality of service in railway transport depends on the type of train (mail, passenger, fast, company) and the class of accommodation (in a general carriage, reserved seat, hard, soft, as well as in a direct 1st class sleeping carriage).

Bus transportation. United in huge networks of intercity and city routes, buses transport more people and serve more settlements than trains and planes combined. The bus industry earns billions of dollars annually by transporting travelers long and short distances. IN last years it was focused on developing programs related to tours.

To attract passengers, many bus companies offer tour packages and bus rental services. The following types of tours are offered:

  • charter – usually used by clubs, organizations or other formed groups for a day trip to a sporting event, museum, shopping mall and so on. They usually include accommodation, meals, and excursions. On a charter trip, the group is usually not accompanied by anyone;
  • accompanied – trips of planned groups. Escorted tours range from five days to four weeks and include hotel accommodations and, in most cases, meals. The group is accompanied by a leader throughout the entire trip;
  • independently formed groups – visiting several cities or interesting places on regular buses. Excursions and hotel accommodation included;
  • flexible – a trend in the bus tour industry, characterized by combination with other modes of transport.

The main attractive feature of buses, compared to other types of public transport, has long been their low cost. However, while the bus is still cheaper than the train, air fares have recently dropped significantly to compete with bus companies, especially for trips over 500 miles.

Instead of continuing to compete with airlines for passengers, several bus companies have decided to join them by developing a system of "flexible tickets", i.e. An airline may offer a ticket that includes air travel to the main airport and transportation of passengers by bus from the airport. Bus tickets can be purchased through several distribution channels. For short distances, passengers buy tickets directly at stations before departure or from drivers. Many bus companies join computer reservation systems, thus accepting requests long before the departure date. You can also purchase tickets for bus trips - escorted, charter, independently arranged, flexible - from travel agents or through a travel broker.

Car rental. Car rental companies are divided into two main types of operation: corporate and licensed. Most large firms operate corporately. They buy cars and rent them to consumers. After a car has driven 18,000 to 25,000 miles, companies sell them at used car prices directly to the consumer or to used car companies. In addition, under the "sell back" program, used vehicles are returned to the manufacturers.

Large car rental companies have offices in both cities and suburbs, but most of them are still concentrated at airports. The location of the company, convenient for clients, significantly increases the number of cars leased.

Sea travel (cruises)). The cruise industry took a significant place in the tourism market in the early 1970s. and continues to develop. The number of operating routes has increased significantly over the past decade. Cruise routes cover all possible coastal locations - from Alaska to the ice of Antarctica and meet a wide variety of needs. All major routes offer flexible prices to attract tourists of different income levels. Many cruise lines offer off-season discounts if the customer has booked the trip in advance or if they are repeating the cruise.

A cruise is a unique tourism product that combines transportation and program (destination). Almost every cruise ship calls at multiple ports during its voyage. This represents the transport element of the cruise product. On most cruises, the main attraction is the ship itself. The ship provides the tourist with the service of a resort hotel and the pleasure of relaxing on land. Large liners have up to ten or more decks. Passengers are usually accommodated on the lower decks; above there are common areas, swimming pools, etc. On ships cruising to warm countries, the upper deck is open. Cabins can be “external” or “internal”. The “external” ones have portholes, while the “internal” ones facing the central corridor have no natural lighting. Currently, cruise organizers prefer ships with as many “outside” cabins as possible.

There are four main factors that set the price of a cruise: length of the cruise; season; location and size of the cabin; type of ship.

Air travel. The airplane became the symbol of travel. Air transport, having connected the world, opened new horizons for millions of people, allowed residents different countries and different continents to meet face to face, relax on distant islands, participate in international events and projects.

In the past, airlines were classified as local, regional, national and international. Currently, classification is based on annual turnover. The largest carriers have a turnover exceeding 1 billion dollars, national carriers - from 100 million to 1 billion, large regional ones - from 10 million to 100 million, medium ones - less than 10 million dollars.

Air carriers provide service both on and off schedule. Most airlines operate according to schedule, i.e. Each departure and landing occurs at a known time. Unscheduled flights, so-called charter flights, provide air transportation at more than low prices than regular ones. Aircraft can only be used as charter aircraft or rented on regular airlines.

General aviation provides both general and specialty services. There are six categories: air taxis operating as charters (these can be special aircraft at airports, even single- and twin-engine); airplanes belonging to enterprises and firms for transporting production personnel, as well as helicopters; special aircraft for aerial photography, firefighting, medical, etc.; aircraft for training professional pilots; private jets for business and travel; sports planes.

When purchasing an air ticket, an air transportation contract is concluded. According to the agreement, the aviation enterprise (carrier) undertakes to transport the passenger and his luggage (of a certain weight) to the destination, providing a seat on the aircraft performing the flight specified in the ticket, and if the passenger checks in luggage, to deliver the latter to the destination and hand it over to the person , authorized to receive.

Transportation documents are: when transporting passengers - a ticket; when transporting a passenger's belongings as luggage - a luggage receipt.

Each airline determines its own rules for transporting people and cargo. These rules must comply with the national legislation of the country through which the travel route passes, and international bilateral and multilateral treaties.

In any airline in the world there are three main classes, each of which has its own letter designation on the ticket: first (P); business class (C); economy class (U). The cost of an air ticket depends primarily on the tariff. There are normal and special rates.

Municipal government institution of additional

children's education Inzensky District Center for Children's Creativity

based on MKOU Oskinskaya secondary school

Reviewed and approved at the meeting

Pedagogical Council of MKU DO IRCDT

Protocol No._________ dated___________

Secretary _________________________________ “I approve”

Director of MKU DO IRCDT

V.N. Zaichenkova__________

"____" ____________ 201 _


for the Tourist Association of Interests

Additional education teacher

Poteshkin Pavel Viktorovich

Children's age: 8-16 years


Explanatory note

Tourism is an excellent and effective means of educating the younger generation. Tourism in our school is a mass movement of children and teenagers.

Novelty of the program. We see the main task of tourism as opening up a wide scope for identifying the abilities of children, making them spiritually richer, more meaningful, multifaceted, and raising a person capable of withstanding difficulties, a true citizen of his country.

A camping trip or an orienteering competition route is not only about the kilometers covered from point “A” to point “B,” which in itself is very important, but about the acquisition of vital skills. Here friendship, camaraderie, mutual assistance are fostered, independence, observation, speed of reaction, and logical thinking are developed. An inexperienced person, finding himself in a difficult situation, cannot always make the right decision or act competently and prudently. A good tourist or orienteer will be able to quickly and correctly understand a complex situation.

Relevance of the program . Today, more than ever, the question of the need to change one’s attitude to life, to nature and to ensure appropriate upbringing and education of the new generation is relevant.

The combination of orienteering, local history and tourism contributes to the formation in the child of ideas about the interaction between man and the environment, healthy lifestyle skills, love for his native land, and the desire for indicators of tourism excellence.

Additional features of the program. This program can serve as a guide for leaders of tourism and local history clubs of any profile.

Purpose of the program - comprehensive and harmonious development of personality, education of a physically and morally healthy person, formation of logical and economic thinking.



    Acquiring and expanding knowledge on tourism, local history and ethnography;

    Study by schoolchildren native land, your small homeland, the environment;

    Studying the rules of conduct in nature during excursions and hikes

    Preparing children for school, city and regional tourism and local history events.


    Creating conditions for satisfying children’s interests, personal development, and revealing their creative potential;

    Development of tourism skills and interest in independent work;

    Physical development.


    Formation of a feeling of love and pride for one’s small Motherland;

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle;

    Instilling in children confidence in their own importance, a sense of human dignity, an understanding of the value of human life and an awareness of their own responsibility for maintaining health and leading a healthy lifestyle.

The program is designed for one year of study and is intended for students in grades 2-11.

During practical and theoretical classes, the knowledge gained in the lessons of the surrounding world in geography, biology, physics is consolidated, and new ones are also acquired. This not only broadens the children’s horizons, but also prepares them for choosing a profession and serving in the army.

The association's theoretical training classes are held on the school premises using teaching aids(maps, atlases, topographical plans, compass, etc.). Practical classes are held within the village of Oskino.

In practical classes, and especially on hikes, circle members will be able to demonstrate their physical capabilities, creative and organizational abilities.

The program provides three classes per week for 2 hours.

The course includes elements of topography, orienteering and hiking techniques.

During the training process, children receive theoretical knowledge:

    by type of tourism;

    on geography and ecology of the Inzensky region;

    practical skills and abilities in organizing and conducting a tourist trip;

    working with different types of cards;

    organizing bivouacs, lighting fires, orienteering;

    keeping a field diary and compiling reports of tourist trips.

Testing of knowledge, skills and abilities is carried out in the form of tests, practical tasks, and orienteering competitions.

Thematic lesson plan for the association of interests “Tourist”


Lesson topics

Number of classes




Introductory lesson






Topographer's ABC

Compass. Azimuth. Measuring distances

Topographical signs. Topographic map

Tourist equipment


Training trip and analysis of its results







On the orienteering course

Types and nature of terrain orienteering competitions

Organization of movement on a hiking trip

Overcoming the obstacle course

Tourist hygiene and first aid

Through the snowy expanses (winter hike). Results of the hike






The road never ends

Features of orientation in a complex walking journey

Technique and practice of movement in a difficult pedestrian journey

Physical preparation of participants of a complex tourist trip

Tourist travel. Analysis of the results.

Total: (3 times a week for 2 hours) - 216 hours

Program content

Topic 1 . Introductory lesson.Tourism and health.

Work plan of the association, training and training regime. Materials and tools needed for classes in the circle.

Topic 2. ABC of a topographer.Compass. Azimuth. Measuring distances.

Types of compasses. Rules for handling a compass. Sighting. Forward and backward serifs. Azimuth determination. Reverse azimuth. Methods for measuring distances on the ground. Medium step. Eye gauge.

Orienting the map using a compass. Serif exercise. draw on paper from a given point the given azimuths (NE, S, SW, etc.) and show the azimuth value with an arc. Do it by eye without a protractor. Determine the return azimuth from this. Mixed orienteering exercise without using a compass. Graphic solution of mixed orientation problems. An exercise for visually assessing azimuth. Measuring your average stride. Eye training.

Topographical signs. Topographic map.

Local objects on an aerial photograph of the site earth's surface. The role of topographic signs on the plan and map. Groups of characters. Color, shapes and sizes of signs. Sketching topographical signs in groups (65 characters). Explanation of signs and unfamiliar local objects. Topographic and geographical map. Handling a map while hiking. Types of scale. Determination of azimuths and lines on the map.

Practical lessons on the topic. Identification of signs on the map. Reading a map along the routes. Topographic dictation. Identification of elements on the map that are less susceptible to change than others. Compiling a list of local items, grouped according to the rate of change. Converting scale to natural. Measuring azimuths of various directions on the map.

Tourist equipment. Tourist shoes and clothing. List of personal equipment. Requirements for a backpack, dishes, etc. Caring for feet and shoes while hiking is a tourist step. Building a chain. Intervals. Responsibilities of the guide and trailer. Driving mode: running hours and rests, normal speed, number of running hours. Halt and bivouac.

Practical lessons on the topic. Packing the backpack. Setting up a tent. Making a fire.

Practical lesson

In a modern capitalist society, for the stable development of tourism, only state assistance in the form of federal programs is not enough. Travel agencies themselves are looking for ways to solve problems. To do this, they unite in unions, societies, etc. One of the most famous is the Russian Union of Travel Industry.

The Russian Union of Tourism Industry (RST) is the largest business association in the industry, which includes more than 1000 organizations in the tourism industry, hotel industry, health resort complex, as well as transport, insurance, consulting companies, educational establishments, regional associations and tourism authorities, funds mass media, regularly covering issues of tourism development.

The organization was created on July 25, 1993 and until 2002 was called the Russian Association of Travel Agencies (RATA). In accordance with the decision of the VIII Congress of RATA, the Association was transformed into the Russian Union of Tourism Industry. This decision was dictated, firstly, by the actual composition of the organization’s members, and secondly, by the nature of the economic and legal relations, established in the field of tourism as an intersectoral economic complex.

As a non-profit organization, PCT protects the corporate interests of its members and the rights of the clients they serve. His the most important task The Union believes in creating a civilized tourism market in the country and promoting the development of the domestic tourism industry at the federal and regional levels.

In the structure of PCT 14 regional branches: Buryat, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Crimean, Nizhny Novgorod, Primorskoe, Rostov, Samara, North-West, Stavropol, Tver, Udmurt, Khabarovsk and Central Black Earth. There are representative offices in the UK, Germany, Israel, USA and Canada. Within the framework of the PCT, there are committees and commissions: on domestic tourism, on inbound tourism, on children and youth tourism, bus, air transport, sanatorium and resort, etc.

One of the main activities of the RCT is participation in the formation of the regulatory framework for the development of the tourism sector. Adopted in 1996 the federal law“On the Basics of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” was largely prepared by Union experts. Based on the model law on the development of tourism at the regional level developed by the North-Western Branch of the RCT, relevant legislative acts were adopted in almost a third of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The RCT actively participates in the development of other regulatory, including by-laws, federal and regional tourism development programs.

Other main areas of the Union’s work include participation in resolving conflict situations arising in the market, improving the system of tourism formalities, personnel training, the sectoral system of statistical accounting and reporting, accounting and taxation, attracting investments for the development of tourism infrastructure, advertising and information support for the promotion of Russian tourism products in the domestic and foreign markets.

MOU DOD Youth Center "Harmony"

Chanovsky district, Novosibirsk region

Educational program

tourist association


Designed for children from 11 to 16 years old.

Implemented over three years.

Teacher of additional education for children

D. Osintsevo

Explanatory note.

Tourism resources are enormous and have not yet been fully explored. But wherever there is a tourist association, where tourist rallies or hikes are skillfully organized, there is a positive impact of tourism on the health of children, on the development of their self-confidence and knowledge. On modern stage In the life of our society, the problem of the health of the nation and in particular the health of school-age children occupies a special place. Every year more and more children with various diseases come to schools. When children finish school, the percentage of sick children increases. School tourism can improve children's health. Distracts them from addictions (smoking, alcohol, drug addiction) and criminal groups. Helps to unite mixed age groups into a single team, to develop such qualities necessary in later life as cohesion, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, helping the weak, and the ability to navigate in various extreme conditions.

Tourism in high school develops in direct connection with general educational tasks. The creative association includes children from grades 5 to 11. Nowadays, teenagers are often deprived of the opportunity for self-realization. Heavy workloads at school, aggressive psychological pressure from the media, often form in him a selfish, consumerist attitude towards the world, making him defenseless against real life. Tourism helps to develop the personality of a teenager. And at this age, children develop an interest in themselves, in their abilities, and self-esteem is formed. The child tries to take his place in the team. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to engage in some type of activity, otherwise it is difficult to expect the teenager to develop the proper attitude towards people, towards himself, towards professional skills and responsibilities. One of the most effective means in order to strengthen your character and acquire moral and ethical life values ​​and guidelines - this is tourism.

Also school tourism inseparable from a deeper study of the nature of the native land, folk traditions and customs. This means that work is being done not only on health improvement, but also on the patriotic and aesthetic education of students. Develops a caring attitude towards the environment, native nature, to the native land, to each other, to the Motherland. It develops courage, patriotism, the ability to achieve what is planned, defeat an opponent and one’s weaknesses, and “take a hit” (lose). The personal example of the teacher is great. In tourism, the teacher is not an observer, but an active participant; with all his behavior he constantly teaches and educates. In the process of completing this program, the student learns to navigate the area, recognize medicinal and poisonous plants, put up and assemble a tent, light fires, cook food in camp conditions, provide first aid to the victim. It should be noted that additional education does complement school education on a practical level. It is well known that theoretical knowledge not supported by practice is worthless. In addition, students also receive concepts about various new sciences, such as toponymy and others. Tourist training at school is the most important factor in the comprehensive education of the younger generation and their involvement in work.

The “Trail” program is educational and developmental in nature and is aimed at revealing the individual psychological characteristics of students, mastering tourist skills that allow them to live freely and navigate in nature, independently prepare and conduct a hike. Real educational program for tourism on the basis of the municipal educational institution Osintsevskaya secondary school of the Chanovsky district of the Novosibirsk region, taking into account its location, the surrounding landscape and the material equipment of the association with tourist equipment. This program is relevant, especially for our area, and is in demand. Not enough attention is paid to tourism work, so the “Trail” program will help deal with this issue more closely. Will try to raise tourism work to the proper height.

Tourist work has been carried out at our school for 4 years, classes are conducted in the classroom and outdoors. The work is carried out with students who have medical clearance to engage in tourism. The student body is constant because the children are interested. Here, children from low-income families feel comfortable, students who are weak in their studies, who are bullied at school, have found their place, because... they are more adapted to life in the street environment and we only direct their interests in the right direction. Enrollment of children is free, children come to us according to at will. Form of classes: group, collective, individual.

All children, regardless of age, are united into a common group. The training program lasts 3 years.

Methods: At each stage of program implementation, the most wide range methods that ensure the most effective learning of the material by each student. I choose specific methods of work according to the composition of the group, its training, and personal capabilities. Thus, it is reasonable to conduct theoretical classes in the form of conversations, lectures - consultations, using visual materials, combining theory with practice, field classes - seminars, workshops (including individual), creative, experimental practical work on the ground. The excursion method is of great importance for the tourist and local history circle. The very word “excursion” indicates a way out, a departure from home. From this point of view, even a 10-minute walk with students into the school garden is already an excursion. The excursion broadens your horizons and enriches you with new knowledge. The knowledge gained during the excursion is preceded and accompanied by a number of motor sensations - from walking to running, climbing and all kinds of movement in general. They say that a person is known on the road.

In the classes preceding the excursion, it is necessary to provide preliminary information on the issues that will be raised during the trip. You can assign the task to read certain books.

When studying the topic “Nature Conservation”, you should keep in mind that the time allotted by the thematic plan is only the foundation for further work. Schoolchildren must understand that protecting the natural environment and rational use natural resources is one of the most important global problems. When studying your native land, you should use the memories of old-timers and museum materials. Having shown the territory of the native land, we can say that the concept of native land is very broad. Throughout their lives, people carry love for him.

When studying the tourism topic, first of all, it is worth paying attention to the material base necessary for carrying out tourist trips. The main goal of classes on this topic is to teach young travelers to correctly select equipment and use it depending on the type of tourism and the area of ​​travel, the time of year, the complexity and duration of the trip. Depending on the specifics of local history tasks performed along the route.

Target: Raising a healthy, communicative, independent personality, a person who makes conscious decisions, through tourism activities.


1.Educational :

- Teaching children the ABCs of tourism - providing them with basic information on

organization, preparation and conduct of hikes, basic information about the region,

knowledge of the basics of topography, hygiene, medical care, etc.

Ability to independently calculate a trip.

- Formation of knowledge about hiking. Knot tying and installation skills

tents, making and lighting a fire, etc.

Improving sportsmanship through practical and theoretical

3. Developmental:

- Develop cognitive interest, independence, observation,

curiosity, personal activity, skills communicative communication.

Create a sustainable need for healthy way life.

Develop the ability to work with specialized literature.

Develop a sense of responsibility for your actions, for the assigned work.

2. Educators:

Cultivating patriotism and respect for nature among schoolchildren

And cultural heritage native land.

- To educate students on the heroic examples of our fellow countrymen, heroes

Great Patriotic War and heroes of labor.

Methods of checking and summing up.

The results of work at each stage are determined by the degree of development of practical skills based on the acquired knowledge. The success criterion is determined by the result of the group’s participation in school and district competitions, as well as the group’s personal competitions in orienteering, tourism technology, everyday life and other issues of the content of the program. In addition, we monitor the results of individual psychological growth. We also hold conferences, exhibitions, KVN and other events, at which we also test the tourism knowledge and skills of students.

The following equipment is used to conduct theoretical and practical classes:

    compass - 3 pcs.

    tent - 3 pcs.

    honey first aid kit - 1 pc.

    topographic maps-3 com.

    weather observation tables - 1 series

    methodological manuals.

1 year of study – “Touristenok”

2nd year of study – “Tourist”

3rd year of study – “Experienced tourist”

Operating mode:


"Experienced Tourist"

3rd year of study

group "Touristenok"

1 year of study

"Experienced Tourist"

3rd year of study

group "Touristenok"

1 year of study

Educational and thematic plan for 1 year of study.

Lesson topic

Number of hours




Introductory lesson

Location orientation

Hiking technique

Health of hike participants

Tourist nodes

Topographic preparation.

Hiking trips

Educational work

Working with parents


Topic 1 Introductory lesson:

History of tourism development from the period ancient world:

Dating games;

Filling out questionnaires;

Introduction to the work plan;

Methods: conversation, questionnaire, story.

Topic 2 Location orientation:

Methods of orientation (based on local characteristics, natural characteristics);

Compass, compass device, types of compasses (school, liquid);

Azimuth (forward, reverse);

Orientation by legend (compass);

Orientation in a given direction;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, questioning, story, explanation, example method.

Equipment: Compasses, multimedia equipment.

Topic 3 Hiking technique:

Organization of self-insurance;

Canopy crossing;

Parallel ropes;

Descent, ascent in a sports way;

Overcoming the swamp over bumps;

Crossing on a log with self-belay;

Pendulum crossing;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Equipment: Ropes, carabiners, jumar, safety system, poles, log, multimedia equipment.

Topic 4

Tourist equipment:

Tourist equipment on a hike (personal, group, storage, issue).

Special equipment:

Ropes (types of ropes);


Safety system.

Practical lessons:

Packing a backpack;

Setting up a tent;

Setting up a bivouac in the field.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Topic 5 Health of trekking participants:

Standards of personal and public hygiene;

Ecology and tourism.

Environmental requirements.

Environmental work on a hike.

Poisonous plants.

The main functions of a physician.

First aid kit: composition and storage.

Typical injuries on a hike, their prevention and first aid for: colds, cuts, bleeding, bruises, fractures, abrasions, burns, poisoning.

Rules for transporting a victim

Selecting medications from the first aid kit and providing first aid in case of a conditional injury.

Distinguish poisonous plants from non-poisonous ones in practice.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Topic 6 Tourist hubs:

From the history of the node;

Rules for tying a knot;

Node elements.

Types of nodes:

Knots for tying ropes;

Knots for mounting on a support;

Nodes are conductors;

Control nodes;

Grasping knots.

Knot tying technique.

Application in practice.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Topic 7 Topographic preparation:

Definition of the term “Topography, terrain.”

Topographical signs;

Topographic maps (legend, scale).

Practical lessons:

Topographical dictation;

Determining the distance on the map;

Drawing up a site plan and a hiking route.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Topic 8 Hiking trips:

Tourist opportunities of the Chanovsky district;

Organization and preparation for a weekend hike;

Recruitment of a tourist group;

Distribution of responsibilities in the group;

Tourist group equipment;


Camping first aid kit;


Topic 9 Educational work:

Excursion to the regional Chanovsky Museum.

Topic 10 Working with parents:

Individual conversations with parents to analyze the activities of students, their successes and mistakes. Preparing for a weekend hike.

Expected results.

1 year of study

1. The procedure for organizing and conducting a weekend hike.

1. Travel along roads and trails as part of a group.

2. Basics of tourist technology.

2. Organize camp life, prepare a food layout for a weekend hike.

3. Basics of topography and orientation.

3. Overcome simple, natural obstacles.

4. Know dangerous and poisonous plants.

4. Use a map and compass to navigate uncomplicated terrain.

5. Methods for the prevention of typical diseases and basic techniques and means of providing first aid.

5. Provide first aid.

6. Rules of conduct outside populated areas.

6. Apply this knowledge in practice.

7. Safety requirements while hiking.

7. Perform general duties of a hiker.

8. List of group and personal equipment and rules for caring for it.

9. Rules for cooking.

10. Rules for setting up a bivouac.

11. Standards of personal and public hygiene, environmental requirements to the group.

Educational and thematic plan for 2 years of study.

Lesson topic

Number of hours




Introductory lesson

Location orientation

Hiking technique

Material and technical base of the campaign.

Health of hike participants

Tourist nodes

Topographic preparation.

Hiking trips

Educational work

Working with parents


Topic 1 Introductory lesson:

Filling out questionnaires;

Introduction to the work plan;

Results of the summer hike;

Safety briefing.

Forms: collective.

Equipment: Photo albums, multimedia equipment.

Topic 2 Location orientation:

Map, scale and its types

Azimuth (direct, reverse), determination of azimuth on the map and on the ground;

Orientation by legend (compass) - anchoring;

Methods for determining distances to inaccessible objects;

Peculiarities of terrain depiction on orienteering maps;

Rules for conducting tourist competitions - indicative stages;

Route breakdown for orientation.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Topic 3 Hiking technique:

Basic insurance techniques;

handrails for speed and quality;

Safety system (solid, chest, harness), main and

auxiliary ropes;

Carbines, jumars;

Rules for passing the technical stages of the tourist obstacle course:

1. ascent and descent with a gripping unit;

2. suspended crossing;

3. parallel ropes;

4. descent, ascent in a sports way;

5. overcoming the swamp over bumps;

6. crossing on a log with self-belay;

Educational – training sessions in field conditions to develop elements of hiking technology.

Techniques for safe behavior while hiking,

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, explanation, example method, practical application.

Equipment: Ropes, carabiners, jumar, safety system, poles, log, multimedia equipment

Topic 4 Material and technical base of the trip:

The main functions of the outfitter, navigator, cartographer, photographer, medic,

camp commandant;

Group equipment: list, storage, care, issue, acceptance.

The main functions of the deputy technical engineer, supply manager, repairman;

Safety precautions when storing sharp and flammable objects;

Catering for hikes of varying lengths;

Rules for hanging, packaging and storing products;

Rules for preparing camp dishes;

Matching the weight of equipment and food.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, questioning, story, exercise, demonstration

Equipment: ropes, carabiners, harness, backpacks, tents.

Topic 5 Health of trekking participants:

Water purification in extreme situations;

Production of personal hygiene items;

Observation of environment;

Medicinal plants;

Typical injuries on a hike, their prevention and provision of first aid for: colds, cuts, bleeding, bruises, fractures, abrasions, burns, poisoning (fastening);

Making devices for carrying the victim;

Applying a tourniquet and stopping bleeding, types of bleeding;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, exercise, showing, cards.

Equipment: first aid kit, cards, stretcher.

Topic 6 Tourist hubs:

Knots – classification by use;

Application of knots in medicine;

Tying knots for speed and quality;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, explanation, example method, demonstration, testing.

Equipment: Ropes of various lengths and thicknesses, multimedia equipment.

Topic 7 Topographic preparation:

Topographical signs;

Methods for depicting relief on topographic maps and sports maps


Practical lessons:

Methods for compiling topographic maps;

Topographical dictation;

Development of a hiking route according to the map

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, explanation, example method.

Equipment: Topographic maps, plates.

Topic 8 Hiking trips:

Development, preparation and conduct of a 2-day hike;

Filling out the route sheet;

Developing a route, determining the goals of the trip;


Meteorological measurements and observations.

Topic 9 Educational work

Observation of water bodies. Ecological observations.

Topic 10 Working with parents:

Individual conversations with parents to analyze the activities of students, their successes and mistakes. Preparing for a 2-day hike. Conversation “Health improvement for children on hikes”

Expected results.

2nd year of study.

1. Procedure for preparing multi-day hikes.

1. Organize camp life, prepare a food layout for a multi-day hike.

2. Ways to overcome various natural obstacles.

2. Know self-insurance techniques.

3. Several tourist songs.

3. Use multiple nodes.

4. Medicinal plants.

4. Provide first aid.

5. Basic principles of photography, reportage and landscape photography.

5. Write a description of a one-day hike.

6. The functions of all participants at all stages of preparation and conduct of the trip.

6.Participate in all stages of competitions in hiking techniques.

Educational and thematic plan for 3 years of study.

Lesson topic

Number of hours




Introductory lesson

Location orientation

Hiking technique

Material and technical base of the campaign.

Health of hike participants

Tourist nodes

Topographic preparation.

Hiking trips

Educational work

Working with parents


Topic 1 Introductory lesson:

General issues work organization;

Conditions for participation in hikes, requirements for participants;

Filling out questionnaires;

Introduction to the work plan;

Prospects for the work of the tourist association;

Familiarization with the “Regulations on the hike”;

General information on the preparation and conduct of hikes;

Study of individual psychological characteristics of students;

Safety briefing;

Practicing safety standards during field training;

Completing the summer trip report.

Forms: collective.

Methods: conversation, questionnaire, story, instruction.

Equipment: Photo albums, multimedia equipment.

Topic 2 Location orientation:

Team and individual passage of the control - tourist route (orientation according to the legend, in a given direction, along the route indicated on the map, along a marked distance, by azimuth, by choice);

Compilation technical description route;

Map correction;

Route topography;

Orientation in changing weather conditions;

Orientation in time;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, questioning, story, explanation, practical exercises, competitions on the ground.

Equipment: Compasses, multimedia equipment, route sheets, rulers, pencils, watches.

Topic 3 Hiking technique:

Standards and types of loads, pace of movement, planning and development of the route;

Practical testing of elements of a tourist obstacle course for quality and time (mounted crossing, ascent and descent in a sports way, ascent using a grappling method, ascent and descent using a prusik on a grasping unit, ascent using a jumar, traverse, overcoming a log, rhombus, square, overcoming a swamp over bumps, overcoming a swamp with the help of poles, pendulum, butterfly) as part of a group;

Transportation of a conditionally injured person through technical stages;

Overcoming a tourist obstacle course with homing and removal

handrails for speed and quality;

Putting on a harness for a while;

Rules for passing the technical stages of the tourist obstacle course:

Techniques for safe behavior while hiking;

Work at the command post.

Shapes: collective, individual.

Methods: conversation, practical exercises, competitions.

Equipment : ropes, cords, safety systems, poles, carabiners, jumars, prusiks, multimedia equipment.

Topic 4 Material and technical base of the trip:

Drawing up a menu and food layout for a 2-3 day hike;

Weight distribution along the route;

Equipment repair;

Development of a route for a 2-3 day hike;

Studying tourist songs;

Bivouac work.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, questioning, story, exercise, demonstration

Equipment: ropes, carabiners, harness, backpacks, tents.

Topic 5 Health of trekking participants:

Drinking regime and maintaining water-salt balance in the body;

Water clarification and disinfection;

General preventive measures;

Methods of making fire without matches;

Basics of rational nutrition and diet;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, exercise, showing, cards.

Equipment: first aid kit, cards, stretcher.

Topic 6 Tourist hubs:

Tourist nodes, practical application in tourist life when organizing crossings;

Knots for tents and stretchers;

Study of nodes not previously studied;

Tying knots for speed and quality, both in team competition and individual;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, explanation, example method, demonstration, testing.

Equipment: Ropes of various lengths and thicknesses, multimedia equipment.

Topic 7 Topographic preparation:

Conventional signs according to their purpose (scale, non-scale, explanatory);

Determination of vehicle traces;

Study of pedestrian traces;

Choosing a route;

Determining the age of a trace;

Some Pathfinder Rules;

The behavior of animals and birds as a sign of the appearance of people.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, explanation, example method.

Equipment: Topographic maps, plates.

Topic 8 Hiking trips:

Compliance with standards for physical training;

Repair and production of equipment;

Organization and conduct of a hike with an overnight stay in the field, standards

on the “Russian Tourist” badge, from the history of hikes;

Getting to know the route book;;


Passing a commission at a rural paramedic obstetric station;

Safety briefing;

Complete mastery of the trip preparation algorithm;

Forms: collective, group.

Methods: conversation, practical exercises.

Equipment: tables of standards, maps of the Chanovsky district.

Topic 9 Educational work

Organization of a school tour. rally. Visiting school museums in the area.

Topic 10 Working with parents:

Individual conversations with parents to analyze the activities of students, their successes and mistakes. Preparing for a 2-day hike. Joint trip of parents and children “Mom, Dad, I – a tourist family”

Expected results.

3rd year of study.

1. Rank standards for sports tourism.

1. Independently prepare and conduct a multi-day hike and write a report on the hike.

2. Rules for preparing and organizing multi-day hikes.

2. Carry out the necessary environmental protection measures.

3. Rules for participation in tourist competitions, conditions for performing tourist categories.

3. Provide first aid for all types of injuries and diseases.

4. Participate in tourist all-around competitions, carry out various technical actions.

5. Participate in simple rescue and transportation operations.

6. Perform the functions of any participant in the hike.

7. Freely navigate nature.


1. Yu.A. Shalkov “Tourist Health”

3. “Medicinal Plants” House of Health Education.

4. S. Balenko “Survival Manual” (experience of an elite special forces unit)

5. I.V. Balabanov Knots. Reference publication.

6. V.A. Shkenev "Sports and Applied Tourism"

7. V.G. Volovich “How to survive in an extreme situation”

8. A.I. Gomonchuk “Fundamentals of medical knowledge”

Decay Soviet Union and the emergence of new sovereign states urgently required new approaches and joint coordination in the field of regulation of the social sphere, including recreation and tourism. An important role in the territory of member countries CIS plays international regional tourist organization Association of Tourist Organizations "EuroAsia". This association, created in 1992, currently has 106 permanent members from 11 CIS countries. The main task of the Association was the restoration of the common tourism space of the CIS.

In addition to this organization, the CIS member countries created Tourism Council of the States Parties to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Tourism . The Tourism Council plays a coordinating role in the development of cooperation in the field of tourism in the CIS. Its activities are aimed at expanding economic and cultural ties between the states of the Commonwealth through events held at the national and international levels, and actively contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for the development of tourism. The Agreement on Cooperation of the CIS Countries in the Field of Education of May 15, 1992 (Article 2) defines direct partnerships in this area, including tourist and excursion activities of students, students and teachers, organization of joint work and recreation.

In Art. 2, 32 of the CIS Charter define its goals, including the implementation of close cooperation in political, defense, economic, environmental, humanitarian, cultural and other fields, including in the field of tourism and international travel.

As part of the unified state aviation search and rescue military air service of the CIS, the satellite communications radio beacon of the Sarsat-Cosmos system provides assistance to groups of tourists going on routes across the territory of the CIS countries. The Joint Stock Insurance Company of the Red Cross (ASIC) enters into agreements to provide assistance to tourist groups in emergency situations.

The IPA Commission of the CIS countries on culture, science and education in July 1993 considered tourism issues in order to develop specific measures and create favorable conditions for free movement, communication and contacts of citizens of the CIS member countries, the development of tourism and travel and, above all, simplification of tourism formalities. The rights and responsibilities of tourists and the local population in the host country were considered, as well as the basics of security that must be fulfilled not only by tourists, but also by the local administration and workers in the tourism service sector. It is necessary to unify such rules and responsibility for their compliance.

In October 1994, the IPA CIS adopted a recommendatory legislative act “On the basic principles of cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of tourism,” which for the first time defined the fundamental terms and concepts, principles government regulation relations in the field of tourism, the legal basis for tourism activities, sufficient for the development of relevant national laws in all CIS countries.

On November 1, 1996, the Bureau of the Interparliamentary Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation (which includes the speakers of the parliaments of these states) adopted an Appeal to the heads of state, parliaments, and governments of the CIS countries on the development of tourism ties. It contained a proposal to provide government support in the development and implementation of a program for the development of tourism relations between countries. The main goals of the program are to create a highly efficient and competitive tourism complex within the CIS, providing ample opportunities to meet the needs of citizens for a variety of tourism services, as well as the formation of a modern regulatory framework and the foundations of an interstate system, within the CIS, for regulating tourism activities.

In 1998, the Transport Union for International Road Transport between the member states of the CIS Customs Union was formed. The 1997 Convention on the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road received its further development. Thus, irregular transportation of passengers by bus between the states parties to the treaty or in transit is documented using forms issued for each trip (Article 4). The passenger is issued a ticket and a baggage receipt of the established form, agreed upon by the competent authorities of the parties (Article 5). Transportation of passengers and cargo carried out by one of the parties through the territory of the state of the other party, as well as vehicles performing these transportations, are exempt from taxes and fees associated with the use or maintenance of roads, ownership or use of vehicles, except for fees for the use of toll roads when availability of alternative free roads (Article 11).

The economic potential for tourism development is practically unlimited, but it requires significant investment and costs.

Due to international competition, the costs of developing the tourism industry are rising in both developing and industrialized countries, where tourism is seen as a form of regional development. Under these conditions, various organizational structures for managing the tourism service sector are being created in states.

In accordance with the liberalization policy pursued by the Republic of Belarus and other CIS countries, a significant number of travel agencies and firms have emerged that provide travel services for travel abroad, in most cases on a barter basis.

Control questions:

1. Describe the process of international coordination of the activities of states in the field of tourism and international travel.

2. Which international organizations are involved in the coordination process in the tourism sector?

3. Name regional international associations and unions in the field of tourism.

4. List the legal forms of cooperation between national associations and administrations of the CIS countries in the field of tourism.

5. Tell us about the goals of the World Tourism Organization and the legal forms of its activities.

Topics for abstracts:

1. Role international organizations on regulation in tourism.

2. International legal activities of the World Tourism Organization.

3. Rulemaking of the United Nations and its importance in the development of tourism.

4. Regional tourism associations and unions in the CIS countries and their impact on the development of tourism.